Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1881, Page 8, Image 8

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t Saturday Morning , Juno 18.
Patterson Mils conl.
"Frederick , Hatter. "
Get your hats at Doane's.
Drink Saxe's Peru * Un Beer.
4000 residence lot * , Bern ! * , agent.
COO business lot * . Cell on Bcmis.
Bwnls" new map of Omaha , 25 cent * .
Bemls' real estate boom , Flwt page.
250 houses and lota. Bemls' agency.
200 farms and 900,000 acres of land.
Ikmis , agent.
For FINE Commercial Job Printing ,
call at THE BRC Job rooms.
The LIbn continues to roar forMooro'a
Harness and Saddlery.
Ju t received a large lot of finest
cigars In Omaha , at Kulin'a Drug Store.
Whtpple , McMillan & Co. , the jewel-
.era , Crelfhton Block. o2G.lf
There Is to be a very pleaiant Bocial
reception at the largo Y. M. C. A. room
early next week.
A nine year old daughter of John H.
Tcbbew , A leltcr carrier , died at her home
1511 Lenvcnworth street early yesterday
A trrand picnic will ho Bhcn by the
Swedish Library at City park Juno 23d.
.All Scandinavians are invited.
Her. W. J. Harsha will deliver a
* liort address at the Y. M. C. A song nor-
vloo this evening. All ore cordially invit
ed to attend.
J. N. Brown send * a card to TIIK BKK
in relation to an article published in n city
l > apcr about hotel runners. Ho nays the
statements contained < in the article re
ferred arc untrue. '
A. A. Talmngo , of "St. jLouip , general
manager of the Missouri Pacific , was in
the city Thursday in consultation with J.
Ki House , the chief engineer of the new
branch in Nebraska. ' ho work is to bo
pushed vigorously.
An error was imuhcrtontly made In
THE BKK a day or two ago in stating that
Henry Forstficld was interred in the Douglas -
las county cemetery. It should have read
that ho was.buricd in Prospect Hill ceme
tery , and pleasure is taken in making the
Judge Savage was so for improved in
health that ho opened the district court
yesterday morning. After transacting
business of minor importance the court ad
journed until 10 o'clock this morn
ing Judge Savage now expects to bo able
to go through with the work of the term.
' The maximum height of the thermom
eter yesterday was 85 degrees in the shade.
The river yesterday fell thrco inches ,
Jt now stands thirteen.'feet and ten inches
above low water mark.
" , James Donnelly , Jr. , had liiu right
liand severely scorched in helping to extin
suish the fire at Srcngcr hall. |
Henry Sicrt , a farmer , was lodged in
the city jail last , night. Ho wan arrested
on oath of CMarth , for disturbing the
] > eace.
Farnham street Was blockaded yc ter
tlay by the * breaking down of a wagon
loaded with building stone , thus stoppli ) ) ,
a whole train of similar vehicles.
The PaidJFiremen's Insurance Assocl
ation will hold a ball in Masonic hall 01
Monday evening , v.Tuly 4th. Extendec
preparations will bo made for the event ,
which will doubtless prove a great success.
Commodoru Davidson , with his new
htcamcr , the Gem City , will attempt to
make the trip from St. Louis to St. Paur
in sixty-eight hours , something never be
fore accomplished. The distance is 800
miles , andon this trial trip no freight wil
i lie taken.
Last night a fellow unknown broke
into a house of questionable reputation 01
Capitol Avenue between Eleventh ant
Twelfth streets. Although from hlHCOiirsi.
liis object was robUery , yet n charge was
preferred against him only for drunkennes
and disorderly conduct.
The grand picnic of the Pioneer Sicn
Kerbund , which was to have been held laa
Sunday and was postponed ono week , wll
1)0 held in noser's grove to-morrow. Th
members of the society of this city hav
gone to much expense in fitting up th
grounds and they hope in this manner
raise a fund toward paying the expenses
of the same.
Silas JI. Walte , ex-president of th
1'irst National bank of Brattloboro , Vt.
who was arrested in this city T y Detectlv
Llewellyn , plead guilty in the United
States court in Windsor , Vt. , to making
false returns to the government officials ii
.regard to the condition
of the bank , an
wassentenced to nix years' imprisonment !
the house of correction.
EitabLUhing a Boat Club.
A movement is on foot among th
young men of the city to establish ;
Jwating club , with its headquarters a
Cut-off Lako. Working boats for th
use of the club will , it is understood
soon lo obtained. The organizatio
will bo kept up by monthly duos co
looted from the members The matter
tor is in the hands of good men un
Uioro is no doubt that the club wi
soon bo an accomplished fact. As t
the desirability of having an Omah
boating , club thcro cannot bo the leas
Mr. Dlcltey'a Appointment-
As predicted in THE BKK of
week ago , Mr , J. J. Dickey Una boo
ppoiiited district
l superintendent o
Alia Western Union Telegraph Com
Jpany , having charge of all the lines i
Nebraska , Kansas , Colprado , No\
Mexico , Wyoming , Utah , Montan
and Idaho. Mr. Dickey also still re
inaina superintendent of tljo U. P
telegraph system.
