Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 06, 1881, Page 5, Image 5
mi IT ? r\7ir .4 IT A T .4 TT A T)1T ? . TMTVKTn , W ITTXTri / 1001 FINANCE AND COMMERCE. A Review of the Past Week's Transactions at the loading - . . ing Centres , Unexampled Prosperity in All Lines of Business in Omrhii ami Eastern Cities. t FINANCIAL. IUMIor : TIIImk. : . Nr.w YIIIIK , .twii I. The e\eiilnof the week ill cir clet were of less imiortaiiee | Ihnn tli-i.c of M'Veral pieeeilliitf Mceki , Mom yn < i-iuy thronxliimt tlio week \Nitli L'fa ! ! per cent at lie leailin rnto4 for rail loan * . 1'ortl n xchanxu KM ipile.1 but linn nnil leading rnwers advanced their rates \ cent for oth elaves. ( Government ImniH wux-ai1- vc anil ( .trout : fur the Is ntul ! [ < , lint tlie tlicr issutM ueiednll niul lower" ltail\\ y nl liii'cellaneoUH speculation opened weak in tone , and prices jielited \ in 2 per cent , Imt tib einiently u tinner feelimpieail'l , and tlicic wni f-enirul improteineuts under nhiisk buying imiXMiieiit. I.atir in the week frequent real lions and cnimtciautiims itccurrrd , hntasa rule. Ihictuatiinis were not especially wide. 'I'lio mrly jmpiove- nient ranged fnnn I to t > per cent , and the Miboqiient reaction fnnn I ID I per cent. .MISINfl STOCKS. IT Hey , ICO ; Iniiiciial , ' . > ; Line No I , .70 ; Line No 1 atiil-l , i.ri ; ; ; Hum Siiu-r , 1,503 ; luil'rbiirj. ) ( , W ; IV. ! . , ' 'if ; liulo | > oiidenco , " " > ! ISuhla , M ; So. ISnlwer , 7i Htoniiant , WO ; Climax , C.L' ; rluysolit , ' , r.'J.lj Iron Sil MO.VKV CloMjd esy at 2\ \ per cent ) exchange clo.sod firm at ! M Sljtjl b'OJ. ROYKUXMKNT4. Closed fit in. Currency G'n..1'U ) -TucoiiiH 118. } li'ncoup 1153 P.icifie H.iilro.-ul boml-i closed as follows : ITiiiou , fit-Hfe , 11J to 110 : I.mJ giants , 31S hid ; sinking finals , 127 hid ; 1171 tolls. HTOCKS. The stuck market this inondni ; opened firm , with adv.inct * in piic'-s of . } to 11 per cent , led by New .leri-ey Central , Union Pacific , NorthwiMt , St. t'anl anil Omah.i nncl Kansas ami To\ait. Subsuiuently a weaker tone set in anil th" advance was not only lost , but u further declitu ) teconled.1 The drop landed from i to 2 per cent. . Diniiii'tin ) afteinoon there was a p.irti.d recovery , but later on the weak tone. % rain set in and prices fell to the lowet-t of tin1 i lay. Tow.inl the. close , however , -ulecidcdly htiong tone set and an ad\.iiu-o of f to 1 } per cent fnnn lowest point of this day was The follow-in jj arc the l.itcst prices : Amu ttst Tel. . nt : ( L &N.- 1074 Preferred . . . . 85 MC..t .111 J , Pitts & AVcst. . . 47 * i"Metr Klevatcd. 93 * liurl. k ( Juiney .108" Man livach 28 ] Uoftton Air Jj. . . 51 Mol'ac 10S4 Can. South. . . , . 713 Moh&O 83j CC&I C. . . . . 28 | N.I C lOJt C & A .1431 Noithvvctein..l2Ui C C C & I. . . . 1)8" ) l'rufcneil..H2 ? Ooiisol coals. . . . 02J N"C 118 ? C P . < I5 NY Jilev.iteil.U'JS Cedar Tails. . . SO Nl' 4.-S7 r , St. L k No- 1'referreil. . . . 8yi C & O Omaha J Preferred 110 O & St Paul i > . ONav Pan inia Adams I'M Wells J'anjo. . .l2J ( Uock&P Ani'n Ex 85J U.SKx 72 M&StPnul. . . ll&St .Toe. . . . 83. } Preferreil. . . . 1'ref erred. . . . 113 St. P. & D. . . . Houst.t Texas . 88 Pieferred. . . . 3ml , JJ&W. . . San Francisco. . 111. Cent ,148 , Preferred' ' . . . . K& DJl II p. 5i TcxfcS L. . . . K& T ' Texas Pac L. S . 'liwf UP St L. X fc Chi 98 W. IT. ANOn 01' BONDS. AVASIIJNOTO.V , .lime I. Tlie comptroller f currency reports th.it1B7 banks , wkich held 841,085,850 of si * per cent boinls , all have been extended into 3J per cent bonds , with the exception of two banks holding S.m,500 ; 1,318 banks held 8HW , I0 : ,0" > 0 of 5 per cents , nil of which , it is estimated , have made application for extension , with b.uikH holding fr in 3 1) 5 millions. HANK HKCUIlITir.S. IT. R. bonds . held by the treasurer to secure cure public money's in national bank de pnsitorieii .lime Ith , 1881 , amniint to $15 , 2 7,500 ; cutrency hixcn , § : } . ' ! ,800 ; nix pc ; cent" , 'J 13,700 ; Jive pi-r cents , § 5,2 Hi , 100 live per cents , 83,310,100 , four and a half'o 8897,500 ; four per cents , ,50,5SO,000 : thrci and a half per eents , { fL''J8(5HOO. ( Unitci States bonus ilepo-ited to secure circulatioi dmiiiK tlio week nmled June 4th , 18H1 $20iyL'00 : ! ; United States IwmN to secure circulation withdrawn during the week railed , ! nno 4th , 1831 , § l'Jli81,800. ' Tin Htpck exchange will nqt ha ojicn until 1 u. in. Monday , commencinjr to-day , am coiitimiiiii , ' until Septumber HOlIi. Cm-runt PacldiiK Oporntionn- The Oilicinnati Prieo Current of .Inno 2 i u views the position date as follows The past week not only i-linws an increate creat-o in the number of hojjs marketed ii the went coniparnd with the precet-ilin ; \u'tkj : but it U lai er titan during i-orn-n ] MiuIini ) ; time last year. Our returns imli ( cates a total of lti.,000 for the. week UKa'nst ' 120,000 dining thu prceiilinjj week ami l50WtO ! for cnrre-iiotnlln time lasl year , anil to ilate sineu .Uareh I , a total o 1,320,000 IIOKH , iitfaim't I.UIO.OOO a year a | i , a decrease of U-0,000 in number. _ At . < 'hlita o List year thu anh'rcK'ftto rcceiptH liming .Time were 0"iH,000 , and the opimoi has l 'i'ii promulgated fiom theru thai llicri ) will be 100,000 less received in that market during , Inno this year. If prices be maintained wo Khali tint bu surprised ti nt see last year's number mine nearly reach ed , though we iloiint evpcctjt to he cqni til. At KaiiMia Ohy the rec'eitj | ) ara now very K"'K'i ' ' with liberal hipmuiit > i to nthei maikethj < | iiality improving. At Omaha tlicnt has U-en a fair husim * 4 donu this season. At Atchiton we uiuli'i tanil that packing will siion bp 'in. Ottiiinvva is io- | inj ; a little more than last year. Qiilnoy 1 reports that prospects ate not so ( 'ood for h/igEi as last vi'ar for thu nummcr. At UJmtlaiiil packing' operations arc. now llin- itwl. The reported foreign expo-its of h , . T > n lucts last week \yuiv imieji more liberal bid ihun for many wcukv past , pltliou-Ii still short of corre pen < lins time Insf year. The recent failure of the Kngliiih ( joveiiiineiif to'iiinl any canso for interference with im iiortation of Amciicaii hiin' pnuluct will have an . wauling effect ujxm jtho liritish markets , anil if prices bcie Kliould bu some- Ji jvhat reilured in the early futuie a mater- i.d iniproieinenl in the inret n niovfiiient may be reasonably expected. It is under stood that under a ri 'iil system of insjiei-- tion the I'iciich 'oveniiiient will allow tlie importation of our meats. SjKjcial rt'jmrts show the iiumber of hogj packtd from M arch 1 to ( late at tlio under mentioned places with cojuujrisoiH , M follows- ; ny To.rune 1 Ih81 , 1BRO. Chicago 7fi' ) > 000 1,033,000 Cincinnati 3'J.OOO 34,000 dency. St. iMuii 120,000 115,000 Milwaukee 33.7CO 30,000 d Kansas City. . . . . 110,110 Cedar UapidJ 00,444 09,089 Cleveland 70.CGO 121,000 Ottumwa , Iowa 100 10,930 : ioto Omaha 20,000 > er Detroit 13,762 Qumcjr , III 2,122 4,075 ualns 60,000 or Proil nsc. The receipts of grain l.iusimslirN wem ; . ' > ; R ! * * * " > ' ' ' ' ' > h * mull ? and lo ! car load , , by rail. . n.KnctHg . 2 I cars ' h : " ' 1 * * ' ' ' * " * ufctcSli. " 1' lmt " . ! , ' ' " " Wheat Active On f < | > ccnl.tUp nccntmU anil lower , yango. . . prices . , .hhl ! hod No. * * * " * A. l l'llIIV \ : All' Mums , rWl S10.J . c.vl , oj .Time- $ ) ily , if August , 3 } jear : > o. 2 red win- tot SI Oi , 81 09 , $1 oYaco , r , ! , ; ; r,7h\a or location. Corn weak during greater , , , rtion of day nnd decline of la J. On w h.le grade No. J mid high timed ; -iL'Jc ea liud July : I31o August ; 440 fc.cptcnil.erj . . lljrvear ; nominal Oats In good dcinaiid , s ] .J0 easier ; No , . Me , cash fittnivs dullic ; % -ic , July ; 28 August ; 'J74c , September ; yar l > 7e. liye Steady demand and"ight and not much olfercd ; No. 2 , 5 ! 10 cjli ; We , July ; 70c , September. Uarley Neglected , lifeln-and nominal : No. ' _ ' , Jic ; cash , No. 3 , 85q No. J , 80c. I'ork - Moderate demand and steadv ; .necH closed $10 10iilO ( 15 ; ca h SlliO'i'S ' Hi 10 June : 10 15ii ( " 10 17 } Jnys $10 BO Atl gti't ; SKI 75 year. Lard Active , firmer mid ligher10 : 00 ( ii 10 07J for cash and JuneUO ; ( VVirtlO 07J July ; .siOliT > r < rtlO (171 ( , Augtit. Itulk Meats-sStiwly ] nM unchanged ; imilders , iC > I.Vi'5 00 ; ribvn I bides $8 07' ' > 0 10. Wk.Kkoyiitietat. ! < < l OS Iteeeipts Flour , 8,711 ! h' ' ; Whent , 91 , . 