Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1881, Image 1

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    YOL.X. OMAHA , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY MAY 5 , 1881. NO259. .
Established 1871 , MORNING lEDITION. Price Five Cents
, NGE1
15ttL and Douglas Sts. ,
Omaha , - -
Residence Lots ,
5100 to ? 2500 oac
Uousea nnd Lots ,
$275 to $18,000 cac
CT / " % / " % Uuslness Lots
O U U 5500 to § 10,000 cac
QQA Farms.
J Q C\ rC \ Acres in Douglas C
7 -cres 'u ' Srpy Co.
Large Amount of Suburb ;
Property in I , 10 , 20 or
40-Acre Lots Within
1 to 5 Miles from
Post Office.
$250,000 TO LOAI
At 8 per Cent.
Published by this Agencyi
25 cents Each , Mounted $ U
Houses , Stores , Hotels , Fan
Lots , Lands , Offices , Rooms
' Etcto lent or
Lease ,
Taxes paid , rents collect
- - and ai
UiscUs , murtgages ,
kjnds of real estate
doouments made
out at short
_ notice.
This agency doas strictly
brokerage business. Doesi
speculate , and therefore a
bargains oa its books are
svired to its patrons , instead
v being gobbled | up by the age
Notary Public Always
Call and get Circulars and :
Particulars at
15tli and Douglas Sts
OMAHA. - - . TJ
Dawes' Girds the Loins of the
Republic and Moves an
Executive Session
Pathetic Ending of Three
Months of Superfluous
The Senate Proceeds to Business -
ness and Considers the
Chinese. \
The Senate In Executive Session.
WASHINGTON , May 44 „ . m _
Senator Dawes to the floor'immo-
dlatsly after i. ae opening of the een-
ate acd bRan a 6poech deprecating
the aet-jrjujjjeij opposition of the dera-
ocrf.48 ' to the consideration of " "tho
proper business of the senate. He
hhd offered his resolution fpr the
election cf officers in the senate
in good faith , nnd according to
the custom , but the minority bad in
sisted that the majority should not
rnle. The great principles of repub
licanism were threatened , and careful
steps must ba taken to prepare the
aafegaards against further assaults.
Meanwhile ether matters demanded
attention. "Tho contest bad bet
ter bo fought with the
loicB cf the republic girded
about her , " he said. Recognizing the
inability of the majority to rule iu
this dasa , cd the necessity of attend
ing to other public business , Mr.
Dawes moved that the senate procaed
to trio contidoration of executive
business. Pendletoo desired to reply
but the ayes and noes having bfatn
called , Dawes did not withdraw the
ruction and the vote stood ayes & 3 ,
noes none , and the senate went
into executive sesErca at 12:40.
At Last.
WASHINGTON , May 5 1 a. m. -
The senate went into executive ccs-
sion ayes 53 , noes none.
The senate , in executive session , at
once took np the nominations that
had been acted on , and the follow
ing were confirmed without opposi
tion : Robert R. Hilt , of Illinois , to
be n ist.vtt secretary of atite ; Hiram
Price , of Iowa , commiselouor of In
dian affairs ; Alfred jtt Jones , United
States marshal for tha nnrtheru dis
trict of Illinois ; San ford R , . Hudson ,
of Wisconsin , associate justice of the
supreme court of Dakota ; Jas. P
Jones , postmaster at Toro Haute ,
Other nominations were taken up
separately and appropriately referred.
There was considerable debate , but
no outbreak , and nothing we * Sftid
that would indicate thut tlioso noml
nations were to bo taken up whicr
were to bo > Considered contested ,
umong Vnoso already in the hands c :
thu committee , or as to what oppoei
tion might be expected to any c ;
them. An hour and a half was con' '
sumed in referring the nominations
and the senate took up the Chinest
The first treaty considered was tha
of immigration. Senator Farley , o
California , made a speech in explana
tion cf what the psople of the Pacifii
slope dt sired in the way of reside
tlonsto the intlux o.f all classes o
Chinesa. Those in search of com
mercial , educational or mercantili
advantages would always bo welcome
I As the cast-offi of Eiirope&n countrle
J bad been cent back before they land
h , I od on the Atlantic snores , sc was i
I desired by the dwellers on tbo Pacifi
I coast that the lowest classes of Ohl
I neso types of immorality , and thoa
who cannot live at homo and wh
live on little abroad , bo prevents
from landing thoro.
| )
WASHINGTON , May 5 1 a. m.-
I The president declines to qtvo out h :
j letter to Dawes at present , bnt sai
I the text cs published Is correct , e :
cspt ss regards the Robertson case.
