Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1881, Image 1

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    4 * MtBT \ [ Q AS
> K VOL. X , OMAHA , SATURDAYMOllNJNa.UNK ) 11 , 1881 , NO. 290
Real Estate
15tli & Douglas
4000 $100 to $2500 each
fat to $18,000 cadi
tdOO to $10,000 each.
Acura LAND
Muita Property ,
xlJ xl
? J
$230,000 TO LOAN
8 Per Cent.
25c each ; Mounted , $ l.
Houses Stores , Hotels ,
Farms , Lots , Lands ,
Offices , Booms ,
etc. , etc. ,
Taxes Paid , Rents Collected ,
Deeds , Mortgages , and all
Kinds of Real Estate
Documents Made
Out at Short
This agency does strictly a
Brokerage business. Does not
speculate , and therefore any
bargains on its books are in
sured to its patrons instead or
being gobbled up by the agent.
Notary Public Always
in Office.
Real Esate Exchange , AND DOUGLAS ST3 ,
, * - arxnet
The Stalwarts Dovelopo the Boss
Liar in the Person of
BrafllBy ,
The Clumsy Tool of the Twins
Flatly Contradicted on
Every Point.
Session Kofunod tlio Privilege of
CroKS-Exnmiiiinf ; His
AI.IIVM , Juno 10. The joint con-
volition was icsumcd piomptly nt 115
o'clock noon. < & , Lieutenant Clo\einor
Haskins being absentSenator Kobort-
son took the ulinir , and Jj.illoting
The first joint ballot for1 a successor
to Coiikhng resulted : Conkling JKt ;
Wheeler , ' . ' 0 ; Rogers , 18 ; Bindley , 1 ;
Tapham , 7 ; Folgor , 2 ; Cornell , Ifi ;
Fienian , 5 ; Hurrison Jacobs , 47.
Total , 14 ! .
1'lfttt asked if the question of priv-
lego asked for by Spinola wns to bo
accepted as a question of personal
privileges ( laughtci ) , ai'ul Spinola Haid
that the puvilogo asked for was war-
r.inted under the 13th amendment of
the constitution , prohibiting involun-
taiy servitude , nnd ho , ' therefore ,
mined that the minority , compelled
to ruiuain against their w ill und w ith
no prospect of gain , bo furnished at
the public expense with lodgings or
equivalent. When Raines name
was called ho said when ho was elected
by 5,000 people it w as with the under
standing that ho should , if possible , re
present their wishes. SVhen this con
test bei'an ho tried to moo
their wishes , and thought nine ou
o * ten of the pcojilo of
Ontario county w ore opposed to Conk-
ling and Plait's return. Now ho
found the contest was bringing
out charges of comiptum which must
eventually hint the party if the con
test should bo longer delayed. Now
his people insist on his changing the
full jesteidiiy's developments to make
changes. Ho therefore would \oto
for Depcw ( Great applause ) and
Hayes moved for an adjournment
of the discussion .nul called for the
je.isnnd nays. The motion was lost ,
the yeas 70 , unys 27 , the half-biooda
voting no , and the
warts and democrats voting aye ,
On the second total ballot for suc
cessor to Platt , Dopew gained one
vote , Lewis Beach changing'to him.
Depew's vote appears lit on the offi
cial record of his vote before it began.
Gorstino ( a Dopew man ) i left Uio
chamber to catch a train. ' Donow
gained two A otes to-day , having nad
53 yesterday , nndincluding Gorstine
and Beach has 55 to-day , the two
making more than a majority pf the
whole republican vote of botlifKouHes ,
namely 100.
The second joint ballot forasuccessor
toConkling was asfollows : Conkling , 33 ;
Wheeler , 21 ; llogors , 17 , Bradley , 1 ;
Lapham , 11 ; Coinell , 11 ; Folgor , 2 ;
Jacobs , 47 ; Tremainc , 5 ; Harris , 1.
Total , 148.
The second senate ballot for n suc
cessor to Plntt : Depow , 13 ; Korn.ui ,
0 ; Pl.itt , 0 ; Coinell , 3 ; Folger , 1 ; ,
The second assembly ballot for a
successor to Plntt icbulted : Depow ,
49 ; Koinan , 3 ! ) ; Plntt , 29 : Coniell , 4 ;
Crawley , 4 ; Lapham , 2 ; Folgor , 2 ;
total , 112.
