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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1881)
" * > - } : VOL.X. OMAHA , NEBRASKA , MONDAY MAY 2 , 1881. NO257. . Established 1871. MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents y HOUSES [ OTS.4 LANDS t 'REAL ' ESTATE EXCHANGE i 15th and Douglas Sts. , Omaha- ! - Neb . ! A rffBealdenceLolB , * + UUU § 100 to 82500 each Hocses and Lota , $275 to $18,000 each BntlneuLoU $500 to § 10,000 each 200 i Q non Acro" in srpy ° 0i T ooo . < Large Amount of Suburba Property in l , 10 , 20 or 40-Acre Lots Within I * I to 6 Miles -from * vr , i Post Office. ' * $250,000 TO LOAN At 8 per Cent. Ty. MAPS OF OMAH * / PjibKBhed. by this A enoji 25 cents Each , Mounted $1.0 Houses , Stores , Hotels , Farm * * " lands , Offices , Booms , -Ito. , to3Jent or . Taxes paid , rents collectei fefedeeds , mortgages , and all kinds of real estate doouments made 4 . ' * .out at short notice. This agency does strictly brokerage business. Does n speculate , and therefore ai bargains on its books are i sored to its patrons , instead being gobbled ftp By the ager jf iNotary , Public Always ' . . ' Office. * , "Gail and get Circulars and f Particulars at BEMIS' REAL ESTATE EXGHANG 15th. and Douglas Sts v RIVER SUFFERERS. Haycc and Misery Worked by the Flood Above and Be yond Yankton. Two Thousand People With out Homes , Clothing or Even Food. More Encouraging Condition of Affairs Down the Eiver at Kansas City. TANETOX , My L The compara tively small loss of life in this section by the recant great inundation is re * markable , and it was due entirely to the heroism of thozo mon who la- bared oontlcnoaily by night and day to save the lives and such property ts was destruc'able of their neighbors. Among this numerous and noble com pany throe men were especially no- tive. Mr. Marsh , the leading mer chant of Green Jslnnd , altjough he had a stock of goods worth $20,000 in imminent danger of being destroyed by the fbod , pud no attention to hia goods , but worked incessantly dar ing the crisis , and rendered effective setvice In siring the lives of those in peril around him. Two merchants of Yankton , Captain Livender and Cap tain Nobles , famished equally shining examples of heroism. Fur two weeks they led the yawl fleet of Yank'ton rescnenand saved more than four hun dred people from the floes. The moit ACTIVE MEASURES FOR RELIEF have been taken by the government officials. Can. Terry has 'detailed Captain J. J. Claques , who is superin tending the purchase and distribution of supplies at this point , and as far up the river as Fort Sully. Tha wauta of the cnffercri at White Eirth and Pierre are also being attended to by the government , the whole being un der the supervision of Captain D. D. Wheelr. Through his watchfulness all of the needy have been looked af ter and no dead boats fed. About a thousand people have been brought to Yank toil. This number added to the destitute here in tha city makes near ly TWO THOCSAND PEE80NS dependent on charity for their food. The greatest difficulty is to get the food to those Buffering for It. Many of the people are without suitable or eren adequate clothing , and mut re ceive assistance. Persons well posted in the country estimate the total loss between Pierre and Sioux City at $2,000.000. Beside this abiut § 500- 000 worth of cold wood hn been swept away. This will prove 'a very great damage to steamboats. Yankton ana very little cnmmunlcttiou with the outside world , and so difficult has it been to obtain eupplira of any kind that The Dally Prejs tres reduced tea a half aheet and printed at that on brown paper. _ TWO MEN WERE DROWNED a few days ago. Their names were Edward Sperber and George Tren- delL Their skiff turned over. Thou sands of cittle and horses up the James valley are drowned. All bridges for over one hundred miles are washed away. The suma state of affairs exists in the Yermillion River valley , which is thickly settled. Mill town , on the James river , is com pletely washed away , aud Jameayille is in little better condition. THE STEAMBOATS near hero are high and dry upon the banks , bedded in the Ice. Among them is the Peninsula , the Nellit Peck and the Ida Livingston , whili only six miles up are the Josephine Rosebud and Bip Horn. The West ern , Mead and Fontenelle are tots wrecks and it is doubtful if any par of them can be saved. KANSAS CITY. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , May 2 1 a. m The aitnation is more enconraglnj here , the river havinr remained sta tionary or perhaps fallen a little dnr ing the day. No further damaga. i reported. The work oi relief for th unfortunates commenced by leadinj citizens hai been responded to iu ; libers ! manner , almost everybody con tributtng something. A thousand o more of the homeless have been mov ed io tha fair grounds in the southen portion of the city , where they cai be knpt comfortable at least for ; tim ? , and until better quarters can b provided The damage to propert ; M immense , though nothing like safe eitiraiktc can ba tntdo , runnin into hundreds of thousands of del hrs. At lent fifteen hundred houss are abandoned and the water is froi txo to tix fjet deep surrounding then The grain in elevator A Is covered t this depth of f uir inches. Fowle Brothers' rsUbhsbnjent is still safe but the ich 'U es on the Kiw or civ'ng way and will certainly fall Riilroad travel is grently delayed b tha flood. Passengers from the Hat nibal and St. Joa road are transferre bv feiry. Nel.her the Oorf.icil Bluff WaHasb , nor Rock IsUnd roads ai runnit g traing. The Missouri Paclf wont nut via Oh the , Kanscs , with full train. Tie Cnicajo and Alton 1 kbo ! to pet through the water. TUB MISSISSIPPI. ST. Loins , May 2 1 a. m. Th river is at a stand with all the lowe ! ground abjut the city flooded. If i should go twenty Inches higher th Union tt kyr ? s would be covered At East St. Louis there has been grei alarm , and gangs of men have night ! patrolled the levee to watch for break Several small leaks were discovert and stopped in time to prevent a d tractive crevasse. > t UT "THE KID"LOOSE. J EE KILLS BIS GUARDS , THE DEPET if SHERIFF AND THE MARSHAL. it f SANTA FE , N. M. , May 2 1 a. i t A telegram from Socorro , sent by special messenger frotn Lincoln , ii formed Gov. Wallace Saturday nig n that the notorious outlaw , "Billy tl Kid , " in the jail at Lincoln , conn seat ofTiincoln county , under se tence of death , managed to 'kill h guardt , the deputy eberiff , J. W. R& ill and Dnited States Marshal Robe shooting them , and e caped. "Billy the Kid" is qui young , but a most noted fiesperad in the Li He w s very prominent coin county troubles , three years ag In the murder of Tuustal and Ro E. erU and others. He wai ciptnred It E.B fall , after a desperate fight , by Depu Sheriff Garrehj-irho- received a lar B reward fer his capture. He was tri at the district court at Lamesallla and convicted of triple murder and sen tenced by Judge Bristol to be hanged at Lncoln on the 13th day of May. He applied to Gov. Wallace for a par don , but was srefused. This noted man is now again at large , and it ia feared that hia capture can only be effected by much bloodshed. Gov. Wallace will offar a large reward for his apprehension. ELEOTEIO SPABK3. SATURDAY'S TELEGRAPHIC NEWS BOILED DOWN TO FACTS AND FIGURES. Ten persona are now known to have b en lost in the drowning disas ter at Elgin. Two men robbed a woman of $5 in the middle ol a street in Buffalo , N. Y. , and escaped. An acre of territory was burned ov er at Detroit on Saturday night , in volving a less of § 150,000. * A heavy wind and rain storm played sad havoc with Clarksville , Tenn. , on Friday night last. The opera house was nearly destroyed. 1 he case of criminal libel against John S. Sireenar , of-tho Cincinnati Penny Press , was dismissed in the courts on Saturday. The deadlock between the governor and council In Mtine still continues. The council refuses to confirm any of his nominations except one. The St. Paul railroad company have perfected arrangements for the erection of twenty western electric lights to be used in their freight yards at Milwaukee. Up to Saturday night there had been redeemed of the G par cent bonds for continuance $47,193,860. Papers rep resenting many millions more were re ceived , but could not be properly re ferred for want of time. John W. Mlnturn , a prominent merchant of New York , committed suicide by shooting himself in