THU OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , JUX13 M , 181. uiUYAL STAND IN ? A Tearful Appal iii Congress ft the Eock Greek Star Route , # And Words of Admiration an Love for That "Good Man Brndy.- ViU-lant Dofomo of tlio Rlnc thoSngo Bruili Route. Friday , April 2 , 1SSO. The house Win ; , „ c..iiijnittve of tit Wll" > Bi -Mcrntlnn th ( l i ; .No > 4r-1 ' lo t"m' ' ' f".1 < ict ? thAl1l""l'ri ? "nt' f r th , tr , . f" 0fUl0"la , . tll ( ' vlar ' " > tl' ' for the li cnl > vu ; riiIin-r ( Jmu. ; ! 0,1880- Jlr. Vali.Mitities.iiil : Mr. Cli.-urn.un. . The house haviu , miitod the tk-lMto upon this niuasurj tlioro Mill l.o but Dim hour ami seven tocii ininutus mi each sitlo , and tht ru fore 1 ah.ill bo cojnpolluil to yield i poittDii of my time to other goiitlu niun who acreo with mo on this niius lion , althi.uyh 1 mud , desired the op portunity to speak fully on this sub ject. 1 hiuo watched very carefully tin delMito mi this nuestum at nil times when the s.xnic was before the commit tee before , and also at this time , and 1 say most f lankly 1 do not think anj gentleman on the other side on behall of the appropriations committee luu spoken to the point involved. Thoj liavo gone dourly around the subject without touching it fairly and sciuarn- ly an they ought to liavo done , aa the } ouyht to have tried to do , and to i-ive to the house the information wftich they ought to possess in relation to it. Commencing back at the time when they A'ere appointi-d a aub-committeu to investigate the cause of the defi ciency in the postollice appropriation known as the star service , they began on tlio IL'th of January , held six meetings of their committee for the purpose of taking testimony in the matter , held another on the third of February , and then there was no meet ing , as shown by their printed report , until this question came back from the senate. After the 3d of February thcy wait ed twenty-two days , and then brought into this house the first bill introduc ed by them , No. 473 ! ( ' , argued it a whole day , urging that it was right , that it just the proper thing for this house to do , that it was wise to pass that identical bill , and then the next morning came upon the lloor , after limiting the debate to two hours , having before spoken upon it one whole day , and introduced as a substi tute an entirely different ; proposition. Whether in one night after the ad journment of this house and the next morning they had obtained n greater amount of information than during the whole time before they had been investigating the subject , I do not know ; but they said then that was the proper thing to do. 1 do not think , with all due regard to the intelligence and experience of the gentlemen who compose the sub committee , they understand what they are talking about , and I am led to believe that from the arguments they undertake to make on this lloor \ on this subject. I do not believe either one of thobills they nsked.the Imuao to [ MSS arc just to Ihe country , just to the contractors , or just to anybody. The whole premises upon which they stand are wrong. If the service is too great , if the great west , whore all those routes nrn , is not entitled to the service 'hich it now has , cut it oil' and the west will not complain. .But what do they propose to do ? In the first bill they undertake to say ; "Wo will set you buck where you were sixteen months ago. " Now , sixteen months in the great west is : i long time to our people.Vo grow rapidly in sixteen months , and our wants are greatly increased. Sixteen months in the west , in reference to its growth and wants , are as to sixteen years in some of the eastern states. , lint after speaking on that question for some time they abandoned itandsaid , "No , wo will not strike oft' the increase , but wo will cut down the expedition. " There is one point that no gentleman , as 1 now recollect , has yet undertaken