Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1881, Image 4

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    The Daily Bee.
Wednesday Morning , April 13.
Eaator Monday , April 18tb.
The Ivanhoe Dramatic Club ,
Mr. Harry J. Parr , . Director.
Tills p'y embodies the true sentiment ! of the
Irish people u > h y ( trailed for their Qcd
given righti Il tic-row , oflljr tmbltlon during
ihe eventful period of ' 98 joitrayiac Ills tine
motirmnd depicting lib vonderfu1 qualities of
Mlf-facriGdng lo\e cd noble generosity. Scenes ,
the nest itnueins re so luppi'y internoron In
the pot ! to m ke the play at t > ncc the mos
beautiful and Inlentcly lute -ratine on the modern
etacc. A strong can and elcsnt costume * .
Tickets 50 . llnerved stats at Kdho'.m A.
Erkkeou'i Matn ! > at2:30. ! > ! ' d3t
Frederick , .beading Hatter. mlltf
Easter Cards at Kuhn's.
See Polack's advertisement.
4030 residence lote. Bemis , agent.
300 business lots. Call on Eemis.
Bemi ' new map of Omaha , 25 cents.
Bcnrn' real estate boom. First page.
250 houses and lot * . Bemis' agency.
200 farms and 000,000 acres land. Berni *
Try "fare's choic * , " best 5c cigar in
Whipple , McMillan & Co. , the jewel ,
ere , Crtichton Block. o20-tf
Finest assortment of tooth brushes at
5axe'p , warranted.
Kbvel Ten Cent cigars , fi\e for a
quarter , at Kuhn's Drug Store.
For riNE Commercial Job Printing ,
call at THE BEE Job room * .
Mxed paints , Whitehouse's drug store ,
IGlh and California streets aS-rod-lin
i If yon want Bill-Heads , Letter-Heads
' Envelope * or any job work. Call at THE
BEE Job llooms. Pricei that will suit
every one.
Kev. George W. Pepper , the lecturer
on Irish wrongs , is in the city , sid : will
probably i > eak with Mr. John Devoy in
ibis city Thursday evening
Five or sit members of the Y. M. C-
A. of this city , will attend the state con
vention at Linceln. which begins on Thurs
day and continues through the weeV.
The ladie cf the First M. E. church
will give a toci&ble on Thursday evening ,
nt the residence of G. T. Walker , north
west corner of Seventeenth and Douglas.
A force of men has been engaged to
day in cleaning the TJ. P. shops of trie
ir.ud which accunmlatcled there daring the
flocH , and a portion of the shop men will
resume work to-morrow.
The plans 'of Architect YOBS for the
Sangerfesl building Ime been accepted ,
and contracts arc to be let on the 20ih.
The Lincoln society has applied for admis
sion to the Saengerbund.
The mud on the streets and crossings
is from two inches to a foot deep , and ju t
thin and mushy enough to enable pedes
trians to * 'feel bottom. " On Fifteenth ,
near the postoffice. the streets are nearly
impassible , but the enterpriMng firm of
Kdholm & Krickton have a man at work ,
ehoveling the mud from their erasing ,
which is a great accommodation to all who
pass that way.
The statement in nn Omaha paper that
ths embankments of the "Waterworks
Company's new settling basins on the
river bottom had been seriously damaged
by the flood , is denied Engineer Ba\ig ,
who states tiiat the Water Worts Compa
ny is only out for labor in taking precau
tions , which as the flood resulted were un
necessary. He say * there w not a cent's
worth of damage.
A tpccial mooting of the Donaka
Foronlng aociety will ba held at thalr
hall on Wednesday at 8 p. make
arrangcmcnja fortho funeral of Aug.
Budwjiser Bottlnd Beer at Julius
TreiUchke'a. 12-3t
Men's Hip Boots , at Fullriede's.
A good watchmaker , a foreigner pre
ferred , at EJholtn & ErlckaonV.
Steady work and good pay to a good
FINE assortment of gold and silver
Watches at Whlpple , McMillen &
Co. 'a. Crelghton Block.
All the honorary and active mem
bers of the Pioneer Hoolc and Ltddo :
Go. , Nu. 1 , are hereby requested to
attend the Chief Engineer election on
Wednesday , April 13th , 1881 , at 8
o'clock p. m. , sharp , at City Hall.
Jtiuca TKEirticnKE , Sec'y.
1203 and 1210FuniAam if. , OmcJia.
List of subscribers to the Land
League fand :
Patrick McArdle , Sr . S 1 00
Charles lioltennann. . o 0)
John Dougherty . 2 50
Patrick Dougherty . L 00
JamesMitchell . 1 00
James Hughes . 1 00
John McAnlle . 1 W )
Patrick SIcArdle . 2 50
Total . . . . S15RO
NEW styles rllvcrware at WbJpple
McMillen < t Co.'t , Creighlon block.
Owing to the lateness of the season
and the immense stock of rubber goods
on. Land , wo must and will close
them oat at prices never before heard
of * Erery ttfing in the "Rubber Hne
regardless of cost at
"H. DOHLE fc Co.'s.
ELUGANT Jewelry at Whipple ,
McMilUn&.Co.'e , OrcightonTjlock.
. . = r Hip
* ; Hurrah !
" "
m ?
Boots ,
of "Bobber Shoes ,
Just Received.
at EL DOHLE & CO.'S ,
Leading She Store.
o I a s *
Who Will Have to be Disposed
of in Some Manner.
' ' Cracky Bill , "a character very gen
erally known in this city , and espe
cially to the police authorities , baa
been serving a sentence In the city
jail for some time , which expires to
day. The ordinary course of justice
in finenesses is for the police judge to
make out a doharge : , and the prisoner
Is forthwith Immediately conducted
ontslde of the basement hotel.