The otlici.d total joint ballot for suc
cessor to Pl.itt dilfeiH ft oni the actual
ballotting , because .iftor the voting
had ceased adsenteesictuined und had
their votes recoidcd. The nflicial \ ote
was Depow 51 , Keriinn 48 , Plntt 28 ,
Coinell 9 , Folgor 3 , Crowly 4 , Lap-
ham 2 ; total 148.
After second joint ballot Spinola
moved to adjourn. Cauiod.
The Bribery Investigation ,
ALBANY , N. " . , Juno , 104 p. in.
The special investigating committee
yesterday into the bribery charges
made , held n mooting of one nnd one-
half hours , during thin morning. The
principal witness was speaker Shaipo ,
of the assembly , lie testified thru
ho Br.adly , who created the aons.ition
yesterday , by the announcement that
had been paid § 2,000 cash to vote for
Dcpow , came to him Wednesday night
nnd disclosed the scheme , bunding
over to him the 82,000 cash ho had
received , and insisting that ho
( ShaipoJ .is sneaker of the house
should take charge of the money ,
which ho did.
Bradloy's statement was to the name
effect ns published in the dispatchs
yesterday. Ho said that Senator Sis-
sions was the man who paid him the
money. Slmrpo descend the bills
which wore piesented to iho commit
tee and identified by niombom. Them
were three 11 vo hundred dollar bills
and ton fifty dollar bills.
The bills weio identified by mem
bers mm wore on Now York , Indiana
nnd Boston banks. After the exam
ination of thocinrency it wan placed
by the committee in the custody of
the state comptiolltr to await investi
Speaker Shatpowas cross-examined
by Hufus W. Peckham , Air. Session's
lawyer , but no mateiial fiicta were elic
ited except that ( Jen. Arthur was sub
sequently infotmed by Slmrpo of the
revelations made by Bradley.
National AssocUtul 1'rcs.i
ALIIANY , Juno 10. Dupow says he
thinks it imprudent for him , being n
candidate , to make any statement ,
further than to s.iy that Brndley'a
charge , BO far as it may bo intended
to implicate him in any way. is utterly
false ,
The stalwaits say they will establish
Bradloy's case nnd yet establish othera
worse than his , against the cause nnd
the chief candidate of the half breeds.
Bradley having finished his'tcsti-
mony this evening , It. W. Pickham
aroae and said ho had been oakod by
Sessions to bo present , ns Sessions
had henrd that Bradley meant to
nmke some charge against him in con
nection with the alleged bribery Ho
had no conference with Sessions ubotit
the matter , as ho neither knew jimt
what Bradley to say , but
vs Bradley nnd made such serious
charges , nnd as Sessions wns present
he asked the committee to nllow Ses
sions mnko n titntcinent in his own de
fense , just ns Bradley had made olio
ngmnst him , so that his ntiswor could
go out to the woild alongside thu
Carpenter opposed the request as
oxtrnoidiiwry and unparalleleil. Ho
said Sessions would hnvo ample time
to get his defense before the woild
when the proper time came.
Skinner ( half-bteud ) nnd Brooks
( democrat ) wnimly urged that com
mon justice demanded that Sessions
be heatd.
Carpenter persisted nnd Draper up
held him.
Sessions begged that ho bo allowed
to appear befoie the woild tit least
upon an equal footing w ith Ins ac
His icqucftt was finally granted. He
was sworn mid said : lie had n con
versation with Hradloy ycsteiday af
ternoon iu the Delavan House. Wit-
ntira then urged Bradley to vote for
Depow ns the best solution of the iien-
atotial question nnd the best way of
letting the assembly go home. Theto
was not n word said aboutmohey dur
ing that conversation. On witness
going to Ivinmore House ho found
Mr. Hudson of the Brooklyn Eagle ,
and Chns. 1 * . lugorsoll , there. In-
geisoll went on to recite that
recently he hid met the deputy
collector of internal revenue , Olios.
Terry , of Catt.unugus county , was on
the train nnd had u long convocation
with him. They told Ingoisoll that
Bradley was vctmg ng.unst'tlio w ishcs
of nine out of every ten of his constit
uents in supporting Conkling and
Plntt ; thit ho was working his own
political death in doing so , as Ir's con
stituents weio up in arms against him.
After the witness had heard this he
went do\ui staiis to supper , nnd after
supper ho told Bindley ho would like
too see htm. Bradley told him to
come to his room. When they lett
the dining room , Btadley invited
witness to his room , saving he wanted
to see witness. Witness wont
to Bradley's room , and said
t > Bradley , "Bradley , I went
to talk to you. I have been talking
with Ingeisoll. " Witness then told
Bradley what Tngersoll hnd said.