to explain. For instance ) take this route that the gentleman from Illinois has just spoken of , the route from Hock creek to Fort Cnster. That route was originally lot ( and it is prob able all the country demanded it at that time ; upon a very slow schedule r ? of once a week. There wore eight days in making the trip from Uock creek to Fort Ouster 190 hours Ibo- lievo it was. As the country began to grow , as tie mails increased , as the business of that portion of the country increased , M the wants of that country developed they asked for an incm.isu of service , and it was granted by this much- abused official , Hrady , and I say rightfully granted , I nay that it was rightfully granted because I asked for it myself , and 1 stand hero ready to defend what I asked for then , because - cause I believed then and T believe now that it was but just and right that it should be done , When it was in creased to six times , of course it was but fair and right the the time should bo expedited. Hut now , if this house Btands by the sub-committee and re fuses to stand by the senate amend ment , what do wo find ? They say wo are not interfering with the service. Wo give a daily lines of mails , but what is the effect to it7 The coach will start with a let ter from Hock Creek to a business man say at Fort Ouster , and it will take under this bill , if it be adopted , six teen days to got an answer. I ask , Mr , Chairman , is it right ! Is this in terfering with the service thorof If you desire to do justice to the people , if you deiiro to bo just to the contrac tors , why do you not cut down the service partially , and not the expe dition wholly ! suppose this bill pauses , what do no find ? A bill with eight days of schedule would deliver Monday s mail on this route on Tues day of the following week. Suppose you cut it down one-half , instead of Bii times a week , give them three times a week , which will bo much bet ter , on every one of these routes. If it bo reduced to throe times a week , just one-half , of any of these routes , the expense would bear that proportion tion to the expenses that the govern ment is now put to on these routes , and Monday's mail would bo received five day * sooner upon the tri-weekly than it would upon the present sched mo if the bill posses and the daily sci vice is continued. Wednesday's ma theicaftor would bo ivceived four da\ sooner. Now , it is less expense to the goV eminent and it is less expense to th contraetovs , and it is more equitabh and jint to everybody. If wo arogot ting too much in the west , cut u down ; but do not ruin the entire ser vice. What would you say here , yoi gentlemen that can walk out at on o'clock and get your morning paper from Now York it is two hundrot and thirty-seven miles , ] behove , h Now York and your mail and morn ing papers come hero in six hours nnt thirty minutes' Suppose that this economic stieak that has stiuck tin sub-committee should reach furtho and attempt to strike this muil-rotiU from Now York to Washington , am this committee would say , "Wo wil put you back mi a slow freight sched nlc , as they propose to do on thiwi great mutes in the west , of thirty-six hours. " What would you say to that What would you do about it' ' Do yoi believe you would stand it ? No gtm tleinen ; they do not ask that ; they dc not propose it , because they know' the house would not siibmit to such a pro position ; but they eomo in hero and take seventy-throe of those grea1 routes in the west and talk gonorall ) about them , and then end by specify ing one or two only mid no mme. Now , the route from Bismarck to Fort Keogh , if it goes back , as it wil ! under thin bill , will be on a schedule of a hundred and four hours. If it is reduced to u tri-weokly mail on pres- ant schedule , it will deliver Monday's mail thirty-nine hours sooner than un der the daily service if this bill in passed. 