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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1881)
T T 115E. ? _ _ _ _ OMAHA PUBLISHING CO. . PROPRIETORS. 010 Farnham , bet. Oth and 10th Streets. TKUMS OK SUliSCllIITION : i 'op.T 1 jear , In" advance ( jioitrald ) . , , T10.CO 0 monthi " " joe ' i months " " 3.00 RAILWAY TIME TABLE. I.KAVINO OMAHA f.ASt OR fcOl'tll C. , II. * Q. 6 ft. m. 8:40 : p. m. 0. A N. W. , 0 a. ni. _ 3:40 : \ > . til. 0. , 11 , 1. & P. . B ft. in. 3:40 : p. in. K. C. , St. J. A a I ! . , S ft. m.-3:40 : p. m. Arrive at St. Louis nt 8:25 : n. in. ami 7:45 : n. in. . B. & SI. In Neb. , Through Kxiirctn , 8:35 : a. ni. 11. Jt M. Lincoln Krcl h-7:0o : 11. ii. ! U. P. Kxi'rest , 12U : > p. in. O. & U. V. for Lincoln , 10:20 : n. m. I ) . & U. V. for Oscooln , 0:40 : a. in U. P. freight No. B , 5M : a. in U. P. frulRht No. n , 8:15 : a. in K' } , ' JrcM'J 0 > 7 > 0:1 : ° ! ' ' " . -emigrant. 'U. P. frcWit No. 11 , fc:25 : p. in. Annivixo-rnoM iwsr ASP sot-til. C. II. k O. , 4oo : A. m.-7-r : > p. in. O. & N. W , :45 - ! , : a > m. ; , , , m c. H. i.&p.o:45 : : .ln-n.6s : , : ! : K ; . ? t .loo * r. " . , 7 : 10 a. m.l5 : p. m. \ \ . , St. L. & P. , 10:55 : ft. i . l:25 : p. m. ' AHRIVIXO VKO.M Tim wm A.SU sonuwm. 0. & U. V. from Lincoln 12:12 : 11. in. U. P. K\irr ] -3 ; ! > . - , p. in. V ; 7 M > | 1. ' Vcl > - ' Throiinh ixiresi-l:15 : | : p. m 11. JI. Lincoln Krclulit SM : a. in. U. P. Kri'lRht No. 10-1:10 : p. m. 0. 04.25 p. in , Kinlgrant , No. 8-10.50 p. in. No , 12-11:35 : n. in. 0. & U. V. inlxcil , nr. 4:35 : p. m. NORTH , ( Nebraska Division of the St. Paul i Sioux City lload. J.O. . 2 Icavcn OmhhaSft. in. Uo. 4 IWMCT Oinalift li.W p. m. No. 1 arrltenntthiialiAat 4.iOp. ! m , No. 3 nrrlte.H nt Ouuliant ! U.46n. m. DU.VMV TRAINS RKTWKKX ONHIIA AXD CUI'M'IL IIU-HS. txsavo Omaha nt 8.00 , 0.00 and 11:00 : ft. m. ; 1:00 : , 2:00. : 3wi : , 4:00 : , 5uO : ami 0.00 p. In. Uai\u Council lIlulNat b:23 : , VM , 11:25 : a.m. ; 1:25 : , 2:25 : , 3:25 : , 1:25 : 6:25 : and 0:25 : p. in. Sundays-Tho diiininy leaves Onnlia at 0:00 : .J 11:00 : a. m , ; 2.00 , 1,00 and 5:00 : p. in. Leaves Council lllulli nt 0:25 : and 11:45 : a. m.j 2:25 : , 4:25 : and 5:25 : p. m. Opening and Closing of Mallf ROUT ) ! . urns. CI.OSK. a. in. p. in. n. in. p. in. Chicago & N. W 11.00 0:30 : 4:30 : 2:40 : Chicago , U. I. & Paulllo.11-00 U.OO 4:30 : 2:40 : Chluuro , II. & 6 11:00 : 0:00 : 4:30 : 2:10 : W b.wh 12:30 : 4:30 : 2:40 : Sioux City and Parfrtc. . 11:00 4:30 : Union Pacllle :00 : 11:40 : Omaha A II. V 4:00 : 11:10 : n. &JI. InNel 4:00 : 8:10 : 6:30 : Omaha .t Nortlmcstern. 4:30 : 7:30 : Ixt-iil malls for Statu of Iowa leave but once a vlfty , viz : 4:30. : A Lincoln .Mall h nlso 0ienecl ] at 10:30 : a. m. Olllco open SuiulajD Iroin 12 in. to 11 > . in. TIIOS. V. HALL P. M. business Directory , Art Emporium. 3. U. HOSE'S Art Knitywunii , 151(1 ( Dndee Stm t , Steel KncnuiiiKN , Oil I'njiitmi , ' ! ) , Chiumos , Ii'ani-y Frames , l-'raminj ; Speeialtv. Ix > w 1'riecn. J. I1UNNKK , I'MJ liniiglAS Street. Good Stjles. Abstract ar d Real Estate. JOHN U JlcCAUUi : , opposite Post Oinco. W. 1 ! . UAUTLETT , 317 South 13th Street. Architects. DUKKKNB & MKNIKt.SSHX. ) ARCIIITKCTH , Hooui U Crel hton Illock. A , T. LA KG K , Jr. , Itoom 2 , Crelifhton lilock. Boots nnd Shoes. .1 \\li.s : > \ I . ' , : t ro , , Fine lee ! ( " ana Mioi.V : , " "il iwnormeiit ol home worlc on hand , corner 1'Jtli and Ilarney , TIIOS. KHICKSO.V , S K cor. 10th and Douglas. JOHN FOUTUNATU.S , COS 10th htrcct , manufactures to order ! rood work at filr prices. KqKiirint , ' 'lono. Ged Springs. J. P. LAUIIIMGR , Miiiufaeturcr , Visschcrs1 Ill'k Books , News and fitntlonery. J. I. FUUKHACT , 1015 Farnliam Street. Cutter and Eggs. McSHANK & SC'UIIOEUKR. the ohlcs-t II. and K hotiho In Kehraska , ustalilhlieil 1S75 , Omaha. Board Inc. CENTKAL KiaTAUltAXT , MK3. A. KVAJf , BOUthwest corner ICthand1 IKid e. lloit Hoard for the Money. taUsfautlon Guaranteed ilcals