THE PA1LF BEE. OKAHA PUBLISHlflC CCPROPRIETORS. . 816 Purnham , bet. SJA end lOlh StTtOt TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 1 Ooay 1 year , In juivance postpaid ) . $8.00 6mrath " " tJOO annntt. * " " 2.00 TIME TABUS THE MAILS. C , AH , TT.2.EH6SO . n. , SiOp. : tn C. B. & Q-6 0 v m. , 2:40 p. m. C. B. I A P. B. P. . f.SU , tn. , 2:40 p. m' C'&St. JoeCSO . m. 8. City i P. 650 . ns. U. P. H. K. , O. & R. T. to LIncoli' , 10 a. in. B. ft M. U. R. . 6lfl a m. O. fc N. W. , 7CO a. m. 0. t S W. a. P. . , 11 . u. , 11 p. m. O. B. a Q. , 11 a. to. , 9 JO p. m. C.R I. & P. , il . m. . llp.m. O. R 6BI , Joe. , 11 turn. , lip m. D. F. R. R. , i p. ia. O. & R. V. from Lincoln , 1SUO p. m , B. City & F. , 11 a. to. B. ilL l3 ieb..4 p. a. LoaJ msjls tor SUtaa Iowa leave but ones i day , Tls : lao a. m. Office open from 12 to ) p. m. Sundays. THOMAS F. UALL. PostmasUr. Arrival And Deimrture o1 Trains UNION PACIFIC. Eiproil . . .IJ-.15 p. ra. I.-25p.m. do" Mixed 5:10 p. ia. 4:2S p. m. do Frelqht.S Oa. ra. 1:40 p , n > . do . _ . .S:15 a. in. lSSOa.m. : TIME C1SD OF TCE BURLISOTON , LIITI ouia * . 1RKIYI OMAHA. Expie3..SOp ro. KrprcM IKMfcia. Mill CSO : a. in. Mall 10:00 : p. m. Bundayfl Kznptbd. Sundays Ezcoptod. CHICAGO.'BOCE 1BLAND & FACiriC. IU11 . _ . : a. m. 1 1T 11 . 10:00 : p.m. Erproas.S:10 p. a. | Sxpress..lO0 a. m. CHICAGO NORTHWESTERS. Kail . _ . r'0 * . m.Kal | ! . _ 7:20 p. m. K proes _ .J:13pl a. | Exproa 1CCO . m. CacdAys ciceplod. ILtNSAS CITY.ST. JOS & COUNCIL BLUFFS I Krpree * a . 6.-00 p.m. | Man . 7:26 1. a. The only line running Pullman Sleeping Can ont of Orailm io Union Depot. OMAUA & NORTHERN NEBRASKA EAIL- WAY COMPANY. LeaTC. Arrive. Kxpreu _ . .80 a. sn. 1 Fxpree - tJO p , m. Hued . l:50p m. | Mixed . 10:15 : . m Daily Exempt Sundays. E. & M. R. R. In NEBRASKA. LKITB. Through Cxpro s . 7:33 a m Accommodation . . * . 7.00pm ARRIVB. Through Exprpra . $7:00 $ p in Accommodation . SiOam SIOUX CITY i ST. PAUL R. R. HM . _ 6:10 tn I Expnas . 10 0 xn Express . S,40p n | M i . - 730 p m WABAS1I , HT. LOUHfcPAC AKRIVM. fiall . - 8a.m. I Mall Express _ 1:10 p. m. ( Express . . .1:26 p. m. BRIDO E DIVISION U. P. R R. Leave Omaha , dally8 a. m. , B a. m. , 10 a m. , 11 a. m. . 1 p. m. , 8 ? . m. , Sp. m , S p. ra , , 6 p. LVave Council Bluffs ; 8:25 . m. , 96 : a. m. , 10:25 : a. m. , 11:15 a. m. , 1JG p. m. , : Z5 p. m. , 8:25 p. m. , 6:25 p. m. , 625 p. m. , Four trips on Sunday , leaving Omaha at 9 and 11 a.m. , 2 and 6 p. m. ; Council BluCs at 8S : , 11:25 a tn , and 2:25 : l.a.l S35 p. m. FAKHISbBR TRUSS. LtAve Omaha. : 6 n. m. , 7 a. rn.8:50 : . m. , 1 p. m. , i:50 : p. ra. , 7:15 p. tn. , Leave Council BlnHfl : 6:15 : a. m , , BrtOa. m. , 11:10 a , m. 5:25 p. m. , 7:00 p. m. , 7:50 p. tn. Dally except Sunday. OMAAA & REPUBLICAN VALLEY R. . LVAVI , ARKIVt Mall . _ 10:15 : a. m. , ,135p.m. Daily except Sunday ? . _ ATTORSEYS-AT-Uy. J. ENGLISH , AT LAW 310 South Thirteenth ATTORNEY St. , with J. M. WOOLWORTH. CHARLES POWELL , OF THE PEACE Corner 16th and JCHT1CK SU. . Omaha Nab. SlfSERAL , TTORNEY AT LA W Room B , Crelthton C"cb. ! 16th St. . OMAHA. NKB. _ A. e. TSCUP , t TTOUXKY AT LAW Offloo Jn Hanecom'l A Block , with George E. Prltchett , 1608 St. OMAHA. NKg. SEJCTERL THOMAS , TCORHKY IAW Crulcltfiank i Build A lag ; _ P < 3U A. K > CKAQWIGK , AT IAW Offloa uoi rarnham ArroRXEr ' _ _ 3M.L.PEABSDY , fcTTYJGl Oflce In Orelghton bicsk , next U O11A1IA , MSBKASEi. JTOTABT rrano. comtmosB MADS S'BRIEH & CARTLETT , Attorneys-at-Law , GFnCE-Onlon Blodc.n'Usenth ' and Farnhanv ATTORNEY AT LAW. /.ROACH BLOCK. CORBCBO. . & IETH STS. OKA11A. XKIi. W. d. GonneH , Attoraey-at-Law , si fflcc : rooms , np ctsln , la Hautcom'i oo Itric * * tuHduur , N. W. career Fifteenth and 3trot5. . USWOE. oa.t U.K = oioi BEBSCK & ESDICK , A 1 1 o rn e y s - a t-L a w , iiDocis.1 tttenllonrtl ! b * give * to all rolti agkin't ttiipoiatlor-g oJ oirery doecriptlon ; will prtcU'e in fcl Ithc Courts of ths BtaU and thi On'.le-l Btntea. Office. Farnham St. , Caurt Uon.o. AT LAW Room 8 Crelt'i : ATTORNET Mid Df.n/l&g ptrt ti ! . riO < M > C. F. ft D R3DM , 4 TTORKIV AT LA'-V-JiJ rarrh.m f trot . Onuia Kt-racii. Joa R. CLVKSSOX. Q. J. Hem CLARKSON & . HUNT , Successors to RICHARDS i HUltT. Attoriays-at-Law ? , S15S. lltli Mrcet , Omaha , I.'eb. SANTA CLAUS FOUND. Greatest Discovery of the AK * 17onae'inld ! cov rlc lnthtwctldliar.ib eiiita < l < /.monc other thlnco where Sinta C ns stayed Children ott ask tf lie makes coeds cr not , If really ho tvcs In a mountain of mow. Lact year an excursion eailcd clear to tha 1'o'e ' And suddenly ilrcppcd Into liat scciaodJlke fchpH Where won-lcr of wonJtra they found a new lin J , Wliflo falry-ilta belnra appcarod on each kand. There were ciouuUlag like ours , with mort And 'ir brichter sklos than over ware tan. lilrda with the Lues of a rciabow wore fcatid , TTlillo Cowers ot exqnlilte fragrance ore from Ing aronnd. Not long wen they left to wendir In docbi A belur soon cams theliad hcoril rnoch aVoct , Ttrai iSanta Claua * eel ! and thUthey all Rty , ! looked like the picture * esw every d y. He droTe up a team that looted rarvqucer , Twas a taam of erawhoppers lastcad of rcluJcor , He rode In a shell Instead of a alcign , But b4 took them on loud and drove then : He showed them &U orsr his wonderful realm , And factories m-ifciuj ; toodj for xromtn and men Furriers were working on hats great and small , To Ranee's they atd they era sending them all Kiia Kind 3 , the Glove Maker , told them at once , AH our Gloves we are sending to Bunco , Baata showed them suspended and many thlnfi IE ore. Saying I alia tooV theee to trlead Cnnco'i cton. Santa Cltna then irhl > pei-eJ a secret he'd teU , As In Omaha every one Vnew Bnnw w II , no therefore Bhmd wnd his coodi to hli can , Knowing his friends will fct thdr full share. Kow remember ye dwellers Ia Omaha town , All who want prcscnU to Bunce'a go round , For shirts , collars , or cloTca prcit and Email , Send your alstsr or aant one and al. . Banco. Champion Hatter of the Welt , DoujUl et , Omaha Hamburg Line. WEEKLY LINE OF STEAMERS LEAVING SEW YORK EVERY THURSDA1 AT S r. X. , FOR England , France and Germany For Passajo apply to C. It. RICHARD & GO. General F&ncnger Agents , 61 Broadway , New York EAKK HENRY PUXDT , ViHEOAR WORKS I ERNST EREBS , Manager 'ilacufacturer of all kinds of V" I 3ST E GIR , Sf . Ett. Sth and : Oif ABA SBB OMAHA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ART EMPORIUMS. J. U. ROSS'S Art Emporium. IBIS Dojge Street , Steel Engravings , oil Paiutings , Chromog Fancy Frames , Framing a Specialty. Low prices. J. CONNER , 1803 DcugUg St. Good Styles. ABSTRACT AND REAL ESTATE. JOHN L. McCAGUE , opposite postoffice. W. R. BARTLKTr. 