8rTCv E. , daughter of John l.'am
Jane Tebbemi/died June 1 $ , 1881 at '
a. in. , * S ' < &yew.r * , * f
FuneraJ'tcHnorrow at 2 p. in. , from res
4e1 IBUj street.Friend
Are invited.
The Catholic Fair and Festival
to Close This Evening.
Thcro WAS n larger nttondnnco nt
bo Catholic fair , in S.'cngcrfcst hall ,
ast night , than cither of the nights
> oforo. The enterprise ncoma lo bo
oil patronized by the Catholics of
ho city nnd their friends. The
) ooths nro well filled with beautiful
nd really elegant contributionsj of
hich aboryof pretty girls are anxious
o "sell you a chance. " The young
ion respond gallantly , writing down
lioir names in the little books , re-
larking , "Yes , perfectly lovely , "
ooking at the lady all the time.
As Tun BEH representative flooded
lie section of Nebraska real estate
Inch lodged in his mouth during the
ay , with a glass of lemonade from
The Well of Ilobccca , " which orna-
tents the centre of the hall , ho quietly
lurmurcd to iiimsolf something" rola-
vc to the ancient Rebecca , and won-
cred if she were high-heeled kid
ippors , pink satin dresses , and
angcd hair.
Prof. Stcinhausor's orchestra is in
ttcndanco every evening and fur-
ishca fine music. This evening is
10 last of the fair , and on that occa-
011 will occur the final voting nnd
warding of the following articles : A
15 bonnet , the only rival candidates
ow being Miss Maggie McDonald and
lisa Lizzie Quinn , two popular young
tidies , nnd a $15 cut-glass winu sot ,
vhich is now varying between Dr.
Inuffman and Dr. Neville.
Adi the Namoa.
Notwithstanding that the streets of
'malm ' are laid out with n fine eye to
roportions , a stranger finds much
ifllculty in reaching n fixed point ,
'ho reason for this is that ho has no
Udo ( to localities , except such as is
urnishcd by passers by. The city
as reached such proportions , and is
isitod by so many strangers , that
onto provisions in the way of indexes
liould bo made for their accommoda-
ion. The usual way in larger cities
s to indicate by tin letters upon the
amps at the junction of the streets
nd as these signs nro placed in such a
nanncr ns to allow the light to shine
upon them , thay are just as good for
ho night as the day. Persons who
lave lived here for some time can
icarcoly appreciate the inconvenience.
A. movement should bo made in this
matter as it will bo attended with lit
.lo expense compared with theamount
of trouble it does away with.
Omaha's Water.
At the meeting of the Academy of
Science , held in Williams' hall last
evening , the subject of discussion was
the condition of the water which the
Omaha people nro drinking.
Prof. Auehoy , of' the state univer
sity , was present by request and road
iart of an elaborately prepared essay
upon the subject. The Professor was
not able to get through with his pa
porand the reading of the later hall
of it was postponed until fomo future
occasion when the people would bo in
crested in hearing moro.about the
'Bactarca , Infusonu , Animalcuho , "
ind other scientific wigglers which in
'ost the drinking water of Omaha.
Alter the reading of the essay , Dr.
Neyillo , Dr. Moore and Dr. Dcniso
WCTO called fornnd each responded
with remark's upon the subject , after
which followed adjournment.
A Strange Woman-
When the U. P. express came
from the east , yesterday Ihoro alightot
a smallmiddle-aged lady of'diirk com
plosion , attired in dust-covered
traval-worn clothing , who won !
straight to the street car landing am
got aboard for up town. Her eyes
were largo and fairly wild in their
restless wandering expression. She
continually worked her lips as thougl
biting them , while frequently she
burst forth with low and rapid talk
paying no Attention to other passengers
gors in the car. She wont up Fnrn
ham street and out on Fiftoontl
street. '
She was evidently insane , perhaps
temporarily so , but insane she was h
thu opinion of all who saw her.
Twenty Mile Baoo For Ladies.
A very interesting feature of the
races at Lincoln on the 30th will bi
the twenty mile running race for la
dies. Among those who have alroadj
entered the lists are Mrs. Burke , o
this city , and Mrs. Taylor , of Sidney
Nob. Among the horses that will b
ridden by the last named lady ur
Resumption , Cousin Kate , Rowott
nnd Governess.
Two of a Kind.
Jacob Billing , an employe of th
Omaha Fence Works , who lives at th
corner of Eighth and Douglas streets
was very much surprised upon goin
homo Thursday , to find that his fami
ly , consisting of four in the morning
numbered six in the evening. Twin
was the explanation of the conundrui
and they are both girls.
