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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1881)
IE OltASAJJJLYBiE--Ekn ! / * ; a JCXE s issi OK&HA PLSUSHrNG CO PROPRIETORS. 9t3-Fcrnham , bet. Btti and IDth Etr cta. ; OF SCBSGEnnQKl Copr 3 Tear , in advance ( poetjcifl ) JSJB months " " . 4.00' TIME OXACA TinOE socm < 1 & X. TV . . C a. m. S'40 p. in. 1. fcl'Ctm. . S:4t > p. in. c ! St. linstt st C21 a. m. and J:4S t. jn , R. t 3L inXch Thnnift Ej3 raKE25 tL . t. " . O. S. E. T. JC. P. Ireipht So. S , SOQ . m. KL PIreiput > 'o. fi. KOi * . . r. r-treiphtXa. , fett | > . Tl P. Iraprn JJo. 11 , K23 p. AEErn > fr rape uo-r is sami. e E. t < } - , _ . _ C. ' . . . fcC IL , 7:40t. jm. C : 5 p. m. fZZ p. m. ) fcorrcwss. rcifr a. P. rnsrrt 2.'o. 30-0:40 f. m. , T. zirxi < te.4S5j ) . is. TauL t Siscr Otr . ISo. S. ICETTS OmhhstiL. tt. 3 > a t leBTW hnslalSOTi. . Jfo. a-trrjve st Onah t 430 p. m. 3 > o. 2 Jtrrivra i Om ha mi XD.U CDCKCQ. KLLTTi. Omaha at fcOQ , fcOO tud 31.-00 10 , SOT , S 0 4rao. fcoo jinC 0-p.m. vt Council ISoStt u * * i. irp - ? , . Tn- Tt e 4uizmn lebTcfc Om&ha at tnd TJjOb tm _ , 2MQ , 13JO tudMKji.jii. CotutcQ ISuCt at Opening AM ! Olosinr ; of Malts. u. m. JL m. sm.p.m. .11.00 BSD 430 i. 2:40 Oeam. IVcific. i0 TLW 4a 31:40 4S E : 30 CJtnia. 1 3 orth enteni. 30 733 "LcaJ mailf lor iitate ol lova leave I < ut once a Jl Lnicoln Hafl is alwi opened at 3030 a. m. Office } n handmm Jnini II ju. tel TBOS.T. CL ! . liLM. Clarkson & .Hunt , SQcceajrars to lUchard * t Hnnt , ATTOEKEYS - AT- LAW , W. J. CONNELU ATTORKEY - AT - LAW. Omav Irant lioamf ( tnnBahs ) 3j > 2an s > m's mew teiek handing. If. W. comer Fltetarth und TVmham f&ruetc. CHAE. I _ tQ'ICt. REDICK&REDICK , ATTORNEYS- - LAW. Specal zttcnjinn wiDlic ciren to s2 BaJw namst fcU tla-cotMs of the State and the rnltea Sates. Orrtcf Timharn St , npjK > dtc- Court Boose. d. ENGLISH , ATTOEKEY - AT- LAW , 210 South TJurtocntii Street-Kith J. M. Wool worth. ' D. S. BENTON , ATTOBSEYAT - LAW. AEBACH BLOCK. OK. StC , Omahi ; Keh. A. G. TROUP , - LAW. Orricc In JteaaamVs BlocK ; tnth ATTOEKET - AT - LAW , CEUICESHAKES UCI1IHHC , " - D. F. Manderson , SSYAT - 242 Parnham St Onmha , y eh. Edward'Y/.SimBral , ' ATTOZSEY - JtfLAW. Koom C Cnaditon TOoct , 15th aud Hong-lay isrect , HAMBUBG.LflrL' Hae of "Steamers XVEETTHCESDAT " 42-p tor - * - GEB3OUY _ Creative Science and SETCAL PHILOSOPHY. Profusely ahmtratsd. The mo-t ircjwrianS and InstlioaLpuhhidica. . Xrcrr TaragjHairupne. . Ertraordinarj * inducements offered a wH * . Addrce * Acu i' I ' | ijhnifB Co St. Louie , "Mn AGENTS WANTED FO8 TASSXO EEU C Boots ta ZUSKESS aX SOCLSL TOTJKS. Thelawiof tntdc , lepJ lom , hpw t9 . i'CBaule' tehleg , good c&quettc , is liusi- l cases. A tamQr neocsKhy. AdoresB Ior or ulan. uid Kpeasl terms AKCHO& PCEL1SHIXC CO , St-LouiiMa. AGEKTS "WASTED rot ticx SE > f BOOE , c BIBLE FORWYOUMG , " > eir ; : the Btoiy of the SmrCmes. > r Her. Georpe Alexander Crook , H. I ) . , in umjileiujd S r&ctvc lanj iapi lor old nud .lumr ; . Trofuiwrr niuttra- ted. malrinr a most intcret2nr ; xtA JuijiiBmlie youth s instructor. Et cry yar ntvfll eeurp this -ort , Jtachers-yOTi houl4 crodateK , Trine .Send lor circulars trttfa ear * terns. 3. H. CHAKEEEP t O0 St. Lou Jin. REED'S "ALL TIME' -"AlmonV lif "bv JOlexandcT'ii * "AlidanaV llrroj * 4Gold ruith MaidT Fin * dum "On Tune" lir' VVarI ancc. * ' mr i Ibe tots" Second. rEfla , "Alrnont's" ite5nD due ! , * ' jaid hit Sire * 3 TSftatiff mlan. " Thin rcmarkkklf har e vill five veare oldin Jl r. br all ; ' & 1CS.60 per mere , jny- t * + * * ' fea oBTcmriiiinniL3 in. ATtrr that time S3S.OQ. rax.JLLO , _ and TVeanoidzT. * each veut. Tieprnuns- first ol Aril , on Twentieth , irrst d Eighteenth Bt , A at the earner -of Uthund Boirard Birecd. ED. REED , Proprietor. Corner llth. and So-srard Sts. Ciiy & Jaci * . * * - * - St Paul & Sionx ( Sty SAILBOJaDS. THE OTT EOCTE. run , ' < X > UNCIL ! fa y nrthg-n Iowa. inme > uta gad srvriC Jtfflcr riattorm Conjilci and Bu2c ; snd lor SPEETI. SATTJT A > 1 > COHFOET if irnHBpMKd. TltgBTtf Drawee Xoom * ad fitoeplmC rs , pmedud onftrgled tefcr BBD- throteh "WTBOCT CEAKGE Vetwwo t * * t CtfencS cSt. Train * leave Thiion TaciSe Tranirfer dcroisl OOOnciJ ISuSl at JSjfv tfr m < gm-r f tr- sX10 ± 0 - Tn - * fl Pt.'Tani . ft TEK HOUCS IS DTASCE . _ Sitrtn Cry t S v jn _ and TJnion Pacifie Tisa - . . 1 jwrr tickets noS a rE C _ J. H. OTXTAX. Art Emporium. ' : J. TL HOSE'S Ait Ernnonnm , 151C Dodge SSeet , SUiel Engravings , Oil Pa-nthir , Chromoh , Fanry Fxamet. Frjumrc'Speoaltv. low lances. 3. BQKKEn , 2308 luupfcu Slreet. Good StrlaL AhRradartl RcalZttatc. ' aOEsi.JJiCACCE.ono lcTDstOffi- . . TT.3LBAIILETT. S37 Sooth IBth Street. ' DCFEEKE 1HEXDELSSOHX. APdlTECIS , ooml4 Cra-taro dock. JL T. ULEGE , Jr fiaonii , Cnajtenn | Boss and Short. ' tTiKE * cai 31ac .Boots sad SUMA yood MH.