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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : AVEDX ! SDAY , JUNE 8. 1S81 , THE GOLDEN STATE , In Fruit-Browing and Wine-Mak ing Lie the Futnre Hopes of California , Something About tbo Trotter Sweetheart and Her Feline Pot A Glance at Dennis - nis Kearney. Correspotidcmc of the Rlnta-Drinocrat. SAN FRANCISCO , Muy 150. Los An- KOS ! is now in her most bountiful dress. Tlio orange trees nro laden hcnvily with fruit , thu nmnunoth grapevines have coininoncca to butl , and the ( sconu is 0110 which beggars description. 1 passed through the LosAtigulo.s ] coun try lust week \vasnun-othi\n pleased to learn that the orange crop promises to bo the largest known for yearn. The fruit is nlso of a sweeter and choicer kind , and many of the owners of the groves , who linvo boon weighed down with debt , will bo able to lighten themselves considerably , while others can cancel their entire indeb tedness. The result will be owners of the groves will carry on the business on a still larger and more extensive scale , and since it lias been found prolifablo to ship oranges to the St. Louis and Chicago markets the people look for quite a boom in the raising of oranges in the future. There is no use denying the fact that in fruit growing and wine-making lies the future greatness of California. Al ready men of large means hsivo pur chased heavily of lands in LOB An geles , Solano and other counties and are planting them with'orange trees , grapes and other fruit. LUCKY IIALDW1S , the heavy and successful stock broker , owns some 00,000 acres of land in LOB Angeles County alone , and is making the raising of grapes and oranges a business. On his grounds ho has alsc erected a largo distillery , which is kept going day and night , turning out all kinds of wines , brandy , etc. IJald- win has been one of the most fortu nate speculators in stocks on the Pa cific coast , raking in two years ago a clean 85,000,000 , but if he loses as heavily for the next year as he has the proceeding one , ho will bo down tc bed-rock and his lands in the hands oi some other fortunate ono before an other year has rolled around. Ho is also a breeder of fine stockj and among his noted runners was neon the celebrated Mollie McCarthy. The mare has boon taken from the track and is used only for breeding , being now with foal. A Hhort distance from Mr. Haldwin resides Mr. Rose , anoth er gentleman well known to the sport' ing world. This gentleman was form erly the owner of Mackey's celebrated trotter Sweetheart , and the mare ii still in hia chan/o and promises to do yolop some extraordinary speed. Shi is three years of ago , weighs SSI pounds , and .1 short time ago coveret a mile in 2:20. Miickey is confident that she will beat St. , ) alien's time ai ho is that the snn will sot in the west A FEW TVEEKH AGO he visited the stable , took a look a his marc and then ordered the colorei boy to hitch her up and give her i round on the track. The African dii so , and Mackoy was so well pleasci with her stride that ho presented tin colored lad with a § 50 gold piece , am thu promise that should she turn on : is ho predicted , four times thu amount could certainly be coimtec upon as a net egg. The price paid fo : Sweetheart was § 12,000 , but twice that amount could not get her now A singular companion lias been so looted by this promising filly which ii nothing else but a large yellow cat Wherever the mare go i the cat fol lows and when in the stable she siti upon her back , lies cuddled betweei her feet at night , and drinks out o the sumo bucket. The mare alsi shares the sumo felling for the eat b ; frequently catching her by the neci lifting her into the manger , lick ing her with the tongue and manifent \ ing her love in mimy.other ways. Tin friendly feeling which exists betweei these two animals is ccntainly strange Eva , a sister of Sweetheart , is also tin property of Mackoy , .and is aa pretty an animal as ono would wish to sec She is two years of ago , weighs 7 * pounds , but has never put to the met tie. That she will also do wonderfu things Mackoy has no fears , but h < don't ' think she will -every toucli ho isksr by a dozen seconds. DKNI.S KKAJINKY. To-day I mot the famous Demi Kearney. Ho was on his way to tin Sand Lots to give lus usual Stmdaj talk to the boys. Denis is a singulai man , but a very interesting compaii' ion. Seeing mo , ho called out " Come down , and hear mo givp it t < the boys. " Accepting IIIH invitation we walked down together , and I tlie for tUo first time learned that ho wa an admirer of Hob Ingersoll , and ho lieved in everything lie said. Don ! will next month deliver a lecture ti the Mormons at Salt Lake , takiiij their side of the question. Ho doei not , however , believe in Mormonism but says time will eventually wipi them fviun the earth. After steppini at Buvorol other places along the lin of the U. 1' . Itoad , ho will sail fo Europe 1/j bo absent for nuvora months. The report that ho hadgom back "to his dray was true in one sunsi nf the word ho did go back for on < day , to give the papers and people ; chance to talk. I asked him if hohai made n stake in his speeches , not tha ] thought ho would answer mo cor rectly , out merely for the fun of tin thing. In a mild and quiet tone In said , " not ono cent , " and " to tellyoi the truth I lost mostly everything . ' had. " The Sand Lots having bcei reached Denis mounted the stand ainii great cheering , and for two hours en tertained his hearers on the issues o the day , notwithstanding ho wa hooted and yelled at by many who dii not just exactly side with him. HAN FJUNOISCO POLITICS. At present a number of soroheadi are making n desperate effort to hav < the supreme court order another elcc tion , to bo held next September. Tin leading business men and tax-payen are , in a body , against it first , be cause it is not legal , and second , be cause business is now flourishing , ant the excitement of another electioi would bo an injury. Sheriff Desmond who was elected oil the NVorkingmcn's ickct , is of the opinion that the su- > rome court will decide against it ; ) ut , should they do otherwise , ho is onfident that ho can bo rennminated mil elected ; and , from the talk among nen , irrespective of parlj'j 1 see in dr. Desmond the next Sheriff of San 'rancisco. Ho is very jiopular , and luring the time he has filled this im- lortant olfico not one word of com- ilftint lins been heard , The most eccentric man in the state s A. Wcnior , of San Francisco. Ho csidcs in a long frame ranch near the "Meggcs Harbor , and ekes out an ox- stenco by selling monkeys , parrots , ind keeping a grog-shop. The groj- ihop , however , is not a paying inati- ution , but it is the most singular- ookinjj room 1 over saw. In thirty ears it has not boeti swept out , and ho walls and ceilings are covered with spider-webs a foot thick. Pictures vhich were hanging on the walls when \Vevner came info pos.iession are COMPLETELY rOVKllii : > WITH llfST , vobsand other tilthand theframoshave almost rotted away. The bar is orna- uented with the bones of dead ani- uals , while six huge sculls are in the center , surrounded with bottles and glasses. Werner was away on the visit of your correspondent , but from i gentleman who had lately entered lis employ , something was learned of .his singular being. Thirty years ago an old man died who owned this > ropcrty , and willed it to Werner , iroviding ho never disturbed a single irtielo in the rooms. With this jromiso