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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1881)
OMAHA DAILY BEE-TUESDAY MORNING , MAY 81 , 1881 THE'JAILY.BEE ) . Tuesclay Morning , . May 31. pwnces o oc. Thcipoils vrill'bo open between 8 ' . in. midT p. m. " to-day for votir ! ii the stavcr bond question. Forth information of : fiixpayeri , THE BE ttjbjoin bttist o tWpdllms places i each ward : First Ward-rFeliiSkven's grocci btore , Tenth ktrectTiearl/savcnvrort ] Second AVardVallenz's hotc Lsavcriwodtli street , TjeUveen Thi ; t enlli1md'lFourtccntTi streets , norl Third WardDr. . Hyde's offio inthwest corner Douglas and Twolft itcs. F < mrtlilVard- County court houfe ! north ejist corner of Farnliam and Si : k'untli streets. Fifth Ward Holmes' hardwai of Sixteent utore , northwest comer Mid California streets. Sixth AVard Dedrich's drug stort ZSTo. 2003 Cuining street , south sid ( bolwecn Twentieth and Twenty-fir : utrects. LOCAL BREVITIES. Patterson wlls coaL Get your hats at Dome's. Frederick is the Leading Hatter. Everybody drinks Saxe's soda. Old feathers made new at lUnger's. liichtcr , opp. P. O. , Bells straw hat m4-tf Try Saxc'o Chocolate and Coffee Sod : liffl > t selected btyle" , Nindel fclvrelle' w27-2t For nsn Commercial Job Printin ] call at THE I5F.E Job rooms. The C. , 15. & Q- train was three hou ; late in arriving this afternoon. The Lion continues to roar for Moore Harness and Saddlery. JVhipple , McMillan & Go. , the jewc ew , Creighton Block. t o20-t i\aminc the finest assortment of ix > d ct books in the.cit3' at Kuhn's. If you wibh to give ihe [ working da uteady employment , vote in fa\or of tl fccwer bonds. If tlic sewer bonds are not voted , tl money Bjtent for the past two years will 1 absolutely wasted. Atkinson & . Co. ' , the acknowledgi leading milliners and ladies' furnisher Creighton Block , Fifteenth fctrcet m9- If you want Bill-Heads , Letter-Head Envelopes or any Job "Work , call at Tl UKE Job 1100ms. Prices that will BE everybody. _ , If you wish to preserve your ow health and that of your families , vote : fa\or of.the sewer bonds at the election t lay. The "K. C. , St. Joseph & Count ] Muffs railroad i now running their trail both morning and evening according hchedule time. . sVny person who has lived in the. cl OWM'months , in the county for-40 da ; ind'in the ward for 10 days may vote < the boud question to-day. It is not iicoensary that a p rxm bhou liej UtcVcd to vote on the bond questl t < Miiom > w. The vote may lie sworn i Untcreetcd iKirties should make note of th } Cot a dollar of taxes will be added the people of the city by voting the fccw IK mils. Jt will cost juntas much to kc tlioJiridtfCH across the creeks in rejiair thvy arc not voted. - * ] the citizens Jo not vote in favor the Ixmds to-day , not a dollar will. ' * tMjnt pa sow cragc this year. The idea th lk"citv will di\ert money fmm the trca wy f r , ws\verage is a delusion. All tl MIOHBV ii"\\ in the treasury will be used f Htrpct improvement and grading cxcl . while a fine team i ; * to a-farnier , were bcii l iiTfront of"tdd ) Fellows * hall , one the animals accidentally stepped into tl mirevx * Inch "filled the excavation recent ! Mindc lhel < e for the water pipes. The ar mnl at < mccMink deep into the mxuL ' . was iiiiinediatelj' unhitched , and throuj the hearty efforts of the by-standera TO fiunlly rescued unhurt. 125,000 Monitor Oil Stoves new i line. Sold only by Milton llogcrs- < Son A large room or room suitable for a bookbindery-lst ; ) 2nd t " > dMlo > r , about 24x00wlicre ; there : .sleum poncr. preferred. Address " " ffice. i > 8-2t The Monitor of Fashion puLlishe by the largest millinery house in tli \\orld , under date of May 12th , says "Our next supplement will illus tratc ten "new summer shapes , one t if which the " 'Mumm will L trimmed. The 'Mumm' "is a jaunt } stylish misses hat , very now. " For sale at HICKMAN'S HEADO.UAP.T EIIS FOU MILLINERY. lll2S-2 NOTICE. Quotations on Mason fruit jars am ilint bottles rcjiorteil in Commcrcia llccord--Thursday , May 19,1881 , ar withdrawn. H.V. . CIIEMEK , Manufacturers' Agent. A STRICTLY POKE MAPLE SYKU : can be had at J. JJ. French & Go's. For delicious ice cream , go to Mrs Spocrri , Masonic block , ICth street. maylG-lm "TiiE MOMM" at HICKMAN'S , Hi latest NEW YOKK SENSATION. m24t Mr. Dower's Return. Mr. Clias. Dcwcy , the well-know i citi/.en , returned from his tour o : the world Sunday mid was heartilj greeted by a large body of his friends , He has had a pleasant journey , inel with plenty adventures and seen more bights in a short time than half : dozen average tourists. Amidst al ! his wanderings , however , his heart iiv traveled , as Goldsmith would remark , turned to Omaha. Mr. Dewey brought back with him.many curiosities , in eluding a small wliitc elephant , for h : partner , Mr. Stone. MOMM" at HICKMAS' UK latest XEW YOKK Sensation. Monitor oil stoves at Milton Rogers & Sons. The most , powerful , 'the "strongcsl and most durable , .the .Monitor Oil Stove. The only ABSOLUTELY NOX-EXPLO- SIVE coal oil stove , THE