Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1881, Page 4, Image 4

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Tuesday Monung , May 24.j
Patterson Bclb coal.
Gct your hats at Doane's. I ,
Frederick IB the Leading ; Hatter.
Chcapest'Hataln Omaha , at Freder-
" * *
Ik's. * tf
TiicliterK-ppp. P.00 Bells straw hats-
" '
. a4-tf
3nelbaker'6-"Mnjestics"'at.the Acad
emy to-night , i ,
For FIXE TJommercial Jolx'Printin ? ,
call at TUB BEE Job rooms.
The Lionjxrntinnes to roar for Moore'
Harness and'Saddlery. '
Whipple , McMillan & . Co. , the jewel
ers , Creighton Block. o2C-tf
Examine the finest assortincntof pock
et books in the city at Kuhn'e.
Elegant assortment of Ladies' and
Gents' purges atSaxe'e.
The most refined and amusing \ ariety
entertainment traveling at the Academy
The activity in the real estate market
continues. Transfers are unusually nu
The north and second Presbyterian
churches held united services Sunday
A comprehensive hog wallow at Tenth
and Harney streets is being filled up with
fresh foil yesterday.
f Mr. A. W. Fullriede has secured a
Htore iii "Woodworth's block , which he will
* *
occupy after June lt t. .
Little & "Williams arc out Unlay with
a bran new delivery wagon , manufactured
by E. J. Simpson. It is a daisy.
Atkinson & Co.'s , the acknowledged
leuding milliners and'ladies' furnishers- ,
Creighton Block , Fifteenth elreet. inl9-tf
A\eL Meyerulias aworu out .warrants
for the arrest Vf his brother and Augus
tus Bolin , on a"charge of Ihing and co
habiting in a stale of fornication.
Geo. Hocffer dangerously assaulted an
unknown'man to day on SouthJScventeenth
t-trect. Hoeffer'ttas arrcbted.
A fctaUTcorivention "of "the "merchants
and nianufacturcn.union will be held in
Omaha on June llth.
If want Bill-Heads Letter-Heads
you - , - ,
lmeloi > esorany Job Work , call at THE
BEE Job'Eooins. Prices that will suit
The sewer structure at Tenth street is
falling more anAmore out of position-and
another heavy'rain will bring it down be
yond question. . " *
The boys of X'&J-S hose company are
in steady tnuningifor the tournamcn ? at
the Bluffs. They practice their horses
every evening on Capitol hilL'
Th jnatch game-of base "ball'-betwccn
tlie U. P. cliib , thiB'tatjand , tlie Hav-
crly nine of .Chicago' , on Saturday , resulted
in favor of , the former bya score of 17 to C.
The iron column for Strong's 'new
building , * Tenlh and Farnham streets ,
which was thought to "be injured beyond
repair by ra 'Call the other day , has been
made as-good as newlry home ironworkers.
Photographers rmve been busy in the
btreet'j all day taking TICWR of all the
principal business houses forThoinas Lewis ,
of Chicago , who will use. them forad\er- ,
Work'is "being pushed forward rapidly
cm Stranf * buildinj in order to furnisli
emarters for the department of the Platfa
at an early day. Several of the officers
lux c already secured residences in the city ,
Win. B. Bingham , of Lagrange Ind.
arrived in the city [ yesterday and took
the casket prepared for the remains oi
Lieutenant Cherry. He left for Fort
Ciubrara to-day. The .murdered lieutcn
antx body will be interred -at his old hoin <
in Indiana , "i \ f v
11. lIAN.Jxcllcy , 'who has been in jail
for Rome w eeks on a charge of embezzling
funds from the B. & M. road , was released
at the request _ the district attorney this
morning in the sunx of-S1000.
Manning signed the bond.
llavorly's "Mastodons" played to one
of the largest houses ever seen at th
Academy , < mf Saturday evening. The fun
was uproarious and "base ball gags were
but Kparinjly ; indulged in. 2Co more
thonmghly entertaining.amusement was
ever given in Omaha. The Mastodons are
true artists , everyone of them.
About lit"clock'last Saturday nigh
Mrx. Annie " ,6'Brien , while nittui ; ; fcnih
lMrch of the St. James Hotel fell asleej
and li sing _ her ualancc , wasj > recipitated
o\cr thcfSling | to tne sidewjlkTielow.
She was picked up badly bruised , but not
beriously injured.Mrs. . OIErica's hneban
is u hospital gtew&rt afFort Laranne.
( t
Lovely 'Lawns 'at 'thd "Boston
" v > i
Irish Ladles' I * , llicagno.
There will be , meeting of the La
dies' LaiidT caViio in * Cl.irVs Hall"on '
Friday , 27t iiiBt , , at.3 , p. m. All the
Irish ladies and lady friends , in Oma
ha , arc respectfully requested to be
present. By ordSr ( of the Executive
Committee. jf * > "
Ladies and' Blisses "Hats by 'the
thousand at the "Boslon Store , " GIG
10th street.
Best Star Spectacles at A. B. Hu-
Tbennan's , 40 cents/ Fit guaranteed.
Pure Vennot'Mnplo ' Sugar. 3t
EUV HEAixjtTAKTEns you can buy
Hats and Bonnets' at a small advance
on wholesale 'prices. Call and see ;
you will be Bat'sfied. myl4tf
Delicious ice cream at Mrs. Spoer-
ri's , Masonic bloclr. Orders "filled.1
t ' * . * - - . f- - - " ' +
W. A. "OufiVof the.Great Vestcm .rail
road , passed through the city yesterday en
route from Hamilton , Out. , to SanFrancisco.
"Messrs. J. T. O'Brien , of Orleans and
John Patton , from this city , accompanied
by an assistant , started for Grander to-day
as an engineering party sent out by the
U. P. - . t -
. . v
Tlie Hon. Charles II. Brown returned
yesterday from the old homestead , near
Troy , X. Y. , where he has been spending
some weeks chopping wood , hauling logs ,
\\hceliiig dirt , shearing t > htep , milking
cows , and othcrwUo getting upliis muscle.-
He looked tliis morning the picture of
health and several years younger than1
when he left for the cast.
