m * AY MORtfttfa MAY 27 1881 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE--FBID THE DAILY BEE. OMAHA PUBLISHING CO. . PROPRIETORS. V 016 Farnham. bet. Oth and 10th Streets. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : \ Copy 1 jcar , in advance ( postpaid ) 83.00 months " " Ann moi.ths . . . . . . 00 RAILWAY TIME TABLR LEAVING OMAHA EAST OB SOUTH EOUSP. C. , n. i Q. 5 a. m.-3:40 : p. m. C. k y. \ \ ' . , 0 a. m. 3:40 : p. m. C. , U. I. & I" . G a. ni 3:40 p. in. K. C. , St. J. 4 C. B. , 8 a. in. 3:40 : p. m. Arrive at St. Louis at C.-25 a. m. and 7:45 a. in. WEST OR bOCTUWZSTS. B. & M. in .NeK , Through Express , 8:35 a. m. It. & II. Lincoln Freight _ 7:00 p. m. U. P. Kxpress , 12:15 p. m. O. & K v. for Lincoln , 10:20 a. m.3 L , " O. & R. V. Jor Osceola , 0:40 : a. in - U. P. freight Xo. B , 5:30 a. m. ' * * St U. P. freight No. 9 , h:15 a. m. U. P. freight Xo. 7 , 0:10 p. in. emigrant U. P. freight No. 11 , 825 j > . m. Attamxo moit EAST ASD BOCTO. C. B. & Q. , 5.-00 a. m.-7:23 p. m. a ? .W' ' 0:45 x " 7:23 Pm - ll 1L I. &P.,9 : 5 x m. p.-os p. m. a , SL Joe &C.B. , 7:40 x m.5:45p.m. : . M . , SL.L. & P. , 10:55 x in. 4:25 p. m. ABWVIXa FROM TIIE WEST AJOJ HOtTHWTZT. O. & R V. from'Lincoln 12:12 p. m. U. P. Ei.press-3:25 : p. in. 15. & JI. in Neb. , Through Exprcss 4:15 p. m. 1 ! . & it. Lincoln Freight SS55 x m. U. P. Freight Xo. 10 1:40 p. m. J < o. C 4:25 : p. m. Emigrant. Xo. 8 NWO p. in. Xo. 12 1135 x in. O. & tt. V. mixed , ar. 435 p. m. J.ORTII. ( Nebraska DiiLsion of the St. Paul i Sioux City lload. No. 2 leaios Omlilm 8 x m. Xo. 4 leaves Oiuaha I'M p. m. Xo. 1 arm cs at Omaha at 430 p. m. Xo. 3 armca at Omaha at 10:45 : x m. BL'MXr TRAIXS EETWERS OMAHA AND COUNCIL mem. Leave Onnlia 'at 8:00 , 9.-00 and 110 x m. ; 10 , 200 , 30 , 40. 50 and 60 p. m. l a\c Council Bluffs at 825 , 9:25 , 1125 x m. : 125 , 22. % 325 , 4 25 525 and C25p. in. Sundays The dummy leaics Oui&ha at 90 and 110 x in. ; 20 , 40 and 50 p. in. Lcaus Council Bluffs at 925 and 1125 x m. ; 225 , 425 and & 25 p. in. Opening and Closing of Malls. EOUTK. OPEX. CLOSB. x m. p. m. x in. p. m. C3iicago&X. W . 11.00 9.30 430 ± 40 Chicago , It I. & l-aciflc.ll.-00 90 430 2:40 Chicago , II. & Q . 11:00 90 4:30 : 2:40 : 1230 430 2:40 : hioux City and I'ttciflc. . 110 430 Union Pacific . 50 11:40 Omaha & 1L V . 40 11:40 : B. i M. in Xch . 40 8:40 : B30 Oiiiaha&XorUmuitcrn. 430 730 Local mail * lor State of Iowa lca\e hutonroa daiz : 430. A Lincoln Hail is alto opened at 1030 x m. Ollics OJKII Sundays from 12 in. to 1 p. m. THUS. F. HALL , P. M. JOS. C. CLAKKSOX. a. J. 1IUXT. Clarkson & Hunt , Successors to RiOiards i Hunt , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW , 215 S. 14th Street , Omtha , Xch. W. J. CONNELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , OFFICE Front Rooms ( up stairs ) in Ilanscom's new brick liuilding , X. W. corner FftcvnUi and Famham Streets. JOHN I. REMCK. CIIAS. R. UEDICK. REDICK&REDICK , ATTORNEYS- - LAW. Special attention n ill be piven to all suits against corj > O ] > ation8 of cvcrj description ; will practice in all Uie courts of the State and the United States. OtucK 1'anihaiii St. , opjxisite Court House. J. ENGLISH , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , S10 South Thirteenth Street , with J. M. Wool worth. D. S. BENTON , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. AIIRACH BLOCK. Cor. Douglas and IKth Sts. , Oinaha , Neb. A. G. TROUP , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. OiFicr. in Hanncomh's Block , xuth George E. I'ritlictt , 1500 ramham St. , Oinaha , Neb. Dexter L. Thomas , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , CUUICKSlfANK'S BUILDING , Oinalia , Nebraska. _ nprSU D. F. Manderson , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. _ 242 Famham St. , Oinalia. Neb. _ Edward W. Simeral , AT LAW. ATTORNEY - - . llooni C Crcfchton Block , 111th and Dough * street , HAMBURG LINE. Weekly Line of Steamers Lcavln ? > cw York KVEIIY THURSDAY at 2 p in. , for ENGLAND. PRANCE and GERMANY. Ccn. 1'ass. Agent , 01 Brofuliray New VOUK. . Jloocra , HC.VEV I'ODT , Omaha. AGENTS WANTED FOR Creative Science and SI1VUAL PHILOSOPHY. * Profusely illustrated. The most important ani licst l > ook "published. E\cry family wanta one i\troorJinary : inducements offered agents. Addnw AOBXTB" PUBUSIIIXO Co. . St. LOUM , Mo To Nervous Sufferers. r ATHE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific 4 It h a ixwithccure lor Spermatprrhca , Scmina \\VolmMs , liniiotancv , and all disease * rrsultini from ScW-AbuKC , < .Mental Anxiety , IBM o aicmory , ruins in Uie Hack or Side , and disca.sc iLW3T = - " H3225i Inanity an. . laiiearlytnn' ' j The bpcclfi Medicine i iH /t * os-v f W . i , , , . ugci I with wonder 1 success. rent free to all. Write lor them and get full Mculirs. . I'rioe , Bpocinc , S1.00 per i icVac , or sue jack uses for ? 5.W. Addrt-Hi nil onltn. to II. SIJ1SON HKDIC1NE CO. ICon. 104 and 100 Main St. Bunalo , N. V. Sold In Omaha iy C. K. Goodman. J. W. Bell J. H. l handall , ' AGENTS WANTED FOR FASTEST SELLING BOOKS or TIIE AOB ! foundations of Success BUSINESS AND SOCIAL FOHMS. The Uft-s of trade , lejnl forms , howr tptran ! act business , valuable Ub5 , social U > ( uetU liarliamcntanirasv , bow to conduct public btisl ticKs ; in fact it i * a complete Guide to riuciTM fo allcawii. A family iiecc-ity. Addrwj. forcii ctilsts and Hiiedal terms ANCHOIt FUBLISllIM CO. . St. Ixmis. Mo. _ _ _ AGENTS WANTED TOR octt KE\V BOOK , ' BIBLE FOR THE YOUNG , ' hcJnr tfcc Sioiy of the Scriptures , by Ilev. Pcorg Alcxsndcr Croot , D. D. , in simple and > ttmrfi lansuas * for old and yoxnj. I'rofuscly illustn ted , makliiR WObt interesting and impressh j outli 8 instructor. E crjiwrcnt will secure tin work. I'rwiclicrs.joiiiJiould drculate it. 1'nc 3.00. Send for circulam with extra terms. J. H. CIIAMBEItS i CO _ St. Ixiuis , Mo. REED'S "ALL TIME' Hv "Almont , " ho by AtlewuiJcr' * "Alidallah. 