A Colonlror.
Mr. E , Hopple Hall , an Englis
colonizer , is in the city on his way t
Montana , near the border of whicjj i
is his jntentiou tov establish Bottle
ment. Mr , Hall has been engaged i :
'this'work for 'years , 'during whie
time ho.has tostabjised several cblo
nies both in this country and Canada
Frank Walcott , one of the largest stock
cnlcrs of Wyoming , h nt the Wlthncll.
Capt. 11. 0. Phillips , one of the B. k M.
potentates of the capital city , Is at the
M , M. Ooblo , freight auditor of the U.
' . railway , w cnt to Cheyenne yesterday ,
Ueut. John J. Bourke , of-tho U. S. Ar.
my , took the U. P. express train yesterday
t noon for Sidney.
D. G. Hull started yesterday for a few
eoks nmong the mountains of Colorado
nd Wyoming.
C. T. Tayfor.of this city , general state
gent of the New York Life Ins. Co. , re-
urncd yesterday from Chicago ,
j-d 1' . Ferry and family , of Utah ,
wo In the city on their return from a visit
,0 Senator Ferry , of Michihan , who is a
irothcr of the Utah mining prince.
Frank MoWlnnto , late of New York , on
notion of Ocn. MandcrBonwan admitted to
iractice in the state couits yesterday , by
udgo Barnes ,
Among the most Interested opectalors
t Browncll Hall yesterday , wan Hon.
V. F. Cody , ono of whose daughters re
el ved a medal ,
E. V. Smith , wife and children , left yes-
.orday to visit friends In Illinois , New
York and Vermont. They will bo absent
rom the city for about nx weeks.
Mr. Edward Kucstcr , proprietor of
Luerbach'fl Coltir , leaves Omaha to-
ay for his native land , Germany. He
will be away probably three or four
nonths ,
Hon. Win. F. Cody , a ho wan known
nthe Nebraska legislature , or "Buffalo
Mil , " as he is better know all over the
Jutted States , left for his homo In North
'Intto ' yesterday. His ' .daughter who has
) ccn at Browncll I fall , accompanied him.
Among the gentlemen from abroad who
itncflscd the commencement exercises of
Irowncll Hall graduates wore Hev. T , 0'
ounoll and Hcv. Dr. Oliver , of Nebraska
ityj Ilov. Dr. McNamara , of Fremont ;
Dr. McLaughlin , of Tekamah ; Ilpv. W. G.
lawklns , of North Plattc , and Judge Ma *
son , of Lincoln.
A. D. Buckwortli , of North 1'latte , is
at the Metropolitan.
M. II. Patrick arrived in the city from
lock Creek yesterday.
Kx-U. S. Marshal Daily , of Peru , was
mong yesterday's arrivals In this city.
0. J. Saulisbury , mail contractor , of this
ilty , returned lawt evening from Sidney.
Senator VanWyck loft for his homo
icar Ncbiasko City yesterday afternoon ,
F. A. Woodward , of South Fanningham
i. , reached thin city yesterday with
couple of new locomotlvu cngincti for the
U. P. railway. Ho is at the Canficld
Clms. II. Hendricks , of this city , has
) ccn engaged an correspondent in Omaha ,
'or The Chicago World , n new periodical ,
devoted to the theatre and opera and
Hporting news.
Prof. Shcnvin , the Sunday school work
er , returned lost evening from Hastings.
He will have full direction of the singing
at tha annual Sunday school assembly at
liautauqua Lake , N , Y. , this year.
llev. Dr. E. H. E. Jameson late pas.
Lor of the Baptist church of this city , re
turned yesterday from Saginaw'CityMich. ,
where lie went upon an invitation from
the First Baptist church , of that place ,
with a view of becoming their pastor. It
is probable that Mr. Jameson will accept
the call , and if he does BO he will tender
IIB ! resignation as superintendent of state
missions of Nebraska , to take effect on the
1st of July. The people of Omaha w ill be
sorry to lose Dr. Jameson.
Got Second Places.
Miss Grace E. Gregory , of Grant ,
Nob. , Miss May L. Wagoner of this
city , and Miss Lillie M. Welch , of
Wintorsot , Iowa , started on an equal
footing for the bishop's modal for de
portment in Brownoll Hall. Miss
Welch being the longest a member of
the school , secured the medal. Miss
Anna J. Thomaa , of Fall City , receiv
ed the Chase prize in rhetoric over
Miss Magarot S. Wilson , of thin city ,
after a. public examination.
Born Burned.
A barn belonging to Mr. Smith o !
