: czs : v7 c < \ 38UOH OBIMToJI- YOL.X. , , OMAHA , . NEBRASKA , THURSDAY APE1L 21 , 1881. ETO. 248. Established 1871. MORNING ! EDITION. Price Five Cents P ; WILLIAMS & § ONS , This Week We Will Offer -INCASE 4 > CHILD'S HOSE at 25c and 35c per Pair , _ Worth 50c and 60c. CASE Ladies' Silk Clock Balbriggan - briggan , Made , At 25c a Pair. , This is a U&EE BAEGAIN of which.it would "be we 11 to take advantage. . I V < J ONE . . . . „ LADIES' ASSORTED - FANCY HOSE , At 25c a Pair. t f These are all New Designs and , . FAST COLONS. We Also Offer : Iia'dics'lHosc at lOc * Aiidupto - - $3,00 „ " LADIES' -HIP AND SILK HOSE , -At RUIKOUS JEIOES. liCasc-Gent's Half Hose ' , ' % * At,35c , , , . per , - Dozen. g oisf s O--SE Geiil'&jCaiicy Half Hose , Regular.L3vflade. and Fast. . Colors , at 25c a Pair. TlieleHosearl'-wortb , and have * U ifaveraHea"1 , for less * than 40c We are displaying a very fLarga and Elegant Aesort- ment'ot GENT'S 'HALF HOSE , At'Prices that SURPRISE EVERYONE. ' Don't- Fail to See these Goods , L. B. WILLIAMS & SONS * > "Cash Ketailera , " Cor. Dodge and 15th Streets , - \ S f ' fi * ' - -i - . ; ' * . * JDU < U ( D -D 33OJ d3 OJ 1-r. ' 02 SO ) J ! Qa -a ag H 3 3a TO-DAY'S HEWS CONDENSED. iiEAi , April 20. A now line is about to to established on the St. Lawrence river , to ply bo F'tween Cape Vincent and Montreal , in connection with the Amoricin rail roads. NEW YORK , April 20. A peculiar death from lock-jaw is reported , of a twelve year old girl , who died Mon day at Kingiburp from the effects of a hair which had grown Into the eye from the upp3r eye-lid. ATHOL , Mass. , Aprfl 20. A bridge throe miles east of Peqtiot station , on the Fitchburg Railroad , burned last evening. The bridge was three hundred feet long. Traffic ia ser iously delay pd. , „ WASDISOTOX , April _ 20. The National Academy of Science in an nual sessiou in this city , is largely at tended by distinguished scientists from all pirls of the country. NEW YORK , April 20 Seven thousand immigrants have landed at Castla Garden within the past twenty- four , hour * , ' three-quarters of whom i-BrfGermwis. The immigration this year so far is about 2503 more than during 1880 , up to the same period. S Gov. Long and the council of Massachusetts voted In response to the generally sitrned petition to re prieve Stearns K. Abbott , charged with the murder of M&ria Crno at Groton , till June 23. Henry S. Crocker , proprhtor of the famous old Pequot house nt New Lon don , Ct. , died last night. Buck & Hirsch's saw mill , at Not. 533 and 539 West Fourteenth atreet , New York , was destroyedby _ fire yes- j-t rday morning. LOBS , § 70,000. WASHINGTON WIRINGS. The Senate Still Hangs Its fire , And Discusses Political Mat ters in General. Nominations Sent In by the President. bENATE. Sped&l Dispatches to Tin Bit. WASHINGTON , April 20. Mr. Divres , upon the opening of the sen ate , corrected the statement made by him eoveral diys ago concerning out- r ges on a Massachusetts man in Mis sissippi. He had iha clerk read a published statement of Mr. Heath , the victim of the-outragp , which- cor roborated his statement , except to the locality , which was in Louisiana , and Mr. Dawes attributed it to Mississippi through misinformation. Mr. Jonas replied in defense of the people of Caldwell parish , where the outrage was eald to have taken pi ice. He eaid there wcs nothing to show that the crime alluded to had any po- lilic&l significance , or differed miteri- ally from what might have occurred in any other state. Mr. Jonas hcd the clerk read a published account of a recent burglary and murder at Andover - ver , Mas ; . , and remarked that Louisi ana never had the name of murder beIng - Ing committed to obtain means to get a theological education. Ho would have more to say on the subject when he could get further informotion in regird to alleged outrages in tlio state. Mr. Frye , cf M ine , made a speech charging the democrats with a knowl edge of being in 'he wrong and acting contrary to the constitution , and ad mitted they displayed , remarkable bravery in their position. The sen ator from Georgia was particularly brave in attacking the great Golitth of Massachusetts , eincL , unlike the David of Holy Writ , he knew the Lord was not on his side. He pre sented statistics to show the fallacy cf the southern cry against the .educa