1 Jrc of "Goldsmith MaldP Hrvt dam "On Time Iiy "War Dance , " son of the renowned "UJMIIJ ton ; " Second. "I31a Bretkenridj-e" by "Collo ! wiVwnot imixirtcd "So creiirn. " "AliiiontV lltrt dam by "Jlambrino Clilcf , and hit Sire bv i\-scich' : * Hamblctonian. Thi rein rlI brchorMewill l IhwycanoWl May , he will nerre onlv 35 mares ( half of hic iimnlHir 1 now cnj s J ) at 25.00 per mare , paj able at time of sen fci , Reason commences Altil 1st And will end Scp Irt. After that time his scJvioJ uUl be put J 35.00. Any mare that lia * trottal In SsM n e KKKK. AU/T1ME will stand Monday's , Tuesday and Wedn * J.iy,8 cadi week , beginning the fin of April , on Twentieth , west of Ei hU-enth St car-track tennlniu , nnd the remainder of cac \\-cek at the comer of llth and Howard strecU. ED. REED , Proprietor Corner llth and Howard Sta tuarl-odSm Er , Black's ' EJnatif arnnted a Safe , Certain and Lpcctly Cure f c Rheumatism in oil its forms. Neuralgia , Lam Itwk , Pain In the Uroast and Side , Pain In th Stomach and Kidiiej-i , to. It h an Internal reux dyaT.wicnd IltooJ Porifier. anj mhileltn tns\ the Dincuc it improi c the genera ! hcaltl SMITII , BLACK t CO. , rroprieton , ruttmiouth , Neb. poius , Oenl Afent , Omilu. insiness. Bireotory , Art Emporium. J. U. ROSE'S Art Emixmum , 1S10 Dodge Street itccl Engrarings , Oil i'aintin , Chromes , Fancj 'ramcs. Fnuninc a Sncdaltv. Low rriccs. J. UONXKK , 13UO Uoujlas itrect. Good Stj lea Abstract and Real Estate. JOIIX L. McCAGUE , opposite Post Office. Vf. R. BARTLETT , 317 Ssouth 13th Street. Architects. DUFREXE & 11EXDELSSOHN , ARCHITECTS , Room 14 , Creijhton Ulocii. A. T. LARGE , Jr. , Room 2 , Creighton Block. Boots and Shoes. JAMES DEVIXE i CO. , Inc Boots and Shoes. A good usorraent ol lome vx > rk on land , corner 12th and 1 Limey. TUOS. ERICKSOX , S. E. cor. ICth and Douglas. JOHN rORTUNATUS , COS 10th street , manufactures to order good wort t lair prices. Repairing done. Bed Springs. . F. LARRIMER , Manufacturer , Yisschers * Bile. Books , News and Stationery. J. I. FRUEUACF , 1015 Faniham Street. Butter and Eggs. IcSHAXE & SCHROEDER , the oldest B. and E. louse in KtbriiWa , established 1ST5 , Omaha. Boarding. CENTRAL RESTAURANT , MRS. A. RVAN , southwest corner ICth and Dodge. Best Board for the Money. Satisfaction Guaranteed , leals at all Hours. Board by the Day , Week or Month. Good Terms Jor Cash. Furnished Rooms Supplied. Carriages and Road Wagons. VH. SXYDER , No. 131914th and Hamey Streets. Civil Engineers and Surveyor * . NDREW ROSEWATER , 1S10 Farnliam etrect 'O TI Suncjs , Grade and Sewerage bjstcrns a pcdaltj- . Commission Merchants. JOHN C. WILLIS , 14M Dodge Street > B. BEEMEK. For details sec large ad\crtise- nciit in Daily and Weekly. Cigars and Tobacco. * EST & FRITSCHER , , Manufacturers of Cigars , nJ Wholesale IKiiltrs in Tobaccos , 1305 Douglas. W. F. LOKENZKN , manufacturer , 5U 10th street. Cornice Works. "cetem Cornice Works , Manufacturcis Iron /oruicc , Tin , Iron and Slate Uoaning. Olden roui any locality proui ] > tly executed in Uie best umncr. Factory and Oflice 1310 Dodge Street. alvnnUed Iron Cornices , Wiudow Caps , etc. , lanufacturul and ] < ut up in any jiart of the couutij' . T. JINHOLU , 41CThirteentJi street. Crockery. . BONNER , 1309 Douglas street. Good line. Clothing and Furnishing Coods. EO. 1L I'ETEILSON. Also Hats , Caps , Boots , hoes , Notions and Cutler } , S04 S. 10th street. Clothing Bought. X SHAW will pay highest Cakh price for second land clothing. Corner 10th and Famham. Dentists. DR. PAUL , Williams' Block , Cor. ISUi i Dodge. Drugs , Paints and Oils. KUHN i CO. , Pharmacists , Fine Fancy Goods , Cor. 15th and Ikouglas Btrwts. V. J. W1HTEHOUSE , Wholesaled Retail , ICth st. a a FIELD , 2022 North Side Cuminj Street. M. FAKR , Dniggist , 10th and Howard Streets. Dry Goods , Notions , Etc. JOHN H. F. LEHMAN.V * CO. , * cw York DO" Roods Store , 1310 and 131C Fam- ham street. L. C. Encuold , alee boots and shoes , 7th & Pacific. Furulture. A F. GItOSS , New and Second Hand Furniture nd Moiug , 1114 Douglas. Highest cash price aid for second hand goods. . BONNER , 1309 Douglas st. Fine goods , &c. Fence Works. OMAHA FENCE CO. UST , FRIES i CO. , 1213 Harncy St , Impro\ - cd Ice Boxes , Iron and Wood Fences , Utlicc tailings , Counters of Pine and Walnut Florist. A. Donaghue , jilants , cut flowers , seeds , boqucts tc. , N. W. cor. ICth and Douglas streets. Foundry. OHN WEARNE & SpNS , cor. 14th 4 Jackson sts Flour and Feed. GIIAHA CITV MILLS , 8th and Famham Sts. , Vclsliana Bros. , proprietors. Grocers. Z. STEVENS , 21rt between Cuming and Izard. ' . A. McSHANE , Corner 23J and Cuming Streets. Hatters. W. L. PAUHOTTE i CO. , 300 Douglas Street , Wholsale Exclusixcly. Hardware , Iron and Steel. DOLAN 4 LANGWOUTHY , Wholesale , 110 and 5th street A. HOLMES , comer ICth and California. Harness , Saddles , S.C. E. B. WEIST S2013th St , bet FamHamcy. . Hat and Bonnet Bleachers. . . ulics get J'our Straw , Cliip and Felt Hats done up at nortli'jiuit comer Scentceiith and Capito ! Mcmie , WM. DOVE , Proprietor. Hotels. CANFIELD HOUSI Gco. CanHeld.Oth & Famhan DOKAN HOUSE , P. H. Car } ' , 013 Farnham St SLAVEN'S HOTEL , F. Sla > cn , 10th Str tt Southern Hotel , Gus. Hamul , Otli 4 Lcacnwortli Iron Fencing. Tlie Western Cornice Work * , Agents for thi Champion Iron Fence Co. , ha\c on hand all Mml of Fancy Iron Fences , Crestings , Fineals , Itailinga etc. 1310 Dudge street apt ! Intelligence Office. URS. LIZZIE DENT , 217 ICth Street Jewellers. JOHN BAUMEll 1314 Faniluin Street Junk. II. BERTHOLD , Rags and Mctil. Lumber , Lime and Cement. FOSTER i GllAY , corner Ctli and Douglas Sta Lamps and Glassware. J. BONNER , 1S09 Douglas St Good Variety Merchant Tailors. G. A. LINDQUEST , One of our most popular Merchant Tallon li re cviving Uie latest ile-ii im for Spring and Stnnmc Uood < for gentlfiiien'ii wear. Stilish , durable and prices lou as et cr , 215 13th bet Doug.4 Kani Millinery. MRS. a A. RINGED Wholesale and JUtail. Fan cy Goods in grunt variety , Zcphjrn , Card lioards Hosiery. Clu\i , CorseU , .Vc. Cheapest House i Uie Wet Punlia. ers MIC 30 per-cent Ordc by Mult 1J5 Fifteenth Street Physlolani and Surgeons. f. S. GinHS , M. 1) . , lloom No. 4 , Creighto : Block. 