THE DAILY BEE E. BO3EWATER ; EDITOR ; MB. BROOKS is usurping Olr Logan's place as the retailer of fami gOBlIp. THE defeat of an jxtra aeuion w victory for the business interests the country. HONESTY and efficiency should Jho first qualificationsgOlLa Candida for public office. . CARTER HARRISON has been i nominated by the Chicago democrat Let the eagle fly. . < TRANSPORTATION by water Trill 1 the golden age for the downtroddi and oppressed victims of monopolle OMAHA most have.a mayor and ci c'nncil into whose haad * ' may } safely confided the interests of a gre and growing city. OKE of the old time governors Maine , William S. Crosby , died a di or two days ago , aged 75 years. M Crosby was governor in 1853-54. SEKATOR CONKUKO is in the snl over the nomination of Robertson the collectorship of New York. Ga field is a bigger man that old Ccnklii just at present. IOWA CITY has a phenomen In tl person of a lady named Mrs. Hatt Duel , who hasn't spoken for thn years. Some henpecked husbands i Omaha would like to engage in such Duel GENERAL GARFIELD aays that tl historic Biblical "horse leech" whic continually cried < 'give , . Rive/ ' wi nothing to the present hungry herd cf office seekers. THE MemphU Avalanche ( Dem , says that the atupidity of Ben Hill assault upon Mabone waa paralyzini Ben will stop stirring up tha animal after a few more.cxpericnces of 'a lik kind. IF Omaha is forced to accept a se of political bilks and dead beats fo her city officials , our citizens will re vote one dollar for bonds fo eewerage and improvement purpose ! Is the last fifteen years the stat of Louisiana has expended for levee and repairs the sum of $11,7G5,50 ( If other states along the banks of th great river had paid as much atter tion to the streams , traniportion me nopoties would be unknown. BISMARCK may propose remediei but the thrifty German farmers cot tinue to dispose of their goods an chattels to join the tide of emign tlon which is settling out for tl United States , . MR. D. 0. BROOKS , who circli mainly in the back rooms of cigar at tobacco shops in Omaha , has met wil admirable success In worming himie into the inner court1 circles of Waa ! ington. His last effusion of nausea ing gossip and taffy contains the fo lowing important disclaimer : In my last communication I referred to "Pica" letter recently published in Tl Republican , as "unfortunate" in sever respects , and made a disclaimer in resjie to oneipenonal reference especially. have now to make nndlher. The com pendent stated that Mr. Ellis Bierbow would eoon lead to the altar "the belle Washington , " meaning MIM Mamie Sau den , the charming and axomplisbi daughter ' f the tenior senator from K brass * . It is customary , I believe , in i fined social circles if , an engagement of mn riage is n.ade , and the parent * of the nfi anced deiire publicity , for them to author ! an announcement in some public journa Hence the importance attaching to BUC a paragraph as that to which I refer. 1 the statement was both unauthorized _ an untrue in this case , a correction is desir * and Mrs. Senator Saundera has personal ! requested me to BO state through the co umns of The Republican. The young lac ' is "fancy free" in the respect referred't and no such engagement has been sari tioncd , effected or thouylit of. Wo modestly confess that we ai not conveiMnfwith tip customs pn valent at the "refined " court of S James , ( Gar&eld ) , but from or plebian stand-point it strikes us tLi such a dUokim&r. is decidedly indel cate , if * not"1' absolutely rude more especially when it is borne i mind that it k af reflection on the B ( cial standing of a 'gentleman who i in every respect the peer of the charn ing and accomplished daughter of ot senator , and has always enjoyed th eitoem of'VrarTTbSit . " citisens. C ta. * i course we must admit that refinemei in Nebraska has not reached the pel fection that is found in the circle fc which Me Brooks is the spokeamat and in which just now he cuts such conspicuous .figure. BJULWAT extension in the sout west ! pvoooocUng with remarkabl rapidity , and the line which is to coi nect the new Eldorado with the Unite States by a band of iron , is bein poshed forward with all that vigc and enterprise For 1 which America engineers . -and contractors are notec The Mexican roads will be in cinnu tion with the Atchison , Topeka an Santa Fe road.Lvrgo gangs of mei surveyingJjarlies , mechanics , with' a the necessary implements , are b elt sent forward , and ° . .tboopinion k ibi * the several projectedro * < kwUl aopnl coKpletecl. 31 waa'orlglnaHy intendc to establish-a line * from -Twnplco , o the Gull of Mexico , ecroes the com try to the PAclGc/but receatly tl system has been greatly extended , i that'now'It covers 31 large area < country and touches-many importai points. Tne Mexican schemes inst tuted bj the wwttTn capitalists u understood . indapendent of It Atchis n , Topek * mnd-jSantt Fe con p ny ; yet the nnds will be operate . on intimate termifAB3 , n fact , * wi bs operateb * i one gigantic orgat Izttion. Thre ) franchise * have been grante to the company from the Mexican got eminent , the first of which gave pet mission to build from the City o Mer-co to Leon on the north. Ai ex. ended franchiw was then obtalnei to operate * line from Leon to 1 Paai del Norte , irhere janctioa ia madi with the Atchison road , forming through line from the Missouri riv at Atchison and Kansas City to tl Olty of Mexico. Another franchi has been acquired for a cross count line from Tampico , on the Gulf Mexico , to San Bias , i the Pacific coast , and a co cession to operate a line Ire Guaymas on the Gulf of California a junction with the Santa Fo in ITi Mexico. All these concessions s exempt from taxationincluding evei thing pertaining to the road , for a j nod of fifty years , together with f teen years' exemption from impc dntiee.on the material necessary f the construction of the roads. 