Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 06, 1881, Page 8, Image 8

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    TIT ! ? n AT A TT A "HA TT.V T > T17. TVmxm A V TTTXT P r' i QQ1
Monday Morning1 , Juno 0 ,
Patterson cells coal.
Get j-otir hats t Doane's.
Best rejected stj les , 2-Tlndell - ft Krclle.
Old fenthers mnda new nt Klnger's.
Rlchtcr , opp. I * . 0. , sells straw hats.
Try SMC' Chocolate and Coffee Soda.
Examine the finest assortment of pock
et books in the city at Kuhn'a.
Fresh supply of Taccine rlru * nt
For FINK Commercial Job Printing ,
call nt TIIK BRR Job rooms ,
The Lion continues to roar for Mooro's
HnrneM ( xnd Saddlery.
Whlpple , McMillan & Co. , the jewel
ers , Crcighton Block. oSMUf
Hereafter Mr * . 8 | > oerrl'n ice cronm
parlor * n ill he open < > ti Sunday.
The Mnitodon inln < trol * did not ixr-
ri\c until 30 o'clock < m Saturday night ,
hut the audience wnilcd nnd were given n
Mtlsfnctory performance tlmt lasted until
It U rumored that L. U.Wllllams | ft
Son intend closing out their retail htmlncHH ,
nnd that n new partner will lie taken Into
the firm with n view of going Into the
Ythnlcialc dry goods lmsinos . They Intend
closing their utoro during July to over-haul
nnd enlarge their store.
Mr. Wm. Gentleman , the popular
grocer , corner IGth and Cass streets ,
has just finished an addition to his
store , making it just double' its for
mer size. Mr. Gentleman has built
up an immense grocery trade , and is
evidently preparing to still further increase -
crease it. Every body who visits his
store is treated in a courteous manner ,
and are sure to'bo ' pleased. The secret
of4 Mr. Gentleman's * success is , that
his patrons always find everything
just aa ho represent * it and their goods
rosuroto"bo delivered promptly nt
tho' time agreed.
The most excellent Ice Cream in all
flayorsnfc L. JJeindoriTs , 13L2 Douglas
AVhcn you wish a dish of fine Ice
, Cream go to Ueindorirs.
lload the largo adv'ortiisenionf on
firstpage , i ' of
Williams & Son ask the attention
of the public to their advertisement on
first page. . '
Lemon's 2Dc per doz. at
. - ' . ' ' ' J. I. NICHOLS.
Kcindorlf fuinishcs Tartics , Picnics
and Families- with pure Jco Cream.
_ .
- - > -
, IK ytm want a good drive in the
country go to J. II. McSlmno's Livery ,
1307 , 1309 and 1311 Ilarnoy street.
Go to 13. G. Minis , 1518 Dodge St. ,
when you want a lirst-class dish of
Lemons fic per don. at
i - j.l. T. XICIIOLH.
ibGOl'nyal'J ' fats to bo given away
at HO coiitH each , nt thu "Boston to
Slorc , " 010 lOtli Htrcot. jSMf
Clias. im rewl\od llio nj > -
iniijtinijnt , mid - ! Hhnilly tikothe | iHi-
tirni'of .t'Oircrniu nl ill-count o'ork in the
If I'.nfliiu , lately vjcutid by Will Potter ,
no IIRH KOIIB to TJenver.
IV lluni ) > hred ! , mayor of Grand Tulitml ,
jB.iu the city.
'II. W. Nieinnn , of Scliuylor , Is at the
Kcnntor Satmdora nnd lady are registered
at the Wltinull.
T. C. 1'ovverH nnd wife , t > f Montana , are
BUChtsftttlm Withia-11.
C. W. Lyinan , formerly of thl * city , left
for lib home In Salt Lake Saturday ,
A. I > . Tutiiill , of the St. Joe , mipcrin-
tcndciit of Denver and St. Joe roml , ia nt
thu Withncll.
Andrew Halght , general manager W. 0 ,
Coup' * monster hlunv , U in the city , ar-
ran in ) ; for the Coup xliow un July 14th ,
J , J , ] ) ickcyKiipeiintcndcnt of thu U. 1' .
tclegrui'ih lines , left for the \\ost Sutunlay
accoinpanied by liiu daughter.
Cieo. Hi 'giiiH lian'retunicd from a trip to
the cast wheru he Inu been viiitliij ;
tloiu for the pant inoutli ,
Mr , and MM , Clurenii ICcluuy arrived
froin _ _ Now York Saturday. Tliuy are the
KUCbtB of ] ) , 1) , Houck. '
Col.'N. N. Uabcock , member of the
lower houbo from 1'llmoro county , in lyln
ikngcroudly ill at lil rodduncc in Kxetur
Ho It not expected to iccover. '
ilr , and Mm. Ktcljliim will leavu Hai
Francl co fur thu cui > t in a i-liort tinio ant
will probably be induced to btoji over IHil
Al. P. llftfter , lately v.ith R , I , Mow
& Coi , who hat ccceptod the position of
I'ullmuu condui-toi , left on the 1T , 1' . train
Futurday to take in the iKuutiim
liii-paiatury to muLliiK hU firbt trip ,
W , U. Hildurd , who Inn bcon ditlvioti
fctiHrInteni'it [ ! of the Wo tein fnimi lines .
for nearly twenty year * will , it 'u muU-r-
btood , rctlro f un tlio wrvico of the com. '
jmny about July l t. Hit nucecwor I M
not yet been named , but it U expected that
Col J. J. Uicljoy , now fcupcrintcndcnt ntof
thivtVnivii I'lUiSic tukgraph Hue and
< if-tho American Unlun will be tendered
Ibo" jdaco.
