Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 07, 1881, Image 1

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VOL , X. OMAHA , TUESDAY MORNING , JUNE 7 , 1881 , NO. 286.
Real Estate
15th & Douglas
$103 to $2500 each !
/40U J276 to $18,000 each
500 $000 to $10,000 each.
D00000 ;
Suburban Property ,
$250,000 TO LOAN
8 Per Cent. '
25c each ; Mounted , $1.
Houses Stores , Hotels ,
Farms , Lots , Lands ,
Offices , Booms ,
etc. , etc. ,
Taxes Paid , Rents Collected ,
Deeds. Mortgages , and all
Kinds of Real Estate
Documents Made
Out at Short
Notice ,
This agency does strictly a
Brokerage business. Does not
speculate , and therefore any
bargains on its books are in
sured to its patrons instead 01
being gobbled up by the agent.
Notary Public Always
in Office.
. ,
- I3XTOEJ33.
A Straight and Narrow Path to
Victory For the Half-
Breeds ,
The Smallwarta Sloop While
the Enoiny Hustle th
Around After Pairs.
The Hopes of a Vanished Quo
rum Rudely Shattered in
its Youth.
AMUNY , Juno 0 Yesterday was a
busy day among the politicians. Judge
llobcrson held a secret conference of
the administration members at his
rooms , and Plalto , Sharpe and the
stalwarts wore closely closeted all da } * .
The administration members will not
concentrate their forces before Tues
day , when it is expected a ballot will
bo made for Cornell and Dopow. Great
hopes are entertained among the stal
warts of the effects of General
Grant's presence upon the canvass.
ALIIANY , Juno (5-4 ( p. m. The
joint session was resumed at 12
o'clock ' , llobertson taking the chair and
The first ballot of the ncn.ito for a
successor to Colliding resulted as fol
lows : Conkling 0 , Wheeler fi , Cornell
4 , llogers IJ , Folgcr 1 , Bradley 1 ,
Jacobs ( dem. ) 2. Total , 22.
The first assembly ballot resulted :
Conkling 18 , Cornell 12 , llogera 10 ,
Wheeler 8 , Lapham 3 , Tremain 1 ,
Jacobs ( dcm. ) 23 Total , 75.
The official joint ballot was an
nounced as follows : Conkling 20 , Cor
nell 10 , Wheeler 14 , Rogers 13 , Lap-
1mm 3 , Tromainl , Folger l.Bradloyl ,
Jacobs 25 ; total 100. The changes
were duo to votes cast after the actual
balloting closed.
The first senate ballot for Platt's
succ ssor was as follows : Platt 2 , De-
pew 7 , Lapham 2 , Miller 2 , Folger 1 ,
Vancott 1 , Kernan ( dem ) 3 , total 121.
After the actual voting had ceased , an
absentee was allowed to record his
vote increasing the senate vote for
Platt's successor , one.
The first assembly ballot for Hatt's
successor resulted : Platt 18 , Dcpow
13 , Cornell 4 , Miller 7 , Crowley 3 ,
Lapham 2 , Fcnton 1 , Folger 1 , Ker
nan ( dem. ) 23 ; total , 77.
The oflicial vote of the joint ballot
was : Platt 23 , Dopew 21 , Cornell 0 ,
Miller 9 , Lapham 4 , Crowley 3 , Folger
3 , Vancott 1 , Fenton 1 , KwJian 20 ;
total , 100.
At 12:40 : p. m. the session ad
journed until to-morrow noon.
AMJANY , Juno 7 1 a. in. Mr.
Woodin has prepared a series of reso
lutions providing that motions to ad
journ shall mean to adjourn from day
to day , except on Saturday , when a
motion to adjourn shall mean to ad
journ until Monday ; that this rule
cannot bo rescinded except by a two-
thirds vote of the convention. The
resolution was laid over for considera
tion until to-morrow on account of the
threat number absent , Mr. Woodin
suggesting such action.
