Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1881, Image 4

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    B *
"TheJDaily Bae.
r ' '
Monday Uornimfc April 11.
' , P t r on selkooaL *
' Tredefick , leading litter. *
Easter Card * at Kuhn's ,
i EJolackV advertisement.
T * 090re iaence lota. Braiz , agent
- 500 bosiacsatlots. Call on Bemis.
BeEii ' aew map of Omaha , 25 cents.
- „ Befflli * ml wtato boom. First page
1 250 house * and lots. Bemii' ajency.
200 farms and 900,000 acres land. Bemii
Try 'Sare s choice , " best 5c cigar in
See Rubin Bro's. , advertisement in
another column.
Whipple , McMillan & Co. , the Jewel.
en , Crcighton Block. o2G-tf
Finest aesonment of tooth brashes
Saze'e , warranted.
Novel Tea Cent cigars , fhe for a
quarter , at Kuhn's Drug Store.
For riHE Commerdsl Job Printing ,
call at THE BEE Job rooms.
Mixed paints.'Whitehouse's drag store ,
16th and California streets. aS-eod-lm
If yon want Bill-Heads , Letter-Heads
Envelopes or any job work. Call at THE
BEE Job Rooms. Prices that will suit
every one.
The leader of tbe orchestra at the Aca
demy Friday has a sole for music , No.
liand he beats time with the whole length
ofit in the tender pa * sages.
The case of the man McKinney ,
charged with incest , which was to have
come np inpolicecourtSaturday , was post1
poned until today , by request of his
Mr. J.B.Kitchen and his attorney have
returned to Kansas City , having decided
to commence the erection of their new
hotel in about sixty days. Itwill be of St.
Louis pressed brick.
A pleasant entertainment will be given
by the ladies of the Piesbyterian church
at their parlors on Tuesday evening. A
good supper , good music and pretty things
for sale.
The Earnest Workers are at work pre
paring for their egg sociable to come ofl
at tbe Christian church on Friday evening.
The Busy Bees will be on hand with a fine
assortment of Easter eggs for sale.
Three drunks constituted the business
of the police court Saturday. They
were each fine ! one dollar and c-ste. Judge
Kawes says he will be merciful during the
balance of his term , and impose ai light
fanes possible.
- Steamboat Agents B. F. Troxel fc Co.
are expecting the arrival ot the steamer C.
K. Peck , which started from Nebraska
City on Wednesday last en route for
Omtha. She is thought to have been tied
p inthelceyoTge , and-may not be able to
reach this city in ome days.
Attention is called to Crtuckshank &
t/Co 's newd advertisement on first page.
< They areViaHy.openin ; new goods , and by
the crowds of ladies that are thronging
the counters , they seem to have struck
a big thing. They also announce their
millinery opening on Wednesday night ,
.April IS. It
Three drunks and two arrests for disorderly -
orderly conduct comprised the police bus.
- - IBM Saturday and yestet day.
* Th M min ; solid earth between the
* tie * the flooded bottom lands is of a most
treacherous nature , as many lui'croui ' mis
hap * to many pedestrians yesterday proved.
If , you walk at all d > wn there step on
i wood.
We will duplicate Gladstone & Oo.'i
ItadAv&ch & Oo.'sor any other Co.'s
8Mb prke list and also deduct jiveptr
cent. ! . from purchase when amotmting
v , to five dollars or , more.
. \WlIiI8M.YATES&Co. ,
Self-acting Rubbers ,
'Strap Rubberr ,
" - - , Ologg Rubbers , M
" "
, Brighton Rubbers ,
Low Rubbers ,
Sandal Rubbers ,
Cheap Rubbers ,
, , Jlnbbor Boots ,
Wholesale and Retail
at H. DOHLE & 00 'S
Leading Shoe Store.
I will commence my spring course
of dancing lessons at tbe Omaha
Tamer Halle , on Tuesday , April 12.
- 'For bargaini in all kinds of Boots
aad Shoes , call at Fnllrlede's , near
IStb and Douglas.
Eureka ! When they beheld the
MABSIVZ assortment of Clothing at EL-
1001 Farnham corner 10th Sts.
A man who bays 10 Ibs. of Sagar
for fl.OO , does : not want 4 Ibs. of
Sugar and 6 of Glucose , worth about
60 eta. W. M. YATES & Co.
DASIE Dasle A , wife of Frank
LMT , April 5th , aged 23 years and 6
months. Funeral took place April 5th.
Good .line of Goat and-Kid Shoe *
at Fnllriede'i.
A Cool Batn.
fiajteisy about 10 o'clock a
anSm teen to emerge from the
wHtewion the Iowa-tide of the river
aad plunge into the racing torrent
aad swim for the Nebraska abort ) ,
combatting manfully with the floating
ice and driftwood. Three men in
boat were tent to his relief , but
he would not be picked up , and
Sully reached the bank , and climbing
up struck a bee line for up town , and
did not halt or look to the right or
, left until he reached Whipple , McMiU
IM & Co.'s jewelry ttore.where he In-
retted tea thousand dollars in jewelry ,
most wonderful bargains , and returned
. > y the aaaa route he had come.
A regular meeting of Geo. A. Cns-
ter. Po t No. 7 , G. A. R , , will be
keld Monday evening , the llth. A
full attendance of ihe members is
% -rqweted , at business of importance
will come before the pott.
* ' T. M. MOESE , Adjutant.
Com , oats , bran , baled hay and
chop feed at Welshani t Bros , 8th
BsUarnltam. , apr7 St
! O W *
Thoae wishing , first claw drewmak-
lagahould call at 317 N. 15th street.
