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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY. JUNE 8. 1881. THE DAILY BJ3E. "Wednesday Morning , Juno 8. , LOCAL BREVITIES. * _ Patterson tells coal , Get yonr haU At Donne's , Old feathers ma < lo new ftt Kinger'a. 1000 rwidcnce lots , Bemis , Agent. COO bueinew lots. Cull on Ucmls. IJemis' now mat ) of Orrmhtv , 25 cents. Bcmis' real cstftto boom. First IIIVRO. 2.V ) hotitca and lots. BcmU' ftgcnoy. 200 farms MM ! 900,000 ncrcs of land. Bcmls , Agent , Itichtcr , opp. P. O. , Mil * utrnw mll-tf Uet your tickcU for GUI Tliey urc coing fust. . Per riNR Commerdnl Job Printing , call * vt THK UBK Job rootnB. , The Ijion continues to roar for Moore's Jlnmcai and S.-ulilkry. Wniitwl-Slx active \toys \ at.TilK UKK office , Iniincdintcly. , luit received ft lar o lot of finest cigars in Omaha , at Kuhn's Dnif ? Store , Whipplo , McMillan & Co. , the jowcl crs , Crclxhton IHoclc. o20-tf Decorations in honor of the ft it were Kolng.up in varioui portlons"of the city yesterday. Three personi went to the county jail jeslertlay iieca\t < o they wcro drunk and couldn't pay the ntiial 310 I'IIIOH. The Htago of thcrivcr Tiicwlay wan only twelve fret nlmvo low walcr mark n fall nf five inches oincu Monday. O. 1 1. Jewell , of Sidney , N. J. lleone , < jf llnrlem , low.i , and J. li. Milnur , uf DCH Molnua , aru in the city. Jtid'o [ llcncko Kent n tramp named William Smith for five days to the county jail yenterday. Nelnon , the victim of a run nwny last vcck , l > c lilcs having his' lower lip nearly torn off , had hi * jaw-l > oiio brokt-n , .Tudgo Lytlo in connection with Mr. .lamcti Crcighton is making uclivo prepara lion for the bnilding of a three ntory brlek More next to Iho Pioneer block. ' At the meeting of the board of cdilciv iionMonday evening Simeon Uloom , John JttiHh and MJHM I'ojijilcton were selected as n committee to examine tliu teachcrx on June IWUi , i.x.lth and : ! 0th. Tlic case of MiiH McCSownn ngntnat thu city of Omaha , to recover daiiuigcs for in juries iiiiHtained on C.IH.I Htreet , wan on trial in tlio United StateH court yenterday. Thu ] > l.iintiir in the ca < c had to bo carried tip tair into tliu court room. % Thennomctcr at Max Meyer k HMM. ' from 12 m , ycHtcrtlny until li ! in , to-day indicated the following : Juno ( ! tli , 11 ! m. ! * , -I p. ill. 70' , 1 p. in. 07' , 10 p. in , Ci\ ( .Tiino 7th , 7 a. m. 5'J' , 10 a. in. 70' , 12 in. 71' . Two parliVH of U. P. Hiirveyom left \ ycHterday for Cheyenne , from which ] > Incc tliey will bo detailed for work , liacli party consinled of about eighteen. JamcH A. Tiernan , formerly of Toledo , O. , in the topographer of the party and Joe K. Price the transit man. The Omaha Marl ) Wire company , in corporated under the lawn of Nebraska , with a capital of & > 0,000 , organized Mon day by the election of Thomas ( iibnon , | irenident ; W. J. DroatHh , vice-prexidcnt , aind M. M. Marshall , secretary and treas urer. Factory on Capitol avenue and 8th ntreet , with capacity for cnlargeil businesx 1 y Hteam jxiwer. PERSONALS. lion. T. M. Manpiutto is in the city 1111 liushiiMS connected with the United ijlntca court. .Samuel T. Wmilf , fonncrly of this city , was in Onmha to-day. Mr. Woolf ! H at iit liviuj ; in St. Joe and was nnirriisl , nnday to Mi s Ida.F. Ablesou. "llo In Hpending a few ilayn here on his wedding - ding lour. The friends of ( ! eor0 K , Jowtlt will bu ilcased lo learn of bis appointment an ru ceiving teller in the First National Brink , and Will J I. Wilbur , formeily with Uuo 1'attciiion , Huccecdx toMr. _ Jcwett'n old po- tiition : t -A Card < I wish horohy to express my tluinlcs to tlio uflicurs and inuinbura uf 1'lano Xodgo No. 1 , K. of P. for tlio jroinji payment of $3.009 , tlio insurance 01 thu lifo of my husband , the Into Ilonry Lauer. Hits. 0. LAUKU. Committee Meeting- The membcru of the reception com imttoo nro requested to moot nt Snon ger Hall on Wednesday morning , n 11 o'clock , sharp. t C , K. BUK.MKIhTTll , * ' , Chairman. Bradatrcot's monthly report show the total number of nctual failures it this state during the month of Ma ; to Imvo been sixteen with linbilitio amounting to $17,500 , The total OH sots nro placed nt $10,550 , of whic amount ( ) , G50 is rognrded ns more o Jess nominal. As compared with tli of April thu showing is abou _ same .in substance. There o morq failures in May than April , but the total liabilities in Ma was somewhat leas. Tlio