-j.mrnt 41 ! ) home work on J-sral. corner ? rh and Utrner. THOS. ZE1CKSQK. S E BE-lCtli and Itongfcs. 60510th street , marmractiina to ere r J33u at iair JC1CCE. 3iepaT.71TlC d . j. r. T.iTrptvrn aisrraJassrrer , Tissshers ! * BTt Books , News and Stationery. 3.1. FECEHArr , 101S JandJsrn Street. BuSer an 1USHAXE SCHBGEDEE. the oldest E. and E. _ Board m . CEKZEAX , HBi JL KTAX , uiitiueat uomcrlKhgnt ! best Board iorthe Honey. Mccis at S Boers. HOE * Irr > w Jaj-TVeei : or Month. Good Terms JOT * * " & nci 'thsna.Haznry Stree J CMI Engineers and Surveyors. AKDEEW EOSEWATEU , 1HO Tamham street. Town Sort em , Graie and Sewerage Srstcms a Specialty. Commission Merchants. JOHK G. TST1. XISlfl , I od D B. EEEKEE. For details get large adrertisf mart in In r ui Clean &nd Tobacco. WEST t FEITSCEEU , mMra ! cnrreTS of Gears , and Vhofaafe Doutert in Ton : ss > s. WfPoorlas. "W. T. XOCrXZEK , niaTO- tit -r , il4 lth street. COrnice World. Cornice "H ortx. JSamifactnrcrs Iron | Ooraist , Tic , Iron and < " EooSmj. Ordert . Irani any locator prrinpth crecnted in the Ixzt j manner. Factorj andOffl 1310I > od cSawu \ lion Ocnrias. Wimi < n < - Cty % , cUx , ' d and put un * roiV ort ol cmmtry. Crockery. 2BiECXEE , 1309DoncDstreet. Goodlmc. Clothing and ru-nitninc GEO. H. TETEESOX A1ilatz , Caj , Boots , Shark , ? ioaonf uid Csticrr. * Cij S. ICKh Ktrect. Oothtnr CSEAW-rillpcr hi iaiaOiai jnicelar neamd , Imud clothmp Comer 10th and Timham. Dei lists. iniliaras'Plodt , Cor. 15th t DodjE. Drue * , Ra' tits and Oltx. ECHZ & OO Fine v1"- . Hnocs , Cor. ICth aud ' JctEct3lllithBt. t c. raa3 , ass ttt > ssae cmmnp sstst. t. joa tad BowarStreats. . Dry Gcnri Msltons , Etc. - It. ? L lailAXS & OX , .NCTrTwt Drr Goodf Sxsc , 1HO and 3S1E Fam- L. C Encwold , alooljootB and Bboet , 7th & raaSc. Vurunure. A R'GItOSS3rc - s = "S = ! ona Hand "Furniture and iitorcc , im Iroacns. Highest cash price [ cud lor second hanc roauL 3309 IS33r = s St. Finc-srodE , fcc. OilAHA TEKCE CO. GUST , rEIESiCO. , 133HsmeySt , Improvr- cd Ice Boi fc , rau awl % VuodF ic . Comitcrs o ! lime and VsimjL Fljrist. - Itanmgiioeyanrfi , nrliovxn , ( reeds , toqnctE ett , 3C. W , cor. jcth trf Dmrfas B ects.l JOHN TTEAEKE i 5053. tar.lth fc JaciFonBte _ . . tin TO \ rrrv'm'Ti ! guTtad Fatclsm StL , " "Welshani , & , .proprietors. ' Z. STETEKE , a t Between CTJmlnj : and tard 'ad sad Cumin ? Streets. Hatters. W. L. rAEltOTTE t , 130C Jtaoplmsfitrect , _ Hardwaie , Iron and Stcct. POLASiASGVroinHT , TV * > > jt-w > A. HOI.YKS , rro sa lOtn and fvJitn-nm E.B.WEIST Hat and Bonnrt Cte&thera. Ldiesr tyonrSS rGhJpandTelt Sat * done' up at iiOttiiiaiiC'Cnier Ee ente atli and Canitol Agorae.- - x Canfield&tt4. finrlrim SLATEVSBOJS , r ESaven , 30th Street. SonthernHofti-Oas.Xamel , Kh & Learemrorth. Demise "Works , Ar stB tor the Champion Iron Fence & . hair on land aO land * fte. * _ T.TTTTr tEKZ , 21710th Street. Jewellers. EATJMEE OSKTarnhirn Street. Ounk. B. ZESTTBOQ ) , Sic * AadKchi ' Lumber , Lime and Otrnent. " ' " FOSTCK & "CffiAT'"eo3icr Itth iindTJonelas Sis. J. HOKKER , 3308 " < r J y Oood VtrjEty * Merchant Tailors. One ol our most pormlar Kcrdiaut Tallorp is rr- eon-mp tUilaJect dau if Ior Stcinp and Bummer OooiU Ior EonUomenweas. . " - * -weas. "Sri-lish , dumble. - JCES. C. JL XUfGEE. "Kliolesalc and Eeaul , r n- rT < 3oodtin reatTinetj-aciihTrsCard Boards. Hosierv , Glo ( , Caracti , fcc. Cheapest House in thcKesL PurAaacmarc 30 vcr-cero. Order 31 nttaenth Street. Phjrslciani an 1 Surceont. W. SCffiBS , JLT ) , WMnSo. 4 , CrcirAton aaaSa. at. D. Masonic Koct. C. L. HAET , i. IjTind Ear , opp. foeto PE.L. E CEADBT. Oculist end Anrist.S.'H'.lKhsnd-ftnihani Sts. Photocraphcri. CBO. HETK. PEQr , Grand Central CiOlcrr. i-irtecnti Street , - near lUranic naTi. nrst-claBnTVorL an3 l-rornpi- nif Steam FatinJ.- " RlV. TAKPT A OOU-nciSh fit bet. Tarnham onditoiq as. W DTK promnth-attended to. B. ITTZriTKICS. 1 S Iteapba : Street. Painting -and 3EEKET A. SOSTEBS. ia ° Hedge -Street. - Planlnc JL7BJTEE , maaaactnrar of Bash , doors. * blindt " Pawnbrokers. J.BOSENTTLD. 2S IKb St 1 4. Par. tHar. Betricerxtors , CanfreUTs Patent. C.r.OOOiaiAS.iithSubc { . Para. & Hs Show Case * xiu O. JLTTIEDE , &H Idndt o ! Show Stovo"an = Tinware. " " " I > e lerijiSsoT aadISini ic , tad Jlarmlictarcr of Tin oo& sad rH iindi of 2r dinr "Wort. Cneaj > . Seeds. ETASSWhnfess3emd Eetsa SeeS Ur21s ana - . e = oaBan4JiEast3t. Home FnraisrunrGoods. , tc , tepM jariwjld oi = a = snr uSarrira. -ft"W _ V1- ' ecr. BiecpBiediaraesxyi ! JALCOXES. . CB ISSt Saeet. . 