Shinn's addition , cauglrt fire Thursday
in Bomo unexplained way. A fine
span of horses were in it nt the time
and those were rescued with mucl
difficulty by a boy named Bert Child
who was Hovoroly singed about the
hands and face. The building was
entirely destroyed , but the loss is not
Taking Action.
The Temperance Bee Hive hold
mooting last evening nt the Omaha
City Mission. After some singing
Gen. Estabrook , Mrs. Webber , am
several others addressed the mooting
and finally it was proposed to draw up
a petition on the subject of the recoin
legislation on the license question nnc
present it , when duly signed , to the
grand jury.
Now is the time to buy Golden Eagl
flour as Hour will advance within ;
few days on account of the scarcity o
the wheat crop ,
W. M. YATKS & Co.
Undoubtedly the best shirt in tin
United States is manufactured at th
Omaha Shirt Factory , The suporioritj
of material and workmanship , coni
bined with their great improvements
that is reinforced fronts , reinforcou
backs , and reinforced sleeves , makoc
their shirt the most durable and bes
fitting garment of the kind , eve
manufactured at the moderate pripo o
$1,50 , Every shirt of our make i
guaranteed first-class and will rofun
the money if found necessary.
Wo make a specialty of all wool
Shaker , and Canton flannel , als
chemois underwear , made up with
view to comfort , warmth and durabil
ity , To invalids and weak-lungeu
persons wo offer special' induconumto
in the manner those goods are mad
ortheirprotection. ;
1807 Faniham St
Bankrupt sale , Straw Hats contin-
ics , Great bargains at
IC-Ct FnBDEnicK's , Hatter.
Star Tinted Spectacles ,
Boys' Straw Hals , two for 5cta at
Boston Store 010 Tenth street tf
"A dollar saved is a dollar made. "
Go to W. L. Kidd's and buy gopd
> oot and shoes cheap. Jacobs' block ,
5th strcot. j7-2t
Star Tinted Spectacles ,
'WINE OF CARDUI" for Ladies only.
At C. F. OooJnnn's.
Star Tinted Spectacles ,
The Saratoga Union Sunday school
will give a strawberry and ice cream
ociablo to-morrow ( Saturday ) cvcn-
ng , Juno 18. Members of the school
ia well as the public , are cordially in-
Hod. 17-2t
Star Tinted Spectacles ,
At EDHOLM & EmcKson's.
Any person having weak nnd poor
ight , and smarting of the Eyes ,
hould at once buy a pair of STAR
TINTED Spectacles , they will posi-
ivoly suit , and please you.
EDHOLM & EIUCKKON , Solo agents
or the STAR TINTED Spectacles ,
uid Eye Glasses m gold , silver and
tool frames.
Choice Dairy Butter , 15 cents per
pound , at J. I. Nichols' . 2t
Elegant New Laces , New Lace
Goods , Now Nettings , Ties , Collars ,
3ufls nnd Fancy Goods.
Star Tinted Spectacles ,
There will bo a mooting of the Cas-
idy Cemetery association on Sunday
at 2 o'clock at thoEighthstrcot school
louse. All members are requested to
ttond as business of importance is to
> o transacted. J17-2t
A trill package of "BLACK-DRAUGHT"
ree of charge. "
At C. F. Qoodman
Sixteen street docs not scorn to suf-
'or as much from the dust as Farnham
and other down towm streets , GUILD
& Mo NNIS , the live Dry Goods men
report trato good ,
Star Tinted Spectacles ,
NLNDELL & KIIELLE are selling out
their immense stock of Straw HATS
at COST. If you want a good HAT
CHEAP , call at the sign of the Golden
Eat , 14th street. mon-thur-sat
Star Tinted Spectacles , at
Guild & Mclnnia the dry goods men
are making 10th strcot quite lively ,
their low prices and nice goods draw
crowds daily.
. i * .
Choice Dairy Butter , 15 cents per
pound , at J. I. Nichol's. 2t
Star Tinted Spectacles ,
Celluloid Collars and Cuffs , lowest
prices at Bushman's.
"BLACK-DRAUGHT" cures costiveness -
ness and Sick-Headache.
C F. Goodman s.
Star Tinted Spectacles ,
A special invitation is given to al
the ministers and faiends of temper
once to moot at the Tenth Street Mis
sion this evening , at 7:40 p. m. , to
consider a matter of importance.
- , , . i
Celluloid Collars and CufTs. Low
est Prices. BUSHMAN'S.
Star Tinted Spectacles ,
At Eimout &'.s.
Star TUiitwl Spectacles ,
Cheapest place for boots and shoos
is at W. L. Kiad'e. All goods marked
low. Ono price. Jacobs' block , 119
15th street. j7-2t
Star Tinted Spectacles ,
Mosquitto Netting all Colors 40
cents a piece , of eight yards , at tin
Street , tf
Gilt Edpo Butter just received fron
the form , jar butter 12ic. , per pound
Wsr. YATKS & Co ,
. .
