THE DAILY BEE. g. RUSBWATBR : CPrTOB : COUNCIL BLUFFS does not enjoy compulsory bathing. FLOODS arc more demoralizing to builness than a president ! * ! election and the possibility tf a democratic success. - # THE biggest jog of the Ynlcan Iron Works will be the production of an anchor which can bold that Dillon ele vator at Spoon Like down to its moor- Ings. TUUEE large Sheffiald cutlery firms have emigrated to America and a T um ber of Bradford woolen , mannfactu- rera propose to follow suit and estab lish factories in the United States. THE fljsting population of Council B'.uffs ' is now greiter thin ovar before in her history. Fully one thousand men are ofloit on sidawalks , fl it boati and barge * for want of house room. MR. BnooKh hurried down to Ltn coin to scour the mud off Senator Van Wyck's boots and returned to Omaha cf "official with cu immense nmonnt Information" , which he battens to present to readers of the Republican with a grand fbu-iih of official trum pets. That paper has en immense amount of enterprise THE placing of hydrants by the Water Company brings into unpleas ant prominence the encroachment upon our public streets by private property holders. The present situa tion of affwra with hydrants located in the contra cf sidewalks as stumb ling blocks for nnwary pedestrians , cilia for immediate attention. The council ahoull take stcpi at once for setting back fences and establishing curbs according to the c-ty ordinance. JUDGE Unices Is in a fir way to bo elected to the United Slates senate. The Ifcjm&Zfcutt Is miUn * war on him , and /Jcputti'can has Always euc- C3cdud in electing the min whom it oppose ! It is to bo hoped that when SonatorlBriKgi takes his seat in 1883 he will not bo unmindful of these ser vices and will appjint the Republican as court organ. ST. PKTEnsBur.o is suffering from industrial stagnation. It is Bald that at the present moment there are thou sands of unemployed workmen etarv. ing in the suburbs if the city. Tbo / * majority of the uneducated followers jjt ot the anarchist party are made up of workmen and laborers belonging to the luMiufactories of the two capitals. Of these , again , it is found that most of the artisan mhil'sts join the organ- izitioa when times are bad and that the Rcsussiona to the ' red ranks" have boon most numerous dnring the last few months of abnormally alack trade. In the great manufacturing suburbs the Nihilist propagandists are extremely active , nnd scarcely a week olapies without some secret organiza tion of other baing "brought to light. Many of 'tho ' Russian journals opine that if trade were butter , and greater care wore taken to improve the aocial status of the workman , there would not bo so many men ot the Roussa- koff order. Ai.EXAMEtt DUMAS favors snffiage for the women of Franco. He says they wiil tote gracefully , and that they will soon "wear bonnets a la bal lot box , universal suffrage waists and political equality skirts. At first it will make a sensation , then will become - come fashionable ; after that a habit , then an experience , then a duty , and at hat a blessing. " Aloxandtr has always boon rather partial to the fe male sex , especially to that part of it which is disposed to pose as models and has dash enough to make a sensation iu a dime novel. There is a wide field for Alexander's talents in Nebraska. We are only afraid that the woman suf- fra e ferinout In our eUto la confined to a class of ladies who wouldn't suit his romantic tastes. Possibly Utah would fill his bill , whore woman uf- frago has made its sensation , long sinca , bccotua fashionable and has grown into a habit , becausa Mormon husb'uids ma'da it a duty , and trans- formad it ino a blessing by perpetu ating polygamy through Mormon offi cials oloctad " by overwhelming majori ties. IF Congressman Valentino knows himself a-ad the Jicpublican thinks ho does , gallant Tom Majors- will be 5 member of the present congress from Nebraska. [ Republican. When will all this humbugging and bo > h about Nebraska's contiugout con- cross man cone. What tccseis there iu demanding'a second congressman for Nobroku at this late day , when , * wo are on the cva ot getting our full f roprosantation under tha new appor- f | tionmout. If Nebraska ii entitled to two cinRrejsmau next winter , she may just aa well elect a third next falli because our population entlt'es us to threeJf Tom Majors can be ad mitted ai contingent , why ciu't Kan- sat and'Texti and Arkansas and Iowa ojme ia with.a dozan contingent con gressmen "and "havo them admitted. This paper hu contended from the very outset that the election of con- tingcut congressmen WBJ a farce. ll4pre8dnUti.ii in Congress is fixed by tha uatiou > l constitution and under its provisions must conform to the ap- portlonmant uuder Iho cousns which is taken every ten VK-S. In 1882 , Nebraska will el re I three congress men , < and - firm th i : tlmo until 1892 she cvj jot no tnoro although she may double or _ treble f .her piipula'ion. Valentino haj provoi himself to be ono'of'thb greatest njafesmau Amer ica has over prodnc , bat wa don't bolbre.ho can gut To.ii Mijjra into congress on a c > nth gjut sest. Beside - side * jf Tom Mjor ut-nmlel to a seat in congresi ha ou < ht to rtcelvo Valentine's became hu received more voti. W hope that Nebraski will haio a rest