Mosquitto Netting , all color , only
50 cents per piece at the 5' 'Boston
Store , " Gl 10th street. < - - - * *
, '
j - ! ' " t
{ ? Vf * N - * ' -
Atkinran grinds out his sonnets'
On Ktylish hats and tony bonnets ;
lliblxins , flowers , plumes and laces ,
To decorate the ladies' faces ,
Birds of rare and gaudy hues ,
Mid irrideseent fringe he views
Tassels , cords and cut steel beads , . . . JJ .
And everything a lady needs , * * *
In gorgeous piles loom up and soar'
In Atkinson's famed Leading Store.
Hosiery , coreets , scarfs and skirkts ,
Millinery handed'lo'Snght experts , t - , r :
lluchings , narasosAndfan % * '
And charming gloves for dainty hands.
lres goods and trimming ! ! , quite the ton.
In summer silk , imported lawn ,
And a thousand items worth attention , -
Would take up ted much space to mention ,
That go to make the varied stock
At Atkinson's , CreJghton Block , ,
Which is , as you hare beardW e. ffH
How a Lady Nearly Lost Her
lafe'-Through'lmagination,1 * ,
* *
-Thinking Bad Men Follow Her
„ *
. She Jumps From a Balcony
about tliirfy years of ' age ,
registered at the St. James hotel Sat
urday evening , who at the tune was
observed tt > be in a very excitable
state of mind. She was , however ,
perfectly rational in her speech , and
made arrangements for.fhe" morrow ,
when she was to resume her journey ,
her. destination * bting Fort' Uussell ,
within a mile or two of Cheyenne ,
where her husband is steward. She
gave her name as Mary OTJricn , and
was evidentlj * a Ia3y of refinement
and education. '
She explained that she was to sec
Major Furey , who would furnish her
with transportation.t
She expressed her desire to retire
at once , and was shown to her room.
A very short while after , the screams
of a woman alarmed the neighbor
hood , and instantly a body struck the
sidewalk at the corner of the hotel ,
immediately under the balcony ,
which adorns the corner on the second
story. When the woman was picked
up she proved to be Mrs. O'Brien.
Blood was pouring from her face , and
she , was insensible. She was at once
taken to her room , and Dr. Richard
H. Darrow , whose office is opposite
the hotel , was summoned to attend
her. He found that she had struck on
her head : There was a gash along side
of the right eye penetrating to the
bone , about an inch loug ; inside tlie
nose there'was a' break , though no
cut on the nose itself , and just below
the lower lip a small piece of flesh
was chipped out , but no teeth loosen
ed. Dr. Darrow hastily stitched and
dressed the wounds , during which the
lady rcmainad insensible. By careful
attention she was brought about , and
yesterda3 * was able to give an account
of the mystery , *
It appears that' she started from
Xew York city , and never having
travpUed alone , was extremely timor
ous of approaching the wild west. On
the way- from "Chicago , she obs'erved
two'men in the cars paying some at
tention to her , which did not cease
until the , train reached Council Blufls.
There she was noticed to be in a great
state of excitement , amounting almost
to nervous inrostration. When slie rc-
* T " * .
tired to her Toom.slje .still imagined
the men-were following .her , and _ was
afraid to retire. While" washing ? her
face and hands , she suddenly heard
some one coming up the. stairs , and , as
she said , she preferred to be killed by
Jumping from the Window than to be
murdered by the tw o men. That they
intended to "murder her was her halu-
cination , Possibly the -men had m
real existence , the probability bein :
that the long journey , in such wan :
weather , had' affected her to tliis e
tent. She was found to'be naturally
of very nervous temperament.
Yesterday she was -able to be re
moved , and the authorities at Fort
Omaha sent an ambulance aficr "her.
She is doing , well , and when she re
covers will be forwarded to Fort Rus
* - t *
sel under escort , / - * „ '
- Among -her effects was found alette ;
from her husband directing her to stop
ai the St.- James , * andito _ call on Majo
Furey for tickets from Omaha to Foi
" " * "
RusselL *
Her csc jia from death is certaiul
miraculous. Tl-obalconyisovertwcntj
feet from the sidewalk , and ahe struct
it ( fa'rly on her head. Dr. Darrow
marveled at the extent o ? her injurie-
_ .
Quite a run on Star Spectacles ; fines
quali ty 40 cents at A. B.JIubermann's
i Notice of Dissolution. .
Notice is hereby given that th
partnc"rshrp lately existing" between
Rasmus Hcnrickson and Sorcn KcV
son , under the firm name of Henrick
son & Kelson , has this day been dis
solved by mutual consent. All debt
owing to the said firnvare to be re
ceived by said RasmusHenrickson
and all demands on sa'd firm are to be
presented to him for payment.
. ' V < - - R. HENKICKbOX.
Omaha , May 23d , 1881. m23-2t
Having this day retired from th
firm of Henrickson & Nelson , I re
spectfully tender iny thanks to th
patrons of said firm -ami most respect
fully recommend Mr. 11. Henrickson
who will continue the business in his
own name at the old place.S. .
Omaha , May 23d , 1SS1. m23-2t
WORKING MEN , the place to
buy your shoes cheap and get the
worth of your money.
14th and Farnham.
The great assortment u MEXS and
BOYS' clothiner and FUI CISHIXG poods
HOUSE , 1001 Farnam , cor. 10th St.
Ladies Linen Tjlsters , Cheap at the
Boston Store , " GIG 10th street.
Importers and Retailers ,
Immense Sale of
Commencing to-day.
2G3 doz. custom made 'shirts at $14
perdoz. , worth § 2L
105 doz. Monarch shirts at § M per
Aoz. , worlhtilG.50.
90 doz. unlaundried sliirts at GOcts ,
ivcrth $ LOO. _
' " "
213'TloE fancy half hose"lit"25cts. ,
'J.82 doz. fancyjlialfi liosc-at ,50cts. ,
ivortli Socts.