The trcasmy will mail checks t
day in payment of § 3,003,000
called bonds , which were received f ,
redemption. A large amount of calii
bonds were received at the treasu
yesterday and payments for interc
wiil bo made as fast as possible.
NEW YORK , May 5 1 a. nv
The coroner took the ante-morte
statement of Anna Eichehoff , at tl
Presbyterian hospital. The worn
is dying from malpractice. She sail
"I have lived t No. 1.1G7 , Third a
enno , slnco September , and p n
dressmaker. The father of my chi
was a 'young man named ScbUrk
whom 1 had known for four years ai
who promised to marry in ? . He koe ;
grocery store corner 104th sire
and Lexington avenue.
as , JH"Two months I told him to rmr
me , but he refused , saying ho was n
In a position to do so. A few da
after that ho bought a box of pills ai
told mo to take two at n time , ruor
ing and evening. I took the pills se
eral time ? , but felt so btdly aftervra
that I discontinued. Schlitkaecol
id edmefcrnot takirg them aud thi
, hongrit A bnttlo of medicine and thi
another , but I throw the aedicii
o'ut of the window. Ho also boug
a box pills and said those would cu
me ; but I took none of the pills
"April 13th Schierke brought a dc
tor to my hcuse , who talked to r
about my condition. He did not
inp , bnt sail we must go to hia hens
Schlerko and myself went to his hou
the next dayho 14th. I think
a resides on IGSth street , Morrislan
tot near Washington avenue. The dc
tor took-me into a private room at
= locked the door.
Here follows an account of a surj
cal operation performed upon M
at. Eichehoff. "I then went home wi
Schiercke , wha hud been in tha roc
of the doctor with mo all the tin
Whin I came home I fainted Mid 1
down. On Monday a premature bii
occurred. I sent f > r Schierke and
brought tEe doc ! or who operated. <
Sunday lait be cent for the doct
He came and said I was all right a
might got up. Yesterday I sent
another doctor , but he said ho coi
not do snything and I must go to I
hospital. A papar was shown to :
signed by me. I gave the doctor 1
SE. dollar ? , which was given to me ,
. cause I said I had not a cent in I
house. I dou't know the name of I
doctor who treated rae. He is a ah
man with a full head of black hi
Ho told mo on'Sunday that I need
not go to any hospital , that it would
only get him in trouble. The paper
referred to by Miss Eichchofi read *
aa follows :
"Received from Mr. Schierkothe
sum of ten dollars in full and suffi
cient paymenb-of all and every claim
I IiaVa or have had against him. Said
payment releases him , { Mr. Schierke )
from .ill engagements or agreements.
In consideration oi this payment
made mo I cease to apply to him or
communicate with him in any way
from this dato.
( Signed ) A : ? A E. EICBEUOFF.
Witnesa : H. HENWOOD.
Tirt doctor was arrested , and the
p&per was found by Captain Dobbins
in the possession cf August Schierke ,
the grocer , whom he arrested. The
name of the witness at the bottom is
that of Dr. Henwood , at 168th street
and Washington avenue , who is
known to Police Captain Dobbins.
Acting on the clno thus furnished , he
proceeded to the house with Sergeant
Shehan and arrested the doctor in
bed. Ho was taken to the hospital
and fully identified by Mies llickoff.
The captain took both prisoners be
fore Coroner Hernnn , who held them
without bill.
f YOIIK , May 5 1 s. ia. St
rait Bernhardt and tt\upe sailed for
Europe on Iho .French steamer Amer-
taue yesterday morning , with floral
offering ? .
The departure of Mile. Sarah Earn
hardt for Europa to-day in the steam
ship Amerirjue was tha eigual for an
ovation on tha part of her many
friends and admirers. At the hour of
her departure the veaei dock wes
black with people. Mile. Bernhardt
and Ivat sister were the lions of the
hour. The two ladies bravely with
stood the onslaught of hand shaking ,
kissing and hugging ct their friends.