1 this is supplemented by a enbsi of $8,500 for each kilometer the road constructed. iThe It : between Mexico and Leon me be completed to "Irspuato by the ei of the coming year , and on to Lei within the next year. The authori to operate for ninety-nine years h been granted. At the end of th time , the lines in good condition ai free of debts , will ba purchased by tl roverntnent. the cost of construct ! ! the road and telegraph lines fro Mexico to Leon ia estimated at ? i 400,000. THE main' object of the change our charter and in our school In abolishing ward boundaries andr quiring the election of a "board of edi cation and six councilmen at lar ; was to improve the standard of tl candidates. Experience has tanght i that jobbers and wire pullers who a : notoriously incompetent , can pack primary in their own ward and the pull through & city election witboi very much trouble whereas , if thei men were compelled to run tl gauntlet of the four thousand vote of the city ; they would be left. Noi [ f this reform is to be efft live it must be begun wil the coming city governmen The spectacle cf the president of board of education packings ward pi mary and Instructing the delegates have him nominated Ttt large for tl now board is simply disgraceful. inan'ought to be"elected to the boai of education who Is scrambling for tl office. There is no money in it .for i honest man , and ] scheming men wl H ant to make use of the position f political ends or for foisting their pe ind relatives upon : our public school should never be elected to tl the position. It would bo fi better for the republican--conye : tlon and the democratic convention I make no nominations for the board i / education , but let our best citizens' j mass convention , regardless of .part ; nominate six first-class men. In tl matter of councilmen. at large ; il nominations of candidates in the r spectivo wards should * simply be r garded by the convention' as * TOCOS mendation. It would'-have been great deal better if ach , ward hi recommended three ' 'or .foi first-class men st that the coi ventlon would have had ja lui number to select .from. The prlc object is to got good business me : whose integrity is. above suipicloi and it doesn't matter where theylii as long as they are representath men , in whose hands'the material ii torests of this city are safe. The on ! questions that should be asked an " " " : ' ! ? "Is he honest "If-he'competent IJTEBABY &O7ES. A FAIR BARBARIAN , by rancea Hodj son Burnett , author of "That La ' ' " 'Haworths"Lot o' Lowrie's , 'Haworths/ laiana"etc. ; 12mo.j258 pp. ; clotl § 1.00. JamfiS.B . .Osgood & ; Go Boston. \ PLOUGHED UNDER : The Story of a Indian Chief/ . . Told , by Himieli with an introduction by Insltt -TheambafCIBright Eyes , " oftb ? ' Poncae ) ; 16 mo. , cloth , $1.X ( Published by Fords , Howard < Hnlbert , New York. 1 . ? In "A FairfBarbarian , " Mrs. Bui net has taken i departure from tb'cs delightful dialect novels , of whic "That Lain o' Lowrie'a" ia the mo famous , and introduces us to & ator of English" village life , as affected b the advent-oKa , young Americatl girl Octavia Basselt is the .daughter c Martin BasBett , a wealthy Uevad miner , who has been absent for man , years from his f > rmer horn In England. She is frost sparkling and original , an MI wholly unconventional as America girls usually are , and naturally create a decided sensation among the atal and reserved villagers in her father' Former home. The picture of , Slon bridge , its social atmosphere' people , its reigning deity in the pei SOD of Lady Theobald , who seta th social utuages and fashions , is admit ably drawn. There is an air of re pose about the portrait which form an excellent netting for the appeal ance of the heroine of the story , wh at onceshocks and bewilders the neigh borhood , and faclnates a number o susceptible"young men of marriageibl age. Octavia Bassott is no overdraw ! picture modelled after Mr. Henr James type of "Daisy Miller. " Sh is nelther-ooaruo nor vulgar. Her lac" of reserve and her hatred of restrain ind conventionality are never nnpleac ntly prominent while her chrracte as a wnole is symetrically and even ! balanced ; The plot of the tory i simple and well developed. Toe boo ia rather ; a aucceagion of skilfull drawn portraits with a charming bad ground cf English village life In Mri Burnett's best vein. It is interestin from'title , page to cover. It baa become fnhionablo of Ule I write novels withr Tmbr l. > The rx litical novelisj ho latest aevelopmei of ( lib tendtocyjMhe tunes , .and , i at least two catca-hiB Bcfed as iv pov orfnl agsntin'caliinx public a'tteritio to the'/exMfccflcS of evils whlch-di mand'.mraiiedy. V'We > refer to. .tt VooyaEp d MiBl'rBre1a\ntVot ; Straw , " by.J pe > ! r6urge , whfch fu ; * - at