tr'J * } Jlt VOL.X. OMAHA , NEBRASKA , SATURDAY MAY 7 , 1881 Established 1871 MORNING EDITION. Price POWDER Absolutely Pure. Mtio from Orap Cream TarUr. No other preparation makes lucb licht , fUky hot brcadi , or luxurious putry. Can oe eaten by Djipen- ic * ithout fear of the Ills reuultlnj ; from heavy ndigcstible food Sold oily In c ni , by all Grocers. Rent , EAKI.VO I'OWDKR Co. , New York. C OS 02 0) CD bfl LU of 0 > ( D CO / C o E "cda Great German s REMEDY FOH NEURALGIA , SCIATICA , LUMBAGO , BACKACHE , GOUT , SORENESS or TUB CHEST , SORE THROAT ; QUINSY , SWELLINGS 4HD SPEAINS , FROSTED FEET 4KD EARS. iMD SCALDS , QTMEEAL BODILY PIS , TOOTH , EAR AMD HEADACHE , ASD All otto Fains ACHES. No rrvpantion on earth equiU ST. JACOBS OIL u a SATE. BCBE , siMrLK and CHEAT External Remedy. A trial entail * bnt the compamtirel/ trifling outlay of 60 CKHTS. and ererjr oni tuffennc witli pain can bare cheap and potiUre proof of iti claims. BISECTIONS H ELITES LlSGCiCZS. SOLD U All DRUGGISTS AN DEAUES IN MEDICINE. A. VOGELER & CO. ftaltimorr,3fd , , U.S.A. J. H. FLIECEL. SncrcRwr to J. II. TUIELE , HERrillNT TAILORS , No. , 3O Douglas Street , J. R. Mackey , DENTIST. Corner 15th and Douglas Sts. , Omaha. Priceg _ BUSINESS COLLEGE. THE GREAT WESTERN Gco.R. Kathban , I'riuclpal. Oreighton'Block , - OMAHA Send for Circular. aovZOd&wt RHEUMATIC CORE I War ranted Safe , Certain and Speedy Cure for Rheumatism In all it forms , Nenralpa , Lame lUck , Fain iu the Breast and Side , > * ain In the Stomach and Kidnem. &c. It is an Intern * remedy , a Tonic andtlood Purifier , and whildt removes the Disease it improies the centra health. SMITH , BLACK & CO. , PROPRIETORS , PLATTSUOU1H.NEBRASKA- C. r. tmaa , general 'as ha THE FIRE FIEND'S FEAST. Over $150,000 Licked Up by the Lurid Flames in Ottum- wa , Iowa , Destruction of a Furniture Factory Throws Many Men Out of Work. A Blaze in Palmyra Dries Fruit Beyond the Hope of Soak ing it Out OTTUMWA , la. , May 7 1 a. m , Yesterday morning at 3 o'cleck a fire was discovered in the wholesale drug and book house of J. L. Taylor & Co. near the corner of Market and Alain streets. Owing to the inSamable na ture of its contents , the whole buildIng - Ing , 40x132 , four stories and base ment , was enwrapped in a sheet of Same. This fine building , together wltn the First National bank oil the corner was totally destroyed. The wholesale hardware house of Sargent , Chambers &Ce. , west of the Taylor's building , had the root mashed iu by the walls of Tayler's building falling , and was damaged by water and fire seriously. Taylor & Co.'a loss is estimated at $117,000 ; the First National bank at § 10,000 ; Harper , Charles & Co. , § 25- OCO ; Cockerell'B tea store , § lOCOLar- ; amie lodge , $1,000 , and lawyers , in surance men and others a considera ble amount. Green Bros' , variety store and J. W. Garner , wholesale dry goods , were considerably damaged by the removal of goods. On the op posite side of the strent a number of heavy plate glass windows were bro ken and rained by the Intense heat. The total losses will foot up frjtn 5150,000 to § 175,000. It is Insured 'or about threo-f jurtha of its value. The buildings will all bo Immediately rebuilt , and the parties will a1 ! re sume buMUCEB to-day , except Taylor & Co. , who will go into business again as soon as their building can be nut up. BLAZE IN ADKIAN. ADKIAX , Mich. , May 7 1 a. m. Che Alden fiuit factory at Palrryra > urned Thursday night , with coneid- erable diied fruit. Insured for § 6- 000. FUKNITUKE FACTOUY IN NEW YOltK. NEW YOJIK , My 7 1 a. m. A ire inM. C. Cruin's furniture factory Dhursdsy night , caused a damage i > f $60,000 , on which there is Jan insur ance of $25,000. Over one hundred aud fifty men and boys \rj thrown out of employment. The Weather. WASHINGTON , Msy 7 1 a. in. The indications for to-day for the up- ) er Mississippi and leer Missouri r'alloys , are ( air weather , followed by Increasing cloudiness and occasional rain , with