On the promenade deck , floral gifts
from friends were remarkable for their
number and artlstlcnesa , representing
full rigged ships , composed of the
rarest and most fragrant flowers.
Representatives from all the metro
politan theatres were among the
throng present to bid the French tra
gedienne bon voyage , and a number
accompanied the steamer down the
bay in a tug.
WHICH CAUSED THE 1,058 OF § 70CO ( <
BOSTON , May 5 1 a. m. A heavj
fire occurred Itet evening in n build'
ing at 413 Atlantic avenue , aud 7 $
and 74 Purchsso street- , occupied bj
M. A. King& Sons , the Oxford augai
refinery , who had a largo quantity o :
eugar and molcsses stored in the base
mcnt ; John and Michael Collins
dealers in paper stock ; Bucktnan S
Dow and Pat McGovau , curriers
The fire was confined to the baildinj
iu which it originated , but it was com
p'otoly ' gutted. All tbo stock , i-xcop
the sugar and molasses in the base
rnent , wss a total loss. Tha damagi
to the building will not fall short o
$10,000. King & Sons estiraati
their loss at § 12,000 , Insured fo
§ 7,000.
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , May 5 1 a. n
The Courier-Journal yesterday caj
that the story h afloat that Maiy Ai
dcrsou , the actress , charges Dr Gri
fin , her step father , with investlc
§ 100,000 of her money in his ovt
name , and deeding her property i
New York to himself. It is said th ;
Miss Anderson only recently learnt
this by a letter from NewT
Railroad Rumbles.
NEW YORK , May 5 1 a. m.
A c > ntract between thu Missouri P
cllic aud Iron Mountain railroads , 1
which the former buys the latter , hi
been signed.
The Missouri Pacific capital
000,000 , and ia order to bring abe
the different agreements now pen
ing its capital will have to bo i
creased to § 33,000,000 , and perha
more , by the vote of the atockholdoi
The Texca Pacific lun been ca
trolled entirely by Mr. Gould , and
is understood to be his intt
tion to give the Texas I
Cific as favorable terms as the Ir
Mountain , and both stocks ought
sell after consolidation with t
Northern Pacific is completed
ninety cents. During Mr Msynsn
tarm of office the oparating exponi
of tue , Iron Mountiln were seven !
ene per cent and the Missouri Pacl
> n people are confident they can do bu
bess for fifty-five per cent of the gr <
NEW YORK , Miy G 1 a. m ,
Twenty five machinists and so :
T painters acd caio makers at J. "
Stoddard's machine shops hive stro
for an advance. The plasterers ha
id struck for an advance in wazes fn
§ 2.50 to $3 per day. The hpd-carri ;
have organized an association a
d agreed to strike unless the brick c
Im riers bo given two dollars pec d :
m aud the mortar carriers § 2.25 per dt
lt CHICAGOMay 5 1 a. m. Thi
re is a strong probability that the lei
motive engineers and firemen of t
c- city will begin a strike in a very shi
c10 time. The engineers are gotti
$2.75 and firemen § 1.60 per di
They want an advance of twenty-fi
cents a day. The switchmen's strl
has caused thorn considerable loss
time , and they will strike at once
they are not paid full timo.
Death from a Brush Pllo.
YORKTOWN. N. J : , May o 1 a.
S3 John H. Seagraves , while burn ;
Lh brush on Ills farm near this place i
Lhc. orercome by the smoke , fell in t
c. flames aud before he could bo pul out ha was burned so badly that
th died in a faw minutes.
hen Two Workmen Crushed. BOSTON , Mas ? , May 5 1 a. m
id Martin Devluo and a fellow workn
ror were crushed and dangerously inju
ild bv an iron shutter , weighing 1 ;
he pounds , which they were remov
ne from the grou&d for the Eqnits
ene building , yesterday morninir ,
> e-
ehe The Weather.
hert WASHINGTON , May 5 1 a. rr
: rt For the upper Mississippi and lo
ir. Missouri valleys , partly cloi
weather , with occasional ralu , wind
southerly , veering in the latlfir district
trict to north or' west , stationary or
temperature , falling followed by
rising barometer ,
ERSBURG , 0 , May 5 , An ep
idemic of mumps is rasing in certain
localities in this city and in soma
p'aces schools have baonjljamlesed.