he accepted the gift , and a week after taking possession ho acci dentally broke the mirror while dust ing. This ho considered as the work ) f his dead friend , warning him not to sweep or dust , and since that day not an article in the room has over been touched. Werner has no family , and no person knows anything of his past life. Ho is without doubt the most singular man in California , and when he dies it will bo worth con siderable to secure his old curiosity shop. Snalto Stories- In Augusta , Ga. , a watersuakc 8 ft. 2inehes _ in length and 10 inches in circumference was recently killed by Alonzo Gilloy. In ono hole a Daviess County , Ky. , man found seven copporhe.ids and 2'2 black snakes , all of which ho succeeded in killing. A veritable horn snake has been seen by the Gainesville , Ga. , Eagle. H was striped , and the horn , which was an inch long , was on the tail. James Urower , of Poughkcosie came to the rescue of tv lady who win attacked by a black snake of the race ! species , and succeeded in killing it. I measured o feet in length. Miss Adeline Davis , of Ainericus Ga. , 18 years of age , died in grea agony recently from the bite of a rattle tlo snake. Two of its fangs strucl the instep of the right foot , one penetrating trating deeply. Dr. J. M. Uellis , of Flemington N. .1. , killed six water snakes , whil on the banks of the Branch. Som of them were four feet sixinehes long Inside of ono of the largest was fount a largo catfish. A holiday among some farm hand of Bellovuo,0regoti , was given an attacl with a den of rattlesnakes , Whei time was called at sundown sixty-eigh snakes , some of them with twent ; rattles , were dead. A blacksnake that has been the ter ror of the neighborhood of Nicktowu Pa. , was shot and killed by Jame Zerii on Saturday. Its place of abodi was A hollow tree in Mr , Xorn'.s suga camp. It measured 10 feet in lengtl and was proportionately large. The people of Williams Creek , nea Kockvillc , 0. , are in terror over ai enormous serpent Uiat has infostet the place for several years. It is a least twenty feet long and a foot and ; luilf in circumference , of a dark browi color , and is supposed to have esrapei from a oircns that has visited the town A Tennessee man who wanted t settle in Shannon county , Mo. , wrot to : i .friend there to know if ther were any poisonous snakes thow. Th friondroplied : "Wo have a few rattle snakcR , a few oottonmouths , ( boll poisonous ) , and the harmless ciiickun the gentle garU'r , the brigJit-eyoi croon , the swift-flying black , th cowiwdly water , the loud-icouthoi bull , and the domestic boot tnakea The latter , however , is toothless , nut to be only fount ! at ono place in th county. Steer ckar of that point am they will not trouble you. No , Mia Bouniaa not troubled with snakes , lik Kansas , Illinois , "Wisconsin , I < AVU am Texas. Como. " Probably there is no anitnal 01 carih so intelligent and hunuaio as i Nttvacln rattlcsnrkc. A little girl , years old , belonging to n farm/ir ; , wa run away witli in the mounbuns tin other day while l : r father got out o the wagon to get -i drink at the apring AB she was ono of twelve daughter ho Imtcd to spoil the set , and si imnhcd on after her , but with littli JiopeH of overtaking th J frightened an imal. Presently lie found the Jiorsi riyht on the ed o of a precipice , ujiabli to move an inch. Unu end of a stru ] had caught around his fetlock , tin other ml around a tree and hold hiu tight. When the farmer went to pul on chotitraphe jumped about ten feet for a rattlcsimko was holding tin horse. It hud wound its tail iiroum the horse's leg , Us neck was tnnie ( thrco times around a sapling , and it teeth was fast in the wood. It wa. twelve foot long , for the farmer mean ured it. A few