THE OMAHA DAILY BEE----ITCEDAY MOENING , MAT 27 , 1881 THE DAILY BEE. IFfiday Morning , May 27. LOCAL BREVITIES. Patterson sells coaL * Get your hats at Doane'g. Frederick is the Leading Hatter. Everybody drinks Sale's soda. 4000 residence lots , Bemis , agent. COO business lots. Call on Bemis. Bemis' new map of Omaha , 25 cents. Bemis' real estate boom. First page. 250 boubes and lots. Bemis' agency. Old feathers made new at Bulger's. -Cheapest Hats in Omaha , at Freder- ik's. tf Bichter , opp. P. 0. , sells straw hats. m4-tf Try Saxe's Chocolate and Coffee Soda. 200 farms and 900,000 acres of land. Bemia , agent. For FIXE Commercial Job Printing , call at THE BEE Job rooms. The Lion continues to roar for Moore's Harness and Saddlery. Whipple , McMillan t Co. , the jewel ers , Creighton Block. o26-tf Examine the finest assortmentof pock et books in the city at Kuhn's. The iteamer Key West arrived at the levee yesterday from St Louis. She is lightly laden. A meeting of the ladies land league will be held in Clark's hall this after , noon Bev. J. W. Harris will 'speak at the Temperance Bee Hive , City Mission rooms Friday evening at 8 p. in. A mule attached to a wagon fell through the .Ninth street bridge yesterday , per manently injuring itself. Drunks beware ! After Monday the fine for being found in a state of intoxica tion by the police will be ten dollars. Atkinson & Co.'s , the acknowledged leading milliners and ladies' furnishers , Creighton Block , Fifteenth street m9-tf If you want Bill-Heads , Letter-Heads , Envelopes or any Job Work , call at THE BEE Job Booms. Prices that will suit everybody. Judge Ai.derson had a case of assault and battery from Millard yesterday. W. Schmidt was charged by his landlord , Mr. Stabei , with asxault and battery , and wan fined $5 and costn. Bandmaster Hoffman has enlarged his facilities to such an extent that he can sup ply half a dozen orders any evening. On Wednesdayforinstancehehad three different orders to fill , two private partiesand his sta tionery band at the Tivoli. City Clerk Jewett has just completed n carefully compiled index to .all the ity ordinances. The index will do away with a great deal of unnecessary labor on the part of those who desire to look at particu lar ordinances hereafter. The thermometer at Max Meyer & Bro. , from 12 m. yesterday to 12 m. to-day indicated as follows : May 25th , 12m. , 80'.4 p. m. 83' , 7 p. m. 78' , 10 p. m. 74 * . May 2Cth , 7 a. m. 74' , 10 a. m. 67 * , 12 m. 72' . Dr. R. C. Moore called at THE BEE office yesterday and incidentally referred to a supposed obortion case in which the name of Dr. Watson was remotely associ ated. While there was no intention to re flect upon Dr. Watson , still it seems the matter was 'slightly ' misunderstood. Dr. Moore says the case in question was a mere miscarriage and that it can be given as such upon his authority. THE BEE takes pleas ure in making the matter clear. MDMM hats were all the rage at ATKINSON'S one month ago. We till have thorn in stock. If yon want this latest novelties , go to the ACKNOWL EDGED LEADDfG ESTABLISHMENT , ATKINSON & CO. , Creighton Block , 15th St. , near the Postoffice. Hammocks at the 99 cent store. 252t ? r-k"TllE'MuMM" AT HlCKMAJiV-the iatat NEW YORK SENSATION. § 1.50 BUYS A CHILD'S SUIT at 'Polock's. 2G-2L _ _ _ § 5 WILL BUY A CHEVIOT BUlt at Polock's. 26-lt. West Bound Troop * . A detachment troop for the 5th U. 'S. cavalry passed through the city yesterday afternoon on the west-bound Union Pacific train. They numbered about 58 men and were commanded by Capt. Woodson. They were on their way from Jeflerson barracks , near St. Louis , to Sidney , Laramie , Fort Rob inson and Niobrara. Ladies have you seen the lovely Lawns selling so cheap at the "Boston Store , " GIG 10th street. M25-4L "THE MCMM" AT HICKMAN'S tfi NEW YORK SENSATION. GREAT BARGAINS At Polock's before moving. Farn ham , near 14th streets. 26-2t. Nice lot of Children's Slippers at ' 50 cents a pair. Best in the market lor the money. Also bargains in all kinds of shoes for ladies' and men's wear , at Fullriede's , Visscher's block. PERSONAL PARAGRAHS. J. New and B. M. Mohr are the two new letter carriers appointed by the post- .master. They were on duty to-day. Waiiam Irving , at one tune sujierintend- ent of the B. & M. road , and now purchas ing agent of the C. , B. & Q. in Chicago , came to the city yesterday. Mr. Gibb Bracslin arrived from Phila delphia and will spend the summer with hisurother-in-law , Mr. D. Coolie. 1 _ p 'Ladies Linen "Ulsters cheap at the "Boston Store , " GIG 10th street. M25-4U "THE MU&IM" at HICKMAN'S tfie loitst NEW YORK Sensation. 20 CENTS BUYS A SMALL coat at Polock's. 2G-2t. Real French chip hats and bonnets reduced from $2.50 to $ L50. Milans reduced to $ LOO. Tiroes of-all styles' reduced to GOc. Cantons reduced to 25c. All this season's goods. HICKMAN'S MILLINERY HEADQUARTEBS 25-tf ] Wholesale and Retail. Death of Mr. W. M. Bushman yesterday received a telegram from Hulo , Neb. , announcing the death of his mother at that place Wednesday. The body will be brought here for interment , and will be accompanied by Rev. Father Bushman. Fresh Fish , Wholesale and Retail of all kinds , at Motz's Fish Market Jtfosquitto Netting , all color , only 50 ; cents per piece at the "Boston Store161610th street. 