Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1881, Page 5, Image 5

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Omaha Wholoimlo Mnrkot.
Tuesday Evening , Jnne 7. 1SS1. f
Trade during the day was centrally ac
tive in all branches. Jnllt.r < repoit in
creased orders from the state fur all staple
nml ( .toady local demand. An unsettled
feeling was manifest in the grain m.iikct.
Wheat advanced 2o in all grades , corn and
oats following with a fractional increase in
prices. ltyew.ii quoted nt'-VWer than yes
terday's sales. Cuttle were in fair demand
for local slaughtering. . ! prices ruled steady
nnd unchanged for all
grades. Hogs were
( unsettled , prices advancing-lOc during the
earlier part of the day , but dropping to
wards the close of business , and closing
at'ycstmlay'.s quotations. Flour to UK quiet
ami dull and prices easy but'not ( ( notably
lower. Hay was active , with demand
mainly on local accounts at former prices.
Produce ruled firm. An advance of tta per
bushel IH noted in potatoes. Hutler was in
good request , although receipts weiu large ,
the finer grades advancing 5e per ] H > und ,
Eggs were firm i\t last quotation ? ,
Few apples on the market. Poultry with *
out quotable change. Vegetables , met
with fair sale. Groceries were in active
demand and firm. An advance of | c in
all grades of sugar is noted. Dry goods
ruled linn at List quotations , domestic cot
tons to-eru held linn and cloicly sold up.
Woolen fabrics were dull.
Local Grain Dealings.
WHEAT. Cash Xo. 2 , 'J2c ; Cash No.
3 , 83@8IJo ; rejected l3o. !
HAKLl : V.-Ca-h No. 2 , 82c ; No , 3 , 72c.
KYE.-Cash. 'JSc. !
COHN. Cash No. 2 , 28Jc. , 31 ic.
FLOU1J Spring wheat , straight grade ,
! ? 2 05 ( < i2 80 ; patent , 84 00r > M ; winter
wheat Htraight'urade , S3 OOtj/'S 7i"i ; patent ,
j 9-1 00@4 75 ; graham rye , $2 25 ; Wheat , § 2
11YE FLOUU-S3 25.
MILLSTUFFS liran , per cwt. COc ;
screenings , per cwt. 7.0@80p ; shorts , per
cwt.70c ; chopped feed , per cwt. 75c ; meal
bolted , yellow , 80c ; white , SI 00.
rO'i'ATOES-Per bushel , peach blown ,
POULTRY Live chickens per dozen ,
S3 00 to . 25 ; old , hpring chickens , S3 25
to 33 50.
EG US Shippers count , 12o Candled ,
"JJUTTKU Active. Choice , 15 ; poor ,
wo market ; creamery , 20.
Al'i'LKS Maldwin's repacked , S5 00
per bbl.
HONEY Extracted , first-class Calif
ornia strained , lOc.
OHANUKS Terrents repacked , per
bov , 81 ! 00 ; Palermo , per box , Xfi HO.
" , per box , S7 OOjImperialc , per box ,
LHMOXS Fancy repacked per box ,
S3 00 ; good repacked , SI 50.
STHA.W1JKUIUKS Good shipping
firm , htock iii scarce and meeU with ready
sale ; per case , S3 7i"im4 ( 00.
SOFT UKIt lUKri 82 50P ( 3 75.
aqOSKUKIUUKS In light receipts ;
quotable at lOc | ier ( it.
VICGKTAULhd All kinds in demand ,
and bring good nrices.
1JKKSWAX Yellow , 18ff.20c. (
OIDKll Sweet. 20c per gallon.
( - . . > cr rs' ' . ! !
COrFKL. itio , iiiir IKJ'1Hio ; , goml ,
1-lc ; Kin , prime to choice , f-ljc ; Old gov't
Java ; 2H42Sc \ , Mocha , 2Glc ; Arbuckle'ti ,
TKAS. Gunpowder , goo.I , ii'i ' .55c ;
Choice , (50@75c ( ; Imperial , good ,
Choice , C0ji75e ( ; Young Hynon , good , 3G@
HOc ; choice , < 5r > c@81 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf ,
35c ; Jnpan , choice , 00@75c ; Oolong go.xl ,
35@40 ; Oolong , clioife , 40(5:55 ( : ; Souclmng ,
good , 35@40c ; choice , 35@45c.
'SUGARS. Cut loaf , llc ; Crushed ,
llc ; Granulated , ll'/c / ; I'owdereil , ll c ;
Pine jmwdered , 12c ; Standaixl Cotree A ,
112c ; New York Confectinner'A Standard
A , llgc ; Good A , lljc ; Trairie Extra C ,
SYKUPS. Sugar house , bbls , 4oc ; half'
libls , 47c ; kegu , * " gallons , § 230 ; bbls , 48c ;
half bbls , 40c.
SPICKS. Pepper , 17.J ; Allspice , 20c ;
Gloves , 50c ; Nutmega , 81 00 : Cajsia , 25o ;
Mace , § 1 00.
SODA. Dwight'a Ib papers , S3 10De ; -
land do , S3.00 ; Church's , $3 00 ; .Keg soda ,
\ r. Pearl , 34c ; Silvcr.Glosa , 73
v ffiSc ; .Corn Starch , Sc ) ; Uuffalo Silver
Gloss , 7Ac.
.SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1-80 ; Ann-
ton , in nacks 3 50 ; bbls dairy , (50 ( , 5s , 3 25 ;
bbls dairy ' , 100 , 3s , 335.
DllIE'D Kit U ITS Choice halves ,
old , (5c ; new , (57c ( ; Currants , 7@7Jc ;
Blackberries , new , lOc.
CHKKSE Full Cream , 11 Jo ; Part
Skim , lOc.