J you wniit a pleasant carringo ride
go to" J. JJ. McSlmuu's Livorj' , 1307 ,
1309 and'1311 Hurnoy streot.
I J lilt
' 'I
Something- Never Before Done
in n Nebraska News
paper Offlco.
A Short But Interesting Ohat
on the Bee's Big Edition.
In the twenty-four hours ending on
Saturday eveningn feat heretofore un-
attempted in the stnto of Nebraska
wns accomplished in TIIK 3JEE ofllco.
In fact It might bo said that two un
precedented feats were accomplished.
In the first place THE UEB run out n
twolvc-pagocighty-four-colunm paper ,
cut , pasted and folded mid hand
somely printed , and in the second
ilaco in the twenty-four hours from Fri
day to Saturday three distinct and coin-
ilcto papers were issued. In every
respect the three papers were up to
ho metropolitan standard , and com
plete and finished in every dujurt-
inont. The entire work incident to
the getting out of these papers was
done exclusively by employes of the
ollice , and TIIK liii : takes it : is an en-
couniging sign of the times tliat its
business warranted any such under I
taking. In the Friday evening's edi
tion of the paper TIIK HUB furnished
its readers witli eighteen columns of
bright , crisp reading matter. In the
Saturday morning's edition the
unprecedented number of ixty-
five columns of reading matter were
furnished , while in the evoiiin < * edi
tion about sixty-tlirco columns weVo
given , TheRe , it is to bo understood ,
nro , altogether columns of reading
matter , and do not include the col
umns devoted to advertisement. The
special statistician of TUB UEB hndHho
curiosity to figure out the thing with
the following result : Each of the
columns of TIIK BEE is twenty-one
inches in length , and , of course , itaty-
five columns would foot up Itli5 !
inches , or 113.J fuel of pure reading
mattor. In the langnago of the
printers this would mean about
200,000 oms. , , An nvurngo
printer' will sot about 1,000
ems an hour. Those 208,000 cms rep J.
resent about -150,000 separate pieces
metal that were handled by the
printers in the ono single edition a
alone , and for the reading matter ex
clusively. If ( ho : ivm of the printers
traveled two feet after each separate
typo and that would bo about the
average the amount of territory cov
ered would bo about eighty-five milns.
No further figures uro needed to show
the vastness of the undertaking. '
The entire mechanical direction was
in the hands of the foremen of the of i in
fice , Thomas J. Fitzmorris and Harry
llaskoll. Thd first regular oight-pago
paper over issued in Omaha Wiia got-
ten out by Mr. Fitzmorris , and ho has
shown decided ability in his business ,
get through , witli the assistance of
the men under him , with such nn un
dertaking in such n short space of
time. lo
False Alarm.
\bout a quarter piiwt 8o'clock ladt
evening false aim in of lire was given
the Jirq department and n , lively °
run wns nude to Thirteen ' and Jauk-
non streets , after a good dual of him-
ting around it was discovered that
there was nn lire in that vicinity and " \
the engines were returned to their
quarters.- '
The Flro Dopnvtiuoiit. '
The members of the lire department
aio requested to moot at the quarters in
of Engine Co , No. 8 at 7 o'clock
sharp on Wednesday morning in order
to catch the 8 o'clock transfer for j
Council lllti'lls , where they will attend
the tournament. The IJ. P. band
. . . , , , , .
will accompany them on the occasion ,
Fifty dozen hammocks , wholesale
and retail , very cheap , nt Frederick's
mt storo. 3-lw
Guild & Alcluuis , the live dry
goods men on 10th struct , invite the
adios of North Omaha to vitit their
Htoro , where they will find a splendid
\Hsortnumtofdry good * and notions ,
ut prices that will not bo duplicated at
the down town utnres , l'ooi > lo living
in the northern purl of thu city , have
been in the Iwbit of buying their dry
jroods at the down town stores , but
thcsi * energetic gentlemen
propose el
olFei ing choice goods at figures so low
that they will not only hold this trade H
but will induce people from all parts
of the city to purchase of thorn.
Choice Uuttor 20o per Ib. at ,
1. T. Nll'IIOLL.
.lust rociwud another largo lot of
Jloys and Children's clothing , at I'ol-
ack's , Fiiriihim and 14th utu. -l-IU
N , | - ! - hiLk-ncho
or : - for ladles
who drinl , ' VINE OF CARDUI. "
At 0. F. O odiii8i.'J
All of thuhi-at brnuds
of Flour for
side atV. . l { . Bennett it Co.'a Tea
Store , Omahv ,
Ik-ad L. ] J Williams & Son's utait-
ling amiounuiinont on first page.
Williams A Boa ask the attention of
the public to
their advertisement on
first page. " ' . * -
Read the largo advertisement on
Choice i.uttor 20o per Ib. at " * *
, . , . J * I , Niciiois. . '
F6ot-fall8 From the Parlors
and Drawing Room The
Social Records of the
, Week.
"Unusually dull in social events"
is the general comment upon the
week. A few pleasant evening recep
tions however nro recorded , the first
of which saw
given on Friday evening by Sir. nnd
Mm. Qco , Thrriil nt their residence on
Douglas nnd Nineteenth street.
About ono hundred guests were i/res
ent including Gen. nnd Mrs. Crook ,
nnd n number of finny ofliccrs nnd
their wives from Fort Omaha , The
spacious parlors began to fill nt 8
o'clock , nnd from that time until after
Midnight were thronged to repletion
with the most fashionable element in
> ur city. The gathering was in every
respect an onjoynble ono , mid will bo
narked with n red letter on the calen-
lars of all who were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Oco. V. Moore-noro
at homo on Friday evening to their
nnny friends , n largo ntnnbor of
gathered at their residence and en-
joyed their hospitality. Among kho
guests prcMiit wo noticed. Dr. 1' . 31.
