Daily Bee. iTbuTBday Morning , April 7. | FMtmoa sells coal. ' Frederick , lie&dingH&tter. mlltf , -Easter Cards at Ruhn's. Additional local on first page. Try "Saxe's choics1 beit 5c cigar in -town. . Wfaipple , McMillan & Co. , the jewel. . HVCwIghton Block. o26-tf Finest assortment of tooth brushes at * " ' , warranted. ' _ Q tnci man James Stephenson states % * tbftt he i still running at large. Novel Ten Cent cigars , fixe for a quarter , at Kuhn's Drug Store. * _ For FINE Commercial Job Pointing , call at Tar BEE Job rooms. taditt1 Derby't , new style ju t armed , ' all a 3or at Frederick's , Leading Hatter. m-wt I * you want Bill-Headi , Letter-Heads Envelopes or any job work. Call at THE Bez Job Rooms , i'ricei that will suit erery one. Dexter li Thomas & Rro , rea' e'ta'e dealers , have lot' , nine bl. cka < r m IT. P , depot t S3) to 2J5. Bx > om 8 , Cieigton Block. 53t c The DeGroaU were released oo bail ( Tuesday , on two bonds of S500 each , one Riven by Dr. S. D. Mercer , and the other by Dr. V. H. Coffinan. The old boar I of education will hold 1 its hut meeting- the firstMonday in May , ( May 2d ) , at which time the old board 1 COM out , and the new ntera upon its duties. duties.The The city council held a brief meetio ; Tuesday. The only action of importance wa * to pau t'e ordinance ch.n ing thi grade of E'ercnth otrcct lo nccotumojat the new elevator tracks and assessing the damages at SiO. Ths B. fr M. , morning train for thi wMt will leive here rt 7:50 a. m. , com mencing on April 7th. This time wil continue for a few day * , nntil the repairs to the bridge across the Plattemer Oreopolis are completed. BOCK FORD WATCHS , At Edholm & Erickaon'a. THEY BEAT anything for time Come nnd see them , opp. the P. 0 Fair at Masonic Hall Thursday and Friday evenings. Supper Thursda eight , dinner Friday noon. Mallard Backs at Buffett's. Meals at all hours at Tizird'a Pal ace. Baby Carriages at the 99o store. G 2 A limited number can be added to onr weekly ( Wheeler Premium Creamery Butter Hit. FLEMING & Co. , Grocers. - . .EMERSON"JPIANO. . This instrument it now considerec V * to be the iweoteat toned piano iu th * world for sale on easy monthly In tallmmits at A. HOSPE'S Jr. , 1511 Dodge street. aprilG 3t ROOKFORD" WATCHES , At E Iholin & Erickson'a , THEY BEIT anything for time Come and see them , opp the P. 0. PERSONAL. fc If r Julius Tier , Esq. , has returned. 'Mr. Horace Newman left for the wes yesterday. O. J. Salisbury , the stage man , am family , left Tuesday afterno n for Chicago Mr. C. C. Lawton , of Vinto- " , Iowa , is In ihe city the Kuest i f h s daughter anc ' north ot the city , a in town > eoterday looking suu-browne.1 and h'arty A. H. Citebbina. of New York , lef yester lyfor the Tomb Storediitrict of Aiizona Mr. Stebbins ban bt-en s en iug a * e-k io Omaha w th his chilJren at Mr. J L. L C. Jewctt' . 'Mr. A. E. Richarda , who is well an. _ fav .t b y known aa the j reragrnt of W % V.Cx > lea circus and mena eiie % vasintti cJty yesterday on 1 i -w-y to San Fr m is3' wherehewill join tin showw ) khisnownra. . ing th * " Gulden Gate after a ery siiore 8 ful season in Australia. Mr. 11 thards accompanied I y Mess's. Alex. Thrmpson and Cha Walters , bo b we 1-known hcw men , who will also connect themselves with Coles' combinat on. Those wishing first class dresEmak Ing should call at 317 N. 15ih street. ap2-tf % f HOW KECCrvihO A LARGE LOT OF KR sera , PARLOR sera , LOUNGES , fKDE OAKD8 , JCA8Y CHAIRS ANP OTHER 0OOD8 IK THIS LINE , WHICH I OFFER AT TJOtY LOW PRICES PARTIES WILL * nO > IT TO THCIK INTEREST TO INSPECT TEX8 STOCK BEFORE PDKCHASINO. CHARLES SUIVERICE , 1208 and 1210 Farnham st.t Omaha. cap2tf _ _ NEW PRICE LIST. For Spring 1881. Kens' A'ex Shoes . $1.00 Ladies' Peble Goat Button . 1. 00 Boys' Button Shoes . ISO Mtases' Peble Goat Button . LOO "J n Colored Shoes . 25 . 2.00 v . . , ' . * * % % f " - i The Mountainous Majority Boiled Up for James E. Boyd. FIEST Ha8call,203 ; Buyu , 550. Brunnor , 208 ; Benecke. 540. M < llBtte , 334 ; Wilcox , 426. Sprou' ' , 285 ; Fr ci189 ; Wilfon , 224 ; Connatnun , 193 , G Idsmith , 161 ; S'ull , 553 , S e n f > n , 80 ; Kiuffm-tti , 477 ; Oorby , 565 ; Delnne , 491 , Her- I..BT . , , 5150'Keefc ; , 541 ; Houtel , 103 ; Hoddis 87. McGdVck , 504 ; Gilbert , 231. Saturn ! Brd Oonwyer , 5G4Mc- ; Shane , 420 ; P O. Winrlheim , 299 , rhmll , 4G2. F-ri-n.on , 455 ; 414 ; L i' , 385 ; K nned216 ; Burn- h.m , 219 , W.od.uan , 258 ; Morcell , 165 , Wo..awnrth , 107. btCO.VD WAllD > FFiriAI , COCXT. Biyd , 41" ; U c ll , 214 B -neke , 472 , Bru-iner , 191. Wilcox. 