Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1881, Image 4

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    The Daily Bee.
Monday Morning , March 28.
_ F t rson Kills coa ! .
Ticderick , leading Hatter. mllti
See Polick's advertisement.
4000 residence lots. Bemls , agent
500 business lots. Call on Hernia ,
Bern ! * ' new map of Omaha , 25 cents ,
Bemls * real estate boom. First page
250 houses and lots. Bemls' ' agency.
200 farms and 900,000 acres laud. BemL
Try "Saxe'fl choice , ' ' best 5c dgar ii
Children's School Ealt , chtap , Frtdericl't
For FIXE Commercial Job Printing
call at THE BEE Job rooms.
Whipple , MrirtTTTlMi & Co. , the jewel
ers , Creichton Block. o26-tf
Five varieties of nice apples , by thi
barrel , at Buffet's. 21-6t
Finest assortment of tooth brushes a
Saxe'e , warranted.
Full line cf artists' materials , at Chi
cijo prices , .h. uhn's drug store. ml-lc
Frederick , the leading hatter , has JOB
received and is arranging his new spring
The Temple of | Honor meets thi
evening , March 28th , at 1315 Capitc
Clear and fair weather was the genen
tune of the reports received at the signs
eervice office Friday.
If yon want Bill-Head * , Letter-Head
Envelopes or any job work. Call at TH :
BEE Job Kooms , Trices that will BUI
every one.
The Y. II. C. A. was the recipien
Friday of a lifting machine from eom
gentlemen who probably appreciate "mm
cnlar Christianity. "
Several complaint ! of wash-out ii
different parts of the city were made at thi
mayor's office office Friday and re <
lanterns were a not uncommon ornamen
to many streets last night.
The Eepnblican is wrong in announc
ing the First ward caucus for Mondiy.
As will he seen by the call elsewhere i
will be held &t Metz'u Hall this eve
ning at8 o'clock.
An item appeared in THE BEEJI fev
days since with regard to a reported KDO-R
blockade on the Wabash. The report wet
untrue as the Wabash track has been oper
without interruption this winter.
Henry Elvers , the man who was hurl
by falling into a cistern at the shot towei
on Tuesday , is still in a critical c ndition ,
His wife returned from Dabuque , Iowa ,
and will remain by the side of her husband
during his illness.
Chas. Wild , arrested in CouncU
Bluffs Thursday night for stealing a watch
from the foreman of Stephenson's stable ,
was bled before Judge Hawes Friday
and held in tha sum of 85CO to appear at the
next trm of the district court.
The Cleveland Leader announces the
death in that city of Mr. Win. M. War
den , formerly a member of the firm oi
Clark & Warden of this city. Mr. Warden
wan 'formerly a carriage maker by trade
and had gone into his old business in
partnership with his son. W tcif e .died
in this city four years ago. He was 8
years of age and leaves a family of six
children. The .funeral at 2 o'cloce Thurs
day afternoon.
The lost Imperial party of the season
wlO take place this evening at Masonic
hall. It will not be a full-drew party.
The Cedar Rapids republican of a
recent-date has the f allowing on the early
life of Mlsi Straiten , the Omaha teacher :
"AfewyearsAgoMMs'EUen'M. Stratton
ivaa teacher In our pnblic schools , and ,
as lady teacher * tf proper age ore wontto be ,
become engaged , the happy gentleaan"be
ing & poor but industrious ahd very effi
cient dry good * clerk. The match , how
ever , waa spoiled by the Interference ol
Miss Stratton'e Wte , who thought thai
the said clerkhad not quite wealth enoucb
to warrant Ida S. in taking him to tx
her lawful and weldel husband. Time
passed on , and the clerk was married to
another lady , and by his industry accumu
lated considerable property , -and is now
employed In responsible position. In one
of the largest mercantile stablishments in
thestat * . "
Bird Seed mixed , In one pound
boxes ; one box , 10 cents ; three , 25
cents. SOLOMON'S.
I am now prepared to fill all orders
for'Schlltr.'a genuine Milwaukee Bottled
tled Beer. II A. MoNAMABA ,
mar2C-3t Solo Agont.
Masonic ,
There will H a special meeting of
Omaha Chapter No. 1 , R. A. M.f
this ( Saturday ) evening , for work in
the R. A. degree. Visiting compan
ions are cordially invited.
Unity Lyceum lecture Course.
Prof. George E. Church , of Lincoln ,
will give hii celebrated lecture on
"Sunday Its Use and Abuse , " this
Monday evening in the Unitarian
church. This lecture was recently
delivered In Lincoln before an atten
tive audience of over a thousand'per
Prank D. Heed , of The Peru Herald ,
is in the city.
Mr. Hallis , of Chicago , Is visiting rail
road friends in Omaha.
Mr. Seth Mobley and his wife , Maggie ,
returned from Washington Saturday.
Mr. * ? . A.Thotua is stopping fora few
days with flls "eters , in this city , on his
return tel ontana.
Mr. J. SV.peanofiChicagoleftSaturday
evening for Lincoln , to conduct a scries of
meetings under the auspicts of the V. M.
C. A.
Mr Sam.-B. Jones , of the TJ. P. head
quarter * , b congratulated , by his friends
Saturday on | h arrival t his residence of
a ten pound stranger who has come to stiy.
For Piut , Oils * nd White Lead ,
Window Glass , get Solomon's prices
before "parchwirg
Hens' and buy * ' rubber boots and
hoes , and all kinds cf other goods at
great bargains , t , FDLLEIEDE'BJ neu
13th and Dcuel s ntnots.
Brashes and pans/a-id Duet Pans agcl
Braehee. Come and ere.
| * W. E. BEKKCTT & Co.
