/ 8WT JO VOL. X. OMAHA , NEBRASKA WEDNESDAY APRIL 27 , 1881. NO253. . Establishe. d 1871. MORNlG EDITION. Price Five Cents HOUSES LOTS , * 9Wf ' - FARMiS LANDS BEMIS' REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE i 15th and Douglas Sts. , V Omaha/- - Neb A ff \ Residence Lots , * + UUU § 100 to 52500 each Houses nnd Lois , 8275 to $18,000each CArt Business Lots U U VJ $500 to $10X0 ( each OQQ Farms. 900,000 IO OfOOi 7 Co. Large Amount of Suburbai Property in I , 10 , 20 or 40-Acre Lots Within 1 to 5 Miles Irom * * * Post Office. $250,000 TO LOAN At 8 psr Cent. NEW MAPS OF OMAH Published by this Agency , 25 cents Each , Mounted $1.0 Houses , Stores , Hotels , Tarm - Lots , Lands , Offices Booms , * Etcto Bent or * / Lease. Taxes paid , rents collectec deeds , mortgages , and all kinds of real estate documents made out at short notice. This agency does strictly brokerage business. Doesnc speculate , and therefore an bargains oa its books are ii sured to its patrons , instead < being gobbled'up by the agen Notary1 Public Always i Office. Call and get Circulars and fi Particulars at BEMIS' REAL ESTATE EXGHANG 15th and Douglas Sts. , OMAHA , - - . STIR ROUTE FRAUDS. * * M ? ihe ! Eecent "Newspaper Eeports Denounced as Fabrications of Office-Seekers. Gen. Brady Explains the Causes Which Led to the E-xposure. Another Bide of the Story to be Soon Produced , "With , a Different Coloring. By Kitloiul Associated Fna. WASHINGTON , April 27 1 a. m. The piatmaster-general positively con tradicts the newspaper dispatch which saps that the writers have obtained from him any statement or opinion detrimental to Gen. Brady as to rhe infamous story that Brady's name had been considered in connection with the contemplated criminal proceed ings. The postmaster-general charao- i erizoa it as a fahe and cruel torrent of abuse set in motion against Brady and finds no responsible backets in this community. The parties who have been instrumental in inspiring the newspaper attacks ara said to be disappointed applicants for contracts , aen who worn found to bo irresponsi ble and of couree conld not get con tracts. Yfhen the mud slingers are tlirough then the other side of the story will ba told. Then it will be found that Braiy has been the victim tf cruel and malicious slander. BRADY HEARD FBOM NEW YORK , April 27 1 am. . Gen eral Brady , late second tsslstant post master-general , In answer loathe so- called "tftar service scandal,1' says : "Up to this tire el have satisfied my self with a general denial of the charges mnde by a class of newspaper correspond enU who oltuer do not care to know the facts , or knowing their , deliberately misrepresent them. , fn saying this I do noc overlook th.e fact that a great ma ny newspjpers. , misled by the statcme nta of these malicious correspondents , have been honestly led to censure toe andtho _ Dostoifico department in i severe terms. Tha case against the star route * , Brady stated , amounted to this : That upr > u a certain ninety- three of them tb ere has been extraordinary increase j or dered. This imrnl ) jr , as small aa it miy be in comparison with th d whole number , include- ; all the gret nation al routes. A fe w newBpa * or correB. pondenta who t trike the key note for many others , cannot conceive hovi this Increase hat "beebrought about , except by cclljr Ao and _ fraud. These ' charges have atbu t&ado before , were mide inceesr y daring the winter ol ' 70 and ' 80 , and wfcon congress was in session wit p cs were eubpuiaed in larg-j nun , rxsr in consequence thereof , and an i jvcitigntion had by the house approp * .fetion committee , which mual bo coi ded to have been as thorough as BO jt y itras far reaching. Yet it it not , while the committee unanimous ly recommended a large in- f /ease , vcr the approoriation for the previous year. Congress granted the full amount estimated for the depart ment , and thereby not only justified an increase on these ninety-three routes , but continued them perma- aeatly on that basis. Also the fact that congress , at its last session , ap propriated not only a sufficient amounl to conduct the service as thus increas ed , but gave $500,000 for further increase - -crease during the next fiscal year , and it Is a notorious fact that during the put four years the o ttire postal ser vice has grown with wonderful growth. This was not confined to th ( " < tar service" alonebut covers anc includes the railway , steamboat anc mail messbnger service.In all oi these there has been in many cases t phenomenal growth. The country , as a whole , to-day enjoys better mai facilities by one-half than it did foni years ago. What the