for A while on ths cwtiu- gent congressman f rce. POSTMASTER-GENERAL JAMES AND POSTAL EEPOEU. ! For the first tlmo since the estab lishment of the postoffise department , the country has a man at tha head oi that important branch of the public service who brings to his position practical experience , coupled with a determination to make the postal ser vice ( fficient , economic and self sus taining. Up to the present time the heads of tha postoffice department have been either ornamental gentle men like Marshall Jewell , moss- backed old fossils like Judge Key , or starchy time servers like Tynor. The main business of the postmaster general has scorned to bo to smile upon delegations , chat with congressmen and minipulate postal pitronago for political ends. The rea ] business of tbo department was con ducted by subordinates who were either totally Incompetent or wono , linked with jobbers , straw bidders or star route speculators. When Mr. James took charge of the department in his own hands every branch of the service at once felt that there was a man at the helm who understood his business. Mr. James has been in office scarcely six weeks , but ho has already stopped leakages involv ing a loss cf millions annually to the government. His investigation and exposure of the fraudulent transsc lions of the contract office of the post office department , is the first move which the new executive has made upon the ring of jobbers and hirpies that have for thirty years infested that department of the government. The surgeons knife is being skillfully but unhesitatingly ap plied to the cancers which have Rrown upon the postal contract system and the government will reap the benefit in a saving of hundreds of thousands of dollars annually. Start ling developments are promised to the public exposing the existence of a powerful combination who were bene ficiaries of the star route appropria tions , including congressmen , ex con gressmen , newspaper proprietors and correspondents , and prominent lobby ists. Among those prominent lobbyists Nebraska has doubtless , to her shame , been represented. The recent orders issued by Post master-General James fsr the reor ganization of the railway mail service are also very timely. In no section of the country has this reorganization of the service been more nocdod than at Omaha , and upon the lines of railway converging at this point. For the last seven years there has been at the head of this branch oi the postal sys tem at this point a m n grossly incom petent for the positior ; who has devoted the moat of hii time in jun- ketting tours throughout the state and ward bumming In tha city. Bis duties meanwhile have been perform ed by a route ngcnt detailed from ac tive service on the road , when at no .itne there was a sufficient number of men on the road to do the business efficiently. Time and again have su perintendent * tf the railway mail ser vice and the general superintendent tilrnself admitted the utter unfitness of the man for the place , and the only reason given fcr his rotentlou la , hat his wife is a near relative ativo of one of tha Justices of the Supreme Court. With such a man to supervise the service here , the whole force of nil way clerks has 3een demoralized and the patrons of ho postoffice have suffered. When .he new broom , which Mr. James landles with such vigor , reaches this section of the cjuntry wo hope to see clean sweeping. If civil service reform aoads to bo utroduced into any branch cf the public service , it is in the poaioifico. Jnder the list administration , where civil service reform was the keynote , the only application of the principle Beamed to be to keep men in position , until they were iadicted by grand nrios or cinvictcd of felonies no matter how incompetent or how disre- mtable they were. A striking illus tration , o ! that kind of civil service re- orm was the appointment of Dick Adcms to tliopostraastcrship of Deed- wood in the face of overwhelming ; roof that the man was dishonest and lad boon an embezzler while in tha employ of a private corporation. That man was retained in office sit months after ho had embezzled the funds of he goverameut at Deadwood , was inally indicted , convicted and at last _ pardoned upon con- litiou that liis bondsmen hould repay eighty per cent of the tolou money. Such scandals will never occur uuder Postal IB tcr-Gjucral Fames , whoso civil service reform is of a practical kind , which is no ro- pocler of persons or their endorsers nhon their retention of o flics is detri mental to the public service. L.ITEBARY NOTES- TIIE Lasiest Way in Housekeeping and Cooking. Adapted to Domestic Uue or Studv in Classes. By Hellen Camp bell , late Superintendent of the IJ.aleiti , ( X. C ) Cooking School ; Author of "Chips from a Northwestern lop , " etc. ICino. Cloth , 51.00. For tale byW. T. Ssaman. Mrs. Campbell needs no apology for adding anpther to the long list o * cook books. Her experience aa head of the Rilelgn Cooking School has admirably fitod her for her tjsk. Her little manual neat ia form , admira ble in matter , cheap iu price will make its way into hundreds of families where the more elaborate and txpon- eive books can hardly penetrate , or , f they do , nra found to bo calculated 'or the multifarious facilities of city marjkots and the higher raugo of