\For Sale Hotel and Saloon , gooc
paving , anil s tisfactoryje on foi
eelling , at South Fifth street , Councl
Blafij Iowa LAX & HOFFMAN .
, " . *
* " * ' * - * >
A l If'1 * ' -i >
* r * *
Jf v >
A Chain of Tillages Surrounded -
" rounded and Partially
The Ice Flood Passes on to Benton -
ton , Schujler , Fremont
and Yalley ,
Several Bents of the B. & M ,
Bridge at Oreopolis
Washed Away ,
While the Overland Trains An
Blockaded by a Washout
on the B , & M.
Bob Law and a Gang of Bridge
Builders Prom the West
Beach Duncan.
From Eatnrd r Evening' * Era.
Brie ! details roach ua of a conditlot
of sffiins on the U. P. railroad in thi
neighborhood of North Bend , whict
la most alarming , having already
destroyed thousands of dollars wortl
of railroad property and caused groa
loss to hundreds of Individuals , trhlh
still greater losses are threatened
An ice gorge has been forming in thi
Platte river at that point for severs
days and yesterday afternoon at '
o'clock reached a point where it sud
denly rose above the banks and swep
over the prairie in the direction o :
North Platte in a devastating flood
A mile and a half of U. P. track wai
swept away at once. General Sap r
intendent Clark and Engineer Lam
were at North Bend , where Mr. Clarl
has been superintending the build in j
of the new track and watching thi
river. These gentlemen returned t <
Omaha this morning , and Mr. Clarl
informed a BEE reporter that the 17 ,
P. track was covered with water foi
miles , that the streets of North Bone
were flooded several feet deep , anc
that many of the people slept las
eight on the depot platform. Mr
Clark remarked with grim humor tha' '
if the company "wanted to ga intc
the ice business they could now fil
their station building at North Bern
from the platform. "
The west bound express , which lef i
here yeiterday expected to go throngl
over the U. P. line , by the new tern
porary track west of Fremont , bnt on
reaching that town was hold to nw&il
the threatened Inundation at Nortt
JBand , and finally returned to Omaha
last evening. The east bound express
came through all right , reaching here
on time. The west bound express was
held here until" this morning when it
was sent weet by way of Council
Bluffs , Pacific Junction and Platta-
The cause of this change of route
is the temporary.abandonment by the
B. &TJL Co. of their bridge over the
Platte at Oreapolis. It Is believed
that this bridge will not go , but in the
present condition of things and with
the threatened rise when the gorges
break above it is not considered safe
to run the risk. The ice WAS passing
through rapidly this morning , a party
of werkingmen balne engaged In pro
tecting the piers. Meanwhile all IB.
& M. and U. P. trains , both freight
and passenger , will run for the present
by way of "the U. P. . the "Kansas City
road , and the B. & "M. bridge at
Generall Manager KimbaU and Sa-
potlntendentm Clark and Nichols were
absorbed in the labor incident to the
situation when a BEE reporter called
at2:30p.m. It was plain that the
news from the threatened country was
not of a cheerful character. It wai
Jearned that the water had been slow
ly rising during the forenoon and
that the only moans of communication
Hi North Bond was byaieans of boats.
The receipt of a telegram announcing
that the water had fallen an inch fir-
nitbed bnt a small crumb of comfort.
A telegram was received during the
forenoon announcing that the Loup
bridge on the Norfolk had gone but ,
but u it waa also learned that
the whole valley of the Loop was
flooded , and that the parties by whom
the report waa made were unable to
reach the bridge , it wci hoped at the
railroad headquarters that the report
may be a f alee one. The ice IB pourIng -
Ing out of the Loupe in a devastating
mass , and it is generally believed by
those familiorwith the character of
the Loupe valley that unless the people
ple of the region took measures some
lays in advance there must inevitably
bs immense loss of property and
probable loss of life.
One telegram announced that n
family at one point not learned were
on the eve of perishing in the waters
when a locomotive and parry were
sent to their relief and took them out.
The Union Pacific had at 2:30 p. m.
no telegraphic communication beyond
jolnmbus , the Ice having swept acrots
.he country between Columbus and
Duncan , cutting off fifty telegraph
x > les &s if they were pips stems. Ef-
'orts are beinc made to arrange with
; he Western Union and reach pointe
west of the gorge by way of Kearney.
The situation is clearly one of great
> eril to the people of tie Inundated
region. The entire country ij under
water from Fremont to a point beyond
SorthBend , and a heavy rise is re-
jorted coming down from the Loupe ,
irith a vast body of ice.
Thewilroao" company has been un
able as jet to do anything except to
remove its exposed property as far as
possible. It is u able to roach the
jorge or do anything to open it at
Tko country where this has occurred
a a broad prairie , and it was believed
last night that the flood at North
Bend was the result of the giving way
of a gorge above , * nd that
when the flood was over the
water would fall rapidly. The
fact that the water baa con
tinued rhinz would indicate that the
Ice Jias again gorged. An are * of
many rquare miles is covered 'with
water , and it is most difficult to lei-rn
it what point t commence operations ,
If indeed , anything is practicable.
The point of most serious danger
nn the Loupe is between Genoa and
Lost Creek.
The Situation Saturday Nieht.