the montn. His daughter died Saturday morning , which aggravated a despond * ent frame of mind into which he had fallen. Advices received at Detroit , Mich. , early yesterday Tnorning- from Mt. Clemens , say that the pr.rty of four men who went fishing Tuesday hst have not been found. Several steam yachts have been engaged In the search but all were unsuccessful. The committee of thonationalinlt goods association has construed the recent decision of the supreme court to apply to all branches of the knit goods' trade. If promulgated the ef fect of this deeiaion will deprive half a million people of employment for several months. Accsrdicg to a circular just issued by Secretary Wtndom , on and aftei Wzduetday of this w-eek , 5 par cent funded bonds of 18'31 , included in the one hundred and firat call , will be paid at the treasury of the United States with intere it to May 21. Thej will be paid as usual by checks drawr to the order of the payee. All bondi forwarded for redemption should bi addressed , "Secretary of the Treaa nry. Loan Division , Washington , D C. , " and all registered bonds shonlc be assigned to "the tJecretaiy of thi J Treasury , for redemption. " Wher < parties desire checks in payment fo registered bonds drawn to the orde of anyone but the payee , they shonli , assign them to the secretary of th treasury for redemption for account c person or persons towhcsa order th check should be made payable. THE "CITY OP AUSTIN'S" WKECE THE DISASTER DUE 19 A MISTAKE B THE PILOT. NEWJ YORK , May 1 1 s. m. NJn of the passengers of the wrecke steamer "City of Austin" arrived 1 the city yesterday. Ono of them i speaking of the wreck said that the ac cident was wholly ttributed to th action of the pilot. He mistook a re buoy for a black one and passed it o the starboard side insteca of on th port. When the captain realized tb 'perilous situation of his ship ho immt diatoly signaled a tug and had the pat seugers taken'off without delay , troi ble or excitement. The remainder c the passengers and what has bee saved of the cargo , will arrive to-da ; The loss on the ship and cargo wl amount to nearly § 200.000 ; insure for half that amount. GRANT IN MEXICO. A BRILLIANT BECEFIIOK ACCORDED HI AT THE CAPITAL. Cmr OP MEXICO , May 2 1 a. m - A brilliant banquet was given Fricu night at the American leg.ition in hoi or of ex-Preaident Grant of the Uni ed States. It was ono of the mo. . brilliant events of the se > ison and w ; attended by the Mexican federal ai military officials , American consul ar daughters , of Yera Cruz , a Dumber < distinguished American capitalist representing the railroad interests Mexico nnd all the mombara of the d ploaiatic corps. Speeches were mac by Gen. Grant , U. S. Minister Mo gnu , Gen R&mero and others. Tl almost harmony prevailed. Great i terest is manifested here in the pr jected railroad to tha United State Ex-President Diaz , who is nowtrave log through the country In the Inte est ff these lines , meets with a hea ty reception at all points. Financial Beview. , YoRK , May 2 1 a. m. Tl events of the week in financial circl were not without i&terest. The mom market worked easily , rates for CE loans ranging from 3 to 5 per cen Foreign exchange strong and rat wtre advanced during tha week Jfro § 484 to § 486. Government bom strong throughout the week and a vanced sharply. Railroad and m ! cellaneons speculation was firm at tt opening and prices advanced throng ! out the entire lilt , but toward it close of the week there wcs a shr decline In elevated shares , which hi a depressing effect on the rc-st of tl list and prices decMned sharply in tl final dealing' . However firmer fei ing again prevailed and recovery e sued. Tne National Gome. NEW YORK , April 30 1 a. m. ' Bostons , 7 ; Metropolitans , 5. CHICAGO , April 30 1 a. m. 01 a csgos 8 , Cleveland ! 