THE DAILY BEE. B. BO3EWATI3R ; EDITOBT BKACOSSFIELD was rapidlj Im- proviig at hst reports. HASCALL has cnmo in like & lion and will go cut like a lamb. TIIF.&E ia a higher duty than tb&t which men owe to party and that Is loyalty to the beat interests of the community. THE heavy editor of the Republican was EO overcome by his emotions that he had to'cill in his city editor to write his leader on HaacalL . THE Republican says about Hascall that "whatever he haa been that he will bo. " Aad that's jast why lha people don't propose to elect him. "Which I with to icmarlc , And my language ia plain ; That for ways that ate dark r And for tricky that are vain , ' The Lcatben Chinee I * i > eculuir. L S. .HASCALL. TUE GKEEE problem is still un settled. The whole question la worse than Greek to mott readers of the befuddled cablegrams which reach our shores. HASCALL wrecked Sorensen end nearly the entire cannty ticket list fall , but Soremon feels very grateful' for his enrvice , and is now cheering for him very loudly. i "urgent requests for the withdrawal of the names of Tlobertson and Merritt , President Garfield refuses to reconsider bis de termination. And the stalwarts are Etlll groaning. the civil service rales established by Carl Schnrz in the Interior depart ment , and the fellow who spells God with a little g Las now a show to be come chief cleik of tno Indian bureau. TDK czar has issued an order for.a commission to assist in the govern ment of St. Petersburg. Landlords and independent citizens will bo olig ib'o to eeat : in the bod- This is believed lieved to be the first step towards con stitution il reform. Long a citizen of Omaha , ho knows our needs'and our opibilitiet. Ho has served lu onr council with honor to himself and good fortune to the city. [ Republican. Oh. yes. He has been long known hero as a man who came very near l ) ing hung out in'Cheyenne for Has- caltty and served our city such scurry cnpara as chief capper of the Holly jobbers that he came very near bzirig lynched In Omaha. Ir ( he prediction cf eld Mother Shipton isn't verified and the -world ilou't come to an end in 1881 , It isn't because tha elements are not trying hard enough to confirm the old lady's prophecy. Vrhat frith the terrible and everlasting winter , the snow blockades , blizzards and floods , there hare been inroads enough already made on the surface of the earth to Ukttle its b&llaat. If this sort of thing It to bo followed by cyclones , thunder aud VighUng storms , and great tidal waves there Is no telling hojr ibo.ycar will endt reoommond Isaac S. Hascall lo iho voters ot Tour recommendations bar * been fatil to .every candidate. You recommended Hitch. , and ha was left You recommended Paddock , and ho went up the spout. You recommendei Nancaj'and ho is a dead dock. You recommended .Barber and -For , am they went up the flue. You recom mended Baldwin for judge , and ho was buried under a mountain of voice The class of abaters and bilks tha hang jiround the Republican concern are always recommended and always sure to be snowed under on elcctio day. ' TUE Allgetpcmc Zcitttng , t known German newspaper of burg , oa February 28th contaa ° 3 au article by the Viennese Jprpesspr oi political economy , Dr. 1/tenz von Stein , entitled "Hanni > al in Eng land , from 'iho Continental Standpoint point- which ba comes to the conclusion that Groit Britain cannot long corXinue to fight her battles with hirating soldiets. Never , h i says , was , there a greater contra diction than that displayed by the present situation of Eophnd in com pirison with the rest of Europe. Oa tin continent , peoples whcss arma ments number millions ; in England , a few miserable regiment * ; which are to keep whole quarters of the globe in obedience ; on the continent , general obligatory military service ; in England , an army of hirelings , whose incapacity for war their own Generals Roberta has openly declared ; on the continent , countries whose only wish is to keap their boundaries ; in England , a people whosa territories are unboucded.itbout its defending them. Afghanistan and the"Transvul have shown , he says , that England cannot long maintain her position in the world unless she adopts compul sory military service for the defense of her highest interests. IlEGISTEB. It ITef tboTilfiUcst importance that orery voter of the city should register as'early as possible. The change of the ward boundaries by the new char ter makes it , necessary that our clti- zans should give their personal atten tion to thin matter and tea that their names are on the lists. This is es pecially the cato in the Sscond ward , where Hascall Is himself the registrar. . In this ward special pains should be ; taken by each and every voter to know that his name is registered according to law. Under our now school law , women have the right to vote for members of the board of education. We are not in favor of woman suffrage but we be lieve in having the subject tested. Before the women qf Omaha can vote they mast register. So far no one has presented herself. Lst the wo men of Oraaht who wish to vote for a renovated board pf education regts- ter. THJS BEPDBLICAi ; NOMINATIONS. The nomination of Isiac S. HaEcall < ? r mayor of Omaha by the republi can convention is a criminal blunder , 't is an insult to the intelligentand respectable portion of $ 0 republican jarty , which comprises its iknk "and ile. It is a-victory for the rag-tag and bob-tail , for jobbers/aharks and vultures. " V' Vy For the first time in the history of Omaha a man has been nominated for mayor who is tbo embodiment of ei- Iravsganco