one chkivd high Tkte W . trom ibi praw'ol' Ford , Howard , Hnrlljirt lelsNew'-Yotk. V . Itatterapl to do rpr th dians wha\theXFodr guise of * sitery pld by an ' ndin ] chief , ii wiitrong aimtrrtron'tho "In dian Policy'N Lthegovernmoafai Judge TonrgeesSwrkrirMTDn'iho prac tical operation of the Reconstructioc icta. Mr. Tibbies' friend -'Brigh Eyee , " furnishes an introdnctloi irhich strikes the key note of thi look. She SB ? * , "The Indian i no in extraordinary being : he is of thi 'ace of mac , and like others is thi ireatnre of his sarroundingi. If yoi ronld know something of what .he is of hou his spirit and his dlsnositic are affected by his circumstances , re ; the record of life its loves and hat here set forth. " The story of tl Indian chief is based on the ratio reports nf Indian sufferings trhii have been so widely circulated durii the past year by the Boston frien of the Poncas. Tne Indian of poetry is a differe character from the Indian of lac Romance has woven many & chain flowers over the dirty and brutal aa age , who Is known in all his ignoran and vice only to those'who ' have con in contact with the various tribes ( the prairies and the plains. The a thorof "Ploughed Under" has ev dently had little experience wi Indian life , except what ho has gaini from his reading. The flowery la : gnsge in which the set speech of the various braves are recordi smacks strongly of Cooper or tl dime novel. The fault ot the wor ! lies In the biassed standpoint fro which the views of the author are o' tained. The book differ in this re pect from "the Pool's Errand , " whoi greatest power arose from its reemlr Impartiality. While this eo , it cannot ba denic that as a literary piece of work tl volume before us possesses many e : cellencies. The ground traversed t thejmthor has not yet become hacl neyecL There are many charmit pieces of description , some excellei dialogues , numerous celling satiric hits and the story is continuous at interesting throughout. We canno however , endorsp it as a talr and in partial presentation of the practic working of the Indian policy i the government Many of i inferences are based upc isolated facts. A general tendem cannot bo formulated from rare cai of injustice on the part of the Interii department towards the Indie tribes. No one in studying so inti cate and diffcnit a problem can clo : his eyes towards the rapid advances i civilization which have beeu made I tha mass of the Am rican Indians as the wan of the government. And at the presei moment when nine-tenths of tt tribes are quietly and contented pursuing the vocations of peace it rather an unfortunate time to' d noun co as B failure and an outraj the policy which has made such state of affiirs possiblo. The book , however , Is likely to hai a wide circulation. It is written in spirit of candor and behind it is i honest purpose to expose what tl author believes to be might wrongs. Many of the facts upc which the argument of the story based have "been drawn from actu life. The style is smooth and mat of the situations exciting and picttm with excellent effect. The fact th ; the authorresides inOmaha as the ml ister over one of our largest churche will make the volume doubly inters ing to many of our readers. THE STAR OF HOPI Distance Lends Enchan Xment to McGord's Prophecy. The Sage of Marietta Points Oi a Pathway for the Oppressed , AndBlaborates on the Benefll of the. Water Route to the Sea , By Means of Which the EJ tortions of Railroads Will Be Ended. Fleets -'Lividias" on Pape : . ' * ' ! > ' MAEIETTA , Saundera Co. , March 2- To the Editor ot The Boo. I am pleased with your fearless an persistent championship of the righl of the people of all trades and profei sions that are affected by the tyrann and extortion of the railroad monopc lies , and with jour efforts in atirrin them up , the people , to.look about fo remedies for their proteclion that the ; may be able to lire and enjoy-the pro fits of their toil as well as others. The transportation problem is th coming question of the land a qaos tion , in comparison with which , al other questions affecting the materia interests of the country dwindle inti Comparative insignificance. The present attitude of these rail road corporations to the industrial in berosts of the people and the bed ] politic is truly alarming. In thei : overshadowing influence they threatei not only to absorb the honest earning of the people , bat to crush their lib jrtics as well. When the business In : erests of the whole country , in legia lature as well as out of legislature , art In the hands and under the control o > few railroad stagnates , It is certain ! ] ligh time the people were arousinj [ romtheirlothargyandprovidingmean : for their relief. These cieatnro cor Derations , that owe their exlstenci md privileges to the people , must bi out under legislative control ; but ai ihe creature has grown and developed Into a boa-constrictor , and 1s now , bj ts coils around Its victim the conn life of it noth ; ry crushing the out , ng but national legislation can meet ; he case and secure control of th < ireatuto that now defies it. .But the relief from this quarter i svidently going to be slow , because o : .he power that is to be grappled with National regulation of railroad traffii a needed , and must be had But thli ) f itself will not secure complete re lief