tional qualifications of the northern suffrage laws , when the north apj ro- prlited sixteen dollars for every dollar in the south. IIo also wondered at the bravery of the senator from Flor Ida talking about the poor and starv ing mill operatives of Massachusetts , when the operatives o.f that state htd money enough in the styings banks to buy up Florida's real and personal property nnd have fitly mil lion dollars left. B jt the bravest one of all was the sena or from North Carolina , when lie dared to say that his state never repudiated any of its debt. He then entered upon a com parison ef the freedom of the ballot nocth and south , EC cctlng what he called a few specimen bricks from the court records to show okction outrages in Florida and other fitattsand , statis tics of dufrcnchiaemen1- . A he cited incidents in F ; or id a , South Carolina and Texas , the ro- spec live senators of those states jumped up and and asked for the evi dence. Mr. Fryo referred them one and all to the judicial reports which ho had consulted. The debate continued , during which a lively tilt occurred bnween Burn- side and Butler. At 4:50 : p m. tha senate adjourned. WASUIKGTON , April 20. The fol lowing nominations were pent to the senate to day : J. Henry \ViIs3a , for collector of customs for the District of Columbia ; Abner Tibbetts , of New Mexico , for the district of Paso dul Ncrte , Tex. ; William Hunt , Jr. , of Montana , for the dhtrict of Montana and Idiho. Collector of internal rev enue , George B. Everett , for the Fifth district of North Carolina. Richard A. Elmer , of New York , second end assistant postmaster general , vice A. D. Hazen , appointed assistant at torney-general. Ten million dollars or. the 3 per cent bonds were issued yesterday. The treasurer Is now prepared to issue a large amount of them every day. The called sixes are coming in satisfactor ily.W. W. H. Young and Cyrus L. Foster have been appointed storekeepers in the Fifth .Kentucky district. CRIMES AND CRIMINALS. Dark Doinga of the Day Just Passed. dbpttch to Th * Itoo. HOLI.Y SPKINGS , April 21 1 a. m. Wyatt Uolines was sentenced Tues day 10 hang , and Jm Woods to the penitentiary for ten yean tor the mur- dur of Andrew Scott. A UOHRIBLD DiaCOVEllY. SmcUl Duptlch to The Ceo. LAKE CHABLES , In. , April 21 1 a. m. Some gentlemen pissing through Cildwell county , Ttxa ? , Tuesday , discovered a litlla girl about 13 years old chained to the door of a smoke- houaa , etnacutod almost literally to a skeleton , nearly naked , covered with vermin. She wai perfectly insane from her terrible aufferrngj. Tao neighbm did not know of the pres ence of the child and the affair ! mys terious. AN rvsx TADE. Spec 3.1 Dispatch to Till BII NEW YOKE , April 21 1 p. m. William Wise , whoso jewelry store in Brooklyn was robbed on the 10th in stant of $5,000 worth of watches , has recovered his properly from the thieves by paying 52,100. The nego tiations were carried on through an sgant , who did no even sea the thieves. Ha went to a place fixed upon and the property was" passed through an aperture and the money was passed in. A H.ABD PAIR. SptcUl Dispatch to Toi Itn. PITTSBCRO , April 21 1 a. m. John Lovj and his wifa were arrested by United States detectives to day , and furnished $2000 bail each in the United States circuit court , to appear at the May term. The charge against them is attempting to procure the payment of a fraudulent claim foe a pension and for giving fiho vouchers. They live in Westrmreland county. The allegation set forth by the de fendants was that John A. Love , their son , died shortly after his return from the army , and In support of their claim they offered what purported to be an t-flidavit , which was forged. They also presented a bogus certifi cate of assessed valuation of property belonging to them , purporting to have baea made by the assessor of their district. WHAT EILLBD HER 1 Two weeks ago Mrs. Lsibcck died and was buried. A rumor that she died from an attempt at abortion caused the coroner to proceed to the cemetery and exhume the corpse yea terday , preparatory to holding an in quest. A jury was empaneled , but the verdict could not be obtained , bnug kept from the oars of the press. A CAPPER CAPIUEED. Sp cUl Diipatcb to The Ber. EaiE.Pa .April21 la.m. Jas.Fre nell , n notorious burglar , who robbed the Jamestown ( N. Y. ) postoffica last Saturday night of § 300 worth of geld pens , was caught hero and taken back to Magnillo , N. Y. , yesterday. HANOOOK USVIT D By the People of Tennessee to Gome and See Them. Special Dispatch to THB Bn NEW YOEK , April 21 1 a. m. A committee of prominent citizens of Tennessee met Gen. Hancock at noon yesterday in the offices of the Louis ville & Nashville railroad company for the purpose of inviting him to visit their state , in accordance with a joint resolution to that effect lately passed by the Tennesjao legislature. Trie special cause cf the invitation was that it is desired to have him attend the coming Nashville and Louisville exhibition during the military week , May 24th and 2Grh. The committee came to this city expressly to extend the invitation. Gen. Hancock ex pressed his thanks for the honor con ferred upon him , but said , at first , that he ti ! > ught it doubtful if he could make the trip proposed. When ctrongly urged , however , he promised to take the matter into consideration. FOREIGN FLASHES , Cabled From Across the Stormy Atlantic. THE UTE LOKD'3 LETTERS. Special Diipatcb to the Beo. LONDON , April 21 1 a. m. Lord RiTrion , Lord Beaconafield'a former private secretary , by command of the queen , visited lur majesty at Oaborne Tuesday , it h understood on matters connected with his late lordship's cor respondence , and certain other aifalrs relating to him in which she felt a friendly interest. The time for Lord Baaconafiela's funeral is yet uncer tain. CHINESE COLLISION. Special Dispatch to Tux BIB. LONDON , April 20 10 p. m. It is reported that a dispatch haa been re ceived at the admiralty announcing a collision in Chinese waters botvreon the Bntuh gtmbo t "lapwing" and the Chinese steamer "Hochung , " in which the latter sunk. No details are yet made public. ritlNUKSS LOUISE COJUKO HOME. Special DiBpatch to The Bte. LONDON , April 21 1 a. m. Prin cess Louioe will otnbirk nt Liverpool for Canada May 19 or 2C. OEDIN'S FLOOD OVEU. Special Dldpatch to the BXK. SZEOEDIN , April 21 1 a. m. After a fortnight of almost superhuman ex ertions the danger of inundation is passing away. DISB&ELTS DEATH. A Court Difference aa to His Burial. Special Dispatch to The Bee LONDON , April 21 1 a. m. Mr. Gladstone hai written to Lord Raw- ton , saying that the death of Lord Baaconsfield must bo regarded with mournful interest throughout the country , and aho beyond Great Brit ain. He aho offers to give directions for a public funaral unless the friends nnd relations tro adverse to such. LirdRurton and Sir N. Rothschild hive replied that they feel precluded in accepting the offer , in consequence cf the terms of Lord BeaconsGeld's will , made in 1878 , which directs that ho ba buried in the same vault with hia wife. Weary or Life. Special Dispatch to The Bee. PiTTSBtTHa , Pa. , April 21 1 . m. A man fiom New Orleans yester day afternoon , whose name could not bo learned , stripped himself and de liberately plunged into the Mcnonga- hela river with the intention oj com mitting suicide. He was rescued by a timely arrival of aid. A well known undertaker by the name of Weiman , of Allegheny City , committed suicide hat night by jump ing into the Allgheny river. Kill .Him. Quick ! Speciil Dispatch to Tn Un. MONTREAL , P. Q , April 21 1 a. m. Veiior predicts cold rains , possi bly with sleet or snow , it the latter pirt of tha week , followed by warm and sultry , warmer weather during the early part of the last week of the month. The month will end cold and wet , with probably a snow fall. FIRE AT ERIE. Spaclil Dlstaich to The Be * . ERIE , Pa. , Anril 21 1 a. m The planing mill and barrel factory of A. J. Jonea , at Northeast , was destroyed by accidental fire last night. Loss , § 10,000 ; insurance 3.000. Weather Indications. Special DIapitch to Tni BIK. WASDIKOTON , April 21 1 a. m. The indications for to-day are : For the Upper Mississippi and Lower Missouri valleys partly cloudy oc cloudy weather with occasional rains , westerly winds in the former and northwesterly in the latter districts ; stationary or lower barometer and temperature. Chicago Notes. Special Dispatch to The Bee. CHICAGO , April 20 10 p. m. Messrs. Moody and Sinkey return to this city from California on Saturday , aud will hold eervicas Sunday. A young prisoner named John Rob inson , suffering with inflammatory