25-4t - Prof. Marshall who was to have exhibited - hibited his views of the Yellowstone at Masonic Hall to-morrow evening , has been detained , and the exhibition will _ not take , place until Monday evening next. ' Star Spectacles for everybody. Ask for them at Edholm & Ericlcson'fi. , ON THE RAMPAGE. Burglars Malring Wholesale Raids on Private Houses. The Besidence of General Manderson and Others visited - " ' ited Last Night. All kinds of business is thriving in happy Omaha , even the housebreaking ing business , inwhich one particular gang seems to have a monopoly. Oma ha appears to be a sort of a summer re sort for exiled thugs from the Sodoms of the East , and it might be casually remarked that they make their vaca- tionsprofitable at least , if not pleasure- able. "Wednesday night , or during the early morning hours , there were three burglaries and one attempted burglary committed. An ineffectual effort to get into Gen. Chas. F. Manderson's residence at 2004 : Cuming street , seems to have been first 'made. The screens and blinds on several of the windows were found cut and rent this morning , but evidently everything was discov ered to be too securely fastened , for nothing was stolen. Dr Watson , who resides next to General Manderson , was the first to see the burglars , and give the alarm. Two of them were in the frontward , and two in the rear'of the house. General Manderson at once began to search through the neighborhood , but found no burglars. This was about three o'clock. On examination , it- was found the burglars had wrenched off the screens to the parlor windows , and thrown them ' on the grass. They had cut the wire-work out of the frames of the screens on the rear windows , but did not effect an entrance. After this , little fiasco the party preceded to the residence _ Mr. 'Joshua Budd , general traffic agent of the St. Paul & . Sioux 3ity railroad , which is located on the west of Wheating street near Cuming. There the burglarious e bit of the'marauders met with more success. Entrance was effected hrough a bay window which was bad- y cut up in the operation. The bur glars succeeded in escaping with a fine ot of surveying instruments , a box of cigars and several smaller articles. * It is probable that no clue to the pcr- > etrators has been found , although he police are splurging about in a ivelier way than usual this morning. The burglars also visited the resi dence of Mr. William Wallace , cashier of the Omaha National bank , who lives at No. 2112 Burt street. Mr. Wallnce'a house is being overhauled , and tilings were very much upset , so hat the burglars must have had con siderable difficulty in finding anything. Mr. Wallace found liis front door open , and one of his windows. He was able to trace the course of the mrglars through the house by means f burnt matches that lay about on he floor. Mr. Wallace was not ware of anything "being taken. The next on the list is the residence f Mr. Jacob E. House , superinten- ent of the Omalia division of the St. 'aul and Sioux' City railroad. He ives at No. 1922 'Gumming street They entered by the back kitchen window , but did not prowl about the louse above the ground floor. They iclped themselves to some eatables , and departed by the kitchen door. The only wonder is" that one or more f the burglars did not receive a dose "f lead. If they should happen to call round in that neighborhoodagainthey will certainly receive a warm recep- ion. ion.Two Two men are spotted by tlie police , who are suspected of "being connected with the gang. OBSERTO ASEHTM DAT , Omaha Kiiights Templar Make a Pilgrimage to the Blufia Shortly after 8 o'clock yesterday ho members of Mt. Calvary Conmian- 1 started forth on their pil- to Council Bluffs , from their uarters in Masonic Hall , on Sixteenth nd Capitol Avenue. They number- d in all sixteen gentlemen , and were ommanded by Sir Knight Byron stanberry. The others in attendance were Sir Knight Chas. Goodman , 'ast Commander , Past Commander * > ng and Sir Knights , Kourty , Willis , ackson , Webster , Rodgers , Turney , ) eVallon , Wilson , Jacobs , Needham , lume , DeWitt and Traynor. Eacli ppeared in the full insignia of knight- lood mounted on horses caparisoned in > lack relieved by wliite borders. The cavalcade proceeded down Farnham treet to Tenth and thence to the Jnion Pacific depot. Three open cars lad been provided for their Jiccom- lodation and the tmtirfr body rode on ward. An engine was soon afterward ttachod and the cars con taining the knights were xansfcrrcd across the bridge. ) n the Iowa side they were met by a legation from Ivarihoe' Conimand- ery. No. 17 , of Council Bluffs , by whom hey were escorted to the asylum. At about 9 o'clock both commanderics united and marched , to the- Episcopal church where special services were leld and a sermon , appropriate to the occasion , preached by Sir Knight ? roderick Webb. At the conclusion of the-services the Sir Knights began a pilgrimage of .tho city , .in . rcmem- > rance of the weary marches of he enemies'-of Saladdin in the lays tf" old when * the rescuing of Christ's tomb from the hands of the nfidels engaged the concentrated ef- ortof the then ChristianTvorld. "On he way they were entertained with re- reshments at the residences'of Sir Knisrhts J. B. Atkins on Sixth avenue and Wm. M. Bushnell , on Second street. The Knlghta of Mt Calvary Joinmandery will remain in Council 31ufis until about 5 o'clock when they will return to this city again. _ A very private marriage took place at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon in the residence of Rt Eev. Bishop * O'Con nor. The young couple- were Mr. George M. Walker , and Miss Mary Gorman. The Rev. Father English officiated , and the newly married took the aftemobn train for the east on an extended tour. Helen , where did you buy tha beautiful Dress and lovely Hat ? Why , at the "Boston Store" of course ; their mces are the lowest in town. 25-4t MEMORIAL DAT. General Orders in Eegard to Observing the "Day. The subjoined orders explain them selves , as also a letter from Senator Saunders : The following was issued by Com mander Fitch to-day : HEADQ'ES GEODQE A. CUSTER POST , "j No. 7 , DEP'T OF NEBRASKKA. > OMAHANeb.May 20,1881. J General Orders No. 2 : In accordance with the rules anc regulations , and General Orders No. 4 , department -Nebraska , Monday , the 30th day of May , will be observec as memorial day , when all the com rades of George A. Ouster Post anc all sojourningcomradesofthe.G.A.11. in conjunction with the comrades o : PliiL-Kearney Post , No. 2 , G. A. R. will assemble ( with theirinvited guests ) . to pay their annual floral tribute toi and honor , with fitting ceremonies , the memoiy of their dead comrades. May the observance of these beauti ful ceremonies be marked with appro priate solemnity ; and wliile we cherisl tenderly and sacredly the memory 01 those to whose manly devotion we are indebted for the preservation of our country ; and-while we scatter flowers upon their graves , and plant above them the flag which they so dearly loved , let us in this solemn presence renew our pledges to care for lun : who has borne the battle , and for the widow and orphan of him who lias fallen. A.vigorous effort has been secure an active and general participa tionby the public , and a most cordial invitation is hereby extended to the churches , the schools and societies , as well as the general public , to unite anc co-operate with us upon tliis occasion in performing these tender offices , tes tifying thereby that amid the caresanc pleasures of every day life they liave not forgotten the soldier who volunta rily gave his life for his country. By command of C. H. FITCH , FRAXKMWAKDCommander. . Post Adjutant. Senator Saunders sends the follow ing letter : U. S. SENATE CHAMBER , \ WASHINGTON , May 20th. ) Adj : Frank 31. Jloorc , Ceo. A. Custcr Post , Omaha , Xcb. DEARSIK Accept , and extend to your comrades , my thanks for your kind invitation to join with you on the 30th inst. , in the observance of Decoration Day. I regret much that at this date I cannot see 1113' way clear to accept. It looks as if we should adjourn to-morrow , but we might not. Then business affecting the state , ap plications of pensioners and others , will keep me a few days at the cap ital , so that it will be June I fear , be fore I reach home. But whether I am with you or not , bo assured of my lympathy in the object of four gathering. Tlie men who in our : ivil strife risked in defence of our Jnion , enobled themselves ; those who est life , became immortal. The jraves they till are sacred and should > e kept unprofaned. They should be marked by marble , but in its absence , he offering of flowers speaks now , as t did in the first history of nations , ) f a tender affection for and a grate- 'ul remembrance of the departed leroes. With kind regards , Yours respectfully , ALVJ.JT SAUXDERS. Senator Van Wyck telegraphed his regrets to Adjutant Moore. The following is the department order : HEAD-QrAIlTERS DEPARTMENT OF " ) XEB. , GRAND ARMY or THE REPUBLIC > LINCOLN , XEB. , April 25,1SS1. J Jeueral Orders Xo. 4. In accordance with the rules and regnla- ions , and general orders Xo. 13 , from Xa- ijonal head-quarters , Monday , the thir tieth day of May , will be observed as mem orial day , when all comrades of the Grand Army of the Republic .shallassemble to pay .heir annual floral tributes to , and honor with fitting ceremonies , the memoiies of .he dead comrades. Let the observance of these beautiful and touching ceremonies be marked with lie usual and appropriate solemnity. Let us cherish tendaly and sacredly the memory of those to whose manly devotion and sacrifices indebted for the we are prei-- ervation of our country ; and while we scat- * r upon their grave- * fragrant flower. and > lant above them the Hag they loved so dearly , let us in this solemn preNcnce re- lew our pledges to care for bun who has > erne the battle , and for the widow anil orphan of him who has fallen. It is hoped' that a vigorous effort will be nade to secure a more active and general larticipation by the public , and a most cordial invitation is hereby extended to the churches , school- * , societies and the public generally , to unite and co-operate with us ipon this occasion in performing the e ten der offices , testifying that amid the changes of time they have not forgotten the soldier who voluntarily ga\e his life for his coun try. By command of B. P. COOK , S. J. AEKXANDER , Ass't Adj't Generl Department J. C. BONNELL. Commander. A. A. A G. For delicious ice cream , go to Mrs. Spoerri , Masonic block , IGth street. maylG-lm Ladies Linen Ulsters , Cheap at the "Boston Store , " GIG 10th street. 25-4. RAILROAD EXTENSION. Th9 B. & M. Line to Build a New Line to Denver. The B. & M. Kailroad has just decid ed upon another line to Denver. A surveying party , numbering sixteen , eft Omaha last Friday to begin work on the new route. The starting point will be aboutloO miles west of Indiano a , straight to Denver. The party was under .he command of A , W. illiat of the B. & M. headquarters icre. He was accompanied by F. Jirschfield and others from. these same headquarters , the balance being rom other points. They expect to complete their labors about the mid dle of November. Meanwhile , work on the new line will be pushed vigor ously. "TuE MDMSI" AT HICKMAN'S the 'atest ' NEW YOKK SENSATION. - RF.ATi ESTATE TRANSFERS. The following transfers were record ed at the county clerk's 'office yester day , as reported for this paper by John L McCague , real estate agent and con veyancer : James O. Adams to Frank Murphy , ot 8 , block 250 , Omaha , W. D. - $400. C. W. Hamilton to Henry Hcnnings , ot4 , block 2 , Shinn'sadd. , w. d. 5425.V. . V. H. Coffman and wife to Earl B. Coe , lots 56 and'Go , Nelson's add. , w. d. § 1,000. Wm. L Bowditch et al. to Dorotha 3rown i of section 18 town , e s-w jsection , 1C , range 12 east , w. d. - SSOO. C. T. Taylor and wife to John laley , part lot 5 , block 3 , Credit Fon- cier add. , w. d. $500. W. N. McCandlish and wife to Uichael Parr , lots 20 and 30 in Mc Candlish place , w. d. $800. James G. Chapman to Gustav Pomy et al. , lot 7 in block 250 , Omaha , w. d. $1,300. Henry W. Yates and wife to Gustay Pomy et aL , lot 8'block , 250 , Omalia , w. d. $1,850. Julia C. Hanier to Union Pacific ly. C. , parcel in s-w | sec. 31 , town 1C , range 10 east , w. d. - $100. 