GALLOPOHS , 0. , May 5. The citi-
na of "Centreville , Jin this county ,
are much elated over the discovery of
a four footjvein of coal underlying-tho
whole of their village ,
PAUIS , May 5 1 s > m. Gan. Lo-
gerot'a division yesterday reached the
Stronghold of the Krenmiers on the
oppoaite aide to that which was attack
ed by Gon. Dalbtejuo. Somo. Arabs
Drsd on the officers aud a cavalry en
gagement took placo. The French
Eqnadrons killed four hundred of the
cnomy aud Captured a quantity of
booty. The French loss is insignifi
cant. M. Allegro , the renegade Tu
nisian consul , declares he saw a num
ber of Tunisian regulars fighting iu
Rroumiur'a ranks under command of
three of their own officer" .
it is reported that Dillon will re
sign his seat in the house of commons
for the reason that during Imprison
ment length and reault of which are
indefinite ha cannot _ represent his
constituency , tt ia understood that
Eagan , treasurer of the land league ,
will contest Tipperary in theXhome
i ulo interests ; .
LONDON , May 4 4 p. m. It hss
been ascertained that the cause of
the dissiter to the war sloop "Deter-
illo , " in the Magellan Straits , was
tha bursting of he'r boilers , although
they were new , causing an explosion
of the magazine. The officers and
thirty-five of the crow were killed.
Twelve were saved uninjured.
LONDON , May 5 1 a. m. The New
Market races for two thousand guineas
stakes tras run to-d.iy. It was won by
Persgrino , with Iroquia second and
Son of Ireland third.
The race for the May stakes was
run next aud was won by Aeuone ,
with Wnllenotoin second and Tafua
third. There were air starters.
BOSTON , May 5 1 a. m. John Sul
livan , the giant pugilist , who stands 6
feet 3 inches and weighs 212 pounds ,
is matched to fight John Flood in Now
York , May 20 , for $1OCO. He loft
last night with his trainer , Billy Mad
den , for New York to finish training.
ST. Louis , May 5 ' 1 a. m All ol
the stakes in the pigeon shooting
match between A. H. Bcgardus , ol
Elkhart , Ind. , and W. Mitchell , ol
Richmond , Va. , were deposited yes'
tcnlay. The contestautswill shoot at
one hundred birds.
NASHVILLE , May 5 1 a. m The
racing here yesterday were dull anc
uninteresting. The rain rendered thi
track a perfect quagmiro.
The first race , Tennessee stallioi
stake , for two year old fillies , distanc
1J mile ? , was won by Gauge , wit
Boot Jack second ; time , 2:15. :
The eocondrace , association purse
all age ? , inllo and a hslf , wcs won b
Toe third race , handicap assoch
tion purse , all ages , one mile , was wo
by Nedmar.
PROVIDENCE , R. L , May 4 1
m. Boston , 4 ; Providence 0.
NEW YORK , May 5 1 a. m. Me
rouolitana , 2 ; Athletics , 7.
DETROIT , Mich. , May 5 1 a. m.-
Detroit , 3 ; Buffalo , 4.
it A Surprised Burglar.
1a - WAKEFIELD , Mess. , AUy 5 la. i
a13 A burglar was surprised by the p
13 lies In the office of G. A. Abcrn ,
13a. ccal dealer , last night. He dash
n- through a crowd who had surround
nit the place , but wai pursued by a bi
na - dog and finally captured after a d <
a- porate fight , in which a policeman a :
aDU the dog were severely injured. T
to burglar is a well known desperado ,
at A Noted Rifleman Dead.
I's SAN FRANCISCO , May 4 1 a. m.
IBS Dr. John Ruth , the calobratod rifl
y- man , rival of Dr. Carver , died li
ySc night of dropsy of the heart.
Small Pox In Warren , O.
WARREN , 0. , May 5 1 a. m.
George Getzer , in the hospital , died
2S small-pox yesterday. The disease c
2S.T veloued itself Tuesday morning. Ti
Is the second case in this hospi
within n few daye , which snowa tl
the disciso continues in this city.
