TEEE OMAHA DAILYvBEEMOiSrn'AY THE DAILY BEE s Mohday Morning , May J22. liOCAL BREVITIES. * GevJ-our hats at Uoane's. Patterson sells coal. Frederickis die leading H Alter. ( * * 1000 residence lots , Bcmis , agent. GOO buBinePS lots.- Call on TJemis , At ' -f Trains are'now "generally on time. Bemis'jiew map of Omaha , 25 cents , Bemis'-real estate boom. First page. u ' 2. > Q.hou6e8 and lots. Bemis' agency. Old'feathers made new at-Ringer's. Cheapest Hats in Omaha , at " Freder ick's. * tf llichtcr , opp. P. O. , Bella straw hats. nU4-tf 200 farms and 000,000 acres of land. Benm , agent/ The rier It rising and high water msj l > o K > on ejected. A large quantity of local news will be found inj-heiirat Jiage. Mayor Boyd has ordered an immediate repair of the Tenth street bridge. SellfcJBroE. * circus car was side tracked at the depot all day. For nNK Commercial Job Piinting , call at THE BEE Job rooms. The Lion continues to roar for Moorc'i Harness and Saddlery. AVhipple , McMillan & . Co. , the jewel crs , Creighton B'ock. ' o2G-tf Examine the finest assortment of pock ct books in the city at Kulm's. Elegant , as6rtment of Ladies * an Gents' purees at Saxe's. Atkinson & Co.'s , the acknowledgec lc. ding milliners and ladies' fumi-hers , Cmgliton Block. Fifteenth street. inl9-tl - If you want BDl-ITeadsLettcr-Headg , Eii\eloi > es or any Job Work , call at Tai BEE < Jpb liooins. Prices that will eui everybody. Ex-Mayor Chase was at the depot S turday morning to witness the arm al of th cadets. His 1 < on is a member of one of th companies. Haverly's new mastodon ininstrel arriveSln the city from the east Satur9a ; anJ. playe.1 a match game of base ball with the TJ. 1 * . nine in the afternoon. The"'FirBtNational bank 53 busily engaged - gaged in Mgning 8110,700 of new national bank notes which they have received from the government. One oiHhc.handsomc iron columns fo ; Stranjfs .new tmildiiig'was irreparablytnj > kcnl'riday .while being Jtaken from' th < wagon in front of he building. . August Sliultz , a carjKinter who irai working on & building tin Su.th Street , fell to the ground an ! Etruck his head on handsawinaictingun'n0l ; ound on tin bridge oLhis no-se and nprw ! Ip. The&vjjnin ; ; Tclegra..i- Cnt tw cent paper ever vublKhe.1 jniha , mail its , advent' < > 3tv-ru7. _ * * - Taphicall nnd editorially ourJiew coaf irrary is i : I'-ery respect equal to tlie nroaiises of it : About 11 o'clock lait Saturday nigh Annie O'Brien , Avime sitting on tl , ] rch of-the St. James liotcl , fell asleep mid losing her balance , precipitated o\cr Hhc railing to the ndcwnlk beloiv , She was picked tip badly bruised , but no1 ( criously injured. Sir ? . O'Brien's husband is a hospital stewart at Fort Larauiie. Mr.-C. N. Stolley , late -proprietor oi tlie Atlantic Hotel , swore out a warran for tlie arrest of his sister-in-law , Jtlre. F. \V. Staackwhose husband keeps a faaloon fin Twelfth Ktrvct , between IVniham and 1 lamey streets. He charges her \ \ ith beating - ing him with a broom stick Saturday , and driving him out of the saloon. Tlie matter came up before Judge Bcnckc Sa turday t afternoon. Verdict v.lis rendered Friday in the case Of the "United .States , against D. J. McCann and his bondsmen. By the aim e verdict tjie government get 51,813 against McCann and his sureties -breaches of the bond , nnd the amount Utat McCann is accountable for , for property not covered by the transx ] > rtation bond-is 82,55 ! ) . The j.'ovemu-.cnt had audited claims amounting to alxnit § 7,000 , when they stepped pay ment jto'await the determination-of this unit. This leases McCann about 2,400 ahead. Yesterday two young bloods hired a single hiiree and buggy at Jim Stephen * r-on's livery stable to take , as was sup posed , n pleasure trip into the country. Uut it seeun that they hired the rig for the especial purpose of jjctting "on a ilrnnkvlneh was cvidentlj' the case , for wlienllifiyireturned they luul a comrade with them and the springs of the buggy were of no further-use to the proprietor. On demanding damages from the young menthe proprietor was grossly insulted and Hljreatened a "thumping1 when liis employes came to the rescue and "cleaned out"the w enl -be "thumpenC"o'neof wliom , it is said , will keep his room for ce\eral Promenade concert tins evening at the Tivoli. Good 'Disinfectant. Some day ago , a tramp affected with-jlhc * small per , crept into A car of corn on the B. & M. road and pro ceeded to take a ride at the company's expense. His discovery and the shock ing condition in which lie was found caused great consternation among the All train men. The state of affairs was at once wired to Mr. Touzalin who tele graphed the oilicials to at once erect a shanty at Cedar Valley , take good care of the sick man and dump the car and com into the Missouri. Thn disinfecting qualities of Missouri river water were at once tried and the car and contents repose in the bed of the stream. We recently placed an" tordcr for TSc cases of , the viicwcst and Jia Jiah most drcssable stylca in Ladies , Misses h and ClSlilivus' Jliits in nil the newest liraidsV * Wc 'are now receivin the D and ofl'er tliera at tin- very lowest prices ; ivhicli is only a sml advance on our.rcgular wholesale prices. Call HICKMAN'S Hrj lOtf. .J . - . - " \VrrOLES.1L \ TAXU to " f i \ mfHtf * * I , . * .FIXE Plavoriiis Exlr.icta - . -vrholesale prices , n't W. H. Cc..r..w c Co. , 113 , ri's K. loth street. in20-2. * " PERSONAL Clem Chase came up from Lincoln with pers thecadcU. C. 