5. I , WORCESTER , April 30 1 a. m. ct Worcester 4 , Trojs 0. e An Assault m Leaven worth , LEAVES WORTH , K . . May 1 1 i- m. Yesterday ex-Senator E. G. Roi editor of The Standard , was aissnh and struck with a cane by D. R. A thony , editor of The Times. The can of the assault doubtless existed it quarrel which has long been In pi gress between the two papers , LOST AT SEA. The British Steamer Fararna Wrecked and Eighty Per sons .Drowned , r Imposing Ceremonies at the Funeral of the Great Edi tor of France. Tortures of a BailiSin County Galway by a Party of Disguised Lieu. MELBOURNE , Mr.y 1. The British steamer Fararna , of Melbourne , hss baen wrecked on the roofs off Otago , New Zealand , and eighty persons drowned. EMIL DE GIBABDIN'S FUNERAL. Emit de Girardin was buried yes terday , the funeral se 7ice taking place at Sh Fierres da Chaillottv , near his residence. 'The archbishop refused to allow Madeline to he nied for the purpose. A large crowd of celebrities were present. Girardin's death leaves a vacant spot in the chamber , where he oat for the Ninth arrondissement of Paris. There is some talk of putting up M. Herveau , the Orleauist. and director of Lezolel- laa ao candidate. ' A BAILIFF TORTURED. LONDON , , May 1 Information was received yesterday from 01 If den , county Galway , Ireland , that a bail iff named King was roasted for so'me time over a fire by a party of dis guised men. Hia akin was blUtered and his hair all singed off before he was released. He wa obliged to swear he would resign his office. He now lies in a veiy dangerous condi tion. IIOBSi : EPIDEMIC. PAEIS , May 1. A terrible epidemic , somewhat akin to typhus , is making great havoc among the horaea of this c.ty. The Paris omnibus company it Eiir to have lost 75,000 francs , and the Cjmpagnie des Petitea Volturos over a million francs. WASHINGTON WIEINQS , / Another Investigation , and What the Caucus Will Do. WASHINGTON , May 1. Invettfga- lion is expected early next week in respect to the mail tag fastener con tract , in which Gen. George A. Sheridan is interested. The poatmas. ter who obtair ? d the fastener patenl fromXiiyman , the inventor , and do- ilvered U to Sheridan , has gone on i trip to the far west. Sheridan ha : saked for an invettigation , and it ii expected that some veiy importanl developments will icault In the way o connection of unsaapacted' partiei with the contract : . . The republican eenate'caacas committee ' mitteo finalljr succeeded In1 'having i conference with the president yester dayand expect to have a report to sub mlt. to the cincus to-morrow. Thi plan ji nnaltored from that roportei yesterday morning. An execativ session irill be had on Tuesday to b devoted to the consideration of th Chinese treaties. Tha necessary non inalions will then be taken-np an proceeded mlh if possible. ' Muac be a Democrat , i NEW YORK , May 1 1 c. m. Dai iL ing the trial of Cadet Whittaker * yei lord ay several witnesses testified t the good character of Whittakei James G. Mackcy , of Aiken , S. 0 said that ho always considered hii truthful uniil he read a speech thi Whittaker delivered during the pres : dential campaign , and now wonld nc believe him under the most solem oath. MARKETS lil TJSLEGRAPE New York Money ami Stocks. WALL STBZET , April 33 12:30 p. m. MoNtT Market at 3@3 iier cent , clo ing at 3. P.iine morcnuti's paptr , 4 (5 ( per jent. Sterling ex > Lau c , sixty day § 4 S3- ; sterling d.inan-1 , > 4 Si . GOVEBSMEMS Uncbat ged. Coupons 1881. . .1(3 ? UP firsts . U ! New o's . 1 024 U P land urantll- New4is . 1143 U P sinking New 4s . 11CJ fund . 12 ; Pa. ' C's of 95. . . 131 Erie 2d's . H ! t G P bonds. . . . 114J L&W . 13 ! 18 STOCKS. Market was weak in early dealings ai decliced @lper cent , but towa-da not an active buying movement set in , and which prices advanced @ 3J per cent , Ii by elevated shares , ( .tiesaueake & Obi coal sharc3 Louisville & Nash\ille , Lai Shore , Michigan Central , Nashville Chattanooga , Erie , Union Pacific ai Iroa jMxuntain. During the afternoi there was some reaction , but it was u sequently recovered and the market cloai strung at about tbe highest prices of tl day. Tbe following are the closing b.t HI. 136i Ohio ( Jen 2 Panama 26) P&DE 3 Ft. Wayne. . . . ttl Out & W $ O&P lee * B , CE&N.-7 I C i-W : ( A. &T. H. . . . . & C.B. Q 164 ? T-fd - 12 C&A 13 $ WStL&P , . . . 4 pfd 140 pfd. . . . " . . . . 8 NYC 1445 Han & St. J. . . 6 L S 1-C pfd 10 Can S 75i I M 4 MichCen 1083 pfd 6 Erie 47J Jstpfcl 9 pfd 87 C. StL&JV. . . 71 Northwestern..124g K&T 4 pfd 1S7JI UP U St Paul llli CP 8 pfd 126 NP 4 StP&O 411 pfd 7 pfd 8 * L&N. 16 DL&W 118 N&C 8 MorrU E..122 L.N&AC 7 Del&H 109 H&T 7 N J C 97i D&RG 10 leading. 