Q FHE OMAHA DAILY BEE. VOL. X , OMAHA , SATURDAYMORNINU.JUNEIS , 1881 , NO , 29G . THE FIGHT OF FACTION. The Contest at Albany Rapidl ; Assuming a Most Malig nant Phase , The Invisible Hand Tof the Ad ministration in the Contest - . test , Brought to Light. . . - .A Pat Office , Placed Before th Hungry Gaze of a Stal wart , Declined. "While Grant" AKain Displays Hi Hatred for the Half-Brood Crowd. Albany Sensation. . , June 17. There was Jionsationintho joint convention thi afternoon , when the name of II. E Tuthill was called. Ho made a spocc denouncing Depcw in the strongc ! terms , and charging wholesale briber in connection with the canvass an stating that Dopow was a confederat and associate of A. D. Barber an other lobbyists , and Barber room was the headquarters where tli games of cards were played for th purpose of disguising bribery. H said that ho was willing to appear b < fore the committee and prove what 1 : flllegcd , and to give the names of tl parties who gambled there. Th speech created a'great sensation , an Tuthill , at the close , voted for Plat ALBANY , Juno 17 The joint coi Tontion resumed at mwn. The ba lot for a successor to Conkling resul cd as follows : Wheeler 30 , Jacobs 41 Cornell 8 , Lapham 10 , Conkling 2 ; Tremain3 , Bradley 1. " Folger : iCrov leyl. Total 142. The following is the joint vote fc Platt's successor : Dcpew 53 , Kerna 48 , Wheeler 2 , Cornell 10 , Crowle (5 , Platt 2 , Lapham 1. Total 142 , On motion of Strahan the convci tion adjourned at 12:45 : until noon ti morrow. The Bradley Investigation- National Associated I'rcsw. ALBANY , Juno 17. The Bradlc bribery investigation held a two hour session this morning , which was [ di voted mainly to the identification i the money paid Bradley and an imju ry into the bank accounts of A. I Barber and various senators. Bradh was recalled and testified rcgardir the bets referred to by Witness Join last night , in which Bradley is staki holder. The money has all been di posited in the bank pending the r suit. Sharply being cross examine * aald ho had played cards .for mom but not in A. D. Barber's room. Se or.nl of the talknrn ami nflWulR of 11 Albany city , national bank were e : amincd regarding the account of tl various persons connected with tl ; legislature , and to largo checks recon ly passed through the bank. Anothi witness was Chas. J. Peabody , casl icr of the Spencer Trask & Co. , tli Wall Street firm. He testified regart ing the cashing of the big checki lately for Senator Woodin and othori Another witness , Adam Blake , pr < priator of the Kenmore Hotel , testifie to ten thousand dollar checks endorse ly Barber and E. II. Phelps , whic l.o deposited in the bank , allowin Philips to draw against it at pleasun A $2500 draft was also traced. Th attempt of counsel was to make soui connection between these largo drafl and bribery money. The investigatio adjourned to 3 p. in. llllADLIJY giTALIFIES , The Bradley committee resumed a : j p. in. Gen. Thomas Conway sworn Said Bradley told him ho had boo voting for Conkling , but that it di ; pleased his constituents and he woult n't vote for Conkling any more , bu would vote for Dopow. W. F. Wheeler , R. D. Atherly an N. V. Franchot , of Cattaraugus coui ; ty , testified corroborate cf Austin' ' testimony of yesterday , in ralation't Bradloy'a conversation in Glean Jim -4th. Bradley asked to bo recalled befor the two latter witnesses could giv full testimony , and said that ho with draw from his former testimony tha ho had not met witnesses and not sal to them that the money was given fo his vote , and that ho meant to changi his to suit his constituents. The , SIO.ST IMPORTANT TESTIMONY ivcn in the investigation was that o § cnator Srtahan , of NowYork , , who i a stalwart leader and was called on tin part of the prosecution for the purpos of clearly showing the attitude df tin national administration in the semi torial contest. Ho said on the 18tl of May ho received the following tel egram : WASIIINOTON , D. C. May 18 , 1881. To Kobert II. Strahnn , Senator ut Albany ( Confulvntial. ) It is very important to you person ally that you meet mo at the club , to night at 11 o'clock. Say nothing ti anyone in reference to this dispatch but meet mo without fail. ( Signed ) JNO. 1. DAVKNI-OOT. Ho mot him at the Union Leagui club , Now York , about 11:30. : Hi said : "I want to ask you whothoi you will accept the marslmlship fo this district. I was surprised. ' . asked him if ho was authorized to ofle mo the position. Ho said' "I am wit ! Giirfield