"helDaU [ ? b.ursc | Pottawn sdlscpal / p V- ' ' Frederick , JJeading Hattermlltf Try "Saxe's chpice.tiliSrt Sctcigar IB J ' " ' * J , * V own. Childrcn'iZc Crc-ighton Block , - pro , f- Five varieties ottie barrel , at Buffet's. _ Finest atsonmcat fef aoth' .tea ° " * * ' , warranted. * , " 7 * Full line cf artktB * materialvs * Chicago cage prices. Kulm's drugstore. int-lta The steamer Benton leaves St. Loui ) 13lBt for Montana , , aad , points on-the upper Misssur ; . She -will reach Omahi about April lOtb , being the first steamei fof the season. Sarpy county district court adjournec J Tuesday and the teveral legal lights at [ tending , returned that evening. ! In thi I most important case , that of Henry -lake , ( charged with arson , no iadictment"\ro ! [ found. The first robin of the eeason made hii I api > earance yesterday. He dance ? I about among the trees around the High iSchool and whistled andsiug in a remari- lably clear , strong vole i. He announced himself BO cheerily that he met with a welcome and heartlece..tion. . Hisap- f pearancc la indeei a good men. Il is pleasant to observe that out city is growing in more ways tJian one , and that weare not wholly indebted to incom ers from the east for Sqcrease : iniumbera Mr. Will Fleming , the popular grocer.and Mr. Solomon , -merchantr have - just Btepjcd to tbe iront * . the fathers of two bouncing boys , for which botWejsrve honorable mention. Along felt need haslseni sup > * ied ' and the public will notice 'with pleasure constructed Tjy a new plank crossing ; Schroter & Uecht , our new an3 | < aitcrf > rMj ing druggists , at their etpense. Tness young men K em to be determined to spare no effort to add to the conveninee of their patrons , snd we have no doubt will reap abundant success. Mrs. Henry Lauer 3esire3 to exurest through THE BEE her ttkntg-tq.the com' , mnnity , to the IdilglitSjCfiPythias , to tin members of the fire department , and tc many other tympatbizing ttiends for tie many kindnesses shown her 5oiher 'lie reavement and for their presence an : tributes cf rwpect at the funeral of he : ' * " * e- Lusband. It i probable that Omaha parties wil ebortly build a telephon&Ifine , connectinfl Om ba , PloUsmouth , Liobsln.'and perhapi other towns .on the line of the B. & M road. A single line will fint be erected , and others added as theftastnegs.dorrmfidi it Tee value of such aline to Omaha foi purpose * of business and news , can Jje esti mated , when it is thought that thei rak logue which can t.kj place in t&ro'mm -utes upon the telephoLe rcpresBata severa telegraphic nKSslJga Try the VERBENA , fessfcfi * dg thamtfk Sn Opera House ; Drn StDro-211 toenth atre. U v : noH5 CENTS' -'GOQ'DS' An finest and city i tlcle reqnlred TJyrTjButleoien ; ' bat' ' we would cill - fejeeiiltatt8nlbu : tooni _ splbnded aw'orlmcat o ? JTiei , cbritain- ing every oiie of the late noveltieeyand our very .large MtortocnlxifHbtjery , All'lpf ' the * goods we > r X must Boenu'ilJt , p'a.large- de' * this now mar23 2t Tno Omaha ir , the tcfjno pf the Traah-out. they tccurcd a bjai-ancT urrcyed'th far R > the riverj opposite th gorfio. They .came lo the con clniion ih t the * tabst ciblo and speedy'way to surmountthi difficalty which for the past iwb-Week : baa obstructed the great thoroughfare is to build a track around It , at suggested gestod a few rdaja .ago. This br&ncl Trill bo sUrtcd from a point .where thi transfer -was af fint 'Jade , from thi eido the track that has been washei out and undermined , ncarrthe sectioi houte , of rcoane beiig rw rcplaoed The brancli' will > bethjree-fonrths a mile in leggth , nnd wo-learn th * work ii to be commenced upon it a once. It Trilltake but a very few dty before business will be .running on ihi Union Pacific as utual. As a help It getting the track cleat the Union Pacific officials hare con eluded that it is advisable to atlcmi. to blow out the gorge , which ia-nn donbledly the .cause of much.of thi overflow nt this point , and threaten much more trouble unless uoon'Sia posed of. Thucwill probably aoonb taken in hand , audif .the explo-ioi ia a success , at hns been practiced be forj iu Ench cases , it will doubtlea relieve much of the trouble which L now caused by the altUndlnou * Plat to If our citizens should bu at&rtled on of tl.eie fine mornings by an explosion reaemblinc a young earttquike le loose , they may attribute it to the fac that an attempt , has been nmdja t blow out 'k ' - SPEOIALTY - , t OHEOTEE i ! BECHT'R Opera House Pharmacy , 21 ! Fifteenth street. j , m23tf -1 r r t ( * * t > f * Kew Clocks * nd n'ew Silverwarbte caived at EOHOLM & ERICKSON'l to-day. g : John Backer , a w l ktiownjmwbl [ cutter , ha ieft town very anddenlj leaving many debta behind hin Heavy 1 u os at g blin * cre be the immediata fcauie onhb tuue. "j p _ Choice Ruta Baga turnips Peae Blow a * * E ir butter entai 22-5t andC a Streeti. Treitacke eell freah butter t ! centa per pound. 