Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 06, 1881, Image 1

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    . f , r FHE OMAHA DAILY BEE.
YOL. X , OMAHA , MONDAY MORNING , JUNE (5 ( , 1881 , NO. 285.
Real Estate
15th & Douglas-Sk ,
OMAHA ; HEB. ' . , . .
, - . / ' * . . t ' , , J
4UUU : * 100tO2W > Otavch
OKA - - -
QU _ 't jj ' . $275to $18,000 tacli
OUU j ' i' ? WO ° f10 a < *
200 FAnU3 . - .
900000 ; - ;
13 000 < * . ' t : . . .
ACnES " SAUI'Y COUKTYI"f - ' } :
. . . . i ; ' ' . : . :
ji !
Ii" ,
LOTS , wrrniN ONI : TO KIVI ;
8 Per Cent.
25c each ; Mounted , SI.
Houses , Stores , Hotels ,
Farms , Lots , Lands ,
Offices , Rooms ,
etc , , etc. ,
Taxes Pnid , Rents Collected ,
Deeds , Mortgages , and all
Kinds of Koal Estate
Documents Made
Out at Short
This agency does strictly a
Brokerage business. Does not
speculate , and therefore any
bargains on its books are in
sured to its patrons instead ol
being gobbled up by the agent ,
Notary Public Always
in Office.
ff2T0A.LL AND CRT CinCULAIlS'ana'rUI.1
PA.TIC17J.AJ18 at
EealEstate Exekiip ,
fvrvr ,
t' I
Baswitz & iells ,
1422 Douglas St.
Burt & Means'
Qonta' Shoes and Ladies' Pine
t .
Shoes a Specialty.
The Oldest Established
C&ldwell , Hamilton &
Iluslncftft tranmlitl KUIIU as that if MI Incor
] Kiratccl onnk. ' ,
Account * Kent | n currency or toll subject to
jlghlehi-ck withoutJiotlcc. '
Certificates dt ilupo lt iwiieil | uiilo Iti throe ,
six. ami twHvo mouths liuirlng iuiirmt ; , or on
demand without Interest.
AJvnnccs made to ciu-totnrni on apirovcil sci'U
rltios at market rated of Interest.
liuy and Bi-11 jfold , bills of oxrliaiire , Rovcrn
incut , ttatc , fnunty anil eity homl * .
Draw rijtht ilratts on KnicUiul , lolam ) , Scot
land , and all jnrtH of Eurc | > e.
Kcll Biiropcan paisnpe tickets.
United States 'Depository
' Cor. 13th and Farnuaa Sto.
* i
' . . . ' OMAHA.
Orpiniicj as a National Rank Aigust 0 , ISfiS
OAi'irAr. AND iuori'i's ; UVEU ssooooi
Siulally ) ! autlioilzol liy the Korrctn-y o ( Trva !
ury to riii > lvo Hiibueriptlons lethe
4'Per Cent. .Funded Loan
. '
HKR.VAS JfoitNTXR , President.
Auni'sTi H ICorxniV Vice I'rctldsnt.
II. W. VAI UK , Cashier. /
A , J. I'oprihiov , Attoincy.
i ! ' , IT. tiAvis , Ahst. Cablilei
ThUluak n-cclvfii dq < o.iitH without regard t
nnivinits. >
lilies ltnv > < crtlDcntcs Ijcarins ; interest ,
Jra i ilr.ifton in l'roiui-.c.-o nml iirincin |
cities of the t'nitcd Stiiti ; * , alw > London , Dul.ln :
EdinLiircli ami Iliu prinelpal c-itii-s of the cunt :
nc-iil of ! ) iiro ) .
