OCCIDENTAL JOTTINGS. CALIFORNIA , riumkipo IIM b eu discovered in J os Angclos county. Men nro wanted in the upper San Jon- quin harvest field * . Ornis Vftlley vmys the nchool nntl road poll taxes of its hrtincn. San JoieWewMi synagogue \vns de stroycd by fire last week. Kovada City's electric light will be in operation by the 80th itwt. An artesian xvcll in San Dlogo county now KUppllM the city with wntcr. The total wucstablc property of Nevada Cith thli year \ahiod at $ W2MO. San Diego has prohibited the practice of ciir.irette Miiokltig by boys in the city. Some very rich gold nuggcta were picked up last week near .Point Han Qucntin. About 10,000 torn of wheat nre Rtorctl in the warehouse of Sunnier , Kern county. In the I'inacMo mines , In San Ucrnanl * ino county , Cal. . " 00 men are employed , nnd the mines arc paying well. Vesper lodge , F. and A. 51. , of Hod llluff , Iia-t decidetl to expend 320.000 In the erection of a building for Masonic tifios. For Santa Hosans caught 2.10 trout in three hour * , in KuMinri Gulch creek , the otlierday. They jeport game In nbun- dance , From an eight Inch wcll.Icm than n bun. dred feet deep , the Frcslio Water Com pany pump * I''O.OOO gallons of water daily onouph to utipply tiio town. During a recent nloriil , hall the niio of a quail's egg fell quite thickly in the nnuth * orn portion of Luke county , and did dam * .age * to graMj | \ Inus nnd ganlun plants In I'arndle valley and other localities IDAHO. Hellenic hai a rnco track. Thu Ouster mill to now turning out STi.OOO per day. Five Raw tnilN are naid to be at work now nlong Wood rivor. The Mayflower mine , Wixxl river , IH preparing to make n shipment of00 to IIM of rich ore to Salt Lake1. There will noon be several hundred men at woik on thumines between Clayton nnd the mouth of the Yankee Fork. Assays last week of ore nont from dome of the Wood river mines owned by Sulk Lakcn , went over 87,000 in hiiver. The. owncrx of the Montana mine , Yankee Fork district , lately pounded one hundred ouncert of uold from two sucks of ore taken from the bottom of thu winze. One pier and two npiiM of the now iron bridge ucriHD Hnaku rher lit Hliickfood , Idaho , have washed out. A ferry boat being ag.iin brought Into iciiuiiition to cross travelers. The new miidter at Clayton , at the mouth of thu KinnikinicVood ( liver ) \vent into blant lint week , and in reducing thirty tons of oie per day , juakim' bullion wortll nix hundred ounce * per ton. The CharlcH Dickens , nearJJtmanza city , iieor before looked at well as it does to day. Improvement steadily goes on with development. TJiuoio in developing Into nn immense body ami Ii exceedingly rich. NEVADA , Itlehxtrikesaru reported in the \Vhito 1'inu dUtrict. The Monitor inino in the Taylor district has uncovered n rich vein of ore. able building for the bualnens. The block of the corporation is placed at 8ii"n Hhare. A panic took place in the Kureka thea ter la t week over mi alarm of lire , For tunately none were injured. At Winnemucca , Kev , , an well as in many portions of this State , complaint is made of the hcarcity of farm hands. The Shothone Indians located at Duck valley , Nov. , are engaged largely in agri cultural purnuitH. If no mi foituno occur their cropx of tills KPI ' n will nlace them nn a Belf'tmpportiiig IJOH.U. The llrnt live miles of the Nevada and 'Oregon railway , which is to unfold the great timber , agricultural and mining regions of thu north , uro now finiHhed. ( trading on the next five miles is progressing - ing rapidly. The Virginia Untcrpiiwi reports that the trout li.ihini' in now excellent at Lake Tn- hiio nnd the Btrcmiw and lakes in that vi cinity , The titri'iuiis near Cascade and Cascade and Fallen Leaf lakes are tmtil to be alive uitli trout and troutletx. The