Chndttick ; Messrs. Frcil and Gio.
Borthwick , R. C. Stool and' wife , Ed
Johnson mul wife , Isaac Bcaoh , Frank
Sutcliflo , W. ti. Hitter , John Thomso
and the Missc * Dunham , Toall Ifcin-
SDIU , 'fenny TiLoughtaling , The re
freshments were sumptuoutj , nnd the
nIFiiir was altogether enjoyable.
HA LA I ) .
A delightful little tea aarty was *
givun on Thursduy evening , by Misa-
Claire Hustin.
Anmnll gathering of frionth took
place on Wednesday at the residence
of Dean
A very enjoyable party frnn given
Thursclny uvcuing Iiy M.rcuul Mrs.
Charles' honor of Mr. and
Mn Frank 1 * . IChSght , who weio via-
itinj at their hoim.
On Iliursday evening juvenile (
iurprJso party oS boya and yirls
on Mr. 1 Harry MbComiick.s < in uf Mr.
. B. McCormiclft , at his rsaidonco m-
the comer of Eighteenth aixd CaitiU ]
iivcuue , to coiiij-.xlulato ! iim on tin
uiniversary of ! iis birthdnj.
Invitations for. the wedding of
Isaac WeohslcD to Miss licrtha Sellf ,
zcr , of Kunsr.8. City , are > out in tlu&
city , the ceremony to toke place hi
Kansas City ouiJuno JJ ) . M \Veclm- -
Icrs will bo icmembered as ono of tlus
most ellicient commcreiU : trnvelursMif
Mr. HellniiUk > t Co. 'Jiliu eongmtuhi-
lions of maijy friends - ill follow him _
litho now rtlation.
liJ 1'OL.ttK 1'KlLSnMVT.ITIKH.
M iss
Woolworth liaft ixiturncd mini
the east.
Miss Nwah Hoyd , loaves lorinor-
row for a visit to her eastern friondH.
IMorton nnd wife vturo iu
the city yesterday.
Miss'Minnio Jtichnrdaon lias gone
Chicago < on a. short visit.
Clws. Shivcrick and his family
leave on M'tnuluy for Capo Cod , and
the . bay shore in M'tiBsuuhiiButts M'r.wl
Shiveriok will bo gene six tvuokit while
Mrs. Shiveriek and daughter will ro-
ttirn about tlio middle of Juno.
Tho-niiuiy , friends of Mr. Arthur
\Vakcloy will bo puined to lu.irn nt hin
severe illness in Now Vork city. Mis.
Judge Wakoley loft to-day for the "
cast on icceipt of a telegiam from J.
J'J. N.vJ'atrick , aniiouneing the IIOWH.
jNlr. C. W. Lymnn , of Salt Lake is
the City.
Miss Mamio S.xtindois the acconv
. .
plishod daughter of our senior suiiutur
has returned from Washington.
Senator and M r. Saunders ave once
moro among their friends in this city.
Choice Uutter iiOu per Ib. at
812. Closing out the best bltio flan
nel uuita nt S1'2. J'OLLOUK'H.
A Cruickshank it Co. , are showing
by far the largos.t slock of Gent's fur .
nishing Goods in the city , nnd ut very
modornto prices. The half hose nt
2imi ? cents , are bountiful goods and have
not boon Bold before for 40 cents.
They are also showing a splendid lot
ofS neckties ut 50 contH , former prlco
S 1.00 : to § 1.25. This is certainly the
che.ipest ; and handsomest lot over
shown ! : hero. ' They nro also soiling an
inimenso quantity of their § 1.25 cus
tom ( drill at 75 cents. This ia n great
bargain J , nnd cannot bo repeated when
this lot is out , the price will bo again
$ l,2o as they cannot bo made for loss.
The manufacturer had got loaded with
stock and was glad to clean this lot
for cash , but will take no further or
der ut that price , A. Cruickslmnk it
Co. , guarantee those goods to bo the
very best quality that can bo made ,
Another Inrgo invoice ot the latest !
novelties just received at ATKINSON
it CO.'S , und they are Belling cheap.
Ladies , please remember that wo continue
tinue to discount uny advertised prji'o-
list iu the millinery busings , " \Vouro
soiling Summer Silks at tremondeous >
reductions. See our imported Lawns
nml faave money by p.vtronining the
Creighton IMock , 10th streot.
Read Li B. ill n3 | l4on 4ta j I
ling announcement on first page. 1
Such Was the Outcome of the
Stanton Case.
The tnr nnd feather case attracted
another big audience to the couri
house on Saturday morning. Justice
Anderson sat in the court room again
to nccommodnto visitors ,
Frederick .Schultx , Chas. F. Gotch ,
John P. Titnporly nnd linns Sih
were put on the stand to stronghton
the prosecution , which they failed to
do. The cross-examination of thcso
witnesses was very beneficial to the
The ca o of tlioprisoncr w i opcncd
by a declaration from Mr. Council
that the prosecution had made out so
wretched a cao it was not deemed
necessary to do more than to show
the utter lacknf character of Stanton.
Lucius 3 $ . Kibby swore Stanton hnd
st < Jen n log clmiii from him , mid. that
when ho denimuM it back Htanton
gave it. The laltur had had it . vltored
by n blacksmith.
.Rudolph I'eti-ns. the postum-stan in
Jcfler.Ton precinct , were that St.-uiton
bore n bad chnr.iteJruidthatho wuuld
wise , as did Kiederiek Schtiltx.