5/4 W TJ TeU 11 O&M 43 | A&P 4 pfd 10' < ? PacMail 5 C&O 2G | AdamsEr. 12 M&O 3i ) Fargo U C&C 87 AmEx 7 OC&rC 24J US Ex. 6 MISIKO STOCKS. QnicksUver. . . . . 18 Standard 2 pfd 65 Excelsior i Caribou 2 Little Pitts. . . . ; I- Cen Arizona. . . 4J Ontario c Homestake. . . . 24t Onicaao Produce Market. 0 , April 30. CLOSDfO. "Wheat Moderately active ai higher ; No. 2 , gilt edge , SI 00101 cueed at outilda prices fur en -81 OOJ@1 OIL closed at outside f % April ; 1 CO101 | , closed at ot o side bid for May ; § 1 021 03 1 closad atoaldde bid for June ; § 1 Q © 1 03J , closed at outside bid for Jaly ; No. 3 , 96 : . Corn Moderately active and a shade higher ; No. 2 , 42c for cash ; 41J a42c , closed at 42 Jo bid for May ; 42 | > a42jjc , closed at outside bid for June ; 43i43jc , closed at 43s bid for July ; ' 43i44c , closed at 44Jo bid for Au- Oats Active end higher ; No. ,2 , 36ia37c for o h ; 36Js3Gjo , closed 36c for May ; 36 86c , closed at outside for June ; 35 35Jc , closed at 35 Jc for July. Eye Firm ; No. 2 , $1 14 for cash ; § 1 14 bid for May ; gl 10 for June. Barley No demand. Perk Quiet , hrmer and higher ; $17 45 > 17 50 for cash ; 17 42 al7 45 for April ; 17 47 17 50 fer May or Jnne ; 17 57 1760 for July. Lwd Active demand : 811 20@11 25 for cash ; 511 2J for M y , 11 27 h © 1130 lorJnne | ; S1137 for July ; 811 35 ; @ 11 40 for August. Bulk meaU Boxed shoulders , 85 90 ; short ribs , 8 65 , short clear , 880. Whiskey ? ! 08. ' Butter S'.eady but weak ; 8a24c , according to location. ' Receipts Plour , bbls. , 17,030 Wheat , bu. , 18,000 ; Oorn , bu. , 188- 000 ; Oatbu , 129.000 ; Rye , bu , 4000 ; B rley , bu , 9,000. Snlpments Flour , bbls. , 15,000 ; Wheat , btK , 135,000 ; Ooru , bu. , 343- 000 ; Oatc , bu. , 52,000 ; Bye , bu. , 3000 ; Barley , bu. , 9000. New York Produce NEW Yeas , April 30. Flour Unchangedi Wheat Opened heavy aud lower , closed firmer ; rucetpts , 156OCO , bn. ; exports , 162,000 bu. ; ungraded red , § 1 10 12Ji ; No. 3 do , 120122 ; steamer do 1 11 ; No. 2 red , 1 23ial 26 ; steamer do. 1 20 121 ; mixed winter , 122 ; ungraded white , . ! ICal 19 ; No 3 do 1 20al 21 J ; No. 1 do,122a23i ; No. 2 red , April , 1 23M 23f ; May , 1 21 | 1 22g ; June , 1 1'JSal 20 | ; July , 1 18 1 18 . Oorn Lower ; receipts , 90,000 bu. ; exports , 38,000 : ungraded , 56i56 c ; No. 3 , 55(556 ( ; steamer mixed , 58A © 58 | ; No. 2 , 59J@GO ; No. 2 , April , GOaCl ; May , 5G..568 ; June , 54J ; July , 5554- Oats Stronger and rather quiet ; receipts , 33,000 bu ; western mixed , 45a46 c ; white do , 4651. Eg.a ? Dnllatl215c. Pork Weak ; old meaa 816 12Ja 16 15 ; new mess quoted at 17 75. Beef Quiet but firm. Cat meate Firmer and quiet ; long clear middles , S3 00 ; short clesr 9 50. Lard Firm and fairly active ; prlmo steam , 811 62 Butter Dull at Ila27c. Cheese Quiet aud unchanged. Chicago Live Stoc ] Mwket CHICAGO , April 30. The Drovers' Journal this afternoon reports as follows ; Hogs Receipts , 90CO heads ; de > mand moderate , mainly on home pack' ' ing account ; couim n to good mixec packing , $5 75a6 05 ; light , 5 856 10 choice heavy packers and shippers 6 10.i6 40 ; mcrket SalOa lower thai on Friday. f Cattle Receipts 1800 head ; qnle and alow at steady salon ; common tt fair shipping , $4 60@5 10 ; good t < choice , $5 40@5 65 ; batcher cattl steady at 82 504 58 ; stockers am feeders fairly active and steady a $3 20@4 80 ; extra foeden , 84 90 , 520. 520.Sheep Sheep Receipts , 300 head ; de mtnd strong and market brisk ; com mon to fair , $4 90a5 30 ; good ti prime , $5 60aG 25 ; shorn sheep noml nal at 4 00 4 75. St. Louis Produce MarRec. ST. Lours , April 30. Wheat Lower ; No. 2 red , 81 06 for caeh ; 81 07@1 07 for Maj § 1 06@1 07 for June ; $1 01@1 01 forJn1y98jc ; for August ; 97J@97 for the yen. Corn Slow ; 4243 for casl 42J for May and June ; 42g@42 | fo July ; 43 for August. Oats Better at 353@35i for cart 34 § for May ; 33 f ° r July. Rye Lower ; § 1 10 bid. Barley Dull at 75cal 10. Whiaky 81 06. Pork Quiet ; jobbing S17 60. Lard Slow at 81112i. Dry Sslt Meats Firm , and in goo demand for car lots at § 5 7038 60i 8 808 85. St. Louis Live atock Market. ST. Louis , April 30. Hogs Fairly active ; Yorkers an Baltimoree , go 85@G 00 ; mixe packiup5 75@G 00 ; choice to finq ? 