only place in the city wher Jhlilwaukco Beer is found on draugh Merchants Exchange , cor , 10th t Dodge streets. jun7-lm . DOMESTIC STYLES JUST RECEIVED. Ot HICKMAN'H Don't miss Jho bargains in the LTcrupl Block in fitniw JIats'on ealo > about half prlco at Frederick's 'llu Iw .Another lot of jiuui's and boys' hat 2 for 5 cents , at the Boston Store , Gil 10th street. _ j-5t L. Bcindorii ; 1322 Douglas street jnakes the best ice cream in the city A POLISH SUIT , Brought Before Judge Bonoke , and How it Ended. . A very curious c.aao wai tried in the > olico court yesterday before Judge 3cneke. Tlio parties to the case were joth Poles and neither of them un derstood n word of English. As the tory runs John Knpim sought his omiciliary retreat the other evening celing in an effulgent ntato of good umor. His cheerfulness was induced j a certain extent by various and undry potations which he had tkcn in the course of the veiling. Ho carried about his pantaloon pockets about $32 nd such was his disposition that eve- ing that ho throw the garment rather arelessly upon n chair. Now it HO appcnud that n young man named oo Paris lived in a neighboring house nd when the § 'M were found missing the morning ho was charged with tealing the money. Bo this as i tinny o showed up next day witli n fine , ow pair of hoots , and seemed to bo uite flush generally. The attempt to ross examine Kapua in the matter was lito amusing. A young Polo , who iad , i rather contracted knowledge of Snglish , was the first interpreter , butte to stumbled upon some technical ex- Tcssions , finally floundered and gave ip in despair. Then another tack was aken. Judge Beneku explained tone no interpreter what ho wanted said ind that gentleman explained the same o a Gorman present ; who understood 'olish. ' In this roundabout way the luestion finally reached the witness vhoso reply was transmitted to the n similar way. This process VIM not only tedious but for various 'onsons it win doubtful whether the vitness completely understood what vas wanted of him. AVhen i'aris vas usked what ho wanted to lay in the matter ho replied hat if Kapua would swear in the old lountry fashion that ho ( Paris ) had tolon the money ho would pay him iver § 112. Judge Boneko would not loiment to thin and said that Auieri- an oaths wcro more popular , besides uing the legal ones. This wivi all hat could bo gotten out of Paris who vas fined $04.10 and sent to thu coun- y jail for a period of 20 days. When lie sentence was interpreted to him . seemed to afford a good deal of do- ght , though why no ono could sus- ect. A Nice Sum. Joseph Bosonstein us president and ncob Frank us secretary and treis- ; ror of suction 05 , endowment rank , vnights of Pythias , Imvo paid over to Irs. llenry Lauor thu sum of $3117 , s an endowment due her on the oath of her husband. This is the econd loss thu rank haa sustained in ) maha within ono year. Postolfloo Chniigos in Nebraska During the week ending Juno 4th , 881 , furnished by Win. VanVleck , of ho postollic department : KHTAIIUHHED. Glongary , Fillmoru county , David > , Bobinson , postmaster. rOSTMAHTKIUJ AITO1NT1U ) . Atlanta , Saline county , Benjamin J. Saughn. SaouRorfokt Preparations. . A very busy scene was presented to- lay in Saouger hall , where the inter ior decorations were being completed. AU the chairs for the auditorium hive arrived juul are placed in position. iVll the members of the various com mittees to-day were very busy perfect ing arrangomontfl for to-morrow. This afternoon an arch was being thrown across thu street at Fifteenth and Capitol avenuo. On thu invittv tion of ono of the Meyer brothers a BKB reporter vis ited Sienger hall last evening when a rehearsal was had. The socie ty's onseinblo ohowa n high degree ol training. The fair debutante who up punrod under Prof. Stoinhausor'B tut elage , made an immediate and decider impression , nnd it will not bo too mud to predict that she makes an nmniali lied hit at her first public appearance , It ia to bu hopud that the concerts throughout the wouk will bo as largelj attended asttiey dogorvo to bu. Guuo to Norfolk. Dra. H. 0. Moore , S. D. Mercer Jesse Peimo nnd A. A. Parker , o this city , ami Dr. Hall , of I'latts mouth , left yesterday on the U P. train for Norfolk , to attend tli meeting of the Ngbrnskn State Modi cnl Society at that place. The physl cians expect to return by Thursday after'having had ono day's suasionbu they will probably not bo able to separate