Choice Dairy Butter , 15 cents po
pound , at J , I. Nichol's. 2t
Star Tinted Spectacles ,
Bargains in Dress Goods , Silks
Satins and Fringes at Bushman's.
Stnr Tinted Spectacles ,
Freeh invoice ladies < hand-sow *
shoes at'W. L. Kind's. 'Prices lowe
thaiftrcr seen in OmahaJ172
The "Boston Store" man has a
iost for his customers this week.
ory lady in Omaha should take nd-
antago of this great sale. See on
rst pago. tf
If your eyes smart when you road ,
ou should at once buy a pair of Star
'intcd Spectacles. They wi'l ' rest
our eyes and prevent them getting
rritatod and inflamed. Sold only by
The Jewelers.
Elegant now Laces , now Lace
ioods , now Nettings , Ties , Collars ,
ufls and Fancy Goods at Bushman's.
Star Tinted Spectacles ,
Lawns cheap nt the "Boston Store.
10 Tenth Street. tf
Arrived n new line of Mohairs and
linens. Mons , boys and childrcns
ght weight clothing. ELGUTTERS1
,001 Farnham , corner 10th st. It
Bargains in Dress Goods , Silks ,
atins and Fringes at Bushman's.
A fine line of Gents' Furnishing
xoods nt reduced prices.
eod-2w M. HELLMAN & Co.
Trouble Saved-
It is a remarkable fact that THOMAS'
! CLECTRIO OIL is M good for internal as
xtcrnal use. For diseases of the lungs
nd throat , and for rheumatism , neuralgia ,
rick In * the back/woundi and sores , it is
lie best known remedy , and much trouble
s R.wcd by having it always on hand.
NOTICE Advertisement/ Loan , For Sale ,
x t , Found , Wonts , Hoarding , &a , will bo ln-
orted In these columns once for TEN CENTS
3cr line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVE CENTS
per line. The first Insertion never less than
"OKA AAATO LOAN At 8 per con tin-
& ,40l/.UUU , tercet In sums of 82,500 and
pwarils , for 3 to 5 yaars. on flrst-clara city and
arm property. EHBW Rut. EHTATB and LOAM
.QRXCT , ICth and Doualas Sts.
ONEY TO LOAN Call at Law Offlc * of D.
M1 L. Thomas Room 8. Crciehton Block.
iTrANTED A first-class girl for general house-
YV uork at the southwest cor. of Capitol nve-
ue and ISUi street. 191-20
iTr ANTED A good dairy hand. Inquire at
VV Sams , next to postorlico. 194-20
WANTED A competent , perlcnccd girl In
a family of two as housekeeper , north-
cast cor. 10th and Dodge streets , by
102-20 1IRS. KENNARD.
[ TtTANTED A man to work on alarm noartno
VV thu fairgrounds , north 16th street.
Cook and laundry girl at the Pa-
clfic House. 187-17
A Girl to wash dishes. Apply at
Planters House , comer Dodge and 16th
trect. 188-18
WANTED Good girl for general housework.
Call at the law olllco of Groff it Montgom
cry , over Omala National bonk , 188-18
WANTED-Good Lathers , 41414th street , be
tween Hartley and Howard.
Two good ' "rm hands , six. miles
WANTEC of Waco. Wages 15 to 817.
- clans barber at P. W. Derk.
sen's shading itarlor , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
VV Wholesale Clothing Houses In New York
City , for the coming fall tiadc , experienced salra-
nen. Those hat Ing experience and commanding
a good trade will find this a first clas opportuni
ty. Apply at once , with references to A , B.C. ,
oat office box 308 , Now York City.
'ANTED A dishwasher and laundress atthe
W Emmett House. 158-Ot
. A man and wife to take charge
and do work at Eating House on tttago
road. Address , giving terms , etc. , P. O- drawer ,
2 , city 159-tf
'ANTKD A first clam baker. None other
W need apply at Sew ard bakery S v < ardNeb ,
A GIRL WANTED At 511 Walnut street- Will
_ \ _ pay four dollara a week for a good girl. II
P. Col :
WANTED By a steady man aged 34 , abstain
er , a situation In a wholesale or retal
etoro or drh o a groceni wagon. Is not afraid ol
work. Can give substantial security If required
Apply or addreea James IloUiwell , 1011 Da > enpor
rtreet , Omaha. 14B-1I
Offloo boy. Stout and active
WANTED It. O. Dun & Co. , 21S south 14th lit
WANTED Two boarders. Young men pro
ferred. Addrcaa "A. " Bee office. 140-tf
-fTITANTED-Hltuatlon ai housekeeper. Widow
YV er8 'ainlly preferred. No objection to go
In country. Addrou O. E. , Bee Office. 130 t
A girl for general housework
WANTED a family. North side of Chicago
between 17th and Ibth streets. MRS. KSTA
BROOK. 118-tf
'ANTED Two med to work in garden on
W north cud of 18th street. H. W. BAIL.
