Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1881, Image 8

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TThurssday Morning , Juno 9.
r lUr on Mils codl.
. Get your hats at Doano' .
Old feathers rnnde new t Rfngcr'a ,
1000 residence loU , Ilemls , tigent ,
COObuMnessloU. CM on Bcmis.
Bemls * new mn\i \ of Omaha , 2T > cent * .
- Bernls' real estate boom. First pngo.
SCOhouiefinncUoU , jBewU'jigonoy
OOO'ftvrmR.and 000,000 acres of land.
Bwnli , tipcTiU
lllchter , opp. P. O. , wlls straw hate.
Get your tickets for Gu Wllllnms.
They arc going fat.
For riNK Commercial Job Printing ,
call at Tim HEX Job rooms.
The Jjlon continues to roar for Moore's
llnmosa nncl Saddlery.
Just received n largo lot of finest
clgara in Omaha , at Kiihn's DHIR Store.
Whlpplc , McMillan A Co. , the Jewel
era , Crclnliton Dlock. o2G-tf
The Juno rise in imlifmitcly postponed
en account of the water.
Tlic State linanl of ABrictiltiiro holds
its next meeting In thin city on the morn *
ing of the Fourth of July.
M. It. Itlndnn has moved hm insnrntico
ffice. lie can now lie found at l.TO < > loti- )
Lie Rtrect , over 1'arrotto k CO.'H Hat Store.
Kdholm & lirickiion have the most at1
Iractlvcly decorated building In the city.
They never do anything by hnlveH , and a'ro
Always to 1)0 found In the lead.
Notwithstanding they have a large
1'otirtli of July celebration at Lincoln , ft
large delegation from that city will visit
Omahn nn tlmt day , The racu * nro what
cntcheH them ,
The case of Ms ! McOowan ngnlnst the
city of Omaha , to recover damages for injuries -
juries sustained on Cans Rtroct , on trial
in the United States court , wan given to
the jury thin afternoon ,
It Is reported that n company in mak
ing arrangements 'for the immediate entab
lishmcnt of a ntarch manufactory in thin
city , and the ] > vculiar white com nece nary
for that purpose is now being distributed
to the farmers as need corn in this vicinity.
" The people of Waterloo have raited a
fund for the purpoxo of building n xtcaincr
which will ply in the Klldiorn river be
tween Waterloo and tke 1'lattc , at the
mouth of the JCIklmni. The bent is de
signed for pleasure cxcumloiiH ,
Every conceivable means of decora
tion is now utilized in this city. For In
stance , a boy riding his pony through the
iitroets with ribbon and small lings braided
into its tail.
1 U. S. Assistant Engineer , Chan. S.
Teas , has accepted an invitation from the
Omaha Ixiard of trade to be present at
their meeting on Monday evening next at
: t pccal ! conference UIKU\ the subject of
Missouri river improvements. This im
portant subject will bo considered in detail
< iii that occasion. Mr. 1'eas was invited to
lie present by the board at the suggestion
of Major Sutler , of the engineer corps.
' -
SP. . Mono & Co. , 1310 Fnrnham
Street ,
Among the attractions of our city is
the store of thin firm , .situated in the
lioart of business ( near the corner of
Fourteenth nml l < iirnlmin ) niul having
in their building the largest ntock of
dry goods carried by nny retail liouso
vest of Chicago. Messrs. Morse it
Oo. may verily bo styled our rcprosen-
tativo Htoro. The first mid second
floors of their building , 22x132 foot ,
arc used exclusively for retail dry
dry goods. The third story contains
their wholesale mid surplus stock ;
making theirs the largest dry goods
in our state. Thirty-two employes at
tend to the wants of customers. A
Iminch store of Morse it Co. , situated
af 522 and 524 South Tenth fllroot ,
corner of Jackson , and three blocks
worth of the Union Pacific depot , sup
plies the wants of residents of South
Omaha. Visitors .will bo welcome and
receive every attention at either of
Morse & Co. s stores. Their advor-
lisomprit occupies the right had comer
f our local page.
It pays to trade at Kurtz's.
i . .
Lemons , 25o doz. at J. I. Nicliol's.
' Don't miss the bargains in the ban
krupt stock in Straw Hats on Halo at
about half price at Frederick's Hat
emporium real bargains. Iw
Another lot of inun'H and boys' hats
2 for 5 cents , at the IJoston Store , 010
10th street. j7-5t
Do your shopping at Kurtz s.
Wo respectfully invite everybody to
ueo our stock of booU and shoos. The
prices aru the lowest over offered in
Omaha. The goods must bo sold this
month nnd prices nro made tlmt
everybody will buy. " " V
L. B , WILLIAMS & Sox ,
Corner DoJgoand Fifteenth streets.
"Wo arc nmliins jj igi wlty of fur
iiiahing Bjrupa autlijlijjiiacts fhr Soda
Fountains. I MJJ
Kurtz'S ' Store , Oreiehon block.
