Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1881, Image 1

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    _ MAHl > v.
VOL. XT " ' ; ' OMAHA. NEBE4SKA , FRIDAY APRIL 1 , 1881.
Established 1871. MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents
l -'i
* ! , * "
* -V- ' ' > ' " * *
: .w Cf ; , ' > ' } ' .
, TEC * . h
15th and.Douglas . > Sts ,
i H
-V * < 1 '
7ReaVdenco Lots ,
J * ' ' $100 to $2500.oacb.
O HSlJtc
. - , . . , Pn"la' , ' > 0 B'
* S C3y ! W : r
yj tp § 18 > 000 oaob ;
t v > -
TFarms. .
90:000 " * ' * : - . .
' Acres in Douglas Co ,
in Sarpy Co.
Large Amount of Suburban
Property in I , 10 , 20 or
Acre Lots Within
1 tppflifeWromO . , . _ _
Post Office.
$250,000 TO LOAN ,
At 8 jer Cent.
Published by this Agencji
25 cents Each , Mounted SI.OC
is * * ii H w ' - * "
HousW , Stor&BHotels , Parms
SlSffi LsSdS Offic Booms ;
iJHgl0finor | *
Lease ,
Taxes paid , rents collected
. MS. * " . * * * * ' : ' " Jii1" "
deeds , mor.tgages , andjall
mast t& + TV - ' fc '
| cmdsf * real 'estate * t
doouments made
out at short
This agency doaa strictly
brokera d-businesa. ; Ppes
BpeculSte , anS "th fefdro
bargains on its TJOOIES are in
sured toils patrons , instead o
being gobbled up by the ' agent "
4 *
* Notary Public Always ir
Gill and get Circulars and fill
15h : and Douglas Sts. ,
Lord Beaconfifie'd ' Improving
Eussia Making-it Hot ' .
for the NihilUts.- - ,
Greece Not Disposed to Agree
to Turkey's Proposition.
. t i
Withdraws from
, Parliament , and Will Stand
y t\ " for Be election.- ' , "
t/ i It-- _ , . .01 : -
Special Dispatch to tbe tin. ' *
.LONDON , M rch iSlr-10 p. .m -
A dispatch from Athens.adys the potto's
offer is regarded as mere ju , gleryJand
accordingly bi\Ulioha ia every part cf
the kingdom Have been""ordered to
prepare to march'to the frontier.
LONDON , April 1 1 n. m. ; The
Pall Mall G-izattasaya the jjaneral assumption -
sumption : that the Greek-question will
not load to war ia pr'omature , and the
eiuliaticn'at tho-present tim > is unr
founded. The St. James GazottVe
Berlin correspondent says the powers
jointly agree to dtciaro to , the , Greek
'ministry their firm resolution not to
Interfere if the compromise is rejected.
pbd JDisp tcb'to Ibo Bee. ,
PABIS , April 1 1 a. m. The
Lanterne publishes a telegram from
St. Petersburg ttaltcg 'that \violcut
quarrel lus broken.out ia the imperial
family'in consequence of"which , the
Grand. DaVe Constantine , who is
strongly suspected of .nihilism , " is
about to resign the high post of
grand"admi'ral and miniater""of 'ma
rine. '
; „ >
. „
* * 4 !
4 -a ' yt
LONDON April 1 1 la.-'m , The
Stan&Fd'sP > , torJ&btii g cJrrespbnd-
8ayBJThGjaffdD : ab a Cons' ) an-
tine will rsBtgn in" favor of"Altxie ,
and when dmtanlice , who is ! the
iero'of thordlimond 'stealing story ,
pplied fujr pirusiEsioa fojlay hU re
spects to the remains of thu deid mon
arch , the czir seat him , In reply
an open telegram , with-tha roy
il'signaturc , addressed * ' * T-vrMm who
.s'un worthy't'ne nHrT/pT grand duke , "
jrandiog him as a disgrace to his jfam
I/ and Russia , aad abruptly refusing
ntnipermisston to visit iho capital.
EoccUl xllfpstlh tolbe f e. - , ' -
- - - . . .j * * * * .
LONDON/April 1 la.rtn. . . . . .
ion Hsrcburt , ' honitvaocKtary , etatei
n the houfo of Ocommom la-it night ,
in'reply'Ion'question , that the p"rojEy
jution ef Herr Mast , editor of iFrei'
icit , hadnotbicnundcrtsken at thein-
gilidn ( f.uuy.fur iga etatpj Ibiit it
- . . of-
-was.carrying jut.jtha.-.intention -
khe governmeut to rid * Eagland tf , p
most'daDgerous elomtnt. i . .
JL dispatcafrom S Petersburg ea/s
the imperial nkate has been promulgated -
> gated wulch points in the direction" 6f
refarm. , , . , Jtorderajthatt with j\ viewer
[ or thpjregtyatioruof. gprtntyjfp .ttiaa
Sipllali'infelocKd counc : ! shall be
constituted to assist the town cam-
maudant in the administration of his
afTiirs. Erery landlord and lindepcnd-
ent citizan in tha" city is Eligible for
election to this cocucil. The ukase is
ssid to bo received with great favor.
Bpil J dijj > ltch to Tlie Bed.
LONDON , dnril 1 1 a. m At a
stockholders' meeting , of the Canada
Pacific llailrpad compjihy yesterday ,
all.-.BeQessar7 financiaarr { _ ! Dg3montB
for the vigorous prosecution tf the
work wcro completed , and the con-
sttuction of the mainline ii tobe ,
pushed on both eastern nnd western
sections ai rapidly asjosaiblo. ' Three
tiundre'd and fifty milei of Trailroad
srest of expected to 'bo. ' IE
operation by tno'closp-qfr he preschl
year. The 'caapany also r1jsolved tc
build a branch Hue fronv a point no a :
its eastern terminus-to SalL'Stt Slary
and another branch from Iha weslen
trunk line beyond..Had river , in c
Bouthoisterly direction to the cda'
fields ot Sowrls valley , nnd interns
Uonal boundary. A provisiona
agreement for tbe acquisition of th (
Canada Central railroad by the com
pacy was alee concludeg. , . , , . ' 6 '
tha Clarkj ra. Bradlauglj caso. " it
which Clark , an olScial of a Londo :
religious society , " prosecuted Br"ad
laugh fur vutirg in the liousu of com
mons without h\vlng taken the oath
the court of appeal * to day decide )
against Bradlaugh on all the points
-Bradlsugh will res'ijn at once , am
stand fcr the ncxi election , add i
cnccassful , take tha oa'h. Tne penal
ty for ill ) off nie , as made in an 'oil
elatute , supposed to be obsolete , unt !
