VOLUME X. OMAHA , IsTEBBASKA TUESDAY MORNING , MAY 17 , 1881. 1STFMBER 269. LOTS , . . .f.t FARMS , LANDS BEMIS' Real Estate EXCHANGE Douglas OMAHA , NEB. , RESIDENCE LOTS , 4000 100 to $2100 each. OKf\ HOUSES AND LOTS. . . < 40 ( J 5275 to 18,000 each. / BUSINESS LOTS , iS $300 to $10,000 each. if 900,000 ACRES IN DOUGLAS COUNTY. 12,000 .ACHES IN SARPY COUNTY 7,000 \ \ LARGE AMOUNT OF Suburban . Property a. T j IK ONE , TEN , TWENTY OR FORTY-ACRE * LOTS , -WITHIN ONE TO FIVE MILES PROM rOSTOFFICE. $250,000 JO LOAN AT 8 Per Cent. NEW MAPS OF OMAHA , PUBLISHED BY THIS AGENCY , 25c each ; Mounted , $1. Houses , Stores , Hotels , Farms , Lots , .Lands , , Offices , Booms , 6uC. , TO RENT OR LEASE. Taxes Paid , Bents Collected , Deeds , Mortgages , and all * ' Kinds of Keal Estate Documents Made Out at Short Notice. This agency does strictly Brokerage business , 33os no1 speculate , and therefore any bargains on its books are In sured to its patrons instead o l being gobbled up by the agent. Notary Public Always in Office. GET CIKCULARSanJ , FULL . . * * fc * K f } < PARTICULARS t SEMIS'- OSrt AND tin LORD ROSGOE RESIGNS Pent Up Utica Explodes and " Startles the' Cajital , Senators Conkling and Plat1 - -r Eesign Their Seats in- " * " " the Senate. Tha Greatest Sensation Since tin " Flood. . Special Dispatch to Tin BBS. y , May 1C 4 p.m. . The absence of Senator Conkling from the meeting of the committee on judiciary this -morning was the first intimation that .there . * s"b Vp. ' trouble , brewing , but thre ( w.as * no time "for conjecture before the an1 nouncemcnt of .his resignation , was made. This coup d'etat is said now to be what was presaged in the sena tor's famous speech , reported in dis patches to THE BEE , in the caucus a- few days ago. It is also believed " " e A "STALWART" METHOD of expressing disgust at the policy oi the president in ignoring the senator from any state in filling the most im portant offices in his state. This action leaves .the democrats in the majority in the senate , but it is ex pected no advantage will be taken ol that circumstance. The senate is now in executive session , hence no ex- L of official opinion" can be , obtained * tained * * . A BOMB SHELL BURST in the senate soon after it was called tq order this jnoniing in the shape of the resignation of Senators Roscoe Conkling and Thos. 0. Platt , of .New York ! The communications were in the usual form and A * ere addressed to Vice President Arthur and announced 1 that the resignations had "been for warded the governor ofthe _ state of New York , and requested that the announcemcut of the fact be formally niade to the * senate. The announceal ment was received by the senators c present with genuine surprise , but the senate immediately.proceeded to the transaction of routine business , and at * 12:25 o'clock went into executive ses sion , j- The following was the brief antl nouncement of the senator : WASHINGTON , p Q-J jrav 10. - ' 8m : Will rou announce"to the C senate that my resignation as senator of the United States from the state of m Now York , has been forwarded to the governor of that state. I have the honor to be with great respect your obedient servant , JlOSCOE CONKUNO. To Chester A. Arthcr , YiccPresident A HUM OF SURPRISED a At once there was a hum of surprise all about'tho chamber. The democrats looked anxiously at each , other and smiled. The republicans tried to be calm , but more than one showed in tense interest in what would follow. The * . vice-president then handed another communication to the clerk , who read AS follows : SENATE CHAMBER May IGth. To the Hon. Chester A. Arthur , Vice-Prest. : SIR : I have forwarded to" the govd ernor of the state .of New York my J resignation as a senator of the United States from the state of New YorL. . iVill you please announce the fact to he senate. With great respect your obedient servant j THOMAS C > PLATT. To add to the sensation of the mo ment , it gained circulation thatjtho Vice President lias also resigned , but of this was speedily squashed , that official occupying the chair at the time. Neither Senators Conkling or Platt have been seen at the Capitol to-day and are not now at their residences. Senator Mahone also absent from the senate. The democrats are hailing the fiasco with delight , but not so much since it leaves them a temporary majority , as that it seems to presage an inevitable spli in the opposition. What will be done in the senate now cannot be conjee tured. * ; IN EXECUTIVE SESSION the uncontcsted nominations are being considered at present , no report hav ing been made on Chandler or Rob' ertson. Senator Pendleton stated just now that ho hardly thought the senate would \7-iat to finish up the business of the session r > &out a ful1 x body , and that delay ujkt ; : * > made by the republicans them * selves until action has been taken by J the New York legislature. Senator t Johnson , of "Virginia , said he thought the republicans would try to rush Robertson and Chandler tlirough and , adjourn. Reports on these could bo * forced by the disposition of all other business , and action could bo taken at t Senator Williams , of Ketucky , ' * thought it