317 South 13th Street. ARCHITECTS. DJJFRENE &MENDELSSHON. AECHTITECrS. Room 14 , Creighton Block. A T. LAROE. Jr. , Room 2 , Crelghtan Hlock. BOOTS AND SHOES- JAMES DtVIXE & CO , Fine BooU and Shoes A cooJ assortment of home work on hand , cor. 12th and Ilamey. TH03 ERICKSON. 8. E. cor. .Cth and Douglas JOaSFORTDNATUS , 605 10th St. , maiutacturei tfl order good work at fa.r prices. Repairing done. BED SPRINGS- J. V. LARKIMZR. Manufacturer. TlKchere' Blk. BOOKS , NEWS AND STATIONERY J. J. FRUEUAUK , 1015 Farnham Street. B TTERANDECCS. MC3HANK & SCDP.OEDEK , the oldest B. and E. h.UM In XebnjEa , ettablished U7 J , Omaha. BOARDING CENTRALRESTAURANT RESTAURANT , MRo. A. RYAN , southwest cor. 16th and Lt-Jgc. Beet Boird for tne Money. Satisfacti n Guaranteed. Hull at a 1 Hours. Boird toyUieDay , Week or Month. Good Terms for Cash. Furnished Rooms Supplied. CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS WM. SNYDKR , No. 1319 llth and Ilarncy at CIVIL ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS. ANDREW KCCJEWATER , 1510 Farnham St. Town Surreys , Grade and Sewerage Sj stems a specialty. _ COMMISSION MERCHANTS. JOHN O. WILLIS , 1114 Dodje Street. 2. B. BEEUER , For details see large Adrertiec- mtnt in Pail and Weekly. _ CIGARS AND TOBACCO. WEST A FRITiCUER , Manufacturers of Clears , and Who esale Dealeta In Tobiccoj , 1305 IJeug. W. y. LOREN ZEN , manufacturer , EH 10th St. CORNICE WORKS Western Cornice Work ; , Manufacturers Iron Cornl e , Tin , Iron and Slate Roofing. Orders from any locality promptly executed in the beet manner. Factory and Office 1110 Dodge Street. Galvanized Iron Cornices , Window capo , etc. manufactured and put up in any part of the country. T SINHULD. 416 Thirteenth St. CROCKERY. J. CONNER , 1309 Douglai St. Good Line. CLOTHING AND FURNISHINCCOODS OKO. H. PETERSON. Also HaU , Caps , Boots , Shoos , Motions and Cutlery , 91 S. 10th fct. CLOTHING BOUGHT. C. SHAW will pay highest cash price f T second hand clothing. Corner 10th and Farnham. DENTISTS. DR. PAUL. WIHlarns' Block. Cor. 15th & Dodge DRUGS , PAINTS AND OILS. * KOtlNitO . Plurmac'iU , Fine Fancy Goods , Cor. 15th and Dculas MrceU. W. J. WHITEHOU3E , Wbolesa'e & RcUll,16 St. C. C. FIELD , 20J2 North Side Cumins Street. M. PARR , Druggi't , 10th nd fl ard S.g DRY GOODS , NOTIONS , ETC. JOHN H. F. LEHMANN & CO. , New York Dry Goods Store , 1310andl312 Fam- ham street J. C. Enewold , a'so XooU & shpcg. 7 tfa & . PaciGc FURNITURE. A. F. GROSS , V v and Second Hand Furniture and Stores , 1114 Douglas. Highest each piico ptid for second hand goodf. J. BOSNEB. IS09 Douijlaa St. Fine Goods , &c. FENCE WORKS OSIAUA FENCE CO. GCST. FRIES & CO. , 1213 Harney St. Improv. Jl e boxes. Iron and Wood Fences , Office Railings , Counters of Pina and Walnut. A. DonaEhne , plant * , cut flowers , seeds , boquctg etc. , N. W. ror 16th and Douglas Sts. FOUNDRY. JOHN WKARNE & SO.NS.cor. llth & Jackson et. GROCERS. Z. STEVENS 21 t between Cumin ; and Izard. T. A. McSUANE. Corner 23d and Cuming Btg. HATTERS. W. L. PARROTTE & CO. , 1S06 Deujlas Strcit , Wholesale Exclusively. HARDWARE IRON AND STEEL DOLAN 4 LINO WORTHY , Wholesale , 110 and 112 15th at. A. HOLMES , corner isth i .l o.iiforul * . HARNESS , SADDLES , &C. E. B. WE1ST. 320 Hth SL. bet. Farn. & Har- HAT AND BONNET BLEACHERY. Ladict get TOOT Straw , Chip and Felt Hats dona up at northeast corntr entcentb and Capitol ayenua. WM. DOVE , PROP _ HOTELS CANFIELD HOUSE , Geo. Canfield , 9th & Farn. DORAN HOUSE , P. II. Cary , 013 Farcham St. SLAVEVS HOTEL , F. Slaven , 10th Stre t. Southern lloUl , Cm. Earael.8lh& Lcnvenworth IRON FENCING Ibo Western Corcke Woilf , Aeen's for the Champion Iron fence Co. , have on hatidallkindg of Faucy Iron Feiict i , Ctcsting , , Fiucals , Railinrp , O'.P 1UO Doflccttrcc : . ap2 INTELLIGENCE OFFICE. MRS. LIZZIE DENT , 217 ICth Street. JEWELERS JOHN BAUUER , 1314 Fainliam Street. JUNK. H. DCRTHOLD. Ran * nd Metals. LUMBER , LIME AND CEMENT FOSTER k PRAY , norner 6 h and Douglas Sis. LAMPS AND GLASSWARE. J. BONNER. 1MB Doughs St. Good Variety. MERCHANT TAILORS. a. A. LiNDQtresr , One of our most popular Merchant Tailors ' i > calving the latest designs for Spriiur and Bum mer Goods for jtentleratn's w our. StylUh , durabln and prices low aicvcr. 215 13th bet. MRS. C. A. KINDER , Wholesale and Rttall , Fancy Goods In preat variety , Zcphire , Card Roards , Ho ntrr , gloves , corecta , & .z. Cheapest Home In the West. I'urchascn save 3 } per cont. Oriler l > r Mail. 115 Fifteenth et. KILIS- OMAHA CITY MILLS , 8th and Famham SU. Wclriiai.i Ilro . .prf.prielfr3. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS- W. S.GinnsM. D. , Room No. 4 , Crcljhton llocklMi ! Street. P. S. t.ElSENHINO. V. D , Masonic Block. e L. HART , M. D. , Fyc and Far. opp. poeUfflce DR. L. B GUADDY. Ocullttand Anrist S W. 16th and Farnham St. PHOTOGRAPHERS. OKO. llf.YN , PKOP. Grand Central Caller } , 212 Sixteenth Street near iUonicH ll. FiHt < las Work and Prompt- ueuGuirantetd. PLUMBING , CAS AND STEAM FITTING P W. TARl'Y Jt CO , 216 12th St. , bet. Farn- ham A. Donglu. Work promptly attended to. D. FITZPATRICK , 1109 Douslas Street. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING IIEKUY A. KO TER3.H12 DodceSlreet. PLANING MILL. A. MO YER , manuf .ctur r of sub , doors , blindii moldlnpsnctve s.lialuiteis , handrail * , furnishIng - Ing , scroll saning. Ac. , cor. Vodce and Oth sts. PAWNBROKER i J. RCSENFELD. 