21-3t : > > - - j . ' . - ' he. trial pT Fuller "for raon t eommBnced'onlS.tnrd y3ast , caM zwaa'givon'to.ttie jnry , at /Fullw-it will .be Tfesaeiribered , waa charged with burning a 'livery b'arn owned by" W. P. Phillipa in 1879 , which in .tarn communicated with the notorlous'bag- oiio of ' 'Trapkie'1 Clark , , which , was aUo'destrcred. Some 'ol-tbe scenes aHte- trial Vere sensational jn the highest degree. A woman named MH. Barton , whose husband is serving cut a term in , the .penitentiary , was plsce'3' upon tha witness -stand and testified that her huiband- was with Fuller at the 'time the building waa set on 'tire , and that Fuller personally. confessed to her that he aet tbe fire ; An - attemptwaa made by the counsel for the defence to prove that improper relations had exiBicd.batween ihiaWQ.- ; man , who is said to be verystyliah and handsome , and Fuller. The tion reached1 ifc ilinaax3rtieri counsel tor the defense asked , the _ - " ' " - > ' * - - < J * i'-"F- ' * ' * ll > ' qoeation qusroiyV1 - - "Did yon not , Mr. - , " 11 at ttie Teridcncamf MrsrBirton otmh6 evoaing J f 77j , . - - = > and , take her , : , ' . * , . * t . - * S * v 3 wi h-you inTyonr oarna e-for a ride , the The counsel for the prosecution paused .a .moment 1 and Ih&n replied , "ybiu--srife a .absent { com ; , the cit ; at 'the same time , and you passed thai evening fcloce rit3 > a 2woman residing acroBfl th.e street , from. . Botler'a , real- * ' , Turthe'r wo'rds'pissod'and one o'f "the gentlemen with set teeth -anB clenched Eoti aek H'tfie court * for permission tc . .defendiiiTepatatipn twjwsre' faaed : j f-L * * ft ' ) Fr.3cM The came of a prominent .priso ! o.Scial waa alaomontioned in cpnneclioi wUh..that.of judge * , create2 * .dPll6 ? hjl" court room by inadvertently address ing4 the woman-asHfMtt.N - .2. There ia iids' tor have "been tmucl hard fefiing cam ed-h ' this trial , am futUiirjgwIonal troubli * * * * * ! * w between aome of the partua. * ti .r i nii * . < .cg- ( . * * r p . v- JL TBnBlJuoiB .IiopEo in CreTghtot lock J on if toenth "fctreefc , h vo ie- 6elvei\ft&fr-Tfow gooda-and bavejbee bee ho jfaneral of the Rar. Presbyleriai lny-in wltli eilver mountings an The zervicei-ircre conducted by th < remarks were made -by the Her IhomaHH. Clelandfj o tJoancK lufiii Rov. TYIlHam > ' , McOaridlislr nno ; ,0eo [ L. J ttle. . Tno reverend Tgentlemai referred in feeling , terms to the biel chnsllan chataotet of-itie deafl clergy man , whqwas a conv.ert from thi JewlshifaUh. ? TUB SUREST andjfceshsit drug tj rbehadt ScmoTEi &fBEiWi . v - Drag Store , ; 2ll"rif oonth'Btreet. _ m23t New Olocts and new Silver we re cefredat . EDHOLM& ' ERIOKSON'i _ * * t A „ THE BEST THING' YET. * " ' H. dG. Clark & Co. V - - J- ; Imperial Self Raisinj Winbr. Wheat , Flour , for Pancakes Biecuit * ] and ail-kiddi oLpaa f'Tr ] it. , A k onr grpeerjor it. 22 3t , -CLOCKS , JEWELRY _ SILYER WA.RE , AT WHIPPLE , McSIHiLES & CO.'S Cro'ghton ' block , Fifteenth St. NOTICE.r " " r & The Chicago Steam fije SWork .have remprod to tecond iioor ea t o the ld placet A Iji. KEonzscK * * ' paying , and Bstisfsctory reasons fo A Rumor. ored on the street this section of the western hemtsphen to bo f jnnd at the jewelry hou ! < oyVhipple , llcimiens& Co. . which upon iavcsfcatlenriSrovIa tdj b _ jche.p ; , at.f03j * * * sl-gt EDHOLM & ERICKSON'S 15th street , opposite the postoffice m22-4t .OLD.JIM - - fm - * JsV - - - i sfr- - JL _ " T v i-f * " - A li _ J ! ; 'lJ. ; l . qjyNfr r * , " * * * * * - vmOpnvers s on Affairs Concern- Aliso , ongAnoiber Matter , ! and hare yonrjesr " extraordinary : or s frjnlnutesl"T queried-aa ordinary , tftMined aort of 'a ' 'voice bo- ihad BEE reporter yesterday , as , he was paJsinalonK IhirteentH-streot , near Mayor'ChasftVtcsiaeace. The reporier taraed about , 'and , ooking Id -direction , failed to tea any one who tolgHt ( bXtbT possesapr of Bndh aToica. Pjzz'.ed beyond er > , jrejaionhe 'wa"i abaut to move on , when the svnajrolca aid : . , , . , . , , "It was me 'lfestor ; . % verilievfenea icre , " and looking . 'over Into-themsy or'a yird eaiwan.old crow with a very troubfeiLexpressioa in Jils-icotm- „ * Tvo bsen observing yon pass aiong here for , eoma < jmD"rcoatinued..thiB ramarkabbj beasi to. ntho1 amszotrient of the reporter , "and waa BO ; attract ed , by * * tha'Jioneaty aticking out in your face that I , cpncludeJ yqn must bo's newsjMDer'raTO/ s'att iff my self I have follow 5di yon several times , and seeing yp.utgo ( ntb THE BKE .of fice I was satisfied. ! hid , judgedcor- & 'J " ' ' rectly. ; . &fYou' ' didjVropHedrtha1 reportar , ' uV mty'lTaat ; wb. t'is your business "Well the'fect fa , . I've got pretty considerably 'to'-.say ' to' you on many subjects , but just , now I'm mure'par ticularly intewtedfin the"welfAre.ol my people. ? ' " "V 'I am veryfsure , ' ' Bald/lherepprlerj "THE BEE will'gladly do T hatIPcar for you and jour people , and as foi myaelf , ' * caritrnued the reporter , hand ! ing the poor fellstrs charter , "I will do all in myi power for .you. . < The old chap refuied the .quarter , thouch he looked-B.idl ioiHSPA l ! something