rheumatism and consumption was re moved from j til to the county hospi- sl. _ After forty-eight hours treatment be jumped out of a window , climbed a fence , and made good his escape. FLOOD FURIES. Elgin , HI , , Overwhelmed ! with Water. A Heavy Ice Gorge-Breaks Above the Town. The Damage Estimate , at Nearly Half a Million. Spsdal Dispath to The Bee. CHICAGO , April 21 1 a. m. An Evening Journal special from Elgin aaya : Damage to the amount of be tween § 150,000 and § 200,000 wai done tu Elgin yesterday afternoon and last evening by the sadden rising of Fox river , caused by the breaking of an ice gorge ten roilea north of the dam of ( ha Elgin Hydraulic company , , nnd the raca banks baing washed away. About 4 p. m. the Chicago street bridge was destroyed. It coat $35- 000. The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad bridge followed. Loss , $10,000. Scores of dwellings and store basements were flooded. Lint evening at 8 o'clock , another Ice gorge" formed two milea north cf horeand the river rose higher than ever before' ' known. gSouth Grove avenue waa torn up , and the onthonaea swept away. The iron columns of the I. C. & N. railroal bridge were snapped like str&ws by the flogging ice , and the tracka sank four foet. Traina cannot pasa over within ten days or two weeks. The only remaining connec tion between the two sides of the river was sadly damaged , but the bridge can be crossed by foot. Intense ex citement waa canaed , and thousands gathered to watch the hwoc. The Dundee bridge is also gone , and the south Elgin bridge Is partially dam aged.Throe Throe hundred and fifty thousand dollars damage has been done to Eoxe county by the flood yesterday The river la extremely h'gh. ' It ia thought that not much further damage will be done. All of the mills aud moat of the factories have euspeoded. TEE STEIKE MANIA. It Strikes Freight House Em ployes. Spfldil Dkpitch to Tha Bee. CHICAGO , April 20 1 a. m. The employes of all the railroad frieght houses of the city have combined and demanded an advance of from $1.25 to jl 50 per day. SW Pr TO THGLE DEATH. Four Men Drowned at Beloitj Wisconsin. Special Dispatch to The Bca CLUCAOO , April 21 1 a. m. The Evening Now * haa the following . ? special : BELOIT , Wia , April 20. At 4 this afternoon the bulkhead and a portion of the draw at the point of Barrott , Arnold & Kimball's straw bo ird mill , went out. The night fore man , William Comstock , and five men from the Rock Rirer Paper company's eabt aide mill started across in a scow to help save the bulkhead and were sucked in and capsized. All were drowned save John K. Loughridge , who was rescued by Jchn Cunning ham in a tree on Honey island , two miles below. Rock river roao two inches by the waihout , and has gone down two feet again. The body of William Comstock , who succeeded in reaching Honey island with Lough- ridge , is atill lodged on the island. Nothing has been seen of the others. Al. Griffin leaves a wife and one child. Comatock loaves a wife and a child. Dun Auderkirk leaves a wife and two children. Al. Bucklen leaves a wife and two children. James An- derkirk , another of the drowned men , waa single , and a twin brother , o llaniel. CHICAGO INUNDATED. A Rise in the River Floods the Southwestern Suburbs. Speelil dUp&tch to Tits Bn CHICAGO , April 21 1 "a. m. Tha Chicago river continues to boom , and the southwestern suburbs are reported floeded. The ice honso at Willow Springs were washed away , causing a damage of $10,003. The DJS Plainoa river has ovoifl ) wed - ed into the Chicago river and the lat ter u now two feet higher than for many years , coming within about n foot of overflowing the wharves. It passes throngh the city flowing into the lake at the rate of six milea an hour. It is usually a vary sluggish stream , somutimes changing ita course , and flowing throngh the Illi nois river Into the Mississippi. It la believed that the highest point has been reached , as nearly all the anew and ice ha disappeared , and the ground la becoming quite dry in places , DOMESTIC DOINGS. Didn't Get the Pile. Sp cul Dispatch to Tbo Bee. EaiE , Pa. , April 20 10 p. m. Two masked man broke into the dence of William Barstoff , an old man supposed to have a great deal of money , living alone in an isolated part of the country , and attempted to overpower him and mike him tell where ho