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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1881)
THE DAILY BEE. " OKAKA PUBLISHING COPROPRIETORS. . 916 Parnham , bet. 9th end JOtk Strutt TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 1 Copy 1 year , In advance postpsld8.00 ) Bnunths " * > * / 8 nmths THE MAILS , C. * H. W. B-B BSOa. m. , MOp. a 0. B.Q5aOvm. , fciO p. m- 0. B. 1 S P. B. B. , 630 a , m. , 0 * & St. Joe 6.80 a. m. B. City 4 P. B 20a.m. TJ. P. B.E. , Ilri0a.m. 0. & B. T. to Llncolr , 10 a m. B. * M.-R.R-.8 : a.m. 0. fc H. WH 738 a. m. C. fc K. W. B.B. , 11 swm. , : o. B.qvii a. EL , aa p. sa. C. B. I. * P. . U . m. . 11 p.m. 0. B. fcBt , re. O. P. B. B. , i p. m. O. & B. V. from Lincoln , 1130 p. Bi D. City 4 P. , 11 a.m. II. &U. ln > eb.p- . Local malls tot States Iowa tear * but ones * day , Tis : ISO a. m. Office open from 12 to 1 p. m. Bmidayt , THOMAS F. HALL. FoctaucUl. Arrival And Departure of Trains CHIOS PACIFIC. uuvm. ixsrn. MS p.m. do Ulrod . 6:10 p. m. 4:25 p.m. Up FielBht . .6:30 a-m. It0p. Jr. do _ .8:15 . m. 1SSO a , m. TIKI OABD OF THE BTJBLtKQTOK , IBAVI OKLUU. I JLULTVS OHABA. Brprese . 3W : p. m. Express. . . . .lOtW * . , HaU . 60 a. m. MlL.-1000 | P- Sundays Excepted. I 8andsy Exceptoa. CmCAGO.fBOCK 1BLAKB ft PACIFIC. Kafl . _ .6ob : a. m. i Mall . 10:00 p. m. Express. . . . _ StO : p. m. | Express 10:00 a , m. CHICAGO KORTHWESTEBN. Hill . -.8.-00 a. rx I Man . -.IS ! ? ' - Kr press - .8Wpla. : lExprera - K r-1L Bnndays except * * . KANSAS CITT. T. JOE fc COUKC % BLUFFS LAV AKKtVX. Hill . _ .SOOa. ri. 1 Eir ea - . .7 : 9a. m. Express . 6:00 : p. m. | HMl . 7:26 { . ' . m. The only line rurnVnjr Follman Bleeping Can oat of Omaha to U nloa Pppoi. OMAHA & KORTHEEK KEBBASKA. HAH- WATCOWJANY. Leave. Arrive. Express _ _ . .8.00 . in. I Fxpresi.tSO p , m. Mixed . . ' 1:50 p m. ( Mixed . 10:15 : a. m Dallv ExccptSandayi. , f , B. & K. B. B. In NEBRASKA. Mint. VThroogh Kr press. . . . , . 7S3a m Aecommoi at'on . . . 7:00 : p m ARHOT. Throurn Exprees . r..J7"Opto BIOUX CITT & BT. PAUL B. B. ) Kkll . 6U a m I Expreei..lhOO ( a u Uirrew . _ 8tOpmMi | . . .720 p en WABASn , ST. LOUIS * PACIFIC. UtiVn. AIUTiB. -Jltll . - 8 a. m. 1 Ual' _ _ . - 11 6 a. B Exprea .3:40 p. m. | E-.pres8.i:26 p. m. BBIDQG DIVISION U. P. B. B. Le ce Omah-n daUy : 8 a. m. , 9 a. m. , 10 m. , 11 A. o. , 1 p. m. , S p. m. , 8 p. m. , G p. m , , 6 p. T Mve Council BluBs ; & 16 a. m. , SS6 a. a , , 10:25 : a. m. , llri5 ! . m. . 1:2 * p. m. , X:26 p. tn. , U:2& : p. m. , E:26p. : m. , 6SB p. m. , 'foot trips on Sunday , learlnc Omaha t 9 and 11 A. TO. , S and 6 p. m. ; Council Btofis bt 8:15 , aiJ5 a. m. , and 226 and EAS p. tn. nveare Omaha : B a. m. , 7. x ro.830 . m. , 1 p. m. , 40 p. m. , 7:25 p. m. , ' .Leave Council Bluffs : 6:15 * . m , , 0:40 : a. m. , llliO a , m. 6 5 p. m. , 700 p. m. , 720 p. ta. " .Dally except Sunday. OUAAA & REPUBLICAN Y ALLEY B. . LIAVB , 1KUTK. Mall . .10:16 a. m. , .IO5 p. B. Dallv except RnniUvn. J. ENGL'SH ' , A TfOBN'EYATLA'W 310 Eouth Ihlrteenth 2i _ St. , with J. M. WOOLWORTH. CHARLES POWELL. yUSTICE OF THE PEACE Corner ISlh and \fj \ Pamhara SU. , Omaha Neb. _ . SIMERAi , , A TTOBKEY AT LAW Room 6Crelghtoa A Block. 16th SU. OMAHA. KEB. _ A. C. TROUP , AT LAW Office in HaMcon't ATTORNKT George E. Pritchstt , " 1M6 fand am fit. _ OMAHA. NEB. DEXTER L , THOMAS , ft TTOEKET AT LAW Crclcizaank s Balid Ing- _ A. N. L'HADWiCK , A TTORNET AT LAW Office ISO ! raraham A Str ot. _ _ _ _ _ "fK.LPEABODY , y AWTK4 OSoe In Ordghtoa Ulock , o xt U L * IVjt Office , OUAHA. KKBRASXA. KOIABY IPBUO. oouacncira O'BRIEK & 3ARTLETT , Attorneys-at-Law , orriCE-Ur.lon Bloek.nftetnth ani ? Farnham - S. TFt "FIBJ FO JB , ATTORNEY AT LAW. RfiSACH BLOCK , CCR. OOBQ. ISTH STI. _ OMAHA. NEB. _ W. J. Connell , Attorney-at-Law. OCco : Front rooms , up stairs , In Hanscom * ! new brick building , N. W. corner Jltteonth and Farnham Btreeta. . KIOICS. CHAS. B. BBOIOI REDICK & REDICK , A.ttorneys-at-Law. li.dJ . attention will ba gtret to all raits x < luit corporations ol OTOTT description ; will prutlro ! u a ! Xha Courts ol the State and th United Stite ! . Office. Farnham St. , opposite Court Hems. _ _ EDWARD W. 8IMERAL , A TTOHKCY AT LAW Room B Oralgbtcn A Block. 18th and DopgUa street ! . noOdh S. F. MANDERSON , * TTTOllNET AT LAW SU Tarnham Btmt A. Omaha Ktbratka. Jos R. CLIRKSOV S. J. Huxt. CLARKSON & HUNT , Successors to RICHARDS & HUNT , Auoruays-at-Law. 158. 14th ttrtct , Omaha , Xcb. 8A.NTA OLA.US FOUND. Greatest Discovery of tboAge. WoaueTful disco vcrlc ln the woridhare been made Amonir. other things where Santa Clans stayed Children ott aak U he makes goods or not , If really he fives In a mountain of snow. Last ) car an excursion sailed clear to the Fols And suddenly dropped into wh&tBccmedllk hhol Where wend r of wonders they found a new land , tfbllo falry-Uke betact appeared on * ch hand. There were mountains like ours , with more beautiful groen. And far brlehter skies than ever were seen , Birds with tie hues of a rainbow were found , While flowers of exquisite fragrance were grow ing are rind. Not long wore they left to wander in donbi A being soon came the/ had heard much about , Tw bunt * CUua' fell and t hi * they all ( ay , Is Koked like the picture r esee every day. He drove up a team that looked rrr queer , 'Twas a team of grasshoppers Instna/l of reindeer , Ue rode In a shell Instead of a sleigh , Bat he look them on board and drove them away. He showed them all over his wonderful realm , And factories making goods for women and men Farriers were working on hits great and small. To Bunco's thev said they were sending them all. Kris ( tingle , the OIovo llaker , told thorn at one * , AU our Gloves we are sending to Buns * , Santa showed them snapendsn and many things tnoro. Saying I als * took these to friend Dunce's stem. Santa Claus then whispered a secret be'd tell , As In Omaha every one knew Bunos well , Ho therefore shsuid send his good * to his car * , Knowing his friends H1 get their loll share. Now remember ye dwellers In Omaha town , AU who want prcaenU to Bunce't go round/ For shirts , collars , or glove * great and small , Bend tour sister or aunt one and al- Dunce. Champion Hatter ot the Wcel , Dooglai Mt. Omtha Hamburg Line. WEKKLYLINE OF STBAMBBS LEAVING NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY IT 21. * . , oa England , Pranoe and.Germany For Fassage apply to C. B. RICHARD & CO. General Passenger Agcatt , * / Ol Broadway. New York. CAKE E.MOORE : HENRr PUNDT , VINEGAR WORKS ) ERNST KREBS , Manager Manufacturer of all kinds ot "V I IN" IE3 Gh A U na St. Set. SOt cmil6OXABA fSB r. OMAH A BUSINESS DIRECTORY. AITEMPOBMII IS. . " _ _ - ' i'U * * OSC8 'Art Empori nm. 1610 Dodfe 8tnct,8t elEDanTiiiei.oUP Anting ! , Chromes rancr Fnmes , FramlojaSf * daltyLow price * . J. BOSNER. 