Clark revived it , impcf es i ponal'y o
5,000 for every vote cast by the per
son who hts not bzen qualified b ;
taklug the cmtonnrj oalb. Brad
Itugh cast puoujzh votes to ciusei :
penalty cf 50,000 Bradhuah ha
taken . - an appeal > - . "to 'ho hoiTeo > of - * " , lords
S KUl OlarV.d o V ) Tbe Itoc.
LONDON , March 31 10 p. m. Tfi
latcat report from Baaconafifll's sick
room states that he appeared decidfdl.
better this afternoon. Ho broke ou
Into a copioiii natural pjrsr.ira'ion
tjud his phy/iria'ns entertain jnijcl
istrenger hopes'lForlliis rccovirr. J
LONDON , April 1 1 a. m. Lin
Bcaconcfitld got a very rcfroshin ;
sleep during the night- , and his oondi
tlon is much improved.
SpecUl Dte tdi to Tha1JB. > p
' "LONDON , larch 31 10 p. m. Jt 1
hoped that the Greek questljn willb
totllid .without an appaal to arms
4ad th"atthQrGfdek mlnistcra will de
"for to the voice of Europe. .
Eped J Dispatch to The Bee. - .
LONDOJT , April 1 1 m. LM
nieht.fin the houxo of pornBi.on ! , Mr
_ _ _ . _
Vi mA
r-r i T * . t 1 , i-irtf1 * tt
laugh's fellow member for the borong' '
of Northamptonmovedfortheisjt s c
a speaker's writ for a new electiotft' '
fill the vacancy caused oy Mr. Brad
Inujh's oxpusion. ! The writ will pro
ably be issued immediately , and th
.ejection will t'akp place in ton diya
Brailaugfc-VlU-ba a candidate for re
election , and L\boa hero will canvaii
the borough and epzak IB Jjis favor
It ic the intention of the c < ncrvq
lives to contest Bradhu h's okc-io :
to the utmost of their power , aud th
contest will be a sha p one. Shouli
Bradlaugb be returned , ho wlU prt
he refused to do , but his right to dose
so will be challenged on the ground
that his conviction in the case j'lst de
cided his disfranchised him and made
htm ineligible forever after to sit aa a
member of parliament.
SpecUl Dlipatch to The Bee.
.Ex. PETEESBDEO , April 1 1 a m.
Trnrn6diately after the departure of
the' foreign princes from St. Peters
burg , measuress of extreme severity
are to ba taken against the nihilists.
Spedsl Dispatches to Tin BIX
One hundred and twonty-fivo thou
sand dollars in gold wai taken from
the German market yesterday for New
A Berlin dispitch fays Bismarck's
intimacy with the ultramontane in
A dispatch from Copenhagen an
nounces the daith'of ths hereditary
Princess Caroline , of Denmark.
Successful experiments with the
Bush electric light wore made at
Blackfriar'a Bridge ; Lsadon , yeater- *
Belgium has recognized the king
dom of Roumania.
A dispatch" from Dublin announces
that the land league are trying to' or
ganize local branches in Dublin , in
order to faring pressure upon traders
who have kept aloof from the league.
There wore sixty-one vlctima of the
opera houee disaster at Nice. They
consist of thirty-six Trenchmon ,
twenty Calians , three English'one '
Glerman aud one whoee nationality is
unknown. '
The Moscow exhibition , has been
poitponod until 1882.- > ' . . ' . ; . .
Special DlspitchM to The Be .
The Indianapolis & Vincannea rail-
"way has tskcn the contract for deliv
ering the GOOO carhnds of ttone for ;
the etato house atlodianipolio , which
nill ba token out of the quarries at
Bedford , led ,
Mrs. Albright , living near Youngo-
town , O. , a widow for four yl'ara ,
hung herself last evening with n
clothesline. Grief at the loss of her ,
husband was the cause. She was rich
and pretty. I
John Schlagenshewlgh , a .cigar
maker , of Cincinnati , committed-
c'de at his residence in that city' yes
The twelfth body cremated in1 the
La Moyne furnace , 'at Washington ,
Pa , a3'that of Col.J. : . N.-B/-s , ; * , of
Holme. * , " Mass' , "which "was" 'nirne.d |
; yeiterday.
' .J ittsburg dotoctivts have a clue to
the E tit Brady robbers , who stplo a
large , amount of railroad. bonds' last
we.kJ . . ' ' \ . ' "
' "RiUier " at
a light snow"slorm began
Chiwg. . ) at 1:30 : p. , m. yesterday.
March is hardly going out like a lamb ,
as'Vennor said it would. |
Ex-Alderman John MoNatlj. ol
Chicago , died yesterday of pneumonia.
Michael Kennedy was yesterday
ontiary by Judge Druinmond , in the
Jhicago criminal court , for an outrage
md assault upon MM. Graca Wells.