Sells luwuiiyur llcki-U for emigrants in the In
man liii.u. . mayldtf
Gep. P. Bern is
' '
I5th nnd'DoJEe Sts. , OmaU , Ncli
EThi- - _ ' ni'Vlot' hTUd' > roliri' . ' ( > lui'iiifis
Poi'-i not > | H.iiilaiLnuil thi-n H > "II urn bargain'
on it-i hj'iks rtr-j in-unil to litp.iroun , insteai
fil lu-lii olililuij up Ii.- tinaint ,
Uo it Jtesoltcd hy the City Coum ilW tlio City ol
Oinuha : ' | -
Tint u sidewalU lie , , \vitliIn flfte'ii il.v.-s from
ilalf , cod.tmutcd and laid to tin teniporar.v
ruduln nald Uty , in front of ( ind'idjoliiin ' tin
llouinj , ileserllii'd pruinliCB. vlzji Lots iit , - . " > ,
ilQ , anil ' ! . i-t side of Shcriiuu uvwili ; , in liar
i-'i'n ' 1st u'ldttion , six fr < t Midi- . {
IoN 1 , 'J , : > . ) , f- , < i , 7 , iii < t H , v < , ( jildo of Slier-
man nvcnuiin Iilocl : IS , E. V. Siiilh'rf addition ,
six li'ct wide. I
Iot 1 , toutli Ma of Riui-o f-tii-il , In liloi-k 15 ,
: . V. Smith's addition , M\ feet \\M\ \ . 1 and 10 , so-ill ! nd-i of ( ir.l'o tlreet. in
Mock It , E. V. Sin'th's ' a-tdllion , si iuet wide.
Kot-i 1 and 10 , woutli Me of ( ifu-o utrect , In
ilo.'k 111 , i : . V. Smitli'rt ( ulditlon , ilitvit ulile.
l.nH 1 , 2 , ' ' < , 4 and 6 , west . ij | .l < 'htuunti )
street , III bboli - ' , E. V , .Smith'tudilllon , siv fuel
wide. 1
Also on lots lajlneliet ; 0-n Ilofarh'sHtad.
dilion and ( Jl.irk Stii-ft , on tluMVifcldoof Klv
tteiitlititrvct , ( Kfuctnldn. [
Al o on lots lietueen E. V. Piti'.h's in
nnd ( ! oort'u II. l.'tKu's additionInt-st
liu'hteeuth street , six fe.-t wld.- . |
Itqalr MJvuullin rrs follows : I nl. 2 , Mnnil
4 , Mwili kltlu of Culifornm tired , Ii > leek J7 , bix
Lot 21 , east ldo of Shennai .venue , llor-
haeh'rt 1st addition , ix fi-ct u
vli'kMtfXialks t i h" eoiMrtnri i f ! -lneh plno
li nnd to l > o in uldth , : i. alu and
tlic rmpectlvo oivner orov.juTic f do *
terlbu-1 prcinlfvM an : liercli ) rc < | < iri ! to construct
thu .
May 3Ut , Ib51. J. J. I , . Jy.VKtt ,
Jit > Clerk.
lc ! it reselltal by the City Council o the Clt > of
Omaha :
Tliat ft kldewalk K- , within lift nlaya from
till- , il.itr'Untrui ti"l ami laid to I : teni | ) rary
( r.vlo In wl dty , In front of < unl Ijoinin ; tlic
followiii , ill H-rlliiil | ireiui i- , > iz :
bits I ; ui.I ! > uiit bi'l'J ' of Uth fctru In hjel. ] ' 12 ,
six fiut wi. | . ' .
l/ti I ami.- , fast kiil Of fltii > tri | t , Uook 'M
iix fuct widu. In Ur lit r ru-i rJi ii > n.
Also Lot S , north bi < lt < -i H A | Mruct. in
Mock lli.
Suili biilcttalUi ! to JH ) < iKtnut of t o ituh
l > rlc < J phnlc ftnil to ho in v.-nirn , m jiH-i-Illuil.
niiij tlio rwiHatlioowii-ir-if tli ' \ \ itui-c rilnvl
jiruiulbog are lit'rcl < > ri.iiiic.l | to nutruit ila-
1'asjo.lJIayaUt , JaSJ.
i J , J. u 0. ; \VKTT ,
Bo It I'cwhuilby tliuCit ) Counil ( the City of
of < > nuh.i :
Tiiatukldinulk liu , i\ltlii'i Pfti ilav-i from
thU Uatu , ( on lrticteil and i > id to i
irmile ill bald < -lty. In front of und
foilo\vlnxde Tibo < lpreiiii > - , vi/ : I. 1 , north nda
of CUM and Eighteenth arect , In b ! k4& , ix ( tut
wide. Such t > ! ile alk toho'ion - dud of two *
intli pinephnkundto tvln width , Ubovu MIK-H.
fled , and the n-MpoUivt ) ( iwmr or ' nerd of thu
above dMcrl'iiKl preniiaea arm ert Required to
construct tht ! am .f f -1
Tlie Now York Assembly Rapidly
Dissolving in Pairs ,
Democrats and Stalwarts Mu
tually Agreeing to
Go Homo.