WOODEXWAllE-Two hoop pail * ,
1 85 ; three hoop pails , 2 10 ; No. I tub-i ,
900 ; No. 2 tubs , , 8 00 ; No. 3 tubs. 700 ;
pioneer washboards , 1 85j Double Crown ,
1' 75 ; Globe Washboard , 2 50 ; Well buck-
cts , 3 50 : Paper Pailn , 3 70.
chain , and fi ply , 20i/21J / ; Colored carpet
chain , per Ib , 2i ( ;
LEAD liar , SI 05.
MATCHES Per caddie , 82c.
1'KOVlSIONS-Hreakfast bacon , lie ;
choice lard , lljc ; dried beef , 13Jc ; i-hould-
ere , canvassed 7c ; hams , canvassed ll c ;
bacon , hide" , lOJc.
NK\V PlCKfKS-Medium , in barrels ,
$ ! ) 50 ; do in half bbls , 5 25 ; Hinalls , in bills
1200 ; do , in half bbls. f > 00 ; gherkins , in
bbld , 13 50 ; do , in half bbls , 7 25.
. VINEOAH Pnrii .apple extra , 18c ;
pure apple , 15c ; I'mssing pure apple , 15u.
HO.MIN V-New , $3 80 per bbl.
UEANS-.Medium , hand pickedS3 00
per bushel.
FISH Family white fuh , 00 Ib hf bbls ,
S3 f 0 ; No , 1 white fish , 'JO Ib hf bblx , ( i 00 ;
No. 1 white fihh , in 10 Ib kits , 1 00 ; family
10 Ib kits , 75o ; New Holland herring , per
keg , 1 20 ; Jtnn ian nardines , 75c ; Coluin-
liia river nalinon , per lOOlbs , 8 00 ; CJeoojuV
] tank coilfisli , lie ; Cen. boneles.'j coilliHb ;
7ls ; boneleuH fwh , 4Vc. |
"MACKKIIELHalf bbls mess mackerel ,
lOOlln , 81250 ; hfbbl No. 1 ex nhoro do ,
100 His , GOO ; hf bbls , fat family do , .100
Jin , 3 85 ; mess mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 ;
No. 1 ex hhore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No. 1 Mmru ,
12 Ib do , 1 00 ; fat family , 10 Ib do , 75c.
CANNED HOODS Oy tuw , 2 Ib
( Field1 * ) , per case , ? 3'.10 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) ,
per case , 2 50 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case ,
375 ; do 1 Ib ( standard ) , IH.T case , 240 ; d
2 Ib ( slack ) , per case , 2 ( JO ; do 1 Hi ( slack ) ,
per c.-u-e , 1 85. Salmon , 1 Ib , per do en ,
1 IK ) ; do 2 lli , per dorcn , 2 50 , Sardines ,
nmull ( Lib , inipoitcd , half boxen per dozen ,
1 70 ; American , quarter ho\c * per dozen ,
1 40 ; do half boxes , per dozen , 2 40 , Lob-
Htcrs , 1 Hi per dozen , 1 80. Tomatoes ,
Ib per case , 2 25 ; do 3 Ib per
case , 205 ; .Corn. 2 Ib ( .Mountain )
per cane , 3 40 ] hoaked corn , 100 ; do
2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per ca e , 350 ;
string beans , per case , 1 DO ; Lima bean * *
per case , 2 00. Succotash per case , 2 10.
Peas , common , pnr case , 1 75 ; peas , choice ,
per case , 4 50. Blackberries , 2 Ib , per case ,
210 ; htrawberries , 2 Ib , jwr wu > e , 3 2o ( 13
75 : raspberries , 2 Hi , per case , 2 75@3 00.
Danisonv , 2 Ib , per case , 2 25. Jlartlctt
pearii per case , 30o@IOO. Whortleber
ries per case , 2 50. Egg plums , 2 lb per
case , 3 30 ; do , choice , 2 lb , per case , 4 50.
( ireen gages,2 lb per case , 3 SO ; do choice , 2
lb per case,4 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per case ,
3 50(24 ( 50. 1'w.chcs , 2 lb per cane , 3 10 :
do 3 Ib , cabe , 3 G0g'4 ( 20 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 lb , per
cast',2lX ) ; dopie , ( i lb , per dozen , 2 80.
KICE Carolina , 0a7c } ( ; Louisiana , 5'f
"pKANUTS-lloaetcd , choice , red Ten-
neiwee , 8Ac per lb ; fancy white , 'Jo per lb ;
raw white Virginia , 7@7ic.
ItOI'K Sisal , I inch an 1 larger , \fc. J
Inch , lOJc ; | inch. llr
SOAKS KirksSavi.ii Imperial. 2S. > ;
Kirk'i tcrlinL 2 40 ; Kirk > ntnndAnl , i < . ' ! 0 ;
Kirk's whitu lu ( M'an . " '
, 4 > 0 : Kirk' * lOntot-a ,
1 W : Kirk'a Prairie tjuecn. (100 ( cakes ) , 3
40) ) Kirk's inaL'nolia , 3 W.
'ANlLKS-- . 10 nw , ] ( ' , or , 8 * .
l. < cbo\es 40 11 . , It/ ! . , ( ' , < . LV ; l , , > \c * . 40
sett , 14 02. , S.s , 12ic ; half \M\W \ , 20 sets ,
1 o8s , ISc.
LYi : American , 3V.j ( Jrocnu-ich. 3 3.1 :
Wcrteni , 2 7.1 j North Star , 2 M : Lcwit'
lye , 4 ( HI ; Jewell lye , 27. .
POTASH lVn'nylania can" , 1 Jdoz. ,
in cae , 3 III ; Habbitt's Hall , 2 doz. in C.IM' ,
1 W ; Anchor Hall 2 d < iin ciw , 1.10.
Dry Goodi.