Othort swciie to hiw- having stolen
various thingi , nnd thai the farnjaw
were con&niaily on tl wir guard against
him ; nil gave him : * * ery bad chai1-
General * O'Htion niVod for time V
produce witnesses to hia'guod charae'
tor , and uiu .idjoiirnmer.ts was had tiL !
two o'clock-
The casa iifTurds a Inrqe nudioncf. ,
unliinited f > m , nnd tlio < uce : eontcst.i
f the lawyirs 1.1 not the least amus-
testimony m * taken ami tlio case sub
milled to the jury after addresses by
Gon. O'Brioi * and E. M' , Uartlett.
Tlio verdict- rendered ; ra ono of
acquittal , tln identity of the partici
pants in the tew and feather scrape
not having Itien satisfactorily estab
Wo received this morning the eaids
r Messrs , Ifecney it Connolly , a
couple of ostuiptising yonig men who '
to-c elites the list of Otmhn mer
chants , fiey have opened ir * store at
512 Sixteenth sticot , hebvccn C.-IHS
and California , which i < well filled
with n iinciysilccted stods of hulie.s'
an ; , ' boot > : uul shoes. 'L'lienstock '
is all now and ficsh , direoc from the
factories , and all in the Latest styles.
They nntieipato a lively inidoand propose
pos making , a strong oiLjit to got it. '
They Jinvabuiiijht their pxids at the
right tini'j : ind intend to .sell them at -
moder.itu prulit. Tholiavo selectedi
very fcood location , us the rettiili
trade is r.i [ > idly ceiitu-ing on Ifitli.
street i hieh has tributary to it : i
largo pact of the best t-jiide in Omalm.
Lloreto&iro ] iroi lo living in the nif'lh
p.u t < > the city h.ivo been compelled
to cuiuo nil thu way down towa fco
buy tLuii shoes , but a visit to thia
stoiv- \ \ ill satisfy ovtsyono tit > no
longer necessary.
Mr. Fecney 1m.been in Ouinlm : i . -
number of years aud wns for a long l
tinio employed in The Her.ilJ oflice.
Ho . * baa many friuids in the city who
will bo ple.isud to learn of his enter
prise , and who will no doubt often
visit his store. Mr. Juniu Connolly
came . to Oniiil.a Ijsl. fall froui Monahan ,
Troland , vhoro he nas fur yeius con
nected ' with tviu of the largest busi
ness hoiHiM , nnd has a thorough busi
ness training. Sinceho came to
Omaha liu has maiAo many friojitls ,
whom ho invites to cull and see him.
They inuto the piiblio to call and in '
spect their stock , as I hey have iiihtoek
goods ) to pleaseovorybody. Tliuy will
nuiko ) n Hpeciidty of Hurt A Clears'
shoes and Indies' shoos. Wo wish
thorn success and hope they will have
the trade they dohervo.
"BLACK-PnAUGHT" cures cos ti ve
i i-
A Moroltant'u
Mr. Frii-d of the hardware firm of
Lee , Fried and Clark , and ollicur
.Tacobson returned to the city Satur
day night , with J. Plummor , who , it
is said , got § 1,400 worth of goods
under false pretenses from the linn ,
in charge. Plummer H aMihsouii Vul-
loy merchant und wns on the way to
California with his f.uiilly. Mr. Fried
got word of his movement and tried
to arrest I'lununor hero. Ho however
scoluded himself , nnd Mr. Fried was
determined to follow him up
and in company with of
ficer Jacobson wont us fur
as Kearney. There they st'arched the
U. P , train , but were unable to find
their man , Before the train reached
Elm Crook , however , the conductor
telegraphed back that u suspicious-
looking man , answering to I'lummer'n
description , was on board. Mr. Fried ;
telegraphed Sheriff Hugh McLean ut
that point to urrest the niun , nnd the
ollicial did so. Pluwmor'n family
have gone on to the coast. Ho , him
self , is now in jail.
to buy n pair of Ladles' Serge J'olis
at DOe on the $1.00 of what they cn&
Ladies' low'cut buttoil" and ties'.Mhoj
best and cheapest. Now is your time
to buy n pair for the hot weather.
14lh nnd Farnham St.
Balbrigau underwear cjieapat Pol-
Wait For the Boat , Wait-
Coming Soon.
W. O. Coup's Monster United
Shows , Circus , Menagerie ,
Museum , Aviary , Aqnar-
ium and Only on Earth
Real Paris Hippo-
Hear ! hear ! what the Cincinnati
daily papers say of the greatest of nil
show . The Daily Enquirer says :
"Enormous crowds daily attend , Wo
ropciil , it is the largest and greatest
show in > America , if not in the world. "
The Gv/etto nya : "It is the best tent
show orar given in this city. " The
'oininom'al ' svys ; : "Tho biggest and
best showunder canvas appears to bo
the general verdict. "
The shtuta 'f .applause , the ex
pressions * > f > admiration , all express
the universal'approvalof ' the delighted
multitudes who universally re-echo
the ono explosion of t.ho largest , best ,
ftnly complete , onlj perfect , only sat-
iafnctory , union ainimr , only
amusing , only instructive ; th only
show that Hhiws just what { < / advertises
tises ; that kups. HJ priimi.sesi The
performances * , in uddit'iin to
liu usual routinu nf oxkibiti' im , tliu
niiuiil captives , . \rorkn of art , articles
f wondrous curionity , r.u-e , utiiiiio [
nd uorer hufom Mien , luivo lnii nug-
nuiited by Hitstiddition of n
.rouiiitiu corps f culubritius ,
u the most -riritl and unhirtniiviii
iiiiunur prusunt two and fotii
Imi'Vit races , himllw , Htcoplo : uid
policy r.iucfl , uluplwnt nnd onniul
ace * giving nr. < curncst and correct
of tin niioiunt sports of
Ionic- , within nadi uiulcr the hvrgust
nnvtwcs in the .vorJdL
scpar.ito.ind distinct "ings
ire continuously used daily for such
ITo other comnmiy
' many riuys , and don't " 'yon
'forgot it , that no-other company , on
earth gives or pretend : * to give sv.hip-
Qodvomo peifi < gniunce no elviiKit ,
steeple , hurdle -jr jockey races * no
ojonknnt or canwl nitcs , neitht-u in-
i or outside > r < thecanvas.U' aa-
us that they do.soare false lie-
tliut tha rncf $ are run in a
fncu track one-ludf mile in eircenxfer-
tince-and forty foot in widtlu No .