at all Hours. Hoard hy the Day , Week or .Month. Good Terms for Cnbh Furnished Uooms Supplied. Carriages and lioad Wagons. WM. SN'VDKH , No. 131h mil and Ilarney Streets Civil Engineers nnd Surveyors. jVNDRKW IIOSEW'ATKU , IfdO rarnhain street 'Town Surveys , Oracle and dvnvraj o Sjntcms a Specialty ; Commission Merchants. JOHN O. WII , MS.14U Dod 'u Street. D II. I1EKMKIU For detnUs uce largo advertise nient In Dally and \\eekly. Cigars and Tobacco. WEST ti nilTSC'DKH. manufacturers of Clears and Wholcolo Denlors In To'iweoi , 1805 Douiflai W. F. I.OItEN'/lJN , manufacturer , 014 10th Direct Cornlco Works. Western Cornleo orka. Manufarturcn Iroi Cornlee , Tin , Iron nnd dlato Itoollin . Order .from any locality prnmptly oxeeutcd In the hen .manner. Factory and Ullioe 1310 Dud 'o Street. Galvanized Iron Cornices. Window Caps , etc. s manufactured and put up In any part of th , country. T. SIN HOLD , 110 Thirteenth street. Crockery. J. I10NNKR , 1300 DOIUIM street. Good line. Clothing and furnishing Qoodi. OHO. II. I'lITKUHON. ANo Hab , Caps , Iloots Hhocn , .Notions and Cutlery , bOI ti. 10th trtTt. Clothing Bought. C. SHAW will pay hlfjlient Cash price for socoiii hand clothintr. Corner 10th and Farnham. Dei tilts. DR. I'AUL , Williams11'loek , Cor. 15th i Do < lgo. Drugs , Pa'nts and Oils. KUIII & .CO. , I'hannael.ts , Flno P - r.mli , , Cor. 16th am Doutlii btreets. W.J. WIIITiniOUS " vnlciHetall.lOthst C. U riiU : > , 2022 N ilti Hide Cumlntf Street Jl , 1'AIIR , Iruj i > t , Ifl'.linnd Howard Streets. Dry Oonti Notions , Etc , JOHN II. F. I .itMANN .t CO. , New York Dry Goods S.urc , 1310 and 131E Tarn Inm tttuut. L. C , I'newold , also lioowanil shoes , 7th & I'acilk Huruiiure. A F. OltOSS , New and Jaeond Hand Ftirnltiir And Status , 1111 Irauvua. Highest eash pric jvild for bccond hanu ruwd. J. IIONNKIt 1309 UOIIKIX.S ut. Fine uoodg , &r Fence Works. OMAHA I'ENCi : CO. OUST , Fllir-S & CO. , 1213 Harney St. , Improvi < : d Ice lioxus , Iron ami Wood Fences , Ollic ii'-s , Counters of 1'hio ami Walnut. Florist. A , Dona hue , jilants , cut flowers , Reeds , hoquci etc. , N , W. cor , 10th anl Douglas ttrgcts. Foundry. JOHK WKARNE & SONS , eor. Htli & Jackson s Flour and Feed , CIIIAIIACITV MILLS , 8th and Farnham Sta ] > ropnetors. Ororer * . Z. STEVIINS , 2Ut between Cumin ; , ' and Izan T. A. JlcSHANE , Corn. 23d and CuminsStrctU Hatters. W. L. FAIIROTTK i CO. , 1300 Douglas Street , Wholsalo Excluglvilj Hardwaie , Iron and Bteel , DOLAN k LANQWOI1THV , Wholesale , 110 an 15Ui btrcct. A. HOLMES corner 10th UK ] California. Harriett , Saddles , &c. E. 0. WEIST 320 Utb St. , bet. l rnHarne ) Hnt And Donnet DleAchert. 'SRi't jour Straw , I'hijxinil Iclt Han done p at orth' t conifr Setrnttrnth Mid Capitol ifiuie. WM. DOVi : , rrovrlftor HlttU. AXF1K1.D HOUSEOox Canneld,9tht F.irnham OUAN IIOfSE , P. I . Cary , 013 Fnrnham St , SI.AVE.V8 HOTEIi , P. SIa\cn , 10th Street. itlicrn Hotel , ( ins. 1 und , Oth Iron Fencing. The Wr. ( cm Cornhf Works , Aectitu for the Immplnn Iron Fence &c. . ha\c on h.ind all kind * ' I'ancj Inin Fences , Crestlnpj , Flncals , tc. laio DodRo trec. ai2 ) Intelligence Office. MRS. I.1Z2IE DENT. 217 ICth Street Jewellers , JOHN I1AUMEU 1314 Karnham Street , Junk. 11. IIKUTHOM ) , Utcs and Metal. Lumber , Lime and Cement , OSTEU & OJIAV , corner tith and ItouclM SL . Lamps and Glassware , IIONNKIt , 1300 St. Hood Variety. Merchant Tallort. O. A. MN1)JCE8T ( , no of our most | < opnlar Merchant Tailors ! ro- l > Injf tlio latest ileiiciis for sprinir and Summer oods for Kuiitlcniun w ir. Stjlith , duiulile , id prices low sa ever 216 13th lict. l > o\i .i Farn. Millinery. US. C. A. IllNlin. : Wholesale and Hctall , Fun- tiuinU In ( fruat tarlcty.cph ) r , Card IkunU , o lcry , Ulotca , Corsets , \c. ChuaiKvt lloli'o In leVu t. I'urchascrs KI\U IiO j > cr cent. Order y JIall. 115 Fifteenth Street. PhytlclAni an I Surgeon * , ' . 