snd corruption in munici pal government. The election of euch a man would simply mean that Omaha for the next two years must stop in her ciresr of'growth and surrender her bright hopes of bscom- g a great mannfastu-in.5 ; and com mercial centre in the , near iatnre. With Hascall at the head of our city government , not a dollar of bonds would be voted for sewers , market houses , city halls or any other great public improvement. It only taKcs cno-third of the voters of Oln'i- ha to defeat any bond proposition , and it is safe to predict that a large ma jority of the voters of Omaha would refuse to vote a dollar of .bonds as long as Hisiall would ba Mayor. The 'office of Mayor is not political oao , and even if Hascall had not been as he was a cop perhead and rebel sympathizer during the entire war and up to-1807 no re publican taxpayer could afford to vote for him. His career -councilman , hlch ended in an overwhelming defeat twelve months ago by the united action of all classes of business men ought ' to have shown the republican conven tion that they wore eimply wrecking the party-ID nominating such & man. In opposing him and recommending the election of James E. Boyd this paper is actuated by no other motive than a desire to protect the city of Omaha from what we consider a great calamity. The nomination of Professor Bruner for police judge is somewhat of a sur prise as we did not know ihat.he waa a candidate and , do not now know that he will accept , especiaHyrwhon he finds himself in snh bad company. Professor 'BrniJer ' isa man of sprtless reputation and in his profession a man of acknowledged ability. * 3Ve have no doubt thayheiwillintke a better police judge"than we'have had in' Omaha for many years , if he accepts the.nomina- tion. ' -A-iiVli „ " Mr. Mallette has made a very effi cient Oity Treasurer , and Hrurencmi- nation is a fitting endorsement of his services. * The mannerInVhicb . the members of the Board of Education and Coun { oilmen at large were nominated : n " 7 * V both the Bapublican 'and Damocratic conventions cannot bo condemned to'o severely. The nominating of candi dates at lirge by acclamation , npon the mere recommendation offp cked ward caucuse.-rrUhoBt balloting for each individual separ&tely'defcats the plain intention , cf tbo , jaw as a reform. There uonly one xcmedy for the people , and that in to put up a citizens' ticket , mada up of such can didates from both tickets as are worthy , and uoli other man as ought to have bsen numitated. JSach a ticket will doubtless be pliceain the field before Taesday , nnl will .receive our earnest support. " If the republican convonUon had been , guided by moderation and wis dom , instead of by malice and merce nary greed , tte citj-garernment would have remained in republican hands for two years/IoLgar. As ic is , the head of the ti et is almost certain to drag the res'of. the ticket down to defeat. JAMES . _ BOYD. q m response to the earnest appeals , < merchants baslnesst JBCU and tax payers of all parties w o regard the at tempt , of Isaac S. Hascall to make himself mayor as a menace to the material interests of 'thia city Mr. Jamea E. Boyd has consented to become a candidate. Mr. Boyd is one of the oldest residents of Nebras ka and one of the most enterprising citizens of Omaha. His popularity and the confidcnca reposed in him by the cltizsns of all parties wu attested last yuar when ho was elected councilman fiom The eixth ward in face of the fact that the ward is overwhelmingly republican. At President ani member of the Oily Council Mr. Boyd has served the interests of the city with fidelity. A clear-headed business'man/wlthifixed convictions on " , public affairs , and a thorough insight into our municipal machinery , Mr. Boyd is in every way fitted for the important and difficult duties devolving upon tbo Mayor of Omiha. That ho will receive a large repub lican vote In the present emergency is bayond doubt. While wo deplore the necessity of going outside of onr party for the head of our ci < y govern ment wo feel jt a duty incumbent - ' bent upon us to give onr unreserved support to James E Boyd for mayor of Om > ha. The republican party , chastened by sal experience in its criminal blunders , will ba the gainer by the rebuke its independent members will administer next Tuesday to the gang of shysters , scahawsgs and bummers who forced the nomination of Isaac S. Hascall upon the republi can parly. IT is an ill wind that blows nobody any good. The washing away of the mdgeson the Black Hills branch of the U. P. may prove a God send to .he people of Uolumbus who may get he terminus formerly locate at Jack- ion which rightfully belong to them. Like the Dillonville schema Jackson 2 tasn't yet become a city but tbo ter- ninushasinjurodColumbus materially. JASXES E BOYD was the .first man to mt down his name as complainant n the injunction suit against the lolly fraud for which Hascall was > aief capper , and it's now very proper hat Mr. Boyd has been called upon o perform another good service for he city in sitting down upon this rlckiter and jobber. OCCIDENTAL JOTTINGS. California. f Oakland's antimony works are in * operation. . 