DAILY BEE. OMAHA FUBUSKIHO CO. . PflflPJtrETOTS. ' tie J'cniAatn. si StkaadlOtk SttuU . + mu t Copy 1 year , In adTaiica postpiJdJ.78.00 6 months x ' , "v. _ ? ! i , . * * iM Smantbi " " . 2.00 TIME TABUS- THE MAILS. C , & H , W. B. IL.S20 a. m. , 80 p. C. C. 4 i t SO v nu , 2tO p. m. O.R.I&P.H. K. 620 ; si4St k2 C4 EU Joe StO a. atJ f & B.Clty&P.5 : > aJSJi.M ? C W : t U. r. B.B.lllvin. 0. 6 E , V. to LljjcolP , IP ft. m. B. & M. R. H..10 a m. issd O. * S. Vf. R.E. , 11 a. m. , U p. a. C. 31. a Q. , 11 a. EC. , B30 p. m. C.R. 1. &P11a.m. . , Up. m. C. B. fc St , Joo.,11 i-tn Up m. C. P. B. R. , * p. a. O. & R. T. < rom jg _ „ _ _ total mills for SUUigjjJowa tern tat notk d yTis.-iJOain. f * K El W ft y Oicc open from lI-tolJvta-S ia i. Arrival And Dcpartmro ! . do rtLlgkt.5:30 , ia. liwp , IP. j < Jo t7..e:15 a. m. w ' ' " TiaB''rAsiHr ) 'THE" LtiVI OMiHA. I AKKITB OJLIEJL Cipro3..EOp. n. I Zznicse . KhDOk.U , . 8:00 E , m. Msil . ItWX ) p. m. - ' CH104 $ > Hall . _ .C10 a in. 1 Uafl . _ 7 0 p. m. F > pre a - „ ? : pi m. | Expnos _ . .10:00 a. B. Ecudays excepted. r , ET. JOB fc COUNOtt BLDJTS _ . . . . . . , . I EzpreM _ 7 : < 0a.m. CxprcAX..C.-OOp.nu | Man. . ? . . 7 261to. . ho-oc yrtlno rmuJue Polli an oat Uplon Depot. OUAIIA oRIH WAT COMPANY. Leave. Arrive , ng _ _ . . . m. I Fxpres .430 lilted. . . . . . m. B. & u. B. B.IDKEBBASEA. LUVZ. Thrunjh Expr _ . 8:50 a m F/elglit and Accom . . . . . .7:00 p m UIKITI. f . . . . . . Iz'op' 'm IrclghtaudAccom. . . . . . . 8 JO aw ' l ' . ' ( II Jl . _ e:10 a m 1 Eiprtss . .1040 a m CjpreeB.-B.iOpm | M i . 726 p B WABASH , ST. LOUIS fcTACIFia UUVH. Ezpres . . . .2:10p. Express . ; vfflS JpL'a. BRIDGE IOJOJ.E.tei. t ? C IJeave Oaiaha , dally. S a. m. , 9 a , m. , 10 B m. . 11 a. m.4p. m.S.pii , S. m-frpr a , , 6 p3 . ' Loare Oonndl Elnffr BS4 a. m835 a.m , , 1035 a.m.llS6a.m. , 1SS p. m. , 2:25 p. m. , Eii p. m. , 6:25 p. m. , 025 p. m. , fear trips on Banday , learin Omiha at B and 11 . m. , 2 and 6 p. m. ; Council BluCa U 825 , Zl:26 a m. , and 2:25 : and 635 p. m. leave Omaha : 8ma7 \ J ujBaO HC , 1 p. m. , 4:50 p.m.f 7Ka.Y - * * * * - * - Leave Council BluHK 6:16 a. m , , BU a. EU , llrfO am.:2Sp. : nu 7.-00 p , sn. , 740 p. m. Dally eportSOBa'ay.WyA ' { ) OUXXA &JEEPUBL10Air VALLEY B. . J.EKGLSH , St. , with - r .uM..WOOLWORTH. * CHARLES "POWELL. OF THE PEACE Comer , 1 5U and JTJBT1CE Bta. . OnahaStb. " . _ _ . „ . T Soom'e.CrelfnW- A Elock. Uth St. , OMAHA , HEB. D. L THOMAS , A TTOKXKY AT LAW loans money , tayi jti. and sells real estate. Seem 8 , Crelghton Clock. t TTORKET AT LAW Offlee IB Hamcom'l Block , irtth Ooorfe S. Prllchoti , 15W lma.St.OMABA , itTB. 4 Bol'S A. Ing. A TTeKSET' , A. .Bfr.g 1 .LPEASQDY. & Offic Ic Crdghton dock , naU U L&WYEB , OMAIIA , K , HOIABY ruBUo. oo iiaoTioKB 4m & SARTIJTT , Attorneys tf- Law , CrnCE-TJnionTloct.fl.'Vaalb ATTORNEY AT LAW. \ ARBASH B1CK , MR. OOUfl. A I5TR 8TS. OMAHA , KCB. W. J. Q'or1xrie1l ? , f V 0fflwi * iu'ut loomt , uii tlalrt , ' In-Hama1 new brick building , K. W. conut JIBsssith MI id Farahaa StrorU. Attorneys- - 8p cld attention irfll bo TVK to Bltnlti arilnrt corporatloru of "orcrr dStcrlpUon ; will practice In al hh OoortK ct the tat end the United States. Ofice. Farnham BL , oppoilte EDWARD W. SIMERAL , TTOKKCT AT LAW Boom 8 Cr Iihton A Block. Hth % ad Dooglai street * noMh C , P. WANDERSOR , ray AT LAW 211 Famhan \ . Oraaha HabrMlca. w. T. niauxDs. a. J. Bo sit RICHARDS & HUNT , v Attorrays-at-Law. Orrici SIS 8puth"Fonrteenth Street , 1 SANTA GLAUS FOUND. Qreateat Discovery of tbo Age. Wonderful discoveries In the world hare been Bade Among other thfaf s where Santa Claui stayed Children oft ask U he makes cooJs or Dot , It really he tires in a mountain ot mow. Last year an excursion sailed clear te the Pole And suddenj-droppeaintowhatsecmedllkealiDl ! * Where wonder of venders they found a new land , tfhllo taliy-ukj beings appeared en each hand. There wen mountains like ours , 'with cacre boauUrol gnon. And tar brighter skiea than em wen toon. Birds with the hues of a rainbow were found. While Bowers ot exquisite fragrance were grow Ing around. , Not long Vere they left to wend r In dosb A being coon came they had heard tnnch about , Twas banta Clans' self and thbtbcj all say , 3 l eked like the picture r esee every day. He drove op team that looked v rr queer , Twas a team of irraashoppen instead of reindeer , He rode In a shell Instead ot aal < 3rt , i - But he took them -on board ana drer * Them away. * " He showed them all over his wonderful realm. And factories making goods for women and. Ken Furriers were working on hate great and email. To Bunce's they said they were sending them au. Kris Klnrlo , the Glove Maker , told them at once , All our Qtov we are s ending to Bonce , Banta showed them saapenders and many things * * " taore. Baying I als * took thtss to friend Bunce l stet * . Santa Clans then whbperei a secret be'd UU , As In Omaha every one knew Bunce wen , He therefore shtand sen ! his roods to his can , Knowing his friends will get their fall share. Kow remember ye dwellers In Omaha town , AU who want present ! to Bunco's go round , For shirts , cottars , or etoreegnat and small , , Bend your rister or aant one aad L. Bunce , Champlon Baiter ol the Weft , Dboglal fit. Omaha. Hamburg Line. WEEKLY LINE OF'STBAMB&8 < ' f LEAVING KE1V YORK EVERY THURSDAY. * + s AT z r. H.J roR Englandrauoa arid Qermany For Passage apply to C. K. RI HAK & GO. , General Tanengrr Agents , 61 roa lway. New York. HM * K E MOOnBSlmr.rrt , - 0 AHi. * | . HENBT.PU.NDT , VINEGAR WORKS ) EEWSTERE Sa'igs , \ 1 Uarnfactnrcr oTaa kinds ol nit &t , Btt. Sth'mt ID * OJUBA S B , .B'i' TlO , - ' * OMAHA | BUSINESS DIRECTORY. . wrrnwwwie. L5 : 5 ° ? 