to brace up oti. Hfi feel ; Ingly eapfeised-iiiihanksVand'TdpInj away a tear.qr wo Baid he had overj reason to exjpectsBcb wsaarancesirori so amiable ayoung arir . V "You ! have all had -veryjtongl time of jit IhuTdnterj1reniark'ed ! tbi ' " ' * ' * * , * " ' * " ' * vfi- I 'r jA , ! S o. . prow. fact la , " tie wefitppj ; 1 ! been satisfied..toJive'o'n . wind , but il hlew so , bardie conldtftj catcb it There ain't a hole or corner in 'thest corporation limits thatwo haven'l rooted ' , lht3. . vBootl . Well , if w < 'haren't . dbno 'tha tallest rooling.or record thinrinterj-Tny Tiameji ripJ 1 lv claimedthe ; reporter ir tgteat astonfsbmen"Are you" tEt ' original .Jim 'OrowT * } plled Jim , amilinf ; a , tmilo that told plainly of 'thepride1 tie. felt in havinj ma'de a mark in history. Bs , > air , " he'ifcdntinneo : , "lam tht old' iisB yon hare "heard about ] -judce Jrbm your accentthat - yen arc from. ' ! the east. , . I am , of .course . , "Very , welLHknosui. _ Lcerc. . . Jt Ji some .years since I came west. My people arejg'rb tly oppressed in "the eftit , b'at bore * wo are allowed to grul around and help out the street clean Tni department in .excbfcnge.f or citi 2BnshlpJL Itvi about this I wanted U ieeybfa just now. T attend all thi clty-ctruncil.meetingB , because we an -Very much- Interested to know whet anything comes" rip about street clean ing. fepmelime ago this re was an in timal6nj ( atone of the meetings thai ' " Bom'ething"won4 ] " 1 e , } "l " ° ? 5 n * . t ei a3 of'3e nlng * fhe "atreetsT and alleys "TEaTls all talk , " however , aayon.kno ery w'elL What Iwant to do , if ] can , ia to obtain.Bomq. . outside Help.lt cleaning the streets. We have had i rdovirof : a time all winter roctinf boutaa , Faaid , and it's jdst a little ' " to do all thi b'omuchtoexpect" ta street cleaning when the thaw cornea ' 3D ? le Biirt'.tha boy a .will find , it vqrj pleasant ; for a time ; but in the course of a/o w ; weeks , when we .have all fat t'elicd np , it will begin "to .bo a littli monotonous. ' .Now. can't Bomothic ; be donel1' "N - * . - . . " ' Thb Hporlor replied that 'ho 3i < "nofc-ieejho 'tne 'crows "were going ti beihelpod ontr tha-ppllcei wtioae dnt ; \fls to see to'thd mailer ( he'arsuroi * Ilm ) , , f { > nndh uiteienbugh to do ti draw thefrj'fealariok. And Jim wa 'further ' . 'aasuredj.that-thougli-iherpoo rplo had beciflm5gtty-iii5gVr'aiy-ii helping him and his people during th , wioter , they had repented and nex winter would prove their gratitude ii , a substantial way. The people bad n Jait.been amused to a .eenae p | ; thei T.ot l dependence upon tKS'croir ami "tokeep off sickness and death by thei "efforts in cleaning4he streets , and'.l the f ntnro tKew.ntbej ! ir.fswoiildlb' borne In mind. waa Jigtted to hear tbithopgh tie al hei wekrily and said tie ti supposed very . . . . ' , , < > ; j. k * iV could do hisbeat. . | Just then anojber jrow'landed in i tree near by/ Bud said something i the crow lanpuege , wtilcH-Jlm replje to with R nioVof 4heihea31 - fTm verynach obliged &n .you'f ' o /giticg me 8OTnticb.ofyonrtimD ; ! ; ' ' h said , ratherrtiurnedlyy J'bnt the.ol woman has Jo'nt word that ITniwant ed. If youdbnt ; minoi IJ1 ! meet ybi azain In ; a ( & days : " . t " " - T' Tnerppof\eras9ur d Jltn he _ wonl be 'glad to we-tiim n tfmo and 'th old boy -lit out-- > - * - - . * - In the course of conversation Jit informed the reporter that be w.-.s th head of the crow family , and tha universal allegiance WRB paid thie i i ancb , hlsIwjllb iBgl wjithiheni tHe appears to bV quite old , hilock Ibein much- tinged with the silver liand of ttmeJ"'HB'i ? , however , aj ( . patently well preserved , and looks a 'though ho may Ijyeibronsjh the bal ance of the century ? * ' * . The reporter jexpeet vtp g'et man ' interostinc iteas f/pastth's.old fylloa NOTE ! The ; rep"&rl ttieldl .on i both ears , neither of whlah ; It In * be Incidentnlly emarkctl , wouli mak ' a bite for a 14th and Dodge. . - GARDEN-SEEDS : - Laudreths don seed , in bulnd ! Select onion sets , cholca seed .pota tosiusttecalrEd.etc. , etc. | i-C * . HKSBT , Bo ur.Co.t 23red-tf Sixteenth & 0 1. Sss. " New Clocka nd new SiiverrA er < , 'otiredatEDHbLMA-ERIOKSOK ' ] t | by. . . . ' - - " C&F , T - ii'or .Steel EnRravings , " Pictut Frames , Mats , PasBeparJoativ.bo aur ! and go . to EATON ? * _ .i-m S/1320 / Tdruhai Tfie City El6ction-estion.as - t > - . limits and Polling * . Places * * rt. - The , annual 'oily'erection'will--DE held one wci from nbit Tuesdaya1 .which timfy.there wuTbB elected"tin der the new chatter- announced in the mayor's .prpclamatibn , a mayor , notice judge"and treasurer- each tc serve for the , tor of o" two.yeara.jih .councilmenTatlarga , to sorverfdrS'Qu termt ? two .yean ; one cpuncfimai from : wBrjartpjsecriBfor one rearJ ani six of the board of education , Xhrao.to eeryefpr two.ycaratand.lSrec 'to aerye for one year , the tann-of ser1 'Vice to bojdiscde { 'by.lpt. [ It la _ evi dent at > moment's thought that thl the moat. Jmportant city electior ever