In Bill's case , however , there is an
obstacle , whlcli is the fact of his "en
tire nuditity. YtBterday he conceived -
ceived the idea that his clothing was
Inhabited by a species of animal wel
known to ordinary jail quarters , anc
.accordingly he bnrned every rag anc
vestige of his jgarmenta in the stove.
He is now Trapped in a blanket , as
his only covering , and the question is
whether the court will be justified in
drawing upon the city for a suit o
clothes , or in allowing Bill to remain
in durance vile at the municipal ex
Bargains in Rubbar Boots at Fall
Bay your Easter eggs of the BOB ;
Bees at the Christian church Friday
Egg supper and sociable at the
Christian church Friday night.
Those wishing first-class dressmak
Ing should call at 317 N. loth street
_ _ _
Omaha Fire Department.
The Fire Department will meet in
the City Ccuncil Chamber on Wednes
day evening , at 7:30 , sharp , to elect
officers for the ensuing year.
By order SL GOLDSMITH , Pros.
" *
Prang's Bister Cards at Hospe'a.
Prang's Easter Cards at Hoepe'a.
Prang's Easter Cards at Hospe's. tl
Bargains In Rubber Boots at Fall-
WILLIAMS Mrs. Frances E. Wil
liams , aged 57. Funeral from the
residence of W. H. Keene , corner of
James and Charles streets , on Thurs
day , at 1 o'clock p. m. All friends of
the deceased are invited to attend.
WALLER Ella L. , only daughter of
Frank and Hattia Wilier , aged 3
years and 14 days. at 10 a.
m. Thursday , from the residence , Xo.
033 Wheaten street. Friends of the
family Invited.
Mtrahal Niel R-ssos left for Easter.
Come , see and order. C. E. Eifling ,
Lsavenworlh and Ilth ata. 12-tu-thu
Go and see Treitschke's fine sample
room. 12-3t
Lirge stock of Rubber Boots just
recaived al Fullriodo'a , Douglas ,
near 13th street.
The Death of Heury Lauor.
WHEREAS. Henry Liner , for many
years an active member of this com
pany , passed from this earth on the
20th of March , 1881 , after having
achieved an enviable record as n fire
man ; therefore , be it
Jltiohtd , That we , the member. * of
Engine Company Ho. 2 , in meeting
assembled , hereby express our sincere
regret for the great misfortune befallen -
fallen the estimable wife and family
of Mr. Lauor , and we take great pleas
ure in certifying to the fast that
during -his llfetima he was ever a
trua fireman , a worthy member of the
company and an honest man.
OMAHA , April 7,1881.
Harmonic Society.
The Harmonic society will give a
concert at Masonic Hall , April 2Gth.
Several fine choruses , on which the
society has been faithfully at work
for aomo time , will be presented , and
also a selection from the new opera ,
"The Bells of Oorneville , " or , as it Is
more commonly called , "The Chimes
of Normandy , " which the society is
now at work on and intends giving
soon. There will also be several at
tractive solo representations in the
Strange Bed Fellows.
John Holland , living on the
corner of CASS and Ilth stroat , was
arrested Monday on comphiut of his
wife , charging him with having taken
two tramps home with him , quartered
them in his wife's bed-room , aud
winding up by making it so uup'oas-
ant for Mrs. Holland thatr eho was
obliged 'o leave the house. The com
plaint alsa alleges that Holland was
intoxicated and brutally treated his
wife before she left the h'onso.
The examination was continued until
Change of Firm.
Mr. H. T. Clark , of Bjllevne , has
become : partner * in the wholesale
hardware housa"bf "Lee , Fried & Co. ,
of this city. Mr. Clark nlllnot , take
an 'active part in the business , but
makes this investment for his son ,
Mr. J. T. Clark , who hasljinfimpor.
tact clerkship In the ests7c < lifi ment.
The firm has rented the large double
store , 44 feet front and three stories
high , in the building shortly to be put
np on H&rney street by the Tier's , and
expects to get into it about August let.
The firm is one of the most Impottjnt
in their line of business between Chicago
cage and San Francisco , and the addi
Uon of Mr. Clark to the firm with his
large capital , will , have th ) effect of
giving them unlimited credit.
ftTr. J. T. Clark , who will , represent
his father in the Jinn , was formally
with Irving & Ellis , and is a young
gentleman widely kaoivain Nebraska.
, , . i . Mt ft i1"
aud , with many friend * .
Its McKipney Case.
At the time of going to prez * , the
examination of J. Sephen McKinney
and Ada L Shank , on the charge of
inosst , ft bsing alleged that they are
uncle and niece , was being held before
Polica Judge Hawes , at his office.
Captain Marsh is seriously ill with an
attack of erysipelas.
Mr. James Ware , of Paxton & Ware ,
leit forthe East yesterday *
Mr. A. Ward , ' with Ma * | Meyer & Co. )
came infromlthe we t Monday ,
Henry Gibson , Etq. , proprietor of the
Herald job room * , left Monday forSt ;
P. P. Shtlby , Esq. , rseneral freight
Agent of the TJ. P. 11. R. , r. turned from
Cleveland .Monday.
Thos. J. Potter , general manager cf the
a B. & Q. R. It , Marvin Hughitt , gener ;
al manager of the Northwe tern , dnd Hugh
J. lliddlu , general manager of the Kock
Island , arrived in Council Bluff < yes-
erd y morning.
Messrs. U. S. Stebbin , general ticket
agent of the U. P. R. R , , and J. W.
Morte , general passenger agent , left for
Chicago yesterday afternoon to attend the
meeting of the Western Association of
passenger and ticket sgenU , which occurs
this week.
C. S. Cone , Esq. , General Ticket Agent
of the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad , was in
the city Monday to meet M.S. C. E.
