Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1881, Image 5

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    The Daily'Bee.
Tuesday Morning , April 19.
Patereon sells coal.
TM-ederick , leading Hatter. rnllt !
Nice Bru--hesjat
Sweet Oranges at Buffett' ? . 15-2t
WhiH > le , McMillan & Co. , the jewel
era , Crelghton Block. o26-tf
Fine cigars by the box , very cheap , a
Kulm'flDrugSto-e ,
For FIXE Commercial Job Printing
call at THE BEE Job rooms.
St. Barnabas' Parish School begin
its Trin'ty term on Tuesday next.
-Mixed paintsWhitehouse's drug store
16th and California strest * . aS-cod-ln
1'rebh supply of Handkerchief extract :
and Toilet Soaps just received at Sale's
Nindel & Krelle , Hatters , Sign of thi
Golden Hat , 14th St. , between Farnhan
nnd Douglas. 15-tf
If you want Bill-Heads , LeUer-Headi
Eivelopesor any job work. Call at THI
B Job Hoouis. Prices that will suit
etery one.
The twenty-second annual ball of tlu
iCmmet Monument . association will b (
held at Masonic hall on Wednesday , Apr !
The late rise in the IMissonri left con
sidcrable quantities of fifth in Cut Oil
Lake , and with the fall of the water UK
lake has become so bhallow that manj
lar'e cat fish have been killed and taker
out by liand.
The Ivanhoo Dramatic club mad (
their fust appearance in matinee ye
to day to a fair honsa at the Academj
of Music , presenting tlie play "llobsrl
Emniett. " The performance was excel
lent. . The play is repeated this evening
the proceeds going to the sufferers by th <
late flood.
The contract for building Burns ani
Ellibon'u new Luilding on Farnam etreei
Lax been let to Shaw . Field , late of In
dianapolis , ] ths firm who secured th ; con
tract for the ivoed work on Boyd's Open
House , and who have erected a temporary
carpenter shop near the City Hall. A
Polack has already leased the Kllison hton
for five yean.
Mr. A. T. Hemingway , general secre
lary of the Cliieago Y. M. O. A. , W. W.
Van Aredalc , of Cliieago , editor of Thi
Y. M. C. | A. Watchman , the official pa
l > er of t'ne World's Association , and J. W
Dean , of Chicago , all association workers
will arrive here thia morning iron
Lincoln , and will he tendered a receptioi
in the evening by the Omaha Y. M. C. A
and the members of the various chmchcs
at the parlors of the Coogrcgationa
church. All are cordially invited to be
The water works company is pushinf
forward tlie work of pipe laying or
Dodge street and Capitol Avenue , having
nbout fifty men employed on each street.
The work is entirely completed as the
traug progresses , to the laying of the pipe
and the filling up of the ditch. An addi
tional gang will bo put ou to-day , and
still another on Wednesday , when the
u-ork will be simultaneously pushed , for
ward ou four different streets. The fact
that many property holders have fenced in
a portion of the street makes serious
trouble in the location of the hydrantf ,
which will sometimes come in the middle
of the sidewalk , bomctimes insi.le the
walk , and sometimes inside the fences.
Th'iB will render it necessary for property
holders who Lave city properly feued In
to put the fences where they belong , when
the Btrect limits shall have been ascer
PUIISITU11E at 1'erkina * LontV.
Now slock of the finest hats , latest
fashion aud style at
14th atrcot , between Fnrnham and
Dauglaa &treetc.
Sign of the Golden Hat. tf
Lime ani Cement , at
Chnrlton Brothers' ,
Siskcnth and Davenport. tf
TfioYanHton Sullerors.
The Buffering of the inhabitants
along the Missouri riverat , and above
Yanklon , Dakota , has aroused general
eympathy through oat the land , and
the citizens of Omaha hare responded
liberally to the call for aid. Some of
our most prominent business men have
Bubjcribod one hundred dollars each ,
and by BO doing , not only aid the euf-
forcrs above mentioned , bnt help business -
iness in Omaha to a great extent , for
" \Yhipple , McMillan & Co. arc offering
such extraordinary inducements that
the sufferers will , without a deabt ,
send the money direct to Omaha
again and luvest it in thoao bargains ,
and sell the watches again and moro
than double their money.
This firm has decided to make this
a upecial department of their business
and will hereafter carry the best as
sortment of gold and silver watches , of
standard makes , in the west.
Omaha Lodge , No. 141,1. O. G. T.
will moot at No. 1315 Capital Avenue
on Taosdar evening , April Oth , at 8
o'clock sharp. A fall attendance is
dejirod as important businens will be
brought up. By order of the W. C ,
Those wishing first-class dressmak
ing should call utSIT N. 15th street.
QUEENSWAIIE , Perkins & Lear's.
L. B. "Williams & Sons are making
special efforts in their gents' furnish
ing goods dcpirtmont , this spring ,
and have some of the finest imported
aud domestic undorwaro and hosiery ,
overseen in this market. Their dis
play is simply Immense ; go aud see ,
William's Block , Dodge and 15th Sts.
Death Record.