1S09 PongU f t. Good Styles. ABSTRACT AND BE0. . ESTATL JOHN L. McCAGDE , op podte postofflee. W. R. BARTLETT , S17 Sf mth 13th Street. - . 'I ARCH1TEC rii DCraENEiMENDKtSSH' ON , AKCHTITECIS , Boom , Creifb' ton Block. A T. LABOE. Jr. . Room S . Crelghton Block. BOOTS AND SHOES. JAMES D VU 'E & CO , Fine BooU and Shoes A good assortment of home work on land , cor. lth and Haraey. ; THOS EKICKSOK , B. E. cor.'ICth andDonglai JOHN FORT DNATUS , " 051Mb St. , mat mfacturei to' order good work t tairpricei. B epiirUf ooafl. i Vs.- * ? BfC SPBINCS- J. F. LABRHreR..tfanufaetar r. TlM BOOKS , NEWS -STATIONERY J. I. FRUXHAUF , 1015Farnham Street. B..TTERAND&CC . * . z HcSHJLNE & SCHEOEDEB. the oldest B. ind E. home fa Nebraska. eiU'aUshed 1676 , Omaha. BOARD1HC CENTRAL -REaTATJRANT , . , oathwMt eor.-aeth and ' d e. Best Boird. r Board by th Hr ) > WeeV-or Month. Coed Terms for Ctsh , - . . AND OAD WAGONS BW- 1511 ? > BKyo. I > , i9 nth and Harney St. riYlLEHCINr ; RSAND SURVEYORS- BOS' WATEB , 1510 Faroham St , . * > wn Surreys. Grade and Sewerage Systen-.j a gpacUlty. COMMISSION MERCHANTSi " JC" infa. 'WII.LIS , IU 'iXSafe Street. U. B BEEMER , For d UOs M Urea Advertise * g g t In Pall and W Uy. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. "fTEST A FRlTaCHER , Manufacturer * ttl Clran , and Who caale Dealers in Tobwttw , 1305 U ug. W. r. LORES ZEK , manufacturer. 61110th St. COKNWE WORKS. "WesUrn Cornice Works , Manufacturers Iron Cornice , Tin , Iran and Slate Booftmr. Orders from any locaJty promptly executed to the best manner. Facfory and Office 1310 Dodge Street. Galvanised , iron Cornices , Window caps , etc. red and put up in any pan of the T. SIKHULD. 41B Thirteenth St. > CROCKERY. J. BOKKEB , 1309 Douglai SU Good Line. CLOTHING ANDFURNISHINCCOODS OEO. ILJETEKSON. All * HaU , Caps. Boats , Shoes , Notions and Cutlery , SOI S. 10th St. CLOTHING BOUfiNT. 2. SHAW will pay highest cub price f 7 second band clothing. Corner 10th and Farnham. DENTISTS- PR. PAUL , Williams' Block. Cor. IBth t Podge DRUGS , PAINTS AM OILS. . Pharmacist ! , Floe Fancy Goods , Cor. 15th and Dcuglat Streets. W. J. WHITEHOUSE , Wholesale 4 BeUil.16 St. 0. C. FIELD. 2023 North Side Cumin ? Street. ' M. PARR , Druggist , 10th nd HOT ard Sts DRY GOODS. NOTIONS , ETC. JOHN H. F. LEHMANN&CO. , NewTork Dry Goods Store , UlOaad 131J Faro- ham street J. C. Enewold , also VoDts & sboef. 7 th & Pacific FURNITURE. A. F. OR08S , r and Second Hand Furniture and fctores , llli Douglu. E. O. Turf-eon AgX J. BONNES , 1309 Douglas St. Fine Goods , &c. FENCE WORKS OMAHA FENCE CO. GCST. FRIES * CO. , ISIS Harney St. ImproT- ed Ice Boxes , Iron and Wood Fences , Office tailings , Counten of Pirn and Walnut. FLORIST. A. Donachue , plants , cu. flowers , seeds , boqucU etc. , N. W. tor 16th and Vonrlat Sts. FOUNDRY. . lltht Jacksonst. GROCERS. Z. STEVENS 21st between Coming and Izard. T. A. McSHAVK. Corner ad ar.d Coming Sts. HATTERS. " W. L. PARROTTE & 00. . 1E08 Dtmlas'Street , Wholesile Bicluslrtly. .HARDWARE IR6KAKD STEEL DDLA.N LiNO WORTHY Wholesale , 110 and 11 ! 15th tt. A. BOLUES , corner 18th and California. HARNESS , SADDLES , &C. C. B. WEIST , 321 13th St. , bet. Farn. & Ear. .HAT AND BONNET BLEACHERY. Ladles f et roar Straw , Chip and Felt HaU done up at northeist corner Serenteenth and Capitol arcane. WM. DOVE , PROP HOTELS CAMFIELD DOUSE , Oto. Caoneld , 8th kFam. , DORAM HOUSE , P. H. Cary , 913 Farnham St. SLAVEVS HOTEL , P. Slaren , lOlh S treet. Southern HoUt. GUI. Hamel.Bth& Leatenworth INTELLIGENCE OFFICE- MRS. LIZZIE DENT , S17 ISth Street. JEWELERS JOHN BA.UUER. 1314 Fainham Street. JUNK. H. BERTHOLD , Rajri and Hetals. LUMBER. LIME AND CEMENT FOSTEB k OKAY , corner BUi and DoTiglas Sts. LAMPS AND GLASSWARE. J. CONNER , 1303 Dcnglas St. Good Variety. MERCHANT TAILORS- O.A.LINDQaESr , One of oar most popular Merchant Tailors is re- ceiTlni ; the latest detigns for Spring and Sum * mer Qoods for pentlemen's e r- Stylish , durable andprieealowaicTer.SlS 18th he t. Doug. & Fi r. MILLINERY. MR3. C. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Retail , Fancy Ooods In great variety , Zephyrs , Cara Boards , Hoiierr. gloves , corset * , fcc. Cheapwt House In the West. Purchasers Bar * 33 per cent. Order by KaiL US Fifteenth tit. MILLS- OMAHA CITr MILLS , 8th aad Farnham SU. Welihans Brot. , proprietors. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS- W. S. GIBBS , M. D Boom Ho. 4 , Crelgkton Block , Uth Street. P. 8. LHISENRINO. V. D , Masonic Block. n L. HART , M. D. , Eye and Ear , opp. DR. L. B. QBADDT. Oculist and Anrist , S. W.lRth and Farnham St. PHOTOGRAPHERS- OEO. HbYN , 1'UOP. Grand Central Oallerj , 212 Sixteenth Street nearMuonicHall. Firit-class Work and Prompt < ness Guaranteed. PLUMBING , CAS AND STEAM FITTING P. W.TARPT&CO. , 216 12th St. , bet. faro. bam & Douglas. Work promptly attended to. D. FITZPATRICK , 1409 Douglas Stnet. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING HKKRT A. KOSTERS.H12 Dodfe Street. PLANING MILL. A.MOTER , manufacturer of rash , doors , blinds- moldings , rewe shalusters , hand rail * , furnish * Ing , scroll sawing , i.cC , cor. Dodce and 9th sts. PAWNBROKER ! . ROSENFELD , 3ZS 10th St. bet. Farn. & Har. REFRIGERATORS CANRELD'S PATENT C. F. GOODMAN , Uth St. , bet. Farn. & Har. SHOW CASE MANUFACTORY O. J. WILDE , Manufacturer Mid Dealer In all kinds of Show Cases , Uprirht Cases ic. , 1317 Cass St. STOVES AND TINWARE- A. BURMESTER , Dealtr ID Stores aad Tinware , and Manofactorer of Tin Roofs and all kinds of Building Work Odd Fellows' Block. J. BOXNKR. 