miners and mcvhanicH of Cherry creek , White I'ino eounty , Nev. , have held n meeting and organized a movement , thu object ot which is to open n co-operative * torc ? It is intended to purchase a lot in a favorable location and erect thereon a suit UTAH. Austins street cam will bo propelled by Hluum. Salt Lake's reform club Is erecting a building. At Hawthorn , good hay is said to sell readily at Stfi a ton , Nevada has 141 patients in the Insane asylum'at Woodbridge , Millions of white crickets have appeared on thu hills north of lieiio , Ogdcn is to ha\e a street car railway track before September , I8H1. . The Ontarus mine has had Its sixty- eight dividends. They aggregate $3fiOO , < 006. 006.Tho The Jordan canal Is almost completed to Salt Liiku. The water power la valued at Stf.OOO. Thu Jordan valley never looked better , and heavy crops will bo gathered at har vest time. Silver Itecf is greatly excited over the discovery of a plot to burn a building for its insurance. Thu clectriu light in Salt 1-iKo ia not an entire success , owing , probably , to a defect In thu Nteam machinery. The gold strike In Wliito J'lno Canyon in the Uight Itower , is reported to namplu over $100 for twelvu inches. Thu ex tenth o railroad structures re cently almost totally dontruyiid by fire at Logan , U. ' - ! ' > ro to bo rebuilt. The Utah Central , Utah Southern and Southern extension road * have been con solidated. Thu line ii80 ! miles lonjf. A fine body of ere was struck last week in the Day State mine , Newark district. The depobll runs from 8250 to 150 per ton. ton.Tho The Hinoyors of the Denver ui Itlo Grandu aio nearlng Sandy , and the pro- itwU are that they will icaoh Salt Lake lxforo the Fourth , About 150 men are. engaged on the rail road t'radu in 1'nrluy's Canyon. One- third of that mini1 er are In Kmigrathm Canyon. The foivo Is to bo greatly in- Cleaned , 1'aitles up from Maryuva'e report a big and rich strike Intho Deer Trail mine , as- Bap of which go from SiOO to Sl'J.OOO in gold. This is thu best news from that ills- tiictfbifu Ita discovery , and will help tliu boom Out in thu southern country , A Hock of 125,000 fcheep pabsud through \veht of 1'urailibB , Valley last Hatunlay , They aru being driven from California to Montana , and thoto who haw them nay there was a perfect ocean of i > hcep. The country foriullcs was covered with them , COLORADO , Ktene has been playing In Denver , The Denver and JtioGrande has reachec Kokimm. Port ( Jamble Miller * from a lack of la IxjierB and mechanics. Ten or eleven building penults are Is * ued daily in Denver. Denver's $250,000 court house will b completed by January. The CuUer county daily product is ap proxiwated at ' il tons. Tlie Ka t Argentine district , Clca Creek county , begins to loom up. Severe promising discoveries have been made .here of late. A row of tenements were destroyed by ire nt I < eadv lllo last week. I'iutoi are leaving their reservation nnd stealing back to Nevada , Tbero Is ! aid to bo a growing demand 'or miners in the San Juan , There are forty-two horses in training it the Walla Walla race track. About 100 tons of mining ere are on the lump of the IJonanxn mine at Tin Cup. ll the machinery of the la.sslek ! mine atltosila is now running with full force. The Denver mid Hio ( Irandeis now open 'or travel to Arbolca , 102 miles from Den ver. ver.Over Over two hundred new street bridges invo been constructed in Denver during .bo past month. Jim Moon , the most noted of Denver janiblers. was killed last week In that city iy one of his professional pals. Stearnlniat Landing ia booming. A large tcambnatand four barge * arc being con- tmctcd , employing sixty men. Contracts for twenty-five miles of grad- hg from Lake City , Iliiudalc county , toward - ward ( itinnison