Lowest possible cash pricoa always
tjuaranteod and but ono price asked at
\ Jiuahman's Dry Gooda Store , eouth-
< iaht corner Fifteenth and Eouglas
Lowest iwusiblo cash prices always
Kuaruntccd and but ono price asked at
Jlushman's Dry Gooda StoroDouglaa ,
east corner Fifteenth and eouth-
* tfeet ' . ' - '
Ko head-ache or Imck-nche for ladlci
wjio drink "WINE OF CARDUI. "
1 ' ' ' " 'At 0 , < V , Ooodmm'g.
heft chuck his armiT'round 'thai thar
rKalaiii-hug her till she were as pale
3.Jlu.M. H , ' gjijg ce tt giiaJ ju Juno.
Wall , yo BOO , ov'rybody kerchod onto
Torc sion o' hi en nn' lied it fer
Close Call to a Collision Between -
twoon a Street Railway
Car and Locomotive.
A Young Lady Seriously Injured -
jurod , Many Bruised , and
the Horses Killed.
Lastovcning when the Go'clock'trans
fcr came across the nvor it brought a
larger number of passengers than usual ,
many of whom wcro residents of this
city and were returning from the fire
men's tournament at Council IHnds ,
and a largo number of others , who
cAino across to attend the Haengerfcst
in thin city.
An open street railway car stood at
the usual stand f nd was soon rapidly
being filled , when , before all the car
could Jiold could got aboard , the
homes started at a rapid pace. For a
short distance the Iracks descend
sharp grade , at the foot of which cnms
the freight tracks of the U. T. Hail
way. While the horses were going
down the grade unusually fast
the flagman at the crossing
ran out , waving his Hag and shouting
at the lop of his voice. The driver
turned on the breaks , Imt they wcro
out of order and would not hold.
Then followed a Hceno of fright and
confusion ; people screamed and jumped
from the doors and windows of the
car ; the coupling pin flow out and the
horses ran away , draging the driver
over the guard and along the street
behind them ; the street car ran upon
the crossing and stopped ; the locomotive
tivo came thundering along , but the
engineer , by reversing the lever , was
able to stop it just about two feet
from the car.
Eight , and eight only of the passon
gore remained in the car , and escaped
all injury save a aerero fright , while
those who jumped from the car were ,
many of them , severely hurt and
Miss Hattie McKoon , who resides
in this city and teaches in our schools ,
in jumping , fell upon her back , strik
ing her head upon the rail of the
track and for a time rendering her in
sensible. She was picked up , placed
in n carriage and taken away for medi
cal care. Her condition last uvoning
was somowhat'improved , but may still
prove ; fatal.
The horses ran nbnut two blocks
down the street until they reached the
embankment crossing South Omaha
creek , when they turned to the west ,
and blindly went crashing through
the guard , falling to the bottom.
They were fearfully mangled , and
after struggling awhile died.
The driver was a now man on the
line and wo were not able to luarn his
name. Ho was plucky and hung to the
lines and was drawn over the precipice -
pico with the horses , but was unin
jured , save some slight bruises.
The scone was ono of indescribably
excitement , for all could see the car
and locomotive approaching each
other , which , if the engineer had not
been able to stop the locomotive ,
would have resulted in a dire catas-
Always buy your shoos where you
can got the best for tlio least monoy.
You can do that ffom the mammoth
stock of A. D. Moore , Uth and Farn
ham successor to Loving & Co.
My collar's wilted , 1 must go ot
Kurt/'s store.
Heal French chip , 81.25 ; Milans ,
90c ; Tape hats , 50c ; Cantons , 20c ;
elegant trimmed hats , from 8G.OO t , >
$10.00. Big bargains'in our 81.00 to
$ -1.00 trimmed hats.
It pays to trade at Kurtz'a.
Cool Linen Dusters at Kurtz's.
Fine watches , enameled and inlaid
cases at Edholm it Erickson's.
If you want a nice black walnut
Clock , of American manufacture , you
should go to Edholm it Erickhon's , opposite
posito the U S. V. 0.
Pie nio gloves , Ific. , at Kurtz's.
Very best butter , 20 cents per
pound , at UUKKKTH.
Take " LACK-DRAUGHT " and you
will never be bilious.
Gentlemen , go to Kidd's for Lilloy ,
Drackott it CO.'B line hand-so wet
lk > ots and Shoes , These [ woda are
superior now to any made. All good *
Marked Low , O.NB THICK ONLY.
fTAndrow Boiius has removed his law
ofllco to 1300 Douglas street , opposite
the Academy of Music.
Hovps and piles of vegetables a
Garnol Jewelry , at
Ladies' soft Shoos for tender feet
ES , at Kidd's.
By buyihg tv pair of Star Tintc
Specks you can BOO aa when you were
young. Sold only by Edholm & Erick
Kurtz'i etoro , Croightou block.
the bear' approached , and the bailers
, wcrohoHfulof ( ) thuir success ; but bruin
more sagacious than they expected
after anulling about the place for n few
moments , scraped the enow uway with
Vf \ . 1'nxtMi , It-it this dty to-day f .r .
t. LciiN.
.Too Ho o WM clcctfd forcmnn of MnRinc
Co. Nn. 1.
Hon. S. C. Ayer , of Gibbon , In tit the
C n field HnuKe.