W PANTED A Curntcr and hU wile. Apply
next toDceolllco. Dl-tf
' Kundlnp bridge and school bonds
WANl'ED Clark , Uellevue. 20 tf
ALL AT MRS. B. E. CLARKE'S No. 1 Board
\J Ing House , cor , 13th and Dodge Sts. Bes
lnth city. 10-tf
and cabinetmakers wanted.
CARPENTERS $2 to 83 per day. Inquire nex
to Bee office. 060-t
CTrANTED A hituatJon by a man of family
VV steady , Industrious and willing to be use
ful In any honorable oapaclty. Compensation ae
cording to capability. Please adJrexd J. E. II ,
cars of USK office. 004-tf
OUSK3 AND LAND Bemls rents houses
j _ . stores , hotels , farms , loU , lands , office
roomf , etc , See 1st page ,
nOU HENT A furnished cottage at 005 norti
18th street-cheap. Jel7-St
RENT Furnished room , suitable for on
FOR two gentlemen , southeast cor , 19th an
Farnhoui. 186-20
RI-NT Cottage of thrco rooms , cellar
FOR ell nnd cistern , corner 23d and Clark street
Enquire of MW. . KEhNEDj ,
IlKNT I Neatly furnished front room a
FOR Cumlug street , bet. 17th and | 8th sU.
RENT Front furnished room for t
FOB . Inquire at 1610 Dodge. 179-3t
T OR RENT House on 10th , nortn of Grac
1 } 'ktrcut. ' Inquire at 09018th tre t. or of r
A. Haskell , "BcV office. 170-U
T\Ott \ RENT From , July 1st. Dwelling hous
J } 8. E. corner Ibth and Chicago streets. 3
per month , B. Lehman , JSl-tl
L' rarnbam rtrwt , between 16th " "Kth.
-ITIOR RENT-Fumlohtd rtxira ftt 1Mb nd Hat-
} nejulUUe lor t o persons. Inquire on
710RKKNT Front rurmrtiwl room lor two
J fftnta. Inquire > t 1519 Podga. 0 ° - "
fiWR RKKT-A furnWicd1 rent room l SCO ,
Farnham , b t con ICth and 17th , 718
HO LCT-A furnUhcd room to let wMh tawl J
L' frYv&uTfttmUr. "inquire it"No. . Co74 JTUi
trcct , Omahx * i "
tlIlKNT Nlcclr furnl hfd Urite room RnU
J piano .3. W. corner 18th nd CopM Avo.
BKNT On first Hoer , turrlnhcd rocma ,
J southwest comer 19ti and Da enport.
70R RENT-FurnUhed rooms. Inquire at 1818
J Chicago eUeet. O90' "
T10R HKN'T ThoTiuilJInc 1000 Hurt ( ttoet ,
1 formerly usol by John Cane an the London
meat market. Some butcher tools for Mile. Ap-
> ly on the prcnJ c or of John Baumer , 1314
nrnham itrect. 696- "
7\OR RENT 2 furnished room * o cr MM.
J chants' Eichangc.N. E. cor. 16th and Dodge
reot * . 28911
t EMIS' NEW CITY MAPS.Kc. See l t page
" ORSALK Ooodhoufowlth four rooms and
1 half lot. No. 2013 DodBO between 20th and
7th etreot. ClooJ well and shade trees ; house In
oed condition. Inquire on premises. 1DO-20
IIORSALH AROOdhcn y horse , wagon and
J hnrncwu. Inquire at the Now Vork Hat
ompany. 180-18
U SALK-A Mills portable cnpmo ot 10
1 horse power. Very economical of fuel and
ater. Jacketed with wood and ro > ored with
tussla Iron , brass bound In locomothcstjle , oil
overnor , automatic \ahca , bnuw boxes , oil cups ,
lass w ater ( ruaKC.steoin force pumpa and Han
cock patent inspirator. Complete , In good order
nd nearly new. Reason for nelllntr , we wuh to
Ithdraw from bunlnexi outelda of our regular
manufacturing. Write to Greenwich Manufac-
urlnifCo. Grecnnlch , Ohio. 04-lm
170R SALE CHBAP-One aero ground , south
L1 end 10th street , llounc of four roonw , barn ,
i tcm. small fruit , etc. Terms rwwonablo En-
uLio 1717 Cumlnca street , between 17th and 18th
streets. 09-Bt cod
- . . - . . SALE A malt engine , 11. W. Payne *
J Son't make. In ptHect owlcr. Inquire of H.