Bradley said Ingersoll hnd already
talked to him , and ho was perfectly
satisfied that his distiict was against
Conkling and Platt. Bra > loy then
said , "I have voted for Conkling and
Plait the last tune , nnd to-morrow I
will vote for others. " Witness an
swered , "Bradley I nm glad to henr
you say so ; I think you have been
hurting yourself for others ; I think
sacrifice wns unnecessary. I think it
is your duty to do your duty to your
self. " There wns nothing said about
money , and both went out ; . Yesterday
morning Bradley came into the wen-
ate chamber and said to witness ,
that he wanted witness to write down
something for him to say when he
changed his vote from Pl.itt to Depcw.
Witnebs laughed and said ho had bet
ter tell them the tiuth , just as ilus-
sell did , and say that his constituents
demanded of him that he make the
change. Witness then solemnly as-
scited that he had told fully and
tiuthftills all that had oceaned be
tween him and Br.ulloy in i elation to
the Litter's change of vote , und said
theionevi'r had been any talk about
money , nor any use of money , nor
was there any undue influence of any
kind evoiy thought of on his pait.
On this point Sessions said that if the
committee would only allow him to
for few nlin-
cioss-exaiinne liuulley a -
utes he could cle.uly show the uttei
falsity of all ho ( Hiadloy ) had said.
Caipenter , Diaper , Kio.ubiun and
Scott , nil stalwaiLs , opposed this.
Sessions plead for the pitvilego. Ho
said he wns woll-ndvnnccd in life and
had had an hnnotablo life among Inn
fellow-men nnd had made an lionoi.v
bio place in the world. All thin
had been nssailed by Brndley'n
charges. Bradley hnd accused him of
n crime irhich , if true , should doom
him before men and consign him tc ;
the penitentiary. The bare charge ,
as made , was terrible to n man in hh
position , nnd almost unbeninblo.
Bradley had made it , nnd ho ( Sessions ]
had no idea that it was made until .1
few minutes ago. The whole tiuth
could bo nl i own in n few minutes if
the committee would allow him to ask
his accuser five or six questions. He
would not exceed six.
Cnipentei , Hoardman , Diaper and
Scott opposed the request. Sessions
made an appeal to bo allowed to ask n
few questions , they would do Bradley
no injury. Ho need not nnswcr them
to-night and also begged the commit
tee to tell them what questions he
nhouldask ; also that hobo allowed to
add to his ntitomunt the questions n
a forecast of what his defense would
have been. The H.IIIIO four votes ,
"No , " on all requests , and carried the
motion to adjourn till 9.30 to-morrow
Six PorftoiiH Known to Hnve For-
National Atuoclatwl Trend ,
QiiKiiK1 , Juno 10. It is computed
there must be a loss of $2,000 000 be
tween building stock and furniture by
the yesterday's fire. Over 1500 fami-
liesaro rendered homeless by the ton-
ilngrntum. At least 800 buildings havt
hecndcutioycd. The losses to insur
ance companies amountto 100,000 , A
subscription list in aid of the sufferers
has been opened , headed by the gov
ernor general with $500 , The saddest
feature in connection with the whole
dreadful affair is the unfortunate loss
of life. At present six persons are
known to have perished , The baked
bones of Mr. and Mra. Hardy and
Clurlca Morris hnvo been recovered.
Search is being continued by torch
Jight for the bodies of Mr. Lapierru
and her two children ,
Daring Attempt to Blow up the
Liverpool Town Hall.
Arrest of Two Irishmou-
Bloody Quelling of the
Cork Riot.
Another Guy Tnwltos.
.His , Juno 10 , t p. m.A.Onr
ing atteir.nt wns made last night t >
blow up tlio Liverpool town hall , U
wans of dyimmito , fortunately tl.i
loheme faded. No lives worojostnnd
the building was but Uttlo dnmajjt 1
Jut windows were , how over complete
wieeked as weio also thono _ of m
lounding housi-s , nnd neoplo living m
the vicmity weio badly Kcnrc'd. Tin
two men who hnd been noticed loiti i
ing mound the hall during the div
nnd who were found on the ntuvt
shoitly nfter the explosion wore -u
lested , levolvers wore foundconcoalid
in both ,
LOMWV ; .True 10. Two men tire
uriested , both well known and nctiut
Liverpool liislimeu. The police BUM
them place nn iiou itipo containiim a
lighten fuse against the town hall dot r
and then inn down the street. The
police rushed over and hurriedly threw
the pipe and fuse into the middle uf
the street and then skirled in pursuit
of the fugitives. While the chase \\.is
going on nn explosion took place in
thu middle of the road , which accounts
for the slight dntnngo. Tlio men were
caught nftcr nn exciting chase nnd
taken to the nearest police station ,
whcio each of them were acarthud.
