S. ' TKe Daily Bee. Wednesday "Morning , Mar. 23. P tenon Frederick , 1/eading Hatter. mlltf See Polacf B advertisement. 4000 residence lots. Bemis , agent. 500 bnsinealota. Call on Bemifl. Bemis' new map of Omaha , 25 cents. Bemis' teal estate boom. Pint page. 250 houses and lota. Bernis' agency. 200 farms and 900,000 acre * l.od. Bemis Try "Saxe's choice , " b } t 5o cigar In , McMillan & Co. , the jewel. . „ , Crtighton Block. o26-tf Five varieties of nice apples , by the barrel , at Buffet's. 21-6t Finest assortment of tooth brashes at Saxe's , warranted , The Imperials trill give a party next Monday evening at Masonic Hall. JJtill line cf artists' materials , at Chi- 0 prices , Jx uhn's drug store , ml-lm "Frederick" Bella the cheapest hats and caps , carries the largest stock-at lowest prices. Hats from SI np practical Hatter. The .solitary casa in police court yes terday waa Patrick Morgan , who paid a fine of 81 and cost * for the luxury of get ting drunk. Telegraphic reports from all directions show that there is a wide area of clear weather , while the atmospheric indica tion * point to several days of a similar character. This will set many of our build ing enterprises in motion. r-John B. Ellison & Son , of Phiiadel phia , who ojrn the vacant building on ytrnham street , lately occupied by the Be Greats , have arrived in the city , sold the Id shell to John A , JTcCague for S7 * , and together with Samuel Burns let the con tract for the grading , which will be entered upon immediately. Arrangements were alis jompleted between these gentlemen and Mr. Burns for the combining rf4heir interests and the erection of a handsome three story brick building , 44x123 f et. Sergt Dcy of the signal service office is again attending to his duties , having re turned from a visit to the east , .whither he went to attend the examination of leading signal service men for promotion. These were seventeen in number and the two who passed the best examination will be made lieutenants. If there is no wire pulling about the affair and each man rests solely upon his own merits , it is believed Mr. Dey stands an excellent chance of taking part of the honors. Died. MCSHANE. Died , yesterday at 8:30 , Arthur , eon of T. A. and Delia McShane , aged three months. Fan- oral to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock , from the residence , corner of Twenty- third and Comings streets. Frle'ndfl of the family invited to attend. BOY WANTED , To work In jewelry store. EDHOLM & ERIOKSON , 15th * treet , opposite postoffice. Blver and Ballroads. 'The ' river Is now stationary at this point , the ice not having begun to more and there being no indications , of its going oat immediitely. The water rose a foot last -week nnd the river now stands twelve feet above low water. A telegram received at the IT. P headquarters yesterday from Yankton reports a rise of from four to five feet since yesterday morning. All stations between Yankton and Bismarck re port the river stationary and the banks fullThe The UnlonjPacific ia buildings track around its break and trains will soon be running again over the main line. The track U built with offal taken from Omaha , Fremont and other point * , it being impossible to get dirt. Trains from Chicago 'were all late Tuesday , the Hock Island three hours , the Darlington , fire and the North western so late It was not reported. Lut night's Rock Island train came In early this morning (2 ( o'clock ) , General Agent Steven : coming through on it The Si. Panl Press reports aa fol lows : Late mall advices from Fort Bnford report all qniot as to Indian matters , but anything eke so far as the MlMouri is concarned. The river is booming and communication with the tipper country cnt off. The reason the ice holds CD long at Bismarck is because of Sibloy island , five miles below that place , which effectually holds the mass until the rising water becomes too mighty for their force to ba resisted. No news yet of the steamers Sherman or 'Eclipse , and it is hoped they have escaped comparatively unscathed. The Sioux : City Journal says : A1 this city the ice remains firm enough for teams to cross. There has been no breaking through for the past two days. Since the stop of thoUte rise the river has fallen seven inches. A telegram from Fort Thompionjre- ports a two-foot riso. Above that point it wu reported stationary , Fort Randall reports the river sta tionary. At no point , as far as can ba heard has the ioe moved below Bismarck. At Nebraska City * n open channe has melted out though the ice re mains firm inshore where the 0. K. Peck is tied. The ten-foot rise reported on its way down from Pierre does not seem to run on schedule time , as nothing beyond a two foot riee has boon note : at points below WANTED , A first-class Watchmaker , immediate ly ; none but a first-class workman need apply. EDHOL.M & ERIOKSON'S 15th street , opposite the postoffice. m22-4t Unfortunate Accident. While a conple of helpers in the moulding department at the U. P. shops were engaged Monday in car rying & ladle of liquid iron across the room , one of them allowed the handle to fall to the