The Demon of the Big
MMdy Appeased ,
A Gradual Falling of the Tur
bid Waters Commenced.
Troubles of Tiavelers From Ex
acting Extortions of Coun
cil Bluffs Shjlooks ,
The Nine Feet Rise Scare Ex
ploded by Trustworthy
Telegrams From Head
quarters ,
The flood was slowly falling here
yesterday and last night , and all
Information from np the river proves
that for the present it will continue to
do so. Tbe following is a fall outline
of the condition of affairs , up to a late
heur in the night :
The reports that reached this side
of the river on Saturday of the disas
ter and inconvenience caused bythe
ming waters at Council Bluffs were
not exaggerated in the least , as inves
tigation yesterday proved. The track
of the Union Pacific railroad trom the
point where the switches branch off
was flooded nearly to the platform of
the transfer depot. Flat cars were
run out over a portion of this distance
and connected by plank * , across which
somewhat perilous bridgicg the over
land passengers were obliged to walk
as beat they could , picking their way
among the line of improvised porters
employed in carrying the baggage and
mails. The water rushed over the
rails with a terrific speed , and nearly
reached the top of the flat car wheels.
Spoon L&keas , has before been stated ,
was the chosen chinnel through which
the main body of water ran , and at
the point where the current was
strongest it was necessary to freight
down the flat cars standing on the sub
merged bridge , as well as that struc
ture itself , with hundreds of tons of
iron and rails.
and hotel things Lad s generally dis
mal look. The water had pat ont tbe
fires under the boilers of the latter ,
and the building could not be heated.
In the storeroom and cellar mud and
water stood waist deep , with any
quantity waiting outside to come in. A
email donkey pump was set ia motion ,
but was ineffectual to do more than
hold its own. The clerk of the hotel
stated that he had been obliged to con
struct rafts to get his help from the lit
tle island across Spoon Lake in the
morning , and all the horses had to be
taken ont of the barn to higher
ground. From the rear stoop of the
hotel the scene was as strange as the
condition ot affairs was deplorable.
For nearly a mile the
and surrounded the houses and other
buildings. The Drovers hotel was
supplied with about two feet of the
muddy liquid on its ground floor , and
its occupants were unable to leave it
or return except in skiffs. Some thir
ty or forty dwellings were in the same
ir- , while at a little distance the chief
'onutain head off all Council Bluffs'
llnminatio' , the gas house , was deep
n the water , and disabled to such an
ixtent that illuminating gas the
Bluffers had none. Friday night was
one of great excitement. Toe rumor
that the Big Muddy was shifting its
channel seemed to hare some founda
tion from the rush of water over tbe
prairies and the violent commotion
, hroogh Spoon Lake , and all the in-
labltauts ' of the Bluff * were seriously
enginzs whistled , and fish horns were
alown , until a great number citizens
wera gathered from their beds to
watch the rising flood , and assist In
taking ont the half drowned and terri
fied lumatec of the houses on the
bottom land , and removing tha horses
thatr were stamping , neighing and
snorting with fright at the strange
midnight visitor Tvhich had come
creeping into their stabler , while the
screams of women and children added
to the general alarm.
At lastjjhowever , all were rescued ,
the stock removed to safer quarters ,
and the customary somnolent tran
quillity of the town returned.
rom the transfer depot toward the
Nebraska aide , the sight was indeed
a grand one. The river seemed a vast
nland sea that had sprung into ex *
stence in.a night Only a little dis
tance from the shore were thousands
and thousand of black objects floating
about on the waves , now and then
showing white and glittering in the
ran. They were ducks , fairly revel
ing in the muddy waters presented to
them in their northward flight. Tha
un , when setting , cast Its rays across
he water transforming it into a wavy ,
himmering sea of silver , making the
cene one of inexpressible beauty.
All of the stock yards south of the
31ufis were under three or four feet
of water , the tops of the fence poata
ust showing. The great barns
eemed about ready to fioit away ,
> ut as the current passes to the west
of them they will probibly remain
mdstured. None of the cattle or
lorses nere lost in removing from
hese barns , although many were
aken ont In water up to tneir
The proprietors of the different
umber yards were busy all day yes
erday with gangs of men preparing
or _ emergencies. Mr. Cady , of the
3nictgj lumber company , was seen ,
andaaid : "Wehavehadabontseventy-
ive men at work all dav long , picking
foam up as fast as wn could , removing
he lumber and hauling it by the aid
of fifteen teams to higher ground. If
the water dr.esn't change by to-mar-
row , we will pat on twenty fire teams ,
and get out all of the matched and
) laned lumber. We understand that
hire is a rise above here , but th re is
nothing authentic about it. Our first
nformation cams from the U. P. de
pot across the river , that there was
nine feet of water at Sioux City. That
would be as much as five feet berebut
t can't reach here much before to
morrow ( Monday ) night. In any
event , we propose to be ready for any
rise , because we will get onr lumber
mt of the way by taking it up on the
all opposite the Union Pacific cen
tral office. "
Mr. Hoagland was found working
with a gang of men at the apex of an
angle in his boom , and in response to
an Inquiry said : "As the piles lift and
.he lumber fajlidown we will catch it ,
f our boom will hold and haul it
away. We shall know better tomorrow
row , when it is certain whether the
rue said to be coming from bove is a
"n v7 X exPect thal the be way
will b to put on a large enough force
to haul the whole thing out. We
have a raft built up there by the aheds
and wewill load the lumber on it and
take it ont on this track as fast as we
can. We know nothing reliable , but
were told a while ago that Mr. Paxton
has received a dispatch that a large
body of water had congregated at
Sioux Olty. I expect that the whole
thing Is a rumor , bat we Intend to
get out our lumber in such a ahape
that it will be ready for any emergen
cy. If our booms hold we shall lose
comparatively little. We have con
siderable lumber on the road which
has been blocked by snow , and in anj
event we shall be able to supply al
demands. At present (6 ( o'clock ) thi
booms around onr lumber are al
right. "
Messrs. Foster and Gray did no
have a very large force at work , anc
were not apparently ea anxious as the
others concerning the rumors of a big
rite up the river. "We shall double
boom our lumber , " said Mr. Gray ,
"and if that will not held it nothing
will I don't think that there will be
any more trouble. "
Late yesterday afternoon the fin' '
definite and authentic news from
Sioux City was received from G. W.
