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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1881)
Iff THE OMAHA DAILY BEE- TUESDAY - 31 4881 - THE DAILY BEE. OMAHA PUBLISHING CO. , "PROPRIETORS. SIG Farnham , bet. 9th and 10th Streets. TET.MS OF 6UBSCRIPTIOK : Copy 1 w , ( n advance ( postpaid.tS.00 ) montlw " 4.00 mon < h " " . . . . . . 2.00 BAILWAY TIMB TABLR LF.AMNQ OMAHA EABT OR EOCTn EOU5D. C. , B. & Q. Da. m. 3:40 : p. m. C. & N. W. , C a. m. 3:40 : p. m. U. , R. L & P. , 6 a. m. 3.40 p. m. f K.aSt J.&Ca,8a.m 3.40 p. m. Arrive at St Louis at 0:25 : o. m. and 7 : < 5 a. m. TST OB BOCTBWISTS. n. k M. in Neb. , Through Express , 835 a. ra. B. & M. Lincoln Freight 7:00 : . m. U. P. Express , 12:16 : lum. O. & R. V. for Lincoln , 10 0 a. tn.I1. . " " O. k It V. forOsccola ; :40amji ± ; * U. ! . freight No. 5 , 630 a. m. " q HS - J ! ? ! ! 1 S ° - ° - & 1S * m- U. P. freight No. 7 , 0.10 p. m.- migrant U. P. freight No. 11 , b:25 p. m. ARRmsn rEon rAsr ASD sorra. CB - * < ? . , 5:00 x rn.-7.-23 p. m. r * C ; * - W. , 8:45 a. m. 725 p. m. C It I. &P 0:45 a. tn.-9:05p. : m. K. C. , St Joe &C. a , 7:40 a. m.-fl:45 : p. m. . , St L. k P. , 10:55 : a. m.-425 p. ra. AKRirrso rieoM THE \rniT ASD Bornnrrsr. O. k R. V. from Llncoln-12:12 p. m. V. P. Biprcss-3-25 p. m. B. & SLin Neb. , Through Express 1:15 : p. m. . & M. Lincoln Freight-SaS a. m. U. P. Freight No. 10 1:40 p. m. No. C 4:23 : p. in. Emigrant No. 8 10.50p.m. . No. 12 1135 a. m. O. k H. V. mlicJ , ar. 435 p. tn. Kosni. ( Nebraska Dhision of the St Paul k Slouz City Road. J o. 2 Ica\es Omhha S a. ra. No. 4 lca\wt Kmaha ISO p. m. No. 1 arriics at Omaha at 430 p. m. No. 3 nrrics at Omaha at 10.4& a. ra , DCMMT TEAIX8 BCHTEZX OSAKA ASB OOUKOL ELITTS. Iavc Omaha at 8 0 , 9KX ) and 11:00 : a m. ; 1X0 , 2 0 , 3:00 : , 4 ) , 5MO and G.-OO p. tn. Lcaie Council llluffsat 825 , 925 , 1125 a. m. ; 125 , 223 , 325 , 425 525 and C25 p. m. Sun&ajg Tlie dummy Ica\cs Omaha at 90 nndllua.iu.:2 0 , 4.-OOand5 Op. m. Lcaie * Council Bluff * ot 025 and 1125 a. tu. ; 225 , 4:25 : Opening and Closing of Malls. BOCTE. OPFLV. CLOSE. a. m. p. m. a. m. p. m. W 11.00 9.30 4U 2.40 Chicago , It I. & Pacific 11:00 9.-00 430 2:40 : Chicago , It. k i 11:00 9 ) 430 2:40 Wauaah 1230 430 2:40 Sioui. City and Pacific. . 110 430 Union Pacific ; - . . . . 6:00 : 11:40 : Omaha &ILV . ' . . 4:00 11:40 IJ.&M. in Neb 4.-00 8:40 : 530 Omaha & Northwestern. 430 730 Local mallo fur State of Ion-a leave but once a T ( lay , xiz : 430. A Lincoln Mail is also opened at 1030 a. rru 4 Oilice open Sundays from 12 ni. to 1 p. m. THOS. F. HALL , P. M. JOS. C. CWUKBO.V. O. i. 1IUKT. Clarkson & . Hunt , Successors to Richards k Hunt , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW , 215 S. 14th Street , OmdiaNcb. W. d. CONNELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. Omcr Front Rooms ( up stairs ) In Ilanscom'g new brick Imilding , N. W. corner Fftecnth and Kaniliain StrrvUi. JOII.X I. EKDICK. C1IA8. R. REDICX. REDICK&.REDICK , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW. Si > ccial attention will be gien to all suits against corj > o ] tions of c O' description ; will practice in all the courU of the State and the United States. OtriCK tUmliam bt , opposite Court House. J. ENGLISH , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , 310 South Thirteenth Street , with J. M.Woolworth. D. S. BENTON , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. AKDACII KLOCK , Cor. IXjuglas and 15th Sts. , Omaha , Nell. A. G. TROUP , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. OmcK in Jlanscomb'n Block , nitli George E. 1'richctt , 1500 Famham St , Oiiiahn , Neb. Dexter L. Thomas , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , CRUICKSUANK'S BUILDING , Omaha , Nebraska. D. F. Manderson , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. 242 Faniham St. , Omaha , Neb. Edward W. Simeral , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. Room C Crcishton Block , IMh and Douglas street , HAMBURG LINE. "Weekly Inne of Steamers LcaxinjNcw York EVERY THUKSDAY at 2 p in. , for ENGLAND , FRANCE and GERMANY. For passage apply tea a n. RICHARD & co. , Ocn. Pass. Apcnt , 61 Broadway ' NE - YORK. THANK E. MOOKES , HENBT PUSDT , Omaha. AGENTS WANTED FOIl Creative Science and SEXUAL PHILOSOPHY. " * Profusely illustrated. The most important am l > etbook published. Eicry family wants one. Extraordinary inducements offered agents. Address AQKMS' PUBLISHING Co. , St. Louis , Mo To Nervous Sufferers. * 1 1 * THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific X \ It is a rwiti * ecu re for Svnnatorrhca ) , Scmina \Vcokncss , liuiwtancy , and all dlxoaws resulting from Self-Abu-iC , a Mental Anxiety , Loss o Jlcmory , IVms in Uio Hack or Side , and diseases - that lend to Consumptioi Insanity ant ancarlygratc The S | > ccific Medicine ii licinj usci with wonder ful success. gmzxanH , l Pamphlets ecnt free to all. Write for them and get full par ticulars. Price , Specific , $1.00 per package , or sir lack- ages for $5.00. Address nil order , to H. SIMSON MEDICINE CO. NOR. 104 and 100 Main St Buffalo , N. Y. Sold In Omaha by C , F. Goodraan , J. W. Bell , J. K. JfJi , and all dru-ists cvcrj-uhcrc. AGENTS WANTED FOR. FASTEST SEUJXO BOOKS or mis Aoi ! Fonndations of Success BUSINESS AND SOCIAL FORMS. ' The laws of tmdc , lepnl forms , how to trans net business , < -alual le ta'de * , Hocial etiquette , mrliamcntan' usage , how t > ronduct public busi IIOKS ; in fact it Is a complete Guide to Success for nil cases. A family necessity. Address forcir culars and qxxial terms ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO. , St. Louin. Mo. AGENTS WANTED ro& on SEW BOOK , 1 BIBLE FOR THE YOUNG , " be injr the Story of the Scriptures , by Rev. George Alexander Crook , D. . , in wmple and attracthc language for old and j-oanj : . rrofuwly illustra ted , inakin ; a most interesting and impressUe youth E instructor. Every parent will secure this work. Preachers , yon should circulate it. Trice $3.00. Send for circulars with extra terms. J. 11. CHAMUEUS k CO. , St Louis , JIo. REED'S "ALL TIME" Bv "Almont , " ho by Alexander's "Abdillih , " Llrcof "Goldsmith llaidf" Flirt dam "On Time" bv "War Dance. " son of the renowned "Lexinj- tonSecond"Ella BrecLcmidge" by "Colios- ius , " son of imported 41Sovcreisn. " "Almont's" first dam by "iiunbrino Chief , " and his Sire by Kvscich' * "JUmbletonian. " This remarkable horse will l > fi % e years old in Ma v. ho will serve onlv 35 marcs ( ballot which number is now rnpaped ) at $25.00 per mare , paj-- ablc at time of pen ice. Season commences April let and will end Sept. 1st. After that time his TCI vice will be put at 35.00. Anv mare that has trotted in ± 30 verved TRT.T. ALL'Tl M E will ctand Monday's , Tuesday's and Wednesdays each week , beginning the first of April , on Twentieth , west of Ephtecnth St. , car-track terminus , and the remainder of each week at the corner of llth and lloword street * . ED. REED , Proprietor. Corner llth and Howard Sts. .marlodSm Dr. Black's ' Etanatic arrantcd Safe , Certain and LpeeJy Cure for Rheumatism in all its forms. Neuralgia , Lame Hack , Pain in tha Breast nd Side , Pain in the Stomach and Kidneys. &c. It is m internal reme dy , a Tonic and Blood Purifier , and while it re- more * the Disea * * it improves the genera ! health. EMITU BLACK & CO. , Proprietor ! , PliUsmoutb , Neb , OBJUK , Gcnl A ect , Ozuah * . Business Directory. Art Emporium. 