Mr. Woodin's rule , if adopted , will
put an end to any attempt to secure
an adjournment by underhanded mo
tions , and are declared by the "half-
breeds" to have been introduced for
the purpose of putting an end to all
such motions as those described in
these dispatches as having been made
by Sharpe on Friday and Saturday. It
is thought when called up to-morrow ,
they will cause a debate and draw on
From the leaders on both sides full
expressions of their views and some
Foreshadowing of the policies determ
ined upon by the different factions.
It was expected that owing to the
extensive pairing there would bo no
quorum with which to take a ballot
to-day , The first ballot showed an
excess above the quorum of 10 votes.
This surprised the democrats nut !
stalwarts , who expected the absence
> f a quorum , and was due to the ex
ertions of the half breeds , who spent
Saturday night and Sunday in active
efforts to break all pairs possible. The
exertions were inspired by the fear
that if any legal day were allowed to
pas1) without a quorum at the joint
conference , there could bo no ballot ,
and that the failure of one day
would bo such a violation of
the laws governing as would deprive
the present legislature of the power to
elect , and throw thu election into the
next assembly. As that would virtu
ally put the issue before the people in
the full election , and so give the stal
warts a chance to make a close canvas
of the state , with the chance of secur
ing a majority in the legislature
favorable to the return of Conkling
and Platt , the half-breeds turned out
in force to prevent what would
probably provo their ultimate defeat.
St. I'aul Special to The Chic go Tribune.
Secretary Windom arrived in St.
Paul this afternoon in company with
Congressman Strait. They were
driven in Marshal McLaren's carriage
directly to the custom house , whore
they spent a low moments in conversa
tion with various friends , and then
went to McLaren's residence for din
ner. When asked for an expression
of his views on thu situation in
the political battle by the Tribune cor
respondent , Secretary Windom read
ily assented , although ho was loth to
talk Very explicitly , and questions
were neccsaanlly frequent , and the
answers wore given with a studied
and safe conscious reserve. _ "J do not
know any more about the situation at
Albany than the newspapers , hearsay
and report tolls. I can only draw in-
fercnces from such information , -w J
have no means of obtaining other
knowledge of the contest.
That would bo prophecy. I am satis
fied that it will have nu effect on the
republican party outside of Now York.
There is no issue nt present between
Mr. Conkling and thu president. Mr.
llobortson hat been confirmed by the
senate , and that is the end of it. Ho
will not take sides with either faction ;
will not recognize any faction , llo is'
the president of the United States ,
and no will try to administer thu laws
md keen the party together. Mr.
Robertson's appointment does not
Ijivo any control of patronage to hia
Faction. The Now York custom
liouso will bo run for thu business to
be done by it , and
NOT KOU r-oUTK'vi. rrurosKs
at all. That is something the oflicoof
secretary of the treasury 1ms uniform
ly had something to say about. If
Mr. Conkling should bo re-elected ho
could not trouble Mr. Kobertson in
the least. Mr. Robertson will appoint
whom he pleases , and his appoint
ments are subject the approval of the
secretary of the treasury. There are
but three ollices in the custom house
which the senate exercises any voice ,
thu collectorship , naval ollico and
survoyorship. Air. Conkling could
not project any quarrel of his about
the custom house into the senate.
This disturbance will have no effect at
all on the progress of
The fact is , the Now York custom
house has been run under civil serv
ice rules for several years that is ,
during Collector Merrill's term in
compliance with a proclamation of
President llayes. It will continue to
bo so run. There has been a good
deal of a flurry about this appoinment ,
and it was wholly uncalled for. The
whole affair has been magnified out of
a semblance to the actual events and
circumstances. In my opinion it will
bo very soon forgotten when it is all
over. I hope the legislature will elect
before it adjourns , oven if it bo Conk
ling and Platt. It would bo bettor to
elect at once ; bettor to elect them
However it results it will not affect
the administration. So far as there
was an issue , the President has settled
it finally. Its effect on thu action of
the Republican party in 1884 is some
thing that I can t express any opinion
about. That again is prophecy , and I
am a poor prophet.
The Wiloy CItinoo.
SAN FuANcisco , Juno 7 1 a. m.
Chinese steamer Chong is duo at ATic-
toria direct from Hong Kong with
five hundred chiucso passengers
This plan affords a ready means of
evading the fifteen passage act , if
passed , as chinamen can como from
British Columbia by coast vessels in
any number.