rate until n day later. There will bo u regular meeting o { ho Pioneer Hook and Ladder compa ny company No. 1 , nt 7:30 : o'clock 01 tho7th of. Juno , 1881 : P. Dooit , Prest OMAHA , JnnuO , 1881. Rcmoinhcr.whon you want a splun did dish of ic'o creum that Beindorir is the phico ( o get it. , ' Lowest potaiblo cash prices id way guaranteed und but ono. price asked a Bushman's Dry Goods Store , south east corner Fifteenth nnd Douglas streets. H. U. Clark & Co. make the bos soda water syrup and extracts. jG-U ; OUNTY COMMISSIONERS. What Was Done at Their Last Mooting. At the last meeting oi county com- nissionors Messrs. Kniglit.Drcxcl and 'orlcss ' wcro present. A communicn- ioii was received from Dan Burr , [ inking that ho bo released from the of countable 0. * W. Edgorton. The Iward decided that they hod no ight to do this. The county treasurer was ordered to cancel the taxes for 880 on the south forty-four foot of ot 4 , block 80 , as it in being used for hurch purposes. The following ac- ounts were ordered to bo paid : Draft oW. F. Heins for $1000 to pay oiipons ; J , J. HoiiBor , $3 ; J. A. mold , $ < J.7r work on the road ; duo. Smith , county surveyor , $57 ; John T. Robinson , work on the road , $9 ; 'nines M. Mooru , on account assessor 881 , $59 ; M. W. Nelson , wood for ho poor , $9 ; J.11. . Conkling , county and expenses , $00 ; J. S. Cnulfield , stationery , $7 } Joseph Pha- m , work on tlio road , $20.05 ; Win. /an Dohren , work on bridges , $33,95 ; Jeoruo II. Guy , taking Kasnor nnd Joups to the asylum , $70) ) George II. Juy , jailer and guard May ' 81 , $93 ; Villiam Wallace , witness fees , $1 ; J. lerrington , work on roads , $10.15 ; L. Double , work on bridges , $10.50 ; I. G. Barber , on roads , $3 ; Purchase i Barber , work on ro.ids , $3.40 ; Win. lobinson , $10.50 ; J. N. Pierce , sal- ry nnd cash expended , $58.70 ; Mrs. 'iorce , matron , $20 ; Carrie Wnlloii- jorg , work on poor farm , $10 ; Mary Miillips aino , $10 ; Wesley Grear , same , ' 20 ; B. 1 * . Knight , balance ns ounty commissioner , $58 ; Fred Drexel , same , $80 ; M. W. E. Pur- hase , $0 ; V. H. Thomas , $3 ; J. [ "out , $ 'J ; Ed. Deidrick , medicine for > oor , $8.25 ; Iowa Coal Co. , $53.12 ; " . B. French , groceries for poor , $11 ; ohn G. Jacobs , Collins fdr poor , $14 ; i. II. Sanders , groceries , $1.50 ; F. 0. Morgan , same , $21.30 ; A. II. Glad- tone , same , $3.50 ; Foster & Gray , umber , $25.75 ; Nebraska gaslight ompaiiy , $38.70 ; J. 11 , Manchester , ash expenditures , $5.35 ; Little & Wd- ains , matches , 95 cents ; Irwin & : ilis , shovels , $1,50 ; E. T. Duke , ardwaro , $21.95 ; C. J. Karbach , lacksmithing , $8 95 ; Orchard &Bcan , latting , $17.03 ; J. J. Points , salary , lay , $07 ; name , cash expended , 8.40 ; Win. 0. Bartholomew , cash xpended , $3.50 ; James H. McShano , earns , $4 ; Joseph llcdmnn , witness cca , $2 ; niuo witnesses for coroner , 9 ; nine coroner's jurors , $12. iss : GOODS-BUSHMAN'S Take "BLACK-DRAUGHT" and you vill iiuver be bilioiiH. BAItOAINa-DllKSS GOOIW-BUHIIMAN'.S IF you want a good dtivo in the ountry go to J. II. McShano's Livery , 307 , 1309 and 1311 Harnoy street. tuesitsaMt Wo are making a specialty of fur- lishing Syrups and Extracts fhr Soda fountains. - t H. G. CLA11K & CO. A iino line of Gents' Furnishing oods nt reduced prices. eod-Uw M , HKI.LMAN it Co. Another largo invoice ol the latest lovelties just received at ATKINSON it CO.'S , and they are selling cheap. Ladies , please ruinomhor that wo con tinue to discount any advertised price list in the millinery business. Wo nro selling Summer Silks at tremondeous reductions. Sue our imported Lawns ind snvo money by patronizing the Icfowu-ledyctl Lending Ent < tbllnhment. ATKINSON & CO. , Creighton Block , 15th street. junl-tf No hi-ail-neho or liiu > k-nchc for Indies who drink ' WINE.QF CARDUI. " At 0. V Opcxlmai.'f - * EXOU118ION T11A1N TO COUN OIL BLUFFS. ON JUNE 7th , 8th/9th , 1.0th it llth,1881. Till ! ClIICAOO it NoUTWIWTtUN UAII.WAY will rim excursion trains every hour between thu U. P. Trans fer and the TOURNAMENT GROUND in Council Blufl's , connecting with the Union Pacific Dummy Trains. Rates of faro : OMAHA TO TOUHNAMKNT GUOUNDS AND RKTUHN Firemen in uniform 40 cents each. To nil others , includ ing admission ticket U thu grounds , 75 cents each. Tickets on sale nt the U. P. depot , or nt ticket oflico , cor. 14th and Fnrnhniu streets , The members of Engitio compan ) No. 1 , nro requested to attend n regular lar mooting this evening , nt 7:30 : for the election of n foreman nnd to mnku arrangements to attend the tournn ment at Council Bluffs. By order o : the foreman , A. J. Htitoti > . 