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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1881)
THE BER y OMAHA PUBLISK1HC COPROPRIETORS. . 815 Parnham , let. 9th and 10th Strtctt TER11S OF SUBSCRIPTION. 1 Copy 1 yea , In advance postpaid(8.00 ) eminths " " * > 8 months " ' 8.00 TIKE TABUS- THE MAILS. 0 , * K , W. P. 830 a. m. , JM p. m C. B. & Q.E aC a. nu WO p. m. C. K. I & P. E. B. . 8:20 a , m. , iU : p. m' C * & St. Joe . 0 a. m n. V. E.K. , 11:10 0. & R. T. to Uncolr , 10 a > m. B. & M. E , B. . 8:10 a m. O. fc N. W. , 7SC a. e. oersiwa 0. fcK.W. B.B. , 11 a.jc.,11 p. m. ' 0. U * Q. , U ft. m. , & : SO p. tn. 0. a I. i P. , 11 a. m. , llp.m. C. Z. fc St , ; < w.ll a.m. , lip m. 0. 1" . B. K. , * p m. 0. & ? V. from Lincoln , 12:10 : p. m , S. City & P. , 11 a. tn. 3. ill. inhcl' . , ! p. o. fxxal mails tor States Iowa leave but one * a iiy , vis : I'M a. m. Oiace open tens 12 to J p. m. Euadaye. THOMAS F. HALL. Postmaet'f. Arrival And Departure of Trains CKION PACIFIC. LT1TI. AtKtVX. Ziprcz..I2a5 p. nu MUei . WO p. m. t:2Sp. m. da Krctjbt . 523a.m. 1:10 p , r. Ao _ . :15 a. tu. 1SO a. m. TIME C IO or TSX BTJRUHQTOH , HiYE GUA3JL AK&IVE OK1HJL Erpres S'.inp. B. Crpress 10:20 a , m , till.630 ! a. m. Kail ICKOOp. m. Bon Jays Esccptpd. Sundays Exoepied. CHICAOO.-SOCK ISLAND & PACIFIC. Jfall . _ .fc03 .3i. I Kail . 10:50 p. a. Ex roas _ E:40p.m. CHICAGO NOSTHWESTEEK. JtaU . _ . Oo..ra.IHaH . - rp'ew _ 8 : ri m. j Uxprtu - 10:00 a. a. ecndcyi exempted. KANSAS OHT.ST. JOE k COUNCIL ELCIT8 IREVB. a. a. j Eiprtss..7 : < 8 a. m. . . . . - - Tno on'y Mao running Pullman Bleeping Can OOt ot Omaha to Union Depot. OUAHA & NORTHERN KEBRAEXA EA1L- WAT COMPANY. Leave ArrlTe. CxriMj _ . .H.OOa. m. 1 J'xpreas - 430 p , in , Mued . ItfOp in. I Mixed . 10 : a. in Dally ExceptSundays. 3 ft . K. R. In NEBRASKA. Throuch Expraw- . 7SO m Aecommodat'ofl . - . 7.0U p m AKK1VE. Tbrouih Exprs . j7 : 0p m Accommola'ion . 6.63am EIOUX CIT ? & ST. PAVL B R. K.S1 . _ fllo : a m I Erprwa . 10:00 a a IxprcM . B , Opm tl , . 729 p m WABAEli , bX. LOUIdkrACinC. tZATM. UtKIVM. all . _ Et.m.HiU | . . ll:6t .m ExpreM. . . . * : p. sn.Exprca [ - 4:26 p. m. PR ! DOE DIVISION U. P. E R. Leave Ooalia , daily : S m. , 9 . n , 10 a m. , 11 a. m. . 1 p. a. , J p. m. , Sp. m , 6 p. m , , 8 p. tn. . J > ave Cosndl Elnff * ; 6S6 a. m. . 9:26 a. m , , 10S5 a. m. , 1125 a. m. , 1 : p m. , fc25 p. m. , S5 : j > . m. , J:25 p. m. , e:25 p. m. , Four trips on Suadav , loavlus Omaha at 9 and 11 a. in. . 2 and 6 p. m. ; Cf.nncil EIuB kt 9:26 , 11:16 a m. , and 256 end 6:25 p. m. MBSINOIR TK1I ! > S. Lcive OmaLa : 0 s. m. , 1 a. m. , E:50 . m. , 1 p. n. , t O p. m. , 7 5 p. ra. , Leave Council BluBa : C:15 : a.m , , :40a. K. , lltO a , tn. 6:23 p. w. , 7.-CO p. m. , 7 0 p. tn. D ' , l7 except Sunday. OUAAA & REPUBLICAN VALLEY R. . L1ATB , tRIUVK. jjjjt . , . _ .10:15 .m.I ,1 5 p.m. D tlv exccct J. EHCU.SH , AT LAW 310 South Thirteenth ATTORNEY ! J. r . WOOLWORTH. CHARLES POWELL , OF THE PEACE Corner J6th and JUSTICE Ets. . Omaha Heb. % 'M. SIHERAl , TTOllNEY AT LAW Room B , CrelE&ton t niog * . Itth St. , OMAKA. NEB. A , C. TSQUP , = Dmco In Hangcoai'i A T1ORNKT AT LAWDmco Block , with George K. Prlta ettUC8 DEKTERL THOMAS , T-IORNSY AT LAW CralctrJaak B Balld . Ing. _ A. M' CHADWICK , TTORNEY AT LAW OBce UDI rarnham A Str t. _ _ Ar r ATFYElt-OfSco In Or htoa block , nssl t Jj Poetoaco , .ROZABT riTBUC. COLUCTIOgB KAD3 & SARTLEH , -at- Law Attorneys - , omOE-Unlon Block.Flfteenth anf Famhain' ATTORNEY AT LAW. .ARBACH BLOCK. COR. DOUGISTH STS. _ OMAHA. NEB. J. Oonneli . . , Attorney-at-Law , OCc : Front rOOD-4 > ,5p flairs , In Hanscom'i new brick building. N. W. corner Wftosnth md Street ; . _ - . J.UDICX. UBas. R. ROICE REBICK & HEDICS , Attorneys-a t-L& w. uofia ittcntloa will bo gJv E to all tnltj tzalnii corporttlons ot every doacnptlon ; will prtctlco In al Jtbe Court * ol the State Mid the United State * . OOlco. Farnham St. , opposite .Court HOCM. _ . EDWARD W. SlfSERAL , * rrronNinr AT LAW nocm a or iit.tcn _ jfiioek. . lith tad DonrlM giteata. nofldb 5. F. * TTOSKET AT LAW ? FamJun Btrte * . Omaha Ktbntaka. 'os R. CUHKSOS. O. J. HDNX- " CLARKSON & HUNT , Successors to RICHARDS i. HUNT. A t orrays-at-Law , S1'5S. 14th fctrcet , Omalia , hub. g , NTf fi. CIiAUS FOUND. Greatest illBcovory of tbe ABe. . , Iwlntbt wordhaTcbc ntna.U Wonoe-luldiecove. fi the' ? * < soc4" t. Mountain of mow. In i . , , rf d th ( , Pos , ateecniedllkeahob ! odln i m looked v queer , that n dwwnp team ry JjVaT t * t Chopper. Inrfcad of rdadwr , r them all uwrtJs wondoinl realm , .oaWjyr eoods for womtn and men - T on ] ut peat and small , Pnrrlerj were Santa C1 M then whispered a * "jj - Lf IK Orr.iho every one knew Bunco . K therrfora shsaid rend nil peed * to "i-- Krowing his friends will pet thdr full shaj > Nor remombsr ye dwellers In Omaha town , All who cant presents to Bunce's p > rpond , rorebhns , collars , or Klorcs preat and eaall , Bend TOUT sitter or aunt co und al. . UOIUM , Champion Hitter cl th West , Doogtal ect. Omaha Hamburg Line. WEBKLY LINE OF STEAMERS LEAVING KE\V YORK EVERY THURSDAY AT S F. U. , FOK England , Prancaaud G-annany For Passage apply to G. U. IllUllARD & CO. General Passenger Agents , 61 Broadway , New York. - UEsnr I-U.SDT , VISE8AR WORK f EEN5TKEEBS , Manager iiaaulacturcr of all kinds ot i ; Eti. S& end ; XEB. OMAHA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ART EMPORIUMS. J. U. R03 'S Art Emporium ? . 