3. U. ROSE'S Art Emporium , 1510 Dodge Street , Steel Engravings , Oil Paintings , Chrome * , Fane } Frames. Framing * Specialty , law Prices. J. BOXNEK , 1309 Uoujlas Street Good Stj Ics. Abstract a ? d Real Estate. JOHN U McCAGUE , opposite Post Office. \V. K. BAHTLETT , 317 South 13th Street. Architects. DUFEENE & MENDELSSOHN. ARCHITECTS , Room 14 Creighton Block. A. T. LARGE , Jr. , Room 2 , Creighton Block. Boots and Shoes. JAMES DEVINE & CO. , Fine Boots and Shoes A good assortment o ! home work on hand , cornir 12th nd llarnej- . THOS. ERICKSON , S E cor. ICth and Douglas. JOHN FonTONATUS , 50510th street , manufactures to order good work at tair prices. Repairing -lone. Bed Springs. J. F. LARRIJIEB , Manufacturer , Yisschcrs * Bit Books , News and Stationery. J. L FRUEUAUF , 1015 Farnham Street , Butter and Eggs. McSHANE & SCIIRGEDER , Uic oldest B. and E. loose In Nebraska , established Is75 , Omaha. Boarding. CENTRAL RESTAURANT , MRS. A. UVAN , eouthwest comer ICthand Dodge. Best Board for the Money. 5tibtaction Guaranteed. Jcala at all Hours. Board by the Day , Week or Month. Good Ti-rms for Cash. Furnished Rooms SuiH * < Ied. CnrriageS and Road Wagons. WH. SNVDER , No. 131h 14th and Hamcy Street * ] Civil Engineers and Surveyors. ANDREW ROSEWATEtt , 1510 Farnham rtre t Town Suncye , Grade and Scw ragD SjiWms a Specialty. Commission Merchants. JOHN G. WIL LIS.1411 Dodge Street. DaBEEMER. For details see large advertise- niciit in Doily and Weekly. Cigars and Tobacco , WEST & FRITSCIiEH , nwnufftcturcr ) of Cigars , and Wholcde Dealers in Tooiccos. 1305 Douglas. W. F. LORK.VEEN , manufacturer , 51410th street. Cornice Works. Western Cornice Works. Manufacturers Iron fcrnice. Tin , Iron and Slate Roofiln ? . Orders rom any locality promptly executed In the best manner. Factory and Office 1310 Dodge Street. Galvanized Iron Cornice * . Window Qtps , etc. , manufactured and put p In anv jiart of the country. T. JINHOU ) , 41G Thirteenth street. Crocke-y. i. CONNER , 1300 DoueiM street Good line. Clothing and Furnishing Goods. GEO. IL PETERSON. Also Hats. Caps , Boots , Show , Notion * and Cutlery , S04 S. 10th street. Clothing Bought. \ SHAW \rill pay highest Cath prtcc for second hand clothing. Corner l tl ! and Faniham. Dei lists. DU. PAUL , Williams' Plock , Cor. 15th & Dodge. Drugs , Pants and Oils. KUU1. & CO. , PharmacUU , Fins VL > - ' . Gixnls , Cor. 15th and Doucbi'Urccts. W. J. WHITEHOUf . * - nwde&RctailICthet. C. a FIELD , 2022 N tlh Side Cuiulng Street. M. PARR , Druggist. 10'Ji and Howord Streets. Dry Good Notions , Etc JOHN H. P. 1 .iiMANN & CO. , Vew York DIJ- Goods S re , 1310 and 131C Farn- btmttrcct. 4. ' C. Enewold , also boots and shoes , 7th k Pacific. l-uruiture. A F. GROSS , Ncv arU Second Hand Furniture and Stoics , 1114 boucuo. Ht hmt < > * price aid for second hand roou > > J. BONNEU , 13091 > oanM bL Fine goods , ic. Fence Works. OMAHA FENCE CO. GUST , FRIES & CO. , 1213 Hartley St. , Impro e- etl Ice Boxes , Iron and Wood Fences , Office tailings. Counters of 1'inc and Walnut Florist. A. Donaghuc , plants , cut fo\vr ! , ( cods , boqucts etc. , N. W. cor. 16th an 1 Douglas street * . Forndry. JOHN WEARNE & SOM5. tor.14th & Jackson sis Flour and Feed. GHAHA cm- MILLS , Sth and Farnham Sts. , clshans Dros. , proprietors. Grocer * . Z. STEVENS , 21 t bvit ; * .n Cuuiing and Izard. T. A. McSHANE , Coov t3d and Cumlng Streets. Hatters. W. L. PAnTJOTTE & CO. , 1300 Donglas Street. flTiolsale Exdunhely. Hardwai a. ran and Steel. DOLAN 4 LANQV2 E2Y. Wholesale , 110 and 15th etrcct A. HOLMES , ( viBct juth and California. Harness. Baddies , &c. E. B. WEIST 32013th 2t , bet FamHamcy. . Hat and Bonnet Bleachers. Ladies gvt your Straw , Chip and FtH Hats done up .it northeast corner Se\cntcnth and Capitol Avenue. WM. DOVE , Proprietor. Mitels. CANFIELD HOUSE , Gi > . CanCeldth & Farnham DORAN HOUSE , P t , . Caij13 Farnham St ELAVE.VS HOTEL F. Slaen , 10th Street. Southern Hotel , Gus. Lame ] , Oth & Lcavcnu-orth. Iron Fencing. The Western Coniict Works , Agents for the Champion Iron Fence * . . \a\ \ e on hand all kinds of Fancy Iron Fences , Gtings , Fineals , Mailings etc. 1310 Dodge stree ap2 Intcliijr e Office. ilRS. LIZZIE D OT , 21710th Street Jetilers. . JOHN BAUMKK 1:14 Farnham Street Junic. H. BERTHOLD. l gs and MetaL Lumber , umo tnd Cement. FOSTER & GRAY , onair tfth and .Douglas Sis. Lamps ana Glassware. J. BONNER , 1309 Dosjias St Good Variety Merchant Tailors. G. A. LINDQUEST , One of our most popular Merchant Tailors is re- cch ing the latest designs for Spring and Summer Goods for gentlemensnear , fctjlish , durable and prices low as ecr 21513th bet Doug.A Fam Millinery. MRS. C. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Retail. Fan oy Goods in great variety. Zephyrs , Card Boards Hosier } ' , Glo\cs , Corsets , &c. Cheapest House ii the West Purchasers save 30 per cent Order by Mail. 115 Fifteenth Street Physicians d Surgeons. W. S. GIBBS , M. D. , oem No. 4 , Creighton Block , 15th Street A. S. LEISENRINC U. D. Masonic Block. a L. HART , M. D. . E "and Ear , opp. postofficc DR. L. B. GIlADDY , Oculist and Aurist , S. W. 15th and Farnham Sts. Photocraphers , GEO. HKYS. PROP. , Grand Central GUcrr. S : Sixteenth Street near Masonic HalL First-class Work and Prompt ness giurantccn. Plumbing , G * nd Steam Fitting. P. W. TARPY k CO. . H * 12th St , bet Faraham and Douglas. Wore promptly attended to. D. F1TZPATRICK , 1403 Douglas Street Painting and Paper Hanging. HENRY A. KOSTERS , 1412 Dodge Street Planlnj Mill. A. MOVER , manufacturer of sash , doors , blinds moldings , newels , alustera , hand rail % Iumishiii ; scroll rawing , Ac. , cor. Dodge and Oth streets. Pawnbrokers. J.ROSENFELD , 522 : lib St , bet Far.