THE OMAHA DAILY EE. VOL , X , OMAHA , WEDNESDA JUNBK ) , 1881 , NO. 291 BRADLEY'S BUB , "The Alleged Bribe Taker Writhes in the Meshes of a Poor Memory , Ho HoFitatos , Quibbles and Evades , But Insists There's Money in it , The Lucre Lobby oat Details a Life of Great Activity Among Legislator. of the Albany Contest and Investigation. THE LOON COUNKlllU. National Assoihtcil 1'russ ALIIANV , Juno 14. The Bradley bribery investigation committee held tluoo hours session this morning , the major part of which was consumed in cross-oxaminati n of Bradley by Ses sions' lawyots. The testimony was rather tedious and consisted mainly of denials or evasions of "leading ques tions" and asset lions made by coun sel. Tlioie was a great many non-com- pnntal replies , Bradley asserting that he did not remember whether ho had said bribes had been offered , etc. Ho testified flatly that he never had been offered money f ( r his \ ote except by Sessions , and at the time specified in his for mal announcement to the house might have faaid "various persons that money was oflured to for votes ; " might have specified the sums offered , &c. ; if ho did he certainly had no au thority or knowledge upon w hich to base the assertion and drd so only ON OHNEllAL RUMUK ; had talked to many reporters and other persons in Albany and at his home in Glean ; had told the editor of the paper at Clean that n big sensa tion would bo developed in Albany during the week ; when ho said this ho meant that it was foreshadow cd that Blainc would bo connected with he star route scandal , lie made this assertion on general rumor ; he had told Vansus and other poisons ho could g\t for § 5,000 to vote for Depow and that various senators had got § 10,000 each jfor refusing to sign the call to go into caucus ; that Sessions said to him when he offered the bribe , "if you vote for Dopow I have § 1,000 for you to put into your rest pocket. " Had not en tered into and had never heard of any conspiracy against Sessions , rror any other man. The committee then adjourned until ! i P. in. , when Mr. Sessions will go on the stand. SESSIONAGAIN. . The investigating committee re sumed its session at 3 p. m. Senator Sessions w as placed on the stand for cross-examination. He said ho was what is e tiled a half-breed , although ho thought liu was a full blooded re publican ; mentioned several offices he had t eld since 18(55 ( ; it was Senator Forator who gave witness to the rumor that Bradley had connected his name with the ch.ugo of bribery first , say ing it rtas a common rumor in the shout ; heard people talking about -.Bradley returning Sharpe money ; witness didn't know that his public character had over been subject to judicial or legislative investigation was once witness before the giami jury of Albany in a case wherein brib ery of legislators was alleged ; Fiedcr- ick Littlojohn one of the panics charged with attempting to have membeis bnbed ; the case was in 1802 ; remembered all its incidents well ; wa here at that time assisting the legula- turo , what others would call lobbyrng ; did all ho could TO INFLUENCE MKMIlhltV VOTE- * ; 'm never did it by use of nionoy or by any other means than by aigument ; he was heie then in thu interest of the Now York postollico bill , which waste to give the consent of the state to the government to use public land to build the postoflico on , and also of the Now York Chamberlain bill ; these were the only bills ho was then advo eating and only ones ho tried rn any way to induce the members to vote for ; ho advocated the passage of both those bills for money ; ho was to get upon their passage § 5,500 upon the passage of the postollico bill and some § 1,000 on the Chamberlain bill ; ho was engaged to do this by Frederick Littlojohn ; followed thu same kind of business forsovun to nine ) eais aftoi- ward ; witness had done no lobbying since 1870 ; know Orange S. Winaiis , republican assemblyman , when liousu being tie went over to the democrats , giving them thu oigani/ation ; never tried to intluuncu Winans rn anything , simply because he knew ho couldn't ' ; know Jas. Forsythoof Troy ; Forsjtho engaged witness to help defeat the Albany bridge bill and gave witness A CHECK KOH § 1,000 on a certain bank in Troy ; this was before 1870jwcnt withFoisythoto the train ; on the way Fen > ytho asked him to hold the check over until tomorrow row and witness allowed Forsythe to leave uiubr tint impression hu would , but ho siiBj/ictul fiom Foisytho's man ner that ho uiUinueii to ' > p payment of the check and piMVi nt witnosi get ting lin money f r Ins services , and vutnebs at once procured a hoiso and galloped to Troy , beating the tram ; reached the bank before it closed and 4'ot his money. Witness often told this story