1 do not know if 1 make my self understood when I say the pro position ol this sub-committee ii al ! wrong. If the committee will strike on * about five words from this bill , an they desire to have it passed , I think 1 can safely say that they would not gel twenty-five votes on this floor for it , and that is with reference to the 8U500 per annum expedition. Now , 1 desire to say to this com mittee that the expedition on all the small routes through the east and west on the star service are made up on exactly the same basis as upon those largo routes. Only that and nothing moro. Hut the subcommittee tee , when they come to consider this question , say wo will not limit it upon them , because if wo do it will strike all of the populous states , and we will be outvoted. Therefore , what do they lo ? They say , hero are sevonty-threo routes through the west and south west and in the territories , ( who have not a vote on this floor ) , and they propose to strike _ these down , because they can do it without injury to them selves. Now , I ask if it is fair to strike Jowu theae soventy-throo routes in the west because of expedition , and not strike down the three or four or five thousand uwil-routos that have boon expedited in the older states ? In my own state I have had routes increased and expedited , and 1 am [ rank with this committee when I say that I am anxious for this bill to pass to get some more. There is § 100,000 For now service that my state is urging me day after day to secure tor them , ur n part of it. There are one hund red thous'aml people , or nearly that number , who have gJno into the state since we have had an hici-oaso-of. mai ] facilities. I am anxious to have this bill passed , and 1 believe o.vory man who lesires to secure an "increased mail service should vote for the senate imcndmeutsand against the report of : his sub-committee. Lot us pass the Jill as it comes to us from the senate. What is the benefit of talking upon it lay after day ? It is hardly necessary 'or this sub-committee to come before .he house and bay they are not in 'avor of expediting. They show that > y their own action. They have had : his bill before them for ninety days , md still it is not disposed of. I think f a little expedition would stiikc this louse it would be a good thing for the : onntry. I would like to talk further on this mbject , but I have promised to yield i portion of my time. There are still ) iio or two matters on which I ought : o speak before 1 sit down. The gen- .lenimi from Illinois ( Mr. Cannon ; .silked about two routes in which my : ountry and my constituency are jreatly interested. Ho held these up : o view ; but that leaves seventy-two outes untouched by his comment. I iay they have not attempted to allow vhy they take these large umtes , the nain arteries of the service ot the vest , and exclude others. Why should hey not bo just and equitable and icrvo alike in this matter/ / The gentlemen \ \ ho have advocated he house bill have talked long about aving millions of dollars. The yon- Ionian from Kentucky ( Mr. .Black- > urn ) wont so far as to bay that if wo igreed to the senate amendment it xjurnl the government for two moro 'ears on those routes for three or four trillions of dollars , 1 do not think ho gentleman meant that , though he aid it , for the house has repeatedly lecided the reverse. The gentleman alkfd for an hour and a half profess- idly on this subject ; 1 watched him arufully , and I do not think ho really ouched the subiect moro than a min- ito and a half during the whole time. . do hope that the gentlemen who are o follow mo on that side will got right [ own and show some reason why they lave gone to the figure of 2f , > 00 in- tead of cutting it all out or le.iving it ,11 in. If the system is wrong , correct ho system. Thin they should do , and n tins the friends of the star service , re anxious and willing to help them , tut they have no right at this time