IftoVwJ like transferring' 3t t the fight to New-"York"il it tjj's0un- * f - tiymight Tccognize * ihe Conkling strength at home if It was notas apS . ' " ' * t jr g. parent j abroad. . .Senator Kellogg' tlfoughl that jSwiatbr Conkling-faad taken tii'ine lied of appealing id his people , and thought it. not improba ble that the .New York legislature , be ing Conkling , would sustain him and ly bis colleague bj returning both. ' THE RECORD OF CRIME. Murders , Mutilations Shootiuj Scrapes , Suicides and Iij-ncMags. SENT ur. DUBUQUE , May 1C. Peter Mertin , the accomplice of Van Huessling in tlie McDonald burglary was sentenced Saturday to five years in the penniten- tiary. A STRETCHER. I'eLrrn.E RocKArk. , , May 1C. ' Wil lis E. Keesis , who murdered William Drake , in Crawford county , last De cember , has beerf sentenced' to t ? hanged at Van Buren , July 1C. L".iACK BATTLE. VICKSBURG , May 40. Yesterday , in a colored fight at Leola , Washing ton county , between five negro women with knives , one was carved to death. ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. PASIS , May 1C - 4 p. m. A painful impression has been caused among the American colony in Paris by the attempted - tempted i suicide of Geo. Boulend , a jjmng painter who , having been low- spiritcu for some months , on Thursday last 1 cut gashes in liis throat and left wrist , with a razor while waiting at the rooms of a friend named Wood ward. Boulend is in a precarious condition. MURDER AND SUICIDE. ATCHISON , Ks. , May 1C. "While Lou Gwinne , a' waitress at Walker' ' restaurant , was standing in the yan'T in i the rear of the restaurant , her husband - band , Charley Gwinne , a cook at the Atlantic hotel , approached and after a few words drew a revolver and fired three shots at her , two of the balls entering her breast and the third piercing her brain and causing instant death.Ho then pointed'the pistol at liis own head and fired , the ball pene trating his brain and causing death in a fpw minutes. They Iiave not been living together for about a year. MEDETATED LYNCHING. GRAND HAVEN , Mich. , May 1C. There is greatexcitementhete"cause ? by a report that an organized body of about two hundred men are on the way to take Albertus Voskamp , who murdered Hiram H. Coady ne ? " Cooperaville , out of fail and hang him. Sheriff'Vanpeel lias been forewarned of meetings "being held with that object - ject < , and has garrisoned the jail with i force of-officers well armed. " LATER. 4 p. m. The three hundred - dred men made their appearance.about midnight , and were greatly surprised to find a company of the state militia drawn up in front of the jail. District Attorney McBride made thenl a speech and invited a few of them inside to inspect the make up of the jail and arrangements for defending the buildw ipg , after wliich.thoy concluded they could not get the prisoner' without " blood being -shed , and-they returned home at 2 a. m. They were a sober atfd orderly crowd. On leaving they gave notice that if Vaskamp was not , convicted they would surely lynch t him. , BLOODY BALTIMORE. BALTIMORE , May 1C. To-day has been marked by more bloodshed than C has over occurred in Baltimore for years. About 4:15 : yesterday afternoon Edward . Lucas , a brickl.iyor , stabbed Dennis , Bradner , an oyster drvdgor , in d the sid&J inflicting a wound from which 31 lie died" in ten minutes. Lucas was 31al About 0:30 Police Officer Campbell " hot 1 : at an escaped prisoner named E < ! - U Jarr ; , near Green Mount cemetery and PI 1 lie : ball struck him in tliebakand in made a dangerous wound. inar About 9 o'clock Saturday evening , ti > aul Rossi , " ( Italian ) seriously stabbed ' " Icnry Toping- the left side , npar ar h'o heart. There was no provocation ce or the deo3. .Rossi was arrested. \bout8:50 : pvin , , Officer Wardell was CO attackedr By. a yrowoTof roughs , who COof took luVcliib awayahd knocked him fr down. He fired a shot in the air and is private watchman , James Jameson , th came toJii.s assistance-and fired three ; . --0iie of the thE hota intb-tho crpwd.0iie balls trvck Henry Cjeyeltttld ia the E eft thigh , irtflicliiiK a Serious wound , ar and another ball 2'ruck Stephen ardi lasty in his. right arm. Bo"l were di only innocent loOkere-on. tu MURDER OF A WOMAN. tumi HOBOKEN , N. J. , May 1C. Lost miwi light the body of a woman was found wi n a clump of woods , between the tu Jergen aivd Guttenburg roads. The x > dy was , to all appearances , that of fo an attractive joung woman , with a lo Jermah cast of face and an attractive lees igurc. The back of her head was mashed in- and her dark hair was tii clotted with blood. Her clotliing Sti vas covered with mud and fo grass , and showed that her strug- fopi ; lo for lifo had been of a mpst desper- lie itc character. A gash three inoH' * fo eng had been cut over the right cyo feta and the clotliing was bodily torn , to > ut it could bo seen that it was of su- < 1 > erior quality. An air of refinemen 1fa about ] the features , even in the distor- lii ion i of deatli agony , showed that she to vas superior to the class of people th vho inhabited the vicinity. Near the thad wdy were two large stones , weighiiij