Grisly Grisoom.
CHICAOO , Juno G. At noon to-day
GrisconT completed tl > 9 ninth day 01
his fast. In the past twenty-four
hours ho drank thirty-two ounces ol
water , and gained three-fourths of a
pound in weight.
Notes from Now Ycrlr.
NKW YOIIK , June ( i. The death is
announced to-day , of ex-Stato Sena
tor Menthorno Tompkins , from dropsy
Over ! i,000 immigrants landed at
Castle Garden during the past 24 hours.
The arrivals of the post week were near
ly 18,000.
A pecial says : The government an
thoiiticd are watching in the north and
east provinces the movements of the
Carlists , who have shown increased
boldness since their local successes in
provincial and municipal victories.
The army of occupation which is thir
ty thousand stroiu , ' , will bo kept up on
the Basqua provinces , an thu cabinet
possesses information of a poweiful
organization of Carli&ts under the pre
text of an election.
Sboniinn Snoalis.
MANsniiLi ) , O. , Juno 0 , Senator
Sherman to-day said there was not a
particle of truth in the imputation
that ho was connected with or respon
sible for the errors and abuses devel
oped in the pending treasury investi
gation , and that this will clearly ap
pear in duo time , but lie had forborne
to say anything in i self-defence , for he
don't wish to interfere with the inves
Terrible Collision.
National A&ttdated i'ruaa.
CEDAK RAPIDS , la. , Juno 0. A
collision occurred yesterday between
two freight trains a fuw miles west of
this city , making the most complete
wreck ever known on the Chicago tV :
Northwestern road. Forty loaded
freight cars and two engines were
wrecked and two men killed , both
brakemen. The responsibility for the
accident rests between the train dis
patcher at Clinton and the night opera
tor hero. An investigation is being
held to locate it moro dofimldy.
Murdered l > y Mistake.
Juno 7 4 p. m , Win.
Sims was killed near Augusta , Ky. ,
by McLaw his brother-in-law. The
two had been to Augusta where Mc
Law drew $200 from the bank and
also got drunk on his way homo. He
lost the money and accused Sims of
taking it. After a wrangle ho stab
bed Sims nine times and took the
body into the woods and wont homo.
After thojfinding of Sims body , McLaw
confessed and said after oboring up
ho found in his own pocket thu money
u Inch hud caused thu murder.
Virginia Roudjnstora
iu.voTON , Juno 0. There is
more or less talk hero to-day among
politicians as to the result of tliu read
just or convention at Richmond.
ReadjiiHters seem well pleased with
thu ticket. One of them who attend
ed the convention says that a practi
cal union of the republicans with re-
adjusters has been accomplished. Ho
thinks the liberality of the readjlisters
in nominating u prominent republican
for lieutenant governor makes the
coalition all right , and claims that
nino-tentha of the colored men will
etand faitlifully by Mahono. An ex-
member of congress , a Virginian , says
: hc readjuster ticket is about the best
.hat the party could make , but that it
snot dangerous to the domocrncj.
Ho says Cameron's bold declaration
that ho was a democrat , n his
speech accepting the nomination ,
will bo used by the straight-out re-
mblicaim as an argument in _ bolmlf of
\ regular republican convonlion ; nlio ,
hat thu nomination of Lewis will af
'ord readjuster democrats good ex-
niso to go against the tickets , and
.hat they will use it. Strong oflnris
will bo made to induce the julmiim-
ration to favor the rcadjustor ticket ,
\ republican convention will be held ,
tnd the coalitionists are ondcavoruu'
.o control it.
Of Ycstordny'a Important Tolo-
iri ] > lilo Nown Condensed from
the National Associated
ProsM Dispatches.
At Covington , Oa. , yesterday Mr.
Stantoti'H child got its clothes on tiro.
Adalinu D.xvis , u colored woman , ns
jresont , succeeded in putting out the
ire and saving the child , but in dnm
so her own clothes were sot onfiro by
Lho burning child and she was literally
burned to death.