Wlailo the Half-Broods Remain
Masters of the Field Deserted - f
sorted by the Enemy ,
Gen. Grant Will Marshal Conk-
ling in the Present
A Delightful Plan Agreed Upon
to Secure the Election
of the Twins.
Till : STAI.WAUT 1'I.AN.
NEW YOUK , Juno 5. Gen. Arthur
irrived in the city Saturday morning ,
iind in the evening ex-Senators Conk-
ling and PlattjVice-Pi-esident Arthur.
Stephen 15. Trench and others held
consultation. THey discussed the situ
ation , and a future plan of action siig-
. csted was to keep up the 'dead-lock m
Lhe legislature and force an adjourn
ment until after the election m No
vember. With the republican party
itill divided they admitted the proba
bility of the selection of a democratic
majority and that Governor Cornell
will then re-convene the present
cgislaturo in special session in
the event of the selection of
democratic legislature. This ,
ihey argued , would compel President
Gavfield and Secretary lilaino to yield ,
mil withdraw all opposition to the
re-election of the resigned senators.
It was dually decided .to pursue this
policy the stalwarts to stand togethci
on all ballots , and at the proucr time
to agree to an adjoumuont.
Senator Matt said to a reporter .this
evening that Gen. Grant will come tc
Albany and take part in the cancui
in a quiet way. Ho will make tin
Delavau house his headquarters , am
as he is a warm friend of 'ex-Sonatoi
Conkling , of course , ho will do all IK
can to aid him. At present it look :
like a long dead-lock , followed b'
"I feel very sanguine' , " saidSonato :
Conkling ; "never more so. There i
no possiblity of my withdrawal. . '
shall return Albany and bo 'on ham
dining the stiugglo. "
"Is there any truth in the reports o
a disagreement between you and Gov
Cornell ? " asked the reporter.
The reply was short , sharp and decisive
cisive , " 1 have nothing further to say
sir , ' Gcicjd cvimimr. - -
rouiiTit DAI.
ALISANV , N. Y. , Juno 4 The Icgis
lative session in joint convention was
resumed this morning , the .senate en
taring in a body at llu. ; > o'clock. Air ,
liobertsnn took thu chair and bal
letting began at IJhfiS n. m. The .sen
ate ballot f r CojiUing'h MICCOHSOF re. .
suited : Conkling 7 , Whenlor 0 , Cor.
nell -1 , JUrgors I ! , Ur.ulley 1 , Folgor 1 ;
Jacobs ( democrat . Total 1M.
When three pairs had been an
nounced , Spinola ( ) asked if
a pair was a good thing just now foi
republicans to draw from ( Laughter. ]
The assembly ballot for a sneci.i''ui
to Colliding rosulled : CouklinySl , Cor-
iu-11 15 , llogers 10 , Wheuler 7 , Lap-
hum , Cruwley 2 , Jacobs ( democrat )
> ' " . Total i.
The following oiFof 30 loaves but , 2 ! )
above a le al qiieriim and it .if , ' , an-
ilDimced that several other pairs have
lii'cn iirrangod. Two votes wore
added to the ollieial list after the
actual balloting , had clo.-tcd , but bo-
"oru the whole number cast 112 in-
btcad of 110. Tin ) uflicial announce
ment t the joint ballot was :
Conkling 20.
Cornell 18.
Wheeler I.1 ! .
Rogers lt. :
LapliamI. . . '
Crowley 2.
liradloy 1. .
I'olgor 1.
Jacobs 31.
Total , 140.
For successors to Plait , the ballot
was in the senate ; Platt C , Depew 8 ,
Lapham . ' ! , Miller 3 , WJieelor 1 , Van-
cott 1 Kornan , Total 24. Spinola
moved to adjourn but the jnotion was
declared out of order ,
In the assembly , the ballot for
Phitts successor was ; Platt 20 , Dopow
li > , Carnell 8 , Miller 0 , Crowley . ' 5 ,
Folgor It , Tromaino 4 , Dutcher 2 ,
Font on I Korimu 27 Total 80.