fu hirty pounds each. On one tii which .was clotted blood and dark tiiar lair , which showed that they wqrq arcc ho implements used by thofionds who ccnr did the work. The body was taken nrw o the morgue. ca Christina Cuttle , only daughter o caM Fames Cuttle , a well-to-do farmer c * et Suttenberg , has been missing ethi or some time , ( J'ld is sup- le rased to bo the deceased , tl 5he has been intimate with' Judson tlti ? rancoir , ex-constable of that town , tidi who was recently held for trial before diSj Justice Plumstead. She has been ab Sjsi sent from her home off and on for a siM month , and , it is reported , gave birth to a child in New York City. Neith er the girl nor the ex-constable coulc ) e found. The father of the girl be- ieves that the deceased is liis daugl - er , but is not sure of it. , TEXASLAVLESSNESS. * SAN ANTONIO , Texas , May 1C. Deputy Sharifl Clemens , of Kimball county , left here a few days ago with Jno. Patton , charged with horse stealing , and Wm. Dunman , charged with murder. About seventy miles west of here he was stopped by four men who jdemanded the prisoners. The deputy yielded , and was told to go on a short distance and wait Presently he heard shots and I afterwards heard that Patton had bee killed. Durmanwas given the deputj c - - ' "which the parties took fror ! ! l" M that Patton was she x vm , and to. . . -hUdren , of a family nS ? ? "V an was named Dana , and that . „ - j.je released for developing the facu , in prison. Striking Engineers and Firemen. National Associated Press. , " . * CHICAGO , May IGlO p. , m. The switch 'engineers" firemen eui- ployed"bn all the roads centering in ihiscTtyliave'signed.a petition asking for a reduction of the hours of labor , and pay for over time. At present they work twelve 'hours : No decided has " " yet taken place in the ' strike ; Two young hood- JamBs Crow'P tag Which eacljsbe'vfed 1fe left ear off bis antagonist CHICAGO , May IG- Thc well-known lie uor firm of Lawrence & Martin fefl into the hands of the sheriff last night.- They estimate their Jiabjli- ties" at § 200,000 in fixtures , stock and.- patents. Cause of failure indefinite stated , but probably rash specula tion. ROSCOE'S RESIGNATION. > It Did Not Bepresent the Yiewj of His New York Con stituents ; And is Considered On All Sides to be Very a Foolish Action. Views of Several Prominent Men Newspaper Com- ments. National Associated Press. DID NOT REPRESENT THEIR CONSTITUENT CHICAGO , May 16 10 p. m. The Evening ] News' Washington special , says : It has leaked out"that the resig nation of Conkling. and Platt did not represent the republican sentiment-of New York with regard to Judge Robertson ] , and to sustain this view ic cites the endorsement which the leg islature of New ork gave Judge Robertson immediately after his nom ination. i The president has said tint if i there was any way of testing the senti ment of New York republicans and it was found to be against Judge Robert son , he would withdraw his name. Tliis test will be made upon the quc > tion of the election of the successors of Conkling and Platt. Should the latter be elected it will decide the con troversy and Judge Robertson's be withdrawn. HOW THE PRESIDENT RECEIVED THE NEWtS. WASHINGTON , May 17 1 a. m. Half an hour after the letters of Sen ators Conkling and Platt were read to the senate , the news was communi cated to the president. He was sil ing at his table in the executive oftic. when one of his secretaries rushed ia ja' from the telegraph clerk's desk an 1 excitedly told him that the pperat < had overheard a dispatch saying tha. , the ] New York senators had resigned. The president was seized with the same feeling < of stupefication and astonish ment that had effected all others who had heard the news. Rousing.himself he exclaimed : "I don't believe it. " The first thing the president did after hearing a verification of the news , waste to dispatch a messenger to the state department and request the presence of ; Blaine at the White House. Blaine went at once and they'then held a caucus ; on the situation , Messengers were dispatched instanter to ascertain ni the truth or falsity of the report. When the news was confirmed the " White House was in a state of excite tl ment , such as never was never known C there before. President Garflold seemed to be astonished. He appeared sow to labor under extreme excitement w and paced up and down in his office TVIc unable : to control Jus feelings. As c soon as the resignations wore announc J ed , stories began to circulate that ishn Postmaster-General James had sent in , hn his resignation also , and on the streets 1" that Vice-Presi- fir rumors soon spread - - dent < Arthur snd Attorney-General MeVeajjh w ould also resign , but they 10 nil proved to bu unfounded. 