Howani Kcncdy And wife , nf K nin *
City , nr'lvcil In tuwn yo terdny.
JulitiVftlllcln , ctato nuditor , in niiuuif , '
he Lincoln detraction tu the Kicngcr-
I'rnf. llhicdhorn , nf the ( ! IT-
11,111 Hchnol nt Lincoln In In the city itttcnd-
111 ; the Sicngcrfcit.
Henry IJourpriimn And K. W. Hohmiui ,
he two lending uiTrhftnti of Lincoln ro
n Attcnil.inco lit the SiotiRcrfcnt.
Win. Stout , more Kct".illy known M
'I5o Stout of the Ven" the contractor for
ho lalxir of the convict * In the Htate Pcni-
tentlory , IK in the city.
Mr. Thfw. ] 'ieoii ( { , chief ciixint'iT of the
\ckley , Iowa , btvain flouring millK , h In
he city , by his wife. They
fK'litcr nt the
Urn. C. HoUctter , rnembrr < if the nt.ite
egl l.\tute fri in Mcrrick county , nirivud
n the city In't cvenlnp , Accompanied by
Sheriff Hitpkin * , Tieft'iirer Itndclif , and
Jcputy Sheriff liest nil of tlmt county.
MUMP. * . H. I. II.-IKCM mid Hills , nf
linnipaK'ne , 111. , two yoimy gciitlemcu of
vonlth , nro In thu city , preparatory to tholr
nml dettlcracnt in licatrice , thin State.
They piirpomi cutabllnhinffn money broker
age at llf.itrlce , and probably nt another
cntrc In thu State. Mr. ] Induct has n
inithcr in the U , I' , hcadquarteni in this
Peter 1) ) . CoullM , of AfnyfUld Cnl fornin ,
ono nf the inont extensive dca'erj and
iretdvr.i of Rtock in tint ft a to , piKUvd
hruuh'h the city to-day with hln family en-
onto for the east. They * M vluit Kui-ope ,
where the ch'ld'cn will remniii and fmiiih
heir tchool etudiet wliilo Air. and Mrs.
outt * will return this fall. The party
occupied the entire ) half uf a pulltnan car ,
nnd wcro t'nvellug in , rand ntylo.
Vf , H. Strong , Keuernl inannor nnd vico-
ircHldcnt of the AtchiHoii , Topvkn it Santa
; 'o railway , arrived In this chy ycHtcsdny
nftcriKHin via the Union Pacific railwny
The jmrty cnnntuti'd of the family of Mr.
Strong and J. W. Goddard , gcncrnl freight
agent of the Atlilnon , Topeka k Santa Ke ,
nnil his family , ( Jenernl Manager Toiir.alin
if the Burlington & Minjouri llivcr rail
road , and Chief C'lerk ( Jordon of the Union
'ncifie went out DIJ the road nnd met them
nt Valley. AH.sistant General Mana
Ciuiball mid General Freight AgciitViniii ( '
net them nt thu depot and exchanged
grectinjjH. The party left for the east nt
1:45. :
S. W.MarKhall , proprietor of the Nn
ional I'nrk Hotel , in the National Pnrk ,
Montana , after Hiicndiuf ; n few dayH in thin
ity Ktartcd for that fniuoiiH ] ileanuro re
ort yeHtenlny noon. Jtlr. Marshall in alia
iroprietor of thu National I'ark St.igo Line
which leads into the I'ark from Virjjiiiin
jiiy , a dntancc ! of 150 milen. While in the
ity Air. Marnlndl perfected arrangements
vith general ticket agent Monte , for the
alu of Tomist ticketn from Omaha to the
'nrk at Hpccinl reduced niton.
Prof. , T. W. Love , Principal of thu High
cliool.i of Plnttmnouth , la in the city.
W. 1L Firth , general wcHteni paKnenger
ngeut of thu C. JJ. & Q. , is at the With-
J. W. Tomlin and wife , of Chicago , nro
isiting friends iu the city.
Hon. V. M. Mnniuett , of Lincoln , who
inn been in the city for n number of days
ttcnding the dlxtrict court , left for hit )
lonio yesterday morning.
"BLACK-DRAUGHT" cures costive-
ess nnd .Sick-lluudachf.
A G. P. O olraan'i.
Snngorfost Notes.
When you go to the Sangorfest stop
n on your way and buy a diamond or
ruby ring for your mvcothcarfc or
ifo , at Edholm it Erickson's. They
coop the largest stock in the city and
in suit you both in price and style
nd beauty.
The Jewelers.
Wiai'i'Li : , MuMiLLKN it Co , ,
The only place in the city where
hlilwaukoo Boor is found on draught
Merchants Exchange , cor. IGth and
) edge streets.
Pic nic at Kurtz's store.
Largest assortment of Clocks in the
ity , at Edholm it Erickson's.
Everybody trades nt Kurtz's.
Jit Every Jrpurtmtnt.