MONITOR. ' ' " - " f * < , Fr < Werick , llatter , lias largest Btock KiielStraw 'Hats , and iciW sell cheapest. . in28dOt Three hundred city references for the Monitor oil stove at SDltoii Rogers ors it Sons. DIPORTANT NOTICE , to agents and others interested in sewing machines. Correspondence is solicited concerning the merits , terms niultpriccs of.the .Royal St. John scw- ing1nlc5iuiew ? iichis revolutionizing lSsi35Sacai d'feHallcnscs ' the world to produce its equal Address DAX. B. COLBY , C7 - State Abcnt , Omaha. * * * . * \ - DOMCSTIC PATTEUKS. in27-tf HICKMAX'S HEAPQUAHTEES. Bottom bnioii sets , 3 qUftrts for5c at 13uffoi'B. * THE HEROIC DEAD. Grand Celebration in the Acat 'emyof Insic Insic , Flowers - ersSpeecnes anfl Olieers 'for the Bead , The Reception of the Gran Duplex Banner CoL J. L. Webster's Oration , and Miss Poppleton's - Beading. The Day In Council Bluffs- The miserable weather necessitati ancntirejcliange ofjprogrammc for Mo day's celebration in memory of tl fallen braves of the war. Gen. Ma derson , the trand nnrslial of the da however , determined there should 1 a signal observance of the day , ai calling the executive committee t gether , the Academy of Music w forthwith engaged , and the proccssic being abandoned , it was resolved conduct that part of the progrann : intended to be celebrated at the com tary , there. Were it not for the weather , yes i day's celebration would have been t finest in the history of the city. it was , a great number of count people , filling many large wagons , ai decorated with flags and foliage , I gan to arrive early in the day. Mai houses in the city weredccorated _ wi bunting , and the contributions flowers sent to Clark's hall were ainj for the uses of the committee. It was intended to parade tliirt nine young girls from the pub' schools , dressed in wliite , and ea representing a state in the Union. The exercises at the Academy Music began at 2 o'clock. On t stage , the thirty-nine young gii were stationed , and they made a me Ijcautiful picture. Superinteudc Lane is deserving of unstinted prai for his efforts in making so fine a di play with the cliildren. The exercises Legan with music 1 the Ninth .Infantry band. The Omaha and Temple glee clu then some sang selections. The cliaplain of the day , Rev. J. 1 Maxfield , then prayed. The Glee Clubs again sang. Thcn'came a most interesting fc : urc of the day , the reading of Abi ham Lincoln's address at the dcdi < tion of Gettysburg cemetery , by M Libbie Popplcton. The young lad ; reading was most creditable , and eli ted most enthusiastic applause. T portions of the address read are follows : Fourscore and seven years ago , o fathers brought forth upon this con nent a new nation , conceived in libi ty , and dedicated to the propositii that all men were created equal. N < we arc engaged in n great civil wr testing whether that nation or ai nation , BO conceived and so dedicat can long endure.Ve are met on great battle-field of that war. Wen met to dedicate a portion of it as t final resting place of those who ha given their lives that that nation mig five. five.It It is altogether fitting and prop that we should do this. I > ut , in larger sense , we cannot dedicate , i cannot consecrate , we cannot Italic this ground. The brave men , livii and dead , who struggled here , ha consecrated it , far above our power add or to detract. The 'worlfl will ve little note , -nor long remember , wh wo say here ; but it can never forg what they did here. It is for us , the living , rather , to ' dedicated , here , to the unfinished wo : that they have thus far &o nobly ci lied on. It is rather for us to be he dedicated- the great task rcmainii before us : that from these honon dead we take increased devotion that cause for which they here gai the last full measure of devotion ; th wo hero highly resolve that these de ; shall not have died in vain ; that tl nation shall , under God , have a ne birth of freedom , and that the go eminent , of the people , by the peopl for the people , shall not perish fro the earth. Immediately after the reading , tl handsome banner rcpresentii "Peace" and "War , " painted by M Conner , was brought into the Acadern escorted by Comrades Walker,0'Crie : Clark , Hough , Hurley and Thompso The banner was received with u ; bounded -enthusiasm. It was mount ( on horizontal bars , and on one sit represented a young man standii amid the wreck of afield won , waivii his cap in liis right hand , and in tl left a tattered la } with broken stal On the reverse was presumably tl same youth , decoratinga soldier's grai to-day. The whole is a masterly piei jf work , and deserves the best prais both as a work of art , and f < the great magnanimity of the artL who volunteered to paint it. In th jonncction the employes of THE BE jflice must not be forgotten for hai ing subscribed the wherewith to brin the Lanner to a thing of reality. The Hibernian band then playcc iftcr which came the oration of Hoi , 1. L. Webster. He dwelt on th auscs for which the dead gave u .heir lives , and dwelt upon the un cnown. It was the intention