5581)01 * : Corn , Kil.UiOhu Oatn , 183,077 bu : liye , 2M2 bu ; llarlev " , ! . ; i.ii. Shipments - Flour , 8,7"l76bls ; Wheat , 38i N ) bu : Coin , 83-J.7.SI bit Oat.s , 131,878 1m ; Kye , 1,8101m ; Uarlcy , ' ,015 bu. . _ i Iilvo Stock. ClIK-AOo , June l.HogKtceipts 12 , . 000 ; total this week , 111,00 ; Hhlpimmts , 5,700. Tlie demand for hi , vy stock w.i- hotter and ' the market fairy ncti\o am lii m. M'ixed packing , W 4ss5 70 ; Choici , heavy § 5 SOC t10 ! ; Light lugs weak and r cents lower ; Poor to fai , S510C < ? 500 tioml to choice , S5 O'.fu 570. Markets closed strong and all sold. Cattle Heceipts , 'J.lfXj total till' week , -11,000 ; slii.ments | . , V400. Uemaiu tuoiler.ite , the market slow .nil values eas ier. Kvpoits , ? 5 tKg,0 ) ( 10 ; gooil to choice shipping , 85 OOfn 5 8."i ; pool to fair , -S" > 00 ( n550 ; wintered Texnns. SI25ij500 ( ; gi Texans , full supply and BCail- , $ Ji0 ! . butchers stock weak- but Mrly active ' S2 50S ( 75 ; chlelly , S3 75EI ! ! ; stockers and feeders in moderate jiipply and in light rcque-t at S3 55u.r.l5. ( SHlvlU' Hiccipt.s , CiOi ; shipment.s. 1,100. Maiket steadv ; geol sliippmg dc- ni.ind and fair local inquir. jioi.r . to fair shorn , 84 00(3 ( 150 ; good tothoice , SI 7."CT 5J5. . Closul with all Hold. Potrolotin. I'll T.snfun , Juno t. The oil maiketre' inniiied quiet and tinchaiitd ; opened a' 8U , closed at 81J bid , iTered at S'-'i , Sliipmentsyesterday , 50,8blirl.s ! ; chirteriTi yesteulay , 80lfii ( brls. Saos at Oil City 2r.,000 ; refined at New Yok , 8 ; Antwerp , 1'J. ' France. Council Bluffs Gouo-al Marlcot. COUNCIL llCKi't ) , June 4. Wheat Little offered ; active domain for milling ; No. 1 , qtiotei at mills at 8 ! f 87Jc ; haixl No , 1 , 80Q88i ] ; Xo. 8 , iiomi nally. 76e ; shipjiers payingS2Gltlc ) for No 1 witli fair market. Corn Hood demand ; Bhbpers pay 32(5 ( ? 33c. 33c.Hay Market supply nominal ; gooi biinging SHiti ; 18 per ton. Oats Moderate Hupply ; demand good woith 35c. live None in. Wend Sujiply nomina ; haixl sells a § 7 50B.8 ( 00 per curd. Hogs Mai ket fair ; packirs paying 50(5 ( t 75 for No. 1 ; low grcubs bringing leceipts fair ; Imtcliero' and shippers , receipts , good. Cattle and Sheep Butcher's cattld iniie at350@425 ; sheep , 8350tl50 ( ; mark * . Jiood. , f * , IJutter and Kggs Uiitter , market tmppl goixl with fair ileniaml ; dea'ers tiav JOt jiiime UOe. Kggs , in good lUmand ; dealer paying lOc per dozen. , Vegetables Potatoes , liarket Kiipl ] fair ; demand good anil deallrs pay SI OUr ( 1 10 ; rmlishes , 40u,00o ( per /dozen / ; lettuct 40ffi50c ( ] > er dozen ; imioiis , fi 85. i ruit- Strawberries , -Q : ; oranges am lemons , 40g ( 50c per dozen , St.Zjoals Proilucb Market , ST. louiy , .Tune 4 , Wheat Steady , at ? 1 1ft for cash ; S 107 for June ; § 1 Oil for Jillj. Corn Easier , at 43 c fofchshand June 433c bid for July. ) Oals Kasier , at 30c. } Cut Meats Firm ; shiulderrf , § 5 CO nhoit ribs S8 40 ; short cleak , , * 8 00. Pork Firmer ; jobbing alflO 05. Lanl lictter , at S10 55. Poik Steady ; Yorkeis o llaltimorei' ? 5 : tW5 ( 75 ; packing , 85 10 r)5 75 ; butchers 5 HOaC 10. Milwnulcoo Mivliot. I' , June 4. Wheat Weak ; No. ' - ' , $1 00 for c.isl and June ; -SI 08 } for ifuly ; 108 for Au Coin Firmer ; lie. Oats Quiet , at 81 ( c. ' Kye llasier , at SI 01. li.ulcv Steady , at 'Jlie. Now York Pi-odacoMnrkot. NKW JiiK , June 4. Flour Dull and ' . irn'gulir ; U-ad. ) aiu , nf mixed winter at SI 21. Corn In fair demand amlprice ? lower spot miles al 50J(3 ( 5li'/ / for . .2 , mid 51 gi5l./ / for sU-anier inixtd. I ( Juts Jn go l ileniatiil and quota lions lower ; NIM. 1 white atlOJii ; No 2 do jianryNominal - , Kyp Nominal. Pork In fair demand ; rdiimry for early delivery , S15 Ou1' 5 75 for old and SKI 75 ( 17 00 for noimiia. L-inl Strong , nt 10 to 15j higher ; de mand mmler.itu ; npot sales ob-Ity steamer 10 ! (0. ( ( Jut Meats 'Qulot. Whiiky Nominal U Toledo Produce - Toi.iiio , .Juno 1. , ' Wheat-Dull ; No. tired VaiwHli , cn-li , * I 154 ; Juije , 1 14g ; JulyMlHAugnt / ; , ' ll'/jyear / , SI 11. { C'oin ( juikt ; high mixed ! Kigc ; No , ' cash , or June , .Jijicj July , ifeu ; Augi ; JOe I7fic ; rejected , 41JC ; damageilfJOc. ' ! Oath Dull ; NV 2 , cah , 10 a-sktd : 3tfc ; Augiint , Ulu lukcil. 