ST. Louis , May 4
"Wheat Slow. and higher ; No.
red , § 1 07 | for'cash ; SI 07i@l (
for May ; § 1 07J@1 07 for Ju
tan SI 03J for J uly ; 99gc for August.
: d Corn Higher at 43@43Jc for ca
iCO 4243c for May ; 42J for June ; 42
ng 43c for July ; 43Jc for August ; 44
ble 44o September.
Oats Higher at 35t35Jc for ca
3Gc for June ; 35s fo"r July.
Rye Slow ; § 1 18 asked.
B.irley Dull and unchanged ,
Batter Unchanged.-
idy Eggi Lower.
Whisky oteady at $1 OG.
Pork Lower ; 817 50.
Dry Salt Meats Slow and easy
at $5 70S8GC38G5. ,
Bacon Easier at 56 37i@9 37i@9 45
9 G2J@9 70. $ i
gLard Dull at $11 12 -
St. Louis Ltva Stock .
SI. JfOtfis , May 4.
Hogs Active and s'tsady. Yorkers
and Baltlmores , § 53 JO@G 10 ;
mixed packing , 5 9CSg 10 ; choice to
f ncy , ? G 15@G 40fp'g' ; ' , S5 10 ®
5 45 ; receipts , 7500 head ; shipments ,
1500 head. - | ?
Liverpool Prodilce Market.
Wheat Winter , Ditfih 7d ; white ,
§ 3 10@9j Cd ; spring , 8s 6d@9j ; club ,
9j 5d@0i lOd. . f
Corn New , 2s 5d ; old , 5s t5Jd.
Lwd 57s Gd. 3
TDltidd t romic'e
romic'eTOMDQ , May 4.
Wheat No. 2 red , , "Wabash , cash
and May , S1.13 asked and $112 * bid :
Juno , § 1 Iff ; July , § 1 05 | .
Corn Firm ; No. 2 , cash , 47c ;
May , 47c ; Juno , 46c ; July , 47c ;
No. 2 white , 49 ; rejected , iGio ; dam
aged , 43c.
Oats Dull ; No. 2 white , 4C o.
PeorlaProduce , Marfcet.
PEORIA , May 4.
Corn Firmer ; high mixed , 42 ;
mixed , 41j.
Oats Firm ; No. 2 white,38i38c.
Rye Nominal at Si 10117.
Whisky--tf nchanged at SI 05.
New Yorfc Produce MarEet.
NEW YoftK , May 4.
Flour Generally steady ; 85 75 ®
G GO for good t ? choice shipping ex
Wheat Firm and i@lc higher ;
spot sales of No. 2 rod winter , 81 2GJ ®
127i ; No. 3 do , S123fNo. ; 1 white ,
§ 1 23J1 24 ; mixed winter , SI 24 ;
No. 2 spring , $1 23
Corn Firm and @Jc higher ; spot
sales at 59j90c. [
Oita Generally lower ; No. 2 , 45J
@ 4GcforMay ; 4546s for June and
July.Rye Steady bnt quiet.
Barley Nominal.
Pork In fair demand and firm ; or-
nary mess for early delivery , § 16 00 ®
1C 25 for old.
Lard E ill er and in moderate de
mand ; epot aalea of western steam ,
811 G5@ll 70 ; city steam at § 11 50.
Out Meita Firm and in active de
mand ; pickled hams , 810 60@i.O 75 ;
do shouldera , $7 50.
Whiekoy Nominal.
Chicago Produce Market.
CHICAGO , May 4.
Wheat quiet , and a shade firmer ;
corn steady ; oats in good demand and
firmer ; pork steady ; lard sold fairly
and values worn easier ) short ribs
Wheat Spring sold at § 1 01 | < s
1 02 for May ; § 1 04@1 04 for Junk
51 041 043 for July ; 81 00i@l C0 |
for August : 9Gg@96c for September ,
Corn 43J@43ic tor May ; 42J@43 (
for Juno , 43fj@433c for July ; 44ii
) id for August ; year offered at 42c
with 40c bid.
Oats 37ic bid for May and June
:7Jc : for July , 29c for August.
Rye May , 81 15 bid ; SI 10 bid fo
June ; July sold at 91c ; August , 77 c
Pork Mess closed at 817 4517 5
for June ; 317 47i bid for July
814 17i4 22i for "the year.