on himself and was willing to tell it fully rather than have conn- Bel draw rt by questions skillfully put for the purpose of creating a vviong impression. Never took partner with him when ho was lobbying and never divided with anyone ; he often de clared it to bo ono of his rules or po- cultaritius TO NEVER DIVIDE with anyone in lobbying transactions ; witness while in Washington was jisked to do what ho could for two bills ; did so , but it was for no finan cial consideration ; witness then had a brother in congress ; didn't ask him to help along bills ; was sure the bill U extend patents on sowing machines was not ono of the bills. Mr. Smart of Troy , was then in congress ; wit ness didn't go to him and tell him that if the bill was passed extending the patents , parties interested wouh "come down" to the time of. ? 5,000 , for each vote ; might have asked Siimrl on behalf of somebody who was Inter ested in the bill to hell ) it along , but vyas sure ho went no further with Smait on that bill , witness know Bi.ulloy for eleven or twelve years ; since Bradley eanio to the legislature Jast January botlt had been stopping at the same hotel ; their families wcro also stopping there AM > vv LUB v r.uv IMIMATK ; different members quite often exchanged - changed visits ; Bi.idley left the hotel thedayafterthoexposure. Bradley said witness attempted to bubo him ; wit ness wouldn't bo suio whcthorho went into any other room than Woodin's , he might have gone to B.ubet's room , witness had all along been a Depow man ; in picsent contest had for two das voted for Miller and Jlogeis , and since then had voted for Rogers and Depow. Ho had done all ho honestly could to induce meiubeiH to vote as ho was doing , but so far had failed to got asinglo'vole. At the half breed caucus on the night of the 8th oi June w itncss did announce that he thought ho could pledge another vote for De pow on the following day ; ho didn't mention Bradley as the man , although ho meant him , feeling sure Bradley was sinceio in what he hud said about LMIANOINO HIS VOTK ; ho had not said that the now Tote would bo for Depow , not knowing who Bradley would vote for ; when ho announced that he thought ho could pledge the vote , believing Biadley s change would be the result of what had transpired between them that day and the result of Br.idley's promise ; ho didn't think Bradley's change w ould bo the result of any particular influence w itncss had exercised over him , but of the fact that Bradley was convinced ho was voting against the wishes of his constituents ; thought that what deputy internal revenue collector Teiry had said as reported by Chas. P. Ingersoll to witness , to be told to Bradley , namely , that live of every six of the people of Cattraugus w ere against Bradley's candidatesand that HE WAS KILLING H1MSEL1' by voting for Conkling and Platt ; thought that that had more ellcct on him than annythint' else , because wit ness told it to him that night at mtp- per ; witness had been told by Inger sell that evening what Terry had said and hastened to tell Bradley of it ; wit ness often talked to Bradley about changing his vote , both publicly mid privately ; went to Bradley's room that night , not because he had anything to say to him which ho would hcsitutT say to him befuro his family in Ins own room , but for another icason : witness and Biadley often talked pol itics in witness'room , before witness wife and daughter , because of the in timacy between the two families , out on the night of the 8th of June , wit ness' family , Charles'1. Ingersoll , and W. C. Hudson , were in witness' sit ting room together ; Biadley rapped on the ( loot ; witness opened it and Bradley looked in and said : "i WANT TO SKK 1OU. " Mr. Hudson was a and re porter for The Brooklyn Eigle , and neither witness nor Bradley had ever talked about the contest befote either democrat ! ) or topoitors ; so witness B topped outside the ( loot and Bradley stalled off , walking towards his own loom and witness followed him. Wit ness was not sine Btadlcy locked the door of his room when thev got inside ; they were rn the room but it few mo ments ; witness always thought Brad ley would sooner or later agree to the wishes of his constituency and oppose the rctiitn of Conkling and PJ itt , because ho had informed wit ness that in the end witness would not } ) } disappointed in his vote. At this point Bangs asked for ad journment until to-motiow at 0 a. m. At 55 ; ! ! adjourned. A now. ALIHNV , June 14. At the half- breed s caucus to-night there was a row. Some membei s suggested that the half-lnccds should concentrate on Cornell for Conkling's place , when Sheldan made a tiotco , specch de nouncing Cornell for his recent action in vetoing bills , specifying