kept hia hoard. Barstoff broke away and escaped in a nude state to a neighbor's. The robbers secured but $20. Itlrj. Qarfleld In New York. Spedil Dispatch to The Bee. NEW YOKK , April 20 10 p. m. Mra. Preildent GarGeld and party vis ited the city hall and tha new court house this morning , spending an hour under iho escort of Mayor Grace anc the city officials. New Ycr& Items. Spedil illgpitch to The Bee. * NEW YORK , April 20 10 p . m. In iho injunction suit brought by Charles F. Woorishoaffar against the Northern Pacific railroid company , a motion wai to have baen heard this morning for an order making parpet- al the temporary injunction previous ly granted. When the Cise waa called by Judge Barrett in the su preme court chambers , adjournment waa taken until to monow morning wo en a motion to transfer the case to the "United States circuit court will be heard. j | The Tribune's Editor. SpeeUl dUpateh to Ilio Bee NEW YORK , Aprfl 21 1 a. m. Whltelaw Reid denies the report that be is to permanently retire from The -Tribune. CoL John Hay has reluo- iantly consented toiedlt The Tribune while Mr. Keid is in Europe. Saengerfest In Texas. Spedil dlspitch to the Bee. ' GALVESTON , April21 1 a. m. The Texas saangerfest isfnowin fall blast. It will close on Friday. The gover nor and thousands "of visitors are in the city. Concerts are hold in the pa- vllllon , ' which holds five thousand peoplo. . . , "Fire- Fiend Frolics Special Dispatch to The Bee. AKHAN , O. , April 20 10 p. m. A fire in the clothing store of Wm. Schroeder this morgvig caused a loss by fire , stnoko lindVater of § 15,000. The property was insured for $13,000. A Thousand-Dollar Wreca. Spedal Dsp ! t h to The Beo. PrrrsBcno , April 21 1 a. m. A ihousand-dollar wreck occurred on the Pittsburg , Ft. Wnyno & Chicago rail road about twenty miles west of here yesterday. A wild cat freight train an into the rear of the regular roight , throwing the caboose and a car loaded with merchandise off the rack and down a steep embankment nto the river. The engine of the wildcat train was hurled on its side )0tween the two tracks , and it was > adly damigad. The freight car and ta contents proved a total loss. For- ; anately no one was injured. Anti-Treat BUI In Illinois. Special dispatch to The Bee. CHICAGO , April 21 1 a. m. The state legislature yesterday had an anti treating bill reported favorably , [ t imposes a penalty of ten dollars for each offense. 3L1KKET8 1 Y TELEGBAPH. Cnlcapro LJve StocK Market CHICAGO , April 20. Cattle Weak and a shade lower ; S3 75@4 65 for cowa nnd butchers' steers ; § 4 10(34 ( 50 for stockers and fajdera ; § 4 50@4 95 for good ship- lini ; steers ; rtcelpta 5000 hoid. Hogs Prices declined fally 5@10o ; ' 0 'OotgG 20 for light packing and ihipping ; So 80@G 25 for heavy pack- ng ; $6 00@6 50 for good to extra smooth heavy shipping lots ; receipts , 12,000. Sheep Qaiot but tolerably steady ; sales ranged frcm So 50@6 50 , the later - ; er figurejfor an extra prime lot aver aging 162 Ibs. St. Louis Produce Market. ST. Louis , April 20. Flour Firm and unchanged. Wheat Higher but closed weak ; No. 2 rsd , ? 1 08 * for cash ; $1 08J ® 1 09@1 08 $ for May and June ; § 1 04 ? @ 10531 04f for July ; § 1 021 03J @ 1 02g for August : $1 Olfl 02 ® 1 01J for the year ; No 3 do , SI 04J ; Ko. 4 a , Cl OO hid. 'Corn Higher ; 4242 for cash ; 42Jcfor April ; 42j@42ia for May and June ; 42g@43c fir July ; 43fcfor August ; 44jo tor September. Oils Higher at 35@35 c for cash ; 35jj@353 for May ; 37J353 for Juno. Itye Nominal. Pork Dull and lower ; jobb ng , $17 50@17 75. Dry Salt Meals Lower at § 5 60 ® 8 60@8 75 ; nothing doing. Bacon Dull and lower at $ G 00@ 9 25@9 50. St. Louis Live stock Market. ST. Louis , April 20. Hogs Fairly active and lower ; Yorkers and Baltimores , go 85@G 10 ; mixed packing , $5 80@G 00 ; choice to f * ncy , ? G 20@G 35 ; receipts , 7000 head. Omcasro Produce Market. OIIICAOO , April 20. CLOSING. Wheat , moderately active but with out important chr.nge ; corn , quiet but firmer ; Oats in fair request and firmer ; rye , quiet ; short ribs , lower ; pork , active and lower. The bottom dropped out of the pork boom this morning. It opened weak at 818 35 for seller for Jnnp , and during the first hour fell to § 17 55 , from which a small reaction took place. Lird de clined 25(530c ( , and meats about the eame. It is said that a combination has been formed between the bulls who recently sold ou and the reputed leader of the bearpaity to break the market , when they will again get un der it and boost it higher than ever. Wheat Spring , § 1 04 ® ! 