Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1881, Image 1
- LUpTiui JaJi'i. J YOLTDIE X. OMAHA , NEBRASKA , MONDAY MOENESTG , MAY 30 , 1881. JSTJMBEB , 279. THE PLUMED KNIGHT Will in M Probability Betire to Private Life and Practice His Profession , isBelieved That Governor Cornell Will Step Into Conkling's Senatorial Slippers. The Stalwdrts WjU Fail to Ef- - . fecta-Coalition With ' 1 * the Democrats. The Boom Promised to Conk- ling by Vice-President Ar thur Didn't Pan Out. ' s _ 4 WILL.NOT EETCRN. ALBANV , May 28-10 p. m. The belief is generally expressed by demo crats that Conkiinj will jiot return -from New York unless he succeeds in securing democratic voles sufficient to rc-cleci him. Half-breeds are circulating a story that Tammany is bitterly opposed to Conkling's return , as they attribute the removal of Kelley froai the comp- trollship to him. There are important rumors current regarding the object of Conkling in forcing a recess of the legislature trom Friday until Monday , in order tl'at he might have the field of battle and pro ceed to Hew York. The fact is that wliilc it has been usual for the legisla ture to adjourn from "Friday to Mon day , the "small fry , " who denominate themselves "leaders , " liad determined that in view of the present crisis iu afiairs it would be better to continue in session yesterday and adjourn until Monday , with a view to forcing the "doubtrul" members to remain heve and not give them a chance of consul tation with their di&tiici adjutants. Those men who are pledged to either one sde ; or the other , were , upon the first announcement of this programme , decidedly inclined to iuoport it. It now appears , however , that Conkling early yesterday forenoon after reading the dispatches sent to him during the night from New York aud AVashins- toii , vetoed this proposition and urged his friends to secure an adjournment till Monday. His object in doiiig this , it is stated , was for the purpose of insuring a cessation of hostilities until he liad an opportunity to visit 2fcw York and conifer with a very prominent representative of the ad ministration. ] STALWAtTS COMPROMISING. ALBANY , N. Y.May 28 10 p. m. The deadlock is at its worst. Satur day a list was published of the stand ing of cveiy member of the assembly. Roberlson says its correct , but that Jic expects to get three , jor four men -jvho are styled on the fence. The list gives the btalwai40.half breeds 58 , and on the fence 8. Jf Robeitson is correct then he can .depend on Gl votes. Robertson 'does not tliink the stalwarts can effect a coalition with r thodemocrats. He thinks the stal- warls could not dehverthe _ necessary-j -number of votes to cany out the deal. | There are fifty-four democrats and it requires eighty-one vote * iu joint as sembly to elect , and Robavlson says it would be impossible to get twenty- sevcn republicans in any possible deal under the cu-cumstanccs to vote mixed tickets , and sa3's the democrats will -vote solid for the caucusnomineo _ and for a motion to adjourn , and even if the caucus instructed them to vote for the republicans they woeld bolt the instruction. COXKLI > G'- > RETURN IMPRACTICABLE. He pronounces any scheme to se cure Oonkling's return by the aid of democratic votes as impracticable , and thinks the democrats in caucus Mon day night will nominate two promi- aient democrats and vote solid for them in joint convention , and after demonstrating the impossibility of electing them , will endeavor to effect a combination for a final adjournment. Robertson says that when Conkling came to .Albany he had , through Ar thur's influence , but twenty votes all told ; that the boom which Arthur promised him , if he would come to Albany in person , did not pan out , and that Cornell , who had personally advised him not to resign , went to work and used all of his oilicial pat- Tonago to bring a pressure upon every assembly district and ran the list up to 43. JIODEUTSON THINKS COUNELL WILL HE THE NOMINEE. Jlobcrtson contends that there is no doubt that Cornell will be nomi nated and elected ; that the stalwarts 'arc foiling away from Conkling and must join w ith the half breeds and elect Cornell as a compromise candi date. " He expects the contest will end this week. Horrible Outrage * National Associated Press. BUFFALO , May 29 10 p. m. Com plaint w as made to-day to the district attorney of what appears to be one of the most brutal outrages ever com mitted , and which lias thrown the pleasant town of Elma into a high slate of excitement. It appears that 3Ir . Hacker , the wife of a respectable citizen , was sitting on her doorstep between 10 and 11 o'clock on Tuesday evening waiting for her son and hus band , who were at a neighboring town , when a man suddenly approached preached , seized and nearly strangled her with a towel or handkerchief , and dragged her to a tree , saying as he went , "I have got you now , I have wailed for two years for this chance. " .He tied her to a tree and then pro. cccdcd to kick and beat her in a most IjruUd manner. The woman screamed and'hcr cries were heard by her hus band and son , who were on their way home , and reacacd her just in time , probably , to save her life. Her as sailant lied , leaxing Ids club behind. AVhen unbound from the tree the wonu > n was unconscious. As soon as she was restored she said tliat her as sailant was 0 ° ° ° Hackmeir , a neigh- lx > r , with whom vi ° Hackers had fre quently quarrelled ftoput a boundary line. * Shc went before a juitioo at Springbrook , and liad him arrasted. She fainted away while in the pollea office. A Base Swindle. National Associated Press. CHICAGO , May 28 1 a. m. An in teresting expose of the scheme to throw off the league base ball games played by theClevelandnino was made public Saturday. The scheme where by the pool Iwxes were to be or > eratcd , j was concocted by a man named J. AV. , I > Watson , manager of a cheap dry goods store at.Nos. 184 and 180 State street His first corrupt overtures were to John Clapp , captain of the Cleveland team. After a conference wiih the * ' president of the league , it was decided f. " to turn * the matter over to a detective 'agency , who arranged that Clapp Jvjuld