8 rtJSttnertmn , 1611 Dodge H , k Ptatlnj t Chromes rancr Frames , framlufaSpedalty. tow price * . J. BONNSR. 1309 Dough , st. Oood Style * . AUTUCTAW REAL ESTATE. * -JOHK-L , MfeOAQDE ' , oppoMW'poftofflce. W. B. BASHLEtt. 81T SotttJi Mlh Street. ARCHITECTS. UFEENEiMENDKLSSHOK , AECHIHECrS - , I * T. LAHWTJr..te ja VCrelyhton.Clock. 4 BOOTS AND SHOES. JAMES DiVINE & CO , Pine Boot * and Shot * A good. iMort meet ct k onlwd oor. 12tb-ard | Haxp y.-x' j-S K. coPeth ana5nslas ; JOBS FOBTUKATUS , J. . , COS lOtH Si. , miiuf et urea -tOrder rood work at fair prki. Repairing doneT " BED-SPBIKCSv , - - t. gft&ERmER , fcatf ajtufsr. Ttos'chersTBnr. . , HESSWDSTATlWttKY B HER AND tCCS. McJHANE & SCOBOEDES , theoldestB. andE. h rase in Nebraska , wt bll bed 17S. ! * i r t i CENTRAL 1,1 i . COBSsTACBAHT , f t .J . - v MKS.A.EYAK/- - southwest cor. 16th and I' dtf J { „ - Bet ) Boirdfor tneOlone- . ; , * - * "SaUsUctUnGOaranteca1. Furnished Bet * > ma SnppJicd. CARftfflttS W TTM. SKYDKK. go. .131 fl UOi and Harpey St , 1510 JWnbim' Bl Town Surrey * , Grade and Sewerage Eygtcmsa aptu ty-r n * fwrrrr o nrr , tr c. C0MHISSION MEBCHANTS. JOHN G. WILLIS , UU Dodge Street B. B. BEEMER , For details ue large Advertise- oanrln Pall an J Weekly. " - * .w - CrCARS AMD TOBACCO- WKST t rBlT.-COEE , KannfactnntiotOIgan. and Who eaale.ftuileirjnj TobiCCOd , 1SOClMng. . < ' . r. MRE Z . 'g > nnlacturer > . Bit 10th Et " " " ' 'CMMICE WORKS , rTeitent Cornice Wotkt , Uanufactcren Iron } orni e , Tin , Iron and Blate Roofing. Orden rom anj ; lociiity | f"mrnj f nt .TLV1 f bed lannjr. Factory and Offig jjiopodga % t" t- - 4mW S-lTtin Corntert Window npe.-vtcr manufactured and cat up in any pan ot the - CLOTHING AND/URK1SHINCCOODS [ GBO.SJ WtERBOKt f Alio'atKiCaRBootfc Shoe * ; KoBoniano'Cutlery , 808.10thSt. CLOTHING BOUGHT- C , SBAWviU pay highett cash price ! ritcond band cloihlng. Comer 10th and Farnbam. " ( L DENTISTS. T : t APE. WlUUmi- Block , Cor. 16th & Podge t D8DCS , PAINTS AND OILS. OHir 'to5Crf9 r " > e fancy GoodsCor. . 15th aud vnglM Streets. W. J. WHTTEHOU3E , Wholnate & ReUU,16 ( U * 0. C. FIELD , 202 ! North Bidfp CumlDe B M.PARU. Druggist. lOttt n'dvgoSrarf < 's tDRY GOODS. NOTigNS , ETC- ! ? ewTcrk l ry Goods Store , ISlOandUIZ Fain. ham street F. C. Enewpld , alto loots & sttx . 7 tfc & Taclflc FURNITURE. if ajrf'.Sfcand Hand FjinaRttn f Don ' Ias.t RO.TBrgeoji Art. , ' ' oodsT&c. GCET. FRIES & CO. , 12iS Harney St. Improv- od-Ieej , KexeK7ln tC1u > d W od Fercog. ' and Walnut t. DonacTinel pltntsTcu ificmera , jeed * , boquet * r W. corT16ihattdj)6iela St . ' f' / * - GROCERS- " Z. STEVENS 21st between Cumlng sad Irard. . ' A. Ko3gi.KE Corner'ad cd Cumlng Sa. HATTERS. W. L. PABBOTTE & CO , 1806 Douglas Street , Wholesile Eicluglvtly. r NlARDWAREJKOHAVDBTEa aiAK i LaHaWORTOT , H'hoJe al > ) llOaBd" " 11 ! 13th fct. A. HOLMES , corner 16th and California. --T WWNESS , SAfiftLES ; . - * T 321 13th 8t"wi > ct * FftriOA TTw * HATAUO B8NHCTJLEACHERT. Ladles tet your Straw , Chip and Felt Bats done TBP at portbeast corner Seventeenth and Capitol WBie.W I. DOYB , PROP ! ' C d i HOTELS . Canfield , Bth&Farn. * * DORAh HOUSEP. H. Cary , 913 Farnham St. . .SLAViarS HOTEL , F.Slav n , lOlhStreet. . LIZZIE pEST/alT 16th Street. JEWELERS I-VHN BAUUKR , 1ZU Fuaham Street. 1 ' * - * - JUNK- H. BERTHOLD , Raps and ' LVMKR.UIK AND CEMENT'- - ' FOSTER & GRAY , corner 6 h and DongUs St * . SWARE. ' tV Good Variety. " MERCHANT TAILORS - % Oa of ear ttoit popular Kerchant fljlora fs re- jcelTlnKthelateatdetlgnt lorSprin ; and Suni- merOoodsfprpentlemtn'sttonr. Sty'lthdurabla shdprHtsIawMver.t1S lSthbeU.Dotuf.Mrr. . : * ' " 'i . . ' ' 'Boston Market , and Cured Mtat * . Game. Elan. Poultry. Ktq. 020 Cumlng S'nxU Bonn tn the Weit. Porehaszn nv S3 per cent. Order by Vail. 115 FiPflcnth f t. MILLS- . D'SU. i MYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. .XHBBS.Ja/5. | fioom'si' * , ' Crelghton Block , 15th Street. F. 8. LSISENBINO , V. D , lUsonie Block. ; , Eye and Far , opp. posUfflot DR. L. B QRAD0T. Oculist and Aoriit , 14th and Doqglaa Streets. PHOTOGRAPHERS- OEO. Ut.YN , fHOP. Grand Central Qallerji 21 ! Plrltenth Street noarVaconicEan. flxst-class Work and ProBpt- ma SuaraaUed. PLtiMBIHC , CAS AKD STEAM FITTINC P.-W.TARPY. & 00,216 IKih St. , bet. tiara- ham i JJouglaa. WorkprOBptlyatUndedto. D. rrrZPATBICK , Doucl * * 8tr et. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING HEKKV A. KOaTE 03UU Podfe SJtet. _ -WANING A.ilOTER , manufacturer of iaih. doonblln < 1si molding rewebjbaJujters , hand nil . furnishing - ing , scroll gawinp. Ac. , cor. Dodte .and 8th sta. " PAWNBROKER J. ROSErTTEtD. 32110th St.'teCFaro. * Har. REFRIKRATORf CANRELDJS PATENT ' C. P. O00DHAH : UlthSt. . beV garn.Uf Har. SHOW CASE MANUFACTORY O.J.WILDK , Mannfactnrer and Dealer in all kinds ol Show A. BCBME3TEB , * Dealer In Stores and Tinware , and Uinufactorer : of Tin Boots and an kindsof Bandlny Work Odd raQovs * Block. ' J.BOSNERlS09Douf. St. Ootdand ChCTp. ' - SEEDS J. KVAHB , TTholwile- and Jtetall Sted lOrOll and CaHn.tcn. Odd TeUowi S sJL ' - - . . SHOE STORES. Ph'UppIXnp. ISM Ttonham lt.l > et. ISm emth. " SECflN ! HANII STM fEKKIKS & LEAR , 1(1 DoarlM 8U , Kew and Second Hand furniture , Htrua FBrnishini ; Ooodi. ti.boBChtand sold on narrow natfn . / BSAU0HS - / " B IntherswbilckWockon Doujlas Street , has ] t opened a most elegant Bear HaH. ' Hot tench from 10 to IS r " rmrdar. FLAKKEBT , wtt to tha B. & . keadqaarten , a acat nd complete esiabllah- "RK , idMoUier Ship- 99 CEKT STMES HENRYvPOHLKAK , toy * . notlon . rictures. Jewelry , * : , 614 Ilth bet. Faraiam * ' 7.0 , BACIUS , 6 rarsiam-jX ; iiEGlSTBATIONLlST. FOURTH WARD. Anderson , Anderson , Ambrose , Ayres T H , * L R ntrnp , Ahlguest , G W Broatch , ( Balsh , ! Balcbmb- . 