THE 03IAILV DAILY BEE : MONDAY JUNE 20 , 1881 , rilE DA1LYJBJBR OMAHA PUDLISHINQ CO. , PROPRIETORS. 010 Farnham , bet. Oth and 10th Streeti. Tusiis OF SUBSCRIPTION : Copj- ) ear , In Advance ( postpaid ) $10 00 month ! " SCO months " . . . . 300 RAILWAY TIME TABLE. WAVING OMAHA XAST OR SOUII BOU.VD. C. , IX & Q 6 . -n 3 40 p. m. C. & JJ. W. , 0 a. m 3 10 p. In. O. , U I & I' . , n n ra. 3.40 p. m. K. 0. , St. J. i C. 11 , S . m.-3 40 p ra Arrive ot St. Louis at 0 25 n. in. und 7:45 : a. m. WKST on B. & XI. .In Noli. , Through i\press : , S 35 i in. 11. & M. Lincoln Freight. 7 00 p. m. U. I' . Express , 12.16 p. m. O. & 11. V. for Lincoln , 10 20 a m. O. & 11. V. for Osccoh , 9 40 \ m U. I1 , freljtht No , 6 , 5 SO a m U. P. freight No. 9 , 8 15 a in U. P. freight No. 7 , 0 10 p -emigrant U. P freight No. 11 , 8 25 p. in ARRIVLSO VJ10M KA AID SOCTD. C. n. & O , t 00 . In 7 2S p , m. C. & N. V\ . , 9 -I" , a in 7 25 p. in. C. U. I. &P..O 41 a. hi I ) 05 p. m. S ' Uu' * & C. 11 , 7 40 a m0 45 p. m. W. , St. L. & P , 10 55 a m4 25 p. in. t , r ARRIVIVO rnoM Tim AVD SOITIISMT. ? ' R , ' . Vl from ' > ncoln-12 12 p. in. U. P. h\prc325p in. , , . . 1"-Scl , ) i Tliroiiith KtprcM-4.15 p. m II. & II. Lincoln Freight S 35 a. m. U. P. Freight No. 10 1.40 p in jo. 0 4 fi p in Kml nnt No. 8-10 M p in. No. 12-11:33 : iv m. 0. & U. \ . mixed , ar. 4 35 p. w. NORTH. iNebnuska Division of the St. Paul & Sioux City lload , l < o. 2 loaves Oinhha 8 a. in. No. 4 leaves Omiha 1:50 : i > . m. No. 1 arrlv c ? at Omaha at 4 30 p. m. No. 3 arrlv cs at Onnha at 10.45 a. m. DUKMT TIUIVS BITHKKS OMAIIA AND COIXCIL. ni.i us. Lc-vvo Oniilit at 8 00 , 000 Mid 11:00 : a. m. ; i.OO , 2 00 , 3 00. 4 00 , 5 00 nnd 0 00 p in. Lcive Council lllulfsat 8 2i , B 2J , 11:25 : a. in. ! j25 , 2i5 , 3 Jo , 4 23 5 21 and 0 25 p. in. Sutirl'vjg The dunimv leaves Omaha at 000 And 11,00a. m , ; 2 00 , 4 UO and 6 00 p. in. Leave * Council 1)1 ) Hits at U & and 11:25 : a. in. ; 2.25 , i 25 And 5.25 p. m. Opening and Closing of Malll. ROOTS. orrv. CLOSR a m , p , in. a. in. p in. W . . 11.00 0 30 4-30 2 40 Chicago , It. I. As 1'ulllc 11:00 : 0 00 4MO 2 40 Chlc-vo , I ) 4 , O . . 11 00 000 480 210 abash . 1230 4 JO 210 jSUixCltj and Pacific 1100 430 Union Pacific . 600 11:40 : Oinxha&ll.V . 400 11:40 : n. &M. InNUi . 400 40 C 30 Omaha Si Northwestern 4 30 .30 Local malls for bUitool low a leav o but once a day , % \r \ : 4 JO. A Lincoln .Mull U also opened at 10 30 a ra. Otliio opcu bundavH from 12 in. to 1 p m. 11IOS. F. HALL P.M. OZVM.XSL Business Directory , Art Emporium. J. U. nOSE'S Art Kmooiium , 1510 Dodge Street , Steel hnrravlnj's , Oil Fainting , Chromes , Kaiicj Frames. KrainiiiK a bpechlt ) . LoPrkcs J. 110NNEU 1S09 Douglas btroct. GooJSUIes. Abstract at d Real Estate. JOHN L. McCAOUE , opiwslto Post Office. W. It. UAUTLIirrT 317 South 13th Street. Architects. DUFRHNE It , MENDELSSOHN , A11CH1TECTS , Ilooiu 14 Crci0'liton lilcck. A. T. LAHQK Jr , lloom 2 , Cicl hton Block. Boots and Shoes. ' JAMhS DKVINE & CO. , Ftno Roots and bhoea. A good assormcnt of homii work on hand , corner 12th and Ilariuy , THOS. EHICKSON , S K cor. luth and Douglas. JOHN FOKTUNATUS , 005 10th street , manufactures to order good v > ork at fair jiritcs Repairing done. Bed Springs. J. P. LAnniMF.R Manufacturer , Vlsschcrs' Bl'k. Books , News and Stationery. J. I. FIIUEIIAUF , 1015 Farnham Street. Butter and Eggs. .McSIIANK & SCHItGEDUIt , the oldest n and K. house In Nchraska , catablWuHl 1S75 , Omaha. Boarding. CENTRAL KEbTAUIlANT , MIIS. A. 11YAN , oouthnost corner IGthand Dodc. Best Ucunl for the iloncj. Satisfaction Guaranteed , ileah at all Hours. Board bj the Day , Week or Month. Good Terms for Cash. Furnished Uooms Supplied. Carriages and oad Wagons. WM. SNYDLR , No. Ulh 14thand Harnoy StrectsJ Civil Engineers nnd Surveyors. ANDREW ROSEWATEU , 1510 Karnliam street. Town Suricjd , Grade and Se cra0'o Sjutcma a Special t > . Commission Merchants. JOHN G. NIL LIS.1411 DoJgo Street. D B BEKMKH. For details see largo advertise , micnt In Dait ) and W'ctklj. Cigars and Tobacco WEST A. FRITSC'liER. manufacturers of Clg-xrs , and \ \ holuulo De.tlcn in Totiaccos. U0ri DougUi. % V. * ' . LOHEN/JEN inanuUcturer 614 10th street. Cornice Works. Western Cornice Works. Manufacturers Iron Coruke , Tin , Iron and HUto Roofling , Orders from an ) localltj prompth execntud in the best manner. Fuctorj and Oll'co 1310 Dod0'0 Street. CaUanized Iron Cornices. Window Caps , etc. , manufactured nnd put up In anj part ° ' tllu couiitp. T. SINHCim. 