and dwell ing especially on the Cornell' action in relation to ceitain items in thu supply bill. This speech elicited great applause by those present who felt hurt after having their bill killed by vetoes. The row came nearbroak- ing up the conference and the Cor nell suggestion was dropped for the purpose of restoring harmony. The stalwarts to-night say they will ! provo that Bradley's charge against Sessions is tiuu and will show that the money used was procured by thu half- breeds in the Depow cause and through Vandorbilt's interest. The stalwarts say they will ask to have fiuhpoiuud both the president and cashier of the Utica bank , in which Senator Woodin does his banking , to show whether money was paid to ISradlcy or not , p.iid out of that insti tution ; whether they were not paid out on check emanating from the Cen tral load ; in connection with this the ) talwarts to-night say it is not impos- u'blo that they will raise the ouestion whether Sessions did not got SI,000 : o use in the transaction and keep * 2,000 himsolf. Conkling is indig- iiint over the report that ho will go ) ii the ticket with Dopow. Hefening i : o thu report to-night he denied it in t itrong language and said under nocir- nimstancos would ho go on a t ticket with that ' 'creature , " as 1 10 called Depow , The half breedson : ho other hand , say that Conkling has ] ictually made overtures to them to a ximpnso on a ticket made up by him- iclf and Dopow , holding out as an in- luccment the argument that if the icket should bo elected then the ad- ninistration could successfully and latisfactouly hold any relationship IT communication it desired with him ind the stalwarts through the medium t ) f Dopow. I The democrats still insist that the t best policy for them is cither to so- euro adjournment by casting their votes with the republicans to effect it , or if that fails , then to solve the dif ficulty by offering Joithcr to remain away from the joint convention so that the half-breeds may iu their ab sence elect , or else to offer cither re publicans faction vrhich pioduces a vote nearly enough sultlcii'iit to elect , to justify their assistance. , . , The Joint Convention , XatlonM Associated 1'rcu AuiANi , Jung 11 , The joint con vention reassembled at itoon , lloboit- son presiding. The official joint bal lot for a successor to Conkling was. Wheeler 23 , Jacobs f > 0 , Conkling ! U , Man in 2 , Rogers 21 , Laphani 8 , Tie- main I ) , Bradley 1 , Coincll ! > , Ftdgor 2 , Ctowley 1. Total 151. The official ballot for Pl.ttl's place. Depow 55 , Koinan 51 , Platt 20 , Coi- null 10 , Crow ley 1 , L.ipham 1 , Folgor ; t. Total 151. Dm ing the first assembly vote for Conklnuj's place , when Congdon's ' namu was called hoaioso and said that ho had at first dining the contest , put himself on record with his constitu ents and against the lotutn of Conk- ling and Platt. Last week he rctui nod to his constituents at Cattaraguas and at Olcan , Hradloy's district , and found them chagrined at Bradley's develop ments and found that they insisted on his remaining heio and doing all in his power to defeat the return of Conkling and Platt. Ho therefore withdraw his icquest to bo excused from v oting and voted fcr Sherman lingers. Thurmnu Declines. National Aaaoilatcd Prrm. CINI INNATI , June 14 4 p. m. Ex- Senator Thuiman declines thu demo cratic nomination for govoinor. In a letter from Paris to his son ho says : "I see by the newspapers that I am talked about as n candidate for gover nor. I made up my mind w hen I left the senate that I would return to pri vate life for good and ever , and 1 re main of that mind. If , therefore , there is any disposition to name me you will tell my fiionds that T cannot accept. Myptivato affairs , too long neglected , need my attention ; besides that , I have arrived at that ago when a man should stop holding otliccs. " Rollins Scooped. National Associated I'rcw. CoNcoui ) , N. H. , Juno 14. The house to-day voted by 182 to 118 not to elect a senator this session. Sixty-two republicans tinder the lead of W. E. ChandlcrEx-Gov. Harrison , and Ex-Congressman Stevansoted with the democrats in the negative. This ends controversoy on the senate which voted to elect. Senator Rollins got only seven of the sixteen repub lican votes. The rest were scattered. COAST NOTES. National Associated l'n < u. SAN FiuNrrsco , Juno 11. Henry McDonald has been found guilty of the murder of Gco. Moyeis in Idiho by a Silver City jury. Meyers was a fieighter and McDonald , victim on the road , took Meyers' team and went on with the business , claiming that Mevcrs had gene to Oregon. Two thousand Mc\icnntroops have been sent to the Y.igui countiy to pio- tect the settlers on the Broiinan ind thousand mote will bo sent. The