Robert Moscrip , aged OS years , died
yesterday in West Omaha. He is
the father of LDComotivo Engineer
Moscrip , oE the TJ. P. railroad. The
funeral will take placeWednesday ) , at
8:30 a. in , fromthe ] residence in West
Omaha. The remains will be buried
In the family lot at Ballorue.
Edgar M. , son of j. N. and J. C.
Steward , died April 10th , aged 1 year ,
1 month and 3 days. The funeral took
placefat 2 p. m. Monday at Ft. Omaha ,
Rov. Frank R. Millspaugh officiating.
The remains were Luried at Prospect
Hill cematory.
No head-ache or hack-ache for ladies
who drink "WINE OFCARDUI. "
At C. F. Ooodmin'a.
The City Authorities Stop
the Show and Arrest the
In Return for Which They
Bring Suit Against the City
for Four Thousand Dollars
lars Damage ? .
The Blonde Show , which waste
have performed at Turner Hall on
Saturday evening , WSB taken In hand
by th e cily matthal jutt before the
time for the curtain to risewho stated
that ho was instructed by the myor
to announce that there would T 9 no
show. The house was well filled , and
an editing scene followed , the audi
ence refosing to leave and the police
remaining in charge of the stage.
Wm. E Todd , sgent of the company ,
finally came in fr nt of the curtain
and ssid the cor. any was ready to
proceed , that the show was a perfectly
proper one , and that it depended up
on the audience to etate whether the
chow should go on. On Todd's re
turn ho was arrested and rather
roughly handled by the polica in get
ting him thrombi the hall. He waa
taken to jail and the company otcart-
ed to their hotel , while the lights
were put out and the audience forced
to leave with neither show nor money.
Todd was subsequently balled out by
Omiha men , who believed his arrest
The show tvxs stopped on the
ground that the theatre is not licens
ed , but the usual Sunday evening per
formance was carried on last evening
without interruption. Todd offered
the marshal whatever money waa
necessary to procure a license , pre
vious to going in front of the curtain ,
but-was refused. Ho was arraigned
yesterday on | a gcharga of inciting a
riot , bnt the owe wai continued to
Wedneaday at9 a. m. , Todd demand
ing a jury trial. The show left fci
Lincoln to day , where they will play
to-night , appearing to-morrow evening
at Nebraska City , and returning to
Omaha for Wednesday evening , when
they will make another attempt to ap
pear at Tarner hall.
Mr. Todd , the representative of the
company , has retained Col. Smythe ,
and brought suits for damages against
the city , aggregating five thousand
dollars , it being claimed that the action
of the police wa in egulsr and illegal
in every psrticnlar. The general
opinion of those who were present at
Turner hall Saturday evening , is that
the action of the city mirahil gave
good ground for such a suit. Certainly
it seems that even "the blondes" have
some rights which the law will pro
tect , and the public who wore out
their money , certainly have some
Saengorfest Building.
The location of the hall for the
Missouri YalloylSaeugerfest has been
changed to the northeast corner of
Fit teen til street and Capital avenue ,
which in outside the city Gre limits.
The building will include the hall
proper , seating three thousand per
sons , and dining-room aud kitchen.
Wonted A smart" Boy , of some
experience in Dry Goods , with good
recommendations. Apply to
alG-3t Manager Boston Store.
Our goods has a record cf the BEST
selection from the east and west.
House , 1001 , Farnham , car. 10th St.
Criminal Suit Against a Whole
Farmine Neighbor
Several farmers in the neighborhood
of Elkhorn and "Valley precincts are
Implicated In a peculiar case , which
has been on trial for two or three
days at Attorney Hyde's office. The
facts arein brief as follows :
J. B. Crier owned a farm three
miles northwest of Valley , which was
sold by SheriflGuy under foreclosure
to Samuel Mitchell , of McArdle pro-
nnct , and Mitchell was put in posses-
lion. At that time tha farm was
growing a large crop of corn. Mitchell
mbsequently rented the place to a
nanjnamed Rathman , of Illinois , and
told him the corn four hundred
jushels which had been picked nnd
TRB in a crib oa the premises.
Crier learned the fact and last Mon-
lay ralllied a force of his neighbors
o the number cf thirty or forty men ,
frith fifteen teams , and carted away
ho entire crop of corn.
Immediately after Rathman and
Mitchell came to Omaha and filed a
somplaint before Justice Hycto against
, en of the parilep , whom they could re-
sognlze , charging them with grand lar-
tony. The parties claim that they
icted under the advica of J. L. "Web-
terEsq. , whom they consulted before
aking any steps. Two of the parties
lave been examined and held for trial ,
living bail.
Other arrests are expected to fol-
ow and an attempt is being made to
recover the corn.
Cake great pleasure in announcing
heir grand semi-annual display of
ino goods on Thursday , Friday and
Siturday , April 21st , 22d and 23d , at
heir new store in Crcighton Block ,
fifteenth street , near the postoffico ,
rith increased facilities to meet the
apidly increasing deniind for good
; ooda and artistic work At moderate
> rlcca. On this occasion the hdles
nay expect "the acknowledged lead-
ng millinery establishment" to main-
lain its well established reputation as
leaders in the art.