20 PEE CENT SAVED BY BUYING our Men's , Boy's and Children's Clothing at Polock's. 2G-2t. Ladies and Misses Hats by tha thousands at the "Boston Store/ ' GIG 10th street. M25.4t , v. .0. rntnvn tv A DISTINGUISHED GUEST Brother Albert Plko In the City General Albert Pike , the most dis tinquished and widely known Masonl authority living , is honoring the Ma sons of Omaha with a visit , in whicl he is accompanied by William H. Ire land , auditor of the supreme counci for the Scottish rite for the southern jurisdiction of the United States Brother Pike lias for twenty-fiv years past devoted liis attention t < the development and propa gation of the Scottish rite of which order he is the grand com mander for the southern jurisdiction of the United States-comprising a ] the- territory south of the Oliio anc west of the Mississippi river. Brothe Pike is visiting Omaha for the purpos of exemplifying the work of the rite ii Mt. Moriah lodge of Perfection No. 2 and Semper Fidelis chapter of the Hosi Croix No. 1 , the two bodies of th Scottish rite working in our city. This evening Brother Pike wil lecture to the Blue lodge Masons ii Masonic hall , on the "Science ant Philosophyof-Masonry. " A cordia invitation to attend is extended to al Master Masons in good standing. LINEN , MOHAIR , ALAPAC COATS Closing out cheap' ' a Polock's. 20-2t. Sun umbrellas and fans at the 9J cent store. It S. P. MORSE & CO. , Corner lOtli and Jackson Streets We are this day in receipt of a vcr ; attractive stock of summer JPa 7i Day Fabrics which are mwurpasicdin beau ty of design , and are offering rare in ducements to the public to make thei summer purchases now. To AVOID carrying goods over , we offer then ON KECEIIT at prices that will insure speedy sale , and are thus able eacl season to give the public fresh , at tractive goods AT TRICES WHICH ARE RECOGNIZED AS THE LOWEST IN Till , CITY. CITY.Wo Wo have Lawns from oc a yard , to elegant Cordered Organdies. Thesi Organdies will meet with ready salt and we therefore suggest an earh visit. visit.Cambrics Cambrics , Percales , Plaid , Domes tic , and Scotch Gingham in large variety. Our stock or GLOVES and JIITTS is large , and buying as we do fron Manufacturers , we GUARANTEE our prices lower than any House in Omaha , SPECIAL NOVELTIES IN SILK MITTS : Our Embroidering department is FILLED with bargains , comprising , cheap Embroideries , as well as the FINEST BROUGHT TO OMAHA. We ask a comparison of our 12c Embroideries with loc and 20c Em broideries from other stores. Finer goods on Cambric , and Strips in variety of designs. Fancy Laces in endless variety. We only ask an examination ( anc comparison ) tf our 50c and 7oc Table Linens to convince you that we are dctcrmintd to maintain our ACKNOW LEDGED reputation of leading in Ion prices. These Linens are full widtl and ALL LINEX Ladies' Summer Skirts at NEW YORK PRICES , embracing every kind and quality , from 50c up. They arc made for our own SPECIAL SALE and are ALL PERFECTLY SEWEI. AND 3IADE. Summer Gauze Tests for Misses and Ladies at 25c. Finer goods are RE TAILED at WHOLESALE prices. We are offering somcRARE bargains in LADIES' UNDERWEAR , includingvery finegoods. ClIILDRENs' AND LADIES * HOSIERY IN NEW STYLES. LADIES' SUN UjIllRELLAS We have never offered such bar fains in this line as now. WOOLEN ULSTER CLOTH at 40 and 45 cents. Cloth for mens' and boys' suits at very low prices. We name as a special bargain in made up goods , an all linen ulster at § 1.25 , neatly trimmed and well made. Dress goods in colors. Mournin dress material , crepes , &c. IN A WORD , we invite a visit , feeling confident of mutual satisfaction. S. P. MORSE & CO. , may24-tf. A Card. To the Editor of TUB BKK. I noticed the following in yesterday's issue : "Inquiry among some of the most prominent physicians failed to establish the identity of Dr. Watson as among the regular practitioners of the city. It is more than likely the gentleman has but recently arrived , and is , as yet , not well known. " That no false impression may arise. I would state that I am a regular physician , in evidence of which I have a diploma from Bellevue Medical College , New York citya certificate of membership of Oneida county med ical society , Utica , N. Y. , and also a certificate of registration under the new medical latrof New 'York state. I came to Omaha last November and am known to most of , the promin ent physicians of this city. In regard to the case with which my name was mentioned I would say that I was called to see a wonlan rep resented to me to be Mrs. Stewart. I was informed that she had had a mis carriage one week previous. She was suffering from puerperel septicaemia and in a critical condition. Later Mr. Stewart called Dr. Neville in consul tation. We considered the patient beyond hope and Mr. Stewart called Dr. Coffman. . Yours respectfully , J. WATSON. Poctiy and Feathers. The subjoined poetic effusion is be ing widely circulated in Jefferson pre cinct , where Stanton received' his feathery mail. Wlip the. author is , is not known , but he is alike , . witty and sarcastically cruel. ' Here it is : > . JlIE.WIDOWVi SOLILOQUY. I lost my husband longaqu , And broke my heart 'ti * true ; But then I.found another one That's just as good as new , . t A. nice young man from iljchigan , " And.he's my darling deaf ; j 5 , . Ifhevoul4 lve mellErasure I would not live a year. Ill hold run. fast for he's FO sweet L cannot let him KO ; I'll fight for him , I'll die for him , The neighbors all do know. So come to me , my darling dear , Who came from Jlichipan ; I want to squeeze you half to death , My pretty , nice young man. The other nisht they lynched my love ; I don't know who thev were , But I can guess ; 111 have revenge , I don't care how , I swear. They tarred him and they feithered him , I'm sure I tell no lie ; They tried to make a bird of him , In hopes that he would fly. " " Mv dearest darling shall not fly ; Those lynchera ae a pest ; I think that they ; deserve to die , My children with the rest. I turned my children out of doois To please my darling dear ; I'll die for you , Fll swear for yon , So stay and never fear. Forty years' trial hi proved "BLACK- DRAUGHT" the best liver medicine in .he world. At C. F. Goodman's. LV j pnccyarc trie lowest in town. A BOOMING BOOM. Universal Activity in the Build ing Line in Omaha. Opera House Features anc Facts About Other Noted Structures. Messrs. Drexel & Slack , cpntractoi for the masonry ivork on .Boycl's open house have been seriously delayed o account of the floods , which preventec the railroads from delivering th stone from the So'uth Platte quarxie at the times contracted for. The ship uients of stone have now begun t arrive in sufficient quantities to mee the demand. The masonry work o basement of the proposed structur will all be completed within the nex ten days. The bricklaying" on th portions of the basement completed will DC begun next week and contin ued as rapidly as the weather anc circumstances may allow. Mayo Boyd has given the contract for fur nishing his new opera house wit' chairs to A. H. Andrews & Co. , o Chicago. This firm will furnish th opera hoase with 1,600 chairs , wide ! are to be placed on the parquet flee and in the parquet circle. The uppe tier , or as it is usually termed , th "pea-nut" gallery , will be provide ) with plush-covered seats as in all th'ea tors. The chairs are of the best de Atf * ' . * ? , scription'uiaUc , and , unlike mos seats of the kind , are inanu factured with some thought to th comfort of those who may occup ; them. There will be two inches mor space between the rows than is usuall ; allowed. The chairs will be made o iron , with the back comfortably in clined. The bottom of eacli chair wil provided with a foot-rest , while under neath the aeat of each will be placed hat-rack made of wire. This latter i new feature in opera chairs and solve the problem of what a theatre-goer i to do with his hat. Under this ar rangement the seating capacity of th house will bo a trifle less that 2,000. A pavement is almost laid in fron of Strang's new building , on Tentl and Farnham street , which will prove when completed , a source of inucl convenience to. pedestrians. Work men are engaged 'on the iron front o the building every day until twiligh and have now completed the firs' story. Should there be no delay ii the shipment of the St. Louis prcssci brick the work will be shoved aheail without dclaj' . In any event it is ex pected that all work in which Omahr brick will be utilized will be completei within three days. The basement walls of the ne\ House ! building , on Farnham stree adjoining Creighton's hall , will bi completed next week. It is expectec that the entire building will be u ] within twenty days , as front and rea walls are only necessary , the side wall being already in position. TL e large wooden structure knowi as the Visscher block will be general vacated next week and soon after ward the work of demolition will be commenced. A short time only wil probably elapse until the imposinj new hotel will be reared up on its site Hard to beat Soda Water at Tizard's "TiiE MUMJI" AT HICKMAN'S- , latest NMV YORK SENSATION. ' By all acknowledged. Tizard's has the finest fruits. Fresh Fisli arriving daily at Motz's. People who reail a great deal , or have weak eyes , should use the Star Spectacles , tinted , which soften the light and ease the eyes. For sale by Edholm & Erickson. Get a pair of Shoes , Slippers ant Ties , at Fullriede's , before moving. For the best Ice Cream and Fine Illinois Strawberries , go to Tizard's Beauty , health , and Imppmcss for Indies in"WINEOFCARDUI. " At V. if. oed jan'a A Driver Injured. While a man named George Yorl was unloading heavy pipes for the waterworks , at Thirteenth and Harney streets , yesterday , the load fel forward , striking the horses. The inimals at once began to run ani York , inattempting | to hold themback , was thrown under the wagon. The vehicle passed over his legs , bruising them severely and probably fracturin one of the bones. He was taken tc lis home , at Fifteentli and Leaven worth streets , in an express wagon. "WINEOFCARDUI" fuiir times a day makes a happy household. At-C. F. Guodmiu'rt Merchants & Manufacturers Union OF NEBRASKA. \ililrcss : CHAS KAUFMAJf , Scu'v. , 214 fwclfth Street. Omaha , Neb. , May 20th , 1881. To the Liquor Dealers , Saloon Keepers and Business Men of Nebraska : Tlie abo\o named Union find it in the Interest of our common cause throughout tlie State to call a > f all who are directly or indirectly interested in he sale of liquor in this State , for Friday , June 10th , at 2 p. m. , a