The total vote for u. . successor to
Platt was as follows :
Platt , 2(1 (
Cornell , ' 8
Tronmin , 4
Folger , . ' }
Van Cott , 1
Wheeler , 1
Fonton , 1
Ivermin , ill
Total , 1 10
After the annoimconient of the
votes , s ] > oaker Sharpe moved an ad
journment , Spinola then moved ivs un
amendment that the joint convention
take recess until Monday at 12 o'clock
Platt them moved an ammmidmont
U ) tca ; ! 2. iw * until to-morrow
Sunday mum and that the proncoflirij-'i
be opened by prayer for which ever
side deserved micuein.
'J'ho tiiiuindmt'iit was declared out
of order , as ; i motion tu amend a mo
tion to adjuKrji could nut bo enter-
lained ,
tSpcakcr Sharpy withdrew his motion
and Spinnkm' motion , and ypinolus'
motion to take a receas until Monday
was cairiod.
The steam Bhip , .City ot . ileridn
arrived ut Quarantine Btation at 2
o'clock this morning , with Gen. Grant
onboard. Grant was ( eager to look
ut the newspapers. Ho read the po
litical di&patchcs with evident interest
Mid oxprensod sompathy for Conk
ing and thought that ho was the vic-
im of the wlnto houo ring , nUh ( > ui > U
exonerating Oarfield. Ho said that
Conkling ought to bo elected to the
senate. Grant reasserted the points
nado in his letter to senator Junes- .
Ho denied the ch'angoa of Governor
ung recently published.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Juno 01. n. in.
Secrrotnry Wiiulom who is in the
city on private business , says all re-
porta of discord or hanuo-
lioua feeling in the cabinet aiv cu-
: itoly without foundation. Hi * in-
lornmtion and belief is that Ulaino
was in no way * responsible for the
uimiiiation of llobortaon , who ho
jolioves will not iuako Now York nis-
.om house , a machine in any souse
of the word.
XntlonM Associated I'rcss.
WASHINGTON" , Juno 0 1 a. in. - -
President Gnrlield and Secretary Hunt
irrived homo from their trip tu For-
; rcss Monroe last evening. The piva-
dent will leave for West Point on
Wednesday night.
Mrs. Garfield was BO much improved
yesterday that preparations will lie at
> nco entered upon looking to her re
moval from the city.
The Catholic element turiu > 4 out en-
jiutsso hero yesterday on the , occasion
f the Celtic cross and monument ovei
ilio grave of Thomas Davin Heilly ,
iho Irish patriot , at Jit. Olive come- -
A B1R Suit.
National Associated l'ro .
SANTA FB , N. M. , .luno 5 1 a. m
in. The largest railroad suit i-vei
brought before the United State !
courts has been commenced hero be
twcen the Texas Pacific and Southcn
Pacific railways of Now. Mexico. Tin
Texas Pacific sues to recover thirty
miles of road built upon the lain
; rtint of that road now used by tin
Southern Pacific of Now Moxico.
The Old Board.
MILWAUKEE , Juno 5. The oh
board of directors were re-elect ed a
the annual meotingof the stockholder
of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Pan
Tlio Gould Coniblimtion-
GALVEHTOK , Texas , Juno 4. It' '
learned that the leaiso of the Interim
tumid and Great Northwestern Hail
road to the Missouri Pacific roai
which was icporicd tw consummate !
at Palestine , Texas , recently is practi
cully a consolidation of that line wit !
the trunk road of the Gould coinbhm
lion known as the Old Honstoii , Grca
into possession of the Gould interest ii
1878 by foreclosure. The road 1m
since been entirely reorganized. Gotil
now consider. * it one of the bjst piece
ot railroad property in his southwest
ern system. \
ou'tlio llovif.loli.
Xntlonal Avioi-Uti-il I'rcs-i.