other company'iiUHUflicient canvas to
ver a tr.iekiehilf : the circumfer-
'eneo. Nine diilunmt bands OK kinds
if music will Ix ; used and licar&iiu the
grand proec-tsibiiiuf nil iiations-'ihirinL ;
- -
r > iUiigu tlui4iigh our htrcctp , fonn-
5ni altogether the most gorgvuus , in-
tcix-ntiiig amlt iibbtirbing p.vwc.ssi < m
uvcrwitncssud. Dmi't forget tli only
hippodi-onip , the only \V. C Coup's
nuinstur show } , will poaitivelyaot u.\-
hibit in Oniuhu. uutil Thursdiiy .Inly
IHh , for oivi day only. SUB future
NO1ICK VU * urtix nitiiu 'lo 1.3011 , For Silo ,
Lo-it , Pound Wail's , lloanllnira. . \ \ - In tbtM ! c-oJiimns mice fo.i'FKX C'KX'lv
.tr line ; erwli subnaiucnt lii'i-rtlon. KIVIXJKX'IH
< ; r line. The llrst liiM.rtlou .iu > ur ] e-s than
) < By TO LOAN fall a'4 lji Olluu ol 1 > |
L. Thomas Hooni8. C'rciahion Illock.
\\J A.S lITilull h.uuls lur .i orlm.j i-a f'U.
HiilTltOU : ) .
\VTAM ii : A lifi'KiT at thu Onuliti I'.il.crj , .
\Y MdlOth utrtct. TUct (
AXTiiSlti'uitloiirtilio : ikkicpjr or Kilw
mail , luul : , > runi"pui. nuns raK-bumn ,
liTiiitis. AdilrvM W. , S. , llio o'.li.'f.
\ \ AMlil- ; ioiuHti.nt | liooKl > ici > ir noMt
\ V III e to Kv | i a ti-t of books ( .1 uiiu i. Ad
ilrosi VA. . . _ Hi-t'olllig. W flt
w AN'JT.PMdilnuu hands at 0-iuh.v Milrt
I'll.'liO' in. : M-.l
WAXTiiTruM'llii'Mlcsiiianto : wll Udlis
runl mmesi'Midi's on roiimit-iiun In ( nn
iK-itlnn ulllimotliur line of ( , U > AJ. | Apply to .
' , \VliltAorth , Liiiciiln , r.'ib. fl7-it :
\ I rA.NThl ) A joid ttoiiuin eook nc. . r no
\ \ pi\tnnui.ia ioin-1 , at I , . MU'OJ'H. f.s-
\ \rANTili-A : first-da mcit cook. Applj u
\ V lieu othi-f. f.U-at
r ANTF.D-flrl ! for gcnctul houtwork ut 121
North islh Mrrd. 4T-t : !
WA f.ANTIII ) \n experienced ( -lrl for n mfsl
_ f.uml ) , liKj ) Ciiinliy hlffct. _ ] t-31
BLACKSMITH WANTKD and one ( food 1111
ihliui miilth , at thu Omaha 1'oumlr ) and AU
Oiln.VurK . tb-tl
A uui'l i-ook , rather and Ironer
s. W. for. Hurt and Ifllli ht. ao-U
WAMT.I n tlrl ttho Klkhorn Vullc ,
houv.1 ImiunlUutly. _ 3i Ut
: l ) -Two Vo. 1 Itroom Jtakern at Ail-
w b liooin faitor } ,
ll AMTI ) TMoulrlilor inntral liounnork
\ > ( iuotl .t eM mlllioinlil i HAb. > J.K1K , toRlo llottl.
lATAN'TMi Ixjok luro' A t.tiii\tion | ; intiii
\ \ liv n jonii , ' Uilj in ullk-u or ktorti. ( lt xl
ucoiuincajautin. AJJicea "A. II , n. " Hioof
Hi v. 3 > 4t
. ' . riiiiilinir lirlJ c ami si-liool liotiiU.
WA.N'II.U Claik , Jli-lkuii- . l-tf
/ - 1A1.LTMKS. . II. ILfl.\HKi.SXo. ; 1 lioird
\j Ins llou c , i-or. lath and IKklgu U. 1'ost
in thu ill ) . 10-11
' ftH'1 ' i > ltKtii.iiUr w-i
CAIII'CSTKKS ti lo t.i l'1'1' " } - l ' | Ulu
to llou
WAM'liD V I'xiU ut l.UOti 1'aniliamtnvl'
: w tr
\\r.\SlKII-Hirl lor tft-iu-ral liuutcwnrk Rt I
> > W. SI. t.t. * . IKil tl
IWANTlIp-rarpt-iiUTi unit ivMmt ire
livxt V ) JlfKOIIku. i
\\rANTKI > C i n > f > iUni aii'l j oaMuct niaK-
\V tn. \VJi KVKIUHT. M3 tf
/"AXIKII A situation by n man of family ,
. l btuiilv , jndustrlom mill nillln to l IINJ-
fill in nut lionoraUo ) . c'oiiii < cinatlon nv-
oonllinr to fOMlilllty. | i-UadvaiUn J IIL ,
nirjof UiKPlUv. < OI-H
: > Oftttlo nut i-oln to K ZO In
WAXTii i turo. M r , thiop nruj rattl
L'rozoil lu uwralo i Mtur . I" rtfnu , lotMion ,
S.r. . apl h tg MILTON IIKSPJIIX , Sl t a'ld ' HCA .