in this light , and am author ized to ask you if you will accept tin marshalship for this district. " r. lie stated what the fees of the ofliw were , and what the yearly aggregate was. I said , "If I should accept tin ollico , would I bo expected to acl against Conkling in returnH / < said , "yes , I suppose so. " I thei said to him , "H Conkling is not i candidate , would I be expected to ac with the administration or follow the administration's desire in the selcc tion of a c.mdidater Ho said "Yes , I suppose so. " I , sak to him , "I had that morn in- ' lead the letter wherein Conklinj and Platt gave their reasons for re signing , ana I considered their _ re\is ons as given in the letter to bo inad etpjato to the resignations and the con sequences which tnoy would cutailbu notwithstanding if Conkling shouh bo a candidate my regard toward him and my feelings in the matte would lead mo to support him. am under these circumstances I shoiih have to decline the oltico. " Ho said "You had better think it o > cr to-nigh and meet mo at the Fifth Avenue ha tel at 0 or 9:30 : next morning , " shdulu have said thai ho stated whei ho made the ofl'er , "you will have ti accept it on the jump , i you take it at all , tha there was to bo a cabinet meeting tei morrow at 11 o'clock or al 11:30 : am I'am to have your answer thor6 at tha timo. " Ho said the cabinet was t meet the next day and said : "You name will be sent in and you will b immediately confirmed. " I elated t Davenport , "I will meet you to-mot row morning at 0 or ! > :30 : , but there i no probability of my changing in ; mind in regard to the mailer durin , the night. " I met him the next morn ing at the Fifth Avenue hotel. H Haul , "What is your final answer ? I said , "I decline the appointment. He said , "All right ; I must tclograpl it over , because the cabinet will nice at 11 o'clock , " and wo parted I hav not heard from or seen him tinco. During the cross-examination vrit ness stated thai ho did not know ho\ ho came to bo subpcenacd ; did no show telegram to any one till las night , when ho'showed it to Blakic After ho was subpcunaed ho did ho want to be hero under thu ciroum stances and slated that it was by n procurement of , his ; never displays the name of the signer of the tele gram"Iio ; said ho was indignant at th service of the subpoena and consullc with Blakio as to whether or not h should obey the subpoena , and in tha consultation exhibited the telegram t him. Witness stated that on the mornin following the publication of the spc cial dispatcli from Washington , date May 19th , to The New York Worle saying that ho ( Strahun ) had decline Iho ollico of marshalship for tli fiouthem districl of Now York , sai to a gentleman who roomed with hit that that was the object of his visit t Now York ; newspaper men visile mo and asked mo if there was trut in the story. I told them Ihere wiv but never disclosed Iho 6ontonl of the telegram nor individui wlu sent it. He said ho did not toll graph to Washington declining the o : fico but presumed Davenport did , fc ho told him ho was going to ; witnci stated ho had done everything t avoid being subpoenaed and appearin before the commitlee and said , " went to Gen. Arthur's room lai night and told him , Ii didn't think should have been subpoenaed withoi consultation , and , , , cMn't , ivai ' to go and 'felt , ' ' very muc like resisting the subprcria , ana stn)3 ) ' " ine ni > uu jny-righfc ua a aunntor , A" thur said "I do not want to discui the subject with you , or advise yo one way or the other , " and peromj torily refused to discuss it with mi After an interview this morning wit Bangs I thought the matter over an concluded upon tin whole porhaj the proper thim ; for mo to do was t appear before the committee. " Grant Again- National Associated Tress. NKW YOHK , Juno 17. Goner. Grant arrived hero at noon to-day , i company with some members of hi family. Ho looked tired and trav < worn , but was accessible to a roportei with whom ho held a short converse tion : "My mission to Mexico was a entire success , " ho said , "and I retur lo the city in the full belief that Noi York will , before a great man months , bo'in direct connection wit the City of Mexico by railroad. " "Will you go to Albany ? " "If I thought I could secure th election of Conkling and Platt might go , but I came here on businee and under the circumstances I sha not go t'o Albany. I know bul liltl about it , but , judging from the press I think that this legislature will ad journ wilhout