Rodgcrs will sail for Atctic to day. day.Mis. Mis. Lucas , a wealthy widow of Santo Monica , was poisoned by hoi Jhincso servant thiough a cake wlucl 10 had prepared to accomplish he : death. James Ballantino has commence ! suit to set aside tlio sale of the MOM can claim for 820,000 , sold five years igo by Col. Stevenson , as admims rater of his estate on the allegation that ho had died in the Noith Pacific , vhoreasho was good health at that imo , living in Toulemno county. The respondeiiv says the petitioner is ai mpostor , though ho presents stron ; , acts in support of his claim to bo the genuine ISallentine. A Matter of Chimco NEW ORLEANS , Juno 14. The following - lowing numbeis drew the loading pri/es in the Louisiana lottery to-day ; 4,7 lit diew § 100,000 ; IJ.OItl diow 850- 000 ; 25,415 drew 820,000 ; 10,051 ihow § 10,000 ; ! )8 ) , 87 drew § 10,000 ; Nos. 12Gi)0 , ) , : H,117 , 11,140 and ! ) ( ! , m drew 85,000 each. A Horrible Death- S'atlonal A souitul I'lim. NLW YOKK , Juno 14. Two nonths ago Patrick Radiger , 15 ! years ) ld , was bit by a dog in the upper lip , flic wound was canteri/ed and soon icalcd. Thursday the boy asked tor a jl.tss of water and when it was handed lim ho was immediately scucd with xmvulsions and displayed all the isual symplons of hydrophobia ; was iimiblo to eat or swallow any liquid ind when the glass of water was landed him he went into convulsions , luring which ho snapped and barked like a dog , The spasms continued at ihort intervals and yesterday was so , 'iolunt that ho was taken to Bol- ovuo hospital. The boy was attacked iy rapid convulsions , so violent that ho utmost strength of four men was equirod to rcstiain him. He died at 1:30 : to-night in great agony. Frightful Sulotilo. .atloiml Anaoditod l'ris.1. CIIK Aio , Juno 14. A most extra- ndinaiy suicide occmred this oven- ng , A gentleman walking on Chica- : o street near the north side water works , saw a man falling fiom the ewer , which is 175 feet high. The tody descended v cry rapidly and sank leep into the eiuth. Letters and > apeis were found on the dead man hewing ho was from Hesse-Daim- tadt and had been a lieutenant in the iorman at my. Ho came to Chicago tghtcen months ago and commenced lerkmg for Black A Arnstino. It is upposed bomu dilliculty w ith his cm- 'layers ' caused his suicide. Photo- raphs of his two brothers , officers in he German army , and a beautiful ittlo girl w ere found , all having been akcn at Frankfort-on-tho-Maine. ' - * " - FOREIGN NOTES , Aiwoclatnl 1'rrw. V 1110 STEVIKIl LAVM 1IEH. Or.Asoovv , Juno 11. The now iron steamship , the "City cf Rome" was successfully launched to-day from the Batrows ship building company's jard on the Clydo. She is the largest steamship afloat , excepting the Great Kaslern She is also expected to be the fastest trans-Atlantic sk-amer in the world and her owners and bnildois hope to hav e her make the trip from Queenstow n to Now York in exactly seven das. An unfoilunalo and deplorable ac- cidenl happened during tlio piep.vra- tions for the launching. Just before tire last stujs were knocked away and the vessel began to glide down the wajs into the water , the boiler of n donkey engine on her deck exploded , killing four men and fo.u fully injuring many olhcis. This most unhappy calamity sptoad consternation among tlio spcctatois , and the utmost sym- pathj was manifested among the gui'sts for the killed and wounded , and a subscription for the families of the killed and for the relief of the wounded will bo made. KP.MA.V Vt'hTlA.S. LONDON , Juno 14. The imvnl au thorities at Portsmouth disbelieve uml cast ridicule upon the O'Donoviin llossa story that the explosion on board the steamer Dotorel in the stiaits of Magellan was the woik of men employed by the nianagcis of the Fenian skirmishing fund. v MEUI : TOOL. It is reported that the man Me- KcviH , who was ai rested as one of the perpetrators of the recent Fenian outrage at Liverpool , has offsrod to turn queen's evidence and reveal all the p irticulars of the outrage as well as those connected with the plols wul conspiracies. IHISII DlSTl'UIILHS. DLHILIN , Juno 11. Serious out rages are reported as having occurred in Kings county and nutcl- property has been destroyed. Disturbeis at Cork are er.using the Queen's name from thu proclamation. A hLCONU DEKEAT. P \itis Juno HM. . Gambotta has again been defeated in the chiimbois of deputies. M. Baideaux submitted a proposal , w hich was rejected by a largo majority. M. Barde.uyf was acting for M. Gambotta. % THE TL'HKS IN Till POLL * The Turkish government has ar rived with 1,000 troops at Tripoli , where the Turks show much activity. Turkey has been warned by Franco not to raise agitation in Tripoli. * * THh LAND 1JILL. LONUON , Juno 