Summer Coats , Knit Suita ,
Working Suits , Shirts and Waists ,
jinun Collars , Cassimuro Suits ,
jkeloton Coats , Business Suits ,
Jllico Coats , Handkerchiefs ,
Dress I'nntaloons , Underwear ,
Children's Suits , Gloves , Trunks ,
Satchels ,
White Shirts , Neckwear ,
White Vests , Linen Clothing ,
Dress Suits , Straw Hats ,
School Suits , Jeans Pants ,
Children's Halo , Fancy Shirts ,
Dusters , Fancy Half Hose ,
Oigarotto Caps. Cheviot Suits.
1001 Farnham , cor. Tenth streets.
jo8 U
(10 ( cunts per bale at Estabrook's
Stock Yard , Tenth street , botweoi
Capitol avenue and Dodge. 7-3t ,
Car load of good horses for sale a
Homan's Stable. Corner Harnoy am
' " ' ' '
V5A ? it''i '
Good pic nic mitts 'Mo al'Kurtz'a
tore. , ' '
My limbs with Kheumntic * ito aclie ,
I'm ' coniiJerably "jmder the wi-ather"
Wt-11 , don't get "on you're tar"
To the drug nturo I'll hurry I'm cure.
U et a bottle of Kclectio Oil ,
Which for Itheumatlbin U a euro cure.
The Oldest Engineer in the
United States in the City.
W. W. Goodalo , the oldest living
nginuer in the Tniled States , is in
ho city , a guest of Albert Johnson , of
00 Smith Eight street. In last Satur-
lay's edition of TIIK KKK appeared a
onglhy sketch "f Mr. Goodalo , taken
rom the St. Joe Oazolto. Ho is sov-
nty-oight years of ago and a Massa-
husetts man by birth. As early as
830 ho was a steamboat engineer on
Lake Erie , and four years later had
charge of the old "Wm. Penn , " which
was run on the Hahtmoro .t Ohio , the
oldest railroad ni the United
States. Between 1838 ami 1812 ho
was an engineer mi the Cumberland
Valley road in Pennsylvania , and in
ho latter year ran the first engine
hat over steamed out of Hunalo and
atcr ho became connected with the
Norris it Haldwin locomotive works in
Philadelphia , and Bonerully uccotnpa-
lied thoirinow engines to thodifrereiit
oads to test llu'iii. In 181 ! ) ho took
novoral engines to Chili for the firm
ind remained in South America until
1852. Two years afterward ho came
West and entered into the employ of
ho C , B. it Q. While repairing some-
hing about his engine in 1857 ,
inder a pressure of eighty pounds of
steam , ho became overheated
and catching cold it sot-
led in his eyes. Ho was blinder
or four years on this account , but his
eyesight was finally restored by a cole-
irated Philadelphia oculist. In 1805
10 worked under Chas. II. Mead , on
ho Hannibal it St. Joe road , and con
tinued with that company until three
years ago , wliuii his eyesight became
10 poor as to incapacitate him
'roni' engineer's work. His eye
sight at the present time , while
lot perfect , iloes not interfere with
lim. The old gentleman spent about
lalf a century on the rail and always
was unusually fortunate in not being
n any big railroad accident. Ho looks
'orward with a great deal of pleas-
ire to a trip which ho hopes to take to
Colorado before his return to his pres
ent homo in Brook field , Mo.
Wo offer this week the cheapest
ino of white shirts and neck ties ever
ifl'urod in Omaha. Our stock of gents'
iirnishing goods is complete and all
ollered at unhcaid of prices.
Corner Dodge and Fifteenth streets.
Lemons cheaper than ever at
j -lw Buflett's.
_ T _ , ,
Ladies linen ulsters cheap at the
Joston Store , ( ilC 10th street. j7-0t
Just received another largo lot of
Joys and Children's clothing , at Pol-
ck's. Farnham and 14th sts. 4-3t
1ROO imported Fayal Hats 50c each
t the Boston Store , GIG10th ' street.
A fine line of Gents' Furnishing
Joods at reduced prices.
eod-2w M. HKLLMAN it Co.
Messrs. A. Cruickshank it Co. ox-
.end a cordial invitation to all strangers
isiting Omaha to call and examine
heir magnificent establishment , and
lave detailed two of their clerks to
liow viaitors all through the store.
This store is ono of the sights of
Omaha. It is thu largest retail Dry
' ! oods llouso in Nebraska , and ac
knowledged by all to bo the finest and
> est arranged store west of Chicago ,
rranged on three floors , having fifteen
cpartments and forty-five employees ,
nd retailing nearly n quarter of a
uillion worth of Dry Goods. A trade
o immense as this could only be
chioved by good goods at low prices ,
nd strangers cannot do bettor than
irico a few of their goods as they pass
hrough , and see the extraordinary
liflerohco that can bo made by inor
hauls that go for a largo trade at
noderato prices. Amongst a few of
ho noticablo things they offer nro a
plondid line of Gouts' half Hose , at
2Cc n pair. Those goods are excellent
p-iality and roaily worth 50 cents. A
iplondid line of Ties at 50c , worth
H.25 , and those beautiful white dress
shirts , unlaundricd , the very best
] iiality , at 75c. This is almost in
credible , but they ask strangers to
call and examine for themselves. .