615@6 35 ; pigs , ? 5 005 40. CaUle Supply light nnd price weaker on heavv " grades ; exporter : $5 60i6 CO ; fair "to good , 5 105 51 common to medium , 4 50.5 03 ; butcl era' steers , 4 5Dj5 03 ; feeding steen 490 520 ; stocKers , 4. 05175 ; Col r&do ste-rs , 4 40a5 25 ; wintered T < s : ans , 3 85i4 55 ; coirs and heifers , 3 2 : 4 25 ; Indian or southwest steers , 5 { aG 80. Receipts , 300 head. Liverpool Produce Mar&et. LIVERPOOL , April 30. Wheat Winter , 9i@9i Sd ; whiti 9s@9dGJ ; spring , 8s GJ@9 2d ; cla 9s 6 d9i ( lOd. Corn New , 5s 3d ; old , 5 < 6Jd. L-rd 55j 9d. Pbrk-62s. Cincinnattl Produce Market. CIHCIHNATI , April 30. Wheat Firmer ; No. 2 red , § 1 1 Corn Firm ; No. 2 mixtd , 47 . , 40j. Ryr Dull ; No. 2 , SI 22. Barley Firm an 1 unchanged. Pork Qniet at 317 50. Lard Firmer at $11 25. Bulk Meats Quiet and unchanije Bacon Quiet end firm at Ga9 9o. Whiskey Steady at 81 C 5 Toledo Produce Mtrcet. TOLEDO , April " 30. Wheat Esiipr ; No. 2 red , SI for April ; 1 11 J for May ; 1 10k i Jane ; 1 07 § for July ; 1 03J fcr A gust ; 1 02J for yor. Corn Quiet ; 4GJo for cash ; No. 46 for osh or May ; 4GJ for July. Oati Dull and nncnanged. Morey Out of JalL- LOWELL , Mass. , May 2 1 a. ! m , Simuel Morej , of this city , -who * arrested last November for aliog perjury la connection with the G ; field-Chinese letter , and has bin bean imprisoned in Now York , rriv here yesterday afternoon. He look haggard and walked on crutch from the depot to his home. ADDITIONAL LOCAL Real Estate Transfers. The following transfers wore re corded at the county clerk's office Saturday , as reported for this paper , by John L. McGsgue , real estate agent aud conveyancer : Simon H. Wtttee tnd wife to Ed ward Deidrich , lot 3 , block 12 , Shlnn's addition , w. d. § 1250. Andtdw F. Carlson and wife to Pe ter J. Johnson , lot 4 , block 15 , Credit Fonder addition , w. d. § 1700. Catherine A. Anthony to Charles W. Hamilton 2 73-1CO aetes In sec. 16 , tp. 15 , range 13 east , w. d. $1500. Bath Horn to Michael Dee , 20acrei , in sec. 9 , tp. 14 , rano 13 eait , q.c.d. S50. Martha A. Simpkina to Michael Dee , 20 acrea in sec. 9 , tp. 14 , range 13 east , q. c. d. $50. August ca Konntza and wife to James Kreppel , lot 10 , block 5 , Kounlzo'a third addition , w. d. $250. $250.William William Garnet and wife to George Ohrt , n , w | , eee. 6 , 'tp. 10 , range 12 east , w. d. ? 880. ' Hon. Lorenzc Crounte , ofFi Calhoun , Mnj. J. W. Paddock , of Ft. Eobinjon , and Jud e Hull , of Lincoln , are register ed at the Withnell. Undoubtadly the beat anirt In the United States is manufactured at the ( Jmr.ha Shirt Factory. The superiority of Material and workmanship , com- oiucd with their great Improvements , that is Reinforced fronts , Reinforced backs and Reinforced slaovea , makei their shirt the moat durable and beat fitting garment of the kind , ovei manufactured at the njderate price ol $1.50. Every shirt of our make ie guaranteed first-cites and will refund the inouey if found otherwise. We roske a specialty of all wool , Shikar , and Oentoii flannel , a'sc chomols underwear , made np with vlow to comfort , warmth and durabil ity. To invalids nd weak-lunged persona we offer sponlal inducement ] in the manner thess goods are made for their protection. PH. GOTTJTEJJIFK , L. B. WILLIAMS S This Week We Will Offer I CASE CHILD'S HOSI at 25c and 35c per Pair , Worth 50c and 60c. Also 1 CASE Ladies' Silk Clock Bal briggan , Regular Made , At 25c a Pair. ahisisaKABEBAEGAINi which , it would be we 11 to ta advantage. ONE CASE LADIES' ' ASSORTED FANCY HOSE , At 25c a Pair. These are all New Design ? j at FAST COLORS. We Also Offer : LadIcs'Hosc at 1 1 u " . . 