8nc iTic Llverjiool Prodi ' . , June I. PKlotir Atnnrlcan , ! ls ( ( 'lIs. ' Wheat Winter , .Nfoiurd ; rhite , Ksi ; spring , 8 bdf ( 'Js 3d ; lub , 'J fx\ \ ! ld. 2J Corn N'J'.d. iKc hanl-Wi- . " - - . " Pork 72 f Oil , b , . OmolialWliolosalo Mjrlot . mil ! Saturday Kvcni Juno 4 , from the wholesale arkeU dur- 5o thu week cloning Juno 4th indicatu iii- cleaned t.ilw and an active de and for all ' ' ItreaiUtnlfd show an ' . pward U'li- K.T . . Wheat It higher eid tivc , with ' c. upply kecpiiij , ' paw with dei -ml. Com A'tc. 7 Btv.-vly at l.vit quotations , 'lour id in uniidually good demand , espet Jly for the dyher ( { nulu < , in souia of which we ui advance of tjr ceritrf ( hundnxl. The catUa f. rket rv- unchin &t , though tit dnuand S local elauyltt'rini,1 la $ w4 , Ilogvor / iiri"osps nte low , owing to "dimiti" 'hed'foifign ' demand. All butchers' ma- em ! are active with no chatigo to unto rom la t wick's quotation * , Produce of I kinds is active : the demand for strictly irst class articles exceeding the Mipply , Jeatcrs complain somewhat of impirfcot ackinj ; by fli Grain Dealings. t WJIKAT. - raOi Ko. 2 , ' ! OJci Cash No. , Sle : tvjcctnl fiOc- . HA Kl.KY.CVh Xo. 2 , S'Jc ; No , 3 , 7i.'o. Yi-CaOi : , JHlc. N. Cash No. 2 , SOe. OATS.Oh , SOo Drug ! . AND niKMICAlA-AcM , 'arbolic ' , We ; Arid , Tattaric , 55c : 'opabia ' , per lb , 70c ; Hark , Sassafras , per b , 13c : ( Calomel , | > er Hi , 75c ; Citichotiia , > er oD.V ; Chloroform , per lb , l > 5c ; , ) < > M'r's powders , tier lb , 81 40 ; lp ! oni ' .ilts , per lb , Ic ; Glycetlne , pure , per ll > OCa-JOo ; Lead , Acetate , l > or Ib , 2-V ; Car- Kin oil , 110 ° , per gallon , lUc ; do 150s , , 13Jc ; Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gal , e ; Oil , Castor , No. 2 , ner gal , 85e ; Oil , rplniip , . . . > cr lb , 5c ; Stryclinilie , per o/ , 51 ? lOO.i 1 ( JO. Horses ntid Mules. The market is brixk ntid all gradiM are Helling well at a slight aihatiie in pliers. The demand for g c > d hori t-s exceed * the f u.uilderably. . Prices innge its fol- ows : Fiin'sin ln drivers , "IV ) . to POO. : 1'itra Iraft horses , 8175 , to 225. ; Conimon draft Imrses , SHK ) . to 150. : Kxtra farm horses , ? I10 , to 125. ! Common tognod farm horses , " ' 0. to 8100. ; 1-Mra plugs , $00. to 75. ; MULKS.15 " to i5J > ii.inils ( extra ) , 8125. to 150. : Ill to 15 hands , 8100. to 110. : II to 1U hands , 875. to 100. ; 13J toll hands &W > . to 75. Provlsloni. , $375 : Havens Snow I'Uko , winter wheat , $3 Ci ; Wilhcr ilillM niiriiu , ' Wheat , S75 ; UVli K1.0UU-1W50. per cwl. OOc ; . . ' , per cwl. 70c ; shoits , per cwt. 70c ; chopped feed , per cwt. 85c ; meal bolt ed , IKJcfii Sl5c. POTATO KS Per bushel , peach blows , 75c to 85c. POULTHY Live chickens per dozen , S3 50 to S3 75 ; old , spring chickens , $3 75 * " 84 00. KGGS-Shippcn ) count , 10@10J , Can. led , lie. . 1JUTTKH Receipts largerthandemand. Choice 1 , 8 lo 8 ; fair , 5 to 0 ; poor , no market ; creameiy , II to 12. AlTLUS-lJaldwin'H repacked , 8500 per bbl. 11ONUY Extracted , first-class Calif , ornia strained , lOc , OUANG KS Tcrrenls repacked , per boSO 00 ; Palermo , per box , SO 50. Misins , per box , 87 00 ; Imperials , per box , 800. LF.MONS Fancy repacked per boSr , > " > 00 ; good repacked , SI 50. STRAWIJKRRIKS Good shipping firm , stock is scarce and meets with ready sale ; per case , 84 OOGf11 50. SOFT UKRR1KS-S2 50(58 ( 75. GOOSEHF.RRIKS In light receipts ; quotable at 12ta ( > 15c tier qt. VKGKTAlVLKS All kinds in demand , and bring good urices. UUKSWAXYellow , 18 ( ' 20c. ( MDKIl Swvct , 20c per gallon. FIKLD SKICD lied clover , choice , new , § 5 30 per bushel ; mammoth clover , new , $5 75 ; white clover , new , $11 00 ; alfalfa clover , new , 