1109 Dong. St. Oocdand Cheap. SEEDS J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed 'Drills and Cultlratprs. Odd Fellows HalL SHOE STORES. Ph'llpp Linr , 1320 Farnham it. bet. 13th 414th. SECOND HAND STORE FKKKIN8 & LEAR , 1416 Douglas SU , Nsw and Second Hand Furniture , Hi tut Furnishing Good * , kz. , bought and soldon narrow margins. SALOOKS- HKNBT KAUFMANM , In the t w brick block on DougUs Street , has Just openJ a most elegant Beer Hall. Hot Loneh from 10 to IS ererr day. _ _ _ . _ FLANNERT. On Farnham , next to the B , & M. headquarters has reopened a neat and complete establish , tut nt which , barrlDg rlRE. and Mother Ship- ton s Prophecr , win b open for the bojswlto Hot Lunch on and alUr presmt date. "Caledonia " J. FALCONER. C7B 16th Street UNDERTAKERS CHAS. RIEWE. 1012 Famham bet 10th t llth 99 CENT STORES HENRY FOHUCAN , toys , notions pictures Jewelry , fce , 813 Uth bet. Farnham & Douglas. . P. C. BACKUS , 1105 Famham .st. fancy goods. BETSEY'S BONNET. Well Uncle * - * - " ' , Abel/-yonara 'for .home , I , appoM ; , tradingudl done , 'eMur nd John Dare lifted hla\St and 'pnshedtbackthia thick hair ai he stood on the hotel steps talking to a plain conntry fatmeO "Wa'al.'n ' Vet quWyeV , John. I want to get Bettey a bnnnlt ; a real .mce " nej jasfc aa , goej , as a > , Yorker "might wanf. 'Oaasa Batsey'a worked hard this spring. Times are good , too , S'pose you don't want to go with me , do yon ? " , . K 4'Letme .aee 4 o'clock yes , I'l > goTJncle > Atel. I'll look aftbe prt > ' ' girls , though yon won't mind th"7 Come on. " So they walked up the . _ . - ' " * fashionable attire of the ' ' T ° "P.K ' " contrasting slrongl . V'f" mth the - ' ofrf Jcut of / - ttain thespsre room ° U ba worn on - y- There was little likeness In jo face a trifle too fair for manly beauty , with ito blonde mustache and setting of close otown curls to the brdnzed and beardless one , with the few locks spare and gray , beneath the well-brashed. hat , but the blue eyes were the surae in both , ana like those that we/o closed forever under the od , wnere his dead slater was laid wheu John was a tiny'child/"It troubled John apt a whit to be ncen 'with the plain countryman ) in rpite of hit perfnated and well-gloved hands his heart Was ai true as atoel to the goodftfond of his boyhood. ' They reached' Madam Rozatto'a at iMt , aud John lounged In the door way , and straightway engaged in the laudable employment of finding out the prettiest face of the girls in attend ance. Joiie Molllet ; radiant with smiles , aud I think , a little artificial blood , came forward the most be witching glances to wait upon the firmer who brought so attractive a a person with him ; and , fancying that she would show her superior quality by so doing , made UD her mind to quiz Uncle Abel unmercifully. "Now , young woman , show me some of your best bonnets real good ones. None of your old fashioned things for my wifel" Having said this , Uncle felt that he had had stated the case clearlvand hould have no more trouble. Hits Josie sailed about and return ed with a white gipiey , trimmed with a rose on it , and a gray straw trim med with scarlet poppies. "Now , that will be just what you want , I am sure ; only $25 , too ao cheap and so becoming. " Uncle Abel confessed afterward that he felt quite confounded at the price , but be did not mean to let that Fronchined girl know it , so he said , "Oh , that's the style , eh ? It ain't a { bit like Betsy's old one , though. " : "Oh , no , sir ; the fashion has chang ed entirely. Now the gipaey is the newest thing out , and your wife would set the fashion , I don't doubt. " She looked up at John Dare merrily , but could not interpret the Jsok io his eyes ; so taking it for granted that it was an expression of admlrr.tion , she pursued that same train. . * "Just fresh from Paris. .1 am sure your wifd would like that. Shall I try it on for you ? " "Wa'al , ye * , I can tell better how It will look then. Now it looks just like a dUh. " There , It goes this way , " and Josie pitched the little thing over her rosy face , tied the little string ! in a big bow knot and swept down the length of the room. Don't you like it ? " "Wa'al. it's kind o' purty , but it's awful queer , ain't it , John ? " John could only answer that he "knew nothln * in the world about women's bonnets , " and took up his reverie , whatever it was , " just where it wai broken off. But looking idly in the mirror opposite , he saw Josie soaking signs to another girl , and. he soon lound that they were amusing themselves vast at the perplexity of their customer. Ho saw , too , that a pale , quiet girl , with smooth brown hair , looked indignantly , and he rather saw than heard her say , "For shame ! " and grow crimson aa the spoke. His own face flushed a little as he became aware that Uncle Abe was be ing made the butt of their jokes good Uncle Abel , vrho was looking at the fabrics incompensible to him , his heart only full of the thought how he should make ita present worth of the patient sonlfor whom In was intended. Then John was greatly perplexed , for as he s-ld truly , he knew nothing about the mysterious and bewildering arrangement of dress thathesawevery day.Still Still he knew that Aunt Betsey's pare locks , thinly sprinkled with gray , were not dressed IB modern style , and he could not see whereabouts on that dear old head any of those gipsies or facchons would rest. He remembered that long ago Aunt Beteoy was wont to twist her hair with the same energy that distinguished all her movements ; and that this operation resulted in f hard knob at the back of her head like a door handle , which certainly would not harmonize with those cape- leas head dresses. Just as his brow was overcast with this thought , the pale girl csme near Uncle Abelblushing as aha did so inde * fiance of the other girls , holding in her hand a plain leghorn bonnet trimmed with violet ribbons. She wore a mourning dress , and the plain brooch at her throat held a lock of gray hair. "I think this might suit yon , sir , " shenaid. "If your wife doesn't dress her hair in these fashions , thesa bon net would not do. This is rich and p'ain , and covers the back of the neck. " "Wa'al now , tell me , for I have got so bothered with these things. I want to get a bonnet for Betsey , and I mean to. Now jest tell me if you would like your mother to wear one like thit ? Oh , I beg your pardon , ma'am ; I I am sorry ! " The young girl brushed off a tear quickly as she said : ' I have no mother now ; but if you will trust me , sir , I think this will suit. " She had ttond hitherto just out of the range of John Dare's vision , and had not seen him at all. Something in the sound