On Saturday evening the situation ,
as recorded in telegrams received at
U. P. headquarters , from time to time ,
waa as follows : The rumor that the
Loup ftrk bridge of the Omaha , Nio-
brara & Black Hills branch , was car
ried away , wai confirmed to the ox-
teat that it Is known that part of the
bridge is gone. It was also learned
that the Loup fork bridge of the Grand
Island & St. Paul road had been car
ried away. Four spans of the bridge
were thrown upon the bank , while
two floated down the river. Wagon
bridges were also reported gcnerallj
washed away. The gorges iu the
Loup had broken and were swelling
the flood In the main stream , which
at some points was reported as rising
ten feet in an hour and a half. While
the details with regard to the effect !
of this rise were meagre , it k evident
that buildings , hay stacks , fences ,
farming machinery and vast qnantl
ties of live stock have been swept
away , , and there is no question that
many lives have been lost , how manj
cm only be learned when the watei
goes down. The situation at Benton ,
a new station between Columbus anc
SchuyJer , was terrible. Here , withii
a few hours , there was ten feet o :
water , where not a drop had beenseei
in the morning. About ten famillei
residing on low ground were caught
by the rise and had no time to read
higher ground. The water came u [
so rapidly that they were driven tc
the roofs of their dwellings , There
they could be plainly seen before darl
from the town. The only boat in the
village was a small and unsafe one ;
which conld not stand for a momeni
the surging maelstrom of ice and
water. A relief party was organized ,
which could do nothing bnt take
positions at tha edge of the water and
wait for it to falL Parts of houses ,
bridges , barns , hay stacks , and the
dead bodies of numberless stock wen
sonn to drift by. One family was re
ported drowned. All the stock in thi
locality was said to be lost. At thi
last report , received ia the evening
the water had fallen two feet
At Columbus six spans of the hand
some if agon bridge across the Louj
were washed away. This bridgi
was constructed five ytars agi
at a cost of $50,000. It was a- How
truss with 150 feet spans. Thro
spans of the pile bridge which form
the approach to the fine iron railroac
bridge over the Loup , had gone out
the track between the approach am
the iron bridge being washed away ti
a depth of about three feet , while tie
and iron were tumbled into the ditcl
on the south side. Three-quarters o
a mile of track west of the bridge wa
destroyed. Several families living 01
the Platte bottoms east of the towi
were surrounded , and at last report
in danger of losing their lives. Thre
small children were reported lost 01
the west side of the Loup.
At North Bend part of the DO ;
$16,000 wagon bridge was carriei
away , and the railroad track washei
out for over a mile. In the evening ;
dispatch was received from the opera
tor at North Bend , announcing tha
an immense body of water from th
Loup river was reported to be at hand
and people were preparing to leavi
town if necessary. At 9:30 p. m. i
dispatch was received announcing tha
the high water had reached the town
and was rising fast , while people 01
every side were endeavoring to sav
their stock and property from th
flood. At this juncture the wire
went down , and what has trauspirei
since is only a matter of conjecture
The wave reached Schuyler betwoei
9 and 10 o'clock , and the town sooi
became flooded , and citizens proceedei
to load themselves and their goods si
far ci possible , and a train at the sta
tion , which was in readiness to movi
when necessary. An engine and caboose
booso were sent to Rogers' side tracl
to rescue two families. At this tlmi
the flood severed the telegraphic com
munication with Schnyler , and noth
Ing has been learned from there since
At Fremont the citizens had erectec
a dam to protect the most exposec
portion of the town , bnt this wei
washed away in the evening by th <
water , and the town flooded. Heavj
loss was anticipated , but no danger tc
Another heavy gorge was repcrtec
as having broken at Genoa , on the Al
blon branch of the Union Pacific , lasl
night , and another flood on its waj
down the Lonp and Platte.
Information came from Lincoln , ir
a dispatch to The Herald of yesterday ,
that Salt creek had been rising stead
ily for twenty-four hours , until it had
spread over the bottom west of th
side tracks fcr half a mile and foi
three blocks into the city. The de
pots were surrounded with water , the
houses on the bottoms vacated and
loose articles floating about. The
only way of reaching the depot wasbj
a small elevated food bridge , which
was threatened with being washed
away last night. The tracks over the
bottom were submerged , and railroad
ties , telegraph poles and wood and
empty barrels floating abrut. Boat :
were carrying passengers to and from
the depot. No trains had been run
to or from Central City or Colum
bus. The traiu from .Nebraska CItj
went off the track near the prison
switch at 9 o'clock in the evening , no
body bzing hurt. The train was aban
doned , and the pr sengeiswalked intc
Lincoln through two feet of water.
State of Afifelrs on Yesterday.
. Telegraphic communication west oi
Fremont remained broken all day yes
terday. The Platte flood had swept
along eastward , submerging and possi
bly washing out part of the U. P.
track. The Fremont U. P. exprese
train , which has taken the place of the
through express during the interrup
tion in travel , only went to Vallny
yesterday and returned in the after
noon. It wan evident on the return
trip that it would not be safe for an
other train to run beyond Elkhoin ,
for the entire Platte Yalley , several
miles in width at thi : point , was one
broad sheet of water.
General Superintendent Clark Icfi
for Elkhorn in a special train yester
day morning , accompanied by a gang
of telegraph repairers. It was Mr.
Clark's intention to leave his train al
Elkhotn , and proceed west to Yallej
on a hand car , and from Valley west
In whatever manner should prove
practicable. " The telegraph men were
to establish connection in whatevei
way should prove most jractieable
with the towns in the flooded region.
If the vter still keeps up , a line wll ]
be run .on the higher ground where-
ever it can be dona most rapidly.
Mr. Clark will direct the operations ol
a force of fifty mea bridge builders ,
repairers , etc. wTioTeftNorth Platte
yesterday afternoon for the wishouU
m charge.Jof Division Superintendent
Hob. Law , of the Montana division.
The Force will be increased to seven'
ty-five men when it reaches the ecenc
of operations , and is fully equippec
with bridge material.
A prominent railroad official stated
yesterday that it would be but a fen
days , after tha freshet was over , be
fore the Union Parlfic would be run
ning trains. A force will be set at
work which , It is believed , will com
plate the work within a week aFiei
operations are begun.
