Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1881, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE 01\lAHA \ AILYBEE--"MONDAYMOENttra MAY 23,1881 li
010 Farnham , bet. 9th and IOth Streets.
Copy 1 Jtar , In advance ( po6tt Ma.OO
months " ' * . . .i 4.00
months " * . . . . 2.00
C. , B. iQ. 5 a. m. 3:40 p. m. n r
ti \ S. W. , 0 . ra. 3:40 P.-HI. -
C. , B. 1. P.-
r K. a , St. J. i CfB. , 8 h. m3:40 : p7 tn. Arrive
at Ht. Louil at 625 a. m and "M u. m. ' *
B. i 1L in Xeb. , Through Express , 830 a. m.
It. k M. Lincoln Express. 7:30 p. m.
17. P. Express , 12:1 : 5p.m.
O. & ItV. . for Lincoln , 10:23 : a. m.
O. & K. V. forOscco'.a , 0:40 a. m . *
U. P. freight Ko. E , 630 arm. \ >
U. P. freijht No. 8 , 8:15 a. m.
U. P. freight No. T , C:10 : p. m. emlcnut.
U. P. freight No. 11 , 825 p. m.
C. B. 4 Q5:60 : iDrnV-:25 : p/ritf "
C. & N. V9.45 iC-nC J 5p. nC I'
. . . . , . - p. m.
K. C. , St. Joe & C. a , 7:40 a. m. 6:46 p. m.
W. , St. L. & P. , 10:55 a. m. 425 p. m.
O. & R. V. from Lincoln 12:12 p. m.
U. P. Express 325 p.m. . f M
ll.ill.jn * eb.r Throurb Expree < > : SO .00
750. . * ' " " * - * - V '
B. i M : Untoln'ExpreSie ) a.
U. P. Freight No. 10 1:40 p. m.
JCo. 6 4:25 p. m. Emigrant.
No. 8 10:50 p. m.
No. 12-1135 a. m.
O. t R. V. mixed , ar. 4:35 : p. m.
( Nebraska Diriuon of the St. Paul & Sioux City
No. 2 loaves Omhha 8 a. m.
No. 4 leave * Omaha 1:50 p. m.
No. 1 arrit cs at Omaha at 430 p. m.
No. S arrives at Omaha at 10.45 a. m.
Leave Omaha at 8:00 : , 9.-00 and 11:00 a. m. ;
law. 2:00 : , 3:00. : 4:00 : , t.00 < ujdC:00 p. m. ,
Leave Council llluffa at & 25 , 82iVll5S ft.m. ;
J:2S , 2Si , 3:25 : , 4251:25 and C25 p. m. .
Sundays The dummy leaves Omaha at 8:00
and 110 a. m. ; 2.-00 , 4 XandS Xp. m. Leaves
Council Bluffs at 0:25 and 11 5 a. m. ; 225 , 425
and 525 p. in.
Opening and Closing of.MallJ.
&OUTK. . OFEf. tHiOSS.
, a , m. p. m. a. m. p. m.
Chicago & N. Wh .11.00 930 430 2:40 :
Chicago , R. I. & 1-aeiflc.llaTO VOO 430 .40
Chicago , B. & Q.11:00 - 90 - 430 :40
M'abash. . 1230 430 2:40
Siour City and Padfle. . J1X 430
Union Pacific. . . . , . , . . . , . „ 5X0 1U40
Omaha til. V..j. . f 4:00 liaO ff
I ! &M. inTTeb.'I , : . . 4.-00 8:40 : 6K :
Omaha & . North ttmi 430A J30 _
Local maTlsTOr Stato'of Iowa leavebut once a'
day , vii : 430.
A Lincoln Mail is aim opened at 1030 a. m.
Office open tiundan from 12 nu to 1 p. m.
T1IOS. r. IIALC , f. M.
JO * . E. CLARMOX. . 0. 3. JJUXT.
Clarkson I
'Succooiors to Richards & limit ,
215 S. 14th Street , Omtha , Keb.
Orrira Front Rooms ( upstairs ) In Qonscom's
new brick ImBdinff , K. Wi .cdrierFtte ) ith end
Farnham Streets.
SKcial | attention will be given to all cuitaapijnsl
rorj Jat't > ns pfev'cry description ; Vin practice In
all the courU of Uio State and the United Statee.
Ornct Rxmham'St. , opposite. Court IIouxC
j. . ENGLISH ;
310 SonthThtrtccnUrStrecVwith
' - - *
Cor. Douglas and 15th Sts. , Omaha , Neb.
OKPICE In Hansoorab'a Eloclc , with
rrirbett , ItOC rarnham St , Omaha ,
Dexter L. Thomas ,
ATTORNEY - - . ,
Oniala , Xfbnaka. jiprSU
D. F. Man'ders'on , :
242 Farnham St. , Omaha , h'th.
Edward W. SimeraJ ,
Room 0 Creigbton Clock. 15th and Douglas street.
"Weekly Line of Steamers
1x30 ing .Sew YorkJEVERY THURSDAY at 2 p
* - . % i n &
Gcn.JLIass. Agait , 01 Broadway
J < i * YOKE *
rBASK E. MOOMS , ITrniT rcsDT , Omaha. "
Creative Science
.Protu 3y ilIiislratcd.tThc" > 5bst1ra1portant aafl
best book published. Every family wants one ,
Kxtroordinao'Jnduccments c3erod agents.
Address "AJisis' ro&uuin.oCO. ; St louts , Mo
Claries ( Lint , non-resident dtjendant : <
Yo arolicrobr notified tlrot on April ICth , 1SS1 ,
a JMtltlon was filed In Uio District Court within
and for Douglas Countv , Xelmola , bylaacKl-
wanls , plaintiff , against you , as defendant , tlio
object and prayer of which petition Is. that an ac
count may be taken of Uw amount duo oncer-
tain notes , and a uiortsnjo executed and dcmtr-
Mxl on April 18th , 167S , by Said Charlc.ia.-.Lot , to
one Tlieodoro L. Van Dora , nee by the said \nn
Dorn duly assigned Oo - liUplaintiff. . nd.Uiat In
default of the payrucntof uuch amount o to le
lound duo , with Interest , coU and attorney's fee ,
with ft short time to bo flxed by waid conrt , the
iircmlws described : South
21 feet of north 114 feet , jart of lot ono (1\ ( Moot
72 , in the City of Omaha , raid County and State.
together with the apurtenances may be ordered
to l/e sold , and the proceeds applied to the pay.
ment of th&amouiit no fouiid--Uuo to Kiid plain
tiff , together BUhliiterust , cosWttiul > rcasoriaLle
.um which l j > rayed to > o ded ji.iuiattcr-
iicy's fc herein , and tliatjdo m y be forever cx-
luded from"ttfl rightrintcrcit and equity of le-
tleinptjon In or to giiid prcmincs or any part Uicie-
of , and for general rtlitf.3ou orp roiuircd to
answer said petition athc _ SOUiUayoI May ,
aplCesatU lUaliitlff.
FASTEST Ssmso Eooci or TTIH
PoumlalflDs of Success
" '
The laws of trmdc , lejil forms , Tiow" tb'lrans ?
act burincftj , valuable tables , locial etiquette ,
parliamentary usage , how to conduct public bind-
Dene : In fact ft is a complete Guide to Success for
ollcawui. A fimilv necessity. Address for cir
culars and sjwcial tinna ANCHOR HJULISUIXQ
CX ) . . St.