1518 Dodge Strtet , Stwl EnerannES , Oil Paintings , Chromes Fancy Fruneg , FraminjjaSpedalty. Low price * . J. BOSNEK , 1309 Dourlas St. Good Style * . ABSTRACT AND REAL ESTATE. JOHN L. klcCAOUE. opposite postomcc. VT. E , BAKTLETT , S17 South ISth Street. ARCHITECTS. DOTRENEAMENDELSSHON , ARCHTITECK. Boom 14 , Creifhton Block. A T. LARGE , Jr. . Room 2 , Crelghton Block. BOOTS AND SHOES. JAMES DIVINE & co. , Fine Booti and Shoes A coed assortment of home work on band , cor. 12th and Harney. THOS ERICSSON , 8. E. cor. ' 6th andDonglas JOHN" roKTUJf ATCS , 605 10th St. , manufactures tc order good work at fair prices. Repainaj ; done. BED SPRINGS- J. F. LARRJilER , Manufacturer , Tlg ° cher8'Blk. BOOKS , NEWS AND STATIONERY J. I. FRUEIIAUr , 1015 Farnham Street. B TTERANDECCS. McSHANR & SCIIROEDES. theoldtitB. and E. boose In Nebraska , eitibliihed 1175 , Omaha. BOARDING CENTRALREaTAURANT REaTAURANT , MRB. A. RYAN , oa'hwett or. 18th and Dedge. Beit Board for the Money. Satisfaction Guarantied. lltali at a'l Bonn. Board by the Day , Week or Month. Good Terms for Cash. Furalihed Rooms Supplied. CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS . SNYDER , Ko. 1319 Hth and Ilaraty St. CIVIL ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS. ANDREW ROSEWATER , 1610 Farnham St. Town Surrey ) , Grade and Sewerage Sjttetcs a gpeelalty. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. JOHN Q. WILLIS , Mil Dodje Street. 3. B. EEUIER , For details gee lirgo Advcrtise- cunt in Pail and Weekly. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. WEST A FR1TSCHER , Manufacturers of Clfars , and Wholesale Dealers in Tobaccos , 1305 Doug. W. r. LOREN 2EK. manufacturer , EH 10th St. CORNICE WORKS Western Cornice Workt , Manufacturers Iron Cornice , Tin , Iron and Slate Roofing. Orders from any locality j romplly executed in the best manner. Factory tnd Office 1310 Dcdge Street. Oalranlied Iron Cornices , Wlndoncapi , etc. manufactured and put up in any part of the country. T. SINDuLD , < 16 Thirteenth St. CROCKERY. J. CONNER , 1309 Denial St. Good Line CLOTHING ANDFURNISHINGCOODS OKO. H. PETERSON. Also Eats. Cape , Boots , Shoes , Notions and Cutlery , 01 S. 10th St. ' CLOTHING BOUGHT. C. SHAW will pay highest cash price f r second band clothing. Comer 10th and Farnham. DENTISTS. DR. PAOL , Williams' Block. Cor. 15th & Dodge DRUGS , PAINTS AND OILS. KDHN & lO. , Pharmacist * , Fine Fancy Goods , Cor. 15th mid Dcuglas Stre te. W. J. WHITEUOU3E. Wholesale i ReUil.lG St. 0. C. FIELD , 2022 North Side Cumlne Street. M. PARR , Druggist , loth nd flogard Sti DRY GOODS. NOTIONS , ETC- JOHN H. F. LEHJIANN&CO , NtwYork Dry Qoodi Store. 1310and 1312 Fani- ham street. J. C. Enewcld , a' o oats & shoe ? , 7 th & Pacific FURNITURE. A. F. GROSS , yew and Second Hand Furniture and atoTM , 111 * Douglas. Highest osh pica pild for ncond hand good ; . J. BO.VHER , 1809 Douglas St. Fine Goods , Ac. FENCE WORKS OMAHA FENCE CO. GCST. FRIES & CO. , 1213 Barney St. Improv ed Ice ISoxet , Iron and Wood Fences , Office Railings , Counters of Pln and Walnut. FLORIST. A. Donarhne , plant * , , seed ? , boqu ta etc. , N. W. cor 16lh and Donglag SU. FOUNDRY- JOHN WltARNE t SONS.cor. 14th & Jackson st. FLOUR AND FEED OMAHA CITT MILLS , 8th and Farnham Sts. Wclihans Erof. , proprietors. GROCERS. Z. STEVENS 2tst betwesn Gaming and Izard. T. A. Mo3HANK , Corner 23d and Gaming Sts. HATTERS. W. L. PARROTTE 4 CO , 1108 Donxlis Street , WholcsOe Exclusively. HARDWARE IRON AND STEEL DOL4.N 4 LINGWORTHY , Wholesale , 110 and 112 15th at. A. HOLMES , corner 16th and California. HARNESS , SADDLES , &G. E. B. WJEIST , 320 13th St. , bet. Farn. 4 Ear- HAT AND BONNET BLEACKERY. Ladies get roar Straw , Chip and Felt Hats done np at northeast corner Seventeenth and Capitol avenue. WM. DOYE , PROP HOTELS CANFIELD HOUSE , Go. Canfield , Oth 4 Farn. DORAN HOUSE , P. H. Cary , 913 Farnham St. SLAVEN'S HOTEL , F.Slaven , 10th Street. Southern IIoUl. Cui. Hamrl.9th4 Leavenviorth IRON FENCING The Weetern Cornice Workp , Agents for the Champion Iron Fence Co. , have on hand all Vlnds of Fancy Iron FenceiCresting , Fineals , Railings etc U10 Dotfrestreet. npl2 INTELLICENCE OFFICE. MRS. LIZZIE DENT , 217 16th Street. JEWELERS JOHN BAUMKR , 1SU Famham Street. JUNK. H. BERTBOLD. Rare and Metfls. LUMBER , LIME AND CEMENT FOSTER k ORAT , corner Ch : and Douglas Stg. LAMPS AND GLASSWARE. J. BONNER , 1309 Dcutlas St. Good Variety. MERCHANT TAILORS- O. A. LINDQUKSr , One of our moit popular Merchant Tailors Is re- reiving tk * latest detlgni forSprlne and Sum mer Goods for pen tlemf n's near. Stj ! bn , durable andprictil9WM.ver.2l5 13th net. Doug.4 F r. MILLINERY. MRS. 0. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Retail , Fancy Goods in preat variety. Zephyrs , Card Boards , Hotifrv , cloves , corsets , 4c Cheapest Hour * in the West. Purchaser * save 33 per cent. Order br Mail. 115 Fifteenth fct. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS- W. 8. GIBBS , M. D.t Boom No. 4 , Crclghton Llock.lltli Street. P. 8. LSISENRINO , tf. D , Masonic Block. Q L. HART , M. D. , Ej e and Far. opp. postefflce DR. L. B GRADDY. Oculist and ATirlst S. W.lRth nd Farnham St. PHOTOGRAPHERS CEO. IlhYN , 1'KUP. Grand Central Caller } , 212 Sixteenth Street netrMuonlcHall. First-dagWorkandPrompt- ness Cuaranteod. PLUMBING , CAS AND STEAM FITTING F W.TARFY&CO. , 216 12th St. , bet. Kara- bam 4 Doutlas. Work promptly attended to. D. FITZPATRICK , 1409 Douplas Street. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING HEKKY A. E05TEns,1412 DodeeStreet. PLANING MILL. A. MOYER , manufacturer of ash , doers , blinds' > cldlnc , B WC t , balusters , hand rail * , furnish * Bg. scroll gawing.c. . , cor. Dodge and Oth sU- PAWNBROKER } J. ROSESFELD. 322 10th St. bet. Farn. 4 Har. REFRIGERATOitS CANFIELD'S PATENT C , F. GOODUAN , lllh St. , bet. Fain. & Har. SHOW CASE MANUFACTORY 0. J. WILDE , Manufacturer fnd Dealer in all kinds of Show Cases , UprirhtCases &c. , 1317 Cass St. " " STOVES AND TINWARE- A. BURMESTER , Dealer in Stores aod Tlrnraje , and Mannfactnrer of Tin Roofs and all kinds pf Building Work O \ Fellows' Block. J. BpyHKR. 