City , have been let by the Denver nnd Hit ) Grande. It is believed that a branch railroad will soon IKS built from licnton , twelve miles 'nun Seattle , to a point south of Taconta , nn the Noithern 1'acilic railroad. The wool crop of westcin Washington this Hcason Is estimated at 320,000 pounds an Increase of 40,000 pounds over last year. The average clip per head is about four pounds , A tremendous cloud burst occurred on the llth liiHlant near Ktrthalet Ferry , Yaklma county , W , T. The cloud burst | unt at the head of a canon , or gulch almvo iho ferry. The water from the cloud washed dowu the gulch , and tore from Lhclr foundation great nuisitcs of rocksmov- ing them in some instances long distances. Fortunately no one was injiuud , nnd no ilatnago to crops resulted , The Silver Clllf Oaretto Bays : "Intense excitement has prevailed for several days > vcr some rich gold finds near the Comar- ; o company's property , east of town alwiut , welvo miles. Wo have not visited the spot , but from those who have , and in whoso statements the public can rely , we earn that free gold in considerable quan- .itieii is found among the decomposed rock > n dumps of claims worked six and seven I'ears ago , but abandone'd soon after. That fold exist * In paying qualities on the Co- nargo company is La Crosno lode wo have eng been aware , and It is no matter of stirpifao that it is found on contiguous pound , OREGON. The Oregon pioneers met last week in lamhill county , A Poi Hand lumber firm is shipping red vood from California. The government construction steamer , " lalio , sunk last week in the Dalles. Thu Grand Lodge of Masons held their annual communication on tiie 1 Itli inst. at 'ortland. Captain ICfllogg , of Portland , Is build- ng a steamer for thu Cow lit * river trade , entirely of cedar. Largo quantities of rail load material 'rom Tacoma , bound for Washington Ter ritory , arc passing thiough. A cattle buyer has arrived In the eastern > art of Lake county , looking for some 15- > 00 to L'0,000 head to drivuto Nebraska. The hop crop of nhe Willamette valley vill not amount to more than one-half vhero the yards weie overflowed by the leeds la t winter. Work ban been suspended on the new court house at the Dalle * , Some taxpay ers have sued to icxtrain the work on the ground that thu CoiiHtitutioii forbids any county from Incurring u debt of mnro than ? 5,000. WYOMING. Laramic is to have a liaptist p.irhonagu. Chuycnne's novr liaptist church has been ledicated. Nearly all the North Park freight comes 'rom Laramic , Lieutenant Schwatka has been loctur- Jig in Cheyenne. Two incendiary attempts were mailu on last Sunday to tire Choyeime. All the hotels and boarding houses in [ jaramio are doing n , good businens. Tlio public school at Chuyenue will cloo Tuly 1st Tliero will be four graduates. An eight foot vein of paying ere has iceu stnick in thu IeUy ! Janu mine at Jummins City. Itnwlins will bo the great > oint for the Swcotwatcr country this year , Laramiu will celebrate on the Fourth of fitly , the necessary amount of funds to do- 'ray the expenses having been secured. A body of masked men are riding through Jwcctwatcr county on thu lookout for rob- > crs along the line of thu Granger road. The 010 from the Green Mountain Boy , .Matte canon , twelve miles west of Fort Laramiu , is said to bo worth S.'XX ) per ton. Mr , Kerfoot , one of the Laramle plains -anchors , has just finished shoaling 1,500 sheep , including lambs , from which ho clipl > ed 10,000 pounds of wool. It Is stated that work on thu Green Iliv- or railroad shops has been HUxnonded , and .his IH cited ns uvidenco that ( 'ranger is to iu made the location of their principal re- mir shops. ThtMiiunlercd man recently discove-ied icar Kvnnston has been identified an An- ,011 