AGENTS WAXTO ) rot ou ; l EW BOOK ,
Ungu s for
t ? !
j-outh instructor. E y
work. PruoclscM-yoHdUonld circulatolt. l > nce
SS.oa. Send for circulars ith extra terras.
J. H. CHAMBERS tc O ) , . Kt Louis , Mo.
a I *
* * T
By "AlmoifC1 he by Allcjin < Ur' "
laro of "Goldsmith MaidT Flret data "Ou Time-
by "War Dance , " son of the renowned "Lotlnc-
ton : " Second. "Ella BrcckcnridgB" by "Collo -
ns. " on of IniTOrtcd "Sovereign. "
"AlmontV Ur t < lam by "Mambrino Chief , "
and his Sire by Bytdch' "iraJnUctanJan. ? . ;
ThU remarkable horse will be five years old in
May , be will serve only Si mares ( half of which
number Utiow .engaged ) at $15.00 per marc , pay
able at Umo of rervicc , - - - -
Season .ccmuwan * April 1st and will cod Sept.
1st. Aftertbat'Umo. -bir ton-reo will bepu * t
' ' . Any COLTO that hat troUtd Jn 30 ferrcj
. XLL TIME wCTIrtrfltt Sfohda/g , Tuesday' *
Wciiesday.B each week , beginning the flret
Al.rfon ; TVffiBaiCireW o&Dt WBUjSt ,
the remainder of each
ED.yRfEEO , Proprietor *
Dr. BIacKslJienffiaic. |
wrantcd" a'Safei.'Cer&ua'ahdl pflaf Cure for
TUieutnattsus laAlUitrtovui J > wtaia , Eftiie ,
Back , Pain In the Breast and Side , rain in the
tomadi and Kidnevv&a. It wan ujUrnal reme-
< JrB Tonic and BleodiTunSeri and jrtnle. it re-
tuovcs the Diseuc It improves the genera ! health.
SJI1TU , BLACK i CO. , Proprietors ,
FUttemouUi , Seb.
OPitA5 , Gcnl Agent , Omaha. _
'Business Directory.
„ , Art Emporium.
J. U. ROSE'S 3ltt Emporium , 1510 Dodge Street ,
Steel Engraving ! , Oil Paintings , Chromps , Fancy
Frames , framing a Specialty. Low Prices.
J. BONNER , 1J09 Douglas Street Good Styles.
Abstract and Real Estate.
JOHN L. McCAGUE , opposite Post Office.
\f. R , BAKTLETT , 317 South 13th Street.
t. 4 Architects.
Room 14 , CreightonJJloot. "
. LARGE , Jr. , Room2 , Creigtton Block. ' -
Boots and Shoes.
Fine Boota and Shoes. A good assorment of
home work on hand , corner 12th and Ilarney.
THOS.-ERICKSON , S. E. cor. Iflth-and Douglas.
COS 10th street , manufactures to order good work
at fair prices. Repairing done.
i * * Bed Springs. - > '
J E , LARBIMEB,1Unufacturer,1'Vit3Chcrsini'k >
Books , News and Stationery.
, J L FRUEHAUF , 1015 Famham Street.
Butter and Eggs.
ilcSHANE & .6CHROEDER , the oldest B-and'E.
house In Nebraska , established 1875 , Omaha.
southwest comer 10th and Dodge.
Best Board for the Money.
> * Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Veal * at all Hours.
Board by the Day , Week or Month.
Good Terms for Cash.
Furnished Rooms Supplied.
Carriages and Road Wagons. .
WM. SNYDER , No. 131814th and HameyStrecU.
Civil Engineers and Surveyors.
ANDREW ROSEWATER , 1510 Farnham jstrcet.
Town Surreys , Grade and Sewerage faystems a
Commission Merchants.
JOHN G. WILLIS , 1414 Dodge Street.
D U. BEEMER. For details see large advertise
ment In Daily and Weekly.
.Cigars and Tobacco.
WEST i FRITSCHER. , Manufacturers of Cigars ,
and Wholesale Dealers in Tobaccas1305 Douglas.
f. F. LORENZEN , manufacturer , 514 lOthstreef.
Cornlco Works.
fl'estern Cornice Works , Manufacturer Iron
Cornice , Tin , Iron and Slate Uoofling. Orders
from any locality promptly executed in the best
manner. Factory and OSice 1310 Dodge Street
lalvaniied-lroh * Cornices , Window Caps , etc. ,
manufactured and put up in any part of the
country. T. JINIIOLD , 416 Thirteenth strict
Crockery. '
J.BONNER , , ' 1305 TJonglaS street Goodline.
Clothing -and Furnishing Goods.
JEO. IL PETERSON. Also Hats , Caps , Boots ,
Shoes , Notions and Cutlery , 804 S. 10th street
Clothing Bought ,
X SHAW will pay Hgheet.Cash price for.second
band clothing. Comer 10th and Famham.
1 Dentists.
iR , PAUL , Williams * Block , Cor. 15th & Dodge.
Drugs , Paints and Oils.
KUliN & CO. ,
harmausta , Fine Fancy Goods , Cor.15th. .and
Douglas ( treets.
f. J. WIHTniODSE.'TVholesale i Rctail/lCUi st
C/flBLI , * 2022 North ffido Cumin $ Street ,
M. PARR , DrVYist , 10th and Howard Streets.
Dry Goods , Notions , Etc. L _ t { -
„ JOHN II. ? . LEHMANN. & CO. ,
NcwrVork Dry Goods Store , 1310 and 131C Earn
ham street
E. Encwold , also boots and shoes , 7th & Pacific. .
A R GROSS'New and Second Hand Furniture
and Stoves , 1114 Douglas. Highest cash price
paidjor second hand goods. _ w „ ,
' " . BONNERTlSOO DouglaJTetHne.EOodi &c. '
Fence Works.
JUST , FRIES & CO. , 1213 Harncy St , Improve-
cd Ice Boxes , Iron and Wood Felices , Olllca
"Railings , Counters oi line and.Wauiut.
A. Donaghae , plants , cut flowers , seeds , boqucta
itc. , N. W. cor. ICth and Douglas btrecU.
OUN WEAHNE i-SONS , cor. 14 tli & Jackson sta
' Flour and Feed , t
GHAHACnT 1IILLS , 6th'ana Farnham Sts. ,
Wulshans Bros. , proprietors
V Grocers.
Z. STEVENS , 21st bttwcen Cuming and Iiard.
T ? A. UcSHANE. Corner 3d and Cuming Street * .
Hatters. ,
SOO * Douglas * Street , "Wholsale' Exclusively ,
Hardware , Iron and Steel.
DOLAN & LANGWORTUY , Wholesale , 110 and
15Ui street
A. JIOLMES , comctlCth and California.
Harnest , Saddles , &c.
E. U. W'EIST 32013th Stbet. . KamHamcv
Hat and Bonnet Bleachers.
Ladies get your Straw , Chip and Felt Hats dom
up at northeast comer. Seventeenth and Capita
Atcnuc. WM. DOVE , Proprietor.
CANFIELD HOUSE , Goo. Canfleld,0th i Famham
DORAS" HOUSE , P. IL Cary , 013 Famham Si
j "SUAVEN'.SJIOTEL , F. SlaTen , IptfeBtreet
Southcm.Hotel , Cus. Hamcl , Oth & Lcatenwortli
, > Iron 'Fencing. '
3heWettem Cornice . "Works , . -
Cfcampion Iron Fence Co. , have on hand all kind
of Fancy Iron .Fences , CnaUnga , Finoals , Railings
. .etc.1310 IKxlge street ap
Intelligence Office. .