and adequate remuneration fo boll. We must bring into competitloi with railroads , for the carrying trade water transportation. This will , whei pbt into successful operation , "rega Ute the freight tariff of the country , ' and will put an effectu&l embargo up on those , hurtful combinations whic annually-rob the people of millions Competition is death to extortion an ? will secure to the producing , con Burning and commercial classes n : equal share with the common carrie of the benefits derived from the pro perty of the country. , The star of our hcpe , in tha lice t competion by water navigation , aru in , Scotland , on the Clyde , LH Glasgow , when the steam jachl Livadi * was launched upon the watei a * vessel that was built for the Ru < Rian naval serrice , but constructed < v anf'caiirely different principle fret jnyhlng | heretofore known to oceant irchitectore , drawing only seven fee of > ater , and about as wide as thre ordinary steam vessels abreast , bein 235 feet long and 153 feet wiJo. Am ibntrary to all eipectations aho out itrlpp&d all ochers In speed and provei nore sea-wortby , remaining compara ively firm and steady jn rough teis rhen other vessels were rocted fron ide to side. An illustration and do criptlon of it can be seen In Harper' Weekly of August 21st. There is nothinp , then , to proven easels of this construction or draft o : rater entering the Mississippi and BS ending the channel as far as St , jouis , receiving cargoes and transmit ing them to foreign markets. Hen then is the star of hope to the gre valley of the Mississippi , that a kit Providence has caused to arise abp the horizon on the transportatii question to give cheer and hope honeat toil. Then let an effort j made immediately to organize a joi stock company on the part of t' ' business men of Omaha , Kansas Oil and St. Louis to raise the Jrequbi funds for the building of mercha vessels on the plan of tl Livadia and demonstrate to tl world the practicability of carryii on foreign commerce directly from tl interior of this great country. all-wise Creatornever gave this cou try such a magnificent system of wat communication as is furnished by tl Mississippi and its trlbutarie ? , read ingoutinto a region for extent , ferl llty and variety of products unequal ) on the face of the earth , to lie COE patlvely unusedbut ; Intended it to 1 the great medium of Internation commerce and for the shipment i surplus products to foreign market From thin great and product ! : valley the world is to get its prinuip supplies of corn , cattle , cotton , whea pork and other products of the soi If , theDalineof marine transports K penelrato into the interior as far as S Louis and receive cargoes tor foreif markets it7ill not only mark entire revolution in the transport tion operations of the land , but wi furnish the balance wheel , whic would regulate the price of the mov ment of goods and products of evei description , and infuse a stimulus ii to business of all kinds never befoi felt in this , rjbgion < Factorloa ofj branches ot industry willstirl up'au' by magic , * and cities will be built t here , thit will equal if not exec those of the seaboard , introdnok markets for our produce , such as ai enjoyed there. How ominous and full of prophet the signs of the times in reference i the future prosperity of this count i and its commercial relations with il nations of the earth ! Alreac through American enterprise at wido-awakeism , our provisions , gooi and wares are introduced and in d maud in all the markets of Enrop And such has been the demand , m only In Europe , but In other parts i the world for these things that 01 exports now far exceed our import From the indications abroad the d mauds for these things are only i their infancy. All those old at densely populated nations of eastei Asia are being awakened up to a ne life by the civilizing influence of tl bible , that has penetrated into the innermost parts , raising and liftii ' them up 'into a higher civilizatio : increasing their wealth , and creatit wants , which , in their previous cond tion , waa not felt Demands wi then go forth for products of artist industry and other articles of coi sumption , not furnished &t home , satisfy their growing civilizatio ; And to what nation would they mo : naturally look for their supplies ths to uswho were the principal agents : this new awakening ? In a recent interview , reported 1 telegram to The Inter-Ocean , betwei Gen. Grant and President Garfieldtl General said , "tnat in his visit to tl east he hod studied the affairs of Oh na and Japan with interest and soli itude. He had found the peoples both countries anxious to cultlva close and more friendly relations wi the United States.England { and Rusa ( .mbliiousltoj extend their-poseessloi and influence- east , had their eyes < China and Japan. England partic larly was moving slowly but sure ! with a determined purpose of redu log the * rich and fertile countries dependencies , not perhaps by miiltai conquest , but through her deep at insidious agencies furnished by h unrivalled diplomatic and commercl advantages- Realizing their situatic thoyfare turning in their need to tl the United States , and are willing pour their'wealth into our arms if T will Teach out for it and establish cor mercial connections which cat COD pete with England. Mexico , with her inexhaustib. mines