Besides revolvers , both vvcro well sup
plied with money , which strengthens
the belief that they were noting under
01 del3 from some hiijhor authority
nnd tlmt the attempt was not duo to
their own individual recklessness. The
destrur-tion wrought by the explosion
does not extend beyond the breakiiu ;
of windows and the clippingolFof the
walls of the buildings on Doth miles
of the stieet.
Dispatches from Dublin announce
that the riots in Cork are completelj
suppiessed. Many persons vno
wounded. The indications of the ex
tent of the hostility to landlords in
Ireland isfuun hed by the parliamen
tary retuius just made , which shows
337 Agrauan outrages , including thiio
muulers committed during May.
THE I'Lor.
There is little doubt hero and m
Liverpool that the attempt to blow
up the town hall originated vuth
Fenians. The names of the arres'ed
men are McKeogh and Boston Kob-
erts , Koboits recently arrived fiom
America. Papers discovered arc ex
pected to a conspiracy. The
documents in Robert's possession fre
quently refer to O'Donovan lloss.i.
COHK , Juno 10. To-d .y the fifty
rioters arrested duiing a " tumult of
yesterday , were brought "boior.tlu .
nmgtstratt ! nnd.'clmrg / i.h nttft&Ln
the police by stone throwing nnd alsc
with other tiotous conduct. The
crow n prosecutors said tlmt the gov >
eminent preferred this mode of speedj
justice , ns it was better than return'
ing the accused for trial. Largi
crowds assembled outside the com I
A nuoiAvr PITY.
DUIIU.N , Juno 10. Serious rioting
occuned at Cork to-day. la attempt
ing to quell the distuibnnce at tin
race couisu the police attacked tin
mob , dm ing them into the city nt tin.
point of the bajoni't Tlieie the fight
ing was lesumud and with desperation
and by the people in houses in
the vicinity. Piocuas Heivors won
pelted with stones and many of then :
weiu disabled.
Natlomi A hOchUil I'risf.
LONDON , .Juno 10. Constantinople
despatches reports sevcie fighting in
Mandona between Turks and rovirif.
bauds of Bulgarians. L.ugo numbeit
weio killed on both sides. Troops
wore sent to the scene of the disturb
Sir Olmrles W. Dilko said , in tJu
house of commons to-day , that the
British in charge of all.urn at St ,
Petersburg 1ms been infoimed that
the Tekko territory annexed t < ;
Russia is the Tekko Oasis.
Negotiations between Adi-lina Patti
and American ciipitnlistsfoi an Amer
ican tour has been abandoned in con
sequence of the oxttavagaiit prioo do
PAHIS , .Juno 10. It in currently
repotted this morning that the i ejec
tion of Scutin do Liste's bill has led
to hopeless divisions in the cabinet.
Opposing journals intimntn that Gam-
butta will probably resign the presi
dency of the chamber of deputies , nnd
that President Orovy must yield to
Cininbettn or make a big light.
Auitivii : > ,
LOVDON , Juno JO. The Cornell
crow have arrived nt Henley , They
are in splemled health.
The press of this city are of tin
opinion tlmt the vote in the French
senate on Scutin De LiHto , is the
beginning of another levoluion ,
Como Out of the Wot.
National Ah.iotlntixl I'ruw ,
NEW YOHK , Juno lOr Rain has
fallen every clay this month thus far ,
with thu exception of the mxth. Yes
terday the fall was.51 of an inch up
to 11 p. m , From that hour to seven
o'clock this morning thu fall was two
inches. The total ram fall this month
up to ! i p , m. to-day , was five inches.
The storm was accompanied by a high
wind , which during thu night i cached
a velocity of 'M miles an hour.
Union Printer * .
National Awodated I'rcw.
TOUONTO , Juno 10. Tlio Interna
tional Typographical Union met this
morning. The elections of officers ,
after A spirited contest , resulted in
favor of ( leorgo Clark , of St.
president ; Thomas Wthoii , Toronto ,
first MCO ptesidtMit , W. II. Hnny ,
Noiuich , Conn. , second vice president
W. It. Trr.yes , secretary mm treasur
er , A. Schley , corresponding secreta
ry. St. 1/miis , Mo. , was unanimously
decided on ns the next place of niiet-
Bnrron Bonoli Lauds Utnlilicod
A Blnrn nt Ogilou.