113 JOHN KELLY BXTB SSSSS IHMSEWr * " pc "NEW Yonc , May 17 1 a. m. The th news in Now York-of Conkling's and tin Platt's resignations created the most res intense excitement among politicians vis ind others. John Kelly , when ques tie tioned as to the cause and eff 3 , said : " "Mr. ] Conkling is a very proud mnn sei md i not properly constituted to n > an ept anything out victoryj bcsjd.eg tljat lu vas convinced that Robertson's AN confirmation was assured , in the event which the now' collector and li's . ' Friends , would gaptire | the state organ ei ization , To be candid , j am satisfied B.Q1 that Jus withdrawal from politics al i- no ' ether'would not injure the statj a coi particle. Since he has been in power ate lie has estranged the mc-.t influent' * coi respoQtable element of the repubc lican party by ] fa arrogant , unsc . = lisposition , and now if has an opporve iunity to raise tho" standard of ih dei norale'if they have a desire to do so. | ho "Do you think Conkling's friends pu follow his. Igadership in the fa- , ture ! " I ) ? "I do not. Machine men generally follow the < -ommissariat-'s wagon as ' 10 long as it is full.Of course there are evi sxceptions , but the" history of politics wi ber-g out the claim : There was a time in the lustoij of national and sa state politics when the lcadors wg 3 coj Followed because they represen.cd cai principle. Now , men who'havo pub caiW offices to dispense have the large.t thi following. On questions of finance , ho taxes , canals , etc. , they do not appc- , exert their Influence , but the J. question considered is how to secure a fat position. It is possible that Conk PI ling and Platt's resignations were sent fa GoVi Cornell that he might send by > their to the Th names legislature before ndjournment and that body Would re sic fuse to accept them. The prestige of pe their action would strengthen them u and be a disapproval of Garfield's s , course in sending in Robertson's ru . TJie of foi name. resignation Conkling will : show his strength in the republi sei can party , I do not beljevc his and lai Mr. Platt's resignation will bo accept toimi ed. There has boon suoh cases in the mi history of American politics in which su leaders have managed to regain , L ' their own personal j.restige , the pos - tipn | n tljo party of which they weie M deprived by llio loss of patrono _ th ; Such were Henry Clay on the w1 . side , and Silas Wright on the otlu P.r What Senator Conkling's chances to P.rhe do this are I do not know. " heSi Sibl VIEWS OF SEVERAL LEADING MEN. bl i Col. George Bliss , ex-United States bldo district attorney , said he had no opii - it itkt ion to express. kt Postmaster Pearson said it would ca bo injudicious for him to express an to opinion , and did not propose to do so. toTl Hugh Hastings , editor of The Com iii mercial Advertiser , said it was unexpected tii tiih pected by everybody. He had noth h ing more to say of it. attl United States District Attorney tl tlof AVoodford said he had no views to e- of ofSi press. Si Thurlow Weed said he had believed in Garfield and was satisfied that he ajtf was in the right now. * Mr. Hatch , of Hatch & Footc , said lu of the resimations : "I think , , thu > m should be followed by the resignatioi val of Mr. Garfield. Arthur could taV Y J the chair. " Ho did not believe t * . qu [ money or stock markets Would boj tat fectedL. no. Gen. Daniel E. Sickles had nol * ° w k ° said in an intej ) ' to aau Tli of ofPh is a Ph " among n lot "of small men. Jin considered great because" 2 ? Ktsand thi self-esteem down people's throt. him. throttles them if-they say nay toiow. Ho lias had his way too long.apd an/ as he has politicians "in Blainra 'fl "T Garfield , who are his superi TV n- on ] everything but -he i bl . pettiness , < - .d- un plussed , and like an over-blown > f his ing der , ' has uUI * 0' ' on acojunt/ " ' domineering self-sufficiency. , ) ruined Grant's chances. At * . atsh con- sh vention Garfield took advanfcgtof the lai occasion , which offered and behold ! During Hayes' , administration ( ionk- Tl ca : ling had the president and little secre tary of Btato by the nosei , and tliev were nothing loth. Thyv began to ; he flatter themselves thatiheyhadsuch thwl a wl keeper , but now he ha.run against a wall which he can't | ljck his way j through , and whicfi wHl bar his wa towards governing"tlio-country a 1 Conkling. < He is a ffiflst shallow poll tician when estimated by the tru standard , and because he has braye in the senate chamber for yeara h evidently thinks himself the greates man in the country , and most certain ly j in the government. Conkling r-ad enough to kill his own party i Garfield does not do' as he wishes , am' " 'Robertson is confirmed , of whicL ihero can be no doubt , the sen ate w51 ! haye a - lively tim of it. Jim Blaine is the cause of thi downfall , "for revenge -is sweet-an Blaine wanted to be president am would have been hadlt not been fo Conkling. ( Jt is by far the best thin that could happen for the democnr ta and they ought to congratulate them selves. Col. Tom Ochiltree , of Texas , said It is the cap stole % > f Coupling Platt's lives. It was the only ste ; they could take with any self respect 1s They could not , representing a grsa state like New York , submit to such i humiliation. The administration am liii its org is have cried all along that th" great body of republican voters in New York state- would not endorse the behavior and action of its senators Messrs. Conkling and Platt , by direct ly 1 appealing to their constituents , v"1' 1li let the