MRS. L1ZZIE.DENT , 217 ICth Street.
' - Jewellers.-
-JOIIN-BAUUEK 1314 Famham Street
_ II. BERTHOLD , pags and MctaL
- Lumber. Llme-and Cement.L | - - "
FOSTER i GRAY , comer Cth and Douglas Sts.
_ Lamps and Glassware.
t ' '
J. BONDER , 1300'Douglas'St Good Variety.
Merchant Tailors.
One ot our moxt popular Menhant Tailors is to-
ceiring theJatcst dcaisns.for Spring and Summer
Goods-tor gentlemenii wear. , StjlUh-durable ,
and price * low asever , 215 13th bet Doug. & Fam.
_ : . .7'-
MRS. C. A. RINGER , Who1c ale and Retail , Fan
cy Goods in gnat variety , Zephyrs , Card Boards ,
Uosiery , Oluer OorjctJ , Ac. Cheapest House in
the \Veet I'uriiascni Kuo'30 per cent Order
by Mail. 115 FiJtccuth Street
Physicians and Surgeons.
W. S. GIBUS , M. D. , Boom No. 4 , Creightoa"
Block , ISthStreet " . ,
A. S . LEISENRING , M. D. Masonic Block.
a L. HART.M. D. , EjeaiidEar , opp. postoffice
" " " *
DR. UTCflRADDY" , . , j
Oculiit and Aurist , S15th and _ Famham Sts.
. Photographers.
, GEO. 1IEYN , PROP. ,
Grand Central Gallery , i
212 Sixteenth Street ,
oearJIasouIellan. Fint&iss Work.ond Prompt
ness guarantccn.
Plumbing , Gas and Steam Fitting.
P. W. TAUPY t CO , SIC 12th St , bet Farnham
ted DoujfUj. Work promptly attended to. '
" " ' *
"DTrTfZPATRICK , HOD Douglas Streetl'
Painting and Paper Hanging.
HENRY A. KOSTERS , 1412 Dodge Street
Planing Mill. "
A.5IOYERUWnufacturtrotsash , doors , blinds ,
moldings , newels , baluitcrs , hand rails , furnishing
Bcroll tawing , 4c. , cor. Dodge am } "tl streets.
J. ROSEXKELD , 322 10th St. , bet , Far. & Har.
Refrigerators , Canfield'c P&tcnt.
a F. GOODMAN , llth St. bet Fam. A Hamcy.
Show Case Manufactory.
Dealer In all kinds of Show
Ca e , Ujirifbt Cases , ic. , 1317 Cass St
Stove'andTiny/sic , 4 r * . ?
A. BURMESTER , - - t - < | j
Dealer in Stoves and Tinware , and Manufacturer
of Tin Roofs and all kinds ot Building Work ,
Odd Follows' Block.
J. BOhKCR. 1500 Douglas St Good and Cheap.
Setd * . ' \ L
J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retah'Seed DnlU and
Cultivators , Odd FclloW HaU.
Shoe Stores. .
lS20farnham stj'bet isth i 14th.
t ' ± Second Hin3 Store
, . x - v
PERKINS & "LrjAR Mlb DonstajsLyew and"
Second Ua FiipitttuttjJ&XiKFurTiishlBfOoods ,
ic. , IxjUj ft and loM on narroijjrjns , ,
In the new brick block po Douftas.Etr _
to t opened a mort'clegant BMI HalL- - >
' OFLANXECY- . . .
On Famham. aext lothc R. i M. headmarUn ;
has rJOpoo a neat and complete establishment
which , barring FIBKMid MotherShipton > Prophecy -
ecy , wmtje opened for t eTxiy * .with HoCLundi
on acdtt T present date , ' ' * i > *
" CaloJoaU , " J. FAtCONER , 679 JCth Slreet *
V - " " s UnH lmker * .
CHAS. RIEWE Wlt'Ftoham bet , . 10th i \ltd/
SB Cent , Stores k > J
HENRY POIILjiA tej ? ! astjonv crcrrs ,
jewelry , Ac. , 313 l < th IwtJPirabam tad tfouglas.
P. C , BACKUS , 1209 Famham St. , Fancy GhxxU.
* _ _ _ _ _ _ _
From my youth up a locomotive has
always possessed a strange fascination
for me , and I have never tired of
watching its whirling wheels and
listening to its regular breathing as it
has passed me by at stations. To my
fancy , it seems a living incarnation of
.the spirit of progress , a herald sent
from the court of Time to announce
thcrmarching of the wonderful ages
yet to come , and"clad , like a knight
of old in a coat of glittering mail , the
very wheels that are crushing out the
miles beneath their ponderous rims ,
hum in an undertone a song of
triumph which , ere it dies away.upon
the air , is hurlel back in broken
echoes from the slender rail over which
{ he monster runs , and amid the noise
Df the steam escaping Jroui its cylin
ders X almost fancy that I can heartho
whispered word Excelsior which-
the motto of the country. There -is
something almost human in its cries
of rage as I dashes pell-mell across
the'-level plains , or labors with smoth-
fSreirgroans up the mountains. How
many times I have .watched it as it
darted by me like an arrow , and
wondered at the genius of the man
ivho dared fate with such an invention.
At such time the smoke-begrimed
driver , too , has come in for no small
hare of my attention. Ho is a hero ,
: ven though he do s rip out a savage
ath.1 now and then , and wears a
greasy blouse instead of a broadcloth
oat. Leaning out from his cab win-
low as he rushes along in the sun-
hine and the darkness , he can almost
ouch hands with the pale horse-man
iding by his side. There is nothing
Between him and the gate that leads
'rom life save 'a ' slender rail that
ireaking beneath the hurrying whesls
if Jiis cliariot would usher him into
Death's court in the twinkling of an
aye , and jet he whistles as cheerily
is though ho were seated upon the
iteps of his cottage home. "Ah ! but , "
hear you say , "it is his business. "
True , my dear sir , so it is ; but the
nan who looks death coolly in the
ace day after- day , whether it be for
jam or glory , from the open window
f Tin engine cab or the wheelhouse of
, river steamer , is after all a hero
; hough the heroism may bo of so com-
; uon"a kind as to attract but little at-
ention from their fellow-men until'
t is brought forcibly to their notice
jy the report'of some terrible accident
So nuch by way of an introduction.
It was one night in the latter part
> f November in the year 187 , that I
teed in the depot at Buffalo , N. 1. ,
waiting-to see Uncle Sam's new - hobby
by , the'fast mail , come in over the
Central road and take its departure
wet bver the lake Shore. For soxo
reason it was nearly an hour late , and
I therefore liad plenty of time to look
abBut , me. Walking slowly down
through tne depot I paused by the
side of the engine , Jd. L. Xansing ,
ivhich , was'totakethcr "trainwestward
Ill-its flight , and Tjfoppcd'for a quiet
hat with the engineer , old John M ,
a great personal friend of mine , and
as wild a runner as ever laid a hand
upon a.throttle. To use his own ex
pression , he would "jest as lievo go
into etarnity et sixty miles an hour
as thirty-five ez long ez he'd got to go
anyway , " and judging from some of
, ho fast runs with which he was cred-
ted the saying was a true one. "Wo
had been chatting but1 a few moments
'together when lie asked me how I
would like to ride to Erie with him ,
mentioning by way of inducement ,
that he had orders to make fast time
with a clear track the -way through ,
and he just meant to "douse her , you
bet ! "
As I liad been longing for just sucl
an opportunity as this since the first
appearance of the "Lightning run , "
asit was termed , I unhesitatingly ac
cepted the invitation and climbed into
old John's place by the window , and
scarcely had J done so before the de
layed train came stealing into the de
pot In a few moments the mails
were aboard and the Lansing was
made fast to the four white" cars , each
one of which had
- - eagles paarched upon its etdc ,
Strange passengers for such a ride.