( otrc i > onlcnct ol Tlu < I'oo
Ooiti'N , T'tnh , Juno 0 , 1881.
The pren-nt ji .ir promise * U ) by
oiu of the most prosperous that Utah
has ever had in the way of business
and agrieulttual and other produc
tions , Fuiits of nil kinds promise to
bo abundant and crops never looked
better than now. Utah finks have
such a popular loputation as to make
.ho demand from the outside Inigo
jnough to moie than command all the
surplus crop. This is cspeci illy the
cnsu also with such articles as potatoes ,
A heat and flour , taist fall there was
idnpped ftoiu Ogdeu large quantities
uf potatoes by the car lend to Deux ei
uul other points in Colorado , and tins
spring added between one nnd two
'lundred more car load lots that went
rom hero to the name destination ,
Utah wheat has been shipped abroad
for several years , mm it may bo inter
esting statistics to the leaders of Tin :
BKE 10 know that during the past four
years there has been sent from Ogden
wheat in the following amounts :
Crop 187770 car loads ; crop of
1878 , MO car loads , crop of 1870 , 1U5
car loads ; ciop of 1880 , ! * 5 ear loads.
The throe first years named , the
wheat was taken west to San Fran
cisco , thence by vessels to England ,
whore it commanded good prices be
cause of the flue quality of the crop
of 1880 was shipped to Colorada. In
thu rapid development of the country
in Idaho nnd Montana , lying north of
us , the demand for tlour , and all
classes of goods has become largo , and
Utah is supplying n l.ugo porcentngo
of the hiu.ut studs used thute. I um
not in poNscssion of statistics to show
the extent of that trade. The ncieago
of wheat sown increases with each
j ear , w hilo the home demand also in
creased by thu huge additions being
mndo to our population. Another
fenturo iu this question of wheat pro
duct is woithv of notice. In UK
earlier days of Utah it roquhed
quantities of water to iuigato the land
so ns to produce cropn. The soil haii
been mi long dry nnd bniren that noth
ing but moisture and cultivatioi
would cause it to produce aiiy coreal'
at all. Y ear after year the land be
came bettor adapted to the produc
tion of crops nnd while the yield o
products increased , the quantity o
water requires was decreased , becaus
the land and climate , both wore be
coining better adapted to the raisin
of crops.
X 'striking oxhmplo'drthls is eh'Jpv
in the largo ti.ict of bench kinds lynij
west of Ogden , nnd running nort
nnd south. A sandy plain of abou
twenty thousand acres had been th
home of sage brush and scanty bund
grass a fitting abode for li/zards tint
toads. Water to itiignto this lam
could not be had , but by cliinnti
changes the time came whei
some ventuiesomo person tried sow ill )
wheat on a small section of it , am
the icsult camu in n good ciop. Thi
was only foui or fivu years ago , nn <
now thousands of acres of Ilia
sandy plain is growing riel
ciops of To maki
it'all productive , the Weber C.ina
company was oiganircd to build um
opeiatu a canal to take the water fron
Weber river near Devils flute , am
cany on to this bench land. Tin
canal is to bo tnenty feet wide nt tin
bottom , nnd live feet deep , nnd wil
be v ory extensive in its mimciou
divisions , so as to reach nil parts o
tins Jaige tract of land. In 1'ydui
Canyon , near thu head of the canal
therulwill bo * n fluiiiu two or thousniu
feet long , work is progressing now 01
this important enterprise. Mishop C ,
Layton , one of the promote of tin
canal , is largely engaged in raisin )
wheat on this liact of land , and wil
have this year , twenty thoutum
bushels of wheat raised by dry faun
ing. If water could be hid on UIOHI
lands , thu crop would bo nboul
Edward Blowcll , of Fremont. Nebraska
braska , his bec-n stopping in Ogdeu i
fuw days , and has loft for his home ,
From him 1 leurn ho lia.s ln.cii in Cal
ifornm ami m.ulu the Dun-linno of LTi ,
000 sheep , which iiro nmv nn the way
across thu countiy to Nthnutkn Thes <
slice ] ) are all w < > tln > rH , intended foi
mutton , after the wool Income good
Men diivo thu huids about eight unlei
day , and have reached a point n
Iior about one hundred and lift )
miles noith of Ogden , and lie uxpocti
the herd will reach the country mini
Fremont Kometimo in October , am
then ho fed mid fattened on corn am
hay. On the morning of May 2itl (
Ogdun was visited by the most disis
Irons fire the city has ovui
experienced. It was that ol
the burning of the freight
depots nnd transfer sheds of the Onion -
ion Pacific and Central Pacific Rail
ways , The loss of the buildings wat
not great , but there was on ntotugo in
them goods and papois of great value ,
and besides these , nineteen cars loaded
with ineichaiidiHU and Hovernl empty
cars were consumed. The estimated
loss v\ns placed by person nil the way
fiom ono hundred thousuid uptoovei
two hundred thousand , and it
probably bo niio or two years beforu
the roads can foot up the losses on
goods and adjust all thu
clanim which will bo presented ,
The morning being voiy qutol
prevented a much p eater destruction ,
for if the wind had been blowing at
the time the conflagration would have
extended through nil the other build
ings and hundreds of cars. Now ap
pears to be a. good time for the erect
ion of good and permanent bnildingu
by the roads , hut it in doubtful if they
will do o.