Naile , chief operator at Sioux Oily , in
answer to one from Mr. L. M. Rheem ,
of this city. The following are the
telegramsand will explain themselves ,
as well aa explode the scare caused by
the rumors current yesterday , that a
nine feet rise was coming down at ten
miles an hour from Sioux City , and
would doubtless clear everything in
its course :
OUAKA , April 10.
O. W. Nu'e , Slonx Citr , Iowa :
Kejiort heighth of river mominjj of 8th ,
9th and 10th , and if rising or ;
sldowhat news from above , and present
condition at Sioux City. Rum irs very
conflicting. L , M. EHKEH.
Sionx Cmr , Iowa , April 10.
I > , M. Rheem. Omihi , Nebraska :
River morning 8th , high-water mark ;
9th , one foot below ; 10th , three feet below
and falling two inches an hour. At Yank-
ton yesterday it had fallen fifteen feet from
highest point and stationary , with twenty-
eight feet in channels. Gorge below
Yaakton is reported to still hold. The
water is falling above there. NAILE.
Several gentlemen who are posted
in the peculiarities of the Missouri ,
among them P. E. Iler , of the Wil
low Springs distillery , expressed as
their opinion that the gorge at Yank-
ton would amount to nothing , as the
water falling above andbelow it would
effectually relieve all pressure and
aver : all danger to property herea
are still deeply submerged. Mr. E.
W. 'Nash , aenior'membsr of the smeltIng -
Ing works firm , str.ted last evening
that the entire direct damage would
not amount to more than $2000. This ,
said he , includes the two buildings
moved from their foundations , which
were tha foundry and a smaller build
ing above. Both were composed ol
wood. The foundry went to pieces
Friday night and floated down the
river. The other building was moved
about fifty feet and landed all right.
"Of course , " said Mr. Nash , "it is
impossible to determine the exact in
direct damage from stoppage of the
works and the trouble with the fur *
naces At the present time our chim-
nies are all right , and will doubtless
remain so , as they have borne a much
greater pressure than will probably be
brought to bear. "
Saturday's Klooa.
From Saturday Evening's Bee.
At oue o'clock this morning the
water was rising gradually in the
river and pouring into the basins sur
rounding the lumber and ooal yards
in overwhelming streams. The main
current of the river seemed tn diverge
somenhat off its coursb'of the day be
fore and to bear away tc ardthe east
shore. This w&a indicated by the ac
tion of the ice , which had heretofore
pressed with dangerous force against
the smelting works and government
rip rap. The proprietors of the various
lumber yards , the Chicago , Foster ,
Gray and Hoagland , wore on hand all
night with gangs of men , endeavoring
to construct booms aronnd their yards
and thereby eave some 3250,000 worth
of lumber , a'ored in piles and under
the sheds.
About two o'clock two accidents oc
curred , which nearly resulted in the
Iocs of two more lives. Mr. H. F.
Cady , of Nebraska City , a partner of
Mr. F. Colpeteer in the Chicago Inm
her company , arrived at Omaha yes
terday in answer to a telegram that
their property was in danger. Abont
two o'clock this morning ha was walk
ing on b planking near the upper part
of the yard , when he stepped off in
to tome ten feet of water. The cur
rent was very swift and quickly drew
him under the planking. In a con
vulsive movement he grasped the end
of a board , and finally , by superhu
man exertions , succeeded in getting
out. Morris Spellman , of Omaha
, working for Hoagland , fell in the wa
ter where it was qnite deep , and
would undoubtedly have been
drowned had It not been that his com.
pinions rendered him speedy assist ,
thU morning , the gauge showed an
additional rise of nine inches above
the measurement taken at twelve
o'clo8kf making the total height above
low water mark nearly twenty-three
feet. By this time all of the lumber
yards were filling rapidly ; the car
shops and engine house belonging to
the U. P. works were entirely sur
rounded and the aspect of affairs were
most discouraging. Then , for some
unexplained reason , the rise seemed
to cease and it was hoped that the
flood bad reached its limit. This
condition of aflairs continued for
three hours , and the most active
efforts were made to
of the U. P. company , tha smelting
works and the lumber yards. At nine
o'clock a rush came , and the side
tracks which had up te that time acted
as barriers to the progress of the flood
began to show signs of weakness , and
in a few minutes huge parts of the em
bankments had given away and the
water was pouring into the 1 ist and
remaining basins west of the smelting
work * . Nothing could be done by
the employed iu " "
men "booming" the
lumberyard except by boats , and the
work of stretching the huge sticks
which were to be the only safety for
a quarter million doll us worth of
timber , progressed slowly. At times
a pile of boards would go down with
a crash and wooll float away , pirt
of it to be caught by the
men and a part to get out into the
main current. How much was lost in
tois way cauld not be definitely ascer
tained. A talk with the different pro
prietors of the lumber anj coal yards
showed them to be very taxions. Tne
large sash house of the Chicago com
pany , filled with solid sash and doors ,
was already four feet in water. "If
that should raise , " said Mr. Cady , of
this company , "it would be
" "
to all of the lumber in this and the
other yards , for it would break any
boom that we can stretch. I think
that a rise of six inches more will take
it from its foundation * , and when it
cornea we want to look out for our
selves 1" The lime cars standing on a
side track were emptied of their con
tents at an early hour this morning ,
to prevent their destruction by fire ,
as the rapidly slacking lime was al
ready forcing smoke out of the crevi
ces of tha can This alone Involves K
loss of nearly * thousand dollars.