340 , M.IIette , 322. Council ilcNamara. 3t7 , Butler , 298 0 unciitncn-Ri-lnrup Sinll , 440 ; K t.ff nun , 420 ; 0 Ke fo , 4G7DeIoue , 391 ; Cnrby , 401 ; li.-rn > ati,418.Sproul , 189 ; Fr 'co. 191 ; Wilonn. 237 ; G Id- smuh , 107 ; H u el , 124 ; R nd , 53 ; i St uheuBon , 57 : C. nuaiuan , 225 B > aH of E location \V ndheira , ' 3GO , Thr U , 404 ; F nus n,390 ; Ant - t ntraon , 3G5 ; L"i g , 262 ; Slorrrll , 251 ; .Woodworth , 228 ; Burnh m , 277 ; j\Voo''m'n 204 ; Ksnnerty , 246 , Cou noyer , 412 ; McShsnc , 391 THIKD WAED. 1 Total vote , 826 V..teBcoun paon municipal tickets at 1 a. m. , 022 , o : which Boyd h d receirrd 457 , . call 105. Hornberger ! i d a tntijori'y on votes counted of 107. S ph-u ton's total vote at that time , 110. Re turning board taking lunch at 1:10 a. m. rouimivvAKi ) . Bayd 424 , Hi-call 125 Beneke 264 , Brunner 288. Wil2or241 , A1aHette312. W. W. Lowe 191 , Mirtm Dunham 352. FIFTH VTAED OFFICIAL COUNT. Mayor Bjyd , 7C5 ; Hscall , 231. Poir ) Judge BeueLe , 440 ; Brun ner , 495. Treasurer llalletta , 590 , Wilcox 324. Councilmcn Dalley , 020 ; McCon nell , 291. Councilraen-at Large Kauffmann 432 ; O'Ketfe , 507 ; Dalloue , 503 Stull , 028 ; Corbp , 090 ; Herman , 030 Sproul/230 ; France , 364 ; Wilson 375 ; Goldsmith , 237 ; Coiinsman , 423 Uousel , 196 ; Stephenson , 84 ; lloddis 74. 74.Board Board of Edu'nttnn Oonnoyer 565 McShnne 453 ; Wmdhim 438 ; Fre ? son 585 ; Anderson 484 ; LTJJ 385 aiorreU 273 ; Woodworth 266 ; Kan nedy 403 ; Bnrnham 415 ; Thrll 457 "Woodman 460 blXTH WARD. Boyd 361 , Hwcftll 149. Beneke 187 , Biunner 332. Mallette 367 , Wilcox 118. B4ker384 , Debolt 139. Knuffmtn 168 , 0'Ktefo 103Dellone 184 , Stull 241 , Corby 251 , Herman 205. 205.Spronl Spronl 229 , France 252 , Wileon 247 , Goldemith 220 , Couusman 252 Houeel 180 Burnham332 , Long 324 , Woodman 320 , Kennedy 305. Furcuson 293 , Gonoyor 276 , Woodworth 258 , And-r- son 252 , Thrall 1'52 , McShane 234 , Morrcll 217 , Windheim , 211 There were a little over 500 votea cast in the ward. BOYD'S MAJORITIES FOR MAYOR. Firar Ward . 347 Second " . 166 Turd " F.nutn " . 299 Filth " . 474 Sixth " . 244 Total . 1775 COUhCILMKN AT LARGE. The follomnK IB the total vote in 2 V2J , U'Ke-f/2 ' 450 , 2,421 , U'UIHI , 2.2H5 ; re- puh'icang : 0 IIIIHUD 1,670 , W.l.i.n 1,609 , f ranee 1.585 ; Spr-nl 1,266 , Goldsmith 1,218 , lioustl 925 WAKD COU.NCILMEN. The folldwmg are the ward councilmen - men : McGavoCK , dem. , First ward ; McNaraara , dem , S cot d nid ; a rnber or , dr-m , Third vrard ; Dun- aui , reii. . Fourth wurd ; Dalley , m. , Kjfth ward ; Biker , rep , Si'h wurd. Tue iiew C"iiucil will staud 10 de- mocrixta and 2 repuil Railroad Officials Golni ? Weatwara. Attached to the Uuiun Pacibc rail road tram yesterday was a car from the WiBContin Central railrohd , con- taming President Colby aud General Manager Fiunoy , of that road with their families , on their way to Salt LaKe City and San Francisco. On the same train was George Pullman , of Chicago , m his special coach. Mr. Pullman was accompanied by his two daughters. They were en route for S n Fjauoisoo , where Mrs. Pullman and other members of the drawing- rooni coach magnate's family have been visiting for several weeks Bounced His Alan. An interesting little fight occurred on Twelfth areet at the St , Elmo , Tuesday night , m which John Walton yed the heavy tragsdy part aud fired Mike Gtlligan through a front tndow on i he walk. Walton was asen In charge by the officers , whose united efforts were required to take lim to jail. He was disinclined to get ut of his cell yesterday and wat - > * f-xamiuid. THE LAST LEGS. The City Council Hold aft Adjourned - journed Meeting. City Vote will be Canvassed This Evening. The common council met in ad journed session last evening. There were present Counilmen Daily , Kauf- mao , Roddif , Stephecson , Thieman and Mr. President. The clerk read a petition from cer tain property owners afkmi : permis- BIOU to put a pump at No. 614 Sjuth Sixtetiith ttreet and binding them- aelvrs to keep it in order. Councilman Stephenson objected to the granuug of this petition on the ground that the council had previon-ly decided that itstiuulJ remove all such obstrurtinna and not allow new ones to be