1S03 Dong. St. Oocdtni Choap. SEEDS J EVAKB. Whol8sl and Retail Seed I . Odd fellows Hall SH6E STORES. Ph'llpp ' Lyig , 13SO Farnham it. bet. 13th 4 1 * th. SECOND HAND STORE &rAs Goodi. ju. . bought and sold on carrow margins. SALOONS. HESfeY KAUFMANS , In th tew brick block oa Dourlas Street , hu InttopMed a most el sn Eecr Hall. ' 'not Lunch from 10 to 12 tverv day. FLANNERY , On Famham. naxt to the B. k U. headquarteri , has rtopened a neat and complete establish- mentAfhlc barrlne FIRE , and Mother Ship- ton's Prophecy , * U1 be open for the bojs wlta Hot Lunch on and afur prevntdate. "Caledonia. " J. FALCONER. 67916th Street - 1P18 Farnham bet 10th t llth m.-AS. BISWE. 99 CENT STORES HENRY rOBt iAN torsootion * ; r3 " ' X2B5 * & * & I1- P. C. BACK03 , PiEEOL'S MB , SHIP. ! He is Getting it Ready for the Voyage on the Fourth. This morning a BEE reporter pro ceeded to Investigate the tree Inward ness of the great air ship now In the Fair gronnda dry dock. Pierce was ' there with one leg of hla pantaloons trying to climb over the nearest boot- top and a practical mechanic atyle about his greasy exterior. Tht bal- loou was there , aboni a million tqnaro yards of it , more or less. The re porter wanted to know what was be ing done and how the balloon was get ting on. He was told that a thorough overhauling was being made and the points to be attended to were ex plained something after this style : "You see we will remove the crown sheet , than pnt in new running gear , upset and bash the pitman , kalsomine the boiler plate , dtill new holes In the eccentric , rim out the gas pipe , raise the rear eccentric to a level with the gang plank , elide the ash pan forward of the monkey wrench , securing it by draw-bars to the top gallant mizzsn. " Thus enlightened the reporter in terviewed the interior , which looked f cr all the world like the inside of the grest Mormon tabernacle. Every suspicion of a hole , no matter if it was no larger than the point of a cambric needle , was being closed with a peculiat plaster cf a dark brown color. The liquid storax var nish , with which the cloth of the "balloon is soaked , and the gas , com- Vme to produce a trnell that for strength discounts tha cdor rf cab bage or onions. The rait seine-like cordage was be ing arranged , and everything , Mr. Pierce informed the reporter , was nearly ready for the coming aerial vsyage. Real Estate Transfers. The following transfers were re corded at the county clerk's office yesterday , as reported for this paper by J. L McCf ue , real estate agent and conveyancer. Samuel E Rogers and wife to [ Frederick Flonrich : Iota 3 and 4 in block 8 , S. E. Rogers adlltiou , w. d. S800. II. Sherraod to Ohaa. Solvers : nw. j- section 3 , town 15 , range 11 east , w. d. $1,800. Henry G. Blair and wife to John D. Creighton : lot 7 In block 20 , city of Omaha , w. d. 4,500. Orvilla P. Chubb and wife to Chas. J. Pratt : iot 19 , Keye'a sub-division , 3V. d. § 950. Ellen J. Seymonr to Lncinda IB. Hil ! , lot G in block 14 , Omaha , w. d. § 4000. Jas H. Baldwin to Henry F. Cady , et al. ; part lot 4 in block 224 , Omaha , TV. d. § 1175. Chas. W. Hamilton to David Me- Intyre , pj lot 2 in block 220 , Omaha , TT. d. 350. Union Pacific railway company to Johann Runge , lots 4 , 11 and 12 , in block 11J town of Millard , deed SCO. Charles Childa and wife to Henry F. Cady , et al. , s * } of block 199 , Omaha , w. d. $7,000. 5.Johann Runge and wife to Theo dore Malchart , lots 4 , 11 and 12 , in block 11 , town of Millard , w. d. $375.Anna Anna Larson to Christian P. Lar son , undi. J sw , section 32 , town 1C , range 12 east , q. c. d. B. E. B. Kennedy and wife to Tnomas Gibson , ne. $ of sw. section 27 , town 15 , range 12 , east , w. d. $600. $600.Theodore Theodore Mclchart and wife to HansEhleas , n. of nw. section 3 , town 14 , rangj 11 , east , w.a d. $1,900. Willis 0. Redfield and wife to Geo. H. Peterson , parcel in section 34 , town 15 , range 13 , east , w. d $260. John F. 13ohm and wife to Richard McNabb , part nw section 5 , town 15 , range 13 east , w. d. J359. Robert H. Clarkson , trustee , to St. Barnabas Church , lot 4 in block 21 , Omaha , w. d. § 100. Win. W. Lowe and wife to George P. Eall , parcel in no section 20 , town 15 , range 13 east , w. d. $400. Thomas S. Murdoch and wife to "Wm. Yost , 120 acres in sec. 21 , tp. 15 , r. 11 e. , d.-J,000. Andrew J. Hanscom to John J. Curtiss , lots 9 and 10 , block 7 , Hane- com Place , w. d. $175. K. V. Smith and who to Mary Stephan , lots G and 7 , block 19 , E. V. Smith's add. , w. d. $800. Elizabeth Gallagher and wife to R. H. Pickard , parcel in lot G. Capitol add. , w. d. $2200. C. E. Perkins to Minnie Hayden , Jot 7 in block 1 of sub-division of lot 5Capttoladd. , w. d. § 700. District Court to Ch > s. Thompson , BO. , sec. G , town. 15 , range 13 , east Decree. Snrewd Chinaman * ' Derices. The San Francisco people are learn ing to erase all the marks made by their Chinese servants on leaving their service , bometlmos these are written by way of revenge at nofget- ting their pay , and dopicit their em ployers as villlans of the deepest dye. Others do it in order to keep the place vacant for themselves in case they do not like their new situation. In some places , where a new ser vant wonld be sure to see it , they write some diabolical sen tence concerning the mistress or mas ter of the honso , such as , "This house no good ; very bad pay ; " "Lady she ecold very much ; no good ; " "Master cut Chinaman with carving knife. " In one case , a few months ago , a Chin&nian wrote by the faucet at the sink in the kitchen : "Man in this house kill Chinaboy and bury him in the backyard. " A new China- boy is engaged to take the place of the ono who has left , and , finding these terrible stories of the horrible way in which the employers treat the servant ? , gets away as soon as he can. Tha employers having had , parhapa , a dozen Caina men in a week , none of whom would stay , are glafto get their old servant back again , and welcome him almost with open arms , utterly ignorant that he is the cause of all their trouble in the household. When customers do not pay for