of her voice attracted him , and when Uncle Abel called , "Here. John Dare ! " be stepped hastily toward them. The girl thrust the bonnet into Uncle Abel's hands , and would have been out of sight if her dress had not caught on one of the branching tables. "Amy ! " and John Dare , with a hot flush on his face , caught her hand. "Amy Egbert , have I found yon at last ? " The girl's face grew white and red by turns , and the words she spoke came so low and broken that only John could catch their meaning. Uncle Abel pushed his spectacles no on his forehead , still holding the hat In hb hand , looking openmouthed ed from one to the other. : 'I guess you must have knowed this young woman afore ? " but John was too busy with questions , and Amy was trembling and flushing cs she tried to speak calmly , and so his ques tion was answered. Pretty Joale was dividing her attention between a new customer and the scene beside her , and between anger and mortification she looked in no need of help from rogue aa she towed her bead and mat * tered varied uncourleoua remarks in regard to "that Amy Egbert and her .beau. " _ . _ Uncle Abel held the hat a while , Jonger , quite patiently-but at length despaired o'f the interview being end ed , so she coughed and then said ; "I'll take this bunnit. Twenty dollars is a good deal , Betsey's worth U , ain't-slw , Jobr ? " John needn't have atarted seer said "very , " which vMn't a sensible answer at all ; but Jncle-Abel laughed . . " aJittle.tohims.difrand-8aid-"Oh-boys will beToyi > li anj he fwas , obl ged to tell Miss bert the direction over twice. tslde the door John turned to . his uncle , and looking at him as shy aa a girl as he said : "It's -all right , Uncle. You've found a new bonnet and I've found an old , old friend. " Uncle Abel held his band fast , and looking a moment without speaking in the young man's eyes , said : "She's a motherless girl , John. " "Uncle Abel ! " and John turned argrtly away , or would have done so if the detaining hand had not held him. him."Look here my boy , I meant no offense. None of my blood turn vil lains , " he added proudly , "but you see she's young and purty and forlorn , and maybe if you see too much of her she might get to thlnkin' more of yea than would be good for her > and if you ain't In earnest I guess it would break her heart. Shako hands with pour uncle , my boy. I mean no iarm , but I promised 'LlzV when she was on her dying bed that I would allus try to give you good advice , and the last words a'moat that she spoke , says she , 'Abel , watch over my boy. ' " "My dear , kind uncle , I thank yon indeed I do but I could not bear o think that you should misjudge me. L know Amy long ago , when her larenta were both living , and oho lad all that wealth could give. I oved her then in a quiet way , but I was too poor to tell her BO. Then came reverses and death , and in her joverty and pride the girl hid herself esolutely until now. She tried to earn her bread by her accomplish.- ments , but failed , and took this means o do so. Now , if I can win her for my wife , I shall bring Sirs , John Dare to'aeo you some fine day this summer may I , Uncle Abel ? " "Wa'al , wa'al , If things don't turn out queer ! " eeliloquized Uncle Abel , loinewnrd bound , with n bandbox placed on the seat before him. "To , hink bow near I came to pettin1 one of thorn gipsies for Betay. Why she'd lave laughed a week about it. And then to think that painted pictur * of a ; irl was making game of me all the while. And then the other one tak- ng the trouble to tell a stupid fellow ike me what was the right thing to ) uy. I guess she would make our Joha a good wife , and after Betsey and me has passed away there'll be a nice bit of property coming to John , and that'll help him on. " How pleasant Aunt Betsey was when : he old man gave her the new bonnet ! 3ow fair and young she looked in the fresh ribbons and soft blonde around ler face ! Ana how she laughed at the idoe of wearing "one of them dish- covers on her head ! " Just wheu the country was in ita June glory John Dare brought his } rlde to the farm house where he had spent ao many childish hours , aud ho ed her to all the old familiar 'spots. But as leng as a straw and ribbon may endure to keep them bath in mind low John Dare found his wife , they tell the story of the time when Uncle Abel bought Aunt Betiey's bonnet. IMPIETIES. There is a sort of Lenten affinity be tween the haddock and the hassock. Devotees will take first a kneel in church and then an eel for dinner. [ Philadelphia Bulletin. - A Philadelphia clergyman assisted a woman to tie on her bonnet , and the verdict of the council which'tried him for It was : "It was a brotherly act , but1 he'd better let 'em tie on their own bonnets after this. " A negro entered a lawyer's office and asked for a private cousultation. He then stated he wanted a suit brought against his wife for divorce. "On what grounds ? " askod.tho lawyer ; "on account of infidelity ? " "Yea , boas , you hit it first pop. She goes to pra'r meetin' foah times a week , and don't come home till wa ) late in the night. 'Now , I suppose , " said a pious New Haven woman ; "they'll Bx up the Bible so nobody will know it with this new version. I shall expect to see Joseph's coat of many colors changed to a 'rep dressing gown with a gold cord and tassel , ' and the song of Miriam made over into a 'Pinafore * chorus. Religion is getting to be awful secular these days. " The good woman was assured that the Old Test ament would remain undisturbed , and she joyfully put on her best bonnet and went over to the parson's to give some of the sisters a "going over" for the benefit of his new wile. Mr. Sim Wilkeson who exclaimed when he heard ot the celebrated tri partite agreement between Beecher , Tilton and Bowen , "God ! that knocks the 'Life of Christ1 higher than a kite ! " has now started Rev. Heury Ward Beecher on a new in stallment of elevated work by suing him for breach of contract , laying his damages at $20.000. It is rather rough on the reverend gentleman , in the midst of his attempt to galvanize Plymouth church , to be awakened to memories of the time when Wilkeson sat up in his led flannel nightshirt and < wore till all WAS blue at Moul- ton'a tidings that Theodore could be held In no [ longer. The biography completed under these circumstances will have a