THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY. JUNE 11 , 1881. UPPER MISSOURI INDIANS . Koturn of 1,200 Sioux to th Yearning Arms of Undo Sain at Standing Rjck. Three Steamers Bring Them Down the Missouri Inci dents Attending the Return of the Wan derers. Rlstnuck Tribune , June 3. T1IF AUU1VA1 , AT " Satiirday evening at-l:30 : tlio steamer or Helena , tlio first of tlio Heel liring ing down tlio surrendered Sioux , ar rived from Fort Uuford. At u o'clou ! the Fnr West put in nn appearance ' and by this ttinu at least f > 00 people .from the city were cm the bank , nl anxious to ECO the only survivors o Custcr'a buttle. The ( Jen. Sherman with over 1500 Indiana on board , me with a slight accident about lifted miles above Listunrk and was there fora obliged ( o lay up for a nhort time arriving about 8 o'clock. Tlio Helena liad on120 Indians , and tlio Far Weal rlUO. The fleet was under the com mand of Capt. Clifford , seventh in gantry , who wan , in 1870 , Indian ageii at Fort Berhold. This wan before the Indiums were turned over to the inte rior department , prior to which event , army ulVicero wore detailed as Indian 'agents. _ While holding this positioi Capt. Clifford was brought in intimate relation with Onul , the noted Sioux chief , who was a passenger on the Holena. Tlio two became fast friends. Gaul became attached to Capt. Clif ford bec.iuso of his kind nature and generous heart , while on the othei hand Capt. Clifford found in the face % 'and character of Gual , a study. TltK SIOUX OllllUTAIN weighs 2'JU and with his robe wrapped loosely around him and his lioad erect ho reminds one of ancient history and Roman senators. Gaul says little , but a single word from him has moro weight upon his people than a dos.un from any other chief. Gnul is non i committal about the Custor massacre. It has been said of him that ho killed Gen. Ctistor , but this ho donicn. Dur- jng that memorable fight ho was second in command. Ho hold the banner of retreat. Uo kept a safe passageway open for his comrades .should they bo worsted in the battle. "You go out and kill those- blue coats , " said Gaul at the outset of the charge , "but there will bo moro to follow. White men are too many. They como from the clouds like rain and moro will fol low these you kill. " Gaul has been a thoroughbred Indian. Whenever ho has fought , it has boon with determi nation , and the whites ho has killed run well up towards the hundred * . A braver Indian never lived. Once ho was pinioned to the ground wilh two bayonets , after first receiving two shots , and loft for dead. His wonder ful vitality survived and struggled Tiili aucccic. for liberty. Ho m.-ulo his escape and has , until his recent surrender , added yearly golden laurels to his reputation as a hair lifter. He- sides Gaul on the steamer Helena were Black Moon and Fool Heart , son of Lame Deer. SCOUT ATUHON also accompanied the surrendered Sioux as interpreter. Mr. Allison has Jiad a hard winter. Ho has been back and fourth during the blizzards from Buford to Sitting Hull's camp , and has worked like a horofor the govern- inont in his efforts to induce the sav- a'/os to surrender. Allison is a prince among the Indians. They have the most explicit contidonco in him and laugh and chat with him as one of their people. Allison is a fast friend of Gaul and other chiefs , and but for the misrepresentations of renegade Thompson , who is now in custody at Woody monntain , would have secured the surrender of Sitting JJuil himself long before this. However. Mr. Alli son states that Sitting Hull is but a cipher now , and that since the surrender - render of ninety of his followers last week , ho has but thirty fighting mon left. As to their surrender , Allison says it makes very little difleronco now whether they como in or not. KUNNINO ANTELOPE , who was sent by Gen. Terry from Standing Rock to Buford to assist in persuading the Indians at that post to go and live with their people at the Standing Rock