department die in such an augmentation of postal fa ctlities , conld not be done for nothing and congress conld have terminated i by simply fafling to approve of it , af ter thoroughly examining teto all th charges that are bronchi forward to day as late discoveries. It is said tha it was good , that it w s necessary am wise. "Rliat the department did ii all thesa respects it did in obcdionc to the demands of the country , as PS pressed through its representatives Nothing w a done on my own voli tion ; nothing was done darkly or in corner , and yet I am responsible fo all that was done while at the head o the contract bureau. I am proud c the fact that I was in a position to respond spend to the -wants of the country ii its recent and still continuing wonder ful era of prosperity. No man whi comes after me , whatever his inten tioni may be , dares set his face agains the liberal policy inaugurated b ; Judge Key. It was and is the tru policy , and is endorsed by the people and any attempt tc change it wil bring discomfort and contempt unoi those who try the experiment. Th ! talk about rings and corruption come from diagramed contractors and would ba blackmailers. Incessant'overture were made "by these press brigands ti contractors who nere supposed b' them to ba in the enjoyment of fa contracts and large profit * , toproperl ; mold public sentiment , and thes propositions , rejected in many in stances , wore 'followed by threat that , if they were denied psrticipa kion therein , a conlrarv icnllmen would be created. I have , In al cases where they came to my know ] edge , sot my face as a flint agains inch propositions , and would hav been energetic In wiping out any ( ton of the star mall service ft.it reitei upon so base a foundation for popula support. Nothing was done , as have eald , abeve what was done at th request of members of congress wh were supposed to know the rules an requirement * of their c nslitituenti and nothing was persisted in thi failed to receive the approval of th majority. For a while the publ ! mind may be confounded by the clan or of persons alluded to , and the may even succeed in bringing nation names Into the contumely and di ill grace , but only for a timn. It is ni probable that in the disbursement < ao many millions of , dollars per ai nura for the support of a service i widely distributed"and so difficult < thorough investigation , as the si : E. m il route service of this conntr . mistakes would be made th t no , i money wasted , even under the wise administration ; nor that there h IB been a single case of corruption b . 'i . * - * - * ' * * * tweon the contractors and the depart ment I most emphatically deny and challenge the whole body of defamers to prove to the contrary. ( Signed ) THEO. J. BRADY. SENATE. WASHINGTON , April 26 No caucus was held this morning , and the only suggestion of a break in the deadlock was that Mr. Edmunds offered a resolution that the committee on ju diciary sit through the recess , If ono should occur , and that they be empow ered to engage a stenographer. The emilea that greeted the resolution showed that a recea was far distant from all thoughts , but the resolution was adopted. The senate refused either to go into executive session , to l y Vho resolution on the table , or to indefinitely post pone -it , and debate was resumed , Mr. Jonea. of Florida , mdo a speech answering the recent speech of Mr. Frye. Ho took up particularly the charge of barbarism preferred by SenatorFrye against the south. The unfortunata identification of the south frith slavery should not have caused the south to bo stamped as barbarians , since she but followed the precepts taught her by New England ; that the question v.aa one of caste , and its only object could be bat to excite the enmity and hate of that portion of the southern people who had not given It proper reflection. He sketc' ed the history ° f slavery from < h days of the Roman empire , an . in. aisled thatgreat minds had not ' -hosen circumstantial identification with slavery any species of bar'jafjgn , Jn nny sge , but this turning ( O the ques tion of free ballot and f r COUnt , he denied the political sip flificaoco of the cases of alleged outr ges cited by the senator from Ma' ' ana rehearsed the stoty of hew tne atate W3a carried by returning boardg for Hires in 18/G , when ' J-j reality itgavo Tilden a majority waj the republcan | Idea of f-.oe baljot anj fsr ; count. lhespr cilot the geuatorwas deliv- " " " .n excellent form , and was closely "aened to by senators on both sides. ' After Jones' speech nearly two hours were consumed by roll calls. The senate refused to do