Chapman , widow of the company's agent
at Louisville , Ky. , who is expected here
with her husband's remains , ilr. and
Mrs. Chapman were returning from a trip
ta California for the former's health , but
on the jonrney home he became unexpect
edly worse and died on tbe CcntralPacific
train before reaching Ogden.
Bargains lu Rabber Boots at Full-
Railroad Jottlcgs.
From Lut Evening's Bee.
The Burlington & Missouri River
railroad is not yet in condition to run
trains , the Kansas City track between
Omaha and Pacific Junction being still
The bridge at Oreapolis will be
completed by Thursday , and the plan
now is to resume the regular passenger
and freight trains on that day. The
B. & M. has had its agents at points
which this blockade has affected , in
structed to receive no freight until
the road is opsn . In the meantime
there has been no interruption to local
or through traffic on the main line ,
which has made regular connections
with the C. , B. & Q. at Pacific Junc
Swan , the cattle , man , made a ship
ment of car-loadsof
to-day twenty-five -
stock , lately fed in liar's dlstlllary
barns. The stock'was shipped over
the Omaha & Republic in Valley road
to Lincoln , thenca by the B. & M. to
Pacific Junction and on to Chicago.
This is tb.3 .first through shipment
from Omaha since last Friday.
J. H. Martin , Esq. , well known in
Omaha as the traveling agent cf the
U. 1 * . railroad , with headquarters at
Indianapolis , has resigned that posi
tion and accepted the general agency
in Indianapolis of the I. 0. & St. L.
The trains on the C , B. & Q. and
Wabish railroads came In this morn
ing at Council Bluff ? nearly on timo.
Tbe Northwestern train , which was
due at the Bluffi at 9:30 yesterday
morning , was not in until after eight
o'clock at night. The causes of the
delay were a heavy land slldo about
two miles east of Logan , Iowa , ( which
detained the train fire hours ) and by
a break in the track east of the Bluffs.
At the latter place the water was run
ning across the rails. The
transfer irom the above mentioned
depots to the transfer depot wasmade
in the same minnar as yesterday.
From the transfer depot the platform
flat cars are til ! in place , but will
probsbly be taken away to-morrow , as
Bridge Supt. 0. B. Havens thinks that
It will bo possible by that time to run
the dummy train np to the depot.
About one hundred and fifty pas
sengers and one hundred emigrants
went westward to-day on the Union
Pacific ,
The freight blockade on the other
side rf the river is reported to be
arge and Increasing dally.
Heavy Snow About Ds.
The recent snow storm has affected
he territory north of Omaha , and es-
> ecially tbe railroads , in a serious
manner. A few miles north the fall
was nearly a foot in depth , which al-
owed of several heavy drifts in the
allroad cuts and consequent stoppage
of trains. The cuts on the St. Pnul &
Sioux City railroad between Tekama
and Sioux City are yesterday six feet
leep , which effectually blocks travel.
Trom Sioux City to Mankato , Minne-
ota , on the Chicago , St. Paul & Oma-
la railroad , a distance of nearly two
lundrcd miles , the snow in many
places is three feet deep. May not
he present season bo the begin
ning of another of those glacial pe
riods that have frozen up the inhabit
able portion of the world once in 00- ,
000 years ?
The Wetera Falling.
The signal eervice gauge showed
yesterday that up to 1 o'clock the
river had fallen two feet and aoven
Inches , standing at eighteen feet end
eleven inches above low water mark.
This shows an average fall of two-
thirds of an Inch par hour. The
prospect is that the decline will be
at 111 more rapid by to-night and to
Sporting Notes.
The biggest bag of the season was
recently brought In by Gen. Crook
and Mr. J. S. Collins , from thePiatte
river. In a hunt of four hours Thurs
day they bigged 235 ducks , of which
S3 were canvas back. The- latter are
very scarce and hard to get , and this
number sorpissts any duck hunting
exploit recorded heretofore.
In Nebraska during the week ending
April 0,1881 , furnished THE BEE by
Wm. Van Yleck , of the postoffice de-
Established Brewer , Hoit county ,
Elcea E. Kuho , postmaster , Peck-
bam , Lincoln county , Joshua Peck-
Discontinued Marysburg , Jeffer
son caunty ; Rush , Franklin county.
Postmaiters appointed Clear
Spring , Antelope county , S. S. Mur-
pByT "Flowerdsle , Richardson county ,
Walter J. Hopper.
Day Board $3 50. Hudson River
House , Hirney street.
all-3t-eod J. C. GREEX , " Prop'r.
A New City Government
in Session tinder a
Charter ,
T , H , Dailejj President and J ; J-
L. 0. Jewett , Oiert of
the Council.
A Concise Message From
With Valti-
Mayor Boyd , -
able Suggestions.
The Council Committees Ap
The first session of the new city
couniil was held last evening In the
common conceit. The room was
filltd with interested spectators. City
Clerk McCartney called the meeting
to order , and asked Mayor Boyd and
the following councilmen-elect to
step forward and be sworn :
J. 0.
Councilmen-at-Lirge Corby ,
Cnarles Kaurmann , Richard O'Kocfe ,
Homer Stull , Fred Delone , Samuel
Ward Councilmen Aler. McGav
ock , First ward ; M. A. McNamsra ,
Second ward ; H. Hernberger , Third
ward ; M. Dunham , Fourth ward ; T.
H. Dailey , Fifth ward ; W. I. Baker ,
Sixth ward.
Mayor Boyd and the counciltnen-
elect were then sworn in , aud the
bonds of each examined and approved.
Mr. S. A. Herman waa elected tem
porary chairman.
Alderman Kvifraan moved that an
Informal ballot for president bo ta
Mr. Dunham moved to amend that
the ballot he an informal one , to
which Mr. Kaufman agreed , and the
amended motion was passed.
Mr. Honnin nominated Mr.
Mr. Dailey nominated Mr , Her *
mat ) .