'TJarns Sam. . Boggi , G H Barker , Jos Barqueat , P A Brook * , D 0 _ Boyr ) &R Brash , Lewis Baldwin , C A Bollock , F C Bowman , A BoBton.GJj Bell , J T Berry , Jos Baawltz , Mortz Biawitz , Henry Baswilz , 8 Baawilz , Cnas Bonsai , JJ.C J Bachanan , J M . G W Be ? .h , C B * . R W J Ball , Rg L fll "BUUngs A S Jr M- Bonner , W H Barrett , H Bartlotr , E M Bevlns , Andrew 3 mford Jpo Bl&ckbar6 ; o } & , 'B-Jy3/Jb'E ' lb U Carrier Joh'o . CtftilKr-Geo j Calm Aaroa' Cobgdoil 3 H iCihncEn 1 GJiiEdbn'J ° E 'Clark S HH ' daln'O'W Clarke-John'M , , jCohenJ ; t 3 s * " t Chamber ! W [ G ( Doleman 0 IK | diaries W R Conner H G " Cranston B G r Cirpenter A , Br A "Carter Jaa ' i CrowB F / Creigh T A Chambers A13TiiI * CranzHO. GromboAFr Ucd CalUnThot' CnHstenien Petes Collim G A- ChHatenaen J 0)8 ) ! ChristensenR QQ | Davia 0 F Dwyer Wm M Dutnoat.J H- . . , sidson D W CrR < Xpara Sam H-P- - - 0 Dr Do'enges Con Devalon H P , Devalon J B -Af A Dugan John ortj Duke E T Emery E L Eddy W H 0 J EricksonLOL KaatuBS tEricksoa Thos Fqrsyth Jaa FotexJ > V kj Fleming < Wm Ferris Q E FoxF J Fox J W Freeman Q A \ Foster wCTlVjV- ' " - luton 0 H" 'Groene firaff Gao 3 Gibba W H Dr Xroeae Peter Griffin A W Gray P W Graves Frank Goldsmith M Griffiths C H Green G L Galligtn Pat Green Q J Griffin OH 'AGreb'erjTneo'J ' Jl Griffeth Jas -Gibsbn'Thos ' Gibson Geo' J GalllghanTbeo Hammond TEEaydern fi.fe ! * Hitchcock P -Hitchcock G M HugusPeters . . .Harbach Jnn A Haney Edwin Harris L D HawesPO Hyde"JR "Howe J"D' Haflman 0 F HeftJ'K - Herman-D Hanscom A J , Hvena O B Hnven T.O . Jliggana.WA Wi Hig aKa'OW Huntington DWO HornerWm Holtrof vTno 0 " Hanson Peler Hanson Soren HensingerTB Henry Jno -Ingnrar DertJ-D- Jenkins Thos Johnson S R Jones" 3" D * "JonerAddison" Jewott JJLO Jewett Gob E Jones T E Jones A D Jacobs S Jones G R Jennings 0 E Johnson G A Jensen Jens Jackson A Col Jones R R Jacobaon A Kennedy H Kennard L J Kenuard M W Kennard F B King Jacob King G T KlngJW Keniston D Keniston E 0 Kenlston F A Kurshad Wm Ktlish S Fohlmeyer Ghai JCuhnN A Klinker J H Kobut W Karbach 0 J { Karbach Pot'or Kimball D E Lake G B LalkED LakeJ5E _ . Little Isaac Lininget G W LordJP Locke 8 E Lambert E Coring "WE Lichteberger J H ITJinghom Jno P Law AB Lehman XR Liraeo L Lehman Wm Lindburg A L cdeng-enV Lumpkins R M Jaa iMonellGODr - HillspaaghFR , , Metcalf Gee 0 - - Mnmangh Wm Meyers Max Hancheator J R Meyers Herman Mitchell D S Morrlsey J < tc Maxfield J B Rev MtllardJH Mansfield 0 R Millard Ezra Morriioy Jaa Morohy Frank Moore A Col MaulWG Maalsby R S Morse W V Malmgaist H 0 Morse J G Miller Lewis Moons F E Mealio S N MurpbyP F Miller J B Mount W J Malcolm FS Mount D T Munm J 0 MOITOW J C Miner I W * ' < Mosh'or N Mills Gee T Molloy John Montgomery 0 S Meadimber E D McOormick John McCormick J 8 McOnrmick Chas McKoon M G McNaughton John McCoy M E McDonald RichardMcQ.ullen B McNabb-J W - ' Thps - McMihan P J > "McTwigtan ; A McKone A K McMullin WE ! McGaeken Jas McNielS McNally John McCaffrey H McCaffrey John McOaSrey Jos , Newman Horace Nichelas A P Neville Jaa Nelsoa Jens Northrup HG Neilsen Andrew Norgreen A M Neilsen Bendt Neilsen N W O'Grady OttoF O'Brien E A O'Connor Ed Perine P L Plenlen A Pundt H R A Putnam J S Patenon Gee Peterson Jaa Rev Paxton W A Peabody W L Pitersen JAW PetttngillGW PirrottE J Pritchett Gee E Penon Mons Pincr J B Pcdercon 0 Pierce J H Peterson John PentzeU J C Petty J W Quarnstrom A P Reed Byron Ringer E F ReedLS Ramge M Reese J M RungeF M Richards T W T RiceJ R Ron water E RitterWL Rose water A RafertAF Rheinhirt E Rogers A T Rheinhardt J Ringer T B Robinson AL Rath E Rowley A Reichenberg Saml Roberta S Rudolph Jacob RoteO Rhodes H F Robinson 0 Col Schneider FA Schneider H Scott Wm Sherer D Sharp P H Sharp W A Sharp H 0 Stockdale Jaa Speckhart M Stevens R Stevens WJ Saxe D W S xc A W ScHfTI Smeaton D D Saarch J W Dr Saastrom Frank Sandberry Joho SallS Ssribner D M Slack C F -SterrlckerE - Sterncker-Thoi S , S Sionds0h ' g g H"C Stnfflas n Stevenson G , Stall Homer D r adbotnh Thos Sanders Peter Stinson F A Torneyi . TackerA Tilden Gee DC Taylor J a s Thuratun J I Taj Io Thomas J C Turner Thotn Jno Turn tt J Tdrbilt W F Troup A C Yanacnber ; ijHVdnInwegon-G A Vat-Etten D , Wood.Jno-S BB WHlfnly. 15. - WilsfivThrr Woodman , JEi Willumi , Chw Walker , Gee T VT Wulf , N - Wilcor , Getf AWelsh. . E twird JVilbnri Jfro E . 'Wilbur , * W. H "WaTson , J M' Wilklns , C F I. TWatkins. Chas ' Walter , Frank Williams , Hobart Wnght , J S -jWesterdahVBO-EWhipple , C S Weaver , HE - Wilbur , R H -WebK7JEj 5 " 1 Wloto ; , ' H/A' < TJ , * f Wheeler , JO Windharo , Gee P Wead , CM Webster , JL West , C L.F Waugh , M F Welch ; Yates , HW r " 'Yatoa.