built. Mr. Daily also opposed the peti tion on t.ie ground that the- bond was imperfect , and also for the reasons advanced by Mr. Stvpheneon. Mr Didge entered at this point and learning the motion , moved that the matter be referred to the committee on sidewalks and oridges. Carried. A petition was presented by the judges and clerks of election IP the Fifth w rd , askii g that they bj al lowed ex'ra compensation , lu view of tlie long and tedious cauvass In that ward. ward.Mr. Mr. Stephennon said that the gen tlemen referred tt should be allowed additional time , and thought in a few das they could fix uo a ticket to suit all concerned. Mr. Duly thouzbt the gentleman's iubult gratuitous and believt d it would take htm six mouths to count the vote referred to. He thought the gentleman - man had some ill feeling beciUie he was not counted in. A communication was read from the city attorney certifying that a judg ment had been rendered by Justice Powell in the ca o of Milton R"gers va the city < Omaha , for $30 16 and costs of § 2.30 , and rec immeudinx that the amount be paid. Allowed and clerk instructed to pay. The city physician's monthly report was read , which contained the follow * ingfacts. Deaths 54of which 11 were in the First ward , 12 in the Second , 3 in the Third , 4 m the Fourth , 4 in the Fifth , 19 in the Sixth , and one in the hospital. Of the above number 21 were married and 33 single. The nnmber of births reported w s 89 , of which 44 were males and 45 females. There were two pairs of twins. The communication was placed on file. Some discussion took place on the quit claim deed to the city of Omaha of the alley in the block to he occu pied by the new elevator. Referred to committee on public property and improvements. The appropriation ordinance for the month of March was passed and the council adjourned to 7 o'clock this evening , when they will canvass the votes. THE FOOTLIGHTS. Sale of Seats for Willie Edouin's "Sparks' Com ing Events. The sale of reserved seats for Willie Edouin's "Sparks" opened at Edholm & Erickson's yesterday with a lively sale , and those who de sire seats for this entertainment , which is said to be of the most funny character , will need to secure them at once. The company is mada up of excallant comedian ] and has made a remarkable success every where. The Philadelphia Transcript says : The place occupied In the estima tion cfthu atnusi-ment , loving public of Philadelphia by Mr. Willie Edouin * w UWVl(7"a 111 what is ee' duwn on the nrogramma as the qu.iii' and queer muncal cone-it , "Dreamor Fun in Photograph Gallery. " It is in two acts , the first of which ii born of an ingenious and original idea which makes potsible the second act of wild , unbounded fun , songs , dances and grotetque acting which makes the photographic gallery a most 'tractive spot for two hours. The droaui iathe burden of the second act , and the fun and Edouintom flow fast and furious The entire entertainment is a * whIcsomn as it is attractive , aud in "D earns" Mr. Edouiu possesses a medley Hiitertninment in which he is constantly at his best. DATES rJE APRIL Roland Reed is expected to arrive here to-night to arrange for "An Ara bian Night's" reappearance , which will probably bo t an early date. The Mmdelssohn Qjiutet e Club , of Boston , will appear on the 13 h , John A Stephens has applied fir a date about the 18 h intt , in ' "Un known" and "Passion's Slave. " H * is now in Leadville. The Ivanhoe Dramatic club , of Omaha , will appear at the Academy on Monday , the J8'h inst. Joe Jefferson will give his famous rendition of "Rip Van Winkle" on the 22d , supported by a strong com pany. Gus Williams is to be here on the 23d inst. Tom Keene will appear on the 25th inst Haverly'a Black 40 come on the 27th and 28th. Gentlemen with ladies will enjoy half an hour's promenade to-ni ht at Hickmau'e , to which they are cordially invited. ' Mea will enioy > de to-night at ey are cordially rench's. ' 11 Thursday and upper Thursday noon. Baffin's. at rd's PaUce. m OKS , GLOGfS , CKS , OLOnKS , JCKS , CLOCKS , ODKS , CLOCKS , OCKS , CLOCKS , OCKS , CLOCKS , & ERICKSO.V'S , te the U. S. P 0. any place in town Lemm.g . at Ruffett'e. dedi JRD less WATCHES , leiD E iholra & E icksun'e , Dr. \T anything for time , pe them , opp. the P. 0. Pr hip * at French'a. ye GAINING GROUND. OMBTHlSO AfeOOT THIRTEENTH STREET. Although Thirteenth street hea quite a