held in Omaha , for-it .means ac .entirely hew cit"ygcrernmeht , ; witl 4newly elected . Sflicialf , - and ! . r. "rievf order of thing li everywhere , Whh4the rnew charte'howaver there ariee [ toine J difficnftijB , < th laetilement of Vhfchmaybo.adifficul 'matter. ' The recentcHango of"ware , boundarieB1 bjPth'e "council ' " ' one Ymp'ortant question. Arij-'the reg .is'trara of tha old wards , the" legal ije jjlstrars of. the now andchangec wards ? > Several , prominent lawyer , claim that they aret notj/and thatpi order that , r o vexed questions ma ] come np after election , the governo should be mvlted to apppmtTegiatrarj for the faew wards at once. The ward bdnu'darieVare at preaan as follows"i . First Ward Missouri rivar , south- era limit 'of ttiu clty , Thirtsentl atreet , HoTfaVaBtreet * . 'JPolUng place IMi'Slaven's grocery , west side o Tenth' 's'treet ' , between Jones am Lea von worth , opposite Sla'ven'a hotel Second Ward Thirteenth Btreet Bonth. and west line , pf city , .Elkhon Station .road . , SL Mary's- avenue am Howard street. Polling'"pjace , Kess " ler's Hall , Thirteenth atreet , wes aide , near'Pacific street. , T -Third ward Missouri river , 'Ho.w ' jud ; street , Fifteenth atreetDavenpor "atlest. Polling placejDr. Hydo'a cfiice fonthwest corner ; TjreHth und Dougla streets. vFonrth ijard Fifteenth aCreol 'Howard atreet , St. Marya ? Ayenn and ihe Elktbrn' rb&d ; west line o city ; Chicago \atreet , ( east oT 24th atreet , wearcf * that p ) int _ 6n a lin with a point between Chicago streets ) Polling'placocourt ' ' bonae ; jnear ; cbi ner of Farnham and SixteeBthrstreeti Fifth' Warct MfsVduri R. ; aven port St. ; NineteenttiSl7i ( tovwcS 'bonndaryof E. V > Smith's1 addition thence JlVentieth aireet ; north cit ; line. , I Polling 'place Hajjadorn1 furniture Rtorp , - onttiwea corne Webster and'SfxteenlE atreels' . i * SlxTh ! Ward Nineteenth "St , ( < the west ; boundary of .E. Y ? Smith. ' additlqri , ' 'thence" TLVentietti StJ Chicago' St'Teast of 24th.streetj wea . .of that fu a line with aipoint betwooi Ch cage ; andCass streets ) ; west boun daryof city ; " north-boundary'of 'Polling place Knibb'a etore build ing ; northeast corner of Burt am Twentieth streets. ' BEGIaTEATION. All -ward reglttsrs' 'wlll : bo newl ; made out 'under the new charter EfcryvpterTnust sea personally tha ho is registered. Th'o registrars of Th Firslf Third and Fifth wards publisl their lOjjutration notices elsewhere in this sheet. Those from the othu wards will appear in due time. PEftSONAli W. M ! Bushman returned from the eai .last evening. ' _ T' P. Klanard , JEsq. , of ' CoL Crocker , vic 'presMejnt of Jhe ( Jej W. H. Morton , managcr pf , Haverly comedy * company , ralftd ofEce yesterday. , S. district.Jef tfor _ iincolnvister3ay"to a 'tend a speHal session , ' .fudge * inhdy'.pr ) < " ' - Col. Fi her , snperintendentof-.the'De fer& South Parkudividcuis t'Seni7.i.3 .E. , left forJDenverJyesterday : ] ; j $ 'George Walcptt. fXtheln neering'ci 'pirtinent o ! therUPrailro ; di is-in'tl city makin'g'bp' anot er Smith , gerieral-snpeTihtendcnt"o the Ka : SUB divi ion of the-Union. Pacific > railroa i , . f r fr- , J rt * * - * * w- -T. - - 'aplrltoaHats , and free thinkers gent > iiv-.i t "ji-jirjij -i.-av/ * s.r : - - - Hyj ; ara jcordlally ; lnvited"to , attan . -the'oxercises on the -33d anniversai -Modern Spltitnalism , March Sis' ' ; . Liberty Hill , on Burt ctreel Llilitary bridge , Ooaahi -t , The foilowmg.h the prcgranfmo'ft ihoday : 10 a. m. Invocation , ahoi addresses and rerainissences ; 2:30 | : m.TrAnnivereary. address by a Splrii utltat ; 8 p. m. Musical and literar oxerchei" , followed by a "Socinl Hop in the spicioas hall'oTur thelnatitutj which will accommodate from two ) three ttindred poopl.- . J. ED. SMIIH ml6-d&w-lw "WINEOFCARDU1" four. , times .day makes a happy household. t * At C.F. GoodjmnV. Real Eetata Transfers. followinj ; transfers were 'r < Cofded at the county clerk's offii jyjMtordayM feporfod for this paper I John L. McOijue , Jrsal estate aget conveyancer : . JJ Popoletnn and wife to .Toll . Davidion ; lot 6 in Flisr ! betti Plai d ; w. d 5350. J. R , HeridHx iolf. W. Kenned ; parcel-fa ep.-J sec ; 21 , town 13 , e. ; a aipnee'e dwd. $520. G o. T. HosgUnd and wife to Ja E B-yd , ji I lot G , in block 136 0mi J a..w : d--S3.0QO. iRI. M. Marshall and wife to The W. Read , n 26 feat IpU 13 and 1- OairKnoll , w. d. $1,600. Acgnstr.s F"onntza to Charles Ra miissen , lot.6 , tn block 10 , Konnt : & Ruth's adcT , ir. .3. 600. No head-ache or back-ache for ladi vlio drinkOiWINE-OF.CARDUi.1 ! : At C.F. Goodman'j Qmahai'Bound. . . rio : Possess . " ' i r T.r ! . ' ' V On& Within -the Coming ; ' . ' . - ; -nii- : , * < < , . irYear. , . . - vY"1 * ' * j - * . * _ > - * ' * " i Mayand - May NofrQqoupy ! Central , \AJJEE reporter motaontlemen [ on iha .atraet a fewTlaya'aidceTwhC ) hia laken a marked "InterasC 'in the "mat- : erof * . new hotel for Omaha , and ha > een In a position.takeeg-informoi of nil the negotiations > fegardlnq tha ra- iullding of ; the" Grand1 Central , though noElhJmsclf dtroctly interested' In any . ' * % I ese fault "is 'it" t aaid the Ire- porter , 2'the negotiations -Jbetween untze and the JKitchen broth- era'are ofil"3 . . 