6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATU31DAY JUKE 18 1881. POETRY OP THE TIMES , . ' i - , , TTp the Spout. f i Mftry'hsul n little lamp , V And tried to blow it out , The i > aPcr ctntcs tlint Mary went , Klght up the golden cpout. These Little Gloves. A little pair of glove * that yet Uetaln the smell of clover , And just ft lingo of mignonette , 1 turn them vaguely o\cr , And mm el how the girl I klmeO , That night he promised to bo tmo , Conld jmn n number seven fist Into paltry1 number two. Woman's Right- Yes , God 1ms made mo n uoumn , And I am content to bo tTucttthat Ho meant , not reaching out Tor other thinpc , hinoo Ho "Who knows mo bent nnd IOVCH me most han ordered thU for inc. A woman , to ll\o my life out In quiet , womanly vrnyr , . Hearing the far olT futile , Seeing TVS through n haze crowding , Ktni { , ' llng world of men fight through their busy ( Jftyn. [ Hasan C'oolidge. A I > ay of tbo Golden Wont. .MOVITll THK 1-1IWT % 1UNB. I nin n riifitling Tenderfoot , I'm laying for a claim ; Cnn any of you rwUern put A fellow on the RILUIC ? I ain't n hog , I don't want much A thousand to the ton , or such. MONTH THK HECONK JULY. 3 ara n peaceful Tenderfoot , I'm looking for a chance tlo join onmo fortunate galoot 'Hint's struck n circuiiiHtancc. 1 ain't a hog , I don't want much A hundred to the ton , or nucli. ilONTII TIIK Tllini ) AUOL'HT. 3 am n Ktniggling Tenderfoot , I'm hunting for Rome pnrd Tliat'a got the downright moral root To play n grub stake card. 3 ain't a hog , I don't Want much A burro , enn of beans , or mull. MONTH THE KOUI1TH RKPTHMnun. ' 1 nm a , weary Tenderfoot , I want some eastern bum . Within my hand hU hand to put . And nweetly murmur "Homo , " 4 I ain't n hog , I don't want much .An empty through freight car. or inch. N. 1' . DAUCOUK , in Gunnuon 'Nowa ZIOTO and Pain. Iknton Globe. "I love you , llttlo Bwcothoart , " He in tender accents lutid , "And I love yo\rtoo , " ho answered , AH she bent her pretty head , -And the stnrn looked down from hcaron On the tctc-a-tctc charming - - , AH the pair of youthful love1 Gently Hwung upon the gate , "Ye * , I love you , " oho Hoftly murmured 1 Looking up at him again , " .Holy mackerel ! Gee MOOCH ! " Answered ho in direst pain , 3-or , alas ! wo never know the Ingenuity of fate , jVnd love that bctrnjH us often To a inched thumb in the gate. WAS IT A DREAM ? A Personal RomlnlBOonoo- 1 ( in the 29th of August , 1802,1 was in the Union army , and the regiment to which I belonged was deployed ns skirmishers in front of Longstrcot's ( Confederate ) corps , not far from Gainesville , Va. During the day ihoro was'Bomo desultory firing on the part of the opposing forces , but in sustained ongagolnont , although wo continued to press upon the enemy until darkness settled down and put an end to further maneuvers. At nightfall I , with , four or five companies of my command , remained in the position occupied during the day , while the rest of the regiment detailed * fqr picket duty , advanced nome distance to the Trout. I was in excellent health and spir its , but being grcally fatigued , fol1 asleep almost. immediately after tin arrangements for the night had boon perfected , and BOOI began to dream For Bomb considerable tjmu. mj mind wandered Jo vor events or dwelt upon scones \vhiph wore familiar , and winch , upon awakening , I found no diniculty in locating. After a while , however , I wandered into a dreamland whcio , nil seemed utrango. I fancied myself lying in n Jino of battle with my comrades in a piece of timber fringing nil open field of some considerably extent , the far ther side of vhich sloped gently up ward , forming a ridge parallel to our front. Upon this ridge I could plainly distinguish something like n dozen cannon , and could BOO the Confederate aiiilleryniofi resting upon tHe earth or lounging in littlb groups about their guns , as distinctly aa I could Imvo done with my natural vision. I could also porciovo the puffs of smoke from the rifles of the enemy's .sharpshooters , and hoar the reports of 1 I their fire-arms , and the ping and thud of the bullets. I might nero mention , ns a further description of the field , that the wood in which wo lay was quite clear of underbrush ; that wo oc cupied the odga nearest the foe , with a rail fence between us and the cleared Bimco of which I Imvo spoken , and that this fence some 300 yards , inora or less , to our right , turned oft"at aright angle and ran quito up to the confed erate lines. As was the case where ivo lay , so it was on our right. The fence separated the cleared field from tho.timbor , which latter constituted two'sides of a parallclograin , the uncle being , as already observed , not far from the right wing of my regiment. While I was taking in these details , : md experiencing meanwhile thu pe culiar sensations whicl\ sometimes an noy oven old campaigners when com pelled to remain inactvio under n dropping fire , I thought an order came for us to chqrgo the butteries be < foio us. The regiment arose , formed a line , btartbd out from thu timber , and in- atantancously the guns upon the heights boypnd opened fire. As wv tOS8od on I Kuy men full as though killed or wounded , and heard all the varj < ) us sounds und. din of battle- About midway the field , running parallel with our line , I noticed a de pression commonly called by farmers u "dead furrow11-H being the "finish- ing-oiT1 place in a ploughed field , We passed over this and continued oui charge across the open space and uj the slope almost to the very muzzlei of the canon comrades falling l > ) ttcoren at evor'y etop and tlun , idl al once , wo seemed to bo enveloped ii iin almost ; Impenetrable darkness , Mj ' notifies 'wore loft blank. The nex moment however , light returned , am I was lying upon the giound , lightim tjll going on about me , but whetbei T1 wounded or not , my dream , or what ever it "wns , did not inform mo. While thus helpless and prostrate , I gated about mo and saw , n , short dis tance in the rear of the guns , a small cabin , and in its gable , which was to ward me , a window. About the building wcro grouped many Bounded men , some standiiiK , others lying down. Tn the immed iate vicinity of myself there seemed to bo hundreds who had fallen in the contest. . Casting my eyes in the direction from whence wo had come , 1 behold the remnants of my command in full retreat. I also noticed the sun , which was shining brightly , and ap peared to bo in the vicinity of an hour above netting. At this point I was awakened from slumber , and learned the time to bo about 2 p. in. of August 2 ! > . Haying my dre.im as 1 considered it , in mind , I made inquiries and ascertained that during my nap everything had re mained unusually quiet , only a. few shots having been exchanged on the picket line. An hhur afterward \so were on the march for Manassas and the battle field of Oroveton. I inust confess that the realistic character of my excogitations during sleep affected mo considerably ; nnu all the moro because the scenery de picted waa altogether strange. My memory , though questioned to the ut termost , failea to recall any locality through which 'I had over passed at all resembling it. Consequently J feU unusually gloomy and depressed in spirits , and all the morning carried in my heart a presentiment , the nature of which can scarcely bo described , of approaching evil. The old battle-field of Bull Run was readied early in the forenoon , and about 12m. . wo were advanced a milo or so to the nortward , where wo wore assigned our position in the line of battle then forming. The station occupied by my regiment - mont happened to bo in a picco of timber skirting an open field , which terminated at the distance of some 5CK > or COO yards in front of us in a ridge crowned with several confeder ate batteries , the guns in plain sight. The enemy's sharpshooters lay in front of their artillery , concealed from view , but the puffn of smoke from their muskets sufiiciontly indicated their locality , and disclosed the fact that our opposite lines were p.irallol. On our left the country was open , but in the opposite direction , begin ning at a distance of some 300 yards from our riJit , the timber extended up to and beyond the ridge already