number of good business houses , carrying good flocks and do ing a rushing business , the ordinary observer would scarcely expact to find anything so colossal aa is the stock of S. Jonason , the jeweler , 410 , between Harney ind Howard streets. This gentlemen has been in business a num ber of years and is able to judge as to the wants of this community , and has BO . proven himself by selecting a very fineassortment of all kinds of giods iu this lino. His stock , to which we would call particular attention , is beyond a doubt the best selected , ever brought to this market. The display of gold and silver watches is msgoiScent aud very attractive , while the stock of solid gold aud pitted chains is unrqualed , besides a full line of gold rings , pre cious stones , eye-glasses , spects , silver ware , etc , etc. Every body invited to call. Saratoga Cnips i French's. Gentlemen wita la ies will enjoy half an hour's promenade to-night at Hi kman'i to which they are cordially invited. ASEE10QSCHAR&E , Which is Preferred Against Stephen McKmney. Stephen McKinney was arrested in the neighborhood of Sheridan Mon tana , by Deputy Marshal Ben Wester dihl , of this c'uy , and brought to Omaha by that officer Tuesday. Me- Kinney in charged with the unnatural crime of incest , the victim being young lady about 18 years old , his jwn neice , who boarded whim him at a lodging house in this city for several weeks. McKinney's younger brother ar rived In Omaha Tuesday , and as elated the prisoner in ocuring coua. el , Col. 8. M.Stnythe being retained. By reason of Col. Smythe'a business taking him to Lincoln yesterday , Mc Kinney'a eiamination wai postponed. The prisoner was visited at the county jail yesterday by a repor ter of THE BEE , but he positively re fused to say anything about his case , stating that his counsel had tolc him that his mouth must be abso lutely closed. McKinney is a middle aged man , with brown hair and ful beard , and looks like a native ot Mis sourl. Saratoga Chips nt French's. MARBLE "WORKS. Mr. Jno. B. Snead , Retail Dealer In Foreign and Domestic Marble Tombstones , Mantles , etc. , now occu pies the marble shop one door west of the postoffice o _ Dodge street , where he is prepared to fill orders of goods of this kind , on short notice. The style of his work is unequalled , anc as none but the beat workmen are employed , satisfaction is guaranteed. Saratoga Crips at French's. THE BOSS. The time has now arrived when al most anybody can wear a gold watch , The new process by which time pieces encased in this precious meta have been reduced is as follows : A plate of composition msta' ' , specially . 3 t > > ' > .O ) < nrtaoToa Ini'tfavn Side The threa are then passed through solid steel rollers , and the result is a strip of heavily platud metal , from which the case , backs , etc. , are cut and stuped by dies and form ers. The advantage , increased econ omy , and durability , while the beauty of design and workmanship is not ex- cs.led by anything in the marks' : . It will ba seen that a watch case of this kind possesses all the advantages of a heavy gold case at a greatly re- Juced cost , while it is far superior to the thin gnld cases which easily be come indented and battered. Whole chapters coold he written on the ad vantages of the "Boas" patent , but full part cnlara will ba furnished by Whiptle , McMilloa & Co. , Oreighton Block , Fifteenth street. Saratoga Chips at French's. CLOCKS , CLOCKS , OLOOKS , CLOCKS , CLOCKS , CLOCKS , CLOCKS , CLOCKS , CLOCKS , CLOCKS , CLOCKS , CLOCKS , CLOCKS , CLOCKS , CLOCKS , OLOUKS , CLOCKS , CLOCKS , At EDHOLM & ERICSSON'S , Opposite the T7. S. P. 0. Cheaper than * ny place fn town. Saratoga Chips at French * . Always Fresh Peanuts , at Tizird's Palace. The Time of Day. Away up on the topmost point of ' he spacious building on the corner of > Farnham and Eleventh streets occu-1 ied by Max Meyer'a jewelry store , ' can now be seen two bright gilt hands t n a handsome dial , pointing out to lie wayfarer the time of day or night , 'he ' hands were put on the clock to day t noon , nnder Mr. Meyer's snpervi- lon. The works of the clock , how- ver , are In the jewelry store beneath , where the hjge pendulum strings tend nd fro , and the most perfect mechan ical apparatus is in motion. The works are frcm the colebaated Sath Thomas clock company's manufactory Thomaston , Connecticut , aud ap proximate $1,200 