3yo ! shocks of earthquake ware felt last .week at San Miguel Spring seeding has began in the southern portion of the state. A Beventy-five pound panther was reccn ly captured at San Diego. A ledge of mottled marble fats been discovered in the mountains near Culistcga. . Moody is cndaavarlng to lift the 570,000 debt from the Y. M. C. A. at San Francisco. Mrs. Merk Hopkins , whose wealth is estimated at $26,000,000 , has deci ded to leave California for Massachu setts. setts.Three Three young men at Marysville have been Gned § 100 for opium smok ing , the first conviction under the anti-opium act San Fernanso offers 1,000 acres of land and 1,000 eeres of barley for fire.years , in case the normal school ia located at that point. Santa Rosa has organized a com pany to build a railroad to the main system Ton per cent , of the subscriptions have been paid in. Jealousy between Italian and Amer ican coal miners at Anlioch resulted ina fight , hat week , in which one Italian was killed and two wounded. Grass Valley Cainamen resisted the poll tax collectors , and a fight ensued in which axes and pistols were freely uaed. Four Chinamen were arrested. Wasnlngtos. Four posts of the G. A. B , have been organized In the territory. Gold is said to have been found at State Creek worth $14 to the ounce. A five mile horse railroad will be built from Walla Walla up Mill Creek. The spring is backward , but pros pects are good for an immense f rait crop. crop.Cattle Cattle men from all the great ranges report the losses in Washington terri tory as fully 50 per cent in the Mai- heur country. Fort Colville will be rebuilt during the summer and 180,000 feet of lum ber is now being cut in Stevens county for the building. Trouble is brewing between the In dians on the Serniuole reiervation and the whites owing to tresspsses by the latter on the reservation. The sum of $4200 has been sub scribed at Spokane Falls for the pur * pose of patting a free bridge across Spokane river at that point. The Northern Pacific lands are again thrown open at the sama price as be fore , bat restricted to 320 acres , oi' which 20 acres must be broken bafore the contract is gives. The ledge of gold quartz discovered three miles from Newcastle is causing the greatest excitement , and the town is almost deserted. Sixty claims have been already staked out The ore is said to run § 100 to the ton. Idaho. Deer are numerous on the forks ot the Clearwater. A dszen new buildings are being constructed in Lawiston. Lively building operations are going up atKotchumand Bollovue. The low of cattle throughout the territory has been comparatively light. Large bodies of galena are being opened up in theAYbcd river country. A new ten-stamp mill is to be con structed in the Yankee Fork country. The Blackfoot road is filled with pa-sengera and goods bound for New Eldorado. Granger/villa has a mining excite ment , rich placers having been dis covered on Throe Milo crook. Twenty mm and six Cainamen vin- tcrod in Saw-Tooth. Work on the Pilgrim mine Is being pushed. Another rich strike in the famous Charles Dickens is creating no little exsitrxneut at Bonanza City. Ore assaying 300 to 800 ounces in silver has been struck in the "You Know" mine in the Saltnun river country. Montana , Miles City escaped serious damage from the flood. A new republican paper haa been ataited at Butte Land leagues are organizing throughout the territory. A road will shortly be built between Benton and the Banker mines. Butte is contemplating the erection of a large and elegant sohool house. The licoaso tax of Butte ia upwards of $21,000 a year , and is increasing rapidly. Preparations are being made for more extensive ranching than ever before. Heavy immigration is expected to pour into the territory during the coming season. A man at Benton who was caught killing and skinning cattie narrowly escaped lynching. The bullion output of ths Butte district will not bo less than $3,000- 000 the current year. From two to forty cents a pan haa been realized from the Miaaoula placer mines , near St. Joseph. Indians are numerous in the Yellow stone , ana depredations on stock and cattle are constantly reported. The cattle loss in the Judith coun try is estimated at 20 per cent. ; in the Sun river country at 25 per cent. The weight of the machinery in the GO stamp dry-crusnlnz mill of the Alica company , at Walkervillo , Is 1,000,000 pounds. It will take thirty-eight cars of the U. & N. road to bring the mill and machinery ] for the 40 stamp Mentor mill , in the Butte district. One of the two spans of the bridge crossing the Dotr Lodge river at Ed- wardsville , was recently carried away by an ice gorge. The loss of sheep on the Judith is placed at 25 per cent out of a total of 15,625. The lost of unclimated aheep was 44 per cent while that on accli mated waa only 17 per cent Three thousand head of cattle were fed during the winter between New Chicago and Stone station and no losses are reported for want of feed on account of ths abundance of hay. New , powerful and complete steam hoisting works are being erected on the Bell , Laxinglpn , Gray Rock. Lite Acquisition , Original , Stevens , Star of the West , Andy Johnson and Bonanza mines at Butte. Helena is agitated over the reported ghostly visitations from the murdered Charley Tacke. Lights and strange sounds are nightly besrd around his old mansion , and the Helena Scientific club proposes to make an investigation of the phenomena. Oregon. High water has generally subsided throughout the state The Oregon railway has been grant- d the use of a portion of the public evee/at Portland. Heavy frosts prevail In southern ) regon , but as fruit buds are not far dvancad , it is thought that no dam * igo will be done. Work IB going on lively on the nar row-gauge railroad in the vicinity of Newberg , in Yamhill county. About GOO Chinamen are working on this road , 'r > > A petition , signed bv all the Knights of Pythias Lodges of the * state , has been forwarded to New York , asking for the institution of a Grand Lodge in the state. On the line of railroad , between Portland and the Dallei about 1,000 men are steadily employed. A large gang of men are busy clearing be tween Portland and Sandy , also be tween the Cascades and the Dalles , followed by about. 