8. OIIIIW , M. ! > . , com No. 4 , Crclihton lock , Uth Street. A. S. Insr.NRlNl , ri. D. Masonic lUock. . It. HART , M. I ) . , ) } ( and li r , opp. postolllco DR. U II UllADDV , ciilUtnnd AurUt , S. W Ibth and Farnham Sta. Photographers. GEO. IIIIYN. I'ROl' . , Grand Central Unllery , 212 Sixteenth Street , car Masonic Hall. First-cUss Work and Prompt' eas KiiaraiiU'Cii. Plumbing , Cat and Steam Fitting , ' . W. TARl'V ti CO. . 210 12th St. , lict , Farnhaiu ml Domlai. Work promptly nttcndul to. D. FIT/I1 ATRICK , 1400 DoUKlas Street. Painting and Paper Hanging. HENRY A. KOSmiS. 1412 Doilfc'o Street. \ . MOYKlt , umiiiifattiircr of AKli , doors , hlliids , loldln H , nunol.i , nlustcra , hand rnlN , fnrnlthitiK croll Ktwlu , Vc , , cor. l > otlfc ; mid Uth ntrctto. Pawnbrokers. . HOSKXrKI , ! ) , 322 lOt'i ' St. , hct. Far. , t Unr , Refrigerators , Canfield't Patent. 3. F. GOODMAN , lltli St. . lict. I'arn. A llarnuy. Show Case Manufactory. 0. J. WILDE , itanufacturcr nnd Dealer' in nil kinds of Show Cases , Upright Cnsej. C. 1317 Cass .St. Stoves ana Ilnware , A. HURMESTr.R , ) ealer In Stmes and Tinware , and Manufacturer if Tin Roofs and all kinds of ItullJhij ; Work ) . ! > ! Fellow s' Illock. . I1ONNEU , 1300 Douglas St. Good and Cheap Seeds. J. I'.VANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills nml Cultivators , Odd Fellows , ' Kail. Shoo Stores , 'hillip ' Ian ; : , 1320 Farnunm st. , hct. 13th k 14th ' Second Hand Store. F.RKINS & I.KAH. 1410 DouslasSt , New ani Second Hand Ftirnitura. House FiirnMiini ; Good- Ve. , hoiurht anil sold on narrow margins. Saloons. HENRY KAUKMANN , n llio new liriek Mock on Douglas Stroct , has jiiat opuneil a most ulcpint IJeeJ Hall. Hot I.unih f rom 10 to 12 cv cry day. FLANNKRY , .In Farnham , next to tlm It. & M. headquarters , IILI ru-opi'iicd a neat anil nmplete c-talilislmien' which , liarrinj ? FIRfc and MotlierShipton's Propli ecy , will Im opened lor the t > oys w Ith Hot Lune on and after Jiresenl lUtc. ' " . " " Ralcilonla " J. 070 ICth Street. Undertakers. CHAS. RIEWE , 101 ! ! Farnham hct 10th k lit/ 00 Dent Stores. HENRY I'OIILMAN , to.'s , notions , pictures , Iwflrj' , & < ' . , 613 14th hct. Farnham nnd Douglas , I1 r 11ACIJUS. ISO/i / Farnham 8f , . Fancy S3M ? . 3C.O17XS PAPER WAREHOUSE , GRAHAM PAPER GO 217 and 210 North Main St. , St. Louu , WIIOLNAIK DKAI.KILS IN- BOOK , i DADPDQ J WRITING ! Niwri : , f rArtlno IWRAITINO KNVELOl'ES , CARD 11UAUD AND Printers Stock. jr TOnh jnlil for Ra's ; and Taper Stock , Scrap Iron and Metals. Paper Stock Warehouses 1229 to 1237 , North Sixth ttrcct. rf.Vrf * ' " 'JJ J" "r"aJ - ' - " * iuj av , A , .j ' " ' . . ) < \ .llrdlcliii- , tint a Drinli , ) S C iM'AIMI v iiii .s , ncciiv , A. } ) , K rj VMII rniJIniEsi ro nrsr Jlrux..i. ( 'tiAuruat of' 0 ill. oTiaii Jimias. ' \ Ml Plicnwu of the Bloniocli , Dowels , llood ! , j.ii < l'I l f-lijar tJOOO IN COM ) . J ' . JI l j pul.l ' r a toss t Iiry w J'.l not < i v cr lu Ip , rf raa,11i : is liiil'Uiour I..Jiiujf : : Jiii In HM-ITI. . \ . ! . yirir i\r.zx'-t \ : f r Hoii n..tfw u d tiy tlu-ro , fiirt . ' * otlii'r. tm ilftfii. - i i Coi'nu CiTr iH'no iwKtut , nafot nml Nsrt [ VIH Ilnfl'A.i'nrB il'JCii , U rnii'l ii'nrj- ! ! .af - , ' tui.'lnj.i la C , . t } . ! - < > ritrjn. | ! Aitllni tTM. ' ' > . u. UtmaiiM > lu ' .niidlni * ! tlMi'vurofknlnirdc f * ; .iii'vf , 1110 of i , vm , tolxu-rci nnd lurcotlrai J fcJ3 yi.W tJi'H'1 tor circular ECZEaiTBf To Nervous Sufferers. THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY , Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific It U a poeitlrocuro for Sivrnntorrhca , Seminal VVcflXnes'j , lniiotaiiejniil | ( all illbuuct rnmltlni : from Kclf-Ahusc , iw MunUI Anxiety , Ifiha ol MUIIOQI'alm In thu Hack or Side , mid ilUxahcg i7rwI7 * nw ! ! mt l W Conmuiijitlon Insanity and ariuarh'Krave The Spccino Mudlclnu la Ijelng uyud with wonder- , - . _ j , I'amiilileU sent free to all. Write for them ami get fun par ticulars. Price , Spi cine , JI.OO | i r jackasc , or six jack- ages for $5.00. Addrus-i all ordcru to