JUtOWK COTTON'S-Atlantic , fi to
Sc ; Adriata , 7 < ; Atlantic , A. , 74 ; Ashley ,
3V ; Andro-co'L'in. ( 12 ; Applet n , IW tn 8 ;
HetlfoRl , It. , fij : Uoott , il , family cotton ,
"J : Uanjjor , P , 7J ; Capitol , A , ti : Com-
storfo , 27J ; Conchtoj'o , 1) , 01 ; l\UL'ht , X ,
0 ; 1 rult of the loom , 22J ; l-'ruit of tlielnoiu ,
2"i ; Fitiit of the lonui , 27J ; l-'armers , No
1 , 4Ji Fanners. A , 7 ; i'nrnicrH. 15. I ! . . Oi ;
tJreat FalN , OV to "i ( ; Indian orchard , A
A , 8 ; Indian orchard , h"iic < t vidtli , 7J ; In
ian . . . , " } ; Indian head. I'JA ;
* 1. 11. 1 V" "VX - " " *
gin , A A , Uom medal , 10 ; . \litlr i i. . n-n ,
I , , tl ; Blacks-tone , 8J tu'.ij ; lllackbiirn , A
A , (1 ( ; Hoott , It , 0 . , I7 : ; Cabot , 12 ;
Cabot , 11 : Cabot , 8 ; Iwight ) Anchor , 10J ;
Fruit of the loom , 10J ; Hill ? , tlj ; Umidalf ,
! > J ; Limsdalu Cambric , 13 ; Nassau , 0 | ; New
\ork mills , 13 ; New York mills , water
twist. 14 : 1'epperell , 11 ; Pepperell , 12 ;
Peppi'reli , 2"J ; Pocahontas , I ) ; Pocalmntas
8 ; Senote , half bleeched , 8J : ITtiea ; extra
heavy , 11 ; Wamsutta.i , 13 ; Wamsntta cam
bric , IS.
PUlNTS-Albion fancies. ( .Jc ; Albion
solid colors , ( ! ; _ Albion indigo , blue an 1
white. SI ; American , C } ; Shirting , ( ! ; Carleton -
ton , ( ! ; Cocheco , 7 ; Cocheco Miirtmgs , i ! ;
Frucumn.M robe , ( i ; Freeman's pink , ( > ;
Freeman H block , 5. ; Hamilton fancies , ! ! ,
Hamilton red , 8 ; Merrimaek , F pink , 7 ;
Merrlmack purples , 7 ; Meirimack printed
piquiH , 7J ; Richmond fancy , lii ; Richmond
double piiik.s , 7 ; Uichmniut German , blue
and red , OJ ; Jegatta ! chirting , fijf : Simp-
ROII'H mourning , 7 ; Simpson' * alpaca tiniHii ,
COTTON DUCK Hoton X dyed
brown , net , lOJc ; Doston XX dyed brown
12.1n.ston ; , XXX dyed brown 12J ; Boston
U oz dyed brown net , ' .I ; Ho-tou 10 n/ dyed
brown , 10 ; Uoyal (8 ( oz ) 211 inch , 11 ; Ktaik ,
(8 ( oz ) , 13 : Stark , (10 ( oz ) , ItiJ ; Stark , (8 ( o/ ) ,
colored , 14J ; Stark , (10 ( oz ) , 17i.
CMNGHAMS-Amoskeiig , lie ; BatcH ,
10i ; Bates mlnton dress Htyles , 1U : Earl-
ston , ! IJ ; Glasgow checks and fancies , 10 ;
Ghngowroval dress htvles , 11 A.
Co , 5 ; Garner , fi ; Hooksett , 5 ; Keystone ,
glovu finish , fA ; ItedCio s , 5.
HOLL1.D C AM nines G A Co , < vi ; s.
S. A Stills , ( ty ; High colors , 1 cent more.
DRILLS Adriatic , 8f ; Appleton , 8 ;
Augiii-ta. 7J ; Hoott lileached , ' . ' ; Fepper-
cll ; 8.1 ; Stark , A , 8f.
SI LKS1AS Blackburn , 1)J ) ; Capitol , 15 ;
Coin , 11 ; Lonsdalc , ' . .
W1GANS. iHerlin.CiJc ; Garner,7 ; Rose ,
8 ; Caledonia , XX. , IH ; Caledonia , X. ,
11 ; Farmers1 and Miners1 , No. 7 , Hi ;
Farmers'and Miners1 , No. 10 , 10 ; Park
mills , lUril.riJ.
TICKINGS. Amoskeag , A C A , 17-ic ;
Anmsktttg , A new , lt > ; Amo.skcag , 15 new ,
15 ; Aiiioskong , D new , II ! ; Anionkeag , K
new , 12A ; Amodkear , H new , KlJ ; Amos-
keag , 3ii inch , 21 ; Clark's mills , liO in , 2.J
Coniis ; A C E , 17J ; Cordis , A A A , lOJi
Cone.-toga , extra , Tl2 in , IfiJ : Falls compa
ny , O 1 ! O , 30 in , 20 ; Falls company , O 1
U , 32 in 17A.
DENLMb. Aiuo.-ikeag , l(5c ( ; Amoskeag
DDK , HI. Heaver Creel. , A A , IH ; Heaver
Creek.C C , 12Frmuoniii * ; , XXX , 15 ; Fre
d..m.i. . H , 12i01d ; York , double Weight
111 ; Otis , 12 } ' ' < .lti ; Palmer , It.