10 Tlilrtecnth street. Crockery. J. BONNER , 1300 Doueua str. et. Good lino. Clothing and Furnishing Goods. OF.O. II. PETLRSON. Also HaU , Caps , Boots , fehocii , Notions and CutlcrV , SOI S. 10thstrcct. , Clothing Bought. C. SHAW will pij hlo'heit price for second hand clothiiu' . Corner 10th anil Furnham , Dei tlsts. DR. PAUL , Williams' I'lock , Cor. 16th 4. Dodge. Drugs , Ha'nts ana Oils. KUIIIi & CO. , .Pharmacist ! , Fine v v r.ix > ds , Cor. litli and Douttl otrccts. W.J WHITEHOU. nloi Retail , 10th St. C. V. HELD , 2022 N < th Side Cumins Street. M. PARR , Dm wist , 10th nnd Howard btrects. Dry Qonrt Notions , Etc. ' j'oilN If. F. LCiiMANN A. CO , , New York Dry Goods S rc , 1310 utidaSlC Farn him ttrect. L. C. Encnold also boota and shoes , 7th & Pacific. r-uruuure. A F. GROSS , New nrd Second Hand Furniture and btoves , 1114 iKiuifiM. III0'hcbt cash price ( aid fur second hanu eooot. J BONNER 1309 UouRiM t. Fine coeds , i.c Fence Works , OMAHA FENCE CO. GUST , FUIKS & CO. , 1213 Harnej St , Imnrov e ed Ice Boxen , Iron and VVcxnl J'ences , OIlicu ItallliiL'S. Counten of 1'iiie and Walnut. Florist. A. Donaglmo , plants , cut floucrs , seed ! , boqucU etc. N. \ > . cor , 10th aui Douglas titrceta. ' Foundry. JOHN \ \ EARNE i , SONS , cor. 14th & JafksonsU Flour and Feed , _ ' GHAHA CITY MILW , Sth and Farnham Sta .roprietors. Grocers. Z. STEVENS , Sl t bttnccn Cumins and Izard T. A. McSHANE , Corn. S3d and CumhjgStrceU. Hatters. W , L. PARKOTTK i , CO , 1303 Doujlaa Street , ttholaalo Exclusliely Hardwaie , Iron and Steel. DOLAN 1 : LANGWORTHY , \ \ holeealc , 110 and 15th street. A. HOLMES corner ICth and CallfornU. Harneu. Saddles , &c. . D. WEIST 32013th St. bet Farn. 4 Harney at and Donnet Bleachers. 'AillMpct jour Strw , Chip and Jclt IUH done ip at north n.-l eamtt > c\ftitfcnth and Capitol A * mi ( . \\M IKE , Proprietor. Hotel ! . 2ANF1U.D HOUSE , ( loj. CnnncUl.Oth & FArnhim DORAN HOUSE , P. 1 . Carji 0 Farnham St. SL WIN'S HOTEL , F Ma\en , 10th Street Southern Hotel Ou . 1 unicl , Oth & Leaxcnworth ron Hencing , The Western Cornice > \ork , Aeents for the -nimpion Iron Fence Ac. , hmo on hind all klndi of Fane ) Iron Fences , Crxstlnn , Flncals , Ralliiir . etc. 1J10 IK > lie ( tree npli Intelligence OfTlce. MRS LI//.1E OKNT 217 ICth Street. Jewellers. JOHN 11AUMLR 13H Farnhvn Street Junk. II RERT110LD , IViri and Metal Lumber , Lima and Cement. FOSTLR & ORY. . corner Oth and Doughs Lamps and Qlatsware. J. BONNER , IWl ) Doailas bt. Goo.1 Voilctj Merchant Tailor * , ( J. A. LIMMJUEST , One of our most popular Mcrchwt Tillow Is re letting the Htcit ilcimn for Spring nnd bummer looils for Kcntlciucns wear. btll < h , durable , and nrleca low M c\cr 21513th bet. Millinery. MRS. C. A. UINOKR , Wholesale and Retail , Fan- j Ooodt In Krc.itarlct ) , 2c | < h > M , Cnl loinl , loslery , Oloto , Cor et , Ac. Llunpwt House In ho West. Purehoscn 30 per tent. Order bj Mall. 115 Hftecntli btrtet. Physicians an i Surgeons. W. S. GIBUS , M. 1) , com No. 4 , Crclghton Hock , 15th Street. A. b U.ISI'.MUMl , M. 1) Masonic Mock. C. L. HART , M , D , K } ( and Ear , opp. postoftlce DR. L. 11. GRAUDY , Oculist and Aurl t , b. \ > 16th and Fnrnham SU. Photographers. GEO. HEYN. PROP. , Grand Central ( lallcn , 212 Sixteenth Street , near Masonic Hall , V irst-civna Work and Prompt- nuo gimrantccn. Plumbing , Qas nnd Steam Fitting. P. W. TARPY 4 , CO. . 210 12th St , bet. Farnham and Douglifl. \ \ orK promptly attended to. D. FH/PAIRICK , 1401) Doughs Street. Painting and Paper Hanging. HEVRV A. KOSTFRS. 