encourage Avatson and thus lead him on till he was fairly crimi- Th § correspondence between ibcgaasonje three weeks ago , Clapp writing decoy Jeiters to AVatson * the advice of yresjde t Evans , of the Clevelands , and copies turned , over to the detective 'agency. The' case culminated last night by Clapp - writing ing "Watson what purported to be a letter introducing a friend. It was presented and read by Watson , -who did not discover till nearly through it that the bearer was a detective "who had come for the purpose of arresting him. Bicycle Tournament. National Associated Prest BOSTON , MayJSO la. m. Between seven and eight hundred wheelmen are expected to participate in the meeting of the bicycle clubs of Ameri ca , which begins in this city to-day , a large portion of whom are already in the city. The cities so far represented are New Yerk , MontrealvManhattan , Orange , IT. J. , Brooklyn , Providence , Detroit and Baltimore. Several spurts have already been made at Beacon The best time of a mile was in. 3:2CJ : ; "best mile on record , 3:35. Monday Hie parade will be divided into two divisions , composed of twenty-four and twenty-eight organizations each. The programme includes a business meeting in the afternoon ahd"a ban quet in the evening. * F nanoT TRovie-Hr. National Associated Press. NEW YORK , May 29 10 p. m. A review of the events of the week in financial circles were of considerable importance. The money rarkot marked easy throughout the trcek , ruling rates for till loans ranging from 2 to 4 per cent. Foreign ex changes were ir.-egular throughout tl'e week. At the opening v'uc rates were redeemed Ac for both cLiase1aud , sub sequently were advanced Ic , and still later , reduced to the lowest figures , at which they closed. Government bonds were strong and active throughout the week , and 4's reached the highest pricca ever made. Swift Justice. * . National Associated Press. % , VIRGINIA CiT\- , May 29 10 p. m. Jolin Douglas was hanged' near here yesterday for the muider of Alice LEarp , from Wharton , 0. , on March 25th. The mutdci'cd woman came here about two years ago and located a claim , but Douglas was so persistent in his attentions to her that she decid ed to reium east. She had entered the stage for that purpose , when Douglas rode up and "shot her. The murderer was indicled , tried and con victed and sentenced and executed two weeks after his crime. A Printer Shoots His Wife. Notional Associated Press. BROOKLYN , N. Y. , May SO 1 a. ni. A double murder , resulting in the death of the would-be murderer by suicide , took place yesterday after noon. Edwin M. Dozendorif , thirty- one years of age , a compositor on The New York Sun , shot his wife , the bul let entering the left breast just above the heart , inflicting a fatal wound. Then hejdischargcd--the | contents of the second ban-el into his own heart , killing himself almosbihstantly. Cause jealousy. Serious Boiler Explosion. National Associated Press. - CHATTANOOGA , May 28 10 p. m. This morning an Ni it C. switch en gine , at the yards , exploded , instantly killing the fireman , Chas. Hbulman , and fatally injuring the engineer , Charles Crow. Car-t hcel Inspector Finch , hi the Tennessee , Virginia & Georgia road , half , a mile off , was also instantly killed by flying fragments of the engine. A piece of the boiler struck a flat-car near by and cut it in two. New Hos Disease. National Associated Press. DCTnorr , May 28 10 p. m. A spe cial to The NewS says that a disease broke out yesterday afternoon among the swine at the state agricultural school at Lansing. Fourteen of the most valuable blooded porkers have died and still there is more to follow. Professor Johnston says it is not hog cholera , but equally fatal and much resembles it. Battling With Ice , National Associated Press. NEW YORK , May 28 10 p. m. A St John , N. J. , special says : The season of marine disasters through col- lisons with ice floes in the north At lantic has already commenced. The largo Englishiron steamship liansean has just haa a narrow escape f rein total destruction through a collision with an ice floe forty miles southeast of Gull island , off Cape St. John. Her bow was stove in and the forward compart- niynt filled w ith water. Had she struck abatt of the forward compartment all hands must luive gone down almost instantly. The Cornell Crow. National Associated Press. NEW YORK , May 28 10 p. m. The Co * .1 ell craw sailed this afternoon in the steamer England. Comnodore MoCIiabe if > ar.iicd with a certificate given by the British consi'l at this port , attested um'er sufficient notorial seal , that the crew are what they rep resent thciiiselves to be , a college crew of amateurs. They have full confi dence that they will be entered in the Henley regatta The Lost Jcanaotto. National Associated Prjs * . W-ASiiixGTOJf , May 28 10 p. in. Commander Cooper , of the Alli.v.ico , oiderbd to search for the Jeanncltc , has instructioiin from the secretary of the navy to remain In the nrctjc region no longer than September 25th , and isdireclod to prosecute search between Greenland , Iceland and the coast of Norway. The Weather. NiUona Associated Piess. WAsnwCTO May 29. Indications for the upper Mississippi and lower Missouri valleys. Areas of rain , partly cloudy weather , f ailing , followed by rising baron ) a tor , east to south winds , shtfang to west and nopth'.vest and slight changca in temperature , Fatal Quarrel. National Associated Press. TpsKC HAUTE , Ind. , May 30 1 a. n ) . Win. Hal ! , a saloonkeeper , and E. Gibson , renewed a > } old quarrel last jght , during which Hall \vis olict " andkificd , Gibson , who js an"expo liceman , gave himself up , A D ead Zsrvator. * ' National Associated Preis. " SARATOGA , N. Y. , May 30 1 a. m. Hanson ) Cook , the celebrated sci entific machinist qnd inventor , died h 9 yesterday in his 87 Ui year. He iuventfid Uje Armstrong gun , the Oook auger , and toV PBt fifteen other pat ents more or less usetal. A Heavy Blaze. National Associated Press , Sr. LOUD ? , Mo. , May 30 1 a.m. The Collier White Lsad works burned Saturday night , causcd by an explo sion in the boiler room. Loss , near a million dollars. A Hard