&Har. Retrigerators. Vnfield's Patent. C. F. GOODMAN , llth It , bet Fam. 4. Hartley. Showcase Manufactory. * O. J. 1HLDE , Manufacturer and Dca tr In an kinds of Show Cases , Upright C s * , ft . , 1317 Cass St Stoves J > a Tinware. A. BURMESTER , Dealer in Stoves and Tinware , and Manufacturer of Tin Roofs and all kinds of Building Work Odd Fellows'Block. J. BONNER , 1309 Douglas St Good and Cheap. Seeds. J. EVANS , Wholesale sad Retail Seed Drills an. . Cultivators , Odd Fellows' HalL Shoe Stores. Phillip Lang , 1320 Firnham st,1 > ct 13th & 14th. Second Hand Store. PERKINS & LEAR. 1416 Douglas St. New and Second Huid Furniture , House Furnishing Goods , &c. , bought and sold on narrow margins. Saloons. HENRY KAUFMANN , In the new brick block on Douglas Street , has just opened a mo- < elegant Bed HalL Hot Lunch Torn 10 to 12 era T day. FLAh'NECY , On Farnham , next to she B. & M. headquarters , has reopened a neat sad complete estabtUhmcn which , boning FIRKaail MotherShiptoa's Prophecy ocy , will be opened tar sna t ys with Hot Lunch on and after present ots * . " Caledonii , " J. FALOCSKR , CTO ICth Street Una * mere. CHAS. RIEWE , 101S T maim bet 10th & lltd. S3 Ocnl Stores. HENRY POHLMAK , SOT * , notiorm , pictures , Jcweliy , &t , 81314th bet. F rnham and Douglas. F. a BACKUS , 1905 Firnhwn Sti Fucj Goods. REGISTRATION LIST , SECOND WARD , Armstrong James Arimlrung BtcWotl Andrix Jolin Appclton Elias Allen E A Apple Ceo D AlbaugK Isaac AiidresenCltr Anderson 31 H Aokcrnlan Gee Ackerman Znls Austin W B Allison Ignatius Andrccn Gustavo Anderson Olsen Alicrt John Burklcy Vincent SrdnSg Henry Browii Peter Barrett Patrick J Burns W II Bohel Adolph Barta Matthew Butler Jolm H Baldwin J H Blarck John Bhnnlc Sekistinn Berg August TJrennen Jas C Butler Edward C Brigham Bichard Beecher Frank Bonny Jacob Boyer Peter Browii John A Bender Edward L Bokal Frank Bokal M Blanchanl W L Bmdloy M L Broivn J V T Bellamy Frank Bigley Thos Buck Gee E Biurco On-en ttelllm John F Barrett ltxtrick Bell Anderson Burkhardt JolmF Bennett Frank Bell Joseph Banjra Chas R , Bove Peter Barker Gee E Butler H C Browii Blake Burmeister Chas E Burton Fred Begley Clias Barnes Silas Byrne Jas Brunor Otto Brown Win Burr Gee D Black Walter Backman Heitry Bretcl Joseph ttockllah . Brown ll 15 BufTett S H Bennett W R Bennett S F Beetorye A F Cornell W J Collopky Tht33 Croft John , COyle Pat Chambers Wm Carmody Michael Clark Thos Chadwick A JI Crarey N N Clinton Peter Cole Wm Coj-lu Peter Crowley Cornelius Clifford Patrick Clarkin T Calilwell 3a § Croft Henry Collins Conielius Corcoran John Curry JH Callahan Dan Chevaux Louis Coope Thos L Clark WH Coopc W D Collcy F Coffey Thos Cunningham D Condon T Cui'rV John Craven Jns DJ.X H IS Cox Aph Coughlin SCrew Cullen John J Crow Jacob Coffman Jacob Collier F C Clark H G Doran Bernard Dnckin Alex L Dunn Elijah Duggan Lawrence Duffy Jas Davis W P Dahn Marcus Dawson Gee Daniels Chris DalUy John DolwrtyRobt Dolwald Fred Dorsey H H Dorsey AV B Donnelly Jas S Donnelly Jas J Dougherty Chas Duffey Jas Dcitrich August Dunn J 11 David Jacob Davis John E Darling F K Donnelly S F Devanlcy Andrew Darrow H A Dokulid Frank Dolczel Frank W Davis Richard Dasher U Davis J W DaVls W W Deverallx Thos Duningan Frank Draydon Wm Dodge Win Ehers Andrew Erickson Chas Emberson N R Earlcy Alfred Emphe John English Wm Evans T Edgerton 0 W Earlc J : Eayers K Flynn Con Farrell B Franccl Anton Franco Jas France Jas S Franc Wmo France Jno M Fnuiou RcVtil ll Fitzmorris Thos J Fredrick C H Fashender Jas Feenan M J Fandlip V Fisher 0510 Fisolt Cltas It Fisher Jno S 1 Fisher Jno S 2 Flannery Jas Faith C F Fita'crald J Garvcy Patrick Gatcwood W II Gorman Daniel Griftln Win Gould Chas H Gould Martitl Garvey Thos tilbSonJ L Orcen J L Gilbert Chas Gcllner Jas Green- Duff Garnett D Goodyear E Gotham Amos Hascall saacS TTartmnit JhO G lllll Jas Haliuy Tlios C Haulon Frank P Henry Chas J 1 Henry Chas J 2 Holub Wcnzel Hartman C Henry Hine Chas UiblerD Hcinrick Fred Heaso Gottfried Hughes Patrick Hamilton Chas W Hamilton Thos Htgghis C S Tlart Tla * Howcll Andrew Halliday Chas llartsoii D Humthrics ) W Haggerty Hempe C A Helhuan M Hcndrix Peter Hennigan Ed Hurley Daniel Hill Jno H Hensiiuin Gee Hcnsman Chas Hcnsiiir.n Gee I Howell T G HaasB Hcnning A R Herrick Robt Ha'eyl Hulton C Hall August Higgins Andrew ll iggiiis Timothy Harper S C Hartman Jas N Hamilton G B Halin W J Halm WmE HcnKe Gee Hanson Andrew Holy J M Hecht Eugene Homan G W Homan Henry Hoagland Gee W Her Peter E Inglchart B E Irwin R M Her I D Isakson Aug Ink J K Interpolyintjer W Johnson Ole Jansa Martin Jansa Jas Jallicnek V Johnson Chas Jensen H P Jacobson Jacob Jacobs Jno G Jacobson H Jacobson SJ Jones G C Kramer Baltz Kendall Jas M Kendall Jas Kotiza Joseph Kranda Jas Krug Fred Kiewit Jno Ket'gan Jno Karnes Jno Kopps Jno Kaiser Peter Kavan Jas Kennedy -MW Kennedy Then Kclley Thos KohrSM Kerrigan Peter Krcbs Chas Kaufman M J Keisler Justis Kleflner Frank Kastle Wenzel Krajicek Frank Kitka Peter Kcment Mathero Krejei Joseph Katiza Frank Honvalin Jno Kranda Jas Kanda Jas KrenkJno Kafka Jas Kafka Jno KellncrB Keldey Wm H Karback P J Kennedy B E B Kaufman J Krug II Krug Chas Hendrix C Y Hemerling B Kovasik Jas Kunde Hcnnan Krcll Chas Kirncr J Kelley Gee Kwecitkowshc J Keating Jno Kennedy W J Krug E Krup Wm Kapski Julius Kaiser Chas Knapp JasM King Gee Kirchoner Gottlieb Lane E Labaugh Gee F Leippincott Saml Lange Fred Lynch Thos LcedererJas Leittle Jno Lang Otto Lilincrom Alex Lawrence Gee A Leehman Jno H LeiggetAVm Lyons L C Leahy Slichael Lee Michael Lyrtch Humphrey Lynch Pat Lange Anton Lyitdou G AV Lewis S F LeisM Lowlino L J Lawton O P Lags Gee Lenblad Jno Lipnincptt 51 Lindquest N P Leisenring P S Slahoney Jerry Metzjjer Jno Mullen Pat J Morrison Morris Morrison Peter Moore Richard Mockbco Chas E Moore Jerald Mulverhill Jerry MeanyM C Slalioney J P Murphy Patrick Maystrick Jas Murphy Jno j\Iahamat \ Frank Mahamat Jno Slay Michael Morse S P Muldoon Gee Murphy Jas J Mahoncy David Mitchell Jas Jletzgcr Jno Morgan F C Morg-au E W Morgan J II Maiming AA'm H Meadley Gee MctzL Merridan AVm J Sfetzger Emil Merrill Jno Jliller Benj Marsh Jno A Murphy Andy Mattis Adolph Morris Thos Martin R Y Muster P Moodie Jno C Midler Carl Mulligan Jno Michael L MyerEmanuel Mack A\rm Mares Chas. Manning Pat