500 tnen grading the road. There are , altogether , 800 men working on the road between Portland and the Dalloa. I ; ia said that the work vlll be completed be tween the Cascades and the Dalles by the 1st of September , and it is thought the whole road will bo completed in side of a year. Nevada. Hay at Eureka commands § 38 a ton. Austin is to have a new dally paper. The exodus to Wood River con- inues. The miners at Virginia City have been put on ten houri time. A fine streak of high grade ore has been struck in the Dugout tunnel at Eureka. An English company hai purchased the Eagle aeries of mines on Prospect mountain. There is a general move along the Oomstock lode toward working the low grade ores. Five sucerlntondenti.of the Corn- stock mines spend nine tenths of their time junketing in the east. The Richmont mine at Eureka has produced.5910,000 in bullion during the last ' year. . Tae 'profits average's 40 per'cent Mining matters are already begin ning to boom , and the coming season will be the 'best in the -mining line that Eureka has yet seen It is raid , by everyone who has visited the Alexander mine at Grants- v-lle , that it has the largest body of sight of any mine over opened in the state of Nevada. Utah. Salt Lake has opened a new street car line. Salt Lake is having a tremindsns building boom. A marble quarry his been discov ered near Salt Lake. Tbo White River settlers anticipate a rising of the T7tes. Silver Reef haa lost § 75,000 in pro perty by the strike. Half of the population of Silver Ree seem to have iZesorted it. Large numbers of Mormons arc leaving for Mcaquitt in Arizona. Several new and rich discoveries of high grade ore are reported from the Park. Logan's new irrigating canal will cost § 50,000 and will water eight miles of country. Ogden ia disconsolate over her failure to secure * he terminus of the new Ogden Hie. A A miner named Sullivan was crush ed to death bat week in the shah of the Ontario mine. The machinery for the electric light at Salt Lake has arrived. Its cost will be $150 per light per year. The Utah Central , Utah Southern and Southern Extension roads will soon bo consolidated under one management. The Barbeo and Walker mine at Silver Reef has suspended operations and the foreman has fled for fear of his life. Two FinUnd emigrants were sur prised in the act of murdering a little 3-year-old child at OgJ n , the other day , and the latter was rescued and placed in good bands. The would-ba assassins escaped. . It is rumored that the Utah and Pleisant Valley railroad will ba push ed immediately to Salt Lake. The road ia said tc have been purchased by the Danver and Rio Grande , whica will thus have a through line to Utah. Wyomlntr. Buffalo is booming. Evanston'a theatre is to be enlarged. Spring trsdo is unusually active in Oheyenne A steam siw mill is to be located on Crazy Woman'a Fork. Over 200 elk wore seen last week on Henry's Fork , near Fort Brldgor. A ten foot vein of ore has been struck in the Black Tail mine at Cum mins City. Green River City will , in all proba bility , be the virtual terminus of the Oregon branch of the Union Pacific railway. A Dale creek rancher whose land is higher than the Laramle plains pro poses to put in from fifty to sixty acres of wheat this season. An emigrant train waa side tracked near Green River last week on ac count of a supposed case of small pox. ! turned out to bo only chicken pox. Three enormous mountain lions were discovered hat week devouring a two year old heifer. The largeat cue , weighing seventy pounds , was killed. The Central Pacific and Union Pa cific engineers had an exciting race for Hodgea Pass last week which the U P. surveyors were successful in reach ing fitst. An Evanaton butcher last summer accidenlly discovered a ledge of rich quartz , assaying in gold up to the hundreds. Hard search has failed to relocate the ipot. Colorado. Red Cliff is enjoying a big boom. Durango is the best advertised new camp in the state. Denver's new opera house is rapidly approaching completion. The state school of mines is in a prosperous condition. A 12-stamp mill is to be erected at Garfield , in the Monarch district , for tbo Columbus mine. City sales of real estate at Colorado Springs for two weeks amounted to § 129,850.60. An unuauilly rich strike of carbon ates has been made In the Henrietta lode in Summit county. Fort Collins is reaping the benefit of the construction gangs working on the railroad UD the Cache lo Poudro. The Newcastle coal mine near Golden took fire last week and all the buildings were a total loss. Low , 58,000. Eight hundred thousand dollars of the Denver , Utah and Pacific com- piny has teen paid in and property for depots , sidings and sheds has been purchased in Denver. The mines about Idaho Springs are in a highly prosperous condition. The Tropic is rapidly becoming one of the great combinations of the country. Mining men all speak favorably of the outlook of Gilpin county for the coming season. Many properties have started up lattly. The Czar's Death an Execution. SpTtrufleld Bc ubli an , Ifarch ? . Americans who feel so particularly sorry about the czir and so hcrrified at Lii assassination tint they can compare it with that of Abrabam Lincoln , ought to be icaroe , but there seems to be a good many. The assas sination w..s truly an evil deed and will be&r evil fruit. As a crime its wont feature was the reckless