arJ tl , ilmuffl , Ni-1 > . fJfl-todSU
171011 ltr..NT Storv toomouUth ttjc t Ixi '
I' tvuMii ranihamand Ilannj. lwi < l lmitf
liouw. near Sst. Mar > Atmuc. M. JIKLLIIAX
'I.10K HK.VT A furuUhMI fmnt room at SCO ,
Jj farnlata , lelKccn WtU and i7tn. ib-lt
FOH HUNT -Henwit rooms , 414 Jf 20th t. ,
bet. Cnicftjfo arid CAM cts. ? 2'2t
AUrK'c room on flrnt floorfurnUhcd , with
lirwrd. A few table boarders taktn , 18M (
CnllfornU ttr t.
ilOK Ith.STTwo JurRO plcawnt room * for
llBht lioii * k ecrlnjr , 3 Uotks Irom 1'ostofliTO.
. I' this olficc. Ci-4t
Iftori HKNTA nice dwelling Mouse In theflnwt
I1 locution In the city , newly Dinted , und In
the very licit order. Inquire Sd door south of
Lcnvonnorth Mrect , of I ) . t'ooV. CO 3t
171011 KEKTTo smull fumlljr , ft nlne-roomexl
Louie , dc-siraWy locntcxl. ( ) wnen > , gmtlenmn (
nd wife , to boird with turtles rcntlnff.
" "
"K. Ileo ollicc 4i.jt
mo U7TA lurnUhot room to let with Wrd In
.L prlrato famlljr. Inquire nt No. Co7J 17th
ttrcct , Omaha.
OH UKNT A lats , nicely fumlshwl room ,
\tltb closet , 1,811 Cnl. St. Ikt. Ibthanrt ipth.
"ITIOU 11ENT Nktlj tnrnUhitl largo room nd
X piano .9. W , comet ISth and CajiitAl Ato.
KKNT-On first- floor , fiirrMicd roonw ,
southwest corner ! > th and D.ucnport.
T710H HBNT Piirnlshcil rooms. Inquire at 1S18
JJ Chicago . -
Eon KENT-The buildJfli ? 1900 Hurt street ,
fonnerlj tinil by John Cane 0.1 the London
met market. Some btitclnr tools for sale. Allen -
> ) / on tlio premises or of John Kitimcr , 1314
arntiam ftrwt.
liKNT-l ftimlihtUi room o cr ilcj.
chants' Euhango.N. li cor. 16th ml Dodpi
stints. 2S9-tf
l"j oii l MALI : r < „ feW hntsc ; sou-JrJ , kind ,
I1 irciltle , siilrad troicler.aild ] > prfiitl > cafu
for UiU to ilrlvif Aillrcs "Danfortlij" Onlili-n-
tnl liotul. ) 73-lt
1J1OO.SAM : crSAI' One twro KroimH , south
| ' ind 10th utrctt. House of fonr roon , lorn ,
ilstcrn , small fntl'v etc. Tenr * rtasonab'h Kn-
qulJe J717 Cumln istrcct , bit\ ran 17th tout Ibth
'trcctx. '
POr-SALK OK niAUK A snuill stock or con-
f'jetlonary groceries , iJso a Ic e of
itniw , good riosoii/for sclllnLImiulro nt this
ollicc. CR n
IT OH HALK ] lu > ln s houia on Cumlni ; Binct ,
1 lon < len e , eheov. Dexter L. Thoim * & ! > o. ,
Heal Kjtatc Dealers , room 8 , CrcJghtOnblocl' .
J 71011 HAI.FA mrall cnKlne , . W. P.IJW&
* * So Ve innlvC. In perfect osdcn Inquire cflf.
U. Claris Co.
Lrr An nl'uost new pl'teton bupey 1 $
A J.Slmwoj"s | tarriaffo factorj-j 31 . t
1710R 3A.LH Ontn' vlcrmt , a IUUHO of Oronuis
J.1 wltli'lotWxllO Sth SU , bi6n eh Nlckote
and I'auti Uiqulrc nVluO. 21-11
0H PALl -l.cdse rnd furnitur of a flnt-cbia
. hot'J In a to\ti tf 1300 Inhabitants , In stit
of Ncbrukjt ; hna 24 t Js ; the trn.cling men's n-
sort. 1 - i | ! re at 1 Ki ; oUite. 218-t !
[ 71011 SALK Lorgo ! ot and tw a good houses at
L1 83 Q 0.
Hoiivi and lot \t \ , Scith Omnha ai 41,200.
llou'C and lot In N'c > th Omaha ittlGOO.
House , arid part uf loDnutr California struct , $1 >
50 °
Small ticxiic and ta'A lot at C&5& of Jno. I , MiOague , opx > itc jx39tofT/ej.
710U t'.4LhV-Hoi td lot 33x J2 ; suitable 'o
} \ \ rvhousc. Jri'iiirc of I'ctciJon , 10th St.
. .
171011 TtVLK Scvora'eood lots 'in linen lew iJ-
Jj il ion. John L. ilcCaguc , . l'o t Ol'.te.