-rWM 1 This la to certify that the above is a trae llsfof "registered voters 'of the fourth ward , .registered , to date , -CALLING BY TELEPHONE. MODEBN SCIENTIFIC IMPEOVEMESTS "Are yon very busy to-day ] " asked a fashionably-dressed-young man'of the -young ladyrat t the telephone head aartera.1 : , - - " 'iNot " responded the very , young lady.'t ' i j i ) "I want to make some calls over your wires , " said the young man. "You can Jall'iipbn the peopld and I'll talk to them. Saves carriage hire and running around you know. " ' "Why ! ftWlyon have first ? " asked thi young lady admiringly. * ' "You.mlght call Mrs. Snooks. " reVand'turned the wire "over to the Waller. _ , i"Gpod .iribrnlng. Mrs. Snooks , * ' yelled the young m > n-with } the tube atj his 'ear- * and bbwing"&nd j ggi'ng around at the mouthpiece 4 > 'ilappy New Year. Many returns. Eh ? Obi Yes , charming- Been weU-Can' ? | stay long ; thanks. * ' Lots oL'calls to make. , .What's -that ? Yes ; she's well. Had many calls ? Indeed ! Glad'to hear it. * Good by7j/a&d' ' he | laid down the tube. "Now1 ybii inay call on'MrsI Spooks. " < \ The young lady did BO , and * the caller went to work'again. "Couldn't pass without seeing yon , Mrs. Spooks. Cold weathert wb're having. Saw yon at the opera. Boon opl much this ceason ? Don't hear you. Oh , yes ! I'm reading'Ouida. ] ' Very sad about George Elliot. Many caUs ? You don't say ? You are for tunate. Happy New Year : 'Good b'y ! " as he dropped the -tubeuhe bowed elaborately. "You may call , Mrs. Stooks. " . „ , Mrs ; Stooks finally responded , and the young man threw off his negligent attitude , and went at the call with renewed vigor. r- " ' Happy New Year , Mrs" Stooks ; hope I hear yon well , ma'am. Strange weather we'r3 having. You sound charming , Mrs. StOoks. I congratu late yon. How'a that ? What to in troduce the young ladiet ? Delighted , I Dssure , yon. Ah ! Misa 'Stocks , charmed , yea , and Miss Arabella Sbooks , you flatter me , and Miss Net- tie' Snooks , I'm overwhelmed "with the honor , " and the young mau bowed deeply as each name Was signaled to him. 'Pleasant weather , ladier ; would like to stay longer , but am awfully driven , Hope to see you soon ' again , hdies. Well , hello , hello ! 'AhJ'yes ! jo i do. Gjod-bye , Miss Stooks ! Good-bye all ! " Miss Thompkine , Miss Hilder- brajndt , Mrs. Whiffchojrski , Miss Semiramls Smith , Mrs. Goblet Sepiu and fifty olher'ludita were rucg'up , And the calls were made , Secundum 'artbm. ' "The young man , very much fatigued , finally cook his leave ; ibnt in & few minutes returned wlth-a gloomy "Did you notice anything 'wrong with those calls ? " ho asked the yonng lady."I "I think not , " she responded.1 * ' , ' ! didn't get any thing to eat/ ' aid he "I thought I waa doing a big thin ? : , but I but the best of the call. " 4 "But can't you go to some houses you haven't telephoned and do your self justicci ! " inquired the yonng lady. "I say , yon mint hvo bsen brought up in good society , suggested Hhe yoang man , "I never thought of that. You're a porlect lady , you are , here's a quarter. " And the youug man and the quarter went oat , simul taneously. Meat. Poultry RavUw. fc Wonld it not be wise to substitute more eggs for meat in onr dally diet ? Abbut one-third of the weight * of an egg is solid1 nutriment. This is more than can be said of meat. There are no bones , no tough pieces that have to be laid aside. A good egg is made up of ten parts shell , sixty parts whit * and thirty parts yolk. The white of an cgt ; contains sixty-six per cent wa ter , the yolk fifty-two per cent Prac tically an egg is animal food , and yet there is none of the disagreeable work of the butcher necessary to obtain it. The vegetarians of England use egg freely , and many of these men are eighty and ninety years old , and have been remarkably free from ill ness. Eggs are best when cooked four minutes. This takes away the animal taste that la offensive 'to some , but does not harden the whitn or ye'k ' so &a to make them hard to digest. An egg if cooked very hard is difficult of digestion except by those of stout stomachs ; such eggs should be eaten wiih bread and masticated very finely. An egg spread on ioast is food fit for a king , if kings deserve any better food than anybody else , which is donb f ul. Fried eggs are less wholesome than boiled ones. An egg dropped Into hot water is not only a clean and handsome , but a de licious morsel. Most people spoil the tastoof their egg by adding pepper and salt. A little sweet butter is the best dressing. Eggs contain much phosphorus , which is supposed to be useful to those who use their brains much. Tbe New Fararols. KewToik Tribune. The new features ef parasols con sist of the quaint shape , which may ba called octagon in appearance , although - though the aides cr gores are unequal in size , and the ribs are white. Some of these are covered with rich black brocaded satin , trimmed with a black Spanish real lace flounce , and lined with crimson silk. Ar. elegant crim son satin parasol of the usual thape is covered with BOcceMtoo of cretin JU i. colored Spanish lace ruffl a and corresponding - responding , flounces ; J thfliJ.lining is whlteltillc , and" red silk cordelier ptnamenW the " ' 'handle. ' A _ _ black satini parasol is * limilarly trimmed with black Spanish lace , nnd lined with red. A , plain craam colored red satin is lined with delicate bine , anditrimmed with an ecru flounce of Spanish lace. Some of the new styles of black or red satin have a brilliant Roman border , the usual lace flounce and linings of peach blossom , old gold or white silk ; others ere embroidered in an elabora'e sailed of flowers , with garnet and jet or amber and jet beada Some black satin parasols have fine French Leaded laca flouncing , and rings attached with gold satin balls. OtherscLave brocaded boid > rs of gold and c.