D.iniol Malmnoy , aged fifteen yearn
and Louis Holmer , a butcher , both of
Cincinnati , fought Sunday night , and
Mahoney cut llelmor on the head
with a piece of glass , llelmor va\ < \
found dead on the street , lying in his
jwn blood. Mahoney was arrested.
Schuler t Co. , jewelers of Detroit ,
made an assignment yesterday.
Joseph Sabin , the famous book
seller of Now York city , died at nine
o'clock last night at his residence m
Brooklyn , after a lingering illness , m
liis sixtieth year age.
Joseph Bork , ox-city treasurer of
Buffalo , who was tried last week for
indictments found against him in 1875
for embezzling city and county bonds
to the amount of 125,000 , , has been
found guilty by the jury after a ses
sion of forty-six hours.
The refinery of the Niagara oil com
pany on tlie Tift farm , near ,
with one thousand barrels of refined
oil , was burned yesterday afternoon.
Loss , $25,000 ; partially insured.
WASHINGTON , Juno G. Tre.isury
receipts to-day : Internal revenue ,
? 897,235 ; customs , § 71)0,438. )
WASHINIITON , Juno 0 The nation
al bank notes to-day were received to
the amount of § 102,000.
MuGiiKnon , Iowa. , Juno G. Paw !
Boyton , who loft hero this morning 01
his trip down the Mississippi , has ex
perienced considerable trouble fron
thu effects.
LONDON , Juno G. To-day being a
holiday , both here and at Liverpoo
there are no markets.
Kirw YORK , .luno ( I 12.L rn , > i
Stock market opened dull ami shade
lower , and at time of writing is weak
and heavy. Vanderbilt and Erie
shares are especially depressed ; Ele
vated shares are quint and firm. Drop
in general list ranges from 2 to 3 per
cent below opening prices.
CIIICAOO , June (5--I ( p. in. The
pealed verdict in the Doyle counter
feiting case was opened this morning
and the prisoner was found guilty but
recommended to mercy.
PKOUIA , 111. , Juno 0 , 4 p. m.
Woollier 15ro 'H distillery was entirely
destroyed by lire this morning at f )
o'clock. A spirit runner named
Kecloy incautiously entered the spirit
room with a lighted lantern and the
room being charged with alcoholic vapor
per a fearful explosion followed , setting
ting fire to everything. One of the
employes named Henry Hmonnocko
was caught by the falling u.dls and
buried. Tliu loss on the building is
about § 150,000. Insured for § 87-
Grant's Movements-
NEW OI.EANS , Juno 7. General
Grant and party arrived in Now
Orleans at noon on Sunday. They
left the city of Meridin in carriages
inil drove out to the residence of
Walter Foams , Esq. , where they
dined. The party left for .St. Louis
l > y the Louisville & Nashville , Mo-
lilo & Ohio and Iron Mountain roads.
They will spend several days in St.
Louis , and will then go to Galena ,
Chicago and Now York , and later to
Long Branch.
'Frisco Fact * .
SAN FuANC'iHco , Juno G. 4 p. m.
The Chinese steamer Cliony is duo at
Victoria direct from Hong JCong with
five hundred Chinese passengers. This
[ ilan affords ready moans of evading a
iifteon passenger act if passed , as
Chinamen can come from British Col
umbia by coast vessels in any num-
> or.
1 lenry Watson was fatally stabbed
l > y Edward lodson in a land quarrel
jn MoKonzio river , Oregon.
A Bonker'a Death-
National AstiocUtul I'mu ,
COLU.MBUH , O. , Juno G 4 p. m.
John Miller , of Miller , Donaldson o > :
3o. , bankers , died to-day. Ho has
leld various local positions of trust
ind leaves a largo estate.
Jonathan James , a former keeper of
a low saloon , is under arrest for in
cest with his daughter , Slio has just
> een married to a soldier at the bar-
auks hero.
Sold into Slavery.
S&tlonal Annoi-lalcd l'iv > a ,
FuA.sroitT , Ky. , Juno 71 a. m.