JJitooKLV.v , Juno ( i. Tlie now vei
sion of the Iliblo received a few Bquur
blowu fiom IJev. Dr. DoWiit C. Tal
miigo yesterday inorniny , and judgin
from the manlier in which it was re
ceived liU crii ivgation Iieartily agre
with him. Jr. Talmngo procecdei
to give his view.s on th
new version of the Bible
Dr. Talmage said that he rojeotet
the new version because it was trivial
and explaining trilling difl'crcnocH o
the two versions in many inspects
iindciineluded by saying , "Hold t <
your lliblf. The old liiblo is IMK
enough for me , Tls mutilation i :
called a ivviaiun. It will t.d.o inon
I nan Po\enty-ono revibirs to blot mn
I he memory of the liiblo fivm iieojilo
the only revision is that made by youi
pencils on llto margin. 1 call upon all
people an 1 minisU-is to bo quick l (
protest against this scholarly profan
ation. "
Adiuu's Denial
WASHINGTON , Juno G 1 a. in. Ii
regard to the recent charges tha
clerk Geo. M. Adums of the house o
ropresentativcH was a defaulter to tin
amount of several thousand dollars
that official published a card in i
Washington papers to-day in whicl
he denies the change and .suyi
as a matter of fac :
the clerk of the house
of representatives is not intrnste <
with any money belonging to member ;
except the item of § 125 for each member
bor at each session of congress foi
stationery , which the members cai
draw in stationary as tliov may pro
for. These amounts , with other exceptions
coptions , have been paid on demand ,
A Brolcon Hart
Niw : YOUK , Juno < ! 1 a. m , A
dispatch from London to a Hportiiij.
man in this city states I hat Fraiil
Hart has broken down in JHH training
and applied to The Sporting Life for i
return of his 81500 entrance fee'in tlu
Astloy bolt contest ,
LONIHI.V , Juno 5 , At the Marl
borough street peace court Frank
Hart , th American pedestrian , wat
charged with assaulting a woman and
hrealing $2f > fiom her. Ilo waa com-
milted for trial at the Middlesex court
of cessions. Mail \yis ; iixrd in tin
case , with two sureties , at 140 each ,
The Tumors-
Xallnnul A'fiOclriteil I'lcbB ,
ST. Loi'ih , M < i. , ilnno C J a. in-
About two thousand Turners arrived
from Missouri , Illinois , ! < > wa and
eastern states yesterday to attend the
iiirnfbiit. Siiil ihi''f" cs'j.v.ds f\vo ex-
] > ected to-day. The streets present n
very guy appearance , for , m-sides ( lie
inches which have been erected in
various places , a largo number of
down-town business houses are
handsomely , and some profusely ,
decorated , and hundreds of priv.tto
josidenccs are liter.dly covered with
Hujj'H , evergreens , ( lowers and mottoes.
The ceremonica opened las' night with
n grand torchlight procession , which
escorted the visiting Turners to
Schneider's garden , in the southwestern -
orn part of the city , where a compli
mentary concert was given , Speeches
of welcome were made and a grand ,
good time generally indulged in ,
, . " . . t .
* * - -
The Irish Agitation Rapidly Ap-
proaohing a Physical
Settlement ,
Parnoll's Last Speech Considered
orod the Forerunner of
Grave Events.
The Landlords Furiously Frotl :
For the Extermination
of the Hirish.
Juno 0 1 a. in. The Or
ingo eniorgency committee have in
'ormed Mr Korstor , chief Hecretarj
"or Ireland , that unless powers wer
given the police for their own protee-
ion the committee would not allem
my more of the sheriff miles.
A special London cable says : Par-
toll's speech Friday is generally re
garded as a challenge winch the gov
ernment cannot overlook. Kobodj
cr.peets the government to proceei
igainst 1'arnoll personally , ho takinj.
care to avail himself of the parlinmcn
tury jirivilego. The miniatera consid
er allairs both in Ireland am
England to be far graver than ye
known. I'arnell's rcmarko about i
general strike against rent , which In
ileclared was the policy earnestly ad
voea'.od by many influential leaguers
Parnell's friends say ho would readil ;
adopt it , but fears to provoke a decisive
sivo conflict , for which the home nil
ers are not ready. I'arnoll adhere
steadily to one idea , that th
present land agitation must b
made to subserve the promotion < i
the political independence of Irelanil
He neither strongly denies no
deprecates what he yesterday threat
ened the entire loss of landlord' '
property , The real key to Parnull' '
speecli was the phrase declaring thu
the Irish are saturated with disall'oi
tion , and justly so , and threatenin
an appeal to physical force. . Th
ministers and everybody else agre
that this language seriously aggravate
the exciting troubles , and increase
the probability of a collision on a sti
greater scale , and imperils the life <
every unpopular landlord. It is m
derstood 1'arnoll hopes not to brin
on a general rising , but to incite n
sistaneo in each case of process servin
on Biieh a scale auto prevent efl'cctiv
the line of the police and military , e ;
copting in great numbers , HO sis i
paralyse eviction. Whatever 1'arnoll
particular purpose may be , Englit
feeling is rising , and demands th
the government shall show more e :
ergy than lately.