1412 Dodge btrcct. Planing Mill. A. MOYKR , manuficturcr of msh , doors , bllndi , motdlngii , ncu cln , alustcrs , hand rails , f urnUhing scroll tAuIng , Ao. , cor. Dodgu and Oth streets Pawnbrokers. J. ROSENFELD , 322 10th St. , bet. Far. A , Har. Refrigerators , Canflold's Patent. C. F. GOODMAN , llth Farn. & , Harne > . Show Case flanufactory.i 0. J. AVILDE , Mmufacturcr and Dealer1 in all kinds of Show Discs , Upright Cascb , a . , 1317 C.vw St. HIANK L. OERHAKI ) , iiroprlctoV Omihi ioUjCaKO imniifactor > , SIS South 10th street , between Lnuiimortli and Marty. All gooils warninted lli > t tlaxo. Stoves ana llnwaro. A. BURM ESTER , Dealer In Sto\es and Tinware , and Manufacturer of Tin Roofs and all kinds of Building Work , Odd Fellows'Block. J. BONNER , liOa Douzlas St. Good and Cheap Seeds. J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills and Culthators. Odd Fellows' Hall. Shoo atores. Phillip Lang , 1320 Farnnam st , bet 13th & 14th. Second Hand Store. PERKINS & LEAH. 1410 Dou.-las St. New and Second Hand Furniture , House Furnishing Goods , i.c. , boiuht and sold on narrow marulns Saloons. HENRY HAUFMANN , In the new brick block on Donahs Stract , has just opened a most elegant IlccJ Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 u > pry daj. FLAtiNERY , On Farnham , next to the II. 4 , M. headquarters , has re opened n neat nnd complete cstnlillshmcnl uhlchbirring HRh and Mothtrbhipton'x I'roph eo , "ill bo opened lorthe DOJS with Hot Lund on and after present date. " Caledonia " J. FALCONER. 070 10th Street. Undertakers. CHAS. RIEWE , 101 ! ! Farnham bet. 10th & Iltd. P. PEMNER , . " > OU Tenth street , between Farn him and 11 irncj. Docs good and cheap ork. 09 Uent Stores. HENRY POHLMAN. toys , notions , pictures Jettclrj , io , C13 14th bet. Farnham and Douglas. P. C. BACKUS. 1201 Farnhiin St. Fancy floods United States Depository. NationalBank OF OMAHA. Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts. OLDEST BANKING ESTABLISHMENT IN OMAIIA. SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE BROTHERS. ) KSTAELIHMI'D 1850. Organized as a National Hank August 20,18GJ. CAPITAL AND PROFITS'.OVER 300 000 OFPICKRH AM ) DIRPCTOItB : HERMAN KOU T P , President. AUUUBTCS KOJ > TZI' , Vice President. II. W. YATKS , Cashier. A. J. Porndjrov , Attorney. JOHN A , CUPIOIITOV. F. II. DAVIS , Asst. Cashier. This bank rccchcs dtposlti w Ithout regard to amounts , Isauca time certificates bearing Interest. Draws draft * on San Francisco and principal cltlCH of the United States , also London , Dublin , Edinburgh and the principal cities of the eontl liontof EurojK ) . Sells pasaen0'er tickets for emigrants l ) > the fn man line. inaylcltf The Oldest Established BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. Caldwell , Hamilton & Co , , Business transected name as that of an Irieor poratcd Dank , Accounts kept In currency or gold subject to sight check Ithout notlre. Ccrtillcatcs of dcj > O8lt issued pajablo In three , six and tucho months , bearing Interest , or 01 demand without Interest , Alliances inado to customers on approval cccu rltics at market rates of Intercut. lu ) and sell sold , bills of exchange , govern mcnt , state , county and city bonds. Dran night drafts on England , Ireland , Scot land , and all parts of Europe , Sell Eurojwan jiasaa o tickets. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. au/Ult _ Dr , Black's ' Rheumatic arranted a Safe. Certain and Lpcedy Cure foi Rheuinatimii in all 1U ( oniu , Ntiuralrfia , Lann llack , I'aln in tlio Urcast and hide , I'aln In the Stomach and hldne ) , ic , It It an Internal remu dy , a Tonic ami IJlood I'urlfler. and vthlloitrc moves the DUcaw it Improves the general health SMITH. BLACK fc CO , Proprietors , 1'httamoutb , Neb. ODWiK , Oen'l A cent , Omaha. out , i. BI.DICK , ciiis , R. Rumen REDICK&REDICK , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW EpocUl attention 1)1 ) be glv en to all sulti azalnit niopatlonii of ever ; dekvrlptlon ; will practice it ll tlio court * of the hUt and th Unltol hlatea Karnhaiu at , opposite Court House , COLORADO. loorgotown nnd itfl --MlnliiR Crimps ruul Prospect * Bountiful Scenery. Etc 'orrf pondencc of the fief ! > c Democrat GKOKOT.TOVV.SCol. . , Juno 12. It nay give jon an idea of what a glor- ous cliniato this one of Colorado is v hen the most overcrowded of the ) enver dressmakers says that she haslet lot been made up a muslin die's in ivo years. The sun may glare fierce- y all day , but any where in the shade t is cool , and at