Sallakur , a former workman in thu ilacksmith shops of that place. Two men lave been arrested charged with the mur der. From present appearances , it may safely > o predicted that never in the history of ho territory has the prospect for hay and ; rass been BO good at this time of year , as it present , Lvcry olio who comes iu from 'ho round up or elsewhere- the country , igrct's and assorts that this is thu case , Choycuno Sun , MOATANA , Sheep shearing on the Muhnelshcll is in nil blant. Montana has M > ,000 pcoplu and live laily papers. Bedford's post ofllco was destroyed by ire laat week. Grasshoppers havu appealed In some of , ho Montana valleys , Ulghty-llvo traeklayein are employed on the Utah and Northern. The Alice company at Walkervillo has declared a dividend of WO,000. Miles City consumes one bottle cf beer day to every man , woman ami child , An exploration Is soon to bo mndo among thu castle walls of Flat Iron mountain , Hutler KpiKcoimlinns are to erect The tint - t church building in thu teriitory , U w III co t 811,000. l'"ifty thoimand dollars worth of Chotean seven per cent bonds were nxTiitly Bold at a premium of about onu per cent , lio/eiuan has found a new road to 1)11 Ion which can bu nrde in 108 miles , as against the 1.M ) mile route by Virginia , Thu ladies of the Preabytvi ian church in Helena have raised about ? SOO for the church this year , by giving various enter * tainmeits | , There not only beenu to bo a great bear- city of farm laborers in Montana , but cow boys and shccn-herdcM aru much hauler to get than over before. Two arat > tras uro being built at Summit mid will bo ready for operation in a few weeks. They will reduce 010 from the Snowcap aim other rich mines of the dU < trict. trict.A A fire in Uutto on Thurbday of last week destroyed the Workingmen's hospital am nrivato property to the value of ยง 8,000 , Thu tire is biipjioaed to have IKCII thu work of an incendiary. Of the thirteen grangers living in Deer Ix > dge county , through vvhouu ranches tin proposed Hue of the Northern Pacific wil xtfnd , ten of them recently announced .heir determination nf not submitting to the terms offered by the company. Mclrosc , this now terminus of the Utah k Northern , is represented as being n busy ilftcc now. New houses are being erected in every hand , and preparations made for landling the largest amount of freight , hat has ever been shipixxl to Montana , THE ADVENTUROUS MAN-FISH , Some Thrilling Episodes in Hio Evbn ful * Careor. His Progrnmmo for the En-mlnf ; Four Wooltw. St. Capt. Paul Boyton will embark on tlio river this evening nt 0 o'clock , in In * Indian rubber nutt , starting from the foot of Carr street , nnd will make the run to Cniro without stopping. Tliis run of 200 miles will bo the long est over Hindu. The longest hitherto wns from Helena to Arkansas City , Ark. , two years ngo , n distance of 100 nilcfl. Ao will bo accompanied by the Ger man artist , Dr. Rudolph CroimtijWho , ns usual , will take nkutchcs of inter esting sketches along the routo. Cntit. Boyton expects to mnko the trip nnd return to St Louis next Sun day. On his return hero , nt the re quest of auroral citizens , iio will give nn exhibition , probably nt Forest park [ Kind , for the special edification of the women nnd children nnd others who have been tumble to witness the surprising feats. The exhibition will bo free of charge. It will bo given for the benefit of that class of people mentioned , who cnn witness the inflation of his rubber daess , position in the water , propul sion through the water with or with- > ut paddles , use of llai'8 for attracting attention when voyaging , construe- 'ion of it , raft , distress signals , cook- ng , itc. From St. Louis ho will go tortli up to St. I'ntil to spend sumo .iino