Tight. X&tional Associated PR& . CmcAcoMay SO l a mA * hard glove fight between Edward Seward , a heary weight , of Cleveland , and Al fred Matthews , of Canada , alleged to have been arranged by a government official , -was prevented last night by the police and all th2 participants ar rested. A TWINKLER'S TRICK. Clever Performance by one of -the Chief "Stars" in Brafly s Constellation , A Uanch oftHalf a Million Acres Baked in by Dorsey in New Mexico. An Army of Bullwhackers Lo cate the Tract for the Arkansaw Traveler. There's Nothing Small About Him , Bat His Honesty. Dem er Trbune > 'Maj20 , "Star route" contracts are not the only tilings in the far west that have contributed to the wealth of ex-Sena tor Dorsey , of Arkansas , whose inter esting andhigWyJmstrucH' ' CJ T K : the artfof getting" ofpLtjuons for mail facilities -where' they' are not needed , were given to the people of the country by The Tribune some days ago. More tlian half a million acres of the finest land in New Mexico , upon which thousands of cattle feed and. grow iat , help fill the already plelhoric purse of the ex-senator. This vast held of grazing ground is ivatcred by bubbling springs , creeks of clear ruiining water that never fail , making it one of the richest proper ties in the territories. Tile manner in which the doughty senator gel possession of this "grant , " as it was originally called , will prove especially interesting reading at this time , and may perhaps give the public a closer acquaintance with the strong business points and clever characteris tics of Mr. Dorsey. ' Ten j-cars ago a Ma dean by the name of Gomez , whoso reputation had never been such as to place liim among the leading men of th'e community , brought' " this vast propei ty into notice. Years ago when a man did a particular valuable service to the g&vernnient of old Mexico , or w hen a soldier in the Mexican army retired after a long career of useful ness to his country , he was rewarded by a grant in that portion of the old Country now embraced in the Territory of New Mexico. Gomez claimed that this grant'hafl come down to him from his grandfather , to whom it had been given by the government of Old Mexico. The hind adjoins the Maxwell grant. He was anxious to sell it ; Don Jose GalleyOi" thought he saw an opportunity to invest a few thousand dollars to advantage , and needing but little solicitation opened negotiations with Gomez for the pur chase of the land. Galleyos did not think Gomez's price exhorbitant and made a payment on account for the grant , and the record of the sale was entered in the books of the Surveyor- General's , oflicc. But when the time for the final payment to be made ar rived Galleyos did not have the , money Ho * satisfy Gomez , who ; without delay or com punction , demanded the return of the papers of sale , . and a year later sold the land to Don Manuel A. 'Otcro , brother of Don Miguel Otero , ex-del egate from New Mexico. Several years later Mr. Dorsey , then a mem ber of the "United States senate , ap peared upon the scene. Whether he had heard of this grant or if he had , what he liad heard is known only to thc Arkansas Senator. However , be ( fore he liad been in New Mexico many , days he casually dropped into the office of Thomas B. Cattron , Esq. , Don Otcro's attorney , and began to talk about the Gomez grant. He seemed willing to buy the land , and hegotia- tionsv "hero begun , when . The News and Press , of Cimarron City , ransacked its office for bold faced type to announce in startling head lines that the claim that Gomez had soldto Otcro .was fraudulent , and that the papers had been forged by Gomez himself.- Being a cautious man , Tttr. Dorsey paused to consider. He did not want to buy IT piece of property from a man who had no right to sell it. There was another reason why the shrewd senator hesitated be fore taking out his pocketbook. His active bram had conceived a scheme by which he could get possession of the desired grant without parting with somany of his shekels. While the Cimarron papervras creating a sensa tion with its exposure of the alleged fraudulent grant , Mr. Dorsey sat himself down to think. An idea struck him. As it was not a rare thing for Mr. Dorsey to be so stricken , it did not oscito him nor in terfere w ith the regular Working of his cool intellect. The idea was this : ho remembered that the government of the United States had , Jn its gener ous spirit to its people , created an act by which a citizen could go into the wilds of the West and appropriate ICO acres of the land. Blessing the or iginators of the "Homestead Act" who had inadvertently furnished him w ith so clever a means of gobbling up enough land to build to cities of the size of New York , Mr. Dorsoy pro ceeded to put his scheme into opera tion. The exact details of how the Senator , he was then in Congress , managed to get possession of this vast tract of land , The Tribune cannot give. It is a mystery that no man can solve , if - Jig followed the law , which allows a fjlizen to take Tip only ICO acres of the Land of the government. To be sure , the law doesn't distinctly say that a man shall not take up 500,000 acres , but it entitles him to only ICO. Hpwpver , Mr. Dorsey holds the land , his cattle eat the grass that grow ? qu jt , and drink the water fi-om tha stivers ! streams that * flow through it. If a man couple law with physic and throw it to the dogs , he may by a matter-of- fact course of reasoning , discover a means by winch JIT ; Dorsey could do just exacUj ? what the laws cf the Untied States say he"sSiair not do. § ome of the S. q4 pcpple who live down where air. Dorsey § tartcd hjs vast rancho have so reasoned , and a.1- though their conclusions are not par ticularly flattering to the cx-sonator's conscicutions way of doing tilings , yet tuuy &rp not without logic. These New Mexican * v fll tjM you 'that it is the'casiest Ihinpf ill the wjii'ld ' for a n ti ! tp get as many acres of 'fhe government Tand 03 Its \ranU , provid ing ho WQ secure tlie serrjce ? qf a sufficient force of "row boys.1' It would seem that the "cow boys" arc indispensable to the complete success of such a scheme. These h/u 'heided people say that it would have