Henry Dudley ( colored ) aged about
ifty-fivo years , was tried yesterday in
the circuit court on the charge of va
grancy. The verdict was that ho bo
sold into servitude for a term of one
/ear. This is the first time since the
war that such a verdict has boon ren-
A Horrible Pnniibmont ,
National Associated I'roM.
NEW OULKANH , Juno G 4 p. m.
A uinall negro boy living with a color
ed family named Smith , in St. Tam
many parish , \un roasted to death yes
terday for stealing a loaf of bread.
Smith and w ifu practice voodooism
among the ignorant negroes in the
pariah. The boy was nearly starved ,
and embraced the opportunity offered
by the absence of the family. When
heft was discovered they tied the boy
n the lire-place and roasted him so
erribly that ho died shortly after.
A.II Uno } > hNtirntol Wonmn Do-
coycd to Lonely Bnrii.
Citir.uin , Juno (5 ( , 1881. Jacob
lunloy , a young man living in Bridge-
iort , last evening induced a respecta-
lo young woman to consent toaccom-
any him to Oswaldt's Garden , a no-
orioiis resort near the stock yards ,
Shortly after arriving thoruhoinform-
icr that ho left his overcoat in n barn
xbout a mile distant and asked her to
iccompany him there and they would
hen return homo. Slio walked with
lim to the place designated , which
VIIH a very lonely neighborhood ,
ind no sooner was the
Mini reached than 1 lunloy seized her
ilacing his hand over her mouth to
irovent her ficre.iming. Six moro
'riends now joined Hanley , and four
if them , including Hanley , outraged
, hu unfortunate girl. Shu piteously
> egged of the brutes to allow her to
jo , and , after robbing her of a finger
ing and a dollur in change , thuy consented
sontod to bur departing. Shu known
tone of her assailants but Hanley ,
with whom she has been acquainted
: hreo years. Prior to this time ho
"nid always conducted himself in a
iroper manner.
National Awoclatol I'rcwt.
WASHINGTON , Juno G 1 n. m.
The president to-day appointed the
Following postmasters : Tims. B. Tate ,
Knoxville , 111. ; Alonzo K. Prescolt
Rico , Gal. ; Jno. D. Turnoy , Vicks
bury , Mias.
The president has abandoned thu
proposed trip to Hartford to attem"
the reunion of thu army of the I'o
tomac , and also to West Point , lit
will go to Annapolis Juno 10th.
Mrs. Garlield is gaining rapidly ii
strength. Shu arose from her bed to
day , walked across the room and sa' t '
for some time in an easy chair.
Attorney-General MacVeagh left to
dao for I'hiladelpbia on business ii :
connection with the star route invos
Now York , Juno G 1 a. m.
The races at Brighton Berch con
tinued yesterday , the weather was
lino. Firstiraco , forfall ages , milo dash won by BtHtur , Uig-t'i&'licifio
second ; time , 1:44. :
Second race , Brooklyn handicap for
all ages , milo and one-quarter , was
won by Victim , Outcast second ; time
2:1L. : Krnpp Gun came in first but
was disqualified by judges on a foul.
Tuird race , mile and u half , for all
ages , was won by Judge Murray , In-
gomar , second ; time , 2:14. :
Fourth race , handicap steeplechase
short conrho was won by Devun with
Lizzie second ; time , 2:58. :
THOV , N. Y. , .luno G TIIOYH , 0.
DirruoiT , 2.
I'UOVIIIKNCK , K. 1. , Juno G
A Brldgo BroultN.
PKOIIIA , Juno ( i 1 p. m. The T.
B. t W. railway bridge over the Ill
inois river ai this pluco broke down
last night under the weight of four
ears of glucose , which now lie at the
bottom of the river. The bridge was
condemned six weeks ago , but has
been used to reach thu side tracks.
Rather Romantic.