agency , was with Gaul on the Helena. Antelope prides him self upon his statesmanship. He is convincing in his arguments , and to him may bo given a great deal of credit - it for the perfect contentment every where manifest among the Indians , who so recently were the worst sav ages of the plains. Antelopeisa nepli- ow of Sitting Hull , and so also is Gaul. The latter stated at Bnford that if the government would give him twenty good men ho would go out and bring Sitting Hull in , and if hu refused to como ho would kill him. About ten minutes before the departure of the boats from Buford , ninoty-ono from Sitting Bull's camp came in and s\ir- rt-ndeiod. Among them was Sleeping Water , Sitting Hull's daughter , who had lun away with a buck. Antelope would not recognize her until after Mai , Brotherton hud shaken hands with her , whereupon Antelope approached preached her , and shaking her hand , made a speech , stating that ho had told her and her people many yearn ago that they would have to como to this , and now slio could sco how true it was. Sleeping Water was on the Sherman , also Ixnv Dog , the Indian who killed the Keogh line mail driver last summer , 1.NCIJ1E.VTO OF TJIK TJUI' . One evening Ciipt. Fecto of the Helena ordered the dock cleared and lights hung up which gave the Indians au opportunity to enjoy a war dance , much to their own delight and the gratification of the other passengers. Coifee was also nerved by the boat , and the Indians upon leaving evinced their gratitude to Capt. Campbell for the kind mariner in which they had been treated. On Thursday evening at Uorthold , an Indian fell overboard /rom the Far West , and having a rope thrown tu him , grabbed it in Inn teeth nnd thereby his life was saved. The occidental drowning of a squaw and a papoose seemed to have a depressing offcct : upon the Indians , who regard everything in a sunerstitioui light. Upon arriving at Fort Yates , Capt. Campbellstate ? .that u largo number of agency Indians came down to the landinq on foot nnd on horseback , but while they eyed closely the now ar rivals of their own race nnd tribe , no even a look of recognition or a won jvisscd between them so long as the boat remained. The passengers on the Shcrmai had the privilege of witnessing a wa dance nn the way down , and a funcra service upon arriving , also the pica sure of hearing the eloquence of . chief in addressing his people. A the boat touched the landing , a squaw suddenly died , and within fifteoi minutes a peculiar funeral sen-ice hat been held , a dog killed in sacrifice , a medicine bottle emptied , and the corpse berne away in a bullalo robe Illuming Antelope , upon the arriya of the boat , also donned his war boll not , and standing upon the hurricaiia deck in the attitude of a tobacco sign made a speech to hin people , wildlj gesticulating , and looking in his lonj linen duster not unlike the typica campaign stump speaker. In his spLochlio took great credit to him self for having induced the savages to surrender and come into the agency. A DUAMATIC S ( KSB Chief Gaul , a nephew of Silting Bull , and one of his lieutenants at the Custor massacre , was at all times the center of attraction , and although lit had been twice shot , and unco pinned to the ground by two soldiers' ' bayo nets , hu evinced no fear , and now considers himsulf "tho white man's Friend. " Upon arriving at Yates , Gaul was met by his aged mother , ami a very affecting scone transpired that wan , of course , unstudied and natu ral , and yet dramatic enough to place upon the stage. The mother of the noted chief , upon seeing him , ran for ward and placed her head upon his losom , knelt at his feet , kissed his muds and wept , and made many fa- niliar demonstrations of joy , Gaul , stolid and indifferent , spoke not a word , but gatheicd his robes about urn and walked away as might Cardi- tal Richelieu , at a moment when ho of Franco , his own conspira- : ies and triumphs over his enemies. L'hu scenes will bo long remembered ) y the ollicora of the boat , who are low on route for Keogh , for the pur- ioso of bringing down 1,800 more Indians. MOHI : A COMi.vii. The Sherman loaded and loft for Coogh , and will also assist in briug- ng down the Indians captured by iun. Miles. They arc said to bo the Host savage of any within the boun- anus of civilization , and as there are ,800 , of them , Pilot .1. 