812 50 ; alsike , new , SKI 00. Timothy , good , new , 82 50 2 05 ; blue grass , t-vtra clean , SI 25 ; blue gra- , clean , 81 15 j orchard grass , 82 00 ; red top , choice , Ii5c : millet , common or MisHOini , 81 25 ; millet , German , $125 ; to SI 50 ; Huii''avian , 8115. HlTciCWHKAT-SllO. IIKDCJKSKHD Osage orange , 1 to 5 bushels , 85 00 : osage orange , 10 bushels or over , 84 fiOj honey locust , per lb. , 35c ; per Lumber. I'-INISIIINO No. 1. tinish U , Ii and 2 inch , $55 00 No. 1 JinMi 1 incli S-.O 00 ; No. 2 , Jininh 1. } , H and 2 inch , $5000 : No. 2 finish , 1 inch , 8l5 00 ; No , 3 finish , 1 inch , 840 00 ; O. ( i. battens per 100 feet lin. , 81 25 { well curbing , S-15 00 ; rough J and 2 inch battens per 100 feet lin. , 50c. STOCK 15OAKDS A tock , $15 00 ; 1 ! 810 00 ; C , 830 00 ; common stock , 825 00. FLOORING No. 1 , 810 00 ; No. 2 , S35 00 ; No , 3 , 825 00 ; yellow pine , No. 1 , 815 00. SILING No. 1 , 825 00 ; No. 2 , 822 00 ; No. 3 , 820 00. SHIP LAI' Plain , 83 00 ; 0. G. No. i , 830 00 : No. 2 , 825 00. CKILING-S25 00 < S'83i ; 00. LATH ANDSI1INLKS-A ! staibest ( ) shingles , 83 75 , No. 2 , $3 00 ; No. 3 , 82 50. Lath , 81 00. Building Material. LT.MK Per banel , 81 85 ; bulk per bu. , .V.c. Cement , bbl , $2 50. Iowa plastei , bill , 8275. Hair per bu , 25c. Tancil felt 100 HJH , 83 50. Straw boaid , 81 CO. The Leather Trade. Oak hanic'-c , 30(5) ( ) lie ; Pittsburgh Bolcc- ted , I0f , le ! : hemlock harnesn , : i7fn..11le ; skiitin per lb , fair , 4 Ic ; black collar 1 ! ( ! < ! 21c ; fair do ; 18C/,20o ; fair No. 2 , KifiHKe ; hemlock-hole , Bulfalo sl.iiiKhtfr , per lb , ! ,0 fi''tle ; hemlock sole , It. A , slaughter per , lb , 25i/i32c ( / ; oak ( jolc , 401.'il3c ; oak upper per foot , 25c ; hemlock upper , 25c ; do No. 2 , 23c ; oak kii ] sjcin * peril ) , S'Oc&Sl.lO ; hemlock kip skins per lb , 75cC'J.OOj French kip , skins per lb , S.00j./l.'i5 ] ( : oake.df jierlb , S1.20n'S1.25 ( ; hemlock calf perlb , 8l.lOti1.25 ? Fu-nch calf per Ib , e1.25 ! ( ? 2.10 ( ; Simon Picard treat per do/ , S' i.OO@iM8.00bo ; < jtlej'Mooceo ) per foot , 30'535c ; calf kid per foot , 35o ; roaus per dogD.OOfe § 10.50 ; whlto and yellow lin. ingxtier dofH.OO ( & 810.00 ; pink per do/ , S7.C06'.I.OO ; Riihsett linings , 87.- 00 ; blacksmithn' apions per do/en , % -12.00k. ( 811.00 , PAPKK- Straw jiaper , SJc ; Rag j.aper . , Ic ; dry goods paper , 7c ; inaiiila . , JOe ; news j.aper , be. COAI/ Cumberland blacltHinith , $12 ; M orrii Kiln lllos'sl.urg , 812 ; Whituliiuast lump , fti ; Whitobreast nut , 80 ; Iowa lump , $0 ; Jowa nut , 80 ; Rock Spiings , 88 , Hides , Furs , Etc. IHDKS-Grmi butcher's hide , OJjgreen ired liidCH. 7 e ; green salt. p.-it ( cured ilex , 8aftc ( | ; dry flint , sound , ri& 1 le ; drv ( ? IL'c ; green calf. w't. 8 to 15 llii , ibfi ! He ; * ' L-reen calf , wt , under 8 llw , skin , 50c ; 'n'i'ii j.elt" , 81 00u 1 15 ; gieen lamb skim , l lX" I 25 ; damaged hlden , two-third rate , 'cut scoied and one grub , clawed two- i lalo , ) biandid hides 10 per leiil. olf. Nice 'oonskiliH , No. 1 , | .rie ; No. 2iOr ; No. 8. ; No. I , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , 50c ; No. 2 0c ; NO. 8 , 15i' ; No. I , fie. Fox , No. ] , co noon ; shoil i.liipe , 40c ; narjow itu'l < e , 25c : jioad utripe , JOc , Tallow , f. | . on rit Cigars and Toljacooi. CIGARS. Heed < , 815.00 ; i ' Sh rf2.i.OO ; Mixed , J35.WJ : Seed ilmaiiu,850.00 'IIIMllllllVl ; a : lear IliU.ina , 75.00. ,1 - the TOUACCO - PLUG. . PLUG.Golden -Golden Rub- , hi , 57c : 8jM.tte < l Fawn , r.7c ; Our llo-- , till ; Star , pounds , 21 Ib ' " , butts , 50c ; HI.I . > eilic ' "I lb , butt * . 51V ; Purity , i _ ' butts , 52e ; uec'li liie21 Hi , buU , ' .lit Ldge , imiiiiiU , 2J Hi , biittH , 57 ; Arm > ,1 , , Nttv\i iumU , 51e ; Uuliion. pound' : , { ' . > ! : . ? , ! ! ' ril"ix. ) ' , I-'U'"U ' , 57c. ry palld. . . . lluixl . . . to lieat _ . . , I ' ; CJoIiltii Tlmwl , ( ; < ; rinintaiii , 7 c * ; avonte , ' > ' * ; Kocky . .Mountain , ' ' 'atllni O. S ; , 2 o/ "n.wkuw"fi ( lb IKIXCS" Iln lu ff / \ dOej I rt x.x. I/mllanl . . . a Tiger , . t0e. . ! wan HMUKINU All nniiU ' C'oiiimon,25to On . Uranulatw ] UlackwelU Durham 10 4tM * * fllllffu T til Ut < > . . .IK , . . U-l , .t out in put wide Wool. doa Merino nnwajihwl , light , H(5)10c ( ) ; Scary , maium nnwMhed , light , 18 ty Wr , 30o { jroon nn < i w. , CScj hurry , black and culled w.x 2n,0o ( less. Shot. SHOT.