115 doz. genuine British socks at
52.75 'per doz. , worth S.'SO.
J2G06etsof collars , , cuffs and ties at
rod * ; lcst-v1.00. * , , *
290 doz. best quality linen collars ,
six for § LOO.
Agents for E. cfc JF/'collars ; and'
Alison Bros. ' fancy shirts.
f 3pricE 0 urt- custom , miSdc shirts'
irc ut bylthe new sj-steni , with our
) Avn improvements. JEvery shirt guar-
uitced *
ffHom ember these arc all f rcsli goods >
ind ncw'sh-les. ' * '
* . f . & *
' 2t A. CRCICIihHAXK fc CO.
Roif-ina Stable.
Tlicre was a rather lively scrimmage
it Jim Stcnlienson'a stable , Tenfli
ind Harney streets , last evening. It
iccras two young men' named Eeilly
m tMurphy'respccUifelj / Hired a
AimJortlic vftcraooiiuuid .when tliey
cturneditin the evening one of tiio.
buggy springs was found to bebroken.
Stephenson intimated that the
thing would have to lia paid
for and Reilly , it is said ,
rCmark'ed tliat if anybody insin
uated the spring was broken by him
ho iras a liar. Reilly began to praneg
around and Ifh "itopheilson ? knocked
hliri dftwn. Murphy was about going
to the rescue of his friend when Mr.
Gormanj the superintendent , took him
in hand and for a short time things
wore rather lively around the stable.
Murphy and Reilly arc both , said to be
in a rather demoralized condition to
"Best watch work done at
Helen , where , did you buy that
beautiful Dress and lovely Hat ? Why ,
at tht "Boston Store" of course ! their
prices are the lowest in town.
Richardson and Robbin's Canned
Meats ; a full line at Flemings.
Just Received ! A carload of Pills-
berry Flour , al
Ladies Linen Ulsters cheap at the
"Boston Store , " GIG Itfth street.
Pure Maple Syrup ,
A Stranger on Omaha.
To the Editor of TUB BKE.
When here a week or two ago , I
read your article on the "Land-grab
bers , " and think you spoke fearlessly
and well , as far as you went but in
my opinion you stopped too short.
Xot only the landlords are to blame
for their extortions , Tbut there seems
to be a very carnival of high 'prices
reigning here on everything. It costs
one-third more to live in Omaha than
New York city , ( where so many of
the necessaries of life are shipped
from here ! ) and at least one-fourth
more than to Ih e in Chicago.
Of course : Mr. Greeley's "young
man" can come west , but when he is
called upon to pay $40 per month for
a dwelling house in a respectable loca
tion , barely large enough for an ordin
ary sized family , § 14. for a ton of
coal , SLID to § 1.40 for a bushel of
potatoes , and if he is alone , § 20 per
month for a single furnished 'room ,
then he will wonder when the "grow
ing up" process is to com
mence These are only in
stances ; nearly everything else
seems lo be in the same proportion.
I am credibly-informed'that the owner
of a prominent business block up
town hqs recently sent notice to his
tenants of another raise , in consequence
quence of which eve.y tenant in the
block above the ground iloor says he
will vacate before the first of the
month ralher-than submit. A little
judicious boycotting of this kind by a
few other tenants and the landlords
will bo brought to their senses , as
their rapacity seems to be limited only
by the endurance of the tenants.
Surely a man must own a brewery ,
sell liquor , or be a "landgrabber" in
order to live and pay these prices.
This should noi to regarded as a min
ing camp or new ol town , wliere peep -
p e act on the princip'o that they
mustsnalc'i every dollar they possibly
can in the shortest time , and bo ready
to "stand from under" in case of em
Prices here are in advance'of anything
ever experienced even in war
times. Business men from t".o East
seeking locations , have been frighten
ed o"ut of to mi t/iw / ; prin / by the
high prices. Now , who is to
Mime , the "Landgrabbers' ' "or the
4'monopolists , " or bolh ? I have trav-
o'ed'a ' lilt'c iu th'S country , on bolh
coasts , and North and South t < > some
extent , but I can say tliab in all my
, ravels I don't think I ever saw a bet
ter sight for ft magnificent city than
riiht here in Omaha ; everything con
sidered " laid out bel
, neve" saw u cily
ter. Olhors might not look at it in
IL'c same light , buc it strike ? me as
be'nga case where nature has provided
nearly everything desirab'e to make a
lich , lieallhy , and beauliful cily , but
lhat some hi1 man influence was at
work retarding. Is it not a shame to
je teams stuck fast and wagons bro-
[ 'etr-down in the m'dd'e ' of the most
oniineut street ? But it is said there
f | no money applicable lo repairing
the steels , and tiat ! the old hunlen
and obstructionists aclua'ly prevented
the Legislature from giving the cily
aulhorilies power to raise money to
repair tl-e streets. How lorn ; wi'l ' it
take thai spirit to build a large cily ?
That is the same spirit that fought
the building of the Pacific Rail Road
and. fights creri/ ; / improvement wliich ,
/hen carried through , makes such
men rich in spite of themselves. But
why not do something with whatever
money or material is applicable ? They
say there is upwards of § 0,0001 think ,
on hand applicable to streets , which
if judiciously used , might accomplish
something. The wayfaring man may
see in the high scLool yard on the hill
a large pile of odds and ends of bro
ken stone wliich appears to have been
left over from some building , and
seem to be of no earthly use except
for the cliildren to scatter and shy
down the hill. Now if some one would
get out a search warrant and find the
street commissioner , : vs I understand
there is one appointed , it is possible
he might be induced to take a team
and fill up some of the deepest of the
apparently "bottomless pits on Tie most
frequented streets wit'i this refuse. Of
course the sum spoken of seems to bo
regarded by the mayor as nnierc baga-
l-el'e ' and totally inadequate for street
jiurrxwes , but even at Omaha prices
i think a few teams could be hired
four or five days for that much money
and thus evince a disposition to do
something. Then the walks in wet
weather : But I must draw the line
somewhere , and I can't do justice to
the leading let the ladies tell about
that , although they don't express many
"cuss words" they can use some very
vigorous language on that subject.