of TH 3EE to liave taken a stenographic re wrt of the address , but owing to th ihange in the programme , this be some impracticable. The Glee Clubs sang again , whc : he ninth infantry band oncg agaii liscoursexl. As an addition to the programm 5argeant Major Courtney , of For ) maha beat the "tatoo. " The Academy was crowded to re iletipn and many were denied ad nission. In the box to the right c ; hc stage were Senator Doane , Di jcorge L. Miller and Mr. E. Rose rater. The box opposite was occu )5cd J > y some well-worn war veterans Mayor Boyd occupied a place on th stage. stage.Mr. . Cliarlcs J. Green was callc < ipon to make an address which ho dii u handsomely chosen terms. When the exercises at the Acadenv rere over delegations from the variou iosts and the firemen took carriage or the cemetery to decorate thi raves. The delegations wercasfol aws' Ouster Post No. 7 , C. H. Fred.erick I. H. McCoon , F. M. Moore , D lurley , C. 1L Fitch , J. Southard ! eo. Elliott F. Garrity ? and D. G amball. Firemen : Assistant Chic : Villiam Ryan , William * Clark , ITo. 2 Vllliam Flynn , No. 3 , and Geo. Wind cim , No. 2. IN COUNCIL BI/UTFS. Council Bluffs was- much luckici tan Omaha in the matter of weather. he programme was carried out , and 10 ceremonies at the Fairview CcmC' * , * were handsomely carried out. The speakers -were Col. E. F. Smyth rom Omaha , and CoL W. F. Sapp ev. F. T. Webb , Rev. M. D. Collins nd Col. J. H.Kcatlcy. * The order of the procession was aj Mayor AV. R Yaughn , members cl the city council , city officers , and disabled so guests and crippled diers and sailors in carriages. The Council Bluffs mounted pohi force. , , Martial band under command i Drum Major McFadden. Abe Lincoln PostNo.29ofG.A.R under command of Post Commandi Harrison. The Veteran Corps and Sailors' a Bociation , under Capt. Geo. Carson. Supt. Rogers and teachers of tl deaf and dumb institute- followed 1 the students of the institution. The Council Bluffs band under d rection of Prof. Olker. St. Patrick's benevolent societ under Marshal M. G. Griffin. Royal 'Arcanum , under Regent j 3L Beardslcy. The several lodges of Odd Fellow under their respective officers , inclu ing the Uniformed Patriarchs , und command of Capt. F. C. Newell. Ancient Order of United Workme under command of Walter YanDuza Council Bluffs fire departmcr headed by Chief Lacy , Assistant Chi Jno. L. Templeton and officers of fi department. Consolidated lodges of Knights Pytliias of Council Bluffs , includii Uniformed Knights , under Marshal ] J. Abbott. Martial band , followed by Coum Bluffs Light Guards , commanded 1 Lieuts. Martin and Morgan. Independent battery of light arti cry under Capt. Scott Rice. Council Bluffs Light Dragoons und command of Capt. John. Pusey ai Lieuts Casady and Hardin. Citizens in carriages. CoL D. B. Dailey acted as grai marshal , with the following assistan First assistant , Maier Joseph Lyma assistants , Charles Officer , C. E. Di Leonard Everett , W. M. Bushne Capt. D. J. O'Neil , W. F. Sapp , j and Capt. John Lindt. Mr. Connor's Cord. In returning thanks to the membc of the G. A. R. , and to the public , i the handsome appreciation given r efforts in producing a banner for \i ion on Decoration Day I desire to c attention to the fact that the wlu credit of the work does not belong me. The proposition cams to r from a gentleman connected with Ti BEE , who afterwards collected t necessary expense for the work , asi from my labor , from among his c laborers ; and , I understood from hii Mr. E. Rosewatcr headed the su scriptioi i with five dollars. These ge tlemen deserve to share fully with i whatever credit there in pi ducing the baner , and , it is from thei as well as from myself , lhat this pre ent to the G. A. Rl comes. "TiiE MUMM" AT HICKMAN'S , i latest NEW YORK SENSATION. S. P. MOESE & CO. 1319 Farnham Street. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS 20 Styles Men's Linen Collars. Yery best quality , extra worked bi ton holes , all seizes , 14 to IS inc 12i cts. each , or $1.50 per doze equal to those sold elsewhere at $2.1 to $3.00 a dozen. 10 Styles Men's Linen Cuffs vc best quality , extra- worked butt holes , $2.50 per dozed , equal to an thing offered elsewhere at $3.00 $4.00 a dozed. SHIRTS LAUNDRIED AND U : LAUNDRIED. Our Co cent Unlaundried Shirt pronounced by all who see and buy as the superior of any $1.00 shirt Omaha ; it has fine linen Bosom rei forced or double front and full siz cuff , linen neck band and fine worki buttonholes. UNLAUNDRIED SUIRTS AT $1.00. Our 1.00 Unlaundried Shirt is t lest Shirt known to the trade. 1 finer material or better work can 1 put in a shirt. Others ask $1.25 f an inferior article. WESTERN AGENCY FOR CE LULOID COLLARS. Wo arc the only direct selling ageri for the manufacturers of Cellule Collars and Cuffs , and offer them our customers at wholesale price The trade will find it to their interc to supply themselves from our stet always fresh and desirable. MEN'S HALF HOSE. Men's Super Stout Seamless So IG pair , or 200 dozen finest scamlc unbleached soxs , superior finish § 2.i a dozen , " Men's Fine Fancy Striped Socli 25 cents a pair , equal to any sold ela where at 35 cents. At $4 , $4.50 , $5 and $0 a dozen % offer choice styles in Men's i Ho that cannot bo duplicated elsewhe for $2 to $5 a dozen more. The immense business we arc doii at a small margin of profit enables i to undersell all competition. S. P. MOUSE & Co. Cash Talks- The only strictly cash dry gooi store in Omaha \\ishes to be heard. 