500 piece mosquitto netting , < d colors , 40o j > er piece , ut the Boater Store , C1C 10th street. j7-Dt Fifty dozen hammocks , wholesale and retail , very cheap , nt Fredorick'i hat store. ' 3-lvr , . . - _ n j. f v ( Lowest possible cash prices always guaranteed und but ono price nskedai Bushman's Dry Goods Store , soutl east corner Fifteenth nnd Douglas streets , CROWDED TO i EATH , 3uch is the Report that Comes from the Bluffs. The Place Overrun with Visit ors The Success of the Tournament As sured. Magnificent weather served the opening of the tournament in Council Bluffs yesterday. The scenes of the day , taken as n whole , nro indeed sel- lom to bo witnessed in this country. [ ( 'rom early morning there was n crowding in the streets that of itself might easily have provoked tx nort of running current of ill comfort , but everybody seemed to bo cousin to his leighbor , and notwithstanding the uncomfortable - comfortable condition of affairs in the street , the utmost good feeling pre vailed ; hut overvbodyapponred to con sider the occasion a holiday , built expressly for himself or herself , ac cording to Hexes , It is indeed n fact , .hat ill the early part of the day the streets were so filled that between the curb nnd the buildings n solid mass of humanity was in motion , ono way or .ho other. Council Bluffs llattorcd itself that in unprecedented spectacle would re- nit from tlio great eflorts that were uado to-obtain success for their tourn- imont , but the fact is the city stands at the success of thu undertak- .Before noon yesterday over 7,000 isitors had invaded tlio city , and the : ry nil day long was , "Still they come. " Over 1,1300 families had sig- iified. their willingness to serve visit- irs , and all their hotels had made cx- ra provision for guests. Besides , nany buildings were turned into dor- nitories , and every vacant house was made a pleasant sleeping place. In n word , the success of the tournament s far beyond the expectations of those ntorested in doing honor to the occa sion. The city , to its outermost limits , vas decorated profusely. Among the nisincss houies of course , the haud- omcst decorations prevailed , and it vould bo imprncliblo to make special ncntion of any. On the corner of Jroadway and Fifth street an elabor- ito structure reaching from corner to corner , built in the quad ruple character of a triumphal ireh , was erected by the Council IMull's fire department. Various mot- oea adorned the structure , which .hroughout . n-as a charming design of 'onn , flowers , foliage , paintings and jeneral artistic merit. This was by ill means the "picco do resistance , " as they say in quotable French. The jflices of The Globe and Nonpareil were handsomely decorated as wore ; he hotels , and many special displays were spread about the city. To add to the general enthusiasm of Lho day Sells' circus turned out in a r.vul procession about noon , and , with several bands and much display , iddcd immensely to the spirit of the hour. It would scarcely bo credited that the success of the occasion lias really reached an unpleasant phase. Besides the 7,000 visitors that crowed the city yesterday , 2,000 came in on n succial from Cudar Rapids , and all the trains had from live toten special cars loaded. This morning the governor of the state will arrive on a monster train , and several specials will come meanwhile , to say nothing of those who arrived during last night. In ad dition to thin , numberless visitors are arriving by vehicles , and altogether it ia estimated thut 150,000 strangers will bo in Council Bluffs by noon to-day. It is determined that Governor Gear shall have a nfonster and unpre cedented reception. All the citizens and the small army of native and vis iting firemen have resolved to meet his excellency on the arrival of the C. , B. & Q. this morning and make such a demonstration as will give the old man reason to think there is some thing in being governor of a state after all. This matter is spontaneous , and democrats , republicans and firemen vie with each other in paying this re spool to the chief of the state. Yesterday was , of course , prelim inary in every respect. Firemen wore arriving all day long , and the city was dotted with unique and unlike uni forms. By noon