The snow storm etill prevailed at
Pittsburg last ninhtand is pronounced
> y the signal officer there Iho most
Eovere of the ceason Trains ; aro. all
aid up. "
Charles Hancr , a middle aged 'man ' ,
was found on Bardolph street , Pitta-
jurg , Pa. , last night , with his throal
cut from ear to ear.-
Tha cteam whaler "Mary , aad
Helen'1 novr lying at San Fronpisco ,
purchased by the government , fcr , th (
' "JeannDtto" expedition , is raid to be
entirely unfit for Iho paVjjpJoVilhou !
an. outlay of SJo.OOO.1 -
The'Stockholders of the Cincinnati
Southern railroad have called a meet
ing for the purpose iucre8ging.ih !
stock of their road from four to ily <
million dollars.
JTho jury in the .Apgar blgsmy 'cSsaj
-which has attfaatodTso jnuch'attehliJi :
in1 Cincinnati lately-returned4 a vor
d-ct of guilty yesterday.
Michael Tracy , aNew-Orleans poli
tlclar , 'was ahotJdead yesterday morn
Ing , iu a in that city. , by j
deputy clerk df the civil district'court
beciuao ho refused to account 'for i
her o and buggy which ho had' bor
Twenty Swiss families tvill locate i ;
Lowell county , Ky. , thia spring 'The ' ;
cirno from -the canton of ; .Berne
' 'Henry Temple , a compositor on fh
Lonisvillo Commercial , was foun
dead - on the Louisville & Naihvill
railroad , eight miles from this ; citj
yesterday. . ' -
Gobbling a Railroad
- ROCKFOBD , III. , March 31 10 j
m. . A.spook of war occurred hero la ;
night , between the employes qf th
Chicago , SJilwTiukea & St. Paul' ' rail
vay , and thcj o ! the i Qaizago il
JawaToad o'var a short line txtendin ;
twenty miles , to Roshello. The Mil
itvaukee company oliim to own thread
road by reason of Jiaving purchased
.majority of. i.a stqck aad jreaterjdi
'undbrtoo'k ' tpjafc'a .pogejs Ioi } , , Whei
they rau'au en ° ina to the dapor ,
dozen burly fellows got'cfFand eutcrc
tha depot , and ejected the employe
fotfndthcfo without ceremony. _ S'upt
Atkiny , of the Milwaukee : company
.tpgfc possession of the | -depbt. War
rants .were , U ' g4 for thei ? arresu
and the sher'if/bickpi ' by 300 ' em
ployei of the Jowa road , and'citivOne
arrested them and took them to court
whera they gave § 300 bond aach t
appear Fdday. X T. Mona , of th
Io7 * road , then held the depot , bu
trouble continued at points along th
line al ] night. Several parties wer
injured in hand to } ) and fights , whlcl
alniott amounted to riots. " It 13 sal
the Northwestern road will'also' taji
a hand in the Ggh t for possession c
the ilnrt line , which U an importac
t connecting link.
Dangerous Plaything : .
Speclil dUpitch to Th Bee.
PrrraBUEa , March 31 10 p. m.-
Mamje Croft , a little girl aged foui
teen "andJier pjiynjate , found a rail
road torpedo which the/trusk wit
a stouo 'and exploded. It mutilate
Mamie's face , put out an eye , and ser
tmsly hnrfher otherwise. Her plaj
mate was also injured.
, .St ixmla Live Stock Market
Vi kjJi. ' St. LOTJK , March 31.
Hops Active-and higher ; Yorke ]
and Biltimores , § 5 50(35 ( C5 ; choic
SS.GOjMight butchers , 55 70@58i
i tmiied pjcking-5 20.reccipts , 4,0M (
No Tidings Tet Eeoeivei of trie
Missing Pacific Steamship.
Suicide of a New York Eemale
Stock , Operator.
Deaperate.Fight of Two Rival
Railroad Companies for
a Stub Line.
A Burning Creek.
SpecUl Dtepitth to Tun BEX.
CINCINNATI" March SI10x p. , m.
A Bradford , ' PJUU " special 'say's for
several days past the surface of Funa
creek has been covered -with oil , of.
which several thousand barrels leaked
out of a 30,000 barrel tank , belonging'
to the Unitsd Pipelines. About 2:30 :
this mornirg an"'engine Ym'ilie Erie
railroad ect fire to the floating ell ;
which blazjd up instantly. In a lew
miuutea the fiamoj enveloped the Erie
railroad bridge , and J. Nichols" wheel
factory near by. Both were consumed.
Nicbels' lojs is-$50,000 , nnd the rail
road's § 4000. Fear3 , wbro entertained
that the Cr.a would spread by the burn
ing .oil , but dami vrcreyconstructed
across the creek , which kept tho' oil-
back !
A Woman's Vengeance. 1
SpMit Dispatch to TiO lioo. i , r .
JVnirP.nALL ; ' Midli. , March 31 10
p. m.- Yesterday afternoon the wife
of Captain A. Flagstaff , who lives near
.Montague , droye into "Wh'teliall , .and
go in 2 to the. Cosmopolitan hplel , call-
bd Miss Emma' employ
ed there , and throw savcu ouncdo of
vitriol into "tKo girl's , face , disfiguring
er in a bid manner. Mies Drake was
ormerly a domestic in the' captain's
arnlly , aad Mrs Flaga.taff aas ,
'Epidemic in the" Iiargo.'OifieS ;
. ,
Ni March 31 10 p. m. -
DuriryJ , thwoqk ending March' ' 26 ,
ecordlng..lo , , .tie national board p.f
eal b'ihero , wpro eleven casas'of
mallpbx'iu Brooklyn , and .one death ;
aventcen dcalha from diphtheria aud
md Eovonly-ono" . .from"scarlet fever. ,
n Newark , one death from ernallpox ,
! our from cniup and ono from seirlet
r iYor.T"Ih { Chicjgq f fiurtoijrt Meg and-
'our dsafba from snidlporriiVrodatbs ! |
roni diphtherin , uino from croup and
rourifrdw.scarlal fover. . .r . '
Smallpox ranlc. i
itlphpitchtpTho Bee. . . . j at . '
" , In'd. , March 131 10 p. m.-
This town ia panic stricken ovoV
smallpox : epl3eraic.-.A woman named
Clem relumedfronx .tlie. hoapit&l too
oon' and Juoculatodtabout forty | rje'r
.who down , *
ODS , are now r t
: -1 4 , , ? * " / - i - ' " * > ' ' " -
Mo News from f ho'MlBsingStoamship '
cl4 dispatch to Till B < 1 . J *
ISlvN TRANC cb , April' l L a. iitjl
TEobriganjiac.IWLJL / JDUcnd Ar
rived from Honolulu ) afier a passs'ge
of 1 teen' days , and coprorU Jh 'o tnon-
arrival cf
> n the -5ay .thV b'riginlina left. , Itc ia
believed'tho'atcamor haa broken her
ihaft bebween Auckland arid Hono-
alu. - < '
Bad Woman.'ror'aMother-in-Ijaw. .