1 ttle over one year ago we adopti the plan of selling goods strictly fi cash , believing that goods could 1 sold for a less pr fit than under the o ! credit system , where customers had ; be accommodated for months and i many cases accounts were absolute' lost. By giving our customers the ai vantage of spot cash J prices , wo hai largely increased our sales during tl past year , have met no losses from b.n accounts and find the systemjadvar tagcous to ourselves and our patron We only ask the attention of thos who buy for cash assuring them th : they will find it greatly to their advai tage to deal with a cash house. Oi stock is complete in all department : tlry goods and notions , gents' furnisl ing goods , merchant tjuloring an boots and shoes , in all and any o whichdcpartmcnts we defy compcti Lion , as we can and do sell chcapc than firms who do a credit business Remember we arc the ONLY STIUCTL JASH HOUSE in the city , and our mott : s , "We will not bo undersold. " L. B. WmjAJis fc SON'S , . Cor. loth and Dodge Sts. A STRICTLY PURE MAPLE SYKU an be had at J. B. French & Go's. "Tnu MOMM" AT HICKMAX'S th atcst NEW YORK SENSATION. WAR IN RATES. OMAHA , May 28 , 1881. 1st Class 2d Clasa Chicago $10 00 Ubahy : . ' . 27 00 $25 ( X 3altimoro 23 00 21 01 3oston 26 00 23 01 Buffalo 23 00 20 01 * ew YorK. 24 00 22 ( X Philadelphia. 27 00 24 0 ( Yia Chicago , and the C. , B. & Q St. Louis , $10 , via Wabash. HOBBIE BROS. , 809 Tenth St. A Permanent Hack Stand. A petition was being circulated foi ighaturcs yesterday , calling upon th < ouncil to fix upon a permanent had tand in some part of the city. AI lie present time the hacks arc cir culated about the city in a haphazar sort of fashion , and are usually to I found about some of the hotels. Tt necessity for some settled and centrs location has long been felt , and no' that a move is being 'made in Hi matter the livery men and others ii terested directly or indirectly in tli hack service unite to have somcthin done in the matter. The petition to tl council is Doing circulated yesterday I Mr. M. W. Xennard , and met wit ready signers. It will presented ; the next meeting of the council , an will probably receive immediate actio of some kind. Monitor Oil Stoves. Five years ago this season the pei plo of Omaha looked upon oil stovi as a toy , but now they have becon as necessary to the comfort of a famil as a sowing machine or a baby. Mi ton Rogers & Son have the only A : SOLUTELY SOX-EXPLOSIVE oil stoVO i the market. The name of this fairoi stove is the "Monitor. " It is the mo powerful , the strongest and most di rable. The most inexperienced luu no trouble with them. The Monitor company is the on. exclusive coal oil stove manufactory i the country , and hence have the mo perfect coal oil stove made. The mo excellent features of this steve a : patented and cannot be used "by ar other company. There are over 225,000 of the stoves now in use , and wo know it be to the interest of parties anticipj ing buying an oil stove to examine tl "Monitor" before purchasing. So only by MILTON ROGERS & Sox , SOLE AGENTS for Nebrask Bottom onion sets , 3 quarts for 2 at Buffett's. A STRICTLY PUKE MAPLE SYRT can be had at J. B. French ' & Go's. HICKMAN'S ANNOUNCEMENT. Continued from yesterday. REMARKABLE REDUCTIONS MILLINERY ! Great Slaughter all along the line. REAL FRENCH CHIP HATS or Bo : NETS with Fancy Tuscan edge , E duccd to the unJieard of price $1.35. ALSO MEDIUM MILANS reduced to 90c former price $1.50. Fine Milans r duced to $1.50 , former price $2.5 ( ALSO LMITATION CHIPS reduced to 50 in any color or sJiape. ALSO BLACK CANTONS reduced to 15c. ALSO LARGE reductions on Tusct Bonnets. ALSO Large Seductions in Our CHILDRENS" HATS. ALSO LARGE Reductions on our TRIMMED GOODS. These are all new goods. Oi Wholesale Department is now throu open to the GENERAL PUBLIC , and c some goods we are below the wholesa price. HICKMAN'S HEADQUARTERS. The ONLY WHOLESALE MILLINEI HOUSE in OMAHA. tf The only ABSOLUTELY NON-EXFLI IVE coal oil stove , THE MONITOR. A STRICTLY PARE MAPLE SYKI can be had at J. B. French & Go's. "TiiE MUMM" AT HICKMAN'S ti latest NEW YORK SENSATION. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. The following transfers were rccor cd at the county clerk's office yeste day , as reported for this paper by Joli L. McCague , real estate agent and coi veyanccr : Ezra Miller and wife to John Sin mons : Parcel in section 22 , townslii 15 , range 13 east , w. d. $750. August Mawkat and wife to Thorn ; Gibson , Parcel in sec 35 , 115 , r 13 i w. cL$000. . F. C. Morgan and wife to C. I Perkins : H lot 8 , block 124 , Omah ; w. d. $ oooo. Union Pacific railway company 1 Mary M. Allen : Lots 8 and ! ) , bloc 1 , town of Waterloo , deed. $100. TP. . I. Goddard ct al to Charh Childs : M A , lot G , block 121 , Omah : w. ( L $ G,8GO. H. E. Swaysland and wife to A. I Wolff : Lot 7 in Godfrey's addition w. d. $400. Abner French to John A. Harbacl Lot S in block 24 , Omaha , q. c. d.