among the delightful northern scenery in that locality. Then it is 'tis intention to go to Fort Bcnton , icar the headwaters of the Missouri river , nnd make his descent in his rubber suit down to the mouth , land ing nt St. Louis. This trip , between 2,000 and 3,000 miles by thu windings 3f that river , will bo n longer trip than ho has over made nnd will close lis excursions of that kind. Capt. Boyton has enjoyed a couple > f days of good rest since hia arrival on Sunday afternoon nnd for his Cairo trip. Uo wns found by n Republican reporter at his room yesterday still in bed , wrapped in a sheet , lie arose nnd skipped out across the room like a lleoing nniad into the bath room , where ho was lieard splashing about like a sea lion in his native element. His comrade , Dr. Cronnu , who nppenrs to ho a man of modest worth and devoid of the empty conceit which is too often the accompaniment of the spoutnclo be stridden German student face , enter tained the reporter meanwhile. 11 is portfolio is rich in accumulated sketches from nil sections of the globe , with recent additions allbrded by the trio from St. Paul down. Dr. Cronau is armed with original letters , recommendations from Ger man universities , Prince Bismarck , Carl Schurz , General Sherman and other prominent characters , ing the estimation in which he is hold by vhoso compe tent to judge of his merits. Both ho and Captain Boyton anticipate much interest from the acquaintance they will make with the numerous tribes of Sioux Indians which they will bo apt to fall in with along the Missouri rivor. They will pass through the old homes of the Arrickaroes , the Crows and the Mandans. They men tion that , on their way down the river "rom St. Paul last week , they were mot nt a plaeo called NVinona by a number of Winnobagoos , who came nit in their canoes to Bee the strange swimmer passing by. The Indians stood up in their boats like statutes , u ith their mouths wide open and nn expression of wonder nt the strange ipparitinn. They did not know what .o make of Captain BoytOn and his novel craft , nnd as they appeared ig norant of the English language , no communication could be had with ; hem , KXCK1T BY HION LANOUAdi : . The captain's colored boy had boon delinquent in some particular , and ho camu into the room just before the captain emerged from the bath. When .ho cnptain came out lie eluded the joy for his shortcoming , Dr. Crouan draw forth from his .runic a gleaming weapon , shaped like n sword , or moro nearly resembling .ho Arkansas toothpicks used at Pea Ridge battle iield. The back is toothed , so that the instrument can bo used ( or iv saw , nn axe or carving uitfo. Ho handed this torriablo weapon to Gapt. Boyton , who stood with his powerful legs and amis bared and with a sheet drawn over him a tin Roman , Ho raised the weapon aloft , like a broad claymore , nnd the scene remained ono of a grand Trunk or Blue Beard about to execute his vas sal Viy cutting off his head nt ono fell stroke Tlio doctor jokingly inter posed , ofl'onng merciful counsel , and the poor fellow was allowed to depart this time with his head on hia shoul ders. Speaking of tin dangers winch Capt. Boyton hud cncouuteicd in his nu merous daring trips , the most hnair- deus escape was made by him in thu Straits of MoBsina , in the vicinity of the two famous whirlpools , Scylln and Chnrybdia. when ho was ! ) BV A SHAllK , anil had three ribs broken by a blow from thu shark's tail. It was in March , 18711 , and ho was crossing the channel , struggling against a power ful current for n distance of about twelve miles. It was well known that the straits were infested with fierce , voracious sharks , and Capt. Boyton was accompanied by two armed boats , on ono of which was the American consul , Col. Owon. A