15th Stni-t. A. S. LEIShaJKIXG , M. D. Masonic Block. L. HART , M. D. , Ejeand Ear , opp- oi > toffic D1L L. B. GUADDY , Oculist and AurM , S. W. 15th and Farnliam Sti Photographers. GEO. HEVN , PROP. , Grand Central Gallery , 212 MxtccnUi Street , near UatonU : Hall. Krst-cUss Work and Prompl Plumbing , Gas and Steam Fitting. P. W. TAUPV & CO. , 21C 12th St , bet Farnhat and Douglai. Work promptly attended to. D. FITZPATRICK , 1403 Douglas Street Painting and Paper Hanging. HENRY A. KOSTEUS , 1412 Dodge Street Planing Mill. A. MOYER , manufacturer cf wuh , ijocr ? , blind' ' moldinpi , ncwelK , baltutors , hand raiU , funiUWn scroll naming , Ac. , cor. DoUiC and Qth streets. Pawnbrokers. J. nOSEXFELD , 322 10th St , bet Far. i Hai Refrlgeraton , GiRfifJd's Patent. C. F. GOODMAN , llth St.bot 1-fc.w , i JKrncj Show Case Manufactory. O. J. WILDE , Manufacturer k > 4 Del r in all kinds of SliO' Cases , Ujwight C ac , AA , Kit & Stoves and Tlnwar . A. BUIIMESTER , Dealer in Stoics and Tinware , and Manufacturt of Tin Roofs and all klnda of Building Worl Odd Fellows' Block. J. BONNEll , 1300 Douglas St Good and Chca ] J. EVANS , WhoWte * nd lil * } &jxl Drills ar Cultivators , Odd FrllouV llnil Shoe Stores. Phillip Lang , 1320 Famham st , bet 13th i ; 1411 Second Hand Store. PERKIKfl A LEAR , 1416 Douglas St. New ar Second lUmJ pu niturc. House Fumidiing Good ic. , bought anJ soM Saloons. HENRY KAUFM.UJK , In the new brick block on Douglas Stnet , h : just opened a most elegant Beci UaU. Hot Luncli from 10 to 12 On Famham , nert to the a i M. . has reopened a neat and complete cstabliiTnue * uhich , barring FIREand MothcrShipton'a IVopl ec } ' , will be opened for the boys with Hot Lunt on and after prcxcnt date. Caledonia , " J. FXLCOVER , C7 ICth Street Undertaker * . CIIAS. RIEWE , 1012 Farnham bet. 10th & lib 99 Cent Stores. HENRY POHLUAN , toys , notions , picture jewelr&c. . , US llth bet-Famham and Dongta P. a BACKUS , 1905 Farnhita Et , Fancj- Good REGISTRATION LIST. FOURTH WARD. Anderson G Anderson P O Anderson A Anderson N C Ambrose G W Addler F Allen W C B Allen IN Alstrup L R Aldquest G W Austin C H Angull T B Broatch W J Burns Sam Burquist P A Boyco J R Bierbowcr E L Brash Lewis Bowman A Baswitz M Baswitz H Aristol M Y B Bennett J Billings A S Dr Bonncr W H Bamford John Blackburn T W Brownson H BoehnekeMox Boiler JF Beals S D Bushman W M Bushman H n Bowen F E Brophy James Balch E E Boggs G N Brooks D C Bechell W F Bixby F H Baldwin C A Bouten C E Baswitz S Bonsai E C J Boyton G W BallDB Bevins Andrew Barrett H Buck Truman Burley A Burchmorc T Borthwick T J Borthwick Gee Bronnan T F Burnette L F Brown S Brooks S 0 Barrett J J Balcombc SAD Barker Joseph Bowen W D Brown S R Bell John Bullock F C Berry Jos Baswitz C Buck-man J M Beach C E Bartlett E M Ballenger W F Buyd Jas E Balbach C Bowers L M Backus P C BurtFH Barker Wm Bedson Thos Blake LJ Bellis E D Campbell Jno Campbell 0 R Calm A Crauston B G Carter Jumcs Callan Thos Callan P Cain C W Conner H G CrowBF Combs A F Christensen P Chrisrenscn J C Carrier Jno Corray D Crouch L C Clark W F Clark A M Casper Edward Cooper CM Clark S H II Clarke J M Calm E Crcigh T A Church F C Conkling J C Dr Congdon J II Cohen J Collins G A Chambers A J Conley Jno Cliristensen H Colby D B Cole E B Crowell E II Chester'C L Carter Levy Cook C B Chambers W G Cluvrles W R Calm M Cranz H C Cornsforth C S Cole Scth T Congdon J E Coleman C K Carpenter A B Chandler E B Coulter Gee A Christcnson C Carrier Rich Caldwell S S Conuleton L O Campbell Thos Cutler S J Crcbo Jas ClairMW Conklm E Davis O F Deuel C P Davidson D W Dwyer W M Deucl H P Durnal Saml Duinnot J H Denise J C Dr Dufrene A II Dixon W B Docnges Conrad Dorman C D Dregot J L Doerflel H DoeriFol E Drake L Dunham M Dugan Jno Devalon H P Devalon L W Devalon J E Dew Wm Davenport P F Duke E T Davis E P Donneqan A H Drew E H Dinsmore C W Dr Debbie L Donahue A Dickey J J Dunmick S 0 Daily A W Drake X S Deverics E P Imcry E L Emery C J Jvans J B Eldridgo E G 2ustis P S Eddy W II Iricksou C L Erickson Thos lllcson C Eastman W L Igan T H Edholm P L Torsyth Jaa Ferris C E ! iist L Fleming Wm Fox J W Fox F J Foster C II Fosto J W Finn C W Frost GW Fries Gus Fleming J A 'renzer P Fenlayson A Fitchet G II Fosdiko C luion C II GaffG S Gray F W Goldsmith M ireen G L " Green C J uiriftm A W Graves Frank Griffin C II Grifliith J E 3rebc Theo Griffith Jas Gibson Thos Gibson G E 3oodrich DII Goodrich C S Sable MC Gosch Peter Srcer M Grecr W Goose Peter Grencbaum 0 ( Rev Gibbs W H ( Dr ) Galligan Patrick Gates W H Graham Clias ( Col ) GrayGW Goodrich Frank Gould F P Gallagher Tlioo Hitchcock PW Hitchcock G M Harbagh J A Haney E Hawes P 0 Hyde J R Howe J D Havens C B Hanscom AJ Higgana W A Huntington DW C Huntington C S Huntington L C Horner Wm Hausen Peter Hausen Sorcn Hartman 0 F Honsinger J B Henry John Hayden K K Hendrif Milton Higgingon A G Hoyt IIC HoTibsJ L Hibbeler Louis Hausen Ingwer Harpstcr John S Hook D ( Col ) Hoile O W Hendricks C H Ilagcdorn Win Hugus Peter Harris L D Hyde MD Havens TC Higgnns C W Huntington A S HoHrof J C Hammond J F HcftFR Himpbaugh P C Harrison Robert Hall C L Hathaway S B Hausen Fred Huuoniwn A B Ingram J W Rev UerJD Itnyro B F Johnson S R Johnson G A Johnson Jim Jones J D Jones Addison Jont'n T E lones G R Jones A D Jones R R Jones D D Jcwett J J L C Jowett Gee E Jennings C E Jensen Jens Jackson A JftCQbson A Jenkins Thos Jacobs 8 Jannan Theo Jankowuklo L Jay John Jennison H E Kennedy H Kalish S Kijlilnioycr C Kennard L J Keimard M W Konnard F B Kierstad AV Kuhn N A KimballDE King Jacob King J W King G T Kk-nker J H Kohut W Kni'baeh ] J Karbach C J Kaufman H Knight MA Keniston D KpnjstonS 0 Keniston F A KItoluw Rish Knowles II Koehler H Lake G B Lake G E Liningcr GV Locke , S E Ljngjiam J P Landcrgren V Lgifniau J ft Lehman W LolkET Little G L Lambert E LawAB Larsen Fred lachtcbcrger J li LoGeyt Dan Landrock C IWG W W LoweFB Lander U L LoFrancia W LcarCH Iw inmii WT2 Lovett J L Lockman P A Lumpkins R' Large Jas H Lindburg F A Lnrsou u uG G C Dr Mctcalf Gee 6 Sleyers May Mprrispy Jas Maul W G Millspaugh P Roi Millard J H Millard Ezra Mumaugh Wm Murphy Frank Murphy P F Murphy Jas P Morse J G Manchester Jno. Mount W J Miner J W O'J ? MaulsbyRS Mahigcrist H 0 Moores F E Moore A Co } - WlllPT Lewis Meyer Herman Milter JS * Mumm J 0 Mealio S X Mattico Montgomery CS Millen Mosher N Meadimbcr-E D Muiray J S Malm Jacob Morton J H Morrison W A Mo'rto'ii Madson Jacob Moore F M Ifelrd F D Miller Alfred Monalfarj p McCormick J S MgConnjck C McKoqn # Q McCoy M'E MgKone A 1 aicCauroy Hugli jicCaffrpv Jplm JlcCaflroj : Jos McNaujnton McTwigg-.m A McKelligan M J McDonald Rich McXally John McKinstry A McMahan P J McQuiUanB McGorry P McMullin W E McNaff J W McNaff Thos McNill S McAlister J W McGuckcn