northerly winds in the lat ter district , stationary or higher tem perature , falling , followed in the lat er district by rising barometer. Street Railroads in Cincinnati. CIACINNATI , May 7 1 n. m. A company has been organized aud the right of way secured and all arrange ments completed for putting down a street railway in this cityou the SMI Francisco plan , [ the motive power br ing endless wires run by stationery engines. A. Boy's SHull Crushed. CINCINNATIMay 7 1 a. m. In the public school at Kent , 0. , while the bell was being rung , the rope broke and the bell fell from its bearings , striking Lonian , an eight year old son of Wm. Walterson , on the head , crush- inghia skull. Blown Out to Sea. LONDON , May 7 1. m. The Brlt- tlsh ship Governor Langdon , Captain Wilson , which has arrived at Gulnock , from Pensacola , reports that on March 31st about three miles southeast of Cape Florida , a man was picked up in an open sail boat. He states that he had been blown out to sea during a strong easterly gale and was without food for eight days. The only sus tenance ho had was a small supply of water. Ho was much exhausted , but soon revived. He is a young man , about 24 years of age , aud gave his name as Gas Gyle , stating that he was the son of Gen. Gyle , of the United States army. * , Western Ticket Agents' Meeting. CINCINNATI , Msy 7 1 a. m. A circular issued announces that the next mating of the western railroad passenger end ticket asents will be hold at Cleveland , May llth. A Generous Donor. CINCINNATI. May 7 1 a. m. Stu- ben Springer has made a magnificent donation for a building for a music temple. He is one of the heirs of the Springer estate In Sweden , said to be worth three millions of dollars. He some time ago assigned his Inter- tat to a cousin in St. Lonb. Wrecking a Construction Train. CINCINNATI , May 7 1 a. m. A construction train on the Cincinnati Northern , narrow gauge , was coming down a steep grade towards the city yesterday morning , and just after the rain when the wheels began to slip on the wet track and it went at a rapid rate till it reached the street where no track was laid , when it run offand was badly emishcd. The engineer and two brakemen were injured. A Big Failure la Detroit. DETROIT , May 7 1 a. m. Great excitement was caused in the board of trade yesterday morning , by the assignment of Busyn & Co. , grain and corn merchants. This is the heaviest failure ever known in the Detroit board of trade. Their liabilities were cot ascertained. * The Strikers. CHICAGO , May 7 1 a. m The railroad strike Is having a very seri ous effect on the general business in terests. Large firms are becoming In dignant that freight is not handled. It Is estimated that nearly 1,000 cars of freight are In the city , and seventy- five cars of stock at the Union Stock yards await shipment. PSKALB , 111. , May 7 1 a. m. The employes of Elwood's barb wire fence , numbering about one hundred and twenty-five , ale on a strike for an ad vance from $1 25 to $1 50 per day. HOSTLEBS IX BOSTON. BOSTON , May 7 1 a. m. One hun dred and seventy hostlers of the var ious stables of the Metropolitan street railway , struck yesterday for an ad vance of $2 per week. They have teen getting $3. The president offer ed them an advance of ono per cent , and make their wages.$8.08 per week. It is rumored that the Warren street line have been successful anc will get the ten dollars demanded. ACCIDENT ON THE WABASH. TWO TRAINS AT TOLL SPEED COLLIDE LOSS , § 25,000. SPBINOFIELD , 111. , May 7 la. m. A collision occurred yesterday near Illiopolis , this countybetween Wabash passenger an'd freight trains. Both engines were almost totally destroyed , while the passenger engineer and two firemen Buffered broken limbs. No lives were lost. Nine freight cars were badly wrecked , three being filled with grain , which is almost , a total loss. About twenty-five head of c it- tie were killed and many others In jured , so the total loss will bd about § 25,000. The