THE DAILY BEB.I OMAHA PUDLISHINQ CO , PROPRIETORS 810 Farnham , bet Oth and 10th Streets TEKMS OF SmSCIHPTlON : 1 1 Copy 1 jcar , In luhnnco ( postpaid ) month * " month ? LKAUSa OMAHA KAST OR 8OI til C. , U. & O. 5 A m , 3 to p m. C. A , N. W. , 0 a. in. 3 40 p. in C , H t. & I' . , 0 & . m , 3 40 p in . , , . . , m'-3(0p.m. t St. Louis at 0 Ii . m. and T 45 a. m. K8T OR OITII tetS. n. & M. In Neh , Through JXprc , 3-33 . m. U fc M. Lincoln Fri.lifM.-7 Ou p m. U. P. ExprciK , 12 15 p in ' ? > ' ( or Lincoln , 10 M i in. ,53o m - ° . 8 ' 5 < m ARRIMva-rROM K.WT AND SOrtll. C.G. . ' ' * .9. 6 00 a m7 25 p m. G.C . V"15" " ' -7251' m. C N ' * ' : IV1 'n-905i ' K 'v04Stt - | m. t1 . . c- " -i " ' < 0 " * m. 0 15 i > . , bt , L. & P , 10 55 a m I 2S p m ARIIIMVO FROVl TIIK KMT AND SOttllWMT. \ & It \ . from Llni-oln 12.12 p. in. ' I. Kxprc s J 25 p m. & M. In Neb , Tlirough Kxprel.l5 p ra ; . i. M. Lincoln Freight-s 35 a m. ; . P Freight No. 10-1-40 p. m. in. Kmljnuit , . . .Vo. 12-11.35 n m. 0. & It. V. mixed , r. 4.35 p. m. MOUTH. ( Nebraska DU Won oftho St Paul A.SionxClt ) Koiul , No. 2 ICHM OmhhnSa m. J o. 4 len\e * Omihi l.W i > m. .Vo. 1 arrlt cs at Omiht at 4 TO p m , Jio. 3 airhis at Omaha at 10 40 a. in , TRAINS nrrvtrvs OSIAIU A > D ( Vl.NCIL ULlftB. Onnhi at SM , ft 00 nnil 11 00 a. m ! 1 00 , U 00 , 3 00 , 4 00. fi (10 anil 0 00 p in. I/cavc Coumil llhirti at S 25 , 0 25 , 11-25 a , in ; l25 ! , 2 2 % 3 25 , 4 25 5 25 ami 15 25 p in. HuiiiHj s-Tho iluiiinn lca\e < Omaha at 000 and 11 00 a in , 2 00 , 4 00 and S 00 p. in Loan * Council HluHj at 925 anil 11:25 : a. in ; 2:25. : 4-25 . wid 5'J5 p. in. Opening and doling of Malls. fl. tlK. OFP.V. CI.08R. a Hi. ti in. a. in p in , Chicago fc. V. W . 11.00 30 4 ISO 2.40 .Chicago , It t. & Itolflc 11 00 000 4 SO 2.40 Chicago , H. k o . 11.00 000 4 M 2.10 \Vaba.ih . . . 430 2.40 fclou\C'it > .ind 1'aeiflc . 1100 430 Union 1'adllc . . . BOO 11.40 Omalii & It V . . . 4 00 11 40 11. i.M In .Ndi . 400 5 40 6 30 Omaha & * 30 .10 Local mills for bUtuoTIowa lca\o but once a d \ , \lz : 4-30. A Linioln .Mail U also opcncil at 10 30 a in , Ulllce buiulus ( rnm It ! in. to 1 11 in. TllOb. H. HALL 1 * . M. Susuiess Directory , Art Emporium , J. U. nOSH'S Art hmuonum , 1510 Doil c Strict , btctl l.iitnultii , " < , Oil Palntlngx , throniOM , Kuaj Knmn rnmiiiK c SpccialtN l < o Prices J. , 131W UoiiRhs &tri.i.t. Oood Stjles. Abstract nt d Real Estate. JOII.V L. McOACL'E , opposite Post Office. W. it. IIAUILUTT , J17 boutli 13th Strtct. Architects. BUFUE.VE A. SIENDKLSSOHX. AUCH1TKCTS , I loom U CrdiUkm IllucL. A. T. LAHOE , Jr. , Ilooin 2 , Crughtoti Dlock. Uoots and Shoes. JAMI.S IK\IVK i. CO. , Fine ISootn anil hhoci A jrooil asMorniuit of honiuturk on h.uij , lunur liitli anil llarnu } . THOS. EUICKbON , S K cor. ICth nnJ Uou lis. JOHN'rOHTUNAlOS , 605 10th street , manufacture * to order good ork at fair prkis. Hcpnlrln. : tone. Bed Springs. J. F. LAItlllMRK , Minufacturcr , Visschcra' I1K. ! Books , News and Otationery. J. I. FHUEIIAUr , 1015 Faniham Street. Butter and Eggs. McSIIANB&SCUIlUEIiK. ) : the oMcst 1 ! and E. house in Nebraska , lb"5 , Unialn. Boarding. CENTRAL ItKbTAURANT , MK3. A. HVAN , southwest corner lOthind Uodte. Ue t Hoard foi the Mono } . fctUtaition Uutrantcud. IIoils at all Hours. Hoard by the Day , WccU or Month. Oood Tunus for Cash. Furnished Keen Sujiplicd. Carriages anil Road Wagons. WM. SN'VDEIt , No. IJlhUthanJ llirnc } Streets Civil Engineers and Surveyors. ANDUKW HOSKWAlE'l ' , 1510 Farnlmn street. Toun .Surtts , Gnuloand Scwira0ru bbtcms a fal > ecialt } . Commission Merchants. JOHN O. W1L LI-5,1414 Itolrfo Street. D B. Iir.EMKlt. 1'or details nee Iar0'ead\ertise. ment in Dill } an Cigars and Tobacco. WEST A. Fnilsi I' Kit. inimifacturcri of Cigars , and \Vhol < .salo li"ilurn ) In Toxacc-ai , l.tOI W. * ' . LOUKNZKN , inaniilacturcr , 611 10th street. Cornice Works. Western Cornice \ > orl i. Manufacturers Iron Cornice , Tin , Iron and Slatu Ituotllng , Orders from an } localit } promptly ixecntul in the bust manner. 