floor , while the melted iron fell to the wet .floor , its gravity causing it to fly in all directions. One man was hit by a mass oftho , liquid and received very severe injuries. Three others were severely bnrnei about the feet , and two of the cum berVere carried to their homes for traJttmeat. . Spring style of Yotmg Men's Neb blee at the Great New York Hat Co. 22-61 * THE MACJIC WIRE , Organization of Additional Telephone Systems in Ne braska and the West. Distant Cities Brought in Con tact by Telephone Con nections. The progress which has been made in the last few months in the develop ment of telephone exchanges in the cities is remarkable , and especially is this the case in the west where with characteristic en terprise and liberality every city of-Importance has come to consider it indispensable. Mr. Frank B. Knight , western inspector of the Bell Tele phone companyglves some interesting particulars of the growth of tne telephone - -phone system. Mr. Knight simply renresents the interests of his company in the west , but has no authority over the telephone companies , "who operate their own exchanges. The telephones , however , are owned by ihe Bell com pany , who receive a direct rental from every instrument , and are interested in seeing that every exchange is well kept up , that its telephones are prop erly cared for and understood , and that the interests of the manufactur es are protected. Mr. Knight's ter ritory includes Michigan , Wisconsin , Minnesota , Kansas , Missouri , Ne braska , Colorado , Idaho , Montana , Wyoming and Utah. His headquart ers will be in Chicago. Many new telephone enterprises are on foot in the west That of most interest In Omaha is the contemplated organization of a company here for the building and operating of ex changes at Fremont , Columbus , Grand Island , Kearney , North Platte and XJheyenne , which townsare * at present without telephone systems. What gives added interest to the organiza tion of auch a company is the fact that , It Is becoming the regular thing to connect neigh boring towns , even though a hundred miles apartjby telephone wires , which make the systems virtually one. This is especially the case in the east. One company control ! the exchanges of Hartford , Now Haven , and all the principal cities of Connecticut , which are like wise connected together , the wires extending over distances vary ing from ten to one hundred miles. Several distinct classes of telephone systems are authorized , including the establishment cf exchanges , the erec tion of private lines , the erection of club'lines , the speaking tube bnaineEB , and the connecting of citiescallod"ex- tra territory line business. " A strong company has just been organized IB Kansas for the operation of the .state for all classes of business for which licenses are not already granted. Such Is the case also In other states and where a telephone system has once been set in-operation it has never been discontinued "but has always developed rapidly. OSIONSETS , ATEVAKS * SEED STORE , 14th and Dodge. 22d2twlt ONION SEED , wholesale and retail , at Evans' Seed Stcro , 14th and Dodge. 22d2twli Burdlck's Boom. "Harness Up your mules , " so said the renowned Gen. Hancock to Barnnm and Burdick re-echoes the refrain. For nifio years the glittering needle waawildod by Francis B.J surnamed Bnrdick in the Collins' shops , but when in the course of "human events , t beco-nes necessary for one harness maker-to dissolve the ties that bind him to another v.erily it becometh him to got unto himself a shop , and hence Burdick'o flag floats from the topmost pinnacle of a bran'new ' * ahop on 14th street , near the S. E. corner of Harney. A large and intelligent congregation of harness producing mechanics hero have the awl -and buckle down to their work , strap the dashing steed to the gilded carriage , collar the sprightly roadster and saddle the bucking bronchoand such is life. The talented employee of to-day becomes the enter prising master of to-morrow.lWho says this republic is & failure. "VEGETABLES. , Choice Bnta Baga turnips , Peach Blow and Early Rosa ' .potatoes ; also butter and eggs , at WILLIAM GONTLESIAN.S , 22-5t 16th and Cans Streets. THE BEST THING YET. H. G. Clark & Co.'s Imperial Self Raising Winter Wheat Flour , for Pancakes , Biscuits , and all kinds of pastry. Try it. A k your grocer for it. 22-3t PERSONAL PAKAUKAFHS. James . North , Esq. . oi Columbus , is in the city. iS Mayor Chase left for Sarpy county yesterday to attend court Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Barns left for the east yesterday afternoon. Mr. Geo. Hargreaves , of the B. M. E. B. , left for St. Louis yesterday. D. W. Hitchcock , Australian a tnt oi the Pacific roads , arrived from the cast yes terday morning. Lieut. Andres , of the Fifth cavalry , went westTuesday on hit way to Fort Rob inson. * * . * - V. G. Hull , Esq. , muter in chancery came up from Lincoln -yesterday one left for Schnyler to Attend court. * * r Mr. and Mrs. V' Abber and MIsftFannie Hull , of Transport , Ind.art visiting the family of CoL Frank Moorcs , the Wibash gent. Gca. Crook , Mr. J. S.f Collins , and Mr. Chas. Orosholii brotherin'lawjif jMajor John'V. Furey , of th army ; left for the west yesterday en iate to Wyoming. Mr. "Edward Loveland , of Bapid City , Dakota , who hasieen visiting his daugh ter , Mrs. Van Knren , in-this jity , left for home Toeeday aceompaaledby Mr. Fred. Evans , of Sioux City. $ Treitscke sells 7resh butter at 20 cents per pound. - - - For Sale Hotel and Saloon , good r c' telling , at South Fifth street , Council Bluffe , Iowa LAX & HOFFMAK. m21-Gt HIS LEG CUT OFF. A Boy Playing About an En gine at the U. P. Depot Loses His Leg. An Example to Boys Who Will Climb on to Cars and Engines. Another example to boya who per * slst In playing about engines and rail road cars waa supplied yesterday after noon , when a bright little fellow , nine years old , lost his leg near the U. P. depot. The parents of the boy , whose name [ s Henry Hntzfcrt , are extremely poor , the father , who is a carpenter , being out of employment , as he has been for some time. The boy Henry was in the habit of gathering stray bits of coal along < ho railroad hacks , spending some of his tune , boy like , playing with other gamins along the track. About 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon he climbed on an engine on the Tenth street track , and sat down on the fore part of it. Suddenly the engine started , throwing him from his seat and catching hia right leg below the knee , fairly amputating it and splintering the bone badly. The right fore wheel passed over it bofero the engine was stopped. A wagon of the Merchant's express standing at the depot brought the mangled child to Dr. Mercer's hospital on Harney street The parents of the poor lad were sent for , and the grief of his mother on seeing her boy waa pitiable. He looked a fine , rosy cheeked , healthy little fellow , and bore his terrible suffering with calmness and wonderful pluck for one so young. Dr. Mercer nursed the boy with brandy and tea and other nourish ment until the shock was bridged over , when the boy was put under the influence of an opiate. The leg was then surgically treated and the boy was put to bed. THE STAGE. Boshelle ia Evadne Attrac tions of the Week. Roshollo appeared at the Academy of Music Monday to a house which nearly filled the chairs , in the title role of Sbiel'a fascinating play of "Evadns. " Considering the fact that this new aspirant for public favor had visited Omaha but once , and then played to empty benches , and that her name and face are alike unfamiliar tb our theatre goers , her reception last night was most enthusiastic and cordial. Frequent outbursts of applause gave evidence of the approval and appre ciation of the audience , and at the close of her third act she was enthusi astically recalled to the stage. Roshelle's performance at every step recalls that of Mary Anderson , not , in our opinion , because she at tempts to copy Anderson , or forms the same conception of the part of Evadne , but because her face , and her voice in its lower tones , bear at times a striking resemblance to the great Mary. To complete the resemblance there were visible also some of the crudities and inequalities which mar Miss Anderson's performances. Hero the resemblance ends. Roshelle is large , but of perfect form , naturally slow of movement , and when quick not always graceful. Mary Anderson is tall , lithe and willowy , and mars her performance often by defects of voice , never by awkwardness of move ment. But Roshollo has geniui which vitalizes and elevates the play , and makes the defects of her acting ap pear small and trifling. She is , we believe , destined to become a greater actress than Mary Anderson. The support was as a whole excel lent , Mr. H W. Mitchell , In the part of "Oorinne , " making a marked'suc- ceas , while Mr. Krone's "Imdovlco" was a fine impersonation. The company appears to-night in ' " "Ingo'mar. " JL&YEBLY'S STBATBOISTB. Haverly's strong comedy company appear at the - Academy this evening in their mirth-provoking comedy of "The Strategists. " Seata are selling rapidly. HELEN MAR WHITE. Miss Helen Mar White , who waa announced to appear at the Academy of Music this afternoon in her imparsoaations , has changed her date to Friday evening , the snow storms east having compelled her to give up dates already made and allowing her an evening in Omahb. She comes with the reputation of being one of the best readers in the country , and expects soon to go npon the stage. As an additional feature of her enter tainment , she has invited little Mies Jennie "McClelland and Master Harry McCormlck to assist her. The former will appear in part first in her charac ter song , "Baby Mine , " and the two in part second in their duet , "When Ye Gang Awa' , Jamie ! " Promotions at U.P.5Hoadquartors. Two old employee of the Union Pa cific have received well-deserved [ - re cognition of their services in the fol lowing general order : o. , ) AUDITOR'S OFFICE , , > OJIAHA , Neb. , March 21,1881 . ) Mr. George W. Hall has been ap pointed assiitant auditor of this com pany , and will have charge of the gen eral business and accounts of the of- hce. hce.Mr. Mr. AndrewS. YanKuran