1 , ground ii West Onwfca. , A\
lj I iquiri ! of J. Ho iiy , No. 11610th.
| OIl S.\LK Ten ijeiwnt reiilcnce lots Utu-
n t jl near term n < i\of red-jar ctrco tnijw.y
line ; nnvr In maikut tiefore. Inquire of U. G.
llfMKIJItl.V. : S07 > . Itth street. 70S J
T oV ij tioiuoamt
L1 < ln | jt. I/jcalio3)'ood. ) John M.11
\\l \ \ I'octOtflcc. Cfii-tf
' 7v Usj.\LI ! Alain nl Uoiiximand Sarwc -
1 ? iico. A. lOaE\fATKU ! , lSOfanihauustcoun .
WK SALIl-'Pircagpod lots in Jforth
' . at Sl , 3.
"jot in SlimnH uldltlon at450.
hot in Nouth duulu at ? ' ! J1.
Htnutiiil : rcsllcniclot at $1,000.
GoiKl corner lu 14b\10C , an ca tfr4ntrg at at
Thrre lot * onoj.U.irc fr tiilQth fitrc-itrar line ,
, ' t 0 each.
, opposite nivtotficc.
.Ml tf
oil1 , sTKAYii ) out KTOI.IKiu.nt the
. J last ol Mtiy on. rnl < on witli wnlti- sri t on
tft side. Ariittiiriiut'on ( niKT-inini ; thohiino
Mil l.u . .vr . \inldJ. : .MlaS SI. UAIS-NKTI' ,
" llthi-tru-t , Oiah.w - 7M (
-tTU U ii : ) Oil MDI.r'A'-A lU'ht ivil anil white
r ) ecu nlioui "i TO old , ith loiii , trail mil in
w > or < oiulitiQii ILIII liir c vroolvtt Lnni > Lion
II-iv l.llh , N ft n YIIIIILifllf , f-r.TO ixwaril ill lie
mil foi hot ritnri lo hiinon Kaeix.O't ' , nr.c lil'iol. of
.oath of llH-'s I'uHerv ! )71-HtilSt " .0
IJ lULUNpi-lined tiauher. l-iny nnd ifluil |
inutliiiil , toruid lnidi.-r.itu .1. > 1I.SO.N' , l.-'li
UMIlltl.I.\S-\ud ! ! rnrx-cli rrriu'rtHl b > ! A
s.rll.r | 1t | | anj ptll-Allntj. , 71-ot.I
KJI. Iliunx-Cornor 12th nnd Chltasio
. utrecti , is re.nh to N/re or deepen uclli.
.Satisiaitlnn 'Ui-jnUcil. Utltf
711IHM- ' Tan K' j6t at John liarrs st'Ahlo for
J. nil klmlsof work nt rttaxonnblu llguiyK , near
u > r id tx-enuoilli
rDIN"T KOKCirr TLe nitCLh or9 ol tlio Ainer- We
iciin lloiiBi oji liu-ulu slri'tt , between Oth orut
and loth , far Ixird , loJ.'tuK nnd tnuuiunt cua-
lonicrn. ! i >
c.o4-tf jl'Lirs & I.OUISR noss.
( M
Absolutely Pure.
IrQiiUjnioOcar.iTart ir Iootlii-
i < iiifa | tnili lU'ht. tlr'.t ) Iiot lir UH mfc ,
intrltnrioii < ) vtrr C'jii IK ) fulfil 1 \ Ii h ) .
forif tlio ill * nutttriri from Iiv3 < ) Ji.ili- us.
fcx > 'l hcK. o ! l > in iviib , > > nil iinnXK.
Pay 'riiroo , "Rent Houses , Eto. and
' . , . l { TOO TO.BTT 6tt .
ColUt OffifcHoom 8 , Crol htoa
> . /
1,000,000 Acres
-OF Tin- :
llKaiirtyrs , WHO AUK TiiiEurATiNo TAXKH
LOW riwiu ov $ G , $ $ , Ann ? 10 run ACHE ,
Douglas , Surpy anil Washington
jiiiumiinir Itciidencw , Business
jiul Kcsidcnco Eot , Cheap Itousos aatf
Lota , and a largc.-mijiiber ofLotjjn moatoE
-lie Additions of On.ihn.
Alsc/ Small TrpotH of fi , 10 nni 20 ncrce
n rind near the crfcy.Ve have p > < xl opiHir *
.uniticvfor innkir.f-Loans , nnd fa.all . cacf >
; > ersom-/ly cxaniino titles and Uho evcrj-
> recauti n to insnro safety of
money BO-
nvcstec ? ;
Oielowwo offer a Dmnll list
Real Estate Brokers
North aide of ffarnham
Opp. Grand Central Hotel , .
FOR SAtE A " -dutiful rcsldcrtc lot on.-
California between 12ml aniU
23d etrccta , (1800.
tTflD G/tl'ET Vfr nice houso. niid lot
rUn OrlLC onilthand WelistWi btrcuts.
initlibnrn , ecal hounu. . well clsUtn , sJiiJe : ami
fruit trees , .tver/thlns ; . complete. A. iWelrablc *
jilccc of proiwaty. li inai low.
FOR SAtE S ii.ndid bitilnes lots S. E.
eotner of 10th uid Capital
Aeiuie. .
FOR SALE nd lot comer Chlcagtt
aid SUt htrutH , IMOQ.
0 A I C I.VRO'home on la\cnporfc )
OtlL.ll tuixtbancenllth.tnil.12Ui.
Ifoop location for b.unling home. Owner will
low 1IOOUS& 1I1I.U
QJII P Two new houses on full Itt
OMX.L. iu Hountr.e & Ituth's adtll-
tion , Tliis r'oi'erty ill be told * c - uliuip.