Lard Closed at Sil 17i@1120.Maj
§ 11 22J@1125 for June ; 811 30i
1J 32 for August ; 811 2511 30 f (
September ,
Short Ribs June , § 8 50(58 ( 52i
July , 88 G08 G2J ; August , S8 G2Jt
8 G5 bid.
Searching for the eannette.
SAN FBANCISCD , May 5 1 a. m.
The revenue cutter Ojrwin sailed ye
terday on her Arctic expedition
search of the Jcannetto and the m
sing whalers. A largo flaot of veasi
accompanied the cutter to the head.
Death From Gas.
IRONION. Ohio , May 5 1 a. m.
Henty Gray , colored , wrs found de
yesterday oiorcingat BalfontFurna
lying close to one of the gas flui
The coroner's verdict wn to the effi
that death was caused by inhaling t
foul gcs.
A Dishonorable Scheme.
NASHVILLE , Tenn. , May 4 1
readjustee prepared and will file
day a bill to prevent the fund :
board from funding the state debt
accordance with the law passed at 1
93t recent &eision of the legislature. G
3t suit will be purely political in
character , the existence of the re
jastero party , depending on
success of some scheme to previ
funding as provided by the late hw
liB The Striding Switchmen. . _
; alat CHICAGO , May 4 4 p. m. 1
, at striking railroad switchmen are
day parading the streets , while
railroad companies are sending
il. frei httrains with abroad the same <
patch as in ordinary times , hav
nlred men enough from about to
the work. The new men are new
no other Bcnso than that they
strangers to this locality.
. A Fireman's Reward.
10 I OSKOSH , Wis. , May 4. Whan
' Beckwith house In this city was
stroyed by fire a few months ago , <
of the rooms in the npper floor
ocnpled by a Mrs. S. B. Paige , T
was seen at the window vainly try
t ) escape. Sfao was obsarvcd by her 1
bindwho was in the crowd below , <
' he offered 85000 to any one \
: | would secure his wife's body , dead
i alive Charles RIef , assistant
marshal , brought down the bo
Mrs. Paige having been suffocated
fore assistance could reach her. Nc
ing has since been hear1 of the
ward till yesterdaywhen Rlef brou
enit for its recovery.
Boyton and the Peru-wana.
NEW YORK , May 4 4 p. n
Capt. Paul Boyton arrived hora 3
terday from Pern. He had been
gaged under Pierola in the jferu\
torpedo service and had been capt
ed by the Chilians. Ho escaped by
aid of frlendr , He says Plerola
not yet given up the fight. The
1 ® ruviaB leader wa in the mounts
and i ? prepared to keep up the fij
Cuban fashion , twenty years if ne
ih ; snry. Boyton thought It imposs
for Pieroli to accept the Chilian tei
whereas they amount to the comp
extinction of the government in
hibitlng the existence of any flee
army for 60 years.
Feudal Ferocity of Two
Furnacemen at Nel-
sonville , Ohio.
A Short , Sharp and Decisive
Battle With Brickbats
and Bullets ,
The Slim Supply of Ammuni *
tion Alone Prevents a
Double Funerah
A Kemamable Duel.
NELSONVILLE , 0. , May 4 The
most remarkable -duel on record was
fought yesterday by George Brooks
apd Soott Lovs , rriploysen t .the
Helen furnace : Scitia time ago t thejr
became engaged in a quarrel which
originated at a country dance and has
lasted until now. They are both
young men and Brooks has been rriar-
rled little less than a jCir , and two
daya ago hU wife bore him a child.
Brooks celebrated tWa event by get
ting on a aproo and returning to the
furnace mot Love and the old feud was
reminded. Some hot words ensued ,
and a fight enaned. BrooLs picked
up a heavy picca of cinder and struck
Love on the head , and the fight end
ed for a time , Lore premising to renew -
now tbo hostilities in ( ho morning.
When morning arrived Brooks wai In
formed that Love had purebred a re
volver , and he , too , prepared himself
with a five-shooter and proceeded
with his friends to the furnace. There
he met Love with a crowd of backers.