NKW YOIIK , Juno G , The assignee
of the late Frank Leslie has formally
transferred all the assigned estate to
Mrs. Leslie. Thin includes the var
ious publications , the Saratoga prop
erty , and all the other real and personal -
nal property. This was done under an
ordurof Judge Beach , confirming thu
report of the Heforeo , II. If. Ander
son , made in March. Under this or
der , Mrs. Leslie paid the creditors of
the estate , May 23 , the balance of thu
55 per cent , of their claims , a sum of
§ 50,000 , which was advanced to her
by Mrs. Thomas Smith , of Brooklyn ,
and to-day she entered upon the solo
possession and management of the
Mrs. Ixjsiio said to a Tribune re
porter : " 1 have had an endless
amount of opposition and enemies to
contend with , but every case in court
has been decided in my favor. When
the question of carrying out the terms
of the contract had to bo mot , and
a payment of § 50,000 made , it
was a serious matter , as 1 was
witliout means , But hero comes in a
littlu romance. A young man who
had been befriended by Mr , Leslie ,
knowing of my difficulty , without saying -
ing a word to mu , called upon a
wealthy Brooklyn lady whom huknuw
und placed the case before her. She
said that shu had watched the case
closely , was satisfied of the justice of
my cause , and admired thu resolution
shown , and she came to sue mo. The
result was that shu generously drew
lier chock for § 50,000 and gave it to
Mr. England , thus fulfilling the pro
visions of the contract , The business
now is unincumburcd , save by this
loan , and I shall carry it on aa Mr.
Leslie wished and directed ,
A Voice from the Touili-
S'atlonul .Wod.itcd I'rinH.
NKW YOIIK , Juno 7 1 a. m. A
motion for an extension of time to
July 4 , und asking for leave to file a
cross bill in equity , was granted by
Judgu Blutchford in the United States
circuit court , yesterday , to Samuel
J. Tildcnasdcfundent in thu Michigan
iron mines suit Action wus brought
in this court in March last by Mr.
Hogor M , Sherman , as solicitor for
Jos. M. Wilkinson , assignee in bank
ruptcy , demanding accounting of the
profits of the Nuw York iron mine. I
The business of parties concerned had
been carried on in the upper peninsula
of Michigan since 18GI , and it is said
that the undistributed profits amount
to over $100,000. Of this Mr. Wil
kinson , as assignee in bankruptcy ,
claims about five-sixteenth for thu es
tate of Mr. Tildcn's portion in the
concern. His interest is in thu form
of 5313 shares of mine stock. This
slock Mr. Tildeti advertised for sale a
few days before his time to an
swer was about to expire. To
restrain this call Judge Hlatchford
issued an injunction.
Ooonit Traffic.
NKW YOHK , Juno G--10 p. m. Arrived
rivedSulicia , Hamburg and Arizona
from Liverpool.
LtvKiironi , , .luno G 10 p. m. Ar
rived -City of Berlin from Now
York ; Sardinian and l > nUo Ohiiiu-
plain from Montreal ; llritish ( Alteon
from Philadelphia.
Qfr.i'.NsTowN , Juno G 10 p. m ,
SailedScytlua for New Yoik.
Pi.YMomi , Juno G 10 p. m.--Ar
rived Wolland , from New York , for
HAVUK , Juno G10 p.m.Sailed
Loring , from llambuii ; , .for Now
LOU.ST. , Juno G 10 p.m. Sailed
State of Nebraska for Now Y'ork.
The Lincoln Postofllco Changes
Hands Jay Gould aud
Party at the Capital.
H ] > cdnl Illrtcli to Tim llco.
LINCOLN , Juno G 10 p. m. Gen.
McBridu took possession of the post-
ollico of this city to-night. Gen.
Funk a gracefully retires and every
thing is lovoly. Many'of the former
employes still retain their former po
Jay Gould , Sidney Dillon , A. A.
Talmago and S. H. H. Clarke arrived
in the city this afternoon from Atchison -
son via special train. The Lincoln
board of trade and the Mayor and
city council met thorn at the depot
with carriages and drove thorn about
the city. They expressed surprise
and pleasure at the growth and in
creasing railway importance of the
city. The scheme is the extension of
the U. P. road from this city to Bea
trice. It was Gould's first visit and
ho expressed great surprise at the
city and , said it was the finest town in
the state.
Williamotto river is rising at the
rate uf n foot every twenty fociJ.Virs.
Tlio lower docks at Portlano will soon
bo bo submerged.