and undeveloped resources , reaching out to usfor , closer comme clal relations. And also South Ame lea Is inviting enterprise and capiti to come and aid in the utilization < her peculiar treasures , that the Auth < of Nature has lavished upon her. Th Amazon has been thrown open to tt ; ommerce of the world , by the Empi : or of Brazil , making the nav Cation of its waters as free the , ho sea itselfwnlcb , through th leop channels of its tributaries , doe lot only bring the internal commerc if Brazil into contact with that of th vorld , but also that of the adjoinin epnblics. What an extensive pros > ect , then , is here opened up in Sout America for the commercial enterpris if this country , in exchanging th iroaucta of our industry and soil fo hose of her tropical climate. In viei if these things and of tha nearness o ccesi to the great highway of nation .bout to be opened across the isthmus rhat a prospect looms up in' the nea nturo to tha dwellers of this favorei 'alley. And what a destiny await he city of St. Louis , which , owing i he fact that It will be the nttnos imlt north to which vessels of li rg : apacitv can ascend , will become thi enter for reshipment to foreign coun rles cf products flowing in on iin irovod water channels and railroad rom vast districts of country west lorth and east. And then she will bi lestined'to become the first city o he union in wealth , population am ommercial importance. Why shoulc he not then shake off her lotharg ; nd wake up to the realization of ho ituatlon and embraci this oppor unity when the country Is groanln ) inder the extortion of railroad com linationa and clammering for new ant heapor channels of international com aerce , and Inaugurate a movemen hit will result in placing on thi 'father on waters" a vessel on thi > lan of the Livldia , and secure he greatness and satisfy the people in see relief. ng a prospect for NowMr. . Editor , to you who hav the materia > een so wide-awake to ind industrial interests of the ccuntrj wo look for and expect through yon ixcellent paper a stirring up of th > eople on this now datra of light fo iheap transportation until. a move nent is set on foot ending in the real zitiouTof our fond hones and anticips ion. Omaha and Kansas City ar loaply interested in the success of thi lew departure , for , buingthe converg : og points for numerous railroadsthe iruuld become lliecantCM furthoehif nent of grain and other products t St. Lima and for the distribution c articles received therefrom on retur trips Large elevators would be erec : d fur the handling cf grain and stor iiitfthtraof during.the winter months Demonstrate to the world the prac tic bility and succesa of carryicg 01 foreign trade directly with the interio ) f this Country .and appropriation md subsidies will not long be forth : omitg from congress to ia prove on rater channels and to build up ai American marine that will be the ad niratfon of the world and the pride o Lmerica. W. D. McCoKD. STATB JOTTINGS. Albion has-a circulatinglibrary , Wild .geese are plentiful ; oa thi Matte Lincoln is to have a cracker fac ory. i Crete has been divided into threi rards. The proprietors of the Franklii nills claim that the late freihot en -4 h'anced the value of their mill proper $1,000. $1,000.The The York Tidal'Wave has gin up the ghost. Gage county suffers from a sea city of hay. A new lumber yard is to bo local at Pa-roep pity. , „ , A fine ferry boat is in operatii at Republican Uily. i A new dramatic society is beii ormed at Exeter. Lincoln has , , organized. an Oc Fellows Degretflodge. < The public library * at Pawm City has been qpened. _ - - Lincoln's proposed water woil will cost at least § 75,000. The Fremont .mills ized last week. Loss ttiflit . Nebraska City is to have a vin gar factory by the first of ApriL . The students of Doane collq publish a papsr called The Owl. Forest City has organized a branc of the Laud League with 2G member Ihe dam cf the Spring Rant mill , near Fair field , went out with tl flood. flood.Tho The net proceeds of the land leagt ball at Falls City , last weeks were fifl dollars. dollars.St. St. Mark's Episcopal church -w consecrated last Sunday by Bishc Clarkson. More tbnildings will go up in Oi the coming season than ever before 'i any two yea . ; Bloomington hag'raisedthemom Kr a ferry boat -3 # ffe-4ong and ] feet wide. Ad. Rlngsdorf , a horae thief , w convicted list week at the Pawm county court. B. & M. surveyors have cor meuced surveying the line eait of Bit Springs junction. Plum Greek Is receiving week hundreds of hidoa taken from the de : cattle on the , ranges. Over 1000 cars of lumbar on tl St. Paul road are awaiting the clearii of the snow blockade. GeuoralMcBride proposes to plai two barrels of seed oyatera in Sa Creek -near Lincoln. The loss to the owners of tl Otoo mills by the carrying away < their dam will be over § 2000. Nebraska City distillery is ru : ning on half time on account of shortage in fuel and material. The Olay , County Agricullur society has located the fair for tl coming year at Olay Center. David , Allen and wife , indicti at .Kearney for perjury , were broug to tbat place from Denver last wee Large quantities of broom coi and sorghum will bo planted in tl southern part of the state this yea Ashland , Seward , Central Oit Nebraska City , Brownville and Wah are to be connected with .Lincoln 1 telephone. The raid of Falls City womi against tha.saloons and gambling hel has resulted in fifty indictments 1 the grand jury. The Dodge county commhsione have advertised for bids for the co strnction of a free bridge across t ] Platte at Fremont. An eleven months child of M Hookum , , of Giilmore county , waa te ribly scalded last week by the upse ting of a coffee pot Report saya that two hundn tons of coal have been stolen from tl Union Pacific company at Schuyl during the winter.