sacrifice of Inn , cent lives together with Its purposed victim. Enough haa been said of the wickedness of this bnemur der , and we have borne our part in Its condemnation. But there have -been myriads of acts done in Russia during this czir'a absolute reign and undei his sanction , beside which his killing shows insignificant. Puck'the satiric weekly , groups In a cartoon , a few hints , and very weak hints , at what thesa ihings have been. There Is the bloody field ofl Plevnn , fou ht to free Bulgsrlaus from despotism ; at the same time &s for so long before , and aa now there waa going on in .Russia the entry of homes ; the. seizing oJ the father , the husband , the son ; the search for evidence of conspiracy , which was always found ; but this pari ' of the car ! otin 'lacks some' elements bl fact yet some that cannot be put in to pictures or more than hinted at in print , namely , what often happens to the women of thesa homes. There was happening at the same time , and Is still happening , the long marche * to Siberia nnder the gaerd of soldiers , but this part of the picture aUo has left nut the women. At the same time , and now men who were the most intelligent and beat taught , and therefore the most dangerous in Russia , wera wasting their livas in that exile , at work in the Siberian mines , like those' gaunt Gsuresat , th'e rigfct , who are a tew of thousands. * A't the same time and now the press lay bound , fettered and gapgcd , aa she does hero. These few things the cartoon points to , it Is ' 'a Russian nocturne. " I is a very moderate picture , the arttsl h ld his hand till it trembled , no- doubt , because he would not too much outrage the tender sensibilities b Americans ] who think [ a "nihilist' the most dreadful creature in the world. There is no picture of the knout here ; there is no sign on the snow of the blood stains ; suggestive enough the artist haa been , bu * only because what he 'had left un told waa but too well known before The man who has died at last has hh < warning enough ; ho know that' hi was doomed , and ho , had been Jtolc how1 ho might surely avert the doom He was responsible , and no other per son , for all that the cartoon tells am all that it does not tell of the corrnp tion , ciuelty and oppression sufferm by bis people. It was a crime to kil the czar nay , it was "worse than a crime , it waa a blunder. " But to the men who did it , both the hands ant the head , it was arighteous execution' Germany ana the United States. Springfield Kepublicon. Germany aud the United States , a the census taken there lost Dccombe and here Jast June showa ? have eacl one city of over 1,000,000 ; Berlin a population of 1,118,630 , " am Now ork of 1,206,590. Since' 18CO- when Berlin was n cltybf-528,590 ant Now Yorg of 813,669 , ; 'the German city has grown the moat1 rapidly ; bu in the last five ycara'New York ha grown 160,553 and Berlin 15i,390 smaller by a few thousand in 187 and in 1875 , and while ihe American has about a population lying just abon it of nearly 800,000 , Berlin' hasleea than 100,000. The Gurman ctty has also included In its census a largo gar riaon ; New York city is the only col lection of 1,000,000 people In the world or in history kept in order with .oat the presence of a half regimen of regulars. Of cities' over 100,000 Germany has 12 , the United States 20 of citiea over 50,000 , Germany ha 38 and the United States 35 , the nnm her of cities of over 30,000 in thl country ( G4) ) being altogether largo than in Germany. In'the ' last 10 years cities of over 100,000 'increased in tbi country from 14 to 20 , and in Ger many from 8 to 12. In both countrie the sot of population is toward the CltlCBr Lub iho IM V * O of iKo _ aill population is proceeding moro rapidly both absolutely and relatively in the "United States than in Germany. The errors cf the United States census o 1870 will partially conceal thia for the entire country by magnifying the apparent growth cf theruril popula tion of the south ; but even then the 20 largest citiea in the United States with about an eighth of the population , include nearly a sixth cf the imronso from 1870 lo 1880 To take a different end a somowha fairer comparison , Pruseia in the IBS five years increased G per cent , New York state 8. but' while Berlin grew only 16 per cent in the enme interval , New York City advanced 25 per cen aud the increases of the urban popula tion of New York harbor tvas much grealer. Compared with the rest o : Europe , Germiny is advancing with unequalled speed , both in Its total population and in the sizn of its citiea. The German hive , so long empty , is filling up in spite of the great awarma that it senda hare. Prussia , by the December csnsus , had a popula'- tion of 27,260,331 , just two-thirds that of France , but , while the popula tion of Franco is almost stationary , no bad thing in itself , Prussia in another quarter of a century at the rate it hoa grown for the last ten years , about 12 per cent. , will have a larger population than Fracc * . Ger many , however , it ia alwaya neeoBaary to remember , is only now making up for ita arrested population nnd devel opment during the thirty years' war j and succeeding strugglca. Ita growth in the hst 20 yean is little likely to gauge its growth in the next 20 As in other nations , peace , proeparity and luxury will bring the population to a happy equilibrium. TEC3E1 Great German REMEDY FOR NEURALGIA , SCIATICA , LUMBAGO , BACKACHE , a OUT , SORENESS ornir msm CHEST , SORE THROAT , QUINSY , SWELLINGS ASO SPEAINS , FROSTED FEET EARS. SCALDS , GEHEBAL TOOTH , EAR HEADACHE , .ISO All oiler Fains 4XD i ACHES. Ko Preparation on earth equili Sr. Jjcoss OIL at a srr , scur , sutru : d cu" ' ExUrnal Kemedy. A tml ntaii tut the comraratiTely tnling ootUr of jO Cr.TTS.aad eierjone urT nngititli jin can hare neap aad poiitlre proof of Iti elolmJ. VIWXTIOX3 15 ZLEYES L15GC1GES. SOLO BT All D8DBG1STS ARD OEAIUS IN HUICISE. A. VOGELER & CO. Baltlmort , 3Id. , Geo. P. Bemis AL > ESTATE AGENCY. - 1 . , Omaha2fel > . Thli agency does STBieniT a broktiage tad noes. I > o < a notp ; nl te'and therefore my m galMOttitBbootaarelMuredtolU patron * , In stead of beln ? cobbled up by the. sjrent BOGC& & HILL. BJEAl/ ESTATE BROKERS * No 1&8 Farnham Strut OMAHA - NEBRASKA. Qgce Korla Eldo opp Grand Central Hotel. Nebraska Land Agoncy. 