Then came the signal for. the start ,
and as old John touched the lever the
train moved slowly out from the depot
and towards the outskirts of the city.
It was not until we had struck the
open country that the run fairly com
menced , and then , with a laugh in his
eyes , the old fellow told mo to look
out and pulled the throttle wide open.
For a moment the monster seemed to
Ireihblo undcr-my feet , and -then wo
darted off like an arrow. The trunks
"of the trees lhat stood by the side o :
the track , seemed trans
formed into solid walls
The fences wer6"narrow"strip * of rib
bon fluttering in the wind. The tele
graph poles became forests as we
passed by , and tfe" ] haysfacks lef
"standing in the "brown fioldg were al
waltzing together. For a moment , nv
heart scemod.tQ.ccasc.its beating , am
I "looked at the engineer. Ho was
wliistling to himself and as a cool as a
cucumber.Then , as the wild rush
grew wilder , I , too , began to grow
reckless and enjoy the race. Looking
straight ahead through the cab windows
dews a house , would loom up right in
our path , and then as wo struck tlio
curve , it would sail off to one side on
a sea-of air. Ifaw , a long bridge came
on right ahead , and I looked for him
to slacken the speed a little. Not a
bit of it Bridge's , curves and frogs
were all the same to him. Instinctive
ly I grasped the scat with a firm grip
as wo darted on to it with a rattlinj
sound like the rolling of musketry
and held my breath until we were safe
on .the other side. Than as a sigh o
relief escaped my lips , JLJeaned. over
and said :
"John ' , how fast arc you running
now , do'you think ? "
"About fifty-five miles an hour , !
reckon , but 'fore we git tor Erie , Tn
a goin" to show you that the Lansinj
taii traycl a mile a minute in spite o
what these railroad sharps say to the
contrary. "
"How largo a driving wheel have
you got ? " queried L
"Just exactly five feet eight inches , '
he answered , "but I her run a mile a
minute with her , and I kin again. Jos
you wait till we strike a straight piece
of track , young feller , and then you' ]
sec her make lt. ; >
She was running fast enough { hon to
suitjno ; but I did not dare tali hlm
so , Sid then , after all , I might neve
have a chance to ride a mile a minut
again , At last wo' came to a straigh
level stretch of tfacljj and handing m
a stop watch , he said :
"Start her again when the mile pos
is right at tjia cowcatcher , and stop
her when ilia next pna is } ij t\o ] \ sam
place ; FIT toll yoii > ihcn. th c getsa.-go
ing. "
Threcfbr four minutes passed in get-
ing the speed up , and then as I lookec
from the cab windows I realized wha
sjj'ty Jjjjles an hour meant Houses
came and dsappejurad [ Ijkg njsjnc. Th
forests became" "inajstnct in'as cs P
haze whose general outlines only Tver
discernible. The ribboned fences hac
turned to thread-like lines , and th
mjlerpysts were drifting bylikethistle
down upon the winds. "
" "Now take 'cm,1' said old John
looking over my shoulder.
Twice ! tried It , and both times in
vain , but at the third attempt it was a
go. "Stop her ! " he said. I did so
and the hands upon the dial's fao
niarkajipfffifty ne seconds. I'couh
hardly btlievo it , an TOl d f ° r M *
trjalT Fifty-eight Jjccpnds IL
madg anWgr tp 'tlje " "Question
k of my cye , ana as m3 John
d her up a little bo asked :
ell , can-the Lansing run a mile
a minute ? "
"Yes sir " I "and if
, , replied , any
body says she can't , send them tome. '
* * } ' & , 'har'Tid ' chuckled , "I knew
/he old girl cosM 3 ° it ; but I'm glad
you seed it-done , inyhyj , for tljey
won't believe old John when he says
she done it.
A few minutes afterward the train
-we to A stand-still at the platform
nErie. The eighty-eight miles had
> een made , including two stoppages
n one hour and forty-six minutes.
Dismounting from the engine , which
was left in charge of the fireman , old
ohn and myself went over to the
lotel for supper , and then after wo
had stowed away a square meal we ro-
5aired to his room , where wjth the
lid of a pitcher of ale and some cigars ,
wo proceeded to make ourselves com-
ortablo by the cheerful fire that
ilazod brightly in the little old-fash-
oned grate.
Soothed into a feeling of content
ment by the weed and mellowing in
fluences of the ale , the old fellow ,
after a great deal of urging on my
lart , told mo the following true
torv :
"Now , I don't ask fer yer ter bo
urns this yarn I'm agoin' to tell ye , "
e began , "but it's true for all that.
ain't no great shakes in spinning a
tory , 'cause I cannot dress it up like
ou feUars that writes for the papers ,
jut I'll tell yo a strange thing that
iappened to mo once , when I "was a
oed deal younger than I am nowand
kin date my gray hairs Bright from
hat time.
"It was nigh onto eighteen years ago
fiat I was runnin an engine on the old
ir line , out of T - , an' as careless
foliar ez ever stepped onto a foot-
ward. I was pullin' a night run an'
lad'for a fireman a little Irishman who
as afraid of nothin' , God , man or
evil , and whose only ambition was to
o through life a flying , though I will
say for him that he wasn't a bit af eer'd
' work and kept the brass works of
lie old Ajax as bright as a new
in. One night in the middle o'
lie winter , when the snow was a
whirling and drifting , down to
, arth in great clouds , we pulled out o'
do depot at T - with the fast night
xpress nearly two hours late , and
with orders to run her through to
fast . Somehow
j - as as possible.
wasn't feeling good that night.
'here ' was something whispered to mo
hat tliar was trouble ahead , but once
lear of the city and dashing along the
rails , I began to feel better , and as wo
anced along , trying to make up a
itlo of the lost time , I' laughed and
eked with the fireman about the girls
for ho had one , that feller , at eery
tation on the line , and they used to
et up nights , too , for to see him
vhen he went by. It were about as
ark a night as ever I seed. Looking
ut the winder you couldn't see a foot
afore your face. It was worser than
a slack of black cats. The headlight ,
0 be sure , lit up the track ahead for
wentyor thirty yards , but beyond
hat ye couldn't see a thing. We
lidn't hev many stops to make
n that run , so there wasn't
much for me to do but to keep my
eye 'on the gauge and see the steam
didn't give out. Ther' wasn't but one
> ad place on the whole Jine , and that
vas the big bridge leading over the
1 - river , and ez wo went hurry-
ng along toward that and a gettin'
closer every minute , somehow I .got
or to thinking what a terrible thing
t 'uld "be for a train to go through that
mdge and a wondering how many
ives 'uld bo lost ef it did.
"Tho more I thought of it and the
nearer we got to the river the more
nervous I became. My fireman
noticed it too , and that made it worse.
few , just afore mo came to the bridge ,
har was a big curve , an" ez I was
a-looking out of the winder and
.traight ahead I seed a woman all in
vhito standing on the curve and
a-waving her arms at mo for to stop.