all the delegates had arrived , and the following synopsis will give the states and towns repre sented , and the location of each dole- gation in Council Bluffs ; IOWA. AtlanticPhcunixHook and Ladder company , Ogden , 50 men. Avnca Ked Jacket Kngino com pany , liradquartcrH east board of trade rooms , 1'earl street , 75 men. Cedar Kapids Independence anil Henderson lloso companies , Ogden , GO men ; Belief Hook and Ladder and Fourth Ward Hose companies , Pacify GO men ; Third Ward lloso companj and band , Kiel house , -10 men. Carroll Delegation , Revere house 20. Creaton Delegation , with band Cri'stim house , 80 men. Clarmda Delegation , Ogden , 25 men , Donison Delegation , Bevero , 5 ( men. Davenport Delegation , Kiel house 30 men. Diinlap Delegation , Mr. Dorland's Vine street , 25 men. DOS Moines team nru quartered n < the Briggs hotel , Fifth street. Griimol , delegates , Pacific , G men. . liarl.m , doleuation , entire depart' ment , headquarters over Kiel & Lind er's , Fifth street , 100 men. Iowa city Sleep in M. E. churcl parlors , 30 men. Independence , Cataract Engine company , Bochteles , 35 men. Marshalltown , Hope hose company , Coy house , 40 men. Mutcatino , llelief hook and ladder company , 40 ; Excelsior hose com pany , Pacific , 20 men. Muscntiiic , llcscuo Hose company , Noble hoiiBu , Fifth street , 30 men. Marengo Hose company , headquar ters Singer sewing machine company , Broadway , 30 men. Manchester , Hook and Ladder com pany , cat ntMrs. C. E. Stones , corner Nine nnd Bryant streets , 30 men. Odobolt , delegation , Bovere , 30 men. , - fc < Oskaloosa , delegation , St. Joe house , 25 men. Onaw.i , Hose company , Pacific , 25 men. men.Bed Oak , delegation , Kiel house , 30 men. State Center , Washington Engine company , 50 men. Wall Lake , Hook and Ladder com l > any , Bryant , 50 men. ILLINOIS. Decatur , 111. Rescue Hose team , T. E , Brook's , Mynstor street , 25 men. men.Molinc , 111. Deere Hose company , Ogden , 20 men. I'K.VNSVLVAMA. Huntingdon , Peiin. Hose team , 25 men , not located. Denver , Col. Bates Hose company , Ogden , 20 men. NKIIUASKA. Omaha , Pompier Corps service , 30 lien ; delegation , 100 men ; Ogden House. Thus , it will bo seen that besides town , four states are represented , imong them the old Keystone and the Centennial. There are in all over 1- , )00 visiting firemen. The Iowa state lire association met it 11 o'clock yesterday morning at .Turn Hall , Mr. Oscar Allen in the chair. Adjournment was immediately tad to 8 o'clock in the evening , when after conducting some routine busi- iess , an address of welcome was do- ivered by Mayor W. 11. Vaughan , of Council Blulla. The response was nado by Mr. Gco. A. Holmes , after vhich there was a general reception of nsiting firemen. To-day will bo a grand day. The irogrammo will bo as fallows : 10 a. m. , grand firemen's street \irade , John II. Kcatloy , Marshal , Col. L. E. Holt , of Marshalltown ; ! /ol. Lyman Banks , of Muscatinu ; C. iV. Eaton , of Cedar llapids ; G. Van ) oren , of Davenport ; JohnDiigan , of Jreston ; Geo. Duggan , of Denver ; J. G. Sheeloy , of Omaha , and YP. B. L'emple , of Atlantic , assistant mar- lials during the tournament. The column will form on Washing- on avenue and Vine street , with the right resting on North First street , iml will move on First street to Jroadway , west on Broadway to Sixth ; [ south on Sixth to First avenue ; vest on First avenue to Eighth street ; south on Eighth street to Fifth avc- nuo ; east on Fifth avenue to Sixth street ; south on Sixth to Sixth avenue ; east on Sixth avenue to South Fifth street ; north on South Fifth to Broad way ; west on Broadway to Pearl street : south on Pearl to Willow avc- uio ; west on Willow avenue to Sixth street ; north on Sixtn to the north west entrance to the park. At the park , Hon. John W. Chap- nan will deliver the welcoming address and the response will bo made by Hon. ' John H. Gear , Governor of Iowa. 1:30 : P. M. Trial of steamers. First prise for throwing water 100 : eot in the shortest time , § 100. Second end prize , throwing greatest distance , § 70 and state silver trumpet. Hand Engines First prize , for throwing water greatest distance , § 100 and champion broom. Second prize , § 75. Horse Hose Companies - First prize , § 75. State rules to govern. Chemical Engines First prize ; § 00. ' Second , § 25. .Stato rules to govern Evening on Broadway Pompier Corps' exhibition. First pri/.o , § 50. Second , § 