A Crooked Akood.iti'il 1'ii-et.
SAN FjiAxrisc-o , .lime 0 ] a. m.-
Charles Robinson , assistant city alto
noy , has presented to the board of s
pervisors , seven charges against , lol
Luttrell Jlurpliy , city attorney , alle ;
ing malfeasance in ollico by domain
ing that his assistant should pay pa
of his .salary to James Quiiin , wli
rendered no Korvico for the mono ;
The supervisor : ! will investigate til
charges. They had already preferre
charges of incompetency.
Soiziiro ol'Iiiqiior.
Ijowr.u. , .Mass. , .luno ( i - la. m.-
A largo liimur seizure occurred in thi
city batnrdiiy night and excites nine
comment. No licenses have bee
granted since the first of May , an
several arrests have been made for i
legal Hides. Ollicorn had a search an
seiv.uro warrant against 1' , Lynch , hen
toforo one of the largest dealer ! ) in Hi
citj' , At 1 o'clock Shoriir Harri
stopped the team with which tw
men were delivering a jug o
liiiior | , and which aLio containei
cask of whiskey and smaller package :
The team taken to station by til
ollicors and Lynch's promises searche
when 1H ! casks of liipior of varioii
kinds were found , including HOIII
French brandy and wines of high cos !
Some casks were found to top wit
evidence of recent Hiilea miles , who !
lot was confiscated , amounting tolltl
gallons , estimated valued S10.00U
in China.
National Auwclatul l'iem.
SAN FHANCISIJO , .Juno B , The Hoi
grin from Hong Kong brings the innv
of the ( ' .astern empress of China A
the eastern empress is HiiH'ering fron
mortal complaint and the boy empero
is wc.vldy , iiud fresli eomjilieation :
throaton'tliu fnturoof Ihomiipiro.
Cap 'iin ISrown , " Hiiperinteiulunl o
the 1'acific mail company at Voko
liama wits accidentally killed whil
trying to hoard the City of I'okin ,
L.Vimg Chaiy , Chinese viceroy
advises the opening of all Corcai
Boston Wants the Fair.
DOSTO.N , Juno 0 1 a. m. A largi
and t ntliusiastiu meeting was held a
the product ] exchange ( Saturday after
noon in the iiityrest of the p-oposoi
world's fair in 183. ) , After .I'Jdrosse :
by several prominent gentlemen tlu
following resolution \vs ; adopted
"Heartily in favor of holding a world'i
fair in Jiu.iluu in 1885 , and we an
ready to extend substantial aid to tlu
enterprise and do all in our power t
carry it forward to success. " Com
mittees were appointed.
A Convict Killoil.
la. , June 0 , Sherif
Thompson , of .M'ic < > n county , uhotam
killed Tone Underwood , an oscapctl
jail-lireakur , . who resiHtcd arrest ( Sat
urday. _ _
General Dinz
A 9ueluli l l'rt s.
CITV OK 3\Ir.\H'o \ , June ( i 1 a. in.
President Diaz has resigned tlu
portfolio of public works. Whethei
no will go to Franco or bo _ electei
governor of Oaxaca is uncertain. CJen
oral Paehio , ttecretary of war , wil
take his place about the Uth inst.
onor Kamoii Fcrnandazo will bo gov-
rninent leader in war matters if Hen-
rnl Diaz goes to France. The resig-
lation of Clenoral Diaa takes olfect
Hersking , member SnUlino opera
ompany , jumped into the river at
3enver Saturday and was drowned.
Capt. Kads saystlioconcossitmof the
'chonantapcc routeis the must valna-
'ilo ever granted by the Mexican gov-
Three boys were buried under a fall-
ng embankment in Now York Satur-
, ay evening , Thej' were taken out
A vault of the cemetery at Canton ,
Ohio , has been entered , and the re
tains of six persons taken out. It is
upiwsed that jewelry Was the object
f the vandals.
The republican convention of Cuya-
, oga county , Ohio , passed resolutions
iatitrday , endorsing Unrliold's admin-
ration and booming Charles Foster
or governor.