0. Barr thinks if having his scalp tied down. Cap- ain Lingo , on the contrary , rather ikes Indian freight , and will protect lis passengers if it coats every hair on is head. The Rolionrsal. 'here , at wi ntand , nnil ulicn I nay "my love , " I'll to your Hide a trifle closer , BO , owl ! now I put my arm around your wuist , Your cue to wlii ! ] > er "IJrnest dear , ' * you know. hat'n rih'lit , I think.Ah , > hat 'u that you say ? The nt.i 'o direetioiiH ( inly Fay "a UitH ? " et' SOD the book. Upon my word , you're rljAM And ! _ took two , which clearly wan in udad you called attention to tlio Blip. Wiit till 1 con the book a momcnt- Iheii , 'or fear my trcacheroux memory play mo false. HupiHMo wo just rim through the accno afrain. CONNUBIAL SIPS. A ket ; of beer is included nraonff ajijiro- iriatu wedding gifU in Cincinnati. llllnoiM women like the name of Htnlth. Ir. Smith , of Prairie Bend , had no dilli- dty in engaffiug hlmuelf to jnarry four of lein. The Fifrixro iwscrtH that of twenty iiinr- agea in the higher and middle clinneH in 'arli ) , ( U'o nro the work of ifttrimonlal agentn. Sarah licrnharilt U to bo married HOOH 0 M. Angela. While Sarah i * a trille late 1 entering into the now relation , it in etter late than no\or. W. V. Howe , the divorce lawyer , wan nnrried to Mi * * Lottie Smith In Brooklyn. Jnlike other people , Mr , llowo took hi * ivorcen before marriage. Two couples recently walked fifteen nilcH to Island Fnnii , Vt. , to get married , ml after the ceremony xtartod on a thirty ivcndlurf weddlug-totir on foot. Mr , William Mahon , Jr. , xon of Gen. ifnhonu , was married to a daughter of Major Tanner in IVtemhurg , Va. The Senator wan too busy in Itichmond tu bo blu to attend. UgK spoonn with large , deep bowls and hort handlcm are now , and netn of them nako novel wedding giftH. They are narked with the initial of the donor under hat of thu recipient. A justice of thu iK-aco , two.thirdxdnmk , nd in the market for $1(1 ( , never thinkx of hu cheek of the thing when hu mariien a u\iJf | , end Hay * : "Whom ( iotl hath olned together , etc. A xlngtllar clauuo in Haid to IKS in the ontract between > Iohn Itogern nnd Minnie 'aimer. It li an agreement on both Hide * ot to marry , 01 enter into a matrimonial ngaKement for ( ivo yearn , under a penalty f Sft.OOO. The Hon. Amicia Million , thu eldent itughter of Ixml Houghton , peer anil > oet , IN about to bo married to Mr. Curnld 'Itzgerald , director-general uf public ao ounu to the khudivo in l''gypt. A young Udy of Now York wan nmriiod ho other day in thu wedding goun of her ; rand mother , made noventy yearn ago , vithout alteration , and no ximilar weio ho btylfn that no onn know but it was a lew DUO "made for the ocea ion. " A ininUter , while marrying n couple re cently , wan rather dinconcerteil on ankiiig hu bridegroom If h win uillmg to tuku he young lady for Ids wedded wife , by bin cratching hit , head nnd baying ! "Yen , 'in willing ; but I'd a much rather have ler niiler. " The Ituv. A. W. Marling nmlMlhdJanct t , Cnnivryn , tuo inUHioimien of the ( In- XMIJI miiwion , Afiiea , wished b > marry , and . * the Trench law , which It dominant here , require * the d < icumentary consent f p.trenU , the wuilding ceiemony was held n board hip at hen. Miss Nellie 1 Ja.icltlne . , the St. I.ouin . . . j. /uin m-vjl-iui V III tliu 1 UAH * UIIU HU /mil ratlroai ) . Jtr. I'aiaiuoro is only wriity-two and U not u 'Witty man1 ut hlM father id worth half a million. 