Mr. Baker nominated Mr. Stall ,
who declined to ho a candidate , sav
ing it was well understood what the
ballot would be.
Messrs. Baker aud Corby were ap
pointed teller. ) .
A ballot was taken with the follow
ing result : Dailey , 11 ; Herman , 1.
On motion the election of Mr.
Dailey was made unanimous , ani the
temporary chairman appointed Messrs.
Dunham aud Kaufman to conduct the
president to his chair.
After assuming his duties iho pres
ident said :
GENTLEMEN : I thank you for the
honor conferred. I accept the posi
tion , and will endeavor to merit your
Wo will now proceed to the regular
order of business.
Nominations for city clerk were
then pronounced In order.
Mr. McGavock nominated John So-
Mr. Kaufmann nominated J. F.
Mr. McNaraara nominated Thomas
J. Fitzmorrls.
( The name of Mr. McCartney was ,
at bis request withdrawn from nomin
ation. )
Mr. Corby nominated J. J. L. C.
Mr. Dunham nominated Mr.
Mr. Herman nominated Mr.
On motion of Mr , Herman the first
ballot was made an Informal one.
This ballot1 and the three which fol
lowed it resulted as follows :
First Ballot Siton 2 , McCartney
2 , FHZtnorrls2 , Jewett 2 , Higglnson
2 , Shields 2.
Second Ballot Seton 1 , Fitzaiorris
2 , Jewett G , Higginsonl , Shields 1.
Third Ballot Fitzmorris 2 , Jowott
6 , Higginaon 1 , Shit 1 is 1 , blank 2.
Fourth Ballot Jewett 11 , blank 1.
On motion the nomination of Mr.
Jewett was made unanimous.
Mayor Boyd then advanced and
read a lengthy message.
The bond .of the mayor , which bore
the names of J. A. Creighton and
W. A. Paxton , was presented and
approved. -
On moiion a recess of fifteen min
utes was taken , to allow the president
to prepare the names of his commit
The council was again called to or
der , and Mr. Gustavo Beneke , police
judge elect , advanced to the desk and
took the oath. The clerk read his
bond , whicS bore as sureties the names
of E. Rosewater and 0. Hartman.
The president then read the names
of the standing committees aafollows :
Finance HermanBaker , Jnnham.
Judiciary Stull , Kanfmann , Horn-
Claims Baker , Herman , Stnll.
Streets and Grades McGavock ,
McNamara , Baker.
Public Property and Improvements
Kanfmann , Dulone , O'Keefe.
"Police OIKeefe , McGavock , Horn-
Fire , Horribergor , Dunham , Me-
Gas Corby , Kauftnaun , Dunham.
Sidswalks and Bridges Delone ,
Corby , McGwock.
Rnles , Forms and Printing Dun
ham , Stull , Herman ,
Street Hailwayr , Crossings and
Sidewalks McNamara , O'Keofe ,
"Water Works and Sewerage Mo *
Namara , Kaufmann , Stull , Delone ,
Corby , Herman.
Purchasing Kaufman , Homberg-
er , McGavock.
Mr. Hoinberger moved that the
firemen bo allowed the use of the
council chamber for their election this
evening. Carried.
The report of Truman Buck on the
condition of the city troasurar'n ac
counts was referred to the committee
on finance.
On motion the dl fie rent papers from
the old council on file tu the clerk's
office , were ordered transferred to the
propar committees of the new council.
On motion of Councilman Kauf
mann it was voted that the council
adjourn till Tuesday evening next at
7:30 o'closk.
"Bo&ert Einmet"
After months of careful study un
der the abla direction of Mr. Harry
J. Parr , the Ivanhoes will appear at
tEe. Academy'of Music on next Mon
day evening in the historical drama of
"Robtrt Emmet. " The play is by
one of the ablest dramatists of the
age , Henry Pilgrim. It is a faithful
chronicle of the touching incidents
and historical scenea in the life zt Ire-
Und's most ba'oved patriot. So ex-
sctly are those scenes depicted that
the auditor becomes in fancy
a contemporary of the dreadful events
hieh ushered in the present century.
I .s peculiar and chief beauty consists
in its representation of the Irishman
in the light ot learning and genius ,
qmlitiea seldom attributed to him In '
modern plays. | Nor does It forget the
rollicking Irish lad and his witty say
ings , but It aspjgns him his grope ?
plac ? . Its great success ia New York
where It was played for one hundred
consecutive nights attests itu worth.
That it will receive a propar interpre
tation by the Ivanhoe's , and meet
with a warm reception by the people
of Omaha , Is beyond doubt.
His Examination Before Judge
Hawes Yesterday
The police court zoom v aa filled
yesterda aftembon by n orewd of
curious and anxious listener * , who
closely watched every step in the ex
amination of Stephen McKinney on
the charge of criminal intimacy with
a Rirl named Ada L. Shanks , who is
said to be McKipney's niece. In an
swer to the reading of the charge file-
Ktnney pleaded not guilty , and Ada
L. Shanks also pleaded not guilty.
J. S. Carey , 110 Twelfth street ,
was sworn , and teatihed that defend
ants came to hla house and wished to
rent room and board , which they ob
tained. They came there about the
13th or 10th of January , and remain
ed about all weeka. Vhile there
they occupied the room.
Mies Dora Crane , who woiks for
Gary , swore that she saw the defend
ants. They eame to Mr. Gary's home
and asked for bread. 1'feey ' took a
rocm , but it would bo impossible to
know whether they roomed together
or not , and didn't RO in there. I
never heard them eay anything about
the relationship , except Miss Shanks
say that McKinney was her husband.
Dapnty Mawhal Ben Westerdahl ,
aworn , said that ho went after Mc
Kinney with the requisition and ar
rested him. He said nothing to me
about the young lady , except to lay
that aha was his nieca. He also said
that ho hnd corresponded with , the
Marahal Westerd hl was sworn ,
and shown a letter , which he said he
answered , directing to J. S. McKin-
noy. After directing the letter and
mailing it I recaived another letter.