in cost. The'con- nectton with the hand ] oj the dial is de by means of a finely jointed P'P i ' ° - Oysters in every style at Tizard's Palace. Saratoga Chips at French's. Four at a Birth. QThe fonr children born Tuesday afternoon to Mrs. C. A. Evans are dead. It was not potsible the chil dren could live , as their weight was thin three pounds apiece , though . Van Camp states that all were perfectly formed. The birth was a premature one. A subicription of over $19 wai taken up for the mother yesterday among onr citizens. UP K17ER GORGES. A Belief That the Most Damaging - aging Flood is Yet to Come. Major Furay'B Experiences in the Flooded Regions. Major John B. Furay , special agent of the Post Office Department , re turned Tuesday from St. Helena , Dakota , where he had been on special business with which the flood swept conditl n of the country materially interfered. The Mjor's return trip was made by way St. James , New castle and Ponca , Neb. , and he came Tuesday from Ponca to the railroad , a distance of forty miles , meeting on his way a committee from Sioux City , provided wifh Wasting material to break , if possible , the gorge above S oux City. The Major's description of the present condition of the ri-er indicates tbat aa yet we have h d but a small specimen of what we must expect within a few days in the way of flood. The heaviest gorge in the river had not , the Maj > r states , broken Tuesday , and the water re suiting therefrom cannot yet have reached Omaha. At Sioux City he states that the people are greatly excited and fear a most disastrous flood , which will sweep all the lower portion of the city. In some business houses goods have been rejerved for the basements. Mtny families Hvirgneartha river have re moved from their dwellings , and the railroad companies have all their cars ready to move at a moment's notice , Watchmen are on duty at the river banks , whose duty it is to see that fire bells are rung , and cannon fired if the river becomes dangerous. The most important railroad bridges over the Sioux river are destroyed. The committee whom Major Fnray met from Sioux City comprised trustees Humbert and Tompkins , Deputy Marshal Ogden and Chas. Poor. They had with them powder , Ice tools , augers , etc. An examina tion of the gorge proved.that.the ice had formed a solid and compact mass of such extent that any effjrt to break it would be useless. After the explorers had left the following telegrams passed between Mayor Smith and General Crook : SioDiCmr , April 4 , 1881. Gen eral Crook , Fort Omaha , Neb. : gorge in river above us causing great Buttering. Nebraska counties , as well as Dakota , in parll. Can you send us dynamite and an engineer , or dynamite alone ? Would like some by this evening's trin. Answer. WM. R Ssirni , Mayor Sioux City. OMAHA , Neb. , April 4 , 1881. Mayor Smith : Have no appliances , dynamite or other suitable explosive , and can get nothing ( f the kind in Omaha. Maj. R. C. Suter , 1351 Washington avenue , St. Louis , could probably furnish or secure the read iest assistance. GEOEGE CROOK , Brig.-Gen. The first gorge of importance in going up the river from Sioux City exists , Major Furay states , at a point ten or twelve miles above Sioux City and expends for ten or twelve miles. Above that is the great fifty mile gorge. It is feared that the up per gorge will go out first , carrying away the lower in its course , and these in turn taking out the gorges which have probably formed between Sioux and vast extent of fhe water at these gorges give-reason to fear that the disaster wonld ba an extensive one. The major gives a graphic descrip tion of the rise which swept away the towns of Green Island and Vermillion in this state. Most of the people were washed away with their dwellings. The majority were saved by heroic efforts with skiffs on the part of neigh bors , but severs ! were probably drown ed. In one case a man offered one thousand dollars to any one who would save his aged father and dialer , who were washed away with their dwelling , and men were readily found who risked their lives and succeeding in saving the father and eislor. In one instance a church came down in the fljod , still standing erect and the bell t < lling. Buildings were washed SiTay standing at points fifteen feet above the highest water ever before known. Of Major Furay's personal part in the attempts to relieve the unfortunate he