'J'h ln\v of Wyoming foilild the inter- mrriaj-u of whiUai iiml C'hiniuic. There * oru Lte Chin and Mrn. Uvn H. Leo neiit o Jenvi > r to Ixi iiiarrit-il. Now they have ceii Iiulictt'il at ( 'hcyeimo for inlHceyeii. . . nu , and tliu Cliiin-oo coiiHtil ut Dunvt-r ha.s n 'aKeil couiiHfl fur the acciuud antl will tU-nil to their defense , A statement of ID ca e J * In-lna iirujiared for the A Kliiiited and fastidious Ottawa yirl do- hied to bu married , though tliu Kue U rero aiut'iiiuled and thu bridefeToom wuitinp , ocuuno thu train uf her tlrru * did not liani ; roperly , Kxjxwtulation * was in vaiu. | Mhc naid that flic li/vl put a rrnt nrnoun | of thmicht nd money to the Kiumuit am It wulil Iw a Hfeloiig ( irrow to IKT if MIC wonitvhi'ii ciin'cioiis that It win not a diirccsTin1 wmldlng Wfti | HUtpmipd rt week. S'hat li thought to IJP a daiit'orntH per on in Canada may IM-inferred from the itakiiii'iit of Thu Toronto Mail : J'An ) n nc voiinK man , named ( icdtxc Field from Waterford , as jcntfrilay arrested a lx > iidnn 1 dan 'crou * . Hit manlft ftppcars to bo to ivik all nnd mindry women t < marry him. Ht-olferna trip to I'.nijlaiH a * ono of the ndvant.iKeH nf an alliance with him. " MM. Clara Jerome , daughter of I/con- ani W. .TtTomc , wat married on Monday afternoon at ( Jrace Church by the Kcv , lr , Henry ( ' . Potter , to Mnreton rrcwcn , of I/eiceftorchlrf , Dnyl.'iiid. The bridcH- maids worn Mil2onio Jerome , the bride'd fitter nnd Mim Xelen Heckwith. Thn ( jrooniH Mere ( > ( Kild H. Hedniond n K. ( Jray Orinuold. The bride wan h away by her father. TlioC \ t man wai William Hnifot , aiil-dc-camp to the Mar. qtiii of Lome. The wedding wai quiet and niioittnlatiouH , only 300 pcrnorn beln invited u the church , and 70 friends to the house , ulicre nn infnnnnl reception took placu after the wedding. A very romnntio alfair took place at the fallo of NiaKora on Tuesday la t. A line- looklni ; man , kiioniim Dr. Hurry Darling of Atlanta , ( ! , , recently rcu'lsterod at Kosli' hotel , and after ruinaininj ; a fen * dayi < , ulicndlUK' hin money freely , \iftitpd the Table Hock boii o and miuctnn , where he w.-m ciually frcu in i hU t-xpciiditiire. I'inrilly hln L'azc rented upon one of Mr. Davis' handflomu fuiualo nKtittantH , Miftx nn it ) Murphy , formerly of St. Catha rines. Ifunnked her if Rlio Mrotild like to IIQ marrifd , and have him fur a husband. Shenaid nhe would , nnd the did , Tills wan on Monday , Tiiewlay the pair went across the river ami were mairied , and aru now upending ; thelrhoneymoon And lot of money at the full" . Twelve yoaw a on younp couple fell in [ five OH they Journeyed on Hldplroard from Sweden to Americit. They weio iioor , ami enolved to et ft little tart in thu world icfore marryiiij ; . She Went into oervicu in 'liicago , and he soiiL'lit his fortune in thu 'nr west. During nil those yeam of ntni ( - lo they remained true ti each other. The iloomiiuf Hueditili girl han dnunwl her ; lai'e , and it 1 * tiafu to believe that John H not ut young an he wan , but HIICCCSK has attended his work , ami yesterday the ex- Mictimt bride , fitted out with all comfortH y many lovinj , ' frieiuld , left for Denver , wlicro HIIO is to meet her expectant Rroom , iul take poHut'Hiiiou of the new home liU in- lustry ha * prepared for her. Thm little romance i.s all trulh , and Ir a good leunonof latience and fidelity. [ Chicago Papnr. All who have seen a Trench weddine cnowof the homely and frequently faniil- arly aircctlonatu manner in which the ofti- iatinR irie t dellvcru a little homily to the ntciuliiiL' hiiHband and wife , in which , eel- uato an lie is , he Hpeaks with the authority f deep expnriencu on the duties of bearing nd forbearing , on the linppinens and pHv- legea of the married wtato. Hut all were astounded at the Hurna > winL' plainncHu of pooch of the following pnently luldrcsn : It in from the bottom of my heart , Joucph , hat I congratulate yo\i upon the Htop you aru taking. It was , Indeed , sad to neo you vasling your youth in n life of disgunting runkenncsd. However , all in well that