CAliVluT.S. Aini'sUi ; g , llAu ; Ai.i a
pha , (5 ( ; Knickerbocker , 5J ; Prairie , Si
Jtcal Cfdifoini i , C il M , ! IJ ; C'alifor
nia , double weights , 12 ; Unu.vsville , U
\Vhittentun , A A A , 10
C'HASH. Stevens , If , Sc ; Stevens ,
h.j ; 'ovens , X , IU ; Steiens , P , 10J ; Stu
vi-iis ; Al , Hi ; Stovem , N N , 12A ; Stevens
X X , 15 ; Stevens , T F D , 14J. Uleache
imc rent higher.
UUSSIA. X XX , 14c ; XX , 13 ; M
12A ; HA ; 11 , 11 ; 1) , } ; E. 8F \ , 7.J.
C'AHPE7 ! ' WAKPS. Anchor , 20c
Broadway , 20 ; Cottage , 20 ; Colden Ball
ex line , 23 ; Peerlei.s , 21 ; Washington , 2
White Star , 21 ; White Star , coljred , 21.
TWEEDS. Allen , Cubans A , 111 ; Al
leu , Cubans B , 10 ; Belgian , 20 ; Cocheco
55 ; Coventry , 31.
40c ; Abbotsford , IU " ; Agenoria , 27A , Bal
kan , 13\ \ ; Buckeye , 18 ; Bunker.Hill , ! lj
Calcutta-13J ; French Tweed , 15 ; ( ! oldei
Fleece , 25 ; Hugo Doe , 30 ; Indian Creek
II ; Mohican , 15 ; Model doeskin , 17A
North Adams , 27i , Thurlow , 15 ; Tabfi
Kock , 18.
Itob Hey , 3-4 , 37.Jc ; A nnbet Kob lloy
( M , 75 ; Ansabet I'lcm-h jilaids , 50 ; lilu
Kid c , 21 ; Cocheco ; 37J : Caromlalet , 32J
Fairmomit , 18 ; Green Itidgc , 22J ; Pcpia
3Un,37i : Peqim , 28 in , 32f.
Drugs ,
Carbolic , GOc ; Acid , Tartaric , 55c : Balsan
Copabia , per lb , 70c ; Bark , Sassafras , pe
lb , 13c ; Calomel , per lb , 75c ; Cinchonia
per oz , S)5c ) ; C'blorofonn , jer lb , ! l5c
Dover'H powders , per lb , $1 40 ; Epsoi
salts , per lb , 4c ; Glycerine , pure , ] > er lb
35 ( < ! HOc ; IA'ad , Acetate , peril ) , 22c ; Car
bon oil , 110 ° , ) > er gallon , lUc ; do 150 =
per gal , 13.Jc ; Oil , Cantor , Js'o. 1 , perga' '
lllc ; Oil , Ciutor , No. 2 , ner gal , 85o ; Oil
Ulive , iiergal , SI 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 40S
55c ; Ojium , SO 20 ; Quinine , P. A W. & H. .
S.per oz , S2 70 ; Potassium , Indine , JUT 11
2 ( X ) ; Salacin , ] ier oz , 35c ; Sulphate o
Morphine , iieroSl 25 ; Sulphur flom
per Ih , Tic ; Strychnine , per oz , S140@l GO
Horse * and Mules ,
The market is brisk and all grades ar
celling well at a Blight advance in prices
Thu demand for good hordes exceed i th
Kiipply coiibiderably. Prices range lus fii ,
lows ;
Fine single drivers , 8150. to 300. ; Extr
draft horses , $175. to 225. ; Common dral
horses , 55100. to 150. ; Extra farm hoit > e
SI10 , tol25. ; Common to good farm horse
810. to $100. ; Extra plugs , SIX ) , to 75.
Co-.vrnon plugs , $20. to $10.
MULES. IB to inj ImniN ( extra ) , S12.r
toirX ) . ; HJ to 15 hands , * JOO. to 110.
14 to llj liand-i , § 75. to 100. ; 13J to 1
hands , $00. to 75.
FINISHING No. 1. finish H , 1J an
2 inch , & " 00 No. 1 finish 1 inch S-/O 00
No , 2 , finish 1 , H and 2 inch , § )000 : N <
2 , 1 inch , 815 00 ; No , 3 finish , 1 incl
000 ; O. < ! . liatton * per 100 feet lin
81 25 ; well curbing , * 3500 ; rough J and
inch ImttolH per 100 feet lin. , 50c.
STOCK HOARDS-A stock , § 15 00 ; 1
51000 ; 0,83000 ; common htock , $25 00
FLOOKIN * ! No. 1 , $10 00 ; No. ' .
i 'i 00 ; No , 3 , S2o 00 ; yellow pine , No , 1
SI5 00.
SILlNG-Nii , 1 , S2500 ; No. 2 , $22 00
No. 3 , S-'O 00.
SHIP LAP-Plain , S3 00 ; O.G , No. 1
§ 30 00 ; No. 2 , Si'i 00.
CEILING -82i 00r S30 00.
shingles , S3 75 , No , 2 , S3 00 ; No. 3 , S2 50
Luth , SI 00.
Dulldlng Material.
LI ME-Per barrel , SI 3. ' . ; bulk per bu
35c. Cement , bbl , S2 fX ) . Iowa planter
bbl , 82 75. Hair per bu , 25c. Tarre
felt 100 Ibi , S3 50. Straw board , § 1 00.
The Leather Trade.