't < - . , , " , . - ilLam .told by responriole parties that Mr. KountzQ has adhered to the iba'ral offer h"o first" made ttibse gen- .lomen , 'and that they li ve wavered and hesitated , found fault , with tht stipulation ai'to they aliiecf-the build- pg , professed ; tbsome\partles thai they were going to build the 'olels , aud to others that , LIr. .Kountza was lot" ( dealing fairly with them , 'and ' 1 am not at all surprised that ! t is finally decided that thejjontraet jwjljjiojjbs made. " ; - , . . , , . . . . - "Does thal.cnd the hotel matterfoi Oasaha | " * , * Ohno ! I think.yonwill be safe in predicting that'within ' the 'comlnf year Omaha , yiil" .have atjeast-'pric Treat hotel , auph as her needs demand. It may and may 'notoccupy'thelsiU ' qLthe old Grand Central } bnt-'Uwji ; ba'ln some centra point , and in overj respect' convehiout ; qf acoesa to the public. " I * . Then this doea not""deplind "upcr ' the Kitchen Brothers ? " ' "I am 'confidentr'thaV Qmaha wll ( liavo such a hotel , even , if the.Kitohei Brothers withdraw oatirely > from thi field. 'I can'not te'lf you 'm'oro ' abou the matte'r at J3r6cent. B.ut Omahi willhav'ojhpr hotel , and it wlll.bp . : uu der way within tha-current year , anc * probably 00011)1010witKid' ) lfat time. ' Here ) therconversatlon ended.JYe * - ' ) * ' < i * * - terday a , BEE , reporter met'anpthe : gentleman--phonis } a. a .position t < know all "the inside 'facts ' , and -askec bitn-alao'-vrHj tha iotelVccntrnct yr'a : 'iTha Kitcheni'.BrolherB tnustMel you. They were made a very llbera offer , and i it . . . was held - - * . open , to , then - i and tiine ivento _ .make 'any arrange menfs they wanted. If the Kltchem jrantfsdjtb'baiWtne' hotel they1coUlc " " > : 's ' ' .t havadonesb. - - -It-would appear -from this 'that th Kitchens are cither.unabla.or iinwill Ing to build tho' 'hotel' ' ' 'which ' Omahi needs , and th'ii'tffey Have baehu1dllly 'r'f ' ' T , ' " r dallying along in hopes that' the ; would ba permitted , to erect a. cheaj structure fob moneymaking'purp'oaes or elao , in the ' 'expectation of scarinj other , parties from , the Said. THE BEI proposes to.let.tbotrustsnd np'oni the ! record. INVESTING- PUBLIC TUUDS The Boardof Education Decide ! - -i NottpiBuy Douglas ; Coun ty U. P. Bridge Bonds. " - " * ' jA special meeting ot- the board o education WRS held at.l Q'clock.yeatei d 7 , the f nllb'oa'rd , being , present mil ; Mr Harsh in the' LjCha reading of. the minutes bein dispensed Trlth , Mr. McKoon c llei atatement'-of tha object of th 'meeting. The president 'replied th meeting was called decide upoi what disposition shall be made of th SflPpO ; at present to the credit of thi school fund in the sinking fond. 3 C2X5Ji -Air. Kennedy 'movo'd ' 'that the president ident and secretary be authorized t ; paechaa3 SlO.OOO f the DougUs cpun ty U. E. bridge bonda atapraniiun ' 6f-not , morarthRn.Boven and a half pe junrkjc > r ' Oi3nnoyee said * that he learnei r * from one of the bankers 'that thi _ . amouot ; to"$23,000 in onj [ month nence/and'-afl/ - was , hi said , a question ; cf legality 'about spmi of , the scQoolT bonds" , "he .was f fivoi ; 6fr > purchaaingi tha S20jOOO of these president then put the qneo * Mr. Kennddy' explairlea' that'th'i bonds wera ofroredtp.tboFoard at lea 'tbap'thuy canbehold in .certain othe : [ lqua'er,8 { , n > stated , j Mr - Bltojii thdasiit .there was n < necessity to make this purchase , a thera vvds up.material , object in mak iug the [ purchase , and whynotlaav ( it to the future biarJ ? Mr. Long'said'he'had conversed to day witi- " held witigentleman "who semi of the boi5d8'injjpestion ; , ' ' rho , alviaec | agairfjtipurchaaii.g "that , kind-ofbond , , / 'JtfiJ bloom said he linderatpo'd the Bitno from , another , holder of these bonds. Mr. jKannedy then made anotho : strong effort m ; support e.f this motion eaying " that he "was only Ectnatoalii seeiug th'e mpney well invested. He iilB8 , loug as this board was a boare iiJjad ! a perfect right to" act In th't premises. The president he eupon unnonnced lhat haheld ; an offer f.r S10OOD o : ' tho'cjuiity court hf-mebondt at 7 pe c-nt. Iltf was in f vor nf tnis Bean fnveatin ihe Money- but be ins-sWc thtt great ' circumspection in putting the * rnone'y out aaould bo ercl ed. Mr. .Connoyor tug ojied that thi jwrfi ; a in' New York bu notified tha ; interest "will stop on the 'bonfls 01 July 1st , nd he had no doubs the ] would part with the bon-Js-ieadly. The | presdont , In emphatic lan guage , pnpoaed cucn. H proposition - -declaniji/ jvuld , bring a Uttiui stigni. oivthe citj and its credit , anc ho su/o npb idcould beindace ( to tulvo Mfch ictiou. The ujotlon-was then.pnn rind Mr. Kennedy.wia'dobtary arid rldnein tfii nffiroiativci A motion wasiHen Qltcuweil to au thoriz the adverliilng for such bondi a the board is allowed ' by law" to in vest in. , . . - This waa deqded.upon uannimoui ly. . , * " , The rejjgnaiion ff Sirs. Pattersoi as Uacher in.'Sontn SchoM wa HC cepted and the uperinteudeut WAI anthirired ID employ the neresa'arj aadttiona ! feacheriTfdr next term. * After an inqniry-by. Mr L.ni as tf whether i hern-was a vacancy ataMi ) the teachers In. the Central school , thi board adjourned.