- $290. A. J. Poppleton and wife to Cell M. Cowan : Lot 9 , block 8 , Shinn addition , w. ( L $737.67. Boggs it Hill to Andrdw Muska so ] section 24 , township 15 , range li w. d. $1,600. Fred B. Lowe to John Gallaghe : Lot 17 , block 3 , Park Place additioi w. d. $275. $275.A A Stolen Watch- A gold watch , worth about $40 , wt left in Bauman's jewelry store , o Farnham , near Fourteenth streei to bo repaired , about 9 o'clock thi morning. An hour later it had di ; appeared. Word of the loss was a once sent to the other jewelers of th city. Some time later a young fellow probably not over 20 , er tcred the store of Ma Meyer & Bro. , and presented th identical watch for sale. The cler ; old him to wait a moment until h lad examined the time-piece , and a once telephoned for A policeman. Cit ; Jailer McClure detailed Officer Jacob son and a short time afterwari he policeman had the younj man under arrest. He de nied having stolen the watch an < said he had received it a short timi ireviously from a stranger who re quested him to find out what it wai vorth. He did not know the man'i name. The youth said he liad jus irrived from California and was 01 lis way east Mr. Baumcr identified he property. Resolutions of Respect. At a meeting of Emmett Monn ment association , held on Thursdaj evening May 19th , the following res olutions were adopted. " WIIECEAS , Ithas pleased the all- wise Creator to remove from oui nidst by death , our much beloved brother Peter Murphy , after much uffering , therefore , bo it RESOLVED , That in the death oi Brother Murnhy this association haa est one of its bcit members ; the ommunity a valuable citizen , the , ause of Irish nationality a firm and rdent supporter , and his family is jerelt of an . .everkind and loving rotector. RESOLVED that this association here- > y tender to the family of our late rother , the heartfelt sympathies of a members in their deep affliction ind bereavement. RESOLVED that a copy of these reso- itions be furnished the family of the eceased , and that they bo published n the the Omaha papers. papers.COMMITTEE. . BENEKE'S LEVEE. The Attendance Large am Quite Seleot this Morning. Judge Beneke's public levee at th police court attracted a large audiene yesterday , some attending withir vitations and many without : Tli principal cliarges set down on tli docket were druuka and these woi considerable force out in and about tli usual degree of toughness. Patrick McCann , a rather inoffei sive-looking fellow , was first called b ( fore the court and readily acknow edged he had absorbed an uncoi troLiblo quantity of liquor. He wa fined $3 and costs. Frank Hanlon , a middle-age < finely-built man , s.xid that no doul "he'd been under the inflooeuce" an was invited to whack up a simil ; sum. sum.J. J. C. Jones , a pleasant lookin young fellow , acknowledged the so impeachment with a nod , and wi contribute the same amount to tl city treasury. Thwo was only one woman on tli list for the same offense and her fir was paid. Wm. McCormack guessed that 1 had been a little that way when tl judge charged him with drunkennes The usual fine was imposed. John Larson , one of the two billigt rent hackmen , came up on a charge < carrying concealed weapons. He w ; fined $10 , and an officer sent wil him to his employer's where the monc was paid. Mike Looney was charged with ca rying a revolver. He justified hin self by saying that ho had a right i protect himself from being shot inl pound pieces even in this corporatioi and said that ho had carried tl weapon in full view. The Judj thought that GO days in the counl jail would be sufficient penalty. Another gentleman supposed lie wi guilty of fighting , and paid his fine. Thos. Duffy , a dapper-looking your man , who claimed to be a Counc Bluffs lawyer who devoted his spai time to practising plumbing and g ; fitting , was up on a charge of drunl enncss. He became somewhat orate ical , and volunteered an analysis of tl different degrees of drunkennes Then he began to quiz the officer. "Was I on the street or sidewalk he asked. "You were in a hallway ? " "In a hall way , ha ? Did I fa down ? " "We had to carry you. " "That will do , " said Duffy with majestic wave of his hand. "Now your honor , " said Dufl turning to the court , "I was arrcste between 9 and 10 o'clock on Saturdsi morning and asked for an immediai trial now why didn't I get it ? " Marshal Angcll said he had n < been arrested until about 3 o'clock i the afternoon and seeing the me coming from work in the evcnin thought it noon time. This was coi sidered prima facia evidence that 1 had been drunk and the usual line w : imposed. * A STRICTLY PUKE MAPLE SYKI can bo had at J. B. French & Go's. Do not fail to attend the illustrate lecture in our great public pleasui "round , Yellowstone