ixmnds more straii would liavo snapped the snake clea in two. The snake wasn't over fivi feet long really , for when the farmc : took the strain oil' it came right bad to its natural ei/.o , for the snake is i very elastic animal. The child wnsif frightened in the least. This slorj must bo true , because the farmer wa there and saw it all , and says it i true. Ho wanted four copies of tin paper The Carson Appeal if it pub lished the item , to send to his relative ; in the east. Wo take the liberty o extending the information to his acquaintances quaintancos in the other parts of tin country. Those who know him bes and admire him most will bo glad t < hoar that ho is doing HO well out ii Nevada. "HOUGH ON RATS. " The thing desired found at last Ask druggists for Rough on Rats. Ii clears out rats , mice , roaches , iliea bed-bugs , 15c , boxes. CHEAP LAND FOR SALE. 1,000,000 Acres , , OV TIIK FINEST LAND IN EASTERN NEBRASKA. SKI.KCTKH IN AX I'AHI.T DAY NOT 5o.M > LAND , iirr LANH OWNED nv XON- SlMlllKNTH , WHO AUK T1HKH VAYINH TAXKS \ND AUK OKmilXO TllKllt t.VXJW AT THK -OW 1'IIICE Of ? ( > , S8 , AND S10 VKU ACHK , OX LOXO T1MK AXD KASY TKHMtt. \vi : AI.SO OKFKU KOII SAM' IMPROVED FARMS Douglas , Sarpy anil Washington O OTTIff TIEl S . ALSO , AN IMMKNSi : LIST OF OinaliaCityMEstate Including Klveant Itcsidcucos , Uusinc.-s nmi I'eiuU'nco Ltito , Chcaii Houfc t < iiti < , ami n \i\rga \ number of LotH In uuwt of .lio Additions ( if Onuiha. Also , Small Tracts of 5 , 10 nnd 20 acrcw in nnd iicnr the city. Wo have ( joint opjior- : unitliH ! for making Loans , and in all c.i en l > enoiinlly cxntniue titles and tnko every | irecntitiuu to insure fcnfety of money no inverted. lie ow wo offer n Binnll lint of SPECIAL UAIIGAIKH. BOGGS & HILL , Real Estate Brokers , 14OS North Side of Farnham Street , Opp. Grand Central Hotel , OMAHA , NEB. O AI C A beautiful residence lot 01 OMLH California between 22nd o i3d ! btrccts , * 1UOO. HOGGS * IIII.I. on I | " Very nice hoti o nnd lo . OHLu on nth and Webster Mrtets with barn , e < l house , well cittern , hh.ide am fruit trees , i\erytlilni : ; complete. A denlrabl piece ol property , Ilirurea low. 110GOS k HILL. OAI C Splendid Inmnct lots H. E OHLu corner of 10th and faiiltal Avenue. 1100US& HILL. House nnd lot corner Chicag < and 'Jlst ttrvetH , S. ' > 000. 110UUS & HILL. I-arifo lioii'-o on CflD O A I C - lUtl uMLll street between llth anil 12t iroop location for boardiiiL' house. Owner wl bell low IJOGUSfc HILL. O A I V * Two new liouccn on full lo OMLE1 In Koiint/.u & Utlth'H aM tion. Tills iiroiKirty ill bo uolil > cry clioai ) . J10UOS & HILL. OH SALK A top phcaton. inciilra | of Ja9 I 1 Stciiheiison. U9I-U imD CAI 17 Corner of two choice lots i rUn OHLU Sliinn's Addition , rc | ueot teat at once submit li-t cosh oiler. oiler.110GRS & HILL. CAI C A K ° ° J ani1 < li-tln l > l res oALC. Uenw proiicrty , $4000. ItonuS > V HILL. JJESIDESCi : Notln tbcmnrkct. ACIHC I Ohs-cr w ill sell for $ \ ! IlOUiS i HILL. OAI r > K 0'l ' ' "K Shlim i 3d ad OHLC dltlon SIM ottcli. S.HILL. . POD CAB C A very fine rw.Moneo lot , t iUll 0/iLU bOinu partv dci-WnK to bull u line houbC , t-JWW. 1IOUUS & HILL. CflD PAI C About fen lots in Kounbo . rUll CmLtl Unth'ii JcliHon , just nout if ) ht. JIsjx ; H avenue , SIM ) tu ShO'J. Tlicsu lot nro near businct * . urruuin.'ul lrline Improve nicntif aixl im * 40 ] > er cent cltejxpor than any otht lotn in U ! 'market ' , Sivu ; IIV > : IL'V , ) ; v buying the lola. ItOUUS ti HILL. 10 lota , mitablc- for line res 3 bloelir S. 1 1. of ilejiot , all niviviiil with Hue l trees , t'ricu extremely lo * . SUUO to 700. 