anything but vote on the pending resolution. Mr. Groome moved moved a recoifl for an hour , so that the republicans could hold the caucus there had been rumors nbant. Mr. Dawes said that the duty ol ; ho republicius had baen defined bj the senate , but the minority had the power to delay ithat duty , and per sistently exercised it. Mr. ' Groome's motion was accom panied by more or less tedious , de bate , which continued until 4:30 : when the senate adjourned tilt noon to-morrow. CRIMES AND CRIMINALS. THE DARK DOINGS OF TUB DAY JDS' PASSED. PITTSBURO , April 27 1 a. m. Thi second-story window of G. W. Whit noy's residence was entered by thlavoi Monday night. After ransacking thi goods they got away with nearly twi thousand dollars in jewelry , anc jumped from the porch. No clue ti ihe burglars Is found. Two bold robberies occurred a Wampun , Pa. , last night. Enos 5 Co.'s store was entered and the safi blown oppn. The building was shst tered. The thieves secured $300 ii money. SAFE BLOWN OPENjJ Grant Stewart's office was entered ihe safe blown open and some ruone ; taken , the amount not known. Thi report from blowing the safe arousei the neighbors and the burglars fled. A MURDERER UNEARTHED. Thomas Williams was arrested or Monday night on a charge of murder ing a man named Corcoran last sum mer , whose body was found under i bridge with his skull'crocked and her rlbly bruised. Nothing was discover ed at the inquest , and it was suppose ! that ho fell through the bridge. W1I Hams , on a boat from Cincinnati thi other day confessed to a friend tha ho gave Corcoran the last blows he re 'ceived in this world. Yesterday fore noon , in his cell , he said to a reporter "I am not guilty of the murder , net left the city because the detective ausplcioned me. " It is thought tha he had a hand in the murder , if h did not kill the man. STARVED HIM TO D BATH. SEYMOUR , Ind. , April 27 1 a. m.- Charles Burnett and his paramou Sarah Brooks are charged with start ing his little three year-old boy t death at Rockford , this county. A POLICEMAN KILLED. r ATLANTA , Ga. , April 27 1 a. m.- Last night in Griffin , a pollcame named Mark Hancock , was shot an instantly killed by a man named A 1 fred Doyal. The cauao of the shoo ing is said to have been that the pi > liceruen on the Saturday previous a . rested Dcyal for drunkenness. Throa of lynching are mado. KILLED HERSELF. LEP.OY , III , April 27 1 a. m.- Monday night Mits Ettle Cox , it adopted daughter of Jesse Cox , a n apccted farmer near here , took 3i < life with Etychnluo. Tha Odd Follows. CINCINNATI , April 27 1 a. nr.- The various lodges of Odd Fellow list night celebrated the sixty-secon anniversary of the introdnctiou o Odd Fellowship into America. PROVIDENCE , April 27 1 a. m.- The celebration of the eixty-secon anniversary of * the foundation t American Odd Fellowship.in this clt yesterday , was very elaborate. Th turnout was ono of the largest eve seen in the state. Uncle Dick Declines. CINCINNATI , Anril27 1 a. m. E ; Gov. Bishop , in an interview , declim to ba a candidate for governor on tl democratic ticket this fall. Tl D name of John H. Thomas , of Sprinj field , as the most available man , , t mentionod. Mr. Charles We t has decided \ e o devote his $150,000 to the art mi oi eeum fund. i- i5 Monetary Matters. 8- MOXTKKAL , April 27 1 a. m. Tl Bank of Montreal to-day declared dividend of four per cent and a bom of two , making air per cent for tl half year. In Dr. Ch-pln'a Shoes. NEW YOBK , April 27 1 a m. Re Charles T. Eaton , of Palmer , Mass has been elected pastor of the Ghurc of the Divine Paternity to succeed tl late Dr. Chaplu. CABLE FLASHES. FRANCE rrcniNd FOR WAR BURIAL SERVICES OVER BEACONSFIELD. PARIS , April 27 1 a. m. Very se rious news has arrived from Africa. The French Ironclad "Sarveillcnte" has bombarded and destroyed the Tunlsion fort on tha island of Tab ur ea. It is expected that the French troops wiil land on the island to-day , and that Gan. Logeros will Invest Kef Immediately. This now * create * much excitement. Nothing else la talked about on the boulevard and in the cafes. The war loving spirit of the Parisians is again aroused. , The common remark is that under the re public France wins her greatest vic tories. LONDON , April 27 1 a. m. When the funeral cortege with the body of Beaconsfield arrived at the church yard , the vicar wearing A black gown and state dress , and attended by a company of choristers attired in black cossacks , met the coffin at the gate. The vicar led the way into the church , the choristars on each eldo of the coffin , chanting the Ninetieth pealm. They suug with clearness and sweet ness , and the wcrds of this , sublime poe-jj were heard with ease.byjtbe as sembled multitude. Seme of the Verses seemed to be especially appro priate. After the usual funeral service had > een read in the church 'the proces- ion was reformed and proceeded to Jjaconsfiald's vault , the boffin feeing drawn thither by a wheeled bier cov ered with black velvet. Tne Prince f Wales , his royalhlghneesthe Duke of Connaught , Prince Leopold and many others placed wreaths of flow ers upon the coffin. It was then low ered into a vault which the workmen > roceedcd Immediately to rluso up. Jomraents and enrpdao were occas- oued by Gladstone's absence , which ucreaies , but the explanation of this s given by those who know sf the premier's feeble health. Ha was inly restrained from attending the funeral by the earnest advice of his physician and friends. STILL ON THE MOVE THE STRIKE MANIA STEADILY SPREAD ING. , 0. , April 27 1 a. m. The white miners at Corning and Itendevllle are on a strike against a reduction from eighty to seventy cants a ton for mining. Tno strikers num ber over three hundred. There are about the asme number of negro miners employed at the two places who continue at work as usual. SUELBYVILLE , Ind. , April 27 1 a. * n. The journeymen painters inaug urated a strike in this city last night They demand 82 per day. They are now receiving $1 50. BELLEFONTAINB , 0. , April 27 1 a. ro. The Btriklng mania hss struck Bellefontaino and the stone quarry men have stopped work , demanding an Increaie of from § 1 25 to 81.50 per day. The companies are trying to compromise and have offered $1.40 which has not yet been acted upon by the dissatisfied ones. A HUSBAND'S REVENGE. COWHIDIXO IN DENVER THE DESTROYED OF HIS HOME. ERIE , Pa. , Anril 27 1 a. m. Dis' patches from Danver , Col. , state thai Trainmaster Dlscrow , of the Philadel phia railroad , an uncle of a lady whose ruined reputation caused the decapitation of Gen. Walker , post master , has been attacked and cowhided - hided in the streets by Edgar Sayre , the 'adj 's husband , who accused DIs- broir as being he primaldcspoilei of his wife's honor. When Sayrt went west two yoara ago , he swore tc kill Disbrow on the first opportunity , DIsbrow dlsappaared from Erie sh weeks ago , at a time when accused ol ruining a young orphan girl. A Centenarian Gone. LANCASTER , 0. , April 27 1 a. m. Elijah Dinkall , who was born in Penn sylraiiia in 1787 , and who attendee the funeral of George Washington , has. just died. He settled hero ir 1819. ANOTHER ONE. NEW YORK , April 27 1 B. m.- Tiouls Penlea , born at Amsterdam Holland , Jauuary 14 , 1779 , dlod yea terday at his residence , 137 We l Tirenty-third street , this city , of i violent attack nf pneumonia , afte three d vs of suffering. He was aget 102 yearn. , The case haa been exan Ined and pronounced of perfect rec ord. American Talent in England. ST. LOOTS , April 27 1 a. m. Bill ; Florence , the comedian , cables special to this city that John McCul lonch , the tragedian , made a pram sucsess in Virginius , at Drury Lin theatre , london , where he began ai engagement last night. Florenc characterizes the play as an electri hit. Mis * Girard played Virginia am John Ryder , who supported Macready was Dintalas. Killed by Whisky. CANTON , OM April 27 1 B. m.- Edwatd Bocfcins had been drlnkin for some tlma and the effects derangei his mind. Lwt night , fearing h would do himself some harm , he wa watched. Past midnight the watch man fell asleep. Bock-ins , in order t relieve his intanse pain , took an over dose of chloral , killing him th ! morning. - - Alice Cary'a Birthday. CINCINNATI , April 27 la. m. Th public schools of the city celabratei the birthday tf Alice Cary ycstei day. The exercises were in honor o the Oary sisters , and were compose * of readings , recitations and singly their poems. The German depart meets celebrated the birthday of Lud wig TJhlen. Murder at Astoria , Cal. SAN FRAKCISCO , Gal. , April 27 _ a. m. J. W. Robb , prosecuting at torney at AstorU , was shot dead b George Robeson , for whom Robb'hai settled some partnership difference about canning tunerlm , and Robesoi was dissatisfied with Bobb's course. A Bane Ballist Laid Up. DETiioir , April 27 1 a. m. Swee ney , the Detroit base ball club * change pitcher , was taken with hem orrhage of the lunga to-day , and prob ably will never play ball again. Wil White has been engaged to fill the po aition. Tne National Game. CLEVELAND , April 27 1 a. m _ Th 10 Olevelauds yesterday defeated th White Sewing Machine nine , wit ! A- ag > McCormlck 'to pitch and Olapp to catch , 8 to 2It was a stiff game all through. McUormlck's pitching