81210th bt. bet. Farn. &Har. RiFRICERATOSS CANFIELD'S PATENT C. F. GOODMAN , lull St. , b t. Farn. & Har. SHOW CASE MANUFACTORY 0. J. WILDE , Manufacturer rnd Dealer in all kinds of Show Cas > , UprifhtGates &C..1317 Cass bt. STOVES AND TINWARE- A. BURME3TER , Dealer In Stores and Tinware , and Manufacturer of Tin Roofs and all kinds of Building Work Odd Fellows' Block. J. BONTfER , 1S09 Doujr. St. Gocd and Chtap. SEEDS J. EVAN'S , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills and Cultivators. Odd Fellowgntll. SHOE STORES. Phlllpp L-vng , ISM Farnham tt. bet. ISth A 14th. SECOND HAND STORE FEEKINS & LEAR , 1416 Douglas SL. New and Second Hand Furniture , Hcuse Fnrnishin ; OooJa. te. , bought and sold on narrow margins. SALOONS. HENRY KATJFMANN , In the tew brick block on Douglas Street , has Just op ned a most elegant Beer Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 every day. FLANNERY. On rarnham , next to the B. & U. headquarters , has reopened a neat and complete establish ment which , barrincr FIRE , and Mother Ship- ton's Prophecy , will be open f or th-s boj g with Hot Lunch on and afUr presmtilate. "Caledonia. " J. FALCONER. 679 16th Street UNDERTAKERS" CHAS. R1EWE , 1012 Farnham bet 10th & llth 99 CENT STORES HENRY POHLMAN. toys , notion * , pictures , jtwelry , &e , B1J llth bet. Famham & Douglas. P. C. BACKC3 , ISOi Farnham ; st. fancy goods. AGRICULTUEAL , % AdvantaRea of the Spring of 1881. To the Editor of Tns BES : Lite as the season ia with all ita drawbicke , it has decided advantages. It will probably be one of the best seasons for tree planting which wo have ever had. "We are gottlsg ac quainted with our state and can fore cast the seasons with a reasonable ex actness.Vhenue find the air ex tremely dry and little or no snow in the mountains or plains , and the dry blizzards wither all they touch , then tro can have a reasonable fear of a dry spring ; bnt when the air is charged with moisture and it snows and rains easily , when the plains and mountains are burdened with snow , and the riv ers all run with full or overflowing banks , then we may count on plenty of rain and abundant crops. Such results we predict for this season. When sufficient moiaturo releases the treasures of earth and air and brings all the wonderful reserve forces of na ture into bountiful crops , you may lock ft r astonishing results. Chintz bugs and hoppers are things of the past , and we can predict great harvests. Years of plenty generally follow years of drouth. The two laet seasons opened dry and unpromising , and our average of products was low , with small grains at least , and the ground has held its treasures in re serve for stupendous displays , pro vided the farmer can take time by the foretop and keep up TREE PLANTDfO. Though wcrk will be crowded into a bmall compass of time , yet tha ground and the air are in such favor able conditions , that all the planting possible should be dona. In York county alone it is estimated that one million dollars will be required for fuelin the next ten years ; multiply this by other coun'.ies cf like needs , and the drain on the state will bo tremendous. Those only can be exempt from this nigh tax who plant trees. Ten acres well cared for in a few years will supply a family with fuel ; white willow grows rapidly. Fromtho window where I write there is a row 7 years old now 20 feet hi h , and 4 inches through. Stables could be made entire posts , poles and brush and all from this hedge. The trees are large enough for fence posts or rails. ICO acres fenced with euch. a hedge would keep a family in fuel and a farm in shed material , and a compact grove would bo a desirable shelter for cattle , and would brake the force of winds if planted on the north side of a dwellicg. There is a great call for young trees for timber claims this spring but they cannot be had. These trees are gener ally pulled ftlor.g the Missouri , just before high water , but they could not be obtained this year. Catting of willow and cottonwood are in fine order at.d will grow readily this moist spring. And from what experienced I have had the seed of the honey locust ara a fine thing .to plant. The two grow rapidly , full as fast as bur elder , they are worth twice as much , they grow twice as fait as the ash. Tnoy will make feaca posts or railroad ties in a few years. I have known them to make an inch a year in diameter , for twenty years. It ia a strong healthy native. The thorns may bs some objection , but it is easy to dig out the thorny ones for hedges ; leave the smoothe ones for timber. They are generally about half and half. Did any of our farmers think how easy it was to diversify a monotonous prairie farm. A level farm may be made to show variety , and fine effect with a little thought. Suppose in a pai- ture , or other vacant land , you plant so as to give the appearance of a hill or undulation. Take a rope , fasten it to a Biake , nhtch Is to bo the center of your grove , then tie a stake in your rope , and describe a circle , six feet outside of this , deecribe another , and QO on for a dozen rows if you like. In the inside plant cottono d , in the next circle white willow , next cat alp a , next honey locust , then box elder , then abb , then come tree of slower growth. The effect in fifteen or twen ty years will be fine , and a level farm can be beautifully improved. Lariat your farms ; keep them at home. Suppose that , with no more trees than wo have now , we should have the terrible eprlng of ' 80 re peated more land under cultivation , and the terrible blizzirda lifting your farm in the air or piling it In drift * . The very thought is appalling ; and yet , what has been may be , and the only remedy ia to plant largely. The scientists of France and Germany de cided long ago that to secure the moat favorable climatic conditions , it wna necessary to have at least ono-lifth of the land in trees , and if that was a necessity for those moist climates , much more so ia It incumbent on us to plant. So for protection , for beauty , for comfort , for profit , plant largely. Your houses , fences mid bulHings ara all going back down In value. It does not enhance - hanco the value of your farm simply to break , and lot it fill with weeds. Your roalprific and improvement is in trees. We have known well plant ed farms in this state , with no build ings to speak of , to sell