-iouon. The fabrics are also of h avy brocade eatin , glittering with threads of gold or of silver. The 8 > yViv fire' ' Very -elaborate , and made of tIK'coatllest'malerialB. The linings are of t met colon -delicate cream , new. audaJd jold , and all shades of crimson , briwat oliva tints , opalescent shades , pear ) , gale blne/'water geen , and gother becoming colors fjrbolh blonde and brone te. Larger fiicd parasols for coaching aud seaside are covered with plain phm , purple and bottle green , satin lined with gold color or peach blossom and the last new shade of straw called gat-jet. The "danler" designs of red and black checker-board silk are extensive ly naed for linings. The checks are also seen in three contrasting colors. Extremely pretty seaside pirasah are covered with morale cloth , having floral strips around them. Oihera .are of Madras gingham. Some of the latest importations have a cream col ored , fine cambric ground , covered with delicate brown branches and foliage and flying birds. One gore is plain and decorated with a brown palette , the usual dabs of paint and a little water scene or pond , on which lillios float , some water-grasses , a sedgy banV , a gay king fisher with a fish in Its bill. This Is reproduced in oilier dainty scenes on a similar palette on other parasols. Toe handles of the least expensive parasols are made of such strange light woods as Fragola , Pyreneese thistle , Tom 0 Shanter ah , African bamboo , palm fiber and ebony. They have gold and silver heads in imitation of bamboo , carved horn , oxidized silver pug heads , eaglei and imitation of gold hammered work in ebony , and shepherds' crooks tipped with gold and silver. Given up by the Doctors. , Where doctors have failed to cure , and have given their pr.tients up to die , Electric Bitters have often been used , and a cure effected , greatly to the astonishment of all. Diseases of the Stomach- Liver , Kidneys , and Urinary Organs are positively Isnred by Electric Bitters. Tnsy invariably cure Constipation Headache and nil Bilious Attacks. Try them , and ba convinced that they are the best med icine ever used. Sold by all drufrciits at fifty'cants a bottle. (3) ( ) EacKien'a Arnica salve The BEST SALVE in the world f 01 Outs , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Fever Sores , Totter , Chapp ed Hands , Chilblains , Oorns , and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This Salve Is guaranteed to give perfect satiafao- tlod In every case or money re funded , Price 25 cents per box. For sale by 8dly Tsh & McMahon Omaha. GREATEST REMEDY KNOWN. " Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption 'a certainly the greatest medical remedy ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity. Thou sands of once hopeless tufferers , now loudly proclaim their praise for this wonderful Discovery to which they owe their lives. Not only does it posi tively cure Consumption , but Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Brorchits , Hay- Fever , Hoaranosa and all affections of the Throat , Chest and Lungs yields at once to its wonderful curative pow er as if by magic. We do not ask you to buy a large bottle unless you know what you are getting. We therefore earnestly request you to call on your druggist , J. K. ISH , and get a trial bottle free of cost which will convince the moat skeptical of its wonderful merits , and show you what a regular one dollar size bottle will do. For bale by Ish & McMahon. (4) ( ) REGISTRATION NOTICE. tTAW OF NEBRASKA , ) Coccus Co.Nrr , / Jfoilco'shereby given to the electors of the 'Fourth ' Ward. Cltj Omaha , thitl will ait In the store of James Foray th , north * cat coiner < ( lOlh aud Capitol Avoim on Monday , Tuesday and Wedno dar , Ifnrch 28t3 , 20lh arm SOth , and rriiav , Satardav aid llonday , April 1st , 2nd and US , 1831 , ( or the purpnso of registering the electors ot laid wad , fur c.ty e ection to bo held on the Mb d y of April. 1881. Due Notice is hereby given , that , a New List of the elector * will hare to-be mid ? , owing to the changesmido In tie ward boundary , and tht ejectors will govern thcrrselves accoralnglr. Inni'nrcsnrhererf ' , I hereunto set my hand this 18th day of March , "A. D. " 1831. JOHNS. WOOD , m'OtoaS Registrar. REGISTRATION NOTICE. THIRD WABD. All voters n rth of Hovardstrcet , cut ot ] Sth street and south of Davenport will take notice , I. it ta rcgfsTar of Tutera at my office , north- eutco'iicr of llth and Douglas streets ( No. 13lup * ta < < g , on March 21st and Much iSth. and April lift , 1881 , for reil'tratlon and cor- lecllonpf 3rd ward TOteri. Wit. H. RILEY , m21toal Registrar 3rd Ward. - REGISTRATION NOTICE. STATK Or NIBIUSKA , ) „ DOCOLAS romrrr , / * * Notice Is hereby glren to the legal voters of ( hj First Ward , City of Omahi , that I will sit at the office cf Slaven'i Hotel on Tenth treat , on Monday. Tue-day , Wednesday and Thu.tday. March 28th. 29th , 30th and Slit , and Friday and Saturday , April lit and 2nd , for tte purpose of registering the voters of said ward. A new list willba made , and all voters of laid ward are re quested to appear pcraoaally , that their names may be properv ! registered. Witness my band this 2st ! day ot March , A. D.18S1. K. If. STENBtRO , m22 lOt Registrar. REGISTRATION NOTICE. SriraOr NEBRASKA , 1 „ Couous COBSTT , J ' KotiM is hereby gtvca thtt I will tit at the U. P. Bakery , on Itth street , on Thursday , March 81st , 1881 , for the I urpose of regUtcrinc the elec tors of the 6th War ) . SCUUYrER WAKEFIE'.D , mt9 tea ? Eozlitrmr 6th Ward. REGISTRATION NOTICE. SIXTH WARD. Notice is hereby given to tbo legal voters of the sixth Ward of the City ot Omaha , that I win tit at mr ttrre , Nc. 2u22 Cmnine street , te'.neen 20th and Xlst 'reo , on Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday. Saturday ana Monday , of Maich iSth , SOtb , Slst , tnd April 2d and 4tb , for i he purpose of rejrlsterinif the votersof said ward. A new list will be made , and all voters of ta'd ward an requested to appear in perjon that their ntme I may be properly registered. Witness my hand this 23th day of March , A. D , 1831. C. C. FIELD , m23 6t Btgtatrar. REED'S " " "ALLTIIYIE , * it By "Almon * " be by Al xand r' "Abdallah , Eire cf "G < ldsmlth Kaid ; " First dara 'On Time'1 by' 5Var Dance , " son of the reiowned "Lexlnfton Bscond , "fflla iretkorrridge" by/ "Colloesus " son of Imported "tfoTtrelrn. " * , ' "Almonfsf flat dam by "Ma-Bbrlno ChleT andhiiSirebyBysiick's "Hambletonlan. " This remarkable horsowill bo fire years old in May , be will acrre only 35 marcs ( half of which nunber is now. engaged ) at fa CO per mare , payable at time of icrrlca. Sfaion commence ] April-lit and will end Sept. 1st , After ttat t e his ttrrice win be put at $35 80. Any mare that bit trotted in 3:30 served ran. ED. HEED , Proprietor. i ; . Stable Corner llth and Howard Streets. iurlcod3ra NO OHAK6ING CiRS OMAffAlSFcHIOAGO , Wtee _ rtrict contortions are ilido With Through" Sleeping -Oar Lines TO New York , Bostjn , PWIadel- pliia , Baltimore. Wash * AND A10 , 2ASTERN THE SHORT LINE via PEORIA for lndianapoIisCincinnatiLouis ville. AM ) ALT. TOI.STS IS TH1 niEBEST'LINE ' ST. LOUIS , Where Direct CountctloYis ara mada la the UNION HEPOT wiih Throajh Sletpla ; ' Car Lines for all Points s o TT q ? The New Line for 3DIES r The Favorite Route for IROOIK : The nnequaled Indacemonti offered by this Line to Travelers anil TouriiU , are as lollow * : The celebrated Pullman (10-aheelj ( Palace SleepIng - Ing Can , iuu only on thla line. C , I ) . & Q. P.locj Drawing-Room Cora , with Uorton'a Ite- cllninr Ch Ira Vo eitra ch.irjd for Seats In lledinW Chilis The famous C , B. & Q. Palace Dlnlnz Can. Gorpeoun Booking Can * Cttd with Elegant Hiyn-Badted Ra'tan Kerolriuff Cluirs for the exclusive oae cf.first-tjas3 pisaen- gers. ' Steel Traclc and Superior Equipment , corn- lined with their Great Throuth Car Arrange ment , mikca thts , aboro all others , the favorite Route to the East , South , and Sonth-Ejst. Try It , and you. will QnJ traveling a loxnrjr Instead of \ discomfort. Through Ticket" Tla 'thh ' Tele rated Line for gale at all offices in the United htatcsand Canada. I All infcimatlon about Rates of Fare , Sleeping Car Accommodations , Time Table * , &cwill bo cheerfully given by appl \ intr to ' * JAIIE3 R. WOOD , / General Pasjenger Apcnt , Chicago. T. J. PorrtB , General Manager , Chicago ± SSO. K.C.ST.J9E&G.B.R.B. , Is the only Direct tine to 8T. LOUIS ANlr THE EAST From OMAHA and the WEST. Ho change of can betwesa Omaha and St. Louia And but cno between Omaha and Now Tort. SIX DAILY PASSENG5R TRAINS Eastern & tffcstei Cities With low charge * and In advance of other llntj. This entire Una I * equipped with. Pullman's Falaca Slcapln ; Cars , Palace Daj Coach- ea.milcr's Safety Platform and Coupler and the celebrated WMtlcghonso Alr-Braho. SKZ THAT YOUR TICKET READSTO CTYla Kansas City , Bt. Jogop h arCoancilCluC3b.K..vIa S CSTJoa ani Tickets forsal at all coupon stations In tha West. J. J. BABKABD , A. C. DAWEO , Qen'lSupt. , Oenl Pass , ft Hcfcet Art St. Joseoh , llo. 8L Josapb , if o , W C. BEACHKEST , TleSst Agcn. , 1020 FarohaEt Street , ANDY BORDEN. A. B. BARNARD , Pass. AKentOmaha. Goa'rl Ajent , tocaha. BT TIIE USE OF DR. BOSANKO'S ' PILE REMEDY. INTERNAL , EXTERNAL , AND ITC&ING PILES at oaca on tlio application of n Boaanlio'p yile Itcmedy. vrlileb nct dl rccUyopoq UicparU alTteeted , abaortola the Tamoto. nllaj'lng the Intents ItfU Ul outer remedl5"haTe teUea. Try j lUmerlta. DO NOT DEG.AIT OtD the Ornln on the tjateiu pnxdae * laabllltr. bat bar It. TRYITABNE CURED 50 CENTS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT , MJ * } when yen can not obtain f tof him , m vlll send It , prepaid , on receipt of price t > ts Bouuiko'B Treatise oa Pile * cent fro mappUssdloB. Addreaa HE DR. BOSANKO MEDICINE CO , PIODA. O. ' THE COIOMDO BUSINESS COLLEGE This institution , located at Denver , Colorado , the Educational and Commercial center of the Went , Is pre-eminently the beat and most practi cal of its kind for thel MERCANTILE TRAINING OF Yonng Men and Ladies. G. W. FOSTER , President , D. W. OADY , Ssoretaiy. The most extensive , thorough and complete nstltntlon of the kind In tha world. Thousanda of accountants and Business me"n , in the prln > dnaldtiejandtewna of the United States , owe their success to our course of training. Tha Bisht Kind of Education for Toung Men and ladies , fine , new brick block , at Junction of three tre t car Urcs. Elegantly fitted and t ornUhed apartmcnta or the application of and carrying oat of our novel and systematic methods ot BUSINESS TRAINING. ' Yonng men wlo contemplate a bnsinrsi Ufa , and parents havh ? sons to educate , are partlcn- Uriy requested send for our new Circular , which