accident was due to the passenger train being an hour late and the freight train being de layed between stations by a broken coupling. EAST ST. LOUIS IMPERILED. ANOTHER BAD BEE IK IN TUB AMERICAN BOTTOM LEVEES. ST. Louis , May7 la. m. Another big break has occurred In the Ameri can bottom levees etst of Venice. A culvert gave way , and the water rush ing through made a hole one hundred yards wide and ten feet deep. Thla will flood the valley between Venice and the bluffs , and imperils East St. Louis. It inundates the rich tract of _ farming country covered with growing" crops , and menaces the whole southern portion of the rich and productive American bottom. Already thousands of acres are covered , and there is no limit to the damage. This break may cause the depopulation of the -whole American bottom , north of East St Louis within twenty-four hours. The river at this point is at a stand , and no further trouble is anticipated Later from Mitchells , Ills. , which is near the crevasse , siys the Ohio and Mississippi dyke is thn only hope for Bast St. Louis. Death of an American Poet. NEW YORE , May 7 1. a. m. The death is announced of William Ross Wallace , a poet whose songs have : ) een sung in almost every household n this country. For some years ho bas beerr'more or less afflicted wi'h paralysis , which caused his death. Ho was the contemporary and friend of William Cullen Bryant and Edgar Al len Poo. He was the m'hor rf the following well knoiru poem in which ; hu following lines occur : "Tje bund that rocks the craJlo Is the hind that rulcj the world , " and "Tlw Sword of Bunker Hill. " THE SPORTING WOULD. FLASHES FROM THE TCKF AND THE DIA- MONB. NEW MABEBT , May 7 1 a. m. In ihe race for two-year olds yesterday , Lsdy Rosenberry won , * ith King Frost second , Startone third. There were sis starters. NAS > UVILLE , Tennr May 7 1 a. m. The spring uioetiog of the Nashville blooded horse association came to a close yesterday. The track was still very heavy , but the racing was fair and the attendance good.The The first race , Jackson stakes , for 2 year olds , five ( furlongs , was won by Lettons , with Babcock second ; , 1:08 : * . The second event , Belle Meade stakes , No. 1 , for threoycar olds , mile and a half , was won by Boot Jack , King Henry second , Fellowplay third ; ttme , 2:50 : . The third and hat event , associa tion purse , for beaten horsss , mile and -a quarter , was won by Guy , with Blautnn second , Bumble Bee third ; time , 2:21 : $ . BASE BALL YESTERDAY. CLEVELAND , 0. , May 7 1 a.m. Clavelande , 7 ; Chicazos , 2. BUFFALO , N. Y. , May 7 1 a. m. Buffalo , 3 ; Detroit , 2. TROY , N. Y. , May 7 1 a. m. No game on account of rain. PROVIDENCE , R. I. , May 7 , 1 a. m. No gaiuo on account of rain. IMPORTANT TO SHIPPERS. COMMISSIONER FINK GIVES "POINTS' ON FREIGHT HATES. CHICAGO , May G t p. m. In the current issue of The Railway Age is published a letter of explanation from Commissioner Albert Fink , dated New ork , May 3d , In which the writer states that the established rule of giv ing ten days notice in case of an in create in rates is still In force and will be strictly ad hered to regarding all regularadvances but that In case of a restoration of rates , the ten days notice will not ap ply. When reductions are made , the writer says , the shippers pors gets the benefit of the lower rate on shipments he had contracted for on the basis of a higher rate. It does not occur to him to pay for ten days longer the higher rate , nor is he asked to do so. When an increase Is made the ship per , however , claims that he suffers Injury. A little reflection would show that this is not the case. It Is reasonable to assume that In the long run the profit made by the reduction made without notice would balance the increased cost occasioned by an increase of rates without no tice , aud as there have been two re ductions made this season and only one advance it is presumed : hat no losses have actually aeen sustained by the changes