People who came in last night frou
Valley stated that many fanners nnr
their families had succeeded in rech
ing Valley , but in an utterly dettituU
condition , aud mtny having bareij
escaped with their lives. Many fate
ilies are missing who would natural
have started for Valley , and it Is be
liered they are drowned.
Reports from Columbus and Den
can received yesterday afternron , via
Kansas City , stated that the watei
had gona down at Hhoso points ant
the danger was considered past.
Too destruction of the B. & M
bridge over Salt week at Lincoln hap
peued just in time to leave the wea
bound Union Pacific eipress of Sat
nrday and the oit bound expre's c
o-dsy on opposite * banks of the stream
tach on the wrong bank to complcti
cs trip. A large force of men wen
itt at work to replace it yesterday.anc
seis expected that it will be complete !
it is morning.
thSeveral bents of the B. & M. bridg
across the Platta at Oroopolis went
out yesterday morning and it will be
some days , under the most favorable
circumstances , before travel is re
sumed in that direction. General
Manager Touzalin informed , a BEE
reporter yesterday , however , that the
remainder of the track was in perfect
condition , that it was considered se
cure against the approaching flood
from above and that passenger and
freight trains would run regularly , goIng -
Ing by way of Plattsmouth. It was
reported yesterday morning that the
B. & M. tracks were threatened and
the U. P. contemplated running the
overland train by way ot St.
Joseph and the St Joe & Western
railroad or Kansas City , the Kansas
Pacific and one of the Northern Col
orado roads. Mr. Tonzalin's state
ment shows that the B. & M. track is
all right. The west bound U. P ex <
press of yesterday had not left at a
late hour last night.
At 10 o'clock last evening the Un
ion Pacific line repairers from the
west had established communication
between Omaha and Columbna.Sohny-
ler , BoRton and North Band bj
way of Kearney. The water was re
ported as about out at all theae towns ,
and no further information was given
aa to the probable loss of life , or the
extent of the damage. Superintend
ent Clark and hisparty reached Vallej
on hand can , and proceeded from
that point to Fremont in a wagon. He
telegraphed last evening that the
Platte had receded from Fremont.
The B. & M. had information at the
same hour that Salt creek waa still
raging , but that no serious reaultt
were probable. No buildings in Lin
coln had been damaged , and the B. < S
M. track was all right. The Platte
was reported very high , but the tracl
all right. Twenty-seven hundred feel
of the embankment on their Colum
bus branch , near Colnmbua , where the
country is very low , was waahee
Emet Salomon will glaze ono Ugh
of glass , or more , on call. Office a
Bird Cages , cheap , at
All fine Spring styles now ready , a
the Great Now York Hat Store.
m22-G ;
THE PUREST and freshest drug
to be had at SCHBOTEB & BECHT'I
Opera Honso Drug Store , 211 Fif
leenth street. m23f
Save You Head This ?
The largest and most complete stocl
of ladies'and gents' gold watches , high
ly ornamented with exquisite carvings
etc. , etc. , ever brought to this city
is now at
WHIPPLE , McMiiLEN &Co.'s ,
Creighton Block ,
m2o-2t Fifteenth Street.
Mens' Calf Boots , good $2.61
" Kip " 2.0 (
" Alexis " L2I
" Brogans" 1.01
" French " our own make
$5.00 to SG.OO , at
13th , near Douglas St.
Tne Hascall Jamboree
The meeting at Bohemian Hall Fri
day waa not very largely attended ,
About forty Bohemians , mostly fron
the First wnrd , and ten office-seekere ,
including Smytho , Hascall , and other *
were present. About 9 o'clock thi
parties who called the meeting wen
asked to explain the object. The ]
failed to put in an appearance , it bein ;
evident that Hascall didn't want tc
show his hand so early. Finally Mr ,
Rosewater was called for and made <
brief address on the importance of thi
coming city election. The meetinf.
adjourned at about 10 o'clock , fo mee
oqaiu in the same place on Mondaj
Mens' and
< Suits
to order.
: ' ' - ' Stylos. '
tCall and
Bast fit and
One door west
of Crnickshank's.
dozen for , one dollar. CHOICE
DAIRY butter , ' 20 cents per pound.
LUNCH Baskets , nice assortment ,
to be sold cheap , at
.The Chicago Steam Dje Works
have remo7od to second door cast oi
the old place. L. Knonzscn.
Great novelties in Furniture Fringes
really Beautiful goods at Crnick-
shank's. mat25-2t
' ' ' '
Gold Watches
on sale at
WHIPPLE , McMiLLEN & Co.'s ,
Creightou Block ,
tc25-2t Street ,
BECHT'S Opera Houo Pharmacy , 211
Fiftoanth street. m23f
Spring style of Yonng Men'n Neb
b 63 t the Great Now York Hat Co ,
Store Shelves for Sile. Inquire a
1018 Farnham street. 25 2c
Choice Ruts Baga turnip * , Pencl
Blow and Eiriy Rosa potatoes ; ala <
butter and eggs , at
22-5t 16th and CaeaStreeU.
A first-tings Watchmaker , immediate
ly ; none but a first-class workmai
need apply.
15th street , opposite the postoffiV
m22-4t f-
- * < ;
A Few Ripples Disturb the
Placid Surface of Mid
But all Large Parties are Bigicl
ly Foresworn.