Llowollyn J. Heavy has brought
suit against Doctor Hugh J. Glenn > ,
the now .constitution party candidate
for governor at the last election.
To recover fifty thousand dollars
for Reduction of his wife and depriv
ing him of the comfort of her society.
Attempted Aftsnuinntion.
CiNfiNNATi , Juno U. An attempt
WOH made to assassinate thu lion ,
John McSwirnoy in Woostor , Ohio ,
on Saturday night. Ho was struck a
severe blow on the head with an iron
bar while walking the street and se
verely injured. The assailant escaped
in the dark. McSwirnoy is one of the
most eminent criminal lawyers in the
westand the man who presented Tlmr-
man in the Cinciiiciiini convention.
Wntorocl Stock.
Nntlonnl Associated I'rtes.
Nuw YOUK , Juno 7 1 a. m. Tt is
reported that the directors of the Chicago
cage , Milwaukee it St. Paul railroad
passed a resolution yesterday morn
ing to issue 500,000 common stock to
common and preferred stockholders at
par. This would give JOO shares of
new for every 100 shares of old stock.
Roa.1 Estate Trnunfors.
The following transfers were recorded -
corded at the county clerk's ofllco Fri
day , as reported for this paper by
John L. McCaguo , real estate agent
and conveyancer :
Naomy L. ami Catharine Davenport
to Jane Thomas , fi lots in town of
Florence , w. d. 810.
Ansel IJriggH , administrator to A.
U. Malcom , 4 lots in town of Foronco ,
w. d. 8120.
William F. Ilamen and wife to John
Mcdivoons , o A lot 10. in lledick's 2d
add. , w. d. SdGL'.fiO.
Ann Halm to Win. E , Halm , part
lot 4 , in Uartlolt'n add. , w. d. 81.
F , Lane and wife to Ella G , Parker ,
n J lot 3 , in blk 1 in nub-division of
lot D , Capitol mid. , w. d. $387.50.
Joseph VanotiH to Mury Vanous ,
lots I ) and 7 , blk 444 , Grandviow add. ,
w. d. 81.
0 , E. Perkins , trustee to Edmund
Lanu , lots 3 and 4 , blk 1 , in sub
division of lot 5 , Capitol add , , w. d ,
EI.11H Clark and wife to JOB. Drown ,
w i lot , in blk lii'J , Omaha , w. d.
James Egan to Lina S , Kuohn , part
of lot L'3 , "McCaudlesh Place add. , "
w. d. $250.
Jnmes Egan to Lina Peters , part of
lot 23 , "McCaudleah Place mid. , " w.
d. gLTiO.
Frank Murphy to Joseph Uarkor ,
part lota 5 and ( i , in blk ! ! ) ( ) , Omaha ,
q. c. d. 81.
J. H. Kellom et nl. to Frank
Murphy , part lots 5 and ( J , in blk 190 ,
Omaha , < ] , o. d , 81.
TkoFiro Doimrtmtmt ,
The members of the fire department
are requested to moot at the quarters
of Engine Co. No. 3 at 7 o'clock
sharp on Wednesday morning in order
to catch the 8 o'clock transfer for
Council JJlulls , where they will attend
the tournament. The U. P. band
will accompany thorn on the occasion.
The Irish Land League Daily
Brewing in Strength Notwith
standing the Arrests ,
Sovornl Moro Added to the
Vnst List of Lenders Al-
rondyin Jnil.
Pnrnoll Repents His Warning
to the Government and
Courts Arrest. '
A Variety of Foreign NOWB.
Tin : niisii VOUMNO. ' ,
Di IIMN. .Juno 0 , 1831. Thus fnr "
thu day h.iH passed Iiuro without .iny
disturbance , but thu state of fueling is *
extremely critical uiul grave trouble i.t -
apprehended if tliu Government con-
tintioH arrests niul evictions. Two -
inon holding olliciul positions in thu
Nunagh land league wuro arrested to-
duy and imprisoned in lln.iH juil. A.
jiroeesH Horvur was burned in clllgy
mat night. Animals belonging to tho.
ningiatrnto of Iulraqurawliohad incurred - .
rod displeasure by limning writs oE
ejectment , have been mutilated.