to : oinu in hero and by this sweeping neasuro cripple our entire service in ho west and thereby do a great wrong o these contractors. They should orve them all alike , Gentlemen have rallied IT attempt- id to rally votes to sustain their action lore by crying out that there was a ; rent fraud being perpetrated upon he people of this nation by the HOC- md assistant postmaster general. I lesire the members of this committee o understand that that is not the juestion now before them. The qucs- ion before them is , shall the star ser- ice remain intact as at present I The [ uestion us to whether the laW or the ystem is right or wrong is not before ou at this time , except in the amend- neiit which says that in the future ho service shall not bo expedited lore than 50 per cunt , * * # * * * The only- question ii this : Will th house bo just to the great west , jit ! to the mnil there' If you fl desire , you will stand by the amend incuts to this bill as it lias come froi the senate. 1 repeat , if you dc.Mro t bo just to yourselves and just to th people of the west , stand by and con cur in the senate amendments. How much time have 1 loft ? The chairman. The gentleman hn thirty-five minutes of his time ic niaining. Mr Valentino. 1 yield live min utcs to the gentleman from Soutl Carolina , ( Mr. Aiken. ) BUSINESS NOTICES. Prtrodj" ou Excelsior. I1V SIIOIlTVKI.t.OW. Sec the Indies gaily droned , lining to tin1 S.iMiijerfeH , Their llaU , as Htiroly thcy'l nttet , Conies from the I.e.iilitij'stori'eoiifewd- ATK1NSONSM Whciv feathers , llowei" , That oinnmonl their pretty fnee * , And magnify their many grace * , Aie front the lx > of bin ing places - ATKINSONS' ! When lailien want a dro-n or Iwnuct , Or hat with ilecoratlmn mi it , Constructed in the latest TO.V , it Must bo got nt depend upon it - ATKINSONS ! ! So give yourself nn | > oaco nor rcil , If for the r.ue t jnu'\e a .ceit , Hut come w hile nt the Sit ngerfest To Crcighltw's block , and get the best , At the chenjWHt depot cast or west - ATKINSONS ! ! "BLACK-DRAUGHT" makca chills and fever impossible. oU-lw At 0. F. Ooodnnn'a. Fresh California fruits at Ti/-nrd's HAYPEN'S Finn KIXIH.KUS , just tin ihing for summer use. Sales immense Sold by all grocers. Dissolntiou of Partnership. The partnership which has existei jotwoon II. W. Crossle and Jamc ! Walsh of McArdlo precinct has boot dissolved. H. W. Cr.ossLi : . . . o.- HAYIIKN'S PATENT Finn KINULKKS , iropared especially for summer use , sold by all grocers. grocers.O . . - -O- IK you want a pleasant team of anj cind , go to J. II. McShane's Livery , 1307 , ia07 and 13011 Ilarney street , tucsitsat-lt Masonic. The Freemasons of this city , resi' lents and sojourners are invited to as > ? emblo on the evening of Mondaj luno 13th , to receive and welcome irothor Goo. W. Liningor , past grand naster , on his return from Europe. JOHN II. BUTLKII , ISuMPAVE ANDEH.SON , .TAMILS B. Bitu.vNEH , Masters. HAYDKN'S FIUK KINI > LIUW , just tin hing for summer use. Sales immense Sold by all grocers. ) IF you want n good drive in the ountry go toJ. H. McShano's Livery , 1307 , 1309 and 1311 Harnoy street. tuositsatlt Guild it Mclnnis , the live dry goods ueii on Sixteenth street , are doing a tishing business , Since they opened lioir store , Sixteenth street is the veliest street in Omaha. J5y selling oods cheap , and doing business on omul principles , they draw as largo u rowd as Barnum's circus Boys' Straw Hats , two for Gets at Joston Store , 01 ( i Tenth street. 