McGovern Jno McNamara AV A McMullen Danie McDianuid SfcBridgc" Jno McCoy Daniel McCoy Lewis McCnuleyAiitlionyMcElroy Tlios aicVcighEd Mc3IellanJA McSbaue F J McDonald J 0 McDonaldiliciiaei MeGinty Dennis Jktiermdtt Cllaa McDonald 0 H iueuurmui'H Mcdwy 1 McDonald MJ McCrea Jas McArthur Archie McGuire J H McCiitchettn W B McElroy W A Jfash Albert NickleWm Neidlewcarcr J Nerad Matthew Nplan Tlios NcMee.Matthew Nemeo Fjalik NUWn Tllds JfWsdilJlJet \ \ frcStBh lllihry Kagle Julius Norris Jno R Nback Valentine Newcomb H E Norton Fmuk Nordwell Jno Nelson August Nelson Win F A Newman Ed Osterhart Samuel Olsen Martin Olscn Hans Olsen Gee Orton Jas O'Leary Tlios O'KeefeJno O'Kecfe Rich ' ' Gee M O'Neill Jas O'Brien Osborn Sampson O'Toole Pat O'Connor Chaa O'Neill Jnn Osb'jrn J O'Neill Eugene O'Connor ttieliard Odenbaiigh N Powell Clta3 Pdwell Artihie Peterson I'cte E PrayJno Peabody I H Purvis Robert PoJFS M Pokorney Anton Patrick Jno Peterson I C Price Jno J Pobin Jno Prokraska Jno Preska Loverin Pitner Frank Powers Michael Ptckard tl It Peterson N 0 Prttel V p-futis G Pratt August Pratt Gee Pulling Chaa W Peterson August Parker Abe Peters Jno Pycha Frank jumlan Pat Quinlan Michael Rafter A P Redfield C E Rapp Win Raff John Rudowsky Julius Rogers Wallace C Roache M D Rheem L M Rny Chaa Ifofti Ed A' , . RaSrileilSen Jens : ioden Chas Ross Jas R Sickford F A Ries Max J lalfer Henry Ray Frank Rogers T G Rogers Milton Read T AV Ries Chas A Una Max Ryan Riehnril . Ril'lldrds ' 0 licliards Gee Rogers John leed S G Rosenstine Jas licsley Jaa Rosensweig Otto Josenswoig John. spect Chris flWfifldo FWttk Spencer J J BaUndera It K S \rafido Frank Spellman M D swafido John S.wensWn Eliai sager Aiitoil StJhierstein C C % Seoastlan Henry Sly John Smith W C Silkwork C H sturgis H A Start Gee G springslead T H Sachy Frank Sally Jas Button > Vnt SteViihSVili oliaw Harrn sexton Dennis Spooner Chas spencer Win. Shroeder Louis slavick Frank Sullivan M Sullivan Eugejio Sesemann G Shipperisbt Jacob fjtuebmiltort Tllco btem Robt Sweeney John Shannahan Dan stifer Frank Stopc Al Stepera John Slenzjxk Jas Spcnak Frank Spenak Atlton ? pelen k JollH BloUl ) JaS Stalick Jas Smith John , , Sinieral Jg < j 51 giiriem Ed W Snephard C A Shephard John Selzlo Anton Schneider Louis Show Harry Stevenson J C Svacina Mastin Suliivan P R Shull H D ShullDW ShlnrotikF-T Tratey Jaj ! Sttriihijjnk tier TatcJ C & Tuhei' Michael Trowers J P Thompson Jans Tinpin Zack Teboins JH Tracey Andr Tcnegck E B Tight Thos Timins Hans Tiggennan T H Thiering Win. Thompson A Thomjwoji Mi I'llOinpsolt riruilde .ThttlnrtsFfalik' f hbShiah C A Tucker WT Trapp B F Thompson Einil Thompson Benj Thomas Ind Terkelson Maurice Taylor Sam Tohen Pat Treitchko Julius Trumuull Benj Thompson flee ] Yrama Jas Yerba Frank VanNostrand J WYoraelk Matthew Ylancli Linbart Yinquest N N Vinrniesfc 0 Yassy Fred Yalein John Yass Win Ynsa Henry T Welsh John Welsh Michael Welsh Patrick Way Daniel A WayWW Winship Jas M White Henry K Williams Gee Ward John Wisbey L B Whalen Michael Wimple C H Williams John Woolworth Jas M WinslowEL " Warren G W Wavera Jas Wug Christopher Wlialen M Woodworth Carlos Williams C G Wylaii John WelshanH .T L Wilson J T Woodard J T Wilde Julius Weaver Jas Warring J tl White C B Wilier Adolpli Withnall 0 H Yeherton John Young E B ZellerMattow Zotherman Fred Zimner Fred Zieling J F I. S. HASCALL , liyglsutih twill be at the Walenz Hotel on Leavenworth street between Thir tccnth and Fourteentli streets fron 0 to 8 o'clock on the 30th day of May 1881 , to make corrections and adc names to the registration list of the Second ward. I. S. HASCOU , , Registrar. Foot * About Oysters. Baltimore Gazette. Every oyster has a mouth , ft heart a liver , a stomach , cunningly devise < intestines , and other necessary organs just aS all living , moving and intelli gent creatures have. And all these things are covered from man's rudel ; inquisitive gaze by a mantle of pearl ; gauze , whose woof and warp put to shame the frost-lace on your window- in winter. The mouth is at the smaller end of the oystoradjoining th hinge. It is of oval shape , and though not really scon by an unprac ticed eycita location and size can b easily discovered by gently pushing a blunt bodkin or similar instrumen along the surface of the locality men tioned. When the spot is found you bodkin can bo thrust between the delicate lips , and a considerable dis tance down toward the stomach , with out causing the oyalcr to yell wit ! pain. from this mouth is , of course , a sort of canal to convey food to the stomach , whence It passes into the intestines. With an cxceding delicate and sharp knife you can take off the "mantle" of the oyster , when there will bo disclosed to you a half-moon shaped apace just above the muscle , or so-called "heart. " Tin's space is the oyster'a pericardium , and within it ia the real heart , the pulsations of whicl arc readily seen. Tliia heart is made up of two parts , just as the human heart is , one of which receives the blood from the gills through a net work of blood-vessels , and the other drives the blood out through arteries. In this important matter the oyster differs in no respect from other warmer or cold-blooded animals. And no one need laugh , increduously at the assertion that oysters arc bloody. I is not ruddy , according to the accepte < notion about blood , but it is neverthe less blood to all oyster intents on < purposes. In the same vicinity , and in marvel lously proper positions , will be found all the other organs named. But it ia very proper to bo incredulous abou that mouth and those organs. At firs glance ic would seem that they are ut teriy useless , for the mouth canno snap around for'food , and theoyste has no arms wherewith to grab ita din ner or lunch. True , apparently , bu only apparently , for each oyster has more than a thousand anus , tiny , deli catc , almost invisible. And each one of them is incessantly at work gather ing up food and gently pushing it into the lazy mouth of the indolently com fortable creature. The gills are the thin flaps so notably perceptible aroum the front-face part of the undressec oyster , below the muscle. Each o these gills ia covered with minute hair-like arms , very close together and perpetually in motion to ant fro in the some unwearied direc iion. fht # catch food frdrn thS wHttir , atraitl it carefully tif iiii proper substance , and waft it upward Bver the iriantle's smooth surface to fho wiping mbuth' , which placidly gob = Ulbaltup