Oak harness , 3'n ) ( 4c ] ; Pittsburgh ( . ] , .
ted , 10'i' I3e ; hemlock harness , 'Ala 3c ! )
hlirting : per lb. fair , 4lc ; black collar 1 lu (
21c ; fair do ; 18 > 20c ; fair No. 2 , Hifu 18c
hemlock wile , Buffalo daughter , per lb , 3
f 31c ; hemlock hole , B , A , Maughter in er
lb , 25o ( 32c ; oak sole , 4043o ; oak uppt
per foot , 25c ; hemlock upper , 25c ; do N o. (
2 , 23ci oak kii ] nkinu per lb , 80ca.1.10 ( ;
hemlock kii | fkinu ] > er lb , 75cu.81.0i 0 ;
French kip , Bkiiu per lb , $1.00&1 " ,5 , ;
oak calf per lb , S1.30 ( < ? ' * 1.25 ; hemlock ilf
iMj irlb , S1.10fS1.25T French calf per . b ,
81 . .25a2.lOo ( Simon Picard goat l > er doz ,
S3f..00@fr 8.00 ; IxKitleg Morocco per fee , t ,
SCX a'io ; calf kid per foot , 35c ; roans lie
doz , S9.00g 10.50j whlto and yellow lin *
ing * per doz , $8.0010.00 ; pink linlnif
per iloz , $7 COWSO 00 ; linvctt liniiiR" , 37.
00 ; blackMnitln' aprons per dozen , 912.00GP
$1 t.OO.
1'AI'KHStraw paper , 3Jc : Piai ? pai r ,
4c ; dry KIHH ! pa ] > er , 7e ; manila papor.
lOo : n'ew.s paH | > r. Sc.
COAlj-CiimlK-rlaml hl.ictainlth , $12 :
Moiris Itun nicvwlnnv , SI2s
lump , S ( > ; nut , Sti ; Iowa
lump , $15 ; Iowa nut , 80 ; Uock Springs , $ S.
Hldct , Purs , Etc.
1IIDKSmn ( ! butcher'ii hide , fij : green
cured hides. "Je ; green Kilt , part enroll
hides , S ( < $ } : tlinl , * .onnd , 13i .llc ; drv
calf and kip , 13it.1 ( le : dry salt hides , Kniuul ,
Iieri2c ; Rit-en calf. wt. 8 to 15 Mw. ,
green calf , wt , utider 8 ll , per tkn , V"
green pelts 81 WK < i.l 15 : green lamb skim ,
Si 10n 1 25 ; tlamaged liMe * . two-thir < l rate ,
( cut scored nnd one gnili , clai. ed two-
thlrd-i rate , ) branded hides 10 per eent , otT.
Coon flkim , Xo. 1. 4.V Xo. 2 , 30o : Xo. 3 ,
20o ; Xo. 4. lOo. Mink , No. 1. f < \ - ; Xo. 2 ,
! UV ; No. 3 , Uie ; No.I , fie. Fox , No. 1 ,
I'-Oc ; No. 2 , 2.V. Skunk , No. 1. black ,
IMC : cliort stripe , 40c : narrow stripe , 20c ;
liro.\d stripe , lOo. Tallow , 5 | .
Clears nnd Tob.iccot.
ClUAltS.Seed$15.00 ; Connecticut.
$25.00 : Mixiil , § 35.0(1 ( ; Swl Havana , C50.00 ;
Clear Havana , S75.0D.
TOHACCO Pl.tHl. Ooldni Knle ,
2-1 bl , 57c ; Spotted Fawn , 5e ; Our Uoi < e ,
5Se ; Star , | MiumN. 21 Ib , lmtt , 5l5c ; Horse
Shoe , pounds "I Ib , butts , M > e ; Purity , 21
Ib , butts , 52c : ( iueeii Hoe , 21 Ib , lnitts"53e !
( Silt F.dge , iNiumls , 21 Ib , butt" . 57i Army
and Nayv , | > oniuN , Mo ; Htillion , pound.s ,
55e ; Lorillnnl's Climax , ixinnds , 57c.
FINMCl'T In pailHani to Deal ,
75.i ; ( iuldi'ii Thread , ( ' > ( ' ; 1'ountain , 73e ;
FaMirite , ( Vic ; lineky Mountain , 5.V ;
l''aney , f-Oe ; D.iisyI5e.In tin foll-
Cntlins I' . S. , 2oz paeknges , 5 Ib boxes ,
perlb(50e ( : KorillardsTiger , ( XX ; .
SMOKINIJ-AllgramU-Common , 25 to
33e. ( trnnnlntcdUlaekwells Durham , 111
oz 4iV ; Dukes Durham , It'i o4.V ; Seal of
North Carolina , 1(5 ( 07It ! ; Seal of Nebras
ka , Hi o ? , ItSc ; l/oiif.lack , I oz , linen bags ,
iH-rlb , S1.Ct : ; Marburgs' Puck , 2 or , tin
foil , 55c ; Dog Tail , fi5c.
Merino unwashed , light , lliiric ( ! heavy ,
13W.15o : medium uuwjihlied , light , lSCn < 20o ;
tub-washed , choice , 32c ; fair , 30c : dingy
and w. , 2 Sc ; luirry , black and cotteil wools
20 ; Go less.
SHOT.-Shot , ? 1. K ) ; Httck nhot , 32.15 ;
Oriental Powder , kegs St > .40 : do. , half
kegs 83.48 ; do. , quarter kegs , S1.S7 ; Hlast-
ing.'keifs , S3.Jt5 : Fuse , per 100 feet , We.
Paints , Oils and Varnishes.