Their line ot Silks , Cashmeres and
Fancy Dry Goods is simply superb ,
all offered at Now York and Chicago
meet ) . Their stock of Parasols and
Sunshades comprise an assortment note
; o bo mot with outside of Now York ,
arranged in a line of glass cases so
that purchasers can see at a glance
every style in stock.
Do not fail to visit this store even if
you havu only time to spend a few
minutes. jo8-lt
at CO cents on the dollar. Must bo
sold A. D. MORSE ,
14th and Farnham streets.
WlUlTLK , McMlLLKN & Co. ,
Go to H. drcTark it Co. , for sodr
water syrups and extracts. jtGt
Lowest possible cash prices nlwayf
guaranteed and but ono price asked al
Bushman's Dry Gqods Btoro , .spyth
east corner Fifteenth and Dougloi
' * ' *
streets. -
BABQAJ.SS-DKE S Gooim-BusnsiiN'i
Drunk nnd DlnoritorlyFonr Young
Vnfcrnntd Money in HU
There was a full docket in the po
lice court yesterday. Just ni Judge
Hcnuko was alxuit to call the first case ,
Sallie Johnson , a colored wonmn ar
rested for keeping a house of ill-famo ,
walked in and upon permission ad
dressed the court , notifying him that
nlio , in her estimation was an ,
virtuous woman , nnd that nlio woiild
never pay her fine of six dollars. She
was remarkably eloquent in her indig
nation , but circumstances wore de
cidedly against her and when the
Judge gave her until the fifteenth to
either plead guilty nnd pay the fine or
have a trial , nho laughed and
swore she would have "all the
other nigger ranches pulled. "
Aaron Sheror , a middle-aged man ,
was called for drunkenness and disor
derly conduct. Aaron is a slick ono
and was recognized by TUB UEK rep
resentative as a bad man from Lin
coln , who figured often in the police
court under various names. His fav-
onto role is the ignorant , innocent ,
simple old man , and it took a little
severe talk this morning to convince
him that ho had been drunk nnd that
his nose was swollen and skinned from
kis fall on the pavement. Ho was
fined $10 and costs , and after being
taken to the jail pulled elf his stock
ing , took from the heel a ten dollar
bill and sent it to the Judge with his
compliments , both of which were duly
received and appreciated.
Joseph Maxwell was drunk and dis
orderly. Ho pleaded guilty and was
fined $10 nnd costs , nnd sent to jail
for twelve days in default thereof.
Joseph wept and went.
Four young boys were nrrcstod
as vagrants and suspicious characters.
Ono was able to prove that , although
being with a hnrd-looking crowd , he
was earning an honest living , and was
discharged. The other three were es
corted out of the city.
Sam Koslin , clerk in the Germania
boarding house , was up for disturbing
the peace , in pounding a delinquent
guest at the house. Sam convinced
the judge , through an interpreter ,
that ho cracked his victim's skull in
self-defense , aa the follow wanted to
take his valise without' returning the
check for the same and struck him
first. Ho was dismissed.
John Straight , a stranger in the
city , was arrested for disturbing the
peace. lie made his appearance be
fore the judge , looking more like a
dead man than a pugilist , with his
head swathed in blood-soaked ban
dages , und acknowledged ho was n
little hasty in trying to take his va
lise , but had lost his chock and wanted
his property. Ho did "lay his hand
upon Koslin" nnd thought ho was suf
ficiently punished tor so doing. The
judge thought so , too , and dismissed
the caso.
A. , FA. . M.
Tlioro will bo a special coinmunica-
of St. John's lodge , No. 25 , this
( Thursday ) evening , for work in the
E. A. degree. Visiting brethren are
cordially invited.
. . .
"Remember the cheapest place for
good Boots and Shoes is at Kidd's
New Slore , in Jacobs' Block , loth Sts.
Fan yourself at Kurtu's Store.
Everybody seems pleased with our
ccoration , but our low prices please
hem still better. The great reduction
we have made in prices will last only
uring this month , as wo are bound to
educe stock before July 1st , as wo in-
end then to thoroughly overhaul our
tore. Come early and have the first
ihanco as goods are going rapidly. E3
Cor. Dodge and 15th Sta.
Got your flings at the 99c store.
All goods bought from us wo on
; rave free of charge.
Do your shopping at Kurtz's.
,1 , ,
You may need a parasol.
You may need a linen duster.
You may need a Dressing SacV.
Do you want a handkerchief ?
DC you want hosiery ?
Do you want gloves ?
Wo have prepared for our visiting
Picnic Mitts ,
Picnic Gloves ,
Picnic Parasols ,
Picnic Sacks
Everybody invited to see our stock
Ivtwr/1 STOUK ,
8-3t Croighton Block.
Fifty dozen hammocks , wholesal
and retail , very cheap , at Frederick'
hat store. 3-lw
All Quods Marked Low. Ono. pric
only , at W. L. Kidd's JWu > Store , 15t
street. je8-2t
I bought my parasol at Kurtz's.
. II. U , Clnrk it Co. liiako the bos
soda water eyrup and extracts. J6-C
ureative science
and 6K.XUAL , I'lllLObOl'llV.