II. SIMSON MKDICINK CO. Nos , 101 and IWMain St. lluffalo , N. Y. Sold In Omaha by C. F. Goodman , J. W. llcll , J. K. Ith , and all druififUUovery where. J. a. RUSSELL , M , D , , HOMGSPATHIO PHYSICIAN. of Children and Charordc DUt&sct i a Specialty. Ortlce at Residence , 2009 Cu street. Houra-ti to 10 a. jn. , 1 to 2 p. to. , and aftut 6 ct.P . u. CARD-COLLECTING MANIA Gloomy Prediction * by "Why nn Expedient In Pro nounced Nf w York Sun. "Yes. indeed , " said n careworn , but outward placid salesman , in n Sixth avenue store , "they string in hero from morning till night , bogging cards. They hunger and thirst for them , and their appetite is bottomless. " "How did it start ? " "Don't nfikinc ; 1 am only interested to know how soon it will end. 1 tlii-ik there will bo bloodshed over this thing ; it is getting dangerous ; people ougjit to bo doctored for it. 1 toll you , it's n soul-blighting mania. Excuse mo if I seem to apeak with bitterness , but I am worn to a shadow , 1 spend nearly half my salary for food now , itd yet Imvo to get my clothes taken in every two weeks. " "Hut it can not hurt you ; you are not the proprietor. " "No ; but wo are expected to sell soniethiiig to a certain percentage of all who come in , and no method lias yet been invented to ninko a card collec tor buy a fair bill. She now and then picks up a cheap trifle , but won't even take that without a ehroino. Wo bought six largo boxes of cheap mis cellaneous cards less than a month ago , and now wo haven't enough for a ouclirodeek. " "Wlmtsorl of people ankfor them ? " "All sorts. None too high to beg cards for herself and children , and iiono too poorly dressed or weak in nerve to demand them boldly. The druggist on the corner says that every child that buys five cents' worth of cough drops or paregoric wants a card thrown in. Sweepers beg for them or hunt them up in ash barrels. A mnn in a largo grocery house , second block above , ays ho can't sell acakoof soap without seine sort of a card with it. Tliero they come , two of 'cm 1 I know them nt a glance , " said the salesman , wildly ; "they have a longing , unsatis fied , hungry look. They " "Two Indies soon passed out tri umphantly with two cheap and taw dry-looking specimens of colored printing. "You see how it works , " resumed the blighted salesman. "People of all sizes , ages and qualiticshavo itthough 1 am grieved to state that fair woman rather lias the qall on the card mania. Men and boys do ask for cards espe cially boys - but wo generally find that they want them for their women folks. " Hero the salesman took the reporter into his confidence , upon a solemn promise to withhold his 11:11110. : "I'm engaged to be married , " ho said , "and happened to call on the young lady last week out of my regu lar night. I walked into the sitting- room and grasped her by the hand. Imagine my chill of horror when * that it had been recently employed in daubing cold gum tragacanth paste on the backs of BOIUO cards which slit was putting into her book. She hai : pictures of toys and clothes-wringers , scouring soaps and canned provisions , and even hthooraphs of men's hats , My countenance , as her brother tolc mo afterward , looked like a picture , IK had seen , called 'Night on th 5 13attlo field. ' ] t was a case of love's first de cuption. She knew my horror of thi fashion , but you see , sir , the poor gir could not re&idt the evil example others , and so she kept the signs o her ruined taste out of my way though still indulging in its excesses. " 1 hope nothing serums resulted ? " "Well , 1 may say that 1 have had a a very pleasing letter from her to-day and I design calling upon her to-night with a view to resuming amicable rela tions. She offers to renounce cards forever. Hut I shall not accept so great a sacrifice ; the fashion will run itself out in time , anyhow. I may its well yield to my girl on this ; it will secure mo my tobacco rights for years. " The speaker walked forward to warn oft'a bevy of school