luxu ry in living. It cm be used to ad vantage by mothers for the plesanl and useful training of their daughters n the scleuc4 of housekeeping and lealth-kccping ; or in classoj formed x > r instruction ( for which purpose ihere &ro tables of topics for loisons and examination ; ) or at home , in bed room , and parlor and kitchen , aa a c-jmpact , trustworthy , aud readily available guide. JUUOE liuiGGS was iti favor of purifying the primaries t-y regie trntion and had the courage to assert his con victions iu black aud whito. The Republican will neves forgive him for this unpardonable tin. Meantime Omaha and Douglas county keep going democratic bcciuso the beat republicans refusa to indorse the nominations undo by repeaters , roustabouts and democrats imported from one ward to the other. NEDEASKAprohibitionists are affercd a sweet morsel in the announcement of the fact that Hon. Levi Robbins , of Copenhagen , N. Y. , aged 02 , has signed the pledge. Little boys should remember this , and do the siroo thing when they are 92. POETRY OP THE TIMES. Mcdera Mother Goose. A l > cautiful maid in Carlisle. On tha back of her neck had a bile. When her lover forgot , And hupged the sore spot. Her scream could bo heard for a mile. [ Modern Argo. A Sons of Senators Sing a song of senators , Stomachs f nil of rye. Se\en and thirty democrats Feeling pretty dry. When their mouths were opened Each began to groan : " Wouldn we be happy here If we coold squelch ilahonc. " Probably. Fair Alice , of the ba'l the belle. Tripped lightly oh her dainty feet , WLeu suddenly she slipped and f .11 , And on the floor she took a seat. The maiden , blushing like a rose , Quick with her sister flies away ; "Oh , sister , did they see my toes "Tnose horrid men ! do tell me ' nay. ' " "They didn't look they were difcreet. " Hiss Alice , pouting , says "It'a mean My new silk stockings lo k so sueet IJnt don't you think jest one was seen ? " Easily Satisfied. I met my lore in the summer ; The breeze blew from the south , Sweet with the breath of the clo\er ; I kissed her little mouth ; Bnt I told my pet full plainly ; Is I gave her hand a squeeze , ' 'Fie lots of Io\e for you , darling , Bat not much bread and cheese. ' Bnt then she showed her dimples , The blue eyes eeem to shine ; Her head was on my shoulder , The little lips sought mine ; She said , " I am not hungry , And summer time i-t hare ; Who cares for breid and cheese , love ? I want the kisaes , dear. " " A Stylish New Soring Bonnet. " A irl may be both young and fair , A sweet and winning creature , She may have hair of golden hue And lo\elinessof feature ; Shs may be dressed in s Ik attire Of such I write my sonnet - But to be perfect she must wear A stylish new spring bonnet. Satin iti string * , modest its plume , A poke of broad dimensions , Thus should the bonnet fairly match Its wearers sweet preten'ions ; And when she shines iith all her charms Casting their glow upon it , Our hearts and heads are all bewitched By this fine new spring bonnet. Although a lady may be plain- Yes , ugly , as to feature Her hair bright rod , her eyea liftht green In fact , a homely creature ; Yet if her bonnet is the style , Tne ladies , dear , they're human 1 Will all exclaim ai with one breath Oh ! what a charming woman ! We see bright benne ! s here and there Peep out like sweet spring flowers ; Well they combine the lace and gold , These dainty hatt of ours ! And , husbands , wjulJ you have on earth The happiest \voman on it ? Take home , some pleasant April night , A stylish new spring bonnet. MAUD MILLEB. HONEY FOR THE LADIES. New mantel mirrors are square with smooth frames. New bisques are fimsbol in loaf points around the bottom. The changeable LevanMue bilk is among the new importations. A young man Ia pressing his own suit frequently wrinkles the girl's. A single hook is thought sufficient lo fasten the waists of some gowns of washable goods. Now French stocking ) of ailk are embroidered in gold and silver , with insertions of black or white lace. "Backward as is the season , " says ' ' 'he Elmira Advertiser , "tho women are well along with spring so wing. " Fans , says The Herald , grow larger and larger , so that a New Fork thea tre looks like a California town all windmills. There is a rage for large square col lars and deep caff * in Irish gulpura , point Femours , point 1'Aurillac and Carrickmocross lacor. A young lady up in Barkshlro coun ty , Massachusetts , w&s stung ou the lip by a bse the other day. That bee evidently know bis busincs > . Peacock blue is good for only a fiW people , and they are not peacocks , aithcr. A blonde should never at tempt to bd a whole bird show. Mourning gloves for full dress ara embroidered with jet beads on the back , and hare a broad band worked in at thu wrist to simulate a bracelet. A Malta paper states that , of fifty- ivo young Udtes who had coma out .hero from England in search of hui- oands , ouly one bad succeeded iu her object. None of the summer bonnets so far ahown are more attractive than some oxquielto simple ones having no trim- ning save a spray of rows and a mus- In Bcarf. i The jewel of a servant girl is the me who hangs all her mistress' em- c iroldercd ucderwear on that portion of the line most conspicuous to the neighbor's eye. A fashionable younsc lidy acsiden- , ally dropped