was very STOOCKTOM'S GANG. 34&T WARRANTS OD FOR THEIR ARREST AMD BACKED BY TROOPS. SANTA Fi lT. M. , April 27--4 a , m. Adjutant Generti Max Frost has just returned from the San Juan and American rivers in Rio Arribia coun ty , and reports to CorLew Wallace , that warrants" for murdering anditock stealing found' the last term of the district court. agalnat Isaac Stockton , Eldrldge , Carrott and six others , have been placed fia the bauds of Deputy Sheriffs Blanklott aad Stair , for ser vice ; that an milbo company of three officers jjndiighiytfire men , well armed and mounted , are to aid in the execution of the warrants and pre serve the peace. The derails of the companies under Lleutenan's ' Cox and Stamp , of fifteen men each , are guard ing the cattle trains to prevent the raid * . Couriers are stationed at fa vorable * points to call for reinforce ments. Gov. Wallace will tomorrow row lisne a proclamation offering $500 reward for Stockton/ and ? 250 each , 'or each of his gang , for their arrest md delivery to the sheriff of Santa Fe or Rio Arriba county. Gov. Wal lace will alio send bis requisitions for bete men to Gov. Pitkin. CHICAGO'S WATER POLLUTED. HE HEALTH BOARD DECLARE IT UNWT TOR DRINKINl ) . CHICAGO , April 27 1 a. m. The iyer water , which for a week past has een flowing into the lake instead of own the Illinois river , has finally cached the crib and contaminated , ho water supply ofthe city to such , n extent that the health department ave published a card declaring it loiaonous and unfit { or idrlnkiog pur poses , unless it Is boiled and filtered. Working- the Eureka Consolidated. SAN FRANCISCO , April 27 1 a. m. The Eureka consolidated mine has a claim against the Richmond mine 'or two million dollars by the recant decision of the supreme court. There was great rejoicing at the mine upon ecelpt of the news. 'Thu hydraulic pumping and combination shaft com menced work yesterday. Belcher ii preparing to work ore on the uppei tvels where good ore has been found. The National Capital. WASHINGTON , April 27 1 a. m. It has been decided by the republicans cans to hold a caucus this morning , and nothing but the enforced absence of certain senators can grevent it , Some of the republican senators an exceedingly apprehensive of the resnll of a caucui , but a full attendance it expected. A free discussion of thi situation will doubtleis follow. Drowned in fiia Arms. MANCHESTER , 0. , April 27 1 a. m Mrs. Thompson , wife of J. D Thompson , living four miles distant while crossing Straight creek in i small boat with her husband was cap sized. Thompson caught his wife ii his arms and swam to the boat. Hi held her and shouted for help , strug ln for half an honr , and finall ; drifting to the shore. By this timi his wife was dead and ho nearly so. MARKETS KY TELEGRAPH St. Louis Produce Mar Hot. ST. Louis , April 26. Wheat Lower and unsettled , bu closed bettor ; No. 2 red , $1 07 § fb cash ; 3L08i@l 08g for May ; 81 08 | < i 1 08J@1 08 f for June ; 81 03J@1 03 < i 103for July ; 90gc@l 001 for An gust ; No. 3 do , § L 021 Ol | ; No. do , SI 01 asked. Corn Firmer at 42433 for cas' ' and April ; 42i@42jo for May ; 42i ( 42gc for June ; 43043 0 for July ; 43J for August. Oats Dull at 35Jo for cash ; 35J for April. Rye Firm at $1 20. Whliky Steady at 81 06. Pork Firm at § 17 60. Dry Salt Meats Firmer at $5 70 8 G0@8 85. Bacon Steady at 56 25@7 10@9 1 9 35@9 40. Lsrd Firm at 811 25. St. Louis Llvo atock Market. ST. Louis , April 26. Hogs Active and strong ; Yorke and Baltimore , $5 85@6 15 ; ralxe packing , $5 756 00 ; choice to fine' $6 20@6 40. Chicago Live SracKIMarket CHICAGO , April 26. Cattle Fairly active ; sales range from 83 60415 for cows and butcl era * steers ; $1 905 00 for fair to got shipping steers. Receipts , 3,600. Hogs § 5 90SG15 for lieht packit and shipping grades ; $5 , GO@G 101 < heavy packing ; § 6 25 < gG 40 for good i choice smooth heavy shipping lot receipts , 13,000. Sheep $4 50@4 75 for obmmon 1 fair ; J 5 OJ35 75 for good to chob 86 OCKgG 30 for extra lots. The ma ket ruled dull and 10@15c lower. New Tort Produce Market. NEW YORK , April 26. Flour Steady ; extra 'state , 4 50 550. 