25. A. complimentary reception to Gov. and Mrs. Gear , at parlors Kos. 1 and 2 , Ogden house , from 8 until half-past 1) ) o'clock , and it is expected the ladies and gentlemen of Council BluH'sr ami all visiting firemen , will partici ] > atu in the same. The city will bo generally illumin ated , for which very extensive prep arations have been made At Turner's Hall there will bo a ball in honor of the firemen , and altogether , the day will bo ono of unending festivity. _ . . . BAHOAINH-DUKSS GOODS-BUHIIMAN'S Lemons , 25c doz. at J , I. Nichol's Go to II. G. Clark & Co. , for soda water syrups and extracts. jC-Ct - * - IF you want a pleasant team of any kind , go to J. H. McShano's Livery , 1307,11307 and 13011 Harnoy street , tucs&sat/it Lemons chonpor than over nt jO-lw Buflott's. a Ladies linen , ulsters chcnp at the. Boston Store , 010 10th street. j7-5t Lemons , 25c doz. nt J. I. Nichol's , Ir you want n pleasant carriage ride go to J , H. McShnno's Livery , 1307 , 1309 and 1311 Uarnoy streot. Lowest passible cash prices alwny guaranteed and but ono price asked ai Bushmnn's Dry Goods Store , south east corner Fifteenth nnd Eouglas streets. Just received another largo lot o : Boys and Children's clothing , nt Pol ack's. Faniham nnd 14th sU. 4-3i Not yet moved. Extra bargains given in boots and shoes at Full nodes' , near 13th and Douglas. 1500 imported Fayal Hats 50o caul at the Boston Store , 010 , 10th streot. J7-51 BALED HAY AND STRAW. GO ccnta per bale at Estabrook's Stock Yard , Tenth street , betweoi Capitol avenue and Dodge. 7-3t. GoODS-BurillMAN'H " Lemons , 25c doz. at J. I. Nichol's. Ronl Estate Trnmfom. The following transfers were re- corded at the county clerk's office yes terday , as repoited for this paper by John L. McCagin , real estate agent and conveyancer : A. Lamson to John Foahu , lota 5 and C in block 4 , of town of Elkhorn- Vf. D.-225.00. Abnor French to G. K. Hubbard , N. J of lot 110 , in Nelson's add. \ \ . D.-350.00. E. L. Biorbowor to Wilson Rey nold's , n w. j section 3 , tp. 10 , range 13. W. D.100. . ( J , C. Manoll and wife to Maria Rogers , part of lot { in block 72 , Omaha W. D-1,20(5. ( Aug. Doll and wife to Jno. A. Crcighton , so | section 25 , town 10 , range 12 , east Q. C. D. - § 245. C. J. Faskett and wife to 0. G. P. Bemis , wi of lots 2 and 3 in block 5 , in Lawes addition W. -1,000. . Joseph Lest and wife to Gotleib Zimmerman , lot 1 in block 5 , Lawes addition W. D. - § 52ii. in Town. The fact that the Ssungerfest has attracted considerable outside atten tion is evidenced in the largo crowd of crooks and flashmen that have cen tred in Omaha. They naturally ex pect to rcai > a harvest hero during the present j week. Inadequate as the present police force is to handle af fairs properly on extraordinary occ.v > ns , Marshal Ansjcll and his men are keeping a sharp look. Last evening five short haired gentle men who were lolling about taking the bearing of things wcro run in by the police and will probably give but littlj trouble for some time to como ind as soon as they are spotted others will bo assigned quarters by city jailor McClure. In any event it would do well for people to keep n bright look out for these gentry. Absolutely Pure , Made from Orapo Cicam Tartar. No othc. paratlon mate sui-h lltfht , flal > y hot brawls oib meritorious jxi < jtry. Can bo eaten by l > 3H ] > cntlc , nithoutfunr of the Ills remitting from heavy fndl- cetlbl food. Sold only In cans , by all Grocers. , KOVAL 11AKINQ POWDER CO. , New York. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE Aa crtlscnienU To Loan , For Sale , [ , oif , Fouinl , Wonta , lioarillni : , &c. , will lie in serted in these columns once for TK.N' CI'Js'TS per line ; each subsequent insertion , KIVECUNTS per line. The first Insertion noer load than TWEXTY-FIVE CENTS. TO LOAN-MONEY. LOAN At 8 per eentln- tercst in sums of g-.MO ami iiiward | < , for 3 to fi years , on flrst-eliss city anJ fiirni ) < roiverty. HK.MIS UKAL I HTATK and LOAN AOP.SCY , IStliancl Douglas Sts. ' . TO LOAN Call at Low Otllco of 1) . MONI'.Y HouinS , t'rulditoii lilock. MELP WANTED. WANTKD-A ecoil d for general liouso work. AiMilf on 'III tliU week at LtO North KiKhtuenth ntrf t. 07-0 \\rANTii-A : ilrst-clam tore , Stptcinoer 1st YY or later , W. St. C. , IlEB olllee. 10MS 'ANTED Good dlnlnj ; roam girl. Ap nt the Kmmett house. 