electing anybody Colliding and Platt ought to bo re tunied , and would bo if it were no that the influence of the administrn tion is used against thoin. Itobortsoi was made collector because h proved a traitor to mo at Chicago md my friends have been insultei because they stood true to me. Blain is at the bottom of .tho whole fight [ iarfield is weak and easily influenced Blaine is using the administration t < defeat Conkling. He may succci'i now , but not in the end. " Tlmro is talk of a public mcotiiij and serenade lo Grunt , at whicl Conkling will speak , and the sorvicci of Iho gun oral will bo placed in con .rast to tlioso of Blaine and Gaifield ivho will ho held upas havinginsultei lim , Among the fowcallerswero ox-Gov , Warmouth and Kellogg of Louisiana [ t was stated that a subscription fum > f 8250,000 will bo presented Gram n a short time , l Scnators Conk ing and Platt arrived in this city to light from Albany. They went di eel to the Fifth Avenue hotel ami lada conference' with the general , MrBfttos' Bequests- National Associated Tress. ' CincAoo , Juno 17. Among the jublio bequests made by the late El ; Hates , whoso will was probated to. . day , are $10,000 for the erec tion of a Lincoln monumoul at the entrance of Lincoln park , thii city ; § 15,000 for a fountain in tin same park ; S10,000.lo Iho Atlnenium 5,000 lo the. North Star dispensary , mid nearly $300,000 is divided uj imong relatives and friends. Chicago's Stengerfost. t'atlonal Associated I'rcas. CjiU'Aao , Juno 17. The decora- ions and other preparations for the coining Saongerfest are rapidly ussum. ng tangible shape. Forty-four large 10rtraits have been finished and the lyramids erected , on which are to be iluced paintings , flowers and symbol- cul figures , representing poetry and song. Rehearsals are hold nearly ov cry day. There will bo seventy Ger man musical societies from itiffercn parts of the country. The grandcs feature of the festival will bo the rendering doring at the third concert of Elijal by the Beethoven society , Bach am Handel society of Chicago , and tin musical society f Milwaukee , will Mine. Peschka Lcutner , Annie Louisi Gary and Messrs. Candidus and Whitney noy as soloists. SPORTING RECORD National A eel l l Tress. Till ! e'ltlOAOO UKOATTA. Ciiie-A o , Juno 17. The regatta o the Chicago yacht club will take placi to-morrow afternoon t unless th weather prevents. The Start will b made from the basin opposite Vai Bureii street , but the route is changei for yachtb of the first , second , thin and fourth class , but the avorag makes a sail of about fifteen miles The entries include Idler. Viking ant Countess of Duflbrin injtlio first class Ariel , Harry , Burke , and Namoles in Iho second class ; Xophyr , Peri am Goodonotigh in the third class , am Flcotwing , Mischief and Wonder i : Iho fourth class. AMKllK'ANS AltllOAl ) . LONDON , Juno 17. The Cornel university crew wore practicing on th Thames to-day doing splendidly Their style , however , is deemed m6r showy than olYoctivo. There is great talk about Iroquoi for the St. Legor , and there is likol ; to bo heavy bolting on * the Yanke horso. Foxhall in exercising yestoi day galloped splendidly. KKENU's I'llIZK. PARIS , Juno 17. The secretary o the Jockey club says ho lias had re pcatcd inquiries about Foxhall bciii ; disqualified for the grand prize d Paris. Ho asserts that all statement that have been made are orroncoiiB that papers were lodged with bin properly , and that no protest is lodged and that the stakes will bo handc over to the authorized parties as sooi as demanded. .MYSTIC TAUK HACKS. BOSTON , Juno 17. This was th last elay of the Juno meeting at Myt tic Park. In the 2:45 : class met Gen. Custor won Iho first heat , J. 11 Gould won the second , ami Flirt th last three. Time , 2:311 : ; 2:32:2:29j : : : 2:31A ; 2:33. : Th o 2:34 : race was won by Topso D. in three straighl heats ; Patcho Star second , and Alice third. Time 2:38f : ; ; 2:30 : ; 2:45. : I1A.SE HALL. CIIIOAOO , June 17. Chicagos ! Bostons U. WoiicnsTEn , Juno 17. Worccstei 5 , Clevelands 2. PKOVIDKNCK , Juno 15. Provielone 3 , Detroils 0. Tuov , Juno 17. Treys 2Buffalos , ( A Railroader's Resignation. CINCINNATI , Juno 17. Jno. Kin | Jr.j vicp presielcnt of the Baltimore Qlno railroad says Jio boo not rrjitfm but intimates the possibility of doin so. He says in the fall ho shall giv up railroad business entirely and abroad for his health , but that ho nin resign the vice prisidency of the B. ( O. sooner. Iiondon Notes. National Associated