their washing the laundrymen - men announce the fact on their clothes , ihus puttta'g their fellow-countrymen on guard. All this is calculated to give one an increased respect for the familiar language of the tea-chest and the fire-cracker paper. The Story of a Tame Walrus. Victoria ( British Co'umbU ) Colonlit. The Spanish birk "Odullt , " from Liverpool , now lying at "Welch , Rl- thet & Co.'s wharf , has on beard a tame walrus , or iea lion. This ani mal was captured by Oapt. De Abor- tiz thirteen years ago , while cruising ! n Bahring Straits. It was then a "pup , " was trained by him , and has been his constant companion on all his voywos erer since. He is called "Sonor , " and answers to his name or to a blast from a silver whistle blown bfhis master ; but if blown by anyone else Ue pays not the ( lightest atten tion to the call. He eats bread and meat , enjoyi tea nd tobaco. He } s as passionately fond or beer aa an old toper , and on manv occasions has become - come ganteellv "na'ni" from imbibing too heavily. Whim canht he weighed nineteen pounds , but he now turns the scale at 41l pounds , has two enor mous tusks , measures six feet three inches at the girth , and is eight feet four Inches long. As the Captain good-naturally remarked , as he showed the brute to"a few visitors , he is becoming "one big iioosanca. " In bright warm weather ho sleeps in the sun on deck. During heavy blows he resorts to a kennel , but when the weathsr is calm he leaps overboard and sports about the ship for hours , catching and eaticg fish. When tired cf swimming hu Is hauled on board In a great iron basket. Oa one occasion , off the Cape of Good Hope , a great shark tackled Senor , laying hold of one of his paws and biting off two of his toes , but Senor dove , and , coming up nnder his belly , ripped him up with one thrust of his great tusks , and devoured him with savage cries of delight and satis- faction. He is very fond of the cap tain , and when the latter has been absent - sent from the ship for a day or two he manifests hij uneisinessby a thun dering noise not unlike the sounds that might be emitted by two or three adores of dogs barking in chorus. Se nor is perfectly docile , allows himselt to be patted on the head , and la very susceptible to kindness BUTCHEEINQ BUFFALO. A UUNDKED THOUSiKD EILLKD LAST WINTER IN THE YELLOWSTONE COUN TRY. Sioux City Journal. It is estimated by competent author ities that 100,000 buffalo hides will be shipped out of the Yellowstone coun try this season. Two firms alone are negotiating tor the tiansportation of 25,000 hides each. When to this is added the immense amount of skins and furs of other kinds , deer , elk , an telope , teaver , etc. , some idea may be formed of the extent of the Yellow stone pelt and fur trade. Most of our citizens saw" the big load of Buffalo hides that the C. K. Peck brought down last season , a load that hid everything about the boat below the hurricane deck roof. Thsre were ten thousand hides on that loid , and they were all brought out ot the Yellowstone on one trip , and transfer red to the 0. K. Peck. How such a load could have been piled on the little Terry not even the men on the boat appear to know. It had every part of the boat , barring soly the pilot house and the smoke ttacks. But such a load will not bo attempted again. For such boats as ply the Yellowstone there are at least fifteen full loads of buffalo hides and other pelts. Reckoning one thousand hides to three car-loads , and adding to this hfty cars for the other pelts , it will take at least three hundred and fifty box-cars to carry this stupendous bulk of pelts east to market. Those fig ures are not gnesses , bub estimates made by men whose baaineas it it to know about the amount of hidsa and fnra awaiting shipment. Nothing like it has over been known in the history of the fur trade. List season the output of buffalo hides was above the average , and last year only abont thirty thousand hides cime out of the "SellovTstone country , or less than a third of what is there now awaiting shipment. The past severe w inter caused the buffalo to bunch theanelves in a few valleys where there was pasturage , and there the sTr.u hter went on all winter. There waj no sport about It , simply shooting d wn the famine- tamed animals " . & cattle might be shot down In a barn j aru. To the credit of the Indians it can bo said that they killed no more than ' they could save'tho meat from. The greater part of the 3laughter was done by white huntera , 01 butchers rather , who followed the busitteas of killing and skinning buffalo by the month , leaving the carcasses to rot. When the buffaloes are all killed off , as they bid fair te be in a very few years at this rate , then everybody will wonder that the government did not do some thing to preserve this , the noblest of animal game , or at least prevent the killing of the buffalo for the hides alone. O - The Inebriated Passenger. Chicago Intcr-Ocoin. Ho was a tall , elitn man with a hooked nose and little twinkling eyes. The odor of rum was very perceptible in the atmosphere around him , and could he realize on the capital invest ed in that blossom on his nose he might purchase a corner lot on Michi gan avenue. The car was full when he got in at the Madison street bridge , and several ladies were standing , al though some of the seats were occupied by men. He crowded through the aisle , begging everybody's pardon , and braced himself with his back against the front door. There was a good natured look on his face , when he would occasionally forgot himself , but he seemed to realize his condi tion , and assumed an air of deter mined seriousness whcnho canght any one looking at him. He first insisted that a well-dressed , modest-looking lady should change places with him , and rest herself by leaning against the door. But she declined with blushes. "If I were occupying aseatma'am , " he said , in a loud tone , "I would offer It to you cheerfully ; yes , ma'am , cheer fully. " "You ara very kind , " she replied , softly , and turned her head away , for it was plain that the fumes of liquor almost made her gag. Some of the men who were assisting in holding the seats down all at once bagan to be very much occupied in gazing out of the windows , and two young fellows in the corner engaged in an absorbing conversation. "It seems to me , " continued the old pickle , speaking as if to himself , "it seems to me that young men are not as polite as they used to be. " A timid-looking young man in the corner here arose and offered his seat to a lady , blushing as if he had been detected in a heinous crime. "I am glad , sir , " continued the speaker , "to see that you are an ex ception , an honorable exception , sir. " The voung man began to look very foolish , and went out upon the rear platform , stumbling over the gouty feet of an old gentleman who had sat opposite , and whoso eyes glared with homicidal fury. "Most men , nowadays I beg your pardonma'am" ( to a lady whose bon net he crushed when staggaring nnder a lurch of the car ) "moat men , now adays , hang to a seat as if they were damped on to it , and poor tired ladies stand helplessly In the a'sles , except when a good-looking one gets into a car , and thort somebody always gives her a seat. It's the homely women who always have to stand. " The ladles in the aUle looked very absurd , and a girl with bangs , who had taken the eeat the timid young man surrendered , tittered : "No gentleman Trill keep his seat in a car while ladies standing. It is always safe " The old gentleaansrilh the gouty feet here looked up and said savagely ; "It la always tafa to mind your own business ] " At this the yo g men who had been engaged in the absorbing con * venation left their seats and pulled the bell-strap. ' 'Was I addreasin' my remarks to yon , iir ] " asked the old pickle. "I don't know , and I don't care a . You mind your business , and I'll mlqd mine , " "I Intended no offense , sir ; particu larly not to you , sir. When a man gets as old and fat as you are , sir , he is not ojpactcd to be as gallant aa when he was young and active. " C'I told yon to mind your busimss , and I'd mind mine. I don't want no words with you. You're drunk and don't know what yon are talking about. " "I'm drunk , am I1 ? and he gave a lear that was intended to express irofay. "I am sober enough to know an old keg when I see one. " At this the young girl with the bangs gigled outright , and the infuri ated old gentleman with the gouty legs yelled : "Conductor ! conductor ! This nvm hero is drunk and insulting. " The conductor entered the car and led the old pickle out to the pi it form , where the soliloquy was finished , to the Infinite amusement cf a number of passengers. Almost Crazy. How often do wo see the hardwork ing father straining every nerve and muscle , and doing his utmost to sup port his family. Imagine his feelings when returning home from a hard day's labor , to find his family prostrate with disease , conscious of unpaid doc tors' bills and debts on every hand. It must be enough to drive one almost crazy. All this unhapplness coa'd be avoided by using Electric Bitters , which expel every disease from the system , bringing joy and happiness to thousands. Sold at fifty cents a bottle lyish&McMahon. ' (4) ( ) GBEATEST REMEDY KNOWN. Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption > s certainly the greatest medical remedy ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity. Thou sands of once hopeless sufferers , now loudly proclaim their praise for this wonderful Discovery to which they we their lives. Not only does it j > oai- titdy cure Consumption , but Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Brorchits , Hay- Fever , Hoarsneas and all affections of the Throat , Chest and Lungs yields at once to its wonderful curative pow er as if by magic. We do not ask yon to buy a large bottle unless you know what you are getting. We therefore earnestly request you to call on your druggist , J. K. Isii , and get a trial bottle free of cost which will convince the most skeptical of its wonderful merits , and show you what a regular one dollar size bottle will do. For bale by Ish & McMahon. (4) ( ) NOTICE We were suffering thj mo't excru ciating pain from inflammatory rheumttUm. One application of Dr. Tnomw' Hclectrc Oil af forded almost nstant relit f , and two fifty-cent bottloj effected a permanent cure. O. E. COMSTOCK , Caledonia , Minn. Eacnion'a Arnica Salve The BEST SALVE in the world f 01 Outs , Brulacs , Seres , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Fever Sores , Totter , Chapp ed Hands , Chilblains , Corns , end all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This Salve is guaranteed to glra perfect aatiafac- tlod in every caao ox money re funded , Price 25 couta per box. For sal * by 8uly Tsh & McMahon Omaha. NEW HARNESS SHOP. Ihe undersigned having had nine years ex perience with Q. n. & J. S. Collins , and twenty- four joars of practical harness miking ? , las now commented business for himislf In tb large new shop 1 door south of the southeast corner ot 14th and Ilarney gt . lie xll\ employ a lar a orce of ( killed workmen and will fill all orders in his pline promptly and cheaply. PROPOSALS FOR SPRING. The undersigned recel'e proposals from parties desiring to tell fifteen (16) ( ) to thirty (30) ( ) acres of Ian Jon which the-e is situated a clear spring wbosa outlet is lu the eido of A bluff not less than five feet above the general level of sur rounding and contifuous land. Pa * tics offering euchlind will state the site or number of gallons per minute of tuch spring , Us exact dljtanco from nearest rtllrcad station and the number of scctiotownshlo and range in which it la located. These proposals will bo opened oa the 39th day of April , 1SS1 , and the