14. The house of commons has made considerable pro gress with the hind bill. Neaily one hundred amendments have been with draw n. TAirr TIES. LONDON , Juno 14. In high polit : cal ciicles to day theto is renewed rn mors that the iclations between Gei many and Russia are unsatisfactoi and sh. lined. KENHN ACTIVITV. The police authorities at Scotlan Y.ud aio much excitedover the recen developments of Fenian activity. rKVll'KKAXI E IV I'AULIAMEST. LONDON , June J4. The house commons last night discussed Mr Winfiud LIWSOII'H bill in favor o local option in the hquoi trallic , .u coidmg to the lesolution cauiod las season. Mr. Blight admitted tha there woio dilliculties in the way , but said that the question was giowint , continually. The vote for the motioi stood 1(5 ! ) ( against , 154 foi. The tern- peianco party evinced much lojoicini. at the icsiilt. HAHTVIAN VKKESTED. A Bcilin dispatch says it is report ed Ilartnmn , nihilist , has heel arrested by German authorities : im' surrendeied to Russia. 1HI , L\MI Ll.MlfE. DUILIN , Juno 11.At a mooting < > f the land league to-day speeches wtio veiy moderato , and collisions wilh th military weio strongly discouraged b ) the speakers. Moio meetings have been juohibited , and the pooiilo warned against holding fiuther ( in- orderly meetings at Cork. Star Route Reforms. National Asnoohteil I'rts-i. WASIUMITON , Juno -Thoesti mated receipts of the postollico depart moiit for the fiscal year 1881 aio : fl , 578,781.45 ; annual savings already by lopping ofl of useless star and steam boat services aggregate § 1,000.000 , This saving has been accomplished without interfering in the slightest do- gioo with the needs of the sections in which the reduction has been made. Thoieforo in the coming fiscal jcar there will bo a saving in the second assessor's office , on contracts already made , of more than § 100,000. The work of rofoiming the star route ex travagancies has scaicely begun and Ihoso in charge say that at least 81,500(000 ( a year will be saved , which , if reali/ed , will enable the postollico Jopat tmont to pay its own way and turn in a revenue to the government. Plie savings of the fust ten days of this month in star route services ag gregate § 200,000.JIO.MIH. JIO.MIH. Of the § 118,000,000 of Hpuicont jonpon bonds outstanding May 12th , the date upon which the call was is- ) uod , about § 1)5,000,000 ) has been ro- jpived for ll\ \ per cent bonds , exclu sive of Sundays. There loniain but iixtcen das before the limit of the 3xtunsion of this class of bonds is leached , It is thought nun Iy all the iiitiro amount , § 118,000,000 , will have teen received by July 1st. Infamous TraiUc. National AttoUatud I'ri-tn LONDON , Juno 14. The action of ho govoinmeiit relative to the dctoy- ng of English guls for infamous pur- loses by foreign agents , has not been .ikon too goon , Several mystuiious lisappeaiances of young gills have icon reported of late and there are ; rave reasons for foaling that they uivo been entrapped and conveyed nit of the country. One of the latest loses of missing girls is that of Mary Hew art , aged 14 , who lived with her wrenta at Westham. The publicity nen f it hO elicited information ' 'ecu ' in Ix fdon ' n uj'fc * * i t n t itQ nt kidnapping jotmg g uM tnct. SPOUTING RECORD. THI : vsi in KM B. LONDON , June 11. - For the him in.d stakes to-day ten litmus ran an the race-was unusually excellent am < veiling. The stakes vrcro won b ' , Toviott Dale mcond an I'indlionimo thud. Tlit'ro is a giua 'It'll ' of inli'iost in tlio raciM which art I i > t.iko place to morrow and betting n miming high I U the conclusion of thu t.uv an nb irctum was immediatol ) pul in .igains ' Jhi stakes being given to the ninner I'1 lie judges and umpire took thu oh ji i turn into consideration , and di-culci it was well founded , and awarded Hit st ikes to the socoiul hoi so. Niw Yoith , Juno II. James R KITIIO leceivcd a cablegiam from hi lii'thoi , Hatty , announcing the iaf u i iv nl at Ascot of Foxhall , the win iur of the grand pti/o. Keene replied plied , giving directions to have Fox liall stall in thu taco for the Uous me iiiiuial stake Thuisday , if ho seems f lie in an enliu'lj lit condition. LONDON , Juno 11.The i.ico for th Wet gold vase to day was won b ) Viubassadti'ss , Mou itch was second and Peter thud Only these thiei ln'ises ' ran. The Standard this moiniug speak i ) highly of hoinuns' peiformanci m the Prrnco of Wales' stakes urn MS Geologist ran well but will no be able to boat hoipiois , who will bi .1 steady favorite for the St. Loger. In commenting on the race yestoi ihy The Times that the itinnint , showed that lioipuus was a iiiucli hi'tter borne than many people admit that Aicher found no dilliculty n winning thu race. The Times als ( that nuvor before did a Duibi winner carry off the I'ttiico of Wales stakes as well. xnsTIC I'VKK MI'ETIMl. BOSTON , Juno 11. The Juno meet ing at Mystic Park opened this after noon , two races being tiotted in th ram. The track was poor and the weather disagieuablo. The thioo minute nice for n pmso of § 1)00 ) wa1 won in tlnoo stiaight heats by Portia Nellie W. second , and J. II. Goiih thud. Time , 2 Ul ] ; 2W : : { ; 2U : ! ? 