PAINTS IN OIL-White lead , Omaha
P. P. , 7c ; white lead , O. P. k C. Co. , pure ,
lie ; Marseilles green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 'JOc ;
French zinc , green Heal. 12c ; French zinc ,
red neal , lie ; French zinc , in varnish asst ,
20c ; French zince , in oil n * l , 15c ; Jlnw
and burnt timber , 1 Ib cans 12u ; raw and
burnt Sienna , 13c : Vandyke brown , 13c ;
relined lampblack , 12 , . ; coaeh black , lc ( ! ;
ivory black , Kic ; drop black , lOc ; Prussian
blue , 30c ; ultramarinu blue , ISc ; chrome
green , L. M. & D. , Me ; brind and tihutter
gieen , Ij. M. & D. , 14c ; Paris green. ! > < c ;
Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red , Sic ; 1 uscan
ml , 22c ; American VcrmiliiKl , I. & ! ' . , ISc ;
chromu yellow , li.t M. , O. & D. ( ) . , 18e ;
yellow ochre , Sic ; golden ochre , 10 ; patent
ilrvcr , (5c ( ; graining colors : light oak , dark
oak , walnut , cbentnut and ash , Ac.
Dry Paints.
' \Vhito lead , CJc ; French zinc , lOc ; Parin
wliiteing 2Jc ; whiting gilders , IJc ;
whiting com'l , He ; lamplilack ( Scrman-
town , 1 le ; lampblack , onlinary , 8c ; Prus-
Man blue , 55c ; ultramarine , 18c ; Vandyke ,
brown , Sc ; umber , burnt , _ -le ; umber , raw ,
4c ; bienna , burnt , 4c ; Hienna , rawlc
Paris green genuine , 35c ; Paris green com'
25c ; clirome green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chrome
„ : i-n K. , 12c ; yermillion , l''ng. , 70o ; vermillion -
million , America , 18c ; Indian rctl , lOo
rose pink , 1-lc ; Venetian rcail , Cookmm'i
2c : ( : Venetian reil Am. , l > Jo ; red lead , 7jc
chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chromo yel
low , 1C. , 12u ; ochre , rochellc , ' 3c ; ochre
French , 2c ; ochre , American , IJc
Winter's mineral , 2jc ; lehigh brown , 24
Spanish brown , 2\c \ ; Prince's mineral 3
VARNISHES Barrels per gallon
Furniture , exta , § 1 00 ; furniture , No. 1
DOc ; furniture , U , 75c ; coach , extra , 81 25c
Coach , No. 1 , SI 00 ; lamar'Sl 25 ; Japan
70c ; asphaltum , 70c ; shellac , ? 3 50 ; nan
oil finish , SI 30.
OILS 110'carbon , pergallon , lljc ; 150
headlight , per gallon , 12c ; 175 ° headlight
pergallon , llic ; crystoline , per gallon , 20c
linceed , raw , pergallon , fiOc ; Linseed , boil
ed , per gallon , 53c ; lard , winter btr'd , pe
gallon , 85c No. 1 , Ii5c , No. 2 , A5c ; cantor
XXX. per gallon , OOc , No. 3 , 80c ; sweet
pur gallon , 85c ; Hpenn , AV. B. , per gallon
SI 35 ; fiish , W.B. , per gallon , OOc ; neaUfoot ,
extra , per gallon , 75c , No. 1 , 05 ; lumber !
eating , zero , per gallon , 30c , minimer , 15c
golden machine , No. 1 , pergallon , ; t5c , No
2 , 28c ; Hpenn , ngnal , per gallon , 80c ; tur
pentine , pergallonHe ; naptha , 74 deg
per gallon 18o , 03 deg , 17c.
FIELD SEED Bed clover , choice
new , 85 30 per bushel ; mammoth clover
new , ? 5 " 5 ; white clover , new. S14 OC
alfalfa clover , new , S12 50 ; aloiKe , new
S13 00. Timothy , good , new , 82 50(0.2 ( 05
blue grass , extra clean , SI 25 ; hluo grass
clean , SI 15 ; orchnnl grass , S2 00 ; red top
choice , ( > 5c ; millet , common or MisMinri
8125 ; millet , German , SI 25 ; to * 150
Hungarian , $115.
HEDGESEED O ago orange , 1 to
bushels , S5 00 ; osage orange , 10 bushels o
over , S4 50 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 35c ; pe
100 Ibs. , 825 00.
Heavy Hardware List.
Iron , rates , § 2 80 ; plow uteel , cast , 7c
cast tool do , ITiCi'-O wagon xpokes , d
XXX , per net , 2 < > 5 ; do XXX , belect , pe
net , 3 OOjJmbs , par het , 1 25 ; felloes , sawe
w.-Uihern ,
iron wedges , ( ic ; crowbarn , Gc ; harrnt
teeth , 4c ; horseshoes , pur keg , 5 00 ; uprin
hti-el , KiTRe.
NAILS-10to20d , 3 258 ; to 10 , 350
( id , 3 75 ; 4d , 4 00 ; 3d , common , 4 75 : 3d
fine , li 25 ! clinch , all wizen , 5 00 ; ( id , casing
4 50 ; 8d casing , 4 25 ; lOd casing , 4 00 ; 10
finish , 4 50 ; 8(1 ( finish , 4 75 ; ( id tinihh , 5 00
half kegN , lOc extra.
Liquor ,
ALCOHOL 187 per cent , ? 2 10 pe
wino gallon , extra California hplnts
187 pur cent at 1 18 per proof gnlloi
triple refined h-piritw , IS/iiercent.Sl Hi ; IMI
proof gal re-distilled whiskies , SI OOfail Ml
fine blended , SI 50u.2 ( 50 ; Kentucky'bour
helm , S200n7 ( 00 ; Kentucky and lYimnyl
vnnh. ryes , < 2 00(6/7 ( ( X ) ,
BRANDlES-Importcd , S
domestic 1 ! ( ) ( " ! 00.
( SINS Imported ; 4 50g0 ; 03 ; domestic
HUMS Imported , 4 nOff/Ti 00 ; Nei
Ivnghmd. 2 00r > / I 00 ; dome-die , 1 50(7/\'l ( r , ( )
CHAMPAGNES Imported per case
215 ( > 0u3l ( 00 ; American , per ca-e , 12 OOfu
IH 00 ,
CLARETS Per case , 4 50/.li ( . ( 00 ,
WINES -Rbinewinc , pertv e ,
00 ; Cataxvba , per case , I 00i7 ( ( X ) .