George Xorn , of Louisville , hung
limsolf four times in a barn , Satur-
lay , The ixipo broke each time and
inally ( Soorgo gave tt up in disgest.
lo was temporarily insane.
Gabriel flnaege , a farmer at Gill-
nan's Point , put the muzzle of an old
rmy pistol in liin month and blow his
lead oil' He leaves a wife and three
hildren , and was seventy yeara old.
A dispatch from Clinton , 111 , , says
Mrs. Ducy , an insane woman at Wu-
lella , poured coal oil over her cloth-
ng and burned herself to death. She
vas fifty years old and leaves , a largi
Charles S. Gies , head operator foi
ilydor , the Chicago photographer
committed suicide yesterday by tak
ng a dose of cnyaudo of pottassium
Disappointed love was the caino.
Creditors of Jas. Moore it Co. , o
Chicago ; the jewelry firm who slid
lunly disposed of a largo Block o
goods bought of eastern parties 01
credit , are more numerous than wa
it lirst supposed.
Yesterday noon a number of nitrn
glycerine caps , stored in a bltieksmitl
diop half a mile from Low Moor , \V
V . , exploded and killed John lien
dcipou and James Vilkins , hot !
while , and two negroes.
The second payment of 2i per con
on the entrance fee for horses entorei
for the July meeting at the Cliieag
driving park has been made and tli
number of horses remaining in for th
thirteen events on the programme at
sures the success of the meetind.
Keports from Indian Territor ,
state that John Thomas , the Texn
desperado who killed three men nea
Gainesville and escaped into the terr ;
tory , has been killed in the Chouta' '
nation by an Indian with whom h
quarrelled about the price of a meal.
Frank Winkler , a coal-digger <
Canton , Ohio. . 1m j'ocoivcilvilie \
tounding inteliignneiTiliat lie , mio <
six heirs to a lf > ,0)0,000 ( ) estate i
England. The estate is loft by
brother who left homo before Fran
and became rich dealing in diamond
at Capo Town , Africa.
Ocimn TraHlc.
National AM < nclati < l I'li'.vt. I
Niw : YOIIK , Juno i"i 10 p. m.
Sailed ( ti'rmaiiie and 13-Jtypt for Liv
ei'iool ] ; Cireassia for ( ilimgov ; l ol
gehland for Antwerp ; fienenll Wor
leu for JSremen. ArriveilHIieii
from Mremen. j
liitKMKN , Juno ( i -I ii. m. -j-Arrivoi'
llermann , frnm It.tltimnre.
Liviiii'ooi : , , Juno ( > I a. 'm. ' Ar
rived Chrymdito , from New York.
LOXIION , . .limeArrived ( ! Ulnpi.M
: ind Movarok , ir
York ; Walduiwiaii , from I5u ton ,
The Hottest Day.
Yesterday \\sin ( lie hottesljday that
lias been experienced in Oihahu the
present season. The thermometer
cavorted np to ! ) l in the slcule. The
leal was of a very oppressive chanic-
: er during the middle of tliifday , and
very few people showed a deposition
to take violent exercise. 'Such as
could allbrd to do so drove to Home
sylvan retreat in the millurhs , and
nana ed to make life bearable by
blistering under the friendly shade
rees. unfortunate plough not
uujii ; ji-naa , niiini. hiuji ,
third The yaniu t-usiiltcd in a
Hcoro of yy to 7 in favor pf the U. P.
You cult Und an buttijr , inoro roliii-
blu or nioru pluasaut ] > lncu of buaiucbt1
iii thia now northwest than that of W.
> f. Duahnian's Iiy Gouda Store ,
Houthcast corner Fifteenth and Doug-
lasa streets , Try it. "
A Bold Stand and Wonderful
Growth of the Great
Ooreal ,
Quality and Quantity Far
Above the Ropord of
Previous Years.
Small Grain , Vegetables and
Hay Making Remarkable '
Strides to Maturity ,
lorn Makes a Damp , Bad
Showing , Owing to the
Late and Wet Season.
Xoportn From Sovonty-Flvo' Cor
respondents in Nolirnslcn
nnd Iowa.
In n twenty years' rosidotico in
icinity I have never soon ii liner
irosiiocl for cruus Hum tliu yoar.