1'actor } nnd Oll'co ' 1J10 Dodge Htreet. Calxanlzed Iron Cornices. Uindcm Caps , etc. , niannfacturcil and put ui in an } put of thu countr } . T. HINHOLU , 410 Thirteenth street. Crockery. J. BONNF.n , 1300 Douuiw Btroct. Good line. Clothing and hurnishlng Goods. OEO. H. I'E'I KIISON. AI-w Hats , Caps , Hoots , Shoes , Notionand ; Cutler } , b04 S , lOtli btrcct. Clothing Bought. C. SHAW Kill | u % liin'liL t lUhli price for second hand clothing. Corner 10th unJ Farnlum , Dei lists. Dlt. PAUL , Williams' I'iock , Cor , 15th A. Ioilc. Drugs , P.i its and Oils , KUIII. t CO. , Pharmacists , Fine ' Oiodi" , Cor. 15th and llouglii arectti. \V.J. WIIITKHOUf " wiloA.Uctail.lOthst. C. C. FIELD , 'JO. . ! K tn SIJo Cumin , ; Street. M. I'Altlt , Dru 'lst , lll-.hnnd Houard Struts. Dry Good Notions , Etc. JOHN H. F. L CllMANN ( i CO. , Ken York Ory Goods S-ore , laiO and 1312 Farn him ctrect , L. C , Kneuold , also IxxiUamI fchocJf , 7th4. i'acine t-uruiiure. A F. fiKOSS , Ncu geuiiid Hand Furniture and Stolen , 1114 I'OiuiM. Hi 'hctit cash prUu palil fur second lunu iruuut , J. liON.NKIt 1JO' ) Uotuiu St. Fine voods , & .e Fence Works. OMAHA FENCE CO. OUST , I'HIKS & .CO. , 1213Harney St , Impro\o ol ku Jo\cs ! , Iron and Wood Fences , Oitlcu s , Counters of Pine and Walnut Florist. A. Donaghue , plants , cut ( lowers , secils , etc N U cor. loth an-1 Douglas fctncts. Foundry , , JOHN WEAIINK & SONS , ror 14th i. JacKwnsts Flour and Teed , nilAHA CITV MILLS , Sth and Karnhauj Sts , \\cIFhans Dros , proprietors. Grocers. Z. STEVENS , 21st between gumlng and Irard T. A. McSHANE , Corn. 23J and Cumins Streets Hatters. W L. PAItllOlTE It CO , 13CO Douglas Struct , tMioUale Excluilvcl } Hardwaie , Iron nnd Steel , DOLAN & LANOWOKTHYVholeule , 110 and t.ct. A. HOLMES corner ICth and California. HarneM. 8ddlM , &c. E. B. WEIST 320 13lh bt. , bet. K ra. & II rney. Hat and Bonnet Bleacher * ln'P ' n < 'ft INt * , lonc HMelt 11 , . _ > : ( lex C mMd.9ih ft F rnh m I > i > ll\N IIOfSK. ! I car ) , 913 larnh/im / bt $ \\KSSIIOTFt. 1 . I Slmcn 10thStr it outhfrn Hotel , n I mcl. Pth\'u vtn orth Iron Fenclnc. The e tcrn Cornice \\ork . Acentfl for the cTnniplon Iron Fence A , . , hvc on hand nil kind oilaiKt etc Iron Knees , tre-itliip , FmraN , IlMlini ; * , 1310 DodifOttrec pi ! Intelligence Office. MRS. LIZZIE OKXf , 517 ICth Street Jewellers. JOII.V IUUMF.U 1311 Kirnham Street. Junk , H. HKUTIIOLI ) . Umanil Metal. Lumber , Lima and Cement , FOSTKIl A OtlAY , comer btli Mid Dougta SI * . Lamp * and Ulastware. J. IlONNKlt , 1SW DocsLvi bt flood Vatlctj Mifchant Tallort. 0. A L1MHJLK3T , Oneol our mewl popular Men hint T lor ! l < ro ccivlng the l U t designs ( or 'princ and Sitinnur Goods for gentlemen s wmr Stjll h , durable , and price * low naoer 21S 1,1th bet bouff , S. Farn Millinery. MRS. C. A IirXOKR , Wholesale MH ! Uetall. Fan cj ( looiln In ttre t varlct } , Zcphtrs , Card Hoard * , llcMlcry , ( Hot ex , Cornet * , Ac Chrapcnt Uouxo III thcWmt. Purchasers nave 30 per cent. OrJcr \ > j Mall. 115 Fifteenth Street Phyilclan * nn I Burgeons , \V. P ailtim , M. 1) , coin > o. 4 , Crclghton Ul < xk , Uth Street. A. S. LKISHNIUNO , U 1) ) MoMOtilo lllock. C. L. 1IAUT , M. I ) . , Kjt and Kar , opp. | x tofTlco 1)11 ) I , . It UltADDY , Oculist and Aurlst , S. \ \ ICth and Faruham Sts. Photographers , GEO Iir.V.V. 1'llOP. , Grand CentraKiallcrv , 212 Sixteenth Street , near Masonic Hall. FirbUlass Work and Prompt ness Plumbing , GUI and Steam Fitting , P. W. TAUPY A. CO. . 21U 12th it , bet. Farnham and Doulis.orK prompt ! ) attended to. l > . FITZPAT1UCK , 1109 Doughs Street. Painting and Paper Hanging , JIKNHY A. KOSmiS , 1412 Dodge htreet. Planing Mill. A MOYKH , nnnuMcturcrof sash , doom , blind * , moldings , new ilfl , aluitcrs , liuu.l . rail * , [ urnlihlnj stroll Hawing , Ac. , TOT. DoJj.0 mid Uth streets Pawnbrokers. J. UOSKNFELD , 322 10th St , bet. Far. A. liar. Refrigerators , Canflclii's Patent. C P. GOODMAN' , llth Farn. A Harnc ) . Showcase Manufactory. ) O. J. WILDK , Manufacturer and Dealer in nit kinds of Show Cases , Upright Cases , j „ 1.117 C-.LM bt. Stoves ana I Inw.irc. A IHjllMKVrKlt , Driler In Kto\ei and Tinware , and M-inuhctnror of Tin Hoots and all kinds at Uuildhi'ork , Odd Fellow Vltlock. J. HONNMl , 130J Douchs St. Oood and Chc-ip Seeds. J. KVANS , Wholesale nnd rtctall Seed Drills and Cultivators , Od.1 Fellows' ilill. Shoa Stores. I'lillllp Lang , 13CO I arnn.