one of her false eyebrows n the opera-box , and greatly frighten ed her beau , who , on seeing ltthought t w&s his mustacbo. There's no need of young ladles rooting in a ronguo bor to got up n healthy color , when a little judicious application of the scrubbing brush to the kitchen floor will accomplish like results. A girl in Trenton , N. J , married a Hungarian nobleman , and now she haste to take in washing six d ys a week in stead of two , as formerly , in order to support her uew title with sufficient itj la. Promotion in the social scMe always brings increased responsibilities with it. Worth , the Paris man milliner , lately made for an English lady h t 11 rtiportod to be the handsomest clo&k which ever left hit shop. It is of green velvet , birdurod and trimmed with the tails of Russian sable. The cost was 58,600. Women c u keep secrets. A Wor cester girl , on a friends prumltiug sol emnly nut to tall , told that she waa joing to have four uow dresaw Mating $60 each. The friend relig iously kept her promise not to tellatid , the first-mentioned youn hdy doesn't * pok to her now. Flesh and Venetian satin sheeting are thu newest materials for rasu'.la and lambnquius and arraaono cm- jroidery on cither is very beautiful. Fnere materials come in every color rom cream to a deep shade of terra cotta. A favorite color in plush is a dark peacock-blnu. h Th new epring style in bonneta is jmt too sweet for nnytinor. I iiint'o out of gome kind ct "etoff sort t f de ! cate in texture and of a rather ligb : ish color , kind of cut-away on the aide ? , and rolled back on the top , and Bccopod ont underneath , and trimmed with some aorU of ribbon stuff that looks nice , nd aome kind of other eort of material that is handsome , and it is all fixed on in that kind of a way which looks so much like some hng ; that wo can't remember , and the whole effect is very exquisite , remind ing ui of a most beautiful something or other whrse name wo can't just at present call to mind. [ Rocklaad Courier. IMPIBTIB3. Singers are often the most miserable of God's ecrocchors. Bob Inqersoll will not talk over a telephone , because he says there's no such place as hell , oh Tne contribution-box is superior to the ballot bcx. It is never stuffed and in no d&nger of repeaters. The inhabitants of the cannibal islands havodiacrverod trichina ) In an American missionary. This is a sad blow at one of the country's leading exports. Bismirck'u physician -has forbidden him to attend church , spying that ho must devote all of Sunday to rest. Thi t physician Is overrun with prac tice , and is en the hijh ; road to afllu- ence. ence.Rev. Rev. Samuel G. Sialth challenges Bishop Ireland to a joint discussion of the authority of the Bible. It will bo better than a continuation of the controversy in the newspapers. A church never splits on account of its numerical strength. It is only when tvro doscona can't decide which one is to boss the eoxton that need is found for another building and minis ter. ter.A A youth who attended a Scotch revival meeting for the fun of the thing , uomcally inquired of the min uter "whether ho could work a miracle er not ? ' The yonnp ; man's curiosity win fully satisfied by the minister kicking him ont of the church , with-the malediction , "Wo cannot work miracles , but wo can cast out devils ! " A great many people say what they don't mean in their praycra. A Scotch man went behind a fencj to pray , and declared to thu Lord that if the fenca should fall on him it would bo no more thin ho deserved. At that mo ment a high wind blew the fence over on the petitioner. Ho rose hastily from his knees and cried out in B frightened voice : "Hsch , Lirdl It's an awfu1 world this ; a body caaua say a thing in jjko but it'a ta'eu in earnest. " , The old time sermons were some times very formidable. One minister who always had an hour glass oil the pulpit got only half way through when the list Bands ran out. Quietly turn- log it he siid , ' 'Now , brethern , we'll take anotho : glass together before wo part , " and went on. When Stepheu Marshall told his congregation that his sermo'i would bo divided into twenty-four parts 01 o of the pew- holdrra started dowu the broad aisle. "Where are you going ? " aaked Mar shall. ' To cot my slippers and night gown , " was the reply. The statue of B ial , the God of the Philistines , was recently excavated five miles from Gins. It is fifteen feet high , weighs 12,000 pounds and it may ba bought on the ground for $50. Commissioner French , out hia next supply of street cleaning pocket money , ought to purchase this statue , provide for its transportation hither , and sot it up in the now capitol. If ho retains his grip on the city he will have no difficulty in supplying human victims for sacrifice to it. [ New York World. The Pluto ladUns believe in witch craft , and occasionally execute , on the graves of their supposed victims , the nnfortnnato squaws upon whom has fallen the suspicion of being in league with the devil. Not long since a young squaw was adjudged to be a witch and sentenced to death , but on the way to the placj of death , effected her es cape. As no numbers ct the tribe has since died under suspicious cir cumstances , it is believed that the evil spirit was frightened away , and the yonng wonun has been allowed to leturnto