A Fatal Shooting Aflray iu the
Stroota of Froinont.
DontkW the VioUm Arronfof tlio
NT , Juno 10. About nine
i'clock last night n fatal shooting nf-
ray took plnco in the street iu fiotit
f thu Fremont House , between J. M.
trndloy and Pat lluulon , tit which the
[ ittur wns fatally woundod. It seems
nit Haulon and J M Hradley
A ho did the shooting wote hn\
ig some trouble through the day.
, t about ! ) p , m both men met near
to Fremont house , and after some
ot woids , there were heard two shots
ted in piutty close succession. One
> f the shots went through the window
; < > iiiK through a double pane of glass ,
tul from thetico into thu wall on thu
est side of the hotel ollieo , going
lirough and shntteiiug n minor hnug-
ig on the wall. All wns now
xi'itetncnt , nnd nnmedintely nftcr-
aulsa second shot was filed by llrad-
. ) y , staiidm * on the outside of ihu
tralk , or a little farther fnun the build
' ig. The ball struck 11 union in the
orneroftho left eye piercing the
lain , Ho foil at once , falling
with his bend toward thu
iiiilding , and the blood spurt-
ig from the wound.
Bradley immediately made his
'scnpe. I'ursuors were on his track
11 a short time , ShoritVflregg sending
iiit horsemen ami men on foot in
ivory diioctioii. Hradley was finally
uipturud between four and live this
uoiniiig. He claimed ho had dona
ho shooting in solf-doufonso , and that
lanlon had shot first , and inquired
liow badly ho was hurt. Ho has a
nark on the side of his face as if fiom
mrnt powder , Haulon died at about
.2:15 : last night , three hours after the
.hooting , being insensible from thu
imo of the shooting.
Hiadloy is a man about 1(5 ( years ol
ngo , who cnmo hero but two or three
days ngo from Cedar llapids , lovvn , a'
foi email of the ging building tin
Nickel son budge ,
Pat. Hiinlon , the deceased , 1ms le
sided in Fremont about u do/uii years
Ho leaves a wife and eight clnldieii
AUOUSTA , S. C. . Juno 11 , A cut
ling allr.iy occutred at Willislon yen
teiuny afternoon between BobDudle ;
and Dock Davis , coloied , about
game of base ball. Dudley knocke
Davis down with a bat und tried t
beat him ! Dnvm then pulled out
knife , and stabbed Dudly to the hear
killing him instantly. Davis gav
himself up.
I'llACKKl ) HIS 011NIUM. .
Tenn. , Juno 10.
o Thu Itopublican a ;
a saloon keeper at JToloiiTi oodj
Scott county , named Alvin Parkc
smashed the skull of a drunk m mm
named Willis , fiom Kentucky , fie
the etl'ecb of which ho died , Pnrki
was arrested , but no ono appealed I
prosecute him , and ho was discharge !
_ _ _ . > -
A Smart Aloolc.
National l'rct <
CIIICAOU , June 10. A bill lias bee
filed in the ciicmt court by Juionio 1
Case agninst thu Joliet lion and Stei
cnmpiny and otheis , iiioluding th
Central Tiust conqiany , of Now YbiK
jiraymg for the appoinlmunt of n u
ceiver. Tlio complainant owns 1-i'l ,
J 00 shares of slock in thoconeen
and alleges that all tlio pni ] > ei ty of tli
Joliet lion ami Steel temp my hii
been iiiiopnuted ] ] by Alexander J
Leth for his private benefit.