described. The excitement consequent upon the fighting going on about mo and the skirmish firing drove my dream tem porarily out oi mind , althouphjts im pressions were allowed to remain. About D o'clock in the afternoon , as I should judge , wo were ordered to charge the position in our front ; and tlitV various regiments of the brigade , my own occupying the second place from the loft , advanced to the danger OUB undertaking. , Moving from our place of shelter , wo were greeted with a terrific showo er of grape , cannister and shell , the first discharge of which encountered us as wp wore climbing or in some manner getting over or past a worn fence of some five or six rails high , and which had intervened between ourselves and the cleared field beyond. When about half the distance to the ridge had boon traversed , one of the men nearest to mo fell ; and although wo wcro going at the double quick , I noticed as I hastily glanced down at him , that ho had fallen in n "dead furrow , " which the regiment was just crossing. . I might hero observe that , while lying in the timber , it , the field , the ridge , everything , in fact , about me , seemed strangely familiar , and so did the "dead furrow , " but yet the events of the night previous did not recur to mo. I nas thinking of something else nboutthat time. "Wo charged ahead anil reached the hill. The enemy's gunners led. The crest was almost gamed , as wo ( or at least , I ) thought , when suddenly I was enveloped in total darkness. A pressure upon my throat , a ringing in my ears as , though "my head was plunged into a stream of running water ; a sensation of dizziness , numb ness , suffocation , and of falling , and then a shock as I struck the ground ; how well I romombur it all now. The concussion of the fall seemed to restore my sight ( consciousness had n6vor loft mo ) and to this day thoill , : cidonts transpiring are as fresh as though they had occurred within the year. year.For instance : While I was mo mentarily reeling , just at the time of being hit , preparatory to a fall ever backward , I hoard a comrade remark : "There goes " ( mentioning my name ) , and 1 roinomber thinking , even while on my way down to kiss Mother Earth with the back of my head , that I was "gone,1' instead of going But to continue : So soon after falling as possible , I constituted my self a uoard of survey to ascertain and assess the damages sustained , and forthwith entered upon tho'investiga tion , I found that , as a personal matter , the injuries wore quite serious a tninnio ball having penetrated my throat , passing between the jugular and windpipe , and found an exit at the buck of my nock , quite low down , and clcso by thu spiho , which it slightly fractured. After making up and sending in this report , and doing what I could tu staunch the flow of blood by forcing into the wound some lint and a hand e kerchief Ifoituuately had with mo , 1 crawled , us best I could , in my para lyzed , condition , to a moro sheltered position , which , however , was ex ceeding dillicult to find. It , was the hottest place I waa evoi in , and hotter than any I hope for ir the future , The losses were terrible , moro than half my comrades boinj either killed or wounded , the othni regiments of the brigade sulToriny - in proportion. Speaking of hot places in b.ittlo , oiu does not cannot understand fullj what tiey ) are until he is struck dowi on the field , there to Ho , utterly help loss , v'liilo bullets aio singing am liumming , like ton hundred thousam swarms of boos , pattering upon thi ground and casting. up little puffs o duat'or dirt , as the rain drops durhi | a heavy shower dp the waters of i lake , or crushing into the bone o striking with a dull thud the quiver ing flcph while grape and cannistor shot and shell are howling , hissing , screaming over and ab'out his pros- tralo form 1 Bay ono must needs ex- pcrienco all theio things in order to fully understand the meaning of the term "a hot place. " Then , if ho think at all , he will in cline to the belief that the cauldron of hell , with thu cover off , is but as an ice cavern when compared with the particular