04 | for May ; § 1 OGJ@1 OGg for Juno ; SI 06c bid for July ; 1 03 | for Au gust ; 98Jc for the year. Corn May , 43jo ; June , 43J ; July , 4444c ; August , 45j@45c ; clos- intr steady. Oils Closed at 35 | < 535c for May ; 36 < § 36ic for June,3G @ 3G c for July ; 292yc for August. Kve April sold at 81 17i ; May , $118 bid and $119 asked. Lard § 11 1011 124 " for May ; § 11 25 bid for Juno ; § 11 32 1135 for July ; § 11 40@11424 for An- gnst ; $11 4011 45 for September ; ? 10 40@10 50 for the year. * Pork Mess , S17 3017 324- for June ; 817 37 ® 17 40 for July. Bulk Meats Short rib ? , $3 40J@ 8 50 for June ; § 8 55@8 GO for Jul > . New Tort Produce Market NEW YORK , April 20. Flour In moderate dsmand at un changed prices ; southern flour in fair demand and steady ; inferior to choice shipping extras , § 4 75g6 62 . Wheat Leas active ; spot ; ateady ; options weaker ; spot sales of No. 2 red winter at SI 25J@1 26 ; No. 3 do , at 81 22@1 23 ; No. 1 white , at $122J@1 23 ; No 2 do. $121J ; mixed winter , $1 221 23. Corn Firmer and fair demand spot sales of No. 2 , 59J@60Jc ; No. 3 , 56s ; steamer , 69@59ci. Oils Quiet and generally lower No. 1 white , 51c ; No. 2 , 4748c ; Nc. 2 mixed , 44f © 45Jc ; No. 3 do , 44 @ 45c. Rye Quiet and unchanged. Barley Nominal. Pork Fair demand and prices un settled and irregular ; ordinary meaa for early delivery , 818 00@18 25 new hard in moderate demand ; spo sales western steam , $11 60 ; city do 811 45. Beef Liberal demand ; plain mess , ? 9 50 ; extra mess , $11 00@ll 15 ; co : meats in fair demand at full prices 89 0010 50 for pickled hams ; 7 00 for pickled shoulders. * - Whisky Nominal. Cotton Quiet middllngi , 810 75 futures steady. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Not Last Evening1 , But some other evening , the Blondes may conclude to show. They didn't last evening. Causq why ? Cause they couldn't get here. Nebraska City treasures their fragile forms , and la liable to as long as the water con tinues to come up. Little Wanderers. Two Bohemian children , seven and five years of age , were picked up by Officer Black near the court honao last evening. By means of an interpreter it was discovered that they lived near the depot , and they were taken home : o their anxious parents. Struck by Lightning During the tevere thunder storm of Tuesday a small cottage west of he city and near Farnham street was struck by lightning. Thecottage con sisted of an upright part in which the amily were sleeping , and a small wing n tha rear , used as a kitchen. With a singular freak the bolt de- cended to the least exposed portion of the house , shattering the chimney to pieces , tearing off siding in many places , setting the house on fire , and tearing up a great hole in the earth. The family in the upright mrt wore more or less affected by the electricity , but were all able to rush out and with a few pails of water ex- inguish the Same. Had the bolt descended on the upright portion the osult might have been more serious. EETDBHIJSra BLONDES. The Suit Against Their Ad vance Agent Dismissed. Mr. Wm. E. Todd , advance agent or the Saronl Novelty Tronpe , who was arrested on Saturday night last on a charge of reiuting an officer , TTOS rraigned in police court yesterday nd the case was dismissed , City At * ornay Mandorscn representing that Todd had piid to the city dark the [ cense of $15 to exhibit this evening and that in consequence of the river rlao the blondes were blockaded at Nebraska City. Sir. Todd wonld .herefore . lose the amount he had paid or the license. Mr. Todd announced , lowevor , the show wonld be given last evening , aa announced. Col. Smythe stales that Mr. Todd will fight his suits against Che city to he bitter end. Masonic. The members of Capitol Lodge No. ! . A. F. & A. M , and all sojourning roemasons in good standing , are invited - ' vited to attend a lecture to the frater nity by Bro. Henry A. Guild , on next Saturday evening. JOHN H. BDTXEB , Master. Hayward Hefierman. John Hayward , Pullman conductor on the Utah & Northern railroad , was married at the parlors of Bishop O'Connor's residence to