} . Clark & Oo. SO-tf
70RSALK An almost new phaeton bufrgy at
J A. J. Simpson's carriage factory. 31U
7\OH SALE On easy terms , a heuso of 6 rooms
J with lot 60x140 18th St. , between Nickels
ndPaul. Enquire at 1140. 2M1
7K > K SALE Lease and furniture of a tirst-claas
J" hotel in a town of 1300 Inhabitants , in fitato
t Kcbraska ; has 24 beds ; the traveling men's ro
K > rt. Inquire at BEE ofllco. 218-tf
70R SALE T\vo-etoryhouso and part lot , near
depot. Location good. John L. JlcCOffUc
pp Poet Office. 8M-tf
T10E SALE Largo lot ana two good bouses at
T * 3,000.
House and lot In South Omaha at $1,200.
House and lot In North Omaha at 81,600.
House and port of lot near California streot.Sl ,
Small house and full lot at &SO.
Inquire of Jno. L. McCaguc , opposite postoflloe.
iiOU SALE House and lot 33x132 ; suitable for
< warehouse. Inquire of Peterson , 10th St.
OB SALE Several good lota In lliven-iew ad-
J dition. John L. UcCague , Opp. Post Office.
710H SALE 2 acres ground in West Omaha.
J Inquire of J. Henry , No. 116 16th. 873-tf
SALE Maps of Douglas and Sarpy coun
FOR . A. KOSEWATEK , 1620Farnham street
1st page.
B EMIS' HEAL ESTATE BOOM. See 1st page ,
niOK SALBThree good lots In North Omaha ,
D at 81,000.
Lot In Shlnn's addition at S4SO.
Lot In South Omaha at (450.
Beautiful residence lot at 81,600.
Good corner lot 148x100 , an caetfrontage at
Three lota one square fromlEth street car line ,
450 each.
Inquire of Johnli. McCogue , poetof&ce.
BEMIS has rattling long lists bf houses , lots ,
lands and 'farms for sale. Cell and gel
TJAKEN UP. Black pony , n\e or si\ > ears old.
184-18 WoBtof Redick's Ore c-
1AKEN UP White heifer : some red around
JL thonctk. S. II. Miller , Wllcox Place , south
of Shot Tower , on Bclle\uc road. 173-4t
T OST Two cow jone nearly white with roan
XJ neck , about hlx years old. The other is rec
ind w hito cow , about three > enrs old. Any in
tormationconccrnlnijwillbe received at my res
idence on 19th street , between Harney and How.
ard , or at this olfice. J. HANSEN.
1(18-31 (
FOR SALE A pair of workhorses , wagon one
haniotw. Inquire at 1514 Douglas street.
ISS EDSON Uusic Teacher Graduate o
Rockford conservatory of music. Rel
ence. Dr. Dinsmoore'fl , Capital a\cnuo and 18th
street. 146-18
1T10UND SUvcr watch. Inquire nt this office
A * * "
TTMBRELLAS And I'arasoia repaired by U
U SCHUTT llth and Farnam its. 7&0tf
M. BnOWN-Corner 12th and Chicago
. streets , Is ready to bore or deepen wells ,
'action guaranteed. & 03U
mEAMS Can be got at John Ilarr s stable to
JL all kinds of work at reasonable figures , neater
tor 13th and Loavenworth streets. 378-tf
TTvONT FORGET The successors of the Amer
\J lean House , on Douglas street , between Bt
and 10th , for board. lodging and transient ens
jomcrs. Rc pecttully
Absolutely Pure.
* Made from Crupe Cream Tartar. No otncrpre
arpatlon uukcs such light , flakyliot breads , o
luxurious pastry. Can be cat n by Dyspeptic
without fear of thellU resulting from hua > y Ind
gvatlble food. Sold only In cans , by all Grocery.
New York.
,000,000 Acres
, ow rnicE OF 30 , 58 , AND 810 PER ACIIE ,
Douglas , Sarpy and WasMngton
Including Elegant Residences , Business
, nd Mcaidciico Lots , Cheap Houses and
kits , and a largo number of Lots in most of
ho Additions of Omaha.
Also , Small Tracts of 5,10 and 20 ncrcca
n nnd near the city. We hove good oppor-
unitiea for ranking Loans , nnd in all cases
> eteonally examine titles and take every
irccnution to Insure safety of money so
io ow wo offer n email list of SPECIAL.
Real Estate Brokers ,
North. Side of Farnham Street ,
Opp , Grand Central Hotel ,
IAD CAI C A beautiful residence lot on
Uli OHLC California between 22nd and
23d streets , $1600.
CAI C Very nice house and lot
OHLC on Oth and Webster streets ,
rfth barn , coal house , well cistern , shade nnd
rult trees , ever ) thing complete. A desirable
licce ol property , figures low
CAI C Splendid busincs lots S. B.
OMLC corner of 10th and Capitol
O'Jtl f House and lot corner Chicago
OHLC and 21st streets , $ 000.