Small grniiia of nil kinds arc very line ,
lao grans. Corn is a little late , but ,
hero is plunty of thnu for Hint witli
avertible weather.
Grm'n drops in lliis county look very
iromisiiit , ' . Corn in u little Intu , bub
ooks very w-oimsiiitf. Tlio hay crop
will bo the heaviest for years.
Smnll grain up uiul doing well ;
usual nereago. Com not all in ; rirob-
nllo ) increase of acreage. Hay very
forward ; largo yield.
Wheat an a general thing never
looked bettor. Acreage hardly sii
lanjo as umtal. Hay .prop never looked
better. Early corn * rather spotted ,
ground too wet und scud not the bent.
Sotno arc replanting. Late corn id
coming bettor. Considerable corn to
plunl , yet prospect fair all round ,
The grain and grass crop of this vi
cinity and county promises , nt thu
present , time , an abundant harvest.
It is very wet here but the crops
are not drowned out. They look
well. Wheat and oatu are growing
very fan ( . Tliero never was mieh a
grass prospect. Corn wants less rain
to grow very fust.
There has not boon as good a pros '
pect for Himill grain and liay fjir yeara
as at the present time. Considerable )
rain liau made corn planting late on
low ground , but think the ucreogo
now planted equal , to any previous
year .while u great deal will bo planted
yet. ' '
1ILMU. , -i
-Ilia gf i.ijuctpp VnU > o,0 j > .Wn
locality and un abiindnnco of grass ?
Grain doing nicely now. .
There ia a largo acron o of wheat ,
looking tine , well tilled out and
htoeKy , better thnu last year this tiiuu.
Oat.s too late to ( ill well , tinnie only
juot ii | ) . The wins worm cut about
one-third of thu corn on lowwofc
grounds , about ouu-lmlf thu ground
| > luitud. ; Koiiiu o < jmplaint of bad Heed
. oi-n , Corn planting will eontiniiu
Jiroughont .hino. The hay crop novel ?
ooked belter.
.Small grain is ptnniisiiiy an abnn-
lant hurvoHt , and 1 am in hopiH ,
.hroiifjli your inlluence , wo will boablu
o send oil'u large portion of our gram
) y tint river route. 1 am decidedly in.
'avor tif the \ tulle against
Monopoly , 1 mibt you shall s < ion roan
t reward.
i.oriHViu.i ; .
Hay piwpuutH , line ; \\hcal , iiviimgo ;
corn , late ; much of it has to be ru-
nii.NWooi : : ) , <
The prospect for small grain nnd
eorn , ami * for hay , was never better.
. ' 'urinern are expecting a large ciop.
Wheat and oats never looked butter
t this HOIIHOII of the year. Cora
ilunted late ; a great deal of it poor
eed. Grass l in splendid condition.
Ciniin and hay crops in a most
avoruhlo condition in thin county.
'Imily of rain. All nroductH farther
ii advance than at thin time last year ,
otwilhstanding lutoness of ( season.
Corn in lute and not much
mt Hinall grain never lookoil Letter ,
'resent indications are of an abundant
Tho'prospects both for Hinall grain ,
.ml hay are very ilattoring in thu
lorthern part of Thaycr county , atul
ho Hoiitheru part of Filmoro county ,
'orn that is.up in looking well anil
rowing very fast.
Small grain of all kinds promises aii yield. Novel' looked bettor
han ut the present time , Tlio hay ,
rep will be very heavy. There is it ,
argo percentage of the com to
ot , as the farmers have been
Kick on account of wet weather thu1
aat three weeks ,
The tiinall grain crop is very good. '
ml also the hay ciup , but the corn *
ate and that v Inch was planted a week ,
or ; v < > lie iniiBt be replanted , us to
mucli is ui'atroyed by the cut-worm.
Wheat , oats , rye , barley and nil
small grain is looking niJi' ' } i l 'iu
jrospect ) is good , Corn is lookliig badf
great many fannors replanting. TlitX
hay crop bids fair to bo the finest over
raised in this section of the country.
Hay was never bolter ; small gram
loplcH well corn is very late owing t <
the inability of the fanners to gather
their last veins crop , and the lateness
of the spring together with the
being poor- which caused thi-m to 10-
plant more than one half of their land.
The condition of grain und grass in
the vicinity of Friend Is looking ' .rep
' ' , . , . ' *
. ' ' I .1 - VA t V