All are most cordUliy invited to at
tend. Ko cards. p8f
The Blondea to Show.
Mr. WillUm Todd , the manager ; of
the variety troupe which attempted to
show on Saturday night , wishes testate
state that he to-day tendered his li
cence fee to the city treasurer , far the
privilege of giving a musical and va
riety entertainment , in the presence of
Judge Hiley and Officer Waller Stern ,
in Turn Halle on Wednesday night.
The treasurer refused the moneyandla
holding the matter under advisement ,
while in the meantime Mr. Todd
stands ready to pay it at any time.
He alao dssires to redeem all tickets
which were obtained previous to Sat
urday evening , or which were obtain
ed at the doors by those going out.
He refers the authorities of Council
Blnffa , MuEcatine.Mt. Pleasant , Dav
enport and other cities in Iowa ,
where hehas exhibiteias ? to the charac
ter of this entertainment , and asserts
that he will show on Wednesday even
ing If not forcibly prevented.
SECOND hand goods , at Perkina iS
A Week Filled with Dramatic
John A. Stoveni will appear at the
Academy of Music en Tuesday and
Wednesday evenings in "Passion's
Slave" and "Unknown. " The com
pany includes several actors who have
made a wide reputation in the charac
ter acting which these dramas re <
qnire. Among them is Miss Lottie
Church , an old Dinahs favorite ; Miss
Angle ; Griffith , W. H. Bally , the
famous Jack Salt , J. W. Summers.
W. H. Sheldon , J. N. Miller , and
Mr. Gas Williams , the German-En-
gliih dialect sctor , will appear at the
Academyon Saturday evening in "Oui
German Sanator , " In which he has
made a great reputation , and rendered
his name famous ,
Joe Jefferson , the unapproachable
Rip Van Winkle the man who mad <
the character and who for many yean
has been one of the kings of the Noi >
York state , will appear hero on Fridaj
evening. Joe Jefferson's Rp ! Vat
Winkle will form one of the brightesl
chapters in the history of the Amerlcar
The diagrams are now open for tin
silo of seats for the Ivanhoo , John A ,
Stephens and Jo a Jefferson. Saatc
for Gus Williams will be on salt
Damage to the St. Paul and
Sioux City Railroad.
The measurement taken by the
signal service officers of the river yes
terday showed another rlso of the
Big Muddy , which was at one o'clock
one foot and seven inches higher than
at six o'clock last night. By Inquiry
at the office of the St. Paul and Sioux
City railroad it was ascertained that
this catne from the sudden rise in the
streams between Emerson and Cov-
ington. Tnese streams have overflown
the track of the railroad for almost
tha entire distance between these
points. Between Bincroft and Lyons
the track is pretty much uaJor water.
Ttiiefgraphic communication is cut off
by the conaeqacnt rise in the Mis-
aouri , the poles at Lyons being
washed cut , and it is impossible to
ascertain the exact amount of damage.
It ia known , however , that several
bad washouts hava occurred , one be
ing 1,000 foot long. No damage is
caused rolling stock and trains only
will be delayed. Tnoy are now run
ning regularly as far as Tekamah.
LADIES' Circulars ,
LADIES' Haverlockc ,
IN Great Variety ,
and at
Startling BARGAINS ,
lulh and Dodge Sts.
The interest in the summer and fall
elections is commencing to crop out ,
ind within a month the changes of the
different aspirants for the suffrage of
ths sovereign people will be discussed
pro and con with constantly increas
ing animation. The gall potent ar-
est as ts the party probabilities
the figures of the last contest ,
ind none will be more earnestly can
vassed tnau thosa of the congression
al struggle , and this baing the fact ,
the naw new B. & 0. Red Book.con-
; rcs3loual edition , becomes almont
Indispensable. No publication of
political statistics ever made equals it
a extent of Information given , or in
: omprehensve ! arrangement. It shows
lot only the result of the election of
1880 but the result as well of the elos-
, lon of 1878. The republican , demo-
iratic and greenback vote for the two
tlections is presented separately and
: omparlaons made of gains or losses
> f the different parties. Total votes
ire also the subject of comparisonand
his exhaustive showing Is made
if every congressional district In the
Jnion by counties. The book is one
if one hundred and twelve pages , is a
narvel of typographical beauty , be-
ng printed upon elegantly 'finished
> apor , and the cover Is one of the
nest exquisite things in the way of
.rtlatlc design issued for many a year.
The Red Book is aB. & 0. publication
ntonded for something above the
irdtnary circulation , and to this
ind Is sent only where requests are
nade to C. K. Lord , G. P. A , Baltl-
nero , Md. , for it by mail and enclos-
. The Red
ng a three-cent stamp.
Jook will thus bo mailed to all who
aay wrlto to Mr. Lord for it , and cer-
ainly those who receive It will not part
rith it for almost any money , so ex-
cedlngly valuable a text book Is it
or all who are Interested iu or care
ught for political statistics.
n9 or so ean.