A Fiitai Tall
National AxhOcUtod I'rcw )
SAN FUAN < isco , Juno 10. Joiopl
T. Tyiiell , while at waken thofoint
stoiy of Sol , Wangonlicims it Co. '
building , had occasion to stand on
board placed across thoelexntorhutch
way. Suddenly the board gave awn ,
nnd he tin own to tJie basemen
w hei o lie sti nek squarely on Androv
Kliyner , fracturing Khyner's skull am
liieaking his own spine.
Roud Aout.
.Satlorul AHiixlulcii I mw ,
FHAM ist'o , Juno 10 ( ! oorgi
Castor , a nntivo ( ' , was way
laid by tlui'o niusKtd men near th
New lldiia iiiinn and iUiirioiiHl | ; ;
wounded by two bullets. HII niaiingti
to ndu buck to the mine , and u pai I ;
Hallicd out to cijitnio thu iiiitlawH
They found Cinrvin Kalin/uola am
riddled him with bulhits.
Thu Willmmutlo valloyvull have th
largest grain cioji evoi harvented i
Alicu Cnry'H Homo.
Cisc IVSATI , Ohio. , July 104 p. m
- Clovoi Nook , the old Jiomo of Abe
and I'houbii , compriHing twenty
six acios adjoining this city , liiiu btei
pmchascd by Ah xandtir Swift , am
will bu conv 01 ted into a beautiful p n k
Swift in n wealthy citi/enand hi other
ill-law of the Cary sisteis ,
* * *
Moxirnn Affairs ,
National Aswrlatwl I'rin
Cm OK MIAJIO , JunolO. Ahondi
Mauiels , a Mexican , has written i
veiy foiciblo letter , wliich is ] mbliBhci
n the TJio Kdjniblican , urging tin
nesidcnt to punish the muidoiors o
iJon/alcs , who was killed last Apul
ind for the piesidont to also enforci
the fieudom of lehgion in the re
public ,
Mexicans now in An/aim , Coloradi
nnd Now MUMCO aio leported as 01
gani/mg n colony for pin pose of emi
giuting to .Mexico in the vicinity of tin
Kio ( jrande.
The Turf.
National Aswxlattd I'ltM
Bosro.v , Juno 10. Tlio secom
day'u races of thu Juno meeting a
Buacon Park were well attended , ir
ipite of the cheerless weather , Fin
: ace , 235 ; closa waa won by Bluckwoot
Prince in five honU ; N. Judkini
Arthur second , nnd C. K. Morris'
Arthur third ; time 2:20 : , 2:2ftJ :
2-.28J , 2:2 : j , 2aO : | and 2:30. : The
second race was won by Francis Alex
ander in thieo straight heats ; time
2V : J , 2:23J,2:2 : : ; { ? ,
Of Yestonlny's Important Tclo-
Rrnpliio News , Coiulcnscxl from
the National AHuootntod
Pros * Dlflpntolioi.
The Tlnrteonlh day of Oriscomb'n
fast ended ycstenlayiioon. I In shows
no signs of weakness nor distress of
any kind. His weight is onohundrcd
nnd Bovonty-sis and n half pounds , a
loss of ono nnd one-half in the past
foity-eiyht horns , His sleep in sound
nnd refreshing. The daily supply of
water is thirty two ounces.
Hayes White ( colored ) hanged at
Million , Ark. , atouoo'clock yesterday
for the murder of Sheriff Beatly. A
largo ciowd of colored people were
present from Memphis nnd other ad
jacent citieTho execution was
A boy named Bowker died ab
Dwight , 111. , yesterday , from the
cHcctH of eating now potatoes over
which Pansgrccn had been sprinkled.
Joll'erion Davis arrived nt St. Louis
' -
Nntloiml Avtocl < xlc < l
WASIIIMTTON , Juno 10. The otlicial
investigation into the disbursement
fund is neiuly completed , nnd it is
expected that the icport will be mndo
to Secretary Wiudom next week.
Custodian Pilney , on whom discover
ies are said to tellect most dangerous-
Iv , has relusod to testify un
der oath before the committee.
The later minor in regard to _ the
Horlin miBsion is that the position
will bo offered to Hon. Archilmld
Campbell , who hns just resigned the
editorship of Thu Wheeling. W. V.i.
inim'NiiAOAZUTTI :
of thin city has been purchased by
Col. H. J. Ilunton , who will edit and
own it after this week.