Jaa McConnick John Ferine P L Paxton W A Pcttingill G W Pundt H B A Pritchett Gee E Paterson Gee aterson Jas Rev Paterson S ? etcrson C Peterson John Peterson Wm Peterson J A W ? entzell J Potty J W ? lcnlcn Andrew Putnam J S 'erson Mon Parrott J B ? arrott J H Pierce J H ? iper J B Place W E > hilbin JJ Penn Frank 'oland L Pcet W W ; * ark John Patrick S 3ratt John Peacock A Juariistrom P A. leed Byron BccdBobtA RcedJM ReedLS licliards T W T Ringer E S losewater E RosewaterA licoJB RheinhartE Iheinhart Julius Ritter W L laingo I RamgeFM lofert A F Rogers A F linger FB Ruth E lowlcy A Reechenbcrg S lobertsS Rudolph J losoC Robinson C ( col ) todickWA Rohwerll lichinond A ( col ) Rhoades WG BhodoaHF RedickC Randolph H E Randolph Wm loess A S RobbinsGS IhodesHS Riiapko L tcdnian A Richmond Hugh chneider F A Scott Win ihercr D Snyeer Webster Scott W H Stevens B Saxe D W Striffles G pears ED Sharp H C carch S W Dr Sanders P alter C A SellS Slack C F Shcrrill A F Rev Stephens G F Schroder Jno Snow H W Sim-crick C Sharp P H Stockdalc Jas iterricker E Shclton F N Speckhart 31 Stevens W J < 3aie A W Stevenson G chilF Isaac Smcaton D D toelting E Sandberry Jno Sharp J C Scribncr D 31 Smith H W Sharkey P 'Cymour ' W A Smith C W Spratlin S W Snow B Seybolt G L Simmonds C Shaq > W A Shelton N Scott II C Schneider II 'tcrrickor ' Thos Stull Homer ludborough Thos Stcls W E iasstrom Frank Stinson F A Schcrtz G F Simpson G Smith Roswell Sanden J P Scott J II Schon Jean iimcon E Shaw F N 'unnell A F Thompson F TestEF TowlcGC 'urney C R Taylor JL 'cal Frank TuckerAlbert 'hurstoii J 31 Troupe A 0 rildenGDr ) TliayerFM ? aylor C T TomsettAN ? homas J C Turner 0 1urncottJ3I Thorn J TorbittWF Torbitt C S ? hrall Gee Tallon Thos Punier ( TamcB Thompson 0 Vandcnborg L H Vandwegcn G A Van Ettcn D VanBuronSS Vapor J C VanScoten 31L Vood Jno S Wood 0 S Dr Wood A P Whitney D Wilcox G A Woodman J E Wilson Thos Williams Chas Walter Frank Williams H Wright J S Westerdahl B C E OTupplo C S Watson J 31 kViutor H A Weaver II E Walker G L Wulf N Wheeler J C Windhum G P Welsh E Wucser Julius Wcad C 31 Webster J L Wilbur B H Wilbur J E Wilbur W H Webb J E West C L F Waugli M J Wilkins C F Welch W P Watkins C ( col ) Wholplcy D P Welsh W L Ward Gee E White J Jr Williams A ( col ) Welkins J W Whitlock J 0 Woodbridgo S F Witman E Watt J 3L ( col ) Yatcs H W Yates W 31 Yatcs G C Yntcs Thos STATE OP NKHUASKA , 1 This is to certify that Ihfl auovQ 15 n ; rue list of the registered voters of the Fourth ward , city of Omaha , to date. JOHN S. WOOD , Registrar. The Queen of Stock Raisers. Dcmer Trilmne. It is a fact well known in the wcsi tliat Mrs. L. S. Iliff , of Denver , is the owner ( if thp largest cattle range it thu shite of Colorado , Flth n herd ii point of numbers second to none. The territory of this range extends fron Grccley to Julesburg , embracing abell of country about 100 miles wide , will a herd constantly numbering nboul 25,000 head of cattle. Upon the deatl of her husband , three years ago , Mrs Iliff intrusted the management of hei entire cattle business exclusively t ( the ll-iJld.3 ttf Messrs D. H. and J. W , Saundorw. Under tl'QJr G 'l FOl the range has yielded within these throe years nearly a round million of dollars lars , a result that is exceedingly grati fyjng to Mrs. Iliff , and which ahe at tributes to til ? pSTBOP'd integrity o ; the gentlemen as well as ti ) tllPir S g * cious management of the business The Messrs. Saundcrs have recently purcliascd a one-half interest in all thi business and property of Mrs. Ilifi ! srd. and will continue the manage muni of li 'F part ji ; thp future as ii the past. The cnttlo ou ths Kng | sustained but little loss during tin winter , and arc now reported in goot condition. "What Duran o ( Col. ) Record. We want girls ! Girls who can go themselves up in good shape to g < to a dance. The boys are getting tired of receiving invitations with i request that they "bring ladies. ' Tjfgy are Ijke oranges and apples VCFV SfiarfiCVfi Iltjlrf ? who wil go to church and to IHIUQ olos or Sunday , and that kind who can draw a congregation of the other sex , ant who will take a buggy ride after tin lesson is over. This will , help thi livery Lunine ; ; r,4 WJU ako haster the sale of residence lot's ; tor buggio : are the vehicles in which homes an first thought of by many people. W ( M'Jfc Wk titftGW SBJ1 Sn P * ? % : who can njUp u ? } ijt an ' ! { pputtt } wlicn gtsiijach bjtfcrs art } jmp.6.tqnt a 4 who will ni P * 1fo "Jioardc'r ! regular at ihoiiuioHls , Wo WftUt { JJFl ! for sweethearts , HO tlmt wlien wo KO ail arm shot off , or kicked by a mule or thrown from a bucking horse fin : Jfiid fjway for repairs , wo may hear ! gSiu.leyeandSie , - { fjw gljtap flf grystal tear sp kpn and. dropped in ' un nasipus sympathy for purp4in. The latest Faahioir in Month one Eye * . Troy. ( N. Y. ) Times. * Tle ! Philadelphia Times says largi mouthf ate u&w to ] } fagip.n ] } } bu hey must be accompanied" bltf eyes. How a fashion can be set u ] with regard to the mouth and eyes i is hard to understand. Neither cai fee cliangad } n jjjjgj color or appearanc very well so as tomeet this new dp maud of those who set the style o beauty. It is as hard to alter tin § KC of ong's month as it is to cliang fJje colpr nf tljo cypj ; jn t | wonw wi h a sinall nioutli , and black eyes who has considered herself or beui considered by others a beauty , will , if The Times' statement is correct bo relegated to the company of the plain and unattractive a kind of folk she lias despised all her life. We are glad however , that it is the mouth and not the nose or ears or the feet that , being large , is to constitute the one great cle ment of beauty. A large mouth is pretty generally ascompanied by a generous expanse of the lips , and wo ' of such actual man's lips arc a thing delight that the inventor of the fash ion of large mouth doubtless supposed there could not be too much of them. And there can't be except in the case of mother-in-law. ATI Accommodating Conductor. Chicago Inter-Ocean. A nice-looking old lady , with -a snowy circle of lace about her head , sat in a Wabash avenue car the other day , and drew up her skirts nervously , lest the cataract of tobacco juice that was pouring from jthe mouths of two loafers next her should deluge them. "Conductor , " she asked timidly , when he came in , "isn't it against the rules to spit on the floor of the car ? " "No , ma'am , " replied the gallant conductor. "Spit wherever you like. " Blnino as Editor. Portland Press. 