Eight fine stallions were taken from
x-Alderman Stephenson's stables yes-
erday and shipped for Helena , Mon-
ana. They came from Ohio on Sun-
, ay. Four were of the Normon
reed , and four Clydesdales , and all
plendid specimens of their breed ,
reighing no rly 1,400 pounds arch.
: hey are valued at $8,000.
"WlNEOFCARDUl" four times a
iay makes a happy household. "
At C. P. Goodmin's
An Engineer's Opinion on the
To the Editor of TDK BBX
A very learned , intelligent and sfiV
ble gentleman , who always holds him'
self in readiness , either with his pei
for the ute of the dally presser by his
known and self-appreciated oratory al
public meetings of every description ,
to endeavor to correct whatever he
may deem to be an error , and defend
the questions and propositions o :
right , has very recently "come t <
the front" voluntarily and undertake !
to prove that the Missouri rivei
deepens its bed. about seven inchei
annually , by asserting that "the Mia
souri river bed is some seventeen feet
lower than it was in 1850 , ' ' aad there
fore mint have been only about tvrc
feet seven inches in depth at that date
at Omaha , where nineteen feet sever
Inches ha ? been adopted as the higt
water mark , and the actual bed of thi
river about twenty foot below thai
mark consequently if the river bee
had sunk proportionately previous tc
1850 in 1844 there would have beer
no river bed whatever.
Supposing our eloquent and asaidu
GUI friend to live to the ripe old age ol
many of our excellent citizen ? whnr
he in his enfeebled physical 'strengtl
will be unable to perform mud
manual labor , I can immaglne tba
he may be teen daily upon the banks
of the turbulent Missouri , with folded
arms , a complaisant air and cheerful
disposition , watching the excitiiif
sconca of the great spring flood
"when looked upon in tbi
light of * former performances. ' ,
The river will then , according to his
theory , bo about sixty feet in depth
Jits bland and enrling counteuanct
will ba lighted up in anticipation o
Horns "new comer" approaching him
who may make the inquiry an to wba' '
knowledge ho possesses in reference
to the previous history of the "Bif
Muddy , " when our rotund and hand
come friend will stretch himself up tc
the full proportions of the ostimatior
he has of his own important
for knowledge and great intellect
and at once ho will enter upon th <
most Interesting theme of 1m earlj
existencojiy informing the Intcrlo
cuter that from his constant effort it
the accumulation of information
through the instrumentality of the
press , in conversation whh his anclonl
companions , by'tho light of his ovri
long oxDorienoo in the valley , and
scientific knowledge of a civ 1 on
glneer of high authority , he
Is now enabled to inform tin
stranger that in the past history
of the Missouri it is a well authenti
cated fait that about the year 1844
none of the characteristics of thegreai
river existed , but from that date un
til the centennial ago of thorelatorthi
river has been forming and deepening
nntil it has cssnmed the formidable
proportions bafore them They have
no difficulty for a time in standing
"around the river front" upon the
brink of the vatery depths and
tumultuous chaain below them ,
nntil the flood suddenly approaches
their footing and they are compelled
to recede. "How do you reconcile tint
intrusion of the rushing torrents from
its great dopthl" inquires the stranger ,
to whom " : he devilish , s'y , typical old
settler , " feeling his ownimportanco in
eo momentous an interrogntoiy , and
relying upon hi * over ready ability
for any emergency , "conies jauntily
out from his sequestered shades iu
the background" and at once
"with a meriy twinkle in his ancient
eye , " says that was hut tha bejjin
ning , for in his youthful diys he had
eoen the river overflow the entire
valley , where ! \ hundred yeara &go
there was not a sign cf the moment
ous Missouri , but that it had deep
ened and wldecei to its present grand
proportions within the recollection of
his retentive and urorring memory.
That "little story fairly scalpj" the
other "exultant" anciouts , who re
tire , cogitating upon their Inability to
cope with the expansive intellect , ca
pacious talent and experience of so
noted a civil engineer , who very con
sequentially asserts thrt "the bed of
the Missouri river is lowered" about
half a foot every year , "which la the
natural result of the continued wash
of the underlying sands. " A valua
ble opinion , recorded in print , to be
handed down to future generationo
for consultation and guidance.
A Creditable Performance at
the Academy Last Night.
The drama of "Robert Emmet" WBB
rendered at the Academy of Music
yesterday afternoon at a matinee , and
last eyanlng , by the Ivanhoo dramat
ic club , with excellent success , While
neither performance was aa well pat
ronized as the merits of the play and
the object to contribute funds for
the relief of the Yankton sufferers
loaervcd , still the excellent acting and
: reditablo rendition of the piece can-
aot but give great encouaagement to
the members and friends of ama-
; eur thovtricals in this city. Many
veil advertised and largely 'attended
.roupoa of professionals have pat worse
icting upon the Academy boards than
; hat of those who appeared before the
inblic for the first time yesterday.
fJo speak in detail of the play , or re-
or to individual casts , would
> e to make nnjuat discriminations.