Commission reeorves the right to reject any and all bids. W. L. MAY. Frenont. II S KALEY. Red Clond. R. R. LIVINGSTON. Plattsmonth. Stito Board of Fiih Commission. ap2M10t-wlt BUSINESS COLLEGE , THE GREAT WESTERN Gco.R. Kntliban , Principal. Oreighton'Block , - OMAHA Bend for Circular. uov20d&wt CHARLES RIEWt , UNDERTAKER ! Mctallc Cues , Coffins , Caskets , Shrouds , etc. Farn mStre * . ( Ith and llth , Omaha , Neb. Telegraphic orders nrorantlv attended to. To Whom it Uay Concern : Owneri of outlet number 210 In Florence , Ne- Lraika. You are hereby notified tVat on the 18th da/ of August , A. D. 1379 , one Thjnus Barrett pur chased mi i outlet number 210 In Florenc * , Dong- lai County , NebriBLa , and thMtho tlmaotra- demption will exiiire iuguit 13th , 1231. Said outlet wai taxed for th jeir A. D. 1877 , for which Uxoa it wissold aa a'orenid. Slid outlet lot wag tavid In no name. Tile certlflca e of tald sale h&j been transferred to and ij DOW h'ld by me. DEXTER L THOMAS. sp7S 3t SPECIAL MASTER COMMISSION ER'S SALE. By virtue of au order of fal * luued but of the Dlitrict Court , in and far Douz'm County , No- braika , and to ma diricted , I will , on the 31st day of Hiy , A. D. 11 , at 13 o'clock noon of laid day , at the aouth dor of th * Couit llouto in the cUy of Omaha , iu said Oauntr , tell at public auction the property detcrlb'd in laid order , to wit : Lot fix (8) ( ) In block one hundred an t leventy-one (171) ( ) , In the city of Oniiha , In laid DonfUi County , Nebruka , together with all theappurtijaceei thireunto belongln ; , to aitlify a judgmint ( ald court rscovered by Ferdinand Streitz afainit Andrew R. Orchard and Amanda H. Orchard , derendinti. WILLIAM. SIMERAL , iplS-lt , Erx'cUl ' llaitsr Coamisaioner. NOTICE ! ToWhom it Uay Concern : Owner of outlet number 20) m Flotenco , Douj Ics County , Kabnska. Ycu are hereby notified that on the 13th dty of Aucust , A. D. 1S70 , one Tnomaa lUrrett pur chased sMd outlet cumbu 2C9 m Klorenre. . - eb. , and that the time of redemption will expire AuzfBtlStb.lSSl. Said outlet as taxed for tne jca 1877 , Tor which tax It waa sold as aforesaid - said in the name of the Florence LindComp ny. Tae certificate of stld stle has been transferred to and Is now held by me apJSSt DEXTER L. THOMAS. LEGAL NOTICE. Jacob Johnson and Ellen Johnson , fail wife , will tike notice that on the 20th dav of April , 1831 , WlllUm T. Seiman , plaintiff , herein filid hii petition in the District Court , of Douglai County , Nebraska , tald de'endants , the object and prayer of which , arc to fcreilofe a certain mortgage executed by the laid defend ants to one F.B. Brtant , and by said Bryant duly sold aad tracsftrred to one C. J. Canan , and by said Canan duly sol d and tracsTcrred to said aman. npjn lat nice (9) ( ) in block "Y , " In Shlnn's 3d addition , to the City ot Omahi , in Douglas Co. , Neb. , to secure tso pajment tf a cenainpromisary not d ted AptU Btb , 1874 , for the sum of 1116 25 and intense , and one aid payable in three month i from the data thereof , and tnat there is now due upon said note and mortgage tbe sum of $11625 ana interest at the rate of 12 per cent per annum from maturity and an attorney's fee ; ilaintiff prajs for a decree thit defendants be required to pay the nme or that tald premises may te sold to satisfy the amount found due. You. are required to answer sx'd petition c or before tha SOth day tf Miy. 1831. W1L T. SEA1IAN. By A. CaJjfflCf , His Attorrey. Dated , Apjil SOth , 1S3L ar.21ev thU SUBSCRIBE FOR THE WEEKLY BEE , The Best in tbe West , Gentle Women Who want glossy , luxuriant and wavy tresses of abundant , beautiful Hair must use 1YOFS KATH1IBON. This elegant , cheap article always mates the Hair grow freely and fast , keeps it from falling ont , arrests and cures grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair strong , giving it a curling tendency and keeping it in any desired position. Beau tiful , healthy Hair is the sure result of using Kathairon. TJE3IE NO CHANGING CARS MVWXM OMAEAAFD CHICAGO , Where Direct connections are Made With Througli Sleeping Car Lines TO New York , Boston , Philadel phia , Baltimore. Wash ington , AND ALL KASTEKN CITiES. THE SHORT LINE via PEORIA for Indianapolis.CincinnatiLouis ville. AXD ILL FOUm IS 7X1 THK BEST LINE TOR ST. LOUIS , Where Direct Conrnctioni are nude In tlie UNION kEPOT wUh Throuth SleeplH ? Car Line * for all Points s o TT T HH : . The New Line for IDES Tlie Favorite Eoute for 3ROOKI The uuequaled Inducements offered by this Lin. to Trarelers and Tourirts , are as follows : Ihe celebrated Pullman (16-whee ( ! ) Falaco Sleip- Ing Cars , run only on thU Line. C. , B. & Q. P Ue Dra ing-Room Core , with Borton'g Re clining Ch Irs No .itra charge for Seats iu Reclinlnc Chain. The famous ( ) . , B. & Q. Palace Dinlnz Carl. Gorgeous Smoking Con Gttsd with Elegant Hijh-Eacked RatUn RerolTing Chain for the excluxivo use of Qrst-clais ptsaen. gen. gen.Sttel Track and Superior Equipment , com bined with their Great Thronfh Car Arrange- m nt , makes thli , above all others , the favorita Route to Ihe East , South , and Soath-Eaet. Try it , and you will fl J traveling a luxury Instead of * ducomfort. Through Ticket ! via thii Celebrated Line for sale at all offices In the United Statcsand Canada. All Information about Rates of Fare , Sleeping Car Accommodations , Time Tables , &c , will be cheerfully given by appljinr to JAMES R. WOOD , General Passenger Agent , Chicago. T. J. POTTtR , General Uanasr < r. Chicago DEXTER L. THOMAS &BRO. Will Buy and Sell REAL ESTATE , And all Transactions Con nected therewith. Pay Taxes , Kent Houses , &c , IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL Call at Office , Room 8 , Creighton Block , Omaha , Neb. ap5-dtf Geo. P. Bemis REAL ESTATE AGEHCY , IBih d ; Douglat Sit. , Omaha , Neb. Ibis agency dow STRICTLY a brokerage bcil ness. Does not peculate , &sd therefore any ar > gains on Its books are Insured to Its patrons , In gtead of belnff gobbled np by the agent ROCiGS & KILL , HEAL ESTATE BROKERS lft > 1//03 Farnf < &m Street OMAHA - NEBRASKA. Oflce North 8iaa cpp Oracd CentralIlctel. Nebraska Land Agency , DAViS & SNYDER , 1605 ParnJutm St. Omaha , Nebr. (00,000 ACRES carefully elected land In Ewtera Nabraski for eale. Orcit Eirgnlnaln Iraproved farms , andOmahi city propert- . O. ? . DA713. WEBSTER 8NYDSR , tate Land Com'r U. F. R. R ln-tabTtf ITXOf RUB. L37IS RISO. Byron Reed & Co. , OLD 1ST MTULBTD REAL ESTATE AGENCY IN NEBRASKA. Eeap a complete abstract of title to all Real Eatito in Omalia and Douglas County. miyltf JNO. G. JACOBS , ( Tormry ! cf CIsh & Jacobt ) No. HIT Farnham St. , Old Stand of Jacob OU OZDKR3 B SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC St , Paul & Sioux Gity RAILROADS. The Old Reliable Sioux. City Route I 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE 1 From COUNCIL'BLlILTSto ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH , or BISMARCK , And all points in Northern Iowa. Minnesota and Dakata. This lie * la equipped with the Im proved WesUnshouse Automatic Air Brakes and Miller Platform Coupler and Buffer. And for SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT la nnBnrpirsed. Elepict Drawing Room and Sleeplnz Carsownod and controlled by the com pony , run Through TV'lthCUt Change betwsen Union Pacific Transfer Dtpot , Council BluOs , and St. Paul. Trsins leave the Union Paclflo Transfer Depot at Council Eluffj , at 6:15 : p m. , reachingSlouz City at 10:20 p. m. . and St. Paul atll 5a. m. , " HOURS ix ADVAKOS OT ANY OTHER ROCTB. Returning , lears St. P.tol at S30 p. inar - vinr at Slotn City at > : ia a. in. , and Union Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Bluff ! , at 830 a.m. Be surd thit your tlikoU read vU " 3. C. b r. K. R. ' F. C. HILia , Superintendent , U' joorl Valley , lows' P. K. ROBINSON , Aart Osa'l Pus. Ageat. J. H. O-BKYAIT , and Paawnger Ajont , Council BIcfll MAKE NO MISTAKE ! MICA AXLE GEEASE Compoeedlargely of powdered mica and 1st njlisj U the beat and clieaptst lubricator in the wqtld. It la thebcjtbecause ! t dee not from , but forms a highly polljlied surface over the axle , doln ; away vrltn a lar a amount of friction. It it tb * cheapest because you need ueo but half the quantity in greisiug your waon that yon woul 1 ot any other axle grease matle , and then run your tratron twice aa long. It answers equally aa well ( or Mill Gearing , Threshing flUchinw , Busies , &c , aj for wagoni Send ( or Pocket Cjclopedlaof Thlnjs Wortn Knowing. Mailed free to any ulu'reta MICA MAKUFACTUSIHC CO. , 81 MICHiaANAVENDB , CHICACO. Your Dealer For It OTt2 AGENTS WANTED FOB CREATIVE SCIENCE and Sexual Philosophy. Profusely illustrated. The raont important n I ert book published. Every family wants Extraordinary Inducements offered Agent- . Address Aonyra'PcBLisiiLsaCo it. Louis.Mo- WROUGHT IRON FENCES. Wlto Fo-icusg and RalUnj i Speciality. "lelr baautv , pormsnonco and economy dally working the eztlnciion of all fencing cheap material. Elegant In destCTi , Indtatrectlble Fences for Lawns , Public Grounds and Ceme tery Plats. Iron Vases , Lavrn Sottces , canopied and of rustic patterns ; Chairs and every description ot Iron nnd Wlro oniamental work designed axil manufacturad by E. T. BARNUM'S Wire and Iron Work , S7,29 and 31 Woodward Avo. , De troit , Mich. Sen' " - l"Bt > -atalogue am ) rlcn lUt 52,250.000 ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY- EXTRAORDINARYDRAWING.APRILlZth. 15000 TIOKETS ONLY , 72 ? PRIZES. SMALLEST PRIZE , 81,000. 1 Prl $1 Of 0,000 1 Prize $25,00' 1 Prize 2CO.OCO 8Przes,810OOcach 80,000 1 Pnzo 100,000 S Prizes , 5,000 aa. h 40,060 1 Pri a tO.OOO 722 Prizesam't'j to 52,250,000 Whole Tickets , S1CO ; Halves , ? 30 ; Quarters , J10 : Tenths,3I ; Twentieths , ? S , Fortieths , $1. L'ttle Havana is gorerncd entirely by the abo\edraninr. 1 Prize , SG.COO 722 Prizes , $10,119. Whole ? , S2. Halves , 81. ROMAN & CO. Succcssots to TAYLOR & Co. , Now York. Direct an communiratlona and money to ROMAN & CO. , General Agents , 223 Chjrel Streets , \ew Haven , Conn. m4lm GEO. tf , PAUSELL , M. D. Roomj 'n Jacobs Flock , up stairs , corner of Capital Avenue and 15th street. Residence 1425 Sherman Avenue. May fe coniuit ed at resi leaco 7 to 9 p. m. except TVednesdaya. SPECIALTY. Obstetrics and Diseases of Wo. nen. Office honra 9 to 11 3. m. and 2 to 4 p. m. Bunaaya 5 to 7 p. m. mlj-6m REED'S By "Almont , " he by Alciandcr's "AMallab , Eire of "Goldsmith Maid ; " first dam "On Timo" by ' War Dance , " son of the fenoiimed "LeiluKtoi ; " Second , "EU ! Breckonriilga" by "Collossua , " son of imported "Sovnelrn. * "AImnt'a" first d ra by "Ma-nbrino Chief and hUSiro by RjsJick's "Hambletonian " This remarkable hone nlll be five yars ok' in May , ho will serve only 35 marca ( half of which number it nsw cnssged ) at $2500 per mire , payable at tlrno oTiervice. Season commences April 1st and will end Sept. Ut. After tLat time hla iirvico will be rut at $35 00. Any mare that h'S trotted in 2:30 : served rxsit. ALL TIS1E will stand Mondays' Tuesdays' and Wednesdays' each week , btgin- nincr the first ot April , on Twentieth , WM : ot Eigbtecntn f trect car-lr : k t rminu , and the remilnder of each week at the corner of llth and Howard ttrcetg. ED. HEED , Proprietor. Stable Corcer llth and Howard Streets. marlod3m Machine Works , J. Hammond , Prop. & Manager. The raoet thoronzh appointed and complete Machine Shop ) and Foundry In the state. Castings oJ OTory description mannfacted. Endues , Pumps and eveiy clasi of machlaery made to order. order.pedal attenllen elven to RTellAnsurs , Pulleys , Hangers , s.Gcer etc. n ? , Uodoj , etc. , ceatlr ozecuted. 