which rushed wttn an angry hiss be
tween the smelting works and lumber
yards , could be seen large chunks of
timber and parts of frames , wh'ch ' had
evidently belonged to dismantled and
wrecked houses and barns from up the
strsam. A reporter of THE BEE char
tered a boat ( which he rowed himself ) ,
and struck out on a tour of investiga
tion among the many devious winding
and crooked places of the upper
and idwer yards * The lumber piles
were found to be very shaky or tum
bled down. Up in the car yards the
tracks at places were evidently sunken
and the cars np to water above their
wheels. All of the shops were flood
ed , in many Instances the water reach
ing to the tops of tha machines. No
estimate can be formed of the damage
to machinery , belting and floors , but
it mast be very heavy. Three houses
west of the lower shops were
surrounded by the water , which at
this point had risen seven inches ,
from nine o'clock to noon. Above
the shops several more houses were
Inundated and the inhabitants had
all moved ont. The barn belonging
to the railroad company seemed just
ready to float away , and if it should
start'it would doubtless sweep every
thing in its path , as at this point the
current is very swift.
As the reporter was pulling down
through the lumber piles and cars ,
finding here and there a place just
wide enough to squeeze through , he
was hailed by a man on topof a box car
in the distance. The man proved to
be John G. Cole , of Florence , who
explained that ha waned the boat to
rescue a family on top of a houee
about two miles below Boyd's
packing house , where his brother ,
Enos Cole , and the latter's wife and
five children , were on top of their in
undated house , waiting for help. Mr.
Cole also stated that his brother has
five horses in the barn which was
floating near tha house , and it was
thought donbtful if they could be kept
from drowning.
from twelve o'clock hat night to
twelve to-day waa two feet , or an av
erage of two Inches an hour. The
moat alarming reports come from the
east side of the river , which at tvrelve
o'clock a reporter waa dispatched to
trains are abandoned for to 'day , the
rise on the Kansas City and St. Joe
cutting them off from Pacific Junc
tion , and the bridge at Orepolia not
being yet completed. Trains are
running between Plattsmouth and
Pacific Junction , keeping up connec
tions with the 0 , B. & Q , and run
ning regularly from Plattsmouth
A rumor hab been current on the
street that sever * ! hundred head of
cattle had been drowned at the Coun
cil Bluffs stock yards. A telephone
message to the transfer depot elicited
the information the stock had all
been removed before the water reach
ed them , and that none have been
drowned. At two o'clock efforts were
being made to transfer passengers and
baggage , accordingto the scheme men
tioned above.
A dispatch to the BEE from Blair
at 1:45 : p. m. to-day states no damage
lias been dene at that point and that
the river is falling and comparatively
Free from ioe.
The proprietors of theOmahaSmeU-
lug Works keep a stiff npper
lip , and claim to believe that their
works will not be seriously injured
by the flood.
The water is about four feet deep
at Council Bluffs , around the engine
houses and sweeping along the traok.
It also has reached the Union Pacific
depot and has inundated a portion of
the platform. The passengers west
ward bound on the train due at
12:15 : were transferred at
three o'clock by means of
flat cars which were upon the inun
dated track , and covered with plank
ing. The dummy train was near to
the switch , and took the passengers
and baggage on board. No accident
occurred during the transfer.
The cattle in the upper barns of the
Willow Springs distillery were taken
one this morning. About 1,100 head
were driven to higher ground , with
a loss of but one or two. In the mad
plunging of the excited animals sev
eral employes were knocked down and
trampled , but no one wss known to
be badly hurt.
From Saturday Evening's Bes.
The situation this morning at the
city on the east side was alarming in
the highest degree , although it was
exceedingly difficult to get any details
on this side. It was definitely learned ,
however , that all the lower portion of
the city was flooded , that the water at
many of tha warehouses had reached
the second floors and that many fami
lies had been obliged t-j vacate their
dwellings and accept the hospitality
of theif nelghbjra on the higher
ground. Great alarm wan felt on ev
ery side , and great crowds of people
: hronged the banks of the steadily
widening saa and seemed to fear that
even the batter part of the town
might be reached by the flood. All
communication with
snd with several of the city railroad
offices was cut off , eiept by boat ,
and in many. places the swift current
made even communication of this
cind difficult and risky. At the trans
fer depot during the early hours of
the morning It was believed that the
Union Pacific bridge across Spoon
Lake had been washed away. This ,
however , was not the case , but the
depot authorities feared it unufe for
the passage oftrains | and several freight
cars were ilowly backed down by a
locomotive to determine its condition.
The cars moved slowly over it , and
the fact was promptly communicated
to Union Pacific headquarters in this
city. A pUn for
with the transfer depot wss qnickly
decided upon , which was carried into
effect a few hours later. To run a
passenger train through the flood
was deemed impracticable , but
a temporary bridge was de
vised and moved into plsca , con
sisting of a train of flat cars , one
thousand feet in length , extending
from the transfer depot to a point this
side the Spoon Lake bridge , where
the passengers could take the train
backed over from this tide. The sit
this morning was as follows : The
Rock Island alone Jwai able
to run ont Its east bound train. Of
the trains doe this morning from the
east none wera able to get through.