1 ho 2:10 : class , for.t pmso of § 700 won by Francis Alexander u tliieo straight heats ; Shuiidan second and JiaiKjuo thud. Time , 2:20j : 2.'JG ; 2:2(5 : ( ] , M. LOUSllAt I-S. Sr. Louis , Juno 14. The races o the St. Louis Jockey Club were con tinned to-day. Fust race , dash o llireo-quarlers of a milu , xvon by Boatman man- , with Lady Alice stolid ; time 1-20. 120.Second Second , handicap , ono and one eighth miles , won by King Noio , wit ! Mat.tgor.i secimd ; time , 1:50. : Third , milu heats , won b Boulovaide , with Hilly Ward second time , l\CA : \ , l.ll ! | Fourth , mile , Bagdad first Brooklyn second , Minnie Lewis thud time , I.1/ : ! ! / . Till , VICTORS. LONDON , Juno 11. - Tlio papers thif mmiiing contimio their luniaiks u icg.ud to thuictoiies of Foxhall am Iroijuois. The Duly Toloai.iph say it has no doubt that the two Ameiicai victones will pioduco impoitant 10 sulls. Tiuqiiois is sot down for the St. Leger. iivsi : HALL. BOSTON , Juno U.-Dotioits , ! ) Bostons , 10.HIE HIE w VTKK wncn. BuuLiNinoN , Iowa , Juno 11. Pan Boyton left heiu tlm moining at i o'clock on his tup down the liver. Ho is tanned out of all 10 semblance to a white man , but is n good health and spiuts. Jim Koono'M Rucor. Foxhall is a likely bay cidt , and was hied by A. S Alexander on tlio Wood- burn farm , near Spring Station , Ivy. JIo is by King Alfonso , dam Jamaica , by Lexington , ( son of Boston ) ; second end dam I'uiiny ' Ludlow ( Sue Mot is- Hey ) , b ) impotted Kclipso ; third dam Molliu Jackson , by Vandal ( son of mi poited Gh'iieoo > ; fourth dam Emma Wright , by imjioitcd Maigiavo ; fifth : ilam Fiufny Wnght , by Hilvethons ; sixth dam Aurora , by Lloyd's Vmgt . 'mi ' ; seventh dam Pandoia , by Giuy Diomed ; eighth dam by Hall's Union ; ninth dam by Leomdas ; tenth dam by , impotted Othelloeloveneth ; dam by imported Guoigo Jumper ; twelfth dam by imp. Tiaveler ; thirteenth dum imp. jelinm , by the Godolphin Arabian King Alfonso , since the death of Lexington , occupies the place of honor in thu Woodburn stud. Hois byini- [ tortod J'haoton ( son of King Tom.ont ) f Mary Sunslntlo , by Storm ; ) dam 2aitola | by Vandal ; second dam b ) niported Blargravo ; third dam Mis ; tletoe , by impoited Gloitcoo , 1m- sorted I'liuiton is the sire of such lorses as Ten Broeck , King Faro , fack Ilarjior , and Thu Nippur. King \lfonso was foaled in 1872 , and Inset ; ot fiist appeared on the turf in 1879 , vhon five of his got , all 2-year-olds , itarted thirty three times , winning ii\ , second , thirti-on ; third , thico ; vinning § 5,1(75 , ( , Last year ho had i lineteon performed on the tuif , who itarted 12.'J timoi ; won ! 15 , weio soc- md 22 ; third 21) ) , and won § 55,721an imount exceeded in this countiy only > y Bennie Scotland and Leamington. ) esides Foxhall , hu is thu sue of such [ oed onus as Grenada , Quito , Fonso , jft Vacca , Dodntte , Windrush .mil 3nn Fularo. It will thus bo seen that Foxhall s loyally hied , coming of a stock of vinnuis on both sides , and his career bus far would indicate that ho will do 10 dishonor to his blood Ho was mi chased by J. R. heeno , his present iwnur , in the spring of 1880 , and sent 0 England , no\ei having appealed n this county Ho was chosen to cprosoiit this country puioly on Ins 01 m and brooding , and , to show the ; oed opinion ho had of him , Mr. Ceeiiu named him after his own son. II n his 2-ycar-old form ho ran but hrcu times , winning twice andbucond nco. An New market , October 12 , he won the Bedford stakes , six fur longs ; on the next day was second foi Ashley stakes , the furlongs , and on October 20 won the Bretby Nursery handicap , six furlongs. EPITOMIZED REPORT Yi tor < lay'n Important Tolo- omleiMofl front Aniooiixtod Stephen A. Kmlbti ! iccontly inu , torl Peru , i- ( in Cln. lft > < 1 " " lllS tl ° ' .iK ; . , ' the 'J.I l utiiwf.n < A ma on ° PllMg" . . " " " " . "l - Cincinnati mon i IKAV i N with roprmmftit ' 'ln"n ' n" l > arla of the couirtry. 'jri sessions aio so- CK't. Komtocn hnndml ' sinking browuisof Now Yoik f.irM : ' ' ! i0",11" ' ! ' day , lio.ided by tvobiawbimu 8 > . "lu Salooii-Kei'pors Union now iu'ln or 1100 Four feet of catlmnnto has liot. ' ' stntck on Stock Hill , Col. , in Blno ja > adopthof 100 foot. The on ass.ijs IrVi ounces of silver and fi\i ounce of gold to the ton. Messis. Nomaiid aiidThomaR from London for Now Voik in the doiy "Little Wostein " Quit a large ciowd was at the Westminster budge to see them oil' . A letter has lecently boon sent fton No.