peculiar interest for future collector ? of curiosities of literature. PEPPERMENT DROPS. Missouri has a five-legged mule which can reach one octave further than the moat accomplished pianijt. A medical journal eaya garlic cures hydrophobia. It can hardly to that ; but it may keep a person from being bitten by doga , or in any way ap preached by living creatures. It is eald that lova conquers all things ; but a jumping toothache , that knows its business and strictly attends io it , can for the time being make a man forget that he ever loved at all. \V hen a member , in the course of a long speech yesterday , called for a glass of water , a member sitting near exclaimed sotto voice to his neighbors : "This is all contrary to the laws of mechanics a windmill running by watar. " Hartford Conrant. A book publisher , upon returning from a party given by a member of the "best society , " remarked that some of the expensively attired young men present reminded him of a dime novel bound In Turkey-morocco , with gilt edge * . Norrlstown Herald. - A Philadelphia society is wrestling with the question , "when a mm has his life ininied for $100,000 , is his wife justified in refusing to prepare a mustard plaster for him when he Is seized with a sudden and severe sttaclc of the cramps ? ' Philadelphia Chroni cle "Soon , " remarks an editor in the Vfnbaah valley , "will the twittering of the birds and the sight of the daisies and forget-me-nots remind us that spring has come. " This Is un- j doubtedly true , but for the dead sure thlncr you had better depend on the gentle-ho-haw-of the canal-mule. There Isrmore need of & revival in medical than religious circles. We ' .look confidently forward to the day " when a man can get his tongue exam * .ined , his pulse foU , hia case diagnosed , and hlalittle j > lll put into hia mouth , all for a charge cf one dollar. As the nutter now' stands , sickness In the 'family is far more expensive than a divorce suit. Nycnm Advertiser. " * - The wonders of telegraphy. The principal , ( from the city ) , through the telephone , to the foremen at the "works : " "How do you get on , Pat ? " Irish foreman ( in awe of the instru ment ) : "Very well , sir ; the goods is sent off. " The crincipal ( knowing Pat's failing ) : ' 'What have you got to drink there ? " Pat ( Uartled ) : "OchlLookat that , now ? It's me breath that done It ! " Punch. The farmer's oldest boy now puts on his heaviest boots , gets a grip en the plow handles , and with the "lines" around his neck , yells and shouts and swears because the span don't "haw" and "gee" just right in turning corners. You'd never sus pect that he was the same fellow who had been raising havoc among the girls aU winter with his stunning plaid aecktles and stand-up paper collars. Neic Haven Register. Wilkinson came into the parlor ths other day and eat down upon a chair which he thought had a larger cushion than usual. He hadn't tat do7n more than than two seconds when ho waa lifted iu the air and came down upon hia face. He asked his wife what waa on the chair. She said her new bon net. "It has a few pins In it. " "Oh , IseenBaid Wilkinson ; "that's yowr new spring bonnet. " Jim Webster sighed heavily : "What's de matter Jim ? " asked Unele Moae , in a sympathising tono. "I has made np my mind to quit the chicken business. I's tired being arrested and hiring lawyers , and habin' folks ask , Whar's my chickens1 when I pass down on Galveston avenue. I am gtvine to go inter blzness whar I'll be respected and whar de police won't nebber bodder me no moah. " "What bizneas Is dat , Jim ? " "Gambling. " Galveston News. SPREAD THE GOOD NEWS. As a family medicine and tonic , there is no remedy at present giving such universal satlstaction , and effect ing so many astonishing cures , as Electric Bitters. Our drnggfati re port a lively demand for them , at times beinguuableto supply the many calls. All Bilious Attacks , Stomach , Liver and Kidney Complaints , Dia betes aud Gravel , readily yield to their curative qualities. Sold by all druggists , at fifty cents per bottle. (4) ( ) EacElen'a Arnica Salve The BEST SALVE in the world f ot Outs , Braises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Fever Sores , Tetter , Chapp ed Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This Salve is guaranteed to give perfect satiafac- tlod In every case or money re Funded , Prlco 25 cents per box. For sale by 8dly Ish & McMahon Omaha. A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. For the speedy cure' of Consump tion and all diseases that lead to it such aa stubborn coughs , neglectedi Colds , Bronchitis , Hay Fever , Asth ma , pain in the aide and chest , dry hacking cough , tickling in the throat , Hoarseness , Sore Throat , and all' ' chronic or lingering diseases of the throat and lungs , Jr. King's New Dia- ; covery has no equal and has established' ' for itself a world-wide reputation. Many leading physicians recommend ) and use it in their practice. The'form- ula from which it it prepared is highly - ! ly recommended by all medical jour-i nals. The clergy &nd the press have complimented it in the most glowing ( * terms. Go to yaur druggist and get a' ' trial bottle free of cost , or a regular , aize for § 1.00. For sale by d(5) ( ) ISH & MoMAHOK , Omaha , ORDINANCE No. 450. An Ordlmnce vicitlnz tto alley In block two ! hundred and two (20' ( ) . in the City ol Omihz. Ee it oidaUed by the city council cf the city ofl Craaba , as follows : Ssc. that the alley Intersecting bkck number twa hundred and two ( 0 ) , in the City of Omaha - < ha , being the alley between Marcr street and LcaTcnworth street and running from Eleventh f treet to Twelfth street in laid city be , and the fiime is hereby > acated. SBC. 2. This ordinance shall .alee effect and be In force from and after Its passage. fSIened. ) JAMES E. EOYD , Pns't City Council Passed April 5th , 1881. Attojt : J. F. McCARiKST , City Clerk. Approved April Ctb , 1331. tSigned. ) CHAUPiONS. CIIASG , It Mayor. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUP PLIES AND TRANSPORT. ATION. TVEPARTMENT OP THE INTERIOR , office \J of Indian Affairs , Washington , March 23 , 1831. Scaled proposals , indorsed rrocoia s ton Beef , Biceu , Hour , Clotoing or Transportation , &e. , ( a trecajemiybo , ) and dlrectsd tD thej Commissioner of InJian Affairs , ! o > . 