550.Wheat Irregular ; No. 2redwinte at $1 27 ; April , 81 26 | ; No. 1 whit 81 23J@1 24J for April. Corn Steady at.60 c. Oats Steady ; May , 45Jo. Rye Nominal at $118. Pork Steady at $16 25. Lard Steady at 811 60. Butter Unchnged. Cheese Unchanged. Esgs 17@19s. Whisky 8115. Chlcscro Produce Market. CHICAGO , April 26. CLOSING. Wheat , active and prices loire corn , fair request and steady ; oat lower ; rye , quiet ; mess pork , lard at short rib sides , in moderate demat and prices without important chang Wheat No. 2 spring , gl 021 h for May ; 81 04J@1 04 | for Jnn 81 04J for July : 81 Olg@l 01 | fi August ; 9696jjo for the year , No. red winter , seller May , offered i $1 061 04 bid. Corn May , 42J@42go ; June , 42jj 42c ; July , 43j@43fo ; August , 44J 44jc. 44jc.Oats Oats 35Jo for May ; 3GJc for Jun 352 < g35c for July ; 29c for Aunua Pork Mess , May , $17 52J@17 5 June , 817 65@17 57 $ ; Jnly17 ; 62 Lard 811 22A@ll 25 for Ma 811 3011 32J for June ; 811 35 11 37i for July ; $11 4211 45 f August. , t air a is , OO ' J BIG SIOUX LOOSE. Frightful Destruction of Prop erty by a Sudden Eise of the Eiver , One-Half the Town of Sioux Falls Swept Away by the Torrent. Minnesota Rivera Breaking Up and &oing Out With. Mam moth Booms. The Missouri Freshet Spreads Itself Around Kansas City. By National Associated Press. A WRICKED CITV. SIODX PALLS , Dakota , April 26 4 p. m. The sudden rise in the Big Sioux river , which began yesterday , swept over the falls nearly all'that ' portion of the town lying east of _ the river. AH the lumber yard ; , several hotel buildings , and many residences were carried away bodily. It is not known that any lives were lost. Fif teen buildings in the main part of the town were also carried over the falls. The main streetPhillips Avenue , has been transformed into a river , the water rushing through it like a mill tail. The damigo cannot be estim ated. The natural fall to Big Sioux river at this point is one hundred and ton feat In half a milo. Ef MINNESOTA , Dttttrrn , Minn. , April 26 The breaking up of the Ice in the St. Louis and Nemody rivers caused a break in the booms and several million feet of loga were lost In consequunce. , At Knife Falls ton million feet of ( logs are jammed and it Is expected that a slight rise in the river at that point will break the jam and carry the logs down stream. ST. PAUL , Minn. , April 25. Spe cials from Granite Falls state the valley , on either side of the town , is flooded and the town now an island. Minnesota Falls Is all under waterbnt as it is impossible to get advices frem Unite the extent of the damage is un known. THE FLOOD AT KANSAS CITY. KANSAS Cmr , April 26 The rlvei is now 23i feet above low water marls and still rising. The bottoms have suffered severely by loss of stock ! and crops. The Wab&sh and Hannibal A St. Joseph tracks are under water le several places and transfers are made by boat to the Missouri side for safety. The Tailroad bridge at Louisiana h thought to be secure. The interrup tion to trains has occurred at thii point. The rirer at St. Lonlu is onlj three inches below the danger line , and the water is rising rapidly. The big bridge sets deep in water , and thi river presents a magnificent appear ance. Some of the lumber yards Ii north St. Louis bavo been flooded The litnation at east St. Louis is vor ; exposed. The greatest oxcitemen prevails , as an inundation of thi whole town is threatened. CHICAGO , April 27 1 a. m. Min Koapolis specials from paints along th Mann rlvor report that the stream are still slowly swelling , The Iroi wagon bridges at Montevideo am Minnesota City have been carriei away. ltot these places are parti ; submerged , as are aho New Dim Mankato , Loauor , Henderson tani Carver. Many farm houses floatei away. The aggregate loss will b very heavy , but cannot bo now esti mated , Checked by the Police. NEW YORK , April 26. The prc pceed glove fi ht for $500 , betwee George Rooko and Mike Donovan which waa to have taken place l&e uicht , in Torraoe Garden , waa prc vented by the police. After a nun ber of well khoffn boxers had give an exhibition of the mirly art , Jimm Kelly , master of ceremonies , ar nounced that the stage had been take possetslon of by the police , wh threatened to arrest all parties cor cerned if any attempt to right wit the gloves was made * Hooko an Donovan then came forward and gav a very ordinary epirring exhlbltini after which the crowd of sports , le the'bullding vary much disappointed Bsyondtho Rocltlea. SAN FftANciscb , April 26. Jot Hobb , prosecuting attorney at Astori was shot dead by G. Hjbeson , fi whom Robb had settled some partne ship difficulties about the canning fu ! ery , andRobeion was dtwathfied wii Robb'a course. * The'Eureka ' consolidated mine hi a cKim against the Richmond mil for two million dollars by the rece decision of the supreme court. The wasfgreat rejoicing at 'the mine npi the receipt of the nens. The hydranl pump in the combination shaft w commence work to-day , Belcher preparing to work ore on the old upp levels , whare'good ore has been foun A Fatal Engine. CHICAGO , April 24 4 p. m. E gine No. 