Counaol for the state ofFerdd to In
troduce a letter from McKinney to
the msrahal , but objection was made.
After McKinney arrived in Onaha he
said to me that he didn't anticipate
any trouble from the letter. I ar
rested Miss Shanks. I had some con
versation with her before her arrest on
Douglas ] street , over Cjpt Pierson'a
saloon. Counsel for the defense ob
jected to testimony on the subject of
the girl's confession.
Where'and by Whom the Birds
.Are Being Shot
The O.niha Sportsman's Club start
out this morning in pairs to daughter
the innocents , and compete with each
other in bringing in gnmo , probably
without limit. A thron dya' siege i
before the sportsmen , and it Trill do
all of them credit if they hold out
against the anotr and mud for that
length of iime.
Among those who met at the club
rooms over Potty's stoco on Douglas
street this morninc and registered ,
the following named gentlemen will
hunt in pairs and have chosen their
respective points of attack upon the
geese and ducks : Captain W. J. Lard
and Z. T. Sprigg will hunt at
Hangera lakes , near the cut
off on the Platte bottom.
General Crook nnd John Pettyjire
going together bn the Elkhorn or
Platte bottoms near the Elkhorn.
Goodly Brooker , together with Geo.
T. Mills , hunt at Applebae's lake ,
near the Elkhorn. William Krug
aud M. W. Kennedy will hunt for
geeao at Rogers Station , on the Union
Pacific railroad. Henry Homan and
"Yank" Hathaway will hunt on the
Bellevue bottoms. John nnd Rich
ard Wlthnoll will probably go to
Stillwater Lake , an3 J. Budd will co
ID Herman station. It is confidently
expected that the big will be most un
precedented , and the three days siege
will undoubtedly carry terror to wine
fields of game.
Good Weather Coming.
The signil service office in this city
reports as the result of its observation ? ,
that the indications for good weather
ara favorable , there being a rising
and clearing barometer. A few days
of sunshine at least may bo reasonably
hoped for.
Shot by A ccident.
Thomas McHn b , living on Twelfth
street , accidentally shot himself on
Monday , the ball entering his leg in
the fleshy portion , striking the bone ,
and glancing to the other eide , where
the leaden intruder waa taken out by
Dr. Ayres. Mr. McHugh waa as
comfortable as piasible last night ,
and will doubtless soon bo able to
look upon hi * wound as a mark of a
mrst lucky escape.
Council Blutta Firemen.
The firemen's tournament tobe held
at Council Bluff * en the 7ih , 8th , 9th ,
and 10h of June , promises to bo a
moat exciting sffair. Companies are
earning from many prominent cities.
Bites hcso company , of Denver , Col. :
Silver Flu ue , of the city by that
hose from Burlington
name ; Darlingtin ,
lington , Vt , the champion of th ?
United States , having won the priza
at the recant Chicago tournament ;
the Lipcrte ho'se , of Liporte , Ind. ,
and alsa hoa-i company from Decatur ,
III. Thaje coropmiea will doubtless
make the Hind's lively during their
stay , and soiro 01 tha finest running
ever rccrJcd may bo expected.
ers e' Ol i J co6jj
No. 1417 r nh n St. , Old A nd of Jiccb GU
\l >
NOTICE Advertisements To Loan , For Sale , |
Lett Found , Wants , Boarding , tx. , will bo in- .
scried in theae coiuffias once to TEN CENTS
per line ; each subsequent injertJon , FIVE CEST3
per Hue The first Insertion never less than
* f VEN'l'yIf N T * OF * f3
00 Eft AAA TO LOAN-AtSptr cent in-
O tUUUU ) tercet , In mms of S2MO and
upwarda , for 3 to Sjcats , onfl t-c.asi.cityiad
him rrontrty. rsuis' RFAL EtTAT * and LOA ?
AdKSCV , 15th ini Douglas St .
OM2Y 20 MJ
TO 1.0AH 1108 Farnham gtroet.
MONKY Cdvarii Loan Arency. nov-22-ti
-ITrANrED rwj Rlrb , cook f.d ttcm } gM'
YV Appl.1914WebiterSt. . 53415
To rent small housa w th place
WANTED - . South Omaha prc.'ered. Ad-
droji J. Kt , Lre ae. 5SS-12
ANTED Woman cook , ftt the O'C'onnell
W House , btecn Doogtas tni "cage.
- good Kir ! cook , at No. 60117th '
WANTED-A of California. 9.-2 .
A joung man who hM fcoma
WASTED of book-bindinji ; steaay Job.
Enauire of J D. MorVmer , 117 S. 13th St.
\TfANTED-Si50 on resl .stue security. Ail
YV dre-s H. , Bee oflko , and itatc ttJms
TT' A iTED A zoad c ok , wssher anl ironer.
YY Good wazesglTca to a competent person.
Apply 2J11 Cass St. 591-
"TTfANTED From 2 to 5 acres til Ucd w'thin
. YV 1 to 4 miles from Omaha. Apply at L.
C. i'newald , 13th and Jackson SU. tSS-12
TTfANTED Uuht cmplojment cJ any kind
YV desired by a youn ; man experienced In
CeneraUffiM duties. Apply book-keeper. Be *
office. SM-15
A go-Mi cirl for general 1 otlse-
WANTED at 151D Haruoy St. 476-12
ANTED Woman to wash and Iron , at lha
W lloase 679-13
\TT.\NTED A first-cla'c blacksmith , rcost'y
\ V pW work. M. J. Melloy , Lower 5tb St ,
Council UlLff . 6 ? 13
T > OARDBKS WANTED And rooms forfami-
JJ lies to reut , at the CommercUl Hotel. En
quire of Mrs. auibich , S. E. Cor. 9th and
LeavenworthSts. 86312
ANTED Immediately a cook at Tliard i
Palace. 551-tf
"ATT"ANTED Situation as copyist of at Any
YV kind of writinjT. IT a tcmpetent young
lady. Ad-resa "T. A. " Ueo otfico. Kefercnce
given and required. SfrMt
A tituat on in a prlvato family
WASTSD seamstress to do family
sowing , can cut miJ H" forch'ldma. ' Appl } sesm-
etreis , at 715 17th St. , between Webster and
Hurt. E18-10
ANTED A rar ner with S',000 to Join ad-
vertis-rin tto extension cf an established
ami one of thabestp-iyin ; Suninessin th ! west.