38 Cent Etorct. - EEKET POHLitAXio5ri5fea , pictnres , i * nelry , fct , as l th 1x4. rarnham aad boajias. Goadi. TH E r * Tlaxxeed lor Slack. Trom all acconats , the amouaf-ol. ikuseed sotm iihiB season is ttnnstialh- Isjga In many pluses "vrlere "the prospect for a crop of faD-sown Trleat was poor , ihe ground -was ploired irp qmte eadrin the sjnin ana. B > Ym to * fisx. lnBfflae5jaiis t the irest , fermpTfi scw ar nn uevly-tnraed sod fw Tit ! pntpos ol preparing the Around ior a crop of w3ieat the follow- 'ingjeax. It regtdres less labor to sow and tarrest n CTOD of HT flmn to plpnt nd gather a crop of com , ( nrl iuaur state that the ground is in i IKJUST ccnEifioii Tiller Sic ax hcn he I com. Sod corn Isnet EtlnLl i. I-HT 1 firrseed alwajK 5 > a i rtaay mark'etr The eTrrs s oi mafkeang flaxseed is lebs ttian for aaj crop thst can "be raised on tlie same amonut of land. It is generally -worth more per "faasliel Thzn > any "kind of grsin , and it is jnanufactnred in the west instead of the east. In many sections the manu factures of linseed o3 fnmiEli seed to lomesieaders and other poor i arniers vith a view -of Berurnig their crop wien fcsrvestBd. The manufacnire of this oil is rerr profitable , as "five r l. cake sells for moiEiiaiiijali &e Enm paid for the ppo3 Imm"trnica it is 2sa3o , xeadj aH of itgoes io Great Britain , TfLereats Talne for ffiedini ; to HE kinds of stocTr is teder jipp rBclatei Ann in iliig connor.Bat little -nse is made P ? oil cake or of eronnd'nai- tsd in the Unii d States , -except ib feed to calves and mTlrih cows that are in poor condition in ihe springTew. . Lave employee either of them asapartof the regular diet for .stock , or for the purpose of preparing animal K for the bntchez. Therp is no neoeHsirj for ex tracting the oil from flaiseed "before feeding it to stock. In fact , the oil it contains is tie most TalnaWe portion of it. Pure" ground Baxseed , wLen fed alone , is too rich , but if mned Tvith meal , bran or fciorts , it is ex cellent for all lands of stuck. An ex perienced feederTecommends mixing one bushel of fiaxseed with seren of of ( corn and tie same numbr of oats , and ; grinding tbem iag'cilier. There js no bettei iced for calves "brought tip \ bj Land' " than boiled flaxseed and bkimmed milk. It is the best snb-j stitute for freslirmlk - A small" ! amount can be increased to a pound a dav by tV time the calves are a month eld. Goneeraiiiig Gnisea IVnris. Guinea fowls are generally kept simply as curiosities , or as ornaments to parks and lawns. . .Fewfarmers or poultry-fanciers "keep flienrwith a tirw to profit. Many complain ihat UTe fe males -win not Bet , and some state that their egrrs are not generally fertile. -srapderinc habits wf the fowls , and their propensity for maldm ; n noise , iave caused many persons to eondenur them as nuisances. Thut ti2 lowls are of Talue a insect destroyers is ac- tmnvJedged by all "wlio nave -watched their movements. ' They devour pota to beetles" if they were eating for -wages. They ilso do good -work in destroying grssshoppr r * a id Crlctfets. B cently * fjpa has been called to the economic value of Guinea fowls , and now ihey claim that they are very profitable ao keep , providing -understands their ways and has a suitable place for breeding them. The birds at best areftiut partially domesta- ca.ted.fand on tils account they should be treated much like the English pheasant. They should 1 * dlpweS , ted d tieir bet -nud to beat the least jonoyance , to tave the run of a grove or forest. " They are very' nard and require no protection except on tie occasion of severe storms. Old Hrd ? lictakea-te-tt - nW-piBee , s tlieir lee liitaahinEnts are strong , and they manifest great -uneasiness iffhen moved from the spot 33r "fc grew trn. * " TEBT tlnan-it is tettcr'to' fowls tlw.t're 'under a ysat obnun CCCT Riid haiili them under LenK. The l > tint commence -to lay in the month of May , and continue to deposi * ggs till ihs Sfirmwib ti ! Tc a- , ing twaiiier- The e saireTerjr'JunE , and Sli-e preferredljy epicures for drink ing with wine. The iens show little disposirion to set iDl they are quite old. On this acoount it s bettar to latch their eggs Under -coHimon lowls. C iCea iowls , like wild birds and tame pigeons , are .strictly monogamous , At they mate only H htfeessary , in order t9 have feriale Taggs , t6i'iEcp liS manv males as females T" oistin- nishing the sezts , i is onlynecessary to pay atksntion to the noise they make. The males are silent or nearly so , while the females utter a peculiar cry. The lo-c-a. lie Pruning the present impetus liat been givcn trns branch of agriculture , "not ilkigether unexpected by those -who lave been watching its rise and pro gress during a ehort pcrlod of years p&st. and JT61 surpassing somewhat the most ardent expectations. Ti > e Ttlni6 5t -ttneqnaHBd-eocd pflfeHSibgc , begrnmng with ihfi early days of May and continuing -until tie pres ent , las been flip - mnans f vastly increasing tie r > roduct of tie dairy above that of any cor- nispandingpenod of time , and las lad Ji tendency to considfjrably depress the jrice of butler -throughout the entire breadfli'of tie country , * The pjrc dnct of the various factories being mainly sent away in bulk las resulted advantageously to the family dairy on a small scale , in keeping the local mar kets from becoming over stocked , and enabling famTHwlo , manufacture but a few pounds of "butterweekly to dispose of the same readHy at a fair price , just alike to producer and con sumer. It"is3o"be1oped ilat ere long tie dairy business will BO adjust itself flat butter will not be manufactured so nearly exclusively TIB Has l een ile case for about fwo years past , "but that- dai rymen "will soon find it to their "inter est to return to fhe manufacture of a. good , loncst fall cream 016666 010011- taminr.ted with that miserable fraud known as "anti-huff , ' " one of the great est misnomer. ! in the English tongue , and presence of Triicl in a cheese , will feetj-jrcll disp ) sed5 > eisansi ile mostriolcnrlufp imagmable. TFis a notorious act that ilrongl the robbery of tie cream , and tie introdnction _ of this fraud , but a HUT modicum of the real old-time cheese las been.placed on he market Ior two years past , w2e the slelves of the factory and the "counters of tie .grocer lave been dis graced liythe-presence of a mbstance iavingjtle form md octwsrd Appear ance of cheese , -while in reality it - ras but a eicsion and scaroely more gist- * ifying otle palate than oommonsaV- ' dnst-rlTe stall lope-soon to see -all' ' the old-time lonored full cream cheese again in the ascendancy ; and sufficient ly plenty tlat lovers of tie genuine article wiDexperience -but little trouble -obtaining it - wien in pos session of sufficient of the "circulating " Xtrrel Circus Hacfciaery. Bt. Loras GloV Democrat. A reporter of The Globe-Democrat Jby dance lad a conversaSonwith Mr. "WC. . Coup , -wio Tvasii iie city one day for a short tjmte , lookimr after lis army of advance agents , and in the ordinary course of the' talk many tlings TTcre said relating to the .slow , business of lie country that were not anly never -before onadepubBc , "bat 'srlichwere of an exceedingly interest ing character. Among -oilier tHngs talked of "Wr Coup said : "This seasoa nacmnery Iss entered largely into , tie slow business , He most of ' i bet I" lave no doubt before next year grrall Isve greatly inproved aS Jaerihanira ] contrivances nownsedi lave "been principally ihe cause of Kfe new departure , for I beHeve IWES ile first to negotiate for its inrro totlis country. * ' "Tri-wlst manner , Mr. Co , does machinery enterinto your Bldwi' * In many Trays. I use it to gener ate electaciiy for my electric Tise it also toperform jnyimmense fie dariots and brass bands , for my jirnficial aviary of .singing birds , "to Taiseand lower my mammofh canvass , tie largest in Qie worid , ind it is even nsed by some of myperformers to assist them in some stariiinr ; and flmTRntr sneraal cta. " l01 iainsture are ie actsyou speak of ? " * -TVell , .ET , leretoforait las been thelichest aim of ihe athleteio turn three Bummersaults _ from a spring board , but up to tie present it las never been accomplished by any mor tal man. Two is the most , and many lave done this. IN ow , TO assist nature l-wlen A jnan"B powers end , I _ lare ' lladconBtmcted'a luge marline tm the same principle asthe-aEcient pato- pult , by means of which a man is thrown liciinto tie air , and may turn somersaults landing as many as twenty , ing over -one lundred f eet-away : Itis a most terrific act , snd invariably jtakes tle"breath away from aH - wlowitness the construction of ttis 'Itis simply a large iron arm or lever , -upon which tie person to be thrown plaSeslimielf on a realimnc position , and when "ready' an , atten dant-pulls a string attached to a trig- arer , wlid loosens the spring , wien tie arm shoots forward , hurling tie person npon -upward and forward , .so l"ch in tie air as just to graze tie iop of * tie tent , snd iorward-over-one- iundred feet , Trlere ie is caught in ji net placed to receive lim. _ _ By this jneans jidditional interest 'is given -to tieactjind. from being exceedingly dancLTons and wonderful , txcites tie audtence to the liglest pitch. " "Have yon any other machines ? * ' "Tes , sr ; but I do not nse them alL I lave a cannon , out of which is slot a beautiful young lady , but I rarely use it- There is also t lady Geraldine aldine wio dives lead foremost from a ieigtt ol "ninety feet into a net , and another Zees wbo3 in iie concert after the regular performances , slides down a wire by tie lair of lead. " IROMTHEBUB. There is perhaps no tonic offered to the people that possesses as mud real intrinsic - valueas tie Hop Bitters. Just at this season of the year , Tvten the stomad needs an appetizer , or the blood needspurifying , thedeapest and best remedy is Hop Bitters. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound. of cure , don't wait until you are prostrated by a disease tlat may take mentis for you to recover sin. { Bos ton Globe. _ jleod&wlo DON'T DIE IN THEHOTJSE : Ask druggists for 4IBonghonlats. ' ' It clears out ratfe , mice , bsd-bngs , Toades , Termin , flies , aiitk , insects. , loc j > er box (3) ( ) DO NOT BE DECEIVED. In these Hmes of quack medicine advenasementsverj-whorft.itis truly rrcstifTilig-ii ) fina one remedy that is -worthy of praise , and wMce TcaDy does as recommended , lElectric Bit ters , we can vend for as being a "true and reliable remedy , and one that win do as recommended. They invariably cure Stomwl RP lavr Complaints , Diseases qj the Kidneys and Urintrry Difficulties. "We know -vrlereof we speak , and can-reaoilr say. eve. thim a tnnL P * 1d ct fiitv cents a bottle by Isl iMcMalon. " (2) ) FREE ) F COST. DK. Ezs-c's IsrwDiscorpirr , vf r ' , Brondius , etc. , is given stray in trial bottles free of cost io tie afflicted. If you lave a lad couji , csld , "diffirohr Mf luwthiniv LoarepntBi t > r ally afiecnon j tS | fiiroat or JunaS Ivy nB n panl pve DHP tt ndtrful rambtiy atnaL As yon your -existence you cannot afford to let this opportunity.-JW * ; "We could not aflfod. * -TJtfliiiivJl _ .remedy scvay unless -we inew 5t Tronldaccomplish "wlatwe claim for it. Thousands of lopeless cases tare already "been completely cured "by it. Thorp is nt iwdiptne in tlsAVOridilatTnli cure one lalf tie cases ilat Dr Knro's NEW DISCOTEKT \rill cure.For naly ( fi ) is& it MdJLtBO5 $ Omdba. -'k : , i t'g ! ATt-yrn SATVTTR- ! Ki5 JJEST SAXTE in the irorlS for Cuts , Brusies , Sores , Ulcers , Salt PJieum , rerer Sores , Toiler , Clapp ed Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all "kinds-of Skin Eruptions. This Salve is guaranteed to cive perfect natisinc- Sdly Isi&McMahon Omaha. COOL MINNESOTA. The Drifts Open and She Beaches Baylight Acaia. Nebraska und "Cool Minnesota' are again neiglbois , the , Sioux City & Pacific and tie Sioux City-i SL Paul railroads being qptn from Omaha to SirjUx Ciry and St PauL Minnesoia enters upon the summer of 18B1with unusual advantages totourist , who are in Beard of cool -weaiher , for in addi tion to terusually delightful climate nature las stored away during the past winter among lerlullB sn3 around lerlakesa quantity of mow atnuJcs -wlid willTiirdly disappear "before the middle of July. The fighinp nf Mjnnetonka and -the c ler superb" lakes is said io be better HIB year than ever and sportsmen are already wlippingiie clear waters for pickerel and bass. Many Nebraska people live already -declared their intention to spend "the leatod term in Minnesota , but there isno danger that-die 3iEWBHQ-sbeauti- fnl iotels springing nj > e rjvyear along the lakes jnfljiave anore gucste tli an ihey can accommodate. * " "Maj. OTJryanjtieaigent of theSiour Gity liripsvthid take passengerB throngliran Omala-to SL Panl ina fewlours can be addressed at Coun cil Bluffs for information Tcgsrding Minnesota iotel accommodalaonB , an2 xmlroad fare , NOTICE. ' To Builders and ContractorE : I 5Kotice3s hereW pj\en that scaled jn-ojwsals Kffl tie received by the Jtoard ol Tmstees of School District Ko. 1 , of Cmnin comitv , J < ehras- karaitil o'clock A.K. of theioth day if June , A. H.'iBSl , Ior erection o ! a school toasein the town ofWest Point , in said School l > istrict,3nrin the present veaCthe same to "be Imiltandihe ma terial used inthe consirabtron thereof , to 1 ia accordancenth4he jlans and upeoficstioas therroIonJDe-wiihtheI > a-ecSorof ineUoaid of Trastcesottaid School Ihstrict , ndwhich pan4 ! andEpedfications.majwiiecnat She tnrnltoe store of Itraiirine Tnsud town of k West Point , and a duplicate copr Iheseof it the-cffice of Charles TtascoD , architect , in 4hecitj- Omaha , \Ilie said Board'B ? Trnktces cren-jtseriic n ht to reject inycnd aH liidi recarEd. .ABdreKk J.w.l'oiiccK , I&ectoz , TVesi Point ; Jfenraaa. JCo" Neryoil's SuflTerers : _ - -fc THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specaflc i It if a positivtccre forSpermstorrhea , Seminal tVeoVULssnujiuifeiiry4 and aH diHeaBcs resulting trom UI-Almse , as 3Iental Anusiy , Loss of ilemorrfsrn intagJaekorSide , and rHg'-u - that load to Consumption Znsaniry aad sent Jreetosll. TTxiicJorihcraaiid ticniirs. rrice , Specific , SLOOper Addrera aB-onlBn to - ' " -B. snSOKEEDKISE CC. SOE. IN aad 106 ilaln St. BnSala , 2T. T. pmaha.'bx.C. E-Goodj = in , J. W. Bel ] , ini5ps everywhere. SeznMPhilosophy. r DTObe-yl ttu ? ualtd , 3 hem-si teuKjrtsnt and Irery birdrjr jma li BASTED i Bell Jte. CHASKS Ton donhlejaor rsonry. Aidrcae Pi. Midi SOMETHING EVERY LADY OUGHT TO KNOW. There easts a means of se curing a soft and brilliant Complexion , no matter tow poor it may naturally 3 > e. JIapair's Uainolia Balm is n dekcaie ana .harmless arti cle , flinch , instantly removes Treckl-es.Tan , Eedness Eomrhness , Eruptions , Tnl- farllnshings , etc. , etc. So elieate and nataral are its effects that its "nse s not suspected Ijy anybody. 