'N. Drisco has rcturr.stl from Chicago. Hon. E. K. Valentine stopped over night in ih . city * and IcTt Saturday for " Liacolnf h " > * * Joc Sihon oncc morc graces theVTu. bash office after a trip to Chicago. The Messrs. Chapman , Chase , Gillette , Marshal , Edwards and Lena Dundyac- cnmiMinied the cadet excursion from Lin coln Saturday morning. ' TO THE PUBLIC. , v - You can buy your Teas/ Coffees , Spices , Flour and Sugars cheap , at & Co. 113 If. 15th \V IL Bennett , - . . , . . - , - . " gj. . . i - t f TL. % > blftcclt ) $ 'fetocTi of loir priced TnmniodHats cverBliowninOmaliaat the nJoBtonBtore " CIO Tenth street. " \ .Before yotfljuj-anjlhing in tKb shoc line palT 'at FoUriede's and see what ner you can get lor littlo- money 13th " ' f < and Douglas. J " " ' JK Durkcc's Salad Pressing at Pundt's BOLD BURGlTARS. They Enter Bisliop O'Connor's * House Three Times in ' " Ten Days. * ! What Some Little Boys Found at thePoot " Street. . "While the city has been congratu- latingntsclf for the past several days over .the lack of crime in the city/it was not known that vrithin the past ten days the IU. Rev. Bishop O'Con nor's residence had _ been entered no less than three times. " The "bishop is making his annual visitations , and tliat part o the building occupied by him has been day and night deserted. Tlie first visit of the burglars was not discovered till after the burglars had decamped. Thorough search \vas made , but the only thing the other in mates of the house were able to recall as missing was a small box of postage stamps , worth a few dollars. On the bishop's return several things were found to be missing , and on the Wednesday following the robbery several little boys playing jJong the river front , at the foot of Howard street , saw something shining in the water. On taking it out , it was found to be a bunch of silver medals stolen fronirthc Bis op's apartments.On further .search tlie. boys' f ouhoTsoinc copper plates.and pictures. Among other tilings the boys found was a complete set of burglar's tools hidden in the -water. They-arc now in the possession of the police. At the snot where the boys found * " * tliceo things is still anchored * asmall boat , which no doubt belongs to the burglars and is kepi readiness to depart for the Towa side at a moment's notice , cither with booty or for purposes of escape , A fine cluster of trees marks the spot se cluded and just what is required for the burglar's needs. / _ , - v I A few niglils after their first visit'8 ' the burglars returned , but were heard by the priest2'"and. driven off. . . Tlie household was-on the alert , andit Vas expected "their purpose -vvas 'to open the safe. When Bishop O'Connor's safe was blown open some months ago , some of tne property tak jn was found in the very spot ivherc the boys made" their discoveries the other day.f The boldest attempt of all , however , waslast , Monday night. The burglars placed a ladder against the house , and two of them mounted "to the roof. " One of the servant girls hearing an alarm got up to sec what the inattibr. was , and found another in thckitchen. She at once gave an alarm , and tho-whole | house responded. The felloiv i kitchen - escaped through the door , while those on the roof broke the lad der in their descent , and cainedown with a crash. They quickly picked themselves up and meeting at the gate at the same time , broke it in their hurry to burst through it. F.alher English made break for them , but they disappeared like a flash. This was the last heard from them so far. Tlie priests arc ? of course , very loth to shoot burglars , but they have provided themselves with firearms and will Lave no . .hesitancy should these bold fellows see fit to return. Taylor's Vanilla Chocolate at The largest invoice of Boya and Ciiu.nnEX.s'Clotliin ever brought td Omahaio be clbsed'oct at ELGUTTERS , MAMMOTH CLOTJII.VO HoD3E , ' 1001Finnan , ' cor. 10th St. Sacred concert theJiroli Sunday af- I ernoon and evening ? , t " " * * Call at Mar Meyer j" it Bros. Jewelry itoro and see the novelties in Jewelry , iilrcnvoro and Diamonds. . is JNSE DEDUCTIONS'-j GENTS' "WILLIAMS. „ " . . _ | JJ . SHIRT , LAUNDRIED , NEW $13.50 PER DOZ. , ll Which .is LESS , than WHOLESALE ' " * ' * * ' * * * ' " * * ? - ' PRICE.- _ _ ONEXOT " : FANCY PERCALE SHIRTS , Two collars , with each. SLIGHTLY SOILED , G5e4 ' ' ' ' ONLY 'EACH.- One Lot GENTS' FANCY HOSE at 25c. , Sit WORTH 50c. UNLAUNDRH2D SHIRTS at \Tl \ DOc. , Coc. , 75c. , 89c. and Sl.25.-j OurSOc. SHIRT is Sold for $ LOO cvery\vhcrc. ourNECKWEAR NECKWEAR marked Down and NEW STYLES Received daily. to . Our stock of UNDERWEAR is. / 'nc ' COMPLETE , ranging froni 25c. to 88.00 a SUIT. Sli Call -and sec the Bargains * V "Wil ' liams' " the Eonly store in the ciiy that ; "WON'T BE UNDERSOLD. " L. B. WILLIAMS & Soxs , Dodge < and Fifteenth Sts , H Opposite Post Office. wh AT H CT-i\ WOf JM13 The EUY P5At < j.'S g you can buy and Hatsaml'Bon'ic s a.t'afBiaaU" adrancc pai wliolcsale "prices. Call and wjc ; ( > jou will be satisGed. my4lf pic top Delicious ice cream at Mrs. Spoer- apj ' , Masonic block. Orders filled. maylC-im g arj F.rlwots aiid _ shoes tics and slip las , call at FuliricdoX heaTlotK ira " andDooglM. . - * lijs sary Working shoes SLOO at Fullriede's. NEW -DRESS GOODS. TT ) [ him Shoes , will Slippers , sin can ens at H. DOIILE & Co. , get It , Leading Shoe Storc.i be . - - . . Inn v r-r-e r W- .x- . * T s-caty Moro Teams 'Wanted. ice At water works foeerfoits' ifbltthc seine river. Apply Monday morning. JIc. ously "Dcnnott itMcCartney , contracfors. _ ' * Max The Saengerfest authorities have kindly given to the ladies of St. Pliil- omeiia' ' 'pfithcdral the „ use , for one week , of ihe new building on the cor- noon of Capital Avenue and Fifteenth liis ! stre.t , for the purpose o" | holding a cic grand yF & * & festival , , Thee-cnt brc t comprise a series of attractions , wa ? | day and evening , and promises to be the : greatest affair of the. kind ever held ' here. It will open on June loth. ] Some of the societies liave volunteered their sen-ices , and it is intended to carry ou > a magnificent musical proor gramme. A. CRUICKSHANK & CO. , Importers and Retailers , Immense Sale of GENTS'- FURNISHING GOODS , Commencing to-day. 263 doz. custom made shirts at $14 per doz. , worth $2L 105 doz. Monarch shirts at § 14 per I , doz. , worth $10.50. 