Then there is the alleged police sitting
around in the shade while men are
knocked down and robbed on
the public streets in broad-day light !
Wou'd it not bo cheaper to pay aTea-
sonable tax for the support of an
eUcient and adequate police force ,
rather than bo compelled to buy a
1-rge iron sofe , a big watch dog and
gun , "and hire "ii private watchman ?
Person and property are not safa litre
alfprescnt , as witness the numerous
burglaries and robberies of this spring
I have heard a public lecturer declare
from the platform here within a
month , that ho had advertised a
lecture exclusively for ladies , but that
he had been informed by the ladies
Mierally.thatlhey dare not. venture
sut after dusk without a male escort ,
rifli streets and corners at that time
ire filled with leering clouts and
ihings ; and the average policeman is a
nrmi aris ; and , like the street officers ,
5 remarkable for .vhat he don't see. I
tvould not set up for a public censor
> r critic br any means , but' simply as
i "looker dh" in "Venice * " and don't
Jiink it docs any particular harm for
inyof us to "sec cursel's" as ithcrs
ee us" occasionally.
Tlie young and enterprising business
Tien should come to the front and or
ganize methods of public improvement
f they would have a thriving city
lere. I know of cities east that have
3een vastly improved by voluntary
issociatioiis , that don't mix in politics
> r city offices , but simply act aa
xmimittec of the best citizens , to in- ;
luce capital and enterprise to locate ,
ntroduco strangers seeking-locations
o leading businessmen , and assist in
tusing any needed capita for manu ;
facturing and other enterprises , so
that a stranger would not be obliged
' all with tei
to eover a.c'urner lot over
dollar gold pieces before he could get
a civil answer.
I recall an instance where three or
four large manufacturing and oilier
enterprises were ptartSd through U } '
tllb elforts of suoh an association , and
the property in all that section
o the city Increased in value about
fifty per cent hi less than two years.
Such an .association costs nothing to
organize or act ; they simply bring the
right parties t < Jo tiler , aim assists in
finding suitable locations , and means
when necessary , for proper enterprises.
Who will be the first to more } n tbe
brHdhi&Uibit of tlte S'bnia1ldlnd trial
and Improvement Association , " for
the Banner city o' the west ? Let a
few practical steps bo taken in this
direction and in a few years , when
you have a splendid city of 75,000 pop-
ula''on here , sofar from beiH tender
to any railrwad as charged by some-
you will see the railroad magnates
coming , hat in hand , asking favors.
If you will indulge me in a single re
mark further I would say in regard
to Council Bluffs , that I think the
Omaha papers give that unfortunate
takes themtoplaces where CounclBlufls
place too much free advertising ; they
should recol'eci that their circulation
is never heard of. Through the east
the directions are : ' 'Go to Omaha and
take the Union Pacific , " and in
California and the west : "Take
the Union Pacific to Omaha , and
one of three routes to Chicago. "
The farce of making the terminus
over lliere , will play itself out , in fact
it will be roared off the stage. I
would speak of the place when it is at
it beil ; , not when it is afloat. As
far i"31 have talked with "prospec
tors , " their experiences over there
has been about the same as my own
viz : "I came , I saw , I went away as
soon as possible ! "
The curses loud and deep , that de
layed travelers daily shower on that
village , are enough to sink it deeper
than it is. They suppose that the
place is someway responsible for the
terminus fraud. Therefore not so
much C. B. unless they put up the
usual advertising rates.
Omaha , May 23 , 1881
evening will find it to their advantage
to go to Morse's 14th & Farnam Sts. ,
as we have a large stock that must bo
sold at prices that cannot be duplica
Fresh Fruits received daily ,
Ground oil cake at Wohhans &
Bros , , 8th and Farnham ? may21-3t
Stand Taken in Regard to
Them by a City Clergyman.
Sunday eveninsjthe Christian church
was well filled by a fine audience ,
which gathered together to hear the
pastor , Rev. J. W. Ingram , who was
announced to speak upon the general
subject of amusements. The lecture was
in many respects a fine effort , and was
listened to throughout with the great
est attention. The lecturer divided his
subject into four parts. Tinder the
first head ho included what he called
cruel amusements , in which he grouped
bull fighting , cock fighting , chases and
similar sports. History was quoted
to show what numbers of beasts and
birds wore frequently slain merely to
gratify the oriental love of spoil. In
the second division was included danc
ing , round dances , bailed dancing , and
promiscuous dances of all kinds. Mr
Ingram took a very decided stand in
this matter. In the third class IIP
p'aced games of chance which were
innocent in themselves. Among these
he instanced card-playing for amuse
ment billiards checkers base ball : all
of which were juslified under proper
restrictions. In the * fourth and last
he groued theatres and concerts. He
took the position that all plays present
ed upon the stage were not ncccssriJy
sinful. In regard to the posilion which
he took upon the subject of dancing ,
Mr. Ingram sends" the appended com
munication to THE BEE :
I dss're to say that the position
taken by myself in the sermon on
an usements last ni ht , relative to
the resulls of all kinds of dancing , was
ro. , iptenc'ed to have a universal ap-
plcalion ; that is to all dancers.
j-'Jiere are. no doubt , thousands of
oed people in the world and in tlie
o ai i , who are fond of dancing and
are beyond the reach of such lustful
Tliis modificat'on was in my notes ,
but was unioi.unale'y excluded , and
the omission not noticed by me until
my attention was cal'ed ' to it by my
daughter. I presented the rule and
omitted the exceptions.J. .
J. W. iNohAjr ,
Pastor Christian Church.
An Old Nebraska * ! . *
Mr. G. B. Schofield , at present a
leading legal luminary of the Black
Hills , is in the city. ' Mr. Schofield
was formerly a resident of Nebraska
City , and served as a member of the
Constitutional convention , and twice
as State senator. He came down from
Fort Pierre by boat and stopped at
Yankton. He describes that place as
thoroughly delapidated. Mr. Scho
field returns this evening.