56Harnov St. . Bst. 14tb and 15m. APPETIZER SURE CURE For COUGHS , COLDS , BRONCHITIS , ASTHMA , CONSUMP TION , and all Diseases of the THROAT and LUNGS. * 9 P"011 'a ' " > b" "i irorld. By adding to TOLU ROCK and RTB Ittl. * ' 1 taT f e Hent Appetizer uulTonlc. lor K nml and Th. . "MdthSn erflMU'UaWnUI'r8Cel"i dUIy " " Put up in Quart Size Bottles , giving More for the money than any article in the market. CAPTION B2T ! B * DEV.CJ VEI > by unprincipled who try to palm off upon TOO JSfontDICATcn art.T 0 ? ? ? * SU& " U P00 * ° ' onr TOLC ROCK End R * . whlcSli t only ItKDICATED article made the , aENOTNE navUur a QOVERXMENT STAMP on each bottle. Extract from Report of tha Commissioner of Internal Revenue : TREASURY DEPARTMENT , OFFICE OF INTERNAL RXVENU 1 WAsnwoioa 1 > .C. , January S , 1SSO. f Ucf m. LAWnXNCZ * MARTIN , 1111 Madigon St. , Chicago , IL's. : 41 2KV,1.1 , JS&emonnd- the Ppkton of this offlce , ouM have a sufficient quantity ) th BALSAM Or TOLU to tin It all tat adrantaifes ascribed to thU article in pectoral compIalnU while the wlilixy and th lyrup eonitituta an emulsion r nderlne it an agreeable remedy to th * K.'i'llK.Compounded ' accordlar to th formula , it my properly be clawed aa a MEDICINAL PREPARATION under the prOTuloDg of U. S.Rrrbed Statute * , nd when oitumrnxl , nuy t sold by Drugftati , ApothNiries and Other Persona nltbout rendering them liable to ? T tp ial tax at liquor dealers. Tours Ke p rtfnlly , ( Slpied ) QUEEN. B. BAUM , Commissioner LAWRENCE & MARTIN. Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DRUGGISTS , GROOEBS and DEALERS everywhere C.F. OOODUAN.AQEXT. OMAHA _ _ _ NEWA3TD CORRECT "ftTA-p PTOTW beyond any reasonable question that tha ' * * CHICAGO ' & NORTH-WESTERN . R'Y 1 1s by all odds the best road lot you to talco when traveling In either direction between ! Chicago and all of the Principal Points in the West , North and Northwest.1' * Carefully examine th ! H p. The Principal Cities of the Tf t and Northwest are Stations oa this read , lu throntn trains make eloao connection * with the trains of all railroads at Junction points. Tirt-r - , THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERH RAILWAY , PULLMAN HOTEL DINING ' . or Northwester Chicago. ' It has > r. - . the following Trunk Lines : 1 uw * ' Dfnjer& California Un . " "Wlnona , Minnesota & Central Dakita Line. " , oim 1NoNcbtas ? & ? ankt ° I ! LI'.e"Chlcatro. ' . . . St Paul and .Minneapolis IJno. f -rffr "lnols' FSP ° n * Dubunuo Line. " "Milwaukee. Oreen Bay & Lake Superior Line. " anaa. ' ° VCr 3Lt ° Sol(1 ( by a11 Couroa TIcket Agents in the United States and Kernember to ask for Tickets -rla this roa < L bo sure they rend over It. and take none other * HAEVIX HCaHirr , Geal Manager , Chicago. S. VT. B. SIES3ETT , Gen'l Pass. Agent , Chicago. HARRT P. UCJEU , TIck t Ar nt C. AN. W. Railway , 14th and rarnham Streets. II. B KIMB&LiL. Assistant T.cket AzentC AN. W. Rallway.llth end Farnbam Street * . J. BELL , Ticket AzentC. & N. W. Railway , U. P. R. R. Depot. JAMHlST. CL&RK'Oen r l Aunt. FURNIfl F : ATHERS And Everything pertaining to the Furniture asd Upholstery Trade , A COMPLETE ASSGRT&1EHT OF NEW GOODS AT THE and 1210 Farnham Street. p U mt > a th Ut SHORT LINE 1SSO. K.C.,3T.JOE&C.B.R.B. , It tha only Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST from OUAHA and the WXST. Ha chtn9 cf cars between Omaha and 8t. Loall and but ene between Omaha and New York. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS Easten. YPfcstern Cities With lets charjec and la sdvanca ol other lines. This tstlre Uaa 'a equipped with Pullman's Falat 81 * c pint Can. Palaca Da > Coach * sa.JUllex'B Bafsty Platform and Coupler aad the celebrated Testlnf bousa Alr-Braie. OTiZK THAT TOOK TICKET RKA 4 "TU Kansas City , Bt. Jc h and- jarCouncUBluffa h.R. .via B'.tA If Jot tnAatLouia-TBt nekti for tali at all coupon itatlona la the A. C. DAWE3 , , Oeal Pae. * Tlclot A t St. Josaob.Ma St. Jo * pn , Ho. W C. 8EACHRE3T. Tlckst Al n. , leZOFarnhaca SlrMt , ANDYBORDKN , A. B. BARNARD. Paw. AjT3ntOmaha. Oen'rl Arent. Omaha. AO ENTB WANTfiD FOR Fastest Selling Boofeof tba Acel Poundations of Success , EUSEJEJM ANDSOCIAtTORMB Thalawsof trade. lojal forms , how to trans act buaUwtB , valoabl * tabl , toclal etiquette , parliamentary assize , how t eoniurt public buslnovMu bet It ii a complete Guide to SUCCMS for all oane * . A family ece alty. Address for circular , and special terms ANOUORPUBUSU- INO CO. , StLul * . Mo. QQfl idayatcomo. bamp * ct ibZU IrtM. Addrtu SUasoa * Co Portland. MA. MA.M. M. H. K1HDON. General Insurance Agent * BKPB - . . . Lon. don , Cash Aasetd . - .W,107lll WESTCHEdTKK. H. Y. , Capital - 1,000,003 TOE MERCHAN IB. of Newark. N.J. , l.OCC.OO QIRAUP FIUKPhllad lplilaCapltal _ l.OOC.COO ' lt l . 900.600 KWEUKS'3 FUND. California . 806 ( Ml ItlUTISn AMERICA AS3URANOZCO 1,290,000 HEW A IKJIRKINS.CO AaeU u 800.0CO AMKKICA7 CENTRAL , AmeU . 300 600 9 ut Cor. of Klfuanth & Douarlaa 3t. , _ _ OMAHA. NtH. To Worvons Sufferers The Great European Eemedy Dr. J. E. Simpson's Specific Medicine. It U a positive car * for B rmatorrhea. Seminal Waakncffi , Impotency. and all disease * reaultu ; from Self-Abtue. aa llantal Anxiety , Loa ol Memory , Paina In tb Bock of Side , and disease * that Iea4 to Consumption Insanity and anearlrpav * Tb * Hpedflo Vadldno Ix being ns wltb wonder ful success. _ _ _ PampUaU sent f roe to aU. Write for them and gt lull particulars. Prlc * , SpedOc , tl'OOperpftckag * , orslx pack- atr Address all orders to . B. SIMPSON' MEDICINK CO. , . Koa. * Mand 100 lUIn St. , Buffalo , S. Y. Sold In maha. by C. f. Goodman. J. W. Bell J. K. liit * sd alldruzzists everywhere. < T C C waelc in your own town. lerms and 1)00 oatflt tre . Addrm H. Qallttt & Co. Portlind. Ua. 3 IPIEOG Cash ' ry Goods Store , CORNER SIXTEENTH AND CALIFORNIA STREETS. With a Fine New Stock oi DRY GOODS , NOTIONS AND GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. It 'will pay you to examine this stock as everything is entirely new , and great bargains will be given. & nvncinsrisris , - - IPIROIPSI