't didn't take me more'n a second for
ter whistle brakes , reverse the engine
and shut her off , but when I
ooked out o' the winder again
; he woman had gone. Slowly
we came to a standstill , and then the
conductor and the passengers came
a-running up for to see what was the
; roublo. I told 'em what I had 'seed ,
and taking my lantern I started out
with the conductor ahead to see what
wo hed stopped for. Thar' wasn't a
single footprint on the snow that wo
could find nor a rail out of place , and
he bridge was all right. The boys
aughed at mo for stopping , and some
o' the passengers cussed mo for a fool ,
sut I didn't care for that. I stuck to
.t I seo'd the woman , but they axed
mo what I hed for supper. Now them
days I didn't believe in ghosts , an'
don't generally now , but this thing
kind o' beat me. I didn't say much ,
but climbed into my place , and it
warn't long afore we had crossed the
bridge and were running faster than
ever. That ninlit , after wo had got
to C - , the fireman and I talked it
over , for ho seo'd it as well as mo , but
"we couldn't como to no agreement re
garding it , for ho were a believer in
spooks an' sperits , and I won't. "
T'A couple o' nights afterward wo
caught the same run , an' , if anything ,
no worsor weather than wo had hat
aforo. I remembers it % vero bitter
cold , so cold that the rails kept a stir-
gin' like mad under the whuols , and ]
had to run with the windows all shui
down to keep from froezin' into a
statuq oi ) the boot-board. The nigh I
were clear , but terrlblo windy , am
running over some , o' thorn prairies ' -
looked for a gust to blow the train into
the ditch , engine an' nil , It just hap
pened , too , that wo were delayed a1
some o' the stations along the line
and had to run like the devil fcr to
make .up the time that wo had lost
The conductor , an1 by the way ho were
the same follor I had had afore , wai
a cross old curmudgeon that hac
more enemies than friends along the
line o' the road , an * a man that jiato
for to bo behindhand the worst sort o
-a way. To tell the truth , ho were a
littlg soaiy , an' didn't like to ride oi
a train tljat was a raging fgr to catch
time. At ono of the stations where
we stopped for water he came a-walk-
in' up to me ez I was oiling , and said
" 'John , for God's sake , don't see no
ghosts on the hjg curve to-night
we're behind enough already , '
" 'Alright Jim ! ' said L If I see 'en
I'll run 'em down eh' "
"Ho didn t niaKo no answer to that
but walked back and gave -tho signa
to "go ahowL " , , The old girl steaijio (
bully that" night , and it wasn't long
afore we was tearing along the rails
like a comet
"That night jus afore wo came to
the curve I wpro a setting back in the
corner of tlio oab. an1 l d.reamin' ez , a
man will that's a little gene on a gal
for I was a young fellow then an' heat
over heels in love with oz pretty a piece
o' calico oz ever you so your eyes on
when all of a sudden I seed that Irish
man tjjat was a-firin' for mo turn e :
white bz a hhe&t , a.n' touching mo h
pointed ahead to the curve. Lookiii
out I sce'd the same woman thatlha *
soo'd afore , and she were a-goiu
through the same motions for mo tc
stop. Itsj : p Jjght outdoors that . '
could see hpriawf pretty plan [ , ape
the great tangles pf "brown hair tha
fell abfjut Jjor should,61 ? ; and. such
oycs cz she had I npypc Eog'd ' ( n j
woman. Her arms WQKJ tare , n'
as nigh as I could ioo , she didn't ho
nothin' on but a night gown. Wall
I stopped S " 11 ; an' a.t the very same
place I had stopped afore. It were
the Bamg Qd ] story. The tracks were
allTjjjht , am } th.epo va.n'Hl ' ? ? iijgn p'
the woman to bo see'd anywhar ,
though the hull train sarchod for her
high an' low , an as for the conductor ,
Tie were the maddest man I over seed.
Ho gushed njo fgr a.11 the different
kind o' fools that were in the dictjqnt
ary , while the pasaengerg just stood
'round an1 laughod.
"As for mo , .1 didn't say. nothin'
back , for I couldn't T know'd ,
though , that me and the fireman , had
see'd suthin' , and I know"d that that
suthjn' TOS a woman , but whether f
were a ghost or not I uidnjt knoifj fcn'
after Chlrikin1 the matter D.YCJJ : I came
to the co'n'slusijm tiiart wouldn't bo
foslcd that way again , anyhov , , '
"Of course , whenweroaohod C - * * y
and the conductor made his report , he
mentioned the matter , -and the result
was that I got orders' 'for to visit the
office. Old KcrnalB - was our
superintendent and a mighty strict
one , an' lather sxpestefl tlt < I were
a-goin' t6 get.the . .bounce , but I didn't
I told him just what I had seo'd , and
the Irishman told him the same thing.
He laid it to our 'magination , . but !
could sec that ho wore a little put out
hisself , though ho told me mighty
plain afore I left that cf I couldn't
make the time on that run he'd have
to put on somebody that could.
"As you kin'magino , I Trent out
mad , and I swore that whether it were
woman , ghost or devil , I'd run it down
the first time it showed up tor give mo
a chance , and what made it worse was
that my being stopped by nothin' was
told all along the line , and everybody
was a-makin' fun of mo.
"At last they made it so not for mo
with their joking thot I couldn't
stand it , and I asked for two weeks'
leave of absence , hoping that by the
time I came back the hull thing would
have blown over. Wall , I got it , an'
was agoin' to start the next morning ,
when one of the boys was taken sick
and I was ordered for to take his run ,
an' agin it wore the cussed night ex
press , an' this time four hours an' a
half late.
"When I climed into the cab that
night I found a new fireman , for the
Irishman had refused to go. Great
God , what a night it were ! It had
been thawing for two days , and just
afore wo pulled out o * the depot it had
started to rain. The water came
down in bucketsful , just -as if some
devil had knocked the whole bottom
put of God's cistern ; and talk about
its being dark , young feller , it were
the darkest night I ever saw , and if
the blackness thet Moses sent down
over Egypt were any worse nor thet ,
I'm sorry for old Herod , that's all.
I wan't in very good humor , an' when
old Jim passed me on the platform
an' muttered something about
ghosts , I jest ripped out an oath
an'swore I would stop for nothin' .
"Things went wrong from the start ,
aa they generally do when a man loses
his temper. The old Ajax wouldn't
make steam , an * as a result we jest
kept on losing time. The fireman was
a greenhorn , an' so I hed to do the
most o' the work myself. Then that
darn ghost o' mine kept a gettin' into
my head- , spite o' all I could do , an'
the nearer we came to the river the
more I were a wonderin' ef she would
show up. It warn't no use lookin' out
the winder , 'cause you couldn't see
nothin'anyhow , except right in the
glare o' the headlight. I couldn't tell
where wo were only by guessing , till 1
heard , over the noise made by the en
gine , the roarin' o' the river , an' then
I knowed that I must bo a roundin'
the big curve. I hadn't seo'd nothin'
yet o' the woman , an' I was hopin' I
wouldn't , though I didn't mean to payne
no attention to her cf I didwhen sud
denly glancing out ahead , I see'd her
a standing right in the glare o' the
icadlighta movin" her bare anus and
a pointin' ter the river.
"In spite o' all I'd said an' afore I
cnow'd what I were a doin' I hed
reversed the old Ajax and whistled
for brakes. Then as the train slowly
came to a stop I stepped out with the
antern , but just as afore the woman
: iad gone. I don't know what it was ,
Dut suthin' whispered to "me to take a
! ook at the bridge , an' I started down
iho track lamp in hand for to do so.
"Aforo I reached tliar , however ,
old Jim had caught mo and naked
what wes the trouble. I told liim the
same old story , an' ho cussed as usual ,
but jest as ho were on the point o'
callin * me a fool we came to the river ,
an" well the bridge was gene an *
lie didn't finish the sentence.