In rates. This , however , is no reason why the railroads should not strictly comply with any rules they lay down , nor that when they depart from them In unexpected emergencies they should not be held responsible for any in jury they inflict by it. Army Orders. The telegraphic instructions of the 3d inst. , requiring the commanding officer at Fort D. A. Riusell , Wyom ing , to order at once two companies of cavalry from his post , to pro ceed to Whlto River Camp to report for tempory duty to commanding offi cer thereof , are confirmed. Companies 0. and L. 3d cavalry , have been designated for the duty. Upon the recommendation of the medical director cf the department , Hospital Steward Denis Scanlon , U. S. A. , nowhere , willreport in per son , without delay , to the command ing officer Fort Sidney , Neb. , for duty. OUTRAGE AT YORK A Fanner Charged With As sault Upon His Own Daughter. apodal Dispatch to the BSB. YORK , Neb. , May 7 1 a. m. 0. P. Comstock , a farmer ia thla village , was arrested on Thursday on the charge of committing a base assaull noon his little daaphter , eleven years old. Comstock Is now in jail await ing examination. The arrest created great excitement among the citizens of this village and vicinity , and pop ular fooling is very Intense against the prisoner. , ANOTHER FENIAN PLOT. A HARMLESS QDNPOWDER EXPLOSION AT CHESTER. CHESTER , May 7 1 a. m. An ex plosion occurred yesterday which Is thought to be the outcome of an other fenian plot. The militia of the county are assembled here for annual instruction and drill and are quartered In the old barracks , the regular garri son of the place occupying other quar ters. Yesterday morning , at the time of changing the guard , an explosion occurred immediately outside the ? uard room. A hole had been dug ; lose to the wall of the barracks and illed with a package of gunpowder. A time fuse was attached. The hole was not deep enough to undermine the wall , or the powder was not sufficient and little damage was done. It is ; hought it was done by f onions lurk- ng around Chester. WASHINGTON WIRINGS. THE SENATE CONTINUES ROBERTSON'S CONFIRMATION PROBABLE. WASHINGTON , May 7 1 a. m. No nominitlons have been received and no confirmations made In the oxecu- ive session up to 2:30 : o'clock. There was reported to be a discussion under way concerning the date of the final adjournment , but no definite Information mation can bo had. The republican euators seem determined to express no opinions and will not talk about he president's conduct withdrawing he New York nominations. The lemocrats marly all approve of the resident's action. HO V CONKLINO FEELS. Senator Conkllng reached the senate at noon , looking perfectly SAtieged , hough not wearing the customary mile. His face did not beam as it ias done lately when greeting his colleagues. He walked across the leer and shook hands with Senator Sdmunds and benator David Davis , who were in their seats for the first ime In several days , aud he also ex changed cordial greetings with Sena- ors Anthony , Logan , Ingalla aud /amernn. Conkling was iu close con versation with the latter when the enate wont into executive nusaion. ROBERTSON'S CONFIRMATION PROBABLE. Another effort was made yesterday morning to induce the president to withdraw Robertson's nominations Che president positively declined. It s now believed that Robertson will ; o confirmed. The democratic sena- , ors say that the president will get .he support of two-thirds of the sen ate. SENATE. WASHINGTON , May G. After many dilatory motions , Mr. Danes Slid that 10 judged there were enough collators Kasent who willed that the senate should not govern itself to defeat the attempts to reach a vote on the pond- ng resolution to day , and he there- 'ore moved tint the senate proceed ; o the consideration of executive busi ness. At 12:30 : p. m. the doors were closed. CONFIRMATIONS. The Sduato In executive session to day confirmed the following nom iuatlous , Charles M. Leavy and