Both were prepared for the battle ,
and It did. not take long to
find sufficient cause. Followed by
their respective cliques , the two prin
cipals walked along together calling
each other hard names until Love
finally picked up a brick and threw It
at Brook's head. Thia Brooks warded
off but received a severe bruise on the
elbow. At the Fame time ha drew a
six-shooting 32 calibre revolver and
fired , the ball entering Love's abdomen
but he did not fall. "Give It to him
back , " yelled one of the crowd ,
and Love also drew and fired.
There were probably fifty mon
circling round the combatants , each
urging his favorite to fire and each
armed with a knife and piatol. The
principals neechd no encouragement ,
however. Frenzied with excitement
they fully determined to sett e mat
ters then and there. The crowd
yelled and the fighting continued un
abated , Love firing a little faster than
his opponent. But Brooks' aim seems
to have been none the steadier for de
lay. The men were standing at ehort
range , each firing alternately in com
paratively g0od order. Finally Love
began retreating , Brooks following him
and still firing. Invo backed as far
as the engine house corner and sgun
standing hia groiind emptied his re
volver at bis opponent ) who fell witli
a bullet in each leg. The crowd
surged around the f.illen man , whc
was vainly attempting to re-load bii
emptied pistol. Brooks also called t <
his friends for a knife to remove thi
aholla from his weapon. Both mei
were now hora do combat , but cacl
. was anxious to continue the battl
- * I until one or the other would acknow
ledge himself"defeated. . t'he ' friend
of the parties now declared the battl
ended and the combatants were take
from the field. Love is dying an
Brooks is under arrest.
Sitting Bull Again.
ST. PA\JL , Minn. , May 4. A sp
I cial from Poplar river says that Slttii
Bull has gone about two hundri
miles north of Woody Mountain ai
I ia sending out couriers to Buford
in I stir np the Uncapipas and Yankl
a- 1 nlans in that vicinity. Bull has twe
Is ty lodges with him. Twelve or foi
teen of his followers are at Bufordb
are making no progress of their chi
Ten or twelve lodges of hostilea ;
reported three daya march from I
id ford , and Lieutenant Robertson ,
the 7th , has been ordered out to ov
take and bring them in if possible.
! Ct
U. S. Court.
he No business of Importance - \
to- transacted in U. S. court this mo
ing , the time being cccnplad with
'a ' I call of the docket and unimport
ho 1 .
jj0 | motions.
its The grand jury Is in session ,
id- following members having answe
. to their names yesterday afternoon
Matthew Clair , Omaha ; Olivet
B. Williams , Seward ; Henry Trm
Fremont ; James N. Paul , St. Pi
'he ' Bruno Tzchuck , Omaha ; J. W. ]
to- Laughlln , Wisner ; Frederick Mee
the. er , Woat Point ; M. E. Keyes , Re
the.nt Jas. D. Seelah , West Point ; S.
,5s- Beals , Humboldt ; T. Haolon , ]
braeka City ; Geo. G. Gantz , Cant
J. B. French , Omaha ; John Mil
In Schuyler ; John Graham , North Be
ira T. A. Terbryck , Alma ; W. E. Lei
er , Central City.
"BLACK-DRAUGHT" cures dysj
Bin , indigestion and heartburn.
; he At C. F. Goodman's.
leme FULL line California canned j (
T83 and fresh BUTTER and EGGS ,
ho William Gentleman's , Sixteenth
. Caaa streets.
or After Thursday , May 5th , no i
are scholars will be accepted in the D ;
ay ,
beth - Ing Academy. Prof. Fretwell i
th- he cannot keep the class back on
ro count of two or three children
? ht quire at A. HOSPE'S , 1579 Dodge
Do your shopping at Kurtz's.
Carpenters' and Joiners'-of Om
You are requested to attend a re
Ian ing at Brandt's Hall , on Thun
or- evening , May 5tb , at 8 o'clock. C
orho one and all. .
Pe- Visit Kurtz's Store. m
; Ins Wi Fresh fish at the Fulton Market
: es-
m4-2t P. BESI
lote nu , Ladies' Canton Hats , latest st ;
25 and 35 centa ; up town pric
or cents , at the "Bo on. store , "
Tenth street.
Ladies' Sicks reduced from § 5 to
Ladles' Sacks reducidfrom $8.50 to
Ladies' Sicks reiused from $12 to
Ladies' Ulsters reduced from § 9
o $7.
-Lidiea' Ulsters reduced raom $12
to § 10.