liutil Hunger Is apjoaaftl , and then the boMy goes to sleep with out turning over. Any one can ob serve this singular process of feeding by placing a minute quantity of some Itahiilfe'fa coloring matter on the gills. If it will not pffond th'e oyster's ' dcii- cate palate , the coloring matter will be seen at once propelled by invisible haiids toward the n'loutli , and thence Slowly down into the stomach. Anil this is all 1 know aiwui oySte'f anatom except that the liver almost entirely surrounds the stomach , and is of a dark green color. It may be new , however to many to know that oysters are born precisely the same way the sliad and other fish come into the world. A well educated lay oysters will lay 125,000,000 eggs , so it is saldj I have not dountcd fcnoiigh of theiil to strike such a largo average , and every one of those eggs will ultimately be- : omo fit for stew or fry , if they escape the multitudes of perils that do environ the infant oyster. How Long Man May Live. It Was Prof. Huffland's opinion that thb lilillt Uf possibla human life nlight be set ddWn at 200 years : and ; ; his on the general principle that the ife of a creature is eight times the1 years of its period of growth. That iVhich ia quickly formed quickly pcr- shes , and the earlier complete devel opment ia reached the sooner bodily decay ensues. More women reach old ago than men , but more men attain emarkablo longevity than women , lotile animals grow to .be very old. Jorned anihialt HVP shbrtb' ' Jive than liose without liorns , fierce longer ban timid , and amphibious longer han those which inhabit the air. voracioua pike exists , it ia said , a an ago of 150 years ; ; ho turtle is good for 100 ea or mjire , nd among birds. the ; jbldSn eagle Is known to have lived icarly two hundred years , while the ly and sombre crow reaches the ven erable age of a century. Passing up n the scaleof life to man , and skip- > 5npt the patriarchs , we Ihid many re- : orded instances of longevity atnuhg thb Classic Greeks aiid Romans , PlinJ- nSteS that In tlie fe'igii df tlld Emperor fcspaSian , In the year 7C there Were 24 men living in the limited area be- iwcen the Apennines and the Po of .00 years and upward , 3 of whom voro 140 and 4 over 135. Cicero's vlfe lived td Hif aae .of 1,0.1 , and the- Ionian actress , Liieojfi , { HAycd lii piib'- ic as late as her 112th year. Coining down to more recent times , the most notable authentic instance of great age is that of Henry Jenkins , of fojrkshlrp , Enqlalldi wltn died in .GTO , 1C ! ) years ( ild. Ho ifai a ishcrman , and at the ago of one hun dred easily swam across rapid rivers. Another historic case is that of Thoin aa Parr of Shropshire , a day laborer , vlio lived to the age cf 1&2 years. When mtjre tliaii 120 he married his sebbnd wife ; aiid till ISO cUUld swing liO scythe and wield the flail witli the > est of his fellow-laborers. In his :52d : year Parr went up to London to exhibit himself to the king. It proved an unlucky visit , for , violating the ab stemious habit of n century and a half .ho . old num feasted so freuly of the rdytll VictimlS ; tlidt h J S'-Uti - tiled , merely of a plethora. On examination his internal organs proved to be in ex cellent condition , and there waa no reason wby he should not have lived much longer , save for his unfortunate : aate of royal hospitality. Prof. Elufe'liUid's roll of centenarians in ( lUQbs hlriity mbre1 rl'nidAablti DO NOT , BE DECEIVED. In these times of quack medicine advertisements everywhere , it is truly grntifyiiif ? to Jiml one remedy that is wUftliy Uf pfalSS , diliinlilco R'ally does as recommended. Electric Bit- tera , we can vouch for as being a true and reliable remedy , and one that will do as recommended. They invariably cure Stomach and Liver Complaints , Dispase.1 oj tlu > Kidneys and UriiiBry Diilicultica. Wo know whereof we speak , and can readily Soy. give them a trial. Sold , at fifty cents it bottle by Ish it MciMaiion. (2) ( ) FROM THE HUB. There is perhaps no tonic offered to the people that possesses as much real intrinsic value as the Hop Bitters. ' Just at thia'ncason of the year , when the stomach needs an appetizer , or the blood needs purifying , tliecheapeal and best remedy is Hop Bitters. Ar ounc'o Of pbcvBntlOn is wbi'tll ' a polinii of cure , don't ' wait until you are prostrated by a disease that may take months for you to recover in. [ Bos ton Globe. jleod&wl5 FREE OF COST. DR. K xo' NKW PISUOVEHV for ConalliilptlOiij CqUjjliS and Coldi Asthma , Bronchitis , etc. , is giver away in trial bottles free of cost t < the afflicted. If you have a bac cough , cold , difficulty of breathing , hoarseness or any affection of the throat or lungs by all means give this wonderful remedy a trial. As you value your existence you canno afford to lot this opportunity pass Wo could not afford , and would no' ' give this remedy away unless wo knew it would accomplish what wo claim for it. Thousands of hopeless cases liavo already been complete ! ; cured by it. There is no medicine ii the world that will cure one half the cases that DR. KINO'S NEW DISCOVER will cure. For sale by ( C ) Isii & McMAHOX , Omaha. 2nd Ward Begistration Notice Notice is hereby given that I will bcatWalcn Hotel , on Leavenworth St , between 13thand 14t Sts. , on the 2Gth and 27th days of May , A. D 1SS1 , for the purpose of registering the electors o the 2nd Ward of Omaha , and correcting the re gistration list for tha srwclal city election to be held on the 31st day of May , A. D. 1881. ISAAC S. HASCALL , m24-5t Registrar of 2n I Ward , Omaha Fourth Ward Eegistration Me STATK OP NEBRASKA , 1 DOUOLAS COUXTT. j88 * Notice is hereby ghen that I will sit at E. Wy man's store , Ifith street , on Saturday , May 23th to make additions , to correct omissions , to strik off any name that is not entitled to .the elcctiv franchise , or other errors In said list In witness whereof. I hereunto set my hand th 24th day of May , A. D. 1SS1.JOHN JOHN S. WOOD , m26to2S. Registrar 4th Ward HOP BITTERS ? ( A Medicine , not n DrinU , ) COSTAISS HOPS , BCCHU , MANDRAKE , DANDELION , 4ZjoTBzs ERZXES. AH Diseases of the Stomach , Bowds , Elood , TJrer. | DdncjTs and Urinary Orgaiw , KerroumcEs. " ' - ianacspeoaayrcmaleComplstots. S1000 IN GOLD. be paid 'cro case tteywia not cr Borbclpor fornnTttlnsIinnaroorlaJorlocsfooi > la them. Ast your druggist for Hop Elltcra aij try them before joa sleep. TaLc no other. HOP Cocon Ccni btbe irecte , safest and beat AdcCiiMren. The Her TAD