be held at Turner Hall , in the City of Omaha. Our common cause demands that no one of our lumber shall be absent. CHAS. KAUFMAXX , Secretary. POWD Absolutely Pure. JIade from Grape Cream Tartar. No otbe. pri aration makes such liht , flaky hot breads ois icritorious pastry. Can be eaten by Dyspeptic , ithout fear of the ills resulting from heavy mdi- cstibl food. Sold onlv in cans , by all Grocers. ROYAL BAklNG POWDER CQ. . NcwJVork. L . lASOpentist , Omen Jacobs' Block , corner Capitol avenue nd Fifteenth street , Omaha Neb. _ , _ _ Mxeminca his wMomfnc SPECIAL NOTICES. TO LOAN-MONEY. O LOAN" At 8 per cent in . tercst in sumsoJ 32,600 an upwardsfor3to5yoar9 , on first-claw city an farm property. BEMIS HEAL ESTATE ami Lov AGENCY , 15th and Douglas Sts. TOXEY TO LOAX Call at Law Office of D M L-Thonlas , RoomS , Oreighton Block. rOXEY TO LOAN 1100 Faniham Stree Dr. Kluranb" Loan Agency. nov-22tf Good boy wanted at the New Yorklla A Company. " A partner with $3000 in aftrs , WANTED paving busines ) . a splendid O ] > entn to the right nun. Address P. 0. box 823. Oinah Neb. - A half grown irl to take care of WANTED 1410 north llith street , secon hous-e north of Clark street , Wb- IMMEDIATELY Man and wife t WANTED good place and jTX > d wajes. Appl \t. lt , > nrtiM- OU2-21 TIT-ANTED A good frtrl at August jllaase V V restaurant , opposite Turner Hall , on lot street. 9s5-2 /1AUPENTERS and cabinetmakers wantoi IWiiKes from S2 to S3 per day. Inquire ne : . to Ike offlce. OiO-1 A small house with 3 or 4 rooms WANTED housekeeping. Address Le Zook , Herald office. 977-2 T\7"ANTED Cattle and colts to ( fraze in YV fenced pasture. Steers anil she cattl grazed in separate pastures. For terms , location le. , apply to MILTON HENDKIX , 2lst and Ho ard sts. , Omaha. Neb. 820-cod26 U Tousley Rros. garden , next fc WANTED , 10goodIwjs , 15 jears old to pull needs. IJoys that mean business , nether other need apply. 979-2a A good reliable man to work . WANTED one who thoroughly understand milking. No other need apply.Uight man cai have steady employment and good wages. In ( juire at the Palace llarket , 15th street , bctneei Farnham and Harney. 070-26 An experienced girl for general WANTED , small family. 1905 Cumin ? St 907-20 Two experienced drls , nurse an WANTED . MRS. II. KOL'NTZE , 10th St. South Omalia , 90S-20 " \TTANTED Men to ork on brick-yard ITT W NER BROS. 974-27 \TTANTED An experienced gi 1 for genera .YY house work in small family,4903 Cumin street. 9sO-2 A situation as a clerk or salesma WANTED goods business , ha\e 5 years ex perienec , will work for \cry low wages in begin ning. Tleasc address S. B. , lice o ice. 973-2 \TrANTED-Girl at the Pacific House. YV 9C2-27 A good nurse girl at northwest WANTED Hamilton and Pier streets , Shinn' addition. E. MOONEY. 97C-tf A cook at 1,300 Farnham streei WANTED 075 tf TXrANTEIXGood chambermaid at thi e Emmc YY house. 005-23 TYrANTED Good girl for general housework YY Reference required. Apply at 1414 Dodg st. JOHN a WILLIS. y.o-t T\7"ANTED Girl for general housework a YY W. M. Yates. 904-tf Carpenters and cabinet makers WANTED BKB office OCW-tf T AUNDRESS AND DINING ROOM GIR J.J WANTED Immediately' at the Occidental TTTANTCD 5 cartienters and 2 cabinet mak YY crs. WM. EVERETT. 849-tf "YT7 ANTED Two first-class barbers , and non YV other need apply J. II. CURRY , Unio Block. S2D. -Man north of the endof ISthSt H. W. BAIL. SOS-tf "YTTAXTED A situation by a man of family VV steady , industrious and willing to be use ful in any honorable oapacity. Compensation ac coniinj ; to capability. Please address J. E. II. care of JEK otlicc. C04-tf FOR RENT-HOUSES AND LAND. TT10R RENT A large , nicely furnished room Jj w itli closet , 1,811 Cal. St. Ret. lath and 10th AND LAND Itemis rents houses HOUSES , hotel * , fanni , lots , lands , otliccs rooms etc , See 1st page , T710R UENT Nicely furnished large room am _ P piano .S. AY. corner Ibth and Capital A e J710R RENT Hon e with f room2 , story high I' and fi acres ground , in Wilcox addition , ad joining the Omalia Stock Yards. Apply to A McGavock's grocery store , 10th St 943-27 RENT A large furnished room on hrst FOR , with board. Al 3 a few day lioarders wanted. 1603 California street. .i'JS-723-tf RENT On first floor , furrished rooms FOR comer 10th and Da\eniort. | 750-tf T710R RENT Furnished rooms. Inquire at ISIS JL1 Chicago street. , COC-tf KENT The building 100C linrt street FOR used by John Cane as the London meat market. Some butcher tools for sale. Ap ? ly on the premises or of John liaumer , 1314 Farnhara street ( > 'J5.tJ RENT A store , corner 10th and Lea * en FOR . Inquire next door , at Peter-on's. 022-tf RENT 2 furnkhed rooms o\er Mej FOR ' Exchange , N. E. cor. 16th and Dodge streets. 2s9-tf FOR SALE. FOR SALE OR RENT Nice cottage home jnsl built , 5 rooms , acre lot , corner Iturtanc Dutton bt , Lowe's second addition. Apply at onct to Chas. J. Foikett or Gco. P. Bemis. OsS-27 BEMIS has rattling long listi of houses , lota lands and farms for sale. Call and gc : them. FOR SALE Stock and fixtures of the Dojle book and new s store , No. 1418 Douglas St MRS. A. J. DOYLE. OS2-t SALE Latvu lot and two Rood houses a : FOIl , . . House and lot in South Omahaat 31,200. House and lot in Korth Omaha at 81,600. House and part of lot near California street , il , 500. 500.Small Small house and full lot at $350. Inquire of Jno. L. MiCaguc , opjiosite poitoHice. UCO-tf EOR SALE House and lot 33x132 ; suitable for warehouse. Inquire of Peterson , 10th St 001-tf TORSALE-rHou e and lot on 16th street , lic- JL tween Nichols and Paul. Terms cosy. En- luire at 1140. 057-23 J7IOR SALE Setcral good lots in Riven iew ad- J dition. John L. MeCaguc , Opp. Po t Office. 