90 doz. unlaundried sliirts at COcts , worth $1.00. 213 doz. fancy half hose at 25cta. , worth 50cts. 182 doz.'fancy half hose at 50cts. , < worth Socts. _ 115 doz. genuine British socks"at $2.75 per doz. , worth $3.50. 200 sels of collars , cuffs and ties at Tacts ; best , $1.00. 290 doz. best quality linen collars , six for $1.00. FIFTY > 'EW STYLES OrHES JUSTOPETED. Agents for E. & W. collars , and Wilson Bros. ' fancy shirts. NOTICE Our custom made shirts arc cut by the new system , with our own improvements. Every shirt guar anteed. Remember these are all fresh goods and new styles. . 2t A , CKUICKSHANK & Co. THE TWIN ELEVATORS , Which are to be Built on Opposite - / posite Sides of the River. The Lumber Ordered The Work to Begin at Once. The construction of the new Union elevator in this city mil probably be gin next week. Tlie lumber has been ordered , the plans drawn , and as soon ( as the materialsare on the ground a large force of men will be placed at work to hurry forward the erection or the structure. It is fully expected that the elevator will bo completed in time to handle next seasons stock of grain. The building is to be of most substantial construction , fitted up with the best and latest machinery. JDfllonville lsy after all , to have her | much talked of elevator. It will pain the-peoplo of our , neighboring town to' ' knpw that it is to be operated by citi zens of Omaha. The new structure will be , under the charge of Messrs. John McConnick and D. S. Barrigerj pro prietors of the , old Omaha elevator. i1 will-be of about the same size as ] the Union elevator , the plans having been substantially cut down since tho'inception of the enterprise. Tlie late floods have demonstrated that a last stone foundation will not be secure , and the structure at Dillonville will be mounted on piles. The lumber was purchased ' early this week in Chicago , and the work will be pushed forward with all haste. IVaf Omaha is to be congratulated that after all she is practically to have two elevators , run by Omaha men , and , we trust , in Omaha s interests. Auorbach's Keller , under State Rink , this evening grand concert by Hoffman's full orchestra. i BLACK-DHAUGHT" makes chills anil fever impossible. At C. F. Goodman's. J The largest variety of Gold Watch-1 es , Chains , Bracelets , Silverware , Clocks , etc. , just received and will be sold cheap by Max Meyer Bro. at The U. P. band at the Tivoli this evenng. Max Meyer & Co.'s name on cigars a guarantee of their good quality. Another largo invoice of Ladies' rec and Children's Trimmed Hats , just re chi ceived ai.tho "Boston store , " BIG goi .Tenth street. . . Burnett's Flavoring Extracts at Pundt's. Just received at W. L. Kidd's , a large stosk of ladies' finest French Rid hand-made Boots. Prices lower i No than ever seen in Omaha. I * All kinds-of Cigarettes nnd Smok See ing Tobacco at Max Meyer it Go's. Bu qui Jjadies' Shade Hats at the "Boston Lai slore , " C16 Tenth street. i , FULL LINES of the out JE. & W. Ho COLLARS & -CUFFS.at du L. B. WILLIAMS & Soxs. sell Dodge and Fifteenth Sts. the | Fri 'Mattel Olive Oil at Pundt's. I pa A dollar saved a dollar made ! Go yoi W. L. Kidd's for Roots and Shoes. firs Ladies' Ties 75c and $1.00 , at Full riede's ! bio Go Soft , Shoes for tender feet at Kidd's Shoe Store , Jacob's block. Att % 1NE.OF CARDUI" for Ladies only. On At C. F. Goodman's. Eo JfEAV ICE CHEAM PARLOR. Bin Mr. B. G. Mauss has secured Mk Hospe's old-stand , 1518 Dodge street , Tas i which he has fitted up in fine style. iVnd fn rooms liavc been nicely painted jn furnished new throughout. The _ parlor is neat , cool and cozy , the floor Mil XlOj covered { with a brirht rich carpet. The Rue pictures and highly polished marble ; Anc tables give the place an inviting Dress appearance. Mr. Mauss has been engaged - Ins [ gaged i for some time in the confection Anc : and ice cream business on Doug- Chat 01 streetwlierelie enjoyed lucrative , a At. trade."Finding his rooms too'small for At.Ti increasing trade ho found it neces Om to move to more commodious cjuariers 5 , where ho invites his old friends and patrons to call and see. ' Bros. , and hopes'to secure new patrons , large stock of confectionary all be new and fresh , and only de lion sirable candies will be liandled. New evei zondics jrill be received daily , giving Jo.'s sas'tomers. an opportunity-to always good goods. Fine ice cream will jnade a specialty. Mr. Manss will Me ] himself-superintend the making of the "creanf , which will be pure , whole- " nnd delicious. . Everybody is in- and rltcd'fo cj.U'and'a.l will" b < T courte pap treated. igned The 'finest Cigars in tlie west are Ma ] Meyer & Co.'s. i Runa-cray. | eacl Shortly af tec 12 o'clock this after treet. , w William Lchr was driving team loaded with slonq , into the jxcavation of Boyd's opera house , : he Jaker rcechuig gave way , throwing the hero ivagon upon tlie horses' heels and tins starting them on the run. The king bolt broke and the team started on a wild race down Faniam street clearing the street of vehicles and only bring- ingjup at the corner of Ninth , where one of the horses broke through the soft earth of the water pipe trench and brought