Trcxs. LONDON , Juno 17. Dr. Geory Itollcston , professor of physcology ; Oxford , is dead. Advices from Melbourne state thi ; both branches of the Victoria legisln lure passed a bill reforming Iho coi stiuition of the Colony. TUB TII1ERS OOTUAOE. PAULS , Juno 17. Several arresf have been made in connection wit the emtrage on the Thiers statue an the subject has been lifted into coi sidcmblo importance in Iho eyes e the authorities by the finding of se\ eral socialist documents in the ncigl boring streets. A Forsaken Bull , National Asnociatol 1'reiu. WINNITKO , Juno 17 4 p. m , Ii : dian Commissioner Dowdney haa ai rived here from Fort Queappollo an reports Indian affairs quiet and Rath factory. Ho lately had an intcrvio' with Silling Bull , in which ho lol Iho warrior that ho need not es pect any reservation from the Cane dian government. Bull has bcon deserted sorted by all his followers exccy about thirty loungers , consisting prin cipally of old women and children There are rumors of a fight havin taken place between the Sioux ani Dree Indians , in which fifty-eight o the former are alleged to have hoot killed , but ng confirmatory report mvo yet been received. A Brutal Sport. National Atuoclatcd Trww. Ohio , Juno 17. Tin jreatestcock fight which over occurrei n the west took place yesterday a Avondale , between Columbus am Newark , It commenced ut six o'clocl n the morning and lasted till II /clock al night. Over live liundm cocks fought and one hundred nm ifty were killed. There were tei nains fighting at a timo. Over tw < housand poonlo witnessed the fight m ; and live thousand dollars ehungei muds. The Week's Buslnot.it. National Aknoilatul I'ffM. NKW YOIIK , Jnno 17. Spouia rado and industrial reports to lrid ! ; streol's from thirty-four leading con res received by wire and mail to day , show that the arrival of uumiuei vcuthor docs not appear to hiivi caused dullness in trade to so large in extent as had been anticipated rulegmphio advices from importunl > oints throughout the great wheat , { rowing states convoy the intelli ; enco as to the injury sustaineii > y their crops , which do not nicol he anticipations indulged in. At the ircsont time itis , impossible to fern tny comprehensive and reliable euti nato of the exact extent to which tht wheat crop has been injured. Oulj ixty-nix failures reported lo Bratl Ireol'tho past week. There in a do roaso in all seclions except the South , vhero thu increase FOREST FLAMES , Which Are Swooping Toward ThoTownofLittloBay , While the Inhabitants flee t < the Sea for Refuge. Strange Disappearance hi Mu Ocean of a Steamship Captain. Country Crime and City A tTorriblo Foront Tiro. National Associated Vttn . CitiCAdo , Juno 17 4 p. jn . ' St. John , N. 11. , dispatch says n tor ritic forest fire is now rngiug arnuw the mining colony of Little Kay There is a population of two thovisaiu people in the settlement. Hundred : of miners nro engaged in foiling' * "ml around the mining quarter of tin town nncl the remuimlor of the o ra lives aided by women and clirMret are burying underground their goodi of ft perishable character. At last ac counts the prospect wascn gloomy. At one point tin fire had reached the town am swept away six houses. At Sc\cra other points it has rapidly advanced Two largo steamers ready for aoa'havi delayed to take the people away i necessary. The rain is now ponrini down in torrents and the people ar liopoful. There in no telegraphic com munication with Little Bay and som days may elapse before furtlter partic ulars are obtained. A ItOTKL IN ASHES. SANIHISKY , Ohio. , Suno 17. Th gasworks , atablo , ice house and laim dry of the Beobo IIOIIBO at Put in lia ; proper , were destroyed by fire. Th fire originated from the bursting of pipe in the gasworks. The Iwte proprietor escaped. Loss ten tlmu sand. A LO.NC ! L1TIOATION ENDED. SYRACUSE , N. Y. , Juno 17. Judg Wallace of the United States distrie court wlio has had under consider. ) tion for Bomo timu the case of th Canada Southern railroad compan vs. the International bridge comp.mj rendered his decision to-day. Th litigation was for the purpose of di cidingthc rate of compensation tt > I paid by the plaintiff for the use of tli bridge of the defendant. Tli plaintiff claimed that'an act < congress of 1870 gave tli judge of this district powi to decide the rate of tolls to bo pui ( which was denied by the bridgQ con pany , who claimed that oven if coi grcss conferred that power it wmil bo unconstitutional. Judge Wnllaci in an elaborate opinion , . Miole that , assuming that congrei intended t corfn , mf' + : Jit court authority to proscribe tl compensation which the bridge con pany might charge , 'no doubt is' ' cute taincd of the constitutionality of tl act , but in his opinion congress di not intend to confer such power. H dismissed the petition of the rnilnxi company with coats. The cft'e'cta < this decision IB to allow the bridf company to fix its own rate of tel rONTlkUKU IMMIGRATION. Nnw YOHK , June 17. Two thoi sand five hundred immigrants l.mdc at Castle Garden during the past 2 hours. MYRTKKIOUS DISAl'TEAHANCK. Capt Penney , of the steamer "S < mcrset , " of thci Bristol line , sudden ] disappeared in'midocean onhislai voyage. The sun was shining brigh ly at the time and the sea perfect ! calm. A search was soon made fc him in every direction and no trace < him discovered. Ho was on duck i full uniform shortly bcfoio * bein missed , and was a good swimmer ; 1 : was 30 years old and was engaged t bo married on his return to Bristo Died In a Dual. National Aesoclatcxl PrwM. BiiKAi > Foiin , Ind. Juno 17. Late ; particulars regarding the death < Win. Branum , reported in the dci patched yesterday as having been at sassinated , shows that his death wn the result of a duel between himsol and a son-in-law named John Hul There had been trouble between tlioi for the past two years. Barnuni one going to Ruffe house durin the latters absence , and forcin In's daughter ta return to th parental roof. Arrangements wor nmdo between Huff and Barnuni t Tight at a country church day bofor yesterday. They met , Barnuin boin equipped with a revolver and Hul with a shot-gun. . The latter fired fire riddling his father-in-law with buck shot. The neighbors araived on th Hcono in time to see Barnuin die nm 11 nil'cHcapo. . Sontoncodto Death. NatlonalAssoclated Trcas. FOUT SMITH , Ark. , .Juno 17. Judg Parker ha.H sentenced George W Padgett , William Brown , Patrick Me Jowan , Amos Manly and Abel Maul ; o bo hanged on the ninth of Soptoni jor , all for murders committed in In li.ui Territory. Crushed by loo. . 'utional Ansoclatul 1'usn. NKW YOKK , Jinio 17. The schooner or Hart , with fishing mipplies and i ai.0 , number of people of botli soxe on board , has boon crushed by ici ioir Capo John i All hands barol ; escaped with their lives. The womoi ind children were almost naked. X.OVQ Xjuuaoy. National AmoilaUxl TrcM. WAMIINOTON , Juno 17. Martii McGee shot Fanny Walker , his afli unced , and then blew his own brain nit. They had quarreled recently am Hiss Walker nubsequontly receive * ho attentions of a young man name < Jlarcndon. Tin's morning McGei called upon Miss Walker in the room where she workeddressmaking , Per ons overheard them in angr argument just before noon , four nhotl rure heard , and .Miss Walker rushot down stairs exclaiming "I an shot. " She ran to a drug store foil doors distant and foil to the floor , j doctor found two bullet wounds ii the region of the heart. Police foum McGee lying upon the floor in the a onit's of death Ho had shot himsol in thejjright temple , and died short1 ! aftor. A Decamping Agent- National AwocUtitl Trcsw. CHICAGO , Juno 17.Tho investiga tion of the accounts of Thos Hoops Iho missing agent of the Vermon Central road in this city reveals tin fact that they are not all right , Oni shortage of six hundred dollars wa discovered this morning and it i [ bought still larger discrepancies wil bo brought to lirht. WASHINGTON NOTES. National Asiodati'il l'rc s. WASIIISIITOX , Juno 17. Secretary Lincoln will remain in the city unti August 1st. Senator Don Cameron was amonj .ho callers on the president this morn "g- Tho'rumor that another miniate : md been appointed to represent tin Chinese empire is incorrect. Commissioner of Pension W. W Dudley will not assume hisnowdutie : mtil July 1st , by which time lie wil mvo finished his business as inixrshiv > f Indiana. Ex-Commissioner Bontloyjvas ten dcred and declined a foreign appoint ment. It is not improbable that hi will bo given a judicial position in om of the territories. . A delegation of Virginia 'roprcsen iativcs , members of the state execu Live committee , called by appoint mcnt upon President Garfield to-da ; to confer with him regarding the sit nation in Virginia. They reprcHcnto' tlioso who desire to put the ropnbli can party in the state on a firm foun dation. Collector Davis , of Pittsburg , tele graphed to Internal llcvcnuo Com missioner liaum to-day , that th Dillingcr distillery , at that place burned to the ground last night wit