National parl at Masonic hall , this ( Monday ) ev < ning , at 8 o'clock. Change of Firm. Brown & Bliss & Co. , wholesal and retail dealers in crockery , glas : ware , etc. , have desolvcd partncrshij Mr. Brown retiring. Messrs. M. I Bliss and C. H. Isaccs , former partnei assuming full control of the busine ; under the firm name of Bliss & Isacc : The will continue at the old stan with the same energy and push , whic has characterized this house dtirin their connection with it. The ne' firm is already receiving heavy shij mcnts which will be added to thei large stock , which shows that they m only intend to hold the field formcil occupied by them , but they will pus' forward into new territory. The will also give special attention to the ! retail department and will continue t take the lead in supplying the want of Omaha- Thanking the public fo past patronage they ask a continuanc of. the same for the new firm to whic a strict attention to the wants of the ! patrons will entitle them. A STRICTLY PURE MAPLE SYKU. can be had at J. B. French & Go's. MUMM hats were all the rage a ATKINSON'S one month ago. W still liave them in stock. If you wan the latest novelties , go to the ACKNOWI EDGED LEADING ESTABLISHMENT , ' ATKINSON & CO. , Creighton Block , 15th St. , near th Postoffice. Yellowstonenational park illustratct this ( Monday ) evening , at Masoni hall , at 8 o'clock. "THE MUMM" AT HICKMAN'S th latest NEW YORK SENSATION. Tenth Street Sewer Caved In. As predicted by THE BEE the firs real shower of rain that has come ha : twisted the Tenth street sewer into : shapeless mass of stone and rubbish Iho sewer fell in Sunday and nov ; he water is rushing through then seeking an outlet through the crevi- : es. The money and labor spent or ; he affair is utterly wasted. Th ( jround on the north side of the mdge is filled with fissures and svcry now and then a small section of enjtory drops into the flood below. iVhether the abutments of the bridge tself are endangered depends entirely ipon whether a rain storm should ome up before something is done in he matter. The inlet to the sewer is hoked up.with a heavy mass of stone Jid filth. A better argument in aver of the sewer bonds probably ould not be furnished. PERSONALS. Mr. E. F. Lalk , local ticket a-entof the t. & M. ruad at Atchison , spent Sunday on visit to his friend , Mr.Arthur Saxe. ( win t < j his well known temperance pro- livities , Mr. Italic has little fault to find ith the new prohibitory law in JCansai. H. JI. Brown has returned from Nebras- a City , where he has been visiting his unily who are stopping temporarily , at lat place. Prof. Rathbun has returned home from leeast. W. H. H. Llewellyn , United States de- | ctive. left yesterday to take charge t his Indian agency in New Mexico. He as accompanied by Capt. Smith and John IcEvaney. _ Col. Paul Vandervoort , chief head clerk . S. mail service , delivered the decora- on day address at Seward yesterday , SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE Advertisements To Loan , For Sal " &c. will bo i Lost , Found"Wants , Bcardin ? , , scried in these columns once for TEX CES * per line ; each subsequent Insertion , F1VECET per line. The first Insertion ne > cr less thi TWEXTY-FIVE CENTS. TO LOAN-MONEY. , 5 Call at LawOffieoof \TOXEY TO LOAX Vl L. Thomas. ItoomS , Creighton Clock. U , AT MRS. B. E. CLACKL'f > o. 1 Boa Sts. R < x _ , in , ' Home , cor. 13th and Dodge in the city. 10' Dining room girl at Reincck WANTED , islh and Jackson street * li-Jl ANTED-A girl at French Coffee House , 1C IU--il - street. - in a dairy- E"1"i':0,1 : WANTED-Milkcr lC-31 the Palace Market , 15th St. - WASTED D. L. Thomas , Crcight GIRL . g'30 "YYTANTED Dining room girl , at the Ennui > Y honsc. O03'1 Cook and two girls , at the Oma WANTED . 5-30 A partner with 33000 In a fir WANTED pajing business , a splendid opcii : to the right man. Address V. 0. box S23 , Oma t > 9-i-"c Neb. ' ' . and cabinetmakers want < CARI'ENTEl'.S fcl to S3 per day. Inquire nt 0 to Eee olticc. > A good nurse girl at northwi WANTED Hamilton and 1'icr streets , Slum addition. E. MOKONEY. 076-tl A cook at 1,300 Farnham stre WANTED Oi5-tl tTTANTED Good girl for general housewoi VV Hefercnce required. Appl ) at UU Dot ! St. JOHN O.WILLIS. fc Girl for general housework WANTED Yatcs. 0 < H-tl \TrANTED Carpenters and cabinet maki VY next to Bus office. 