ndii well , and it pleaseo mo to think that ou have said good-hy forever to the wine hop. AH to you , my poor Catherine , thank leaven heartily that you have been able , igly as you are , to find a hutb.iiid ; never orgct that you ought , by an unchunptoalilo weetnesH and devotion without boumlH , to ry nnd to obtain pardon for your physical inperfoctinn , for , 1 repeat , you are a real ilunder of nut me. And now , my dear hildron , 1 join you in matrimnny. " RELIGIOUS. Dr. Tnlinadge's church now hat ! a mom. benhip of ' .fiOll. There ar ( .aid t he 800,000 colurtsl Hap. ist * in the United 'Them arc 3 1 laiti ! | t churclica with bout l0,000 ! iiictnbvrH in Florida. Tlio United Druthrcn in Chrirtt have a iiuinbcrMhip in Iowa of about lri'i,000. Some tun conj're'atiins ( ( will npply for uliniMion intu the l'itt bur > r Ltitlier.m iynod at iU ineetiiij , ' in August next. The Brooklyn Sunday xchool par.iilo last veck hitil 8,7 II Sunday Huhoul olliccrH ami vaclicru and 5 ,000 children in prnuQNHiou. lImJraoetho Kih-lit Kcv. Arclibi hop jibboim of Hnltinioro will Ht > end the nim- nar in one of tlio .Stockton Hotel cottagex. MethodiHtH all UTcr the world will ob- icrve AuuHt ; Tith aa u day _ of prayer for lit' Divine blettiin on their Kcuiuonical onlurunuu to niti.t in London. A southern Methodist prcmdint ; elder vritci that in a tour of vinitation in White liver Conference , Arkaiwan , hu finds many ettlementH that have had no preaching ervice nineo the war. Thu CoiiKrcgatumnl Year Hook hat been Hmu'd with full Htatiitticx of the churchui or 1880 , Tlio churchcri reported are ; , - 15 ami the inenibtTH : ! 8I , : ! 2ith -lit- , 'J8 Hcholam in thu Hund.iy Kchoiils. l'runliyterinni ni bejjim to gain ntrongth n Ireland outside of Ulnter , to which it van inainly riinfmed a few years 30Thu ) ublin 1'ri'ibytery now haj ) twentylivu rouL'rcgutiou.s and two mi-iHiun Bt.itiuna , vith 2 , 158 coimmiuluant ! ) . Two New York clergymen , thu Very Jev. Win. Quinii , Vicar ( ieneral , nd the Very Ituv. The * . S. 1'reKton , Chancellor ) I the Archdioeene , have bwou ennobled by the 1'ope with the title of "Moim'h'nor , mil both will be appointed prelates to the : ' ( intlical ! household , The Jewish ailvanca Hays ; " In the re- visoil ed tion of tin UliriHtinu app-nda o o thu Mible , tlie word 'hell' In substituted iy 'linden * Thin h right , because the lewly selected word carries the readerback o the origin of the idea it exprcHHO' , the ! reek mytholofjy. In our Ulble , the word as well ax the idea of hell is unknown , " The Ohio fall conference ! of the Met o- lUt ICpiuuopal chnixihen , for the present ear , will bo held iw followH : Ohio , at Aiiulon , Kejitiiniber , llishou AndnnvH iruKidiii ) ; ; Xorth Ohiu , Mt. ( iiUad , Sup- umhurll , with lliihnp AndiuwH ; Kast ) hlo , 1'aineHville , Scpteinbo- ! , with Sibhop llairin ; C'entral Ohio , Marion , September il ! ; Hi.ihon Merrill , pieaidhu ; . The Kov. I'.iluard Kvorett Hate , p.ntur > f the Second Unitaiiau C'huich , Iludtun , hlnka that the new vervflin of 1)10 ) Xew IVntainent in decidedly in favor of hi iliiii-uh , Hotmyx : "Tho thn'o texts re- iitin ; ; to the tiinity of the ( iodhead , which > eoplo i not well _ vei > i'd in theology hiuo n-i'ii in thu habit of ( ( tinting in railway ; irs and hotel | ) ia/.wu at ostiiblUhing the hreo in one , ha > o been atriek n out. Fivu itht'ii * texts havu been NO changed as to luiitain Unitaiian viewf , Thexo alleni- ions will end former the idolatry for a look wlilch has been a dead weight on > nite tauti'n\ ! for thieu ct'iiturii-H. Men uo not likely to take down an idol , gild it , and then Bet it up again urn ! bow dimn be- 010 it. " DYIN ( ! J5V INCHES. Very uttou wo BUO a powm ng from BOIIIU form of Idilnyy CDIII- ilaiut anil is gnidiially < lyiiK by nuliufi. Tliia no longur nctul to ho mi , or Eluctrio IMttore will poaitivuly uro Ih'ight'H ( lisuiisu , or any tlisuiiHuof hu kiduuya or uriniiiry organa. Tliuy ro uspi'ciully iidiiptutl