\ York to e\eiy railroad prostdon or miuager in the l/nited Slates , call ing attention to the disturbed condi tion of the woiking classes gonei.illy. A widow named Mrs. J. McUabo , \\lio was to have boon taken to Pontiac - tiac ( Mich. ) insane asylum , escaped from her homo in Detioit jestordaj and di owned herself at the foot ol Giiswold street. Tlnoo roustabouts on the steamer U. Stem dropped dead Monday u Bayou Bartholomew , in Louisiana They had been working in the ho sun and drinking ice water. The } were buiiod up the bayou. BeDew lit 0. Talmage , of th Brooklyn tabeinaclo , has been adver tised foi sexeial weeks to lectuio n Rochester , N. Y. , last night , but at 8 o'clock only about 100 people woio in the hall and Tahn.igo tofused tc speak to so few. The audience wa < dismissed and the money refunded. Yesterday afteinoon the height am ; passenger tiams collided on the B. it 0. r.iihoiul at Eljsvillo , Md. The engine of the fioiirht tiain ran int < the pissenger tiain and telescoped so\eial cars. None of the pasaengors were hint. The engineer of the trcigh tiain was killed. Giiscomo entered upon the 1811 day of his proposed days fast yes terday morning in excellent health Ho says ho feels pcrfoct in every 10 spoct and jlo symptoms of ; uiy kiut aio appal out to his watchora or.physi cians. In the past twenty four hours lie lost tin co ( jiiaiters of a pound making twenty five pounds losi since the start. At a social given by Mrs. Kiilc.iit in Giillin , Ci.i. , Moiid iy night , aboui a do/en iorsons were pononutl fion eating ice cioam. All h.uo siifi'oicii ovcruciating pain , accompanied by continuous \omiting , but as yet none have died. Among the poisons is Aithur Niles , jioprietor ) of The fiiillm Daily Now s , whoso case for a time was coiiHidoicd hojieless. The published statements that the butchois of Chicago aio about to join in a stiiko inaiiguiated by the Now Yoik butchois woikingmen's union , is looked upon as a canaid. Piom- inent slaughteieis siy woik in that line is so scaico now they can hardly make a living. It may bo 10 bed upon that no such movement is contemplated , both hutchius and ab- b.itoir men deeming it suicidal. WASHINGTON NOTES. Nntloiml Aiuudiituil I'nm M MIWMI SIOl'V. WASl ( ! o , Juno II. Major Brotherlon , Ninth iiifantiyc < ingatFoit Butoid , Dakota , lopoits to the war ( Upartmcnt the [ iiobalulity men of Sittimg Hull seeking sholtei Tl the post. The Indians at Wood Mountain aio said to ho pailicularly lestituto and almost Htaning. About jighty Indians huvo recently como in- o the fort and seemed peifccl- y willing to bo forwarded to the uet- .leiuent at Yatos. AHOlNlMKNri. Commander Montgomery Picard vas to-day appointed chief of thu bur- au of oidnanco , vice Commodoio fellers , icstgmd. The president to-day appointed lohn Haines , of the Di itrict of CoU imbia , agent for thu Indians of Sum- 10 agency , in Idaho. TIIK CAIIINKT. K\nry member of the cabinet was irtsent at the cabinet mooting to-day. blatters considoiod wora of a purely oner.d character and of no special in- ercst. STKAMJ1OAT IU'(1UIATION.S. Over the signature of Acting Sucre- ary Fionch , and under date of Juno 1 , the tri'.isiuy dojiartmont to-day isiii'd a ciicular logarding the over- towding of stoamlmats , by which olkctom and survoyois of customs 10 diioctod to instruct subordination ) make c.uoful examination of such tcamoisand report all caicsofio - ntion. Jerome Pr.rk Riioim. utloiul As utUtul I'riwi JIJCOMK P\UK , N. Y , Juno 11. 'ho i.ites ot ( lie Anieiican Jockey lub postponed fiom Satinday weiu un to-day ; tiaok heavy. Fust race , wound one-half milts , for two-year- Ids , was won by ( Surald , Olivia Bou nd. ls < ip thud ; timu 50 L KuLond rate , one amf ono-fouith nlos , foi thioo-yoar-olds , won by Ulotln.i , tSir Hugh second , Topsey hud , I mm 'J 10. Thud iiii-u , tlueo ( ( iiiutor milo , for 11 ages , won by Greenland , Kdith LLond ; tune 1,20. Font ill iac , one and thieo-fouths nlo , all ages , won by Grenada , Giro * eo second ; time 2:315. : Fifth race , mile and a furlong , won y Kdolwoistt , Vagrant fluconu ; time 04. THE TRACK OF DEATH. Frightful Loss of Life and Property - ty in tlio Interior ot Missouri Whole Villages Wiped Out of E Existence by a CycJotiQ , The Record of Death Appalling- , and the Half has not Boon Told. National Awcl-itul I'ri'i. KINO CITV , Mo. , Juno 1 J. Tlm unusually so\ ere storms and gales of the past few days culminated in a cyclone - clone of the most tornlio piopoitions , which swept o\or the little Milages of Bpilin , Hosendalu , and this place , 