Chicago Produco.l
C'llH'A'IO ' , .1)111(1 7.
Wheat Market was unsettled and irrc ) .
ular under local inllm-ncu.
The receipts of grain were : 0100 html
eUby caiml , und 1,21 ! ) carloiuls by mi
embracing 207 earn of wheat , 802 of con
170tof oat , 9 of rye , and 4 of barley.
The stock of grain in Chicago elevator
iH8,733,352 bushels , against 8,333,7i ( | bin )
els a week ago , and 14,201,381 , lun-hcla n
tliu jHinod last year. KcccipU at Chicag
wincu January 1st , include 2i)7,7U5 ) bbU
Hour , 3,505,081 bushels of wheat , 15,37t
| 375 buhhela of com , H.OOO.r buHhels .
oatH , 2I8,7W ( busheU of rye und 1,374.75
buihclHof barley ,
Flour Steady , finn and nnclmngei
winter wheat , dull , and wales elow ; No.
red 81 03iSH ( 03i , acconling to elevator 1 <
cation ; Miring wheat , irregular and woa
during the greater portion of the day , bu
finally finned up ftiid cloned at on advnnc
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
Ne or Union Pacific Depot , - - - OMAHA , NEB.
Guns , Am munition.Sporting . Goods
MAX MEYER & CO , Omaha , Ne
Tobacco from 25c. per pound upwards.
Pipes from 25c. per dozen upwards.
Cigars froih $15.00 per 1,000 upwards.
if iSfc ( ; No. 2 , SI OSJc ; cash , . ? ! 083. June.
* < 1 10j.liily ; , 1 O'.lj ; August , ? ! OJSep. \ ; .
ember , ? 1 Ot.J for year ; No. I ! spring , SMfu. ?
01 , according to location ; rejected , 74j.SO (
Corn Quiet , but weak and tendency
ower. No , 2 and high mixed ; 42'c ( cash
nnd .lunu ; 42Jn43c .Inly. I2fc Augimt ;
I5c | Sejitember ; new high mixed4
lew mixed 3 ! > J ( .40c , ri'jeeteil 35.
Oats In gooddemand and better feeling ;
S'o. 2,37iic cash ; 37 ic , June ; 3ii > * , . ) ; 27S | ,
August ; 27Jc , September ; year 2t5jjf.2(5jC | ( ( | (
rejected , 31c.
llyt Quiet and wtcady ; No. 21 OS cash ;
$1 0(5 ( June ; StOc , July ; 7' ! , Augimt ; SOc
liarley Quiet and unchanged ; Xo. 2 S)5c )
cash ; No. 3 , K5c.
Pork In moderate demand and Hteady
SllJ 'XX&ilfi 12J. nccnnlin-r t < . < i iality SH5 ( HI
June ; * lti lOgiHO 15 July ; ! ? ! ( ! 22J Hi 25
hard Active and stronger ; $10 SO , cash
and June ; S10 874"ly ' ; S10SIO August ;
$10 75 September.
Hulk AleaU Quiet : ( shoulders , ? 5 25
( S > 5 50 ; Hliort ribs and si-lew - $8 07i-8 ( 10.
Whiskey Steady , ? 1118.
" Flour , lti.270 bbs ; Wheat31 ,
237 bu ; Cora , 474Mii ! bu ; Oatn , 234,501
bu ; Rye , 4,148 bu ; Barley , 198 1m.
Shipment * Flour , ! iii02 liblx ; Wheat ,
4,0831)11 ; Corn , 417,972 bu ; Oats , 213,181 ;
bu ; Kye , 1,700 bu.
Council Bluffs QOH oral Market.
COUNCIL Buws , Juno 6.
Wheat No. 1 , verv little in market
with good demand'and Helling at8Gu:87ic. (
( ! orn Fair demand at 25c.
Hay Fail market , with jiricen at S15@
Oats Market slron/ ; price * , 3'2@3r > c.
Woixi Market quiet , with good mipply ;
S750g.803. (
Hogs Light demand ; prices 84.50 ( < ? ,4 75.
Cattle Market well mipplicd , with lit
tle activity ; prices , S3 75n4 ( ; 25.
Sheep None in market.
Butter Good demand ; fair , 15c ; prime ,
20c.Eggs 15c.
Poultry ! lS110c. (
1'otatocn 80(5 ( 85c.
Onions-Sl 85c.
Don Moliios Marliot.
Hpeulal Miutcli | to Tun HKK.
DKS MOINHM , Jiino 7.
General condition of the market in linn ,
offerings free.
Uutter Shipper * pay 12c for bent ipial-
ity.J .
J BK- Higher ; 10 > ; from shippers.
Now Vork Money and Stock.
_ NKW YdiiK , Juno 7.
The htock market is chill on hecond call ,
and thn leading Hfcurities were Jfuil per
cent below thin morning' * figures. Amer
ican District telegraph declined 3 | > er cent.
Toward thu clone tlio market improved.
Money was loaned at 2JW > 3 per cent.
In consequence of the increasnl demand
for hituinimnu coal , there wai a heavy
miccnlatlon in storks of all coal companies
that are listed in thu Now York htock ex
change. Coal haH advanced xharply.
CiiU'Adii , Juno 7.