been the casket tftjnp1 in" | je ; world for Mr. Dorsey "to send ut niymdscf these fearless and happy "cow p'mchors" to locate every stream and spring of water on thw great grant of land , each "puncher' ' turning his JGO acres oyer to Mr. Dorsoy , who , of co rso , could not , as a gentleman , refuse to pay his humble friends for the time spent in locating claims , when they should have been attending to their duties with the cows. After Mr. Dorsey had gotten possession of all the springs anu watci * courses (3up. ( ; posing for argument's sake that tlfp theory of the New Mexicans is the correct one , ) he had nothing to fear from prospectors aj4 } Jocatpr ? who I might come to the country in later years ; for as he owned all the water , the land around it would be valueless to others than himself. Notwithstanding the fact that the man Gomez , who sold the claim to Don Otcro , is now in jail for attempt ing to dispose of fraudulent land grants , the latter gentleman be- Bevcs that his title to the property is better than Mr. Dorsey's is. Buc Otero bought the land and paid for it , and as liis title has never been proven to bo fraudulent he still claims the ownership of the grant , although Mr. Dorsey's cattle are now roaming over it. GENERAL NEWS. National Associated Press. VISALIA , Ky. , May 28 ] There is a a rumor along the road that the Ken tucky Central has clianged hands , the Louisville & Nashville road and New York parlies being the buyers. CnrcisxATi , 0. , May 28. Monday will be closely observed as decoration day. The chamber of commerce , courts , and many business houses are ' * * ' ' * * ' 1T to be clospd - DENVER , CoL , May 2& The News claims that W. H. Cany ! , who is to be hanged at Colorado Springs on the 17 of June , is a nephew of General Ben Butler , "and that his right name is W. H. Salisbury It is claimed that he has relatives at Lawrence and Salis bury , Mass. WASHINGTON , May 28. .The usual executive orders were issued for the closing of government oflices on Monday. Decoration day will be ob served with the usual ceremonies , in cluding a grand parade and public dec oration of soldiers graves. CLEVELAND , 0. , May 28. The Worcesters lost their thiid successive game to the Clevelands to-day. Richmond mend was pounded all over the field , while the visitors could do notliing with McConnick. The score : Worccs ters , 1 ; Clevelands. 11. NEW Yor.K , May 28. At the con clusion of the six day contest , a fifteen mile running race was commenced and was won by Charles Price , of England , John Itaine , of Canada , second. Time , 80 minutes , 59 seconds. liaino's time 87 minutes and 2 seconds. Clew Soils Oat the Walking Match National Associated Presj. NEW YORK , May 29 10 p. m. As was predicted by many that visited Maditon Square garden to witness the race for the O'Leary belt , Clew , after pverracing himself to tike second p\ice in the contest , commenced to lag and yesterday morning retired from the track , and it was said he would not relum. Duggan' , his trainer , was furious. A'ter some words , in which he accused Clew of sel'ing ' out , and on Clew refusing to return to the track , Duggan slruck him a slinging blow in the face. He did not resent it , but went quietly to his quarters , dressed and retnined shortly , and his friends tried to get him to return to the track. To them he said , "There is no money in this race and I'm not going to walk for nothing. " - Duggan said : "I would have at least over § 1,300 had he finished the third man. " It is the general inference that Clew has received "big money , " cither in the shape of pool tickets or check and sold the race in which he could have certainly finished second , and if he had carried out the promises made his backers Friday morning , he could have overhauled Vint , the leader. Dufrane retired from the track at 9 o'clock , with 482 miles and a hip or two ; Hazael retired about th. same time ; Curran retired a few min utcSlatcr ) after making one lap over 490 , thus saving entrance money. Sul livan , by a spurt a few minutes before 9 o'clock , made 5C9 miles , thus beat ing Hughes aiid 'the champion record at 9 o'clock. The score wasois folows : Vint , 578 : Hughes , 532 ; Howard , 518 ; Hazael , 503 ; Curran , 490 ; Sullivan , 509 ; Fitzgerald , 53G ; Perry's un known , 500 ; Dufrane , 482. Sitting Boll Surrenders. National Associated Press. > FORT BUFORD , D. T. , May 28 10 p. in.- Thirteen hundred hostile Sioux Indians were yesterday started for Standing Rock asency , by way of Bis marck. An escort of one company of federal troops was sent with each boat. Sitting Bull with one hundred followers , has come into the Fort. These Indians will arrive at Standing Rock some time during Sunday. There will then be 3,000 Indians at that agency. Fatal Accident. National Associated Press. NEW YORK , May 30 1 a. m. This morning two little childrenFred- die Boode and his sister Eva , aged rcspectivolyj three years , aud eighteen months , while playing at a window in the third'story of their residence , fell to the sidewalk and were instantly killed. Chicago Jocltoy Club. National Associated Press. CHICAGO , May 30 1 a. m. The managers of the Trotting association intend to make the July meeting of national interest , by hanging up a heavy purse for Maud S and St. Juljen , sorrel Dan , the pacer and any other horse having a record b'etter than 214. ; This is indirectly a chal lenge to Rarus , now in the JDonncr stables. Special purses of § 1,000 are offered to double teams beating 2:23 : , made by Vanderbilt's Small Hopes and Lady Mack , and the Steve Max well ret-opd of 1\18 \ , two mile heaf- . The purses in the regular card ( .1 events for the meeting amount to § 40,030. Tlio three special purses add § 13,5,00 to tljUyniakjng an aggregate of g53,5CO. _ _ Th ; < j Fgrty-Tive Day Starve , National Associated. Pros ; CHICAGO , .May 28 10 p.m. John Griscom , of New York , began hb forty-five day fast at noon to-day. His last meal was a light dinner taken at the Sherman house at 11:30 : , which consisted of a larso slice of roast beef , a slice of bread , boiled _ notatoe.s , n small dish of pqtatocg , and1 a cbuplp of " slieks of ssparagus Ho projo"ses to