locality fate has fated him to occupy , The fighting continued only a short limo after I fell but. be fore it was fairly over , still in search of a place of safety , I dragged myself into the cut of an abandoned railroad , which ran along the hillside almost at its summit , and where the Confeder ate army had lain. As I did this I caught a glimpse of a small _ cabin standing just beyond the batteries wo hud so vainly attempted to capture. I could perceive the roof , and as low down as the eaves. The gable stood facing mo , nnd in it was a small window. At this moment I remembered my visions of the previous night. In stinctively I turn d and looked in the directions of my comrades , Tlioy were in full retreat , followed up by the victorious foe. The sun was low down in the heavens , just as I hud seen in my sleep , Soon afterward the confederates carried mo back to the cabin. Hun dreds of our wounded were there ns well ns many of the enemy's besides n largo number of men who had died. Everything corresponded with what I had gazed upon hours before. The vision was verified. Now comes the curious feature of the case. The nearest I had over been to thu locality described , previous to thu day upon which I was wounded , waa upon the old Bull Run battle-field , some two miles distant , nnd from which it was absolutely impossible to got oven a limited view of the field upon which I lay. I had never scon a sketch or a photograph of the country , nor read a description of it or hoard it described. These are facts beyond controversy. How , then , is the matter to bo ex plained ? Was it simply a remarka ble coincidence , or is the circumstance to bo properly classed among these strange cases of "second sight ; " of which wo .rend ? I can understand nn ordinary drcnm , for the visions which it brings to view are almost invariably based upon some incic nt of the past. The visions may bo grotesque or distorted , but yet , if wo search long and carefully enough , wo can reasonably account for them. As heat will often restore the date upon a coin otherwise undistinquishnblc , so sleep will frequently restore , through the acency of dreams , scones nnd events long since forgotten and gene from the recollection during waking hours. But if the coin never bore a date , then nothing remains to bo re stored. And if there bo no founda tion in fact , how can a simple dream bring to view scones through which the dreamer subsequently passes that are v6rified in every important partic ular by his actual experience ? It is n knotty problem , and ono have again and again endeavored to solve , but without success. The facts are submitted ns they ac tually presented themselves in my case , and lot him who can , or thinks ho cnn , furnish the key that shall explain - plain them satisfactorily. FARMERS AND MECHANICS. If you wish to avoid great danger and trouble , besides a no small biil of expense , at this season of the year , you should take prompt stops to keep disease from your household. The system should bo cleansed , blood puri fied , stomach and bowels regulated , and prevent and cure diseases arising from spring malaria. } Vo know of nothing that will so perfectly and surely do this as Electric Bitters , and at the triflng cost of fifty cents a bet tlo. [ Exchange. Sold By Ish & McMahon. (1) ( ) Tlio Bound. Unloosed Chas , Tlmmman , Franklin street , Buf fain , sayH : "I liavo miiuircd for n long time with coiiuti\tii | : ] , nnd tiiod almost every purgative advertised , but only resulting in temporary relief , mid after 'constipation htill moro aggravated. ' I wan told about your SritiNd BLOSSOM nnd tried it. 1 can now gny 1 niu cured , and tlumuli BOIIIO months Lave elapsed , utill icmniii HO , I xlmll , however , nlvvnyH keep Bomb on hand in COBO of old complaints reluming. " Price no cento , trial bottlea 10 ceutH , lUoodlw. GREATEST HEMEDY KNOWN. Dr. King's Now Discovery for Con sumption is certainly the grcntcat medical remedy over placed within the roach of Buffering humanity. Thou sands of once helpless sufferers , no > v loudly proclaim their praise for this wonderful discovery to which they owe their