3. J. Smyth , as Robert Emmet ,
tfisa Annie Yindquestaa "Ssrah Cur-
an , " W. A. Shcpardson as "Darby
) 'GaffH. J. Parr as "O'Leary , " D.
HcCimbridge as "Sergeant Topfall , "
3. Murphy as "Dowdull , " 0. T.
Connelly as "Keruan , " the traitor ,
md later Lord Norborry , Mies 0.
night as "Judy O'Dougherty , " and
ilossrs. Raynor and Fcenoy as lords
md judges , all severally bore out
heir parts with truthfulness and
latural acting that reflect upon them
; reat credit , and brought themgoner-
ins applause. The soldiers from the
ort , also , admirably gave a realistic
ppcaranco to the court and exccu-
ion scenes , and were deserving of
asny praises for excellent acting.
The music furnished by Iletzsl &
Drain's orchester was of its usually
ilgh character.
The company will give "Robert
Sonnet" at Council Bluffs on Satut-
laynigntof this week. The charao-
er of tha play and its generous ob-
ect together , should claim a generous
> atronage.
At Crnickshauk's grand opening
hero waa nothing Attracted moro at-
ention than their splendid display of
This is comparatively a now de-
tartment with them , but has grown
rlth great rapidity , till itU _ now one
i the most important in the House. ]
Everthlng here la sold with the ordi
nary dry goods profits ( not at tailors'
prices ) , and the richest goods are
shown at most moderate prices. Gen
tlemen of ten express regret that they
had not found the place before. They
are now showing splendid lines of
Neckties and Silk Handkerchiefs , and
an immense stock of Hosiery of every
kind and description , among which
are the celebrated C. &S. Half Hose ;
also fuli lines of gauza and merino
underwear ; also complete lines of
Wilson Bros' , fancy shirts , also their
splendid unlaundried shirt at $1.25 ,
with the new improvements. This
shirt is absolutely unrivaled. Do not
be deceived into buying shirts at
higher prices , expecting to get better
goodsj fora better shirt cannot be ob
tained , nor can a better fitting shirt
bo made.
aG-4t A. ( JRUICKSUANK & Co.
The Steamer Banton.
The steamer Banton , which has
been expected for several days , will
probably bo at the foot of Farnham
street in the morning , she being re
potted but forty miles down stream
last night. The trip , which began
from St. Louis ten days ago , has baen
< k most difficult one , the steamer being
pulled by cables through swift water
at Kansas City and St. Jo a. She has
225 tons of merchandise and forty
pssaengeis bound for Montana. Twen-
ty-fivo tons of merchandise and ten
passengers will bo addad here. She
will also take on board about § 2,500
worth , of nuppltes , purchased at this
point. The officers are Captain , John
Gilhan , of Now Orleans ; Clerk , George
Kennedy ; pilots , Alba Wright and
John Doyle ; mate , Charles Deitz , en
gineer , David Hill , steward , Henry
Leo. The cruw numbers about tweir
ty-five roustabouts. The steamers
Black Hilia and Helena , also belong
ing to the Banton Transpoitatlon com
pany , will leave Yankton for Forl
Benton next week.
Smashing : an Awning.
A runaway team , composed of a
gray and bay horses , created livolj
havoc with an awning" in front of G.
A. Hill & Co.'a store , on the corner oi
Cumlng and Twenty-first streets , yes
terday morning. The props of the
awning were cat out , and the entire
structure came down. The team wore
caught on Eighteenth street , with tha
fragments of what had been a wagon
clinging to their heele.
Miss Gertrude Gear , daughter of Gov.
Gear , of Iowa , is registered at the With-
Col. Hunter , of St. Louis , a well
known cattle owner , passed through thia
city yesterday on his way from Wyoming
Mr. A. B Crooki , one of the merchant
princes of San Fraiicisco.arrived in Omaha
yesUrday on the 3 o'clock train. He was
bound for Chicago.
Mr. John F. Ilinman , connected with
the auditor's office of the B. fc. M. railroad
during i is stay in Omaha , It ft forTopeka ,
Kum ? , this morning , to fill a position
there with the Atchison , Topeka & Santa
Fe road. Mr. llinmin takes with him
the friendship of a host of well -wishers ,
who will regret the loss of so genial and
compiiiionable an-associato.
On'boatd the arriving Union Pacific ex.
prcs * train yesterday afternoon was Bishop
W. II. Uillery , the onlycoloied bishop on
the Pacifiu slope. Hehasjmt come from
rmc\tensuo tour as far nor.h as British
Columbia , through Oregon and Washing
ton territory , and is on his way to Phila
delphia , whera he holds the Baltimore and
Philadelphia annual conference of tha A.
M. E. Xion clinrcli. Immediately after
the rise of the conferen e the bishop cross-
eg the Atlantic to attend the ecumenical
council of the Methodists in London. The
bishop , who is a fins looking elderly man ,
is accompanied by his wife , a very intelli
gent and pretty quadroon lady.
H. S. Taylor , agent for Joseph Jefferson ,
waa in the city over Sundty , arranging for
Mr. Jefferson's ajipearanca here thia week ,
and left for Lincoln yesterday.