does not speak , but in an ex change , The Cedar County Nonpareil , the following appears : "Coi. J. B. Furay , of Omaha , Gov ernment Post Offica Inspector , who is now in St. Helena on official business , deserves great credit in his untiring 1 efforts to relieve the unfortunates I and see that they were properly cared for. Col. Furay is comparatively a strangpr in a strange land , but when ever and wherever he can do a good act , it is done with great pleas ure. He helped to furnish food for the Dakota people , and this morning tendered \ ten dollars , to assist in car- ing i for our Green Island friends. This kindness will never be forgotten , and ! in behalf of those people , we say , thank you from the bottom of our heart. " "WINE OF CARDUI" cures irregu lar , painful , or difficult menstruation. At C. F Goodnua'e. Saratoga Chips at French's. EGGS by the bushel at Biffdtt'a. Oranges and Lemons cheap , at liz ard's Palace. "BLACK-DRAUGHT" cure * dyspep sia , indigestion and heartburn. At C. F Goodman's. ATTENTION , SIR KNIGHTS. Mt. Calvary Commandery meets Wednesday evening , April 6th , for work on the Red Crocs. BYROW STANBERT , a5 2t Commander. Saratoga Chips at French's. Franc's E liter Cards at Hospe's. Prang's Ewter Cards at Eotpe'a. Prank's EisUr Cards at Hope's , tf PRINTER WiMED. I want a good printer. Good wages and a permanent simtlon to the right kind of a man. Address L. F. Hilton , Blair , Neb. april 6 2t PO3TOFFIUB CHANGES In Nebraska during the week ending April 2,1881 , furnished THE BBE by Wm. Van "Vleck , of the postoffice de- partmennt. Established Harrington , Wheeler county , John S. Harrington , post master. Postmaster Appointed Albion , Boone ] county , Hiram lUce. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOnCE-AdTtrtlsamentsTo Loan , For Bale , Lost Found , Wants , Boardlcy. * e-i * nl * Jn' Mfked in these columns once for TBN CENTS per , line ; ecb subsequent Insertion. FIVE CEMTS per > line The first Insertion nererlesB than TWENTY-FINE CKNTS. ' TD U1AN UNt > . tO MAN Call at L w OBo * MOH3Y . THOHA8. Rooms.Prelghton Block ? TO LOAN 1108 Faroh&m street. MONK Edward * LOM Aganev. no . .tf "HUP WMTTIB WOMAS CO 'K WANTED At the GOOD Hotel , Immediately. 55T 8 ANTED-A girl for housework , at ilI5 W CalKornlaBt. bec.ilBtandKdSU. 6S7-8 IRL WANTKD At the Pacific House. Good G TNFoHM iTION W NTED-Of John nd _ 1 _ Ihomu crevtDjjton. ho left th ir mother In O " h In lUtemi er In suffe Ing dicum- sUncei , piomiilnzto tend beratai Unce. sle hu never hmd from them slice. An , information mation or itt.nce from the u will e th nk- fulyrwevtd yh.r. [ Excnanze papers pie -ss c pv J An ; asalit-uee Bfl-t to the ben office will promptly bo rece.red. 5t3 6 A good girl for dlnl groom. . U WANTED * Ilouge , corotr Dodge ind 16tb. ANTED-ImmedUlely a cook at Tli rd I Paltce. Mtuat'on by enerzetlc young WANTED tducattd in dry goidf , grooeilet , boot end ( hoe bu Ictss. Address A. A. A. , Bee Office. 6508 TWO GOOD GIRLS WANTED * t Bllhop Clark on's , cvnier of St. Mary sarenue aud SCth streets. M5 6 WANTKD A dining room girl , at the Em mett House. 649 S 81 nationbv * n rxparleaced farm WANTED Addreu John Ball , Omaha House. 176 'AN-ED Situation at hou ework bv a W competent woman. Address Mary Mick , teal , Omasa House. MS-6 To adopt one or two children. WANTED at once. Address Bee office. B > one of the largest Wholesale WANTED Clothing Houses In New York City , for the coming fall trade experienced s legmen. Those havinie experience and rommanJnK.a good trade will find tnls a fin-t-claas opportunity. Apply t once w th references to-A. BO. , Post- office Kor 303 , Mew Yo IcUty. 481-W&1-9 Situation as copyiat or at any WAMBJ writingby a . mpetent young lady. Address "T. A. " Bee office. Reference given and required. 52"-tf WANTED A tituatlon In a private family by a competent seamstress to do family sewing- , can cat an J Ht for children. Apply seam stress , at 715 17th St. , between Webater and Hurt. 616-18 Experienced cook Waires five WANTED per wsek. Apply at 2008 Bure St. 5tlt' Liundrees Immediately at the WANTED Hotel. 