f or S xxnach , Lirer and KM nry Is nfr- | ri.rtoaJoUi iaLCisaai atoolo teaadlrresJstlUe cure f or drank I ennca3P9e of cprom , tobacco and narcotics : B Send for circular. BMIMI lAbntt MM fcr < lnisbU.Hiip Bitten Mf.Ca.Bnrt < CTrf.T. SELTZER 'Screw the Finger as Tight as you can. that s rheumatism ; one turn more , that's gout. U a familiar description of these two disease ? Though each may and does attack different parts of the system , the cause is believed to be a poison OUS acid in the blood. Purify this by the use of Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient. It will do its work speedily and thorouzhly. His the great friend of the sufferer from rheumatism ndfout. BOLD BV ALL DRUGGISTS. " " * * " _ * 4 j COOL MINNESOTA. Tie firifts Ogen ted She Beaches Daylight Again. Nebraska and ' 'Cool ' Minnesota * ire again neighbors , the Sioux City & acific and tlie Sioux City & St. Paul nilroads being , open from Omaha to Sioux City and St. Paul. Minnesota ehicB u'jio'h tlto summer of 1881 with Unusual ad foiirist , itJio aru n search of cool weather , for in addi tion to her usually delightful climate nature has stored away durinjj the past winter tunon her hills and around ler lakes a quantity of snow and ice which will hardly disappear before the middle of July. Tlie 'fishing at Hinnetonka and the o' her superb lakes is said to be better liis year than ever and sportsmen are already whipping the clear waters for nckcrel nncl Ibass. fttittilr. Npbni ka people have already leclared their intention to spend the leated term in Minnesota , but there s no danqer that the new and beauti- ul hotels springing up every year ilong the lakes will have more guests han they can accommodate. Maj. O'Bryan , the agent of the Sioux Jity llnoa , which take passengers hrough from Omaha to St. Paul in a ew hoiira , can bo addressed at Coun- il Bluffs lor information regarding limicddU hotel accommodations , and railroad faro PROCLAMATION AND ELECTION NOTICE. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT , CITY OP OitAUA , MATOH'S OFFICE , Sliiy ftli , 1SS1. By virtue of the authority in me vested , I , James E. Boyd , mayor of the city of Omaha , do hereby proclaim to the qualified voters of said city , and of the respective wards thereof , tlu t on the 3rd day .of May , 1891 , an ordinance vriS duly pnsred by the council of the city of Omaha , and on the 5th day of May instant , the said ordinance was approved by the mayor , of which ordinance the following is a oopyj to-wit ; oliDfcTAJfCE No. 452. Art drdlniiricfc to proride for a special election by the electors of the city of Omaha , to determine whether one hundred thousand dollars of bonds of the city of Omaha shall be issued for the purpose of the construction and maintrnnnee of sewers in the city of dmallft. Bo it ordained by the city council of the city of Omaha , as follows ; SECTION' 1. It being considered nec essary by ttho city council of the city of Omaha , that sewers part ly constructed in tlio dlty nhould be completed and maintained and other sewers constructed. Therefore the mayor of the city of Omaha bo , and ho is lioreby authorized and instructed to call a special election after giving twenty days public notice of such Special be held in the city of Omaha , on Tuesday , the diet day of MayA. D. , 1881 , for the purpose of submitting to the electors of said city the followingproposition , "shall bonds of the city of Omaha be issued by said city in the sum of one hundred thou sand dollars ( § 100,000) ) due in twenty years with Interest nt the rate of six per centum per rliliitini paya ble semi-annually upon interest coupons pens to be attached to said bonds for the purpose of completing and maintaining sewers partly con structed , and to construct and main tain additional sewers. Said bonds Uitllo pt'oeueds thereof not to bo'di verted from the purpose for which they are issue d , and not to be disposed of at less than par. Said proposition shall be submitted to said electors en- ti"e and in the foregoing form , and the v te J iereon shell be only by "Yes" Oi "Nd. SKC. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. ( Signed. ) THOS. H. DAILEY , President City Council. Pa ofld May 3d , 1881i Attest : J. J. L. C. JEWETTJ - . City .Clerk. Approved May 6th , 1881. ( Signed. ) JAMES E. BOYD , Mayor. Now , therefore in pursuance of the ) n > visions of said ordinance , notice is lereby given that an election will be icld in the city of Omaha , Douglas county , state of Nebraska , on Tues day , the thirtyfirst day of May , 1881 , vt which election the projiosition recited In Said ofdlnaildo , in rcsard to J e issue of bonds will be submitted the electors of said city. The polls at said election will be i. ened at8 o'clock a. m. , and held open until 7 o'clock p. m. and no longer and at the following places in the several wardo to-.vit : First Ward Felix Slaven's grocery store , Tenth street near Leavenworth. Second Ward Wdlenz's hotel , Leavcnvrorth street , between Thir teenth and Fourteenth streets , north side. side.Third Third Ward Dr. Hyde's office , southwest corner Douglas and Twelfth streets. Fourth Ward County court house , northeast corner of Farnliam and Six teenth streets. Fifth Ward Holmes' hardware store , northwest corner of Sixteenth and California streets. Sixth Ward Deidrich's driig store , No. 2005 Cuming street , south side , between Twentieth and Twenty-firs ! streets. In testimony whereof I have here- n ito set my hand and caused the sea' said city to bo affixed , the day ant j AT first above written. [ SEAL ] JAMES E. BOYD , m9to31 Mayor. First Ward Registration Notice STATE OF DOUGLAS COUNTY. Notice is hereby pvcn to the legal voters of th First Ward , City of Omaha , that I will sit at th office of Slaven's Hotel/Tenth street , on Saturdaj May 28th , 1SS1 , tor the punwse of correcting th old list and to register additional \otcrs of sai ward for the special city election to be held Tue ; day. May 31st , 18S1. Witness my hand this ISth day of May , 1SSI. E. M. STENBEItO , ml9tom23 Kcirfstrar First Ward. Sixth Ward Registration Notice Notice is hereby given that I will git at m Drug store , No. 2022 Cumins St , bctneui 20t and 21st , north eide , on the 21th and 25th < Jl'y , 1SS1 , for the purpose of rr iatcrin ? th electoral voters of said ward. In witness when o < I hereunto set my band this ISth day of Mai 1H. C. C. FIELD , ' m)0tom25 ) Registrar Cth Ward. Ladies Do you .Trant a pure , bloom- ins Complexion ! If so , a