003-tl T AUNDKESS AND DINING ROOM Gil JU WANTED Immediately' at the Occident 823-t "ANTED 5 carpenters and 2 cabinet ma w era. WMEVEUETT. . &t9-tl Two first-class barters , and no WANTED need apply J. il. CU1WIY , Uni SSO-t ! Block. TVTANTED Man north of the cndof ISth ! W H. W. BAIL. SOS- " "TT7"ANTED A situation by a man of fami YV bteady , industrious and w illing to be u ful in any honorable capacity. Comjiensation i cording to capability. Please address J. E. 1 C0t cara of BEE office. FOR RENT HOUSES AND LAND. T71URNISIIED ROOMS FOR RENT SO ) Fai J } ham Si. , bet. Ibth and 17th. 23 TTIOR RENT Store room 22x30 on ICth strc JL' and a suit of four rooms , suitable for hou ccping. Enquire 1317 Farnham St. 20 niO LET For three months , from June 1st , _ Lnice cottage , handsomely furnished , gronr , delightful , and situated within four blocks of t Wlthncll. Apply at Brownell Hall. 1S-3C TTIOR RENT Nicely furnished large room a _ P piano , S. W. corner ISth and Capital A' 083 T710R RENT On first floor , furrished roon JC southwest corner 10th and Davenport T710R RENT Furnished rooms. Inquire at IS Jj Chicago street. C90-tl RENT The building 190G Burt strei FOR used hy John Cane a ? the Lend meat market. Some butcher tools for sa'e. A on the premises or of John Baumer , 12 amham street. C) ! RENT A store , corner lOthandl.eau EOR . Inquire next door , at Peterson's. RENT 2 furnished rooms o\er Mi FOR ' Exchange. N. E. cor. ICth and Dod streets. 2S3-tl SALE. TTIOR SALE On easy t-rm" , a hou < : c of G rooi 1 } uithlotMKUO 18th &t. , between Nicki and Paul. Enquire at 1140. 21-11 SALB A lot of new furniture. Also t FOR for rent , 4 rooms , summer kitthi I > < cnt > of soft waler , good location. Apply oncci322 Faniham Sc. , near corner 14th. 18-tl SALE Lcaso and furniture of a iirst-cl : FOR in a oi 1300 inhabitants , in fta of Nebraska ; has 24 beds ; the trax cling men's i sort. Inquire at BEE office. 21S-tl SALE O. B. Seldcn has a fine pair FOR for &alc. 13th St. , ocr State Ban TTIOR SALE-Cottage and lialf lot , well , tistc L1 and stable , on 21th St. , bet. Chicago a : Da eniort. JOHN JACK&ON. OOb-2 . Large lot and twogood houses FOR.SALE House and lot in South Omaha at SI,200. House and lot in North Omaha at 81COO. House and parfof lot near California street , $ 500. 500.Small house and full lot at $550. Inquire of Jno. L. llcCague , opposite postoffh JCOtf SALE House and lot 33x132 ; suita'ole f EOft . Inquire of Peterson , 10th St. TJIOR SALE Sc\cral good lots in'Rivcrviewa J1 dition. John L. JlcCJaguc , Oip. Post Oflk 950 tf RICH $12.00 a thousand. T. MURRAY. B 8St-23 SALE 2 acres ground in West Omah FOR of J. Henry , No. 110 ICth. S7U- 11 SALE Ten elegant residence lots , sit atcd near terminus of red-car street raihu line ; nc\cr in market before. Inquire of E. I HUMl'llRF.Y , 07 N. ISth street. 705 SALE Two-story house and jnrt lot , no FOR . Location good. John L.JIcCo u Off. Post O.lice. UaS-tt SALE Maps of Douglas and Saqiy con ; FOR . A. ROSEWATER , 1520Farnham strcc S20 tf T7IOR SALE Three good lots in North Omali Jj at ? 1.000. I/t In bhinn's addition at $450. Lot in South Omaha at § 150. Ecutiful residence lot at ? 1COO. GcoJ corner lot 148x100 , an eastfrontagc i K.200. Three lots one square fromlSth street car lin 4 50 each. Inquire of JohnL. McCague , opposite postoflic OGl-tt milE BEST THING YET-II. G. Clark & Co. L Imperial Self Raisin" Winter Wheat Flou [ or pancakes , biscuits , and all kinds of ptstr Iry it. Ask } our grocer tor it 4'U " MISCELLANEOUS. One large roan cow with low hi ] STRAYED red cow , white face and one broke "lorn , both cars cropped. $5.00 reward will I paid to any one giving information leading i : hcirrccocrjM.JOHNSON , ill. Eighth St. Omaha. Silver watch. Inquire at this olfici FOUND 7-tf Red leather pocket-book contiinin LOST . Liberal reward will be paid Jor il return to this office. 8-23 TUKEN UP By Peter Carripn , five mil ( J _ southwest of Omaha , one brown and on oy horse. Owner can have the same byjprot in iropcrty and paj inj expenses. ! )3T-5t-ct riTRAYED OR STOLEN A light red and whit j cow about 5 \ cars old , with long trail and ! Xr ) condition and large crookct horns. Lost o ilay 13th , left a } oung calf. J5.00 reward will I aid for her return to Simon Kaeimcd. one bloc outh of Ilcr's Distillery. 071-Ctd2tw C FTMBRELLAS And Parasols reprJred by Jl U SCIIUTT llth and Famara gts. 7SOtf . BROWN Corner 12th and CUca ? . streets , is ready to bore or deepen wells iatlsfaction guaranteed. C03tf TIEi MS Can be got at John Barrs stable fo JL all kinds of work at reasonable figures , nca or 13th and Lca\cnworth streets. 378-tf PvONT FORGET The successors of the Amer L/ lean House , on Douglas street , between Otl nd 10th , ( or board , lodging and transient cua imcrs. Respectfully , 564-tf J ULIUS & LOUISE ROSS. POWDER Absolutely Pure , Slade from Grape Cream Tartar. No othc. ( itc. ration makes such I&ht , flaky hot breads o.b jritoriotM pastry. Can be eaten by Dyspeptic , thont fear of the ilia resulting from heavy indi- stibl food. Sold only In cans , by all Grocers. tBOYAL BAKIJiO POWDER Co. , Sew York ; MOR At 1319 Farnham Street. VJ- in our dress goods department MONDAY , MAY 23d , will be found the following bargains. An early call will be profitable to those who desire to im prove the opportunity never before afforded our Omaha people of purchasing FINE goods at a Grenadines , rienadines , 1600 yards Fancy Mesh Black Grenadines at 5 cents a yard , in perfect order , original cost 35 cents a yard ; 2,000 yards of plain Black Iron-Frame Grenadines at 10 cents a yard , original cost at wholesale , 60 cents ; 2,500 yards of plain Black Iron-Frame Grenadines at 121-2 and 15 cents , original cost 60 and 75 cents. LACE BUNTINGS , LACE BUNTINGS-2,500 Lace Buntings in Cream , Drab , Brown , Black , Baize at 15 cents a yard , never before sold under 25 cdnts. SILKS-FANCY BLACK SILKS. Eighteen hundred yards of Fancy Silks in Gold Bronze , Garnet and Gold , Steel and Black , Etc. , at 25 cents a yard , worth $1.00 and $1.25. Fifteen hundred yards Fancy Summer Silk in Myrtle and Gold , Brown and Gold , Plum and Garnet , etc. , at 37 1-2 cents a yard , usual price 55 to 75 cents. Twelve hunered yards Fine High Colored Summer Silks , at 45 cents a yard , usually sold at 80 cents to $1.00. Three Hundred yards Colored Silk Brocade at 50 cents , always sold at 51.00 and $1,25 $ , 1,000 , yards Black Silk Armnre Brocades and Stripes at 50 cents a yard , worth 81,25 , Black and Colored Brocaded Silk $1,00 and $1,25 , worth 82,00 a yard , Black Bros Grain Silks at 50 cents , worth SI,00 , . , * Black Gros Grain Silks at 75 cents and worth $1.50 , $1.00. Black Cashmere Finish Silks $1.25 , worth $1.75. * Black Satin De Lyon $1.25 , worth $1.75. Black and Colored Surah Satins at 85 cents , worth $1.25. Black Satins at 75 cents , reduced from $1.00. Black Satins at 90 cents , reduced from $1.25. Black Satins at $1.00 , reduced from. $1.50. Colored Satins at 95 cents , reduced from $1.25. MEN'S FUENISfflG GOODS , 65 CENT UNLAUNDRIED SHIRTS. Our OSe I'nlaumtrlcd Shirtslias attained such unprecedented popularity tliat we find it to l > e THE Hliirt. and wo offer all sires. For the lmfit of those who ha c not seen it we state that it has a linen neck-land , n double re-enforced fine linen IxteOiu , hill size linen cuffn , and is a coini > Iitc lit. MEN'S COLLARS ! MEN'S CUFFS ! Very l > cst l-pl.v linen Collars . , w ith extra w orkcd buttonholes , new shapes and stj lc ? , S1.50 a dozen , size 11 to 13 huh. Very best 4 plv linen Cuff * 10 ) to 111 "nth. " sifiO a dozen. CELL ton holes , 1 at oaitly wholes sale prices. s , IP. oo.3 1319 Farnham Street. Seventh Biennial -OF THE Pioneer Ssngertac AT OMAHA , June 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 and 12 , ' 81 JUiSTE 8th : Reception of Guests anc Reception Concert. JUNE 9th : FIRST GRAND CONCERT JUNE 10th : Grand Parade ! Participated in by all Civil and Mili tary Societies , Fire Department , and Manufacturers' Interest. IN THE EVENING , SECOND GRAND CONCERT JUNE llth : BANQUET AND BALL JUNE 12th : SOLO ARTISTS : SKfflOEA IABELLA ! Contralto. MISS KATTIE LOWE Soprano. Prof , E , STEASSEE , Violinist , The tad * Chorus , 350 Voices 350 Under the Direction of ' PROF. AUG. WALTHER , THE GRAND ORCHESTRA , n of the best instrumentalist of the jn "Conducted by Prof. F. M. Steinhauser. REDUCED FAKES on all Rail roads Leading into Omaha. AH Fe-thitics will IKJ held in the cpaciotu JIt'MC HALL , \x\nz \ \ erected cupedally for the Sanscr-Fcst , and located on the CORNER OF ISTH AND CAPITOL AVENUE. R JPVPI PQ l am ASent tor COLUMBIA DIU I ULIIO. and OTTO BICYCUS. Send three-cent stamp for Catalogue and Price List contain.'n ? full information. H , L D , SOLOMON , Paints , Oil and Glass. OMAHA , NEB. WITH THE BEST SELECTED STOCK OP Clothing & Furnishing Goods IN OMAHA. -WE ARE. PAP. EXCELLENCE- THE TOM IEFS OLDTHEBS ! BOSTON CLOTHING HOUSE , 1212 FARNHAM STREET , 1212 SCHLANK & PRINCE. . _ J. W. MURPHY & CO. , Wholesale Liquor Dealers And Agents for Kentucky Distilling Co. apUdtf Corner 14th and Dotigla * Sts. . Omaha. Ncl BY- JT. IMI. THE OLDEST Real Estate Agent and Notary Public , Cor. Douglas and Fourteenth streets. OXE THOUSAND LOTS in the city and addition * , from $200 to 83,000 ; alto , 200 house * and loU , from SI ,000 to 10,000 ; also , land in UoiiKla * ami Sari' } counties , in iiinall and o tract-i ; a- > . SMO.OOO to loan at S j > cr tent. , and ino,000 to loan at 10 \ < vr cent. , in sums to suit applicants. All business with John M. Clarke HTUICTI.Y confidential. Taxes jnid ; dcvd * and mort a cs executed on short notice ; only Mil exclusively on commiiuion ; don't speculate ; ; 'ivc my nitron.i all the liaryrun-i. Xotiry Public Jilurajs In office , southwest comer Douglas and Fourteenth street * Omaha Nebraska. MANUFACTURERSALE OF WORTH OF To Be Closed Out Immediately Regardless of Cost. We respectfully call your attention to the large and varied assortment of Boots and Shoes , including some of the very best grades in Ladies' and Gents' Hand and Machine Sewed , from several of the leading manufacturers in the Bastwhici will bo sold at about J.CJE2 To Close Out. Tin's is a rare chance for BARGAINS. Conic One , Come All , and SIun > your self at HALF L'KICE. Remember the Place , 216 So. 15th St. , Union Block , Bet. Farnham & Douglas. THE NEW YORK lias REMOVED from Creighton Hall , llth and Farnliam , to ONE DOOR WEST OF B. & M. HEADQUARTERS. For the Largest Assortment , the Latest Styles and v THE BEST QUALITY OF HATS AND CAPS , THE NEW YOEK COMPACT LKAIS THEM ALL. Satisfy yourself by Examining the Stock. A fall line and a complete assortment of the latest Style of Straw Hate just opened. Horse Shoes and Nails 30Et02Xr AJtTP WAGON STOCK TUB BEST ASSORTMENT OF iWHEELS IX THE WEST , At Chicago Prices. W. J. BROATCH , 1209 & 1211 Janl8-6m niMKTST.OMAHA N