Mrs. Emma Eleifaiman , by the Rev. Father Eng- iab , at 8 o'cloct , Tuesday evening The bride wore grey and brocaded silk , bridal yell and orange blossoms. ss Lizzie Murphy 'acted as brides maid and Charles HoefTer aa grooms man. After the ceremony the party returned to the residence of Captain rager , 11914 Cuming street , where a reception was held. Many presents were received. An elegant silver tea set , from the parents of the bride : a chamber set , from Mr. and MM. G. H. Crager ; sil ver card receiver , from J. E. Taylor ; sliver cake basket , from George G. Craget ; handsome gold pin , from MM. H. Pofier , of Philadelphia ; set of silver fruit knives , frem Mrs. Gen. Eatabrook ; silver doable spoon tiolder , from Charles G. Hoeffjr ; an elegant sliver cgs ; ciakot , lined with ld , from Tha Herald office ; fruit basket , from Mra. H. Estabrook , one dozen eilver knivea , from Mr. and Mra. Erkkaon. After congratulations from the quests present , they were then in vited to a splendid supper. A large delegation from Co. G attended in a body in uniform to congratulate their old comrade , ex-sergeant , and Mrs. Hayward. Miss Purfett , of Council Blnflb , presided at the piano. v Take "BLACK-DRAUGHT" and you vrill never be bilious. At C. F. Go Oman's. 47 buihels of Onion sets , at John G. Willis' , Commission Merchant. SILVER PEARL ROUGE , for cleaning silver and plated ware , at EDHOI.M & ERICKSOK'S. Jnit Arrived Bermuda Tomatoes , California Aspsrdgua , and fresh Spinach , at Wiemer'a. 20-21 Grand Jewelry Opening at Edholm &Erickson'E , April 26th and 27th. Undoubtedly the beat shirt in the United States is manufactured at the Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority of Material and workmanship , conj oined with their great improvements , that is Reinforced fronts , Reinforced backs and Reinforced sleeves , makes their shirt the most durable and best fitting garment of the kind , ever manufactured at the a jderato price of $1.50. Every shirt of our make is guaranteed first-class and will refund the money if found otherwise. We make a specialty of all wool , Shaker , and Canton flannel , also chemois underwear , made up with a view to comfort , warmth and dbrabil - Ity. TO Invalids { ipa yiak-lnng persons we offer spesial inducements In the manner theao goods are made for their protection. Pfl. GOTTHEIMEB , 1n7Fm in street. A BOB-TAIL FLUSH. The Hand that Baked the Pot and Settled a Street Car Strike. The Shrewd Managers of a Cincinnati Road Rule Out Conductors. Whitelaw Reid Shearfully Re tires and "Little Breeches" Pants for the Pastepot. The U. S. Court of Kansas De cides a Fine Point in Law. Destructive Floods in the East. StrtKo Ended. Special DUfatch to Tha Ufa. CINCINNATI , April 20 4 p. m. The Newport street railroad strike ended this morning. The company dispenses with the conductors , puts on Dob-tail cm and increases the pay of : ho drivers , as demanded. This was the only line that still remained out. Sewlntr Macnine Worfea Destroyed. MADISON , Ohio , April 10 4 p. m. The mammoth Enterprise works at jJonbva , recently constructed for tha manufature of sewing machines , was turned early this morning. The leas will probably reach § 40,000 or 550- )00. ) Insurance about $15,000. The osa falls principally on citizens of Geneva who subscribed to the works. Reid Ketirea. Sp&lal Dispatch to The Bee. CINCINNATI , April 20 t p. m. The commercial publishes the follow- ng and vouches for it as being from a correspondent who knows : "On : ho 1st cf May or sooner , Whitelaw Eleld retires permanently from the N. Y. Tribune , and will be replaced by John Hay , ox-assistant secretary of state and author of "Little Breeches. " Eleid gees to Europe but will probably not accept the Berlin mission. Ho will go into politics when he returns , ETay having been guaranteed contrel of The Tribune lor five years. An Interesting Decision. Speciil Dispatch to Tbo Bee. TOPEKA , Kas. , April 20 , 4 p. m. [ n theU. S. district court to-day the case of the United.States vs. Haider- man , was tried. It was charged that ; he defendant had ( in.T.dd a registered alter and taken therefrom money. The evidence showed that the letter contained a national bank note. The defendant's counsel argued that this was not lawful money of the United states. The objection was sustained ) j Jndge Foster , and the defendant