Cant. J. E. McClure , traveling agent of
the O. & M. It. H. , was in the city yes
terday nnd left for the west , on his way
to Cheyenne and Colorado.
Mr. J. S. Sperry Irft for New York
Mr. Fred Krug , who is just recovering
from a severe and well-nigh fatal attack of
inliammalory rheumatism , left for the Hot
Springs on Sunday.
Proposed Building of the Relief
Society and Its Uses.
To tlia Editor of TUB Eta :
Believing that the public , and es
pecially that the mayor and the mem
bers of the city council are entitled
to a statement , even if brief , of the
plans of the Relief Society and their
reasons for selecting l t 5 , block 5 ,
In this city , as a 'site for a building
in which to dispense charity , we avail
ourselves cf the courtesy of the
editors of our daily papers to state
tojthem :
First Its central location and its
nearness to the class of peraons leak
ing aid. Second Its accessibility to
the ladles having charge and doing the
work , baing on the street car line.
As to 'the building itself and us
uses ; the people of Omaha know rery
well that the size of the building must
depend upon tha means bestowed.
The society hopes to find thosa means
inipla for tha construction of one
largo enough to combine , for the pre
sent , all the branches of charity
needed , viz.
A homo for the friendless , an in
dustrial horni with its seeing school ,
and a day ( nursery. ( By this day
nuraeiy the chi'drcn ' of the working
women are to ba fed and eared for
during the day , upon the payment of
a small sum daily. ) Here , also , will
be the distributing bureau of the aid
and relief , also a labor bureau.
The public must be aware that , to
accomplish any satisfactory results ,
we must have room and some conven
iences , and there are always families
which we t-xka care of who cannot
possibly take care of their own sick.
This , of course , calls upon us for
some hoepital work.
It is the purpose and hope of thli
lociety to be able to inaugurate a com
plete system of charities as rapidly as
means and rooms are furnished.
We wish it to ba diatinctly under-
itood that this society bestows its re
lief irrespective of rico or religion.
MES. E. 0. BROWN , President.
MBS. DR. DISSMOBB , Vica Preat.
NOTICE Advertisements To Loan , For Sale ,
Lost FonnJ , Wants , Boarding , &c. , will be in
serted in tlicM co umns once for TEN CENTS
per line ; each subsequent insertion , FIVE CENTS
per line The first insertion never less than
TO LOAN At 8 per cent in-
V/4. tercst , in tuics of $2500 and
upwards , for 3 to 5 years , on fintc'asIcity mid
farm iroptrty. I EWIS * IlMLESTATK a&d LOAS
AOI CT , 15th nt.l L'ouglaa Stg.
ONEY TO LOAN 215 S llthSt. CUrkson
& Hunt. 027-22
OK3T * SO JO H Call at law OEM
M P. ij. 7DOMAS. RoomS.rrt'.chtcii U'oek '
ION7.Y TO I.OVrl 1103 Farahtn street.
M1 Dr. Ctivird. " Loin Attnc > . nov-S2-
To l > lre house of about 0 or S
WANTED between California ana Harney ,
14th and 19th Sis Addicsa Permanent Tenant ,
Bee Officj. 033-tf
ANlED-2cood c at-raaves Apply at
W S. JUrteusc.i , 1119 Fatuhim St. US4-23
" \T7 AN iKD Bv a joune man a situation ag
YV cfficj clerk in hotel hoarding houie.
No warea desired , slmp'y board. Gsod icfer-
cnees freely given. Addreis by letter It. W ,
this ctli.-e. C37-1S
MANIED As cutter , by ! .
SITUATION . Oood ca Urn refer
ences. No objection to country Apply or ad
dress " " 0-8-19
"Cutier" Office. -
"VTTANTnD A few more day boarders , at No.
YV IS cast aide 17th it , between Capitol
A eenue and t'a\cnport St3. GU-22
y\T ANTED A HisUlasa shoemaker , at C. J.
YV SUUMIDT. 1411) , DoJiestreets.
! C11-20
TTrANTED W liite girl for ccneral house-
YV workfcmill family. 19J5 tuni'iii ; .
I "TIT ANTED 3 y , S. E. corner 10th and Don
YV tin. " " "
ANTED A lustrj cook at ths City Hotel
WA corner 10th and Barney ) .
Woman cook and Jinin ? roou :
WASTED tlie Pac fis Iou3i. ! U2'a
A grown boy to do geiieial wort
WANTED KIO C y store. Requirements ,
hoaebty , < | liciress and corrcclneii in liuairc0 ,
StcaJv employment and jtood wages. Addres ;
n liandritin , ; to II. II II , Pec office. 11S-1 !
A go dtlirctEalerat once , Ire
WANTED Kcb. 1 * . A. I'cteraon.