The 0. B. & Q. was cut off at some
point In Western Iowa , and at last ac
counts waa not expected to reach
Council Bluffs with its passengers.
The Northwestern and Rock Island
bad reached their city depots , and the
former la at present writing pre
paring to transfer its passengers
and mail to the transfer
depot by means of boats. Five east
bound passengers irera waiting at the
transfer depot to get to the North
western when the boats should return.
The Wabash was reported on timej
but was unable to reach tbe depot
Both the Sioux Olty and St. Joe
roads are cut off. A bulletin at the
postoffice in this city this morning ,
announced that there would bo no
eastern malls to-day.
is flooded and the fires ont in the
boiler furnace , by which the building
is heated. Aronnd the platforms the
water is said to be still some inches
below their level. The rumor that
the baggage room is flooded
was found to be tin true at
12 o'clock , the water being still two
feat lower than the floor. . Arrange
ments had been made to clear the cel
lars of water with a steam pump , but
as the water ia still rising , this scheme
will undoubtedly be abandoned for the
Railroad Officials Hunting.
Attached to the Union Pacific train
westward bound yesterday was a direc
tors' car from the Burlington & Mis
souri railroad containing Assistant
General Manager Lowell of the B. &
M. , Assistant Superintendent R. B.
Cable of the New fork , Lake Erie
end Western rcilroad and Mr. 0. S.
Maurice , of Athena , Pa. , who were
bound for a few days duck shooting
np the Plat to. They have been hav
ing rara eport and making fine bags at
various points on the St. Paul &
Omaha railroad line. The eastern
gentlemen start homeward on Thurs
day of thin week.
Water Proof Boots and Shoes at
Fullriedo'e. _ . .
Some Information.
A BEE representative called in at
the establishment of Kalian , the Star
Tailor , one door west of Ornick-
shank's , and found everything in first-
class order. An addltion has been
built on to tha rear of the building ,
which will be used as a work shop.
Tne front' room , chich will be used as
a sale ? room , has been repapered and
painted and utted np in good shape ,
where the obliging proprietor is ex
hibiting a fine line of samples of the
best quality and latest styles. Mr.
Kalian's motto" is "Quick Sales and
Small Profits. "
A Bold Attempt at the U. P.
Ooal Shed.
When the weighman at the U. P.
coal shed on .Thirteenth street , near
Leaveuworth , reached the office Sa
turday a small building near the
shed he'foand to his surprise that
the door was ajar. Entering he ob
served that the outer safe door was
open and shattered. A quick exam
ination revealed the fact that the
burglars had not snccaeded In making
their way through the inner door ,
which they had penetrated with a
drill to the depth of about half an
inch. The only other trace of their
visit Was a broken drill on the fiior.
It was found they had entered the
outer door by drilling just above
the combination and Inserting powder
had blown the outer door open ,
shattering tha eutlre inalde portion of
it. This accomplished they had re
moved the knob and rim from the
inner door and attempted to drill
through this door , which is composed
of alternate layers of chilled iron and
steel , and constitntes the burglar
proof portion of the safe. The office
till , which tbe burglars had opened ,
contained only a piece of 25 cent
scrip , which the burglars had left.
The only article taken was a revolver ,
which was in the outer portion of the
safe , and belonged to the weighmaster.
cures Irregu
lar , painful , or difficult menstruation.
At C. F. Goodman's.
The Chief Englneershlp.
The election of chief of the fire de
partment next Wednesday is likely to
excite a pretty lively contest , although
the utmost friendliness prevails. The
candidates are supposed to be Chief
Engineer Galllgan , Assistant Engineer
E. Q. lliley , Assistant Engineer S N.
Melio , and Charles Hunt , formerly
Asilstant Engineer.
"WINE OF CARDUI" makes rosy
cheeks and clear complexions.
At C. g. Ooodnin's.
Sherman Avenue.
A subscription paper is soon to be
circulated among tha owners of horses ,
and citizens interested in good driving
generally , to provide a fund whereby
that part of Sixteenth street known
as Sherman avenue , may bo kept in
suitable condition durln ? the coming
season. It is a good move and worthy
of support.
"BLACK-DRAUGHT" cures dyspepsia -
sia , indigestion and heartburn.
At C. F Goodman's
1208 a > jd 1210 Faniham * < . , Omaha.
VrOTICS TO BUlLDERS-Stiled proposals
IN for the erection of the temporary Musie
hill for holding the cominj Sienfter/est / , w.11
b itcelvei by the node-aliened until tl > e 20th
IBIU PUnsindiipedBtationitobe swn atthe
ofSee of Henry Ton , lArchltect , Jacobs' Blodc.
The right to reject any or n bld fa reserved. By
order iiesutivi C-immltte * of "JIu < i : Fettlral
Associatbn. " H. BOSESZWEIG ,
54l.t ( Secrct-ry.
j 5 M. BROWN , corner of ISth and Chl < ap
1 J . streets. U ready to bore or deepsn wells.
Satisfaction goaranUed.
mEAU3 CA2 RE GOT At John Birr stable
J. tar all HMt of work , it mtonaWe figures
sew corner 18th and LcaTUtworUl Et . 378-tt
smart boy with some
experience in Dry Goods must be
well recommended. Apply at
Boston Store , 10th Street.
Prang's Easter Cards at Hospe's.
Prang's Easter Cards at Hospe'a.
Prang's Easter Cards at Hospa's. tf
OfltA AAA TO LOAN At8per cent la-
55/650,000 rtst. In .mn. of $2500 and
upwards , for 3 to 5 years , on flrst-c.'aj.atT and
larm property. Ewiis'BiAl. ESTAIS and LOAF
AOSSCT , 15th nd Douglas fcto ,
OMBT TO JXAW-Call at t w Offle *
M D. L. 'moUAB. Rouind.Ortlgnton Block
TO LOAN 1109 Farnham street.