her home , pardoned. A belief in witchcraft still prevails in Germany. A man and his wife lately brought suit in a country court against a neighbor , whom they accused of causing the death of their two little pigs by witchcraft. The womanin stat ing the cate , said : "Youcouldn'taeoany mirks on their 'bodies at all. In the evening they.werehoalthyjata heartily , the pigstry was locked , and in the morning one of them was already dead. The defendant crossed the yard during the night and bewitched them. I apeak to you , judge , aa a father , and I Implore you to make her give to yon the doctor books she has got. In there stands how to bewitch. Bssides , aho has before this made mo and ray husband lousy by witchcraft. " Tko suit was dismissed. PEPPERMINT DROPS. Signs of "keep ofi tha grass" ara be ginning to show above tha snow drifts. A North Cirollni convict escaped from prison in a cifiin. It was a clover plccj of undertaking. A field of fine linen with potato bugs rumbling all over it is the latest de sign In fancy spring shirtings. An elastic lining for ber ctska is anew now invention , but n cast-iron lining for stomachs has not jot boea patent ed. France was only joking , and has apologized fur .ho uiaolt to the Amer ican pig Lot us proceed with tbo U'.ual "corner. " A. muscular Turk of Staralxml Tried to i > ull out ihe tail of a mule. Tne Coroner's juRy - Ry the b < ly did view , And brought in the verdict , "Damphool1 ! A nilroid thit is not owned by Gould or Vacd rbilt is reported to biro bjen discovered in Maino. It will be takeu up and exhibited at the World'i fair. A Ffonoh chdtuiat cia take sugar , flour and other substance ] and make a nicer eg < than any hen over left in a nest , at.d now tha only o.xcuaa for keeping fowls is that they may annoy the people next door. Nitro-glycerino is recommended by A medical journal for certain affections of the chest. If there ia anything that will still the tumultuous hearings cf the liver pad its use should bu ourxinr- sged. sged."Mr. "Mr. Gilhooly , " eatd a diminutive bjy with n handful of bill ? , "when areyou going to pay this bill for them boots vou got on ? ' * "H ) w old arer you , soanj ? " "Tcnyoirsold. " "Goand tell your pa you have got too much curiosity for one if your a e. " The compositor of The Itbaca Ex- presto whom an account of a ball iii th t villnyrt was given , aud set it up , "llur drty : fuut were encwed in ferry bolts , " instead of "aer dainty foct were eneAsud iu fairy boots. " lives only in memory. [ UuchoBterExpreBs. A nun had jtut takun his neat iu a treot cir , in fact ho had gut fuirly dotrn , wbeu Udy uutero' ' . He im mediately rose. "Don't rise , sir ; I beg of yon , don't ! " she snij. "Good aveus , ma'am , " he jelled , ' 'I must ! Tuer V pin threu inctita lung set up on thnt s at " A reporter on Sa'i Fraccieco pi per wrote the following account of his bated rival's marriage : "Tho-brido was radiant in a beautiful l&vendar silk dress , with orange wreath and six button No. JD kid gloves , slightly birst in the thumbs. Tha groom was as straight as a black cloth snft con structed by the best tailor c n Tehama stre t could make himj and as" red in the face aa was consistent with a pair of boots two sizs to small and No. 13 collar encircling his mauly 1C inch neck. Fortunately before the cere mony was over the restraining button on the b c't of his shirt flaw out and saved him from strangulation. " EDUCATIONAL. The Indiana legislature has faikd to pass the proposed compulsory edu cation bill. The Boston school committee has finally decided not to make the pro posed reduction ii the salaries of hchool teachers. The Boston acciely of natural his tory will open a sea-side laboratory at Annitquam , Maaa. , Jnno 15 , the s i * flion to end September 15. A now building for the Indian girls is soon to ba erected at Hampton , Va There are sixteen new Indian students in the government school there , three of them being Apaches. The average cost of teaching , per pupil in the Philadelphia echojls is § 9.46. Based on annual expenditure the overage cost is § 12 00 The school board is shortly to consider an amend ment to the rules providing that no pupil shall bo excluded from the schools by reason of coler. The total amount received for the Connecticut schools from all sources during the past year was $1,481,080 93 AH increase of § 33,000 ever the year before. ' The attendance was 119,094 a percentage upon the school population of 94 37. The male teachers received an average monthly salaty of ? 5G 43 , the female teachers ? 