night the air is tem- > ered icfreshingly , The actual merits > f the place were forced upon us by icaring an honestfaced woman on thu "Denver was atif- ng , " tint she "most melted down here. " Down there , so contemptuous * y spoken of , only lies a tritlo of 5- 00 feet above the se.i level , and one jot accustomed to its elear , day air Inds all their winter bloathing still latcftil. The Denver citiren thinks t is very warm , and will sit mopping tis brow * and pulling when an Eiistorn onder-foot wants an extr.i wrap to go iding w ith. As for that thankless voinan of Georgetown , 1 should like o put her on the beach at Long Jr.inch any of these d.ijs and see if would ever call Denver hot ng.iin , lleally , this pretty town in the iionntants might snoil onofor the city .valls are piccipitous mountain sides , vith snow pitches sinning tluougli the tine trees , and the snows of 3ray's Peak alwa\s in sight. Clear 3reek is a clear creek alonu here ; and las an icy ripple to it as it te.irs the valley , every bouldei , and strip of s.ind in its bed v isible. Lying at the head of u nar row valley , the "Silver QUCIMI , " as -hoy - c.ill Georgetown , is shut in on every side by the steep npur * of the nount.iins , and the roada out of it mist either wind tip the di/.y slopes , > r twist their way along the creek Gray's Peak , is Hhaip , black ind white by twilight , and all the Ia7/ling retlections of blue and loao ind gold at sunset , lies fourteen miles 'roin the town , and crowns the inottii- : ain region. This "Dome of the Con- : inent is ,1 fine old giant in the range > f hoary Biimmits are in line with it , and at its feet lies the silver belt in hieh the minors of City and icorgotowii have so lonu woikeit. An pportunity to approach the Pc.ik was given in an invitation fium the malinger of the Atl.iutic nnd Pacific Tunnel compiny to lidooutto their c.uup on Kelso Mountain. The tunnel nol , wliich proposes to pinrce both Kelso .ind Gray's Peak , will emerge .it the west end of its four miles on the other side of the watershed ol the continent , and thus g.iins its dou ble mime. The w.iter that diains fiom ono end of the tunnel willlim its way to the Gulf of Mexico ; fron the other end it will bo carried oft to the Pacific ocean. At that early hour thoic was a stiingof miners with their dinner going up and down the road , ami climbing up the narrow paths ainom the rocks , some of them so high ii\ it was only by : i lollection of the swinging cans that they could be sighted. A grilled old fellow , sit ting on n rock with a can on his knees ae us a. comprehensive glance as wo How by. Then wo learned that his was the pioud pleasure to have crush ed one of the swell young lawycis sent out by a New Yoilc mining com piiny to manage one of their cases The precocious young spiig of Goth am undertook to be loftily . humoious in his cross-questioning of this piece of old bed rock. The old piospectoi is noted for his sharp-edged tongue and , glaring ferociously at the strip ling lawyer , answered his questions ii ihumler tones. "I've been a minor forty-yenis , " ho replied , taking in the mc.isuro of his young prosecutor with such a glance that the youngster sooi dismissed the witness amid a tearing court-ioom. Further on a darky lounging in . dooiway attracted all eyes , niidprorat to bo the superintendent of a tunne company , a high-handed , autoci.itic overseer of a lot of white woikmen His contempt for his white slaves is boundless' , and when the Irish ser daw dies along and diags his heels ii unconcern , the ebon ovorsRor tells him that "if he had him down Sputl lie would sell him. " How the times do change , nnd the customs with them ! To those who aio up on niininj , news nnd posted in mining history the sight of the Tornblo mine , the Silver Plume , the Dives and Pelican and n do/cn celebrated workings tha wore pointed out , might have beei highly inteiesting. To us tlmro was inoro in the pictuicsque confusion ol the hills , the tendings and cascades of the creek , and the constantly near ing snow peaks. "Over theio , " quoth Mr. Kelly indicating n ragged lull-side .vith 1m whip-lash , "have been found some o the i ichest pieces of 'Hoat' in the country , but the piospcctors have been 'digging for ten years , withou finding the vein. " And , sure enough the hill-aide was scratched , dug eve and pioiccd with innumciable holes as if w ild animals had been tcaiing i up. Tlio patient prospector has tue < every foot of the ground in vain , am given the tantalizing thing un , only to bo followed by another , ami ho by others , lUriNO UP THIS VAM.BV , beside the creek in its leaps , windings and lo.irings through miniatuio canyons yens , the HurioimdiiigH giow all the time wilder , and after seven miles erse so wo left this load , that in midsum inor leads on over the snowy sum mits to Loadvillo. Xig igging up i steep npur of McClcllan mountain , the thick pines make dense _ shadows ii the gorges below and hide the slopes above. The trees mark the way 01 either hand with a thick , dark wall o trunks and branches , and between thorn ono gets an occasional glimpse , upward and outward of darling miow fields and hoary summits. In the open places , tlio nmik of the timber line , the limit of regular vcgo tation on the mountains , can bo seei on all tlio heights near , and way above this inhospitable region were the dump piles and buildings of mines Those swallows' nests in the air , where the men work in w inter as well a summer , are most astonishing , and i is a mystery how some of them nr leached. Hard us it may bo to get ute to them in winter , the ininors have way of getting down that far exceed bobsledding in swift excitement. Th reckless fellows sit on their spades with the handle in front of them their picks over their shoulder * , nd win down like streaks of blue can lightning. They keep this ni > intil tliey wear n groove in the snow 0 deep and smooth that they can lido dow n w ithout shovels , and then heir vv inter sport is at its height. At the Atlantic end of the now tun iel wore workmen putting up stone iiiildingj to replace the piesont lot ; tructures , and utilizing for it the ramto blasted out of the heart of old velso. Cairjim , ' sputtering candles vo picked our way through the moist' loom for (00 ( feet , whore workmen .itli . powerful hammers \voio makinu1 lie cavern ling with their stead ) dews upon the diill. They madoj into a picture in the cindlc-light no stalwait llguro holding and him ng the long drill , and the two Titans lesule him raining down their blows vith such force that you could lie.u lin whistle of the hammers through lie air before they struck , Theio vas a fascination in the regular hythin of the blows , the free sweep ml sweep and swing of the arms mid ho perfect poito of the figures. What n anvil chorus they could beat outto 1 crdi'a immortalscoiel Rather unlike ho way it was recently given in a Vashington theatre not l > y n bin- esijuo tioupo , either when live louts v itli tack-hammers camp out and lounded onono little anvil , and thi-i uudicncu took it without smiling. The French cook , who piesidoil > ver the digestions of the sovontj lien who wml ; on thu tunnel , pianeed orth with bow a and smiles to know v hat .should be commanded for out oficshmcnt. J'lomising us cotel ottes do mouton pannee , and the choicest of his canned luxuries to bo re.uly tor us at noon , vvo drove fin- her up the mountain , to penetrate- 'ar towaids Uioy'a J'enk as possible within that time , M > TOtUISl.S , OH "PKVKKIW , " 13 they call them , have ascended this year , and the few men w ho scaled the noiint.iiii a fortnight ago reported 1 deep snows and an icy had yet. The Ivelso cabin , whole the poakors staj over night , is just below the timber ino , and there are snowbanks among : he tiees protect it , and drifts tiling the corr.ds to their roofs. Auntie Line , who keeps thu cabin in summer and goes down to George town in the winter to enjoy the profits of her se.ison , is an esteemed charac ter in this section . "With a son and I il.iughter ill-law to help her , the chuery old l.idy is ready to welcome the strangers and accommodate them in her rude but spotlessly clean cabin. The mugs of wild lloweis in the windows dews and the perfect neatness of the little rooms delight the eye , and on her berullled pillows , with the lullaby of thu pine tiees and the brooklet , mo could find