the oilier to the ground. Neither of the animals waqseriosly in jured. S. P. MORSE & CO. 1310Farnham Street ' ' ! > OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. , Saturday , May 21st. Monday , May23rdT ' " Will bo found the following bar gains , which cannot bo duplicated. An early call will be profitable to those who desire to improve the opportunity never before offered our Omaha peoplb to purchase FJXE coobs at a GREAT SLAUGHTER CI1EXADIXES , CKEXADIXES , 1000 yards Fancy Mesh Black Gren adines at 5 cents a yard in perfect order original cost 35 cents a yard ; 2,000 yards of plain Black Iron- Frame Grenadines at 10 cents a yard , original cost at wholesale , 00 cents ; 2,500 yards of plain Black Iron-Frame Grenadines at 12 1-2 and 15 cents , original cost CO to 75 cents. Lace Buntings , Lace Huntings , 2,500 yards Lace Bunting in cream drab , brown , blackj baize at-15 cents a yard never before sold under 25 cents. SILKS , . FANCY BLACK SILKS. Eighteen hundred yards of fancy Silks in gold bronze , garnet and gold , steel and black , etc. . at 25 cents a yard worth $1.00 and $1.25. Fifteen hundred yards fancy sum mer silks in myrtle and gold , brown and gold , plum and garnet , etc. , at 37i cents a yard , usual price 55 to 7t con s. Twelve hundred yards fine higl : colored summer silks , at 45 cents s yard , usually sold at SO cents to $1.00. Three hundred yards colored silk brocade at 50 cents , always sold al $1.00 and $1.25. 1000 yards Black Sjlk Armurc Bro cades and stripes at fifty cents a yard worth $1.25. Black and colored Brocaded Silk 3LOO and $1.25 , worth $2.00 a yard , Ufack Gros Grain Silks at fifty cents , worth $1.00. Black Gros Grain Silks at .seventy five cents and $1.00 , worth $ L50. Black Cashmere Finish Silks $1.25 worth $1.75 Black Satin do Lyon $1.25r worth $1.75. Black and colored Surah 'Satins at eighty-five cents , worth § 1.25. .Black Satins at ninety cents , re duced ' fron $1.25. Black Satins at $1.00 , reduced from ' $1.50. ' Colored Satins at ninety-five cents , reduced from $1.25. MENS' FURNISHING GOODS. 05 cent UXLAUNDEIED SHIRTS. Our 03 cent unlaundried shirt has attained such unprecedented popular ity that wo find it to be THE shirt , and we offer all sizes. For'the benefit of those who have notseen it we state that it has a linen neck-band , a double re-in-forced fine linen "bosom , full size linen cuffs , and is a complete Titv MEN'S COLLARS , MEN'S CUFFS , best 4-ply linen collars , Aith extra worked button holes , new shapes and styles , $1.50 a dozen , size 14 to'18 inch. "Very best 4-ply linen cuffs , 10. * to 111-2 inch , $2.50 a dozen. CELLULOID COLLARS , CELLULOID CUFFS. We offer a full line of all the new' celluloid goods , very fine , sdft and pliable , witlucinforccd button holes , exactly wholesale prices , 25 dozen men's suspenders at 20 cents , worth 50 cents. 50 dozen men's fancy percale laun- dried shirts at 05 cents , worth $1.00. Remember our prices liavo all been reduced to less than goods can be pur chased for at wholesale , and _ all new goods will be retailed at exactly wholesale sal prices. S. P. MORSE & CO. , 1319 FaCnam Street. G. &D. Queen Olives at Pun'dt's. : IT IS AFACT ; f * ' - such value in Dry Goods'can be ' found anywhere equal tp Bushman's < Dross Goods at lOc ; -'all iwoM at 18c all wool cai Buntings ; yard and quarter wide at oOcj ditto aGoc' su Ladies Hose .it 5c per pair , not sol en elsewhere at less thaml5c. We closed de a iobber's stock of Ladies Fine ha Hose ana are oiicnng some rare in of duccmcnts. < Our Summer Silks arc ing selling very fast ; see them before sai they are all gone. In Ornaments on Fringes , Buttons , Tassels , Cords ni Passamentcrics. You will find it to bil your interest to 'call ai Bushman's boi first. pn first.At cat At Kidd's Shoe Store , in Jacob's ra bloclr , is tha cheapest place to buy. raUK Goand see. . and r TL. am /MACHINE POETRY. t , _ /7T " 5 A.tkinson grinds out his sonnets ture stylish hats and tony bonnets ; air Ribbons , flowers , plumes and laces , fee decorate the ladies' faces , sol Birds of rare and gaudy hues , cca irridescent fringe he views i jm FasseK cords and cut steel beads I _ i ! -i -i j uni everything a lady needs gorgeous piles loom up and soar ins Atkinson's famed Leading Store. ma Hosiery , corsct3J.scarfs and skirktc , wich Milliner } ' handed by bright experts , to Ruchings , parasols and fan' , ing charming gloves for dainty hands. stn goods and trimmings , quite the ton. man summer silk , imported lawn , sion a thousand items worth attention . - 2xit iVould take up too much space to mention , go tomakethe.yaned.itoci ami Atkinson' , CreJghtpnjBlock , Suite iVhich'Lj , as , you nave heard before , to maha's.Leadipg Millinery Store. toby t > ' " 24-tf ic , rith Ground oil. oako at Wclfhans & " whi . 8th * , andFdrnham ? may21-3t * - . - r : . teiu 17 * ' i > ; hese S V * M Comblnatiqn 13 thebestguccjgarand Jl land-made best lOc cigar. For sale us , iverywhere. Ask for Max Meyer & 'oice ' Cigars. in ingin gin ; Fresh Imported Cigars at Maxu he ileyer & Co.'s. Nowtcrop Cv" Z " * i * ' - tut Twen i-EwDollars Howard teat no questions asked , for return of lapers buiHlanzcd trom safe of under- l3C01 about a-njontli-mncQ. . > " JaylO Ct. . > t ; J ' Hp BiE Bnos. ? ' fbl'dc % J * i j * s J Hese Mens' and Boys' Straw Hats , 10c nun , at the "Boston store , " GIG Tenth ; en . iffic iqu Xco Bator's Trial. " the The jury is out in the case of Lee life in the United States court , and ittcvc ; ive is little likelihood of a verdict vcT afternoon. iun i HE CADETS HAVE COME. They Arrive in the CilyJTnder' Pleasant Auspices. How They Will Be Entertained "While They Remain Here. lAtll:20o'clock ? Saturday morning a gaily decorated tram containing the University cadets of Lincoln , steamed Lito the Union Pacific depot. There was quite a large crowd'present to witness [ their arrival , including a number of ladies. The city military had intended to give the boys a rousing reception upon - on their arrival , but it was found im possible < oi' many of tha gentlemen connected with the ors.2.Uion ( o get away from business. The conseQ qilence w.w that tlio c. cts were sim ply met by a delegation of company G , consisting of L'calciJi'S E. ] ) . McLaughlin , Corporal 0 B. DeGroat , and-Private B. F. JJcCreai. Tlie engine attached to the train upon which the Cji'cii ' airived , was gaily decorated. T''c ' entire tender was swathed in a iu-color of red white and black. The pilot of the locomotive was almost hidden by green wreaths , bunting and fancy colored ribbons. The Cadets were accompanied on their trip to this city by a large party 'of friends including a number of ladies. Immediately when thotrain stopped Lieut. McLaughlin stepped forward and welcomed Lieut. Webster , com mandant at the university , in the name of Co. G. lie then invited .the visitors to accompany the escort to the C.vnfield house so that they might be suitably entertained. The companies were formed into | fours , and marched down to the Can- field house , M 1'erc they atoncestacked I amis and passed inside to partake of dinner. Ati'ci" that repast had been thoroughly discussed , the line was reformed and the visitors marched in a body to the armory of Company G. Late in the afternoon the cadets will drill in the new court house square , and return home to Lincoln to-night. The tram containing the cadets | made but a single stop on , the way here. At Wahoo they indulged in < a brief street parade. Tlie cadets are a credit to their - stitution , and show evidence of a de-1 cided military training. The day is | exceedingly pleasant for a parade , and with all nature in accord with them , a decidedly fine exhibition may be expected. visiting cadets consisted of two companies , which for the occasion had been formed into four. They i . , , , , . . . " I i .i < -PI mustered all told about fifty men. The officers of the two original coni- panics , A and B , are B. B. Davis , captain - tain ; C. C. Chase , first lieutenant , and H. W. Harrington , second lieutenant of A company , and C. A. Pierce , cap tain ; H. W. Olmstead , fhsfr lieuten ant , and N. Z. Sncll , secjond lieutcii ; ant B company. The cadets were ac companied by the regular University band , consisting of eleven pieces , Will O. Jones , ' leader , with Lieut. Harrington acting as drum major. Tlie band was very handsomely uni formed in gray , while the members of the companies wore trim-looking mili tary jackets. The following ladies and gentlemen accompanied the cadets from Lincoln : Misses rLena Marshall , LoU. Edwards , Anna Gillette , Effa Chase , Hattic Funke , Fanny McManigal and Clove Lauib ; Messrs. Dan. Wheeler , J. H. Parker , John Hartman , Joe Chap man , Harry Whitmore , Herbert Ben ! ton , W. J. Lamb , Jolin pjimlj. and E. ' T3l Wliitmoro of The.Ljncoln Jour- nal. J" * - * SOCIAL SALT. To Season the Tailing : : of a Spring's Festivities. And Add Zest to the Picnic Time. Biwa THE HUMMER SEASON. wa The season for indoor social pleasures at atF. sures , the" mazy waltz and the amazing F. F.wi Racquelte , " has nearly drawn to a wi close. The "crash" covering for the carpets will soon be laid away for the CO suiiimer , and thoughts of lawn and sk croquet parties will shortly be the or 3U der of the day. The gentlemen are br hardening their hands in , anticipation of ofme putting up picnic swings and carry me ; hampers of cold chicken and ham am sandwiches , and are swearing off po their little extravagances to im meet ( the certainty of heavy livery cat bills. The ladies have taken the cook he books from the shelf , and will soon the produce custard pies and chocolate bu cake , which ind'geslibles they will me radiantly < exhibit as their result of. his their own handiwork. Club parties cor "Germans , " "Kottlodums , " and coa "At ! Homes , " are taking their depar io give way to out door and open amusements. Even , tlic caterers the influence of the cliango. The cor solitary oyster no longer playfully c6n- ° ccals himso'f at the bottom of a large and tureen of soup , or hides his form under a covering of crackers. The ton insatiable female craving for ice cream < 3. ! make itself felt , while the -cold sand ; becomes an indispons'blo ' adjuct every < well rojulated social gather . And now , too , the season of ind strawberry f estivals inveigle the young into the churches it here admis len can be gained for fifty cents. , and ot for a considerably larger imouni. Attendance upon tie ? Sunday schools will shortly begin : own increase upon the announcement the suDerintendenfof the annual picnic , , and the teachers look forward dread , to tlio possible accidents Lot nrliich may bofal their charges upon occasions. Tlie summer social season is upon Smi and with it and its pleasures the of the lover will soon bo hoard the land and the spites will bc- to creak and squeak under heavy .weight of two souls , with proi a single thought , \v \ ) hearts | hat ng as one. one.CLOSING CLOSING THE citrus. > H During the winter "club's" have trumps. e "Pleasant Hours" which is tlie and -perhaps the strongest of social organizations in our city , tumbcring fifty members , has given parties at Masonic hall under the fficient management of Mrr C. E. iquircs. These occasions have , been most enjoyable in the history of club and have been unusally well ttended. Tlie "Pleasant Hours' ' no- more parties this , season. The "Entre Novts. " gave their usual lumber of. 