r r. . . 8' PHE OMAHA DAILY BEE it * VOL , X. OMAHA , TUESDAY MORNING , JUNE U , 1881 , NO , 291 Baswitz & fells , flMAHASHOESTORE 1422 Douglas St. LARGE STOCK , GOOD GOODS , LOW PRICES. Burt & Means' Gouts' Shoos and Ladies' Pine I Shoes a Specialty. jc3 ixxlOin CD H 0) VI I 0 0ri riM Ul f-i fiO O 32 ah aR o i 3 Great German REMEDY roil NEURALGIA , SCIATICA , LUMBAGO , 1. BACKACHE , GOUT , SORENESS erniE CHEST , SORE THROAT , QUINSY , SWELLINGS miu SPRAINS , FROSTED FEET Asa EARS. U IT XI. INT 1HD SCALDS , GENERAL BODILY PAINS , TOOTHEAR IMP I HEADACHE , JND All other Faios 1KB ACHES. No J're'iir liiu m ertli e-iuali AT , Jico i Oit * i firt , ttfiir , siuni : cM oifir Kiltmtl Ileucdy A tntl inttlli but th coni [ ' ratli > cly trinluj outln ; of U ) CIHII , and eterj ou lultorinj with piiu on btrt cbttpacd puiitlv0 proof of Iti clftlmi * I IK ILXTKH LiROCifilS. SOLD IT All OMOOISTS AND DtAUIJ IN MEDICINt. A. VOGELER ft CO. Htiltlninrf , Md.t U.S.A. PROBATE NOTICE. State of Xelraski , IOIIRI ! Coxmty , M : At a County Court , hcM at tlio County Court Ilootn. In anil for kaW County , .May Ibtli , A. I ) . IbSl. J'rtucnt. Howard U. Smitti , County JuilKO. In tlio matter ol the 'estate ol Slary YVbelaii , d cctiwtnlt OnruaJInt ; ami nilnir tlio jxtltlon of Hyron Jtcod. Ailininl.tor , of tbu itato p ( the Mid Jlary Whilaii , ilec-riural , jiroyiiitf for tlie final * * - tk-nient ami allow an to ol liii tlnal account aa OloJ anil lor a ili clur c from Ills salil trust : OIIUKKBU. That July Ut. A. I ) . J88J , at U o'clock a. iu. , if assigns ! for licanti ! , ' said iwtlhon , when all ii rwia Inttrtnttil In said matter may jiiipcar at a County Court to b held , In and ( or Mid County , nmUliow cause h > the iiraycr of iwtitloner khould not bo crantvd ; and that notlco of the iwndcncy of wild | > ctition and the bearing thereof , bu givun to all IHTHOIU Intercbtcd In bald matter , by luiMlthlm ; a copy ol thU order in the OM.IIIAKEKLY IIKE. a nvwipapcr printed in said foiintv for four Buccvuaive wetki. iiriorto said Sj oVferiiig HOWAniJU/BMITII , IA true copj J County Judge. mSSwtt nt forCOLUMUIA IIIOVCI.ES. Send thiev-cent ctamp ( or Cataloue and 1'rico Liat contaluinB' lull information. N , I , D , SOLOMON , Paints , Oil and Glass , OMAHA , NEB. Houses. * r LOTS , FARMS , Real Estate " * / ' EXCHANGE IStli & MgJrStSM ' OMAHA , NEE , ( * UnSIDEXCE LOTS , $100 to $2500 each KA HOUSES AND LOTS. 500 ' - WOo'to OWe.ch. ' ' 200 FAUMS * ' : - . . . ACRE'S 900,000 n t 1 0 000 ' ACKES IN X > UGLAS COUNTY 7000 ACRES1N 3Anry : ' , f , - ? LARGE AMOUN J'.O t - Sutarta Property , IN ONK , TEN , TWENTV OK FOUTY-ACUE LOTS , W1THJS ONU TO FIVE MILKS fROM POSTOFKICE. $250,000 TO LOAN AT 8 Per Cent. NEW MAPS OF OMAHA , PUBLISHED BY THIS AGENCY , 25c each ; Mounted , $1. Houses Stores , Hotels , Farms , I ots , Lands , Offices , Rooms , TORENT : OR LEASE. Taxes Paid , Rents Collected , Deeds , Mortgages , and all Kinds of Real Estate Documents Made Out at Short Notice. This agency does strictly a Brokerage business. Does not speculate , and therefore any bargains on its books are in sured to its patrons instead 01 being gobbled up by the agent. Notary Public Always in Office. /3TCALI. AND GET CIUCULAUS arid FULL PARTICULARS at atBEMIS' BEMIS' Real Esate Exchange , i , i&TH AND DOUGLAS STS. , FORSTER'S ' PHYSIC. A Superalnmdanco of Leaden Pills Prepared for the Irish Stomach. With Thousands of Armed Moil to Administer the Rornody. The Latest Addition to the Or ders for Producing Peace in Ireland. Tlio Julls Rapidly FilHnt ; Up. Coclciioy Froth , National Awoclatiil I'roNt. LONDON , , Tum IU. Pnrliamcn re sinned its session to-day after Whit suntide recess. Attcnduiicu in honso of coinnions was unusually large. The