Special ilUpatcb to The l5e < v . J
LouisviHiEj'Ky.Apiil'l 1 a. m.
Mru. ' Allen OahDeld attempted to
kill DJII Spauldiug , at the . latter'a
placo-of ; buaiheai ; at-11 o'clbbk yester
day morning. Spaulding is to marry
Mra. . CanS'eld'a' daughter next Wod-
neday .nigh't , if the' old lady docs tot
kill him in the meantime ; She is
said to bo insalio. She fired one 'thot ,
and pulled the trigger for another ,
but the cap only snapped , and ha , escaped -
caped , without injury. ,
. . Tha Drowsy : pru'si > I '
Special Dispatch to The Boo. |
NEW ZoRJv , March 31 10 p. in.
An nutopay. wag made 'to diyicdtho
bo y Tf a. wnmsn found j3ead4 in a
room of tho1 rameaihotoTyoster- -
day" , Bupposc'dfto .fao Mrs.8 0 , M.
Johnson , but it 5s ascertained 'that
her real name , was Miaa Kite Mohd.-
helm , .rgJd 20 , of San Franciecoi
wh6rOhor | father lives. . A- statement
of'stock transactions with Eugene A.
jyewoy.of'SpS ' Pina 'street , San Fran-
ci co , and , 'also a letter from her far
thcr , dated February 27j were found
in hcr paporo. She has been inthn ,
city over two monthsdealing' ill
Blocks. " 'She ' made 'a previous "attempt
at suiqide by Jef.tJnfKas ; into her room
wnjlQ .EtorjphfR at 'artuptown Kotal.
Ap3p2r > was..fouid&nbwang ) tha1 ! aho
had an ucquiiutanceain JEoboken , N.
J.j'wuTbtij it ia 'Jjofiaveil , ' wilt give
s.pmo li ht 3 to { ho fSUo'qf jier bul-
cido. The autopsy showed lha deiih
was caused by 'morphine , five bottles
and a box of rtrhtch were found in her
trunk. '
- .ilurderennna. HighVayrnanl
Sp'ccUI Dispatch to Tu UKH. : * ' . ' '
' CiiATTANoodA , Tehh.j March 31
10 p. rn 3IJbrKing , the engineer
.in charge oT'tUo Muacle Skoals canal ,
'reciiye'd a teUgtam "toddy fifoinjPay-
master Smith' , ' who' was roh'bad o
S5200 ; , notifying him that ho identifi'
ed a prisoner at Nashville , , as ono o :
tho" hfghwaybieni The prirfpner * 1 :
also suspected of belpg an escapee
C aorgia murderer. ' , t
After the Storm.-
gpoclil DIgaatho : o'ihe Bae.
CINCINNATI , M rch 31 10 p. m.
$ aow has at lastceatod .falling , bul
the weather Is very threatening. The
snow lies at a depth of from' twelve to
twenty inches over Ohio and Indiana
and styj'uld the' Breather turn warmer
disastrous floods , , caused by eiddei ]
melting , will Ij3 great.
Bpodil.Dispitchto.Thoi Bea. . .
VAsnp3TONj | March 31.
eron"s'ad ! 'iho grcsont contrpveraies
seemed to himlohivo tho-'groateat
bearing upon the coming contest in
Virginia. These whq vcro in the
right in Virginia could depend on re
publican support. That was a1 ! the
bargain there was about it.
Mr. Maxey asked why Mr. Dives ,
in furtherance of his civil service
jjrinclples-did not aeoktqrestore-tho
sargeintatarrn3 whp was turned out
two years ago. ' '
Mr. DJWCS said the old aargeant al
arms was engaged iu such other i'm
psrtant butinees thit it would be gn.
wisa to propose hloj. ' ps
Mr. Jonea , cf Fla. , eaid hia state
clung to her 'public and private obli :
3 gations , and produced fifjuros in sup"
> ; ' part , of his atatemcnt No debt had
> . ' ever been , repudiated in 'Florida , ! ex <
* ' ' - "
Kl . .l'-
copt in ono1 case , when a bond had ,
by the courts , been declared null and
Senator Jonas made a speech in
defence of the vagrant laws of Lou
isiana , referred to yesterday by Sana-
tor Hoar , declaring them to be neces
sitated by the state of society , and
contained nothing against humanity
or the freedom of the colored people.
Ho referred also to the hyena-liko In
stances ot thu senator from Massa
chusetts , in digging up old bones in
Louisiana , and thought that he had a
mania for bringing up subjects that
had boon well ventilaied. Mr. Jones
suggested that thero-were living issues
enough to occupy the time of the
eenato. He devoted some time to
the statements of his colleague , that
'Packard attributed its downfall to the
efforts of the Louisiana lottery com
pany. This ha denied emphatically.
, Mr. Kellogt ! replied at length , and
for more than n hour the Louisiana
senators reiterated statements made
by them' iheffie deljajtoBf. Tuesday ,
in reference- their understanding
of' the debt of their state , and records
of both the great parties th'ereon.
Mr. Kellogg continued his speech on
political corruption in Louisiana until
3:45 : , after which Senator Jonas
consumed a few minutes in rebuttal.