3Ir. Blaine was the readiest and most versatile man I ever saw in an editorial room. He ne-er kept any body waiting for him , and he was equally exact in requiring that the printers should have his copy in type md proofs ready at the time appointed. Mr. Blaine writes a graceful , iluent liand with few embellishments , and ihc printers could read it readily , Jiough sometimes a new compositor would remonstrate overit. Hescldom made "alterations from copy. " He seemed to fling his words down like ightning , and they struck * ifik } cy ry ; ime. Ho always , whefrilT titWn , su- > erintended the "making up" of the editorial page , and in the mcclianical irocess he displayed a rare faculty ; a ) hrenologist would say that his "organ > f size" was extremely well developed. 'There , " ho would say to the foreman , 'put this article at the head of the columnf and follow it with this , and , hen this , " pointing to a third , "will ust fill out , " and ho rarely over erred iiatcrially. Cylindrical Grain Cars. A company has been formed in 3Iil- waukecto manufacture the Presser cyl- nder grain cars. The Milwaukee Sen- inel says : The company has secured ho right to operate on all of the rail road lines centering in 3Iihvaukec with he thousands of miles of lines that cover the vast wheat growing belt of he Northwest. The feature will bo the ransportation of grain , and a rovolu- ion is promised in the line and the cn- ire main branch and leased lines of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul road vill bo controlled , so far as the opcrat- ng of the Presser car is concerned , by ho now company. They also own the crritory covered by the Chicago & Northwestern road leading toward md into Milwaukee , the Lake Shore & Western , Wisconsin Central and all other lines in the state , touch- ng 3Iilwaukcc in any way. The en- erpriso of transporting iujthc Presser car is comparatively new. The pros- Mjcta are that the Presser car will soon jo a common freight conveyor in this country. It consists of two or four cylinders or drums , much larger in liamctcr than ordinary car-wheels , and eng enough to fit the standard grade of railway tracks , the cylinders form- ng the respectacles of grain , being irunnioncd at the ends , the trunnions laving bearings in a substantial frame. Iho cylinders , when filled with grain , ire pulled along , and revolyo as ordi nary wheuls , the centrifugal forao { coping the grain from damaging by ibrasion. The grain , by suitable and effective ventilation , is at the same time kept cool and dry. It is claimed that the Presser car will in time su persede the ordinary box orniiu car. flic business of manufacturing , sell ing , repairing and leasing and opera ting these cars have been undertaken liero by the 3IU\vaukco Transportation company , and operations will bo com menced { 11 about ten days. The hand ling of grain at certain seasons of the year has been attended with great difficulty with the ordinary car , on aqcoiint of its tendency to heat while in transit , The shaking of tl\o car paqks the grain ulpser together , and thus generates such an amount of heat in wet grain as to cause fer mentation to take place. In the Presser car arrangements arq made to utilize the centrifugal foico to prevent the grain from piling , uud tu p.mae a circulation of ajr qonstantlp passing through it while the car is in motion , carrying off the the heat and vapors developed by the action of the grain , thus cooling and dryingit. Tlielivoliest interest js manifest in thg now or * ganization } n Milwaukee , from the fact that it is one of the leading grain centers of the western country. Thenew car consists simply of two or four im mense cylinders , into which the grain a qxnitod from the clovatar ) thu ap erture is then closed , and the cai rolls away. A pair of these cylinders holds 500 bushels of grain nearly double the capacity of the box-car now in use , and where an engine will move fifty of the present clumsy affairs , it wjii draw over 10 ° pf the Prosit cars. Some time ago two or three cars were filled with rejected wheat and kept moving for ten days , running over 1.000 mjlea and when the grain was takun out It was pronounced b > experts to have improved fifteen cents per bushel. FARMERS AND 3IECHANICS. If you wish to avoid great dangei and tfnuhlQ , hoaidps a HP snia.ll bjjl ul expense , at this season of the year , you should take prompt steps to kce ] disease from your household. Tlu system should be cleansed , blood puri- h > ! j sjtnmeh and linwolrf rr.gHl.Upd , and prevent and cure diseases arising from spring malaria. We know ol nothing that will so perfectly ant surely do this as Electric Bitters , anc at the triflng cost of fifty cents a bet tle. [ Exchange. 3RJdfiyl3.lHCMsMa.hp" , (1) ( ) BED-HUGS , ROACHES , Rats , mice , ants , flies vermin , mo squitoes , inscpts , etc. , cleared ojit bj "IW ? ! 1 ftU Rtelr'G 1inxG9 J druggist * . (0) ( ) A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. For the speedy euro of Consump tion and all diseases that lead to it , such as stubborn coughs , neglected Colds , Bronchitis , Hay Fever , Asth- WP , F.i' in thp § ido smd.ch3t drj hacking cough , tiqkhiuj in the throal Hoarseness , Sore Throat , and all chronic or lingering diseases of the tliroat and lungs , Dr. King New Dis covery has no equal and has cstjiblished or itself a world-wide reputation. Mariy'lpadjng physician rpc muiuiid ani uso'i ' inthcir pracice. } 'Thp'form- ula from'whiqli Tt is prepared js hig V 'iH'mc'litil iimr , . complimented it m thp nipst teni3. } ' Qirtfl yflw'r dFUSjH1 ! lnt * Set triaj Ifittlu fw > t ) Pf Gtat | llfi ft H ul size for 81.00. For Sale by d5 { ( JSH & McMjmo.v , Qmalia. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The JiKS ? SAI.VB in the worli foi Cuta , jrusjes , Sores , Ulcers , Sal Rheum , Fcvur Bores , Totter , Chapp ed Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and al kinds of Skin Eruptions. This Salvi is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion m every case or money refunded Price 2j { cents per box. For sa.lp bj 8dly lsh-3IcMahon , Omaha. 