"I was pretty wet , but in spite o'
that I jest knuckled right down be
tween the rails and thanked God for
? ivin' mo a warnin' . Ez fer old Jim
lie turned dead white , and went to
crying , but the first thing he did when
lie could speak was to bog my pardon
tor the cussin's he'd give me. If ye
jver set'd a thankful set o' passengers
it war them I was a pullin' . Some
: ried , some prayed and s mo laughed ,
but thar wani't a man on the train
that made any fun of old John. "
"Was it a ghost oldman ? " I queried ,
as ho bit the end off a fresh cigar.
"It warn't a livin' woman , that's
certain , " ho answered , "an1 yo can
call it a ghost or not , just as you liko.
Ono thing sartain , whether it were a
; host or a shadow , it saved a big
wreck on the Air line , an' the queerest
part o' the hull thing is that my hair
was a dark brownwhon ( I left T at
11-45 p. m. , but the next monjin' I
were as gray as a badger , and I'm
a-goin' to insist to my dyin * day that a
woman was the cause of it. 1 hat's
my story , an' as I said at the start ,
you can believe it or not , just as yoij
lilo. "
A good square sermon , with roast
duck for dinner , is my idea of the
seventh day. [ Plato.
I have never boon fishing on Sun
day , but I think Sunday evening the
best in the week for going to see your
girl. [ Cato.
Sweet Sabbath day of rest ! Also ,
for riding out. Also , for a good din
ner. Also , for cutting the children's
hair. Count mo in.Confucius. .
If the Bible should pass through a
few more versions , its moat intimate
friends would hardly be able to recognize -
nizo it.
Sunday is always welcome to me ,
for on that day I sew on loose buttons ,
wash my feet and reflect that I am
oheweoknearor the grave. [ Diogenes.
In the old Puntin days a young
man caught waiting at thochurcn door
to see his girl homo would have been
set down as ono shade worse than
The Hon. M. Halstead has decided
that "the devil is a faded fraud.
Murat isn't th ? firgt man who has ge
eluded that some ballet dancer was the
devil. "
At a church fair in Dubuque the
other night a gang of young rascals
.p.osqed through the crowd and droppei
eggs into every pockyt they could get
at principally in ladies' sacks. As
there was a perfect jam the cense
quencea can bo imagined.
Win. Patera , of Arkansas , eat him.
self down on tlio atopa of a country
church and said there should bo no
preaching there that Sunday. After
William had received a bullet in the
leg ho vacated and the services were
begT ! } 9 text . was : "Why do the
heathen lagej1 *
An Indiana woman has just killei
twenty snakes which she found on ono
spot enjoying the warm sunshine. I :
Adam had only had that kind of a
wife ! But somehow the Garden o
Uden had to bo placed on the wrong
side of the Indiana line , and thingi
got mixed.
A new poet thus disposes of Martin
Luther's tipsy philosophy :
Jhn pan who docs not lore
pipe , woman , jnd spnKi
May not hare'as good a'pme ,
But boll Ih e five times as long.
Tl\q \ railroad companion arc having
the Uiblcs jn the care rebound. The
binding has become much worn by
jarring against the iron racks , but the
jnsd9 < ? f ta ? book is as good as now ,
A conductor on ono oi ino roads says
he has never seen a copy of the Bible
tal gn put pf tjjo jack , e cept pnco ,
when thoro' was a row in the smoking
car and a tramp used the book for a
weapon to knock a brakeman down.
This is sad , if true. [ Peck's Sun ,
Tl9 } Ca.tIialiQ bishop of Detroit has
issued a pastoral letter forbidding the
holding of any picnics or excursions
.by water or rail. The bishop may
mean , well ; but ho doesn't seem to
understand the situation. It is the
picnic held in a grove a mile and a
.half from the church , to which a man
is expected to lug a basketful of things
weighing half a ton across several
fields * iri'a blistering sun , that should
be swept off the face of the earth and
the projectors imprisoned for ninety-
nine years. [ Norristown Horald.
The BEST SAI.VE in the worl * for
Cuts , Brusies , Sores , Ulcers , Salt
EJieum , Foyer Sores , Tetter , Chapp-
fed-Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all
lands of Skin Eruptions. This Salve
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion in every case or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by
8dly Ish&McMahon , Omaha.
Worthy of Praise.
As a rule we do not recommend pa
tent medicines , but when wo know of
ono that really is a public benefactor ,
and does positively cure , than wo con
sider it our duty to impart that information
mation to all. Electric bitters arc
truly a most valuable medicine , and
will surely euro Biliousness , Fever
and Ague , Stomach , Liver and Lidney
complaints , oven where all other rem
edies fail. Wo know whereof wo
speak-andcan freely recommend to
all. [ Ex. Sold at 50 cents a bottle ,
by Ish & McMahon. (4) ( )
Dr. Bang's New Discovery for Con
sumption is certainly the greatest
medical remedy over placed within the
reach of suffering humanity. Thou
sands of once helpless sufferers , now
loudly proclaim their praise for tliis
wonderful discovery to which they
owe their lives. Not only does it posi
tively cure Consumption , but Coughs ,
Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay
Fever , Hoarseness and all affections of
the Throat , Chest and. Lungs yields
at once to its wonderful curative pow
er as if by magic. We do not ask you
to buy a largo bottle unless you know
what you ase getting. Wo therefore
earnestly request you to call on your
druggists , LSH. & McMAHON , and get a
trial bottle free of cost which will can
't Inco the most skeptical of its wonder
ful merits , and show you what a regu
lar ono dollar size bottle will do. lor
sale by Ish & McMalion. (4) ( )
May 7th , 1881.
By virtue of the authority in me
vested , I , Jainea E. Boyd , mayor of
the city of Omaha , do hereby proclaim
to the qualified voters of said city ,
and of the respective wards thereof ,
that on the 3rd day of May , 1881 , an
ordinance waa duly passed by the
council of the city of Omaha , and on
the 5th day of May instant , the said
ordinance was approved by the mayor ,
of which ordinance the following is a
copy , to-wit :
An ordinance to provide for a
special election by the electors of the
city of Oinaha , to determine whether
ono hundred thousand dollars of bonds
of the city of Omaha shall bo issued
for the purpose of the construction and
maintenance of sewers in the city of
3e it ordained by the city council of
the city of Omaha , as follows :
SECTION 1. It being considered nec
essary by the city council of
, ho city of Omaha , that sewers party -
y constructed in the city should be
completed and maintained and other
sewers constructed. Therefore the
mayor of the city of Oinaha bo , and
10 is hereby authorized and instructed
; o call a special election after giving
; wenty days public notice of such
special election to bo held in the city
of Omaha , on Tuesday , the 31st day of
MayA. D. , 1881 , for the purpose of
submitting to the electors of said city
the following proposition , "shall bonds
of the city of Omaha bo issued by said
city in the sum of ono hundred thou
sand dollars ( $100,000) ) duo in twenty
years with interest at the rate of six
per centum per annum paya
ble scmi-annually upon interest coupons
pens to be attached to said
bonds for the purpose of completing
and maintaining sewers partly con
structed , and to construct and main
tain additional sewers. Said bonds
or the proceeds thereof not to bo di
verted from the purpose for which they
are issue d , and not to bo disposed of
at less than par. Said proposition
shall bo submitted to said electors entire -
tire and in the foregoing form , and the
vote thereon shall bo only by "Yes"
"No. "
SEC. 2. This ordinance shall take
effect and bo in force from and after
its passage.