-.iu tt , bet. 13th & 14th. Second Hand Store. PERKINS A. I.KAU. U10 Douirh-i St. , Ne ami becoml Hind Furniture , Homo Furnixhlng Goods , > Vc. , lioiuht and mid on narrow unreins Saloons. IIKNUY h AUFMAN.V , In the nevr hrkk block on Dou lis Street , has just opened a most ilfiruit JiiiM Hall. Hot LuiiLh from 10 to 12 c\tr > dij. FLANNKUY , On Fanihim , next to thii I ) . A. M. hoadniiirtcrs , ha ru oiH.ntl l a nuit and < nmplttu cstiblihhniLiit whithbirring Filth and Mothcrbliipton'H Projih- i\ , will liu ojiuicxl lor thu Do3 with Hot Lunch on and after prt uil date. " CaUilonH " J. FAl.COJiT.n. 070 ICth Street. Undertakers. CIIAS. nii\VE , 101 ! ! Karnhim bet. 10th A ; lltd. 00 Gent Stores. IIKNUY POHI.MAM. to M , notlonn , pictures , Jcwilr ) , Ac , , 51J 14th bet. I'.irnham and Douglas. P 0 ItACKUS. 1801 Farnham St , . FAOOV Onmln S-2C- . PAPER WAREHOUSE. GRAHAM PAPER GO. 217 and 219 North Main St. , St. Louis , UlIOLKSALK PFALKM If HOOK , I DADCPC j WUITINOI NEWS , i rMrLno iwuAppi.\a , ENVELOPES , CARD BOARD AND Printers Stock. Ri and Paper Stock , Scrap Iron and . P.iK-r | Stock Warehouses 1229 to 1237 , North Sixth ttrict. ( A nicillclnr , tint u Pi tub , ) t "STAINS iioi'.s , inciiir ; , MAMntAiir , f JAMiM(5V : , | i iuncs orj ] ALL OTIII 11 rmris Dtvws of the Stoiniuh , Itor.iN , Kidneys , a-ul Uriaary Orfc'i'u , lrvou .nTJ , & 11)00 ) IN COM ) . VV1I1 tiQ p.i ! 1 'cr a rae they irlll not it cor lit lp , or for nBythlr ; ; Impure or ! JurlousT ut In the in. AilcjuiirilrueKbt f r lloji Tiitcra a al tr > tluan beforeMItlccp , TuLino ollnr. "llor COCGII CLTJI MiUo B ect4 t , su.'e t m Jrlortuallethers C itenbyalMnrjitlon ' > > I C. IsiLnulWdlu \ Cttnrtti , use of i Send for circular CnSESZiL II ( illlitmMfefn HthnUr.N.V f To Nervous Sufferers. THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific It Is a | w | tlTi > i tire for &l > ermatorrbea , Semin-xl Wc.okntss , ImjioUiie } , and all diseases resulting from bell-Abuse , as Mental Anxiet } , Loss of Memor } , 1'alns in the Hick or hide , and illsiiBos that loud to Coiisiiinptlon Insanlt } ami unuirhgnne The Specific Medicine is being used witli wonder ful success , . _ _ Pamphlet * ecnt free to all. Write for them and get full par tlculars. 1'riec , Spec Iflc , 81 00 per jackage , or six pack agca for 5 00. Address all orderv to II hDISON MKDICINK CO , Non. 101 anil 100 Main fat lluffalo , N Y. Sold In Omahi b } C F Goodman , J W Hull , J , K. Ish , and all druiftistsetery where. J. G. RUSSELL M . . , , D. , HOMCEPATHIO PHYSICIAN. DUouea of Children and Ch&ronlc Dleaaca a SnecUHy. Office at Hc ldence , 2009 Cftw treet Hour * S to 10 a. m. , 1 to 2 p , m. , bud aftei 6 p. | A PIOUS PILGRIMAGE. , i IA Visit to the Tomb of the Founder of Ponuaylvnnin. Among the Klmfolh of Ponn. * \ l CiM ( > to the New York timid IAJ.MIO.V , . .huioI , 1881. A icport lmmjj boon spronil the bonu * of tlio fimntlor of ronniyUaiii.i wuro to 1)0 ) trniisforrctl from thi'ir quid noting plnco in lluckinglminsliiro to Ainoricn , 1 dcturininvd to innku H iiilpnu.igu to lonhm'fl irifctnit ; luniso .churcliYniil. I clioso Juno 2 for the \isit , nnd duly in.ido my wny to Hiekmm\sworth \ , a ( juaint little town in llortfonlsliiro , nnd thence to Ohalfonl by confusing and winding roads. Cli.ilfont is in the hcnrt of Uuckinghnnishiro. It la aov- oral miles front the r.xilroad atntion , and is off the high road. Yet it is historic ground. Near by , in Clml- numt St. Olios , is shoun the liouso where Milton npoitt seine of his Inter years and composed much of his poetry , and where Kit- wood , the Qtinker , nupgoated to him the writing of "I'lirmTwo Hecained. " The httlo burinl ground of the Friendu , in vlnch I'enii is butied , is about thruo miles beyond Cli.ilfont St. ( liles , The road id very aolitary , but \ cry pleasant at this time of the year , when the haw thorn and chestnut are in full bloom and the fields aio wav ing with joiint ; corn. After topping a slight elevation 1ras stupimed i > y n sight quite out of kc'epint ; with the pro\ailing solitude. 