largo shark , 15 feet long , approached , lying on his back , as is ( heir habit when about to make an attack. As the monster came up Capt , Boyton rose to the sur face , stood up in the water and struck him with u knife under the mouth , when the animal doubled himself ur and Hung himseif on him , breaking throe of his ribs. Blood from the shark's wound discolored the water and the combat ended with uo other serious results to cither party than tias been mentioned. At another time , April , 1877 > Trhilo crossing Lake Tlirasymono from Cns- tagnolo dollo Lanzo to Passignano , a sudden squall came down upsetting vnd swamping a visiting boat contain- ng five men , and although Captain lioyton used his utmost efforts ho sue * coeded in saving but three , the other .wo drifting away and sinking before 10 could reach them. In descending , ho Danube from Lint'z in Austria ) to 13uda-Posth , Hungaty.tho captainwas jadly injured by boinq awept under the wheel of a tlonllifg ; ' nlill , 'bul his nest Wfiaryilig hnd tiyiii $ vdyivgfi ho says , wasihat made in n sharp , heavy chop sea under A pitiless , sun , crossing .ho strnUa of Gibraltar frohi Spain to Tangiers in Africa , a feat which was accomplished March 2l and 22 , 1878. A STRANGE JHIPWREOK. A Danish Mail Steamer's Er- porlouoo in the Froeon North. Nature. The wreck of the Danish mail steamer "Phwnix , " which took place off the west coast of Iceland on Jail. 20 , was attended by rather linusual circumstances deserving of note. The cssel ( abovt 450 tons burden ) sailed with a cargo and the mails from 'openhagon ' for Loith , the Faroe [ slands and Iceland , about the middle of January. Nothing particular oc curred until after leaving the Faroes , when they ran into a severe gale which rapidly increased to a perfect hurri cane , while at the same time the turn- lornturo full to about CO dog. F. of 'rost ( 18 deg. F. ) Such cold is not extraordinary in these latitudes in winter , but fortunately it is seldom associated with very liit h winds. Jndor the circumstances in which the L'humx was placed 'every' sea -that she shipped froze , and the dock loon become coucred with a loot or two of solid ice. As time massed on the continued action of llio" sea raised a perfect iceberg on .ho forward part of the vessel , while ; ho showers of spray carried along by .ho steadily increasing gale covered ; ho masts , yards and rigging with an over thickening coating of ice. Two or three days passed without the least vbatemcnt of the storm , and then the lialf-smothered steamer went over on ier beam cuds. The crow succeeded in cutting away the masts , and she once moro righted. It , however , was clear the gale showing no signs of breaking , that the relief was only tem porary. The ice continued to form on the vessel , particularly about the fore castle , where , piled higji above the bulwarks and overhanging the sides , it threatened , by altering her trim , to raise the propeller out of the water. Under these circumstances , on the morning of January 2 ! ) , Captain Kihl decided to run the steamer ashore while daylight lasted. At some dis tance from the land who struck on a sunken rock , and the crow , taking to the boats , only oucccedod with the greatest dilliculty in reaching the shore , saying nothing but their lives. About y in the morning of the IJOth , after suffering great hardships , the sound of a pony kicking in a shod guided them to a house. The frrmors immediately tinned out , and eventual ly the scattered crow , twenty-two or twenty-three in number , were picked up , some of the clover little Icelandic dogs proving themselves most valua ble auxiliaries in the search. Many of the men , however , were all but frozen to death in the snow. Ono having both legs and arms frost-bitten , died ; another