Largest and most complete stock of
silver ware and jewelry in the city
Low Baker Acquitted.
The trial of Lew Baker ended on
Saturday with his acquittal. Both
Col. E. F. Smytho and * Mr. Jnmcs
Neville spoke for tlie defense. When
tlie former spoke in pathetic terms of
Baker coming to Lincoln for trial ,
bringing the dead body of his wife
with him , the prisoner cried bitterly ,
and the jury were visibly affected.
Baker charges the death of liis wife
to this trouble. He charges that the
whole matter grow out of a personal
hatred for liim on the part
of Deputy United States Mar
shal BalL He accuses Ball
of having sent the telegram to the
affect that he had been convicted and
sentenced to eight years imprison
ment. Baker says that this , coming
to his wife's attention , threw her into
* sickness from which she never re-
sovercd. Baker has instructed Col.
Smythe to forthwith begin a suit for
Jamages against Ball in the sum of
810,000. The trouble has cost Baker
ill he had in the-world , some $8,000 ,
uid the cost to the government will
not be less than $2,000.
They are agitating a checker tour *
lament at the Bluffs.
S. M. Edgell , a prominent St.
Liousian , is lying seriously ill at the
> gden House. .
The water works fight does not seem
ohave been completely settled by
Fudge Reed's decision. The work
rill lo continued in case no other
proceeding is Jbegun. „ -
An Unconscious Man Found
Lying in an Excavation.
He is Still Unable to > peak and
Tell How He Got There.-
Yesterday between five and six
o'clock aomo one , passing the excava
tion fo'f tlifi Millaftl block t Eleventh
and Harney streets , saw a mail lying i
near the west side in an apparently
s'tupified condition. City Jailor McClure -
Clure was at oncu teitiphtfrietl fcfr and
s'oon arrived on the spot , accompanied
Officer Black. The man was found
still lying in the excavation.
If ho had fallen in he had
dropped a distancQ of about eight feet.
In the descent he must llaVo fallen
Upon a plougllshare and injured his
spinal column. That particular portion
tion of the excavation is well guarded
with a stout fence , and at flrtt glanou
it seems almost impossible that any
one could have fallen over it. The
man was soon restored to partial con
sciousness and questioned in regard
to the matter , but ho was found un
able to speak. He was transferred tea
a cell in the city jail and Dr. Leiseu-
ring was sent for. After an
examination the physician said the
man was apparently dangerously hurt.
His spinal column had been injured
and tliis brought on paralysis. The
man was unable to move or talk , but
was entirely conscious during
tire forenoon. He had apparently
not been drunk , and the manner in
which he came to get into the excava
tion is a mystery that nobody seemed
able to explain. He is apparently a
man of about thirty , is well dressed ,
and quite respectable looking.
A gentleman who saw him this
morning said his name was Erickson ,
that he was a painter by occupation
but had recently been employed at
the smelting works.
This afternoon the man's condition
was improved considerably and he
was able to move his body somewhat.
However he is not able to talk , yet or
tell anything about himself. He is
still being cared for in the city jail by
the physician and the police have not
yet boon able to discover how the
man got into the excavation.
We recently placed an order for
FIFTY cases of the newest and
most dressablo styles in Ladies , Misses
and Childrens1 Hats in all the newest
braids. We are now receiving the
same and offer them at the very lowest
prices ; which is only a small advance
on our regular wholesale prices. Call
and see them.
Twenty-five Dollars Reward
and no questions asked , for return of
papers burglarized trom safe of under
signed about a month since.
A Conspiring Brother and His Fc-
malo-Mato Got Themselves Im
Mr. Alex. Meyer , tlie well known
marketman , * at the corner of Dodgi
and Tenth streets , has for upwards o
a year employed his in family , August.
Bolin. Recently she left and took up
with a brother of Mr. Meyer , who i
employed at Joe and Sam's restaurant
The two , Mr. Meyer charges , hav
been throwing out insinuations in re
spect to his relationship to the gir
while employed in his family. Tliis
Mr. Meyer charges , assumed a phasi
of blackmailing , and he thereupon
placed the matter in the hands of Col
E. F. Sin } Ihe. That gentleman ad
vised him to have the couple arrested ,
Mr. Meyer thereupon made complain
against them befon Justice Beneke ,
charging them with living and cohab
iting together , in a state of fornica
tion. The statute in this state is verj
strict on this head. Mr. Meyer took
this extreme measure as a means o ;
vinddication , and in protection to
himself and family.
Policeman Jacobson was given th
warrants , and arrested the parties yes
terday afternoon. They were ar
raigncd before Justice Beneke and
required to appear for examination a
2 o'clock this afternoon.
Nebraska Stock.
To show what Nebraska fanners can
do without special effort , seven steers
brought to town Saturday by D. Lon
ergan , a farmer from Union precinct
will show. Mr. Loncrgan raised the
cattle himself. Their gross weight was
8,375 pounds , being 3t pounds short o :
an average weight of 1200 pounds
The heaviest weighed 1S85 pounds ,
the next 1290 pounds. The average
age was within five days of two years
They were purchased by William Aust.
the Sixteenth street marketman , who
paid 4V cents gross weight , or $376.85
for the whole ; This is a good price and
Mr. Loncrgan said ho found it more
profitable to invest his grain in sucl
aninfals than to ship it over the roads.
. Best engraving in the city is done
at Edholm & Erickson's.
Special Notice to the Public.
The recent transfer of stock in the
corporation of "ScniBNEE & Co. " has
attracted so much attention , and'elici
ted so much of friendly commentthat ;
a brief statement of the facts seems
due to our friends and the public.
This corporation was organized in
1870 as a magazine and book company
with three trustees , Dr. Holland , the
editor-in-chief of SCEIBNEKS MONTH
XY ; Roswell Smith , the business man
ager of the company ; and Charles
Scribner , the eminent publisher in
whose honor the magazine was named ,
and who died abroad during the first
year of its life.