administration see that tl < liF F3oplo of New York are not so stupi fied as has been represented. Cer tainly ; Conkling and Platt will bo returned turned , and the United States senat : will see tliat by abandoning- New v1 York senators and deviating from t/ ; rule that is co-eval with the founda tion of the government itself it has made a great mistake. . The people of the state of New York will not allow Mr , Conkling to retire. I consider Mr. Conkling the greatest man in the country to-day. He is certainly witlj- out a peer in the United States senate. The senators both acted upon the principle that neither were ac u- ated ' by personal motives. Both fol lowed the precedent that was estab lished with the constitution. They now turn and throw themselves into the arms of their constituents , to find favor or disapprobation. Mr. Einstein thought that Governor Cornell would not accept Mr. Conk- ling's 's resignation , but in the event of his excellency doing so the legisla ture would re-elect him. Collector Merritt and Naval Officer Burt declined to express any opinion. THEY MAY BE RETDKNED. The Evening Post has the following special dispatch from Washington : A'n intimate friend of Senator Conkling makes the following statement-aa to the reason for the resignations : "Statements have been made by gen tlemen ! in the cabinet that Senators Conkling and Platt do not represent their atato in this matter of Robert son ; that if the people had known ivhat ] their position was to bo Platt nould not have been elected and Conkling would not have , leen sup- potted in In'a couw'e. Mr. Conkling wishing to test it. He has tired of liaving one senator after another re- ieved from voting against the con- irmation of Robertson in order to > lave a petty postmaster here or there , he proposed to submit to such a sit- latjon no longer , but to appeal to the P'1 luopli/o'f NewToric to decide whether hey believe that two senators whom hey had chosen are competent to rep- esent that state in the matter of i i- tlC ] president f to nomina- . ions. " "And , " said. this gentleman , i 'They will both be returned to the enate at the earliest possible moment , C Hid not a republican vote will 1,3 cast ste igainst them. After that the deluge. " n BOTHER TK1CK TO KEfE/tT KOBEKTSON. pic It is eiid that certain democrats in [ 10 , mterest of Conkling will now at- c empt'lo ' force an adjournment of the de enate sirjQ djg , in ardor- that itrmay an iot ba possible for Robertson to bo onfinned , before the election of acn- mema tors can take place in New York. Of ma ourse the resignations give the dem- 10 ici.its ; complete control of the senate fai Plitt and Conkling have already ke latgd tjjojr geaig , T is gives the lenjQcrats twq majorjty , ovun , Jf Ma : lone slnll combine to.act with * ' iro- iublicarThe democrats r 2 : n rr t glee , They say that Conkling At cas ' } smashed the republican party. bai The announeenient p ? jlig r sjgnf baiM ions J3 to fee njado a.t Albany "this M ' vening. 45. : k'ILL NOT REORGANIZE THE COMMITTKI % 45.wh A prominent democratic senator ays : "We shall not reorganize the he senate as soon as possible and go tome. " CAN PLATT 'BE RE-ELECTED ? gO for Doubts arc. oppressed as to whothcr Oil 'latt can be re-elected in view of the tet act that his elestion was only scoured Th ? the ad of Robertson's frient1 we Che resignations rre unpopular , li lep is regarded as a spiteful .and d - TJi ? ] lerato : act. There is a desue fio- by > that Robertson y mently expressed 79 hall boldly challenge Conklingy 2c I aiming against him in the legislator the senate , if he should go to the wh enate. The president could then a aa1 withdraw hia name foe the celL - orship , and for harmony's sweet sal i ' night nominate Conkljng as , Merritt's | ' NEWSPAPER COMMENTS. ed CHICAGO , May 17 1 a. m. TI 3 4re Horning News will to-day sayJJ : 81 ho resignation of Senators Conklin j foi md Platt were tl s results of a coinAt iromise , it was eitler with the repul - icans of the senate OP the president. Nc Such a compromise could be honora40. bly made with Either ; with the presi- ffiT ilent without it any way constituting cas of the natire of a mere office brokerage - ed edi kerage bargjuj , > u4.with the republi- cans of thojjjjjate as a matter of sena- so tonal coi gy ar.d senatorial custom , for The senate * mcsesa tlie right to con gui firm or s MtopUftiointmeiits. From the foup | tlon ol the government it lig. has : be/1 tne custom to refer to thesen- ators fr.no respective states the ques Ju tion /tf18 confirmation or rejection cyididates hailing from theirstatos. lot Sectors Conkling and Platt resign lotMJ the purpose of laying their cause for the action which impelled it be- forNe r ° B filature which elected i hem. This act at once gives them an tnnienso moral advantage. It ele- ates the circumstances of the New 1C ark appointments to a great political Au uestiou of which the honor and repu- ] ahon nd even the political rectitude lib . with it the political life of the SH JiutcdStates * senatc-are involved " § 10 SANFKANCISCO , May 17-la. m. 1 Ji" Bulletin and Post say the news lov the resignations of Conkling and cle [ latt lias bef n received with surprise sid adTegret though The Bulletin says 88i retirement of Conkling can hard'y i considered a calamity. ] CHICAGO , May 17 1 a. m. The Gil Shies editc.ially will say to-day : Gilfl , 'The theatical exploit Conkling nly discloses a great man's unmea.