MONKV Edward ? L6 n Agency. nov-JS-tf
"tTTANTED From 3 to B acres of laud within
W 1 to 4 miles front Omaha. Apply at L.
C. inew Id , 13th and Jackson SU. t83-12
A small'lot In convenient lexal-
WAKIED leue on long tune. P. E. Hodman ,
Uthand California St. 63M1
I T/TTANTED / LUht employment of any kind
YV desired by a youn < man experienced In
J general office duties. Applr book-keeger , Bee
office. 674-15
A good irfrl for general house
work , at 1519 Harnoy St. 4,6-12
ITT ANTED Woman to wash and Iron , at the
VY Emmitt House 679-18
A good boy at Blchter'S hat store
WANTED the pMtofflce. 572 9
\TtTANTED An experienced girl to cook
YV wa h , Iron and general housework. Sma
family. 1905 Cummmgsjitreet. 673-11
TTTANTKD A competent cook. N. W. Cor.
YY 17th and Capitol Are. B67-9
I TXT ANTED B one of tb largest WhoUsale
f YV Clothing Houses In New York City , for
i the coming fall trade experienced aile men.
l Those haVlnz experience and commmJ'ntr ' a
good trade will find tola a flret-claia opportunity ,
Apply at once references to A. B C. , Post-
offlce Box 308 , New Yo k ty. 481-w43-9
ANTED First-clies ( drl at comer of IStb
W and Fan him. MBS PAXTON. 568-9
ANTED A dressmaker to ire to North
W Flatle. Apply at Hlckman's. 669-11
TTTANTED Situation by a younc man to
YY drire earnago and m ke hlnrelt generally -
ally useful. JOUN BALL , Omaha House.
A pract eal business man. good
WANTED , desires emph\m nt with tall
road contractors or others 09 assistant foreman ,
time clerk or similar position. Has experience
In grades track-l ying and redalrs. Address
Carton , chlsofflcc. 65-9
7o rent a house of JOor ISrooma ,
WANTED location. Address S. A. Parsons.
1318 Chlcaso St 561-9
A first-clasalblacksnuth , mostly
WANTED work. M. J. Kelley , Lower 5th St ,
Council Bluffs. 662-13
Fwnished room , with or without
WANTED , by two gentlemen , hindy to Pest-
office. Bist references. Addrets H. , Drawer 7S.
TOARDEKS WANTED And rooms tot faml-
Jj lies to reut , at the Commercial Hotel. En
qutie ot lira. bUnbtch , S. E. Cor. 8th and
LearenworthSti. S6312
- girl torwaihta ? , iron-
WANTfcD-Acipible Inquire northwest cor.
18th and Capitol Are. 169-9
\TrANTED Immediately a cookatTiiards
W Palace. 554-tf
TtTANTED Situation as copyist or at any
YY Lind of writing , by a competent young
lady. Address "T. A. Bee office. Reference
given and required. 520-M
ANTED Actuation in a private famiiy
byaeompetentieanutress to do family
sawing1 , can cat and tit for children. Apply seamstress -
stress , at 715 17th St. , between Webster and
Hurt. 616-16
TSTANTED A partner with $2,000 to Join ad-
Y Y rertUi-r In the extension cf an established
and one of the best piyln ; husireaj in th ? weat.
Apply to K. W..Simeral , Boom 8 , Crelgbton
Block. IBth St. iX-lta
TTTANTED Two mere boarders at 3H North
YY 17th street.between Davenport and Chicago
cage , east aide 387-tf
TOR RENT First floor of house 1803Webiter
E andlSthSts. J-A. Llllie. 578-tf
AND LAND Bemls rents hougee ,
HOUSES , hotels , farms , lots , lands , offices ,
rooms , etc. See i t p ge.
TT10R BENT To areeponslbla party the entire
JJ ge nd floor of the block , K. E. Cor. 16th
and California St. , especially adipted fora hotel
or boarding buiueride tittrance on 16th ttreet ,
also entrance on California s reet , only two
tqu-xres from railroad depot ; containing 15
loorai with oath room , hard and rolt water on
second floor , gau In ca.h room , and every con
venience for house-notk. Kent $5000 per
month. Apply on premises to J. 0. flatter.
i , OR 1U.NT 2 tumished rooms o\ei Mer-
ij chauts Kzchange , X. K. Cor. 16th and
DodM streets. 'Jt (
I j beat towns In Nebraska , having an a good
trade as any Urmia the stat > - ; only one other
small yaid In competition For further ta'orma
tlon Addrets "Editor of Bee. " 571-11
TjloR SALE A cottage house of 5 rooms with
_ } 2 lota ; ground for silo , cheap. Inquire
2914 Farnham St. , Boggs * addition ICT-to 23
TTIOR SALE Good dwollln ? house , S rooms
JJ and kitchen , eood barn nd outhomcs. In-
qqlra at Demon It Johnson's lee omee. 393-tf
E'JIS 8e Is houses , lots , farms , lands , bee
I at page.
TF OR SALE Haps of Douxlu and Sarpy
_ C counties. A. RO EWATER , 15ZO Farn
ham Street. 320-tf
rnOR SALE A small well built house of four
f room ] and summer kitchen with corner
lot , well Uid out , fruit and evergreen trees , etc. ,
BOI I well and cellar , prica { 1100. Apply of
T. JENKINd , 27th and Dodge bta. MO-m-w-o-tf
B Isi page.