to this class of liseitsL's , acting dirnclly ou thu itoiiiuoli and Liver at tliu sitinu tiuiu , mil will upoodily curu wliuro ovuiy 'tlior ' roniudy has failud. Sold at ifty cents a bottlu. by Inh & IMc- Ma'hon. (3) ( ) TERHIULK LOSS OF LIFE. Millions of rats , mice , cats , bed- > ugB , roachuR , Ioso their liyes bycol- ision witli "Itouxh on Hats. " Sold > y druggists , IBc. (4) ( ) BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. CaldweU , Hamilton & Co , , HinInoM transacted Mine M thixl of an Ini-or- pornteil uaiik. Ar < f inM kept In currency or gold nibjiet to tight i h" k without Motile. Ccrtif < ' < * ol dcjimlt united rmjalilo In three , nix ami tmlte monthn , bearing Interest , or on nil without Interest. mule to cmtoincru on Approved ccu rltiesat market rates of Interest. Ilui ami sell KiU , bills of exchange , ROI em inent , utatc , fount ) and city bond * . lira" Uht draft * on KnKland , Ireland , Scot- lind , nd all t ut of Europe. Sell European jttwse tickets. COU.umONH I'UOMITLY MADE. _ _ UKl.H _ United States Depository. MationalBank OK OMAHA. Cor. 13th and Farnam Sta. OLDEST BANKING KSTAIIUSIIMENT tN OMAHA. SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE BROTHERS. ) KflTABLlHIIKD I860. Orjfwilzcd M ft National Hank August 0 , 1SG3. CAPITA'AND I'UOKIT.S < mU : MOO 000 OrriCXU INI ) WrmCTORg : HRRUAI Koi'STzn , President. Atoi iitr K "MZII , Vice PrcalJcnt. II. W. YATKH , Oiwhlcr. A. J. I'OITUTOX , Attorney. JOHN A. Cniyaiirov. K. II. DAVIS , Asit. Caihicr. This tank receives deposits without regard to amount * . IMUM time certificates hairing Interest. Drawl drafts on San h'ranciico nnd principal cities of the United States , also London , Dublin , ICdlriliiirxh ixnil the prl ilial | cities ol the conti- iiiiit of KuriHi. | HclN inwciiKcr tickets for emigrants bj the In- nan line. nmyldtf GEO. H. PARSELL , M. D. Iloomi In Jacobs' Itlock , up stain , corner Cap tal a\ nine and Klftrinth struct. Itcpldcncc.l 12 Uiernmn ixcnuc. M y 1 > c eomultcd at rcsidcn rom 7 to 9 p , m. , cxrrpt Wcdnctdaja. HrrclAl.TV Olistctllin and l > ltcasci of Vi'omv Oilier IIOIIM , 0 to 11 a. in. and 2 to 4 p. In. ; S\m \ IMB fi to 7 I' , m ml' ! dm J. G. RUSSELL M. D. . . , . . , HOMCEPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Dlsrawes of Children and Onronlc ca a iiicclalty. OHku at Uexidenie , iU01) : ) 0 reut. loura-H to 10 a. in. , 1 to 2 p. m. , niul a p. D.T. MOUNT . . , MA.suricraim AND DK.ALRR IN SADDLES AND HARNESS. 1412 Farn. St. Omaha , Neb. AOKNT KOB TIIK CKLKBRATKD CONCORD HARNESS TWO Jlsdals ancLft Diploma of Honor , with thu icryTiHrhestnwurfl Iho judjpn could liestow awnnlixl this harness at thu Centennial Uxhlbi- Ion , Common , also Uatichnien's and Ladies' SAD * DLKS. We keep the largest stotk in the cnt , and Inxlto all uho cannot cxaiulno to cnilfor irli ca. npQtf A , . NASON , Dentist. OPPICII Jacnt ) ' IHock , corner Caltol | avenue and Fifteenth atrcct , Omaha Neh. Any ono liavlnp ilrail animal ! ) I will rcino\o hem free of charge. Leave emlcra soullieast corner of Ilnrncy anil 14th St. , eceonil iloor. UIIAUI.K.S SI'MIT. UKKll. LKWI8 KKEU BYRON REED & GO. OLDEST KHTAHLIBIIKD Eeal Estate Agency IN NKIIUASKA. Keep a complete ahstraet ot title to all Hca KntaUi In Omalia anil Donttlaa county. nmjtf J.H FLIEGEL Successor to J. II , Thlulo , MERCHANT TAILOR No. 230 ! > onnlas Street Onmlia , N'uh , J. R. Mackey , DENTIST , Corner 15th ami I > ou'Ks Htrj , Oiualm , Nob. Geo. P. Bemis REAL ESTATE AGENCY , IBtli anil Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb Till * a.-uni'y ili > HTHICI liroUcrajfa Iniiliivtu. DOM not njiucnUti1 , anil therefore any luiyilnH on its liooka uru Insurvil U ltd | utrun , iiiktvail ot belli. jrohliliiil Ui | l > y tliu a.-ent. DexterL.Tliomas&Bro , WILL 11UV AND SKI.I , ISO ALt TUAN8ACTIOVI1 rOSMXTKD TlirKKUITII , Pay Taxes , Reut Houses , Etv > . IF TOD WANT TO BTV OR BlfLt Call at Olllcc , Room 8 , Crelghton lllock , Oinaha _ _ _ _ a | > 5illt Business College ! THE G-REAT WESTERN GEO. R. RATHBUN , Principal. Creighton 'Block ' , OMAHA , . . . NEHHASKA. r Scml for ClrruUr. no20di tf Nebraska Land Agency DAVIS & SNYDER. 