050 tf > R1CK-S12.00 a thousand. T. MURRAY. > 834-23 T ) EMIS'NEW CITY MAPS,25c. Sec 1st page. SALE 2 acres ground in West Omaha. FOR Inquire of J. Henry , No. 11016th. 873-tf SALE Ten elegant residence lots , situ ated near terminus of red-car street railway ine ; neer in market before. Inquire of E. ( S. IUMPHREY , fc07 N. ISth street. 795 J SALE Tw o-story nousc and part lot , near POR ] > t. Location good. John L. McCoguc , Opp. Post Offlce. 058-tf SALE A peed pa } ing restaurant. In quire at this office. 703-25-lm ITIOR SALE Maps of Douglas and Sarpy count - t ? ties. A. ROSEWATER , 1520 Farnham street. " 320-tf SALE Three good lots in North Omaha , FOR 31,000. Lot in Shinn's addition at S450. Lot in South Omaha at $450. Beautiful rcoidencc lot at $1,600. Good corntr lot 148x100 , an castfrontagc at " 2.200. Three lots one square fromlSth street car line , < 450 each. Inquire of JohnL. McCaguc , opposite po toilice. 001-tf BEST THING YET H. G. Clark & Co.'a THE Self Raising Winter Wheat Flour , or inncakcs , biscuits , and all kinds of pastry. Try it Ask your grocer for it -tTB-tt > EMIS' REAL ESTATE BOOM. See 1st page. MISCELLANEOUS. mAKEN UP By Peter Carrigan , five .miles I southwest of Omaha , one brown and one oy horse. Owner can have the same by proving iropcrty and joying expenses. 057-5t-cth rtTRAYED OR STOLEN A gray mare with lay j colt , largo bay horse and a tlark brown jwny. .cave information at thU office. 095-27 EJIIS' REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. See B 1st pa e. nTOAYED OR STOLENne pair of horses O one dark bay , a little stiff in hind le s , one ark iron jrray , had one ihoe on risht hind foot hen last . een. Any information leadins to their ecovcrv will be rewarded. F. E. JIEUniTT. "lorcnce , XeK * 031-27 rjTRAVEn On STOLEN' A liaht red and white O cow about 5 5'ears old , with lon trail and in wr condition and large crooket horns. ! / > < t on lay 13th , left a youny calf. $3.00 reward will be > aid for her return to Sinum Kaciined. one block outh of Ilcr's Distillery. 971-Ctd2tw30 1TRAYED A lar e brown , raw bonc t horse J mule , one front ankle bent in. A suitable ewanl will be raid for his return to .Ramsey" rcry stable , opposite P. O. OC3-20 And Parasol ? repx'red by M. QMBUELLAS and Famam sts. TeOtf T 31. BROWX Corner 12th and Chicago IL. streets , is ready to bore or deepen wells , latisfaction sjuaranteeil. SOCtf ASIS Can be pot at John Barra stable for L all kinds of work nt reasonable figures , nrfr ar 13th and Learenworth streets. 375-tf pvONT FOHGET The successors of the Amcr- U lean House , on Douglaa street , between 9th ind 10th , for board , lodging- and transient cug- omcrs. ncspectfallr , 56-tf JULIC3& LOUISEnOS3. _ - " * - ndIJD FOR SALE. 1,000,000 Acres -OF THE- FINEST LAND IN - - EASTERN NEBRASKA SELECTED IN ANEABLY DAY NOT EAI ROAD LAND , BUT LAND OWNED BY No > RESIDENTS , WHO ARE TIRED PAYING TAXES AND ARE OFFERING THEIR LANDS AT TH LOW PRICE OF § 0 , § S , AND 810 PER ACRF ON LONG TIME AND EASY TERMS. WE ALSO OFFER FOR SALE IMPROVED FARMS IN - - Douglas , Sarpy and Washington m J i va/ ALSO , AN IMMENSE LIST OF OmakOityEealEstate Including Elegant Uesiilcnces , IJusines. and Residence Lots , Cheap Houses am Lots , and a large number of Lots in most o the Additions of Omaha. Al-o , Small Tracts of 3,10 and 20 acrce in and near the city. We have good oppor tunities for making Loans , and in all ca > c personally examine titles and take everj precaution to insure safety of money s invented. Below \ve offer a small list of SPECIA BOGGS & HILL , Eeal Estate Brokers 14O8 North Side of Farnham Street Opp. Grand Central Hotel , OMAHA , NEB. CAI C A beautiful residence lot o ; wflLEL California l.ctw ecu --"iiil am 23 < 1 strccN , S1COO. HOGGS k HILL. C A I C 'crJ n'KC hou-c and lo OMLH on Jth amMVeWer strict \\ithlKim , real hou c , uull cistern , fliaile aw fruit trees , e\erj thing complete. A tlctirabl piece of proiKsrt i , figures low. IJOCGS & HILL. STfSD OAI C Iia iiid lotsS. E. rUn O/iLu corner of lUth and Capita A\etme. I0GS ! < HILL CAI C Houu and lot corner OH L C and 21st streets , ; > j < x > . - BOGGS ti. HILL. ml * Large ] house on I > ai enport SI street between llth anil 12th goop location for boarding house. Owner wil sell km BOGGS&HILL. H0 ( ? QAI 5 Two new house * mi full lot rUn OMLC in Kountze & Kutli's add ! tioii. This property will hu sold lery ciicap. HOGGS & HILL. FOIl SAI.K A top pheaton. Enquire of Jan. Stcphenson. 991-tf COD CAI C Comer of two choice lots in rUn OMLC Shinn's Addition , niULt | teat at onee sulimit best cosh olfer. olfer.HOGGS is HILL. CAI C A Rood anil ilc-irable rcsi OMLC deuce property , $4000. BOGUS & HILL. AC ! M C RESIDENCE Not in the niarktt. rlllt Oner will tell for C,500. HOGGS k HILL. OAI C 4 tfood lota , Shinn's 3d ad OMLL dition * 150 each. BOGCS & HILL. CflR Qfil S A very fine residence lot , tc I Ull OMLC some mrty desiring to buliil a fine house , S2.300. BOGGS & HILL. COD GAi C About 200 lots in Kountze & rUll OMLC Ituth's addition , ja-t south of St. JIary'H aieuue , § 450 to g&OO. The-c lots are near business , surrounded lij fine impro\e- mcnts and are 40 per cent cheaper than any other lots in the market. Sate money by bujin ; ; these lois. HOGGS K HILL. Q A ! C 10 Iots > s | 'aljic ' ° r fin ° r < * ' - OMLC duice , on 1'ark-Wild avenue , 3 blocks S. E. of dejiot , all twen.ilrith fine larpc trees. Price extremely low. SX ) to 700. HOGGS & HILL. CAI C Some very cheap lota in d/iLC Lake's addition. BOGGS i HILL. CAI C Cheap corner lot , corner OMLEl Douglas and Jefferson St . HOGGS i HILL. C AI C os Iots onfit1' ' . W th , 2Sth , OMLC fflth and 