< By < the recent retirement from
ownership of Charles Scribner's Sons
( with the condition that the "Scrib
ner" name shall be removed from the
company and its publications ) , the en
tire ownership in the corporation row
passes into the hands of those who
have been most actively engaged in
building up its fortunes , and who
liave contributed most to its success.
The editorial control and the busi
ness management will continue as
hitherto , Dr. Holland remaining .is
the editor-in-cliief of SCIIBCBXEU'S
MONTHLY , and Mrs. Dodge in cliarge
of the ST. NICHOLAS. The policy of
the company in relation to its series
of Hymn and Tune Uooks , ' "Spmrr-
&c. , will also bo continued.
The name of the corporation trill be
changed to "Tlie Century Co. , " an
application for hat purpose having
already been made to the Superior
Couit , and a new location will be se-
euitd fet * thd business of the company
( at tlid ( hid of thS present lease ) . '
Tlie nanie of SBfilfiSflU'rt MONTHLY
will be retained until next autumn ,
when it will become "THE CENTUKY ,
though its present tille will bs con *
thiitetl fur h year a * a sub-title.
"Ulie principal titld oifft NICHOLAS
its SUb'tltlef
, undergoes no chantre ;
only being varied to suit the new con
It will be the aim of this company
to make its ma-puines more than ever
woilliy of the" increasing patronage
extended to them by a generous pub-
There will be no change made in
the hynin and tune books except the
substitution'of "The Century Co.
for "Scribiicr & Co. " On the title-
pa-jes. The biHmdSa management
will continue in every respect as be
April 20,1S81.
St. Catharine's Examination.
The nniiual examination of the
students of St. Catliarino's Academy
will take place on the 20th of June
and will be conducted by Mr. John
Iluiilt. TheW are about 120 lady
students , all of whom haVe made com
mendable progress in their studies ,
Tlie institution is said to be in a very
Absolutely Pure.
Made from Grape Cream Tartar. No othc. prt
paration makes such light , , flaky hot breads qi.
meritorious pastry. Can be eaten by Dyspeptic
without fear of the ills resulting from heavy Indl
cstibl food. Sold onlv in cans , by all Grocers.
New York.
NOTICE Advertisements .To Loan , For Sale ,
Lost , Found , Wants , Boarding , &c. , will bein
sorted in these columns once for TEN CENTS
per line ; each subsequent insertion , FIVE CENTS
per line. The first insertion never loss thar
flONEY ' TO LOAN Call at Law Office of D
M' L. Thomas , Room 8 , freighton Block.
ONEY TO LOAN 1109 Farnham Strce
M Dr. Edwards' Loan Agency. nov -22tf
"VTTANTED Good chambermaid at the Emmc
YV house. 963-23
A first-class cook ( woman ) , am
WANTED , at City hotel. 005-25
"YTTANTED A steady laboring man aud wifi
V V apply at Everett's carpenter shop , next tc
BEE office. DCO-tf
"TTTANTED Girl at the Pacific House.
YV 062-cod25
" \T7"ANTED Good Kirl for general housework
T V Reference required. Apply at 1411 Dodgi
St. JOHN G. WILLIS. . 950-t
"TTTANTED To rent a small house of 4 rooms
YV located in'a good neighborhood. Famil.v
small , any ( rood references ( 'iven. Address D. T.
D. , oJice of Ass't. Trca * . , U. i It. R. U. 055-2
"rTTANTED A lady book-kcet > cr , must be we !
YY qualified and have good references. Ad
dress Box 403 1' . 0. , giving c\pcriuicc and wages
wanted. 051-25
" \TTANTED A good plumber and gas-fitter , al
YV Bixuv ' & Wood's , Council BluHs , Iowa ; Bo :
1132. 040 25
WANTED Good girl at No. 100 , between
Douglas and Dodge , llth street. 9C3-2
"TTrANTED Girl for general housework ai
W W. M. Yatcs. OlM-tf
\TTANTE D A ( wsition byvomvilady , inanj
YV kiml of mercantile business ; high wages
not expected. Wants to learn the trade ; has bar
some experience , address , A. B. S. , 2123,22 <
and Webster. 052 2T
TT7ANTED fl carpenters. Enquire at Wcbste :
YY and 21st St. , or at U. 11. Dufrccne's office.
I > . J. CREEDON. 042 23
WANTED Immediately , a good girl to dc
general housework. W. II. VAN NOY ,
105 Harney , bet. Sth and Oth. 044-23
TTTANTED A cirl to do general houscwork
YV at706SoulhlOthSt. OCG 24
general housework , 172C
W Farnham St. , 1st door cast of Paxton's.
EN WANTED At Tousley Bros. , next to
M Fa'r ' Grounds. 033-2J
15 good men to work m brick
WANTED ) Call at corner 10th and Elm Sts.
TTrANTED To build 2 small cottages. Car-
YV pcnters will please call at No. 40413th St.
Jloore'a Harness and Saddler01423
rIRL WANTED To do housework in small
VT family , at 1120 N. 10th St. , near Paul.
012 tf
"TTTANTED Carpenters and cabinet .makers
YV next to BEE office. 003-tf
Two men to work in garden
WANTED SMITH , North Sherman avenue.
I 1 WANTED Immediate ! } ' at tbe Occidental
" \TTANTED 5 carpenters and 2 cabinet mak-
VV ere. Wai. EVERETT. S40 tf
TTTANTED Two first-class barbers , and none
YY other need apply J. fl. CURRY , " Union
Elock. 829-tf
TTTANTED Man north of the end of 18th St.
W H. W.BA1L. SOS-tf
TTTASTED To boarders in prjvate family.
YV For terms , &c. , address S. , Post Office
Eox 237. 754-tf
WANTED A situation by a man of family ,
steady , industrious and willing to be use
ful in any honorab'c capacity. Compensation ac
cording to capability. Please address J. E. II. ,
cara of EEE o.lice- . " * C04-U
T710R P.ENT House with 5 rooms , 2 story high
Jj and 5 acres ground , in Wilcox addition , au-
Joining the Omaha Stock Yards. Apply to A.