1C- DAVIS & SNYDER , 1005 Farnfam St. Omaha , Nebr. 400.000 ACRES carefully geUctedland In Eastern Nebraska tot sale. Great Bargains la Improved farms , andOmahi dty property. 0. P. DAVIS. WEBSTER SNTDKB , - LatoLandCom'rU.P. R.K. , ijfeb7U BTRO * RXIB. LITO RZZ9. Byron Reed 46 Co. , EEAL ESTATE AGENCY IN NEBRASKA. Keep a complete abstract of title to all Real Estate In Omaha and Douglas County. rnayltf GJA t < JOn 1 day at Homo , bamp s wo- U > 3 I VD/iU fraa. AddrMS Sllason * 0 I'qrtland. Mo D. T. i MOUNT , Manufacturer and'Dcaler In & SADDLES and - andHARNESS , i A Agents for JAMES R HILL ' J " ' & " CO. , Celebrated CONCORD HARNESS. Best In The WorldTEl 1412 Farnham St. , | Omaha , Neb. ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. EXTRAORDINARY DBAWINa , APEIL 12th. 15000 TICKETS ONLY , 7-2 PRIZES. SMALLEST PRIZE , $1.000. IPrizjSlOCO.'OJO lPri & * * 1 Irizo 2MOTO SPrzej.SlO.'OOeacli ' 80,000 " 1 Prlza , 100.000 SPriiea , 6,000 ea h iO.OOO 1rjza tO.OOO 722 Prizes am't'g to $2,250,000 Wholo'lickcts , $160 ; Halves. ? SO ; Quartera , $40 ; T < juths , $16 ; Twentieths ] $3 , Fortiolhs , $4. L'ttle 'Hamna is governed entlrtly iy the above drawlnr. 1 PriM , $6OOO 722 Prizes , $16,110. . Who'ei , S2. Halves , 81. | lv 4 - „ . „ ROMAH & CO. ' Successors' to TAYLOR & Co. , Kew York. Direct all ctarauni'attons 'and mcney to 'ROMAN & 1 < X > ; , i General Agents , [ 233 jcw Haven. , 'onn. . * m4llm . BUSINESS COLLEGE , ' " * t THE . GREAT WESTERN ,6eb.K. Bathbnn , Principal. Oreighton Block , - OMAHA { , ' * Bend fet 'Circular. ' 3F dor2 Works , J. Hammond , rrop. & Manager. Tha mort thorough appointed and complete Uachlno Shops and Fonndry In the state. Coatings ofcvcry'dcacriptlon rdinnfactod. Enclnw , Pumps and , cveiy class of machinery made to order. ' pedal attention given to 'Wen A.UK urn , Pnlloyc , HunHP.rS. Shaftinff.Bridgc IronsGecr Cutting , etc Flans tor new Uachlncry.Moachaclcal Draught ag , Models , etc. , neatly osoeuted. Sa'Harnev ' St. . Bat. 14th and ISth. SI * K dencral losarance REPR NTS : „ PHtESII A83Uhii .vi. . . .4 ton- doa , Cash Assets $5,107ltl WEaiCIie3TKlt.N.iY. , Capital 1,000,0 ; J THE MEHCHANIS , of Newark , N. i. , J.OCC.OO Q1RARU FIUEPhlladelphlaCaplt l. . 1,0 , COC SORTHV/KSTliaK NATJOKAL.Cap- Ital . . ' . . . . . . i. . i6W , > FIREMHK'3 FOND , Calllornla 800 u& BHIT1SH AMERICA ASSDRAHOECo l.SOO.OCO NEW A tK FIRE HIS. CO , Assets . SflO.OCO AJIKUICAF CENTRAL , Aaots SCO fcCO ? ' ut Cor. of Flltconth & DocilUs St. . PASSENGER'ACCOMHODAriGN LIKE RKTWKKN OMAHAAND FORTOMAHA Connects With Street Cars Corner of SAUNDESS and HAMILTON STREETS. ( End of Red Line aa fallows : LEAVE OMAHA : B 0 , * 8a7andll:19a m ,3:03,6:37 : nd7.-29p.m. LEAVE FOUT OMAHA : 7:15 : a.-m. . 9J5 a. m. , and 12:15 p. m. 1:00,6:15 : : and 8:15 p. m. The 8:17 : a. m run , leavlni om&na < :00 p. m. run , tearing Fort Omaha , are usually loaded to full capacity with resrular passengers. The 6:17 a , m , run Trill be made from tha poet- office , corner of-DodRB and 3 5th snnhta. Tickets can bo procured from street cardrlr ore , or from drlrers of hacks. FAKE.25CKNTS. 1NOLUD1SO 8TRE OAR AGENTS WANTED FOB CREATIVE SCIENCE and Sexual Philosophy. Profusely illustrated. Thamoit Important vi beat book published. Erery family anta Extraordinary Inducements offered Agent' . Address Aonsrg'Pusuanisa Co. St. Louts , Mo. a w t tn your own town , lerros and outfit frea. Address Q. Hallett A Co. Fonla Me. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUP PLIES AND TRANSPORT ATION. TvEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR , Office \J of Indian Affairs , Washington , Marc'i 2 ? , 1SS1. EcalidproposaU , Indorsed Pronojas for Beef , Btcon , Hour , Wet ilnjf orTransportitlon , &c. , ( aiHewteratybe , ) and directed ta the Commissioner of Indian Affiirf , tio65 and C7 Wooster StreetN iw Voik , will bo rcceUcd un til 11 a.m. otltonday. lliy 2,13-1. for furnUh- in ? for 'ho Indiin serrire about 800,000 pounds Bacon , 40OCOt03 pourdi Bee * on the hoof , 12S- 000 pounds Beanr , 70.000 pound 4 taklnc Po/rdcr , 2.3CO.OOO pounds Corn,7SO.OOO pounds Coffee , 8- lOO.CCOpoundsnonr.SlJ.COOpouiidgKecd.SOO.OOO yoncdJ Hard Bread , 76 003 pounds Hom'ny , 9.- 000 pounds Lard , 1,650 br.rreli ic3l Pork , 233- f'.O pounds Rice , 11,100 pounds Tea , 72,000 j uunda Tobacco , 210,000 pounds Salt , 200,000 pounds Snap , 0,003 toundi Scdi , 1,250COO pounds Sngar , ar.d 839,000pocns Whca' . Also. Blankets. Woolen ant Cotton goods , 'c nsistnIn r r' r' lOIng , SOOCOyardf ; Stan 'ard CMico , 300,000 y r * ; DiiUlnz , 25.00U yards ; Duck , fre- < from all sizing , 175,0 0 yaids ; Oenlmj , 1T.OOO yard < ; Olnghim , 50.COO y r s ; Kentucky Jeans , 20tOO y rd , ; S tlnet , 4 500 yards ; Brown hbeetkg. 