At 5:10 : , on motion , of Mr. Dawea ,
the senate adjourned till 12 o'clock
The situation remains unchanged.
Auolhtr day , and perhaps another
week , may ba consumed in filibus
tering. Johnston's reply to Mahono
'is exploded to-morrow , but there ia
no.lnpa that a vote on tha resolution
will bo reached.
Special DiSDitchca to The Eso.
A recent order issued by the treas
ury department , regarding appropri
ations'for fuel and lights in goveru-
meut. buildings , was not intended to
prohibit gas comparies and parties
who.havo-been furnishing fuel , from
continuing the siiraa at their own risk ,
trusting to congress to reimburse
them , as wcsdosio on previous occa
> Director of the Mint Burcbard has
gopo , , tqhis homo in Illinois.
' , Frb.u there ho will go to Si.
L'.miV to superintend the con-
triicffon of the sssay office , provided
for by tho. last congres ? . Ho will oho
visit this Now Orleans mint before re
turning to Washington.
- ' HuH. Ar T. Ctmpbell , the delfg ito
from Utah , w'iioae seat is contested by
'Georgb Q. Cannon , has addressed a
letter to tha president , in which he
presents .tho Mormon question in a
J * EifSccretary.Evatts goes to Now
York to-day to join the other members
of : lho monetary commission. The
party will sail for Europe Tuesday
neat Instructions to the coramisi
eioners has been prepaied , and will bo
carried over by Evarls. They aro" to
ba made public , 'though ' they ate in
accordance with tha populsr idea pre
vailing , in this country on topics to be
dlscusaod at the conference ) . Should
circumstancpj require a raod-fication
of'theicatructiouj U will bo dona by
at. Iioulfl Produce Mnrfcet.
Sr. Louis , March 31.
Flour Unchanged.
Wheat Opened lower and advanced
and closed firm. No. 2 red , § 105 | < s
1 05k forcsali ; gl05f@l Obg for April
§ 1 OGJ@1 07 for Jlav ; SI OG@1 06 }
fjrJune ; § 101 0102 for July ; 98e
for the year : No. 3 do , 99ic bid
No. 4 do , 93Jc bid.
Corn Higher and eaoy at 41j
for cash ; 4U@41fjc for March
41 © 411cfor April ; 4lg@41 § for MB ]
hiid Juno ; 42@42jo for July.
, .Oats Slow at 36@36jc for cash
SGc asked for April , and 35c fcr June
' By'e FIrm at § 1 02i bid.
BarLy Quiet t SOcigSl 05.
Butter Steady ; dairy , 20S28o.
E ge Firmer at 12c.
Pork = , Firm at § 15 15 for cash , am
$15 G7 for April.
Dry Salt Meats Stronger at § 4 91
© 7 75@8 00.
Bacon Firm at § 5 G0@8 508 GOG
8 7CS8 75.
L d Nominal at S8 40.
Produce Market.
NEW YOKE , March 31.
Flour Dnll and without markec
change ; inferior to very ohoico eh'p
ping extras § i 76@5 50.
Wheat Shade weaker and moderately
atoly active ; sp.ut sales of No. 2 roc
winter § 1 22@1 24j No. 1 white
Sl'2Yj@121J ; mixoi winter , § 120l (
1 20 , and rejected apring 98L
Corn Lower nnd tuauttled ; spo
aalps cf No. 2 , 59SfiOj ; No. 3 , 5G. |
and eteam mixed 58tpflc.
Oite Unsettled and qniet ; Nc. 2
white , 5Q . ; No. 2 do , 45A@4G ; No. . !
raiseJ , 4Q@4Gg. and No. 3 do 44J.
- -Rye Firm bul qnfot.
Barley Nominal.
Pork In "rncdmto demand am
atrorg ; messf jrearly-deliverv , S1G25
Lird Fairly active ; spot silos o
western s.eam at § 11 CQ311 C5 , am
city d.o at $ lp 50.
Cut Meats Qaiet and unchanged
B.3of Unphauged ,
Whiky IJomjual.
Cotton Spot quiet ; middlings
? 10"6 | ; futures weak.
Dry Goods Marmot.
NKW YOKK , March 31.
Dry Gjods Buauoaa withtpatkin (
homos wai restrlctod in rolume to
day , and the jobbing trade was enl ;
moderately active. Manufacturer !
agents representing cotton goods
print ? , etc. , received a fair humour o
orders by wire and mail from southern
ern and aputhwcater'n joobera , bu
business with the west hm bee :
checked by the stormy weather pre
vailing in wide sections of the conn
try. . There are atill a great many
tail buycra in the marker , and
renewal of activity in jobbing branch
es of trade ia confidently expected jua
aa soon ns the weather becomes mor
Favorable for tbe djitrflration o'fBpjfiri
and summer goo-Ja.
QmcQRP Prpauco
OHIOAQO , March 8i-
\Yheat llodera'.ely active enc
Corn In fair demand and iteady
Short Bibs Active at lawer p ices
Oats Steady.
ess"lork ? Qjiel bat weak , but
Shade butter.
Lird Active and in | 5r requoal
P.ica fcr surplus lard for to.rnorroi ? i
fixed at $10 50.
' Wfaea.t Spring , S100g@l 001 fo
1 ril ; § 1 05J@l 05 | for - Maj1 ; 06
bid for Juno ; § 1 041 05 for July ;
GS96ic for the year.
Corn April , offered at 38g@38ic
bid , ard May sold at 4242 c ; June
at 4242i2July ; , at 42g@43c ; Aug.
at 43Jc , elo'sing with Inside'.pricea bi < .
Oats 30gc bid for Apri and 30c
asked ; 35 @ 35c forlirayir'3434Ac
for June ; 283aaktd for August.
Pork Oloaing at § 15 55@15 COfor ,
April. ' *
Rye April sold at 98Jc ; M y at
Lard § 10.50 for April ; 810.45 for
May ; § 10 G7@10 70 for June ; § 10 75
@ 10 77i for July : § 10 10@1012i for
tha year.