1 was looking down upon a tlneMy wooded hollow , where two juths joined , and save a scoio or two of people , both men and women , passing to and fro. A , " ' ; llc ° assured SUP that the most of them were Erionds , and that this must un doubtedly be the place which 1 sought some e\tiumlinary occasions on hav ing brought a crowd together. A short walk brought mo within \iow of a humble building ensconced amid a grove of magnificent tie s , which are doubly sacied to the Friends as having served their co-religionists as aor - ihipping place for generations , and as being the chosen resting place of William Ponn. A SIMPM : sTiirrrniK. Kd mouldering ruin or lich seuln- lured tract1 ! ' . } ' attracts the gao. Not a single object t f artistic beauty , not one form of earthly grandeur meets the MOW. It is a simple , b.nn-liko structure. In fiont of it are a few un pretending gravestones and that is all. Due might almost fancy it the como- lory of some mined and desoited hamlet - lot but for the people that weio theio assembled T found that T had hit upon the rare occasion of an annual meeting of the Friends of the distuct. It is almost the only meeting hold lieio dining the whole eouiho of the , and the \ cry matter which look me there had hi ought a largo concourse of Fiiends. All had heaid or had talked of the removal of William 1'onn's lionus. Although none behoved that it could be , all wanted to he.u what was said on the subject. Among the number were some Aineri- n.ui Fiiends who were on their travels and who had devoted the day to seeing a spot which so endeared to them. Among them wore Dr. King , of ] 5alti- moie ; Mr. J. C. Thorn , of IJ.iltimore ; Mr. Amos Ilains , of Now Yoik , and nearly a do/on others. 1 found a group of gentlemen gathered about ono of the unpretending graves or gravestones , I should say , for thcro was hardly a mound to indicate where a body had been l.iid. It bore tli simple inscription , "William 1'eiin , 1718. " A few years ago a stranger would have been unable to distinguish the grave of William Pcnn from the surrounding grass covered hillocks. No sign declared the former rank and character of the sleeper. Wild ( lowers giew alike over all. witmK.voN nn : HKADSTONI.S. It was Gr.invillo I'eiin , of Stoke Pogis , the gioat-grandson of William Penn , who suggested the election of a small stone to mark the UHting place of his ancestor. This advice was adopted. Ileadstonea mark not only the giave of Penn , but those of his two wives , his childien , his relatives , his intimate associates and his fellow laborers. The greater number of graves icuiaiii unmarked by stones. _ Only fifteen stones arc found in all , three being close to the gm\u oi William .Ponn Near the entrance gate , to the left of the nanow patl a slab points out the graves oi his five childi en. On the right of the path is a row of graves , live marked by headstones. The second and thud are those of Isaac Ponning- ton and his w ife ; the fourth is that ol Pemi's first wife , Gulielma Maim ; the fifth bears the names of William Penn and kis second wife. To mulesl any of those graves ; to molest , mosl of all , the chief am-ng them , that ol William Penn , would bo n desecra tion. Such was the opinion of al ! with whom I bpoko Amonc.uis as well as English. They would not like to see the graves touched on any ac count. Nowhere could Ponn's 10- mains rept so suitably as beneath the elms of the quiet spot where , with others , ho had worshipped in unquiet and dangerous times , and whoio at his own icqucfit ho was buried. A i' : : or TUUhrmis. This opinion found unanimous ex pression in a resolution which was passed at the meeting to the oll'ect that nothing would ever induce the trustees of the litllo giavoyaid t < allow any of thu graves to bo molest ed. They had heard that a sum of money had been collected to pin chase a gr.uo for Pc-nii'ii bones , but they smiled at the simplicity of any one who could suppose that money could hat o any elfect upon them. I'or any thing which they intended to do , or which they could bo induced to do in the matter , thu lomaintt would tit.iy whoio they are foiover. Minutes to this edict weio entered upon the recoid of the day's plot-cod ings , and a committee was appointed tu see that nothing wan done cuntiaiy to this lesolution , should any ( Intel