girls with the cry : "Not a , single card left all out. " ' Those school-children , " ho re sumed , "have a preternatural jierse- verenco in working for their sisters. Our house has been thinking o closing while they are going toiuid returning from school. " "What kind of cards do these people ple prefer ? " "Mostly high colored ; but they will take anything that looks like a card , and then ask for an extra ono. They strike out for quantity and variety rather than quality. I tell you , young man , it's terrible to think how they are distracting the public mind from the great interests of the retail trade. " "Why not stop it ? " The crushed salesman smiled cynic ally. "Our firm , " said he , "navo ordered printed notices to bo stuck up in the show windows and all around the store , reading , 'No cards given away'but ; it will do no good-none whatever. " "Why not ? " "My dear sir , " replied the hopeless man , "they won't bo nailed up live minutcH before half a dozen women will bo in asking for ono of those very amis. " Tlio Doauo Lnw. Norfolk Join in ] , The Doano railroad law , which was passed by our legislature last winter , seems to bo eliciting no small amount of comment by the wtalo press just now , on account of the tactics which are supposed to be entertained by the railroad malingers to render the object sought by the bill unattuiniiiij its pro- \isioiiH , siinjly prohibiting railways fromdiseriimimtiiu'against individuals and communities in freight charges , yet , notwithstanding its modesty , it Apparently is quite obnoxious to the corporations it seeks to restrain , They claim that the enforcement of the law will compel them to advance their rates , and thus make it really harder on the general public than originally. It does not appear just exactly clear to The .Journal how such n course will ho made necessary on the part of the companies by the law in question , The general average of a year's earn ings must Apparently bo about the aamo ; for , instead of Mr , A. receiving a rebate on the goods ho him shipped , while his neighbor Ji. is paying full rates , they both are com pelled to pay the name , nnd therefore no occasion is given for grumbling on the part of either one of them , unless perchance the rates are uxhorbitant and entirely out of reason. To bo sure there are communitioa which will , to a certain extent , bo affected by tlio law perhaps quite materially. For istance , where two or mcr. roads onvergo. In such cases cniupptitmn elwccn them will bo out of < v stion n anything but through rates. ruul the > wn"that possesses more th.m ono ad will bo but little better , ir than 10 ono possessing a single Hiif. if wo nderstiuid the mutter correct ! ) Hut ion in following up the nrgunifiit an ther question naturally pri > * . nts it elf i. e. , does competition > mpoto , otween railroads ? This v < .pmo ill not bo contradicted in " " " . ASM . nd under certain circumst'in. ' . . * , iut | \ the long run , under usual , .ream j Alice * , can it lie practicall ) li. < wnl int the average rtatromr.ov * f mil oads have been benefit ted ( > ) < hs rimination in freight nxtcsC IV- aps there are those to bo found who ill answer the miestion in tlio tillirm- live , but The Journal at prc nnt is nablo to do so. There are in.liidti - Is wlui nro crying out lustily .u-ainst loDoanolaw. This is perfectly nil- ral ; men who have boon for ji ar ro- eiving rebates on account of " ' - U" or other "favors" will bo precipi msly deprived of tliisndvniitairi-.ivor icir competitors in business ainl this ill naturally he enough displeasing ) them. The railroad comlnu > i > 's , too , ill bo deprived of n power and pros- i o in politics that they cainmt well llbrdtoloso. The system of "f.ivnra" t cannot successfully bo denied , has mg been in vogue by certain curpor- lions doing business in this state for olitical nggrandiy.oment _ aiiil The oiirnal is disposed to think it high HIP that something was beiiiKtluno to leek its advance , if not