Illmtrated. The raoxt Important and
Uvtbook imblUhod. Kvtry family vanUone.
rUtraordlnary Inducement * often * ) agtnU
' ' ' Co ,
Addrnt Auaxn' I'l'iuiuuo
MX ) piecn iiN.i niilt ' noUii. . ' . ' '
JI.MUK" ptrpli'cc , at tin Hi * " " "
Storo. 010 10h ! MtrtH J" ' '
1/owost ( HWAibln cwili prift-n always
uarniitopd and but one pnci * naked nt'H Dry Goods Sloro , noulli-
a t corner Fifteenth and PiMixlnR
.root * .
I/onions , Uf c dor. , nt 1. I. Niclinl -
Another largo invoice ol the latent
ovoltios just received nt ATKINSON
fc CO.'S , nnd they nro soiling cheap ,
lies , phwto remember that wo con-
intio to discount any advertised price-
t in the millinery bminww. We are
oiling Summer Silks at tromelideous
reductions. See our imported Lawns
ml save money by patronizing the
cfiiton-ledijrd landing Kitallithmtnl.
Creighton Hlock , 15th street ,
Ronl Kstato Trniisfors.
The following transfers were re-
( inled at the county clerk's oflico yes-
erday , as reported for this paper by
ohn L. MeCiujin , real estate agent
nd conveyancer :
A. Lamson to John Foahu , lots T >
nd 0 in block , of town of Elkhorn-
V. I ) . S2l > f.00.
Aimer French to O. E. Hubbard ,
. A of lot 119 , in Nelson's add. W.
D.-enr.o.oo. .
E. L. IHorbower to Wilson Roy-
old's , n w. j section 3 , tp. 10 , range
It. W. D.100. .
G. 0. Manoll and wife to Maria
logcrs , part of lot 4 in block 72 ,
Omaha W. D-81,20i. (
Aug. Doll and wife to Jno. A.
Jrcigliton , so J section -5 , town 10 ,
ango 12 , cast Q. C. D.-8245.
C. J. Faskett nnd wife to C. G. P.
3cmis , wi of lots 2 nnd 3 in block 5 ,
i Lawes addition W. D. 81,000.
Joseph Lest and wife to Gotloib
iimnicrman , lot 1 in block 0 , Lawcs
ddition Vf. D.-8525.
Lemons , 25c doz. at J. I. Nicliol's' '
Strangers visit Kurtz's store.
NOTICE Advertisements To Loan , For Sale ,
oat , Found , WanU , Boarding , ic. , will be In
crtod In those columns once for TEN CENTS
or line ; each subsequent Insertion , F1VECENTS
r line. The Unit Insertion never less than
LOAN At 8vr ccntln-
u > iiiOl.\t\l\J { \ tcrcHt In sums of S2.500 and
[ iwards , for 3 to 0 yaars , on first-cLiss city and
arm property. HKMIH KKAL hJtTATK and LOAN
UKNCY , 15th and Douglas Sts.
iT ONEY TO LOAN Call at IAW OIHco of D ,
iJL L. Thomas Room 8. Crelchton Dlock.
. "ANTKD A first-class tinner at once bv T.
YV J. PAHItLSH , Kearney , Neb. 110-Ct
.TrANTED Two girls noj more than lf > . One
V V boy not more than 10. Must be active and
Illlng to work and come MAHUY
nd CO. , candy factory , 111 14th ut. lOT.j
W ANTED Two men next to fair grounds ,
north cud of ICth st , TOUHLEY IIHOS.
ANTED A glrld for general houtcwork.
W O'OONNELL HOUSE.lOth at. near Dodge
2et-3t )
A geed girl for general house
WANTED Apply on 1 hunday this week at 2X ! >
"ortii Eighteenth Btrect. 07-9
ANTED A flrnt-clanH store , September 1st
W or later. W. M. C. , HKK ollicc. 101-15
" fiood dining roam girl. Apply at
YV the Emmett house. 102-13
. -enter and his wife. Apply
VV next to Ilee olficc. dl-tf
iTTANTED Good black-smith at Omaha Nov.
YV city Works , 14th tic-t. Permanent cm-
lo > ment. GODFUEY & DAYIS.
JOSW ANTED-Machlne hands at Omaha Shirt
W Factory. PH. GOTTHELMEK. S9-3t
A girl for general hou.sework ,
WANTED ' restaurant , 13th and Jackson
U. bl-3t
- -Six good camcnters. Enciuirc at
WANTED- of Webster ami 21st.
P. J. CHEEDON. 87-31
" \\7 'ANTK1 > Ten liands ( or ossortlnK nS , H.
ANTED-A baker at the Omaha Itakcry ,
510 10th Btrect. 70-8t
A competent bookkccpar would
like to kci'p a net of books evenings. Ad-
drcua PA. . , Ueo ollicc. 63-Ct
Funding bridge aad school bonds.
WANTED Clark , Uellevue. 20-tf
/ ALLATMUS. D. E. CLAllKE'SNo. 1 Hoard
\ _ ; Ing HOUBO , cor. 13th and Dodge Hta. Iloel
n the city. 10-14
/CARPENTERS and cabinetmakers wanted.