( Signed. ) THOS. H. DAILEY ,
President City Council.
Passed May 3d , 1881.
Atteot :
J. J. L. C. JEWETT ,
City Clerk.
Approved May 5th , 1881.
( Signed. ) JAMES E. BOYD ,
Now , thcretoro in pursuance of the
pro visions of said ordinance , notice is
hereby given that an election will be
held in the city of Omaha , Douglas
county , state of Nebraska , on Tues
day , the thirty-first day of May , 1881 ,
at which election the proposition
recited in said ordinance , in regard to
tlio issue of bonds will bo submitted
to the electors of said city.
The polls at said election will bo
opened at8 o'clock a. m. , and held
open until 7 o'clock p. m. and no
longer and at the following places in
the several wards to-it :
First Ward Felix Slavcn's grocery
store , Tenth street near Leavenworth.
Second Ward Walleriz's hotel ,
Leavonworth street , between Thir
teenth and Fourteenth streets , north
Tliird. Ward Dr. Hydo's office ,
southwest corner Douglas and Twelfth
Fourth Ward County court house ,
northeast corner of Farnham and Six
teenth streets.
Fifth Ward Holmes' hardware
store , northwest conwr of Sixteenth
and California streets.
Sixth Ward Deidrich's drug store ,
No. 2005 Cuming street , gouth side ,
between Twentieth and Twenty-first
In testimony whereof I hava here
unto set my hand and caused the seal
of said city to bo affixed , the day and
year first above writtou.
m9to31 Mayor.
First'lard ' Registration Hotice ,
Notice Is hereby given to the legal voter ? of the
First Ward , City of Omaha , that I will sit at the
office of Slaren's Hotel/Tenth street , on Saturday
May 2Sth , 1SS1 , for the purpose of correcting th <
old list and to register additional voters of said
ward for the special city election to be held Tuea
day. May Slut , JSS1 ,
Witness my hand this 18th day of May , 1831.
mlBtomZS Registrar First Ward.
Siith Ward Registration Hotice ,
Notice is hereby given that I will sit at m ;
Drug etorc. No. 2Q22 Cuming ft ) , between yn\ \
onds2Ist' . north Bide. on the ilth and"25th o
May , 18S1 , for the purpose of registering thi
electoral Totcrs of said ward. In witnoea. where
of , I hereunto set my hand this ISth day of May
1831. C. C. FIELD ,
ml9tom2 $ Registrar 6h Ward
For You ,
Whose complexion betrays
some humiliating imperfec
tion , -whose mirror tells you
that yon are Tanned , Sallow
and disfigured iii countenance ,
or have Eruptions , Kedness ,
Roughness or unwholesome
tints of complexion , wo say
use Hasan's Magnolia Balm.
It is a delicate , harmless and
delightful article , producing
the most natural and entranc
ing tints , the artiBciality ot
which no observer can detect ,
and which soon becomes per
manent if the HagaoUa Balm
Es judiciously used. .
No Changing Cars
iVhero direct connections are toada with Throuih
The Short Line via. Peoria
VILLE , and all points in the
Whcra direct connections arc made in the Union
Depot with the Through Sleeping Car
Lines for ALLl'OINTS
Rock Island.
The uncqvaled inducement ) offered by this line
to travelers and tourists are as follows :
The celebrated PULLMAN (16-whcel ( ) PALACE
SLEEPING CARS run only on this line. C. , B.
Horton's Reclining- Chain ) . No extra charge for
scats in Reclining Chairs. The famous C. , B. &
Q. Palace Dining Can. Gorgeous Smoking Cars
fitted with elegant high-backed rattan retoltin ?
chain , for the exclusive use of first-class posaen-
Steel Track and superior equipment combined
with their gjeat through car arrangement , makes
this , above all others , the favorite route to tha
East , South and Southeast.
Try it , and you will tlnd trat eling a luxury in
stead of n discomfort.
Through tickets % io this celebrated line for Ealo
at all olhccs in the United State ? and Canada.
All information about ratcH of fare , Sleeping
Car accommodations , Time Tables , etc. , will bo
cheerfully given by appljing to
General Passenger Agent , Chicago.
General "Manager , Chicago.
An Ordinance to provide for a special election
by the electors of the City of Omaha , to deter
mine u hcthcr ono hundred thousand dollars ol
bonds of the City of Omaha , shall be tamed for
the purpose of the construction and maintainance
of severs in the City of Omaha.
Be it ordained by the City Council of tha City
of Omaha , as follows :
SECTION' 1. It being considered necessary by the
City Council of the City of Oinaha that sewers
partly constructed in the City should be complet
ed and maintained , and other ; sew era constructed ;
therefore , the mayor of the City of Omaha , be and
he is hereby authorized and instructed to call a
special election after jfivinjf twenty days public
notice of such special election to Iw held in tha
City of Omalia , on Tuesday , the 31st day of May ,
A. D. 1331 , for the purpose of submitting to the
electors of said City , the follon in ? proposition :
"Shall bonds of the City of Omaha bo issued by
said City in the sum of one hundred thousand dollars
lars ( $100,000) ) due in twenty years nith interest
at the rate of six. per centum per annum , Interest
payable scmi-annually upon interest coupons to
be attached to said bonds , for the purpose of com
pleting' and maintaining sewers partly construct
ed , and to construct and maintain additional few-
era , said bonds or the proceeds thereof , not to bo
diverted from the purpose for which they are issued
andnottobedisposcdofatlcm than par. " Said pro
position shall be submitted to said electors entire
and in the foregoing ; form and the iota thereon
shall be only by " 1 OT" or "No. "
SECTION- . ThU shall take effect and
be in force from an after its passage.
( Signed. ) THOS. H. DAILET ,
Prcs't City Council.
Passed May 3rd , 1SS1.
Attest :
J. J. L. C. JlWCTT ,
City Clerk.
ApproredTMay tth , 1S31.
( Signed. ) JAMES E. EOYD ,
rr-9-tl Mayor.
John Dosscpt will take notice that on the Oth
day of May , 1831 , Charles Bnindcs , a Justice ol
tli * Peace of 1st precinct , Donglas County , Neb. ,
issued an order of attachment for the sum oi
825JX ) in an action pending before him , wherein
Morris El utter is plaintiff , and John Dassept
defendant , and that property consisting of cne
trunk and contents 1m been attached under said
order. Said causa nax continued to the 20th
June/lSSl , 1 o'clock p. ra.
ml4c o3t MORRIS ELGUTTER , Plaintiff.
TMrfljjWarii Eegistration Notice ,
In compliance with law and as per Ordinance
No. 452,1 will sit at my office , northeast corner
of 14th and'Douglas street ( up stain ) , the SUh.
Uth andJSOth of May , 1SS1 , for correction anc
adding to'the registrar's list all the legal voters
of the 3rd ward of the City of Oinaha. Thow
residing north of the center of Howard street ant
cast of the center of 12th street and south of the
ccntcr.of.Davcnport street and west of the water
line of the Missouri river , and having been rcoi
dents of the State ii months , and of the County
cf Douglas (30) ( ) thirty days and of this precinct
3rd ward , for (10) ( ten days ; and none others are
entitled to re natratlon for voting upon the qxies
tion of sewerage bonds May 31st , 1S31.
ml7tom31 Registrar 3rd Ward.
Fifth Ward Registration Hotice ,
QMAIU , May 17th , 1S31.