- Moody , the chief of a gang horse thieves , for whose capture ? 5 ( reward was out , was captured la week at Grand Island. IVlrs. John Lee , of Greely count ; was frozen to death in the storm < the 13th inst. Her children narrow escaped the same fate. A man named Kirch in Linco who was removed t the poorhoui was found to have $200 deposited 1 one of the Lincoln banks. Exeter is agitating the questlc of building a $6000 .school hou ? They'will bo compelled to bond tl district for at least $3000 of the sum , Arapahoe haa already taken stej to rebuild the bridge over'the republ can river a that place , which wi carried out by the recent freshet. Guide Rock ; proposes to vote pn sinct * bonds for a new bridge wit stone piers. The people will pay' fc the piers and iho bridge company wi replace the structure. D. W. Fuller , whose trial fc iraon excited an much interest in Lii : oln , has been sentenced to one year mprisonment in the penitentiary. ; While a couple of travellers wei ast week attempting to cross the R < Dabllcan near llubbell , they lost the : lorses and came very near drowninj Sadie Andrews , a young woma vho has been working at the Commei : ia\ hotel , in Alexandria , drowne icrself in a branch of the Sandy , ew yards south of the depot , la ; reek. The Episcopal church will estal ish a rector at Norfolk to look af te .he interests of the churches at tha loint , West Point , Wisner , La Porte ) akdalo and Neligh. The contract has been let for th ; rading of 110 milea of railroad be > letween O'Neill City and Fort Nio irara on the Sioux city and Pacifi oad. Hiram Barker who so mysterious y disappeared some weeks ago froi llarquette's farm near Lincoln has re urned. He claims to have bee' brown from his horae , rendered it ensible , wandered to Omaha and re urned as soon as ho came to. Three drunken-men came to Yor ast week forced their way Into a resi lenco in the west pirt of town , drov > iit two women aud a little girl an ebbed she house of a gold watch an ihatn. The parties were r cngnizsd ind fearing arrest took the nntc sack , and agreed to pay all damages I the matter could bo hmhed op. Mrs. Rachel Hflgatnun , of CUi snco , Cedar county , is affected with rery singular disease. Semo tim igoone of her .thumbs began to r ID , and she had it amputated. Sine ; hen several of her fingers hayo beci ulackeu in the same way , and no om items able to b fila the disease. L t Monday night a party o ievpnty-fonr armed and mounted me : lurronnded the residence of a Taai tbout- seven milas northeast of Belvi Jero , and gave him until the 21st o .his month -to leave the state. Thi ) ifenro charged against him is that hi a to jump the timbe kiin.i'f sin old citizen , S. J. Davis -Hebrcri [ Journal. A Gorman named Beckrnan , Hv ng about four miles w'eat of Chapman Sail county , came home from Grant 'sland , and going intohishouse affixec i stout whip lesh to one of the collai around his neck > eams , adjusted it ' flour which hi I'.ood on 'a sack of ticked from under him , and ended hii ife by hanging. Depression of spiri'j > ud lotemoerance were the canse. In "effecting an arrest , police office ) X McCrpay , of York , P . , had th ( nlsfortune to sprain his wrist so bad y that it swelled up and became vesj ore , rendering him unable to use it , Jeforo retiring he applied St. Jacobi ) il according to directions , and in th ( nornlng all soreness was removed. j A Great Chicago Enterprise. - . The Laboratory for tha munufactu of Electric Bitters is one of Chicagi greatest enterprises , giving cmplo ment to a large. , number of. hand The extensive sale already attain for this wonderful remedy Is aatonia ing. Wherever once introduced a ; becomes known , it is almost impo : ble to supply the demand , because their true merit curing where i others .fail and. at a reasonable pri ( fifty cents ) Exch. Sold by < druggists. ' (3) ( ) 3POR RHEUMATISM , Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , BacfacliB , [ Soreness of the Cfiet Goat , Quinsy , Sere Throat , Sweft ings and , Sprains , Burns and Scafas , General Bodily Pains , . Tooth , Ear. and Headache , Frost Feat and Ears , and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation onarth equals ST. JACOBS ( ai a afr , sure.'tlmplf. and cheap Ester Remedy. A trial entails but the'comparatlr trifling outlay of 60 Centi , and erery one ufl ing with.paln can hayo cheap and poslHTeor ' ' of its claims. g' , Directions in Xleren langnasef . w < " SOLD BY ALLDEUQOI8TB ANDDBALTE lU MEDIOIHE. A. VOGELER & CO. , BalUmorc,3Id. , TT. g. . Gee , P. Bemis REAL ESTATE AGENG 15th Jb Douglct Sit. , ' Omaha , Neb. This agency does STiucr&T a brok > se bi ness. Does notupoculate , and therefore any i gains on its books era Insured to Ita patrons. stead ot being gobbltd up by the agent _ BO < G S & HILL. REAL ESTATE BROKER /To , llflZ farnham Strut OMAHA - NEBRAaK , Offlce Korltt Bide opp. Grand Central Roti Nebraska Land Agenc ; DAVIS & SHYDER , 1505 Famham St. Omaha , Nebr. tOO.OOO ACRES cartfnUy gclocted land In Eat Kebraaka for ealo. Great Bargains In Improved farma , andOmi dtypropertr. _ . O. F. DAVTS. WEBSTER SNTDEB late LandCom'rU. P. R.R. I > teb7t BIRDS RIIB. LIWIS EIZD Byron Reed & Go. . EEAL'ESTATE ' AGENO NEBRASKA. Keep a complete abstract of title to all R Estate in Omaha and Douglas County. , may AdEfTSWANTKD EOR the Fastest Felling Book ot .thi Ago ! Foundations of Succes BUSINESS AND SOCIAL FORMS. The laws of trade , legal forms , how to frai act bosineas , valuable tables , social etlquct parliamentary usage , how to conduct pub buslnecs ; In f ct it is a complete Quids to Si cess for all classes. " A family necessi 'y. Addn f or circulars and special terms , \NCHOR PU U3BINQ CO. . St. Loula. Mo. _ PASSENGER ACCOMMODATION Lit UETWEEN OMAHAAND FORTOMAH Connects With Str.cct Cars Comer ot SAUNDKK3 and HAMILTC STREETS. ( End of Red Line as follows : LEAVE OMAHA : 630 , 8l"andll:19 : ra ,3:03,6:3TBnd7 : 3p. LEAVE FOhT OMAHA : 7:15 a. m. . 9:15 : a. m. , and 12:45 p. m. * 4:00 : , 6:15 : and 8:15 : p. m. The 8:17 a. m. run , Icavin ; Qmaha , and t 1:00 p. m run , leaving Fort Omaha , are nsna loaded to full capacity with regular passenge The 6:17 a. m. rua will be made from the po office , corner ot Dodge and 15th enrihts. Tickets can be procured from street cardr ore , or from drivers of backs. FARE. 25 CENTS. INCLUDING 8TRE CJ M.H $2,250,000 ROYAL HAVANA LOITER EXTRAORDINARY DRAWING , APRIL lth 15000 TICKETS ONLY , 7-2 PRIZE SMALLEST PRIZE , 31.000. 1 Prtzj S1.0CO.OOO 1 Prize $25C 1 1'rizo 200,000 8Przc9$10OOcach 80t 1 Prze 100.000 S Prizes , 6,000 sah 40,0 1 Prize tO.OOO 722Frizesam't'gtoS2,260,0 Whole TicketJ , $160 ; Halves. ? :0 ; Qiarters , $ TerthsS16 ; Twentieths , ? 8 , Fortfetlu , 8 * . Llttlo. Havana Is governed entirely oy t ! above drawing. 1 Prizs , $6OOO722 Prizes , $10,119. Whoej ! , 82. Halves , ? l. ROMAN & CO. Successors to TAYLOR & Co. , New York. Direct all cximmuniratlor.s and money ROMAN & CO. , General .Agents , 233 Chi [ itreitj , > 'ew Haven. ' onn. AGENTS WANTED FuR CREATIVE SCIENCE and Sexual Philosophy. Profusely illustrated. Tha most Important in lost book published. ' Every family wants Jxtraordlnary Inducements offered Agent' . Address Aoiwrs'PUBUsniso Co. St. Louis , Mi PROPOSALS FOR FRESH BEEJE [ lEADQnARTKRg DKP1KTME.VT OF THB PLATTE. ) Jrncis or CaiKT CoMsus ARr OF SDUSISTHSCB , > OMAHA , NEB , Fobrtury 2d. 1SJU , ) Sealed proposals , In triplicate , sabject to tt igual conditions will bo received at thh offli > r at the office * of the Acting Assistant 'Con nlisaiies o ( Sub istenea at tfce fol'owinz name xnts until 12 o'clock nion , on the 20ih day i \pril , 1881. at wtlchtlmoand places they wl ; e opened In the prtscncocf biduerg.for ( arnlst n ? and delivery ol all the fresn beef from h ilock , for i suc , and choice cuts for fales to o Ictrs rcqulrtd by the xnbsistenco Defartmen United SUt a Amy , for the e posts , for th Is-al-ytar commtnc.nfr July 1st. 1841 , viz : Foil 3rider , dra rot , Donglis , FetUmian , II l nramle , Hclviii'ncy , Hlobtaia , Omaha. Itobli i n , Itutaoll , Minder ? , Hldnry. dtstlc , Washalu .heTcnne depot and Otnatu depot. Tiii prjcosil ) for freah } ieet fur itsue mtu > e on ceparati sheets from those for choice ca < or sale * . Separate propotaU for each post are tequirc ind only such will be consido-cd. The Rover ment icurves the right to rejei my or alt t ids. Dlink propouil ? a'ld instructions to bidder1 riving full Inf rma'lon M to the manner of bin ling , condi ons to bo observed by bidders , an erms ol extract aad paj ment will be fnrnlst id on atipl'cation to this office or to the con nlssaries at th e various ponts nirced. No proposals will be conitdcred unless acoir laniedbythe "irst unions w bidders abov eferred to. . Envelope * contalnlny propoatTg should b nrked "Proposals f or Kra-h ucefat. . . . , nd idiJrisaed to thenndtrgign'ed or to the n p'ective post ccinmUs&rlis. " 1HOJIASWIL80N. ' Chief , C. S. Machine Works f. Haminon3 , Trop. & Manager The moct thorouch appointed and complet tichlno Shopa and Foundry In the atate. Castings ot every description canufacted. Ens nee , Pumps and every class : of michlner lads to order. order.pedal attention given to fFell Anjjurs , Pulleys , Hangers , Shafting.Bridgc IronsGeer Cutting , etc. TUnstornev Uachlnerylleichanlcal Dnnjht g. Models , etc. , neatly executed. S3 Harnev St. , Bet. 14th and 15th SAHKIHC KCOSES. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED. BANKING HOUSI IN NEBRASKA. GALDWELLHAMLTON ! C Bnalnettaneacted swce M thst o n Inct pcrs ted Bank. Accoonta kept In Canency or S ° td saMsct gl ht check without notice. " " * Certificates of deposit Issued p y He In thr < slxsnJ twelve months , barlBc Interest , or demand without Intercrt. ' Advances made to costomeia on tpprovcU ! carltlM at mart't tatea of interest Bnj-indaoil eoIJ , btlUot oxchaio QCTOI meat , State , County and City Bonds. Draw Sight Drafts on EnzUnd , Ircfcuul , Bci land , and all parts of Europe. Sell European Faasa o Tickets. . BQLIECTIOHS PROMPTLY MADE. angWt U. S. DEPOSITOBT , FIRST NATIOMAL BAN OF OMAHA. . Cor. IStb and Farnbam Streets , OLDEST CAMKI'rJC ESTABLISHr.lEf IN.OMAHA. ( SUCOESSORS TO KOUSTZE BROS. , ) KStisu3inc9 