application bo made for the removal ot Ponn'u body. Up to the present this lias not been the case. It should bo said that these views are in accord ance with the wish of Colonel Stuart , whoso wife is a descendant of tht founder of Pennsylvania , and who still enjoys the pension of l > 4,000 which was granted to the family in lieu of the money lent by William Penn to Charles II. Among those elected upon this com mittee for the safeguard ol the grave , may bo mentioned the iiamesofMr 11 Littkbo > , , . Pagnell ; Mr. Tuko Hitchitt and Mr llrow ntow n. counsellor < f Lisbon The first named n tlio chief 'rxisti-o "f Jordan's meeting house. Ho writes to the Tunes tins morning * ' fallow ing letter "The inlimatn' in j nii correspondence from the t " ' "dSt.iU's " rolatno to the removal of tin 1-ody of William 1'oiin from its resting | .I.iront Jordan's , in Hnckinghaimlnro , to America takes mo by Miqinsi As a Inistoo of the bniial ground 1 ni.iy ny the trustees ha\o recount u , > nn iilication on the subject , and if made it uotild not bo entcrLiined A School House Built of Gold tcitMlto Iitnuxi l Hut fun ponplo nro nwan of iho fact tlint tlio fiicings of tlu-niijliicliool nro constructed of goltl-bcannc tone but it is nn actiml truth that w tcsti- Hod to by Mr. ICiii" , the niihit.ct , , n < \ voll us tnoio who did the nia niuy. ItM obtained from n mountain near Granite , upon which ne\iti1 gold ininoi ii.ivo been discoMTeil. and which are nt present boliiR opor.itcd with much profit. In nnliiiuitj theio was oxtrnvngnnco visible in nil lhi < ai- ehilectunil elFoitn , but lo vitm > tlio icpetition of these tiiiu's in tlusoin nnd in thi' cnrhonnto ini'ttopulm is Riiuiutliini ; indeed atartlini ; It I.M : \ net , however , that the fanin-suf the imtitutuin mentioned nro in.ulinf the < ol l rock , nnd it e.ui bo pro\i n Pur- nj the woik of eroetion and \\hon Jio niHRont had the stone in Iniid nnd ere drutsinx it , this was diHumTitl. L'ponono occasion they wt'r s.i\sm' ; u iiiyo block of the matoilnl m which : i streak of pold about the si/enf kmfo ilado \ > ii3 discovered by the workmen. The ulieots are p.ivedtwith sihoror -g contitining the mineral , uul it is proliablo that a handful of dut ironijf most any plucn > , oiilu assay from ono to ten ounces. WOMAN'S WISDOM. Haven rnlladium "She insists that it is moro impor- tnnco , that her f.unily nhall hi- kept in full huilthtliui _ tlmtflho Blmuld have all the fnshiunablo dresses and styles of the timos. She thorofoto sees to it , each member of her faintly is supplied with enough Hop Imtor.s , at the first appenraneo uf any symptoms of ill health , toptovontn lit of sick- with its attendant o.xpensi1 , c.iro and anxiety. All women Hlumlil oxor- orciso their wisdom in this wa\ " jl-ooiliVw-15 We--t for being the most direct , qni kist , and Kafo t line ixjimectlng thu great MitmtnlN , CIII CAdO , and the K\DTKKV , NOIITII llAiTrus , * IOITII nnd SolTII lUSTKitv LISKH , which tirinniktu there , with KAMUH CIT\ , LIUNKNWORTIITCIIHON , Coiscn. HiiriM mid OXMIA , the ( MMKKUAI. C'KMKRa from which r.idhto EVERY LINE OF ROAD that ponctntes the Contlnint from tin Missouri Hher to tliu 1'acillc Slope The CHICAGO , HOCK ISLAND & PA CIFIC KA1LWAY N tlir enl } line from Chkagn ounlng into hnnvis , or whiih , b } its nun nnd , re icliti the pointsaho\c namcil. NoTIUSKH' | > S in ( 'AIIHIACIK' No MihNivo eovvKCTKivsl No liudilllng in ill Aentlhtiil or unclean cars , as eurv | > ashcngcr is mrrliil In room } , dcin and entflite'il roaelipi , upon Fast Express Tnlni , IA1 CMH : nf unrhaUil magnificence , PIIIMIN PAI.ACK hLPKiiM ) C\ns. and our on world famoui DININU CAIIH , iimn | which me-nls iruhirtenl of un Hiirji-uiieii e'tcellcnce , nt the low nto of hrKNTV I'lNK CRNW x\cn , with ample time far hmlthful enjoincnt. 