1506 Farnham St Omaha. Nebraska. 400OOO , .A-OXlXieK Carefully mlectcd laud In Eastern Nebraska ( or tale , Great Darwin * In Improved ( aruu , .ml Omaha , city iiroi > < ; rty. O. A. I A\'IS. WKBSTEB SKYDF.R. Lat Una Com'r U. P. U. 11. 4p-eb7t ( John G. Jacobs , ( Formerly ol Gl hkJicol > , ) UNDERTAKER. No. HI" FarnhftinM , Old Staml of Jacob GIs TclcjniihSnlldletl ] ii7-ly 1 BIBLE FOR THE YOUNG , " Iieliifj the fitory of the Scripture * , by Itev. ( leer c Alcianilcr t'rrwk , 1) , I ) . , In simple and attractive llnnn.i f for old and ) or.tig I'rofiKcl ) illn < tra > ted , m.iklriK ft niont itittrcitlni ; and lin | > rc < iihc jouth i Initnittor Kicrj' imrcnt will iwnro thl < orl : . rrcocher * , j on Mionld circulate it I'rkc 43.00. Send for circulars Ith extra ternn. J. II. CIIAMIIKIIS&CO. ht , Louis Mo. " OMAHA APIARY ! 1109 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb , d < lllnf ( of I'nro Italian licet and fjuccni. Al < o ktcpi lor Kile thu biwt Improuil bee hive , Mtiolieri. eoinb foundation and nil Mud of We nutcrial and fixture * . mli7di'Alm 1)11. ISAAC KIWAIIDS AUKNTS WANTKIl KOll Creative Science and SnXfAI , PIIIUlSOI'IlV. 1'roluscly Illustrated , Tlie most important nnd textbook publlKhiil. K\cr > family wants one. KxtrnorditiAr > Indiaeincnti olTcrcd ft cntM. AildroM Anr.sTH * I'l'iiLlHlilNO ' Co. KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA BITTER ILER & CO. , Sole Manufacturers. OMAHA. 1880. SHORTJ.INE. 1880. KANSAS CITY , St , Joe & Council Bluffs lit TIIK ONLY Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND Till : KAbT Prom Omaha and the West. No change of cars between Omaha and St. 1/oui" , and but one between OMAHA imd NKW YOIIK. Dai ly PassengerTrai ns "KMIIIVI MAt KASmtN AND WI-VmtN ( 'ITir.SMitri I.KSS UHAIiUUSand IN AWANt'Kof AM. < LINKS. Iliis entile llnu is cquippi'il nitli'- . PalftLO Slfvplni ; t'aiN , I'tilacii May L'IVU lies , Miller's 'viliity I'lattorni mill Coupler , and t'lu iilclintis ] Wt'htlntfhonsu Air-hniKu. itir.Si-u that > iir ticki-t rnuN VIA KANSAS CITY , ST. JOhKI'II .t OH'NVIL ItLCCKa Itall rmd , via St. .lonvpli and bt , Loui" . Tickets ( or salu Ht all COIMHIII xtatiuns in the > - J. K. IIAKXAUM , i 1 > Ur.S , Ocn. Snir. ) , St. JiiM.-nli , Mo Ocn. lass , ntulTI < hct Aift , St. .Jivxjpli , ' { > , W. C. bg\cmhnr , Tit-lat A unt , IdJO Furnli.un tiei't. ANOV ROKIIXN , I'asxenjjer Auuiit , A. 11. llARNAki ) , ( icnuml Atcnt. U.MAIIA , NKB. -TI1I'- Meroliauts & Manuf actiirurs Union OF NCDRASKA Address : CtfAS KAl'RMAN , Sio'j. , J14 'I HI Iliti rrivt Omaha , Neb. , May 20th , 1881. To the Liquor Dealers , Saloon Keepers and Business Men of Nebraska : The ahora named I'nion Und it in the IntcrrHt of our coininnii caiidu throughout the State to call a of ail wlioarodiroctly or indirectly Interest thu bale of hquur In tliii SUte , for Friday , June 10th , at 2 p. m. , to bo held at Turner Hall , In the City of Omaha. Our common rauio demands that no one of our numhcr shall bu ulncnt. CIIAS. KAUKMANN , B& > v4w _ Seiri-tar > . Sioux City & Pacific - AND - St. Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. TIIK OLD UKI.IAIM"sii ) > rX 1'ITV J ol TI- 3LOO MILia SIIOIITIIK HOI n. 3L OO > KIMIM COUNCIL BLUFFS TO ST. I'AI'L , } II.N.NKAI'IIS , 1)1 UTHiHt and ail ( xnnts In Northern low a , Uliiiivmtn unU Dakota. Tills line h tiiili | ) | > nl wjtlrthc iinjn > iul VVij.tiiiKhoui.0 Automatic Alr-limki nnd Mill , r 1'l.itfonii Coujiliu and llnltcr ; anil fur HI'KKI ) , .SArhTY ANH OdMHUtT IK iiiinuirai.-ed. Clt-gunl I'ruMiij llmuii nni Hlvt > | > ln i ur < i , ovrncil and iiiiitroll"il < > v tin i mn t n > , riinlhriiiiili \VI'i'"i ) | TI : : I , , t * u > i I'nion 1'iuitie Transfir uvjiot 111 i' . t-il . .lu'ls , inil St. I'aul , Tralim Kwvo Union I'ai'itlc 1'rin-ier .1 , iul it Couniil IUuir at fiilfi p. m. , ru liinjrMOU - it > .it 10. 