150. of the Northweste road , hauling the Winnetka accoi modation train , succeeded in killli two men last night , both , inside tl city limits. John Murphy- was never over at Augusta station , both le being severed from Els body and he frightfully mutilated. The second unknown and BO manglad he cou give no account of himself. Honest Lawyers. .NASHVILLE , Tenn. , April 26 , 4 m. Speculators In shorts , said to backed up by the _ low tax party , ha retained lawyers" investigate In the practicability tof making an a plication for an injunction to reatra the state officers from refundii the state bonds at $100 in accordan with the law passsd at the recent se slon of the legislature. Some pron " nent lawyers" have relused to be i tained on the groundtthat it was n consistent for any citizens to oppo the payment of the states obligator. Indications. WASHINGTON , April 27 1 a. m. For the upper Musis lppi and lowi Missouri valleys , partly cloui weather with occasional rain in tl northern portion of the former , win shifting to slightly cooler north r west. © west.WANTED A ct t cotUze of about 5 roon WANTED A. E. O. P. Head < juart M- 70027od . . . - 1,1 ' - - " ' ' - * " no ono was seriously injured , although several were bidly bruised. CHICAGO , April 26. Jas. Giliin , a bridge tender at North Avenue , fell into the river last night and waa drowned. His hat blew in and in trying to secure it he lost his balance. CoOLTEBVitLE , April 26. A fatal encounter took place last night be tween two negroes named Turner and Norris. Norris was on the ground and gelling the worst rf the fight when he drew Turner down to him and cut his threat. torest Kires In the East. BOSTON , April 26 1 a. m. Forest fires are raging in Woonsocket , Cum berland and tbo adjoining towns in Rhode Island , la Audover , Mass. , near Lawrence , about six hundred acres have been burned over and a large amount of pioperty haa been de stroyed. Death of a NotatJle Woman. EVANSVILLK , Ind. . April 26 1 a. m. Mies Nancy T. Lslcher , relict of the late Judge James H. Letcher , f Henderson , Ky. , died at the family residence there at midnight. Mrs. Letcher was formerly Miss Nannla J. Kennedy , the daughter of Gan. Thos. Kennedy , of revolutionary fame , and was born in Girard county , Ky. , on April 14 , 1814. Gen. Kennedy was owner of Lewis George Clarise , the original George Harris In "Uncle Tom'B Cabin.'P Lynch Law In Florida. ATLANTA , Ga. , April 26 1 a. m. The intelligence is at baud of the lyncnlng of Louis Whittaker , a color ed man , at Gadsen , Fla. Whittaker was in jail , charged with the murder of MeJenklns ( whitir ) a year ago. \Vhile nine young men were guarding the jail , a p tty of thirty horsemen in blouses and masks appeared about four in the evening , took the prisoner by force , and hanged him to an oak tree. Undoubtedly the base shirt In the ( Jnlted States is manufactured at the Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority of Material and workmanship , conj oined with their great Improvements , that is Reinforced fronts , Reinforced backs and Reinforced sleeves , makes their shirt the most durable and beat fitting garment of the kind , ever manufactured at the Moderate price of 51.50. Prery uliirt of our make is guaranteed nrst-olasa and will refu- " the money if found otherwise. Wo make a specialty of all wt > - ' Shaker , and Canton flannel , nl" chemola underwear , made up wtii - view to comfort , warmth and durabil ity. To Invalids and weak-lunged persons tre offer spealal inducement * in the manner these goods flfo madt for their protection. PH. GOTTUEIMEB , Absolutely Pure * > fdo Ifom Orap ) Cresml TarUr. ITo oth prepifitlon makes rich light , fiaky hot bread or luxuilons pistry. Cm be cited by Dy pe ; tics without fear of the illi resulting from bra' Indl eatitjlo food Sold oily la cini , by i Otoccra. BOTAL EiKixo Fowoiit Co. , New York. PROPOSALS FOR FLOUR , b OfricB OP PoftciisiJfd AM Ii tvt COMMISIAKY or SroSISTrXCK , OMAHA. NEB . April Sth , 188L Sealed proposils , In duplicate , subject to t usual connltions will be recenedat this off nntll 12 o'clock noon , on Miy 15th , 1831 , which time and place ibay will re opened In t prcCctlceof liddcrs.for tl a furnishing and dcl.Ti at tbo SSubalbtenco ShofehHU d W tbtvc t ? twenty thousand ( ZO.COO ) pound * fljnr. In in ( iron ; , tingle c-'Uon a.lc . To be made Ir No 1 spr n ; wteat , half hwJ , b * ( soft orodti to bo srcated before ifrndlng nd mixed Inm Injr , 10 ba high cioand. Simple of flour to sent lvl h prop , sals , and all ba da Iveicd or bifcre Juno lO'.b , IS3C The cnTcf raent IBKTTSS tha right to * re ] < nor sllproposibi Llink proiosalj on bi obtained at tbis 0(3 ( I'ropcgils most b cm Ins d In tealed envoo 13 marked "Froi owli for Fl'jur , " and litnsatA 18 thaaoderalgned. 