'Germans' durpitjthe - sft- | son just drawn to a close. The series is said to have surpassed any hereto ' fore given by tlrs flourishing organiz ation which confines its members to twelve couple. ' Tl-e "Imperial club" has also closed the doors after a most successful sea son in which nine most enjoyable par ties M ere given by ilio management. The "Standard" proposes early next month to open the summer season with a picnic and steamboat excursion up the river. This organization , which is proprietor of its own quarters in Backer's Block , lias given 12 parties during the past season and closes its books with a full membership and well filled treasury. Tl-e "Sans Ceremonie , " ihe young est of our social organizations , finish ed its first season two weeks ago With their nhilh party. The club is com- poced o" young fol's , most of whom are also members of the "Pleasant Hours. ! " At a recent elect-on the fol lowing officers were chosen for the en- si'ing year : John Carrier , president ; | C. Morgan , vice-president ; Will Wil bur , secretary and treasurer. SOCIAL SPLIXZEES. A farewell whist party was given to Mr W. C , Kenyon by several of his Oliicago street friends on Monday eve ning at the residence of Mr. Jolin Wilbur. The social and strawberry festival at the Congregational church parlors on Thursday evening was well attended. The members of the Chi istian church held a sociable at the residence of Rev. Mr. Ingram on Thursday evening. A large number of young people attend ed and united in pronouncing the oc casion a most enjoyable one. The gentlemen at Mr. Ambrose's gave a parlor sociable on Friday evening in honor of Miss Churchill. Eight couple were in attendance. The gentlemen of the "Entre Nous" club arc preparing to give a Gcnuan next Wednesday evening at the residence of Mr. John McCormick. One of the'new ' and novel features of the instillation of officers of the U. C. L. A. will be a "Woman's Dress Reform Convention , " in which fifteen lady members will participate in cos tume. The installation will take place Tuesday , May 31. VEDDIXG BELLS. The spacious residence of Mr. and Mrs. McLain , was filled with guests upon tlie occasion of the mar riage of their daughter , Miss Alice , with R. E. Jonas , Esq. , on the 17th inst. Rev. J. B" Max- fold performed the .ceremony , using the impressive service of the church. The wedding gifts frominvitcdgucsts , Mere very costly and profuse. Take it all in all it was a most happy event , ana mil bo long remembered * Mr. Junaj , the , groom , is a young merchant of : Cameron , , Mo , , of eminent social and. financial standing. The future home of the happy pair will be at the above place , for which they left the same evening. All wish "them a hap py bon voyage across the sea of wedd ed < life. POLITE PEEbONALITIES. Miss Fanny Grecnhow left on Wednesday for Charlottesville , Va. , where she will spend the summer with friends. Tlie Misses Touzalin and Floyd , un der < escort of Justice Miller , of the United States supreme couit , and Mr. Toucey , of the B. &M.R. R. , left yesterday . ( in a special cav for San Fran cisco , where they will spend three weeks. Miss Belle Jowett , who has been making a protracted visit in Chicago , is expected home during the coining week. week.Miss Hoyt , of Ulica/V. Y. , who , has been spending the winter in Omplia 03 the guest of Mr. L. M. Dennett , returned to her home to day. Miss Hnyt has made many friends in our city who will regret her depart ure. ure.The The Misses Minnie Richardson and Grace Chambers return to Omaha to morrow from a two weeks trip to Den _ ver , where they have been visiting M't > s Carrie Bishop. * * Miss ; Churchill , of , California , is pay ing a visit i to Miss MayChurchill , in this city. She leaves next week for Mew York. city. Letters from Hon. John R. Man chester , who is recuperating at Clifton Springs , N. Y. , report his continual improvement in health. Messrs. Arthur Wakely and Charley Saundera have finished , their session at the Columbia law school , and are ex pected home next week. , Rumor has it'that a popular young clerk in the general manager's office will soon lead to the hymeneal altar- one of Iowa fairest daughters. "Fun on the BristoL" The first production of t'Fun on the Bristol , " before an Omaha audience , was greeted by an oveiflovnng house the academy Friday evening John . Sheiidan , in his poi-traUures of the JU widow Ihd English army officer and tin Bohemian , kept the audience in continued good humor. As an Irish sketch artist , Sheridan h.is now few superiors ] on the stage. His humor is broad < and deep , and utterly devoid the vulgar touches that J _ mar so many good perform ances of a'similar kind. The second portion : of the entertainment m which imitations and burlesques are given , P \vell \ caused continuous peals of the well Jicarcicst ; laughter. Every member of 27th ( company is well up in his or her B business ! and in the aggregate , give a medley performance which is m the highest degree -entertaining. Tlie HU line company is on its Avay the Pacific HUF coast. F OPP REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. | OPPB ] The following transfers were re corded Saturday at the county clerk's B office , as reported tor this paper by John : L. McCague , real estate agent F [ conveyancer : Lucy A. McLain to James Creigh F : W i of lot G , block 122,0maha , c. ' d. 0,000 ; Laura M. W. Abbott to Lucy A. , McLain : - . W J of lot G , block 122 , Try for Qmaha , q. c. d. 8200. Mary Cahill to Gustavo Anderson J. Valieo : Lot 1 , block 172 , treet 3maha , w. d. 2XL ( or Henry W. Yates to Kent K. Hay- and HAK. : Lot G , block 1 , of sub-division 5 , capitol addition , w. d. SG.19. W. H , Ijama and wife to Samuel H. oJN arnsworth : Parcel fin section 10 , ort. 15 , range S.east , w. d. § 1COO. Wm. Sweezy and wife to R. H. 31arkso : Part of lot G , block 85 , Dmaha , w. d. ? 