- rable littleness. It presente Con-- ! in a chare < * , „ . . . no intensely selfish d so thoroughly contemptible that , i hould this view of the case be popu- act arly taken , the end of his political iats ' areer would be plainly in sight. qu Cliere is no element , of popularity in a ard smse ' wh'iclj has no higher basis than md Jie'assertion of a senator's primacy in distribution of official plunder L vhich can enlist public sympathy Ji igainst a president who has simply i for ihown respect for his solemn obliga- _ , - * tion to preserve , protect and. defend the constitut" . " TlTit-A , N. Y. , May 17 1 a. m. The Utica Herald , Ellis H. Roberts' paper , will say , in effit , to-morrow , that the resignations were very baby ish , .and eminently illustrative of Conkling's indifference to party suc cess where selfish motives are involved. Itvwill assume that Conkling and JPIattt cannot be re-elected without a bit3r fight. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH , St. Louis Produce Market. " ST. Louis , May 1C. Wheat Opened lower and ad vanced ; No. 1 red , § 1 09g@l 09 $ for cash ; § 1 09J for May ; § 1 07i@l 07i for June ; § LOO1 Oli for July 97 @ 97gc for August , 9GJC96 c , for Ihe year ; No. 3 do , 93c bidi ; o. 4 i)2ic ) bid. bid.Corn Corn Opened lower and advanced ; 43@43c for cash ; 42g@437c for May ; 41@41gc for. June : 41@41sc for July1 ; 42@42jc { for August ; 4242 ; c for September. Oats Lower at 37Jc for cash ; 33c for July. Rye-Dull at § 110 bid. Barley No market Butter Unchanged. Eggs Unchanged. flWhisky Steady at $1 00. Pork Lower ; jobbing , $16 25 fcr cash ; § 16 25 for August ; § 1G 2o@ 16 50 for September. Dry Salt Meats Nominally lower. Bacon Lower at § 6 87A@9 00 ® 9 25 ; short clear .sold at $9 25@9 32i for July : 89 3749 5.0 for August. Lard Nominally at § 10 00. St. Louis Live Stock Market. ST. Louis , May 1C. Hogs Slow ; ranging from $5 50 ® 3 00 ; receipts , G,000 head ; shipments 8,8CO. Cincinnati Produce Market. CINCINNATI , May 1C. Wheat Easy ; No. 2 red , § 1 10 ® Corn Fair demand ; No. 2 mixed Oats Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 40c. Rye Quiet ; No. 2 , 53j. Barley Dull and unchanged. Pork Dull and lower at § 16 75. Lard Dull and lower at 310 1U. Bulk Meats Quiet at § 5 50 8 12 . Bacon Scarce and firmer at § G 75 39 12A < 39 G2 * . G2In -In active demand at § 1 04. Liverpool Produce Market. LIVERPOOL , May 1C. w Wheat Winter , 9sQ9s Gd'spring ; , is Gd@9s ; white , 8s 10d < g9s Gd ; club , 9s 5ds9s ( 9d. 111 Corn Now , 5s. henc ! Porl72s Gd ; nc ncif Lard Prime western , dull at 54s. : ou Chicago Stock Market. erj ; CHICAGO , May 1G. dr The Drovers' Journal reports as fol- ows : Hogs Receipts , 12,500head ; ship- nents , 5,500 head ; dull and weak at a mj uOc decline , in sympathy with the i revision market ; mixed packin 0 5 505 80 ; light bacon , So 7C@ wl 90 ; clioice heavy packing and ship- wlw.n ing lots , $5 0030 23 ; Texas skip's dr nd jack * ; 1 COsrU 40. Cattle Receipts , 5,500 head : ship- if ncnts , 3,800 head ; good , active de- tand at steady rates and pens well .eared ; common to to fair shipping , to : 5 25(35 ( 50 ; good to clioice § 3 70 © 00 ( ; no'fine heavy cattle here ; thir- ee" cars of 1393 pound distillery teers , § 5 70 ; good butcher's i id can- inbi ling cattle. steady ; common more bi ilentiful and weaker ; poor to fair Uietat § 2 5C33 50 ; good$4 0304 50 ; hoice < , 84 75(53 ( 25 ; Texans , § 4 GO ; vok lemand for Texans sharp : stackers' ) nd feeders , trade quiet at § 3 5C34 25. t3CI Sheep ( Receipts , 500 head ; ship- ils uents , 1,000 ; values firmer and de- iiand good ; common to choice 8C5 > > 00 Ibs wooled sheep , § 4 3505 70 ; tr air to good shorn , $4 254 90 ; mar- lei ret fairly active and all sold. 10 jf Told ( ? Produce Market- TOLEDO , May 10. Wheat Quiet ; No. 2 rod Wabash , hr ash.nominally at $113i ; Junel , 12J ; ov Lugust ; , $1 04 | bid ; No ; 2 red , Wa- 'IThi ' ' iash. cash , § 110J. hi C0rnDull I ; Ho. 2 , cash , 47ic ; 11 'lay : , 47 c asked and 47lc bid ; June , nera :5o . naked ; July , 45jc | .isked ; No. 2 ra fhite , 49ic ; rejected , 4Cc ; damaged , ilc. ilc.Oats Oats Dull ; No. 2 , 40Jc ; No. 2 rhite , 43u. 01 Chicago Produce Market. iffi CHICAGO , May 16. To The supply of loanable funds was oed ( and market easy at 5@7 per cent , n regular cvatomoH. Eastern cx- hange ! between city banks was quo- T.ov at 5.075 cents premium per § 1,000. ov he clearings of the associated banks -ere § 5,700,003. r. On ( 'change the markets we.re quiot. Ik IQ receipts of grain were 27,800 bu. canal and CG'J carloads embracing lot of wheat , 401 of corn , 182 of oats , w. of rye , and 5 of barley. Flour ] Quiet and unchanged ; spring Cr. ! rheat flour , $4 00 < § 5 ' 2g ; for low to , hqipQ fine Minnesota' brands , $5 70 ; rinter wheat Hour , S4 50@G CO. Mi Wheat On regular board wheat - ras in fair speculative de.nv\ndi uut 'nluea were a trifle" unsettled ; No. 2 ( winter , 81 04 for cash ; No. 3 sui < winter , § 1 02 ; No. ' 2 spring , . 