102 A young man deolrous of attend WANTED ing Comnierrial Collofe would like a res pectable place to work for board , or n place to earn tultlrlunt to pay for mmo. Addrva * W. M. M. , care Y. M. 0. A. , City , OS-7 W ANTKD A Carwnter and his wife. Apply nut to Ileo office. 01-tf . : ) - blackumlth at Omaha Nov. WA.NTii-OocHl > tr .t. Permanent env ployracnt. GODfUKY DAVIS. W-8 ANTED-Machine hamls at Oman * Shirt Factory. I'll. COTTIIEIHEIl. B3-3t w 'ANTEDA nirurt , octl\a boy. THEIIKAItbTIlECTCO. 2t W ANTKD-A Rlrl for gcni-nl houn-work. llcimvku's restaurant. )3tb and Jvkxau Sts. W ANTED -A K0 3.1 filrl , lOne Furnliam Street. Ono that can cook. 83-lt WANTED Six good cariKiiters. Enquire at S. K. corner \Vehiterand2Ut. . I1 , J. CltllKDON. 87-3t ANTED Ten hand * for aiuortini ; rairn. 11. lir.UTIIOLl ) . iVct WAN'TED-A baVcr at the Omaha liakery , MOmiiitrcot. 70 bt " \\TANTEy Kituation a * bookU-cpcr or i Ji - man , hod 3 ) can cxpeiicncv as i mm , good reference * Addrttu W , S. , lleeolHce. r 71-St TX ANTUI A competent bookkeeper would > I like to kctp a ct of books e\enlnjrs. Ad- drc > j ! ' A. , lice oltlie. BLACKSMITH WANTED and one good ma chine smith , at the Omaha Foundry and Ma elilne Works. 45 tf W 'ANTED A good cook , Higher and Ironcr , 8. W , Cor. Hurt and IQIIi Bt. 30 U WANTKD Fundlnjr bridge and eihool Ixmtle. II , T. Clark , Ilellcvue. 2tf riAI-L AT MRS. II. K. CLAKKK'S .No. 1 Board \J iif House , cor. 13th and l > odje ( 6U. Ilcot In tliu city. 19-11 /"iAItl'ENTEHS and cahinctinakcr * wanted. \J WaifiK ( roiu Si to $3 j > cr day. Inquire next to Ic ) oltico. OaO-tf cook at 1,800 Farnham street ] 'ANTED OariKntcn and cabinet makers next to IUK otlice. . cod tf ANTED 5 carnentcn and S cabinet mak er * . Wu. EVEHKTT. 8 9-tf "lirANTKD A situation by a man of family. VY tteady , Induatrious and willing to be UM- ful In any honorable capacity. Comi > n aUon according - cording to c | iabUity. 1'iaue adira * J. K. II. , car ) of tilt office. 60i-tf SPECIAL NOTIOES-Coiifciuued , FOR RENT-HOUSES AND LAND. HEN'T Two furnished room gentle- 1 men only , south front. No. 3,012 Van iiham. : street. I'AT O. HAWKS. 84-m-w Sit KENT lloom * at 1410 Houston ttrcot IT10II KKNT Noatlv furnished roo-n ftt 1,717 .1 ; Cummlngi St. , llct. Kth ami Ibth ttrccb. mo IlKVT A r > l v wnt front room , Uy win < low .1. and < .10ietJC17 Chliyro Ht. HKt ) I" .ioll UKSf Store room on 14th Hrett l > o ' twecn K rnh m and llarncy , l o ilwelling house noor Ht , Maryn A\enuc. il. HKLLIIAN. 71-7 ' * A.NI > LAND DemiB rents hou < w , HOL'SKs , liotoli , furim , lot" , Uiida , otliixs , . rooms , etc , lit page , * room on flmt fluor furnhhwl , wltli Alriro . A few table boarders taken , 1NW ( .nllfornla ntritt. 7U 70K HUNT - Two lurjro plio ) uit rooms for ' llL'ht notiHkcclilnR , 3 blocks ddriM Mrs. W , this ollicu. OS-41 I.KT A furnlshwl room to let with boon ! in LIO priMitc family. lniulraot | No. WJ 17Ui street , Omaha. -7-tf KENT Nicely funiMiiil law room and ulano .8. W. corner listli nnd Cajiltal A c. OS3-tf 171011 IlKNT On llrnt floor , fnrrlriictl rooms , L ? Bouthueit corner 10th and Da\cnxirt. | 709 U 171011 ItnST Furnished rooms. Inquire at 1818- JL1 ChlunKO street. U00-tf _ UEXT The huiUHnp 1POO Hurt street , . ; formerly iised by John Cano as the London meat market. Some butcher tools for salc % Ap- iih oil the iircmUiu or of John Dimmer , 1314 knrnliam Ktreet. C95.U I710U HI'.NT 2 furnlilieU rooim o\cr I' chanU' ExUiaiiL'cy , K. cor. ICtli and troeU. FOR SALE. ' HEAL ESTATK KXCHANQE. See BKMIS' 1st page. TMIl SALK A hornc nnd phrton. ] } 100-21 A. 0. I'OWKLL. HA1.II-A Milln portable ciik'tno ot 10- liorse power. Very economical of fuel nnd iNaliT. Jacketed nltli uood and co\crcil ulth Kutila Iron , brass bound In loctmiothu style , oil -o\crnor , ivutomatlc ( ahcs , bras' * bores , oil cupo , 'laxi water k'tn c , ftcam force pomps and Han cock patent inspirator. Complete , In peed onlcr nnd nearly new. Hcn-son for nelllnv , we wish to- wlthdrawfrom bunlncH't outside of our regular manufacturing , Write to Ummnlch Jlatuif.ic- Co. Crccn ! lcli , Ohio. 01-lm " 171011 SALE The frame hullillnir * on north fcido J ; of Furnham street , between llth nnd IKth nro for Kale clioap as thev are to be men ed innnc- diattly. J. W. LYLE. 70-3t T10R SALK CHEAP One ncro jrround , south _ j end 10th streit. Ihiuso of four room * , barn , cistern , mmll fnilt , etc. Terms rcawnablo lin- | iiJc | i"17 Cumlnga street , between 17th and Itth streets. O'J-Ot cod j ; FOR SALE OH TB.VUB A small block of con fectionary nnd groecrlcfi , nl"O a lease of ouse , good reasons for selling. Inquire nt this otHcc. 