take nothing for the next forty-five days except water , air and exercise. A Now Argument from the Stamp. Refprenco was made at the close of nj2ss meeting , hotcd in a La Grange paper , of ilttj hlignqnijnal efficacy of St. Jacobs ' Oil ihT'tho"inany jialnful diseases'to wlich } ma'"ikind is subject. W& jnention the above as showing how atong" & holi ] tjjij Old German Remedy for Rheumatism hasfpa tfte experience and good wishes of the great public. PERSONALS. Ex-Judge \vhosesciefitifiijlceturjW ha e attracted such attention of late , was U Chnslft tn-day. "Sir. Paige is thinking of settling here. J. R. Orojnpton and B. R. Grompton , of IJcry , Epg , , are'fvt theWitlmell. D. H , Wiles and wife of Haet'erstown , Md , are In the city for a few days , gueata atthe-WithnelL N. W. Hill and H. W. Wieman , the Schuyler grain men are in the city , regis tered at the Wjthnell. "WINE OF GTdtrJuF four times B day makes a happy household At C , f FOREIGN EVENTS. The Excitement in Ireland Never . at.asffigh'a Pitcn'as' atiPresent , The Military Ordered Out in Anticipation of a Gen- eral\Jprising. Fresh Outrages in St. Peters- burg , and ithe Czar's Life is in Jeojjardy. THE COECION ACT. N , May 28 10 p. m. Official advices show that there never was such excitement in..Ireland as at pres ent , over the cnforcement of the coer cion act'and evictions. Incendiary fires are nutnoro'yj.j conflicjta wijh , the authorities and./Sh.o the lameutablo destruction of propcity is increasing. A grand general uprising of the pcas- anuy is believed to be imminent. Ex traordinary orders have been given to the military in anticipation of a gen eral uprising. AN UNEXPECTED OBSTACLE. PARIS , May 28-10 p. m. The French column oper..tng in Tunis has met with jin unexpected obstacle in its progrc' s by rc.aon of the scarcity of water , necessity for the support of the men and horses , and they are now returning from Djedieda to a point near Bardo. EMANCIPATING THE SET.FS. VIENNA , May 28 10 p. m. Ac cording to reports circulated it would seem by the revolutionary parly in the Russian capital that it h intended to abandon dynamite and fov the prca- ent to resort to means injurious only to the person aimed at. In the fly sheets sown broadcast ovev the south Russian provinces the peasantiy are informed that the czar , upon emanci pating the serfs , ordered land to bo given them gratis , and that it is only owing to the cheating propensities of the official world and well-to-do classes generally , that they are made to pay for what is legitimately -their own. Upon the strength of this the occu pant is advised to dispossess landlords and appropriate eveij thing ho can lay his hands on. It was in consequence of this agitation that the Jews were attacked first. The authorities at first did not inteiTere , but allowed millions of roubles worth to be de stroyed without moving. It was only when the houses of Christians were plundered and members of the ortho dox church were threatened that the soldiers w ere turned out. AN INVESTIGATION. LONDON , Ont. , May 2810 p. m. The invcstigati- of'the causes of the terrible steamboat disaster has been commenced and reflects strongly against the steamboat management. THE CZAK LIFK IN JEOPAUDY. r\ VIENNA , May 29 1 a. m. Rumors navejbien circulating here since early this inoniing that fresh buti-agcs have been perpetrated in St. Petersburg , and that the new czar's life is in jeep ardy. STILL CONTINUES. The Jewish persecution still contin ues on the western frontiftfTiF Russia. COUNTERFEITED AKKESTED. PAKIS , May 28-la. m. A band of counterfeit coiners have been ar rested at Geneva who have accom plices at Alexandria 'and in France. They have put 2,000CC3 francs in cir culation. AN EXPLANATION. LONDON. May 28. Commander Ev ans , of the ill-fated steamer Doterell , says that he is coin inccd that it was the forward magazine tliat exploded. DILLON KELEASED. DUBLIN , May 30 1 a. m. Rumors are current thr.u Dillon will bo liberat ed from Kilmainham jail on the ground of ill-health. MUCH REGRETTED. BERLIN , May GO 1 a. m. The leading German politicians and schol ars of this ci'y have formed a commit tee with a view of arranginga banquet in honor of Mr. Andrew White , the American minister , whose recall is much regretted. EBGISTBATION LIST. FIFTH AVARD. Avondet John Anderson Tyler Anderson J AV Adams Harry Anderson A Adkins A D Albright R Anderson A AV Askwith AV S Albaugh Isaac Aust AVilliam Anderson J M AtkinsonW L C Albott Joseph Allen RE AikinLB Atkinson J AV Adams John Alexander Chas Astman II Andrews G Anderson Hans Allison Daniel Arnold J AV Atkins S F Arm strong E L Anderson G R Armstrong E J Arcon C C Bruncr J B Brown JJ Bonner Thos Barry John Banner James Beglcy Pat Bonnivier J A Briggs Silus P Bicks August Boottger Fred Byrne Mike Bohan James Boyle Mike Bridgman J S Brennard John Boyle Terranco Barrett James Banks Thomas Burnes Thos- Baker3 H Bany Thoa F Bruder Tim Brown AVilliam Benson Gee Burnes Thoa Q 2 Bizton Herman Bolin Oscar Branton S L Briardy Thomas Bualiey John Juna Burk Henry Bungston Oloff Burk Frank Bnnnout Thomas Brown C H Eoyles Thoa Bolan James Blumberg A Bristol E T Baud J T Brackin J H Bishop Anton Barry Thos J Bated James Bolander J E Ballcnger AV T Bailey F L Burroughs J H Braniiin Edw Brenan Thoa BurrougHa'L "BansonicI : H Bobelliausen AVm Bamick AVm Brewer C H Blose H Brown H M Batey Samuel Benson AV V Bradish J G Butler G D BlcaseA F Barry John Besen Peter Bath Joseph Bresiford D M Hargdorf H Badger Thoa Benskeri FA Roland Tlioa Baliman R R Boilean BH Baker "P D " Birmingham F J Dyrnq V7 E Brings Edw'd Blcick i BqyilM ft Bruncr Gee Blackmail 0 BellamayFF Brady Tliilip Barrett-John Burdiah R Borrrner Q F Brewer AV AAr BoolhtAV ftnspn } R BoylesEC BealCM Brown C J BruQer Pat lipadsha L 5 JJickpl J BeHamay Frank Brown B F Blgnell Edvy'd Brefcton G T Uetessem 1'ahor Butler AV H Brown H L Bitlnger H N Bride Edw'd Badger William Barrett Edw'd Baumer John Bailey Anthony Beuber J AV Baj AV H Borland J R HlackMT BiirkeJH" Brewer 0 Biifrell Ai-nold Brown H B Bolln H Beckinan Hans. Burke P AV Bogue John Bailer Fred Burke John Bockhoff John Brisco C N Burkhardt M G Baker B F Bluett John Burke Pat Bean Samuel Bausannan