Mack Webber , to bo assistant appralsera for Ihe district of San Francisco ; Ellis Halloa to be receiver of public moneys at Helena , Mont. ; Wm. R. Durfeo , to be ludun agent at La Porto agency. After the confirmation of eleven nominations none of general Impor tance , the senate devoted the remaind er of two and one-half hours of the executive session to the discussion of the advisability of making public the Chinese treaties , and the debate pre ceded their adoption. Farley was the principal speakerand based his affirm * , live argument on the great interest felt in the treaties. The debate had resulted in no conclusion being reached when the senate adjourned till 12 o'clock Monday. KEPUBLIOAN CONVENTION. INVITATION FOR THE PROSECUTION OF PLANS CONCERNING IHE NEXT ONE. WASHINGTON , May 7 1 a. m. A circular was issued by the republi can committee on October 8th , last , nviting plans fir calling the next re publican national convention. Under his call a number of plans were pre sented and read at the meeting held n this city recently. None of the ilana were adopted and'the time for sariying out the instructions of the ast national convention was extended o February 1 next. Marshall Jewell , chairman of the committee , has just ssued a circular with an Invitation of urther opinions of republicans" ull editorial discussion on the subject Suggestions may be made to Wm. E. Jhsndler at Washington or Marshal Tewell of Hartford , Conn. p j CnicaKo Briefs. CHICAGO , May 7 1 a. m. Charles Iltchcock , a prominent lawyer , died suddenly yesterday morning of heart disease , aged 54. John Oswald , 15 years of age , fell rom a window in the fourth story of an organ factory on the north side , yes- .erdaynoon , and was fatally Injured. A Terrible Charge. At a Danville hotel dinner table , conversation turning upon the war , a Richmond ( Va. ) mercantile traveler protested against a compliment to the North Caolina confederates , claiming that North ( Carolina troops were never ready for action except at meal time , and that they wouldn't fight anybody but each oVner and then only when there was whisky in camp. "Why , " he added , "in one engagement some dismounted Virginia dragoons had to charge right over the backs of a regi ment of those cowardly 'tar heels' who lay flat on their bellies afraid to get up. " "An" them foot cavalry rid right over the rosin-chawers' did they ? " pu In an old chap who had beou too bus. to speak before. "Right over them ! " repeated th drummer , evidently pleased to ob serve the apparent interest and de light of the odd lookin.-j old gentle man. man."Well , " said the old man , "though I'm a Oareliner coon myself , I'm free to Icknowledge that them Verglnians allers did beat h 11 a chargin' . They'd jist charge right ovnr every thing. Why , " he continued ( und even the active waiters stopped to listen ) , "I've kuow'd 'em many an' many o' time during the war to charge ojbr over evonty-fivo' cents fer a .quart o butter-milk ! " Ambre and Tournle Still In New York NEW YORK , May 7 1 a. m. It is believed that Mme. Ambre , the prlma donna , M. Tournie and M. Do Beau- plan are In New York. Many mem bers of the company will sail lor France in the next steamer. They will bo assisted to their passages by the French cousul. Ambre and Tournie were at the hatel Pemlico one night , leaving at 2 o'clock in ihe morning. M. De Beauplftn's letters still are de livered there , and are taken away each day by a boy. ' Michigan Crops. CHICAGO , May 6 , 4 p. m. Special crop reports from Detroit , Kalamazoo - zoo , Coldwater , Ann Arbor , Jackson , Vliles , Battle Creek , and other points a the central and western part of Michigan say the wheat crop In the ocalities named will not be over one- bird the a ver1fee yield. In many places the wheat is > adly winter killed and iu others the ields have been plowed In and corn > lanted in its place. Where 25 bush els to the acre hei heretofore been considered a full crop , farmers this ear do not expect