18at at THOlIASWIt-IOK , 23-3t Chief , V. 3. U..A re in io ill RHEUMATIC CORE is War nnted & Safe , Certain and Speedy Cure er Rheumatism In allita forms , Neuralgia. La B > ck , Pain In the Breast and Side , Vain In I d. Stomach and Kidncji , &c It U an inter remedy , a Tonic and Blood Purifier , and whll removes tbo Diaeaas it improves the gene health. nen SMITH , BUCK&CO..PROPRIETOF enn PLAnSMQUlH. NEBRASKA. n- C. F. man , genenil * az ha 18 in AGADEMYOF MUSIC _ 8 ? TWO EIGHTS ONLY ! s Wednesday & Thursday , April 27 & ! Id 'ffaverly's Colossal COLORED CARNiVAI Anfl Genulre Colorea Minstrels P. J. H. Uaierly Prop-let P.be be 40 Performers , 21 End Vfert. 4 Corupanlet re Shou-ers , 2Corpt Jaw-Bone Ch-nhters , Natu Slogtn. Natnra' Dtntn. Natural Ilamoru to Natural Per.'onneis otall kinds. A BIO THING SURE. n REMEMBER' BEMEJIBE1 40 Perfonnera Also Remember OG - "Free-To-AU Exhibition Drill Parade TnroD cea" ths Principal Tboroughfarti. Se > the pan a" sure. i- POPULAR PKICF3 - e. Soatl on sala at Ell lm 4 Erlckiony Ot BO.t. J. H. FLIEGEL. .t. . . . Sniressor to J. D. TniELE , MERf.lI INT TAILOR ! No,1O Douglas Street , OHVC A-IP A. ITSIB , or T'ffQ DOLLAES "WILL SEOIH THE WEEKLY BEE For One Year , EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS FROM NEW YORK AUCTION SALES ! Just Opened at the ZBOSTOZKT STOKE , GIG 10th St. , Bet. Jackson and Jones. The entire Stock will le offered at the following unprecedented low prices , and continue until the whole is disposed of : Standard Prints 60 , np-town price 8 l-3o ; lonsdale Muslin 8 l-8o up-town price lOc ; Unbleached Muslin 5c , up-town price 7 l-2c ; Lancaster Ginghams 8 l-3c , up-town pries 12 l-2c. DRESS GOODS ! DRESS GOODS ! Zula Brocades 7 l-2c , up-town price 8 l-3c ; Manchester Brocades I5c , up-town price 25c ; English Cashmeres 37 I-2c , up-town price 50c ; Black All-Wool Cashmeres 40c , 55c , 70c , 80c , up-town prices 60c , 70c , 85c , $1.00 ; Black Gros Grain Silks 90c , $1.00 , $1.25 , up-town prices $1.25 , 91.50 , $1.75 ; Cheviot Shirtings I0c , up-town price I5c ; Brocade Silks ane Satins 33 1-3 per cent less than up-town prices ; Bleached and Unbleached Table Damasks 40c , 50c , 60c , 75c , up-town prices 50c , 65c , 75c , $1.00 ; Scotch Huck and Damask Towels 20c , up-town price 35c ; Turkey Red Dam ask 45c , up-town price 65c. HOSIERY ! HOSIERY ! Men's Dnbleached Half Hose 5c , up-town price lOo ; Men'a Brown Mixed Half Hose lOc. up-town price kOc ; Ladies' Hose lOc , up-town price 15c ; Ladies' Real Balbriegan Hose 26c , worth 40c ; Children's Hose 5c , up-town price lOc. The above are all perfect Goods , and at lower prices than damaged Goods offered up town. CALL AND SBJS AND BE CONVINCED. P. G. 1MLAH , - - - Manager. "BOSTON STORE. " A. B. HUBERMANN , JEWELER , Cor. Douglas and 13th Sts. Gives Great Bargains in Ladies' and Gents ! AMERICAN GOLD AND SILVER WATGES All Kinds Of JEWELRY , SILVER WARE AND DIAMONDS. We Guarantee The Best Goods For The Least Money. BY CT. IMI. The Oldest Eeal Estate Ageut and Notary Public , Corner Douglas and 14th Streets. ud Four CATZ & FREEMAN , CRACKER MANUFACTURERS , An * WWomla Dealers in CIGARS and CONFECTIONERS. During the iSSwS. mUsndle COUNSELMEN'8 FRESHCYSTE wbfok are , notr the beat In the market. A large , assortment ef CANDY and SUGAR , TOYS for the - jg-J 510 lltll , Omaha. _ _ _ f f w i * Eatabllahcd Largest rV LJ LJ L. b > \\l\ \ \ t \-f t Omaha Is Refrlgera or Koorw Lx. D. UJU.I ITI I i jjjj. cWlWISSION MERCHANT ' iw TBS : , ' pS ! ' ° . "a 5 ° 0 o , , , , ' 'ffl.aafS' : ifesr ri General wJemtglltor BOOTffS OVAL BBATO OIBTEES , ard Wholesale Dealer In , m Fresh Lake , River and Salt Water Fish. sacqa3n ce 3 Sto , StOMAHABAZAR. ? ! ? ? EXTREMELY LOW PRICES 1 tor tne rheu. tit n OMAHA BAZAR , 58. ' Rubin Bros. . - - - Prop's , i ! TraTiior's iVew Brick Building . or. or.of . . r.l its , DECORATIVE PAINTER Prices and I ! ! Or- nt ffh Ae SIGN ? PapsrHanging , Plain Painting of - " - 28 1318 Harncy felrcet , DEXTER L. THOMAS &BRO. WiU Buy and Sell REAL ESTATE , And all Transactions Connected - nected therewith. Pay Taxes , Bent Houses , &c. IF YOOWAKTTO SOT OR SELL Call at Offlc. , Boom Crelzhton Hod Ow MASONIC TTAT.T. ! Tuesday , Apnl 28th , 188L THE Omaha Harmonic Society Will jl Conceit of KmtlUh Gltt Hall on the er.ulnf I Ta d.r , Vocil and IdrtromtnUl § ot < H , t , will ! > duced , td the Celebrated Bell Chores from tin Chimes of Uonnoody. Jdmtoon. W crou ; Tlci.U for * ! at H otpe'a MuaJe.Store ane Haze's ttMJ * 'M ,