3 o lady has the riht to present a disfiarnred face in society irhen the Magnolia Balm is sold by all arngffistS for 75 cents * No Changing Cars OMAHA & CHICAGO , "Where direct connectione are maiie with Through SLEEPING -CAE LIKES ior KEW TGEK , BOSTON , rHXLADELTHlA , BALTDIOEE , WASHINGTON A3 D ALL EASTCHX Hi'l'lKS. ' The Short Line via. Peoria CDJdXXATI , \TLLE , and ail j oina , on the THEIEBTIKI For ST. LOUIS , "Where iir < ici connections are made in tlicTnicm Depot urith the Thnrayh SJeejiing Car ' 'OGv THE FATOEITE EOCTE FOE Rock Island. Toe tineqraled indacemcntp offered .hr this line io travelers and tourists are a loDowK The cdelirtttea1 PULLMAX OG-orheel ) TALACE SLEETIN G CARS run onlr on this line. O , B. f 0. TALACK Dr WK-0 J'-OOil CAES , vlth Hnftoirt Iteclinlng Choirs. 5o ettra t.'n.ifgt far scats ja Esclmins Ch-iirs. The fanlods C. , I ; fc Q ftitoctDiater fart. .eii-cwJitt Sniok'n ? CSti fittHfl with clcjSlnt Iiijfh-Tncked lattMi rerolvinp chairs , 1 orthc exclusive use cC firs * ? ers. , . . Try it , and you vrill find traveling a l rnrr in stead oiu ( liicnmfart. Throazh tickets via thie celebrated line for sale aUJl oaccs in the United State * , aud Canada. All information about ratcf of fare , Sleeping Car crommodation , Time Tables , etc. , Trill be checrfullj- en by apjllj ing to JAilES E. WOOD. General rossancsr Ajrent , Chiogn. T. J. POTTER. , Chit3 5O. Dr. Black's ' Ehematie arranted a Sat. , Ccriahi and Ljioedj' Cure lor Ehcmnotism In oil its ionss , Xeuralda , Lame vovcB'thc Discamit improves thtr praera' health. SJHTH TLACE t CO. , PropriEtors. K , Gcr" Aftrl. SELTZER "Sere * the Finger as Tight cs you can. that's rheumatism ; one turn -more , that's prat , " isatamHsar description nf these two diseases. Thonca each may and does uttact different ports of the cystcm , the cansej bflliBred to be tposson oas rcid In th ? blood ? nriftthlslij - the -nse of 5arranxs SStzef Aperient. It wiH do its wort speedflr and thoroughly. It is ihe rreat tacnd of the sufferer from .rheumatism and out. SOLD El".ALL DMJGGISTS. ? . Z.OTTZS PAPER WAEEHOUSE. GRAHAM PAPER GO. 27 and 218 Jorth Jlaai St , Bt. Lorux , " TISAtEES U ! [ -PAPERS ESTELOPES , CAED T50AED ASD r Printers Stock. jtS"Caslipaidlor ap8zsnd Paper Stock , Scrap Iron and ilctols. Paper Stock 'VTarehcrases 1228 to 137 , 3 orth Btroot. TEX HOST rorvLAtl Tcs E BT THE OVALOHURN ItanTiJactnred lnfj csiz ,46 , B.10 and _ IS 5 Honiu It } a no rcsrin-i Hence n nota , Ooeslts work easily and cairtrlr. ted .cttitac Jarpcst sminr t df ttntT'Ii'un ' he AIV or creum ; it rrnne from 'ne * ret uh Inmber. "Itl Dldt noirer prise thanaryXlaT Srst-ilaaB linrn. Bend lor dmiptrve tarco'tr and UAtothsDVAl CV IrdJcinc , rot a 2riii , > rS 3IATDUAK.E , Sl * f i J f S ± oaa , lk7irclsI2oodLrrer , WjIZt1t - ' 'J ' T S22I > .Ti siooo E ; coLn. f MITCHELL , LEWIS & GO'S. CARRIAGES AN ) WAGONS , * Racine. Wisconsin. Ihs VHthal ! wureaf lnTc ttiod 1be t tt rj ctrrv clinrate and ttdry sre it thsliead of til ompetitotd. iJn. Viti8nisstecnttantJat.t- n'jTaoiF abort rttijej-i rcc-umiisacedthaJ business in Clrctco laliCi. IIcnntrreih'BJitjir to"Kcro8' . , \ u m JSSE , - jd in 3S55 to fIs ant , Wis _ , its } > e c".t Ineiticn. At.oct our j ear ago it w& { tinrncml bv tire , bnt Bach met tno-rno ( UJcit , in less th ii tz-.j daTEbsbboii ; were icbcTt atid in cperkti c t ; n. aid tbrj zr : new considered the mist cjirplelc na tjstcrcatie ftf on e.ta * > h h2 : it in te nurld , acine rcanulactnrej btand i.t tic hzcd. Send for Prlc3 List to Mitchell , Lav/is & Go. , Racine , Wis. ttlf-im 28 YEARS IN THE FIELD , The OM R"Iiable and Standard BROWN GttRN PLANTERS ce ADJUSTABLE TO THBEE DIEPESEHT WIDTHS. . Botaiy , Oscillating and Opsn E eel Drop ; " * ri 1 not Liock The onlj- one hfrirqrtn ADJUStAB ESreiKS 1 T E , jiroCndnj : more wrless * ecu. oath * Ecnnsrs , auj tKiU prtbcrre thin 1 n-e uf flsxilile joint , and especia. auapted to the rue of -t-Eowcrs. . The Most Dnrsbla. Aconrate , Cheapest and Best in. the Market Brown's Favorite Waik'gCultivator With Pivotal Tflngoa , Aajosdng Spring Ucnplog , Whbh lio'dB lictli Gaacg out of tberoSadwithont the us ; rj hnokBor lopj , eszts them whet InorKTstiniiintheprona' , andthero'n-rctlsvlijf : the opcrstor ol rnnih tard