65 and t7 | Wooster StreetN tw Yoik , will be reotlved un til 11 a.m. of Monday , May 2,1831. for furnish ing for ( he Indim servise about 800,000 pounds Bacon , 40,000,000 pound ! Beet on the hoof , 128- 000 pounds Beans , 70.000 poundi t ) a Vine Po/rder , 2SCO.000 pounds Corn , 760,000 pounds Coffee , 8- SOO.OOOpounds Floar.211,000 pounds feed,300,000 rounds Hard Bread , 75.003 pounds Hominy , 9.- 000 pounds L rd , 1,650 barrels Mess Pork , 233- 000 pounds Rice , 11 , 00 pounds Tea , 72,900' ' rounds Tobacco , 200,000 pounds Salt , 200,000 pounds Snap , 6,000 lounds Sodi , 1,250COO pounds Sugar , and 839,000 pounds Wheat. Also. Blankets , Woolen an I Cotton goods , ( c rmist'nv In rart of * icklng , 36 000 yards ; Standard Calico , 300,000 yurJa ; Drilling , 25,000 yard8Duck ; , Ires from ah sizing , 175,0)0 yards ; Denims , 17,000 yards ; Glnghim , 50,000 jar s ; Kentucky Jeans , 26,000 yardi ; Satinet , 4.500 vardi ; Brown faceting , 218,003 yards ; Bleached Wheeling , 9,000 yards ; Hickory Shirting , 12,000 yaids ; Calico i-hlrting : , 6,000 yards ; Wiojey. 2- 600 yardClothinf ) , Groceries , Notions , Hard ware , Medical Supplies ; and a long Hat ot mis cellaneous articlei , such a ? Harness , Flows , Rakes , Forks , tc. , and for 475 Wagons required for the service in Arizona , Colorado , Dakota , Idaho , IndUn Ter. , Minno-ota , Montana , Ne- bra ° ka , Nevada acd Wisconsin , to be delivered at Chicigo , Kancai City and Sioux Ci y. A so , TracsDortaticm tnr such of the Supplies , Ooods and articles that mar not be contracted for ti be delivered at the Agencies. Bids muit ba Jnide out on Government blanks. Schedn'ei showln ? the kinds and quantities of eubtistisca supplies required for each Agen cy , and the kinds and quantities , in cross , of all other goad ] and articles , together with blink propcsili and form ? for contract and bond , con ditions to be observed by bidJers , time and p'ace f f delivery , termj of contract and pay ment , trauiportatt u rouUs , and other necesmrr instructions wi 1 bo furnished upon application to the Indlin Office in Washington , or Nos. 65 and67Wooiter Street , New York , Wm. H. Lyon , No. 483 Bioadway , New York ; and to the Commbsiriej of bubaiitence , U. S. A , at Chi- eigo , Saint Louis , Sa'nt ' Paul , Leave aw orth , S n Francisco , Oaiab * , Cheyenne , and Yankton , and tha Postmister at Sioux City. Bids will be cpenel at the hourjandday above stated , and bidden are invited to be prtsent at the openluir. ccKTimo cnicu. AU tils roust be accompanied by certified checVs upon some United State i Depository or Atsigtant Treasurer , for at leait five per cent , of the amount of the proposal ! . THOMAS M.NICHOL , mar28-lm Acting Commiwrfoner. AGENTS WANTED FOB CREATIVE SCIENCE and Sexual Philosophy. Profusely illustrated. The most important in { vest book published. Every family wants Extraordinary inducements offered Agent * . Address Aajerrs1 PuKJsnrao Co. St. Louis. Mo. SPECIAL MASTER COMMISSION ER'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale itsued out of the Diitrict Court , In and for Douglas County , Nebraska - braska , and to me directed , I will , on the 9th day of April , A. D. 1831 , at 10 o'clock a , m. of raid day , at the sooth deer of the Coutt Home In the ety of Omaha , Douzbs C.unty , Ne braska , se'l at public auction the property oe- icribrd in said order , to wit : Lot fix (6) ( In block one hundred an < seventy-one (171) ( ) , in the city of Onnha , Douglts County , Nebraska , together with all the appurte.anew thereunto belonging , to s tify a judgment ef laid court recovered by Ferdinand Streitz , p'atntlff , and against Andrew R. Orchard , et. al. defendant ml-5t ! Special Master ComtaJsnoner. t a"- T-AJSIE TECS NO CHANGING CARS I1MWBB.X OMAHA AND CHICAGO , Where Direct connections are Made With Through Sleeping Car Lines TO New York , Boston , Philadel phia , Baltimore , Wash * ington , AND Al.T. EASTERN ClTiB3. TJIE SHORT LINE via PEORIA for lndianapoIisCincinnatiLouis- ville. AM > 1L ! , roisrs rx THI THE BEST LINE ? 0R ST. LOUIS , Where Direct Connections are made in the UNION UEPO wiih Throush Sleepla ? Car Lines tor all Points s o The New Line for 3DES JVCOIIETES- The Favorite Eoute for The unequaled Inducements offered by tills Line to Travelers and Tourirts , areas follows : Ibe celebrated Pullman ( IG-wheelj Palace Sleep- log Oars , iua only on this Line. C. , B. & Q. PjiUctt Prawing-Koom Core , with Hortou'a ! Jt- cllnlnffCh Irs No extra charje for Sc-.itj m Becliolnz Chairs. The famous C. . B. & Q. Pahcc DInlnsr Cars. Gorjjeou' * Smoking Can ihud with Elegant Illzh-BAckcd lU'.tan acvolrln ? Chiirs for the excluilro uao of first-class pjisaen- Steel Track and Superior Equipment , com bined with their Oreat Through Car Arrange ment , makes this , above all others , the favorite Route to the East , South , and South-East. Try it , and you will find trat cling a luxury Instead o' > discomfort. Throtgh Ticket * via thii relegated Line for Sale at a' ! offices In the United Statcaand Canada. All infjrnutton about Rates of Fare , Sleeping Car Acrom-nodaibns , Time Tables , &c , will be cheerfui'y given by appl > inz to J1MESB.WOOD , General Passenger Agent , Chicago. T. J. POTTt-B , Central Manager , Chicago SHORT LIN 18SO. K.C.ST.JOE&C.B.R.R. , Is the only Direct Llna to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST From OMAHA and the WEST. Ho change ol cara between Omaha and Bt. Louis and but one between Omaha and New York. SEX DALLY PASSENGER TRAINS MlCHIXSJAtt Eastern & Western Cities With leaa charges and in adrance of other line * . This entire line Is equipped with Pultoaa's , Palace Sleeping Can , Palace D j Coach * es.UIller's Safety Platform and Coupler and the celebrated Westlngbooso Air-Brake. JsTdEK THAT TOUB TICKET BZ/DSfM 9 VlaKansu City , St. Joseph aauHH 9-ConndlBIaff3K.B..7b BlfA STJoQ andgt.Loul3.