Apply to f. \ . Simeral , lloom 0 , Crflihton
Block , ISthBt. < > B'lm
Two more boirilcrs at 3H Nortli
WANTED . Davtnpojt and Chl- east side 3S7-tf
KENT SuU of rooms , fuitable for celi-
EOR fo or two gentl men , at Ull
IMVviiport St. 5013
17011 UENT Room > , furnished or uiifurnijli-
1 ed : saita le for house-kcepimr. i9 N.
14th St. 593-18
AND LAND Bemis rents houses ,
HOUSES , hotels , farms , lots , I.nds , offlccg ,
rooms , etc. See Jbt p'ge.
TT10U RENT Ofnc a and joozna in Eirker's
J tilock , oicrliti-'eoo'i ) safe store , Karnham
street. Enquirj Di U i Snyder and the gag
office. ffj-13
T Oll RENT Eooins , 1818 Chicago St.
J S37-13
RENT To aresronsible party the entire
FUR floor of the block , K. K. Ccr. 16th
and California St. , especially adapted fora hotel
or flrst-clais boarding hoiue. Kent $50 00 per
moutb. Apply on premises to J. 0. Slatter.
rOR RENT First flow of house 1S"8 Wabtter
P and 13ti S19. JA. . Llllie. 57g-tf
tWK Kh.Vf 2 turuJjticd rooms o\er iler-
L' chants 2tcliiuif , N. K. Cor. 16th and
I > edge etrceti. aS3-U
Sells houses , lots , farnu , landj. h'cc
1st piec.
SALE A C"ttJRO hntite of 6 rocm- with
FOR lets ; ground fo alt > , cheip. Irquirc
2ai4 Fanilnm St. . Bog s' addition 4t7-to a28
"JTlORSAIiE Good dvillin < home , 3 rojms
JJ a-id ki'chtn , xooJ lurnsnd outhou ics. In
quire at B. ii-uii X. Johiis-n's ice office. 333tf
T ; OK HALE Mara of Doiulis and Sr y
JU cmiutiis A. KO.EWATER , 1520 Katn
ham Street. 320-U
OOK SALE A small well built hoa = o of four
1 * room * and summer kit- hen with corner
lot , well hid oufruit. . auil evergreen trees , etc. ,
co.'i well anil cellar. ] > lei jllOO. Apply of
T. JEKKIh'j. 27lh and Iode bt-i. 548-ro w-a-tf
p Ellis' NEW CITY MAPS. 25e.-Seo 1st paee ,
SALE Iicaaa and furniture of a tint.
FOR hotel In a town of 1300 inhabitant' . In
State of Nebraska. Has 24 tori * , the travelling
men's resort. Inquire at Bee office 218-tt
SALE A GAKOAIh A bulldmz with
FOR MxturcJ. f ami t tire an J mock , on 10th
St. , opposite the U. P depot , for sale very cheap.
Or the fixture ! , furniture and stock will be sold
aud building rented. Inquire of ElJ. KHEISS-
MAT. 73-tt
T > EUIb' Bf AL ESTATE BOOM. Seem r Cf.
FOR SALS To clo'9 carriajes , at A. 'J.
Slmroon'B. 911-tf
rpHE BESTTHIJTG YIT-II. C. c la.k & Co.'s
J. Imperial S lf Rti.lnjVlnter Wheat Flonr
for Pancakcj , Biscuit * , lied all kinds of pasiry.
Try it. Ask vour urocer for it. 473-il
II s rattl'ng ' lonj lists of houses" , lots ,
lands and farms for tale. Call ar.d ci t
h m.
\fOTICB-Tho firm of Kinc , Arrostronz & Co ,
JL > Grocers , N. K. c rner 16th and C il forria
Ft ? . , hi3 : been disso.ipd byrnntnalconsent. J 0.
Sli tor vrill continue the business as formeily ,
and wi'l ' pay all debU dua by the flrruand tollect
all accounts due the firm.
.T. W. KI.VO ,
OmahaNeb. , April 1.'SI SCC-s dt3
NOTlCE-Oealed prjpo-als will
BhlDdE until 3 o'clicfc p. m. Sitn-dav.
April lOih. 1SS1 , fur bcilriinr a 60-foot briJiru
at PaJdock'sGroTC , en Kif Papco , in see.Ion
r4-15-li Plans nna spfc'fi ations to be teen a-
coutv clerk'g cKIcc. Rijl-t r terfed in reject
any and all bid ? . JOHN It MANCHESTER ,
County C'crk. '
By n T , LtAvrrr rernty. tSl-K
' . TO TiOILDER - ta'.td proposaU
NOnC' crcct'on of t < ie temporary Mnsic
hall for holiinz the rorcinT Saenjcrfest , w.ll
berecheJly the uno'c ' fizncd until the 20th
i-st. I'lMiaand HCclIratlfHit to be seen at the
otflce of Henry VCP ? , lArcbitcct , Jacobs' niock.
The right to reject any or all tidi ii reserved. By
order e-ieotti e C mmlei ( of "Mu i5 Festival
Association. " H. P.CSENZWEIO ,
512-tf Secret-ry.
i i M.BHOWN , corner of 15th nrd Chiaso
I 1. street ? , is ready to bore or dctp.'n welll.