will give tat Information u to terzu , ondltlon of entrania , etc. Address , President , Denver-Colorado. THEDA'ILYBEE the Latest Some and Tele News of tb KITSOWS PKUSSIAN THE LATEST VICTORY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE. Xho only existing remedy for nveryspe * des t.1 Acute or Chronic Disease of tlio Organs of Respiration , and an absolute SPECIFIC FOR CONSUMPTION ! all-powerful vegetable prepnro- JL Oon expels from the lungs and air pas- f , tliomucusandmuco-pus produced bjrpt'lmoiiary inflammation , heal ; the irritated meuibrnsaSj and renorates every organ which utilize * the breath of Life. It contains no stupefying poison , nnd is in all respects a healthful medi cine. The rapidity and certainty frith which it ANNIHILATES A COUGH h astonishing. It * effects go deeper than tlio more * ymptoms of pulmonary dis ease and discharges tile cause from , the system , free and pnlnlcis expectora tion is the mode bywhich It rellovas tha lungs , chest and throat from theburtlens tviilch oppress them ; thus arresting : Con sumption nnd Bronchitis in thegermbe. fore they reach the more dangerous stage * . The emaciated sufferer BATTLING FOR LIFE with the most terrible sconrge of onr cll- mnte will findXrltich's Prussian Cough Sj i up a potent ally , and will assuredly irin the fight by adhering strictly to thlj great medicine. The CASES NOW ON RECORD In tvhlch it has been administered with entire success ns n remedy for every va riety of. mnlndy which aRacts the Re spiratory functions , amount to more than FIVE THOUSAND nt the present ilnte , nnd yet the preprint t Ion is only In the infancy of Its useful ness. The great defect of all Cough. Itemrilics hitherto introduced is that tliuy are simply ospulnory. Hence they are useless ; for mile's the causes of the acrid secretion * which are coughed up arc renio\edand the ruptured. Inflame J or maturated surfaces healed and re stored to their natural tone , T cnro is Impossible. . rrltucU'R Prussian Cough Syrup" accomplishes these objects. Tha mucu * nnd muco-pus whlcli nro the con sequence of lAinglMseaso , are thrown off by it , while at the same time it soothes ; and invigorates the weakened tissues. "LIFE FOR-THE LUNGS. " For coughs , colds , Influenza , bronchial' dlfllcuUIes , tightness of the chest , hoarse ness , sore throat , trnchitis , innamma- tion of the Inngs , difficulty of breathing , pleurisy nhd all disorders of apulmonary nature , it luurnovor been equaled. Sola scents In America , BICHARDSQK It CO * BLXoiuSIo.r - - - SOLD BY AIX DRUGGISTS. 0 1 , * ; 25 , CENTS , ' A nsw and hitherto unknown remedy for sJl diseases ol the Kidneys , Bladder , and Urinary Omns. It will positively rare Diabetes , Gravel , Drop- ay , Brlsht's Disuse , Inability to retain or oxpell thuUrine , Catarrh of tha Bladder , Ugh colcred and scanty'rrlne , Painful Urinating , LA1IK BACK , UeneiV. Weakness , and all Female Com- pla'.nta. iRtemat medicine ) , u certain la it effects and euro when nothins ; elsa can. For Bale by all Druggists or sent by mn free upon receipt of tha price , 52.CO. DAY MEV PAD GO. , PBOP'RS , Toledo , O. 73 / . year addras ( or oar Uttle book , How t icsa 8 70d. " K. HE. Airent for SabrmVf. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC AKD St , Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. The Old Reliable Siouz City Route I 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE 1 Prom COUNCIL BLUFFS to ST. PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH , or BISMAROE , And all pointaln Northern Iowa , Minnesota and Dakota. Thla Has U equipped with the Im > proved Westinzhoose Automatic Air Brakes and Uiller Platform Coupler and Bo3er. And foj SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT Is nomirpafEod. Elegant Draidns Boom ud Sleeping Care.owncd nnd controlled V the com pony , run Through Without Change between Union Paciflc Transfer Depot , Conncfl Blnflf , indSt-TiuI. Trains IOSTB tbo Union FadSt Transfer Depot at Coondl Blolb , at C:15 p m. , reaching Sloox City at 10:20 p. m. , and St. Fanl at 115 a. m , HOURS IK ADVAHCB o AHT OlBZB ROUTS. Returning , leara St. Paul at 3:30 : p. m. , ar- vLir at Sioux City at 1:15 a. EL. and Union Pacific Transfer Depot , Conacll BIctfs , at 8 0 a.m. B snro that your tickets read Tia " 8. C , ft P. B. K. ' F. C. nrr.Tj , Bnrxrlntcndsnt. Mlajonrf Valley , Iowa' P. E. BOBIKSON , Aea'tOan'l Pnea. Agent. J. H. 0-BBTAN. = and PaaEt-njrcr Agint , Council Blc9 | Gentle Women Who want glossy , Inxnrianfc and wavy tresses of abundant , beantiful Hair must nso MON'S EATHAIEON. Olia elegant , cheap artlclo always mates the Hair CTOTT freely and fast , keeps it from falling out , arrests and cures grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair strong , giving it a curling tendency ana keeping it in any desired position. Beau tiful , healthyTIaIr is the sure result of using Ixattwkoo. HAKE NO MISTAKE 1 MICA AXLE GEEASE Compoeetflarjrely ot powdered mica and Uinzlas * la the beat and cheapest lubricator in the world. It la the bat because ! t do not trcm , but forma a highly pollahed surfaca over the axle , do in ? away with a Urge amount of friction. It is tha cheapest becaoaa you need use but half the quantity In greadiig your waon that you wool J of any other axis greasfl made , and then run yrar wagon twice aalon ; . It answers eqcallr u well for Mill Gearing , Threshing lUachlnes , Busi-les. ic-.ia for wagons Send f r Pocket Cyclopedia of Things WortB