over 8. The .create has been increased but even > y this means the yield will not be over J of the average The Coaches of the Future. CUICAOO , May G 4 p. m. The lerdlc pliaetou company hrs boon in- orporatod in this state. The intcn- ion of the incorporatora is to get the caches running in thus city some ime during the summer. Dangerous Playme. CHICAGO , May G 4 p. ni. Charles Rolfc , a member of the ICO wives ompany , swore out a warrant this morning against Wm. Harrlsa broth- r actor. Rolfe alleges in the play it s necessary for Harris to push httn ver a cliff , hut that Harris always lushes him before ho is ready which iction la hablo to break his nuck at ny time. Rarua Restored. CHICAGO , May G. The board of re- lew of the National Trotting Aasocl- tion last night removed the expul- iou placed on R-trus iu 1879 , which was the penalty for hia being with- rawn from the rauo at Hartford without , the consent of the judges , 'he board adjourned sine die. vVorthy of Praise. As a rnlo wo do uot : ocommond pat- nt medicines , bat when wo know of one that really is a.pnblic benefactor , and does positively cure , then we cou- ider it our duty to impart that in ormation to all. Electric Bitters are ruly a most valuable medicine , and will surely euro Billiouaness , Fever and Ague , Stomach , Liver and Kidney Complaints , even where ail other rem- dies fail. We know whereof we petik , and can freely recommend thorn o all. [ Ex. Sold at 50 cents a bot- le , by lah & McMahon. (4) ( ) LEGAL NOTICE. ) harc3 ! G. Lot , non-resident defendant : Yiu arc liereby notlflcJ that on April ICt SSI , a petition was filed in the District Cour within and for Douglas County , Nebraska , by Siau Edwards , M'aintiff ' , air-ilnstou , as defend ant , the object and prayer of nbKh petition is that nn account ina > be taken of the amount duo on certain notes , and a rnorUvc executed and delivered en April Ibth , 1K78 , by faid Charles fl. Lot to onu Theodore L. Vn Dorn , and by the Bald Van Dorn duly as-yned to baid plaintiff , and that in default of the ) > ynicnt of sucli amouut so to be found due , vvitli interest , coats and attorney's fee , with a short time to hj fixed > y said court the premi3 9 described in Kihl moitgajeto-nit : S uth 24 feet of north Hi cet , part of lot one (1) ( ) , block 7J , in the City of Omaha , fa'd C unty and State , 'oircllicr nith the appurtenances may be ordered to be tel J , and the proceeds applied to the payment of the amount GO found due to said plaintiff , toother % itb intcrest.costs nd a reasonable sum hich is prayed to bo awarded as anattortnry'a fee herein , and that you may bcforeter excluded from all itht , interest and equity of redemption in or to aiiJ premia a or any p rt thereof , and for gener al relief you are required to answer cald petition on the 30th day of May , IbSl. ISAAC EDWARDS , aplC e saMt Plaintiff. AND STILL THE LION Continues to Eoar for Moores ( ) HARNESS < fc SADDLERY , 2 ! 4have adopted the Lion as a Trade ilark , and all my Goods will be stamp ed with the Lion and my Name on he same. No Goods ace genuine without the above stamps. The best material ia used and the moat skilled workmen are employed , and at the oweat cash price. Anyone wishing a price liat ot gooda will confer a favor > y sending for one. DAVID SMITH MOORE. STBONQ EVIDENCE. I have Bold at retail price since the 4th of De cember list 1C6 bottle. ) ot Or. Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil. guaranteeing every bottle. I must say I never cold a medicine in my Ufa that gave such unherpal tatbfaction. It , my own case , witn a udly Ulcerated Throat , alter a physician pendi ng it tor several days to no effect , the Eclectric ) il cured It thorougly in twenty-four hours , and n threatened croups In my children this winter t never filled to ielie\e almo't immmediaiely. C. R. HALL , Gryville , 111. , March 2818SO. EacKlen's Arnica Salve1 The BEST SALVE in the world f 01 Duts , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Fevnr Sores , Tetter , Ohapp- ed Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all dads cf Skin Eruptions. Thia Salve la guaranteed to give perfect aatiafac- tlod in every case or mono ? re funded , Price 25 canto per box. For sale by 8dly Ian & McMahon Omaha. A DAY'S DARK DEEDS , Murders Foal , Burglaries Bold and Desperate Criminal Acts , Fatal Fight Between Nephew and Uncle in the State of Alabama. The Bloody Tragedy in In diana That Cost Northerner His Life. CINCINNATI , 0. , May ? 