acquitted. Destructive Flood. Soil&I Ddpatch to tha liaa ELGIN , 111. , April 20 4 p. m. The damage from the flood in Fox river , at this place , is estimated at $70,000. The Milwaukee ASt. . Paul railroad Dridgo was swept away , cutting off all trains. Other bridges were cither en- ; lrely destroyed or badly damaged. Some buildings were also carried away and much of the city inundated. The dam at Geneva was also torn out. > MILWAUKEE , April 20. The river [ s higher than it has been since 18C4 , when the dam gave way. It is now within one foot of flooding the large business houses on Water street. There are many washouts on the railroads , delaying trains. Keystone Trifles. Special dlf patch to The Bee. PrrrsBiraa , April2Q. McKeesport , a small town near here , Is in great ex citement over a murder committed early yesterday morning. Officer Hoff man saw a man acting in a suspicions manner and commanded him to halt , which he refused , and approaching the policeman with a hand in his back pocket , Hoffman thinking he intended to shoot , drew his revolver and shot the man throngh iha heart , killing him Instantly. The victim leaves a wife and one child , was 25 years of age and industrious. Scarlet fever , dlptheria and measels are prevailing to such a fearful extent in New Brighton , Pa. , that the public schools have been closed. An old reliable engineer on the Pennsylvania railroad was discharged at Altoona , yesterday , because he re fused to work on Sunday. FOR SALE , Columbia Bicycle , 50-inch wheel , new standard. Is too small for rider. Caller or address H. C. Cranz , 1209 Harney street. A. ATKINSON & CO. Take great 'pleasure in announcing their grand sjral-annnal display of fine goods on Thursday , Friday and Sitorday , April 21al , 221 and 23d , at their new store in Creighton Block , Fifteenth street , near the poatoffice , with increased facilities to meet the rapidly increasing demand for good goods and artistic work at moderate prices. On this occasion the ladies may expect "tho acknowledged lead ing millinery establishment" to main tain its well established reputation as leaders in the art. All are most cordially invited to at tend. Ko cards. > p8cf MUSIC BOXES at Whipple , Mc- Millen & Co.'e. , Creighton Block , Fifteenth Straet. ani Cement , at Cftarlton Lrothers' , Sisteentli and Jarenport. tf Those wishing first-class dressmak ing should call at 317 N. loth street. ap2-tf Grand Jewelry Opening at Edholm & Erickson's , April 2Cth and 27th. Extra good' bargains Itfall kinds cf Rubber Boots and Shoes , at Full- riede's , Douglas street , near 13th. Grand Jewelry Opening at Edholm & Erickson's , April 26th and 27th. CRUIGKSHANK & GO. SPECIAL SPRING OPENING -OF- Silks , Dress Goods , Trimmings , Buttons , Fringes , Cords and Tassels , Ornaments , Parasols , Hosiery , Gloves , Ladies'Dolmans , Ulsters , Walk ing Jackets and Millinery , ALL AT POPULAR PRICES. SILKS ! SILKS ! SILKS ! We invite an especial inspection of of New At 37 l-2c , 45c , 50c , 60c , 75c , 85c , and $1.00. COLORED DRESS GOODS 1 The Most Complete Stock to be Found in the City. Fine Obelisk Cashm eres , Trench Shoodah Cloths * Eoman aod Bayadere Stripes , line All-Wool Plaids , Plain snd Lace Buntings. 10O pieces excellant quality of Dress Goods in a Variety of Shades , at lOc and 15c. HOSIERY ! HOSIERY ! Special opening of new Styles in Ladies' , Gent's , Misses' and Children's Hose in Cotton , Liale and Silk. GRAND MILLINERY OPENING , On Wednesday Evening. April 13th , ' 81 , and during the week , our Patrons and the Public respectfully invited. A. CRUICKSHANK & CO. EDHOLM AND Wholesale and Retail 31innfacturin : Jt ? I1F tf V TO C < w L KS. STOOIK : Gold and Silver Watches and Jewelry in the City. Come and aeo our stock , as we will bo pleased to show Goods. EDHOLM & ERICKSON , J. W. Murphy & CO- WHOLESALE _ LIQUOR . DEALERS. AND An .iwTd rrm ' Eentuoky Distilling Company , Corner 14th anl DonglaiSta. OMAHA. , N&B. apMJtf HORSE SHOES AND NAILS , Iron and Wagon Stock , the Beat Assortment of WHEELSj in the West. At Chicago Pricey. W.J.BROATCH , 1209 & 1211 Harney Street , Omaha. J nl8-em A. B. HUBERMANN , x. i JEWELER , Cor. Douglas and 13th Sts. - Gives Great Bargains in Ladies' and Gentsj AMERICAN GOLd AND SILVER WATGES Kinds Of JEWELRY , SILVER WARE AND DIAMONDS. We Guarantee The Best Goods For The Least Money.