McGavock'sgrocery-store , 10th St 013-27
T710R RENT A stable , near the U. P. depot
JD Inquire of Mike Lee , Withncll House.
RENT A barn , on Chcago between 17th
EOR ISth Sts. Enquire of clerk at St. Charles
Hotel. 041-23
T70R RENT House of 5 rooms and bam , be-
J } twccn 17th and ISth and Chievro Sts. , south
side. Enquire at northwest comer of 15th and
Hamcy. ' 010-18
"T70R RENT Newly furnished room with board
_ C in private family. For particulars address
S. , EoxS37. S02-tf
RENT A large furnished room on first
floor , with board. Also a few day boarders
wanted. 1SOS California street. a2S-723-tf
FOR RENT On first floor , furrished rooms ,
southwest corner 19th and Davenport.
RENT Furnished rooms. Inquire at 1818
Chicago street. COO-U
FOR KENT The building 1908 Eurt street ,
formerly used by John Cane as the London
meat market. Some butcher tools for sale. Ap
ply on the * premises or of John Baumcr , 1311
Famhatn street.
TJ10R RENT A store , corner 10th and Leaven-
Ij worth. Inquire next door , at Peterson's.
RENT 2 furnished rooms over Mer
FOR ' Exchange , N. E. cor. 16th and Dodge
rtreets. 2SD-tf
SALE A j-ounsinarc , suitable fordrfvlng
FOR or phaeton. J. A. Doyle , No. 1514 Dodge
itrect. 032-23
JTtOR SALE New single btcrgy , fine cold
C mounted harness and tbo general Strickland
lorse for sale. Enquire at No. 10413th St , where
he Lion continues to ROAU. 013-23
PWR SALE House and tot 33x132 ; suitable feeL
L warehouse. Inquire of Peterson , 10th St.
PI OR SALE Three good Iota in North Omaha , >
C at $1,000 ; lot In Shinn's addition at $450
ot In South Omaha at SIM ; beautiful residence
ot at $ ICOO ; good corner lot148x100 , an cast
rontage at 200 ; three loU one square from
Sth itreet car line. 4 0 each. Inquire of John
McCaguc , opposite postoffice. 861-U
S. P. MORSE & CO. ,
At 1319 Farnham Street.
in our dress goods department MONDAY , MAY
32d , will be found the following bargains. An early
call will be profitable to those who desire to improve - .
prove the opportunity never before afforded our
Omaha people of'purchasing FINE goods at a
Grenadines , Grenadines ,
1600 yards Fancy Mesh Black Grenadines at 5 cents a yard , in perfect order ,
original cost 35 cents a yard ; 2,000 yards of plainBlack Iron-Frame Grenadines
at 10 cents a yard , original cost at wholesale , 60 cents ; 2,500 yards of plain
Black Iron-Frame Grenadines at 121-2 and 15 cents , original cost 60 and 75 cents.
LACE BUNTINGS , LACE BUNTINGS-2,500 Lace Buntings in Cream , Drab ,
Brown , Black , Baize at 15 cents a yard , never before sold under 25 cdnts.
Eighteen hundred yards of Fancy Silks in Gold Bronze , Garnet and Gold ,
Steel and Black , Etc. , at 25 cents a yard , worth $1.00 and $1.25.
Fifteen hundred yards Fancy Summer Silk in Myrtle and Gold , Brown and
Gold , Plum and Garnet , etc. , at 371-2 cents a yard , usual price 55 to 75 cents.
Twelve hunered yards Fine High Colored Summer Silks , at 45 cents a yard ,
usually sold at 80 cents to $1.00.
Three Hundred yards Colored Silk Brocade at 50 cents , always sold at $1,00 $ and 81,25.
1,000 , yards Black Silk Arnmre Brocades and Stripes at 50 cents a yard , worth $1,25 ,
Black and Colored Brocaded Silk SI. 00 and 51,25 , worth 82,00 a yard ,
Black Bros Brain Silks at 50 cents , worth 81,00 , '
Black Gros Grain Silks at 75 cents and worth 51.50 , $1.00. i
Black Cashmere Finish Silks $1.25worth $1.75. i
Black Satin De Lyon $1.25 , worth $1.75.
Black and Colored Surah Satins at 85 cents , worth $1.25.
Black Satins at 75 cents , reduced from $1.00.
Black Satins at 90 cents , reduced from $1.25.
Black Satins at $1.00 , reduced from $1.50.
Colored Satins at 95 cents , reduced from $1.25. }
Our 65c Unlaumlried Shirtshas attained such unprecedented popularity that we find it to be THE Shirt , ami we offer all sizes. For the Lenrflt of
those who 1me not seen it ne state that it has a linen neck-band , a double rc-cnforccd fine linen bosom , full size linen cuQV , and 1 $ a complete fit.
Vcrr best 4 ply linen Collars , with extra worked buttonholes , new shapes and styles , 31.50a dozen , size 14 to IS inch. Very best 4 ply linen Cuff ? .
10 to 11 } inch , siSO a dozen.
CELLULOID COLLARS ! CELLULOID CUFFS ! \Vc offer a full line of all the new celluloid pxxbery fine , soft and pliable , with reinforced Imt-
ton holes , at exactly wholesale prices. 20 dozen Men's Suspenders at 20c , north 50c. 50 dozen Men's Fancy Percale Lanndrtcd Shirts at 05c , north $1.
Remember our prices hae all been reduced to less than goods can be purchased for at v , holesale , and all new goods will be retailed at exactly whole
sale prices.
S , F. IMIOIRSim & CO. ,
1319 Farnham Street.
"IT10II SALE House and lot on ISth street , be-
JJ tween Nichols and 1'aul. Terms easy. En
quire at 1140. 057-25
TJTOR SALE Sc cral jood lots in Ri enicw ad-
JJ dition. John L. McCagtie , Opp. 1'ost Office.
SALE House of ( our good rooms , and
comer lot 60x140 at § 1000. Terms casj- .