'llirougli Cars between Chlruro , Peoria , Mil waukce and MNsouri Ilivcr Point- , and dose ion ntctlonsat all | wlnti of interxeitlon with other ro-xdn. Wo ticket ( do not forget tills ) direct ! } to rurj | > lnic of iintort.iliee | ill Kaiina , Nebraska , ItlucK lills , W\oinlng , 1't.ili , Idaho , Nitadt , California , Oregon , Waahington Tcrrltor } , Colorado , Arizona and Ni w Mexico. " As liberal arrangements regirdlng baggage at an } other line , anil rates of fin aluaH as low as i-oinpctltors , who fiirnlbh but .1 tithe of thu com fort. fort.Dogs -mil tackle of sportsmen free. ' 1 IcketN , mips and folders at all principal ticket olllecs in thi ! i'lilted hiatus ami ( aniili It It CAULK , K hi' JOIIV , \lie Pies't A"en. ( ( ien Ikt and Pass r Agt .Manager. Chiii.'O. Chirngo SELTZER The Famous Seltzer Spring of Germany Is eurAimrhtin \ home , TARRAHT'S SELTZER APERIENT , llosul upon a elentlflcanilvi > isof tills ulebrateil ( ierman & | > : iliigH , Is its otccntr.itcd duplU-.ite- , with thlrt ) to fort ) . | kirkliiig doses in laihbot tie girHoM ilruggltls tin worldoVir _ Mraska Land Agency DAVIS & SNYDER , 1505 Farnham St. , . . . Omaha , Nebraska. Tarefullv helccteil luid In l.i tcrn Itilmmkafor s. lo Un.-it llarg.iiiis In Improved farms , ind dm ilia ein projicrt ) . O.A IIAVlh \M'llhriilSNYIll.Il : _ lAtn lAinlOnin'r l < P H II 4pfihTtf Geo. P. Bern is REAL ESTATE AGENCY , IDtli and Dodge St . , Omaha , Neb KThls ageni ) does broki rage hiiMw - . , Does not speciihte , and thenforu an ) bir."uns on Its books are Insured to Us pitrons , m tel of being goliblid up I , } | | lc uguit DexterL.Thomas&JJro , WILL IIUV AND AND Alt , THAMUCTIOSS Pay Taxoa , Hont HOUBOB , Etj. If YOU WANT 10 BTV OB BULL Call at Office , Ilooin 8 , Crelihton lllock , Omaha apidtl W. J. CONNELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. 0l''I5r ! rot "oom ( up italrt ) In Han ooin' uew brick building n. V , corucr frtoeutti nJ rurnluiu SUret * . CHEAP L FOR SALE , 1,000,000 , , Acres - OF THK - FINEST LAND j \ - . . . EASTERN NEBRASKA. SKI.KOTKH IN AN T.vun H NOT KAIL NOAH livsn , IUT LASH O\\SM > IIT NON- ItKSIDKSTt , WHO AHK TIIIKH r\\IVl TAXK8 \S' | ) MIK OrtKIUVU TIIKIH LAMW AT TIIK tow mien oi- $ ( , $ , AND $10 run ACIIR , OS LO.NO TIJIK AMI Km TKIlMrt. WB MSO OKKKIl KOU S U.K IMPROVED FARMS .J.-L.l V T Douglas , Sarpy ami Washington ootrnxr orxsais. AI.SO. AN 1MMKSSK MST OF OmahOityMEstate iiK Klcfrant IJi'iiitoncoi , ll nml Vvflili-uco I itrt , ( In up Mouccs niul KeN , a ni.1 , A l.vr u iitiiiil'ir of hots in nimtof the A. . ljtiotHof Uiunlin , . Also , SmMlTtudMof 5 , 10 nnd fiO cr i ' " . nntt near the city. W lu t Ko.xl m > | Hir- tunitioH fur nU l.liiK I"- ' . ' } ' , nU Clu < 0-l 1'on.oinlly exni.-ilne tltlt-i niul tixko BMTJ- iiii-omitl.m . to inlire nafHy i f inonc- Invented. Itoow woolTcra mnnll Hit of Ri-KOIAt BOGGS & HILL , Real Estate Brokers , 140S North Side of Parnhnm Street , Opp. Grand Control Hotel , OMAHA , NEB. OAI IT A lioiutlful nslilmrn lot on O/iLL l.iliforiiKbetw.un il'Jnd and "M streeUi , aK'W 1100(18 * . HILL. ( TOD CAI C " 'rx " 1 ° - ' linnw and lot rUn OHLE. nnmhniidibit < r stii-itx , \\lthliarn , ceiiil house , wtlt ilfUrn , thiile nnd fruit tru-H , oer\ tiling roinpliti1. A dcilrublo pkce uf piumrt % , llv'uns li ( . OOb , V HILL. CflD OAI C S | > linilid hiHinn lots S. T. rUn OMLC lormr of Itllh nnd ( uiiltiil A\enue ] IOt. S < L IIILI. Qfll F Home and lotco and Jlst strei tn , HOl.U-i A , HILI mi D O A I C I-TV houxo on Ia\ ii ) > ort rUll OMLC strn t between 11th and llith gnop louUlon for bomling hou-.o Hum r ell low HOCCHi. 1111,1 PflR Qfll F Two new IIOIIMH on full lot in Koimt7e ! < V 111th's ! ud li tlon. lids projicrt } will be sold Mrj ibuip WHU1S , V HILL. ,11A top phcaton. Knip-ilre of .las .StepheuiHoii. Wl U Comer of two choice lot In bhinn's Addition , rep.u t teat at once submit last conh oiler. 1HKJOS A. HILL. FI1R fll F A K ° 01' ' % dcnco property , ? 4CHX ) llUUOb A HILL. SIIi.VCK ) : Not In the inirkc'U Sit A FINE r will Bell for $ ilMli ) llOcitA. . HILL. CflD CAI P * Ke01' ' lots , blilnn'a 3d ae rUn OHLC ditlon SIM men 1101.1.8 .1 HILL. QAI A Mr } line nsldeme lot , to OMLC Dcmiupart ) desiring to hull.I . a IlliL house , tUO. ! . HOCUS & HILL. CflD CAI IT About 200 lots In Konntzo A. rUll OMLl. Itnth's addition , lust south of ht Mar } ' incline , 4MI to t Hi. 