event of the day thus far has been the reply made by Mr. Forster , home secretary for Ireland , to various ques tions addressed , respecting the condi tion of Ireland by the Irish members of both parties and by Knglish radi cals nnd conservatives. Mr. Forster , who appeared to bo under considerable excitement , and who spoke with more than usual determination , and at times exasperation , said that the forces which her majesty had sent to quell disturbances and to carry out the law at Skibboroen , wore in bin opinion , BUllicient to maintain order and to se cure the enforcement of the writs of ejection in spite"of nil resistance , no matt < jr-i6\v uotcrniihiAl or violent it might be. .Thu , instructions given to magistrates and to.conpnandersof mil itary forces inrIreland were that crowds assembled ostentatiously to prevent execution of writs of eviction or to sympathize with the ovic ed in ail offensive manner , were to TJC dispersed , the ringleaders of such assoinltlysjvorolo bo arrested , and'in fJuwj" flrabspluto physical ruowttince , the troops will bo ordered to. lire upon the populace. ' Mr. Forster Said tirlit the govefniffent hoped that the largo foroo now in Ire land , which would bo strengthened if necessity demanded , would provo to the Irish people that the law was iior' to be upset with impunity and tWat however painful its execution ip indi vidual cases might bo , , it' must be carried out at ajl costs and at aiy "liaxards. "Mjf ji ? ! ? fltpr'8 speech was received wiln ehpera from the conservative benches aiid with some expressions , " ! modified approval from conservative liberals , but it was from bolowjh'e gangway , where the radical'members" the- house and honu ftilera'.sat , that violent expres sions of disapproval and even of hor- f or , were heard. ANOT1IMU LKAflUnit AllttKNTED. f DUIILI.V , Juno in. Mr. Ilidierown , general secretary of tho' Uf'iKTluiigUr , . wn this morning arrested under the coercion act nnd convoyed to jail. The arrwst was effected so quietly that it is scarcely knows' in the city and consequently no excitement. A Storm iu Iown- WASHINGTON- , Iowa , June J-i 1 a. in. The wind , rain and hail Htorm of last evening was the hardest that hns occurred in this place for many years , amounting almost to a tornado , A number of buildings'wero struck by lightning' , hoimps wcro unroofed and great damage caused to trees and fences. The country is deluged witli water. Fortunately there was no loss of life. DES MOINUS , Ta. , Juno lit. Last night's Htorm . . ( sinned the form of a cyclone. The cloud was funnel shaped and movedat a fearful velocity. Near Kim Grovu , in lite south part of the county , it approached the main road , and dropped , strikingMcGrill'H or chard , part of which it utterly demol ished. It next struck the house of Mr. Campficld , which in one of the largest houses in that vicinity , and completely ra/.ed it to the ground. It then took n jump and disappeared in the northeast GAI.KHIHWO , Ills. , Juno 1. ) . A ter rible wind and rain ntorm visited this city and vicinity last night. It had the appearance of a tornado rain. It came down in torrents and thu wind caused considerable destruction to trees and fences and crops badly dam aged by hail. Gront'n Rival. Corrcs | > ondetico of The Ilvo. CITV OK MKXICO , June 12. The 1'opolovamp railroad company's con tract has been signed , thu names of 1'rida and I'oinlio being substituted for Lewis and Owens. .Subvention m $5000 per kilometre is to bo paid by transit toll of onu dollar pur ton on freight undone dollaron eyory through transit pisHengcr. ; Tuo Cliorolioo Election. National Astoclatvil I'mt. LITTI.K HOCK , June 13. D. W. Bushy , head chief of thu Cherokee Indians , has issued a