lhr. iDJEST ABLE SuCKETaAiil'IX U' UFIilKQ. sollcU tj h taE maa or pmall bny. T Catarator equi'i irr cxieflsntc the wtsH-tnown Ewwa Corn P.'autcr. * s.d B t oacesed to te inriciior to all. ADDSESS , G EO.W. . BEO WN & CO. , Galesbnrg , HL I rcrstnr Largest E D. B. BEEMER , at Oir ha is We i ot Chli = a. ION MERCHANT , .And WnolesBle Dea'er in Foreign cad Oossesac Pndt , Joiber of Hams , Pacoa , Xaid. J ater , .Errs , Xou'try , Cams and Cmintrj flounce General ! } Tcrch5srj ! : .j'nt I'tr aH tlu34 oTtJoods and hcrchaT ! > iise unt tept hi ftttut blmgell the Eurte beu K kJecV C with core , and biLcd K currEnt Mtriitt ra es. General Western Agent for BOOTH'S .OYiL BEASD OTST Btc , and "Whc'esala ' Df cler 5n . Fresh , Lake , River and Salt Water Fish. AP With new device ( cut-off sill ) for easy handling on the road , in Stock Yards , etc. Forty-Sixth tcaioa trfths ol. reJarteClucaso ? 1 I3" Separators , the only Apron Incuir.s lew in thc-mariKt't adaptfufj" lar Banu Fui ll j Iif-r-e or tc m povrnr. t- > * map AfronT4acliineth .thre h'ran ci anaflis n' U cra.ijierfsr r. SprnaHn improved U'.CVB.OB. U'.CVB.OB.BLACK HAWK , - Improved Mounted Power. Ihia ia the Ha K that killed the Cock" PonKc Union liounted are tht most duroi e and ttrtmglf 1ru3t 3,1 vcl as the fzu * l running p-wer Ite furcthe pstlEr < Hj' imrroTcd lor 3B51 , Ifytra want a Yiba"or , 1 > uy our H ! tl : H - hirirf rzzpetes : brnJ-e for a-t jitly Btopping WJyJ Becaa-cTt 1 the lae imtrare Tnvli i e In me m-ke- ( ha-rins c2 oflht mentt zndnor.f horse ; aisaycTea ; &rrp tear , bywhich we are nf the &cjt tt of Ti * > rstor , now in TUB. ivjt'er eaatloJ to cflsct chanpca of gpee , tnakin them drtiJts.tAmart ( fUrcZe,3t > motion is jediiru- al , crtKrquri.n > r > r n tthtke to piecfa. iT.ilih e to run mr tmd of thresher , voou Tharmgtlii tested Zrtlttlicmidilo Tlaz "d taw.Ieed mia , tte etc. "Kst'er-wted urns art otbar KircB ot prain. It r iimn " icitj jt elf. banded ith wrourit Iron tke. ciraln M own length. Wi3 not"rsrry ortr. -Scpirotor pifjct. J rapled lo tit htnalinr nf Sedd Ior ocstTJptiTt catalopne. 31-ver , ar.d urn De r n ty t orsc or gtrrr-.po'fttr. H A. PITTS' & SONS MFG. CO. 7 and 9 S. Jefferson St , Chicago , III. 1880. SHORT LIKE. 1880.i KANSAS CTTY , Sti. Joe & Council Bluffis IE TIIC OKLT Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AXDIHEEAST , From Omahaand the "West. Itb charts of cars between Omaha and St. Lotas , andlmt one betreen OHAHAand TOEE : IDallyPassengerTrains . EASIEEf ASD "VTESTEKS' CITilS trjih LESS CHAEGESaadlKADTASCEofALL ' OTHEEUKES. ] Thi entire line js egnrpned with PcDrnan' * Palace Slecptns Cars , Palace iaj-C9aches , iinier'a " Safety Plaaom and Conpter ; and the'celebrated . that your ticket reads TIA KAKSAS CETf , ST. JOSEPH t COTSCTL IM/iiTa Ea3- joad , via St. Jo eph and St. Locis. Tickets lor sale at aH ojup'ju Ftaiicra in th : " _ . . AC. . DA'WES , Gen. Snpt. . St. 3Bcph. ( Mo Gen. Pus , and Ticket ActStJoseph , ilo , TT.C. Scicncrsz. Ticket Airest , 1C20 Ftrnham street. ASTT EomES , PasseESBr Apent , A , "B r. re TT > General Agent , Q3IAHA , KEE. ( * Bil lc for t&e Yonng , "EtiiLr the glory nf the Baipama ty ' 'er G o. iLsander Croot D.T,3ii crnnlr- < Stt e- fire Icyrcafs Jor aid * sd jonnc Protn8 ilhairaed , nrxKnja most intercsUop and ira- p.enltB jonth'tinssnctor ETBT psrerA-KiL BJCSTB this wort Preachers , yen Ehrmia or- cnlateK. Tri Ji.00 B u for circulars vlth irtn tcrira. J. E. CHAHBJ- 4 CO. , St. lunj , 2o- Western Enamel Paiat Works , ' i 3ULLAEB , 3TLSOX & CO. , Burllngiozi , lotra. -of the Ucst and 3Lat EeaJy lined noasc and Cottage Paints Intbeailariet. The 'STcstera EnrocL the Chlngn , T grHngtcn and OiHucy EaJlrad Cottare. tne flaTtijj- * -Cattazs , the C. , J tt Q Iron-Cud n't Ttn- Ktrt. ? ant , espiesdy Ior Daus. . Depot * . Qer - torj , Eallioid Ckn , nridreEoafa. . &S- , and by meat o ! tie Hulroacs t . , . . TTe nnnnfactnre all the popnlar ibades and evkct IB use for hoajw paiitinc"both ! inside and oot , nd roaraalee them nnenrjawed Jur ihrr- t HOI ity ud"b cftT. Oar ontaiMn wtite e war- ' tact to Kand Cvetirnen'lonirr ilbniit caallanr jttxn the b tof 9rkLe3e.dai.dop jnr Ey ofl fomi-btd free of Onr in T WLit * , f low it tie dlrs ioni e otocTed is T-o-ate of Zittc"KsI raT- , -as-ohrtely the ae-t a..drao . vconwx materials ia cx- ntence , and to iimte Ic its prerorati"m that 94Eeeirf ordmtrj- it esa Le ijipJ-dtT rirtioo EltTtai . r. , bsr of'scaaes "d Ci 1s , a I VCTI rmrai'tecd. nni ] > e erd rf p.ints and ial on3i f natliKS 1 * . t on aapiisiiJon by jca3 ir ou.enro _ Cortespoudwce 5HLLA.RD , 3IASON & CO , JTo SCO , 502 awl 3 ! * rtch Jl-Ja at eet , isa- owa. AGENTS WASTED EOS tie Tcstert Tonnp 3 x * of ths i onndatioas of Snccess. Tn ttnrznj trade , -erslfinra , lipir to * r ns- Kr iaesi i-ihn jit table * , KOCXU etiquette , ' rurSumentary tmpe , how to conduct foKSe i bivzasz ; in-1 ctitJaieojc-J-teOaid * to Sao- raJjratJe y. Addreai te-ras. tS.