'Ihtxe lou are near hn * lmss , hiirronndiil h } tine Improve meiitsand uru 40 percent chcapir than an } other lot * ill the market bavemonev h } liming these lols HOCUS HILL. CAI f ln lot * < > Kultable for fine rchl- lull OMLC ilcnie , on i'nrk Wild aviinie , ! l blocks b \ ' of ile | > t , all covcrid with tine large- trees Price extreme ! } low. < iOO to # 71X1 IKUiCH .V HILL. CAI C Komi ; ve-rv cheap lots It OMLu I.ike' adilltlon. HOCUS .If HILL. QAI P Cheap e-orner lot , c-orncr O/ALt Douglas and .litfe rnon hts. I10.CS & HILL. O AI C M lot" mi ffllth , 27th , 2.1th OHLC 2'lth and 30th hts. , between Farnham , Donglai , and the proH | .eil extuislon ol Dodgu utiect. Prims range from ? -UO ! tu clW \Vehikecoiieluile-iltoghiMiien of Hinill IIICJIIIH. one more ih-uicu to Heeure a home and will ImllJ IIOIIHIS on thine IntN on Mil ill | < amelits , and will sell lets on month ! } mrmcnts UOiJO.S , V HILL. CAI P 'M acres , 0 nnloH Irom eit } , II OMLL about .10 liens un rhuiie > , with running water ; luliini : gintJv rolling prririn , enl } 3 miles fJom mil mail-JIO pirnue , IlOUlis & . HILL. OAI P < Warrii in onu tract twehn OMLL uilIc-N from ill } : < 0turmoil titati-il , I iting hjirlngnf uatir , Nome nice > ul h\s. Ihu liuid Isull lint classrlih pralriiI'rleo lUi > eraeri > . ISOMiS.V HILL. C AI P ' 20 rtcri * ' " " " " | | " | | > ' > 7 | | 1 | ' < H wn O/lLC we tof Fremont , Is all lu\r\ \ land , pjodiiiliig | IIA > } growih of gnus , In hlgli \alli } , rlili poll and jmlis from rillroidnnil xldu traik , III gooil uettlement and no bctlcrlmd ran be found. IIU.h.V ( HILL. CAI P A hlghl } Imprnxod farm ol . w > - OMLU ! 240unni miles from elt ) I mil impnitemenU on tins 1 mil , 0111 r notii pnkitli-ul farmer , ili4eiiiilinxl to bill. A pioil oiwiiing for Home nun of nuiuis nuiuisimcSJUIILL. . CAI P 2,000 acriH of land mar Mil- . OMLC luid Million , l.WOniJir Klk hoin , H to < ] , 4 , < > f n u ns In mirth | rt of noun t ) S7 in 10 , 3,111) ) in ris 'J tu H null 4 from I lor HIM , ttu $10 fiKX ) inns win. ! of thu l.lkhorn , M to fid , lu.ouo acres MJtteriilthroun'h the conn 'Jin1 aliotu linils He near nnd adjoin near ! } e r } farm in tin ionntand inn mn tl } be mln on kinall cafch l iniiiit , with tinludumu in 1 211 1 and ! i team tinn. iiOeitJb A. HILL. CAI P literal line resi'letncoii prop OMLC irties inur bilore olfcrul and not known in tlie market as being for mil l/jiations will oul } lie mule known to punlmit "nicaniri' biiblnis IKK.db , V HILL , IMPROVED FARMS : . improve furiuw uroiind Onuba , and In ull | > .iits eil Douglts , S-irjij and Uui.hini.ton' uuntin Also farms in lOMa For description and prues mil on us l0 ! ( . < .t > & . HILL. 10 llutl n < M Its for Sale on I'urnum and Dou0' IAS btrcuts , from < j,00u to $ * , M > llOc.CS A. HILL. CAI P buslines lots niktwcsl _ . _ . . OMLC of Mawjnlo Temple- price uhancixl of i ! , ( * * ) each , HOCiLh i HILI CAIC Sbuhhui" lots wivtof Odd OMLC rello bloik , JJHWtaih HUOUb & HILL. CAIC 2 builncfii Iota houth vide OMLC Douglas tri ) t , hit mill liU ! and 13th , < 3XX ) eueh. JHtlK.S It HILI. PAD CAI P JMacresocrend rUll OftLC UiuUr ; litiny waUf , ' eur rounded by Impron-d nun , enl ; J nUK from ellCbrauni Uifa oakind. 1)0008 & HILL. - rrovM l > cyond tmy re.-vsonablo question that the CHICAGO & , NORTH-WESTERN RT 1 * by nil odds tlio liMl ronil for 3-011 to take when Jrnvcllnj In cltliordirection between' Chicago and all of the Principal Points In the West , North and Northwest. 'arffnlly ' exnmlnc thi ! J'ap. Tlic Vrlnclpnl C'llloiof ttm Wo < t .intl Korthvrpit nroHtatlowJ' on tlilirotil. Hi tliriniKli Iratn.i maku cloao conncctlou * with tlio trains of alt railroads at Jutictlon polnli. THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , , , . 'Us principal lines.runs pirh way dally from two to ( ouror moro Kn i rains. Ills the only ro.ul west of Chicago that \avt tlio . . . , _ , PULLMAN HOTEL DINING CARS. V Tickets tn'er ilil's fvnil nrb suiil iiy nil Cou'iHiii llckot fii tlio ijiiitca Blutcs nud. s * Hoiucinlcr ) to ask ( or Tickets -via this road , bo sure tlicy read over It , and take none other. ; JUHVIN IliaiUTT , Ucit'l Mtuia cr , Chicago.V. . II. STKNXETT , Octi'l 1'ass. Agent , Chicago. HAtlHY P DVKL , Ticket lirc-nt 0 * Jf W lUllun ) . Uth Mid Kainh-xni itrcoU 1) i : KIMIIM.L , AuMant 1 AiirntC A. S W Ititlluav , Uth atKUXttlham itrott * , J lir.l L , Ticket Agent f * V W IWlwaj.U P 11.11 Depot , VMT.ST t LAllh. llfiieral Aguit