for twice na much a' others , all on account of the home-like appearance of a grove , au orchard , and wind-breaks , the first cost of which was , perhaps , 550 so let us all plant. C. S. HARRISON. Winter Wheat Crop. National Associated Prtss Report. CHICAGO , April 18 Special advices from wheat districts may bo sum marized as follows from confidential udvices to dealers hero who have agents travelling through the wheat country : The winter wheat districts are Ohio , Indiana , Michigan , south ern Illinois , Missouri , Kansas , Iowa , and southern Wisconsin. All advices are to the effect that in the southern portion the crop is looking bad ; in the central portion , spotted , and in the northern portion , the most prom ising of either. lu places it it difficult to tell , says one agent , whether any crop has been sown. One very damaging cause is the recent ex tremely variable weather. At night the thermometer would go way down and there would ba severe frost , and the next day the sun woold come np warm and thaw out. This alternate freezing and thawing is dangerous to the crops , which will take a least a week or ten days cf good growing weather to determine what the stand will be. The increased acreage upon which some have bated a calculation of the crop is fallacious , as the se verity of the weather will cut theyield down for thirty to fifty per cent. A man who has been over the Atchison , Topeka & Ssnta Fe road says crops there will be divided between the good and | bad , the good being early sown end bad is that which was put into ground late ; the latter is at least seventy-five per cent of the total seeding. In south ern Wisconsin , where there was a large acreage of winter wheat sown last fall , the crap i substantially lost. The spring wheat section is Northern Illinois , Iowa , Nebraska , Dakota , .Wisconsin and Illinois. Tht worst feature of the crops In these sections is that not one-half of the acreage usually sown to spring wheat has not yet been even plowed. One yo&r ago the seeding was substantially completed at least ten days before this time. List fall the severe winter weather overtook the farmers October 15fch , an unusually early dale , and when only a fraction I prt of the wheat fields had been plowed , and now when they should be plowing the ground ia still covered with snow. The season is more than a month behind 1880. In Iowa and Nebraska and northern Illi nois the wheat was all eown at this date last year , while now In those sec tions people are actually drlvipg over the wheat fields ; are abandoning the line of roads because of enormous snow fills which has drifted and made ordinary thoroughfares impassible , the snow being even with fences for miles. Nina years in ton this is an exceptional state of affairs. Spring plowing for spring wheat is rarely successful and ground that is spring plowed is usually for corn , oats , barley , &c. " ' ' ' ' " * PEPPERMINT DROPS. When an Onio man was chawed up into littlejbita by a threshing machine , hJs wife eald there was one consola tion. His corpse was safe from body- snatchers. A ChicsgJ man committed suicide the other day because ho found his business increasing BO rapidly that ho fearpd he wouldn't be able to manage it. His buslnessjwaa dodging officers of the law. One of tha most delightful periods of a man's life is the moment when he drops a slippery cake of soap in the bath tub and runs his fist up and down the zinc hunting for it. [ Wil- llamsport Breakfast Table. Inquirer Yes , R man not a justice of the peace can administer an oath. Wo accidentally struck a corner of our umbrella in a man's eye the other day , and he administered several oaths to us ; but he wasn't a justice. [ New Orleans Times. It was their first night aboard the steamer. "At last , " he said tenderly , "we are all alone out upon the deep waters of the dark blue sea , and your heart will always beat for me as It has done In the past ? " "My heart'o all right , " she answered , "but , my stomach feels awful. " [ Brooklyn Chronicle. U Tha editor of a popular agricultural monthly is baing urged for commis sioner cf agriculture. Of course he will not ba appointed. It would be a startling innovation to select a man for that office who knows something about agriculture. Even Horace Qree- ley , who know enough about farming to prefer gravy to guano on his pota toes , was too well versed in agricul ture to successfully engineer an agri cultural buro n.-Norrlstown Herald. When fickle April skies wore blue The warm sun came and kissed me , And early in tha morning dcnr 1'rom dreamland thus disinitssd me sings a Macoupln county puet. This was undoubtedly rough , but wait until the tickle July skies are blue and the warm farmer comes and kicks you out of the melon-patch. Then it will be worth while to write poetry. IOWA BOILED DOWN. Ames ia going to build a 813,000 school houce. Canning works , GO by 120 f jet , are being erected in Oliuton. A now passenger depot is about to be erected at Muscatine by the C. , E. & P. railroad. Most of the county records show an increase of transfers of real estate and a falling off of chattel mortgages , all of which baa a healthy look. The board of supervisors of Cass county recently issued a call for bids for the erection of a court house at Atlantic. At n recent sale of short horn cat tle at Albia , 71 head wore disposed of at nn average of § 113.45 , and the to tal amount realized was $8,055. Mrs. N. Hains , of Wright county , gets a back pension of $1,485 and $8 per month for the future , on account of a son killed in the great robdlion. Preparatory stops for the organiza tion of a board of trade have been taken at Marshalltown. The Citizans cheap transportation association of Mutcatine is earnestly agitating the question of cheap rates end the best way to obtain them. The eomi-annuil maeting of the Dubuque association of Congregation al churches will be held at Cadnr Rip- ids , April Iflth , 20th and 21st. Railroads In the northweatcru part of tha state were again temporarily blockaded by the snow storm , which raged quite fiercely on the 12th. The average number of attendants at tholnsana hospital at Independence for the