Eat's'aetlon guar ntaed 503-lf
mEAUS CAN" 8K GOT At John Birrs stable
J.for Hit Hnd * of work , at rnaeorub'e figures
iifar corner 'Stli aud r > aven urth St. 37S-U
Ihesu ccasorof too Ameri
can House , on I'ouelia fit. , btt. O.ri and
10th , for bond , boirJin * I-nl in : ; and transient
co tumerj. Respec fol'y.
5 .t-tf JUliita k f.olMSEBOSd
Whsro w 1 Yon sp nd 'f > Act
Absolutely Pure.
fr < S3i Orapc Cream Tartar Jfo othtr
prcpinilcn ma\s each right , flaky bet breidi ,
or Inxuiitus paltry. Cm be < at d by Dj p p-
tlcs without Ifziptyv IVi resnltln frora heavy
iii'iiztatlble foo3. Soia ofTy m'tnnr , by all
Orocerj. ' LOTAL BAI > . POWDBRCO. ,
> "cw York.
For Sale.
1,000,000 Acres
Seleot&l id an flarly day not
Railroad land , font land o wiled
by non-residents , "who ara tired
paying taxes , and are offering
their lands at the low pric.e of $6
$8 , and S10 per acre , on long
time and easy terms.
"We also offer for sale
Improved Farms
Douglas , Sarpy , and Wash
ington Counties.
Also , an ImrL jse List ol
Omaha City
Real Estate ,
Including Elegant Residences , Busl-
nesH and Residence Lota.Oheap Houses
and Lola , nnd a large number of Lota
in most of the Additions to Omaha-
Also , Small Tracts of 5 , lO and 20
acres in and near the city. Wo have
good opportunities for making Loans ,
and in all cases personally examine
titles and ieko every precaution to in
sure safety of money so invested.
Bslow we offer a small list of Special
Boggs & Hill ,
1408 North Side of Farn , St. ,
Oop. Grand Central Hotel ,
Omaha , Neb-
CUD DCUT Turin of 180 atres , S mite
fUll rill HI west o ! city. 123 cultivated
zood home , iirn and out bulldinzi.
DCUT JlO-acre firm at barnckf.
null I Coed improvemantB.
B0003 & HILt.
CAD OAI C Bctt located residence l3t in
rUn OALb the city , Slat ihd Doden Sta
ETflD CAI C Areiynio * 5 room cottaje ,
lUn OHLCi leasea ground ronta for j2C
per n ontb. BOCQ3 & HILL.
CflD CAI C New tousecf < rooms will
rUn OMLU lull lot , C6lh and Faruham ,
Only t'-Oo , required dovrn. Price 11100.
Cn D O A I C New ronss with halt citr lot ,
rUn OALC near High School , 6 room ? ,
largo bav winJow , htzh dcora and
Everything perfect , 82UO. BOCJOS & HILL.
CHD CAI C Corner ot two choice lots Ic
rUn OMLC Shlnn'a addition , request cite
to at OIK-O submit beit ash offer
CAIC and dcsirabla rwi
OHLt , deuce propeity. J1000.
FINE BFSIDENCH-Xot in tbefnnrStt.
* Owner will sell for f 8500.
OAI C * coodl.if , shmn'a 3d ad-
OMLu di io i , U > ea < b.
KOG < : S & HILL.
CftD CAIC Ancn 11-st r brick housa
rUn OMLC uilb.2 luu , on coruer 23th
and Dou'U9 , ? 17CO. t GGS & HILL.
QAI C A vcrv" fine ' 'Jonre ' lot ,
OnUU ' " f'j'.i.e varty desiring to
butld a Qnchou e.CO. . . . II GJS & HILL.
CAIC A' oat iflO l..t. In Kannfz * &
CMLC i , just south
of St. Mr4.iienu ! IJOO.M.I. iho-elolsire
near business , cu.tou..t.e. b. fi C iajprortmsnts
and me 40 p r cent c ! taper tliai. an other lota n
tieffiadet. . ta e muiiey I. ) buynj the e lots.
10 ' ' ' * . ciu'le ' for fine
, . .
nne , ab''JCku t K . t depot , all covered with
( he drnotier I'licc ( jcrcc:1 Ir l"V. 8500 to
* ( . " ROUO3 i HILL.
nic verf i-fce D lots In
lot , corner
Jelfersun 8t3
OAI C l.tJO 2Jh , 27th , 23th ,
WoLtl 2J.ii a d dOJiSw. , betwun
tVriihriu 1 u if , I a c ! th < - | repowd extension
ofD dC8treet. Pin t'rmtfiCO to 100.
\Vu hA' c concluded ti i.i e roon if smillmeani ,
( U.c rrorc ci toetU'e 2 home ind V.M
bu.Id n > j't3tn ' . ee'iH on 8 na'l pijinenf ,
nd w 1' ' 'ell lei < n tn t it iy p Tin > nt <
I * . ( i > S i HILL.
CflD Cfljr 1 ° * . 9 n 'l 9 'rorn city ;
lUlt lc ns SO
valley , vim runn'u ; < < a : > r ;
rolllnir I'rauiin j 3 m'cf.nm rjilr u ' . 310
V : n I C * ° ' < * ? * i \ o tract. 12
C/lLd milearromcty. 49arc8cal-
tivarc.l , I ivinK" f' " "f ra"c % ore nice ral-
lev-v i he lmua : nil UiU s li li ptillia.
VriaSD [ tr e liv.oG5 HILL.
CAI C IMtcr.slm'li eistof Elk-
OALC liur.i h aihn : railroad ,
Ku .n n. ; nster. .0 crta t iti > u-i.
O fi ! C It'- ' = ic i p LCS north of
vr\LC fc-lbo-n autiun , must be
sold for ' ' lut it ulll Iriui : .