1IUGCJS i : HILL. CAI C Sonic % < irv ebuip lots i cALt ukes nj.iition. . liOUCH & HILL. CAI ET Che p oorner lot , corns OHLU Uaugias end JelTcrt.on Stn , llOOUij d , 11II.I , . OAI C 08 late on Sflth , 27th , 2i > U OALC L-JUiand.HOtli .SU. , bct ec Karnkiaui , JoiUxfl ) ) , and Uie yirojiOHed c\ten lon o Itodcofitrrtt. 1'rlcen n-ri e Irom fr2no to MM We IiiKu eoncliidcd to give mun of hinall incanH one luorc chance to secure * homo and will built houna on thffco lots on uiuUl jtaymenUi , anil 1 Hell leiu on monthly payment * . 110GOS & HILL. CAI C 10 ° ocn-a , 0 imlw Irom cit ) OMLti about 30acres icry chae \allcji , v | th running \\ntcr ; tulatut gently rollln prrlrir , onlv S lulled fjom raSuood , $10 ju-r ucae. UOGUS&HILL. CnD CAI C 400 aeri * in ono tract twrfv rUn OrlLE. inllia ) fran city ; 40 acres ciil tivated , I.hlnif KpriiiKof witur. home nice vsl lc > u. Vlie land In nil fln > t-claM ikli prairie. I'ric 10 ! K > rtHro. IKKills & HILL. ICnD CAIC 720 acre * III ono liody , 7 mil1 lUn OALU westof Kreinout , l all leve land , jiMdudiiK heavy Krovtlhof irnu-n. In Ijlrf valley , rich Kill and J mi ( * from railroad am bldu trunk , In good settlement unl no better lain can be liund. 1IOGUS & HILL. CAI IT A liiKhly Improved funn o dALU 'J40acreHJliiilIen from cit ) Fine ImfrotcmcnU on thin luid , owner not pruituul farmer , tietcrinined to tell. A KOO cpenliiL- for bcmu man of ineanii. ineanii.1KKIGH & HILL. CO D CAIC 2,000 acres of land near Jill lUU OnLC Uml Klatlon , 3KX , > near iik : born , % S to ( fin ; 4,000 U'TCX In north | art of conn ty , * 7 to 10 , .S.OOO acn-H 2 to B mile * from i'lor nice , ? 5 to tlO ; fi.OOO acres wectof the KlUiort 910 ; 10,000 acrcu beatteredthrough thueoun . . Tlie aUi\c Undu le ! near and adjoin near ! e\i ry fnnii In the county , and ran nuMlIy bu HO ! on email insli imymeni , with the balanrr In 1 'J-a 4 and 6 viur'i , time. UOUUS .V HILL. CAI IT Several line residences prop OALb ertleu neMr Uforo oflerul and not known in thu market as being for talc lx > eationn will oiih l > c made Known to purcbaHc "nicanlnubuulnus. . DOUGH Ii HILL. IMPROVED FARMS improvu farmB around Omaha , and In all | arU o DougliiH , harpy amiVat > blngton eountieu. Also farnin in Iowa. I'or debcriiitlon and price * mil 01 u * , nouask iiii.u I fl liiihliicBH IxiU for Bale nn Karnani and Douj ; I U Un btrictu , frum < rJ,000 to fd.fXjO. UOGGS & HILL. CAIC 8 buslncwi lots neitwes OALU of Mabonk Teinpluprle ' ,000 uaili. HOGGS & HILL CAIC 3 I'UHlncsa lots wckt of Odd dALL J-'ellow i block , * 2 X ) lach. UOGGU & HILL. CAI C 2 buslnesi lot. ouUi M OMLL Douglujbtrcet , between 12th Mid 13th , S3.MX ) each. ISOGGU Ii HILL. CI1D CAI C JOOacreo.ocmed ultnjoiiBr rUll OALt timber ; lltlni ; water , lur rounded by Iniproted nn , only 7 mil * * Iron cit . Cbc uv t laud onUuid. k HILL. For You , Madam , Whoso complexion footvnys BOIHO lininflinilng limierlcc- lion , -fflioso mirror tells you Hint yon nro Vanned , biillonr and disllgnrcd In countenance , or Imvo Eruptions , Kctlncss , lloiiglmcss or unwholesome Unto of complexion , , Y ° , > ! ' use llngnn's Magnolia Ilnlm. ItiBadollcato , hnrmU'ssnnd ( U'lightful article , producing the most natural and cutrnnc- IUR tints , the jirtillcia ity of vhich no observer can detect , and which soon becomes tier- miuii'iit il'lho Mauuoliu Balm Is judiciously used. VI 9 CD m * & o Weekly Line of Stenmers Leaving New York KVKKVTHUUSDAY at 2 | in. , for ENGLAND , FRANCE and GERMANY , Foe r esac apply to toC. C. It. IHCIIAII ! .tCO. , Gen. 1'iss. Aent | , (11 ( llroailnay N'KW YOUK. FRANK II MOORM. Hcxnv I'CNOT , Omaha. Till- : Merchants & Hanufaoturors Union OF NEBRASKA. Address : Oil AS KAUFMAN , peeV , 14 TueWth Strccl Omaha , Nob. , May 20th , 1881. To the Liquor Dealers , Saloon Keepers ant Duslnecs Men of Nebraska : The aliovo named Union nnd It In' the Inteirsl of our common eaubu throughout the State U call a of all who are cllrretly nr Inillreetly Interest the Mlu ol liquor In thin State , for Friday , June 10th , at 2 p. m. , to bo held at Turner Hall , In the City of Omaha Our common cause demand * that no ono of oui tiuintfc'r uluill be absent. CIIAS. KAUKMANN , 8&w4w tJeeretary. Sioux City & Pacific St. Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. THK OLD JIKLIABLK HIOUX CITY JtOLTK. 3LOO MILiS : HIIOIlTliU 110 LTK 3LOO KROil COUNCIL BLUFFS TO ST. I'AUL , MINNKAI'OLIS , UULUTH Oil I1ISMAHCK , and all ( lointa In XorUicrn Iowa , MlnnexoUi ami Dakota , Tills line la e < | ulpjx > d u th the Iniproteil WtBthiKhouiiu Automatlo Alr-hrako and iilllc'i I'latform Coupler and Ituller ; and for BI'KKf ) , BAI'OTV AND COMFOUT la iiriAHHi-d. Kle ant Draulnx Itoom and ii ) , ' t'arn , uwne < l and controlled by thu eom < nny , run tliionjfh W1THUTCIIA.\JK ( between inU nion raeiflu Traiikfet ueiiot at Council llluffn , and Ht. Tanl. Trains Icnro Union I'aelflc Trantfer depot at Counell Illulln at f.16 ; p. in. , ruaihliiKHIoiu L'ity at 10'JO : , m. und Ht. Pan ) at ll:0.r : > a. in. , making TKN HOUItS IN ADVANCi : OK ANY OTJIEII HOUTJi Iletiirning , leave St. 1'au ) at 8-.30 p. m. , arrUlnjj .Sioux City 4:15 a. in. , und L'nlun I'aelflc Trunk- r dcjiot , ( younell IlluIN , ut UM : a. in. llu uuru at your tleltitu road \iu "H , C. & I' . It. U. " T. U. HILLS , KujHrfntendcnt , T. E. ItOIII.NSON , Missouri Valley , la. Amt , ( leu. I'll * * , A'ont. ( J. II. O'llHYAN , l'ai > .Mujcr A'ent. ( Council IlIutTo , Iowa. D. F. Manderson , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 242 i'lrnham St. , Omaha , Kib. AGENTS WANTED FOR KABTKST SELUXO BOOKS or TIIK AUE ! Foundations of Success IIUSINKSS ANI ) SOCIAL FORMS.I The lawn of trade , legal fonin , how to t rani- act bunUu-BU , valuable table * , social ctl'Uttte | , | iarlianientary linage , how to conduct publiu bull- new ; In UU ft 1 * a complete Uuldu to Suecew fur 11 caiei. A family nccetuilty. AddruM for cir cular , and iipeclal ttmu ANC1IOU 1'UBUHHINO CO. , St. Louii , Uo. CO. . , At 1319 Farnham Street. PARASOLS ! PARASOLS ! PARASOLS ! Reduced Far Below Value. We offer our entire stock of fine French Parasols all bought by us within sixty days at a reduction of 25 to 50 per cent. Best Satin-Lined Parasols $3,90 , reduced from $5.00 ; Brocade Satin Parasols $5.00 , reduced from $8.00 and $9.00 ; Fancy Satin and Foullard Parasols $8.00 , reduced from $11.00 and $12.00 ; Our best qualities in Fine Brocaded , Ombre and Satin Embroidered Parasols $9.00 and $10.00 , reduced from $11 and $12. These reductions have been made with a view to enforcing our maxim of sell ing all goods during the same season they are purchased. LADIES' HOSIERY ! LADIES' GLOVES ! Wo open to-day 100 doz. of our renowned 25 cent Seamless Balbrigijan lloao ; other may oiler you an imitation , but the olio ollored by us is far superior and worth 110 cents at wholesale , also f > 0 doz. very line summer Halbriggan lloso at ! ) "A cents , equal to anything before oll'ored at 50 cents. 50 doz. Best Elastic and outside three thread Balbriggan lloao at 50 cents , fully equal to anything sold elsewhere at 75 cents and $1.00. GLOVES 1 GLOVES 1 20 Extra Long Lace Lisle Gloves at10 cents , sold early in the season at 75 cents , 10 doz. Best Lace Top Lisle Gloves at DO cents , worth § 1.25. MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS ! 20 Styles Men's Linen Collars. Very best quality , extra worked button holes , all sizes , M to 18 inch , 12J cents each , or § 1.50 per dozen , equal to those sold elsewhere at § 2.00 to $11.00 a dozen. 