No Important society events have
Interrupted the quiet of the Lanter
season during the past week , but aev
eral Interesting affairs of a amallei
nature have taken place , chleflj
among the young people. Of theai
one of the most notable was the
on Wednesday evening at the resi
dence ot A. J. Poppleton , Esq. , ir
honor of Miss Markham , of St ,
Louis , & young lady who is visiting
Miss Popploton. The affair tool
place in the beautiful music hall ol
Mr. Pcppleton'a new residence. Th <
room is furnished in exquisite taste
adorned with portraits of the
great masters of music , anc
furnished with a grand piano ,
There were present beside Miss Pop
pleton and her guest and the othe :
members ef the family , Miss Olain
Eustln , Mr. Martin Calm and Mr
Jay Northrop. The musical pro
gramme included selections from th
works of Beethoven , Mozart am
Mendelssohn. Miss Poppleton am
Miss Bustin , both of whom took higl
honors in music at Yaaear , were tb
pianists of the evening. Mr. Oahi
played the violin. One of the bes
selections was a special "Largo ,
played by Mr. Oahn and Miss Rustic
A pleasing social event was the Cor
gregational sociable , held on Than
day evening at ttho residence nf Mi
Himebaugh , which was organized an
managed by Miss Rustiti and we
largely attended.
Mrs. H. W. Yates entortaine
about fourteen ladles on Thursday al
tornoon at a quilting party.
Miss Helen Mar White was entei
tainod on Tuesday evening at th
residence of Mr. S. 8. Caldwell , t
which a score of ladies and gentleme
ware present. A pleasing feature c
the evening was the recitation of Mil
White of several selections.
The "Entre Nous" society was'oi
tertainedby Mr. Charlie McCormic
on Thursday evening , eight or te
couples of young people being preson
Mrs. George Thrall entertained
party of friends on Wednesday evei
On Thursday evening Miss Minn
Hall entertained a party of yonng poi
pie , the objects of the gathering beta
social enjoyment and mutual improv :
ment In singing.
Miss Kate Fooa , teacher in the Eai
school , is spending her vacation i
Den Moines , visiting Mrs. 8. C. Al
bott , an old time resident of Omaha.
Mrs. De Pen , of Sedalia , Mo. ,
visiting her neice , Mrs. 8. 8. Calc ?
The members of the Imperial cln
will hold an extra iarty at Mssoni
Hall this evening. Steinhauser
orchestra trill furnish the mailo.
Helen M r White.
The abova named lady appeared i
the Academy of Music Friday i
her recitations , to a large house. He
renditions were , in the general oph
ion , altogether superior to those c
an ; reader who hit yet appeared ii
Omaha. The programme Was varie
and well selected , allowing Mia
White the best opportunity to displa'
her histrionic powers , which ara remarkable
markablo , and which make hersucces
certain when next eeason she shall en
ter upon her chcsan profession behlni
the foet-llghta. The selections Tver
vivid with passion , touching with sen
timent and Irresistible in fan and bur
The appearance of Omaha's littl
musical prodigies , Miss Jennie Me
Olelland and Mr. Hairy A'cCormick
added a delightful feature to the en
tertainment , and both were raptnr
ously applauded and recalled , th
final encore eliciting their duet
"When ye Gang Awa' , Jamie. " Th
floral offerings were remarkable fo
their elegance and richness , Mis
White being the recipient of threi
largo baskets of flowers and Miss Me
Olelland of a basket and a bouquet
The programme of the evening wa ;
as follows , to which Alias White addet
by request , "A Naughty Girl's Idea
of Life : "
Overture Hoffman's Oreheatri
1. Jane Conquest Milm
2. Pyra-mus andThisbe Saxi
3. Song { Baby Mine.Miss ) J. McClellani
4. Little Jessie , AUDI
5. Medley Whit
6. Bjlcony scene ( by reqnes'.Shak9p' ) <
7. TJoy'a Hear Story. Kile ;
8. gong ( BrownEyes.Harry ) McConnici
9. tlonner
10. The .Stammerer Griffit !
'The Temperance Bee Hive.
Wo think the ladies of the "Be
" have great cause t > feel mucl
encouraged at the 'prcgresi of ihei
work , judging from the uteidily in
crea&iug number that visit hem 01
Friday evening , at which lime tje ;
most assuredly endeavor and succeei
to give the public as fine a progrjmrai
as any entertainment of tha kind cai
offer. We heird Friday an abl
address by the fiov. Mr. Maxfield
which was free from all personalities
elegantly worded , eloquently duliverci
and u uvurta'ly pronounced a genuh.i
tempsrsnco 1 cture. The aolo b ;
Mr. Hoaaar was t exceedingly we !
rendered. The recitation by ilatte
Henderson , wr > s good. Song , C'D
not turn me from your rioor , " by littl
Miss Elliott , was b autifaU "Crj
sad-w , " by Mrs. English , was ncite
.n the bnt possible style. "No-eec
" Mrs. Wall i
in heaven , vas read by
h < = r r.sttil pt.od way.
Tae Y. M. C. A. Qn rtette adde
much to the finjoymeu * . of the evenin
by longing some very choice aelf-ctioni
We "regret very much to say tha
Miss Van Oram , although present , di
not contribute her usual portion o
vocal music.
The ontertsinment closed by slngin
{ "Glory Hallelujab."J
Accident to arostman.
Mr. James Jablecnik , the postman ,
who was thrown from his horse about
a year ago and survived a partial dis
location of the neck , met with another
severe accident Saturday , the
horse falling on the Ice with
him , and starting off at a rapid
pico before he conld extricate his
foot from the stirrup. Ho waa not
badly injured , but hurt his ankle and
was unable to walk. It is probably a
severe sprain.
Silk Hose a rare and most beauti
ful assortment of these goods ara now
being shown on Crnlckshank's coun
ters , also a lovely lot of Lisle Thread
Hose. mar25-2t
Cat flowers in any quantity cheap
at ED. 0. EBFLIHO'I ,
mar21eod3t Near TJ. P. depot.
KOTICE Advertisement ? To Loan , For Sale ,
Lcit Found , Want * , Boarding , &c. , will bo in-
ecrled in these columns once for TEN CENTS
per line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVE CENTS
per lina The first insertion never less than
A AAA TO LOAN At 8 pr cent in-
/wOU.UUU tertst.ln ums of $2500 and
upwards , for 3 to 5 years , on first-c.' nd
farm vroptrty. EEMIS' RKAL ESTATE and IOAS
AOKSCT , 15th knd Douglas fct .