--- - , , ' / , - - , - Mr. Long.- . . . . remiidet "by Mr.TMorrell tnat hewaschalrm of'the committee'on teachers and 4' books and ought to know as to vao' ' clea. NOTICEi.A'd'TertfaBmenU'To'I.ean , For Site , lost.Foundfxaii . , BoarcUcj- < x , " iruT bo ! n- sirledintaesa columns once Tar TEH 'CENTS 4pcr 11ns ; each subsequent insertion , IflVE CESTS per line The flrst Insertion nsror lear than " TWENTY-FISE CENTS. , ' ; ' TI leAK-tiCKY. TIB-OKST SO M > UK-OH1 at Iw ,0e . Room 8. Crelgbton Block f TO LOAH 1109 r mh Jn sir t. MONT Dr. lUtnLRj * toJn Asener. "no-r-tJ-tt . HiLP : T 7A TBlV-B > one of the Urt'est T Clothing Uouies In New lort CityJor .the coming if u tmle ezperUn cd- | . ) o-m < n. Thosa havlnj ezpeiience nd con > tnanJ > ne good true will and tnlg a nnf-cla > bppottunltr. .Apply . t once w.ta r fer nce 'to A. B. 0.7 Post- office .Box 303 , Ke f Jo kulty. , ldV9 "ITT coolt .and two "dlAln V.T ro.m'girls ; , ht the Padflc tioiu'a. 46M TTTAM'tD- Situation Jj a young t T 'liiTiin , It i poud'il c.mm , oc oplestUn * lion now in one ott ie Ufcettvtoroj In Omaha ; in tprak Duiijih , Swedish , .trwllfh ; ndc a [ .lie eoo4 nfcrtncta. ' 'Addrcw XT.'IZ , * , ! . 01" , ' Omthi , Neb. ' " 1E953 ' t\tl \ 'tct genint honso' wort ; $ t 'p.r ' week to a. competent fclrl. 21 t streets. , ' WAKTED A par. ner with $ i,000 to join aS < 7 yertis-rid the cxtcnsun a tn eiUtllshed , and one pt ths'beH Pyla { business in tU weat . Apply to ! Vt H' . Slmtral , 'Boom"o J : Crel hton Blodr,15thSt. , , ' ' WAKTED flood yliat a prhate boirdin ? boss * . Inquire No ; 110 southwest 'cor ner llth and Dodne. 423-26 WANTED A gardener , nuri or man and wife to woik two acrti of frround on shir ; will fuinlsh evurvthing uetdtdpooj dwclling-.l luquire corncr'Uta'nuiT Cipttot ave , Mr.Uartinj. - : - ' - iSS6 " TTTANTtD-Coo at I'izard'sj JraUce. 'iSl "VTf/"ANTED Partner in a gociLpayir.ebutcher , VVibusiness , AddceU L. J. L. , thU odce. I > i 7 " . 4'iS-X - ' A N .ESGI3SU SHORtHASD 4KEPOET B X\i. Ktelw sltnatlbn eittitr.ii- reporter or clerk In Knurcictileorlkwyers offlco. ) ( Hs ' kn6 lcdc ) of .FiCDch. AN WANTED At and cl 16th btreot.or 'trick. UW.Bair ; r ' - 4iu-tf Kltchtn ( sbl at ( ho. Emmett WAKTED . , 411-sj t fc -A-pood c e WAMEDApood ; , 142-23' , r , , .211CC sistre.t. , Twiunlnraishi'd- -with WAITED or two. In cootral-locitian. .Ad- vJresa A".B. X. , Post Offlca.Dox665 482-21 \\f ANTED t-A bujer. ( of -p jlnjf iirocsr/ 21x53 loton'miin" § ra , t's:6cd dock an-l'dolivery wJcori'aii'I'lioiW in' Sidney1 ; Neb. A ( toed chance - ; AdJrcu'A. - ' fcld- for-thBilght mil ; c-wman. - : ney.-KeK r' . . , , . . . . 119-21 , Two more bbuden si 313jNorti ! WANTED , Davmpoit and Chi- " " ' " ' " cago. faAslda" . - , 387'tt AWbilAN , Wiuts slttution-aibouse-kecMr. , Calico.-HtJlIorfirJstreet.between 12th atjdlEtb ! I - . - ! > 885-24" D A'gift" 'for * fcheral h'oosework. , Muit1be'eo d'cooK. 'Oo'odwatesfo'corn- petentRlrl. Mrs. H. Ro eri , carnar 19th and .Lcavenworth eticcts. _ J _ . , _ . . _ .sn.il , i _ . . . , . "ITTA-S iED An erperieneed botcher -wanta TT to start a meat cutkeU.n some snail , w st , em toa-nj where there If none , or where one Is ne dl ; weald tike a reliable partner. * Addreu K. KWebb'.JaJc8on.DatoU Co. , Neb. _ f " ' TT7aNTEriIiAVood'h'o'ns > 6eeprf1109 Farn iYY ham.streetnpft lrs.j. * " 32tt"t ? „ ' , , FpHJttMT-J < aUgEtVA P UND/ ; , 'TnOR RENT Two .very lr < e ( p'.ciitnt 'room' , J'willlfuinlib. if desired. , N. E. corner ] 6ih " * " ' ' " " anaBurtl f 45024 , * Oil KENT ; Nicely fuxulf hud room. Apply F toulhwest corner nth andBowarl St _ 45V-24 - Bri-k storopln Jacob * ' - Block , EOR-REtCT ' Capitol Are. ' Jno. O _ Jacobs. * * _ ' " - < i " v 'iss-tr KENT A. store coricr LoaTcuwurth ana FOR s'.s. AIsoC raoching birdilnrera foi sale. Enquire at Pctenon , 80 * 10th St. . 397-tJ -JJIOtl- RENT 2 furnished room ov Her- chants Exchange , N. E. Cor. 18th > nd Dbdjre utreete. - . , 233-u FOH SALE. TT'On SALE Hones and ponies , at corner ICtb 4 } and Iru'd , ttt'Rcdmain's barn. - 457. ] | 7OR SALE An , entire y new itork. of dry JC roods nd , notions , wlta .fixtures. la in 'eligible ' location ; f or canhouly. Address C A. IrPoatolfl.e t ' . . - SALB A car load cf good Jionea for FOR or reid , m feV ; ocd family horses ; New Darn , 14thSt. , bet. FAraham and Doaela- , E.'GOUNT. , 43J:24 TpOBSALE Good dwdlinif hnu e , S100013 Jj atid'kitchen , Kood barn nd outhouses , in quire at Brnson k Joh\iion's ice office. 