MOJS Pork § 15 55@15 57 * for
Hay ; § 15 G5@15 70 for June ; § 15 77i
bid for July.
Short Ribs April sold at § 750 ,
bid , and § 7.75 asked for May , and
old at § 7.70 ; June , at § 7 80@7 82 § ;
'uly for § 7 974 osked.
Seven per Cent the . Grand
* *
Aggregate for this
Season. - '
interestihpr Figures from CJne
of Nebraska's Cattle
The following letter was maila'S to
? ho New York Sun yesterday after
noon by OLO of the beet known stcck
men of iho state :
OMAHA , Neb. , March 31,1881.
To Iho Editorof Ihe New'Ybrk ' Sua :
Iu a late iesae of your paper the
tatomoc was made that the loaa in
cattle during the pist winter upon the
western plains auH the cattla grazing
; ountry' of the northwest 'ha ? ben
bent 'five million dollars. . Thb is a
; roaa mis statement of the facts , : nnd
one that your valuable pip r. will , I.
am sure , be deairoas of correcting , 'if
you are eatisBod that tha statement is
wrong."The Sun which shines for
all1 ? has t)3 farraachingan influence
not to correct'mistakes. ' I' have baon
n tha cattle busiiiesi upon the plafns
: or the last thirteenyears' , .and my In
vestment is largo-enough to prompt
mo to watch the .matter of cattle losses
very closely. I hare .made several
; rips to the cattle ranges during this
winter , and have compared notes with
many others who have visited the
ranges iof Nebraska , Wyoming , Col
orado and Kanoaa. . Thanumber of
cattle upon the , rangea ' in
; h'eso states and territories ; last fall
was about GOOCOO. , Tholr average
value is about § 20 per head. iThis
would make their yalua twelTo miiitoir
dollars , aua If your atatament. , ia correct - -
rect the percentage of loss would "ex
ceed forty percent. The .fact is'that '
the loaa , nf this winter does not exceed
aoven(7) ( ) per cent. , being jn cattle not
more than 42,000 head , orlrt-monoy
§ 810,000 , and , by leas , I meannot _
; > rtly thi > .dtro
but the incident leas from lapk 01 in
Tho.cattle will como into market
thia spring in somewhat poorer flesh
than usual but on account of the
greatly inrrcased moisture in the cit there will bo much earlier
and battiT grass than wo have known
for years The atcok inteiests of ; the
far west have never been in belter
prospects * than .at present and I Know
that you and your readers will be
pleased to know tbo/fact. /
In regard , to my own interest and
my pcsitiua to know fqlljtruih'.ol
tha matter , I ref > r , y'u. to Messrs.
Kountzo .Brothers , .bankers , Wai'
street , Now York , ami to- , Sidney
Dillon , Eq , , president. U. . P. R , R.
company. * Yery trnl ; youts , *
'To Be or Not to Be , that is
the Question.1 *
Another - "tgrrBment" has' ibcen
m'aCo between Mr. K.ui"tz , Rtf the
Kitchen Brothers f > r , tho.oi ctjun o
a hoUl on the silo of tha old -Gram
Ooniral , tfco confractiau-Jfyet'signei
and the Kiic'ieni' Ti'avd uuul therlOtl
of April to perform that ea'r.ntia' par
of tho'arrangemont. ' ' If t < ey do no
elcn the contract befoio that tjmo 1
will be pUin to dverybi dj that'tjic
KitcLuni haye nave jutt-r.dcd io L\ilc \
thp hotgl , anJ th t it Ji 3 \ ) pn fjort
first to last a eimpld cchcmd'ttj fright
en other * 'from iho , fiel3 ,
The point as to which the Kit'cher '
Brothera receded from the first agreement
mont related to the termv ofi 'th '
agreement and not . iho characte
of the ho'el which ja. to ba. built
ndtr . the present arradgerkeni
therefarOj thcrg is the sajno ogreo
as before , tq buil , a fqur story , , anb' '
atantial building , , wi h ncV pss thai
eighty rcoma for .the reception o
gtiesta. Work mniE begin withii
ninety days from the signing of'.tri
contract and.muitba pushed focwarc
aa rapidly as 'possible , the hotel to b
completed and .opened to the publ !
by Dacembor 31st , 1832 No sum I
specified as the coat ( f the .hotel.
If the contract ith the JJitshat
Brothers is not a'gnod it is altogetfee
probable that another will be , othe
parties having been for some tirno negotiating
gotiating for the lot and being anx
ions to buill and , run tha hotel.
i ' T
Undoubtedly the best shirt In the
fJaited States ia manufactured at tie
Omaha Shirt Factory. Th wpprlprlly
of Material ap4 ( w kmanship' , com
Dined with their great Imprcyeaants
that la Reinforced fronta ? E4Jpfofco (
bapk ? and Eclufoca.d ; aloaves , makci
their shirt the most durable and [ bes
fitting garment of the kind , prei
manufactured at the en-jdorato price o
$1.50. Every ohirt of our make-
guaranteed first-class and will refnnc
the money if found , otherwise. *
We mako. a spppiajfy of all wool ,
Shaker , and' Canton 'flannel , 'alac
chomois underwear , rqade up ith a
view to oomfartj. warmth and dnrabil
Ity. To Invalids aqd patlnnget
persons we offor-spcnlal in'ducomenU
In the manner theao. goods nremade
for their protection. ' ' ' -
: ' . - ' . EH. GOTTHEIMEB ,
.ni atreo' . '
A Spectacle at Once Mag
nificent and Terri
fying ,
'he Kiyer Eises to the Eenwrk-
able Ee'ght of Thirty Feet
at .Bismarck.
An Immense Amount of Pro
perty Destroyed on the
Low Lands.
Steamboats Crashed and Swept
Away , by the Resistless Icy
The Flooding of Fort Pierre
and Fury of the Mis
A Mighty Deluge Temporarily
Checked by Ice.