canto a re- reat. If it lies within the iiriivisioiis f the Doane law to oiled this result a rational extent wo are disposed to S1 to it amen. A Soloutlflo View or Alcohol , incltumtl ( intctte. No ono doubts that the _ excessive so of alcoholic bovorngos is ruinous , ut there are a good many conflicting lieorirs as to their otloctu when em ployed in Btrict moderation. It is con- ended on the ono hand that alcohol n nil HH forms is n poison , and a poi- oii only , and on the other that it ia lourinliing when combined with veg- table ucids nnd other products of for- nontation , in light \yines , etc. On heso queslions lr. William .laincn has nloly been giving the HtudunU of larvard College some useful infurnia ion from a strictly scientific tttand mint. Ilia gononil conclusiou is ii uvor of total abstinence , thtm.uh ho lenios the correctness of soiiuof the views set forth in temperance liter.i turc. Thus the expuriiuentfl if Anstio and I'arko have leinonstnited that it is not true that 10 alcohol is destroyed in the bodj ind that it in nil oxcretod. Only the excess over about ono and a half ounce > or diem thus passes olT. _ Taken ii uldition to the usual < iuaiitity of foot ilcohol increases tlio weight of tin jody and compensates for a diiiiitni ; ion of the ordinary amount of food ft does this , however , rather by rudu cing the demand for food. This ell'cc s not desirable , and alcohol is onli i.lio least hurtful alternative for iusuf ficient diet. It increases pulsatinnbu only temporarily. It dilates th blood vessels , and thus increase warmth in the surface. Hit meanwhile the temperature of the in torlor blood has 'fallen. It is th worst of stimulants for the muscles , Liebig'n extract of meat beim ; the best , and colloo coming next. It is chiefly pleasant as an amesthetic , but it excites the imagination , while dull ing llio judgment. Any taak requir ing moro than half an hour for its ac complishment can better be done with out alcohol thnji with it. It should not bo taken before or during work , but after it , if at all. It helps diges tion only as a flavor , nnd the same re sult may be more safely and effectually obtained by _ the use of other flavors , es pecially fruits. There are nations Inch appear healthy , though constantly using alcohol , yet the statistics of in- surango cctnpanics show that where 1110 teetotalers ought to have died only 801 did die , while , of other people , presumably moderate drinkers out of 2010 who might be expected to die l' ) ! > 7 actually did so. Dr. James , therefore , thinks it the most judicious course in this over-worked ago and country of ours for young men of average health to avoid being "handi capped by the use of a beverage the ellects of which are , on the whole , likely to bo injurious. " Ho thus rervcked the same und as reformers , though without adopting their pro cesses of reasoning. A Sunday School Superintendent , Mr. Christian Sander , superinten dent of the M. E. Sunday school at Jolly , Monroe county , Ohio , mnco 1801) ) , writes : "I have kept store since October 1st , 18011 , and have always handled proprietary medicines ; but of all that I have over sold , there is not one that can bo so certainly recommended as 'death to rheuma tism' as St. Jacob's Oil. WOMAN'S ' WISDOM. Now Haven Palladium : "She insists that it is more impor tance , that her family shall bo kept in full health , than that she should have all the , fashionable dresses and styles of the times. She therefore sees to it , that each member of lior family is supplied with enough Hup Hitters , at the ( irnt apnoarance of any symptoms of ill health , to prevent a lit of sick ness 'with its attendant expense , care and anxiety. All women should oxer- ereiso their wisdom in this way , " jl-eoditw-15 DYINCJUY 1X011 US , Very often wo see a person RII ( lur ing from some form of kidney com plaint and is gradually dying by inches. This no longer need to bo so , for Klectrio Hitters will positively euro Hright's