1G81.75. ST C. K Perkins 3VO to Henry W. Yatcs : G , block 1 , in subdivision lot D , sapitol addition , w. . d. § 650. F Thomas MaCormiok to Thomas Svans : Lot 10 block \ E. , \ , y. " smith's addition , w. d. 81,000. S" . . _ oathO'l ( Kara MaxTHeyer & Bro. having two new ewelers are prepargd now to fill L irders fa ? now Jewelry , and repairs on to do sh iromptly. Copper plate and'cngrav- done "z a specialty. } . liaj Vni CC IaraAent ' ' T ULCO > , nnd OTTo'BicYCLESr'JSTci " three-cent stamp f & * Cataloged Ll [ and , . Price List containing lull arded. information. * N , L D , SOLOMON , J Paints , Oil and Glass. OMAHA , NEB. TT DL. d. H. FLIEGEL , L & Su ccaaor to J. H. Thlele , > r MERCHANT TAILOR D < and : So. 230 Dcnglas g rcti , Onoba , Ket > . toaieiXt jM jc gtveii us , put ut u I l pr zz-ooa-n Mr. C. Y. Goodman la L viHit tn V > Ta I amf itr r u&v SPECIAL NOTICES. TO LOAN MONEY. T0 LOAN At 8 per cent in . terest in sumaot * 2,500 and upwards , f or 3 to 6 j Dars , on flrstIass : city and farm property. Italia KIUL Ear MB and Loiv' AoKscr , 15th and Douglas Sts. \ " TO LOAN Ca'l at Law Office of D. L. Thomas , Room 8 , Creijhton Block. . TO LOAN 1103 Famham Street. MO.VEY EJganU' Loon A : iicr. 'no2 t ' HELP WANTED. \irANTKD < 5 carpenters. Enquire at Wcbstei I V V and 21st St. . or at U. U. I > ufrc ne'9 office. P. J. CREEDOS. 8J2 23 "TTTAXTED A flrst-class carpenter. Wa e , V V 12.75:13th and California. CL U. BROWN. . 945-21 ANTED ImmeJiatelr , a good pirl to do sencral housework. W. U. VAN XOY ( , 10jIIarnej-bet.8thand9th. JM4-23 To contract for several tons ol WANTED at once. D. B. Beemer , 119 S.Thi- tconth St. H8-21 15 live , able bodied men. Ap ply to D. H. Uecmer , 119 S. Thirteenth St. OJ7-21 A girl to do genera ? housework , WANTED South 10th St. 03G-24 Cattle and colts to craze in ; WANTED pasture. Steers and she catU grazed in separate pastures. Far terms , location * c. , nppljr to MILTON HKNDRIX , 21it and How ard Sts. , Omaha , Neb. 826-eo021 \TTANTED-Girlfor general housework , 1720 YY FarnhamSt , 1st door cast of Paxton's. 937-tf " \T7"ANTED A young man to attend bar wit ! V V good reference , at 314 S. 10th St. 831-2 : EN WANTED At Tousley Bros. , next to M Fair Grounds. 93323 "TXTANTED A situation as salesman in a dry Y Y jroods store , by a joung man who has had 3 jears experience , and talks the German ar * Enjli'h Luijuascs fluentlv. Address "F. E Eer. Office. References given. 038-21 A good finisher for custom pants , WANTED Famham St. , near 13th. 321-21 Machine hands , at Omaha Shirt WANTED . ML GOTTHEIMEK. 927-21 "ANTED 15 good men to work in brick- W } ard. Call at comer ICth and Elm Sta. 011-23 "ITrAXTED To build 2 small cottases. Car- YY l enUra : will please call at No. 40413th SL , Jloorc's IIarnc63 anil Saddlery. 914-23 GIRL WANTED To do housework in small family , at 1128 N. 19th St. , near Paul. ' 912 tf Centers and cabinet makers WANTED Ens offlco. DCW-tf Two men to work in garden WANTED SMITH , North Sherman a\enue. 883-tf T AUNDRESS AND DININO ROOM GIRL JU WANTED Immediateli' at the Occidental. 823-tf "ITTANTED 5 carpenters and 2 cabinet raak. YY crs. W . EVERETT. 849-tf "tTTANTED Two first-class barbers , and none , YV other need apply J. 11. CUKRY , Union Elodc. 829-tf WANTED-Man north of the end of ISth St II. W. BAIL. E03-M TTT'ANTED Two boarders in prjvate family. YY l' r terms , &c. , address S. , Post Office Box 337. 754-tf "VTTANTED A situation by a man of family , YY steady , indnstrious and willing- be use ful m any honorable oapacity. Comiwnsation according - cording to capability- Please address J. E. If. , care of BEE ortlce. 6CM-tf FOR RENT HOUSES AND LAND. = 1 . , - „ Apply . _ . McCavock's grocer- store , 10th St 943-27 TjlORRENT-A stable , near the U. P. depot JC Inquire of Mike Lee , Withnell House. 040-23 FOR RENT A tarn , on Chicago between 17th and ISth Sts. Enquire of clerk at St. Charles Hotel. 041-23 TO USES AND LAND Bomia renU houses , . I stores , hotels , farms , lols , lands , offices , rooms , etc , See 1st page , 101 REXT Small house on 17th St. , between Ca , > itol avenue and Davenport. S. LEH ' 7JAJJ OH-tf "nion RENT House of 6 rooms and barn , bc- P twetn 17th and 16th and Chicago St ) south side. Enquire at northn est corner of ISth and Ilurney. _ 910-13 FOR RENT A lu-e , nicely furnished room , nitli dodet , 1,311 CaL SL Bet. IStUanulSth. 0221 F iOR RENT Newly furnished room n-ith board J In pri > ate family. For particulars address S. , Box S37. 602 tf I ! E > T A large furnished room on first J floor , with board. Also a few day boarders wanted. ISOiJ California street. a29-72S- 7IOB RENT On first floor , furriahed rooms , I southwest corner 10th and Davenport. 759-tf T710R RENT FurmsKed roomsrinqulre at 1318 JD Chicago street. CSC-tf EOH KENT The building 1900 Curt street , formerly used by John Cane as the London meat market. Some butcher tools for tale. Ap ply on the premises or of John haumcr , 1311 Fornham _ street. 69S.U FOR RENT A store , comer 10th anil Lcavcn- wortlu Inqnlro next door , at Peterson's. - ( S2-tf FOR RENT 2 furnbhed , rooms over Mel- chants' Eithange.N. E. cor. I6th and Dodge streets. 