30th bL . , between Farnham , Douglas , and the pro ] ) sed cvtcnsion of Oed 'e street. Prices range from jiOO to $400. \Ve ha\c concluded to ( jive men of silull means , one more chance to secure a home and will build houos on these lots on small jnyments , and will sell lots on monthly payments. payments.BOGCS BOGCS & IIH.L. ETDR CAI C 1GO neon , 0 miles from city , lUn OMLC about 30 acres very choice valley , with running water ; balance setitly rolling prrinr , only 3 miles fjoin railaoail , . * 10 per acae. BOGGS K HILL. Qftl P 400 acres in one tract twelve OMLC miles from city ; 40 acres cnl- titatcil , Luin ; , ' ijprinsof water , some nicu val leys. Tlie land is all Ilrst-class rich prairie. Trite 810 wracrr. HOOGSA HILL. Qfll F 720 acres In one body , "miles wMLb west of Fremont , is all levtl land , pjoduung heavy frrowtliof ( ; ra.M. in hi h valley , rich soil and J mies from railroad and side trackin good settlement and no better lam ! 'in be found. - HOGGS i HILL. ETHD CAI C A highly improved fann of lUn OMLC 240 acres , 3 miles from city. Fine improvements on this land , owner not a practical fanner , determined to sell. A good opening for some man of means. means.BOGGS BOGGS & HILL. CflD CAI C 2,000 acres of bnd near Mil- run OMLC land Station , 3,500 near Elk- tiom , 8 to § 10 ; 4,000 ares in north part of coun ty , S7 to 510 , 3,000 acres 2 to 8 miles from Klor- : nce , ? 5 to 10 ; 5,000 acres west of the Elkhorn , fl to 10 ; 10,000 acres scattered through the coun ty , * C to 810. Tlie abote lands lie near and ail join nearly : very farm in the county , and can mostly be sold in Email cash ] nymcntwith the balance In 1-2-3- I and 5 year's time. HOGGS & HILL. Cfl D C AI C Several fine resiliences prop- rUn OMLC ertics never before otfcrul md not known in the market as being for Kile. Locations will only be matle known to i > urchasers 'mcaninir busincs. HOGGS & HILL. MPROVED FARMS mprovc farms around Omalia , and in all parts of tougla.ii , Sarpy and Washington counties. Abe anus in Iowa. For description and prices call on u. IlOCGSiHILL. 0 Iu ! incss Lots for Sale on Kamamand Ioug- Lis streets , from $3,000 to * i,3lO. BOGGS & HILL. CAI C 8 business lots nextw t OMLC of Masonic Temple price Ivanccd of tf > ,000 eath. HOGGS i HILL "flD CAf C 3bn ne s lots west of Odd Un OMLC Fellows blo < V , * J 500 each. BOGGS & HILL. "H D CAIC - bu , > incss lots south side Ull OMLC Douglas street. It een 12th nd 13th , ifly eath. BOUGS HILL. rflP CAI C lCOacrcsocvcrcd with young Un OMLC timber ; Ihing water , sur- ounded by improved rnn , only 7 miles from ty. Cheapest land onliand. BOGGS & HILL. llpypl FO I amAgent for COLUMBIA and OTTO BICYCLES. Send three-cent stamp for Catalogue and Price List containing full j information. H , L D , SOLOMON , Paints , Oil and Glass. O3IAHA , tonrth Ward Eegistration Notice STATE OP NEBRASKA , ) DOI-OLAM COC.VTT. / Notice fs hereby given that I will sit at E. Wy- lan'ji store , 15th street , on Saturday , May 23th , ) make additions , to correct omlisioas , to strike ff any name that b not entitled to Ithe elective ranchisc , or other errors in said Ifat. In witness whereof , I hereunto set my hand thi tth day of Jfay , A V. 1831.JOII.V JOII.V K. WOOD , i26to29. . . Uerotrar tttt Ward - Omaha , Collins Cheyenne , Colorado Spring and Summer * ' OTHING ! LATE AMD HOBBY STYLES FOR MEN , BOYS AND CHILDREN. ! ats , Caps , Trunks , Valises. TO . IX TIIE LATEST STYLES. Satisfaction Guaranteed ! Prices to Suit All ! ! 1322 FARNHAM STREET , . IS'EAK FOURTEENTH. MAX MEYER & BEO. the Oldest Wholesale and Retail Jewelry House in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in Silver Ware , Clocks , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the La test , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in Precious Stones , and all descriptions of Fine Watches , at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farn . ham Streets. MAX MEYER & BRO. MAX IEBE & BEO. O IVT THE LEADING IX TIIE WEST' General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices , i A SPLENDID stock of Steinway Pianos , Knabe .Pianos . , Vose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Warreu , .Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do i ( not fail to see us before pnr- , chasing. C3OIRGOE3 WITH THE BEST SELECTED STOCK OF JB urnisning IN OMAHA. -WK AKE. PAK EXCELLENCE- THE YOUM IEFS CLOTHIEESI \ BOSTON CLOTHING HOUSE , ' > - , 1212 FAENHAM STREET , 1212 SOHLANK & PRINCE. New Shoe Store. W. L. KLDD , Prop. , NEW GOODS-LATEST STYLES-BOTTOM PRICES-EVERYTHINC WARRANTED. V J. W. MURPHY & CO. , Wholesale Liquor Dealers And Agents for Kentucky Distilling Co. Comer 14th anil lollM [ st * . Omaha , Sell THE NEW YORK Has from Creighton Hall , llth and Farnham , to ONE DOOR WEST OF B. & M. HEADQUARTERS. For the Largest Assortment , the Latest Styleanil THE BEST QUALITY OF HATS AND CAPS , THE NEW YOBK COMPACT JEHADS THEM ALL. Satisfy yourself by Examining the Stock. A full line and a complete aswrtmcnt of the latest Stj Ics of Straw IIat Just opened. TFS TTTTBTET ? TWA NN . -Oo ii U JJ Ju J.vlyJi lJ.1 JLl 9 ELER Cor. Douglas and 13th Streets. GIVES CHEAT BAKCAINS IX L.VDIKS' AS I ) CENT'S \MER1GAN \ GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. ALL KINDS OF Jewelry , Silver-Ware and Diamonds. We Guarantee the 1'est C oiN for the Least Honey. . F. STOETZEL , Dealer in Hardware , Store Repairer , Job Worker and lamtfaotoer . . O3E" ATT.BKTZ3S enth and Jackson Sts. , - - - Omaha , Neb. Horse Shoes and Ms X3R.OIS- Iff3 > WAGON STOCK THE BEST ASSOimiENT OK 1WHSELS. IN THE WEST , At Chicago Prices. . w. j. BROATCH ; 1209 & 1211 JanlS-Cm. HJBJCIT ST. , OMAHA , NEBL.