393-tf OK KEN I' 8 room ? . Enquire USD Donzlas F Street" SStf JjlOR SALE-rTen (10) residence lits , ion upper tj t rnh.imBlrce.t. Jehu L. iICa nc , op.i. P.O. . ' . ' vsi9.tr oALE Maps of tbaxlii"nd ) S rpy FOB . A. KOaEWATEB , 1620' r rah - h m8treet. * Jttfrtl r rn ° R - S.VLESevea ( rood 'basinets lots on J } Farjhara street. : JOUN J. . UcCAQLE , BU \ ' . . Opposite Fjostoffico. , U SALli Iieaio and furniture ota.nnt. class hotel ' " a town ° ' 13UOlub , > bliantn. in State of Nebraska. .Haa 24 LeJs. the.tHVelUnir Caen's rejprt. , * lnqnlri at Bee- office.rS13U T710RSALE A BARGAIN A tiuildinir with JJ saloon flztures , f amlture and stock ; < m loth St. , opposite the U.P. depyt.forsaloveryicbrap. Or the firture * . furniture and stock will.be .sold an'd building'renied. ' ' 'Inquire of Eo. KKElSo- MAN ; - ro-tf Clone carrugev , at 'A. J. Slmusog's. . . , , . ' Btl-tf MISCELLANEOUS ; . T Oblr-A Uver-colored pointer do . 'about' 10 l-j .mumhauU. A llbcnl nwird.wlll ba piid tpr his return or whereabouts to corner ISthand Pierce t . " .446-23 KD-Abron-cne-ytarold marof coU , STRA f tee. : Any information rf cardinc the same may , b'e left at mrf rm,4 miles wrst on PapUlionroid. C. WViltphah417.24 - mEAMS'CAN.BE OUT At John Bans stable _ L for in kinds of work , at r asona > le figures near comer ISth and Learenwurth St. 876-tf POWDER Absolutely Pure. Made iioja'JOrapa Cream Tirttr. Vd other preparation make * inch light , flxky hot breads , or luxurious p try. Can be eated by Dyspep tics without fear of tbo Ills resaltlnj trom beaTy indigestible food. Sold oily in < nn , l < y all Grocers , ROTIL BiKUto POWDIR Co , Kew TorV. J H. FLIECEL. r . ,8sccossorto J. ; MERCHANT TAILORS , No. 1220 Douglas Street , i = r T wo v DOLLARS WILL SEOUHE THE WEEKLY BEE t For One Year. . - ; . ' " . ' : * > - > imfjttf i'trff * " J r ff f't Or r. Cash dobbferl and : Retailers of DRY GOODS ! 1319 Far nf ham Street. ; 'Oajl lArfentiari to the-extremely Low" : , Phices. ' * ; . ; ; ' * of pur present Stock pf vHlJL TabTeLint3nsTowelsNapkinsTable& ; Piano Cover ' % * ' " AND iriYE BIADjE REDUCTIONS L\ „ < ' ' " , . ' : 66-Inch Bleached Linen Damask , formerly 70 cents , Now'60 cents- ; " i60.lnch " - " - - - < - 90ceriis ' " : , , Now 70 cents. * " 64-Inch Satin - " " . ' . ; ; \ ; , - - $1.007¢s : \ c .64-Inch " - " - ' - 1.25SI.OO. . * 68-Inch Double Satin " " 1.50 to $1.60 , Now $1 20. " ' ! 68-Inch Double.Datin . " " 1.75 to 2.00 , Now 1.40. t \ Ty/p-yard y/ide Barnsley halfbleached Damask.at 75c. well worth at refaiLl.25 , r- . , * Two-yardWide Extra Double Satin .Damask , elegant"patterns , formlrly $2.00 ; now $1.60. all'Linen Fringed Cloths , formerly75c ; each Now Reduqed to 45c. 5.-4 all Linen Fringed Cloths..formerly $1.00 each , Now Repuced to 65c.- T-4 ' " " ' . ' . ! 1.25 . M ' . 95c. 8-4 1.75 n K $1.25. 2:50 1.95. 1 arge siza Linen Beta , Table Olotlm and Napkins' to match formerly $7.00 , now reduced to * . $5 75 each _ Larga size Linen Sets , Table ClochaandiKapkiaa.tpmatcb , formerly QOO.-No.'W Reduced to $6 50 Large sizi Linen Sets , TaBTe Cloths "and Napldna to match , formerly $10 OO/ Now Reduoeditp $7.50Larce size Linen Sets , Table Clotha aad Napkins to match , formerly-4 $ ll.00.and ' $12.00 , Now Keduced ) to ' $9.00. , ' ; ' Very heavy double Damask Towels , 24x44-5nchesr reduced from 50c to 37 l-2c each. Fine twilled Barnsley Creari ) Damasjc Towels , hand knotted fringes , reduced from 75atdl " ' ' " - * - . ine French double DamaskTowels,26x50 inches , formerly 90c , reduced to 54c. : :4 : " ' To en'conrage the'praptfoq , , npw so , popular witiijnaiiyljadie ? ofpurchasing Embroideries early in. the y.earitliere f an ticfpating'thewants of summer , wamake aa Annual Custom each January cfof- < i : feimg a-XAKG STOOK.of onrefiillysa'ectea ' patterns.- Our stock this year has bsen pronounced fiher anji.bhe"aper4than.ever before ; we-have Patterns and Novelties usually booght by other mer chants a.year later ; riWe have-arranged to be supplied.weekly ? rithfresh goods' . The prices asked ' are much ; ipwer than'those'oi Eastern houses who , havegained.a woild-wIdeTiotbrTe . Musllt EmbroiderleB fromlc toS.OOay krd , on Muslin frt > m 1-2 mch to 54 JnchesTrtdeT Treticb-Fercale" Em broideries from6cto$2.OOa , yard , French .Ntunsoolcand Swiss-'Kmbroidertearrom 15cto $275 a yajd , > j -Hare'.we bava accumulated a-lanrelot of Odd Pairs and various sizoal To eflecc a speedy sale , XVBI have 'BTJNCH- ' EDSiOCKlNQS. , In each Bunch -we.bn.ve put allof one a ze ; some contain ten pairs , pome elghr. aome seven , five- and - three - , and. , we , bave - , 5Os _ Bunches - . , 76c - Bunches , Sl.OO - Bunchejf r- $1 5O Bunches - , $2.0O Bunchee f - , $250' - ' Bunchea. .EJJACS CAS ffERES Our Spriwimpt tioug'arejwioin'New York. We hare rtuixtd tample piece * of 40 and JfiJntA at 90c , _ , , . .ancanaurenirpanntvo craueswn'enffrtoTes < ncniyta : - Mail Order.Department We call attention of .non-residents. , of Omaha to this 'department through it ve tolicit rdert for good ! or temple * Orders iottnt are filled lytht returnma.il or'express. Selections are madfbycompttentclerla'only and ice guarantee jotij/oe- } k tion or refund'm'oncy. "We carry'ihe largest 'Retail 'Stock wett of Chicago , antf afford you all the . qdvautaga , $ f a. 