LOAN $1000 on strictly flrat-dats secur
riO ity. Address U. B , , Bie office. 479-20
OtJUT SO IXJAN-Call it Law Offies
M1 D. L. VUOUAa.iltxlmtl.iire-.Khton Block
IONRY TO LOAH 1108 fanihim street.
M1 Dr. Ed wards Loan Agency. nov-22-U
ANTED rwoor three day boardcis. Cor
W IStb and Chicago. 476 26
Girl , must be good cook , wasbci
WANTED : to such oed wges will b <
pild. N.E Cor. 18th and Farnharn. 481-23
TTT'ANTED A girl to do housewoikinaimal
family. Apply ac 1305 Douslia St.
' ANTED By young man of peed odua
tion , employment not confined toinUoo ;
lite. AddrefSlI. W , Bee office. 470-28
B } one of the largest Wholnstli
WANTED Houses In New York City , fo ,
the coming fall trade ciptrienced Bilejmen
Those having excellence and commanJine :
good trade will find tola a flnt-class opportunity
Apply at once references to A. B. C. , Post
office Box SOS , New YoikUty. 46t-w&i-9
A two horse burej ; five de
WAVITKD and price. L. , Bee office.
Girl for general housework
WANTED will be piid to acomDet'n
Chi. Call at Bee Office. 4G3-tf
A partner with S',000 to Join ad
WANTED ria the extension if an esUtilishei
and ono of the best paying "mairess In th ) v. est
Apply to f. > ' . Simsral , Room C , Crtightoi
Block , 15th St. 4".6-lm
f\TAUTED-Cook at 1 izard'a i alace. 451-t
Partner in a good payingbutche
WANTED . Address L. J. L. , this office.
WANTED At end ul Ifcth Street ci
MAX . II. IV. Ball. 410-1
TXTANTED Twomorebovdcrsat 313 Kort !
YY 17th atrcctbetwcen Davtnport and Chicago
cage , east side 387-tt
Wants situation nj honse-kccpei
AWOUAN 1215 llowird street , between 121
and Uth. 3S5 31
WANTED A girl fur general haiuework
Mast be good cook. Good wa es to con
potent girl. Mrs. N. Rogers , comer 19th am
Leaven worth streets. 371-tf
An experienced batcher wants
to start a meatnaiketi n some small west
em town , where there is none , or where one Ii
ne de-l ; would take a reliable partner. Addre *
K. K. Webb. JaJcaon , Dalcota Co. , Neb. 90-1
"rT7"ANTED A good house-keep * r , 1109 Fan
YY ham street , up ttairs. 32-tf
fGS R ; nv-H3US AHD L/.hU.
r targe pleasint front rcorn , fui
J. nlshcd. N. E. OT. 10th and Hurt. 477-2
"TTlORRENr Asuis of furnUhod or unfum
Jj cd rooms at 1417 Cas3 eircer , opposite ne\
brick school home. 81-30
OUSES ANU LAND Bemia rents houses
stores , hotel ? , farms , lots , lends , offlc.s
room ? , eta. See : et l ge.
A roc re iu thopoitotfico , at Glair , Neb. , suit
abin for news stand , book' , stationary etc. , etc
Bhir coitiins about 2,000 inhab t ints , and h il
of the people in the county K t th'i' ma'l at ihL
office. For particulars address L.F. Ililu/D , Blair
Neb. 4 S-eod2 (
ntOR RENT Two new cottag a , & and 6 Urge
JT room ? , bay win-Jovrs , and all convenience
eitcatcd on the bill. Apply to S. T. Peterson ,
15th and Douglas Sts , ovcr.BushmanN More.
T OR RENT Brink stornIn ; Jacobs' Block ,
JL ; 15th and Capitol Avo. Jno. G. Jacobs.
430 tf
T7IOR RENT A store comer Leavcnworth an i
JC 10th e's. AUoC mocking birdsinrera foi
sale. Knquiro at Peterson , 80410th st. 39741
KENT 2 furnkhad rooms over Afer
FOR Exchange , N. E. Cor. 16th ncd
Dodce streeta.
TJARECHANCK For sale , toirding'houst
JA , comp'etaly fumishrxl , ten minutes walk
from P stofflce , ten rooms , flra nultible for
roomers now occupied ; doing good business
111 health reason for selling. Address A. B. ,
Postcfflcc. 483-28
T > EU1S Se'ls houses , lota , farms , lands. cc
> 1st p ge.
"TJ1QR SALE A cottage house of 5 roomi with
Jj 2 lots ; ground for tale , cheap. Inquire
2til4 Faruhim St. , Bog s' addition. 4H7-1J a ° S
I7KR S VLE Horses and ponle * , at comer 16lh
JL } and Izird , at Redman's barn. 437-1
B 1st page.
"T1OR SALE Good dwelling bouie , 3 rooms
I' and kltcrn-n , good barn nd outhouses , in-
quira at Ecnson < t Johnson's ice office. 303-11
TTTOR SALE Ten ( ' 0) ) residence lota on upper
1 } Farnham street. Jehu L. Mc-Cacue , op/ .
P.O. 859-tf
HALE Maps of Douelis and Sarpy
FOR . A. BO EWATER , 1520 Harn-
him Street. 320-tf
r > EUIS' NEW CITY M APS , 23c. See 1st paee ,
nOR SVLE Seven Rood bnsinc'8 lota on
P Faraham street. JOUtf 1. . McCAOUE.
fotf Opposite fostofflce.