35 42. It h estimated that the increase In the school population of Texas is an nually 10 to 15 per cent. One-fourth of the general revenue has been ap propriated against one sixth last year for the public free schools , but the rate of taxation has been reduced , and the general revenue will probably be smaller. The iggrogato school fund from all sources in 1880 was only § 824,022. It is both pleasant and novel to read the comments upon the recent action of Oimbridgo admitting women to fuller privilege * . It has already had a remarkable effect In liberalizing pub lic opinion. In the past ten years there has been a marvellous advanca in the popular ideas concerning woman's educ ition. Those who hive longaiipportid her claims to intellec tual growth may well bo permitted a little sarcasm over the blind preju dices of the past. "We doubt"saya Mr. George "William Curtis , in the last "Easy Chair , " "if mothers will iove their children loss because of this opining of the university gates , and wo do not fo&r that even in this spring the yount : man'a fancy will refuse - fuse to turn to thoughts of love bo- causa Conlguude may bo more de voted to Newton thau to Worth , or more observant cf a star in Lyra than of the nolitalre In her own ears. " Don't balieve everything , bnt bo assured that St. Jacob ] Oil is flic rem edy of the age. True to Her Trust. Too much can not be said of the ever faithful wife and mother , con stantly watching and caring for her dear ones , never nrglocting a single duty in their behalf. When they are assiiled by disease , and the system should have a thorough cleaning , the stomach and bowels regulated , blood purified , malarial poison exterminated , she must know that Electric Bitters are the only sure remedy. They are the best and purest medicine in tha world , and only cost fifty cents. Sold by ISH & McMiuoN. (2) ( ) T3SC33 Great German REMEDY ron ftlBDHATIH NEURALGIA , 8 ! SCIATICA , LUMBAGO , BACKACHE , GOUT , | tj3iifiitiiiaiijj | | | SORENESS onuc : < nRnfflllIi ! ! > CHEST , jljjnBimiunaailjjjI SORE THROAT , 1'iiMiira ' ) QUINSY , iiuimiPtfllll SWELLINGS " ' ' ' " 'lilto ' SPEAINS , FROSTED FEET EARS. SCALDS , GEtlEEAL TOOTH , EAR AMD HEADACHE , AXD All oilier hm if No Preparation on cirtb tuas ST. Jicons OIL a SArK. scar , sivru : and cnur Kitcrail Itemedj. A trial oatiiU Lut the com iratiTely trifling outUr of M Ccxrs , and every one BUlTeriDg irith I oln c&n AATe cbupani poaitire proorof iti clalmi. IlIItECTIOXS 15 EIXYEX H\OUiJES. SDID BT All DSUaDISTS AM DfAURS IN MECIIISZ. A. VCGELER S. CO. Ittiltitiinrr , 3IO. , IT. ti A. Any ono { having deal aniiutU I will remove h < m free of chir o. ontcn Bon'.beaat corn r of Hamey and llth * t ' eeconJ dixir. CHJR'IES SPiirr. $2,250,000 ROYAL HAVAHA LOTTERY. KXTKAOilPIKAHY DRAV/IKO , Al'KIMZth. 15000 TIOKE1S ONLY , 7 2 PRIZES. SJIALI/tbT I'ltIZE , SI.COO. 1 Prlzi | 1.C(0,0.0 ( I 1'rlze 200 > t Irizo SOO.OfO 8Prze.810 , COeac'i fcO.OOO 1 Proe 100,000 8 Prizes , 5OMea h 40,000 1 IVize 10,000 7 21 rlzcj am't'g to $2,250,000 Whole Tickets , $1CO ; ItaUcs , $ :0 ; Quarters , $10 ; Tenths.ieTBtr.tIctha ; , ? 8 , Fonlctlu , * 4. Lttle Havana U hurcriicd eitlrdy iiy the aboicdrawinr. 1 Prize , $0COO 722 Prizes , $10,110. Uho'ei , * 2. iisircs , 81. ROMAH & CO- ' Sncccesoia toTAYl.Oll & Co. , Kcw York. CIrcct all nnnuiil atloni and ni nvy to 11011AN It C < > . , Geruralgents , 233 Street * , > > ew Unveil. onn. ml4lm GEO. ii. PAKSELL , M. D. I'.wmj n Jicvba ) lock , uj et lf , c.iri .r of ClUul Aicnua and IVh tlrttt. ttwdonce U25 Shcmun Avenue. May 'c concuit cd at reel ie ire 7 lo 0 p m. < -iw-.t | Wc < liiejday . 81'KJ/AljTY Ob.litticj an 1 r < liia * of Wo. mm. Crbiu Inms 0 to H a. m and 2 to * P. * " Siiiiii ) n r to 7 n m _ mlMlm J. R. . . Mackey , DENTIST. Corner 15th und Douglas Ste. , Otnahn. Tncts lle-H- iblr. . 32 2w TWO DOLLARS WILL SKtUS ) B ' 5'.1 For Gentle Women Who want glossy , Inxuriant and wavy tresses of abundant , beautiful Hair must use HOPS KATHAIBON. TWs elegant , cheap article always makes the Hair RTOTT freely and fast , keeps it from falling out , arrests and cures grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair strong , giving it a curling tendency and keeping it in any desired posiiion. Beau tiful , healthy Hair is the sure result of usias Jiatbairon. Geo. P. Bemis EAL ESTATE AGENCY. 16th & Doiqla : Sit. , Omahat Neb. In la agency iloro aimaiM a brokerage boil nt'3. Dooa notdpocuUte , aad therefore any ai- g&lna on ita books mo luraiod to Ita p&tronf , in stead of bclnsr cobbUd np by the atrent _ & HILL. REAL ESTATE BROKERS No IjOS Farnham Strut OMAHA - NEBRASKA. Office Morlh 81 Jo opp Grand Central Hotel. Nebraska Land Agency , DAVIS & SHYDER , 1505 Faniham St. Omahat Nibr. 100,000 ACKE3 carefully PolectoJUnJ in Eatcrn N3bnvki for sale. Great Bargains hi ImproTcd taring , and Omaha dtyptoport" . O. F. DAVIS. WEBSTER 8NTDSR , Late Land Coia'r U. P. R. R la-iobltl BYRON RX81I. LXT14 KJH3. 5&yron & Reed OLDBSTK8TA1IU&D EE AL ESTATE AGENCY IN NEBRASKA. Keep B complete : abstract of title to a1 ! Real Eatate In ( hnah and Donglaa Cminty. m yltl week J12& day at homo ciflllj made ; caeb r , outfit Iren.AiIdiew Tine k Co.Pt.rtlDil.W LEGAL NOTICE. Clurlcs Q. Lot , ncn rcs'dtiit defendant : You are hcr liy notified thit on April lOlli , 1SS1 , Jipe'lt'oiiMai filed in the Lis'rkt Court , within and for Douglas CcU-ity , > , etr2 kit by Isaaf EilwarJs , plhlntitf , nyrxMibt jou , as defend- ai.t , thcobj a and pra\rr ( f tthi h petlt'on ii that an account may be taken of tlic amount due en certain notes , and a mortiMo executed and dclitcrcd tn Apr.l lith. lf.73 , 1 > > ( aid Chsrlcs O. Lot to one Theodora L YAH Dam , and by th ° ( aid Van Dorn ilulj as ine < l to said plalrtiff , and that in default of tbo pjment of such amount so to ba found due , vuth into est , costs ai d attorney 'a fee , lth a abort time to ! > j fixed by said court tbe premises described In ea'd moitgago , to-wit : S uth 24 feet of naith Hi feet , part of lot one (1) ( ) . block 7J , in the City of Oiniha , to. d C unty and State , together nltl fie