( j Wages from (2 to $3 per day. Inquire next
to Ilc omro. OSO-tf
WANTED A cook at 1,300 F&rnham street'
9761 (
Carpenters and cabinet maker )
WANTED to UKK olllce. U08-t (
6 canwntera and 2 cabinet muk-
\TtrANTED-A situation by a man of family ,
YV Btoady , Induntrlous and willing to bo use
ful In any honorable aapaelty , Comiwniatlon ac
cording to ca ] > ablllty , Plwue adlress J. E. II. ,
cant of HER ollicc. TXH-tf
RENT Two furnlnlusl roonn gentle-
I10R 1 only , nouth front , No. 1U12 Farnham
street. PAT 0. HAWES. H4-in. is
RENT Rooms at 1410 Douglas street
FOR 103-t f
710H HKNTN'c tly furnished room at 1,717
1 Cuminlnip St. , llet. ITtli and lath itn-rU
O KKNT-A | ilra.wnt front P-OIII , bay window
and closet , 1,017 CJiicagpJtt. bO 3t
AND LAN1 > llemii renU
HOUSES , hotels , fanus , lot * , lands ,
rooms , etc , See 1st pg ,
ljtrgo room on flnt floor furnlnhod , wiUi
A Ixiard , A few table boarders taken , IbOt
faUfornia street. 74-t
1J1OII RENT-Two lar.'o pleasant rooms foi
L light houMkecplng , 3 blocks from Pottottlcu
Address Mm. U. thU oilicv. W-4t
' \Q LET- furnlnhud room to let with l > oard Ii
a' private family. Inquire at No. Co7j 17tl
ttrcut , Omolia. .7-tf
'I710R RENT Nicely furnUhed largo room anc
Jj piano .S. W. corner 16th and Capital A e
IJWIl KENT-On flmt floor , furrMic l room *
L1 vouthwtwt corner lUth nJ Ihttenport.
7 011 HKNTFumUhcd roouu. Inquire at 1811
J * CliU-ajto itrixit. 096-U
T7011 11ENT The building 10CK ) Hurt itreet
J ? fonrierly u xl liy John Cane aj the Ix > ndoi
meat market , tkuuu iiutclicr tool * ( or vale. An
ply oa th pr uil - or of John Uaurner , ISii
V' rnh m ktrect e
TTlOIt ItKXT-S furnlihoJ roomi over iiu
_ L chaiiU' Cxchangtt.N. E. cor , ICtb and Dodg <
TrceU , 288 tf
_ _
. Chf | . . ( If nllo I'ony lor My or
1 rlillil ( o' < lrl\p or rlrtr , I" I * n-en on
gla' , Wl , T * flltli tii ! Tlilrtncmth t > .
1 .1011 H UK tiorre nnd J'I'Hen.
| < HOSt A. 0. V
SAI.K A Mil In porUhlo ttigyio pi 10
' hnnr iKjwrr , Very of fuel und
wnkr . J fl < rt l with wood and comtd lth
llinnta Iron. IJTOM bound In locomotive tr e , oil
sat mar , mitoiniUle tMve , * niM boxw , oil curw ,
| IUM water Kiinrc , "tcum force immpt nd Han-
cook patent Ini-i'lratrtr. fein | > l t - . In good enl r
und nmrlv new. llwwon for Mlllntf , c wish to
with draw from tni ! n < vti ouUlde ol our regular
nwnufftcUirliiK. Write to Untnulch Manufac-
turinif Co. Greenwich , Ohio. 04-lm
.1OKHAI.K" The frame bullrtlnpi on north ldo
I i ol Kurnhtm ntrecl , between llth Mid 1-tth
, rc for mlo rhcup M they ro to ho Imino-
llaloly. J. W. I.YI.K 70-M
. ( SALK t'HKAt'-One aero ground , routh.
1.1(111 10th Direct , llouso ol four room * , barn ,
Uti-rn , email fniit , etc , Tcnin r a on blo Kn >
uUo 1717 Uumlnxi street , between 17th and 18th
; ro U. < * * -9t eod
neil SAI.K (111 TllADIJ- small utock of con-
' fdtlonary Mid Rroccrlfd , al o a ICMC of
n fc , Kowl ruuoni for gelling. Inquire at this
) NKW CITY SIAl'S.Mc. Sec 1st page
TU1H SAI.KA email ciiRlnc , 11. W. 1'aj-no k
1 Son' * make. In perfect ondor. Inquire of II.
V Clark k Co. 30-tf
710H SALK -An almost new phaeton bujr < ry at
* A. J. Slmp n's cnrrlago factory. 3l'-U
7IOH SALK On cosy term , a IIIIIRO of Grooms
1 with lot WxUO ISth St. , between Nickels
nd Paul , Enquire at 1140. 21-11
iR Leaneaml furniture of n llrst-clawi
, hotel In a town of 1300 InhnMtanta , In totc
if'Nebraska ; has 24 licdi } the tni > elfii'irmen's rt-
rt. Inquire at IIKK ollicc. 218-tt
jTWIl SALK Lorife lot and two good houses nt
' W.OOO.
House and lot In South Omahant $1,200.