HOGGS A : HIL ! . .
17\OI \ ! SALl T-A t < 3 [ ) . phcaton. Jiaqiilro of JM.
Stljll < ! 1ISO1. ! VUlrll
CflD C'AI IT Comer of two choice loto In
rUn CAILC , bhinn's Addition , ruqUAt to
oniu biiSi.iit UtbJiosh olltr.
FOR SALE A good ai. < l desimhlo icsl-
dcuio proi ( irty , f-IOCO.
ACIM C RTSIUKXCK Sot In the market.
flaL 0 cm 111 bollbr 50,500.
4 good "ots , Shli/u's d ad
dltionS'-- each.
FOR SALE A \ ery line rcsUuuco lot , tn
bouio irtj ( lriuiu to build
uouat > i. HILL.
Fl D C A I C Aliout 200 loti iu Koiiutro Is
Utl OHLlU Until'- ) addition , Jii'-t south ,
tt. .Mirj-'w a\finie , ttW to S6W. 'llieto lotu.
aro-roir liislnc > it , hiirix inilcil ! > / line Itinmnc.
limits and aluIII per tint cliuquc than an } othctt
in tlx ! market , bug inonrv by Inning thjjo
P ft I F 10 lotMvlkalilc for fine ruJ-
Oriuu thni-o , on Park-Wild n > cime ,
blo ( Ws K of ilt'ivt , all Lo cnfl with line feirtfQ.
I'rit-e lAtrunely low. JUoO to S700.
FOR SALE ery ihon In
l-al > o'3 addition ,
Chcnp eomoi IoV. corner
Uuiulasand Jcffcwj/i Su.
CnO OAI C OS lots on 20th , STtli , SStli ,
rUn OilLt. anhnndSOth Sts. , bUwccii
rurnhani , IVjuIas , and the juoposcul u\tcrhion : of
Dotlgo btns.t. 1'ricea rangu from SiOO to $400.
Ii4\e i-oucluded to ghc men of tiimll means ,
more rhaneo to secure a homo and iil builil
hoiinO'i on thuao lots on small pajnicnU , and will
ell Iota qn monthly pamcnt. . " .
I100GS & HILL.
FOR SALE IflO acre ? , 9 iniUo Irom city ,
about SO acre * \cry choice
valley , with running natcr ; balaniu gcutly rolling
prnrlf , onlj U miles fJoni rallaoa < l , $10 IK.T acio.
110GUS & . HILL.
QAI ET 400acres In one tract t i'Uo
OHL.U iiiiK-s from lit } ; 40 airea vul-
n.ntci ] , Lhlnf , ' Kprinpof water , wine nl''o > al-
Ic'js. The land Uall llrnt-ctas rithpniirlc. I'rica
vu-acre. HILL.
O Al I P " 20 acre * In onoboily , 7 mill's
OrtLU w htof Fremont , U nil In. 1
l.iinl , | uoilii.iin' | ut\y { 'iimthof p'aijj , In Inijli
nllo , rich wii1 iua 1 niltj from . railroad and
bide trad. . In ( ruuu bUtlfiiiti.tnnd no lictti'rland
be found. ISOuliS A. HILL.
OAI ET A hhjhly ImproMj firm of
O/lLU ' . ' 40 acre * , 3 nilltH from city ,
l-iiic imiinninii'iitu on this lund , miner not n
pnictlcnl faniur , ilctciiiiined to sill. A oed
opeiilni ; fur bomu man of ineann.
ineann.HOGGS i HILL.
CMC 2.000 acres of land near .Mil-
OMLt. latut Station , 3.COO near Klk-
liorn , J'n to tlO ; 4nOO ii'Tfa in norlh ] rt of io\m-
, if ! to elf , a , ln.rt 'JtoK miles from 1'lor-
uiuc , * 5 to irlo. 6,000 airva west of the l.lkliorn ,
to10 ; 10,000 aeria kcattcrvdthrough thucoun-
t\ff toin.
'lliu aliom Ianil4 Ho near and adjoin nearly
tr ) farm In tintniinty , " < ! inn mostly bu Kild
cnmll iash jeijiiHiit , with tinUilunic In 1-2 'J-
ami i Miir'b thin. HOOLSi. HILL. _
HiMralftno nwiienccsprop-
_ irinH nmr biforo dflinil
uiJ not I.IIOHII In tin. marktt as bcinif for kalw.
oiatinn > udl 011 > bu nudt l.noun to imnliaitra
iiH.inl ! . ' Upline. r.OGOb & . HILL ,
iliiirovo ] tarmB rn ind Oi , dia , and III all jorta of
Oiu.'l < , s n \ ' " ' WwMii toii i-ouiitli * . Al > o
farmd iu lu\i . 1'or dtMril'tlon and prii ic call on
f > Itu lncs'i Lots for ! : alc on Farnninand Douj ;
IU Uj Mrnts , from t ,000 to SS.600.
Ofll IT s hiwlnr- lots ncstwcst
OMLu of Moaouic Ttmplo pricu
aj\aiitul ui .000 taih. HoliGS i. HILL.
Stu > iiies lots \\e.-"tol Odd
1 illou bloik , r. U < 0 i uh.
rnn OAI C - 'Wiuc&j lots south MO
rUli OHLC Douglasktuet , Ut n 12tli
13tb , JU.MX ) liich. HOCGb i HILL.
OAI C lCOacre , oc rc < l witnyoung
OrVLu ( Unbtr ; lulnz uaUr. rat-
bj improved no , oul > 7 uulcd from
- < i > cet laud ontonJ.
it * "