a purten > ncc3 may bo ordered to be sold , and the proceeds applleJ to the payment of the amount BO found duo to said nlamUfl , togtthtr with interest , cctts slid a reasonable turn which Is prayeJ to be awarded as an attor t ney's f eo herein , and thatjou may be fo.C'er txcludea from all light , Interest and equity of rcdempt'on in cr to Bald premia n or any parithereof , end for gener al rcl.ef you are required to answer eold p-jtifon on the 30th daof May , 1881. ISAAC EDWARDS , aplCoea'-lt _ I'.aintiff. JNO. G. JACOBS , ( Formerly of Qtah & Jacobc ) No. 1117 Farnbam . . Old Sund of Jacob Oil Df a , J. EUSSELL , M. D. , Homeopathic Physician. Dl cicc3 cf Children and Chronic Diseases a Specialty. Office at lic-Mencc , 2000 Ca-s St. Horns , 8 to 10 a. m. , lto2p.rn.Fnd after G p.m. aplgdtm HEW HARNESS SHOP. The unricniined hnini : had nir.o > eara ex perience with G. If. & ; J. S. Collln- , and twenty- four 3caraof practical hamesd miuii p , las now commen cd bu'iness for liima U in the large new shop 1 dojr s.uth of the eou heist corner of Uth nud Harnej fcK He * jll employ a iar o orco of skilled workmen and mil 11 all orders in his pline promptly and cheiplv. II. I5Uii : > ICK. THE LATEST VICTORY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE. Xho only cilsthiff remedy for orory spo- olos of Acnto or Chronic Dlxcasa nt U > o Organs of Respiration , and an absolute SPECIFIC FOR CONSUMPTION ! T pniS nil-powerful vejrotnblo preparn- JL tion pxpols from the lungs and air pns- the mucus anil niuco-pusproiluccd by pi'lmonnry Inllcminatlun , licnle the trrftntod mcmbrsui * ) ? . and rcnovntr * oory organ -which utilizes the breath of Ufo. It contains nontupcfyini ; poison , nnd Iain all respects n healthful medi cine. The rapidity and certainty wltU nhlcU it ANNIHILATES A COUGH t astonishing. -ofTectH go deeper than the raoro nymptoms of pulmonary clls- cnsoandillscliargcs the cnuso from the dyntcin. l-'roo nnd pninlesi ozpcctora * tion Is the jiiodo byivhlch it relieves the luiiCit , client nnd thront t rom thoburdens which oppress them ; thus arresting Consumption - sumption and Itronchltis In thoRernibo. fore they ronoh the more dangerous etugca. Xho emaciated sufferer BATTLING FOR LIFE xrllh the most terrible gcoitrgo of onr cli- mnto will find X'riticli'a Prussinn Couch Syi up a potent ally , nnd Trill assuredly v In the light by adhering strictly tothla great medicine. The CASES NOW ON RECORD In which It has been administered with rnliro siicecs * as a. n-tnody for every vo- riuty of mnlnily iililch nlTi-cts the Ko- sjilratory I'uiictloiis , cJuouiit to more tlluu FIVE THOUSAND nt ( licprexontduto , and yet the prepara tion i > only in the Infancy of Ite uioful- ness. The cront defect of all Cough. lti'nn'dli.4 hitherto introduced Is that tlmynro dimply expul ory. llonco thi-y are usrlrsi ; liiriiiileKt the causes of the ncrld norrctinnKvhirh arc coughed up an : remo\cilniid the ruptured , Inflamed or mntur.itrd surrncrK hcalud and re stored to their niturnl tone , a euro is Iniponlblc. rritsch'H Prussian Cough Syrup nccompll-ihes thcio objects. The mucus nnd muco-piis ulilch are the conK - K < iiiencu of J.unp ; I ) i. casi' , are thrown off by It , while at the same time it soothe * and Intlgnrates Iho weakened tissues * "LIFE FOR THE LUNGS. " I"or roughs , rolds , influonrn , bronchial ( lltliciiltles , tightness of tl.ochestlionr e- ii'.i , Hire thront , trarhltU , Inllammn- tion f the lungs , tliclculty of breathing , pleurisy nnd all dlsordDraofapuImonary n.ituru. It has nc\cr been equaled. Sole nitcnts In America , 1UCHAKUSON U CO. fit. IxmU. Mo. EOU > BY ATT , DRUGGISTS. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS. AO ENTi WANTBO FOi : atotJt Soiling Book of tbe Agel Foundations of Success. uufai.VBaj ANi'Suivr. KOHHS Tlie l ws of tnule. Ie l formH , heir t i tnnv art huiinerH , valaabta tahlocUl eUcinctt- , pnrlumeiiUry rmuge , .l\v to omJiict inbilc bnainca ; In ftct it Is a coin-MeJuil6 | to Fiicct's for all c atmj. A family ntce-sity. Address for circular and epcclal term * ANCIIOK FUBLlSII- INOCO.,8t. Lulu , Mo. W1KIHD KDOSE8. THE QLDE8T ESTABLISHED. BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. CALDWELLHAMLTONfCO ] Bn-iaew tnmwcted game M that o n Incor. pantad Bank. Accooata kept in Currency or gold jukjoct to * Ight check without uotloo. Certificate * cf d pont ! t med payable In th.-ee. tlzandt olvomuathsbcailnz interest , or on demand without Ir.ttrcat. Advances maJ to coatomera on spproved sa- cnrltiM at m rk t rtw of Interest Ba ) and sell KOld , Ulla of oichiajo OoverB- meut. State , County anil City Bonds. Praw Sight Drafia on England , Ireland , Scot. land , and oil parts of Europe. Sell European Pacsago Ticket * . COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. inildt U. S. DEPOSITOEY. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP O3TAH& . Cor. 13tb and Faniham Streets , OLDEST BANKING ESTABLISHMENT IN OMAHA. ( SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE BROS. , ) ISTABU3nSD 15 1859 , Organized u a Nations ! Benk. August SO , 1S63. Capital andProfits OyerSSOO.OOO Specially knthorlwd by ihe Bocretary or Trwsnry to r celT Subscription to tha U.S.4 PER GENT. FUNDED LOAN. OFFICERS AND DIKRCIOUi U"E2VAK Kcaims , President. Auaonos KOUHTZI , Vice rtwtdent H. W. Tirza. Csahler. A. J. PortLxroa , Attorney. Jonii A. Cn iainoa. r. H. Diva , Ara"t O&sMti. m t TU3 biak receives deposit without ngud to amounts. Issnee time certificates bea/lng interest. Draws dr IM on Ban frandaco and principal cities ot the Cnltad Btatc * . al j London , Dublin , Edinburgh and tbo principal dtiw ot the conti nent of Kurope. Bella passae * tickotg for Emigrants in tha In * man ne. so. yldt ! HOTELS THE JRIQINAL. Oor. Eandolph St. & 6th Avc. , OH10AGO ILL. PRICES REDUCED TO $2.00 AND S2.50 PER IMY Located In the bnalueea centre , conrcniont to places of amusement. Elegantly furnished , containing all modern Improvement * , passenger elerator , &c. J. II. CUMMINOS , Proprietor. ociett J Cor. MARKET ST. & BROADWAY Council Bluffs. Iowa * On line o Street Hallway , Omnlbna to and from all trains. KATKS Parlor floor , $3.00 per day ; second floor. 32.00 per day ; third floor , $2.09. The best furnished and most commodious hooso liithectrv. OEO. T. PIIELPS Prop FRONTIER HOTEL , Laramie , "Wyoming , Tiie miner's resort , good accommodations , arco BMnple room , charges rcor.b'e. ' . Hpocial attention given to trarelln ? . : ici. ; 11-tf II. C niLLIVnn Pr-orVtor. Cheyenne , FIat-clE3 , Flno ar c 53--plc Hcoma , ore block from depot. Trilii-s 5'p /mni 10 minutes to 2 honre for dinner ' r < B s to and from Dop.t. llntcs Jino li'it. an 1 .yC , according to room ; : ngle moat 7ft CLII ! A 1 > iL't " , fruprielor. w nr'i. . v. . . * > v- mio-t AOKMi. W .MV D FJfl O At S V. ' LL'OK , { | Bibc fr the Bern * tl e s oiy of the CC'I , tU'C3 by KJV. Ceo. Alexander Cn < o' < , D. 0. in > < mp c nnd aHrac- tuc Iinuiu e far o'd and juiinjr. ' r > fu9cly lllnsti-atcl , taking mo t intC'fti' ir an 1 im- prp ivoyouth'f iastnictir E\cr parent will eecu'C t is work I'cic'icrs , jou 3.10 dJ cir- cuIMtl' . V i.el CO. Sen1 * for c.rcul-rj With extr rrnu J ! 1 LlIAMIintS 4 ' . J M. Lrnh , Mo Coutm'-e3 to Eoar for Moores ( ) A SADDLKitY , I have adiit. ( a the Lion aa n Trade Mark , and all 017 Goods will be stamp ed with the Lion and my Kamu on the game. No Goods are ggcuino without the above atimp ? . The bust material ia im-d ncd the moat skilled workmen are en'oloycd , end at the lowest cash prico. Anynno wishing a prica hat ot goods will confer a favor by sending for one. DAVID SMITS MOOEE. I. VAS CAMP , If. D. E. t. Siaaisa , M. P. NEBRASKA MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE , PIHVATE II ! Si2TAL. Now open for the recei tln o jw l nli for tl-n THEATUENTOKALLCHIt IMJ ANHSU. 01 tfAL DloEASES. DJtS. VAN A3ir & M I.\H. Phyaiciaiia & Surgeond , Proptietora. ODD El LOWS BLOCK. COPNtR UTH DODGE STS. , OMAHA. NEB- A. W. NiSON. 3D E5 3ST 07 I S X , Orrici : Jacob' * ci , cotwr Capto . ' Xith Street. OmabV a ) IRIEIMIO "V IE3JD ! ; THE NEW YORK CLOTHING HOUSE Has Eemoved to 1309 FARNHAM STREET , ( Wax Meyer's Old Stand. ) Where They Shall Keep Constantly on Hand' an Immense Stock of MEN'S , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING , HATS , CAPS AXD GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. PB10ES ALWAYS THE LOWEST. and Examine Goods and 3VL V 1309 Faniham Street , Omaha , Neb. MORE POPULAR THAN EVER. The Genuine SINCER NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. Th popular demand for tha GENUINE SINGER In 1879 exceeded that of any previous year during the Quarter of a Century in which thin "Old IteHalile" Machine has been before the public. In 1878 we sold 356,422 Machines. In 1879 we sold431lO7 Machines. Excess over any previous year 74,735 Machines. Our sales last year were ot the rate of over 1400 Sewing Machines a Day I For erory business day In tbe year , rrcBirxxzaxrcBxaxfc The "Old Eeliab'e" That Every REAL gjnger jg tne Strongest , Singer Sewing Ma- * . , m _ j I"8 Simplest , tha Most chine bos this Trade Mark cast into the ! Durable Sowing Ma- Iron Stand and em- ' " china aver yet Con- bedded in the Arm of strnoted. the Machine. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING GO. Principal Office : M uare , New Tork. 1,500 Subordinate Office * , in the It nited States and Canada , and 3,000 . Office * inth Old World and South America. .eiilfilwtf PIANOS l ORGANS. cr. s. AGEHrToB CH1CKERING PIANO , And Sole Agent for Hallet Davis & Go , , James & Eolmstrom , and J. & G. Fischer's Pianos , also Sole Agent for the Estey , Burdett , and the Fort Wayne Organ Go's , Organs , I | deal in Pianoa and Organs exclusively. Have had years experience in the Bosineaa , and handle only the Beat. j. S. WRIQHTj \ 318 ICth Street , City Hall Building , Onuiha , Neb. HALSBY T. FITOH. Tuner. DOUBLE AKD SINGLE AOTISO POWERDOUBLE Steam Pnmps , Sngino TriimniDgB , Mining Maohinary. BELTIHD HOSE , BRASS AND IROM FiniSJGS , ? ! FE , 8TEAS PACK1HD AT WHOLESALE AUD BKTAIL. HALLABAY WiHD- iLLS , CHURCH AHD SCHOOL BELLS A. L. STBANQ. 205 Faroham Straat OmahH. Keb J. A. W A K E F I E L D. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN LUMBER , LATH , SHINGLES , Pickets , Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , Lime , Cement , Plaster , &c. STATE AGENT FDR MILWAUKEE GEMEHT CO. , Near Union Pacific Depot , OMAHA , 38EB. IE DVE O , * i f * ' S1 ' * Ji f l i * JI 4 * fi TH PE It Has Removed From His Old Stand on Douglas Si , to His NEW AND ELEGANT STORE , 1313 , . . * , Where He Will i > < ; Pleased tSIr f all * * U ? Oh'l Patrons.