-Mk Tickets for sale at all coupon stations In thi West. J. F. BARNARD , A. 0. DAWK ? , Gsa'l Snpt. . Qeu'l I'IMH. A Ticks * Agt StJo3eahiIO. bt. JodOpL , Mo , W C. 8KACHRE3T , Ticket ACD. , ICiOFamhaci Street , ANDTBORDEN , A. B. BARNARD , Para. Agont,0maha. Gen'rl Agent , Omaha. BY THE USE OF DR. BOSANKO'S PILE REMEDY. INTERNAL , EXTERNAL , AND STCHING PILES rl 1d mt eace on the application of Dj Bomanho'p Pile Remedy , which cti dl tgctly upon the parte mtt teO , aluorfalai Be TomosB. nllaylag the tetrmn Itefc ill otber remedies hare tolled. TryU a > te no other , nnd teU UtnerltB. DO NOT DELA'J IDtn the drain on the system prodooa Mmuuteat dlambllltr , bat bay U. TRY IT ABNED CURED PRICr , 50 CENTS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT , ia < f when you ctm notobtxJnltorblm iT Till ead Is , prepaid , on receipt of prlr * > r. Bo u ko' Trentl OB Pile * swot Cr mappllcallon. Addres * OR , BOSMO MEDICINE CO. o. WROUGHT IRON FENCES. Wire Fencing and Railing n Bpt-dallty. Their beauty , permanenca and economy dally werklng th * extinction of all fencing cheap material. Elegant In design , Indestructible Fences for Lawns , Public Grounds and Ceme tery Plata. Iron Vases , Lawn Settees , canopied and ol rustic patterns ; Chairs and every description of Iron and Wire ornamental work destined ami manufactured by E. T. BARNUM'S Wire anj Iron Work , S7 , 29 aad 31 Woodward Ave. , Do- trelt , Mich. BeD < * fi-"O- - . .tvlatalocce anil rice list. ur.9 ! REED'S " " "ALLTIME , By "Almont , " he by Alexander's "Al alUh , Eire cf "Goldsmith Maid- " First dam "On c&iAuwMto UAH * uiu uj ju iijnno i and bis Sire by Byslick's "Ilambletonfau " This remarkable horse nIll be five yean olrf in May , he will scrrc only 35 marcs ( half of which number Is new engaged ) at 226 Co er mare , payable at time of service. Seaton commences April 1st and will end Sept. 1st. After that time his ttrvice will be out at $3500. Any mare that h.s trotted in 230 serred / . AIL TIME wilUtand Morii'ayj' : . ' * cli week , btKtn- nin ? the first of April , on Ti.entl.tb , vrest or Eighteenth street car-trn-k teimlnu * ' acd the ED. BEED , Proprietor. Stable Corcer llth and Howard Streets. - oarlcodto PBUSSIAN THE LATEST VICTORY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE. The only existing rf meily for erery pe clci cf Acute or Chronic Dlseoso ot Uio Organ § of Uesplratlou , anil RU absolute SPECIFIC FOR CONSUMPTION ! nll-povrerfnl regetablo prepnra * A. tion uipcl * from the lungs and nlrpnii- nge , the mucus nnil imicn-piis produced by pulmonary iiiM&rnuition , liealc thr Irritated niembrRtjrtS. and rvnoratrs every or im n Itlch tittlif ! the breath of Life. Itcoutuiu * no ntiipfylni ; potaon , mid ij in all respect * a lionlthlnl medi cine. The rapidity asd certainty wltli which It ANNIHILATES A COUGH Is astonishing. It effect * go dci'tief tlie mere symp'itm * of pulmonary ill- ease and discharges the cntise from the syitem. Free nnd pninleu expectora tion Is the mode by which it relieves the lungs , chest and throat frorathebnrderi tvhlch oppress them ; tliu/t arreitlnc ; Con- ( umptlon and Bronchitis In the germ be fore they reach the morr dungcrocj stages. TheemaciatrdsulTarer BATTLING FOR LIFE Tvith the most terrible r < mrc0 of oar clt- ninte will llml 1'rlHch'i 1'rusilan Cough S > inp n potent nlly , nnd will annreilly iin the light liy aillierlug strictly to this treat medicine. The GASES NOW OH RECORD Inwhich It hn henn administered trlfh entire nreeR iis u rrmeilj- for every va riety oi m.ilailj urhlili nRectii the Ko- FriiT-itrryl'uuttloiis , amount tto more thnu FIVE THOUSAND nt Jhe present date , nnd yet the prepnr tiiiu i * unit in the infancy of its use ! ul- nts-i. The great d fect of all Cough KcMitcdi' J hitherto Introduced Is that lhi j nixiimply ejpnlsnry. Hence thry nra iMelevs ; foriinle"M the causes of the nirid secretions which are coughed np ar rommcil.ainl the ruptured. Inflamed or maturated surface * healed and re stored to their natural tone , a cure In hilmMble. ] FritsehVi Primlnn Cough hyrup nccoinpli < lic the e objects. The mucus and imieo-piM tvhlch rue the con- * i'cju * > i co of Lung I > I en < < e , are thrmrn ott ) > ) it , nhlle at the * amo time it m > othe * nnd Invigorates the tveakencd tlrsues. "LIFE FOR THE LUNGS. " I'or cnugln , roliln , inrlnenzn , bronchial iliilcilltlc5 , tight nexs of the elicit , hoarse- m3 , nore throat , traohltl , Inllamma- lieu of the lung * , difficulty of breathing , l > leuriny nnil nil disorders ofa pulmonary nature , It has neT been equaled. Sole as-nts m America , KICHAKDbO.S It CO , St-J-oulOlo. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICE ONI.Y 25 CENTS. Anew Mil hitherto onkaoTn remedy tor all 'ei es of the Kidneys , Bladder , and Urinary arcana. U will pofitttv ly care Dlaoetes , Orarei , Drop- , BrUht'a Disease , Inability to retain or txpoll tin Urine , Citarrh ot the Bladder , high colcred ami Manty criue. Fain/a ! Urinating ; tAMK BACK , ( IcneiV. Wnakncus , andkil Female Com- ttolrfs la uriul uicJiciDCS , a certain In It oO < .ct3 anil cares when nntliln ? else can. For 4ale uy all Druz inta or sent by mall free apon ra.-ept ! of the price , JiOQ. OAY MEY PAD CO. , PROP'RS , Toledo , O. era yoor address ( or oar little book , e * a < Sired. " UK" < f t < S SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC AND St. Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. The Old ReliMc SiouzCity Route I 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE I From COUNCIL BLUFFS to ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH , or BISMARCK , And all polntaln Northern fowa. Minnesota arJ Dakota. ThU Tine U equipped with the Iir- proved WeatliiKliomo Automatic Air Brakeband Miller Platform Conp'cr and Buffer. And for SPEED , SAFETY AND C3MF08T la unsurpassed. Elotuit Drawinc Kfomuii Sleeping Carsowned rf controlled " ) > the com my , ran Through Without Change betwMj _ nlon Pacific Trnjhfer Depot , Council BloSf , and St. Paul. Traiiu leave the Union FaciCit Transfer Depot at Coandl Itlufls , at C:15 p m. . reaching Sioux City at 1C-.W p. nu , iuid SU Paul at 115a. m , making WTEN HOURS m ADTAHCI or ANT OTUXB Bouxa. Returning , learp St. Paul ti 8JO p. m. , a.-- rivLng at Sioux City at 4:45 : a. m. . and Union Pacific Transfer Doput , Con .dl BIclb , at fc:50 a. m. Be sura thit ycnr tickets read Tia "S. C. fc P. B. R. ' F. C. HILL ? , Superintendent , M'rocnrl Valley , I wa' P. K. BOBDfSOW > ' o r-l Pi < i Azert. J. H. O-BRTAK , and txtv.uer Agent , Council BuC ! Gentle Women HTho trant glossy , luxuriant and wnry tresses of abundant , lieantiiul Hair mnst nso LION'S KATUAffiON. This elegant , cheap article always mates the Hair prow freely and fast , keeps it from falling oat , arrests and cares grayness - ness , rcmoTes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair strong , giving it a curling tendency ana keeping it in any desiied position. Beau tiful , healthy Hair is the sure result cf using Kathairon. HAKE XO MISTAKE ! MICA AXT.7. GREASE Composed largely of powdered mlcaandlslnjtu > L , the best and clxapegt lubricator in the worli1. Hi th be4t because , t d < xi not cm , butform a hljhly polished aurfVe orer the axle , dola * away Kith a lutfe amount ul ( nctioa. It b tb chtajicst becausd vou oee < I are but halt tbe quantity tn ; re'iig your wazon that you woull olanyotLerazIe grea e nuule , and then nra your va on twice u > Io rf. It an < w rs eqcillr asvtellfn Mill Ceirin - , < Machln , Buegles. 