2S9-tf i FOR SALE. BEMIS has rattling long lists of houses , roti , - Lind j and farms for gale. Call ant1 ' them. ' apl EOU SALK A jduns mare , suitable Ipr driving or phaeton. J. A. Doyle , No. U4 Dodge . street. f 952-23 FOR SALE New single bn gy , fine gold mounted harness and tha general Strickland horse for sale. Enquire at No,4H ( 13th St. , where ' theLionccntinueatoKOArw 913-23 T710R SALE House and lot 33J.132 ; suitable for OJ ) warehouse. Inquire oi Peterson , 10th St. 901-tf FOR SALE Hooso of fcur good rooms , and comer lot 06x140 at § 1000. Terms easy. Local ion good for i rtico working at Shops or Smelting Worts , Inqvjrc of John L. JlcCa-nie opp. Postoffice. gS6.f EOB SALE 2 acres ground in West Omaha. Inquire of J. Henry , No. 116 IGth. S73-tf T710R SALE House and lot , opposite red cac , treet ear barn. Inquire No. 2ft > 2 20th at-U Cumin-St. ; _ J tG7- ° ± BRICK-S12.00 a thousand. T. MURR.Y7 , 83 4-21 T7IOR SALE A small , well-built house of four rooms and summer kitchen , with corner lot ; laid out , fruit and etergreen trccc , etc. ; good and cellar ; price , $1350. Apply to. R. LAKOE , ! and Dodge streets. E09mws-tf E1IIS' NEW CITY MAPS.25c.-Seo 1st page. FOR SALK Ten elegant residence lots , situ ated nor terminus ot red-car street railway ; never in market before. Inquire of E. O. HUMPHREY , 807 N. 13th street. 795 J FOR SALE-BoiUtiful residence lot ; location first-class ; i ri eSlCOO. JOHNL-McCAGUE , opposite postclhce. 712 tf FOR SALE House and lot on North 18th st , BtSlCOO. Inquire of JOHN L. JIcCAGUE , 704-tf TE3IIS' REALESTATE BOOM. See Istjwgc. T OR SALE A good paying rcstaunct. In quire at this office. 7CB-25-lm FOR SALE Maps of Douglas and Sarpy coun ties. A. ROSEWATER , 1520Famham street. 320-H TOE BEST THING YET-H. O. Clarfe & Co.'s Imperial Self Raising Winter WheaHlour. inntakes , Iriscuits , and all kinds of pastry , irylt. Ask > our grocer for it 47fUt FOR SALI-J-A BARGAIN A building with saloon fixtures , furniture and stock , on IPth , appototo U. P. depot , for sale very cheap ; the ILxturca , furniture and i foe c will be sold bunding rented. Inquire oi ED. KREISS- ! . ' 79tf . , of a first-class 2teliln to 0' IMO Inhabitants , in state Jtcbraskn ; has 21 beds ; the tra\ cling men's re- . Inquire at BEE office. 218-U MISCELLANEOUS. JTRAYED On Thnrnlajr , May 19th , one red co r , whiteonthubely,3 ! > earsold. JOHN l\OJITEK , Picrw St. , bet. Itth and 15th Sta. 043-2 * Al BEMIS1 REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. S e 1st page. IIORT-HAND AND FRENCH LESSJN3CiT-OT ( by Wl oxpetianced teacher. Easy lad raf ' , terms moderate , J , WJ&SOX , \ 'arnhain St. . 877-w J nilElinOOKLYN LAI ; NDRY , On Dotr'las \ Ve itrect between lO.n and 17th , U prepared all kinds of wort for ladies ar.A gentlemen short not'te. Families can get their washing torn twenty-five to flUy cents per J. fjagh dried , washing ar.d ironing from V > ffl.M per dozen , in z xl style , and first- shirts at ten ceirts each. MRS. A. WIL- IAMd& ROBERTS , Proprif con. , B25-Z1 OST last * V , a tidies' chain and gold trots marked K. C. D. Finder will Ve re- . J. B _ E\'AX3 , U. P. Land Office. _ 820-13 Parasols repaired by M. SOHCTT llth and FamamfU. 780U M. BROWN Corner 12th and Chicago . streets , ready to bore or deepen welli. lUsfactkm gcarantced. MCtf riEAMS Can be eot at John Parrs stable-for &H kinds of work at reasonable figures' ' , near 13th anil Leavenworth streets. 373-tf \ONT FORGET The successors of the Amer- lean House , on Douglas street , between fith lOUi , for board , lodging and transient cu - . l spcctfully , - JULICSi'LOUISEEOSS. Cheyenne Omaha , , A. POLAGK , Colorado. J Spring and Summer VTk k CLOTHING ! I/-- LATE AHD NOBBY STYLES FOR MEN , BOYS AND CHILDREN. Hats , Gaps , Trunks , Valises. IX THE LATEST STYLEa Satisfaction Guaranteed ! Fricas to Suit All ! . ' 1322 FARNHAM STREET , . NEAR FOURTEENTH. MAX MEYER & BRO. the Oldest Wholesale and Retail Jewelry House in Omaha. Visitors can here find allnovelties in Silver Ware , Clocks , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the La test , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in Precious Stones , and all descriptions of Fine Watches , at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farn- ham Streets. MAX ] MEYER & BRO. IAIIETEE& I o rnacA. . a TIIE LEADING MUSIC HOUSE INT1IE WEST I General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock of Steinway Pianos , Knabe Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Warreu , Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pur chasing. WITH THE BEST SELECTED STOCK OF C Clothing & Furnishing Goods IN OMAHA. -M'E ARE. PAR EXCELLENCE- BOSTON CLOTHING HOUSEi :212 PAENHAM STREET , 1212. SOHLANK & PRINCE. New Shoe Store. - / Lit ITVn - , "Prrtn . , " " Jacobs' ISth Block. Street. , v NEW GOODS-LATEST STYLES-BOTTOM PRICES-EVERYTHING WARRANTED. J. W. MURPHY &CO. , Wholesale Liquor Dealers And Agents for Kentucky Distilling Co. pI4dtf * " ' Corner 14th and DougLu St ) . . Omaha. Neb THE NEW YORK Has KEMOYED from Creighton Hall , llth and Famham , to NE DOOR WEST OF B. & M. HEADQUARTERS , For the Largest Assortment , the Latest Style * and FHE BEST QUALITY OF HATS AND CAPS , THE NEW YORK COMPANT LEADS THEM ALL. Satisfy yourself by Examining the Stock. A full line and a complete assortment of the latest Styles of Straw nata Just opened. WM. F. STOETZEL , Dealer in Hardware , Cooking Stoves TIItsT "W A Bepairer , Job Worker and Manufacturer CATVS. 'er.th . and Jackson Sts. , - - - Omaha , Neb. A. B. HUBERMANN , JEWELER , Cor. Douglas and 13th Streets. GIVES GREAT BARGAINS IX LADIES' AND GENT'S iMERIGAN GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. ALL KINDS OF Jewelry , Silver-Wi re and Diamonds. Guarantee the Best Good * for the Tjeaat 3toney. > ng21itt Horse Sloes and Nails X2&OXST &JDffX > WAGON STOCK THE. BEST ASSOKTMEST OF WHEELS IN THE WEST , At Chicago Prices. W.J. BROATCH , 1209 & 1211 JuilS-Cm IUMIT ST. , OMAHA , NEB.