CAD QAI C Largo' house on Diucnpork
"Uli OHLC street between 11th and 12th
( Oop location ( or boarding house. Owner nil )
ell low BOQGS&HILL.
CAI C Two new houses on full lot
OHLC In Kountze & Ruth's ndtU-
Ion. This property will be sold very cheap ,
" " " - " '
EOK SALE A top phcaton. Enquire of Jas.
Stephcnson. 994-tt
CflD CAI C Corner of two choice Iota In
PUn OHLC Shlnn'a Addition , request teat
at once submit best cosh offer.
offer.BOGGS & HILL.
CAI C A oed and desirable rcsi-
OHLC dence property , J1000.
Ar IM r RESIDENCE Not in the market.
r IIIC On er will sell for 96,500.
CflD CAI C * KOCHl 'ot ' i Shlnn's 3d ad
rUli OALC dltlon * 160 tach.
rnn CAI C A very fine residence lot , to
rUn OHLC some party desiring to build
a fine house , $2iOO. ! BOGGS & HILL.
TAD CAI C About 200 lota in Kountze &
rUlf OHLC Ituth's addition , just south
of tit. Mary's avenue , $450 to § 600. These lots
are near business , surrounded by fine improve
ments and ore 40 per cent cheaper than nny other
ots In the market. Save money by buying these
iols. BOGGS & HILL.
CflD CAI C 10 lots , suitable for fine rcsl-
lUn OHLC dcncc , on Park-Wild a\enuc ,
3 blocks S. K. of depot , all cohered with fine largo
trees. Price extremely low. WOO to f700.
CAI C Some very cheap lots in
OHLC Lake's addition.
CAI C Cheap corner lot , corner
OnLC Douglas nnd Jefferson Sta.
CAI C 03lot * on 26th , 27th , 28th ,
OHLC20th and 30th SU , between
Farnham , Douglas , and the proponed extension of f J
Dodge street. Prices range from 9200 to WO. , J
We luxe concluded to give men of small means ,
one more chance to secure a home and will build
houwa on these lots on small paymcnta , and will
eell lota on monthly payments.Bonos
Bones & HILL.
CAI C 160 acres , 0 miles from city ,
OHLC about 30 acres very choice
> alley , with running water ; balance geutly rolling
prririe , only 3 miles fjorn rallaoad , $10 per acje.
CAI C < 00 acras In one tract twelve
OHLC miles from city ; 40 acres cul
tivated , Living tjyrlngof water , some nice val
leys. The laud Is all Brst-class rich prairie. Price-
10 per acre. BOGGS & HILL.
CflD CAI C 720 lucres In one body , 7 miles )
rUn OHLC west of Fremont , la all Icel
land , pjoduclug heavy growth of grass , in high
valley , rich soil and | inles. from railroad and
side track , In good settlement and no better land
can be found. HOGGS & HILL.
PHP. QAI IT A highly Improml farm of
rUn OHLC 240acres , 3 mills from city.
rlne Improvements on this land , owner not a
practical farmer , determined to sell. A good
opening for some man of means.
means.BOGGS & HILL.
Cfl.B CAI C 2,000 acres of land near Mil-
fUn OHLC land Station , 3,600 near LUk. A-
horn , S3 to $10 ; 4,000 acres In north part of county - ,
ty , 17 to 810 , 3,000 acres 2 to 8 miles from Flor
ence , 15 to 310 ; 5,000 acres west of the Elkhorn ,
f4 to 810 ; 10,000 acres scattered through the conn-
tyje to $10.
The aboxe lands He near and adjoin nearly
etery farm in the county , and can mostly be sold
on small cash paj merit , with the balance in 1-2-3-
4 and 5 > car's time. BOGOS k HILL.
Cfl D C A I C Several fine residences prop
rUn OHLC ertlea never before offered
an J not known in the market ax being for sale ,
Locations nill only bo m&du known to purclmscra
"meanlnr buslnes. , BOGOS K HILL.
lmpro > e farms around Omaha , and In all parts of
Douglas , Sarpy and Washington counties , Also
farms lu Iowa. Fsr description and pricts call on
I f | Business Lots for Sale on Farnam and Doug. / |
IU Us etrcits , from 53,000 to 33.600. I
EC/ID CAI C 8 biulncsa lots next west
krUn OHLC of Masonic Temple price
ad anccd of J2.000 eaUi. BOGGS i HILL
CAI C 3 business lots west of Odd
OHLC Fellows block , $2 WO each.
FOR SALE I business lots south side
Douglas street , between litb
and 13th , 1.3,50 * each. 110CCS & HILL.
ICO acre * , ocvc'red withouii | {
_ _ , , - , , , _ timber ; ihing VaUr , "iui.
rounded by Improved rmt , only 7 toilei front
clt , . Cheapen land onhaml. * i