600-lf A partner with $ ? ,000 to Join ad. WANTED the extenslin of an establish d and one of the bef piyin ; business in th west. Apply to V. W. SImeral , Room 6 , Crei hton Block , 16th St. 4564m Two mere boarders at 3U North WANTED , Da > inport and Chicago cage , ea t side 387-tt . WOMAN Wants situation ai house-keeper. A Call o. 1215 Howard street , between H Ji and 18th. cl > B An experienced butcher want * WANTED a meatnaiketl n some small west ern town , where there ii non ) , or where one Is neede-l ; wonld take a rellanln partner. Addre-n K. K. Webb , JaJcson , Dalcota Co. , Meb. flo-tf "TTTANTEn A good house-keeper , 1109 Far n YY ham street , up rtalra. 32 tf FOH tMT-rlOU8E AMD LAMP. / VFUCK BOOH FOR RKNr-Iuqulre at \J 1 Itket Office , lOMFarniamSL K67 1U.N1 i turnuhed rooicd ovei Her. chants Exchange , N. E. COT. 19th nd Divlee utreots. _ 3W tf FOR SALE. PIOR 3 LE A small well built bouse of four r room * and sainmer kit hin w th corner lot. well 1 iid oir , fruit and erervreen trees , etc. , so ' well and cellar , pile } 1100. Apply of T.JENK Nd. 27th and Ucde * M. fMU o t | J'OALb A cottage houte of 6 room , wiin 1J 2 lots ; ground fu'cat' , cheap. I r quire SOU Faroham St. , Bo S * addition. 467-to a23 T71OR SALE Good dw llto ? bouv ) , S rooms E ai.d ki'chvn. kood barn and outhoues. .n- qu r < > at Kn on & Johnson's ice office. 393-tf IjiOR SALE Ten (10) ( residence Iota on upper C Karnham street. JahnL. McCasue , ODJ. . . P.O. 369-tf TJ'OK r < ALK Maps of Pouitlaa and Sarpy J ? counties. A. ROjEWATEB , 1520 I-am ham Street. 320-tf EOR S4LE Seven good business lots on Faruham street. JOHN r * . UcCAGLE , f5tf Opposl'e Pottoffice. Tj uK SALe. Lease and furniture ofattrsi- _ C class hotel In a town of 1300 inrubiiantn. In state of Met raska. Has 21 ) eds. the tnvelllnir meu'i resort. Inqulrn at Bea office Sia-tf " FOR BALK A KARQAIN A building with saloon flzturea , famitoreand tock , on 10th 8t , opposite the U. P. depot , for sale very cheap. Or the fixturei , furniture and stock will be sold and building rented. Inquire of EL ) . K EISb- MAW. 79 tf FOE ' AL ' To close carriages , at A. J. g'Tmreon'a Bit tf rpHEB& > TTHlNOYiT-H.G. laik. _ L Imperial Self Rklng Winter Wheat Flour , for Puncakei , Biscuits , and all kinds of pastry. Try It. Ask vour iiroeer for It. 478-it MISCELLANEOUS. STKAYED A large red cow , crumbled horn , one born Urger than 'ha other. Switch of ulllost. A suitable ie ard for her return or any inform til n Iedinsr theuto will be paid by J. F. Manningcoruer 19th and Davenpott St. 552-8 LOST OR STOLEN A dark brown half breed s"eppard doj , end of till wl He , Tery short le.iand ha. T * Set. Ten dollars ranard will be paid for his return to Lewis Smith. Cozzena Bouse. NOTIC ? TO HDILDEKStaled propowls for the erection of the temporary Music ball fo hoi In * ibe COD in < Saenjfenest , w.ll beiecelvelby the um > e el.ned until the aith I'St Plans and nueducatlons to be seen at the office of Henry Vt ss , Architect , Jacobs' Block. The right to n Jest any or all bids Is reserved By order extcUlie Committed of "llu-h festiral ABaocIiibn. " H. R08ENZWEIO , Stf Secretjry. j , M. BROWN , comer of ISth ind " . airoets , is ready to bore or deepen well ) . Satisfaction gnannUed. 503-tf rflEAMS CAN BE GOT At John Barr a stable JL for all kinds of work , at reasonable figures near comer 1 Sth and Lcavenworth 8t . 378-tf POWDER Absolutely Pure. B.at BJB. at atre Made from re Grape Cream Tartar. No othsr preDiTitlca nukes such light , flaky bet breads , rehe SetwSnontf17' ° * n e"ed bj' D7 ' Grocers. HnT"-.BAiirra PowBu'co. , Successor to the business of the old establishment Shoe House ot W , B. LORIXG & CO. , COR. FOURTEENTH AND FARNHAM SIS , Calls attention to the largest and best selected stock of BOOTS AND SHOES * ever before shown in the West. Our goods are all purchased for cash. We deal direct with manu facturers , thereby enabling us to sell goojs from twenty to thirty per cent cheaper than small deal ers ask for the same qualities. WE HAVE BUT ONE PRICE , MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES ! Among the bargains we now offer and cannot again soon duplicate aie the fol lowing : 660 Pairs Ladies' peb. gt. Lace Shoes $125 480 " " " " " " I 60 315 " " " and Calf Shoes 175 " . I 200 160 No. Quality - - - 100 best pebble goat , button , medium and narrow widths , size 4 1-2 to 6 , $250 , worth $4 00. 3 SIBIOIES. 