Ladies' Ulsters reduced from ? 15
to $12 ;
All to be sold this week. Do not
fall to see these g'oocU.
300 Dozen Hosiery.
SOO Dozen Hosiery.
In all the" narf designs.
Linen Handkerchiefs at lOo.
Linen Handkerchiafa at lac.
Linen Handkerchiefs at 20c.
Linen Handkerchiefs at 25 ; .
They are all very cheap , and the
quality the bast.
It is now conceded that no such
line has ever been shown in Omaha.
We shall bo pleased to show them to
you.Kurtz's Store , drelgHton fllodk.
Kurtz's Store. Creighton
Absolutely Pure.
Kzdo from Grap Cresm Tartar. No ethel
prepir-iticn makes idch linht , flitv hot breads ,
- i Una pastry. Cm be eatcd by Vjtftf
hout ffar of tha 11U reanltln ? IromhcntJ
1M food Sold oily in < nnt , by all
New York.
( I )
( D
( D
( D
CO jj
Hand Sewed Shoesaspecu
Leading Shoe Store ,
OMAHA , - - - - N ]
Soccessof to J. II TU1ELB ,
day No , " ,1O DOUGHS Street
ome niVF A-T T A
the Disoaao It Improres the ge
lea ,
5t C. F. i , general
Just Opened at the
01610th St. , Bet. Jackson and Jones.
The entire Stock will le offered at the following
unprecedented low prices , and continue until the whole
is disposed of :
Standard Prints 60 , un-town price 8 l-3c ; Lonsdale Muslin 8 l-3c
up-town price lOc ; Unbleached Muslin 5c , up-town price 7 l-2c ;
Lancaster Ginghams 8 l-3c , up-town prica 12 l-2c.
Zula Brocades 7 I-2c , up-town price 8 l-3c ; Manchester
Brocades I5c , up-town price25c ; English Cashmeres 37 l-2c ,
up-town price 50cJ Black All-Wool Cashmeres 40c , 65c ,
70c , 80c , up-town prices 60c , 70c , 85c , $1.00 ; Black Gros
Grain Silks 90c , SI.OO , $1.25 , up-town prices $1.25 , $1.50 ,
$1.75 ; Cheviot Shirtings I0c , up-town price 15c ; Brocade
Silks ane Satins 33 1-3 per cent less than up-town prices ;
Bleached and Unbleached Table Damasks 40c , 50c , 60c ,
75c , up-town prices 50c , 65c , 75c , $1.00 ; Scotch Huck and
Damask Towels 20c , up-town price 35c ; Turkey Red Dam
ask 45c , up-town price 65c.
Men's Unbleached Half Hose 5c , up-town price lOc ; Men a
Brown Mixed Half Hose lOc , up-town price Oc ; Ladies Hose
lOc , up-town price 15c ; Ladies' Real Balbrigrgan Hose 25o ,
worth 40c ; Children's Hose 5c , up-town price lOc.
The above are all perfect Goods , and at lower prices than
damaged Goods offered up town. CALL AND SEE AND BE
P. G. I ML AH , - - - Manager.
Wholesale and Retail Ulannfactnrlng
Gold and Silver - Wutclics and Jewelry in the City
Come and see our stock , as we will be pleased to show Goods.
The New York
For - the largest assortment , the latest styles and the best
duality of Hats and Caps , the New. York flat Company leads them
all. batisfy yourselves hy examining the stock.
Corner Eleventh and Famham Streets.
New Shoe Store.
W. L. KIDD , Prop , , Jacob's 12th Block Strost , ,
New Goods Late Styles Bottom
tom Prices Everything
CT. 3VL.
The Oldest Eeal Estate Agent andNotary "Public ,
Corner Douglas and 14th Streets.
. . . . * - i
DougUsand Fourteenth 3 leV.r , Qg h * > e rxka. |
J. W. Murphy & CO-
S. _ ASD AOkifH FOB , er Hth and DonzIaiSts. ,
. Kentucky Distilling Company. OUAHA.NBa
Iron and Wagon Stock ,
is ,
the Best Assortment of
in the West ,
Ii I At Chicago Price * .
i for
itbe amo W.J.BROATCH ,
Den. 1209 & 1211
IRS , Harney Street , Omaha.