ANT2.D Situation as cook and pastrj
took. Address II. S. , this cilice. 019-11
Ollicc boy , at the Eininctt House
WANTED [ C20-18
"V\7 ANTED A ciluition by a imn of f im ly ,
VV Itjady.indu-trions and willing to be use
ful In any lioniiablp cipaoity. Ccmpcnsat.Ji
arcordmg to capability. 1'Icaso cddrtsi J. K
H . cire ot Ceo ollice. &J4-U
"TT7"ANTED Situation as wet nurse. Inquire
YY Jruj store , cor. 13th and Joneg St. C03-K
To taie charge of or work on a
WANTED by a nun who understands hie
business. Enqu'rc 1102 Howard St , ( oinci
llth. COS19
VT * A TED A sooJ C'iok , washer ai.d ironer.
YV Oood wases gi cn to a competent person ,
Apply 2J11 Ca83 St. 591-tl
ANTED Immediately a cook at Tizard' ;
W Palace. 554-tI
Situation as copjlat or at anj
WAhTED writing , l > y a umpctcnt young
lady. Ail teas "T. A. " lice olliee. Iteferenct
given ar.d required. _ 520-tf
A parner with . ! , UO to jaln ad
WANTKD - tie extension o an established
and o no cf the he-it pij in huaineas in th 3 w est ,
Apply to E. W. Simeral , Uoom C , Crci hton
Block , 15th St. _ 456-lm
Two more boirdera at 313 Nortli
WANTED , : Davenpoit and Chi.
quo , oatt side 387-tt
rtis sgKT-iiciiass ana LASS.
AN'D LAND Kcmis rents housts ,
HOUSES , hotel ? , farms , Ijte , laiidu , ollic f ,
rooms , etc. Sec 1st i se. _
RENT Fo-ir looma , at Uo\al St. John
S ; in.r Machine Office , IC.h St. C35-1S
KENT A store , CO-IIT lth ami Leaven )
FOR rth. Inqui-c nc\dcor , at Pete son's.
RI.NT Nicely fuini.-hcd room' . Hoard
FOR dee . Ai p'y 2000 Cua street. G18-18
FOP. UEM A new hottl at Pla'.ta mouth.
Aeh , of 43 roonn oily hotel in town , CCOJ
pcipli. Leht niKni' jf in 'he hlatc. Address to
UuUiinjini Uo3. , rUtUin.iutli , Neb. G07-20
FOR RENT Fnniljhed room wi.h board , i
pr Vitd fjniily. Address > V. II. S. , Box JJ
I' . O. , Omaha.
HIOKKKNt KWIW , ruinielKMl or unfurnish
ed ; smtal.Io for house-keeping. SlO if.
14th St. S93-1J
-iou rt NT 2 IiirnihhcU ro < > m * oict Her-
! ' tha.iti Ecli.m e , N. E. cor. loth end
DodvcstreeU. i'-D-tf
FU3 3AL .
FORSALF Aone-liorsebiiit-y. Cl
Paciflc St. , bet. Ch nnd 7th
FOR SftliU A o t'-iiu houte of 5 locnu with
2 luta ; ernand fo' EaKthcap. . Inquire
i814 ! 1'aralmn St. . Cojja' addition 437 11 a 3
TT10R SALE Good ilw.lliiij hou e , 3 rojnia
Ij aad Kiteh'-ii , qood bmiandouthon 3S3. In-
< ] u'r j at llmson & Johnson's ice oiilce. 'J > 3tf
fi OR bALl ! Jlajs of Dotulia and Sarpy
JJ ccunti-'S A. UOEWATEK , 152J I'atn
hain Street. S2IMf
OR \LE-A small well built house of four
room * and suoimar kithsn w Hi corner
lot , well hid ou' , fruit and evergreen trees , etc. ,
fOj < \ well and cellar , pricj JllOO. Apply of
T. JENKiNj. 27th and Dodge bH SlC-m-w-s-tf
SALE Leaaa and furniture of a first-
FOR hotel In a town of 1SOO inhibitant1" . In
State of NukrasVa. Has 24 LHn , the tmtliin ?
racn'9 r.-iort 1 nqnlr * at Ree office 218-tf "
SALE A IIAROAIN A ImiMiii ? with
FOR fixtures , furniture and limit , on 10th
fat. , opw | < itotlie U. P. depot , forgile very cheap.
Or the fixture j , furniture and stock will be sold
and building rented. Inquire of El > . KKEISS-
MAN. 73-tf
OR * * ALi : T o clo3o carriages , at A. J.
F Sicipson'g. 911-tt
n H E BEST THING YET H. O. rivk & Co.'s
J. Imperial Sel ! Ribing Winter Wheat Flour ,
for Pancakej , Biscuits , uad all kinds of | > astry.
Try It. Ask \ our mctr foi i t. 478-if
T O5T Black and tail dor , medium size , cut
JLj ears , answer to tin natr.e of Jim. Reward
nill be pail for bis return to number l.Croijhton
Block. H. A. Sturges 038-19
\ lilfrown bla.k Wew Foundland
LOST ; ; , some white on neck andle . Alibenl
reward wll , be [ jnen for his return to J. Hoch-
Uraser , 10th , bciwce.i Jackson and Howard Sta.