contents. From reports in the hand of the treasury department , it is csti mated that 73,000 gallons of whiskn ; were destroyed. The grand jury hero has found in dictments against John llitze , prcsi dent , and Charles E. Pientiss , cnshioi of the late German American nationn hank , for making false entries , an misapplying funds , for perjury an em bc/.zlomont. The newly appointed commission ! of tin ) general land olllco , MoFarlaw of Kansas , left his homo to-day an will reach here Monday. The use of tobacco by cadets in tl navy academy has been prohibited I order dated Juno 1-1 , One result of the recent treasury ii vestigation is recognized in the di missal uf Custodian Pitney and tl abolition of the office. The ollici announcement was made to-day th ; the duties of the otlico will horcaft < be performed under the immcdia direction of a clerk of the treasury. THE RAILROADS. rUHIIINCl TO HA1IINT. PASS. National Associated Trias. DALLAS , Tex. , Juno 17. It is no about definitely settled that Sabii Pass is to bo Jay Gould's tormin point on the coast. The combinatic represented by Gould have bought completed road running from Sabii : Pass northward 50 miles , known i the Crosby road. Of this work f miloH additional is being pushed rapii ly to completion. Tins road wi force the Texas trunk road to a parn lei line from Palestine to the Pass. MEXICAN UOADH. CITV oi' MEXICO , Juno 17. Dail trains are now running over the Coi tral railroad between Mexico ai Tula , and sixty miles of road is grade beyond Tula. The Mexican press a : antagonizing the concession made < Mayor DoGress. The Ropitblicn asks why subsidize this road and in Grant's ? Diario of Ciol replied that it is sill sidizod in order that the road inn have a low tariff , that Gen. Grant di sired no subsidy and Gen. Frisby road is unsubsidizcd on account of tli competiton , The Republican Ha ) that the roads in the United State will build the same road unsubsidi/.cc Railroad engineers report as practice bio the route from the Jtio Grande t the City of Mexico. A IIEKI' OUT. ST. Louis , Jnno 17. Quito a non sation wan created in railroad circle this afternoon by the rumor that ticli ets to Now York via Chicago could b bought for $18 , tlia regular faro be ing 821.25. It is assorted that an o > tensive cut is imminent unless th rates from Chicago are restored t the schedule. A MUSHROOM no A P. LONIIO.V , Jnno 17. A now entei prise is announced here , viV. . , the Al abama , Now Orleans it Texas Hail way Co. , with a capital of 5 , < X)0,00 ) ( ] The object is to acmiiro control of th most important lime in the throng line , connecting by the shortest rout the cities of the United States wit Now Orleans , Gult of Mexico , niultli trans-Mississippi syhtom , and formin a Southern Pacific route. Labor Troubles. Natliional AusocUtul Press. I'jTTKiiuiui , Juno 17. A special t the Times from Grepnsburg , says seri ous trouble is anticipated with th miners and coke drawers in the Con nellvillo region , of whom about fiv thousand uro now out on a strike , . deputy Hheriil'and posse has been 01 doled to keep the peace , and reii rorcements will bo sent in the morning To Wrovtle for Money. National Aiuocl&toct 1'ruu. Jlich. , Jnno 17. Wil liarn Johnson a Vermont wrestlei no\v of Now York , and Robert Wrigl : of Detroit , each deposited $50 forfoi money with The Evening News U Jay , and signed articles of agreemor to wrestle a collar and elbow mate in this city in the opera house o : Wednesday , Juno 22d for oin uindrcd dollnrn a side. Tin rules to govern the bnlanco of tin nonoy to bo deposited with The Now ; jy noon of the IMst , when Iho rcforei R to bo named. The men each wcigl about 170 pouolsaiid from the rcconli of both nn exciting contest in expected EPITOMIZED REPORT. Of Yoitordny'n Important Tclo- Rrnphio Now * , Condomcil From the NntionnI Aimoointod Indication * for Sntnrdny Viii' the ti/ijw / Mit < isii ) < i > i aiul loutr Vi jsoiin wllcyi ; fair Wtathrr , K'i < A niirw south > n' ( if , ! ttnti < > nitrinrfalltng fciiiimir trMosea C. Andross , nx-stato soimtoi 'rom ' Tuolumne county , California , lied yesterday. The funeral of Rov. J. II. Good' snood , n prominent and popular Hap. ist divine , of Chicago , took place , -ostcrday afternoon , Three hundred hogs woie roasted and 7 ,000 gallons of whiskey were lestroyed by the burning of a distill ery near Pittsburjj. Loss 8150,000. Dick Dodge , a colored man , wa ? iilled on the Louisville and Nashville ailrood yesterday , at Lebanon June- ion , twenty-four miles south , while itealing a ride. Ho was cut entirely n two. Premier Sir John MacDoimld , ol Canada , had a Jong interview with Cardinal Manning , at the latter's residence in London , yesterday , re specting immigration and educational acihties in the Dominion. MAUANXA , Ark. , Juno 17. Isaac Irueu and John Hardin have been sentenced to bo hanged hero July 15 .ho former tor the murder of Join ilichards and the latter for killing Win. Brown. George D. Rumaoy , of the grail commission firm of Rumsoy Bros. i\ jo. , of Chicago , died yesterday morn ng of Bright s disease of the kidneys lie was a member of the board ol .nulo from its organization and thrci times elected treasurer. He was bun in Troy , N. Y. , in 1820 WixNKi-KO , Man. , Juno 17 Eras LUH Wiman , of Now York , has beei elected president of thu great North western Telegraph company and cm powered to negotiate with the Mon treal , Dominion and Western Unioi companies with the views of harma ni/.im ; their interests. The twentieth day of Griscom" fast ended yostordaytho faster tippin the scales at 170 pounds , a loss c ono-tpiartor of ft pound in the past 2 hours. So far there is an utter al senco of any symptoms that can b considered unfavorable. His pills ycsteaday was sixyt-four , stronge than the day before , temrioratur ninoty-oiiiht and respiration nineteoi The supreme court of California hi issued a writ of prohibition again : the superior judges who hove grantc injunctions , commanding 'thcm t stop all proceedings in the Slickcn case until further order of the conn and show cause on the twenty-fifth c July why the writ should not 1 : made poqietual. This takes tl : debris question out of the courts. Affairs. National Awoclated I'ri'H. Sr. I'ETKitsiiL'HM , Juno 17. Tl Russian imperial family has remove from St. Petersburg to I'etorhof an most clahororato precautions woi taken to ensure their safety on tli journey. At the present court martial for tl trial of nihilists at Kief , two of tl female prisoners were sentenced t death , and the others , eight in nun bor , to penal servitude or exile to S boria. They "Want a National An oilatvil 1'rcsn. SAN FIIANCIKCO , Juno 17. Loc. . newspapers at Tombstone , urge tl removal of Governor Fremont fro : the governorship of Arizona , ( account of inattention to the alfai of the territory. They advocate tl appointment of A. II. Stobbins , fern orly of Boston , now living in Toml Atone. IN HKLl' IIKFKNSK. Thomas Dow , engineer of the Bodi county hospital , killed Henry Coo with whom ho was traveling in scare of a deposit of gold near Hot Spring ! Dow says ho acted in self defense. Iriih Item * . National Axwclatftl 1'rcwi. LONDON , Juno 17. It is suspecto that the Fenians are plotting to bloi some building up at Birmingham , an the police have been reinfoiced an the town hall and court house guardei by extra forces. Mullen , who shot Farrell at Dublin has been convicted and uentenued t penal servitude for life , Grunt in Now York- National AtuHxIatucl 1'riwi. NKW YOKK , Juno 17. General an Mrs. Grant arrived this morning froi Chicago , They were met at , lurno City by Col. F. 1) . Grant and a foi friends. Cornell Can Compotes , National AHvocUtwl 1'rtun. LONDON , Juno 17. The Corno ! university crow has boon admitted t compote in the race for thu steward cup , but refused admission to compot For the visitors cup at the Henly ic gatta. Protection at Homo , National Aitsodatul I'riud. LONDON , Juno 17.Tho ncgotiu Lions representing the New Anglo Franco commercial treaty have rcacaoi a critical condition , and are in dange of coming to nothing. The growin , feeling in England in favor of prc lection has hud its ofl'ec upon the English commissioners am they are very strongly incline to iiiBibt on duties which , while noni jnated retalliatory duties , would b in effect protective. The question o duties on heavy woolen L'oods will b discussed next week. In this th British manufactureis feel a keen in tercst , and unless an agreement Bat iafactory to them is reached the coin mission will probably bo diusolved PRETTY AS A PICTURE. And the Facts Sustain the Claims of Froinont as the Beauty Spot , While the Natives PridoThem- Bolves on their Personal Embellishments. All Classes of Business on the Boom Waterworks and Drainage Agitated. The Tallt of the Town. Uorn"i > otnlciiccoTlic ( DAILY HFK. Fur.MONT , Neb. , Juno Hi. Many years ago when the chief oc cupants of Nebraska were cayotes , > rairio dogs and semi-barbarous In- lians , it was necessary to protect the uxtremity of civilixod