The Breat-up on tno Upper Missouri.
Special DIgpitch to Tb9 EM
BISMARCK , D. T. , Mirch 31 4 p.
m. The grand break-up In the Mis
souri occurred yesterday. For six
weeks the 'temperature in Montana
133 been like that of upricg , and in
; ho Yellowstone valley and nrour.d
Fort Bentou the .thermometer has
stood aa high as 70 degrees. This
continued tpoll of summer melted the
snow , brcku uphe ice in the rivara
and prepared the way for a smash up.
At .this point andBuf < > rd the weather
kept cool , and uulyiho tremendous
pressuru of water and fioatirg ncrea of
ice.from . the-wanner country broke up
: hoBulid , mwos between those points.
Finally jwhqn the break di'd come ,
ihere was a rush.of water , covered by
numberless acres of ice , that astounded
od the 'oldest , inhabitant. It
lowed over the banka and
spread over' 'tho ' bottoms until
; hero waa'a stretch miles wide in ex-
, ent. It rote ten feet in a few hours
and before fouro'clock in the afternoon -
noon the water registered 30 feet
abova/low water mark. The firat dis
aater reported was the wreck of the
steamer "Bichelor" which occurred
above Bnford where oho was caught
aat fall. before she could roach
.here. J3be was on a' rr.i sion of the
'overnmer.t , and was ordered todn -
- - " 0 government
fier beat atal.LH .
ment indemnified Leighton and Jor
dan , post tradersat Baford , in the sum
§ 1000. The government boat
"Gen. Sherman" was obliged at iho
same time to take this ride
of Baford , and 'nlae the steam
er 5Eclipser" owned by Pittsbnrg
parties. The fate of both boats is
unknojsrjint no . .steamboat , , man.
hero Eeliovos they can survive. The
government telegraph wire is now
down , and no news can
be received from , any section
above ; Bismarck fur several
days. Wood choppers and Bottlers and
settlers in iha lowlands are all washed
out and there will undoubtedly bo
many drowned. Three government
warehouses , on Bismarck landing are
wrecked. The town of Mandon , on
iho west side of the river , is under
two or three feet of water
and ' block fed , with ioo as well
aawator ( , The greatest loss aside from
life , will bq the cordwood cut during
thtt winter for the lowland settlers and
steamboats. , It has all been swept
away , .amounting to thousands of
cords. A-pathetlc scene waS'tho float
ing away of three deer upon a large
cal o ollctjr ; ? < } reports of oisualties
fl ill bo received.till ' the water begins
.to , fall. „
'SriPAUL , Minn. , March 28. The
Pioneer P.r H3.special from Pierre , D.
T. , gives the following account of the
unusual v , inter and the terrible flood
in-that city and Fort Portion , on the
opposite side of the ) Mi'acuri river ,
resulting fropi the melting of the
dcpp enow , The winter , beginning
BO early and suddenly , caught several
steamers in mid-atroam , between
: Yanktpn and Benton , which have
been frozen ia all winter , their loads
belli ; : taSen by team. Indians and
: oldaeiturB , ! predicted terrible floods
in , too &pr ug , but the Yellotratono
rise cam < j an w ; ri.t iih no dam
age , .and the Tuugiu river
oroe Tip , TrLich drowned a few In
diana-and p niiabutraad9 , no iuipres-
sina up > in the ilifsoari. IIqwevoron
Mirch 20 h thu Misuari begau to riao
and papple in Fort Pierre , touted to
the tiuiq wh.n thuy muat move from
the bottom lands cjuiqily , but en this prcpw.iioiis wtru ms3o. The
.water ojtne hither.aad higher , bearing
ice Jhr.e , feet th'o'f. The wcj\ her fc *
a fuw tjys pre-cpdina March 2J was
Yery warm. , nuViog the anew r-tpdly ,
bn > seeming to , - } > ave uu ctfecl
upou theise , Poring the 2u h a
fri-eh. , warn } ffjnd rom.the aiUtHwest
blew all d.ty long .up atrcani .t this
point and the g < Fj fr-a'icDid at night.
iAt ab. ut midnight the ice ; broke up
and began to ran out. Qa the morn
ing of- the 27th the river presented a
jraud. { spectacle of power and terror
as ; it rolled along , bearing up u its
trcubhd boaom eDorra.uj blocks < j
ico. There ciine suidenly.a peroan-
tibla check , to the mqtlqn , and aimul-
tanaoualy rjith ti f a sudden riaa oj
water/anv / uat nii to aq.rouoh aa 'four
fjet ij { tii miiui'ui. Tiiia caused a
sudden atampcdu in in the lower portion
tion of Fot.Pierr ; * . A p nio seized
upon. Pi. r e , fo'j vit' ' R sudden jerk ,
the , . .Jnvcl.of , ilie iiv , r came
np < o.Vu f-jvo ! f tho.4lre'a. The
there waj : a"J nd frg , with
loud clU f jr. hJi iO-an ! were ia
grtit.lp-ttU-J } . . Ujus ti Id x > oJs were
hastily : hr wn iu'.o ptainj : vehicles
acd l. tljo t i ; & c motion
to'tf rJ ; ) .o bi.lR ! Scon the water
was thre. r feet d up HaiU touk the
place i i teatjjJ , ncd by 3 o'cijck the
water waa np iu thu floors of all the
house ? . EC m iha firat check the ice
Lad remained stationary In the gorged
channel tig-iinst the fcland. Just
belo 9 n < j could aoe the
Joj walh steadily' 'ning height
atthe ' uppar pojnt of the
I'd nd. and' . aa steadily could we
gao the aurfdce of the river riaing
inoiby inch , and then it gained upon
ns continually. From the second
story windows'could we see thahouje |
jo : Fort Pierrn beinrj huatled about ,
crashed or turned oVer/ahd also the
peopla'puttlDg'up tents and'making
I0th St. , bet. Jackson & Jones.