TDART1ES inae" t d to the late firm of NichoU
JL & Collins a c hereby notififd that we have
purchased tlie book accounts d'-.o them and tliat
[ hey will saie costs by callin ; at the law olfic *
Df Groff & Montiroiiicry , oier Omaha National
Bank , and pajms. Ni\e , McCord & Brady.
FOUND A canary lird. Inquire at this
office. Cll-tf
J ! M. BROWN , corner of 12th and Chicago
* . s'rccts , is ready to bore or deepen welia.
Satie'actlon guanntacd. 603-lf
T1EAMS CAN BK Ol > T At John Barr a stable
_ L fi > r all Mn U of work , at reasonable figures
iar corner 13th and Lu en worth St. 378-t
FOP.GET Thc u cessorof the Ameri
can House , on Douyl-.s : t. , bit. Oth and
ith , fur board , botrdin ? . lodgiuand ( transient
losturocH. Ecsrcctfuliy ,
G1TEP.NITY Where will You spend HV Acts
Absolutely Pure.
Kado from OrapeJjCrtanll Tartar. No other
repariticn makes such light , flaky hot breads ,
r luxuiicus p stry > cn De * a' d by Dyspep-
ca without fear of the lib resulting from heavy
[ digestible food. Sold oily in cinr , by all
rocerg. RoiAlJBAKU.0 POITDIR Co. ,
Kew York.
P. MORSE & GO. ,
Cash Jobbers and Retailers of
1319 Farnham Street
The damage to our stock by smoke and water
in the RREOF MARCH IITH , has been adjusted by the
Insurance Companies ,
We will offer our Colossal Stock of
Dress Goods , Cloaks ,
Hosiery , Cloths ,
Notions , ' Domestics ,
Underwear , . Table Linens ,
Shawls , Etc. , Etc. , Etc. ,
At prices heretofore unequalled and that we can
not again duplicate. The first choice is an im
portant thing in such a sale.
We feel that it is hardly necessary to assure our
patrons that a complete and competent corps of
clerks will be in attendance to wait on all cor
rectly and in turn.
& GO. ,
1319 Farnham Street
Hand Sewed Shoes a specialty
Leading Shoe Store ,
, - - - -
Will Buy and Sell
And all Transactions Con
nected therev/ith.
Pay Taxes , Kent Houses , &c ,
Call at Otlice , Koom 8. Crci hton Block , Cnuha ,
Xcli. ap5-dtf
War ranted a S fe , Certain and Speedy Care for
Rheumatism Iu all its forma , Neuralgia , Lame
Dack , Pain in the ttrcut and Side , I'ain In the
Stomach and KMnfljR , &c It Is an Intcrna1
remedy , a Tonic and Clood Purifier , and white ! t
removes the Disuasa it improves the Renera.
C. F. mvi , general a ; ha
Saivaaor to J. II. THIELE ,
No. dlO Douglas Street ,
C A T = T A
Friday Evening , April 22nd.
Aclrrljjion , fOc an I T5r. All reserved Ecitg
ll 10 each , now onsil < - at Kdnoloj & Frickaon'g.
Undoubtedly the neat antn In the
Dr.had States is mr.nnfr.cturod at the
[ > ! , ; .ihs fihirt Factory. The Baperlorlty
3f V.atar'r.l anJ wnrkinariahip , com-
i : < * < } with their ro-st tmproveraents ,
Ih.Uij Reinforced , Rslnforced
bi ks ni llr.inforceJ alqtvea , makes
i'-.oir shirt thu mo-it durable and beat
: ittir > 7 payiiiei.t of the kind , ever
[ rwt.fnc'uiecl at the t iterate price of
JJ.r 0. Every sliirt of uur make ia
; oarATjtctd f.rst-claas and frill refund
th > money if -ucd other * isc.
We make a uprciulty of all wool ,
-'hiker , anl C/Antoa Jlirititl , alao
-hemois undcrv7ear , m-tdo up with a
? icw to coiafort , wanuK'iaiiJ durabil-
tj. To Invjlida and wcak-lnnged
iftraoaa wa otfor spmlal iuducementa
n } > < : : i.iiiui-r those Rooda are made
' . . - their pmit-ttitu.
] ll ! . GOTTUKIMEJl ,
With the Best Selected Stock of
in Omaha.
P.o [ > ese for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell then
e.itire stock of
Diamonds , Watches ,
Jewelry , Clocks ,
SilverWare ,
Pianos & Organ !
At Manufacturing Prices , Which is from 15 to 20 per
cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House ,
preparatory to moving into their
New Store , Cor. llth & Farnham
We Mean Business. Come and be Convinced.
& CO.
B . ,
Spring Suits 1 All Styles !
Largest Iotliin House West of Chicago !
We have now an assortment of Clothing of all kinds ,
Gent's Furnishing Goods , in great variety , and a heavy
stock of Trunks , Yalises , Hats , Gaps , &c. These
Goods are fresh , purchased direct iron the manufac X
turers , and will he sold at prices lower than ever he-
fore made.
We Sell for Casli and Have bnt One Price.
A large tf ai oring force is employed by us , And we make
Suits to Order on very short notice.
1301 and 1303 Farnham St. , Corner 13th. I
\ \