13-3 'h PATENT FIUK KINW.EHS , ropared especially for summer use. old by all groc HAYDEN'S I'ATEMFine KINDLKKS , ropared especially for summer use. old by all grocers. Much trade that formerly came own town is now centered on ICth , rcot. Since Guild MelnniH opened lioir dry goods store they have con- inced the people of North Omaha lat a first class dry goods store can o maintained as well in north Omaha s it can in ttio central portion of the ty , and goods can bo sold cheaper , 'h PATENT FIUK KIMH.KUS , repared especially for Hummer use old by all grocers. Foenoy A ; Connolly have started in ith a good trade in boots and shoes I their now store , No. D12 Sixteenth treot. _ _ jlO-fit. A fine line of Gents' Furnishing oods at reduced prices. eod-2w M. HKM.MAX it Co. Now is the time to invest your loney. L. Ii. Williams it Sons are H'oring their entire stock of Dry oods , Notions , Boots and Shoes at jss than cost. Stock must bo reduced tis mo * th. These bargains only for tiu month , HAYJIKN'S PATENT FIUK KIMH.KHS , reparcd especially for summer use , old by all grocers. HAYHKN'S FIUK KI.VIH.KU.S , just the ling forsummer use. Sales immense ! old by all grocers. Kvury body who visits the Dry oods Store of Guildit Melanin , Kith ctween California and Webster sts. , iust bo convinced that it ia a profttu- lo and pleasat place to trade , HAYDEN'S PATENT FIUK KINULERS , repared especially for summer use. old by all grocers. 1 r you want n pleasant carrinuo ridge go to J. II. McShano's Livery , lto ; ; 130 ! ) mul 1311 Harnoy street. tUOSitKltlt HAYDEN'S FIUK KINDI.KUS , jmt th thing forsummer use. Sales immense Sold by all grocers. ( Jo nd ee the great walking tnnlrli. HI - ' The only place in the city wlu-n Milwaukee Beer is found on di.muh Merchants Kxchango , cor. tith am Dodge streets. HAYDEN'S PATENT FIUK KINMKIIS prepared especially for suminei nsi- Sold by all rrocers. HAYDKN'S 1'iitn KINHUUS : , jmt tin thing for summer use. Sales immense Sold by all grocers. HAYKKN'S PATENT Ftui : ICtxnir is. . prepared especially for summer nsi- Sold by all groceis. HAYDKN'S PATENT Fun : KIM > UI , > , prepared especially for summer iho , Sold by all jiiocora. Par.isols reduced to 15 , ! ? ( " > , 3fi ce at Boston Store , ( HO Tenth sheet. 'WINE OF CARDIM" for Ladies onlv. At 0. V Onndnnm. $5.00 REWARD. Lost Monday evening on Eighteenth street , north of Wiomor's grocery , a Drown leather shopping bag , contain ing a chatelains silver watch and othoi irticles , return to BEI : ollice. jull-llt SELLING OVT AT COST. NINDKI.L it KitKi.u : are selling mit Lhcir immense stock of Straw HATS it COST. If you want a good il\T OHl'jAP , call nt thosiguof thoGolilon Hat , 1-lth street. num-thur-iat Fruits of all kinds at Ti ird's. HAYDK.N'.S PATENT Finn IVIM > UI.S : : , > repared especially for summer use. Sold by all grocers. Sco the 80 brocades at William's , Sco Ladies Hose at William's. Sco the 70c shirt at "William's. See the greatest bargains over of- 'ored in Omaha at L. B. WIU.IAMS it SONS , Cor. Dodge and loth St. Imported Fayal Hats , 50 cents , at the "Boston store , " 01(5 ( Tenth street. ladies' Trimmed Picnic Hats , . " > 0 cents , 75 cents and $1 each , at the "Boston store , " Oil ! Tenth street. GREATEST REMEDY KNOWX. Dr. King's Now Discovery for Con sumption is certainly the greatest medical remedy ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity. T'-ou- ' i.nmls of once helpless snllorcrs , Junv oudly proclaim their praise for this wonderful discovery to which they > wo their lives. Not only does it posi- ive'ly cure Consumption , but Coughs , Holds , Asthma , Bronchitis , liny . ' 'over , Hoarseness and nil allections of ho Throat , Chest and Lungs jields it once to its wondeiful curative pow er as if by magic. Wo do not : isl > you o buy a largo bottle you know vluit you use gutting.'a theiuforo arnustly request you to cull on your .ruggihts , Ihii it MrMAiiON , and 'ot a lial bottle fieo of cost which will con- luce the most skeptical of its womlcr- ul merits , and show you what a legti- ar one dollar si < ? o bottle will do , For ale by Ish it McMahon. M ) NEVKIt GIVE UP. If you are sufleiing with low and opressed spirits , loss of appetite , eneral debility disordered blood , oak constitution , headache , or any isease of a bilious nature , by all leans procure a bottle of Electric