-HOB JTB- Si Louis. Ho. Kii > yEITry Jj "higKy ieconnn aidtfd and nnsrrrpansied Jar "West ropsjBright" * IHseasc. Ixws of Energy , Cerv .ins DcHlty , or any Obstructions xri * . Edney or Bladder DLases. . AL o far YeHorr Fcrer , Blood ad Edafy s ; In infected maLuial scctjoii * . distffiatina of a FOPJST LEAF wHh JUNU'tU : TiT-prrFS and r. * RT.TT 3 ! AT.T , y tare oWo'erfd TaUXEGEX. which acts KjwaScaBir err thr KidaeT * and rnjimry Orpum , Tsmwrmc injunons deposit * farmed in the bWlaer and prereniinjr anj xtrainmc ; . mnartin ; MmiKtion , hnt or IrrrCUiOTircthrrncmhr&noiraUniri TifthedQCWorvLterpuKace. it exates a healthy action in th EidncJ w , tn < * ui ; there utrencth. npur and rexianns' tneKHjrpui > "to a hesltbjr condition , nhowaiy Ja effects on both ihe color and O4 < Ibnr of nrine. It can be tales M aS times , in aH ehnmini aad under all orcamssnEcs irrthoct n ery t the ns m. rnHte any otherTrefsu' rloii for Kidney dirhcnlties , it has a < err pleasant anC a eeaWe tarae and ftnror. It ha 1-een rtiffimlt to motr a preparation com iniir ; posh ; e draretic pronerti * * whieh wffl not naovatc , hot W cee } > txbl ta th Koraach. Befp e t t.-- any Larer mniieiBc try a bottle of KIDXBGES to CLEASSE the Kldrtry * ! rom foul Tnrrttfr Try it. and TOO win ahnrsde is as fam y medicine. Ladies euppcxBT wSl like it. and irentlcmcn wiC find KUWTEGEX the hea Kidnrr TOHK rrernned. NOTICE. Each holtit lieam the BirrstEM of LA\TKEXCE t ilAETLN. also a proprirtary pp - emment csmp , irhieh permus nTiSBOr T to be soli ( without heem > ) by drn uts , crocen and other ] rsoat everyvhere. rf-t'i.T rp re nrf TIT grr T P77LEg FOB j-yr > P TTLT T7m If not fonndatyosrr drti Mt' * or procer'h , we wiB cend a bottlr preraud to Qte oOce to yos. LAWRENCE & MARTIN , Prop's , C 3 Z CJ a. < 3r O , XZ.3i. Sold by DKUOGISTS , GBOCEH5 and TiP T.w g ETEETSTHEKE. Wholesale Atrecte in Oraaha , STEELE. JOES3QK i CO , win THIS KSW A2TD CX > RR"RCT . .sajrrores Iwjcnd uny reasonable question thai-tie CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN R'Y Is by cH oJfls Hie l > esi rosd lor jw : ta t-te TchsaisaTelias la cither direction. I - Chicago and all of the Principal Points in the Wesl , North and Northwest CarcIaBr exasiSne this Kap. The rrinctnal Cldes of the "WX and JTortJrnTst ar Bts OH this road. 1 * thmnj-i tTrfT ; * Trtp r' " > ? fn "n' f < l yh t' * TMir nf nil y n mA nl THE .CHICAGO & NOR7H-WESTEHN RAILWAY , Over cH of its-principal lines.nnw each -trar dsTrlmmtrro to lour or BOW TastErpreat Tri'.in" Ir is the " oniy road west of CLicaso that uasatlis ea - , - HOTHL DINIZfG" It Is the orfr road that rans PcamsaSlwTilnff Cars TTortfl or Korthw t of Chleaso. uesrirS.OW ) 3LZLE3 OP JKOjt2t. It lorjns tlie Io owSic Irualc Llacs t -Comcil KluEx , I > fairer & Calilomia Line. " " "Wraoas , M j-.nesotji & Central Patita Itoa. " Sloes dry.JTor.'Scbraska & Tanttnn lane. " riiicaso. Slanl nod JlinneapolU Lln . " "Xor. IHiaoJs.rr-rj.ort fcDnbnnTierinc. " " 3TJlwsnt e. GrwaP.aT& Lake Snpcrier Line.1 * Tictcts over Iu3 rs i re sold by cH Cocpoa. Xickut Arena in the Culled Sl Ua and Ceaadas. Sernianbcrto ask lor Tickets via sere thcyrnid orcrltaad tsteaone other. HETLT ETGIHri.Gs2lilaMSErChicsgai- . E. SIESSTTI. Geal Tass. Agent , Cfcleaco. HAEET P I > rEL , Ticket Arent C t X W EaDirar Uth and Famham trret . P E. EDIKAuL , Assistant Ticket Aeent C fc V W EaawijHCl and ramham strreta. rXLv Ti-tot Arent < . S S. TT Ijulwar , t P E. E.I > ej t. SAFES CLAES. SAFESihiverick. . FUEHITUEI , BEDDING , Feathers , Window Shades , And Everything Bertaining to the Funntnre and Up holstery Trade. A Complete Assortment of New Goods at the Lowest Prices. DEIS. SHVEEIOK , 1208 and 1510 Fara. St. apr24 mon th mi This Cut ehowc one of the celebrated "We gave SIX of the e Spcadid Machine * jti PremircnK. Price from 540 to $75. - > * * * Address Jotin Zehrnag. Tiincoln. Neb. KELLY STEEL BARB WIRE I Is the Best and Cheapest for Every Tanner to Use. Its weight is only ONE P- UND to rod/snd is the only Barb ed Wire made using the IHDISTRUGTABLE DIAMOND SHAPE STEEL BARB , Always H olffini its Sharp Points. PAIUICRS ARE WAKXLD Against tnji g any TO3 not "WHATHND XOLT BDY OS IFE. Ws hiTe an Aeent for our Wireineaslilo-ffii , batsboirld there not be ona estaDnsnea nsar yon seed direct 10 this O.-mpany for samples and pnces. No pains -sin be Sparod'to zaaksthe Z3LLYWTBE ia fh luture as in tbe PAS ! the SEST WISE nr THE MASKET , And our Prices -sill be as Low as any good Wire can be made. ADDREKS : THORN WIRE HEDGE CO. , CHICAGO , ILL GALDWELL WAGONS. Address Wagon L/o. , Leaven-worth , Kaneas.