Notice ! hereby given that I will nit Friday
May 20th , 1SS1 , in the U. P. Bakery , on 16th St.
between California and Webster Sts. , for the pur
pose of registerinjj the unrefjutarod vottrs of tha
Fifth Ward , H. WAKEFIELD ,
ml7- Registrar Fifth Ward.
KIDNEGEX u highly recommended and unsurpassed for Weak or Foul Kidneys ,
Dropsy , Blight's Disease , Loss of Energy , Nervous Debility , or any Obstructions aria-
ing from Kidney or Bladder Diseases. Also for Yellow Fever , Blood and Kidnay
Poisoning , in infected malarial sections.
tffVj the distillation cf a FOUES7 LKAF with JUNIPER BERRIES and BARL2T MALT , we
bare discovered KIDNEOEN , which act * stwcillcally on the Kidneys and Urinary Organ * , removing
Injurious deposit * formed in tha bladder and preventing any straining , taarting xnwtion , hct ot
under all circumstance < without injury to the system. Unlike any other preparation for Kidney
difficulties , it has a v ry pteuant nnd ttgrotnblj taita and fla or. It haj b a dilcult to make a
preparation containing positlvo diuretic properties which will not nauseate , but be acceptable to th *
stomach. Btfojj taking any Liver muhcine try a bottle of KIDNEGEN to CLEANSE the Kidneys
Irom foul matter Try it , and you will aI A\a u it M a family medicine. Ladieo enpeciallr wUl
lite it. and gentlemen will find KIDNEGEN the boat Kidney Tonic ever uwd.
NOTICE. Each bottle beam the ni.-natiuo of LAWRENCE * MARTIN , also a proprietary gov
ernment stamp , which permits KIDNCGENto be sold ( without licenw ) by druggist * , grown and
other persons everywhere.
If not found at your druggist's or grocer' * , wo will send a bottla prepaid to the xpreM
office to you.
Wholesale Agents In Omaha , STEELE , JOHNSON & CO. , will supply ths traJa at inanufietur-
tra prices.
Rores beyond any reasonable question that the
la by all odds the best road Tor you to taio when traveling In cither direction between .
' Chicago and all of the Principal Points in the West , North and Northwest. '
Carefnllr examine this Map. The Principal Cltfes of the \V it and Northwest arc Stations
on Uils road. 1U through trains inako close connections with the trains ot all railroads at
Junction points.
Over nil or Its principal lines , raw each -waT dally from two to four or more Fast Eipresa
aralns. It Istlio only road west of Chicago that taesUio . - , - _ ; „ . v. , _
Itl3lhoonJ7rmiJthatnm < jriinm.inSleepfnC.ir3Norta ! or NorthwpJtof Clilcago. Ithaa
nearly 3.WO ZIILES OF KOJ.D. 1 1 forms the following Trunk Lltiei : "
"Council Bluffs. Denver & California Lint. " "Wlnons , Jllnncsota& Central D.-xkita. Une. " .
SJouxC ty. or.Ncbrasca& : Yankton JJno."ChIcaco , St. 1'aul and Minneapolis Line. '
r-nllnols' * " > eport & Dubuqtio Line. " "MUwankeo , Green Ray & I iko Superior Lino. "
Tickets over " thl3 rocil are sold by all Coupon Ticket Ageuts la the United SUtcj aud
Itcmcmbcr to ask for Tickets via this road , bo sure they rend over It. and take none other.
JtAKVlX BCGH1IT , Genl Manaser , Chlcaco. K W. n. SiniETT , Genl Pass. Acont , Chicago ,
HARRY P. DUEL , Ticket Agent C. & N. W. Railway , 1 Ith and Fainham streets.
D. E. KIMBALL , Assistant Ticket Agent C. & N. W. Railway , Hth and Famham strMta.
J. BELL. Ticket Agent C. i N. W. Railway , U. P. R. R. Depot.
SAMES T. CLARK. General Agent.
Feathers , Window Shades ,
And Eveiything pertaining to the Furniture and Up
holstery Trade. A Complete Assortment of
New Goods at the Lowest Prices.
CIAS. SEVEBICE , 1208 and 1210 Fan. St ,
prt mon tb sat
Sioux City & Pacific
St. Paul & Sioux City
and all points hi Northern Iowa , Minnesota and
Dakota. This line is equipped wjh the unproved
Westinfrhouso Automatic Air-brake and Miller
Platform Couple * and Buffer ; and for
Is unsurpassed. Elejrant Drawing Room and
Sleeping Cars , owned and controlled by the com
pany , run through WITHOUT CHANGE bttw ecu
Union Pacific Transfer depot at Council Bluffs ,
and St. Paul.
Trains learo Union Pacific Transfer depot at
Council Bluffs at 5:15 : p. m. , reaching Sioux City
at 10:20 : . in. and St. Paul at 11:03 a. m. , making
Returning , leave St. Paul at 8:30 : p. m. , arriving
at Sioux City 4 : < 5 a. m. . and Union Pacific Trans
fer depot. Council Bluff t , at 0:50 a. m. Bo sure
that your ticket * rxul via " 3. a d P. It. R. "
Y. a HILLS , Superintendent ,
T. E. ROBINSON , Mimouri Valley , la.
Asst. Gen. Pass. Astnt.
J. II. O'BRYAN , Passenger Aent.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
PourtliWard Eegistration Hotice ,
Notice la hereby ( Then that I will sit at E.
Wymon' store. ISth St. , on Monday and Tuesday ,
May 23rd and th , for the purpose of registering
the electors of the Fourth Ward , for special city
election to be held on Monday , May 31st , 1331.
In wltneos whereof , I hereunto set my hand
this 13th day ot May , A. D. 1881.
Registrar Said Ward.
Rooms fa Jacobe * Block , up stairs , corner Cap
ital avenue and fifteenth street. Residence , Hi'-
Sherman avenue. May be consulted at residence
from 7 to 9 p. m. , exrrpt Wednesdays.
SncutTT Obstetiicif and Diseases of Women.
Office hours , 0 to 11 x m. and 2 to t p. m. : Sun-
7 P. m. rail 6m
1880. SHORTLIHE. 1880.
St , Joe & Council Bluffs
13 Till OMLT
Dkect Line to ST. LOUIS
From Omaha and the "West.
No change of cars between Omaha and St. Louu ,
and but one between OMAHA and
132 : :
Daily PassengerTrains
Thii entire line u equipped with Pullman's
Palace Hl'I'in j Can , Palace Day Cuache.t. MUler * *
Safety 1'Intlor.j and Coupler , and the celebrated
Wuotinghouxe Air-brake.
t TSw that your ticket readj VIA KANSAS
road , via St. Joseph and St. Louu.
Ticket * for sale at all coupon stations In th ?
Writ. J. F. BARNARD ,
A. C. DAWES , Gen. Supt , St. Joseph. Mo
( Jen. POM. and Ticket Ajt. St. Joseph. Mo.
W. C. SKACHEKIT , Ticket Agent.
1020 Farnham street.
AXOT BORDIX. Passenger Agent ,
A. B. lUaMAin , General Azant ,
217 and 213 North Main St , St. Louis ,
BOOK , i n/inrpc JWIUTINGJ
NEWS , ] rHrtno , WRAPPING ,
Printer's Stock.
jOTCash paid for Rogi and Paper Stock , Scrap
Iron and Metal * .
Paper Stock Warehouses 1 3 to 1S37 , North
Sixth street.
One Price Cash Dry Goods Store ,
Corner Sixteenth and California Streets ,
O2E *
It will pay you to examine this stock , as everything is entirely new , and great BARGAINS -
GAINS will be-given. !
GUILD & McINNIS , Proprietors.