Now known as the cheapestplace in the city for
Our Buyer having made extensive purchases during his
visittothe eastern markets , we shall offerpn Moadaymorri-
ing and during the weeky-the foiro wmg unp recedented bar-
gams , in order to make room for our Immense Stock now * in
transit :
1 Lot Black Cashmeres 50o , 60o , 75c , 85c , 95c. *
1 Lot Brocade Dress Goods at 20 : , former price 25c.
1 Lot Colored Silka 85c , former price $100.
1 Lot Brocade Silks $1.50 , former price $2,00.
- , mer pce
1 Lot Bleached Muslins 5c , former price 7 l-4c. . -
1 Lot Ladies' Unbleached Embroidered flose 25c , former price 40c ; *
1 Lot Ladies' Solid Colors 35c , former price 50c.
1 Lot Gent's Half Hose 12 l-2c. former price 20o.
1 Lot Gant's White Shirts $1.25 , former pries $1 50. :
1 Lot Lonsdale Muslin 12 yards for $ LOO.
1 Lot Falf Bleached Damask 45c , worth 65c.
A great variety of Trimmed Hats at 50 per cent , less than
P. G. IMLAH - - - . Manager
J. A.
, , , . ,
Pickets , Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , Lime , -
Cement , Pkster , &c.
STATE AGENT E&RMlltiiMixcc * * - 9'- "
ffearTTnion Pacific Dep-t OMAHA , NEB.
- - '
Cor. Douglas and 13th Sts.
Gives Great Bargains in Ladies1 and Gents ;
All Kinds Ot
We Guarantee The Best Goods For The Least Money.
all kin-is of camps upon the clay hills ,
while their proptrty and comfortablu
homes were being destroyed. On our
side it waa all hurry and bnstlo , and
shelters wer * being provided of
every conceivable form. One of
theeo deserves mention. It
was perched upon the top of the high
est hill , and consisted of a sheet iron
camp atove with two joints of pipe , a
camp stool , a man and a phlol. Be
fore sundown all had como to aomo
order , and the water reached a depth
of 2J feet on our floors. Aa the dark-
neis oamo on the fear on all sides was
augmented. At abont 9 p. m. a sud
den gush sent the great thick ice
chunks over the banks above ua , and
they came tea.ripg down among the
buildings hke great sledge hammers ,
and when ono would strike a house
there' would ba a crash and
roar which led many to believe
that Iho town , vai being torn in pieces.
3 anv T\ho had had the temerity to
remain in' second atorloa over night
bf gin to ring bdla , fire guns and with
loud calls , attract attention and seek
help to gain the friendly bluff * . Boon
after this tha waters bagan to fall , and
at the same time the lirer cot up a
raar which was a lorg of gladness to
m all , { or wo know the gorge had bro
ken. Prom thia time the waters rap
idly receded and now the river stands
fust below Iho lower front door
sills in Pierre , bat C2 F ratlve-
ly H UQ d.fR3 bad been
dopq. Some hrusas bad been moved
from their foundations and lumber
piles ( I > ated on , but contrary is tha
case with Fort' Pierro. Over tha ball
of Ic3 which has pushed np ever the
banka and into that town like a
glacier , we cansto the ruins of houses
and signs of great hive there. A to
ciaualtles there are nqao with u , but
we can not iy J z the oth < ? r town , a
is cut tff wl-b/thst s'-do
cf the rlyar.
The Be *
CHICAGO , April 1 1 a. m. Tha lig-
nal corps observer at Tan ton , DA la ,
reports as follows : The Mfssanrl
river rosa to forty faet at 5 o'clock
last evening , but at f o'clock began
falling. Tvpnty-.ono houses ars ccsa *
pletely submerged. Six boat * , lying
in winter decks above this city , were
crashed to atoms by the hnge cakes of
ice. The town of Green Itlaad , Neb. ,
opposite here , was completely sxept
away , and ! t la feare.d theTP has been
loss of 11(9 ( , neilou of property in
ankton and yicinity will rezch away
info the thousands. Warnings have
been sent to everj town nnd "hamlet
down \h9 galley.
A Fruitless Trip to the Rockies.
Gen. Crook , Mr. J. S. Collins and
Mr. Grosholtz ( brother-in-law ofMaj.
John T. Paray , U. S. A. , ) returned
on the Union Pacifis train at 1 o'clock
yesterday from a fruitless trip ( o
the Rocky mountains in search of
b'ar. These gentlemen loft Omaha
on Tuesday of last week and proceeded -
ed to Rock Croat , vrhero they struck
north for the scone of lhair famout
hunt laat falL On reaching the moun
tains thay found two feet of snow on.
the ground , and traveling the next
thing to impossible ) . They finally suc
ceeded , aflor ono or two ineffectual
efforts , in penetrating the mountains ,
but their onergj- mot witn no
reward , for the tracks of
baa * eonld nowhere ba seen ,
and it became evident tr > thoao ei-
perienced hnntera trnt tha bears had
not yet loft the holes in which they
immure themselvei for the winter.
Balievlng discretion to bo tha bolter
part of valor they decided to waste no
time in looking for ether gime , and
returned at Omaha.
Mr. Collins atates that there ia nn
immense body of snow in iha moun
tains tributary to the Platta and
the spring rise of May cr June in iho
Flatte will ba unprecedented. Ha
believes that but for the absence of
ice in the stream nt that time the
probability ia that the flood woufd be
far more disastrous than that of ' *
last few day * .
Wrnni ! S fe. Ortaln anj Pp c-ly Care for
Rheumatism In illtd tcraat. Keura/rla. / Luna
B clr , PaJala the Breut and 8tJe. falatn tba
StoBueh nd Ktlnojg. &c. Jt. Is an mtem I
remedy. B TonJo and Elood ITiriflermd whUelt
retncTes tbe DUwato tt iniror j tb general
C.r.i.odnun. general i O > a
Sacccaor to JH. TttIELEt
No. 1220 Douglas Street ,
QTvr AT = r