5-Ut JT ORSALK IluilncKa hoitscon Cuminjf street , X IOIIK , cheap. Dexter L. Thomas & lira. , Heal EaUtu Dealers , room 8 , Crcighton block. 4S-3t B EMIS'NEW CITY SIAI'S,25c. See Ht page POIt SALK A umall cnBlno , I ) . W. I'nyne 4 ; Son'j make. In perfect ogdcr. Imiulru of II. O. Clark > t Co. 30-tf FOR SALIi An almost new phaeton bujrsy a A. J. Simpson's uarriaje ; factory. 31-tf FOR SALK On cosy tanni , n h > u e of 0rooms with lot C0140 ISth St. , between Nickols. and Paul. Enquire nt 1140. 21-11 1710R SALE LOOM and furniture of a llrst-class JL' hotel in a town of 1300 inhabitants , In btutc of Nebraska ; has 24 beds ; the traveling men's re sort. IiKjuire at 11EE ollice. 218-tf SALE Larco lot and two good houses nt FOR , . Hoifec and lot In South Omarinat $1,200. House ami lot In North Oniulu-x at 81,000. House arid part of lot near California otreut.Sl- Small liouso and full lot at flM. Inquire of Jno. L. McCWiie , opi > o6ltu postofBce UOO-tf T710R SALE House and lot : UxI32 ; suitably for JL warehouse. Inquire of Tetcrwin , 10th bt. 801-U " 1T\OR \ SALK Several 'ood lots In Uirtrvicw ad- Jt ? dltion. John L. ilcCague , Ojip. Post Olllctv OM-tf FOR SALI > 2 acres ground In West Inquire of J. Henry , No. 110 Ifith. 873-tf T710R SALITcn elegant residence lots -wtu- JJ atcd nuar tcrminu of red-cor direct railway line ; netcr In market before. Inquire of K. O. IIUMPIIItnV , S07 N. IKth fclrect. 795 j BEMIS hai rattling lon HstB of houiei , lots , lands and farms for tale. Call nnd get tin in. F OK SALE Tuo-ttory house and part lot. near dejKjt. Location good. John L. JkCqpue , Opp. I'ost Ollice. 05S-U I71OK SALi : Mai ol lionylas and barj'y conn- [ tics. A. UUtikWATCU , 10201'aniliaiufctrcct. 320-tf "TTIOR SALE Tliree good lots In North Omaha , . JU nt ? 1,000. I/Dt In Hhinn's addition at $450. Lot in South Omaha at MM ) . ituiutilul residence lot at $1,000 , Good corner lot 148x100 , an castfrontazo at . . Tlireo lots ono square fromlSth street car lljif , $4 DO each. Inquire of JolinL. McCaguc , opposite pOKtolfire > Ool-tf MISCELLANEOUS. B EM1S' HEAL ESTATE IJ001I. See l t poge N VI' Omaha , Neb.ICJune 7th , 1681 J. I ha > o taken up u dark , red cow , about S j tars old , nhort tarn , lon tall and white niwt in forehead , and one white apot on right hand tide. Addreaa Fourteenth und Center Streets. 02- , ' . QTUAYIID OHSTOLE.V June th , ItWl From three jtir ojl Durham cow , with etar In thu face and nimll white spot on niile near Hhoulder. A suitable reward will be given for any Information of her , by A , II. SWAN , 1410 , Cnrltfcl nu- . , Omaha , Neb. ! W-2t .IOL'.ND A watcli. Owner can bale tliu tame by J > ln4' fur thin adtertUement and prut- t : property , at 1512 CultfornU , bot. Fifteenth anil Sixteenth utreetx , EU-'J IlKNT Thrre unfurnNhnI rooms , north IflOll 1 of Howard' 3J doci weft from lOthst. Newly painted houue. tXJ-9t 11011 UENT-Front fnrnl-hwl room for two Rent * . Inquire at 1519 li Mot- . 05-3 - yjWKKIINT A fiirnlsli-,1 front room at 3W , J ; Karnham , lictwten Ibthnnd I7th , 7bld mo WHOI.ESAHK IIOUSEH. A competent J biidlnc-H nan ccyU iv piiHltion iu TratellnK Salf man for u giod HUUMI In any bunlne s with Uirlit tumples. Dru ; ; trade 1'Htferrcd. ' Addns "W EVllitEotnev , 10 u niAKEN 1'P Dark red tow , rather finall ; has J. crookul horns : been at my place hince about thu 1st of June. J. K. KNAI'V , 2M llct. Com and Cbliago St S8-4t rjTUAVED OH STOLEN' A lli'ht red and white O tow about 5 \ can old , with long ; trail and in poor condition aim lanre crookct horns. Loht on ilay 13th , left a younc calf. S5.00 reward v , ill be paid for her nturn to Simon h'ad'ncil , ono bloik Bouth of Ilir'n Distillery , UiUjtd''twSO riOUND Silver watch. Inquire at tlilj cfBcc. 7-tf TTMimKLLAS-And Parasols reared by M. U SCIIUIT lltli and Karnain eU. TbOtt , . BUOWN-Corncr 12th and Chlcaco . btrcctu , In ready to boco or dicpcn well * , ifactlon iruarantecd , fO3tt rnEAMS-Canba ot at John llarr a atalile for J. all kinilnol work at reasonable lijfurcd. ncnr u > r 13th and Lia > rnuorthntreeU. 37b-t ( DON'T FOIiaCT Tlio succcsaors of the Amer ican House , on Don.-lM Btrtct , between Wn and 10th , for boar lodging and tranniout cui- lomcn. Itee } > cctfu lly 66MI 'JLIL'6 * LOUISE HOSS. W. J , CONNELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , Omc Front Rooroi ( up eUir ) In ltan com' new brick bulldlny , N. Vf. corner Fftftntb and f'arnhftru StrMU.