Knowing. Milled free to IDT addras. MICA MAXDFACTURING CO. , Your Dealer For It OCt2 APPETIZER SURE CURE For COUGHS , COLDS , BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA , CONSUMP TION , and all Diseases of the THROAT and LUNGS. The most acceptable preparation In th o known world. By addinz to TOUT ROCK and RYE itti * Lemon jtllce , yon bar * an esellent Appetizer and Tonic , ( or genrnl and family CM. Th * InunenM andloereMin ? talcs and tba numerous testimonial * ncelrtd dally are th teat grideacegt" of its virtue * and popularity. Put up in Quart Size Bottles , giving More for the money than" any article in the jnarket. HAMTIflU . . . BOX T BE DECEIVED by naprtncipled dealer * who try to palm off upon TOO UHvl 1 lUrJ. common Boct and BTO Inplac oVoTJTTOI.aBCX3Kand RYB , whkSTsth * * > only HEC1CATED artlclo made , tbe OENU1NB imlnf a QOVZRN3IKNT STA1IP on each bottU. Erfract from Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revemier TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OFTICB OP IMTERNAL RRTETO > WisBcnnos 1 > . C.Jan nary 28 , 1880. / tfeurs. LAWRENCE & UAKTUr , 1111 Uadljon St. , Chlca/o. Is. ! : Gnmnna : TbU ctmpcund. tn tha opinion of tkl office , irotrfd hare a rufflcltnt qnantKr ) the BAL3AJI OF TOLU to itiie It all the advantages asalbed to tab artlcls la pectoral complakUr whlla the whisky and the syrup constitnta an emulsion rendering it an agreeable remedy to th patient. Compounded according to th formnla. It may properly bo dastedaa a MEDICWAL PREPARATION ncdcr the proTidons of U. S. Jtnbed Stttotefl. and whensoitampedicy t lold by Drarcists , Apothwirlcs and Other Pcrsoni wltnont rendering them liable to pay rpedal tax u liquor dealers. Yours Respectfully , ( Sljiied ) GREEN. B. BATJM. Commissioner LAWRENCE & MARTIN.Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DRUGGISTS , GROCERS and DEALERS everywhere J C. f OQODUAN. AGENT. OMAHV- _ IT IS A GRATIFYING FACT THAT THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead ily and rapidly increasing in public tavor. The White Machine iustly claims to be the ill best made , the easiest running/ 'simplest in CIS construction and the most perfect Machine in the market. The White Co. employ as agents men of in tegrity , and purchasers are always satisfied , . * * because they find everything just as repres ented. " Everybody should use this Machine. The sales so far this year are more than double the corresponding time last year. All orders addressed to the Omaha pfflce will be promptly filled. Ut JOHN ZEHRUNG , „ * Cor. Davenport'and 15th Sts. Omaha. t THIS REW 'ARD CORRECT MAP g > $3& . Proves beyond any reasonable question ttat the CHICAGO ! &s NORTH-WESTERN i R'Y s Is by all odds the best road lor you to take when traveling la either direction betweenT * Chicago and all of tha Principal Points In tha West , North and Northwest Carernlly examine this Map. The Principal Cities of tha "West and Northwest are Stations' on tbls road. Its through f ? ' " make close connections wlUx the trains ot allraJlroada at Junction points. THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , Orer all oflts principal lines , runs each way dallyfromtwo to foorormora Fart Express * aralas. it Is tlio only road west ot that . . * Chicago used the > - > - ' im-T'O ° iji- PDMtUffATT1 HOTEL DINING CABS\ . . . . uu.mj > , i/ui jsij.ijfjt i > jr JCUAJJ. itionnstnoiollowlnjc Tronic Unea : i "CpiMcil Biufb , Denver & California Line. " "Winona , Minnesota & Central Dakota Line. * ! ! ? JFcfi ! ' . ? f - brMka& Yanktqn Llne. ChIC3go , St. Panl and Minneapolis Ltew. ' or. Illinois , Frceport & . " " . " &Dutmqno Line. "Milwaukee , Green Bay & Lake Superior Line. Tickets . over tlib rosd ore sold by all Coupoa Ticket Agents la the United SUtei and Eemembor to ask for Tickets via this road , bo sure they read oret It , and take none other. MAEYIS nCGHITT , Geal Manager , Chlcaso. * * Vf. H. STCOETT , Genl Pass. Agent , Chicago. HARRY P. O DEb. Tick't Agent C. tt N. W. , Railway , llth a drarnham8tre | ! tj. t ) . K KIMBALL , AuUtantT.cket Airent C * K. W. lUllwayllth and Farnham Stnti * . J. BELL , Ticket AzentC. * N. W. Railway , U. P-R. K D poL JAMKS T. OLABK general Agtnt. Agtnt.VERIGK. . DING , FEATHERS And Everything pertaining to the I cniiturfl and Upholstery Trade. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS AT THE > W jbJSG ? ap U mba thsat 1268 and 1210 Farnhaffl Street. LIST -OF- MAMMOTH GLOTING HOUSE. Hard Wearing Goods I Men's Cotton Suit * . , . , , 8.400 Men's Cottonado Panto 10 to 1M Men's Cotton Worsted 600 Men's C imere Panta 3 00 to 6 (0 Men's Jeans SCO Men's Worsted Pants 3 50 to 5 ,5 Men's ? atinet Suits 85'0to 6 CO Spring Overcoats SCO to Men's Union CJM Snita SOOto 10 00 White Vestj 100 Men's All-Wool Sails 12 60 to 18 00 White Shirts 6Ji to 25 Men's Worsted Suits 1350 to 2001 Fancy Shirta. 374 to 175 Men'a Blue Flannel Suit ? . . . . 7 50 to 13 50 CassimereShirts ICOto 350 Youth'sSnits 4 Oj to 900 Bins Flannel Shirts 1 OOto 1 75 Bo/sSuite 275to 900 Overalls and Jumbers..50i ; and upward * Children's Suits 2 50 to 600 Suspenders 25 to 450 Men's Jeans Panta lOOto 20J Cotton Half How 40s to 915 CO per dozen Complete line of Heck Wear , Linen Collars and Sum mer Underwear. Silk Handkerchiefs , flats , Caps , Gloves , Trunks and Valises , Boots and Shoes , Agent for San Francisco and Oregon City Woolen Manu-J facturing Company. M. ELGUTTER'S MAMMOTH CLOTHING HOUSE 1901 Farnham , Corner l th Street ,