disease , or any disease of the kidneys oruriniary organs. They are especially adapted to this class of diseases , acting directly on the Stomach and Liver at the same time , and will speedily euro whore every other remedy has failed. Hold at fifty cents a bottle , by Jsh cfc Me- Million , _ ( 'J ) SALVE. The HKST SALVK in the world for Cuts , Drusies , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Fever Sores , Totter , Chapp ed Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all kinds of Skin Eruptions , This Salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion in every case or money retumled. Price 25 conta per box. For sale by 8dly lah&McMahon Omaha , r ( f W : No Changing Cars OMAHA I & CHICAGO , licro direct roiineclloin arc maito Ith Through HLKKI'ISd UAH MSVa for KW YHUK , 1IOSTON , PIIILADKLPIIIA , 11AUIMOUK , WASI11XOTOX AND ALL KASTKHN C1TII-3. 'he Short Line via. Peoria Her IN'DIANAI'OLIS , Cl.NX'INNATI , LOUIS- ILI.K , and all points In the T1IK UK-It LINK For ST. LOUIS , 'hero dlroct connectlonn ( ire undo In the I'nlon l with the ThriniKh Slwplnc Car LliiMfor ALL 1'OINTd NEW LINE-DES MOINES Tin : FAVOUITIJ noun : KOU Rock Island. The nnrrpalcd Inducements offered liy this lln o tnuclcnt nnd toiirtatu nro iw follow H : The cetclitttnl I'l I.I.MAN ( lfl-wheel ) PAI.ACK SI.KIM'INU CAItH run only < > Ihlt line. C. , II. i , ( J. PAI.AIT. IHlAWlNt'l IIOO.M OAHH , with lortnn'H Kcrllnhij , ' L'lulr * . No uxtro charK 'or ratt In llccllnlnj' Chillis. Tlio famous U. , II. & ) . Pat.u'u Hilling Cam. ( iorKcoim .Smoking Car * Ittod lth clrKoiit Idah-luiekcd nittnn ru > ol\liiR hairs' , for the exduaftu use. of llrat-clasi pa sen- Steel Track nnd Mi | < rrlor ciiilpinont | conihlnol < ith their yifAl tliniiiKh ii > r nmnceinent , maken hli , nlhuu nil nt hern , the I.uorltu route to the liwt , South nnd Soiithcimt. Tn it , nnd > ou will IIml tra\clliijr a 1'ixury In- ttcud of a ilNaxiifort. Through tickets \\o \ this celelimtud line for sale at nil otlicrt in thu United SUitex und Uatmda. All Infonnatlnn ahont rate.ii of fare , Sleeping Cnr ncconniiod.itloiiH , Tinio Tables , etc. , will ho cheerfully jfhcu hy applying to JAMK.S H. WOOD , Clcncrnt I'ass n er Aeit ; ! , Chknfc'O. . T. J. I'OTTr.ll , Oetieral Mnna-'i < r , Chlcnt- \\\'st for lit'lui ; tlio most direct , iini'k | < t , nnd safest line i-nnnirtliitf Hie reftt ) lLlrumlK | CIII- UAUU , anil thu KtsrKiiN , NOIITII-INTKHX : , SMITH nnil SIHTII i.iKlKKN : I.I.VM , ulilch teniilli.'ito there , with KANS H Cuv , I.mviixwoiiTii , AICMIHIIX- , Ciii'.vc-n , HI.IIKH nml OMAHA , the CUMUIUCIAI < CKMKIIS from which rnillato' EVERY LINE OF ROAD that penetrates thuOoiitliient from the Mliwourl ltlu-r to the I'nellle .Slope. 'J'ho CHICAGO , ROOK ISLAND t PA CIFIC RAILWAY In the only line from Chicago OMiilnj ; track Into lxniisu.1 , or which , liy IU own roml , renehcs tlio ] lolntHftlK\U llllllU'll. No TRAMIFKIIH IIV C'.MllllAdK ! NO MIHNIMI CIIXSKCTIflXlt ! Nil Imillllllljf 111 III- leiitilateiloriuiclunii cam , as uMirr uinnviiKcr Is unrrieil In roomy , rlcuii nml ventilated eoachcn , njioii Fast i\prcsHTniIiiH. : DAY I'AKNof iinrhaU'il iiiagnlfleuiKx- , I'1'M.VAS PALACK HIKWISII I-'AIIH , nnil onrownworlil-f.imons lliMMi I'AIIM , IIIKJIIhlih me-iNaroNcrreil of mi- NiirviHH l I'M'clleiii'f , nt tlio low mto of SKVHNTV- KINK CKNTH KACIItith umplu thnu for healthful riijovmcnt. ThruiiKliars < liolwi'cn Llilinco , I'eorla , Mil waukee ami Mlswiiri Klvtr l'oliit ; nuil i-liwu con- nectloiiM at nil | KilntM of IntorHeetlonlth other roiuU , \Vu tlekftOlo not forget tliliillretly to evcrv placif n ( liiimrtniicu | III Kansas , Nclini'.l-ii , Illuk IlilU , W.\omliik' , I'bih , lilithi ) , Nmaila , California , Orc'im ( ( 'Wiulilnx'ton Territory , Colorado , Ailzona mid New Mexieo , An liberal arrnnifcmentH ri'itarillni ; lintnmgo an any oilier Hue , and rules of faro nlwa.