175 Pairs Infant's Lace Shoes , Size I and 2 , 40c , Formerly 65c. 75 Pairs Infants' Button Shoes , All Sizes 50c , Formerly 65c. 50 Pairs Childs' Button Shoes , Size 4 and 5 , 85c , Formerly $1.00. A large assortment of Lest makes of infant shoes in choice qualities hand and machine made GENT.'S SHOES. CENT.'S SHOES. This department has received our especial attention , and we now show tha lat est fashions in Nobby Styles , Hand Sewed , Plain Styles , Machine Sewed. All Widths. The day for having men's shoes made to measure has long since passed. Mauufacturers have perfected their lasts , and from our large stock we can fit any foot. Gentlemen will find it much to their advantage to purchase a shoe that they can first try on , select careful ly , and our hand made shoes are warranted in every particular. 2 Our Stock of hand and machine sewed Ladies' Shoea embraces the bast qualities made ; we can furnish everything in kid or goat in all widths. Will use "special care to fit every customer , and caH particular attention to our BAND S0WBD TURNED SHOES Side lace'and button as beinsr THE comfortable shoe for ladies with tenderfe&t. A fine stock of Philadelphia made kid Slippers , plain or with two , three or five straps in dif- erent widths. A D. ZMZOIRSIE , Cor. 14th & Farnham St. LARGEST SIOCK ! 1 IMO 03 on Hand Sewed Shoes a specialty H. DOHLE' & GO'S. leading Shoe Store , OMAHA , . . . . NEB. aptdiwlm DEXTER L THOMAS &BRO. Will Buy and Sell REAL ESTATE , And all Transactions Con nected therewith. Pay Taxes , Bent Houses , &c. IFTOUWANTTO BUV OR SELL C ll tt Office , Room 8. Crelghton Block , maha , Neb. p5-dlt J. H. FLIECEL. Soccosgor to J.-Q. THIELE , MERCHANT TAILORS , No. 1220 Douglas Street , OTVTA. H'A. TH MKRCOANT TAILOR. Has Just received his Sprlnir Stock , and his ! ' . ) pat'er s to select from. Pall early andgetyjic choice. Cleaning and repairing of all kin Js. One Door West of OrnlcSabanJt'o. ep "ly CHARLES RIEWE , UNDERTAKER ! Hetallc Cases. Cofflnj , Caskets , Shrouds , etc. farn m Stre . Oth and llth , Omaha , Neb- Tal ir oW orl r om untie atl ndd to NEW HARNESS SHOP. Thauniertlgned hi vine bail nine yean ex perience wttr O H. & J. a. Collin- , and twenty , four tears of practical harness mulnp , i as now coalmen ed buiiness for hlms-lf In the large new shop 1 door south of the sou'heut corner of llth and Uarnej bt * . He * ll employ a lanre orce of ekllltd workmen and will fill all orders in his pline promptly and chtnply. r-RAKrl K KUtP'ICU. S. G. STEVENSON & CO. Carpenters and Bunders , hare remortJ to No. 1308Dodge Street , where they aie prepared to do all klndb of work In their line on short notice ft reuonible ratci. e GEO.tl. PAKSELL , H. D. Kooms n Jacobs Flock , up italrs , corner of Caciul Avenue and 16th street. Residence 1425 Sherman Arenu * . Maye conrait ed at real euce 7 to 9 p m. except Wedneadaya. SPECJALTT Obiletrics ani Uiseaws of Wo. men. tfflce hours 9 to 11 a. m. and 2 to p. m. an oays 5 to 7 D. m. mllm 3STOTICE ! . Any on * harlnz dead animals I will remove htm free of chvge. Leare orders southeast com r of Harney and l th St. . second door. CHARLES SPLITT. RHEUMATIC CURE * War ranted a Safe. Certain and Speedy Cure for Bheumatlam In all its forms. Neuralgia. Lame Buck , Pain in the Breast and Side , Halo In the Stomach and Kidna > , Ac I' is aa tn'erna remedy , a Tonic and Hood Purifier , and whlleit remores tbt Oiaaaaa it improves the genera , sealth. SMITH , BI/CK& CO. , PROPRIETORS , r PUnS OUIH. NEBRASKA- 0. y.'Oi'.rfgiail , gtneral ag > u ha With the Best Selected Ftock of CLOTHING & FURNISHING GOODS in Omaha. We are PAU EXCELLENCE THE YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHIERS. BOSTON CLOTHING HOUSE , I AlWliAM STREET. SCHLANK & PRINCE. MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS At Wholesale ! OVERALLS , SHIRTS , SUSPENDERS , Neckwear. The Latest Styles ! The Largest Variety ! The Very B8t Prioea Mi'r'a Agents for Celluloid Col ars and Cuffs. Rubber Coats an 0 Star Umbrellas SHREVE , JARVIS & CO. . 14rh and Dodge Ste. . Omah HORSE SHOES AND NAILS , Iron and Wagon Stock , the Beat Assortment of WHEELS ; in the West. At Chicago Prices. W.J. BROATCH , 1209 & 1211 Harney Street , Omaha. JanlS-Oni SO.OOO CHEAP ! CHEAPER ! CHEAPEST MAX MEYER & BRO. P - . ese for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell then jtire stock of Diamonds , Watches , Jewelry , Clocks. , „ ; Si Iver- Ware , > Pianos & Organ .ATSTI3 GENERAL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE At Manufacturing Prices , Which is from 15 to 20 DOT cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House , preparatory to moving into their New Store , Cor. llth & Farnham We Mean Business. Come and be Convinced.