4c.a for wazoni Send for Pocket ' CjclopwlUof Tblagf Wortn Enow.og. Mailed free to ny adorees MICA MAMOFACTUSIMC CO. , 81 MICHIGAN AVENUE. CHICAGO. 99 Your Dsaler For It EIDNEGEN is highly recommended and unsurpassed for "Weak or Foul Kidneys , Dropsy , Blight's Disease , Loss of Eaergy , Nervous Debility , or any Obstructions arising : from Kidney _ cr Bladder T > isages. . Also for Yellow Fever Blood and Hidnay Poisoning , in infected malarial sections. tfBj the dlitniatlon ot a FOREST LEAF with JUNIPER BERRIK8 and BARLET if ALT w nar dl cover d KIDX EO t .whtch acts specifically on the Kidneys and Urinary Organs , rtrooiin ? lufarlota drpmlts forme-i In the blaJdtr and pr Tentlnz any stralnio ; , smartinic wn-ntlcn het ot Irritatli-n In the mi-mbnnoui Illn < of tha ducts or water pAssa a. It eiclt.-s a healthy ictton In tic KWnrjs { iTln. 'hf a > trm th , ijor and restoring them cr ans to a healthy condition , abowinc It * effects on both the olur and taay flow of urine. It can bo Uken at all times , tn all rlimaUi and andenll clrcum'Uncri without Injury to the system. Unlike any other prcpirallou for IU > lney dlificnltlrt I : his a Terj p'ewant ' ui I ajrreeibl * taate and fiaror. It has been ditFcult to rrai * a pr rMratloi cent lnln ? poitlr a'ureilc properties which will not nauseate , but be accrptaMe to the U.mach Before ULlni ; any UTCI medicine , try a bottl * ot KO.VEQEN to CLEA > SK tt K1PNETS from ton ! matter Try It an I you will always u d t as a family medldne. Ladle * especially wfll like it vi d Gentlemen will find K1DNEOEN the be t Kidney Tonic overused ! XO1ICK r ach bolt's ' bears th Bguature of LAWRENCE & HARTCf. a'sos rreprf story OoTtrn roent Sump. b'cl. permits KIONEOEK to be sold ( without UcenM ) br DruzzUu. CIOCMI and Oth sr Persons ' rer > here. Put up in Quart size Bottles for General and Family Use. It not found at your Drugztata or Grocers , wa will send a bottle prepaid to th nearest rr * office to yon LAWRENCE & MARTIN , Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. ! od ! by DRUG&ISTS , &EOCEE8 and DEALEKS everywhere Wholesale agents In Omaha , STEELS , JOHNSON 6 CO. , will supply th traJe at mviof Mtn prlew. IT IS A GRATIFYING FACT THAT THE WHITESEWING MACHINE Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead ily and rapidly increasing in public lavor. The WLite Machine lastly claims to be the best made , the easiest running , the 'simplest in construction and the most perfect Machine in the market. The White Co. employ aa agents men of In tegrity , and purchasera are always satisfied , because they find everything just as repres ented. Everybody should use this Machine. The sales so far this year are more than double the corresponding time last year. All orders addressed to the Omaha Office be promptly filled. JOHN ZEHRUNG , Cor. Davenport and 15th St * . Omwtia. THIS NEW A27D CORRECT "WAP * 11 Proves beyond any reasonable question that tha CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN R'Y Is by all odds the best wad for you to talco when trarellns In either direction between ' Chicago and all of the Principal Points In the Wast , North and Northwest. ' Carefully examine this Jfap. The Principal Cities of the We t and Northwest are Station * on this road. Ita through trains make close connection * with the trains ol all railroads at Junction points. THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , Over all of Itsprincinal lines , runs each war dally from two to four or more Fast Express 'inilns. 11 b the only road west ot Chicago that uses the . PUTiT.MATJHOT2X DINING CAHSlV , It Ii the onlv road that runs Pullman Slecplnc Cars North or Korthwp tof Chicago. Itha * neorlr0.O&O Jrs OFXOAD. ItJonnatlioroIlowInKTrunlcUncs : "CouacilIlIuT ( , Denvcr&CalifornIaLini. " "WInona , Bllnncsota & Central Pakota Lino. " "Sioux Clty.Nor. Nebraska & Yankton Line. " "Chicago , St. Paul and Minneapolis Line. " .Xor. Illinois Frreport ft Duburrno Line. " "MIlwauKee , Green Bay & Lake hnprl < 'r Line. " T.ckets o er tkis ro d are sold by all Coupon Ticket Agents fatlio United States unJ Canadaa. Itemcmhcr to ask for Tickets via this road , bo sure they read over It , and take none other. 1UEVI.V nCQHlTTGenlManagerChicago. f Vf.U. STE53BTTGcalPass. Agent , Calcaga H VTiRT P. UDEL , Ticket Arsnt C. 4N. W. Railway , Uth amltfarnhsm fitr t . t E KIMBALL , Assistant Ticket AzentC. &N. W , RaUwar.Hth and Faialam Strestj. J. BSLL- , Ticket Azent C. * N. W. Railway , C. P. R. R. Depot. SHIVERJGK. FURNITURE , BEBDINO , FEATHERS And Everything portaMng to Uie IV Diture and upholstery Trade , A COMPLETE ASSQHT EHT OF K W GOODS AT THE 1208 and 1210 Famham Strcel. p U mou th ut LIST OF MAMMOTH CLOT ING HOUSE. Hard Wearing Goods I Men's Coltor.nlt ! 5 400 M n * < Cotton-wlo P.inU 1 0 to 150 Men' f'otton Wonted 600 M-n'- , C'itn > re P < nt 3 00 to 5 00 * ' MaVd Wjrstod PanU 3 50 to 5 7 Meu'a Jeans " " Q Men's Satinst Sntti. V-"V" $ > 'O U 6 0 Spring : Overcoit * 8 CO to 18 00 Men's Unicn anits 8 00 to 10 " ) Wiit V it ICOto VW Men' * A1I-W.I Suits 12 M to ' 8 00 White Shirts 6ti tn 725 M n'Wowt l Suits 13 V > t 20 1 Fancy Shirts. 37i fc > 175 MenV * Bine Flannel Suit' . . . . 7 5-1 to 13. > > C.wiimire'-hittn IMJto SCO ' 40)to 90 Blue F/ann-1 / Shirts 1 Odto 175 ) Yonth'-Saite . . Suits 900 Orerallaan I Juaji > r . . . .50' ! ncl upward * Ch.Mren'B ll..yf Suita 2jOU 600 Suxi n-I - r 25b > 451 Men's Jeatw Pants 1 CO'.o 2 O1) Cotton IIM Complete line of H"eck Wear , Linen Collars and Sum mer Underwear. Silk Handkerchiefs , Hats , Cap ? , Gloves , Trunks and Valises , Boots and Shoes. Agent for San Francisco and Oregon City Woolen Manu facturing Company. M. ELGUTTER'S MAMMOTH CLOTHING HOUSE , 1001 Faruham , Corner l th Street.