1a.m. A second successful attempt was made to break open the safe of Baka fc Redman man , merchants , Thursday night. Tire thousand dollira wore stolen. No clue to the perpetrator : ] . DIFFICULTY IK ALABAMA. DKCATUK , Ala. . May 7 1 a. m A fatal difliuilty occurred in the eastern portion of Alabama connty , Thursday , Between John Schott aud Uob Schot : , undo and nephew , in which the latter shot and killed his undo in self de fense. WEKET11EY THE CRIMINALS ? \.t the last term of the Perry county court two negroes were aentanced to the penitentiary for the attempted murder of Dennis Mahony. A few days ago the poor fellow waa fuutid murdered iu Toscaloosa , not twenty miles from where the other attempt was made in Tnacumbhi. SIIAKP CUAVKSMEK. Burglars entered the store of R. I. loss , where they blew open the safe \nd stole $1200. Lueddeman and his louee waa next visited , and there the afe was blbwn open with powder and 5250 taken out , leaving nothing nit one counterfeit silver dollar. KILLED 15Y HIS BUOl'UEU IN LVW. EVAN&VILLE , Ind. , May 7 1 a. ui. Thursday evening , in Bdlou'a set- lemont , back of Lumclton , John Northerner wis killed. Northeraur married a woman named Miud Bolen overal years ago. The family were pposed to the marriage , and d > s < i- nomenta mil a divorce followed , ifter a child had been bom North- rner called to sat ) his child and the mother tried to take it away from > im. In a quarrel her brother ar- ived and shot Northrrner , killing iin : Inat .utly. Bolen Ihd. EAST INDIA O _ J 4j. j. B "i d"i Ll lti VK. * t4 IJ 01. , d MAN UPAOTTJHBRB Web. G J. EUSSELL M. D , . , . , , Homeopathic Physician. DIcC9 of Children and Chronic Diseases a Specialty. Otlice at Kcsidenco , 201O Ca-s St. Hours , 3 to 10 * . m. , 1 to 2 p. m. and after G i. ni. aplSdltm . VAN CAMP , M. U. E. L. Siaoi.\3 , M. D. NEBRASKA MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE , " - * PJUYATE HOSPITAL. f pa TREATMENT OF ALL CHRONIC AND SUKGI GAL DISEASES. DKS. VAN CA3IP & SIGGISS , Physicians & Surgeons , Proprietors. ODD EILQWS BLOCK. CORNER I4TH DODGE ! -TS. , OMAHA. NEB- OODEN Cor. MARKET ST. < BROADWAY Council Bluffs , lowai On line o Street Railway , OmnlbtB to and Jicm all trams. RATES Parlor flosr , J3.00icr il y ; second floor , J2.SO per day ; third flror , S2.CC. The best furnished and moet commodious honte In the city. QEO.T. PUELPS Prop FRONTIER HOTEL , Laramie , Wyoming. The miner1 ! resort , good accommodations , arte Bample room , charzca reasonable. SpecliJ attention given to traveling men. 11-tl H. C HILLIUU ) Proprietor. INTER-OCEAN HOTEL , Cheyenne , Wyoming. rirat-cliss , Fine arge Simple Rooms , one block from depot. Tralnv atop from 20 talnnteg to 2 hears ( or dinner. Free Bus to and from Depot. lUtes J2.CO. S2.CO and 13.00 , according to room ; SEK * ! meal 76 centa. A. D. BALC01I , Proprietor. W BORDEN. Cnlel Clerk. mlO-t Any on ( havlns dead animals I will remoTO h m free of charge. Leave orders southeaa corn r of Himey and 14th St. , second door. S RPIITT. NEW HARNESS SHOP. The underiigned hivinir had niae years ex perience with Q. U. & J. 8. Collin- , and twenty- four jears of practical bamesa nwi-infr , has now commenced buainesw for himself m the large new shop 1 door south of the southeast corner of llth and Harney fcta. He * ? ll employ a lar e ore * of tkillsd workmen and will fill all orders in his plinc promptly and cheaply. K. BUKUICK. REAL ESTATE a \f- | Gt I Ibth and Douglas Sts. , Omaha , - - Neb A