Sam Barkalow D V "Barkalow NE Bliss M H Bradley Jno Uach Jacob Barnum H W Barnum J R Baldwin RE Bergen J E Brown W R Benick F Blake J E Brunner P C Burke Walter Brewer Harry Bcnzon Aug Brosins D Bruner C E Beard Dclos Beard" G W Bradley John E Beans W K TSolan Jas W Brown Joseph Brown R H Bucklin Edwin L BayJP " BaiFH"W Brophy Peter Barry Michael Bennett G S Bushey Michael Boehme Adolphus Boyle-John Boehme 0 A Brosina Clias Bloomberg Chaa Creighion James Ciowley J W .Collahan C Carroll James Clark Peter Cavanaugh Pat Conaly Mike - Coyle Edw'd CoployAYilliam Fenway" Thomas Cloven Samuel Christopher Jaa Conley Joseph Chrispin C H Clark H J Crandell James Crarin Robt Clark Mike Cuuunings Thos Conn era Thos Clark B D Corey W H H Coblit Phil Cottrell Jos Condell Owen Clarke Edw'd Casey James Carlson J F Council J F Creamer H W Craig F H Cheney JII Cook M F Conway Rubt Carlin Bernard , Creighton J V Copland Rich'd Crites J S Cummings Jas 1 Craroa Wm Clear John Cram W E Churchill R C Casey Don Cvosbie E Carrigan John Carroll P J Clark Noah Collins Chas Chambers J W Cooney Pat Crosluy H W Carlin James Chcency Chaa Claik M M Copper G W Couch J R Conway Tim J Cokeroft J II Cammenzind A Carragher Jas Craren Chas Clark F L Casey T J Cummings John Collville S Craig C H Chesley Fred Co\T J Chatman H Caskey Gee Colbath J F CanT Cooley Wm Clark W F Cornfield S Collins H Clark D C Coon Luther Cover James Colley Frank Chirk G W Crook J K Cooley L Christy Edw'd Con-all G L Carnaby Wm Camp Win Carnaby James Carlin Phiip Couusman J M Conolly Pat Coflman J Conner Wm Conner C H Corby J 0 Cliristie W B Carlin Pat Creighton J H Cosgravc James Conrad Oscar Collett A M Clear Rich'd Crumb II C Charlton J B Jr Charlton J B Sr Charltou A G Cary Hugh Charidou J D Sr Charldon J D Jr Charldon A G Carlton G L Carpenter Jas G Crcighton J A Creighton Joseph Carpenter G L Clark J C Cox Jno R Cokley C Carrigan Mike Cutler F E 'Cooper R C Chandler Chas Carpenter F L Crarron Jno Coon Frank Coon Isaac Crane Abr Carpenter W D Crane Isaac H Carroll Jno Charles Henry Coffman V H Caldwell Ernest P Clapp Chester S Curtis Edw'd " ' * ColeMG ClenhuwES' Cooler Josiah Doolittle W V Dallow Eb Dodge 0 G Donahue Dan Devancy Andrew- Doughton Edw'd Daw son Jno David Jacob , Doolittle N C DjrrPhil Dailey F H Doane G S Donally Jno Dailey Wm Deland W H Davis Edwin Dakon C Deady Mike Deariiifj John Dunlap F Dow-dell Peter Dory Mike Donnell R P Davis Frank Desoden C S Dclaney G W Dunn Joseph Dvvyer Jno Dorr J W Dougherty T Dunn E T Dyer Chas Donahue Mike Davitt John Dove Joseph Doty George Dillon John Devine James Donakey M W Decker Andrew Daniels 0 G Davis Chas Deman J S Daley J H Dickenson Aleck Dahlstrom A G Deizel Andrew Daley J A Donahcy Dan Deitt J A Dalton Reginald G Deitrick C Donahue J H Doyle J A Dosto A Doater M J Donald Jno Doni Aug Dorman Aug Dahlgreen Jno Dahlgreen AM Douglas James Dyhrmann Jno F Dailey A H Eising G Dolan John Donahue Etlw Dorack F E Egger J Erck J H Enright Jor Eltck Jacob Elkon Robt Elinor Chas Eckwall John Etting C S Edgar E M Englc C M Engle E S Enwald R C Ettinger Reub Ewing Emerson Elliott R E Enright M Emkins J H Edgerton J S Edmiston Samuel Engler Eph Eastwick W W Elston John EtanD Enright Thos Egan Owen Evera J P Edholni Benj Ellett N Ellott Goo - Ewers Frank Estabrook E .Estabrook HB Elling T B Ellengreen-J P Elvin R C Eugstrom C A Elliott Wesley Elvin John Edwards E T Frisoni Otto Finnigan B Friday John Fleming Mitchell Foley Johir Fitzmorris M Feagin T J Fisher Chas Flan'aipm Hugh Fisher W R Fog J W Freeman W J Eluok D 3H | Francis Thoa Fog Wm Falconer Thos Fan-oil John Fagan Jaa Frees Fred Foster T Foudron John Freeman W R Fulner Win Foulk Gee Foulk T FJynnP ' Farrell T Fee EG Foreman Wm Fedde Peter- Fair Gee Frame A Frank Wm Flood C R Flynn Jaa Fog John Falconer James-1 -Flood B P Farnsworth Thos Fraust E Frost Frank Ferron P F Falconer James-2 Frcdivest Herman Ferguson A N Torster Hugo Farrell Thos Farrell John Fitze Alex Fuller II A Faddia II S Ibarra worth" SH Fonda TTH Fi'tchdH Freeman Patrick Fafra Samuel Gauglian D * GjhsonA A GiuJqmmGep { Gushunrt AYm Glaus tone" AH * Grnantncr Anton Groff John Gorman Edward Gardner Chas GillonAVF - " ' "SI Grace J ienE " Qien'TH ' Godfrey G B Guinanq'Pat Qu\nanp.Edward \ Cjujnanc El" Q B GallaijhariC V Goldwood C B Gray Ail Grace Martin Garrc'ty F GoodkoO Guthrie J K , Galatinc B Gentleman Wm Gorman J R Grandon T finoastnan o'F . Oilman WE" Gahan GlynnPW ' ' tien't'Teniiui f Gentry H Gallagher P A Grandshaw Gee Graw Gee GarretsonT J Gallagher Pa.t Green L B Graham Gee Gleason Pat Gascoigne Gee Guyler Otto GaSnerB Gould Wm GoffDR GeardEN Gould Joseph Granachcr Joseph Gosman C B- Garvey John Griffin J A Gochring C Griffin MJ ) Gunn A S Green John Gelattle C A Gentry M Gibbs John M Gratton G W Gratton WC Graf ton CH Gwin John W Garrison C L Greenburg O P Gustin S N Garrigan P H Gilbert G J Gudbrand Olsen Gelattle 0 M Grecnawall J 0 Hastings Pat Hawkins Moso Harpster David Huff Martin Hawser S HallTF Hills H D -Hickey John Hazelton John 1 Hayes John 2 Hofeldt Peter Haarman J Hogan Pat .Hearty J Hughes M Hicks B HehrNB . Hargrave T Horan P H Hays W J Henderson J Hall A Harrington C T CarndUMike HeinC HeinD Hearting F Harris P .Heincs W F Hill John Hays Ben ? Hig ina J M Hunter HH Holhngsworth Jas Hamilton C Hofstead John Houston L Hildinger Jas Hartigan M W Highbanks J Haminon Barney Haminon Pat HartJM Haco'n J Hudson W Holman B Hartry John Hcimrod Gee Hilligan Pat HartP HigbyJP HartryE HydeG W Hartw ig J Hanson H P Hanson F Hubbard EB Hay ward II W Hender II Hendcr C Hughes M Hold L Hepfinger J Hearn E D Hough Jas Hill W J Horan H P Hardin J P Heistand G F Homer Wm Hensinger Chris Hane H Hutchinson W II Hallin Gus Hartwig A J Horns C Hubbell I C Holland John Hathaway F Harris E A Harris F H Hobson W A Herron Jerry Hansen C Hello Chas HessC Humplirey E G Hess G II Helquest N Hawes Abraham Hammond C H Hume David E Hume R T JHauck Jacob Hulsizer W H Ilynes Pat Hanson A G Hammond Mike Hultmann F A Hensen O Hart Leo Haynes James Haynes D W 2 Hayncs J B Hess Samuel J Heywood E Haskell H A Hunt H H Hagedorn H H Hogle Chas Hummell J Hansen Chris Harris G B Harris C L Hummell A Hunter JR Hoxie D D Heinerikson F C