proclamation for an election on August 1st. Fourteen momhoru of thu national council and 10 members of the grand council , be sides a shorill' , district judgu , solicitor and clerk from each district are to bu chosen. Two sots of candidatesuro in the field and an exciting canvass ia in progress. * COASTNOTES lly Nutlini ! As ou a'ccl 1'itwt. SAN FiiAXiuhco , Juno IJJ. The steamer " J'eking" from Hong Kong rescued the crow of thu Japanese ves sel that had been drifting for six months without rudder or compass , isjid who supported lifo by subsisting 011 a cargo of beans and HCI weed , but were much distressed for water. Thu emperor of China is ill with mcaidca or small pox. r 1'riiico Chin will succeed to regency on the death of thu empress. The jury found Clarence Gray guilty of murder in thu second do- greo. greo.Tho yacht "Emerald. " was. ran down and sunk by the steamer " Capital" near Oakland , The owner , Joseph Moore , was seriously injured by the collission. The Doctor * in Connell Corrw ] > omlcnco of The Hec. NOUFOI.K , Juno LI. The thirteenth annual session of the Nebraska Slate Medical Society convened in this city , Tuesday. The attendance was very good , and all parts of the State wcro bolter rep resented than at any previous meeting of the society. At roll call the follow - ing gentlemen answered : Doctors Boaof Norfolk ; Jackson , Pawnee county ; Siuk , Millard ; Stone , Wuhoo ; Sewers , Hastings ; l > onisc , Omaha ; Blair , North Hemlj Oxford , Scribner ; Smith , Fremont ; Dilduce , Kearney ; Mitchell , Columbus ; Mercer - cor , Omaha ; Moore , Otunlih ; D.Uncls , Norfolfk Ball , Elk Greek * ; Noxou , Koan ; Mitchell , Lincoln ; Hay , Lin coln ; Bridinstino , Madison ; Cox , No- iigh ; Leas , Neligh , Graddy , Omaha Knglebardt , Rising ; Tanner , Norfolk. Dr. Loisonringand Collbrth of Omaha , and Dr. Duncan of Do Witt , were ad mitted to membership. A. II. Jackson , Pawnee Co. , S.M vico-prosidont ; A. S. V. Monslield , record.ng secretary ; 11. H. Livingston , Plattsmouth , corresponding secretary : Richard C. Moore , Omaha , trcswurer. Hnstings was selected as the plnco for the next meeting , which by an amendment to the constitution will beheld held on the 1st Tuesday in May. The treasurer reported the linanceH of the society in good condition. The expenses for tlio past year , including tmolislu'ng the proceedings forlfoni previous sessions , wcro S2)2 ! , ' > mi the receipts from all source * ? 41 ! ! leav ing a balance of S1K ? > on hand. The banquet was held Wednesday oycning at the Elkhorn VaXtyfll. R. dining hall , and was a verjytroditable afl'air. jfc After the address qffUio retiring president , E. Mercer , Mrl S. W Hayes ' ' ) { Norfolk , was oordiaTly wolcoinod ; by the society to Norfolk in a few well 'chosen words.- Interesting pftfxfrs were presented by Drs. Denisc and Graddy , on diseases of the 03-0 , Dr , Sewers on practice of medicine , and Peoble on surgery , which elicited discussion by most of the members. 'J > \vascspeciallytho casp with the paper of D ySbwcrs , which brought out the oiiinuna'of the different members on thathiglOly im portant disease diphtheria. J The ollicers for the onsuinyora'aro : W. NV. Stone , Wahoo , presdjy.jt ; A II. Sewers Hastings Ist , , vie-jpresi dent , i r- The following toasts were oV&oi' 1 ami responded to : j Nebraska State Medical S4ijeyDr. Sowera. Tlio press , Mr. Selah. The ladies , Dr. Doniso. Tlio country practitioners The Nebraska school of Ir. ) Moore. ' ' ' liesolutions wore adopted extending thanks to the U. * M. , U. M' . , Sioux City it Pacific , and St. Paul railroads for courtesies shown. Also to the proprietor of the Valley Station din ing hotel for his untiring efforts for the comfort and pleasure of , his guests. ' A J3imk Trlclt. National Associated I'ICNI. CiiK'Aiio , June 1. ) . It was learned here this afternoon that the govern ment had nude a demand on thu liank of Montreal , this city , for about § 80- , 000 on account of taxes on false re turns. It has been the practice of the Canadian bank doing business in this city to telegraph lo their principals for funds whenever statements were to be made. The government has decided that these funds are subject to taxa tion thu same as ordinary deposits. This is the foundation for the rumor in Now Vork and Washington to-day that the Bank of Montreal in finan cially embarrassed. Hrndlor oil the Stand- A I'OOII MKMOKY. Nathional AsoodtiU'il I'ITSH. AI.HANY , N. Y. , Juno 13. The special investigating committee ap pointed to enquire into the charges of bribery made by assemblyman JSrad- loy against Senator Sessions , hold two hours session this morning. The only witness was IJr.ulloy , the accuser. Ho testified length regarding his hab its and experience previous to enter ing the legislature. Witness detailed his movements for the past live or six years ; was questioned particularly about n suit concerning a railroad right of way Home time ago , in which it appeared ho testified that ho had not signed a grant for right of way nnd that thu original agreement wan produced in court containing' his sig nature ; hu said as hu understood thu agreement it was simply a pormin- sion for thu railroad company to cm- crouch upon curtain lands for the pur pose of getting stone and not a grant fora right of way ; witness Haw Sessions aoino days aftur the resignation was announced and told him hu was going for Conkling inid J'lutt , but that hu was going homo and would aeo how his constituents stood ; afterwards ho had frequent convocations with .Ses- flioiiH about thu content ; 8e.4.siois ; told him ho hud bettor vote for other can didates , as it would bent please his constituency ; hud scattered his vote us hu wanted to maintain thu position of an independent statesman. TRUE TO HER TRUST. Too much cannot bo said of thu over faithful wifu and mo'.hor , con stantly watching and cariug for her dear ones , never neglecting a single duty in their behalf. When they aru assailed by disease , and t'iu ' system should have a tlrfough cluiiising , the stomach and bowels regula-.ed , blood purified , malarial poi-vm exterminated , she must know that Electric IJitters aru the only sure remedy. They aru thu best and purest mudicino in thu world , and only cost fifty ceuts. Sold by lali & McMuhon , (2) ( ) THE MORMON MECCA , A Season of Unexampled Prosper ity in Salt Lake Dity anil Valley , The Merchants Unmercifully Qougod by the Union Pa cific Monopoly. - * Enrly Relief Expected -Pious Accusation nnd Recrim ination. SiecUI | Coirespomldico ot Tim llm. SALT LAKK CITV , Juno 11. It is estimated that Hr > 00 miles of railroad will bo built in tlu > United States due- ' ing the present year ; a largo projw- tion of which will hu construc'tofl in I'tah and the regions surrounding , At least , four dillcront roads are hcadiii'towards ! this cily , but owing to the mutual .suspicion existing be tween the corporations who xro doing tin1 work or ho own the lines il is impossible ( o find out definitely " whence they conto or whither they are going,1'orwho is backing them. This activity , howovcrn railroad matturfl is giving Salt Lake a boom. Nuv'er during its history n'ero so many now business houses and private resi dence's being erected as at the present timuj and business generally is brisk and promising. The arrival of other lines from thu east is anxiously looked for by the merchants of this teiritory , who are now at the mercy , in freight matters , of the Union Pacific