\H as low ax lonifH'titors , who fiirnUli hiltii tithe of tlio com- fort. fort.Do Hanil taiklo of sxrlM"cn | frrv. Tiekets , innin and fiihlcru at nil principal ticket olllceH In thu ( 'lilted States and Canada. ii. it. CAHI.I : , Ii ST. JOHN , Vice Pren't ti lli'ii. ( ! cn. Tkt. unillWrAKt , , Clilcaifo. Clilntuii. The Famous Seltier Spring of Germany Ii cm. * Aincrlriui homo.BELTZen BELTZen APEfllENT , linked IIJHJII a Mkiitllh-an.ilyKliiuf thin eilclmted ( iiriiwn i > | ulns' , IK lt fotteiitrutuil diipllcnlu , with thirty to forty hurl | > llitilow ! < i In uli hot- tie , fat .Sold liy dniifuUU thu world over. " " " KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA ITTERS * ILER & CO. , Solo Manufacturers. OMAHA. JOS , H. CIillKitO.V. U. I. IIU.ST , Clarkson & Hunt , Successor * to Itkliards & Huut , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW , 9. Uth Street , Onuh , Neb. VTHIS NEW ANI > CORRECT MAP > * * I'roTca beyond any rc.vonnblo qticstlon that the CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN R'Y Is by all odds tlio licit for you to t.iko when { r.ivcllnij In cltlict direction between ' Chicago and all of the Principal Points In the West , North and Northwest. Carefully examine ) tlih > ! np , Tlio 1'rlncltmt Cities of the Ve < t nnd Northwest nro StntloM on IMS rowl. . Its tlirnmrii trains iiuiku close connections with the trainso all rulb-orvUsat junction * . * \ v * * . ( n \ . & \VN ? . , ' L w * ' * . , " l _ 8ioui/ ii * = r-r.TJ i--lr.-\r > ii--rJ > i.7E rS'-1 - D u" ' ' r . ° ° . r vD s'l's Lfi y US KIV.r J " vi 4aU ° kb. f/w/fr / THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , PULLMAN HOTEL DINING Kcmcmbcr to nsk for Tickets via . . . Ihlsro.vl.lmstirotlioy roml over It.nml takonom o other. ] UAttVIM Ul'aiUIT.Ocu'l Manager , O.'ilwBO. .W. U. STB.NNLTT , Ucu'l 1'ass. AEOUI , Clitcago. IlAHlir P. DI'KL , Ticket Awnt C. & X. W. Hallway , 14th nnd l-'ajiihain ntreeM. 1) . i : . KIMIIALL , An Ntant Ticket A i'iit 0. A N. W. Unllvvay , 14th and Kiimhain atrocta. J. HULL , Ticket AKcnt C. & X. W. Hallway , U. P. H , H. Depot. HAMKS T. CI.A1IK. ( Ifiicral Agent. - Ohas. Shiverick. FUENITURE , BEDDING , Feathers , Window Shades , And Everything pertaining to the Furniture and Up holstery Trade. A Complete Assortment of New Goods at the Lowest Prices. CHAS , SHIVEEICE , 1208 and 1210 Farn , St. apr2l moil th nnt More Popular than Ever. THE GENUINE New Family Sewing Machine. Tlio popular demand for the OCM'INK KINnKH In 1S7U exceeded tliat of any previous year during the 1111:11 : trr of n century In uhleh thU "Old Kdluble" Machlnu has hccn hcforu the puhllL . . . . . In lh"S wo Bold 300,422 MaehliicH. In 1S71I wo wild 431,107 " Kxceui ocr any prc\ ious year 74,735 " OUR SAI.KS LAST IIAII WKIti : AT Till : KATE OF OVER 1400 SEWING MACHINES A DAY For e\cry hubincHS day In the juar. Tin : REMEMBER : " OLD BELJABLE" THAT KVnilY HIJAL SINOKIt SINGER SKWINQ JIACIIINIMIAS THIS IS Till : STKONUEST.SIMI'r.KS TUADi : MAHK CAST INTO THI : MOST DURAIILKSIWINO : THE IKON STAND AND IM- MACIIINK KVEIl VKT CON IIKOUKO IN THU AltM Of STIIUCTKD. THE JIACIIINE. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING GO. Principal Office , 34 Union Square , N. Y. 1,600 Subordinate Offlccs , In the United Status and Canada , and 11,000 olllces in the Old World ml South America. scplKd&wtf PlEIlOS and JC5 T riO Tra tJ"1 . S. WKiliJII , -AOKXT FOR- THE GHIGKERING PIANOS. AND sou : AOINT : FOR Hallet , Davis & . Co. , James & Holmstrom , and J & C. Fischer's Pianos ; also Sole Agent for the Estey , Burdett and t e Fort Wayne Organ Co.'s Organs. I DIIAI , IN PIANOS AND OllfiANH F.XOM'SIVKI.Y. HAVK HAD VKARS UXI'KRIENCB Till : IIL'SINCSS , AND HANDLE ONLY Till : UKbT. 218 Sixteenth St , , City Hall Building , Omak HALSBY V. PITCH , Tunor. : . F. STOETZEL , Dealer in Hardware , Gookin toves Stove Eepairer , Job ! orto and Manufacturer O3S * OOE * Tenth and Jackson Sts. , - - - Omaha , Neb. J. W. MURPHY & CO. , Wholesale Liquor Dealers And Agents for Kentucky Distilling Co. pUJtf Corner Uth nd DougUa Sti , Ouuiba , Neb Neb'I /'I