Bit ers , You will bo surprised to HOC the apid improvement that will follow ; 'on will bo inspired with new life ; trength and activity will return ; pain ml misery will cease , and henceforth ou will rejoice in the praise of KIcc- ric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a lotlto , by Ish t McMahon. ( it ; flh- THEGREATgijf CERIUll REMEDY RHEUMATISM , Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Bachiche , Soreness of the Chest , Gout , Quinsy , Sore Throat , Swell- fnas and Sprains , Burns and Scalds , General Botfly Pains , Tooth , Ear and Headache , Frosted Foot and Ears , and all other Pains and Aches. He , Preparation on nrtb equili BT , Jicon OIL a tafe , ture , dnjtlr nd ehtaft Eiltrutl Irnedy. A trlil tnltlli tut tbe ctiwptntlTtly ittlng outl / of 60 OnU , nd .i roca ufftr. B0 with pcla c a tiiT * cliuu nd potlUit unief iSriUeUlEM. tit , t > lrctloD > lo Xl T a IJipi i . " OLDBTALLDBUOOIBTB AHD JEAt B8 IH MEDIOIHE. A. VOOEUBR The Pnmoiu Seltrer Spring of Qcrmnny mv > liouif TARRANT'8 SELTZER APERIENT , Orrnun Spnln . H lt mtivntrnt * ! tlnpll , t ith tlilrtto fott\ sparkling dew , . * III c.v-h l-o tlo r-rSold b > ilntwM * ihc world o\er D.T. MOUNT SADDLES AND HARNESS 1412 Pnrn. St. Omalm , AUKXT roii TIIR CONCORD HARNESS T o Me.hl niul n Dlplnnit ol Honor , with th ory nlclii-Nt awinl the JinUi-i cimld Inflow . nwnrtliHl this luiriitu nt the IVnttntihl i\lilbl Ion. t'nmmnn , iilwi Itnnrhiiirn'N mul I.vllrt1 H\ll M.I-S. Wo kci-p the lir i-sl Ntoik In thowitt niul im lit- nil wlio cAimot examine tom'inlfo irlim. _ OMAHA APIARY ! 1100 Pnvnlmm St. , Omiiha , Neb liAMnir i\ml Mlln nj I'm n llnllan llopi ixm Jiiionn , AI nKivM | lor wxlo Hut IK-HI limirmp , ii-ii hl\c , MimUri. i-otiili foundation ami nil kliul at In u limti fill and IHtiiri'i. m' 1m li | ( IMAAC r.UWAUDS Air.N1b ( WAX rill ) KOIl Creative Science Mill KK.UAI , I'llll.OSOl'ltY. rrodml.x Illuslrolid , Thu inont Important an iiwl hook puhlMuil. H\iry tnmllantiiom htruonliimn liKlucciiiuiN DlToro-l amenta. AllKNI I I 111 , K | | Nil I' " D. s. BENTON ATTORNEY - ATLAW AKIIACH 11I.OCIC , Cor. I > o\iIai ( nnd ICth htn , , Onulm , Nrh , DUN I nruirk. REDICK&.REDICK , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW Special .ittc'lltlon will ) > I\CM tonlliultHnfiilM * orKntluiiHot | | C\KT ) ili-Milptloii ; will pmctk-p li 11 tlio tourU of the Stutc niul thu I'nllnl Mutes OtKicK r.iriiliuin St , iiipn | < lto Court tlouie. I" Vc t for hem , ' the most ilirect , quickest , am ife t llnoeonni'tln thuxriat JldropoIlH , ( ' 111 'AO ! , ami the l.tHTKin , ! < i > inii KAMI us , KIIUTI ml SIM ill KM-IHIS Li\m , Mhlch tinnlnittu tlure ith KASS CirLKvvfswiniTii , AUIIIHIIS , < ll'\- | | , 111.I UK .Ulll < MMI\ , the C'OMMKIIIIAI tNTi.UN from ln < h nnh.ite EVERY LINE OF HOAD nt iitnitrilc.H ; tlicCiintlnint from Ihu Mlsiour : ivir lo thf I'.uilU Slupc. 'Ihu JII1CAGO , 150CIC ISLAND , t PA- CTFIC RAILWAY the mil ) line from Clilraxn owning traik Into ans-is , or Hlilth , li ) IU oun ro.-ul , rtnches tin : olnts ahote nmiicil. No TIIASHKKUS 11 t'.MiiiniiK II MIMflMI ( IISM-'CllllNS ' Nil hllllllllllg In ill > Liitllatcil or iimlcun ( , tr , as terIIHBMII LT h irrlcil In roDinj , ilc.ui amitntllalctl couchcx , IKIII ! 'ast K\pnhS 'IraliH , DAY Ctimnf inirualnl inn nlflcLnci' , PIM.VAS .U-UK M.KH'isii CAHH , ami ouroun vorlil-f uuouv IMMI I'uw , iiixin uhiih nunNarener\c < l nf nil- irivissiil I'Mtllriiii' , ftt the Irm ratu of SK\Tsn INK O.NTH r.wn , withttinplc tlino for healthful ijoincnt Thruiin'h Can lictviccn UMmyn , 1'corla , Mil- aukci'uii'l ' Mlthonri Hivir Pointsami ; cloiecon citlonn at all | ioinU of Intimcctlun lth otlit'i i.nls. Wu tlrkit filn not foriccttlilillrcitl ) > to r\er\ lutonf inixrt.iiire ] in Kannis , Nihntika , IIUcK Illn , Wuiiiilni ; , I'tah , Jilalio , .Vrtaili , CullfornU , rvgnniiklilngton Turrltuo , Coloruilo , Arl/onu nl N 'H 51c\li o , An iiirnnu'iiiH'iitH