'pertonail fitit through ' . ' ! . . - vxuj:2. : * - our Sample Eritdbpu. One' Price only lfarkedin Figures. s. co. BUSINESS COLLEGE , THE "GREAT 1WESTERN CSeo.K. Katlibnn , Priaclpal. Oreighton Block , OMAHA Bend for Circular. noriOd&vt " fcln Totrown to n. lerms and oatfltlte * . Addr 4i Q. H ! l < .tt A Co. , I on ! UA NEW HARNESS SHOP. The ua lenljneJ h ivln < bad nlie years er- perlense'witE O ; . 11. & J. S.-Col tin'and twenty- tonr > ears of practical harness mikiiigtasnqyr ; cdmme'n ed bn-Ineu tor himself" In < h large riewshop fdoorioath of sou'.heist-'comer otjlth ID < ! tlirney Stc. 'Ilelll : eiuplojs Jarko force , of skillid workmen and will fill ail orders in'bls pllne'prompily and chelplj. i K. l MERCHANT TAILOR , Has lost rec.iTol his Spring Stcck. and has 25PK.tierns to $ elect from. .Call eirly and get jour 'choice. "One Door Went"of Ornloiatiank'ff. . . fplOly D. T. MOUNT , , UaQnfactnrer tndDealer In SADDLES and ; HARNESS . rAgints for JAMES B BILL ' ' ' ' ; & ( CO. , Celebrated CONCORD HARNESS. Beat In Tha J.412 Fandiam St. , , . " - , Omaha , Neb. S. G. STEVENSON & CO. Carpenter ) and Bulldere , hiT remoral to Ko. 13'.8 Dodge Street , nberetbay are prerared.to do all kinds ot work In their line on short nolle * tfre on bleralci , A. W. ID JE 3ST T I S T , Omosf JaeaVs K ok , earner Ciplt ) iM > 4 t.K'h Btreat. Om h * > PROPOSALS FOR'FRESH BEEF. ITtlDQtUlTxzs Diw Txnrr or tin turn , ] OTnCIOFClIIFOOHUIi < A r orBCMlSTHC ! , ) OMIDA , JUsF hriury 20.1861' } Sailed proposals , la trlcl'ntf . subject to the" uiual cunitious will be received at Uiii offlca pr st the officc-i ot tne Acting AtsisUct Cem- mltuttes of Sub btenco it tte-fol owinj named posU iiotll 12 i/clock nx v on the 20. h daf ( t April.lSSl.'at which time nd pU'cts Ihey will 'tc i pn > d in the pnsencecf bldJcrrs , for fnrnlsh- Uiand drliverj ofall the trcsi beet romib block , for l sue. asd choice cuU for f ale to uf- fUin required by -nbiistence Derailment , United flat 8 Amy , for tbe r-osis. lor the fioi yiar commencing July 1st , 18i ( , viti Forts BriJger , Camccdn , Donela , t'tttrman. Hill' Laramle , McKinney , Hlobrats , Cnuh * . Robin son , huf sIi. ffinden , aidnfy , 8t < Ie , Wa h ki < i , Cheyenne depot and Omaat depot. Thoprjposili for fresh be ( for Utae mrat be on ep rat9 sheets from thi/se' for choice cuts for sale * . * S pai ate proposal ! for each pent are required and only inch will be conride'ed. Tbe Cti-rer ment teserres the right to reject any or all 'Ids. Ulink proposal ! and Instructions to bidder * , fMnz full Information as to tbo manner ot bid- din ; , condition * to ba obaerred by bidders , and terms ot c-mtroct and txij ment will ba f crabb ed op i > rlcation to this ofHoa or to the com- 'mteuioat.therari us pokUnaaed. Jt . ppipossJs will be considered unless accoa- paniedtythe "Irstactions to bidders" abore referred to . .tjirelope * eontalnlnz proponll should b marked "Proposals for FrhU ef at. . . , * \diraMdto thennderstzned or to the re- irnctlre post commls * arirs. 2fr t Chief , c. S. ( Din r < Uy at noins. & * nor UZU ) tne. Addres J Stlasoa * Co - ' - - . * ! . AGENTS FOR DEVLIN & Gtf , * A : A AM BOSTON : . -M a--A ; HOUSE , FJLKNH11L STRECT. - " "r " av J * - i * D Epp 8 AT IV E P A I'N T E R . A Best Designs , latest Stylesand ArtistiaWb'L Prices and J * Specificatibp famUliedr Get my Bmires before Or- -t deriDg Work t'lsawhere. SIGNS , Paper Hanging : Plafii , Piintiog of all Kinda. : * * Ai arncy Street , . . . i . OMA"flA.NEIJ. - + 50,000 CHEAP ! CHEAPER ! CHEAPEST MAX MEYER & BRO. . . . , o" * Propose for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell tbeii , ' . " - - L stock of Oil til C ! OLUUn. Ui w f t Diamonds , Watches , , - < > "J < ' : . . : . . ; .I . , . itL - 4 ; . - - J f . Jewelry , Clocks. / "j-- ' Silver-Ware//-"Xf : : : : . ' Pianos fe 'Organv ; 7 iin * A GENERAL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE * At Manufacturing Prices , WBich is from 15 to 20 ne' ' cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House , " \ preparatory to moving into their - ' . ' New Store , Cor. Ilth & Farhham - : t rr . , We Ulean fJnsiness. flonio. an.I b Convinced MONEY TALKS Air sales strictly cash , therefore we are enabled to offer the consumers of the weed only first quality goods for their"money. Best straight lOc Cigar in the city , ' ' ' ' ' * * ' .Best3 for a quarter Cigar in the city , , . ' * ' * & * je& * . Best Straight 5car ( in the city , " ' - J % & \ Detroit Fin3 Cnt a Specialty , " < * * : > ! - ' / > j Oar 80 J line Cut is a good one , ' . . - ; Bagley S'lfav Flower io 8 and 16onncatiaJr. ' 7 ' , , " For'40o . we have hangup SmokingTohacco. * - -A.1 THE 1 6 MICHIGAN TOBACCO STORE , " / J * 1417 Douglas Street. ' f/Hii " f We are the only Dealers in the Celebrated Bsgley'a May FlowerV. . - f - ' ,0 , . , * A : „ . . . . ' ' , > * ' - - tc'-r - - i : - - a. * - , . ; * 4 i ? - - - *