DntUN , Juno 7 1 a. in. A num
ber of land meetings woreholdy stor-
day , at ni-arly nil of which there wcru '
ourioiiH disorders.
LONDON , Juno 7 1 a. in. Mr.
Healy has sent a challenge to Mr.
Forstor , chief secretary for Ireland ,
to meet him in Belgium.
At the meeting in Hyde-Park yes
terday , Mr. rarnull repeated liid
throat and prophesy about coming
bloodshed unless tliu demands of Ire
land were grunted. AllXirs regarding
the Irish question are Very ahuming.
THE Nl'.W ( U1II.K.
LONDON , Juno 0. The telcgrapk
steamship Faraday , tried to lay the
short ) end of the new cable at Landn
End to-day. The weather wus un
favorable ; making the landing danger
ous. The Faraday steered out to sea
and will make a second attempt when
the weather moderates.
l'UTTiU.H : I'fU.El ) .
ST. PETKitsiiuua , Juno 7 1 n. m.
The police recently discovered n plot
to kill the czar , and have captured
seventy-one of the conspirators. It
appearH that .1 carpenter overheard
them plotting the death of the czar in
a room , and informed the police , who
next day secreted a largo force behind
10 some of the furniture in the room. A.
. largo body of police was on the outside -
side of the building. TJiu nihilists
held a long conversation , and after
conversing for six hours finally ro-
eolvcd upon the death of the czar. At
this moment a lieutenant-colonel sud
denly sprang out from his conceal
ment and tired a pistol , whereupon
the whole force rushed into the room ,
capturing the entire band.
PAKIN , Juno 7 1 a. in. A fearful
panic occurred in one of the theatres
in this city last evening by the report
of two pistol shots fired [ in succession.
On making an examination the policu
found that a young man , occupying a ,
box , had attempted to commit suicide.
rnoTiirriN : ( > THI : .IKW.S.
VIENNA , Juno Ii. Two IJabbis oE
( ialician , City of Luinlnirg , have quito
recently received letters warning them
that excesses against the Jews were )
about to bo recommenced. They re
ported tliu circumstance to the author
ities , and the governor of the provincu
has taken extensive measures of pre
caution. Jio has greatly strengthen
ed the cordons of pickets on thu
frontiers with a view to repulse any
attacks on the part of Jew bouncem
of Russia. Russian Jews taking
refugee on the Austrian side of thu
borders , will be permitted to pass in
without lot or hindrance.
A dispatch from Cab ill nays Ayoob
Kahn is making preparations for a ,
M. IJuggard , inspector of telegraphs
in Franco , has been assassinated , to
gether with hia escort , between Fran-
dad and Geyvillo. Twenty-six per
sons in all weru killed.
A Berlin correspondent says : An.
American lady is attending lectures of
the celebrated physiologist , Professor
Yirchow , This is thu first instance *
of a female student at the university
of Berlin.
The court of survey at Sutherland '
has given a decision in the case of thu
steamer City of Limerick. It decided
that the board of trade had no ground
to detain the steamer after the altera
tions by which she wus fitted for Aus
tralian cattle trade. Thu board of
trade contended that the alterations
brought thu vessel within thu provis
ions of Mr Plimsoll'a act , on thu
grounds of improper construction.
Undoubtedly thu best shirt in the
United States is manufactured ut the
Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority
of material and workmanship , com
bined with their great improvements ,
that is reinforced fronts , reinforced
backs , and reinforced sleeves , makes
their shirt thu most durable and best
fitting garment of the kind , over
manufactured at the moderate price of
Sl.fiO , Every shirt of our make is
guaranteed first-class and will refund
thu money if found necessary.
Wo make a specialty of all wool ,
Shaker , and Canton Uannel , also
chemois underwear , made up with a
view to comfort , warmth und durabil
ity. To invalids and weak-lunged
persons wo oiler special inducements
in the manner thcsa goods are made ,
or their protection.
1807 Farnham St.
"BLACK.DRAUGHT" cures costive .
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A 0. f. OcodmxnV.