2nd Ward Registration Notice Xotice h hereby givcai tha -,111 bo at Walen Hotel , on I/arenworth St. . l > cttteen 13th and 141 StiC , on the 28th and 27th dijs of May , A- ISbl , for the irarjwse of registering the elector * c the2n.l WanJofOmalia- < l correcting the n tfan (1st ( ( or UIB special cittloctlon to t on the 31st ilay of May , A-1 > . ISbl. ISAAC S. IIA&CAIT , . 5t Rejfatrar of 2n I Ward , Omaha. COOL MINNESOTA. The Drifts Open and She Reaches Daylight Again. Nebraska and "Cool 3Iinncsota' are again neighbors , the Sioux City it Pacific and the Sioux City & St. Paul railroads being open from Omaha to Sioux City and St. Paul. Minnesota enters upon the summer of 1881 with unusual advantages totoarist , who are in search of cool weather , for in addi tion to her usually delightful climate nature has stored away during the past winter among her liilk and around her lakes a quantity of snow alid ice which will hardly disappear before the middle of July. The fishing at 3Iinnetonka and the other superb lakes is said to be better this year than ever and sportsmen are already whipping the clear waters for pickerel and bass. 3Iany Nebraska people have already declared their intention to spend the heated term in 3Iinnesota , but there is no danger that the now and beauti ful hotels springing up every year along the lakes will have more guests than they can accommodate. 3Iaj. O'Bryan , the agent of the Sioux City lines , which take passengers through from Omaha to St. Paul in a Few hours , can be addressed at Coun cil Bluffs for information regarding Minnesota hotel accommodations , and railroad fare. PROCLAMATION AND ELECTION NOTICE. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT , "i CITY OF OMAHA. 1 MAYOR'S OFFICE , [ 3Iay 7th1881. . J By virtue of the authority in me vested , I , James E. Boyd , mayor of he city of Omaha , do hereby proclaim o the qualified voters of said city , ind of the respective wards thereof , that on the 3rd day of 3fay , 1881 , an ordinance was duly passed by the council of the city of Omaha , and on he Oth day of 31ay instant , the said ordinance was approved by the mayor , of which ordinance the following is a copy , to-wit : OKDDTAJfCE NO. 452. An ordinance to provide for a special election by the electors of the city of Omaha , to determine whether one hundred thousand dollars of bonds of the city of Oniiiha shall be issued or the purpose of the construction and naintenanco of sewers in the city of ) maha. 3e it ordained by the city council of the city of Omalia , as follows : SECTION 1. It being considered nec essary by the city council of , he city of Omaha , that sewers party - y constructed in the city should bo completed and maintained and other sewers constructed. Therefore the mayor of the city of Omaha be , and 10 is hereby authorized and instructed ; o call a special election after giving iwenty days public notice of such special election to bo held in the city of Omaha , on Tuesday , the 31st day of MayA. D. , 1881 , for the purpose of submitting to the electors of said city ; he folio wing proposition , "shall bonds of the city of Omaha bo issued by said city in the sum of one hundred thou sand dollars ( § 100,000) ) due in twenty years with interest at the rate of-six per centum per annum paya ble semi-annually upon interest coupons pens to bo attached to said bonds for the purpose of completing md maintaining sewers partly con structed , and to construct and main- bin additional sowers. Said bonds or the proceeds thereof not to be di verted from the purpose for which they are issued , and not to bo disposed of it less than par. Said proposition shall bo submitted to said electors entire - tire and in the foregoing form , and the vote thereon shall bo only by "Yes" or "No. " Sr.c. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. ( Signed. ) THOS. II. DAILEY , President City Council. Passed 3Iay 3d , 1881. Attest : J. J. L. C. JEWETT , City Clerk. Approved 3Iay uth , 1881. ( Signed. ) JAMES E. BOYD , 3Iayor. Now , thcrefore in pursuance of the provisions of said ordinance , notice is hereby given that an election will be held in the city of Omaha , Douglas county , state of Nebraska , on Tues day , the thirty-first day of 3Iay , 18S1 , at which election the proposition recited in said ordinance , in regard to the issue of bonds will bo submitted to the electors of said city. The polls at said election will be opened at 8 o'clock a. m. , and held open until 7 o'clock p. in. and no longer and at the following places in the several wards to-1t : First Ward Felix Slavon's grocery store , Tenth street near Loavonworth. SQQOnd Wai-d Wallenz's hotel , Leavenworth street , between Thir teenth and Fourteenth streets , north side. side.Third Third Ward Dr. Hyde's office , southwest corner Douglas and Twelfth streets. Fourth court house Wird-"County , northeast corner of Farnham and Six teenth streets. Fifth Ward Holmes' hardware store , northwest corner of Sixteenth and California streets. Sixth Ward Deidrich's drug store , No. 2005 Cuming street , south side , between Twentieth and Twenty-first streets. In testimony whereof I have here unto set , uiy hwd and caused the seal of sajd city to bo affixed , the day and year first above writtou , [ SEAL ] JAMES E , BOYP , Mayor. First Ward Registration Notice , STATZ op NPBRISKA , ) T , i Notice is hereby jrlvpii { o the legal \otcre of the First Ward , Cjty o { Onwh , that 1 will sit at the otllcc ct Sluveif ii Hotel.Tenth street , on Saturday Maj 2Sth , 1SS1 , for the purpose of correcting the old Hat and to register additional % otcm of sail ward for the 8 ] > vcial city election to lx > held Tues day. May Slut , 1881 , Witness ray hand tfija } Stfc day of Stay , 1831. E , M. HTKN15K110 , ral9tqn33 ItoiUtrar Kirrt Ward. Sixth Ward Registration Notice , Notice Is hereby uitcn tliat I will git at mj Dnisf store. No. 2U22 Cumin ; ; St , Ix-twccn 20th and 21at , north side , on the 24th and 25th o May , 1SS1 , for the purpose 6f reglstcrinir the electoral \otcrsoffaidnanl. MnVlnexit hcre- ° ssi lloreu * -t ' " > ' PW ! ihis ] Sth 4ay B | ilay mH/om2a / { Registrar Oth'Ward. Ladies Do you Trant a pure , bloom ing Complexion ? If so , a few applications of Hagan's MAGNOLIA BALM Trill grat ify you to your heart's con tent. It does away with Sal- lowness , Redness , Pimples , Blotches , and all diseases and imperfections of the skin. It OTercomes the flushed appear ance of heat'fatigue and ex citement. It mates a lady of THIRTY appear bnt TWEN TY ; and so natural , gradual , and perfect are its effects , that it is impossible to detect its application , No Changing Cars OMAHA & CHICAGO , Vhere direct connections are made with Through SLEEPING CAR LINES for SEW YOHK , BOSTON , PHILADELPHIA , BALTIMORE , WASHINGTON AND ALL EASTERN CITIES. The Short Line via. Peoria Eor INDIANAPOLIS , CINCINNATI , LOUIS- TILLE , anil all points in the THE BEST UXE For ST. LOUIS , Vhcrc direct connections .ire made in the Union Depot with the Through Slccnln ; ; Car Lines for ALL , 1'OINTS . - NEW LINE DESMOINES THE FAVORITE ROUTE FOR Rock Island. The uneqvaled inducements offered by this line to tratclcra nnd tourists are as follows : The ctkbratcd PULLMAN ( IC-whecl ) PALACE SLEEl'lM ! CAUS run only on this line. C. , ft. t Q. PALACE UHAV.'IXU IIOOM CAKS , with Horton'H Hccllnin Chairs. No extra clur e for scats in ltetliniii ( , ' Cliairs. 1 ho famous C. , It. & Q. l"ahcc Dining Cars. Gorgeous Smoking Cars fltteil with elegant high-backed "rattan rciolvin chain , for thu exclusive use of Unit-class loiaeu- Steel Track and superior equipment combined with their ficat through car arrangement , makes tlii-i , al vc all others , the faiorito route to the East , South nnd Southeast. Trj it , ami jou will find traveling a luxury in- stcul of a dix.-omfort. Through tickets vie this celebrated line for sale at all ott.cc * in the United States and Canada. All information about rates of fare , Sk-ciiini ; Car occomino < Ution > i , Time Tables , etc. , will In ; tlicerf ully gien by applying to J.WES U. WOOD , General Tassanscr A cnt , Chicago. T. J. I'OTTEIt , General Jldna er , Chicago. ORDINANCE NO. 452. An Ordinance to provide for a special election by the electors of the City of Omaha , to deter mine whether one- ' hundred thousand dollar ) of IwmU of the City of Onnha , shall be iiiiinl for the imqiose of the construction and maintenance of keuers In the City of Omaha. lie it ordained by the City Council of the City of Omaha , as follous : SECTION 1. " It beinjf considered ncces'siry l y the City Council of the City of Omaha that sewers partly constnictcd in the City should be coinplct- ul and maintnined , and other seucrs constructed ; therefore , the ma } or of the C'iti of Omaha , be and he is hereby authorized and niHtnuttd to call a special election after giving twenty days public notice of such special election to IK ; held in the Cit > of Oiualia , on Tuewby , the 3Ht day of May , A. U. ISSI , for the purpose of submitting to the electors of said Cit } , the follow ing proposition : "iihall bonds of the City of Omalia be is ued by raid City In the sum of one hundred thousand dollars lars ( $100,000) ) due In twenty jears with interest at the rate of six per centum per annum , interest payable stiui-annually upon interest coupons to be attached to said lionds , for the purpose of com pleting and maintaining sewers partly construct ed , and to construct and maintain additional scw- trs , said Ixmd.H or the proceeds thereof , not to be dh crtcd from the purjose forw hich they areixstied and not to lie disposed of at less than par. " Said pro position si nil be submitted to said clevtor entire and in the foregoing form and the > ote thereon shall be only by "Ves" or "Xo. " SECTION 2. ThU Ordinance shall take effect anil be in force from an after its passage. ( Signed. ) TUOS. H. DAILEY , Prts't City Council. Passed May 3rd , 1S31. Attest : J. J. L. C , JSWKTT , . City Clerk. ApprovaTMay 5th , 1SS1. ( Slirnei ) JAMES E. BOYD , m9-U Mayor. John Dasscpt will Like notice that on the Ott day of lUy , laai , Charles IJraiidcs , a Justice o : the Peace of 1st precinct , Donglas County , Neb. Usued an order of attachment for the sum ol $35.00 in an OLtloii pending before him , whvrcii Morris Klgutter is plaintiff , and John Dasscpl defendant , and that proiicrty consisting of cm trunk and contents his ticen attachtsl under saic order. Said cau > o was continued to tltc 20tl Juas.lSSl , 1 o'clock p. m. mile soSt MOKKIS ELGCTTEP. , Plaintiff. TMrflOWard Eegistration Notice , In compliance with law and 03 per Ordinanci No. 452,1 ill sit at my office , northeast come : of 14th and'Douglas street ( up stairs ) , the 24th 31th amrjOth of May , 1831 , for correction am adding to'the registrar's list all the legal \oter of the 3rd anl of the City of Omaha. Tho- < residing north of the center of Howard street am cart of the confer of 15th street and south of thi c ntcr.oftDavenport street and west of the wote line of the Missouri river , and hating been rcsi dents of the State nix months , and of the Count ] of Douglas (30) ( ) thirty days and of this precinct 3rd ward , for (10) ( ) ten days ; and none otners ar entitled to registration for toting upon the ques tion of sewerage bonds May 31st , ISil. WILL. II. RILEY , mlTtomSl lUrglftrar 3rd Ward. Fiftli Ward Eegistration Notice OXAIU , May 17th , 13S1. Notice ish.crcby giveii tHst I will fit Friday May 2oth. IsSl , In tlio U. P. Bikory. on ICth St. betwum California and Webster Sts. , for the pur pose of registering the unregistered * otcr of thi Filth Wan ! . S. WAKEFIELD , ml7-U Registrar Fifth Ward. KLDNEGEX L higlily recouimeiutctt and unsurpassed for Weak or Foul Kidneyx , Dropsy , Blight's Disease , Los of Energj" , N'erxoiia Debility , or any Obstructions ari * . ins from Kidney or BLuIJer DL-ea. > < . Also for Yellow Pever , Blood and Kidney Poisoning , in infected malarial section * . CTBythcdistilhtionof a FOREST LH\Fwitn JUNIPER BERRIES and RARLEY MALT , we lave discoiercd KIDNEGUNhkh a ts ircifii-ally ou th Kidney and Urinary Organ- * , removing njurious dcpo-its foniutl in the bladder and prc\enting any straining , smarting st-nsation , heat or Jritation in the mcmbranoiH lining of the ducts or watr passage. It excite 3 healtlir action In thu \idnej s , gi ing them strength , \ i jr , and noriiig tiu-se urva-'w to a healthy condition , showing IU effects on both the color and easy How of urine. It can he taken at all tmif , in all climates and underall circumstance * w ithout "injury to the yitOm. l/nliko any other preparation for Kidncv difficulties , it ha * & \i-ry