25 willing thorn almost out of existence , and doing enostimate.iblo dam.igo t ( K U kinds of propcity. Hcamo Yroni tK' | southwesl , coloring the track , vary. : % fr"MI " ° ° f ot t 'i ' quaiter of a mifo.m wnltli , strewing the teiritory with fK 'i onli of trees , houses , do mestic arvc' ' ° ' 'i ' stock and men wcro picU-d up K""lyi huiled 75 feet in the air and daslreu to the ground a ( piar- DC , ler of a milo . ! * / . A faimei named Mil ) nard I'WVB * miles west of thw pliKu " ' dn\eii J against n fence jont J" > d pierced through by n four inch timber. Hi-r daughter was canied by the wind a ipiattor of a milo and divcuti-d of all clothing except ono stocking. She id died nluntly alter the balance of the family succeeded in reaching the > 1- lar and escaped. A fai iner mimed 1C T. Nelson , iv milo north of town , was instantly killed. Mrs. Roberts and two children living near Itosendalo was also killed and their house totn to atoms. The settlement at Flat Springs and Kmpiio Piaino also sullerod ines timable damage. The daughter of iFno. W. Colt was crushed to death and all other mombets of the family more or less injured. A p.uty i > f 20 who look lefugo in in the house of Fiank Belko were all severely dealt w ith , HOIUO of whom cannot recover. A woman near Hor- lin , with a nursing b.ibo in her aims , was struck by a timber and both killed. The wildest rumors of fatali ties in the neighboring county are in circulation , and as additional particu lars aio brought in by the suivivora , the story of death and desolation grows moio horrible. The loss of valuable stock is over it thousand head , and it is estimated thab not less than § 500,000 to $750,000 will cover the loss in houses , barns , crops , etc. As particulars aio not all in yeU > these figures may fall short o ) \lu \ 4X 11" ' damage * ' Railroad Mutters. National Assoclihil 1'rcsM CnicAdo , Juno 1-1 ! p. m. Thu southwestern tailway association hold a meeting to-day for the purpose of iccoiving the icpottof the committee lately appointed by the Southwestern nianagcis to doxiso plans for the set tlement of the fi eight and passenger- complications. Ai tides of incorporation for a road to ho known as the Johet , liock- * foid A Notthein has been tiled by the olIiceiH of the Chicago , Biiilington iVr Qiiincy load. This stop ' ' has been ttikon to checkmate the al / leged oncioachments upon the Chicago limlington > t Quincy triitoiy by the Milwaukee A. St. I'aul toad. Jt II.IH fonts piimaiy object the biinging of : oal fioui the Buudwood mines intu Lho noithein country. CIN ( iNNAii , Juno M. The stock- lioldeisof the Chicago , Hamilton & Dayton laihoad , at a meeting held to- lay , elected tlio following officers : I. II. lovoniuStevenson Buiko , Hugh J , Jowett John Carlisle , Mai tin Uaio , W. M. White , L B. Harti-on , U. D. Huntinglon , M. K. Ingalls , indoted by a largo majoiity to iati- ° y the consolidation with the 0. , C. , J. iV , I. road. Moxloo's Boom. latloual Ciri op MIIXKO , Juno M. The ropelov.impo railroad company IIOH > oeii privileged to build a bianch toad o Alamos in connection with the Jiiayamasroad. The South Ma/allan oad is to bo standard gauge and will ) o subsidi/od at the rate of $8,000 per nilo. The branch road tc Presidio ) ol Nortu is unsubsidi/ed. Work on ho Topolovainpo mil way has boon be- ; un and thu road will be finished in on years. The company is required- > y the teiiiiH of the contract to lay a. able across the Gulf of California. The American \est.ol "Acacen , " al- cged to have been aei/ed oil' Moiida , ins been released on demand from thu iVashington authorities , who say the choouer was abandoned and that it it noroly a question of salvage to bo set- led hereafter , Thomas B. Lewis , of Boston , has. Mirchast'd 400 acres of land in the vi- inity of Chipallipie , to build a hotel , Dilliculty has aiisen between thu and National railway com- tallies , Tlio Central claims the ox- lusivo right of way through Guaddla- liafa. The Natiotial company jiit live- inndi cd men to woik anil laid a track 0 get subvention , The Central ob- ained an injunction against the Nu- lonal company , lost mining them from iroceodiug fmtlior with the woik and t was stopped. Foiu cases of choleia mo lopoitod 1 Tolaca , and it is alleged the diseasu i as bi ought f lorn New Ybik. _ i _ _ _ Tlio Southwostoru Pool. ational A wHiutnl I'n s Uiiii A 10 , J uno M. At the mooting' f the Southwestern railway assocra- iou this afteinoon , a plan , looking to EioseUlementof freight dilliculties was Lihmittod and considoiud in t > ccret rasion Representatives am present roni the freight departments of the I. , B. \ . Q , , Hock Inland t Pacific. Iiasouri Pacific , Hannibal A : St. Joo. : , 0. , St. Joe & 0. B. , mid the Wo- uah.