-Rhnt , 81.PO ; Buck , ) , { . $2.15 ; OiieittM ' P wder , keg , 80.40 ; do , balf keg | * . $3.-IS ; do. , quarter kegs , $1S7 : ing , kcg , 83.35 : Fttue , per 100 feet , MV. Paints , Oils and VnrnUhei. PAINTS 1 IN OIL White lad. l . Omaha P. P. . 7c ; white lead , O. P. * C Co.pure , IkFri ; Marseilles green , 1 to . " > ll > ri i , 20ej French rinc , green feal. 12c ; Firiielt line , red seal , lie ; Fiettch fine , in vtriiUh ; , 20c ; French r.ince , ill oil < vt. . r.e ; liaw and burnt umber , 1 Hi cans P.i : raw and burnt Sienna. 13c : > andyKc I I..WH , 13o ; refined : lampblack , 12c : ciwvch Mark , Hie ; | Ivory black , lOc ! drop black , li- ; Prussian blue' , aOc ; tiltramarino blue , IV : chrome green , L. M. & 1) . , 14c : brlnd , ul , , l given , L. M..VI ) . , lie : Pant .IVOII. 18c ; Indian ! red , 15c ; Venetian w. ' , ; I'mfan ml ! , 2-.V ; Aiiieiicin VermiliiHl , I A 1' . , iscj clmnnoellow , L. , M. , O. * . l ( ) . , ISo ; yellow ( HhtxK ! - ; golden ocluc. lii ; patent ilrver , ( V : graining colors : liK'ht oak , diiik oak , walnut , chestnut and ivb , Jr. DryPnlntt. White lead , GJe : IVnch 7Jin\ whlteing 2le ; whiting KlM < n. lji whiting cnni1 ! , He ; lauipblai i , ( iernian- town , He ; lampblack , ordinal > , V ; prtis. sian blue , 55c ; ultramarine , Is , > andjke , brown \ , 8e ; timber , buinl , 4c ; umber , raw , le ; sienna , burnt , Ic : nlvtnia. raw , to : Paris green genuine , 8-V. y r'fnvn \ eom'l 25c : chrome giein N. Y. ' ln j dirome gietn K. , 12euiiiiilliim ; , I'.nn , 70V1 : MT- million , America , ISo ; Indian ic , | , \ ( \ * > ro'e pink , lie ; \eiiutiiin rend. I'ooksnn's 2P | : vcJietian red .Am. , IJc : t > I Ir.vl , 7le- rome yellow , ( eiuiine , 2to ) : ilir > tm > yel low , K. , 12c ; oclnx1 , rochelle , " ; oefi ire , Frmeh , 2c | { iK-hre , Amiiii.ui , He : 2Je ; lehigh U.iwn. 2Jc : Spanish brown , 2ic ; Prince's tain , i.ii Set VARNISH KS llarn > ls p , . gallon. Furniture , cxta , 81 00 ; furnttiin. No. 1 , HOcifuiiiitttii' , V , 75c : conch , r\d , St 25c ; Coach , No. 1 , 81 CO ; Dainar , 81 - . ' ' . ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum , 70c ; shellnc , S.i ' ,0 , ; banl oil liiiish , 81 80. OILS110'cathnn , porgalli.n , 11 } e : 150' headlight , per gallon , 12jol75 ; lu'-idligbt , lieigallon , lOc ; ciystolinc , per g.illnii , 'Ma llncecd , raw , i > ergallon , 50o ; Liii ied , boiled - ed , | > er galli n , 53e ; lanl , winter vtr'd , per gallon , h5c No. 1 , 05c , No. ' - ' , 5"e ; castor , eating , zero , per gallon , 80c , Minuurr , 15c ; " 1 , pergidlou. : tV. Ts'o. . . . . . . . , per gallon , MV ; turIL peiitme 1 > " , per gallon , I4e : naptli.i , 71 l'v 8.1 , 03deg , 17c. ADDITIONAUOCAL NEWS Touritamcut Notes JM. ! I'.nmswiekit Itulkucuinpuiy ol fcra $ : WO billiardtablo to tliuhnsoteam that makes the best time at Ilio Conn cil IJltill's tournament JIIIK 7th ti lltli. lltli.On On Saturday , Juno lltli , the Ucsctio IIoso company of Decatur , 111. , am the Rescue IIoso company of th Blnlla , will content for a § 1,000 prize and such gate money : ia is taken in. On the name day a 8200 piizo is of forcd in a froo-for-all square lieul am too walk. The money will bo divided into thrcq parts ) , viz : Forty dollars to the ono covering the iirst ten miles the quickest ; ? ( JO to the ono covering the first fifteen miles quickest and $100 to the person who makes the firs twenty miles in the shortest time. . _ LADIES LENJ5NAND MOHAIR ULSTERS CHEAP AT McDonald & Harrison'H. Goon.s-Uu.sii.MA.v's Star-tinted spectacles at Edholm & Erickson's. They suit the most difli- cult cases of weak oyes. Try a pair. If ] they do not suit wo return your money. EIHIOI..M & KKICKSOX. WOKKIXHMKN will find it to their advantage to buy tlieir shoes at A. I ) . jMorso's. Trices the lowest and goods the best. All