afterward had both logs am putated below the knees ; and the stew ard lost three fingers of each hand. Hardly one escaped moro or less injury from the ellects of the extreme cold to which they had boon so long exposed. The ollicors and men of the wrecked vessel are of opinion that had Captain Kihl not decided on the 20th to run the Phwnix ashore in daylight not a soul would have boon saved , a.s the gale did not moderate for several daysjiftor ; and the steamer , buried as it was under an enormous mass of ice , must have foundered in the night. In Iceland this storm will bo long remembered by the destruction it caused ; and it is said that such a ter rible winter has not been known for years. Sheep Imyo perished in largo numbers , and ponies have boon killed to auvb hay. Then , as the Icelanders depend on the outer world for Hour , etc. , the loss of the Phoenix with its cargo was u terrible misfor tune "ROUGH ON HATS. " The thing desired found at last. Ask druggists for Rough on llata. It clears out nits , inico , roaches , Hies , bod-bugs , loo. boxes. THEGR&AT. 5 Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Sacfacha , Soreness of ifio Ghost , Gout , Quinsy , Sere Throat , Swolf- fcffs and Sprains , Burns and Z Scalds , General Bodily Pains , foot/I , Ear and Headache , Frosted Foot and Ears , and all other Pains and Aches , Kc Preparation on rtrtu quili Sr. JACOBS Oil. M a tnfe , tnre , n < iii ; > f" nd thtup EiUrnU Utmedy. A trlrntills but the comp r tl ely trUlne outlay of 60 Cf nU , and er ry on uff r- Uj * | tb | la eta h t cheap and patitlTi orocf cl IU claims. tllrtctloDS In EI rtn langu > ( * . COLD BY ALL DEUOOIBT8 AND IJEALEE8 IK MEDIOIHE. A , VOGEUBR 1880. SHORTJJHE. 1880. KANSAS CITY , SUoe& Council Bluffs M TMK OMLT Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST From Omaha and the West. { o ehanirs of. can between Omaha and St. LouU , and bat one between OMAHA nod NEW YORK. Daily PassengerTrains ? BAClt50 ! AM , ASTERN AND WBSTEHN CITIES * Hh LKS9 CIIAROCS Mid IN ADVANCE of ALL OTHER LINKS. This cntlro line Is equipped with Pullman's lace Slecnlni , ; Caw , Palace Ihiy 'oachei.MIlltr' tafrty Platlonn and Coupler , and tlio celebrated Wcatlnshoudo Air-brake. * 3THco th\t your tlikct ren.li VIA KANSAS CITV , ST. JOSEPH & COUNCIL BLUKPS Rail- romllaSt. . Joteph and St. Louis. , n Tickets for ealo at all coupon rtatlona In the West. J. T. RARNARD , V. C. DA WES , Gen. Supt. , St. Joseph , Mo Ocn. POM. Mid Tkket Afrt. , St. Joncph , Mo. W. C. SKACURKAT , Ticket Agent , 1020 Farnham street. Airar neRD x , Posjcnycr Aircnt , A , I ) . UARXARD , General Aircnt , OMAHA. NEB. KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA ILER & CO. , Solo Mnnufacturers. OMAHA. HOSES LOVELY COEU2PLEXBONS Wliat Nntnro denies to many Art secures to all. Hagnn'fl Magnolia Bnlm dispels every blemish , overcomes Itedncss ; freckles , Sallowness , Bough- ness , Tan , Eruptions and Blotches , and removes all evi dences of licntand excitement. The Hngnolia Balm imparts the most delicate and natural complcxional tints no detec tion being possible to the clos est , observation. Under theses circumstances a faulty complexion is little short of n crime. Magnolia Balm sold everywhere. Costs only 75 cents , with full directions. To Nervous Sufterers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific It Ii a positive euro for Spcrniatorrhen , Scralna iVeoknc89 , Impotancy , and all diseases resulting rom Self-Abuse , as Mental Anxiety , Loss o Memory , 1'alns In the Back or Side , and diseases that lead to Consumption Insanity and an early grave The Spociflc Medicine la being used with wonder ful success. _ _ _ Pamphlet * sent frco to all. Write for them and get full par- .leulare. Price , Specific , 81.00 per package , or six pack. ogca for $5.00. Addrciw all orders to U. 8IMSON MEDICINE CO. Nos. 104 and 100 Main St. Dultalo , N. Y. Sold In Oinaha by C. F. Goodman , J. W. Bell , J. K. leh , and all dru gUtaoi cry where. Sioux City & Pacific AND St. Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. THE OLD RELIABLE SIOUX CITY ROUTE 3.OO MILES SHORTER ROUTE COUNCIL BLUFFS TO ST. I'AUL , MINNEAPOLIS , DULUTII OIUUSMARCIf , and all points In Northern Iowa , Minnesota and Dakota , This line Is equipped w h the Improved Wcstlnjthouso Automatic Alr-brako and Miller Platform Couulcj and Duller : and for SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT ; la unsurpassed. Elegant bramnj ; Iloom and Sleeping Can , owned nnd controlled by the coin. rany , run throuiili WIT OUT CHANGE between Union Pacific Transfer uvnut at Council Itlutld. T and St. Paul , Trains leave Union Pacific Transfer depot at Council IJlulta at 6:16 : p. in. , reaching Sioux City at 10:20 : . . in. and St. Paul at 11:05 : a. in. making TEN HOURS IN ADVANCE OP ANY OTHER ROUTE. Roturnliiir , leaf o St. Paul at 8SO : p. in , , nrrh Ing Sioux City 4:19 : a. in. , and Union Pacific Trans- r depot , Coundl IlhifTd , at 0:60 : a. in. lie sure t at jour tickets road ila "S , C. & P , II , It. " T. 0. HILLS. SiMwrintendunt. T. E. ROBINfjON , MU ouri Valley , la. As t. On Past , Agent , J. II , O'lllU AN , Poiw uK r Agent. Qauncil lllulla , Inwa. SADDLES AND HARNESS. 1412 Farn. St. Omaha , Neb. AQKliT fOR TUB CCLKBUATXD CONCORD HARNESS Two Medals and a Diploma of Honor , with the > try highest award th Judged could bttowwas awarded thU karnes * at the Centennial Exhltl- Common , also Ranchmen' * and Ladloa' SAD * PLUS. We keep the largest stock In the w eet , and Invite all who cannot examine to send foi prlc . Pianos and Organs J. B. WEIGHT , -AGENT FOn- THE CHSGKERSNG PIANOS. AXD SOLE AGKNT FOR. Hallet , Davis & Co , , James & Holmstrom , , and J & C , Fischer's Pianos ; also Sole Agent ' for the Estey , Burdett and t e Fort Wayne Organ Co.'s Organs. . . I DEAL IN PIANOS AND OltGANS EXCLUSIVELY. HAVE HAD YEAUS EXPERIENCE TUB BUSINESS , AND HANDLE ONLY THE BEST. 218 Sixteenth St. , City Hall Building , Oinak HALSBYV. PITCH , : : : Tuner. More Popular than Ever. THE GENUINE New Family Sewing Machine , ho popular demand tor the GENVINE SINC1EK In 1879 exceeded that ot any previous year during the of a In wlilch tills "old ' ' . quarter century Kcllablo' Machine liaa been before the public. In 1878 wo Bold \\y \ \ . 360,422 Machlne 1 InlS70wo fold . . 431,107 "J8- . ' 'l ( Excess ocrnnyp jcar 74,735 " ( C" OUK SALES LAST YEAll WEIIE AT THE HATE OF I OVER 1400 SEWING MACHINES A D/\Yj / For every business day In the year. REMEMBER : THE " OLD RELIABLE" THAT EVERY REAL SINGER SINGER SEWING MACHINE HAS THIS IS THE STRONGEST , SIMPLR TRADE MARK CAST INTO THE MOST DURABLE SEW1NO THE IKON STAND AND IJI- MACHINE EVER YET CON REDDED IN THU ARM OP STRUCTED. THE MACHINE. Principal Office , 34 Union Square , N. Y. 1COO Subordinate . Offices , In the United States and Canada , nnd 3,000 offices In the Old World nd South America. boilfol& ] t ( Q i a The Largest Stock and MostCom- . plete Assortment in The West. We Keep Everything in the Line of Carpets , Oil cloths , Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures and Lace Curtains. . i = Tr. A 1818 Farnliam St. , Omaha. Feathers , Window Shades , And Everything pertaining to the Furniture and Up holstery Trade , A Complete Assortment of New Goods at the Lowest Prices , OHAS.SHirEBICE,120uaE 1210 ton. S opr2) mon tlisat POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , MINING MACHINERY , DELTINO , HOSE. HRASS AND IRON FITTINGS , PIPE , BTEAU PACKING , AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS. A , L. STRANG , 205 Farnam St. , Omaha ,