settlement from xtermination by these Indians. When bad blood stood in the eye of ho restless Pawnee , Gen. John C. frcmont was sent out with a small de- achmont of U. S. forces t < guard the inprotected settlement. Ho took losition upon a bluff on the south tank of the Platte river , opposite the irenenl beautiful city bearing his mine. Fremont settlrmcnt is among the earliest made in the territory , but its uissihilitics as a real city dnto only rom the entrance of the S. , C. it P. railway , in 18G9. For years it wan he only town west of the Missouri ivor having the advantage of two incs of railways. A line of road 'rom Lincoln to Fremont is on the mania for this fall , and the poonlo of Fremont would most heartily welcome t , though theio is no disposition to iroll'ur aid to indefinite companies for : ho construction of roads. Fremont has now a population of 1,500 people , and is a very beautiful iittlo city. The streets are wide , clean and lined with shade. The site is a level flat of high bottom land , with scarcely slope enough to drain in a wet time. Artificial drainage and water works are needed improvements. Fremont has 120 men in mercantile business , and five firms do a creditable wholesale trade. May Brothers are erecting a brick on their old corner. C. Christensen - tonsen has completed his new store building and now occupies it. K. Shedd occupies nearly a whole block with his minimise establishment. The Occidental hotel , by Uurgcss & Son , is a tbroo-story brick , : jOOxl7o. It is one of the finest hotels in the state and the traveling men's resort. IL' Fuhman's wholesale dry goods house would bo an honor to many larger towns. The mammoth general merchandise house of J. G. Smith is of J. G. soon , to pass to the hands Smith & Co. , E. D. Packard , the present foreman becoming a partner in the firm. W. A. Wilson is buying the bulk of wheat brought to the Fremont mar ket , at the S. P. it P. elovator.i The unjustly light assessment of railroad property is very keenly ap preciated by the leading business men of Froinont. The great national high way passing through here is assessed at § 1 1 ,000 per mile , and for every mile of this road there is a representative value of § 115,000 in bonds that are claimed to bo worth 111)1 ) in the market , which makes a real representative value of S117-M5 ! per milo ; and yet this is assessed at $11,000 less than nine pur cent , of the true valuo. The farmer's cow that is held for sale at $25 , is not assessed at $2 , but at about 81 < i. The merchant's property is assessed at corresponding figures. A mad dog was snot in the post- olfico yestoretay The report of small-pox in this. place has boon very much exaggerated , There were a few cases in mild form , but all are now well , and no dciitlm have been reported. This morning the temporary fence was torn down from around the infected dwelling. The sanitary condition of the city is ex cellent except in the neighborhood of thu U. 1 * . stock yards , from which rises n most shameful stench. The mayor and council have been pe titioned to abate the nuisance. Fre mont boasts of tine horses and cattle , and numerous fruit orchards. Con siderable interest in sheep is mani fested by a number of farmers , and Dodge may bo counted upon as one of the great sheep counties within three years. There seems to remain very littlu interest in the Hanlon-liradloy affair. The investigation has adjourned till Monday without showing anything farther than that both the men weru in liiiuor ; that Hanlon shot first and that no came to his death by a bullet , shot by the hands of liradley. Pat Hanlon was one of the city council and was rexjicctod by the business men of the nluce. Ho has loft a wife and eight children , the youngest oi which is only one month old and the eldest seventeen years. Ho has a brother living at liraidwood , Illinois , a sister ut Darlington , Wisconsin and a sister at Schenectady , N , Y. Ho has lived in Fremont eleven years and haa always been engaged in the saloon business. Ho has a farm of some value in this county and three inSuun- ders county , besides homo town prop- city and money , JAY. A False Report- National Aw > o < latctl 1'russ. CIIH Aiio , Juno 17. The sensation al di&patch sent from Piqua yesterday stating- that J. W. Hamilton , former ly a well-known journalist , had been thrown from a sleeping car near that city and killed proves to bo without any foundation. It has been learned ; that Mr. Hamilton ia now in Spring field and will reach this city on Sun day.