rips UKI-AIKIII ) nui : : 01 : niAiuiK. ONE J'JtlCK CASH I STORE , ] ' 'ourtccnth and Faniham streets. Successor to Loring it Co , Silverware. The largestHtock in Omaha at Edholm it EricKson's. BAiiaAiNH-UiiKKS fJoon Elegant now line of .Silverware at Max jVIeyer it ISro. , the leading joweleis. OoOIIS-TJlIHllJIAN'ti jewelcry and watch work i.s doiii ) by Max Meyer A Uro. , ( lie Tiffany of tlio west. A fine line of CJents1 FuriUHhiii { , ' Goods at reduced prices. eod-2w M. llr.i.ui.itf it Co. Read the largo advcitisement on Jirst page. A largo line of Hats , Caps , Trunks ' and Valises at bottom prices. M. UKI.I.MAN , t Co. May Meyer t Cii.'s Combination is . \ \ the ' best fip cigar. Try them , Dunt to Dust- TJio fiinonil B0i-vico of the Jato Mr , Nathan C. Dooliltlo , wJioso death on Wudiiubday was announced in these ! coluiiuiH ! , took jilaeo on Friday after noon from JIIH Into residence on Dav enport near 1 Uh street. The last sad ( riles wore performed liy the Jtov's : iSlierrill and lieans in tlio nrosonco of a largo assemblage of tlio friends of deceased- The pall bearer * wuro following clerks in the Union Jv . hoadijnailers , vitji which 5Ir. Ue Duolittlu had been conneccd BO lung dining his life ; Conn ( J.illagher , Jei Arulvihill. Alfred .Alanderson , Fogg and J. H. France. Mr. 1 Doooliltlo was born in Now kind Haven , and at the time of liia death : ! 2 ! ) years old. Ilo hrst canio to Omaha in 1807 from * AVibconsin , and entered the Union Pacific hcadquurtora shoes the t employ of Oeo. W Frost , then 2f > purchasing agont. Ho soon imwlo a sold circle of any pcquaintancea and en- doorod hiiheolf to many friends by hfs near ainiabllity of character. Per three paitho haa elovly failing In1 lealth. During his long sickness the atchful care of tender and loving ricnds ministered to his wants and Hayed his suHcrings , S. l > . MORSE , Y CO. , AT l.'ll ! ) KAUNIIAM STIIKKT. MKNS * VtT.MqlllXtl ( lOHIS. ) Twenty styles men's 1 ncn collars , ory best quality , extra worked hut- on holes , all sizes , M to 18 inch , 12\ \ enlsoach , or $1.50 per dozen , equal o those sold elsotthero at § 2.00 to 1.00 a dozen. Ten styles Men's Linen Culls very si quality , extra worked button ilea , $2.f > 0 per dozen , equal (41 ( any- hing oliered elsewhere at § U.OO to 1.00 a dozen. HUTS , I. U'NOUH'.II AS'li VM.U'NtMiir.t ) . Our ( Vi-cent Unlaundried Shirts is ironounced by all who sco and buy it is the superior of any § 1.00 shirts in Juiaha ; it has line linen IJosoiu rein- orci'd or double front and full sized 1' , linen neck band and line worked iiittonholes. rNi.u-ximtni SIIIUTH AT SI.00. Our § 1.00 Unlaundried Shirt in Iho it-si known to the trade. Nntinerma- erial or work can bo put in a shirt. "Hhoia nsk $1.2fi for an inferior article. MKN'M .MIAN IUIAWKUS. Twonly-tho doz. Best quality foiled Scam .lean Drawers , all sizes , 2.'l ' to12 n waist me.iRitro 50 cents , others ask Ti cents and § 1.00 for them. MEN'S SOX ! Open to-day , one jaso men's Seamless Itritish Sox with ; liiublo heels and toes at § 2.00 a doz. , : mo c.iso superfine British Sox very best quality , superior finish , at § 2.50a div.,50 Colored Silk Clocked Hailing- gan Half hose at 25 cents a pair , equal to any 50 cent HOMO in Omaha. Fifty : fancy striped Seamless Half Hose at 25 cents a pair , worth .00 a dozen. WKSII'.U.N Alir..STV I'Oll tT.I.U'I.011) " \Vo are the only direct soiling agents for the inanufacturorHof Celluloid Col lars and Cull's , and oiler them to our custoiuuiii at wholesale prices. Tito trade will find il to their interest tote to supply themselves from our stock always fresh and desirable. S. P. MOUSE t CO. , 1 1'J Farnham Street. LIST OF LETTERS iK in the Omaha 1'ostnflicu for the week eiidint ; Satunlay , Juno 4th , 1881 : or.NTI.KMKN. Anderson A V Anderwin N V Atnold 1' Beachin C Ij Hick ! V Biiim 1. C Bends C W liierbninin L Bock A Boadeii A S Bcntly ! A Hurcleey OUT Brinn I > J Hurt Wm Courte C Christin J CiKiper O Caiter O Campbell A T Clark C Clinton W A Crnmes W Cavenaiuh 11 Cunicu K II Calvurt W D Clifton M A Crinklain l > Deloiricr ,1 Duke It if Ua\iss.l M. ( Indian ) Doru (5 ( Diehl C II D < ilen I'M Doiblin S Devlin J Dixon It Ki-enhirth ! J W lOviiiH Ji KdimeyJ II Frier J S Fox CC Fulla.xchlj IVnch V V l 'uller F Finn O W Fai i u r Ci , Cibson .r 0 fliayll C Curst II 0 Could C I\I ( 'rier B O ( 'uuvr A W ( Jiillith I' 2 ( ioldhiimcr M ( ! alli-herJ ( W llmlgex - Herman J C Hall. I Hammon J Mayner if Maney A IlictokOA llortonCN-2 llnyttord O Hiiimer A llojleCC HawuH W M lloifimin h Ilydii W Irwin.l W Jenkins J V Johnson H Johns St JOUCHt \ \i \ Jolmien T Jones U Jiilinson 1 * Jinkeom W .lackobv O JetellO Jarksnn II W KnowlcH Af H Kionnt/ \ Kennelly M F Kens A N Kriifmein ( } KcniKdl J T O Kameicr G II irt' I1' K lo-nch C-2 \MllU \ W .Mmiian W I' Mo.Modi Miller TO MillerS Y McCiiL'tio S M unlock W Mel'he. son A V McCoy J U Mct'iilloch J Myers J McCillioiiddy J Montuumany AV Mark U K Micheisun K McMillan I ) MiUhon.M F Newman d D Muwnian M Oith.l F Ok-ulL J 1'et.Tsi.n II T l'.Kh.iid 3 r.i < Um J M I 'otter I' I'eildernoll O IViirson 1' Totter C 2 Itnbinson .1 M Holers Til ItaiiiH W Jieymaner II Srifn J Kuan J IL Sandnladt .1 sioamu IM ; SchnagiT 11 Schnell I' ' ' Swank ( ! Schh-ipC Svv.ui ( J V Stouu C F Siliiiiehaiini A J-'ayeock NN H Slaldiii RV Smith J' Stepheiw ( ! W Stewart It 'j'imex Omaha Turban U O Turkey O R Vwbrjclc.l A ' ' Wittcnan W NVd'er'.S T WaVien J M Webber .1 Wilkln J W \Vrnklmay . . . .T . WlloyJ 11 \ atxuli 15 t. r Wilcox&Co Wnblgehit WiiUh Mr WanilMch ( ! Wi.-l F WlKMlnill .1 II Wil oii C Yulheiw C Ahhton Lottie Miss A i lien A Iteiiynii S Mia liernard > FMiHi Iu0.Miss , lirii'haher A ] Mrn 'f HrowJi T MI-H Itlngham ( ' l > MIH CliidiM'J Mirt ( 'olt L C Mr * Dllrll .1 M DaviiM KMifs Jallop A MUs lluglies A Mi'M lionet L Mrs .lllJH'H M H MlHS iloliaiisM.ii ( .1 Mm Kalischerit Mln-i-2 Talrtoll ( ' Mi 4 Maitiu MM _ Petei-fcen A Itcwl Lou Mis- ) Rnberkin It M Mrs Tiedoiir < < Mi H Taylor A .Mlm VaiiSundwItyJJJAfrB V.I-H.I Mi-s-2 Wullfvr A MM nick A Miiii Ir yon want a plcamint team of any , go to J. JJ. AlcShano'H Livery , i07iK)7 [ : ) and l.'JOll Jlarnoy street. Mons'Blioi's 81.00 to ? 1,25 , Indies' 70o to gl.OO , Cliildrons * shoos o to COc ; lot of all kinda nhall bo at prices to Ant all in ncod of , before moviiiL' , at Fullrludo's , 13th and Douglaa. Tics , Slippers and nioo of many kinds , t Follriodo's. Omalua , A POT A PIT Collins Cheyenne , * * * "AM % \ JJColorado Spring and Summer CLOTHING ! LATE AND NOBBY STYLES V ti i FOR MEN , BOYS AND CHILDREN. - * Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valise IN TIIU liATKST S'H'LKS. Satisfaction Guaranteed ! Prices to Suit All ! ! 1322 FARNHAM STREET , NKAH FOrUTKI'.XTIT. . IP ! . Dealer in Hardware , TXItsT Stove Eepairer , Job Worker and Manufacturer OF Tenth and Jackson Sts. , - - - Omaha , Neb. 616 10th Street ( See Flag. ) Having purchased 7500 yards Lawns at a large discount for cash , we will offer the greatest bar gains ever attempted in Omaha. 180O yards Laws at 5c , worth 8 l-3c ; 3200 yards Lawns at 7 l-2c , worth lOc ; 200O yards Lawns at Wa , worth 12 l-2o ; 50O yards L WUB at 12 l-2c , worth 15o. Also 5000 yards Laces ( BoautifAil Goods ) at the Uniform price of 5c per yard. HATS ! HATS ! HATS ! 1500 Imported Paj'al Hats 50c each , up town price $1.00. Under nocircuiiHtanciM will wo HO ! ! more than oni ) Hat to each customer. Corao early in the day to avoid the rush afternoons. P. G. IMLAH , - - - Manager , LEADER OF POPULAR PRICES. WITH THE BEST SELECTED STOCK OP IN OMAHA. . . \\'li AUK , I'AH KXCTLUI.VCn , - ' THE TOMfi MEN'S ' CLOTHIEKS BOSTON CLOTHING HOUSE , 1212 FARNHAM STREET , 1212 SOHLANK & PRINCE. J. W. MURPHY & CO. , Wholesale Liquor Dealers And Agents for Kentucky Distilling Co , Corner lltli anil Doiiitlvi 8t . , Omaha , Kcb DECORATIVE PAINTER. IJKST DKSIONS , LATIJST STVLIIS. AUTISTIC WOltK. UKTMVUOCHM IirrOnK OIIUKUIMI WORK KMKWIirilK. 6ION3 , PAPEn HAHQINO , PLAIN PAINTING ) OF ALL KINDS , at HEASONABLE RATES. 1318 Harney Street , Omaha , Neb. ) Mr22ood.m Horse Slices and Ms xxtoiar - < aj rx > WAGONSTOCK TIII : HIST ASSORTMENT OK WHEELS IN THE WEST , At Chicago Prices. W. J. BROATCH , ' 1209 & 1211 ' f HAJjnnr Si.'OJJAU4