at 1853 , Orpmlzcd as a National Bans : . Anyszt SO , 181 Capital andProfite OverS300'OC Specially Kuthotfcod by th * EocsratsryorTreajn to r ; elTO Bubscrfptlo-a to the ' ' U.S. * PER GENT. FUKCEQ LQA ! OFFIC3R3 AKD BISSCTCHa Aoacsrus Eooimi , Tic H. W. Tins. Ctshler. A. J. PorniToa , Attorney. r. H. DATO , Asrt CattI ThU basic receives Japoslt'withont regard tmocnta. femes .time ccrtlflcatos bearing latozsst. Draws drafts on San Pranclsco and prind ; dtlea ot the United States , alsj Londdn. Dnbl Edinburgh and. tha principal dUta ot tha con nent of Europe. Balls ! or Emigrants In tha 1 man tie. mr.yldtf ' " ' * ' - . HOTELS THE JRIQINAL. rfil Oor. Randolph St. & 5th Ave , , CHICAGO ILL. PRICES REDUCED TO $2.00 AND 82.50 PER DA Located in the business centre , conyenlc to places of'amusement. Elegantly furnlahi containing all modern Improvements , paaicn ; elcrator , &c. J. H. CUMMINUS , Proprieto ocietf 5 r. MARKET ST. < fc BROADWA Conncil Bluffs , On line o Street Railway , Omnibus to and ( n all trains. KATES Parlor flosr. 83.00 per ila second floor. 82.50 per day ; third floor , 92. ( The beat furnished and most commodious lion In the city. QEO. T. TOELPS Prop Earamie , Wyoming , . The miner's resort , good nccommottittot re Bam pie room , chirirea reiwonnble. Sped attention given to traveling men. ll-tl U..O HlLLUnD ProprletBf. INTER-OCEAN IJOTE ! Cheyenne , "Wyoming. Flrat-clsss , Fine argo Saaiplo llooma , o : block ( rom depot. Trains stop ( rom 20 mlnnt to 2 hours for dinner. Free Bna to and ( ro Depot. Kates $2.60 , $2.60 and eiOO , accordli to room ; a'Dglo meal 75centa. A. I ) . BALCOM , Proprietor. W BORDEN , Cnlo ( CIsrk. mlC AOESTS WANTED FOR OUR NEW BOOK , ' 'Bible for the YOUII& Brin ? the gtoiy c ( the EcripWirs by Rev. Ge Alexander Crook , D. D. in simple anil attra tivo Unhinge for o"il and young ! Profuse IllastraUJ , ir lcin a mOjt Intorrktin ? and it pressive'youth's instructor. Every parent w secure tuie work. L'.cacbcrs , jou should d cvUteK PilceS-100. Sen ( or circulars with extr erma. J. H. UHAMBEBS & CO..J fell Loufa , S AND STILL THE LIOI Continues to Roar for Moores ( ) HARNESS & S.IDDLERI I have adopted the Lion as a Trad Hark , and all my Goods will be stamp id with the Lion and my Name 01 he earae. No Goods are gennini rithbut the above stiraps. The bea ! aaterlal is used and the most skillcc rprkmen are employed , and at thi owest cash price. Anyone wlahinf price list ot goods trill confer a favoi y sending for one. ) AYID SMITH MOOKE , , VAX CAUP , M. 1) . K. L. Sioonis , M. O NEBRASKA MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE , PRIVATE HOSPJTAL. Kow open ( or the reception of pa lento ( or the REATUENT OF ALL CHIWMO AND3UBOI iL DISEASES. > BS. VAN CA3IP Physicians & Surgeons , Proprietors. ODD EILOWS BLOCK. CQRHER WTH 3DCE STS. . OMAHA. HEB. _ A. W. NASON. 3D E 3iT O ? I S T , mn : JacoVj B ek , eoriKf Capita ITS. aad Ulh Street , Omala * ab THE NEW YORK GLOtHING HOUSE Has Eemoved to FARNHAM - : - 1309 STREET , ( Max Meyer's Old Stand.IV' ) ! ' ' * rf Where vi - ' . Stockof - ' ' r * MEN'S , BOYS' , LXD CHILDREN'S CLOTH INC , ' HATS , CAPS AXD GENT'S FCRNISH1NC GOODS. PEIOES ALWAYS THE LOWEST. and Examine Goods .and Prices.- " 1309 Famliam Street , Omalia , Scb. MORE POPULAR THAN EVER. Thb Genuine SINGER NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. tha public. In 1878 we sold 356,422 Machines. In , 1B7Q we sold 431167 Machines. Excess over any previous year 74 735 Machines. . Our sales last year wereat : the rate of over 1400 Sewing Machines a Day I . _ For eiery bralnera d y In * ti.fcyf , * s a , The "Old BeliabV- That Every REAL Singer istheStrongest ; , the Most : Durable Sewing Maa - Mark cast into the + Iron Stand and em chine ever yet Oonr bedded in the Arm of struotefl. ; j' the Machine. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. Principal Office : ' < r4 Union Square. Efew York. 1,500 Subordinate Offices , in the "United States and Canada , and 3,000 Offices inthoOld "World and South America. epl6-d&wtf IAN08 ORGANS. JV S. AGE % GHSGKtRSNG PIANO , And Sole Agent for Hallet Davis & Co , , James & EolmstromandJ.G. Fischer's Pianos , also Sole Agent for the Estey , Burdett , and the Fort Wayne Organ , Go's. Organs. - d ' C ' + I ] deal in Pianos and Organs exclusively. Have had years ' ' experience in the Business , and handle only the Best. - ' - JS. WRIGHT , . , 218 d6th Street , City Hall Building , Omaha , Xcb. HALSEY V. FITOH. Tuner. J. F. SHEELY&CO. , EF PACKERS , Wholesale and Retail In , FISIT ETC. FRES533IEATS& TROTISIONS , A3IE , POULTRY CITY AND COUNTY ORDERS SOLICITED. OFFICE CITY MARKET 1415 Douglas' St. Packing House , Opposite Omaha Stock Yards , U. P. R.B. , ' DOUBLE AND SINGIiE ACTING Steam Pomps , Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , BSLTIHD HOSE , BfiASS AMD IHOH FITTJKDS , PIPE , STEAM PACK1KC AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HALLADAY WmDilLLS , GKURCH AHD SCHOOL BELU A. I. STBAUfO. 205 FRrnham-'StrBflt Omaha , ffeb O W S3 . t _ < x jr.T C' , 5f C'CO 5"x f.t . * . * A Ef ' tail' H tail'O Hrf 3 " 5" Oi ' 1fr > f : ca 5"Q 1 THE C -jas Removed From ; His Old * Stand f * ' * - fen on Douglas St. , to His' IEW..A : : . D..u'-E . r wr r juauffr . ; ; : ' 'i -irf-5 . . , - * f- : ' ' ' " ' - : ! ' Hicrc He Will be Pleased to Meet : illf'liisTfOlfP Patrons.