lives. Not only does it posi tively cure Consumption , but Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay Fcvor , Hoarseness and all affections of the Throat. Chest and Lungs yields at once to its wonderful curative pow er as if by magic , Wo do not ask you to buy a largo oottlo unless you know what you aso getting. Wo therefore earnestly request you to call on your drUugists. TKH & jfoMAHON. and got a trial DOttio free of cost which will con vince the most skeptical of its-wonder ful merits , and show you what a regu lar ono dollar size bottle will do. For solo by Ish & McMahon. (4) ( ) To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J , B , Simpson's Specific H Is a poiitiroiurv for Spermstorrhca , Scinlna Weokneas , Inipotancy , and all dUoaiui resulting from Belf-Abuss , M Mental Anxiety , Lom o Memory , 1'uins In tlie Back or Side , aud diseases that had to Consumption Insanity and ancarlygrave The Specific Medicine Is being ; used with wonder * ful BUCCCSS. , 1 I'amphleU scut free to all. Write lor them and get full mr- tlculars. Price , Specific , $1.00 per package , or llx pack. gei for * } .00. Address all orders to II. S1MSON MEDICINE CO. Nos. 104 and 109 Main Bt. liutlalo , N. V. Sold In Omaha by v 0. V. Goodman. . . . . J , W. Ikll , . . ' ' - i J. K. lah , and all NOTICE. Olllicrt Wesson wilt take notice that on the SOtli d > of April , A. D. J881 , the County Judged DougUs County , Nebraska , isiuid on ordtrol attAcbmcut for the cum of 20 in an aitlon iicnd Ing before him. v herein Arthur A. 1'arkerli plalntllf , and Uitbcrt Wcskon , defendant ; thai property , to-wlt : rMnds rm e been attached un. tier ktld order. Bald caiue was continued to the etn day of July , 1U1 , at 9 o'clock a. in. AUTHUKA. 1'ARKEK , Great German REMEDY ron nfffill NEURALGIA , SCIATICA , LUMBAGO , BACKACHE , GOUT , SORENESS or Tin CHEST , flUirw limn SORE THROAT , QUINSY , SWELLINGS AMD SPRAINS , FflOSTED FEET isn EARS , AMD SCALDS , GENERAL BODILY PAINS , TOOTH , EAR AUD HEADACHE , AKD All oilier Pains inn ACHES. No 1'rtpAritlon on earth ( quilt flt. Jlconi OIL > l a Sir * . JUJtr , nxrn tnl cni r Ksterntt Reined/ . A trill enttlli tmt the eomptrnllrelf trifling outliy of M Ctts , Hid ertrjr out suffering with j. i un hirt cteip and pclllln proof of JU clilmi. DIBRrriONS IR IIBTCX L1KOCAOEB. SOI.D IT All DIUOaiSTJ AND OEAltlS IN MtOICIKt. A. VOGELER & CO. /inftttnore. Hfd. , U.S. A- Baswitz & fells , OMAHASHOESTORE 1422 Douglas St. LARGE STOCK , GOOD GOODS , LOW PRICES. Burt & Mears' Qonts' Shoes and Ladies' Fine Shoes a Specialty. Jc3-cod6m GrEO. H. PARSELL , M. D. Roomi In Jacobs' Block , up stairs , corner Cap tal avcnuo and Fittrenth-street. IlcjiJcnce.14- Sherman avcnuo. May bo consulted at rcsldcn 'rom ' 7 to 0 p. m. , except Wednesday ! . HPBCIAUTT Obstetrics anil Diseases of Worn * ifflco hourt , 9 to 11 a. in. and 2 to 4 p. m. ; Sun lays 0 to 7 D. m. m2-6m AND STILL THE LION CONTINUES TO Boar for Moore ( s ) Harness AND Saddlery. o ( O CQ CQI tH I O CO I have adopted the Lion UB & Trade Mule , am all my uooda will bo STAMPED with the LION and ray NAME on the same. NO QOOD3 ARP GENUINE WITHOUT THE ADOVE STAMPS The best material Is u l and the moil skills workmen are employed , and at tbo lowest cas prlco. An ) one wishing a price-Hit of good wl confer & favor by tending for one. DAVID SMITH MOORE. AGENTS WANTED rOB OUB NEW BOOK , BIBLE FOR THE YO UNO,1 being the Story of the Scriptures , by Rev. Oeorg Alexander Crook , V. i ) . , In simple and attractlv anguaga for old and j ong. Vrofurely tllustra ted , making a most Interesting and ImprcssU } outh Instructor , Ever } ' parent will secure thin work , rruuliers , voiithould circulate It. 1'rico $3.00. Send for circulars with extra terms , J. 1,1. C1IAMIIEU3 & CO. Bt. LoulJ Ho. DR. G , B. RICHMOND ( Formerly Assistant PhvelcUn In Chicago Ob stctrfc Hcwplul , for Treatment of Disease of Women under Dr. II ) ford. ) Will devote myentlreattentlon to Obstetrics , Medical and Surclcal Diseases of Women. Office , 1403 Karnhitn Sv. Hours , 0 a. m. to and 2 to 6 p m. . mlO-tf MBS. LOUISE MOHR , Graduate of the St. Leuls School of Mldvtlvej , GOO California Street , Between Flfteent and Sixteenth , north side , u hero calls v ill be promptly roepom cxl to at any hour durlnj Uio day or nlgbL If jou wont something to sell fast In 4QENTS All the people vantit proflU bb/ , e at once to the Boston Lamp Co. , M7 Washlngtonlutrcft , lloston , Mass. Their DOW lamp burner ulth the Hyde Wick attachment , makca kerosene lamp * burn evenly , It has TWO small liand nbeels Instcads of OM each wheel controlling a corner , or one-half the wick. Belli at sight. Firs ANY LAwr. Terms to agents , 2 , IS , and M 60 per doz. Retail price , Si , U and CO ctnte. batmiles cent to agents by mail for U conta. 176-17 R , M. STOKE , M. D , Central Practitioner and Obitttriciai Office opposite Test Office , over EJholra Ji Ericksou's , Kesldiiice , S107 Cbl capo Bt. MITSKUPP , CISTERN BUILDER .BRICKLAYER & PLASTERER , 1118 SUKIUIAN AVENUE , North of ICth Strae ( Bridge , OMiiU , Kr Good cipcriencc And firut-dias rccoimuendatlon \SKFZ \ 'VEGETABLEmLSa M C DICIN C > , NOT'fi DRlNK Mothers , Wives , Daughters , Sons , Fathers , rllnlstcrs , Teachers , Dullness Men , Farm * rs , Mechanics , ALL should bo wirmxl against iliiK andlntnxluclnic Into their HOMES Nol- nuns and Alcoholic remedies. Have no such rejudlce ajraliitor , fear of "Warner's Safe onlc Bitters.They are what the * arc claimed n lie liArinlc-d AX milk , and contain otilj inctll- nal virtue ? . Extract of \cRctablcsonly , hey tlo not belong to that das * known an "Cure- ll , " but only profc" to reach cases where the i cato originates In Hebllltatcd frainci and I in ure blood. A perfect Spring and Summer icillcinc. Thorough Dlood Purifier. A Tonic Appe tiser. Icanant to the taste , InvlKorntlne to the body. ho most eminent phjgltmns recommend them art heir curative propcrtlc.it. Once used nluaa referred. referred.JL'JfcfSZ" JL'JfcfSZ" M73BC3E31MC. For the Kldneys'Llver and Urinary cream , so nothing "WARNER'S SAFE KIDNEY and IVER CURE. " It stands Unrivalled. Thous- ndnovvc their health and happiness toll. Price , .26 per bottle. We offer "Warner's Sato Tonic Itttrs" with equal confidence. H. H. WARNER , Rochester , N. Y. Jc 10-tu-th-bat-ly Burdock Mrs. J. 0. Robertson , PIttsburff , 1'a.vrltcj , "I oa suffering from general debility , want of ap- ctltc , conntlpatlon , etc. , so that llfo as ft bur- en ; after using Ilunlock Hloocl flitters I felt bet- > r than for years. I cannot praise your Bitters 10 much. " U. Olbbs , of Buffalo , N. Y. . writes : "Your unlock Illood Bittern , in chronic diseases of the load , liver and kidneys , lm\c been slgnallj larked with success. I have used them myself ith bent results , for torpidity of the liver ; and n case of a friend of mine suffering from dropsy , 10 effect was man clous/ ' Bruce Turner , Rochester , N. Y. , writes : I have ccn subject to serious disorder of the kldnejR , nd unable to attend to business ; Ilunlock Blood liters relieved me before half a bottle was used , feel confident that they will entirely euro me. " K. Ascnlth Hall , Blnghampton , N. Y. writes : I suffered w 1th a dull pain through my left ing and shoulder. Lost my npirlts , appetite and olor , and conld with difficulty keep up all das' , ook your Burdock Blood Hitters M directed , and a\efelt.no pain since first week alter using ticm. " Mr. Noah Bates , Elmlra. N. Y. , writes : "About our year * ago I had an attack of billions fcv er , nd net er fully recoi ercd. My dlgestlt e organs were weakened , and I would bo completely pros- rated for days. After using tnobottlti of your iurdovk Blood Bitters the improvement was so Isible that I was astonished. I can now , though 4 years of age , do a fair and reasonable da ) 's work. " C. Bl&ckctltobinson , proprietor of The Canada 'rcsbytcrian ' , Toronto , Out. , writes : "Forjcars suffered crcatly from oft-recurring headache. I used jour Burdock Dlood Bitters with happiest csultd , and I now find myself In better health ' hanforjca'rspast. " Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y. , xvritcs : ' Ihave ised Burdock Illood Bitters for ncrv cms and bil ious headaches , and can recommend it to an3 one requiring a cure for