0 . m. and bt. I'.ull at ll'il. ' a. i , . ni'vk'MK TKN HOUHS IN ADVAN B > ! ' \ \ " 1IIIK IllH'ir. IlLtnrnini ; , lca\u St. I'aul ut : : i | > . tn , .rn li „ Hionx City 4:4A : a. in. , and I'lilnn I'm iti. Triin r dckjt | , Ciiuiii-ll llluffH , at U Ht ii. in lifniin- atyonrtiil.itsr.ud vh"S. c it 1' . I ! I ! K. ( ' . HILLS , SiiiHiintriiili > < t T. R. IIOIIINWN. .Mi-wiiiriVi.llij ( Aa t , lc ! l"us. : A.'ent I. II D'lllt ) ANll'iiin"-ti. . r Ajeiir , _ _ _ ' lUKi ll Ili'lllH. IO U. " DP , Black's" arrantiHl a haff , i vi'iiin ' i < l I , i , < n. foi Hliciiniitisin in all iti K > rmJ , , ( , t , I inn' nuU , I'ulnln tliu llri'i-i : IM.I M , | I' , M lln toinrwh and KUlnrjH , > Vc It u .1 1 . it' > ' A | rrin < I ) , a 'I'onlc. niul Hloo.1 I'uinUr , .11-1 lnU' > trt hu Mlsia * ' it lmirn | | < K tin I'vio-ni' htiltli BJIITP JlI.At'lv t TO. , l'rt ) > rirtnn , ' ' OHM/IS / ( l i'l t"l * l > r- l j A UEN'fS WA.NTKM Kea OUB NKW MRS. LOUISE MOHR , Rraduatcof tlioSt l.ouU Scliool of Midwiux , [ at 1000 California Street , Between Fifteenth and Sixteenth , north xidchcru talli uill t > u iironiptU 'efjtond til to at any hour dnrlnth < u > < ir ni ht. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nilTilSin D. F. Manderson , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. 244 I'lrnliMH St. . Oiuahu , Nili. The Oldeat Established R M STONE M D , , , , , , riwditioncr and Obstetrician , Office oppo ite 1'ost OlflM , OUT Kdholai Encknou'ii. Itusideruc , 2107 Chi- Omaha , A "OAT A HIT Collins II Cheyenne , * * JTUJU IV/JX , Colorado SL Spring and Summer ING ! LATE AND NOBBY STYLES FOR MEN , BOYS AND CHILDREN. Hats , Gaps , Trunks , Valises. nro IN TIIK LATEST STYLES. Satisfaction Guaranteed ! Pricas to Suit All ! ! 1322 FARNHAM STREET , KEAIt FOURTEENTH. THE CBEAT WESTERN CLOTHING HOUSE. M. HELLMAN & CO. , Spring Suits ! All Styles ! IMMENSE STOCK AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Tlie Largest OlotMng House test of Chicago. A Department for Children's Clothing. We have now an assortment of Clothing of all kinds , Gent's Furnishing Goods in great variety , and a heavy stock of Trunks , Valises , Hats , Caps , &c. These goods are fresh , purchased from the manufacturers , and will be sold at prices lower than ever before made. We Sell for Cash and Have but One Price. A large TAILORING FORCE is employed by us , and we make SUITS TO ORDER on very short notice. > SEE : : TCTSS. 1301 and 1303 Farnham St. , cor. 1 3t h . . B. 9 Cor. Douglas and 13th Streets. GIVES GREAT BARGAINS IN LADIES' AND GENT'S AMERICAN GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. / ALL KINDS OF Jewelry , Silver-Ware and Diamonds. We Guarantee the Beat Goods forthe _ Least Money. nugSl-fitt J. A. WAKEFIELDT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEAL.KK IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENT , TT3ES3EC , * - > rSTATE AOENT FOH MII.WAUKKK CKMKNT COJH'ANV. Near Union Pacific Depot , OMAHA , NEB. .A-ierao : sxzir < 3-x < xa POWER AND HAND - - - * v eMVBMB v HI B W B T Mi H Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , MININO MACHINKUV , DKI/ri.VO , WISH. 1IHASS AN1 > IIIO.V FITTINGS. I'll'l ! , STKAM I'ACKINU , AT WIIOJ.lISAI.i : AND IICTAIU HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS. A. L. STRANG , 205 Farnam St. , Omaha. THE NEW YORK Has REMOVED from Cruightoa Ifull , llth and Farnlmni , to ( ONE DOOE WEST OF B. & M , HEADQUARTERS. , For the Laigest Absortnient , the Latest Styles nn < J THE BEST QUALITY OF HATS AND CAPS , TJIK NKW VOUK COMJ-ANV LEADS TI I EM ALL. Satisfy younelf by ICxnniining the Htock , A full Him aniyomplcto \ ntoiortiiient nf Ilin latent Rt > leu n ( Straw llatn ] u > t opf ncil. " = ' ' WITH THE BEST SELECTED STOCK OF Clothing & Furnishing Goods IN OMAHA. WE AllE , PAH EXCELLENCE , TTTTii VflTTMn MF1\T'Q ! ! \ ' uL flPTTTTi1'PQ | ! I BOSTON CLOTHING HOUSE , 1212 FARNHAM STREET , 1212 SCHLANK & PRINCE. i r - - jt * . * :