SALE Lease and furniture of a first ,
FOR hotel In a town of 1300 Inhabitant * , in
stata of Nebraska. Has 24 1'Cds. ' the travelling
men's resort Inquire at Per office 218-tt
D EMI5' NEW CITY M APS , 25c.-See 1st paee ,
JJ M'oon fixtures , fu rnlture and utock , OQ 10th
at. , opposite the U. P. depot , for sale very chrap.
Or the fixtures , furniture and stock will be sold
and building rented. Inquire of Ei > . KREISS-
MAN. 7tf
I OR ALB Tire cloee carriages , at A. J.
BEST THING YET-H. G. Hark * Co.'g
Imperial Self Raising Winter Wbe t Flour ,
for Pancakes , Biscuit ! , aod all kinds of pastry.
Try it. Aekyour grocer for It. 478 tt
T OST Bunch of L ys. Please leturn them
Jj to Collins 4. P tty * < gun stors , 1303 Doug
las 3t. 6B2-9
CJ1RATED A large red cow , crumbled borni" ,
J5 one born larger thin tha other. Switch of
wiliest. A suitable renard for her return or
any information leadiajr thersto will be pill by
J. P. Mannlnj , corner 19th sad DneDport St.
T OST One ladiea' pin with coral head iettia.7 ,
I J on 13th street or Fambam between 13th
and Htb. Finder will pletea leave the ume at
JohnEanmer's Jewelry store and receive reward
TltTERNlTY Whare will Yon spend It ! Acts
Absolutely Pure.
Vado from Grape Cruun TarUr. No other
preparation makes inch light , flaky bet breads ,
orlururiompntry. Cmoe nted bj" Dyipep-
tica without fear of tbe ills resulting from heavy
indigestible food. Sold otly in c-ini , by all
Orooen. BornJEiKixa Fcrsron Co. .
, For Sale.
1,000,000 Acres
Selected in an early day not
Railroad Land , bat land owned
by non-residents , who are tired
paying taxes , and are offering
their lands at the low price of $6
$8 , and $10 per acre , on long
time and easy terms.
We also offer for sale
Improved Farms
Douglas , Sarpy , and Wash
ington Counties.
Also , an Immense List of
Omaha City
Real Estate ,
Including Elegant Residences , Boat-
neea and Residence LotsCheap Houses
and Lota , and a large number of Lota
in most of the Additions to Omaha.
Also , Small Tracts of 5,10 and 20
acres in and near the city. We hare
good opportunities for making Loans ,
and in all cases personally examine
titles and take every precaution to in
sure safety of money so Invested.
Below we offer a small Hat of Special
Boggs & Hill ,
1408 North Side of Tare. St. ,
( top. Grand Central Hotel ,
Omaha , Neb-
Fannofieo acres , 3 salles
westofclty. 128 cullT t d ,
good home , barn and out building.
CflD DCUT ' 10-&cie ' tm ' barmk * .
I U 11 Ilk ill Goad improTements.
CAD OAI C Best located residence lot in
rUn OflLt the city , Slit ahd DodgeSta.
CAI C Arerynlc * 5 room cottage ,
OHLC leased ground rents for J20
per n onth. BOGGS &
CAD CAI C aw house cf 4 rooms with
rUn OnLC full lot , each and Farnham.
Only | 2 < X ) . required down. Price $1100.
CO D CAI C New honM ih taU stty Io
rUll QHLC near High School , 6 looms ,
large bay wlmJow , high door * and cellist.
Everything perfect , 12150. BOGGS & HILL.
CAD CAI C Comer of two choice Iota la
rUn wnLU Snlnn's addition , request w
to at once submit b st ash offer.
CAI C A 8 ° ° d aad dMlrable red.
OnLE. denes property. 11000.
FINE BE8IDKNCK Not In the mtrket.
Owner will sell for tOiOo.
CAI C 4ttoodlotj , Shiau'i Sd ad-
WMLC fiioa. 3150 e vh.
CAD CAI C Anew lj-story brick house
rUn OHLC with 2 Ion , on coruer 29tb
and Dougla , 817CO. 2CGG8 & HILL.
CAI C A Tcrv fine " 'Idence tot ,
OMLb to eomo party dttiring-
build a fine house , | ? 3CO. BOOOS A HILL.
CAI C About 200 lots In Kountzo k
OMLC Ruth's aJdi'.Ioa , Jtut south
of St. Mary's avenue $ i50to8K > . rhete lota are
near bualnen , narrouuded b floe improvement *
and are 10 per cent cbeaptr tu u an otter lota in
tie market , gave money by burin ; tbe e lot * .
CAI C 10 l ° t , culUMe for flue
OnLC reildence.on'Faik.Wlidt.T * .
nue , 3 blocks a. E. vt depot , all covered with )
flue Urge trees. Price extremely low. 9600 to
$700. BOOG9 & BILL.
CAI C Some very eheip lut * In
OMLC Lake's addition.
CAI C Cbetp corner lot , comer
OnLC Doa iai and Jefferson 8t
CAI C 93 loti on 2'.th. 27th , 2Stb ,
OHLC 29th aad 80th Sts. , between
Farnbam , Doaglas and tbe proposed etteniion
of Dodje street. Pricn range from $200 to $100.
We have concluded to eite men of small meant ,
ona more chance to secure a home and will
build homes on these Ints on small payments ,
and will sell loU on raont ily p > ymenti
CAI C 1 0 acree , 8 milea from city ;
OMLC b us SO tcres rery choice
t alley , nitb running nalrr ; baJtLce gently
rolling pralile , on y 3 milci from rallroat. J10
per acre. 0 > GG j & HILL.