Hausen Jens Hubbard A C Heron James Harmon Andrew Hedillng H W Horton W M - Hospe A HHchcock.E A Henrickson Jens Iluntoon S A Howser G T ir.insou.Gust Honrigan Chas HawverHattieMrs Hall H B Harris R'A Henry James Isberg J N Ijama AV H Itirtger H M Johnson Peter 1 Johnson Alfred Johnson Andrew Johnson John 1 Johnson Chaa Johnson AVm Johnson Peter 2 Johnson John 2 Jolinson P J3 Jones DP _ Jackson" "Henry Johnson Peter-3 Johnson N D Jamea A K Judge Anthony Johnson J F Jacobs Gee Johnson Robert Jones Gustavo Jones Henry Jensen Andrew Jones E S Jensen S Jackson J K Johnson Swan Johnson B F Jones FD Jones Gee Johnson C C Johnson P J Jacobson Andrew Johnson Salvador Johnson Soren Johnson H C Jackson Joseph Jackson A C Jones Reuben P Kelley Pirn Kempton T A Kelley Pat-1 Kelley John Karsch Emil Kelley Pat 2 Krewzer John KellsRH Kirchpole A Kilker A F Kashan AVm Kocling C A Keith H M Kay Stewart Kitten E D Keeghan John Kaiser Constantine Krider H C KuchnF AV Keenan Thoa Hcndrick Edward Kastman Knut Knight James Keenan Nicholes Kuntz Sylvester Kiuf John L Kennedy M H Kecfc Wm Kronback AVm Knight J A Kimball G AV Kilhgsworth C P Kenney James Kelley Morris Kcania John Kelley C M KippT Kreick Lewis Keenan Peter Kaiser Matt KillingsworthAVB Kelley J J Kuppig Fdward Kenia Henry Kumpt F Kirkpatrick J A Kane J Kelley Pat 3 Kribea Nicholas Knight John Kaen John Knight James Knox David KnoxCB Kennedy Thoa Kohl Charles Kcnnard Joseph Kellner 31 J King J AV Kennedy S H Laughlin Wm Leary Casper Larson John Lauchan J Lyons Peter N Lee James Lyons Fred Lunberg F Laddy Peter Leach AVm Xiyun X Latey Thoa H Lucas Edward . Lucas John C Leeder August Leeder Louis Leeder Edw aid Lundergreen S Lange J B Lawlesa Mike C Lee Case Lippert Peter 1 Lear } ' Jerry Lynch Humphrey Lynch J'S Lindley Reuben Lumpkin Robert Lansing J V Lake Peter L Lear C H Lee Peter H Lagargreen J F Lawrence Wm Lyon Christian Lcville Barney Lucas T Lange A F Large T F Long T F . Lind Edward Lawry Thos LeeGAV Lanahan James Low G AV Lynch Pat Lampson E C Latcy Wm Liddell AVm Lippert Peter 2 LcaryP H Lee John G Lundberjj John J Leary Mike. . Lawba.c.h H J Lqdlow Q Q Larsen Syren LiddellWm Lord JP LofTer H B LiUle J A LoydLK Xucas A K Lowe C J Lowell Percival LancGB Lloyd L K Lanpher L Mrs Lee J A MahonyJ G Mason J Muller P C ManLc Pat Mallby Bob Myers J Mark Albinua , Manning J Moran. "p Mulqueun Jas Mrtura Fred Mockboe C K Mortimer S A Mullin Richard 3Iurjhy ) Hart in Mullett R B MacombQr J H MerclTH Monnahan Pat Miner JF Morrell C Mack H - Miller Jlark Joh.n Moran C MahoneyJ Maniona Muskat August Merrill AM Midgley 0 Mulligan Pat Moffatt D W Mansfield M Sliller Joseph Maloney J Manbr Wm Miller Ed H Mulchachy T Maej cn Ji 8 Murpliv John MarrThoa Mausa "Chris Morton E IJ Mulligan Frank Jfalip rg Olof Mell aon John. MarahaU Westley Muljen John Mullen Jos Moran John Mack AVm Mitchell H J Marshall M M Madden Wm Murner Edward Mohr B M Moore ohi\ Masher G W Winkler O A Mackedon J J Meloy D C Matteson B Metcalf C P MaussS Malletto S G Muny J M Mulligan M Mullery Thoa Moore DS . Murphy DT M.ISOU Edward Mathers T J Morris Clark T Maston P MalonevEdward Murphy J H Myers H B Mosett Joseph Motz Samuel Moran A Monell J J Minton A K Meyer Joseph MattaonFH Munnecko Win Malinsten C E Murphy J J Morton Nelson Madden John Miller Gee Martin S E Martis Ole Marley Chas Martin Robert Murphy Jaa JT Manning IT Miller Thos MeGrath T A Medlock Gee Marston J M Marsh W W Miller JS Miller RL Miller WC Merrill N W Morgan N Murphy Thoa Maxwell C B Monk F C Mies Peter Maine C.L Morris CT Millage John Miller Clias Mitskuff Edward Moulton O W Miller H F Mills S L MarhoifHH McGuirk E J McConnell Robert McDcrmott Luke McCann John McConnick J McGuire Edward McEnroe Pat McRoe F McCann Mike McDonald John sr McDiare E A McMickers J McCoy W P McGrath Mike McMullen H C McConnell F R McNamara W McDonald Jno jr McDonell Jaa McDennott Peter McAvin Jno McFadden Wm McKinney Jno McKern A H McCaig Kennedy McLearieJohn McNamara Pat McMahon Jamea McPhersbnDonald McCarty Pat McGowan J H McAndresa 3 McKern H M McConnell R J McCarty J H McNalley Peter McKenzie A McMullin John McManns J C McQuillan Pat McManus T McNamara J C McKoyGA McManua Hugh McCoy F C McCarthy 31 McMillan W H McKay W H McKay W H McMurray T S McGuire Pat McCaig John McGuire Bar McDennott Chaa McAualand R R McShane John A McShane John A McShane John H McCord W II McCoy Jamea McCre-.v Samuel McGuinn M A McClelland Wm McCoy Dennis Norton Phil- Nesbit II T Nelson D H Nelson DII Nelson C J Npwag Francis Nell J F Nightingale Wm Newton J S Nye Fred Norton A F Norton H W Nelson John Nilea A G Nelson Chris Nesbit JF Neustrom Leon Needham Chaa H Needham Chas P Nelson Niels K Nelson Knud Needham Gee J Newman W B Newman H Newman R Nimrod Thos Neville Joseph Ncligh Wm sr. NasonAW Fottingor G M I Nason S C O'Byrne Nich O'Sullivan N J O'Brien Thoa O'Benniller Jno Olsen Chris O'Rourke Peter O'Brien Jer O'NillJas O'BergEL O'Brien John 2 OUynie Chaa Olsen Sweet O'Boyle Jas Owens Wm Osburn Simpson O'Neill Jno J O'Connell Thoa OTJyrne J G O'Connor Pat Overbearger Pat O'Reilleyl OTJrein J T O'Connor Jno J OylerJacob Oppel Joh'n O'Connors Thos O rady Jbrry OaburiiCH : Ochsenbien G W O'Brien Jno 1 Olsen Ambrose Olsen G Olson D Oualey Gee O'Donohue Jno O'Herron Jerry O'HearneEdwr 'addock J W Peterson Jno Phclan Pat Pearson J II Parish HM Prince Eugene PowersEdw- Parsons John Pork W E Potter G F Point Frank Peterson WH Peterson Jas Patter Gee Pearson P Peterson P C Parmalee E A Powell C A Price R Perry H Thoa Pearson AV A Packard F L Patterson G Parker AAV Price John Price Pat Price J H ParrGW Palmquest Ncls PrickenaWII Paulson C P Patterson C T Pinkham W A Pontez Chaa Perkins Jaa Pearson H C Patrick C R Powell Chaa Paul Jno W Pitts Wilbur F _ Pleasant Adolph Percival Jno Petty S L Petty J K Phelpa T G Price T II Peterson Erik Phelpa G W Phclps O S Phelpa 0 G Phelpa J E Plympton J V Paul G P Philips T H Parish WII Parker Ike H Peterson R P Parker Churchill Poppleton A J Peck E P Payton A Peterson N E Pond Win Peck Edw Polack A Peterson A Parcell Michael Peterson Morris Pugsley Chas H Pula Henry Peycko Ernest Pitta Chas Parrish H A Ploof Layfaette Park G G Quick John Quigley Wm Qujnn Jno Quinn Thoa