10 Styles Men's Linen Culls very best quality , extra worked button holes , S2.50 per dozen , equal to anything of fered elsewhere at § 11.00 to 9-1.00 a dozen. SHIRTS , LAUNDRIED AND UNLAUNDRIED. Our 05-cent Unlaundriod Shirts is pronounced by all who see and buy it as the superior of any $1.00 shirts in Omaha ; it has line linen Bosom reinforced or double front and full sized cull' , linen neck band and line worked but tonholes. t UNLAUNCRIED SHIRTS AT $1.00. Our SLOO Unlaundricd Shirt is the best shirt known to the trade. No finer material of better work can bo put in a shirt. Others ask § 1.25 for an inferior article. 25 doz. Host quality felled Seam Jean Drawers , all sizes , 2J ! tol'J in waist measure 50 cents , others ask 75 cents and § 1.00 for them MEN'S SOX'-Open ' to-day , ono case men's Seamless British Sox with double heels and toes at 92.00 a doz. , ono cose superfine British Sox very best quality , superior iinish , at § 2.50 a doz. , 50 Colored Silk Clocked Balbnggan Half lloso at 25 cents a pair , equal to any 50 cent Hose in Omaha. 50 doz. fancy striped Seamless Half lloso at 25 cents a pair , worth § 1.00 a doz. /I WESTERN AGENCY FOR CELLULOID COLLARS. We are the only direct selling agents for the manufacturers of Celluloid Collars and Cuft's , and ofl'er them to eur costumers at wholesale prices. The trade will find it to their interest to supply themselves from our stock always fresh and desirable. CO. , 1319 Farnham Street. Omaha , A PQLAOK Cheyenne , " < f VOJXa.wax , Colorado Spring and Summer LATE AND NOBBY STYLES FOR MEN , BOYS AND CHILDREN. Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valises. IN THK LATEST STVLKS. Satisfaction Guaranteed ! Prices to Suit All 1322 FARNHAM STREET , NIJAll FOUKTUKNTH. A. B. HUBERMANN , JEWELER , Cor , Douglas and 13th Streets , GIVES OIIKAT IJAKGAINS IN LADIES' ANI ) GENT'S AMERICAN GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. ALL KINDS oii- Jewelry , Silver-Ware and Diampnds. W Guarantee the Jiest Good * fur the Leant Honey , au l-fcU D.T. MOUNT . . , MANITJkCTURPR AXD CKALKR IN SADDLES AND HARNESS. . 1412 Fnrn. St. Onialm , Aaiurr ran TIIK CRLKBIUTBD CONCORD HARNESS Two Mnlalj anil a Diploma of Honor , with the \ery hL'lu'nt award thu Judaea could l > e tow was anardeil tlilu harncsui at the Centennial Kxhlbl- tion. Common , alto Ranclnncn. and Ladles' SAD- IIra. Wo keep thu laixeut utoek In the went , and Invite all who eannot eiauilna to lenil for | rrlce . apOtf Dr , Blacks Rheumatic OT7XC.X1. nrrantod a Bale , Certain and Lpcody Cure for Itheuiimtlmn In ull IU ( ornn , NvnrniKla , I/tmu llaek , I'aln In the llreant and Side , 1'aln In the Stomach anil ) < idueyn. lie. It la an Internal reme dy , a Tonic and Illood I'urlllor. ami while It re- uiovca Die PUton ItlinproveH the ( 'iiieral health. SMITlLACK ! ( b CO. , rroprlctors , riattamsuUi , Neb , K. O n'l Aiffr.t. AOK.NTH WANTED ran. OUR NEW HOOK , ' BIBLE FOR THE YOUNG , " l Ins the Story ol ( ho Rcrljitureu , by llev , George Alexander Crook , D. D , , III simple and Attraetivo laiiuaii | | for old and yoHnj ; . I'rofimoly Illuntra- teil , makint ; a motit lntore tlntr and Jmpressivo > outh Instructor , Every parent will fcccure thU work. Preacher * , you hhould circulate U. Price (3.W. Send lor elrcularii with extra termi. .1. II. CHAilllEltH & C < ) , St. lAlulu Mo. OMAHA APARY ! 1100 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. HuUInt ; andbclllm ; of 1'uro Italian lleca and [ jueeim , Al okcepii for fcalo the bcbt Imiirovwl bco hlvc.1 , muokcn , comb foundation and all kinds of Ueu material and llxtureM. Dlt. ISAAC KDWAIIDS Business College , THE GREAT "WESTERN QEO. R , RATHQUN , Principal. 'Block ' Creighton , OMAHA , . KEBUASKA-n , < g-Seiid tor Circular. _ nevJOditwtt John G. Jacobs , ( Formerly of Olih 4 Jacobs , ) UNDERTAKER. No. HIT Farnham St. , Old Stand of Jacob OU. ATOtdere br TtlcRrajih Solicited. p27-lr )