monopoly. The discrimination agaiast Utah ( and 1 presume Wyoming ) is almost intolera ble , mounting tin to the hundreds of thousands of dollars annually , but at present wo have no redress. It is to bo hoped that the Union Pacific olli- cials will see before it is too late the suicidal policy of such unfair and ex horbitant rates. Of courseit natur ally has tho-tendency to drive to Cal ifornia a portion of that trade which naturally belongs to Omaha and hoi sister cities yet further east. Utjdi's encouraging outlook is fur ther strengthened by tlio most favora ble prospect for crops that has ever been known since the advent of the white racu within its borders. Dif ferent to the experience of our friends east of the Rocky Mountains , the past winter and Hpring have been un usually favorable seasons for farming operations. As a consequence , grail crops and other vegetables are abou four weeks in advance of average years , and the reports from Cache Sanpoto and the other larger agricul tural valleys rppuesoiit that a heavier 'harvest of corials will bo gathorot \Ail over bofoio.Jio t'Aily J i4wl > oo' is the locusts , or grasshoppers , who have obtruded their unwelcome prcs once .titsoveial districts. Hut an on ergotii war' has been waged npoi them , t.nd it in hoped thu damage thai they my do will bu comparatively trilling. The Imjipy prospect agriculturally , the abuiut.mco of labor on the railroad grades , tlio anicuut of building being dom in tliu various larger cities of the territory , c-tc. , have given rise to a number of financial speculations , min ing and otWwisu. Like other folks wo aru inclined to o.xtremes in the hour of proAjierity , and to-day tele phones , eluctric lights , now opera houses , and 'fresh ' railroad branches are being ovcVywhero canvassed. The telephone in this city is patronized far beyond the expectation of its promoters - tors and unsjghtly \ poles are stretching in ov ry direction towards the outskirts of the city. The drama nlso has of late l > yeti patronized largely beyond the UHimljim for many years. Our largo and brilliant theatre has been open nearly ovury uight for soniu time past , with frjsh attractions , generally companies on their vray to San Fran cisco , and what is inoro remarkable tlnmu companies have been yury gen erally , quitu liberally lAtrunhtcd. And the cry is still they come an the variety and number of display pouters in every available nook aiid corner plain ly dumonstratu. To write from Salt Lake City and say notiiit' about Morinonism , would , to iiso a hackneyed expression , bo very much like playing Hamlet wih ( Hamlet left out. Tin policy of the present leader of the Mormon people [ Elder John Taylor ; appears .o bin eminently conversntivu. It may bo iioiio the less vigorous , but it is more dillicnlt to attack as it assumes no new positions , but simply continues in the road marked out by its former presi dent. Its necwsary system in as com pact as in earlier years , and the ru- tults are as undent in the arrival , now and again , ( f companies of converts Tom Eur6pe , Nuw England and other localities , Now settlements also are constantly being formedeastern Utah , eastern Ari/.on , and Idaho being thu districts in which this incroasu is at irufunt most apparent , Thu faithful ire also directimthuir energies in einjilu building , threu of thcsu edifices juing in coursu of construction at thu iresent time. Other religious bodies are also vig orously pushing into I'Uh. Nearly dl thu Mormon scttlumontuof any DIM lavu , during the last fuw years , been nvaded by mission schools , wheru thu .enets of the various sects have boon zealously promulgated. The success ias been varying , but it is evident just now that a united efl'ort