the blisstul , dreamless sleep if anywhere in the world. It was ari.ingod for us to start .is early as ( i o'clock in the morning , so .is to get over the steoi'est ridu befoio the heat of the day. The heaf pt the day , forsooth. When I shivered down stairs in ulster and heaviest wrap pings , and bogged to go to the fire , anywhere to thaw out my benumbed fnigeis , the waiter gills at the Barton house rustled around the dining-room in their freshly starched c.dico dresses and complacently said that maybe it might seem cold to us , but that thoj never noticed it. THE KKIN , coot , am OUT noons made the horses frolicsome as kittens , and they started oil'with a bound that made the piospoctivo ton miles dwin dle considerably. With doubled lap- robes the way was cool and a naifl' w oultl have been the most acceptable thing in the world. Climbing up the side of n hill on a lodge of road , there weie glimpses of tiny sti earns trickling down fiom the snows above , and one that fell ov or a long , smooth rock on the hillside is what the Georgetown people have called .Bridal Veil. It is the most aiiy , gossamer bit of water , and in its si/.e and shape wholly fits out the semblance to a iluating veil of tulle. tulle.Around Around this cabin , side by side with the snow , aio patches of ground pur- plu with the delicate anemones and blue with the bluebells , that bloomed ovci a month ago on the plains. A mile further up , at the Stevens mine , aio big bluebells , such bluebells as no ono could resist. Though to reach thu place the wheels sank deep in slush and the melting snow .stud ; in the horses' feet , the flowers grow oven more luxuriantly than below timber line. Through openings way up on the face of the rock the oru from the mine was shot down in buckets that moved on invisible wires and rolled down iii cars that traversed a nearly perpendicular track , an empty car be ing draw n up by the weight of tha de scending one. .At this level of it,000 : feet there was wonderful optical de ceptions in the thin air , nnd it was perfectly useless to try to guess at distances. The cook of this mine i an foith eagerly to see what sliango vvhools had come that way , nnd to in sist that vvo should all enter and p ir- t.iku of his freshly baked mince pies , A mince pie in June if ) inther out of Ncason , but with snow nil aiound one and Hakes of snow beginning to lloat in the air , it was nil in keeping , and we did justice and paid all honois to the cook and his pit's. Gatheiing the big bluo-bolls with Hiiovv-flakes in their n/.uiu cups , ane mones and their fu//y little seed balls , binning buds of Indian pinks , tiny dwarf Hiin-llowcis and the countless yellow blossoms , I had noon a double handful | of flowers , The French cook at the tunnel put them in a tin can , to giacu thu end of the tublu in the mess- room , and mourned and vvnnduicd that wo hud no greater appotifesjaftor such an early breakfast. Not ono of us dared confess thu treachery of the mince pics at the Stevens' mint. ' , and wo worked hoioiudly nt the beauti fully biowned cutlets just to spaiu the artist's feelings. Holding my tin can of lloweis in both hands all thu way down , to Georgetown , I filled it up again with ice-water , preparing to c.ury my Al- line trophies into Denver. Bitting in thu car , thu first woman untored and smiled when she saw thu great bou quet. ' "Oh ! you've been up above the lino. How lovely they are ! And that is the seed-ball of thu anunipnu of which Helen Hunt speaks in 'Bits of Travel.1" Another lady entered. "Why , have you boon on ithu Peak ? You know what Hoi on Hunt says of thu ane mone's Bood-ball ? " A third wearer of a Thompson ware came , stopped at my flowers and said , Whore did jou get them ? Oh' those anemones' Helen Hunt" It was too much , and I interrupted with n question of my own about a tinner tlmt I was perfectly well no- luamtcd w ith. "That's thejcllow sweet-pea , " she inswcred mo ; "thcio's a great deal of such papilionaceous growth in those mountains Helen Hunt" Her wools struck unheeding ears , i fni I was stunned with the polysylla ' ble reply Then along camu a great tall man , an amiable giant , whoso ca- diverous countenance lighted with