plcntuit ami agn-caMe" texnd fla\or. It ha * been difficult to makes. preparation containing posiii e tliuixtic iirujicrtiirt hiih ill not nauseate , but bo acceptable to the stomach. Before taking any Ureriiie < ticiiietr\ bottleof KIDNEGEN to CL VNSEthe Kidncyi rora foul matter Try it , and you will always nit .w a f-unily uivdicinc. La < lics oinxiallv will ike it , and gentlemen will tlml MDNEGEN the bt-t Kidney Tonic ever ii iil. NOTICK. tiu.h bottle bears the xigr-atiue of UVWKENCE J ; M.VRTlN.alauroi5ictary ; gov ernment stamp , hich permits KIUNKGE.S' to , be sold without license ) by dntgsuts , grocers and other persons erj hero. X3TP17T UP IN QUART SIZE BOTTLES FOR GENERAL AND FAMILY USE. If not found at jour druggist's or grocer's , we will send a bottle prepaid to the xprcss office to you. LAWRENCE & MARTIN , Prop's , Sold by DRUGGISTS , GROCERS and DEALKRS EVERYWHERE. Wholesale Agents in Omaha , STEELE , JOHNSON & CO. , ill supply tlw trade at inanufactur- T3 price ) . _ _ THIS NEW AKS CORRECT 4iltj > = ' * - ' Proves bcyoad any rcasonablo question that the CHICAGO : & ' NORTH-WESTERN R'Y la by oil odds the best wad for you to take when travollns In either direction between * Chicago and al ! of the Principal Points in the West , North and Northwest. Carefully examine th ! * Jaj > . The Principal Clttei of the Vet anil Northwest nrc Statfoa * on this read. Its through tryln.t make uoso cuunccUoua wita the trolna ol all nulnjada at Junction points. - . . THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , Overall oflts principal Hncs.rmw each war dally from two to fourorraoro Fast nxnresi 'Jralas. It Is thu only roij west or Chicago that UMU the - - j . . . . . . - . "PULLMAlf HOTSIi DINING- ' "CAS3.v , It liltio only mail that mni Piillm-in Sloepin : Car ? Knrtti or Jfortlitvcstof Chlcaso. nearly 3.000'XJfES ' Of no Alt. It funiisllic following Trunk IJiic * : . , i'rPCKrt oi J.lnev . . . . - .r - - " " - | ) IJUUUIJUU ikii ui uu urtiii x u > w t * 4iu di > viiiir i. int. Tickets OYLT this rosd are sold by all Coupou Ticket Agcuu fii : lie United btatca aud Jtcmcmbor to aak for Tickets via thbroad.bosurc they read over It , and toke none other. HAEVI3 HCaiHTT. Ccn'l Jlanagcr , Clilcago. W. H. STE.'i.'JETr , Genl Tass. Ascut , CIi IIARllY P. DUEL , Ticket Azcnt C. & N. W. lUilway , 14th and Runliam streeU. D. E. KIM BALL , Assistant Ticket A ent C. k N. W. Ibulnajr , 1 1th and Kanitam streets. J. I1KLL. Ticket Agent U & N. W llailway , C. P. K. K. D < n * > t. SAMES T. CLAltK , Ccneril-Asent. Ghas , JC W JLllA tS JL W & &iiaMj * x&mti&r &sir i&tail T&t m Feathers , Window Shades , And Everything pertaining to the Furniture and Up holstery Trade. A Complete Assortment of New Goods at the Lowest Prices. DHAS.SHIfESIOE , 1208 aid 1210 Fail. St , ai > rJ > mon tlisat Sionx City & Pacific St. Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. THE OLD RELIABLE SIOUX CITY ROUTK 3.OO MILES SHORTER ROUTE ; ycou COUNCIL BLUFFS TO ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS , DULUTH OU BISMARCK , and all points in Northern Iowa , Minnesota and Dakota. This line is equipped wjh " 1C impro * cd Westlnichouse Automatic Air-brake and Miller Platform Couplm and Buffer ; and for SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT U unsurpassed. Elegant Drawing Room and Bleeping Can , owned and controlled by the company - pany , run through WITHOUT CHANBt ; > ctnecn Union Pacific Transfer depot at Council Bluff * , and St. Paul. Trains leave Union Pacific Transfer depot at Council Bluffs at 5:15 p. m. , reaching Sioux City at 10:20 . m. and St. Paul at 11:05 a. in. , making TEN HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ANY OTHER ROUTE. Hetuminsr. leave St. Paul at 8:30 p. m. , arriving at Siour City 4:45 : a. in. , nnd ttikm Pacillc Trans fer depot , Council Bluff * , at Q-M a. in. Be suru that jour tickcti pxwl via "S > . r & P. K. R. " K. C. HILLS , Superintendent , T. E. UOBINSON , Missouri Valley , la. Asxt. Ceil. Paws. Ajrcnt. J. II. O'BRYAN , Pa. enfcr Ascnt , Council Bluffs , Iowa. 1 Fourth Ward Eegistration Mice , i ! DUCOLA.I Cocxrr.ss" > r Notice U hcrcliy given tliat -AillsitatE. . \VylnanS store , 15th St , on Monday and TiieIay , JUy JCrcl and 21th , for the purpose of retct-ttriiix the clcelors of the Fourth Ward , for pc al city election to I * held on Monday , May 31st , ISSI. In witiieda whereof , I hereunto set my hand this 13th d y of 3Iay , A. D. ISSI. JOHNS , WOOD , Kiyfatrar Said Ward. GEO. H. PAESELL , M. D. Room * In Jacobs' Block , np tair , corner Cap ital av enuc and Fifteenth street. lUwidence , USt Shenuan avenue. May be conflilteJ at ruiidenc from 7 to 9 p. m. , excppt-Wednenlayt. SFKCIALTT Obstetiics and Diseanes of Wet n. Office hours , 9 to 11 x m. and 2 to 1 p.m.ST > n- days 5 to 7 B. m. ni2 Cm 1880. SHORTLHE. ! 1880. CITY , SUoe&Goecil Bluffs n THIS OSIT Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND TIIE EAST From Omaha and the West. No change of cnn betw cen Omaha and St. Louli. and but one between OMAHA and NEW YORK. Daily PassengerTrains 1KAC1I1.M1 ALI > E.VSTERN AND WESTERN CITIES with LESS CHARGES and IN ADVANCE of ALL OTIIEK LINES. Thi * entire line oiuipiH.il with Pullmairn Pal-ice Sleeping Chn , Palacu lay Cnoches. Miller'x Sixfety Platfor.i ami Coupler , and the celcbrattxl Westmghome Air-brake. XTStu that your ticket rcaili VIA K\ySAS CITV , ST. JOSEPH 4 COUNCIL BLUM'S Rail road , lia St. Joseph anil St. Lou ! ' ) . Tickets for sale at all coui'm tailon < In the Wr-t. J. F. BARNARD , A. C. DAWES , Cen. Supt , St. Joseph. Mo Gen. Paw. and Ticket Act. . St. Joseph , Mo. Vf. C. StACilitRiT , Ticket Agent , ' lo-JOPumhaniKtrett. ASDT BOBDE * . Passenger Agent , A. B. UARXASD , General Agent , OMAHA. NEB. PAPER WAEEHOTJSE. GRAHAMTAPER CO. 217 and 219 North Main St. , St. Loute , WIICLTSALr DUtEES W - BOOK. i DftDCDQ NEWS , f rMrtnO t WRAPPING , ENVELOPES , CARD IMJARD AND Printers -Stock. 3rCa h paid fcr Rags and I'ape' ' Stock , Scrap Iron and Mctalx. Pa | > er Stmk Warehouses 122) to 1237. North Sixth street. One Price Cash Dry Goods o : Comer Sixteenth and California Streets , O2E * DRY GOODS , NOTIONS AND GENTS FURNISHING It will pay you to examine this stock , as everything is entirely new , and great BARn - GAINS will \ \ belgiven . GUILD & McINNIS , Proprietors.