months of January , February and March was 490. A fire at Oresco , on the night of the 14th , destroyed about a dozen build ings , causing a loss of 324,000insur- ; ] ance about a third of that sum. Two buildings wore torn down to stay the flames. Down in Buchanan county it is claimed that the corn that haa re mained in the field all winter , covered by hueka and snow , will make tha best seed that nearly every kernel of it will grow. The psoplo along the lines of the proposed extension of the Des Moiues Northwestern railway from Panora through Guthrie and Greeuo counties ara rapidly voting subsidies for aid in the work. Two spans of a § 22,000 iron biidge tcross the Cedar at Ivanhoe , in Linn county , were carried out In the recent freshet. The state board of pharmacists haa revoked the certificates of a numbar of druggists throughout the itate for having sold liquor in violation of the rules. rules.A A school teacher named J. 0. Talmage , of Alexandria , Neb. , was run over and killed by a C , R. I. & P. train on the night of the 14th , while lying on a little bridge half a milo west of Atlantic. It is not known whether ho was drunk or took that method of committing suicide. Near Council Bluffs a party of young men were out hunting , when In going through a wire fence the gun of one of the number was discharged , the load striking Charles Travis in the left leg , between the kcee and ankle , and so badly mangled the limb that amputation had to be Dsrformed. Articles of jncorporatlen have been filed at Council Bluffs for the organ ization of a company for the erection of a mammoth grain elevator. Man agers of all the trunk roads centering there seem to hare a hand in the en terprise. Work will be commenced in June on a building of 600,000 bushels capacity , costing § 200,000. The Harrison elevator In Burlington was destroyed by fire on the night of 8th. There were 00,000 bushels of grain in the building , 17,000 of which was flar. Mr. Harrison places his loss on building and machinery at 516,000 , upon which there was $12- 000 inanrance. This was the largest elevator in the city and built last year. year.Advices Advices from Sioux City represent that snow covers the prairie to the depth of one to three feet , and farmers In that section cannot commence plow ing for several weeks. An aid society has been formed to distribute relief in the flooded districts , where the desti tute number over five thousand. In Jones county lives J. H. Rtley , a farmer with a bad reputation. R - cently he imagined that his wife and ' tha hired mm were more intimati than they should bo , and undertook tc kill them both. Bafore he coulc shoot , his wife ran and shut the dooi between them , thrcugh which ho enl a bullet which grazed her wrist. Ir the meantime the h. in. pulled out fui tall timber aud saved himself. Rylej languishes in jail. The funeral of Miss D uell , whc starved herself to death at Iowa City , was a private affair , and was attendee by about twenty personal friends. Tht faca of tha dead was wholly devoid oi repulsive features. Her sisters hare been greatly unnerved hy the disgust' ing occurrence , and Mrs. Aylswortt will doubtless be prostrated for aoma time. . Tne Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad is about to consummate another largo land sale. The tract ol land consists of 20,000 acres , and le located in Kosauth county , this state. President Mitchell has expressed a strong opposition to selling lands in large quantities to speculators , and hence the stipulation has been made in the sale that the lands are to be utilized for immediate settlement. The parties contracting for tha land 'are Austrians , and it is their Intention to aottij the lands Immediately with Austrian immigrants. It has been agreed by the secretaries of the state fair of Iowa , the state fair of Nebraska , and the Intor-stato fair at Hamburg , npon a great fair circuit , to commence at Des Molnei Septembers , and hold till September 9 , and at Omaha from 12 to 17 , and at Hamburg from September 19 to 24. This will prove to ba the largest cir cuit ever formed in the west , and as unusually large premiums have been agreed npon , the belief is entertained that it will eventuate in the most suc cessful affair of its character known to the history of state or inter state fairs west of the Mississippi. IMPIETIES. An OJ City man , aged cixly-two years , says he has been waiting all these years for a reliable version of the Bible. He contemplates reading the now version. Judge Young , of Philadelphia , has decided that barbers have a right to keep their shops open on Sunday. He is a liberal man. Churches and board ing houses have also a right to keep open. The Roy. William Thomas preaches to a colored congregation in Washing ton en Sunday , and during the rest of the week la employed ai doortender for a gambling house. It is said a Hartford mocking bird sings Moodyand Sinkoy tunes , and that nothing but the csga prevents it from taking up a collection. Scene Street oir in Jerusalem : Old lady broke her parasol over the strap and pulls. "Driver , driver ! stop the car. I don't want to go clear to Mount Zion. " "This car don't go that way , mum ; it stops at the Ameri can beer garden. " Thus wo note the progress of time. A minister with rather a florid com plexion went into the shop of a barber , one of his parishioners , to be shaved. The barbar WES addicted to heavy bant * of drinking , after which his hand was , in canseqnence , unsteady at his work. In shaving the minister ho inflicted a cut sufficiently deep to cover the lower part of his face with blocd. Tto minister turned to the barbsr and said in a tone of eolemn severity : "You see , Thomas , what comes of taking too much drink. " "Aye , " replied Thomas , with the ut most composure , "it makes the skin very tender. " DO Not b j .Deceived. In these times of quack medicine advertisements everywhere , it ia truly gratifying to find one remedy that is worthy of praise , and which re'ally does as recommended. Electric Bit ters , we pan vouch for as being a true and reliable remedy , and one that will do as recommended. They invariably euro Stomach and Liver