smiles when ho saw the ( lowers that t I was so carefully holding , I "I know whore jou'vo 110011,1110111' ' Let mo IK it for you , vvhoio it won't upset. " And with lire shovels nud lights of coal , ho wedged it in so that | all the pitching and jeiking of the train disturbed it not , The ride of fifty miles through the v alloy and canyon of Uloar CIOOK , and acioss the plain to Denver , just as the last light was fading from the sunset sky , is ono never to bo forgotten Kvery foot of the wixy is beautiful * | and in the wilder parts of the canyon i'iu pair of eyes hardly sulHced. In 1 the open observation car thoio was lit tle annoyance from smoke or cindeis , 1 as in the descent of . ' ) ,000 foot but lit- | . tie steam is needed to pull the train , | Clear Ciuek canon was ono bed of i ( lowers nnd omy thing that can hloout | in this lovely month shook out its blossoms in that favored spot. Thick ets and mats of wild rosi'.s made the air fiagiant ; Indian pinks made blares of color on the banks ; purple thistles and hugo ticmblmg white-poppies grew I almost within loach , cactus blossoms , | cnmson , golden , gicen and salmon color , eovciod the tocky ground , and wild geranium and wild v in buna , a do/on difleient yellow lloweis , and the stately yucca blossoms , with their score of drooping creamy cups , wuro enough to send one into ocstacie.s' . AT llir MIHKS Ol' Till ! t'ltllKK vhoru thu ti.un from Cuntial City otned us , the sandwich vender point- d out the very beam of the biidgo 10111 which the opera singer jumped nto the touent the di y befoio. The unny man of the Soldcnu company , ho abandoned cieature who sang the mbecilu bdlad of "All on Account of jh/.i , " in Billeo Taylor , took a head er into thu stream to HC.IIU his wife , nest probably , as he was an expert swimmer. The swift curient swept him off in a trice , and biiilottod him against its tenible rocks without a chance of help reaching him. Do nestic infelicity wns the cause , if it , vas suicide , nud the company , nil dis- iking the obnoxious Uoisoo , left woid : o find thu body if they could , and wont on their way. Tlmt night an ther man sang hisp.utnnd the wife , who was the dancer of the tioupo , skipped out in her sailor suit and smilingly attempted to dance to the lUdiunco , while pour Heisoo'a bed ) still lay in the muddy torrent , poundec against the rocks and slow ly sw epl 'uither down the stream. All thu hanging rocks , piolilu rocks cathedral rocks , and locks a thousant feet straight up fiom thu water , d ( not possess that human interest ioi one that the niurovv turn of "Tougl Duss Bond" has. No guide book re latcs the story , but all the pioneers know how it came by tnu name. Ii the early days when n wagon road rni through tins pait of thu dofdu , i teamster camu to awash-out of thread road too serious foi him to think o getting over. The road was only a wide as his w heels could stand on ' there were thu straight rocks up 01 ono side and the boiling current dowi on the other , nnd no possibility o turning. Thu helpless teamster sa down in his ften/y , put his elbows 01 his knees and his chin in his hands and swore , not in thu feeble , incomplete pleto and impoverished phraseology of to-day , but swore the picturesque and resounding oaths of the day o ' 5 ! ) , until the canyon trembled and the waters lan by him the faster. J forms quite a pictuio to the mind that solitary teamster in the depths ol the rocky canyon swearing away fo : an hour , and his ligrsos contentedly switching their tails nnd waiting t < sea what ho was going to do about it At last he swam his horses by , hitchei them to the end of the wagon , nm stern foremost retraced his way , t forever after give this apt name to th narrow turn. RUHAMAII , Mr. Matt McDermott , I. 0. 11. 