2IZ.OO ) jardj ; Blrached Shcetlnir , 0,000 yards ; HI kory Sblrtlr , 12,000 yaids ; Calico Milrtinfr , 6,000 yards ; Wtneey , Z- KK ) yard * : ) Clothln ? , Groceries , Jvotions , Ilarl- ware , Medical Suppllciand ; along list ot ms- cellancocs articles , such M Harneca , Plowj , lakes , Fcrks & < ? . , and frr 475 Wa.ons required or tbo service in Ariuni , Colorado , Dakota , 'daho ' , Indl n Tcr , Micne-ota , ifonUna , Kc * lira-k > , > erada ard Wiscontin , to be delivered at Chicigo , Eania < City and Sioux Cl y. A EO , Trai snortation fr euchcf the Supplies. Soocs > nd articles that mar not t contracted or t > be delivered at the Agencies. Bids muit be mido out on Qovernmen' tlaLks Scbe-lu ej showing the kinds and qoantitlei f tnbfijtcDce supplies icqnln d fjr each Agen cy , ani the kind ! and qnintltles , in proas , of 11 other 1,0 da and articles , toicthcrwifi bltnk props > ls and fc rmi for contract and bond , con- Itiona to bit obsencd by bdJers : , t.'ms and > 'acacf del'V ry , termi if contra-t and pay. nent , truisportatlnu roit < s.andolhrnece3auT nstiuctlons wl 1 ba furnished np > n application to the lndltn Office in Washington , or Nov. 63 ndt7Wor ter Street , New York , Wm. H. , yon , No. < 83 nroaflway , Ne YorV ; and to ti-e Commbsulei of EubtUtecte , U. S. A , at Chi- igo , Saint Louis , 5ant I-aul , Leave worth , in FraneiKo. O n h , Chfjennf , and Yinkton , nd tha Postmaster at Sioux City. Biis Kill biopenel at thohour.andday above atcd , fnd bidders areinr.Udto be pr.sentat he opening. CEBimro cniras. AH tl's most be compauied by certified chec > ( upoisom9 United Ettte Depository or ialsUnt Troiturcr. for at leatt fire per cent , ol the amount of tha propnoall THOMAS JT. nartS-lia OAHKIHG HOUSES. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED. IN' ' NEBRASKA. -i GALDWELLjHAMILTONfnr In Currency 01 Bold subject to certificates of deposit Issued payable In thisa. six and twelve months , bearing Interest , or o.n demand without Interest. Advances made to customs re on spproTed se- coritlM at market ratea of Istetest Bny and sell cold , tills of eichanjo Govern- oent , State , County and City Bonds. Draw Sight Dratta on Enslacd. IrcUn land , and all parts of Europe. Soil European Paaaje Tickets COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE antWt ' TJ. S. DEPOSTTOEY. FIRST KATIOHAL BAMK ' OF OMAHA * Cor. IStb ana Famhnm Streets , OLDEST BANKING ESTABLISHMENT IHOUAHA. , (80CCE3SORSTTO ( SOUHTZE BROS. , ) MTisiisnsp ra 185 S , Organized S3 aJ2TatDS l Bsni " August S3,1E63. Oapifal'andEroflts 07er$30D,000 , Specially wthorlzad by lae Bccretwy or Treasury to Mcelre Subscription to the U.S.4 PER CEriT. FUHDEO LOAN. OJFICHR3. AND BIEBOTOBS HBU UI Kcunza , PrfsWcnt. AUOCSTBS Kovaraa , Ylco Pieaideai. H. W. Tina. Osabler. A. J. PoMJt03 , Attorney. Jens A. Cn'iosToa. F. H. DiVO , Aaa't CuhlM. yf receives deposit without regtrd to amounts. tonea tlms cCTilnoitssbovIng Interest. Draws drsfta en Ban Jrandaeo sad principal dtles of ths United States. rJsj London. Dublin Edinburgh and the principal dttw of tha 'oontl n nt of Enropo. Bella paasace tickets for Emigrants In the In man no. ntjrldtf HOTELS THE JBIQINAL. Cor. Bandolph St. & 5th Avo. , CHICAGO Itli. ' PRICES REDUCED SO S2.09 AND S2.5QfE.pAY ' Located In the Ibnslncas.centre , eo'nTenlcn to place * of ( amuseneat. ) Elegantly furniabed containing alt modern Improvements , passenger elector , &c. 3. H. CDM1IINOS , Proprietor , ocietf , Cor , 'MARKETST. & BROADWAY Council Bluffs , lowat On line o Street Railway , Omnibus to Mid from all trains. RATES Parlor floor C3.00 per tl y second floor , 82.60 per day { third Boor , $ -2.00 The bestfdrnbhcd sn3 most commodlona honso In the city : - GEO. T. THELPS Prop. FRONTIER Laramie , "Wyoming. Tba miner's resort , good accommodations , area sample room , charges rusonablo. Special attention given to traveling mon. n-U H. O HILLUKD Pmprletrr. INTER-OCEAN HOTEL , Oheyenne , Wyoming. FlrEt-cliSJ. Fine arge Sampls Rooms , one block from depot. Trilru atop from 20 rolnntea to 2 hears for dinner. Free Bq3 to and from Depot. Katca 130 , ? i50 and $3.00 , according to room ; s'nfle meal 75 cents. A. 1) . BALCOM , Proprietor. W EORDKK , Cnlcf Clerk. mlO-t AQENT3 WA TED FOR OUR NEW BOOK , ' 'Bible for the Young , " Eeirn ; the sloiy of the Scriptures by Rcr Oeo. Alexander Crook , DO , , In ilmp'e and attrac tive ltninue for o'd and youngr. I'roliisely illcetratod. ti nkinj a mo.t late.-eatinpr and im- p'eslve youth's Instmetor. Every parent will sccura tnis work. Pieac'jcrg , jou should cir- ultlei' . Pdco$300. Ssnf for circulars with extr cnns. J. If. CI1AS1BEBS & CP.,8 St. Lcut , ITo 0 STILL THE LSON Sat % JF U BBaCM 1 SCfa bBWll Continues to Eoar for Moores ( ) HARNESS & SADDLERY , 4 jflfe I i m Al i7 - . i > Avt > * . I F * _ V F - I have adopted the Lion as a Trade Mark , and all my Goods will be stamp ed with the Lion nnd my Name on the same. No Goods are genuine without the above stamps. The best material is mod and the moat skilled workmen are employed , and at the 'oweat cash price. Anyone wishing a price Hat ot goods wiil confer a favor by sending for one. DAVID SMITH MOORE. : . Vis CAMP , ir. i > . K L. Siaat.fs , M. D. NEBRASKA MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE , PEIVATE HOSPITAL. Now oren for the reception of pa ients for tha TREATMENT OF ALL CHRONIC AND SUKOI CAL DISEASES. DBS. VAN CAMP & SIGGIXS , Physicians & Surgeons , Proprietors. ODD El LOWS BLOCK CORNER I4TH DODGE &TS- . OMAHA , HEB- A. W. NASOtf. 3D E UST 07 I S O ? , : Jacob's B ck , corwrCiplto eVr * . ted Wli Street , ( teat * : ei ZRIEa ! O V TP MWtORK CLOTHING HOU ! t * \ fc * " " ir irHaslEemoved to 130.9 .FJRtiHAM STREET , ( N'axJVIeyer's Old Stand. ) Where They Shall Kesp Constantly on Hand an Immense / ' - ' Stock of SIEi\'S , BOYS'AXD CHILDREN'S CLOTftL\TGis T1 HATS , CAPS AND GENT'S FiJRNISHlNC.QppJg ' . . . PRICES "ALWMS" THE"6TCEST. . * * 'Jtf j * tfa.