3AL Lai3u and fumituru ofaQrst-
Full hotel in a town ot 1300 iniiablUntn , in
fatat3 of Nebraska. Ha21 levin , the " travelling
men's resort. Inquire at Bee office 218-tf
EMU. ' R. AL EiTAlE BOOM. Seclrt page.
SALE A RARGA1N-A fculldinsf with
FOE ' . fixtures , furniture and itock , uii 10th
bt. . opposite the U. P depot , for sale very cheap.
Or tha fixture , furniture and socwill be sold
and building rented. Inquire of El > . KKElbs-
MAN. 73f
OR ALK T v > cioaa cirrlagCH , at A. J.
F on'it 911-tf
> ; i3CELLA ! ! aUS.
rrllE BESTTlfiNO YtT II. O. latk 4 Co.'a
JL Imperial Self Rtiain ; Winter Wheat Flour ,
for Pancakes , Biscuits , and all kinds of pastry.
1 ry it. A sk your grocer for it. 478-tt
$30 In currency. Revrara to tinder ,
LOST at lib & McUanon's. 4S28
H s rattl nj Ion. ; llst of houses , lota ,
BESIIS anil fatoia for fra'C. Call and gel
h m.
K 8E DOT At Jo'un Barrs stable
JL for all klnda of work , at reasonable figures
nsar comer 13th and Learcnworth St. 378-U
War ranUd a Safe , Certain and Speedy Care foi
Rheumatism in all its Jorais , Neuralgia. Lame
l-ck ! , Pain in the Breast and Side , Vain in the
Stonuch and Kidncjf , &c I < is an in'emal
remedy , a Tonic and Clood Purifier , and while il
reniorcs tic DU-aasa it Impruies it.e general
C. F. O < oilman , gincnl KO ha
nonw. bamp
' .it tr . Arfdrewl BtldBOi &
Portland. Ife
Aay on barlnj dead animals I will remore
h93ifrce of charge. Learo orders Bouthcai'
com i of Haroey and llth St. , second door.
For Sale.
1,000,000 Acres
Selected in an early day not
Railroad Land , bnt land owned
by non-residents , who are tired
paying taxes , and are offering
their lands at the low price of $6
$8 , and $10 per acre , on long
time and easy terms.
We also offer for sale
Improved Farms
Douglas , Sarpy , and Wash
ington Counties.
Also , an Immense List ot
Omaha City
Real Estate ,
Including Elegant Residences , Busi
ness and Residence LotsCheap Houses
and Lota , and a largo number of Lots
in most of tha Additions to Omaha.
Also , Small Tracts of 5 , 10 and 2C
acres in and near the city. We have
good opportunities for making Loans ,
and in all cases personally examine
titles and take every precaution to insure -
sure safety of money BO invested.
Below we offer a small list of Special
Boggs & Hill ,
1408 Horth Side of Para. St. ,
Opp , Grand Central Hotel ,
Omaha , Neb-
Cfl D O A I P Ee t located residence lot i :
rUK OALu the city , Slat ahd DodRo Sts
Ofll C AverynicJ 5 room cottaze
OHLC leased ground rents far * 2
per u untti. UOCiaS&IIlLL.
OAI C New house of 5 room wit !
dMLlL hall lot , near Drownell'a Hall
A very plea&i nt location. 31100.00.
CAD OAI C New house cf 4 rooms wit
rUll OHLll lolllot , 2Ch and Farohin
Only | 2Du , re.iuired down. Price $1100.
r ft n O II I r New 1 onsa with ball city lot
rUn OHLC near High School , E rooms
largo bay wlnOow , huh door ] and ceiling
Evvrything perfect. 3USO. BOGGS &IIILL.
CAI C Comtroftwo choice Ijts I
OnLL Shlnn'a addition , request n
to at once submit best ash offer.
CAI C A good and dcsirablo res
OALt dccce property , 4COO.
TRIE RESIDENCE Not in the nmkel
Owner will sell for t650u-
t650uEOQGSiHILL. .
CAI C 4soodlnta , China's 3d ad
OALt di'ion , $150 eaxb.
COD CAI C Ancw li-stDry brick houa
rUn OMLSZ with 2 lua , on corner 2fltl
anil Douglas , $1700. LCCCS & II ILL.
CAI IT A vorV flno residence lot
OHLll to some party desiring ti
buUd a fine house , S'BOO. BOGUS & HILL.
C A I C Abont 200 lota In Kountze &
OHLL. Ruth's addition , just south
of St. ilir/a avenue , $450toiro. lhecl.Uurc .
near business , * arroucded bir fine improvemouts
andaie 40 per cent cheaper than n > otter lots ir
tie market. Save money by buying the e lots.
LUO'-.o & HILL.
CAB C 10 lota , rclUHe for fine
OHLli residence , onTaik-Wild avc
rue , 3 blocks a. R. of depot , all covered witb
flue large tress. Trice extremely low. $ SOo to
$700. 0003 & HILL.
CflD CAI C S"me very eke p Iota In
run DHLC , Lma add.tion.
CflD CAI C Chein career lot , cornel
rUll OnLC Uou-aiand Jefferson Sta
tocos & HILL.
CAI C OUotsonSUh. Zltb , 23th ,
OHLE. 23th aid lOthSta. , between
Farnhaui LoagUs and the J reposed oitensior
o ( Dodje btrett. Pricrgranccfrom&OO to $100.
We hate concluded to guo men of small means ,
one niore chance to s-ccnrc & home and will
build housea on tteso lota on small ptymenf ,
and uill sell JoLj on muutuly payments.
CAI C I'D acre" , 9 miles from city ;
OHLC ubou 30 acrej verycaoice
with running water ; 'balance gently
rolling prairie , en y 3 miles from rallroa" . $10
per acre. U ) G03 & HILL.