Complainta , Diseases of the Kidneys and Urinary Difficulties. We know whereof wo speak , and can readily say , give them a trial. Sold at fifty cents a bottle , by lah & McMahon. (2) ( ) Eacsien'a Arnica Salve Tha Besr SALVE in the world f OB Oaca , Bruises , Soreo , Ulcers , Salt Ilhonm , Fever Sorea , Totter , Chapp ed Handa , Ohllbhlns , Oorna , and all kinds of Skin Ernptions. This Salvo Is guarantead to give perfect satiafae- tlod In every case or rnonoy re fundedi Price 25 cants per box. For sale by Silly lah & McMahon Omaha. Foots that We Know. If you are suffering with a severe cough , cold , asthma bronchitis , con sumption , loss of voice , tickling in th o throat , or any affection ot the throat or lungs , wo know that DK. KINO'S NEW DISCOVERY will give you immediate relief. Wo know of hun dreds of cases it has completely cured , and that whore all other medicines had failed. No other remedy can show one-half as many permanent cures. Now to give you satisfactory proof that DR. KINO'S Nnw Discov- KRY will cure you of Asthma , Bron chitis , Hay Fever , Consumption , Se vere Coughs and Colds , Hoarseness , or any Throat or Lung Disease , if you will call at J. K. Isn & McMAUON Dru ? Stora you can got a trial bottle free of coat , or a regula- size bottle for § 1.00 janlGly(2) ( There vroa a j oun j swell In Calculi , Tried to write Kclcctric Oil on a shutter , When he reacied to E. C. A treat hi ; Purse ? , aid when Kbeumatlc pains jouenJnre , The fMHtwlll certainly cnro , Bat that word won't rhjme with Calcutta. WROUGHT IRON FENCES. Wire Fencing and Railing n Speciality. Their beauty , permanence and economy daily werkin ; the extinction ot all fencing cheap material. Elegant In dteijm. Indestructible Fences for Lawns , Public Grounds and Ceme tery Plata. Iron VMCJ , Lawn Settoca , canopied and of rustic patterns ; Chairs and every description of Iron and Wire ornamental work doelirned anil manufactured by E. T. BAllNUM'S Wire and Iron Work , S7 , 29 aad 31 Woodward Ave. , De troit , Mich. s D "A'0HH -aUloeue anil rlco lift. jl7ra week glSi day at homeoaelly ; made ; easb CD l/outflt fr xi.Addre j T ne ft Co.Portlnd.M ffl. K. KISDON. Insurance RKPB . London - don , Cash Assets . t5,107,15T WE3TCHESTEK , N. T. , Capital . 1,000,003 THE MERCHANTS , of Newark , N. J. , l.OCC.OO OIRARD FmEPhiladeIphiaCapltal. . l.OOt.OOO NORTDWESTERK KATIONALCap- Ital . WC.eOe FIREMEN'S FOKD. California . 80000 BRITISH AMERICA ASSURANCECo l.HX/.OCO NEVTA IK FIRE ISS. CO , Assets. . . . S 0OCfl AMRRICAF CENTRAL , Atstta . 300 000 S ait Cor. of FlftMnth S Donrlis St. , TWO DOLLARS WILL SECURE THE WEEKLY BEE For One Tear. CHANGING CARS BSMWEKS OMAEAAND CHICAGO , Where Direct connection ! are Made With Through Sleeping Car Lines TO New York , Boston , Philadel phia * Baltimore , Wash- install , AND A.LL , EASTERN CITiES. THE SHOUT LINE via PEORIA for lndianapoIisCincinnatiLouis- ville. AND ALL FOI.M3 Kt TBS TIIK BEST LINE FOR . ST. LOUIS , Where Direct Connections are made Ia the UNION DEPOT with Throuih Sleeping Car Lines for all Points SO TT T Ig- Thc New Line for IDES The Favorite Eoute for The unequiled inducements offered by this Line to Travelers and Touriita , are as fallows : 3 he celebrated Pullman ( lClicel ) Palace Sleep ing Cars , run only on this Line. C. , B. & y. Ptlaca Draning-Koom Cors , with Horton'a Re clining Ch Irs No eitra charge for Seats in Reclining Chairs. The famous C , B. & Q. Palace Dininz Cars. Gorgeous SmoUng Cars dtud with Elegant IlUh-B.-icked Rattan Revolting- Chaira for the cxclujtro uae of flrat-clasa passen gers. gers.SUcl Track and Superior Equipment , corn- lined mtli their Great Through Car Arrange ment , makes this , above all others , the favont Route to the East , South , and South-East. Try it , and you will find traveling a luxury Instead of a discomfort. Through Ticket * yla thi ! Celevrated Line for sale at a'l ' offices tn the United States and Canada. All information about Rates ol Fare , Sleeping Car Aicomrnodations , Time Tables , &u , nill be cheerfully given by appMnjr to JAME3 R. WOOD , General Passenger Agent , Chicago. T. J. POTTtR , _ General Manager , Chicago 1S8O. K.G.ST.JOE&G.B.R.R. , Ia the only Direct Line to BT. LOUIS AW5 > THE EAST From OMAHA and the WEST. " No change ol can between Omaha and lit. Louis ud hot ono between Omaha and Now York. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS Eastern & Ytfcst&n Cities With lexj charges and In advance of other llnee. Thla entire URO la equipped with Pullman's Palace Sleeping Care , Palace Da > Coach * ea.Mlller's itolety Platform and Coupler and the celebrated Wegtlngbonso Alr-Bnke. HraEK TIIAT TOUP. TICKET BKA J ViaEantaa City , St. Joaoph and * CTCouncUBlntr9K.R.vl Stta OVoo andJ3t.Loula. ea Tickets for etlo at all coupon stations In the West. J. F. BARNARD , A. C. DAWES , Gon'l Supt. , Gan'l Fafid. & Ticket Aff't St. Joaeoh , Mo. SL Joseph. Mo , W C. SEACHBKST , Ticket Agen. , 1020 Farnhua Street , ANDY BOUDEN , A. B. BARNARD , Paaa. AjrentOmaha. Gea'rl Acont. Omaha. flLE REMEDY. INTERNAL , EXTERNAL , AND 5TCHINB PILES Ifld at once on tlio application or Dt tomanko > Pile Kcmedy. whig h net * di fctly npan mo pnrt ngfcctcd. nhaorbla he YmiioiB. allaying tfae Intcnae ill outer remedies baTQ fHUrt Tfrr U lake nooUMgr , and teU yonr tgtoBowni IM merit * . DO NOT DELA'J tatil the drain on tbo tyftmat prodnd wnnnncnt tlUoblllty , bat bay it , TRY IT LOURED PRICI % 50 CENTS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT , ted when yon can not obtain Uoffalni.tvT Till Bend It , prppiUd , on receipt of price Jr. Botnnho'c Trentlae on Piles cnt fro innppllesllon. Addrcas DR , BOSANKO MEDICINE CO. PIQDA. O. PROPOSALS FOR TNDIAN SUP PLIES AND TRANSPORT ATION. pvEPAUTSIENT OF THE INTERIOR , Office \J of Indian Affairs , Wuhir.jjton , llareh 23 , 1SS1. Scaled propouU , Indorsed Procosa's for Beef , Eicon , Flour , Clothing or Transportation , &r. , ( n the cite miy be , ) and dlrsetod t } the Commiaiioncr of Iniian Affairs , ho ? . C5 amlCT W colter Strict , h iw York , will bt received un til 11 a.m. of Monday , May 2 , ISil. for furnish- Inf for the Indiiu Hrrice about 800,000 pounds Bacon , 40WOCOO pound ] Beef on tha hoof , 123- CWpoanda Bcasr , 70,000 pound j Halcing Voxder , 2.3CO.OOO rounds Corn , 720,000 pound * CofTte , 8- 300,000poanda Floor , : : 12,000 pound ] Feod.300,000 pound ) Hard Bread , 75,003 pounds Hornlny , 9. . 