11. shops , Waterloo , Iowa , wiitcs : I was taken with an acute attack of llhoum- ntiatii last fall , and confined to bed. At first employed a physician , without benefit ; then sent to Wangler Bros , drug stole , and obtained a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil , the use of which soon gave mo icliof , and cured mo of the attack. I can safely recommend it to all sullorinc with llhnumatism. Proj udf oo Kills. "Eleven years our daughter suffered - forod on n bud of misery under tlio caru of several of the best ( and some of the worst ) physicians , who gave her disease various names , but no re lief , and now she is lostorud to us in good health by as simple n lumcdy as Hop Bitturs , that we had pouhcd at for two years before using it. Wo earnestly hope and pray that no uno else will lut their tuck sillier IIH wo did on account of prejudice against HO good a medicine as Hop Bitters. " The Paients. [ Telegram. codjyl Moro People ) Dlo from diseased Kidneys than of con sumption , but not onu fatal casu in n thousand would occur if Warner's Safu Kidney nnd Liver Ciuu was taken in time. By all moaiw try it. Trouble Saved It ! H n rc-maiknhlo fact tlmt TllOMAH1 Uci FCTIIIO Oil. in iw KIMX ! for Intuiiial un uxturnul IIHU , Kor dUcnM.of thu lunn and tluoat. and for rlu-uirmtiHiii , iiuiiralfiii { , did. in tlio luck , wouiiiU mid Mirc'H , it In thu licnt known icmcdy , and ninth tiouMo in H.-ue'd by luvlii ) , ' it alwajH on hand , Ifieodtw NOTICE. To Ilulliler * anil Contractors : Notice In lurehy tUui that trailed proponnli will lie received by the Ikianlof 'Ircutocn of Hehool Ii trit.So. | 1 , of Cumin , : unmt ) , .Nchrun- kn.untll 2 o'clock A.M. of the 'J'/th ilay of June , A I ) . 1BS1 , for crw tlon of a nchonl honuo In Uiu town of West Point , In tulcl Hchool DUtrlet , during thu present Jiar , the tain * to bo built anil the nut Urlal tiwl In the onutructlon thereof. t < ) be In acconUucu with the plans and ppvclllcatloni thereof , on ( lie vt Ith the l > lrector of thu lloanl of Trustee * of Bald School I > l trlit , Ami which plain am ) | klflattlonn nuy ho Keen ftt tha furimur tore of LouU Illuj , In nalil town of Vfnt 1'olnt , anil a dupllcatu cop > thcrtof at thu olllcu of Charlen DrUuoll , arehlte-et , In the city ef Onuha , Neh.The The caM Hoard of Trustees hereby reserve the right to reject nj atulallhlili r iUi'i ) . AiUruw , J , W. I'oi.ux'K , Director , raavDl ditev t Wwt I'olut , Nubrukt. BOStONSTORE , 6I6J-ENTIH STREET. WILL OFFER THURSDAY MORNNG AND DURING THIS MONTH THAN EVER. Havipg Closed out Several lots of a New York jobbing house at 65 cents on the dollar , the whole ad vantage will be given to our Customers. The Goods are follows : 'ARASOL ' and FANS , CORSETS and SUSPENDERS , LISLE THRED GLOVES & HOSIERY , LACE MITTS and LACE TIES , LADIES' and GENTS' COLLARS , .ADIES' , MISSES & MENS' ' HOSIERY , SHETLAND SHAWLS , SILK HANDKERCHIEFS AND KID GLOVES. LAUNDRIED AND UNLAUNDRIED SHIRTS. A'so ' n Manufacturer's Stock of Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats I AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. lli\vliirpnj"iir | t three additional Mle moii wehopo to avoid tlio Inoominltncoot hiving ourins- imcr Kipt unltlti as tluj IIIVQ IK m thu.p. twnk P. GI ML AH , Manngar. Pianos and Organs J. S. WRIGHT , . . -AOI-.NT FOIt. THE GHIGKERING PIANOS. AND SOLE AC1F.XT FOR Hallet , Davis &Go. , James & .Holmstrom , and J & C. Fischer's Pianos ; also Sole Agent for the Estey , Burdett and t e Fort Wayne Organ Co.'s Organs. I DUAL IN PIANOS AND OltOANS KVCMJSIVr.LV. HAVK HAD YIIAIIS EXl'CIUF.NCE Hi : hUMM-SS , AND IIANDLU ONLY Till : lliar. 218 Sixteenth St , , City Hall Building , Oinak. HALSBY V. PITCH , : : : Tuner. "WITH THE BEST SELECTED STOCK OP Clothing & Furnishing Goods IN OMAHA. -WE ARE , PAR EXCELLENCE- THE IOUM Iffl'S ' CLOTEIEES ! BOSTON CLOTHING HOUSE , 1212 FARNHAM STREET , 1212 SCHLANK & PRINCE. MANUFACTURERS' SALE -OF- WOE OP- BOOTS & SHOES To Be Closed Out Immediately Regardless of Cost. We respectfully call your attention to the largo and varied assortment of Boots and Shoos , including some of the very best grades in Ladies' and Gents' Hand ana Maohino Sowed , from , several of the leading manufacturers in the East , which will be sold at about To Close Out. This in a rare clmnco for HAHUAINS. Coino Ono , Conio All , nnd Shoo your- Holf at HALF PJITOE. Itoinombor the Phico , 216 So. 15th St. , Union Block , Bet. Farnnam & Douglas. WM. F. STOETZEL , Dealer in Hardware , Cooking Stoves TIIST Stove Repairer , Job Worker and Manufacturer OX * O3E" OJJNT8. Tenth and Jackso" - - Omaha , Neb ,