billlousncsa. " Mrs. Ira Jlullhollind , Albany , N. Y. , writes : For several years I have buffered from oft-recur ring blllious headaches , djsjiepsta , and com- ilaintn peculiar to-my sox , falnco using jour lurclock Illood Bitters I am entirely relieved , " Price , 31.00 per Dottle ; Sample Size 10 Cts. FOSTER , IILBURN. . & Do , , Props , BUTFALO , N. Y. Sold at wholesale by Ish & McMahon and C , F , OooJnian. Je-171i.3vvto < l-l\ . W. J. CONNELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. Owns Front Ilooms ( up etalrs ) In Hnnncom'fl now brick building , N. w. corner Fftecnth nd Farnham Streets. D. F. Manderson , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. 242 r rnham St. . Omaha. Notice to Builders and Brick Contractors. QEALED prouonals will bo received by the ho- O tel association of Omaha , at their olllcc , Ho. 120Q Douglas street , until 12 o'clock noon , July 2,1831 , for brlckwoik and matcrialal for erecting afUc- tory Ijrkkliotcl , lorncr Pouglasand IStfi btrect , Omaha , Hid * to bo for brick work complete pur thous and laid In the ualU accordlhj ; to riling and upcc- IfUiitlona , to bo keen at thu ollUo of Dulrenoi. Meudcluohn , room 17 Crek-hton bloik. The right to reject all bids reserved. s. siiKAiig , Jo 10-3t d-cod-St Scc'y Hotel Association. J. G. RUSSELL , M , D. , HOMCEPATHIO PHYSICIAN. Dlsoasoa of Clilldrcn and Charonla Diseases a Specialty. Office at Jlealdtnce , 000 Cass street. Hours 8 to 10 a. m , , 1 to 2 p. ui. , and after C p. m M. R. RISDOM , General Insurance Agent , REPRESENTS : PHCKNIX ASSUHANCK CO , of Ix > n- don , Clsh As eU 15,107,127 WESTCIIESTEII , N. Y. , Capital . . . . l.tOO.OJO THE MERCHANTS , of NevtaJk , K. J , l.COO.JOO QlUAltl ) FIUK. Philadelphia , Capital . 1,000,000 NOHTIIWEbTKKN NATIONALCvpital 800,000 FIUKMEN'8 FUND , Cullfoanla. . 800,000 1I1UTI8II AMEH10A ASSUHANCE CO. 1,200,000 NKWAHK riHi ; INS. CO. , Assets . . 00,000 AME1UCAN CK.NTUAI , , AsouU 00,000 Southeast Coc. of Hltocnth and Ikni laaSL , OMJWK. NUB 1 J.H FLIEGEL Successor to J , If. Tlifelo , MERCHANT TAILOR No. 2SO Douclas Street Omaha , Neb , D , S. BENTON , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , ' AR1UCH BLOCK , ' Cor. Douglas And Uth EW. , Omaha , Neb. M o re Popular than Eve r. THE GENUINE X 3ST Car IE ! New Family Sewing Machine , GENUINE SINGER In 1870 exceeded that of any previous } car daring Ich this "Old Reliable' Jlachlne has bcsn before the public. lnlS78 o oU 350,422 , Machine " * In 1979 wo sold 431,107 , " Excess over any previous jear 74,735 OUK SALE8 LAST VEAU WERE AT THE RATE OP OVER 1400 SEWING MACHINES A DAY , For every business day In the year. THE REMEMBER : " OLD RELIABLE" TItAT EVEIIY UEAI , SINGER SINGER SEWING MACHINE HAS THIS , IS THE STJlONfJEST SIMPLE CAST INTO TRADE MARK THE MOST DUHABLE SEWIN& THE inON STAND AND IMBEDDED MACHINE EVER YET COS1 BEDDED IN THE AMI OP . BTRUCTED. THE MACHINE. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING GO. Principal Office , 34 Union Square , N. Y. I.KOO Subordinate Offices. In the United States and Canada , and 3.000 offices In Iho Old World nii South America. BcplCd&wtf J. B. Detwiler's CARPET STORE The Largest Stock and Most Com plete Assortment in The West. We Keep Everything in the Line of Carpets , Oil cloths , Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures and Lace Curtains. WE HAVE GOODS TO PLEASE EVERYBODY. 33 i 1313 Farnham St. , Omaha. MAX MEYEE & BRO. the Oldest Wholesale and Retail Jewelry House in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in Silver Ware , Clocks , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the La test , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in Precious Stones , and all descriptions of Fine Watches , at ; as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth' and Farn ham Streets. MAX MEYER & BRO. MAI IEYEE & BED , , O 3CMC .A. 3BC .A. . THE LEADING MUSIC HOUSE IN THE WKSTI General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock of Steinway Pianos , Knabe Pianos , Yose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Warreu , Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pur chasing.