01J for caghgl 01 f for May ; June ; SI 03 for July ; 98 c for lot LUgust ; seller the year , 94jc. § ! 3 Corn < Firmer and a shade higher ; . 2 , 41c for cash ; 41c for Mav ; un . c for June ; 44c for July ; 42 c unw. August ; high mixed , 43 c for w.DC ash ; new mixed , 39c for cash : reject- DC , 37 < 237c. DCRe Oats i In fair request ; No , 2 , 3G ] @ G\c \ ; for cash ; 3Gc for May ; 3GJ(23Ggc ( June : 35c for July ; 2GcforAutio ust ; year , 25\c. Rye Quiet and tame ; demand flb. ight ; No. 2 , § 11G for cash ; § 115 for J . lay ; § 1 10 for June ; 91g92c ( for1 "uly ; 77ic for August. Barley Freely offered in sample , but the supply was only moderate ; Tl larket dull and inactive ; No. 2 , 98c cash ; No. 3 , entirely nominal ; . 4 , 80@82c according to location. T'ork Fairly act /e at irregular" rices ; mess , § 1G CO for cash and „ _ , lay ; § 15 77i@lG 00 for June ; ' re 02V for July ; $15 721G 00 for LUgUSt. " „ . Lard Weak snd lower ; offerings iberal ; 810 20 for cash and June ; 17i@10 20 for July and August ; un in 02i@10 12i for September. n " tie Bulk" Meat * Fair demand , but na wer ; shouldsrs , § 5 20Q5 25 ; long ear sides , § 7 80(37 ( 85 : short clear paJ ides , $8 25@8 30 ; short rib sides , wli he ; 759 00. wlimi mi Whisky Unchanged at § 1 08. mit Eeceipta Wheat 41,347 , corn 139- otl , oats 135,918 , rye 5,058 , barley tin ,908. ab Shipments Wheat 199,565 , corn pic 44,479 , oata 257,859. rye 1.020bar - n f\m * * * * j de < CLOSING MARKET. he : Closing call board : Wheat , fairly is i stive and rather easier ; corn and ful in fair request and firmer ; rye , ale luiet and unchanged ; pork , firmer ; tlu and short ribs , liberal demand tluCii higher. ' " - Cii Wheat Spring closed at § 1 01 @ th : 01 | for May ; 81 023@1 021 for ew lune ; § 103@10J for July ; 98@na cil : August ; 9595jc for the year. " i May , 41j { < 341gc ; June , At ra ; July , 41f41 " c ; August , 42g@ 42A _ ; closinjj steady. - Oats-37i(337icforMay ( ; for June ; 3535c for July. Pork - Closing at § 16 05@1G.07) for June ; § 10 07J@1G 10 ion Jnly1 § 1G C3@1G 05 for logHst- ! Lard § 10 2010 25 "for June ; $10 22 (310 ( 25 for July ; § 10 25@ 10 27i for August. Short Ribs-Juner7 907 92i ; July , § 7 97 | < 28 02 " , August , § 8 02 @ 805. New York Produce Market. NEW YORK , May 1C. Flour Quiet. Wheat Unsettled and generally higher on fairly active business ; spot sales ofNo. . - 3- red winter at § 1 24@1 ' 251 ; Na 3. do at § 1 20 @ 1 21 ; QiVhlte , ' ? t 23(31 23 ? : No. 2-do , S131 ? " Com - iXc lower , spot ; options higher and in good demrnd ; spot sales No. 2,52@58c ; No. 3,4&S50c ; steamer mixed ) 55(355c. ( Oats In moderate request and lower ; No. 1 white , 54c"No. 2 do , 53@54 ; No. 3 white , 50c ; No. 2 mixed , 45.Jc.Rye Rye Nominal. Barley Nominal. Pork In moderate request and eas ier ; ordinary mess for early delivery. § 17 50 for old. Lard Fairly active and weak ; spot sales of western steam at § 10 75 ; city do , § 10 50. Beef Plain mess , § 10 00 ; extra do , § 11 50@12 CO. Cut Meats - Quiet ; § 10 25@10 50 tor pickled hams ; § 925(59 ( 50 for do shoulders. Whisky Nominal. Baltimore Produce Market. BALTIMORE , May 1C. Wheat Western , easierbut inactive ; No. 2 , winter red , spot , § 1 25 ; May , § 1 231 24 ; June , § 1210 1214 ; July , § 1.1G@1 IGi August , § 1122 ® ! 13. . Corn Western higher and inactive ; mixed , &pot , GO(5GOjcMay ( ; , 58jj59tc \ < ; June and July SoSSotc. Oats Higher and * firm ; western mixed , 53@54c. Rye Steady. Wliisky Dull at § 110. GENERAL NEWS. SAVANNAH , Ga. , May 1C. Annie Villiams , a colored woman , had a difficulty yesterday with her husband , tie fell upon an open knife which she haw in her hand and received a wound which ] resulted in his death a short time afterwaids. INDIANAPOLIS , May 1C. A terrible instance of depravity came to light iere yesterday. The daughter of a icgro named Somers died of consump- ion. Earlyjan ] the week he started ut to raise money ostensibly for fun- ral expenses , but spent it in getting Irunk. When the case was investi gated the body i\as found rapidly de- iomposing. PERU , Ind. , May 10 Saturday light at 11 o'clock , William Barry and party of twelve were fishing in the Ouckwall mill dam , near RunkerHil ] , vhcn their boat upset where the water vasjtmt. four-feet deep , andliarry was Irowned. NEWARK , O. , May 1C. The bodies Brice Stone , Mrs. Lusch and her wo children , drowned in the Licking eservoir yesterday , were recovered day. GARDNER , Wis. , May 1C. Wol- ] ingsworth & Whitney's new pulp-mill , inished a month ago , was burned this orenoon. Loss $30,000 ; insured. Xau&e unknown. NAVONEE , Out. , May 1C. Taylor's raolen factory and contents were com- iletely destroyed by fire this evening. Jcott & Wager's planing factory was Iso badly burned. EAU CL.URE , Wis. , May 1C The Niagara house , situated on Water treet , fl est of Eau Claire , was wholly lestroyed by fire this morning. The lotel was owned by Thomas J. Perliss , Milwaukee. CHICAGO , May 16. It is announced hat the Wabash railway has purch.