is being madu ji thu east to extend thu laburd and nfiucncu of those establishments , but as these efforts have been generally iccompanicd by indiscriminate denun ciations of thu Mormon pcoplv , thu jhurch import ) hero havu taken the mat ter up and aru advUing all who will heed them to lut thu incoaiing tuachurs soverelly alone , and uu ar. ar gument Thu Dusurut Nowa is publish ing day by day , and kuopiug thu mat ter standing , the resolutiona and Big { cations adopted at the nicotines of ho various conventions , thnt its cdj- ors deem inimical and hostile. It is icrhaps to be regretted that when irosperity is apparently so near and so abundantly , that the material in tercuts of the territory should bo checked by the dread of fresh religious lisputes , wliich being in the temper of accusation and recrimination can lo no possible ( jood , but on the other land retard progress nnd hinder the development of the natural resources if the territory. B NOTES BY THE WAY. A Flyhijr Trip Through Kansas uiul No'n-nskn. ' j OMAIII , Juno Kith. Tiulio Eilltor of Tim linn : ' 1 have just returned from u short trip through the southern and central part of the state , and having jolted down n few items on my way 1 give them to you for publication. My nmto w.is over the H. it M. to Lincoln and over the A. it X. from Lincoln to Atcliison , Kansas. Thin latter road is now owned by the U. it M. company , having been purchased by them about two yours ago. It'runs from north to south through the entire length of what is known tin the Nemaha Valley. This valley isono of the most delightful us well us one of the richest in the whole country. The towns along the line of the road would reflect credit upon many of the older states while the farms , as a rule , are under a line state of cultivation nnd improvement. The crops although somewhat back ward , and very promising , and far- inors are in good spirit. In most places the rain has been no abundant us to give the weeds an up ward boom , ami these mar the beauty ol the fields ( o some extent. As 1 looked upon the wide spread ing fields of grain , and the thousands of acres of unimproved land , 1 won dered why any man on earth should bo without a homo. How strange that men with largo families and lim ited means , will flock to cities to drag out , a miserable existence , and rear their children in idleness and shame , rather than enjoy the wholesome free dom of n farmer's'life , and possess a homo of their own. As I saw the swarum of people gutting on and oil' thu trains and thronging the depots , I realized as never before the great progressive nnd developing power of our railroads , and how much the people owe them for what they now are , and what they hope to become in this great state. It is a real luxury to travel over the U. & M. road , and its many branches. It traverses the most fertile portions ol the state. The conductors with whom wo trrwoled wore'ever careful for the comfort of tlieli'paSriongcrn.Vhml thu pleasure , both going and coming , of the companyof our esteemed towns man , A. P. Ttickoy , who represents tlio publishing house of Tuintor Jiro.s. , Merrill it Co. , Now York. This firm could not have a moro worthy ropro- Bontative. ' Prohibition seems not to prohibit in Kansas , and high license seems not to license in Nebraska. Such , at least , was the testimony of the pcoplu everywhere. The U. it M. depot is lo be opnnod on the -tlh of July. It is a line build ing , and adds greatly to the appear ance of te ! capital city. Lincoln's growth , like that of Oma ha , Hccnis ( o bo rapid and subslanlial. Wo met Dr. li.iuuhor . , the esteemed pastor of the Lutheran church , in this city , and hud an interesting and pleasant chat with him. I was sorry to learn that he is so soon to shakuthu dust from his feut against Omaha. Jt is his opinion that thu minister whosu education , association , modes of thought and early labors , are of a decided - cided eastern cast , is not suited to this western country. .1. W , I. ; Zjivo Stoclc. Cilif.