Money easy at If" 5 pur cent on call , and
( ii ( ; 7 per cent on lime. Eastern exchange
between thu city l mkn wan S7iOl,000 ( ) ,
Of VoHtordny'H Important Tolo-
( jrriihlo NOWK Condensed from
tko National Associated
The ( In'no of Atholo i at the Cirand
I'iicifio iu Chicagd , on ronto tu Han
Prince IMHinnrckis hoiilth in a ain
Kiviu { , ' way. His jihyHiciuu advised
him to go to Kiiisongor and roinnin
Advices from Horlin wiy Oonnaiiy
is iinxiunsly watching negotiation ! ) fur
the proposed now trouty of commerce
between Kngluml and Franco ,
A dispatch fr"iu London uaya : The
IIOWH from Ireland in extremely dis-
( juicting. The condition of ullaira is
very little short of actual civil war.
The thirteenth annual reunion of
the Hocioty of the Armv of tlio Potomac -
mac , will bo hold at Hartford , Conn. ,
to-day , and promises to bo i. grand
nl lair.
The national greenback labor committee -
mittoo mot at St. Louis yoatordoy Af
ternoon to elect a chairman in place of
I I. H. March , rumgnod. .lesso ] Iar-
1 [ > ur , of Illinois ; , was elected.
Secretary Wihdom has commenced
llio erection of a handsome and costly
residence iu Washington. The plan
HIOWH ! a capacious and very elaborate
maiiRion , and the iiiHide will be a
model ot beauty.
Tlio Now York City "Women's Suf
frage association bau paused resolu-
tioim denouncing AHsemblymcn
Brohu , liroadsky , Dayton , Finloy ,
llaniiltou , IJayeHleDonough ] \ and
AVilliama for aiding to dofiat the o-
man's aullVage bill , and calling upon
thu people of their dintrictH to prevent
their return to the legislature.
Pious Pastime.
CiiicAdo , .liinu 7. The Westeri
education commiHsion met in thu New
England Congregational church , llov.
F. A. Noble , of Union Park Congre
gational church , this city , presiding.
Its object is the promotion of Chris
tian civilization in Utah and adjacent
states and territories by the education
of children and youth under Christian
teachers , and by the use of suuli kind
red agencies as may seem desirable.
Jesuitism and Mormonism are the twc
objective points at which the commis
sion aims. It meets great encourage
ment and gratifying success.
The anniversary of the American
homo missionary society began in Cen
tral music hall to-night , liusinoas
meetings have been hold iu New York
cvermncu its organization iu 182(5 ( , and
this is the first exception to the rule ,
this being however liot business but
an extra meeting for discussion of im
portant questions which were crowdet
out at the Now York meeting , llov
Dr. Storrs of Brooklyn , presided. Dr ,
Goodwin delivered an address of welcome
come , and President Seeloy , o
Amherst , made an address.
SA.V FHANCIHUO , Juno 7 IS.ttO p
in. - James Malone , J'a trick Jlnnter
and Gerald Landers were killed in tin
Andes mine by gas coming in throng !
an old slope opened by a drift on
which they were working.
iiiuvr JIAJI , .
A dcatriictivo hail slorm visited
parts of Oregon , inlliulim ; much damage -
ago on orchards and grain fluids ,
Tin : mnu ; AHIUVKH.
Tlio Duke of Sutherland arrived to
day from Yosomite.
SA.V FIUNCIHCO , Juno 7. Shorilf
Desmond has been fined ono hundred
dollars by Jnd o ilalsoy and ordered
into custody of tlio coroner to stand
committed until the line is paid at the
rate of two dollars per day. The
shot-ill' has applied to the supreme
court for habeas corpus , and also fern
n writ of prohibition to prevent Judge
lialsoy interfering in the insolvency
proceedings for which ( ho sheriff is
adjudged guilty of contempt.
Colonel H. 0. Whiting , an old
pioneer , died to-day at Los Angeles.
Prof. LeC'omto resigned to-day.
Trouble Brewing ,
NAtlonal Assoelalcd I'rm.
NK\V YOIIK , Juno 8 1 a. m , Tlio
executive committee of tlio Working-
inens brewers'union remained at theii1
headquarters until a late hour last
night , awaiting concessions from their
employers. No message makingconcos
sions came from thu bosses , who were
holding ! secret meetings at iSteubon
hall at which it was resolved that no
boor should bo sent out Sunday , that
a labor bureau bo established ,
and no charge would bo made
by the bureau to their employers or
employes andno boor would bodilivorod
by any brewers under any circum-
cumstanccs to any saloon keeper who
had boon customers of any brewer
who had yielded to the demands of
the strikers. It was also decided that
employers who had agreed to pay CO
cents per hour for Sunday work ,
should rescind their action in the
matter ; ,
To Be Closed Out Immediately Regardless of
"Wo respectfully call your attention to the largo and varied
will bo
sold at about
To Close Out.
This is a rare ch.inco for 1UHGAINS. Como Ono , Coino All , nnd Shoo your-
nolf atllALK I'll ! OK. Hoinoiubor the Place ,
216 So. 15th St. , Union Block , Bet. Farnham & Jtouglas.
Clothing & Furnishing Goods
-WK AHi : , I'All KXCrJ.T.KNCK-
1212 FARNHAM STREET , 1212
Horse Shoes and Nails
At Chicago Prices.
1209 & 1211
} an1B-Om IlAlu KVST.O.MAlIA.
The I argest Stock and Most Com
plete Assortment in
The West.
We Keep Everything in the Line of Carpets , Oil-
Cioths , Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures
and Lace Curtains.
iu.V . ) ' i J < v.rtW * „ ' , i. .
1313 Farnham St. , Omaha.
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
A. L. STRANG , 205 Farnam St. , Omaha.
Has HEMOVKD from Orcighton Hall , llth and Farnham , to
For the Largest Assortment , the Latent ijtyles and
Examining the Block.
A full line Md a eompItU uawitmcnt of the latest Bt vlo of Strew HaU Just opened.