few applications of Hagan's 3UGNOLLI BALM will grat ify you" ta yonr heart's con tent. It does away with Sal- lowness , Eedness , PimpicS , Blotches , and all diseases and imperfections of the skin. It orercomes the ilnshed appear ance of heat , fatteud and ex citement. It manes a lady of THIRTY appear hut TWEN TY ; and so natural , gradual , and perfect arc its effects , that it is impossible to detect its application. No Changing Cars BETWECJ OMAHA & CHICAGO , Where direct connections are made with Through SLEEPING CAU LINES for NEW YOKK , BOSTON , PHILADELPHIA , BALTIMORE : , WASHINGTON AND ALL EASTERN CITIES. The Short Line via. Peoria Eor INDIANAPOLIS , CINCINNATI , LOUIS VILLE , ami all points in the s OiT THE Ersi LINE For ST. LOUIS , Where direct connections are made in the Union Depot with tlie Tlirou h Sleeping Car tints for AU.rOINTS NEW UNHIDES WIOINES THE FAVORITE KOUTE FOR Rock Island. The uncxivatat Inducements offered by this line totraxclersandtoiirlstaarea- s : Tlie celebrated ri'LUIANIClicel ( ) PALACE SLEEPING CAKS run only on this line. U. , H. k Q. I'ALACK DllAWIXC ! ROO3I CARS , with Horton's Ucrlinin Chaire. No extra tharge for seats in Kei.liiiin < ; Chairs. The hinoun C. , 15. k Q. I'nlace Dining Car . Gorgeous SmoUny Cars tittcil with elegant high bacUil rattin rc\ohin clmits , for the exclusive tueof Brst-class passcn- gcrs. gcrs.Steel Track and superior e < iulpnicnt combineil ith their gjcat through car arrangement , inaVcs tbii , ale all other" , thu fa orito route to the aht , South and b'outhe.'Vtt. Try it , and i ou will flnd Inn cling a luxury in stead of a discomfort. " Tlirough tickets MO tbi-s cckbrat - < l line for sale at nil onic-ci in the United States and Canadx All Information about rates of fare. Sleeping Car accommoAltioiw , Time TabliM , etc. , will be cheerfully ghcu by appblng to JAM ESR. WOOD , General Tassongcr Agent , Chicago. T. J. POTTER , General Manager , Chicago. OBDLNANCB NO. 452. An Ordinance to pnnule for a spec" ' election liV ( -tutors of the City of Omaha , to deter mine nlietlicf ( Wo Inmilreil Otoiisxml ilollars of IpomN of the City of OmJli.1 1 11 be i.wtied for the puri o , e of the con-.truc.tion anil tnalntalnance of scwtrs in the rity of Omaiia. Io ! it onlaineil by the City Council of the City of Omaha , as follows : SIXTIOI 1. It licinir i-onsiJercil necessary by the City Council of the City of Omaha that sewers partly con tnict < il in the City ehoulil be complct- ctl anil maintained , ami other severs constructed ; tlicreforc , the inavor of the City of Omaha , be and lie u hcrelij authorized ami instructed to cnll a spec ialeleition alter fi\in t cnty daii public noticMof suclLspecial election to bo held in the City rf Oinah ? , en Tuesday , the 31st day of May , A. D. 1831 , for the puri'CM of Bubmittin to the electors of laid City , the foltowlmr proposition : "Shall boniU of the City of Omaha bo Isiued by said City in the sum of one hundred thousand dollars lars ( S1X,000) ( ) due in twenty years with interest at the rate of MX per centum jwr annum , interest mjaWe semi annually upon interest coupons to be attached to said bondt , for the purpose of com pleting and maintaining sewers partly construct ed , and to construct and maintain additional sew ers , said bonds or the proceeds thereof , not to be dlt crted from the purpose for which they arc issued and not to ITO disposed of at less than par. " Said pro position sliall be submitted to said electors entire and in the forego'ii ' ; ; form and the vote thereon shall be only hj Vcs" or "No. " SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and bo in force from an after its passazc- SisnciL ) THOS. H. DAILEY , Pres't City Council. Passed May 3rd , 1SS1. Attest : J. J. L. C. JEWCTT , City Clerk. ApprovodTMay 5th , 1831. ( Signed. ) JAJIES C. EOYD , m9-tf Major. on the Oth day of Mijr , 1SS1 , Charles Brandcs , a Justice ol the I'carc of 1st precinct , Oonglas County , Neb. , issued an order of attachment for the sum pi $25.50 in an action pending before him , whcreir Morris El uttcr is plaintiff , and John Dasscpl defendant , and that property consisting of on < trunk and contents his ( > ccn attached under sail order. Said cause waa continued to the 20U June.lSSl , 1 o'clock p. ra. mile i3t MOKRIS ELGUTTER , riaintifT. TIM Ward Kegistration Notice , In comJiancc with law and as per Ordinanci No. 452 , 1 w ill bit at my office , northeast cornc : of Uth aml'Dou las street ( up stairs ) , the 21th 2Sth andfJOth of May , 1SSI , for correction am adding to 'the registrar's list all theleyil > otcr of the 3rd ward of the City of Omaha. Thosi residing north of the center of Howard street am cast of the center of 15th street and south of th' ' centcrjofjDatcnport street and west of the w ate line of the Missouri rhcr , and havimc bctn rcni dents of the State six months , and of the Count ; of Dough * (30) ( thirty days and of this prccincl 3rd ward , for (10) ( ) ten days ; and none others ar entitled to registration for totin ; ? upon the unti tion of sewerage bonds May 31st , ISsl. WILL. II. UILEY , mUtomSl Itesistrar 3nl Wanl. Fifth Ward Eegistration Notice OSMIIA , May 17th. 1831. Notice is hereby guentliat I will t Fridaj May 20th , 1381 , in the U. P. lia'Kcry , "n ' > St. between California and Webster Sts. , tor the pin ixxe of rcinstering the unregi tere l oter of th Fifth Wanl. S. WAKEFIELI ) , ml7-tf Registrar Fifth Ward. KIDNEGEX is highly recommended and unsurpassetl for We.ik or Foul Kidnej-s , Dropsy , Bright's Dt-ease , Loss of Energy , Xervotis Debility , or any Obstructions aris ing from Kidney or Bladder Diseases. Also for Yellow Fever , Elood and Kidney PoUoninj , ' , in infected malarial sections. /JTRy the distillation of a FOREST LEAF with JUNIPER BERRIES and BARLEY MALT , wo have discovered KIDXEttKN. which a t < jpprftically on the Kidneys and Urinary Organ * , ramovintf injurious dcuxitj formed in the bladder and preventing any straining , smarting jcn ation , h * t or untation in the membranous lining of the ducts or water passage. It excites a healthy action in the Kidneys , giving them tremrth , vigor , and resjorinjr tne j orpins to a healthy condition , showing it * effects on both tha color and easy llo-.v of urine. It can be ttk n at all times , in all climates and under all circumstances without injurv to the < y < tcnu Unlike any other preparation for Kidney difficulties , it luu a % cry pleasant ami agrccablo taste and lUvor. It has been difficult to make & irernmtion contiining positive diuretic properties which will not nauseate , but be acceptable to the 'tomach. ' Eeln'a tikmg any Liver medicine try a bottle of KIDNEOEN toCLEjVNSE the Kidnrys rom foul matter Try it. and you will Mwa > s use it as a fa-nily medicine. Ladies especiallr will llko it , and gentlemen will find MDNEEN-the best Kidnev Tonic c > cr used. 5OTICK. Each bottle Iwars the ilsnatuia of LAWRJ JCE k MARTIN , also a proprit-tary gor- crnment stamp , xvhu-h t < vrnuti KIDXEGEN to bo sold ( without Ilconso ) by druggists , grocow and other persons ever } where. X2TPUT UP IN QUART SIZE BOTTLES FOR GENERAL AND FAMILY USE If not found at your druggist's or grocer's , we will send a bottle prepaid to the ipres ? office to } ou. LAWRENCE & MARTIN , Prop's , Sold by DRUGGISTS , GROCERS and DEALERS EVERYWHERE , Wholesale Agents in Onnha , STEELE , JOHNSON k CO. , will supply the trade at manufactur- cra prices. _ _ THIS 'STEW AKD CORRECT TVTAT . .JfcSrroves beyond any reasonable question that the v-V tJHiCAGO ' & ' NORTH-WESTERN . R'Y Is toy all oJds the best road for yon to take when travellns In either direction between ) Chicago and all of the Principal Points in the West , North and Northwest' Carefully examine this Map. The Principal Cities of the \Vet and Northwest nro Stations on tlila rend. Its through trains luako close connections with tbo trains ol oil railroads at Junction points. ky' 4- j" \KxaitCi. \ cu. MB' ' i - THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , Over all of its principal lines , runs each way daily f rom two to fourormoro Fast Express .trains. It is thu only road west or Chicago that uses tlio fH-xJ fSflfr * < X > PULLMAN EOTEI. DINING CARS.V It Is the only road that runs Pullman Sleeping Cars Kortn or Korthwntof Chicago. Ithas' nearljr3.O O SlltiES OFKOAJt. It forms the following Trunk Lines : I "Council Bluffs , Denver & California Line. " " Winona , Minnesota ft Central Dakota. Line.1 * ! "SiouxCity.Nor.lfebraski& Yankton Line. " "Chicago. St I'aul and Minneapolis Line. 4 "JCor. Illinoli. Frrcport & Dubuque Line. " "Milwaukee. Green Ray & Lake Superior Line. " . Tickets over this road are sold by all Coupon Ticket Agents In the United States and Canadas. - , Itcmember to ask for Tickets via this roadbo sure they read over It. and take none other. JtAEVl.N llCamrr.Gen'l Manager , Chicago , a W. n. SIE8SBIT , Genl Pass. Agent , Chicago ' " = " IIARKY P Dt'EL. Tic-kct Asent C. k N. W. Railway. 14th an.l Fajntam .trcctt. I > . E. KIMItALL , A-obtint Ticket A cntC. tN. W. Railway. IIth and Farnham streeta. J. ISELL. Ticket Ascnt C k N. W lUilway , U. P. K. It. Dei > ot. SAMES T. CLAKK. General Ascnt. Ascnt.hiverick. . FURNITURE , BIDDING , Feathers , Window Shades , And Everything pertaining to the Furniture and Up holstery Trade. A Complete Assortment of New Goods at the Lowest Prices. CHAS. SHIfEBICK , 1208 and 1210 Earn. St. apr24 mon th Kit Sioux City & Pacific St. Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. THE OLD P.ELIABLE SIOUX CITY ROUTE. 2.OO MILES SHORTER ROUTE 2.OO FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS TO ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS , DULUTH OR.BISMARCK , and all points ' " Northern Iowa. Minnesota and Dakota. Thb line b equipped wjh the " "l""ved Westinjhousc Automatic Air-brake anil Miller Platform Couptcj and Buffer ; anil for SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFOKT is unsurpassed- Elegant Prawini : Komn anil Sleeping Car ) . owned anil controlled by the corn- - through WITHOUT CHANUB between ran- , run Union Pacific Transfer Jeiwt at Council bluffs , r Trains leave Union Pacific Transfer depot at Council Bluffs at 5:15 p. in. , reaching Sioux Uty ' at 10:20 . in. and St. Paul at 11.05 a. m. , making t TEN HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ANY OTHER ROUTE. Returning leave St. Paul at 830 pm. . arriving at Sioux City 4:45 : a. m. . an.I Union Pacific Trans fer depot. Council Ululli , at 0:5O : a. m. l * urc that your ticket * mad via "S. C. k P. I. . It F. C. HILLS , Superintendent. ROBINbON Missouri Valley , Ia. T. E. , Asst. Gen. I ax * . Acent. J. II. O'BllYAN , PasstnRer ARM * . Council Dliiffa , Iowa. 1 Fourth Wari Eegistration Notice , - " " c 1 ST.ITK np XEBMIM , Ij o IXICOL.W Coustr. f r Notice a hereby K cn that I will sit at E. ; Wyman'8 store. ISth tit. , on Momiay and Tucsby. May 2rd ! and 21th. for the purpose of rcKiMtenns the elector * of the Fourth Wanl. for njwcial city c election to be held on Monday , May 3Ut , l * l. ' " In witnt- whereof , I hereunto set my han-l thb 13th day of May , A. D. 1881. JUllvi S > * * 'f KegiHtrar Said Ward. GEO. H. PARSELL , M. D. Kooms inJacobs' BIwk , up stain , corner Cap ital avenue and Fifteenth Btrect. lUsidence , 1 i' Sherman avenue. May be consulted at rraidcnct from 7 to 'J p. in. , exo-pt Wcdnesilaj * . SPKCIALTT ObstetliM and Di-Kascs of Women. Office houn , 9 to 11 x m. and 2 to 4 p. m. ; ban- days 5 to 7 P.m. ral20m 1880. SHOR1J.1NE. 1880. CITY , St , Joe & Council Bluffs jg. / \ TT.TF&OJ IS THE OXLT Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST From Omaha and the West. No chantro of cant between Omaha and St. Louis , and but onu between OMAHA and NEW YOKK. S3C3C Dqiily PassengerTrains EASTERN AND WESTERN CITIES with LESS CHARGES and IN ADVANCE of ALL OTHER LINES. This entire line b equipped with Pullman' * Palace Sleeping Can , Palace Day Cuaches , Miller's Sifety I'lntfom and Coupler , and the celebrated Westinghouw Air-brake. f-i/Sce tliat your ticket TOuN VIA KANSAS CITV , ST. JOSEPH k COUNCIL BLUFFS Rail- read , via fat. Joseph and St. Louis. Tickets for salu at all coupon station * In the Wwt. J. F. ItARNARIJ , A. C. DAWES , Cen. Supt. , St. Joseph , Mo ticn. Iafn. and Ticket Atft. . St. Joseph , Mo. W. C. SuACHRiwr , Ticket Axcnt , 1030 Farnham street. AXDT BORDER , I'assenKcr Agent , A. B. liAJWAKD. General Agent , OMAIIA , NED. ST. X.OTTZS PAPER WAREHOUSE. GRAHANfPAPER CO. aT and 213 North Main St , SU Louu , WUOLHALK DKALEU IX ROOK. ) DADCDQ jwiiniscf NEWS , f rArtnO ( WRAI-FISO , ENVELOPES , CARD BOARD AND Printers Stock. tSTCMh paid for Rags and Paper Slock , Scrap ' " Stock "Warehouses 1223 to 1237. North Siith street. One Price Cash Dry Goods Store , Corner Sixteenth and California Streets , DRY .GOODS , NOTIONS AND CENT'S ' FURNISHING GOODS. It will pay you to examine this stock , as everything is entirely new , and great BAR GAINS will bei-given. ' GUILD & McINNIS , Proprietors ,