\io , .Mini ) l.'l. ' . .7,000. .Slii | > mcnt , , ( KXj ) moderately nctivu ; price * d uiul 10 viitH lowur : quality K < MKI , ami decliw iiaiidy mi limur kiniln ; xulci or mixt'd Nicking. y > M > G'.fi M ) ; Iffjlit , -.r > iXXSi-fi ! K ) ; linici ! lii'ivvy | iukiii ; | ; mill nliipjiiii ' , $5 HU if 10. < 'nttli rltwi'litn | , r , l00 ! ; niim | < > iitH , ,700 ; Htcaily on hunt , but | > our Htock vfitLfi- ; far wiviturn and luilf fat nutivu lock dull ; I'.MMIIU , . * ! ! OOMi ' > ; K" < l to lioico i-liipiiiiiK , y > MOibir \ > ; poor to fair , $ r > 'M ( r > M ; liuti.'litTrt' ntock fairly actlvti nil xtcudy ; common tn choice , $ - fiOXir 7i ( ; bulk , ! ? . ' ! 7. % ' -I i5 ! ; tliruu li ( jraHH V'xuiiH , fair Hiipply and ili'inand Hh'iuly nt ! OOC" 1 liO fur Komi to clioinu ; poor to U'lllnin qiKitahlu at W I'lOfu ! ) IK ) ; tc > cl iTH nd ffcilurn inciilfrately nctlvo at 8H ( XG' ) ' 10 ; nothiiif , ' dotiiK in yoiin Htock culvi'u ; K\\i : \ HtnuiK t ? .r > 00ii ( 7 00 , HIIKK1' HfCfiitH | , U.MKliipincnU ) ; ( , JOO ; liuiiiiuiil wiitk and Hiipply mainly of a Miur quality ; no extra xla-i'ii ht ru ; poor tn ( , , ! rlivuiliiiKK , W MCn I 'Aij i'.xtrii , 81 HO .i. | l iO ; priciHu \ and jjo per piiiind lower hail l FHEE OF COST. Du. KIWI'S NKW DISCOVKIIV for Consumption , Coughs and Colds \Btliina , Ilronchitis , etc , , is given iway in trial bottles free of cost to ho afllicted. If you havu a bad cough , cold , dilliculty of breathing , loamiiicss or any affection of tliu hroat or lungs by all moans give this vondeifiil ivim'dy a trial. AM yon value your oxistcncu you cannot i fiord to lut this opportunity pass. We could not afford , and would not ; ivo this remedy away unless wo tnow it would accomplish what wu claim for it. Thousands of hopuloss COHCS havu already been completely cured by it. There is no medicine in the world that will euro onu half thu ciweH that Du. Ki.vu'sNiwDiicovi'.iiY : ( will cure. For salu by ( G ) ISH it McMAiioN , Omaha. FLIES it MOSQUlTOKtJ. A lee box of "Hough on ItaAa" will keep a housu frou from lliea , nujBijui- toes , rats and micu , thu entire season Druggists acll it. ( I ) DOMESTIC DOINGS , A Chicago Police Officer Murdered by Burglars , * Sousntional Attempt of a Now York Lady to Commit Sul- cido at Niagara. - Final Capture of ouo of the Jntnos Gang. ntjonat AMX'htfil Pro" . I'T. tlimvis , N. Y. , Juno 1. ? . A. > ont cotitainitij : two nu'ii , .lolui Flau- igau anil .Miulmi'l MuDurmott , caji- izutl while racing on tliu Ljickawanna Ivor anil its occupants were drownud. STIIIKIXII liriVlir.HS. Xi\v : YOIIK , Juno 1Tho 1 ! ! liutch- r.s of this city and vicinity are now winging for a general atriko , not for in inutvn.su of ] > ; iy , but for shorter uiura. ' 1'elegranis to the butcliurs" orktng men's nninn from Chicago ly the Imlclicra tliuro would join in liu strike. Over 11,000 immigrants landed at 3asllo Garden in the rast twunty-fotir HYAX Ul'.M ) IX. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , .luno l5. ! Hill lyn\\ \ , one of the notorious James iruthura gang , who robbed a Chicago t Alton train at Cilondalo , Mo. , tn 870 , IMS bucn brought h'jro from 'onnosseo. There is no ilouht what * vur aa to lii.s connection with the rob- ery. Hltl'lW.VTKn rtV ( IAS. lvioKVK : , la. . Juno 12. John Cline iid Bur Williams , minur.s , were * ull'ocated by foul air in the shaft at Jenlrovillo , iiuar thia city yesterday. Cline lost bin lifo trying to rescuu VillianiB. SHIl.UTMU'.S KSCAI'K llrx.NKwr.i.L , KM. , Juno in. An- , row D. Robeson , a uuplimv of ox- Secretary Hobeson , of Now Joraoy , H atruek by lightning yo.sterday on lis farm near thin place. His clothes vero all torn from IIIH body and his vatch anil chain melted. The barn in vhieh ho was Htanding wan partly du- noliahed and onu homo killed. KII.I.V.li OS 1)ITY. ) CmrAiioi1uno I ! ! . ThoH. Jlahotivy , long and favorably known as an ollicer und detective of the Chicago police force , was shot and instantly killed ab midnight by unknown burglars when ho WIIB attcmptim , ' to arrest them for. having broken into a. IIUUHU in the Deering utroot ilio'tricl. The r burg lars escaped hccauso tliu tclophono wires wcro interrupted by a violent storm and the patrol could not bo summoned at once. The man who apprised Muhonoy of the burglary- saw them when the officer was trying to arrest them and can givu an accu rate description. Malioney has been on the force for fourteen years and , leaves u wife and ono child ATTKMlTni ) Kl'R'llli : AT MAO.UiA. Uuf'FAi.o , Juno l.'l. A Roiisation.il attempt at .suiciMo was made at Ltnui Island , Niagara Falls , yesterday , by a. lady registering at tlio liotol as Mrs. ou'ii , of Now York. She was ob served standing on the railing for HOIIIO time , watching tlio rushing I walur. .Finally who tliruu- her iiiu- > rola ! in tlio stream , ajiparently to test ho current. SIiu then stopped upon ho railing and gathered her skirts to gether for tlio fatal plunge , when two 'entleiiimi who had been watching tor rushed to tlio HCCIIO and prevented ier jumping. Hlio had taken oil' her vedding ring and placed it in the loaoin of her tlre.su. Shu linally con- essed that she had been reared at the 'rsalino convent at East Morriuiana , sr. Y. , and married lier guardian , with lioin shu had trouble regarding her iroperty. Gurilnii City Notes. atlonal Anioclati'i ) I'rviu. ( Jitii'AOO , Juno l.'l. The Chicago it Northwestern depot at Itosohill cumo- ory was struck by lightning thin lorniiu ; and burned to the ground. Patrick O'Neill , ono of the oldest : iti/.eim in this city , and uxtenmvely mown in connection with wholcs.iio iiior | interests , died last night from 10 elleets of paralysis of the brain. le came to this city in 18.r)4 , from Hinty carlo w , Ireland. WOMAN'S TllUE FRIEND. ' A friend in need is a friend indeed , 'his none can deny , especial ! when ssistanco in rendered when ono ia irely afllicted with disease , more par- eulary those ) complaints and weak- esses so common to our fomalu pop- lation. Every woman ahould know mt Electric Bittern are WOIIIIUI'H trim riond , and will positively restore her o health , even when all other reiiio- ien fail. A single trial will alway irovo our aHsertion. The are ploas- int to tliu tnsto and only cost CO cento bottle. Sold by Isli & McMu- on. (1) ( ) A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. For the speedy euro of Consump- on and all diseases that lead to it , uch as fitubborn congha , neglected Colds , Bronchitis , Hay Feyer , Astli- na , pain in the mdo and chest , dry lacking cough , tickling in the throat loarseness , Sere Throat , and all lironio or lingering diseases of the liroat and lungs , Dr. King Now Dia- every lias no eijual and has established > r itself a world-wido rujmtiitioiu kliuiy leading physicians recommend nd imo itinthoir practice. Tliu form * ihi from wliich it is prepared is hi h- y recommended by all medical jour- mis. The clergy and the press * have ompliniBiited it in tliu yiost glowing erniH. Oo to your druggist and get u riai bottle free of cost , or a regular aizo for § 1 .00. For Sale by d(5 ( ( Isu & MoMAiinN , Omaha. " BLACK-DRAUGHT' cures cuallvo- . ness and