C A I C 4 ° acret ll one tractls
uHLE. mllMfrumaty , 40 acres cul
tivated , Livin ; spring of vtato * , 20110 nice val
leys. > hc laau is all d'tt-cla a rKh prairie ,
Fries Sll ) f er e. e. LuGGS & HILL.
Qftl T 16 * ) cri > s } mila east of Elk-
OHLE burn Station on railroad ,
KU'inmj water , id crts c JtlvateJ.
CAI ET ICO eg * miles north of
VHLC Kikho ii Station , must bo
sold for whit it will tiling.
CAI C S ° acres next sonthofDina-
OHLC dale in 4-15-11 A good and
desirable tract , runs djwn on to valley of Pap-
piUloniO. . BCGGS&HILL.
CAI C 720 acres in one boay.Ttoilca
OHLC. west of Fremont , u alllcvel
land , produc n ; heavy growth of priss , is hl h
valley , rich soil and j miles from railroad and
Bide track , in good sett'ement ' and no better land
can be found. BOGOS&I1ILL.
CAI C A highly improved farm of
OHLll 240 acres , 3 miles from city.
Fine improvements on this land , owner net a
practical farmer , determine ! to foil. A good
owning for come mm with means.
CAI C 160 acres in see. 1 , town 16 ,
OHLC rangell. Mu'tbeeold this
raoith. EOGG3 i. HILL.
CAI C 2001 acres of land near Mil-
OHLC lad Station , 3oOO near Elkhorn -
horn , $3 to 81U ; 4GOO acrta in north part of
county , 9 < to 3 0 ; 3003 acres 2 to 8 milta from
Florence , 85 to ? lu ; & > 00 acres ett of the Elkhorn -
horn , t4 to 31" ; 10.COO a--ro < scattered through
tha county , 6 to 3if.
Tlie above lands lie near and adjoin Dearly
every faim in tie couuty , and can mostly be.
sold on irnall cash payment , with balance in 1-2.
3 4 and 6 jeara time
POD CAI F Sevet&lSne res'danco prop-
lUn WrlLt erilca never before cffereJ
and not krown In tin market ss bein ? fertile.
L > catlons wlllcnly icnjadc kno < vntopurcha era
' Manintr bosircss , " BuGGS & HILL.
TlIFKOVEDFARMS-Wckavefor ale many
JL improvsd farms aronnd Onaha , ar > Hn all
rarlsof Couglis , Supyand WaiJiir.gton conn-
ties. Also ya'nui in Iowa , fat de c lotion
and pricts all on u .
- ( ( \ B08INES3LOTS FOR 8ALE-"n Firnhsm
JU and Douglas st ( c's from rtOCO to 83 00.
"pOR SALE 8 tnsintss lota next wett of
r Uaaon'c Temple prue 4 f 9 000
each. EyauSiiUlLL.
T7IOR SAL'C-3 bnsinesj lots west tf Odd Fel-
J : lows block. $2500 cacb.
OR SALE 2bnsit loti eonh nde Douj-
E laS8t.b < teenmh and 13tb. P5CO each.
' ' 0 icres , < ovcr.d fib yonnjf
EOR'ALE ; Livlnit water , sam > aEd rt br im
proved farms , only seven mllea/romd j. Cheap-
es. land on hand. HJG03&HILL.
P-rsons contempUtine bnyfez ihnold jot fiH
ezsaloeonr list of lands.BOGGS 4 HILL.
3 * . * i W * If * - * J * JA / * titJ & '
Omaha , Collins ,
A. POLACK.Collins
Jheyenne , . . Colorado
Spring and Summer
Men , Boys and Children.
Clothing Made to Order in the Latest Styles.
Prices to Suit All.
1322 Farnlmm Street , near Fourteenth.
{ OUSE ,
At Wholesale !
The Latest Styles !
The Largest Variety !
The Very Bast Prices
MiVa Agents for Celluloid Collars and Cuffs , Rubber Coats and
0 Star Umbrellas
14th and Dodge Sts. , Omah
Dealer in Hardware ,
and Tinware.
Stove Repairer , Job Woriierand Manufacturer of a
Kinds of Cans.
Tenth and Jackson Streets.
Fishing Tackle , Base Balls and a full line of
Send for Price List.
v MAX MEYER & CO , , Omaha , Neb.
Tobacco , 25 cents per pound upwards.
Pipes from 25 cents per dozen upwards.
Cigars from 815.00 per 1000 upwards.
Un I Im SC rili.9Llflfil1j
And Wholesale Dealers in CIGARS and CONFECTIONERY. Darli-.z the
Fall and Winter we wil ! handle COtJNSELMES'S FRESH OYSTERS , whfch
are now the beat in the market. A hrga assortment ef CANDY and SUGAR ,
TOYS for the HolHay tride.
flATZ & FJIKEIHAX , 510 llth St. , Omaha.
octlS cod-'iT
Lirsett KlUblhVil
Refrigerate' Koomi D. B. BEEMER , at < > - h . Ii
W rt of Chicago ian.
d Wnolesalo Dealer In Forelfrn and Domestic Fruit.
Jobber of ITam , Eicon , Lard. Butter , F ? ! , Poultry. C m and C-nntry Produce Cererary
. .
l irch f in ; ; zent for all kind * cf Guodo and lercha..di e tot kept In sSock hlm'elf
the aame beio ) ; selected w th care , arul bille-L ' , cun ent Market rate- .
General Western A gent for BOOTH'S OVAL BEAND OYSTBES ,
srd Wholesale Dr > aler ? u
Fresh Lake , River and Salt Water Fish.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ < l eod&w3m
Iron and Wagon Stock ,
th Best Aa ? > .rtm nt of
in the West.
At Chicago Price * .
1209 & 1211
Harney Streqt , Omaha.