Quinn Peter Riley J B Rich Julius Ryan Edw Rockbud C P Reed Jno Robing Jno Rooney Jno Ryan Wm 1 Renfield Henry Ruby A J Rasmussen C Rush D C Reedy John RiverdawTA Randall Wm Reado G W Robertson E L Rathbono Henry Rico Henry Raingo John Robison Gee Ryan Wm 2 RodbH Roeder J A Rhodes Basil Rhodea Zack Rhodes Jas Ring C A Rhodes Thoa Rose Wm Richards Joseph Reed Jonathan Reedy D G Rioiora M T Reeves Rich Raytora F Richter H 0 Reed Gee Rucf Jno Richard Adams Rozcnzweig H Beado Pat Ryan Don ! RohwerH Ryan Mitl Reade C J Itooney M A Ryan Pat Roberta Sand Redlc Chaa Robinson J T Ringer A Richards JM ' Rossitor Thoa Ruddeville A C D. Rhjgs A ilollina C F Rapp C S Ring Gee Rietermerer J C R.uddeville Aug Rockcnficld J B Redman Joe Redman Gee Rice J Reeves J C Roisterer B Rucf Edw L Richards J 31 RoffJ D Ramsey A F Ryan John Ramsey Robt S Ritchie F E ' Ramsey Samuel Reed D M 'Robinson WT PvammellAVM Reed O A Rosacger CX RuddeUJno Rummel Nicholas ar Smith D J Sanders A P Stanbery B Smith FR Stout B T Swenson A Safer C C Simpson A C Swift Thos Swift John Schmidt CL itrcitz Ecrdinand Show EH Schencko John Shoilda Jaa Smith Christian Smith Cor Stevens John Skinner AV J Slatter J 0 Stoughton Aaron Swlgel Fred Salterbeck Claua SiglerMP Sinclair Thoa Salterbeck Chas Shehan John Sacket F A Spencer Frank Smith , .Jaa. Sweeney F AV Sghn ; derwnid 0 Sqivera'John. Sneado J 0 Sedemorell B Shenk August Sullivan Steven Smith Abigal Simpson Jas ShaughnesayThoa Simpson WF ' Siefken Adolph S'traightWm Schauger A W Schlick Ed Sherwood EII Spnihan Jaa Syfrity Elisha Smith J E Spelbnan 31 Smith JT Schmid John Sisaon S N Shehan John-2 Swift Pat H Siuit JG" J Stonehrcaker F P SpcUinan S J Smith WH Smith H 31 Sullivan Mike Schauman Leon Sullivan Dan Coia Seymoro Wm SI&perEN Samland Peter Sclbig F B Southard J P Swith Irwin - Spencer WII SterriclvcrThoa Sparlini ; F43I Smith C S Smith Isaac Staring G A Scott Arthur F Saunders J K Smith W C Scunner Jacob Storr Wm Standeven J H Skew John J Shields J H Striblinsj Wm Smith J 3' Swain 3fW Stout BF Sheldon P F Shilda Rush Shipmaii J P Sullivan J II Savage G II ShieldaJaa-2 Sharpless O B Sanford S H Sippler Rich Store Wm Store G Spellerberg AVm Shannon Jaa SwendleyAH [ Scherb Ignall Sievors AVm Sievedi"Wm 2 Sievera Theo Spalth Frank Schlacter Joe Smith Gee Sherman S C SchullcrbcrgFH Sullivan John Scheid Andr Shephard Jamea StygcrD Sauer AR Shannon Luke S ewart A S Simpson A J Simpson D L Sweaney John Store E L Swain A S Sfmmonds Gee Sweaney Dan Swartzlandei Jacob Sears 31F Swan C P Stouk Frank Schalenbcrg F AV Schulenberg J L Stevens Samuel Smith Wm StratmanGE Scott Jeny Shane Dan Sierve Niels Smith D J SliterFJ Smitlison H A Stevens Edwin Sketchley Robt. Sayward Albert Search J AV Sisson Jas N Sqnirea Chas E Snow H B- - - Spencer FH Stuht Cliaa Shields Gee Shaffer W Tenery E F Troy Thoa Taylor JS Taylqr Henry Throelick E Tobin M II Turner Jaa 1st Tex Mike Timmona J W TrcnkleyHerman Tranth'an 31 Taylor J E Timma 31 F Tunnell A M Taylor J G Taylor J F TwitcheirD TibbalsGAV Tuttle Archibald Tiebon Herman Tisher B Tisher A Tisher N Thompson G AV Tibbols ChasTener Taylor B M Toner Frank Thorno J H Turpiti Jack Tonnery L A Tumor Wm Troy Mike Thompson J ) Tisher 'A\ck Taffo John , Turtle Wm " Trout Ben Traflley AVm Thomas 31C Tobin J C Taylor E A Tuttle J M Tomlinson E F Trail DB Toozer A R Truckey Tliow Teal Frank Traill Jaa Tonisett laaac Tuckoy A P Theiman Chaa Tyler Chaa Trott W J ThoraaaDolbort Thomas W F Thomas Rudolph Thomas Jaa Ueblle A Usher Luke -Viceroy 0 G 1 Vandorford J Vanderford Alex VertzJB Vannors R G Tickory Jaa Verslra VissclnirHH Vandcnnan'W J" Vandorman J B Valentino D A Veira Brice VessJC Valentino Berth Walters Jaa AVharton Jaa Williama D R , AVecka Clias Wcckback Wm AVinsladoJE Williams S AVhitnoy Alex Waller F C B AVillman C G Whalcn J H AVever II E Ward C AVealeyME Wilson J B AVado Thomaa White Jcsaic J AVilkins Chaa Wallace Frank AVeitzel Albert Walker Andrew AVildo 0 G Wakefield Sch'ylerWildor Chas Walker A B Weizcr Joseph Whalen J A Wadaworth Jaa Walch Thos WellaF Wheaton Porter Weld A J White Wm Williams W II Wood Chai Walker PA Wedell C W Whitman C Wright J W Weaver G J Walters C Woatherford Newt Webber J Warner ES Woodard Martin Whitehousu W J Westphal Gee Weitzel A Wallace J B Walsh M S Williams J H Williams John Wolf el J C Whitman * J W WoodCL Willie Henry . . * " 1 * * y- Washington Lewis Webater G A Wood Pat Williams Dan. Waters R H AVhito James H Wothrick John AVhite J E Williams Jas 31 AVhito C D Woodworth L D AVhitney E B Wilkey John Wright E U * Westerdahl C J AValker G M Willard C II AVhite J A Wigman J E AVoodman D AV fl | Whitehorn Edw AViemera I C Walters J R AVetmoro G R Walker R II AVilbur L T Woodman Clark AVonn Aug Wing W S AVaro Elijah Whitlock Gee AVilson Gee A Whitney W N. AVillhite J C Wroth A tt AVeimer Frank Wood Ben B AVare M L Ware E L AVillard H B Whitmcro Will AVilliama C F Wicser 3Iartin Wakeley Elcaner Willard G W AVeaver A Wcckcnburg Gust AVaddle Joaiah Yerfosa AV K S. AVAZZJIKU ) , Registrar Fifth AVard. Forty years' trial hi proved "BLACK- DRAUGHT" the best liver medicine in the world. At C. Tf. THE Merchants & Hamtfacturers Union OF NEBRASKA. AiUress : CHAS KAUFMAN , Secy , 214 Twelfth Street OmahaNeb. , May 20th , 1881. To the Liquor Deafen , Saloon Keepers end Business Men of Nebraska : The abore named Union flnj it li tha interest of out common cause throughout the State to call a of all who are directly or Indirectly interested In the sale ofllqnor in this State , for Friday , June 10th. at 2 p. m. . to be held at Turner Hall , in the City of Omaha. Onr common came demands that no one of our number shall ta absent. 4 CHAS. KALTMANN. ilcvrlv Secretary. STATE OF NEBRASKA. INSURANCE DEPART3LEXT. ACDITO > Orricx , ) coc.f.Mar 14tb , lasl. > It b hereby certified that the Oermaal * Ufa Inmnnce Co. . of Seir York , In the State of New York , hai complied with the Insurance Law of thi * State , and Is authorized to tranuct the biul- nesM 01 Ufa Inrorance-ln this State for the cur rent year. Witnem mj hand and the seat of the Auditor of Public Account ! the day and year above written. JUJLX WALLICH3. Auditor P.M. In Charge of Insurance Department , J. II. AU'ORD , 5epq