House and lot In North Omaha at 1,000.
House and part of lot near California street , 81 ,
Small house and full lot at $560.
Imiulruof Jno , L. McCag io , oppositeiXHtoffluc.
SALK Houxe and lot 83x132 ; miltable for-
FOR . Inquire of Petereou , 10th St.
TlOH SALE Several good lotfl In Hivamcw ( ul-
J } dltlon. John L. SlcCaguo , Opp. Post Office.
SALE 2 acrcn ground In West Omah _
FOIl of J. Henry , No. 116 10th. b73-tf
EM IS has rattling IOIIR lists of houoco , lots ,
lands and forma for talc. Cell and get
71011 SALK Two-story house and part lot. near
; ilc ] > ot. Location good. John L. McCftrur ,
. Post ODlcc. 058Hf
SALK Maps of Douglwi and Sarpy coun
FOK . A. JlOSfcWATEK , USOFaruhaui street.
SALK Three good lots In North Omaha ,
FOK $1,000.
Lot In Shlnn's addition at $450.
Ixit In South Omaha at f 150.
llcautiful rcisUlence lot at $1GOO.
Coed corner lot 143x100. an castlrontagc at
Throe lots one nquarc fromlSth street car line , .
450 uach.
Inquire of JohnL. McCague , opposite pORtoince.
rVUKKN UP At J. E. Vnndercook , on Juno
.1. 6th , 1881 , In Wust Omaha , one three ycar-
Iil Hinall back mnrc , white rpot In forehead ; aluo ,
> tie Horrcll mare , three years old , a little white In
'orehoad. ' Cun bo founn at blue barn 10th tt.
niAKKN UP Three r l co , oml has a crook-
_ L cd horn and xomu white BpoU on her , olio
ii.o red heifer. JOAN McKAlJDEN , west to fair
rounds , Sanders ut. 2 0-3t
Information regarding the whereabouts
ANY John Mulligan will bo thankfully re-
rehodby GEOUOE MULLIOAN , M-xruhalltown ,
owa , 2SO-4t
ONEY To men with largo or small means
a.JL. In roaily money , an opportunity Is offered
to inako flfty per cent and upwards , on its Invcdt-
mcnt for four months , buslneru asl Icgltlmato aa
pork packing. Address "MONEY" Dee otllco. .
ITUAYED OKSTOLKN JuneUh , 1831 From.
Othe subscriber , a three year ojd Durham cow ,
with fctar In the face and email white sjiot on
right Hide near shoulder. A suitably reward will
bw given for any information of her , by A. 1I _
WAX , 1410 , Caplthl avc. , Oumhn. Xeb. 9-2t
A watch. Owner can hate the tame-
171OUNU for this adxertUcment and .
by | > avlng prov-
nir property , at IBIS California , bet. Klftocnth
, ! id .Sixteenth ttreetti. HH-U
KENT Tliruo unfurnlshcil roomi , north
FOU of Howard' ad door west from 10th St.
I'ewly painted lioube. IW-Ot
71011 HEST Front funiUhod room for two
gents. Inquire at 1510 Dodge. 1)5-0 - .4
KENT A furnished front room at SOU ,
FOU , between 10th and 17th. 7818
buxinoss man beckn a position as Trutcllne
Salemnan for n good house In any buHliiew ) wlui
'iclit Kunplei. Drug trade poeferrcd. Address
W. i"ltBBOttk-c. : 10-9
lAKKN UP Dark red cow , rathir email ; ha.s
L crooked horns : been at my place blncv about
Uio 1st of June. J. E. KNAl'P ,
23d Hot. Cass and Chicago SK S-4t
OK STOI.KN-A light red and whlto.
cow about & years old , with lone troll and In
poor condition and large crooket horns. Ix t on
May 13th , left a young calf. $6.00 reward will be-
mill for her return to Simon Kacimed , ono block
Bouth of Iler's Dutlllcry. 971-etditwSO
T7IOUND Silver watch. Inqulra at this office.
Jj T-tt
ParauoU repMred by .
U HUH UTT llth and Famanmto. 7bOtf
. nilOWN-Corner 12th and Chicago.
HM. * , la ready to bore or deepen wells.
KatWactlon guaranteed. 603tf
Can bo got at John llarr 8 ttablc tor-
TEAMS of work at reamnable figured , near
LOT ISth and Lfiavenworth streets. 37B-U
"TONT KOKOBT The Buccowtors of the Amcr-
\J li-an House , on Douglas street , between Oth-
and 10th , for boar'odgm ; and transient cus
tomers. Kespcctfu ,
064-tf i'yjuus& ' LoiiiSK noss.
Absolutely Pure.
Made from Or pe Cream Tartar , No othe ,
| * ratlon make * men light , flaky hot bread * oi
inerltoriom jwntry. Can U > eaten by DynptPtic ,
without ( ear ol the llln reiruHlnt , ' Irom heavy fndl-
ettlbl lood. ' Eoltl only In cam , by all Oroctrw.
uneloy , la.
Heola , la.
AtUntlc , la.
MUern , la.
Emmerton , la.
Cromwell , la.
Oncwa , la.