Ohas. Shiveriokr FURNITURE , BEDDINGr , Feathers , Window Shades , And Everything pertaining to the Furniture and Up holstery Trade. A Complete Assortment of New Goods at the Lowest Prices. CMS , SHIVfflCI 1208 an 1210 Farn , St. npr-21 mnn J. W. MURPHY & CO. , Wholesale Liquor Dealers And Agents for Kentucky Distilling Co. pHdtf Corner 14th and DoiuUw SU , Omaha , Neb & & # / & / % * & No Changing Cars BKTVVKK.V OMAHA & CHICAGO , Where direct connections are iniitu with Through hl.iii'LNO : : L'\ll LIM-Sfor NIW : VOIIK , IIOSTOV , I'HILADKLPIIIA , 1IALTIMOUK , WAhlMNQTON ANU ALL iA8TiitN : : CITIKS. The Short Line via. Peoria liir INDIAN\POI.IS , CINCINNATI , LOL'IH- Vll.l.i ; , and all points in tlio TIIKIIKKTI1MI For ST. LOUIS , Uhtri'illnst cnnneitlons nru madii In the Union Dc-i > ot with thu Through Hh eplng Car LlniHfor ALL I'OI.VIrt NEW LINE' ° "DESMOINES TIIIJ FA\OIIIIi : UOLTi : FOIl Rock Island. Tlio nne | valti | Imliici munis otfi red hj this line to tnivcli rx and tourists uru as follows : Thinelebrateil PI I.LMANH ( ) wbeel ) I'ALACF. SI.IM.I'ISi ; I AIIS run enl } on this lino. C. . II. to. V I'ALACi : ( \WIMI ItOOM UAItS , with llortnn'H Kiillnlng Cliulrs , No extra i largo for ( eats In llcnlliilng I hairs. ' 1 he famous C , I ) k ( J I'alue Dining t'irs. ( InrgKJiis hinoklng Cura llttnl with eb ( faiit hLh hai kul rattan rcvoHIng chairs , for thei u USD of llr l elosa iu sen- IfirsHied Truck and superior exulpmeiit | combined with their gJiut through inr amiigeincnt , makcH this , abovn all otlnra , the fivoritu route to the la t , houth and bnnthcust. 'Irj it , and > on will IhiJ traveling a luxur ) In btCad of u discomfort 'llirougli tickets vlo this celebrated ling for hale at all otllees In the i nitud Status and Canada , All information about rutus of fare , hleeplnif Car accommodations , ' 1 line Uubles , etc , will be cheerfully ; rlvcn h } uj > plln | ; to JAMIM It WOOD , General I'asBanjfer Agent , ClilcaeO. T , J. I'OTUm , _ Oeneral Manace-r , Chicago DR. G. B , RICHMOND , nucrly Avsistant I'hvsieUu In Chicago Ob. tetric HonplUI , for Treatment of Olseasa of Women under lr. lforj. ) ) Will devote myentlr * attention to Ob tetrlc * , Medical and Burglcjil Dlteatai of Women. Ome , 1403 J'turnhsiu BI. Hour * , 0 . m. to 12 ndS ted p in. D. S. BENTON , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. - - . AKIIACH IILOCK , Cor Douglas and IMh St . Oniah-i , Neb oils i. IIKDICK. CIIAH. R. RKDICK. * REDICK&REDICK , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW. Spi'i Inl attention w ill ho glen to all milts against rirH.iiatloisof | | ! ever } ilikcrlptlon ; will pnitliuiti all the iiiurts nf the htittu and the I'nitcil Stnte-a. I'arnham ht. , opposite Court Hous . A. G. TROUP , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. Omen In Haim-omb's lllock , with George K. rrlcliett. IMP I'ariilmn bt. . Unuxha. Neb. Dexter L. Thomas , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , Omaha , Nebraska. apfrSt. J. P.ENGLISH , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , 310 South Thirteenth Mre-et , with J. M. Wool worth. JOH. R CLAI1KHON. O. J. Clarkson & Hunt , Kui-coHsors to lllclianls i ; Hunt , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW , S 14tlJStnit. Oimiha. Neb. ' M.'R. RISDOM , Ganeral Insurance Agent. REPRESENTS : I'IKKNIX ASSUilANCi : CO , of Lou- don , Clnh As-cts $5,107,127 WIUilUIIF.SH.ll , N V , Capital . 1,000,0.10 'llli : MiitL : IIA.S'ol ! MewuJk , N. J 1,0KJOO ( ( IIH.MIK rilli : , rhiludilpliH , Capital 1,000,000 NtlltlHUI n.ltN NAriONAL.Cvpltal UOO.UOO Flltl.Mi.S'.S : l'l'M ' ) , Califiunia bDO.OUO imillhll AMKItlCA AhSUltANCi : CO. l/JOO.OOO M.WAIIK FIHK INS. CO , , Assejls . . bOO.OUO A.MiitlCAN : UKMHAL , AMM.U blO.WO Houthetatt Coc. of Filteetitli and Douglaiht. , OMAHA. Nl.U K E NNE D Y7 EAST - INDIA < S "M BITTE ILEE & CO. , Sole Manufacturers , OMAHA. GEO , H. PARSELL , M. D. Koomi In Jacob * ' Dloek , up stairs , corner Cu | > Italavinuu anil Fiftkcuth uticc-t. lte ldince.l4J Bherman at rnue. May be consulted at riwldou from 7 to Op , in. , except Wcdncuda } . Hp cuLTV-Ob Utlic ud Uisixuciof Wprae Office hours , B to 11 a. m. and li to i p. m. ; Baa iUi 6 to 7 P. BJ. m12 8ui