rKanllngl > nxaKi ) ! a.s i ) nthi r line , > kiul rateH of fure ulvtart im lotM oini _ tltor , uho Iiirnl.ili hut a tlthu of the com ort Do/s nml tarkle of K | ) rtiMien fn > > 1 kki tn , iiin ) ; | ami folderx at all prlnclpivl ticket Hies III tliu I'nltnl hUlm ami L'aimlii , It It CAIII.l : , I' . ST. JOHN , Ku I'rtM t A. < Ji n. Oen , Tkt. anil I'-inn'r A t. klanaifir , ( .IIK-I O. 880. SHORT LINE. 1880. KANSAS CITY , it , Joe & Council Bluffs U Til * 0.1LT Direct Line to ST. LOUIS ANITIIiKAHT : Prom Omaha and the West. To chancu of can lictwicn Onwvha and fit. I/mln , Mid but ono In twciMi Oil AHA and NIW : YOUK. SI3C Daily Passenger-Trains KKMIII.VJ AUi A8TKKN AND WKSrilUN CITIES with LESS CIIAUUE.S anil IN AHVAMJC ol ALL OMIUt LINKS , Tlilf fiitlru llnu ID ( .iniimKi ! ultli I'lillnmn'i aaiu luiiin ; , ' ( Jam , 1'ahiu J > ay Cnaclii-g , Miller' . alitrUtlonn anil Coujilcr , anil the cil ViAtliiuliouiu Air lirala- , XirSio tlat > our tkkit rcaiU VIA KANSAS ITf , HT JOhlU'll & , COUNCIL DI.UTS Hall oail , tiiht Jowpli ami M. Mill * . TkkcU lor balu at all toniioii stations In the Vit J. F. IIAIINAItl ) , . C DAWKS , ui Klijit , ht. JiJMMili , Mo Uiu. I'-m * Mid Tlckit Ayt. , bt. Jostili | , Mu. W. 0. SKACIIUMT , Titkit Ajjuit , 1UJO rurnliam utrt'ct , ANDY ISouprv , I'insuitr A oiit , A. It. 1UIO.AK1J , General Accnt , OMAHA , NKI1. A. G. TROUP , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , Owen In HanwombS Illock , with tioorgo E. 'rlihitt , 1HXJ Karnliaiii M. , Uuutha , Nib , Dexter L. Thomas , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , > truUia , Ni JTHIS 3OTW AND COKRJ3CT MAP ' / "i * " I'roves beyond any reasonable question that the CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RY I < by all odO.1 the ben for you to take Itcn .ravelins In olthor direction between1 ) ! ' 1 Chicago and all of the Principal Points In the West , North and Northwest.-4- iMIiUVfllt. The Principal Cltle-jof the Vi'tit unit NorthweUjirn Stations i through trains niako close councctlous with the trains ol all railroads at 7voo , v.NQKTHWEOTimrTTAirwATi THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WtSTERN RAILWAY , PULLMAN' HOTEL DrNmiS CAHsX. for Tlf kct < l % ln thl < 1 rou1'l)0 : Sllro thcy rrnl ( ov . ' . U.STB.NSBTTOcirirnss.Accut , HAUUYl' IH'Kt. , Tlcli-t Aifcnt t' , t V W llalt y lltliand I'unhvn utrrcti. I ) , i : . KIMItAI , ! . , AMl'Unt Tlcki't A cnt U , t N W Ilnlhrnj. lull itnd Kurnhim J IU'II , , TU'kilirntO .t N W Itallnii ) . V I1 H It , loix > t , HAMKST t'lvOlh. ( li-iu-ml Agi'iit , Chas. Shiverick FURNITURE , BEDDING , Feathers , Window Shades , And Everything pertaining to the Furniture and Up holstery Trade. A Complete Assortment of New Goods at the Lowest Prices. OHAS , SHITERICK , 1208 an 1210 Farn , St. niht inon limit No Changing Cars HKlttKCS OMAHA & CHICAGO , Where illriTt conni'i'tionHnni nivlu with Throng ! Sl.iii'IN : : ( ! CAIt I.INKH for Ni\V : Y011K , IIOSTON , IIAI.TIMOIU : , WASHINGTON AND ALL IASTIUN : : mia. The Short Line via. Peoria Kor INDIANAI'OMH , TINCINNATI , LOUIS VII , I , II , mul all polntd In the TUN IIKHI LINn For ST. LOUIS , Whcro illrcrt ronnuitlonn oni mailitlii the Union Depot ulth thu TliroiiKli Sin pins Car LlniNfor ALL I'OIN'I.S 13 O TOT T 33C . NEW LINE' ' DES MOINES TIII : PAVoitm : IUIUTK roil Rock Island. Tim iim'/nulc'l linliici'iiifiiln olfrruil hy tliln line to trauli'M unil tourUtH aru u follo : The cHelmitc.1 Pl'l , I.MAN ( ID-whr.'l ) I'ALARK HI.KIU'I.N'O CAItS run nnlv an thin llnu. U. , II. IL 4 1'ALACi : DHAWINU ROOM OAKS , with lorton'a llrilliilni ; < 'halra. Nn uxtrt ihaiga for uuitHln lloillnliiK 1'halrn. The fanioim . , n. li U. I'ulai'o Dlnlnii CurH , ( lorci-om Hiuol.ln Cam Ittvil ulthilfKant hlh-liacl | > ci | rattan rut olIng thalm , for the cidiioUu uuuuf Unit ilasn IUMUVII- tin. tin.Htci I Track anil miiH-rlor uiilpnicnt | inmhlnnl uith thtlr fJrit tlirciiifli tur urraiiKcmuit , makui .lili. aliotw all otlitrn , tliu fatorlte routu totlit Jmt , South anil hmitlumit , Try It , ami jou ill llnJ traullni ; a 1'uury ln < utiml < it u lUmumfort , ThrniiKh tlcktU tin thU rch-hratuil llnu for Bale at all oltkiH In the Unltiil Statin anil Uuiaila. All Infoniutlon aliout ratio * of fare , .Sleeping , 'ur accoinnioilatluim , Tlinu Talihn , tte , , will be ihttrf ully fh en hy upj > l ) hit ; to JAM ! It. WOOD , General I'aHinngir Agent , Chlui o. T. J. ro'rnit. : ( lencrul Manager Chlui o. GEO. H. PARSELL , M. D , Itoomu In J.'iiola' IllixK , up t.ilrn , corner Cap talatuiiivaiul I'llUint/i btrut. lti iiluni'.U'J iluriiun atcinio MJJ rum 7 to U p in. , vxii pt U'c-ilncvlujK. Hl'KIAIn OliatltlkM Ull'l ' lH.Ul l Of U'OIIH ! Olllce hnun , 0 to 11 a , in , and - tu I p. in ; Him Uajufita ? p. in mlUin J G RUSSELL M D. , , , , . , HOMCEPATHIC PHYSICIAN , Dlwavia of Chllilren ami Charonle is i SiuiUlty Ollitu at ltt ul iae , W ) 0 rrU , 1 lours B to lOu. ni. , 1 toJ p in. , onJ Op in in J.H FLIEGEL Successor to J. II Ihlulo , MERCHANT TAILOR No. 230 Doili'las Street Oinsha , Neb , Edward W. Simeral , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , Kootu 0 CrclghtouUth and IKiuglM ttrvtt Sioux City & Pacific St. Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. Tim OLD IUUAIIM : : sioux CITY UOUTK dLOO Mir.r.s siiouTKit HOUTK 3.00 mow COUNCIL BLUFFS TO ST. 1'AUL , MINNUAl'OI.IS , UUI.UTH OH niSMAHCK. ml all polntn lit Northern loun , Mlnm-sotA ami D.iKotn. Tills Iliut N c < | iil | > | ivilijlli tliu liiipnitcil \VcHtliiKlmu4u Autuiiutlu Alr-hnikb and illllcc I'lattoriii C'oiijili'J anil lluflfcr ; anil for si'iii : : ) , SAnrrv AND COMKOHT IK niiinrv < v scil. I'.loKant ln\wliir ) Ilonni anil hire pins Cars , nunt'il nml fnntn > ll i hv the com- ' | inj , run tliroiiuli WT"0'T | | UIIA.VCl'i : hotwiTii Union raolllc Traiiafut uqiot at Council Illuiru , anil St. I'.vul. TmliH Ua\u tfnloii I'acHle Transfer ili' | > otat Caiiinll IllnlNnt fiI6 : n. . ran hliii ; Sioux City at 1U:1 ! < J . in. anil St. Paul nt 11:0.1 : a. in. , making TIN : nouns IN ADVANCK or ANVOTIIIIII Iti'turiilni , ' , liaioSt. I'mil nt 8 : (1 ( p. in. , arrltlny hlnuv L'IJ liluii. in , , nml Union I'.icllle Trans- r ih'iiol , Coiiiiill lllullH , nt ll.'W a , in , llu miru at jour tliki ts rraill.i "H. H & I1. It. It. " P. O. 1IIU.H , Hiipcrlntunilunt. ' T. i : . ItOIHNSON. JIluMJurl Vnlluj , la. Axst , ( ! f ) 1'iwa. Agt'lit. J. II. O'lllHAN , l'OH. UKcr A i-nt. "oiincll llnilTfl , Iowa. KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA 0S 0H fal < l BITTERS ILER & CO. , Solo Manufacturers. OMAHA. John G. Jacobs , ( Formerly ot dlvh& Jacobs , ) UNDERTAKER. No. 1417 Knrnlmm fit , , Old fitaml ol Jacob ( ils. /MTOrdir / * by TfliKrntihUolliltwl , uii27-ly AQENT8 WANTED FOI7 r'iHTwtr HKM.INO HOOKS or TII Auel Foundations of Success IIUSINT.SS AND SOCIAL FOHMS. ' Tholauuof tni'lo. Ictfal fornn , how to trans act liuallium , taluablu Ubluj , nodal ctlinitttu , lurlUiiirnUrr UUK , how to vomluit publlo bual- ni'Hh , In U < t ft Is a i-oniito | ] | ( lulilu to Hiuri'si ( or all iasm. A laiinly nuimity. Aililri < ( or clr- inlarnanil | HiUI liTina ANCIIOH rUllMSHINU CO , ht l uls , Jlo. Dr , Black's ' Rheumatic OTJZC.XI. arranttxl a Had' , Certain ami I.pvcily Cure ( or Ithcunutum In all IU ( anni , Neuralgia , Ijxinu lUck , I'.u" in thu Uri'.i.t ami SuitI'aln In thu Stainach JiiJ Ivlilni ) ! ) , iiIt li an Internal rtiuu- d ) , a Tonu anil | ! looi | 1'iirillcr. anil vUiilo It ru- nous the li ca " ltlm | > roii'8 the genera ! luallh. bUITlf IILACK&CO. , I'roprlctoni , I'UtUmauik , Neb , ODWAK , Oer , ' ) > vrnt Omaha AUI..NTS WANTED run OCR NEW OOK , MRS. LOUISE MOHR , Graduate ol tlio St. Ixjuli School of MUulvca , ( at COO California Street , Between Fifteenth and Sixteenth , ( north sUe , uUero calU will b i > romptly\r apotii ! . cd to at uj bour during tbe uiy or ui.-Ut.i. ' '