131- < < it i . i And up ta . . $3 , < LADIES' HIP AND SH , HOSE , . At BUINOUS PET.CES. 1 Case Gent's Half HeAt At 35c per Dozen. Cent's Fancy Half Hos Regular Made and Fast Colors , at 25c a Pair. These Hose arc -worth , and ha never heen sold for less than 40o "We are displaying a y Large and Elegant Aeac mentot GENT'S ' HALF -HUS - At Prices that SURPRISE EVERYONE Don't Fail to See tht Goods , "Cash Eelailei-s , " Cor. Dodga and 15th Stree J. H. FLSEGEL Saifessor to J. H. THII LE , MfiUniiNT TAILOIi No , ,170 Douglas Street , Any ont rhavln ; dtni anlouls I will rnx htm free of chir'ge. L * T orders south corn i of Harney and 14th fit. , oecond door. - CHAHIES 8PLIT1 RHEUMATIC CURE IIWar nntcd a Safe , Ctrta'.n and Bpe&lj- Cora RbenouiUjm In all lu fortes , TienraJiria. I Bck , Pain la the Breast and Side , Fain It atomich and KlJnsjB , ic ! - is an intc remedr. a Toole and Blood inrtfler , and wh removes the Duoasa it ImLrovad tha zei health. * SMITH , ELCK& CO. , PHOPRIETO PUTTSrfSinH.HEBHASXA. 0. F. man. jenrral u ha SUBSCRIBE FOR : o THE WHlEKfcY BE C8 The Best in the We t- LARGEST STOCK ! s' tflUBBEfl eOQTt * Hand Sewed Shoes a specialty H. DOHlTft GO'S. Leading Shoe Store , OMAHA , . . . . NBB. apfdiwlm 16th Annual Statement * SADTT. PAUL Fire and Marine INSURANCE GO. As made to the Insurance De partment of Minnesota , Jan. 1,188L * " ' AS-ETS. Cash in Offlea Mid Banks f 63,920 U United States Government Eondi. . . . 50,500 CO Keal Eitatc , including Mortgages In process otfore.torare. , . 101.6&4 21 Firtt Mortgage Loans SO , 4362 fall Lians , SO per centctcollaterals. . 17(1,190 16 Rink Stoc nJ Bonds 279,5436 ! iccru d Intereit ami Rents 18 030 25 I iland Hull rrem.nm Notes 4,609 04 City anil Agency Premiums. . 40,20341 $854,305 81 LIABILITIES. Cash Cipltal . . . . . . JWO.OOO 00 Eesfrve fur Reinsurance _ . . _ 250.1C52S " " Unidjuited Losses 49369CC Commissions Una Agecti 5SS30i Nct.buri.Iu3 _ . . . 15348291 $354,305 81 Losses paid slnca organization ot the Company , $3S28,760 72. C. A , EAiov , a H. EiaiLOW , -ecrttiry. . President. MURPIIY & LOVtTT , AjOuU. STATE OF NEBRASKA. INSURANCE DEPARTJIINT. AUDITOR'S Orrcs , I ZwcoLf , Februaty 1st , 1S31. j It Is hereby crtiflol that Murphy & Lovett ilOioiha , In thaCnuaty cl Dou Us. S-ate c Nebra kis hcrc'y duly authorize ! to trancac ihj busiao sof Firi Insarince tar le cnrren ytar 111 said County , 23 Agect of the St PAD Fire and Jtanne In'urarce Company , of St Paut , Intho'-Ute of Minnesota , subject to al the rertiictions and limitation * ol the law resul atlnij Fire In'uraneo Comnan'csin ' this State. In ItstlmonyVhereof , Ihave hereunto t m ; hand and the teal ot the Auditor ot Public A. counU , the day and year abovj writt'n. JOHN WALL1CHS , Auditor of Public Account * . In Charso of Insurance Departm nt. J ( U 0) 0)D -D Do -o oc 02 S2 S L. 1C L.bfl Jc ic 10t t 10K > e d > CO T3 T3O D Q Q ry rt- To Jtiervons SuSerers The Gn rtE European Bemedy Dr. J. E , B. Simpson's Specifio Medicine : Wsainrja , tapotency , and ail dUeaie * lennl Iroiu Sclf-AbtiM , at Mental Anxiety , se Mimory , Painaln the BAC ! ; or Side , aad dlM tbnt Ion Comramp fnsahlty an early p The Sp Jodictns rs belDf i wlta won ( alsacce ) Pampl ts. fint fre to alL Write ( or them and e t partlcnlan. Pries , SpeclSe , tl.00 perpickage , or six p aces tor 15.00. Address an orders to . B. SIMPSON MEDICINE OX , Soa. ' M nJ ICfl Main St. . Buffalo , X. Bold In maha br 0. F. Goodman , J. rfT. 1 tetOUda JlJa day at hcme einlj nrU lrrw > t A a > Imf A fn AOENT3 WANTED FOR. Faateat Selling BOOK of the Age Foundations ol Saceei CUSIXESS A.SnSOCIAl.01U16 The laws of trade , le al forms , how to ti act btuinefflTalnabU tabl-s , lOtUl e4lqui uirliirncr.Ury isii'ite , few to coodooc pt bU3lne-rtln ; f-ct > t U a complete Omdft to So. lor all c a. n. A family I ecomltyAddreK eireulsn ml fptclal term * A.VCIIOE flBU IN ( ? CO. . "t L. Ola. Mo PEOP03ALS FOR SPBIE The nnder lnfd will r el e pr po Is J tor parlies ue-iri > ? to tell fiftten (15) ) to thirty im > atre ? of lau Ion which the. els ltnated a c the mtltt-f bOM nutlet is in the tide of a bluff ma. lv t an five f et ibore the g-neral UveJ ft Irit roundioT * nd conli ucu * Uud. Px tfC3Cue : . ihe size ornnm'jer of ar l era. , n--h Un I will iti. per mi/nte of uch p ing , lit exact dhU lVomne rtg r-llrt d stavlon and the nmr is , o f rtio > towohlu and r nie lawhich I ' 0"nit op'0pom'8 1II be opened on tts : d 'of Apiii , 1881 , and the G'mmia.on ! raw iha tixbt to reject any a : d alJ bid * . W. L. MAY Freoont. II 3.KALEV RelClood. R. K. LIVISOSTOX Plattonont SUte B jard of Flih Comml i lt apU-dlOt- aw im your on torn. Itrmr oatatic . lonlxnd'.Kd. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS FROM NEW YORK AUCTION SALES 1 Just Opened at the IBQSTCOSr STOZRIE , 61610th St. , Bet. Jackson and Jones. The entire Stock will be offered at the following unprecedented low prices , and continue until the whola is disposed of : Standard Prints 60 , UD-town price 8 l-3o ; Lonsdale Muslin 8 l-3o up-town price lOo ; Unbleached Muslin 5o , Tip-town prica 7 l-2o ; Lancaster Ginghams 8 l-3c , np-town price 12 l-2o. DRESS GOODS I DRESS GOODS ! Zula Brocades 7 I-2c , up-town price 8 l-3c ; Manchester Brocades I6c , up-town price 25c ; English Cashmeres 37 l-2c , up-town price 60c ; Black All-Wool Cashmeres 40c , 65c , 70c , 80c , up-town prices 60c , 70c , 85c , SI 00 ; Black Gros Grain Silks 90c , $1.00 , SI.25 , up-town prices $1.26 , SI.60 , $1.76 ; Cheviot Shirtings lOc , up-town price I6c ; Brocade Silks ane Satins 33 1-3 per cent less than up-tpwn prices ; Bleached and Unbleached Table Damasks 40c , 60c , BOc , 76cr up-town prices 50c , 65c , 75c , $1.00 ; Scotch Huck and Damask Towels 20c , up-town price 35c ; Turkey Red Dam ask 45c , up-town price 65c. HOSIERY ! HOSIERY ! Men's Unbleached Half Hose 5c , up-town price lOo ; M * n's Brown Mixed Half Hose lOc , uptown price iiOc ; Ladies' Hose lOc , up-town price 15s ; Ladies' Heal Baleriegan Hose 25o , worth 40c ; Children's Hose 5c , tip-town price lOc. The above are all perfect Goods , and at lower prices than damaged Goods offered.uptown. OALL AND SEE AND BE P. G. IMLAH , - - - Manager. "BOSTON STORE. " A. B. HUBERMAHN , X.33 LER , Cor. Douglas and 13th Sts. Gives Great Bargains in Ladies' and Gents ! AMERICAS C8LDAND SILVER WATGES All Kinds Of JEWELRY , SILVER WARE AND DIAMONDS. We Guarantee The Best Goods For The Least Money. IUtltt New Shoe Store. W. L. KIDD , Prop. , J-coVKct ? , New Goods Late Btyies Bot- torn prices Every.thlng "Warranted. GATZ & FREEMAN , CRACKER MANUFACTURERS , Ani Wholesala DwUrt in CiaARS and CONFECTIONERY ! Darlnj tkt F lUnd Winter w will handle CODNSELMEN'8 FRESH OYSTERS , whlck are now th bwt in the market. A. Urga assortment of CANDY and SUGAR , TOYS for th Holiday tr d . GATZ & FREEMAN , S10 llth St. , Omaha. The New York IBI-A.T For the largest assortment , the latest styles and the best quality of Hats and Cap * ! the New York Hat Company leada them all. fcatUfy yourselves by examining the stock. Corner Eleventh aud Faruhum Streets. A jXTETW" STOIRIEI at 518 Sonth 518 South 10th St. 3 10th St. EXTREMELY LOW PRICES ! Ot Corsets from 25o upwards. A im * We carry a selected stock of , to French Coutilt Double Class Side Staels , Embroidered Bust Cor Ion in.1 eet Wtite and Colored , only 60c. A full line Hamburg : Edging ir.c are and of Ineertionu , from 2o upwards. Eeal Linen Torchon L oa , ir.cit it niLj nt of French Brahant MilteM , Bnnta an J other acft Iht rery love * ! wim AT Mil AM 3t > a , la- n-icei lace Tie * Collar * arl TIihtM cf evtry dtacrtptlon. from . lOo upward * ladle * Callow ! _ WraPMr .nd Suit ready nuda and m-de to ord.r , from 76cnP a.dt I.U W wiihto-al attention U our Immenw itock of Children' * Ihove * and Apron * , alw Bon mu CMx and Oin hara W Uts We carry a c impeta'e aisortment of tidies' ami Chlldrea'i Oniler- .rmenUatthi T.ry 'owest New York prices. In our line of Cent's furnUhlar Oaodi w tttf compsUtloO. pleiseoUandconilnceyoureel/ . 518 South 518 South OMAHA BAZAR 10th Street. , 10th Street. Ir Rubin Bros. - - - Prop's , atb atbw ' New Brick Enildiny. Traynor's apT U i r aorRoom D. D. DtHtlVItlri , at Omaha un. It ins- tte , CO'ftlSSiON 1V3ERGHAHT bic Poreltcn nnd Domestic Fruit. , . Dealer In : cts d Wholesale u. " " - for . . C and Owintry Prodne * Oen tallf Poultry. m n-M. rr'f ill- Jobber of Ham. , B * < ' .f ? * ' , ? fe-td. nd M chandlM Dot kert Iri rtoek hJn lI- illG. P0" Vhf.m."be ? .eleetSI w th rare , and U11 J at cnn.ut MarketraUl. G. General Western Agent for BOOTH'S OVAL BBAND OISTEES , ed Wholesale Dealer In Fresh Lake , River and Salt Water Fish , not erIn - In ? DO4 ace DECORATIVE PAINTER. Jth Artistic Work. Prices and tes Bast 1 ? skns. latest Ftyles and Spt ifications ftunished. Get my P nres before Ordering - dering Work Blsawneie. BIGN3 , Ptxpsr Hanging , Plain Pafntinj : of all Kinds. . ' ; nd 1318 aarncy Street , - * o3IA5 * fWEB . marl2oodlni Co. t :