\cd Durteen acres of land on the South 'ranch of the Chicago river betwef.n liirty-third and thirty-fifth street and 111 expend 1,000,000 in improve- icnta thereon , including a mammoth rain elevator. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. The following transfers were re- orded yesterday at the county clerk's fHce , as reported lor this paper by ohn ! L. McCagiiQ , real estate agent nd conveyancer : L. ] M. Rheem and wife to Samuel Rheem : parcel in sw. J- section 22 , own. 15 , range 13 , east , w. d. § 350. Geo. < M. Bartlett and wife to Robt. Jenkinsun : a i of lots 7 and 8 , in 240 , Omaha , w. d. § 1200. Eli J P. Watson to Samuel E. Rogers : 1 , blk 11 , Improvement addition , d. § 300. Lizetta ] Jordan ct nl. to Hannah rook . ; a J sw sec 12 , town 15 , r 10 , T w. d. § 800. W. A. Granger , Jr. , to Frank lurphy : lot 2 , blk 227 , Omaha , w. d. -$750 , TRANSFERS RECORDED YESTERDAY. Peter Faust to G. W. E. Griffith : undry lots in Harbach's2nd addition , Fi .d.-8200. John A. Harbach to Mary A. Fried v : . . _ _ . _ . _ _ n in 1.1 i O T / i i. -i G , block 347 , Omaha , w. d. tt ; 3250. : ttbe Ada T. Drake to Fanny Wilson , indi. of c i " lot 2 blk 207 , Omaha , r.d.-S300. Samuel i E. Rogers to Henry Von euser : lot 7 , in blk 2 , in southeast legers addition § 300. Augustus Kountze et nl. to Claus fesa , part lot 22 , Kountze'a 3rd addi- ion , vr. d. § 2oO. A. J. Hayt and ife to E. H. Otte , . i mv I sec 9 , ( pern 15 , r 12 , c , w. 1.-S10CO. COOL M : fhe Drifts 6pen and She Beaches Daylight Again. Nebraska and "Cool Minnesota' again neighbors , the Sioux City & 'acific and the Sioux City'it St. Paul rdlroads being open from Omaha to jioux City and St Paul. Minnesota ntcrs upon the summer "of 1881 with inusu.al advantages to tourist , who are search of cool weather , for in adtS- ion to her usually delightful climate stored the Jol mture has away during last winter among her liills and around lakes a quantity of snow and ice rhich will hardly disappear before the liddlc of July. The fishing at Minnetonka .and the ther superb lakes is said to bo better year thanever _ and sportsmen are Iready whipping the clear waters for ickerel and baas. ilanv Nebraska people have already eclare'd their intention to spend the Seated term in Minnesota , but tlinr * no danger that the. new and beauti- hotels springing up every year long the Lakes yfill haya n era guests . lian they can acco.mmo.date. Maj. 0'Bryan , the agent of the Sioux Jity lines , which take passengers from Omaha to St. hrough Paul in a rom hours , oa.n be addressed at Coun- 82C Bluffs for information regarding btl Minnesota hotel accommodations , and railroad fare. THE STROM LEAD-SBS EM FOLLOW. AT THE "BOSTON STORE" 616 Tenth-Sink STRAW GOODSI STRAW GOODSI Men's Steaw Hate 19c,15cf25c,35 vi5c. * , Meu'a Straw Hats 75c , Sl.OO , $ L5O , $1.75. Boys' Stra-w Hats I0c , 15c , 25c , 35c , 46c. LADIES' HATS ! LADIES' HATS ! Finest Canton Hats 25c , 35c. Finest Milan Hats 75c. Misses' Sailor Hats 25c , 35c , 45c , 50c , 65c. Ladies' Sundown Hats 25c , 35c. 500 Trimmed Hats $1.00 upwards. DRY GOODS ! DRY GOODSI Arriving Daily from New York 2 Bales Unbleached Muslin 5c , worth 7 l-2c. P. G. IMLAH , Manager , LEADER OF POPULAK PRICES , "BOSTON STORE , " 616 Tenth Street ( See Flag. ) EDHOLM & ERIOKSON , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TFACTUUINCJ JEWELERS. LARGEST STOCK OF Md andSilver atches and JeweliyMe City Come and see our stock , as tvo will be pleased to show goods. OPPOSITE I'osropriCK. EDHOLM & ER1GKSON. PHE GREAT WESTERN CLOTHING HOUSE. M. HELLMAN & CO. , Spring Suits ! All Styles ! IMMENSE STOCK AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Che Largest Clothing louse lest of Chicago. A Department for Children's Clothing. We have no\v an assortment of Clothing of all kinds , Gent's j'urnishing Goods in great variety , and a heavy stock of Trunks , 7alises , Hats , Caps , &c. These goods are fresh , purchased from he manufacturers , and will he sold at prices lower than ever jefore made. We Sell for Cash and Have but One Price. A large TAILORING FORCE is employed by us , and we make SUITS TO ORDER on very short notice. O/frT.X. .ATg3P S3E3Z3 1301 and 1303 Farnham St. , cor. I3th. J. W. MURPHY & CO , Wholesale Liquor Dealers And Agents for Kentucky Distilling Co. Corner 1 Ith anJ Doualag St . Omaha , h'ab Lfl' " Tfc "D T5'ji ; > I"RI9i > raT Established D. B. BEEMER , COMMISSION MERCHANT , And Wholesale Dealer In Foreign and Domestic Fruit. obber of Hams , Bacon , ird. Butter , Egy. , Poultry . , Oame arcl Country 1'ro.Iuce generally. Pur- channjf Agent tor all klmh'of . Ooo ! s an.l lferthanli m t kept in stock by blnWlf-tno same bemf SJOKTO. Wmi CAKE , arel billed at current Market Kates. * GENERAL WESTEItSAGEXT FOR AID VTHOUWILE DtMra IS - LAKE , KIVER AM ) SALT WATER FISH. -BY- . TUB OLDEST .leal Estate Agent and Notary Public , Cor. Douglas and Fourteenth streets. v . Ul ° , dt ? and ailrlit5 ° ' " . tram 8200 to 92,000 ; aljo. . , 1.000to10.000al Una In Wttu and Sarpy counties , In wnall jiul Iareetra - laiineswwithJohuM. 200,000 to loan at 8 harkcSTniCTLY cent. anJ 4100,000 confidential. to loan at 10 per cent , in una torolt a liSSS and mortffwa executal on