000 pound ! Lard , 1.C50 Ir.rrels W 33 Pork. 233- 050 pounds Rice , 11,200 pounds Tea , 72,900 foundl Tobacco , 2DO.OOO pounds Silt , 200,000 pounds Soap , 0,000 round ] Soda , l.IiQ.COO pounds Sugar , and 833.000 ponndi Wheat. Also. Blankets , Woolen and Cotton good * , ( cinsigt'nir in part of 11tkin ; , 10,000 yards ; Standard Calico , 300,000 yards ; Drilling , 25,000 yardsDuck ; , fret from all giiir. ; , 175,000 yards ; Denims , 17,000 yards ; Gingham , 0,000 ) ar B ; KentacKy Jeans , 36.COO yardt ; Satinet , 4.500 Tards ; Brown Slh tUg , 113,001 yards : Bleiche-1 Sheetln ? , 9.000 yarts ; Hlekory Shirting , 14,000 yaids ; Calico f hlrtlnjr , 5,000 yards ; Tfinsey , 2- 600 yardiClothinj ) , Groceries , Notions , HarJ- ware , Medical Supplies ; and a long list ot mis- eellanoc8 article ! , 'such as Harness , Plows , Rakes , Forks , tc , , and for 416 Wajona requirkd for the strrue In Ariiona , Colorado , Dakota , Idaho , Indian Ter. , MinncioU , Montana , > V braka , Nevada acd Wisconsin , to be delhered for to bo delivered at the Agencies. Bids mut ba made out on Government blanks. Schedu'e ] thowinr the kinds and quantltlaa of rnbsist nca suppllts required for each Agen cy , and the kinds and nuintitiefl , in gross , of all other goods and artiilcs , together nfth blink proposals and forau for contract and bond , con * ditloss to bo ob ar > d by bldJerg , tlma and p'.ato cf deHtcry , terms ef eontrvt and pay ment , trtnsportatUu roQt-s , and othernecesiun- Instructions witl b furnished npcn application to the Indian Office In Washington , or Nis. 65 and67Woc t r Street , Saw Torlc , Wm. II. Lyon , No. 1SJ Broadway , Neiv York ; and to the Comml/saries of Eub iit nce , U. 9. A , at Chicago cage , Saint Louis , Saint Paul , Leivenworth , S n Franciico , Omaha , Cheyenne , and Yankton , and the Postmaster at Soax City. Bids will ba opened at thohoar andday above stated , and bidders are InTited to be prisent at the opening. CZBTinzD cniCKS. All litls must be accompanied by cf rllfled checVi upon ome United tate Depwltory or Ateistant Treasurer , for at least QTO per cent , of the amount of the proposal } . THOMAS M. NICHOD , m r2S-lm Acting Comniissioner. East Inclia Pile Cnrc. The only specific for nil forms of Piles. In use in foreign coun tries for years , lately intro duced into America. "Warrant ed to give instant relief and a permanent cure guaranteed. Sold by all druggists or mailed free on receipt of price , 50 cents , byjtho American agents , Kichardson & Co. . Wholesale Druggists , Saint Louis , 3Io. ZAliA'S BILIOUS PILLS , guaranteed to give immediate relief in all cases of Bilious and Liver Complaints , Costiveness - tiveness , Sick Headache , In digestion , and cleansing the system of all impurities. Price 25 cents , All druggists sell them , IN USS TORTY YEARS. CELEBRATED SCOTCH A Safe and Pleasant Remedy for COUGHS , GOLDS , ASTHMA , HOARSENESS and Strengthen ing the Lungs. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Price only 10 Cents. p * % < ! tffHrB ! w W A now and hitherto nninown remedy for ail dUoa.129 o ( tha KU cjs , EiJJer , and Urinary Orticj. It will posltiv aly euro Diabetes , Gravel , Drop- y , BrUht'a Disease , Inability to retain or expell In Urine , Catarrh of the Bladder , high cole red nd E'-nty rriuc , Pa'.niul Urinating , LAME BACK. Uencra' Weakness , and all Female Com- plaint" . It arolib medicines , H certain tn it Qckts and cures when nothlnj ehra can. For dale by all Druir iaM or Bent by mall free npon receipt ol the price , 3J.CO. DAY ' 4EY PAD CO. , FnOP'RS , Toledo , O. fT3 your , ! drcAj for our little book , e was S7ed. . " K. 1SU , A ; SIOM CITY & PACIFIC A-TD St , Paul & Sioas City RAILROADS. The Old EeV. a.Ut Sioux. City 100 iVOLES SHORTEST ROUTE I From COUNCIL BLUFFS to ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH , or BISMARCK , And all potataln Northern Iowa , MInnceota and Dakota. Thla inn h equipped with the Im proved Westiughouss Automatic Air Entea and Siller Platform Coupler aud Buffer. Ani ! for SPEcD.SAFHTY AHD COMFORT 3 unsurpassed. E'eznt Drswlnjr Room and ileeplnx C.irowned r ail controlled 'jy the com any , run Through Wlthsnt Change totwaea Jnlon Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Blufl ? , and St. Paul. Trains Isave the Union Pacific Transfer Depot at Council Bluffs , at 6:15 p rn. , Machine Slcux City at IfcM p. m. , and St. Paul at 11:05 : a. c HOURS IK ADVANCE o ? AIY OTHSR Bourn. Returning , levre St. Paul at 8:30 : p. m. , aj. rivln ? at Sioux City at 4:15 : a. m. , and Union 'aclfic Transfer Depot , Council Bluff ? , at 9:60 : a m. Bo sure that your tlslccto read via "S. C. kP. R. R.1 F.C. HILLS , Superintendent , MksonrI Valley , Iowa' P. E. ROBINSOS , Asa't Crn'l Pass. Agent. J. H. O'BRTAN , and I'ls-.enirer Aent , Council BlnffB MAKE NO MISTAKE ! MICA AXLE &FX.EASE 'oniposed largely ot powde'ril mica and isinglacj 3 the Lcat anil cneap'jst ubrlc'.tor in the world. * t is the best bccansel t iJo-3 notgBia , but forms i highly polkhed surface over the axle , doln iway with a lari ; : anonnt of friction. It Ia the ch pc3t uccan 3 TOU nocd ce ' .at half the quantity ! n jcreasiii ? your wagon that you woull cf any other axle gteosc nrulo , and then run rour n ; on l-vicc as Ion } ; . It aniwtrs equally * a well for 1II1I fcirng ! ! , Threshing -Machlnet , Juggi's. Ac , S3 for .va'orj Send far Pocket Jjclopedliof Tr.'n.a Wr < ra ; knowing. Mailed ree to any d T > * 3 MICA MAKUFACTUFIHC CO. , 81 MICHIQAN AVENUE , CHICAdG. . E"Ask Yoir ! ' Dealer For It Gtt2 AGENTS WANTED FOR CREATIVE SCIENCE and Sexual Philosophy. Prclmely Illustrated. Tht most important in e3t book published. Every family wants Sitraonllnary Inducements offered Agent' . Address Acrxrs'PUBUSHISO Co Et Louis. Mo * REED'S n' , " he by Alexander's "Abdallab , Sire ff "Oild mith Maid ; " First dam "On Ttmo'bv'War Dnce , " son o ! the ' ioneil Lexiuglo- ; " Second , "Sl'a Ero-konriJije" by Cello m , " son of imported " -OT rein. ' "Almoni's" firtt itim by "Mnubrino Chief anJ hijbirehy KysJick's ' Hambletonlan " ThiarimirKaMehnrso will be BTB yara old n May , he will serve only 35 marcs ( half of which umber Un'Sengaged ) at 82500 per mire , payable at time of lervico. Season ccmrr.cnc * ? April 1st and will end Sept. Jst. After that t me hia itrvice will be out at $35 00. Any marc th.U hrs trotted in ' 2iO served rRM. ALL TIMEwillstandlfondays' lesdavs" and Wednesdays' each wtelc , beein- ning the Hrst of April , on TwentUtb , west of aghteenth ttreet car-track terminu' , and tha emiinder of each week at the corner of lltb and Howard streets. ED. EEED , Proprietor. Stable Corner llth and Howard Streets. marl r 13m THE DAILY IJEE "ontalna the Litest Home and Tele- News .of th Day. APPETIZE CURE For COUGHS , COLDS , BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA , CONSUMF. TION , and all Diseases of the THROAT and LUNGS. The most acceptabls preparation In ths known world. Dy addinf to TOLU ROCK and RYE Ittl * l emon Juice , you hava an exellent Appetizer and Tonic , for sentral and family uo. The ItnmenM and increasing tales and th numerous testimonial * receired daily ara the best eflilenco o f its tirtues and popularity. Put up in Quart Size Bottles , giving More for the money than any article in the market. DOS THE DECEIVED by unprincipled dealers who try to palm off npon TOO . common Rock and Rya hi place cf our TOLU ROCK and RYE. which Is the only MtDlCATED article made , the GENUINE naylne a GOVERNMENT STAMP on each hotllo. Extract from Report of ths Commissioner of Internal Revenue : TREASURY DEPARTMENT , OFFICE OF INTERNAL REVKNU ) Wjjnwaios D. C. , January W.1SSO. ( Messrs. LAWRENCE & MARTIN , 1111 Madison 8t , Chicuro. Ills. : . , Sj o JMr. ! J13 " "P001"1. the opinion of thla office , would ha > e sufficient qountlt7 A. . Hi 9 JU to g"e U * " the "a " ascribed to thla article In pectoral complaint * while the wnl ky and th syrup constitute an emulsion rendering U an agreeable remedy to th * Rolc . % , . IpouniIedocoriimt . , | f tha formula , It may properly he clawed as a MEDICINAL ? AT12N * nd" " " PrOTlslons of O. S. R-Ylaed StUrtcs. and when so stamped , tray t. sold by Drujfists , Apothenaries and Other Person * without rtnderinc them liable to nay reeclal tar M liquor dealers. Yours Respectfully , ( Stjned ) GREEN. B. RAUM. Cotnmlaaloner LAWRENCE & MARTIN , Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DRUG&ISTS , GROCERS and DEALERS everywhere _ _ C. K. GOODMAN. AGHXT. OMAHA IT IS A GRATIFYING FACT THAT THE WHiTESEWiNGSMGHIN Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead ily and rapidly increasing in public lavor. The White Machine jusdy claims to be the best made , the easiest running , the 'simplest in construction and the most perfect Machine in the market. The White Co. employ as agents men of integrity - tegrity , and purchasers are always satisfied , because they find everything just aa repres ented. Everybody should use this Machine. . The sales so far this year are more than double the corresponding time last year. All orders addressed to the Omaha lOttlce will be promptly filled. JOHN Cor. Davenport and 15th Sts. Gimilm. THIS NEW'ANB CORRECT TVTAP . t jssj : Proves beyond nny reasonable question that the * ' CHICAGO f & 5 NORTH-WESTERN. R'Y Is by all odds the best road for you to take when traveling In either direction between ! J Chicago and all of the Principal Points in the West , North and Northwest.'M Carcfnlly examine this 3fap. The Principal Cities of the Vfett and Northwest arc Stations on this road , its through trains iiiaKo close euunectiousvitlx the trains ol all railroad * ai junction points. THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , Overall of its principal lines , runs each way daily from two to four or mow Fast Express Trains. It Is the only road west o Chicago that uses the < vrr.jna 'fcws-eaw PULLMAN5HOTEL DINING CAHSJ It Istlio only road that runs Pullman Sleeping Cars North or Northwester. Chicago. * Unas * nearly 3I1LES OFXOAJt. It forms tlio follow ln Trunk Uncs : 4 "Council Bluffs. Denver & California Lino. " " Winona , Minnesota & Central Dakota lino. " * ! ' SIouxC ty.Nor.NebraSTta&Yanktonl.lne. ; ' > "Clilcaso , St. rani ami Minneapolis Line. T "ior. Illinois , Frceport & Dubuque Line. " "Milwaukee. Orccn IUy& Lake Superior Line."j Tickets over this rosd ara sold by all Coupon Ticket A"cuu fa the Unitud atutea and ; Caiiadas. . - , * - , . „ J JJemember to ask for Tickets via this road.fcosure they read over It , anil take none other. : HAIiVIX nCGimr.Gena Manager. Chicago. lA.Vf. U. SIEi'SETT.GBn'lPasa. Ageut , CUlcago. ' HARRY P. DOEL. Ticket Azent C. & N. W. Railway , 1 Ub aB.ltParnham'Stre t . Bl ) . E KIMBALIj , Assistant Ticket Aeent C & N. W. Railway.llth and Firnham Etreetg. J. BELL. Ticket ArentC. 4 N. W. Railway , U. P K. R. Depot. JAMtsS T. CLARK'Qpnaral Agant. ATHERS And Everything pertaining to the tVjuitnre and Upholstery Trade , A COMPLETE ASSGlfiWHT OF HEW GOODS AT TKS : . 1208 and 1210 Farnham Street. ap SI EK.H th Ut -OF- LIST y MAIVIIVIOTH GLOTINQ Hard Wearing Goods ! Men's Cotton Snita . S 4 00 VIend C'jtt > nvltj I'.iut10 to 150 Men's Cotton Worsted . GOO Men 1'anln . . . . 3 00 to 500 ' . 500 MenN VMt 'l I'anU a CO to Z7 > Men' Jeans * Men's Satinet Suits . Sa'Oto 6 CO Spring Overcoats SCO to 1800 Men' * Union Cagg Suits . 8 00 to 10 GO White Vesii 100 to 2 OH 18 00 White Shirts C2' to 125 Men's All-Wool Suits . 12 50 to ) 1'ancy Shirts. 374 t < > 1 75 Men's Worsted Suits . 1350 to 200) Men'a Bins Flannel Suit * . . . . 7 53 to 13 50 Cawumere Shirt * ICO to 3M Youth'sSuiU . 40)to 000 Hlue Flannel Shirts 1 00 to 1 75 ' . 2 7. . to 900 Overall * anil Jumpers COc and upwards Boy'aSnits ' SuiU . 250tw 600 Su pend rs 25 to 450 Clnldren's ' 203 Cotton Half Jloie10 ; to 515 CO per dozen Men's Jeana Pants Complete line of Neck Wear , Linen Collars and Sum mer Underwear. Silk Handkerchiefs , Hats , Caps , Gloves , Trunks and Vaiiscs , Boots and Shoes. Agent for San Francisco and Oregon City Woolen Manu facturing Company. M. ELGUTTER'S MAMMOTH GLOTH1NG HOUSE , 1001 Farnham , Corner 10th Street.