rrReaidoncoLotB , H-UUU $100 to 52 1500 each. Houses .Mid Lota , § 275 to 518,000 each. CT fUualnusi Lota O U U § 500 to 810,000 each. Fatm9' 200 AcreaLaud- 900,000 JQ Acrus 'n Doulas Co. 7 Co. Large Amount of Suburban Property in I , 10 , 20 or 40-Acre Lots Within I to 5 Miles from Post Office. $250,000 TO LOAN , At 8 per Cent. NEW MAPS OF OMAHA Published by this Agency , 25 cents Each , Mounted SI.OO Houses , Stores , Hotels , Farms , Lots , Lauds , Offices , Rooms , Etcto Rent or Lease. Taxes paid , rents collected , deeds , mortgages , and all kinds of real estate doouments made out at short notice. This agency doea strictly a brokerage business. Does not speculate , and therefore any bargains on its boolss are in sured to its patrons , instead of being gobbled ( up by the agent. Notary Public Always in Office. Cdll and get Circulars and full Particulars at BEMIS' REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. 15th and Douglas Sts OMAHA. - - - NEB EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS FROM NEW YORK AUCTION SALES I Just Opened t the BOSTOZKT STOZRIEJ ttKi 10th st , , Uet. Jackson und Jones. The entire Stock will I e offered at the following unprecedented low prices , and continue until the whole is disposed of : Standar J Prints 6c , lie-town price 81Lonsdale ; Muslin 8 l-3c up-towii jirke lOo ; Unbl l Mu-lia Se , xip-town prwe 7 l-Qc ; Lancaster Ginghams 8 l-3c , tip-town pric ? 12 l-2c. DRESS GOODS ! DRESS GOODS ! Zula Brocades 7 I-2c , up-town price 8 N3c ; Manchester Brocades I5c , up-tov/n price 25c ; English Cashmeres 37 l-2c , up-town price 50c ; Black All-Woo ! Cashmeres 40c , 55c , 70c , 80c , up-town prices 60c , 70c , 85c , SI 00 ; Black Gros Grain Silks 90c , SI.OO , SI.25 , up-town prices $1.25 , SI.50 , $1.75 ; Cheviot Shirtings I0c , up-town price I5c ; Brocade Silks ane Satins 33 1-3 per cent less than up-town prices ; Bleached and Unbleached Table Damasks 4-Oc , 50c , 60c , 75c , up-tov/n prices 50c , 65c , 75c , $ I.OOScotch ; _ Huck and Damask Towels 20c , up-town price 35c ; i urkey Red Dam ask 45c , up-town price 65c. HOSIERY ! HOSIERY ! Men's Unbleached Half Hose 5c , up-town pricw lOc ; Brown Mixed Half HoelOc. up-towc price .Oc ; Ladiets' Hose lOc , up town price 15c ; Ladies' Ke l Baiferiggau Hos 25c , worth 40c ; Children's Hose 6c , up-town price lOc. The above are all perfecc Goods , and afc lower prices than damaged Goods offered up town. CALL AND SBB AND BE CONVINCED. P. G. IMLAH , - Manager. " BOSTOH IRE. " STOCSZ Cold iiwl Silver lYatrhcs and Jnve'ry ' in Che Uily , Coma and see wttr st icfc , we # ill b pie sod t < s.j.jw Go j'Jd. i M L'DIWJM Pirte. nth & Dodge St. Livi OPP. The New York IBLAJT OOIl IP-A For the largest assortment , trw latest styles and the beat quality of Hats and Uap'i the New York rlr.t Cointxinj lecwla themi all. batisfy yourselves by examining ihe stock. Corner Eleventh ami Farnhum Streets. New Shoe Store. ly. L. KIIHI , 1'rop. , New Goods Late ? 3tylf s Bottom tom Frices Everything Warranted. UY J" . ZMI- The Oldest Real Estate Agent and Notary Public , Corner Douglas &nd 14th 1,000 Ml in the cit and additions , from $200 tn * J.OOO ; also. 29 boow v l taKrw 3MOQ ta > 310 iii'Uou Iaj ml S-arpy eoucvi a ins n.til and Ittf * tftMfrf. Afc * # 8&9 Wffcttl * S cent , and Jiro.r/00 to loan at 10 per cent. . i 8ums to anil apfMicMtv. Alt bHrfiM > wWc per John M. Clarke SfrKf/OmS'l.-nlial. . . . . . . . . . . . . TjxespaitI' dccdH and morttfaires exc oted "ft shnrt mtv1 * ; otilv fMil siclni * lr . tm t"OWiiRiwii. " - lwa to oMcv , * hw * erM ? don't8iculate ; si * mv ra ruas ail thfl bargai m ; Notary I-ublic ' Fourteenth b'rect , Oiraha , Ne ra k . ap38 rtlim ' * uii J. W. Murphy & Co. . LE8ALE LiaUOR DEALERS' AND A < ii , . > To FOK- r I-T I I'ti anil Umi/hwStn , Kentucky Distilling Company OMAHA , anit-ltf HORSE SHOES AND HAILS , Iron and V/agon Stock , 'he Koat Assortment of WHEELS m the West. At I'hicaso 1'rico. W.d. BROATCH , 120 ! ) & 1211 Harmjy Street , Omaha.