Nuvv Y nu , June 10. A now line
of steamers hits been formed to take
the place of Roach's Bra/ilian line of
vessels , ow ni-d in England. The first
one to leave starts in a few weeks.
Chief Sweeny , of the CliicaK" fire de
partment. is in tuw u. t
J. M. Woolworth. of this city , went , out
to Lnrainio jostordny.
.T. H. McConuell.ofthU . city , left Friday
for North I'lnttu.
Mr Jninurt Connaily returned from the
pint 1'ridny , nnd vt ill bu jiten-scd to nee his
Tom Wolf , editor of the NelnnaVn Re"-
t ort ir-cf toward , lit hi the city viHltbig
Iuij7 { ] < jticr ! and nidtcr. M
If on. Win. Anjmi , reconlcr 5u thoGrnnd > 'W
iNlniul Hnd ofliee , mndo TllK llKU n friend
ly c ill yi Mterday.
C'nnl. W. JI.rnn Hoc , of thu Fifth Cav
alry of tlio U S. nnny , lla.s e < l tlnonnh the
city I'riday nn liin way ti > Califoniia from
till' t'.lHt.
15. I'nddock airUod yciti > rdiy from 1't.
T.V. . Dunn , of JJattlc Muimtain , Xtb- ,
IK in tin ; city.
f S. ItcynnU-i , a i > roniinent ( , 'iain buy-
u of 'J'olodo , is in town
Mi. .MivM uiphy , iditoi of tlio J'latt ,
niiiutli , lluald , .uri\cd in the city liust ,
O. T. Ilnnxlioy , ono of the extensive
Kriiiu buyers of Ivani > : i-i City , is nt the
T. .1. PicLuttJi. , tditornnd imlilislier of
tlio AnliKnil ( iii/i-tti-- , Hjic'nt tliu day in
Oninhn j I'Ntuiilny.
Jinn II , II. Itrown , nn attorney of tlio
capital city in in Onmlii on buxincNH , cun-
nei.Ud with liU iirofuKNiun.
Miij. 51. ( ' , Thumb nnd wifu arrived
from Deadwnixl , 1 > , T , , jeHtetdny tuul uru
KKiHttrid at thu Witluivll.
Prof. Anf'lioy , of tha State Unlvertiity nt
Lincoln , nrrivod in thin city hint night ,
nnd will runnln litre n fuw dayH ,
1'icif. JIiiiLiKoii nnd wife , of tint Ktato
lTnl\Li > ity , u.unti in from I.iucuhi lout
fveiiiiij ; , nnd nro viNitini ; thu parent ti of
.Mri. I iiierhon in thm city.
.Major John , r , IJpliain , of the Fifth
cavalry , stationed nt I''ort Niobrnrn , 81J'W
hns hem grnntut n kavo of uljHenco for
iniu month , with pcrmlHtdon Iu apply for
nn uxtiiiHlon of cluvuii inontliH ,
W. W. CroHsluy , of Hclfnst , Irtlnnd ,
whilu tinvuliiiK tlirou h Americi nrrivod
hero ytHlurday and In ilcimj ; thucity of Um-
1m. Like every easturn man who vlnitt <
hi-rc , ho cxpriHsert ( front wnprino nt tlio
rnjiid growth nnd energy umnifoiited ,
'J'ho following buHUiesu of Mnrrlmlltnwn ,
Iowa , attending tlio to\iniinuiit : nt Coun
cil IMulFH , pnid Tin : ! ! KI : ollieo a plrnunnt
cull > cHtirdny : C'ul L. 1' , li , Hot ] , Oi > car
JJIaniy , lid. Ilealil , C'has. Cnmpbull , W.
CJuylonl , K. J ) . Tlpton and ( ieo. Neil.
Undoubtedly the best shirt in the
United States is manufactuied at the
Omaha Shirt Factory , The superiority
of material anil woikiiunslup , com
bined with their great improvements ,
that is reinforced fronts , reinforced
backs , and reinforced sleeves , makes
their shirt the most durable and best
fitting garment of the kind , over
manufactured at the model ate price of
$1.50 , Every shut of our make is
guaranteed tirst-clnsa and will refund
the money if found necessary.
Wo make u specialty of all wool ,
Shaker , and Canton flannel , also
chomois underwear , made up with a
view to comfort , warmth and durabil
ity. To invalids and weak-lunged
persona wo offer special inducements
in the manner these goods are made
or thoir'protootion.
1807 Fftrnhain 81J