- : < . ' ? jzsCall and Examine Goods and -Prices " ' ' 1309 Farnham Street , Omalia.i\cb ; M'ORE ' POPULAR THAN EVER/ / The-Genuine SIHGER NEW FAMILY S0PQ. MACHINED the public. In 187& we sold 356,422 Machines. In 1879 * wo sold 431 167 Machines. Excess over any previous Onr sales last year , ; were at the rate of over 1400 Sewing . _ Machines. _ , , aDay ! ; ; „ For orery b njlnesa day la the year. That Every .T Singer fs the "Strongest. Singer Seising Ma chine , has. this Trade / ' Mark cast into the Durable-'Sewing ? r Iron Stand and embedded - fcG < 3difn8 ever yefr bedded in the Arm of structed. the Machine. THE SINGER MANUFt Principal Office : fc 4 "Onion Square , New York. . t. t.t 1,500 Subordinate Offices , in the "United States and Canada , and 3,000 Offices in tha Old . World and South AmarrcaO f * < eplMAwtf ( n O" . S. ACEHT" , FOR And Sole Agent Tor Hallet Davis < Sr Go , , James & Holmstrom , and'J. & 0- Rscfiefs Pianos , also Sole Agent for the Estey , A . , w Burdett , and the Fort Wayne Organ , Go's. Organs , I | deal in Pianoa and Organs exclnsively. Have1 had years experience in the Business , and handle only the Best , * . . . . * w „ / - ? I isrni 81816th Street , City Hall Building Omaha. Neb. HALSET T. FIT'OH. Tuner. DOUBLE AITO SIN'GIiE AClIKO \ Steam Pumps , Engine TrimmingSr Twining MacMcary , DELTIHG HOSE , BRASS AMD 1ROH FIHIHCS , F2FE , ST Prl PACKING AT VraOLESAIiE AND RETAIL. SiALLAOAY W.HB-tVlILLS , CHUHSH AHO SCHOOL BELLS A. L. 8TSANG , 205 Farhham Sirsat Omaha , NeS DECORATIVE IPAINT.ER" Best Designfl , I at eat Styles and Artistic Wo k. Prices and Specffications foinithed- Get mjj'iatires befoi'f Ordering - dering Work Elsawher ? . SIGNS , Paper Hanging. Plain Painting of all Kinds. 3aTE3 CsoTcr a.sXi23Zia.iass. : . , 1318 H.irncy Street , * . . . i - "O3U1U , NC EAST INDIA z o r- > J FA GO. . , BOLE MANUFACTURERS. OMAHA. Neb. CHARLES RIEWE , UNDERTAKER ! Uetalle Cases , Coffins , Caskets , Stirouds , etc. Farn m Strca . Oth and 11h ! , Omaha , N b Tdl riohl'onlr nrimn'lir mttflT lad to. TUB HKJtCilANT TAILOR. Has J-ai received his SprlDir StocV , an'l h 250 pit'cr s to wlect from. Call early and ? rtjonr holcc. Citanin ? and repairing of ahklu/n. One Door West of Ornlctabanli's. NEW HARNESS SHOP. Theun-'er lined h-vinj bad nli.e yian ex- pcr.ence wltb O. I/ . & J. 3. Col"n , and twtnty- ourj ears of practical lames * m.'lrglas now I commen cd business for hims If in tha large ne- shop I door sonlh cf th ) sou lie it t co-n ref of llth acd Hmrnej btr. lie jrrll employ a lance orco of > killd workmen ard will til ail orders in his pllne prcmp'.ly and che-rly. * . K. d.NO. G. UACOBS , ( Fouierly ot Glib & Jacobs ) No. 1117 Parcham St. . Old ttnd ot Jacob GU ORDXR.1 nr TKLKKPArr IHLld" } ? B. G. STEVENSON & CO. Carpenters and Bnilden , have removal to No. 1308 Dodge Street , where they a e prepared to do all kinds of work in their line on short notice tt reagomble rates. AdEVIS WAKTKD BOB lha Fastest Fei ing Boole of tin Age ! Foimdutions of Success. BUSINESS AND SOCIAL FORMS. The laws of trade , e il forms , heir to ran - act Da Iness. valuable table * , social ctlqnettc. oarllameHtarr csaje , how to conduct j.inllc butlnets ; Inf etltfcacomrletaOads to Sic- cess for all classes A family neeeJ f. .Addreis for drcnlars acd Jpaclal terms. IMCIIO * WROUGHT bROH ! FENCES. Their Beantr , pcnnannnc * . nd economy dally working the extinction ot all fencing cheap material. Eltirant In derizn. Indestructible * Fences Cor Lawnj , Public GroduU and Ceme tery PUts. Iron Vases , Lairo3ett ej , emnr-lsd nd-o ( ' rustic patterns ; Chairs and every description of Iron mil Wire ornamental work deaiyaed anil manufactured by E. T * BARNUJI'- * Wire and Iron Work , 57,29 and 31 Woodward AT < > , Tlef troltMIch.JL8en' i ii'Cj ' iviaUojne anil rlea Hat. ,0p2i SPEIAL MASTER coirsnssioN. ER'S SALE. By Tlrtnscf sn order of fale I ruoO onl.of . o DUtrict Court.In mt f ir Dcnir ai Counte - bragka. > n > l touedlr cted , I will , on iho Sth ( Jay of April. A. D. 1881 , 6 10 o'cloct a. m. of r aid d y , at the aouth door of tha Com I Hou-e in the otr of Orrahj , Doujl a C nutJf . brrs < a , ie'I ' at puMie m tion the rrop ity oe- ierlb d In aH ordeto w t : Lot Ix ( C ) In block onuhondred an itv * . tjne (171)In ( thelU of Om ha. Doughs Neb - - - - .rf County , Alcu MIA4. b7 CIIKr with ll the appur'o aicnth > canto Icloniln , ' , tos ti fys jadxm'ictottaldtonttraoiTnred by Ferdinand Jitnitx. p alutiff , and sgalmt An Ire V s. H. Orchard , et.aU defendant * ' t"l Vf. SIMEltAt , m I-t 5peeJl Mut.r Coam'ssuncr. ft I" * week J12i day at borne euilj rci < ) ; escb tO < 'oat9t fr HHr M Tmo A Co Prrtlnl V - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i To JNervons § nf erers The Great" European emedy-Dr. J. , ' ' * 1 tf B. . Simpson's Specific Medicine. It Is s posltiTB euro f or 8 jwnmtorrbea , Scoilnal Weaknuas , Impeteney. and ail diseases resnltlnsr from Self-AInae , as MenUI Anxiety lw ot P 'n ' In tba Back or Side , and diseases BZJCU. thmt ] ( 4 to Consomptlon Insahlty ami S anearlygra' a The Sfwdtc Medldno l belnjr n o wonder * Pampblru t no * w au. Vtrita for them and get full particulars. Price , Specific , II.(0 per package , or six p ck- uesIoriUC. Ailduss all orders to .B SIil ! SOU MEDICINE CO. , Son. ' M and 1UT Main St. . Boffalo , ti. 1. Sold lo oaba bt C. 7. Goodman , J. V. Bell I. K. Ijn ted all diOf glatt orerywaera.