CAI C * * ° &crea ln
unLC miles from city , 40 acred cul
tivated , Living spring of water , tetne nice val
leys The lanali all flrst-clais rich prairie.
Price $10 per acie. BUGGS & IIILL.
CAI C 160acri jmlle eattof Elk-
OHLC horn Station on railroad ,
Uu mm ; water , tO acred e iltivated.
TAD CAI C IfiOicrw H , miles north cf
rUa OMLC Elkhorn Station , must be
told for what it will bring.
CAI C ° acres next south of Dim-
OHLC dale In 4-15-11 A good and
denlrable tract , runs den n on to valley of Pap-
pillloa.SIO. BCGGS&UILL.
CAI C 7SO seres In oEetoay,71nill 3
OMLC west of Fieaont , ualllerel
land , produc'nz testr growth oi sra"i ' bl h
valley , rlcn soli and J mllas from railroad sad
bide track , in good sett'emeat and no better land
onoefooac. BOGQSiHILL.
CflD CAI C A hijhly Improved firm cf
rUn 5ALC 240 cr ,2cllo8roaidty.
Fine improvements on this laud , owcer not a
practical fanner , determined to tell. A good
opening for come man with mtani.
CAI C 1C3 acres In Mi 1 , town 18 ,
OALC r goll. llu'tbe old this
motb. . EOGG3 4 : HILL.
CflD CA ! C 2COO acitj cf land near Mil-
rUll OALC laid Station , 3500 near Dk-
horn , $5 to $10 ; 4000 acres in north part of
county , 8 to glO ; 3000 acres 2 to 8 irulej frem
Florence , $5 tolu5 ; < 00acres west of : he Elk >
bom , $4 to 310 ; 10,000 acrei scattered through
the county , 0 to 310.
The above luids lie cear and adjoin nearly
every fa'm in the county , and can mcitly be
sold on iicall ca h pi ) inset , with balance In l-2-
3 4 and 6 > ears free
CAD CAI C Bereralflne rsiidtnce prop-
rUn OnLC enlea never before offered
and not known in the market > s ben ! ? for ule.
Locations wlllcnly emadrknowntopnrchaser
buiineii , " BOGGS 4 HILL.
TUPKOVEti FARMS Wa have for sals many
JL improved farms around Omaha , an i In ad
parts of Douglas. Sarpy snd Washington conn.
ties. Also Farms In Iowa. For deic Iption
and prices call on us.
HJ and Douglas streets from 43000 to $3,00.
HALE 8 business lots next weit of
FOR Temple prks t anc d f I 009
Men. BOflGS & HILL.
TnOB SALS-3 btjstne loti west if Odd Fel-
OOE SALE 2 builnen lota south ild Dou-
P laa It. btween 12th and 13th. 13500 each.
-rnOEAtE-180 aer , covered with yoanj
JC timber ; Living water , surrounded by Im
proved farms , only i ven miles from d'y-ChMp-
bind. k HILL.
eu Und on . BOGGS
' .rsocs contfm'platlng bayaz should sot frfl
miasooxUctoiLiadx BOGGB4HILL. |
A. POLAGK.Collins ,
. . Oqlor do
Spring and Summer.
Men , Boys and Children.
Clothing Made to Order in the Latest Styles *
Prices to Suit All.
1322 Farnliam Street , near Fourteenth.
With the Best Selected Stock of
in Omaha.
Fishing Tackle. Base Balls and a full line of
Send for Price Lint.
5IAX MEYER & CO , , Omaha , xYeb.
Iron and Wagon Stock ,
the Best Assortment of \
in the "West.
At Chicago Prices.
1209 & 1211
Harney Street , Omaha.
Tobacco , 25 cents per pound upwards.
Pipes from 25 cents per dozen upwards.
Cigars from $15.00 per 1000 upwards.
\fill be found ia tba Ticket Office in
and Farnham Streets.
R frjr ! tor D. B. BEEMER , at Establlshtd Omaha . 1 *
West of Chicago 1371.
d Wholesale Dealer In Foreign and Domestic Fruit.
Jobter of flisji , Bacon , Lsrd , Butter , fgut , Poultry , Ginw and Country Produce Generally
Pcrchft'in ; "sent for ill kudu of Good * and Mercbaudif e not kept tn stock binuelf
ths same betas selected with care , and billeJ a& current Market rates.
General Western Agent for BOOTH'S OVAL BRAND OYSTEKS ,
and Wholesale Dealer In
Fresh Lake , River and Salt Water Fish.
518Sonth 518South
loth St. lottst.
We carry a selected stock of Coraeta , from 25c upwards. A
French Ccutill D * . uble Claes Siae Stsels , Embroidered Bust Cor
get , White and Colored , only 50c. A full line Hamburg Edging
and of Insertion ? , from 2c upwards. Real Linen Torchon Lctce ,
from 6c a yard up
Alv > a full A33" > trcent of French Brabant Uilttie , Runla ant' other Laces fat the very lowmt
p lce < . Lace Tie * , Coila-n ar d Tiihoj cf ver > d'scription from lOc npworda. Ladiea Calico
Wrappers and Suit ready nude and made to order , trom 72e upwards.
Wt if iab to at attention t our imraenfe tock cf CbDdre ' < > Dres-es and / < pron , ! * > Bars
Caliai and OlaiUam * ' isU We carry a ompete'e aasortment of Lulies' ami Children' ! Under-
z-rmentjattnaTfery 'owest New York price ? In our line of Oent'a furnishing Good * we defy
coropetitl n. Ple-e c n and conflnce yottrself
518 South 518 South
10th Street. OMAHA BAZAR , 10th Street.
Rubin Bros. - - - Prop's ,
Traynor's New Brick Building.