CAD C A ! ! u 0 acrcar.cxt south of Dins-
fUn OKLCa't in 1-15-11 A good and
desirable tract , runs d.wn on to valley of ftp-
pillion 3-0. BiGGSAHILL.
OAIC "SOacrejinone toay.TSniles
oALlwst of Fiemont , Ualllcrel
land , produc n ; htavv growth of gr > M , is high
val'ey ' , rKu soil and J ml'ci ' from railroad and
ide ira , k , in good aetrtmeat and n.i better land
caaliefouua. BOGGS i HILL.
COD CAIC A hiclily improvcrf farm of
rUn C M L U 240 crei. 3 niilej from city.
fins in proven cnt3 on this laiio , owner not a
practical farmer , determicel to lell. A good
opening- for toiae man with means.
OAI C ieia e-iln c. I , town 18 ,
OnLEL unsell. MuU be gold tfc's
mo tb. BOGGS & H1LI
OAI COo3 air rf land near Mil'
DHLC. .ad Sution , 3500 near Ek-
horn , S3 to $10 , 4CCO arrfs In north part of
county , ? ' ' toS 0 ; 30)3 Ktcs i ! to d miles from
Florence , 83 to 3'V ( B acre * e cf ths FJk-
horn$4 to JK ; lO.CCOare.itc e l through
the county , $5 to ? . .
The above landa lie nrar and adjoin nearly
every fa.m in tie couuty , "dd cia muitiy be
EoM on ( mall cash r } mcnt , * ih baUne : in I 2-
3 I and 5 Tears t mo
COD OAI C Per * &J fine res'dtnce orop-
lUn OHLC rr.i -te\er > iefnrt iffred
andr.otkr.owainthcrcarfa t * bcini : forjile.
Locations will cnly ' e mail , known t purchasers
busl erf. r CG-s i HILt.
TMPKOVED FAKMSTeUavifor nils many
JL ImproT dfainuaraun.i Cma'it ' , ariin all
parts of Douxlis , Saj y ami < fzihiigUn coun
ties. Also Fa-nw In I * A. K'riJe'c iptlon
and price ; call on a- .
ti- & HILL
1 A Bosiyra ; L.rrs TCKSALE- Farnim
] i\J \ and Uoujlil aurels fn ii 1XO to 33 CO.
'iS i HILL ,
T70R1 SALE 3 Ins'.nis } lots n-xt' est of
J ? tfascnie Temple fnn dt anc d 1 3 059
, ich. - BoQQS k HILL.
170RSALE 3b33i = C lot ? we t f Odd Fel-
Jr lows black. ? 2tO ) eich.
SALEI Zbn < i I U H.h liJe Iku-
FOR . b t en tth > nJ JJlh. JJ5W each.
160 acr.i , torcr.d ilth jvnng
FORaAtK Living irater , inrroocdtd b ? ira-
proved farmi , pnly teren mile ? from d'y. Cbnp-
M-.hndcc hand. BOORS & HILL.
Persona contemplating bnylnr hnul < l co fall
tzaoia ourUstof landi. BOGGS & HILL.
Omaha , Gollin ? ,
Cheyenne , Colorado
Spring and Summer
Men , Boys and Children.
Clothing Made to Order in the Latest Styles.
Prices to Suit AIL
322 Farnliam Street , near Fourteenth.
With the Best Selected Stock of
in Omaha.
as * * * asaflBaiii
Will be found in the Ticket Office in
MAX MEYER'S NEWBUILDlNa , Corner Eleventh
and Farnham Streets.
WTF , c
Dealer in Hardware ,
and Tinware.
Stove Repairer , Job WorKer and 3Iaimfacturer ol'a
Kinds of Cans ,
Tenth and Jackson Street ? .
Fishing Tackle , Base Balls and a full line of
Send for Price List.
MAX MEYER tfc CO. , Omaha , Keb.
'ft ' I
Tobacco , 25 cents per pound upwards ,
Pipes from 25 cents per dozen upwards.
Cigars from § 15.00 per 1000 upwards.
And Wholesale Dealers in CIGARS and CONFECTIONERY. Diiric the
Fall and Winter we will handle COUNSELMES'S FRESH OYSTERS , which
ara now the botl In the market. A hrge assortment ef CANDY aod SUOAR ,
TOYS for the tlolidfty trade.
GATZ & FKRE3.i > % 510 Ilth St. , Oinnhsj.
518 South O 518 South
10th St. HI ? 3 10th St.
"We cany a selected stock of Corset * , from 25o upwards A
French CcutiUD uble Class SiaeStaela , Embroidere Bust Cor
set , White and Colored , only 50c. A full line Himburj : IMging
and of Insertion * , from 2c upwards. Re1l Linen Torccoa L ce ,
from 5c a yard up
\l * > & f jl ! A * > ttieit of Fran A Bnt > int Uji'.eie , Eu i * an i other Lxr * * "nt 'he vwy ' wwt
p-lce" . l * r Tie , Collai rd Tithm it tTtr > < lm > ipii a. fro * 1C aparni . L dits Ciiico
Wrappcrj it' , u't roidvmau * and mfde to ord > r , t'lxa 7.cap lril' . \
We- i hto at'ktteatioD tr ear immewe t < xk if Cidr ! ! ' Dre < ti * ! ' iwew , Ln BITI
( C rmesta it fee Tery "owcjtXaw Yo'k prices Iniuri.ncof * 7fl it * * > "nrf 9hli i ? > 3'I'f /
ti : n Pie e c It and ejtmeciyocM-I *
518 South 518 5 ; uth
10th Streot. OMAHA BAZAR , lO'.hctreet.
Rubin Bros. Prop's
. - - - ,
Traynor's New Brick Building.
. , . .
-u. itU'I Ji *