Location good for parties working at Shopu or
Smelting Works. Inquire of John L. McCaguc
opp. I'ostoHico. StO-tt
SALE 2 acres ground in West Omaha.
FOR of J. Henry , No. 116 10th. 873-tf
RICK § 12.00 a thousand. T. MURRAY.
B 834-M
SALE Ten elegant residence lots , situ
ated near terminus cf red car street railway
line ; ncrcr in market before. Inquire of K. ( ! .
HUMPHREY , SOT N. ISth street. 705 j
SALE Beautiful residence lot ; location
FOR - ; price , 1COO. JOHNL-McCAGUE ,
opposite postoltice. 712 tf
SALE House and lot on North ISth nt ,
FOR ftCOO. Inquire of JOHN L. McCAOUE ,
opposite postolhcc. 704-tf
SALE Two-story house and part lot , near
FOR . Location good. John L. McCo uc ,
Opp. I'ost Oincc. 953-tt
OR SALE A good pajing restaurant. In
F quire at this ollice. 703-25-lm
"TT10R SALE Maps of Ponirlas and Sarpy conn
JL1 ties. A. ROSEWATEIt , 1520rarnham street.
BEST THING YET H. 0. Clark & Co.'s
Imperial Self Raising Winter Wheat Flour ,
for pancakes , biscuits , and all kinds of pastry.
Try it. Ask > our grocer for it 47t
SALE-A BARGAIN A building with
FOR fixtures , furniture and stock , on 10th
street , apposite U. P. depot , for sale i cry cheap ;
or the fixtures , furniture and iloc'c will be sold
and building rented. Inquire ot ED. KREISS-
MAN. 73 tf
T7WR SALE Large lot and two good houses at
JL 83,000 ; house and lot in South Omaha at
1,200 ; hoti o and lot in North Onuh.i at tfl.UX ) ;
house and part of lotnear California streetMO ; ;
small house and full lot at * 5M ) . Inquire o *
Jno. L. McCa ue , opposite postoffice. 000-tf.
"ITlOr.SALE Lease and furniture of a lint-class
JL ? hotel in a town of 1300 inhabitants , in state
of Nebraska ; has 24 bed < ; the tra\ cling men's re
sort. Inquire at BEE office. 21S-tf
CJTRAYED From undcnUned , one hay horse ,
IO blind in one eye and has spring halt and one
small bay horse cry thin. S. MOT < 5. 954-24
JLM yon are wanted to appear as witness for H'
C. Wilson. You will answer this at once , and
oblige , H. C. WILSON. OSO-25
A large brown , raw boned horse
STRAYED : front ankle bent in. A suitable
reward will be paid for his return to Ramsey *
lit cry stable , opposite B. O. 0 3-2 < i
CJTRAYED On Thursday , May 19th , one red
( O cow , white on the belly , 3 j ears old. JOHN
SVOJITEK , Pierce St. , bet. 14th and 15th Sts.
TTMBRELLAS And Parasols repJred by M.
U SCIIUTT llth and Famam sts. 7SOtf
. BROWN Comer 12th and Chicago
, streets , is ready to bore or deepen wclb.
Satisfaction guaranteed. M3tf
rjlEAMS Can bo got at John Ban's stable for
I all kinds of .nork at reasonable figures , near
tor 13th and lxo.emrorth streets. 37S-tf
T"\ ONT FORGET The successors of theAmer-
I i lean House , on Douglas"street , between Oth
ind 10th , for board , lodging and transient cus
tomers. Respectfully ,
A. f. IlSfflJ , Dentist.
Omra Jacobs' Block , corner Capitol avenue
ind Fifteenth street , Omaha Neb.
Graduate of the St. Louis School of Midwife , at
1503 California street between 15th and ICth ,
north side , where calls will be promptly respond
ed teat _ any hour during the day or mthL
DIPVni EC I am A nt for COLUMBIA
three-cent stamp for Catalogue
ami Price List containing full
H , I , D , SOLOMOH ,
Paints , Oil and Glass.
Successor to J. II. Thlelc ,
No. 230 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
SEALED PROPOSALS Will be rccehed by the
indcnigncd until 3 o'clock p. m. Saturday , June
th , 1381 , for building a ( CO ) sixty foot bridge
rith two (2) ( ) approaches on "Big Papio , " between
ections 14 and 15 , town. 10 , r. 11. according to
lans and specifications in county clerk's office.
The right to reject any and all bids is hereby
By onler of the Board of County Commia-
County Clerk.
By U. T , LiAVrrr , Deputy. n 3-2t
Clothing & Furnishing Goods
1212 FABNHAM STREET , . 1212F
New Shoe Store.
W. L. KIDD . Jacobs' Block ,
, Prop. , 15th Street.
J. W. MURPHY & CO. ,
Wholesale Liquor Dealers
And Agents for Kentucky Distilling Co.
aplldtt "Corner Uth and PoiutoJ SU. Oniah * . X h
Has REMOVED from Creighton Hall , llth amfFarnham , to
For the Largest Assortment , the Latest Styles and
Examining the Stock.
A full line and a complete assortment of the latest Stjles of Straw Hata Just opened.
Spring.Suits ! All Styles !
The Largest Clothing Honse lest of Chicago.
A Department for Children's Clothing.
"We have now an assortment of Clothing of all kinds , Gent's
Furnishing Goods in great variety , and a heavy stock of Trunks ,
Valises , Hats , Caps , &q. These goods are fresh , purchased from
the manufacturers , and will be sold at prices lower than ever
before made.
We Sell for Cash and Have but One Price. -
A large TAILORING FORCE is employed by us , and we make
SUITS TO ORDER on very short notice.
. .
" * t ± * -W * A T < qT f-l 'J-lTtt TTJg-
1301 and 1303 Farnham St. , cor. ISth.
Eorse Shoes aid Ms
jcx&ozsr L2xn >
At Chicago Prices.
1209 & .I2II
JanlS m IlAJazi ST. , OMAHA , KEB.