has been appointed auditor of agents' accounts , and will have charge of accounts with station agents and conductors. Re ports and correspondence concerning general accounts and buiiness of sta tions will bo made to him. Reports and correspondence con cerning the details of freight accounts will be made to M. H. Goble , freight auditor. Reports and correspondence con cerning the details of ticket accounts , will bo made to E. K. Long , ticket ' auditor/ W. GANHETT , Auditor. A CONTBACTORS SUICIDE. The Result of Business Diffi culties. A man named Msrston , living near the B. fc M. railroad , committed sui cide on Sunday last , being driven thereto by business difficulties. It appears he had contracted for the sale of a quantity of corn , and had been unable to fill his contract. In order to relieve himself he sold certain personal property , which was already mortgaged , and ooon found bimself likely to be in a still more un pleasant position. He decided at last to bid farewell to the scene of his troubles and go elsewhere , but his wife refuted to accompany him. Suddenly tie disappeared from the house , and his wife suspected from his actions that he had been taking poison , and when he was at last found in the open air he was in an unconscious condition , andMied within four hours afterward. The poison was in the form of arsenic , which waa taken In port wine. The bottla was found and an analysis proved that it contained an ounce of arsenic. About half a swallow cf the liquid had been drunk by the deceased. Sheriff Cutler , of Plattsmouth , con ducted the Inquoat and a verdict was rendered by the jury in accordance with the above facts. The deceased left a wife and a child four mouthaold. CONSOLIDATED TELEaRAPH The Three Offices Practically Merged Into One. - % The contemplated change by which under the recent consolidation of the great telegraph companies the several offices in Jim city are merged into ono , took effect yesterday. The Atlantic &rPacific office ia discontin ued entirely , while the American Union office , though closed , will be divided , a part of the business being merged with that in the Western Union , while theremainder , in great part fportaiuing to the railways , us taken to the general telegraph office atho U. P. headquarters , one man accompanying it. Mr. L. M. llheorn , late manager of the American Union , becomes -the manager of the consolidated office , and has romsved his headquarters to the old Woitorn Union office , while Manager Curry becomes chief operator and goes up stairs. The company will remain in their old office for the preterit. All the employes of the different feront offices who chose to remain here were cared for by Superintendent Hibbard. A few hava resigned and accepted situations elsewhere. Mr. Bheem , the manager , is a gen tleman prominently identified with the telegraph interests here , a fine oper ator , and a gentleman who brings splendid business abilities to his en * larged duties. TEEUEW ELEVATOE , Preparations by the Council for Changes in Street Grades. -A special meeting of the city coun ell was held last evening to consider a change of grade on Eleventh street , to accommodate the tracks to the now elevator. A resolution was introduced by Mr , Dailoy , and amended _ by Mr. Boyd , calling upon the city engineer to prepare - pare an ordinance providing for such change , and also to prepare a profile. Councilman Dodge objected to changing the grade on such short no tloe. " . Councilman Stepnenson replied that it waa Dot the intention to change the grade , but simply to put the matter in shape to bring it up in form for ac tion by the council as an ordinance. Ho stated further that A majority of the council committee had been down looking over the ground , end knew what they "were about , and also that there"would bo no damage. Councilman Dailey introduced a resolution , which was passed , instruct ing the mayor to appoint three disin terested freeholders to appraise any damages which were likely to be caused. - The resolution waa passed , and the council adjourned. Deatnlof BevSimeon Feck. It becomes our sad duty to record the deatlxpf , perhaps , the oldest Presbyterian clergyman in the BtateJ.tho Rev. Simeon Pecs , who died at His residence , near Florence , on the 20th inst. The funeral will be in this city. A short proHminary'scrvicojwill be hold at the residence , of Mr. A. J. Peck , No. 919 north 20th a treotjfrom whence the remains will bo conveyed to the Second Presbyterian church , where the femoral sermon will be preached , the services commencing at 2:30 : p. m. All members of the congregation &nd friends of the deceased are cor dially invited to attend. Henry I.auer's Funeral. | An imposing tribute was paid yester day to the memory of the late Henry Lvaor , an active member oi the fire department , in the long pro cession which followed his remains to the tomb. A brief religions service took place at the house , after which the procession was formed , with the Union Pacific band at its head and a long line of firemen , from all the companies in the department. The band played a mournful dirge as It pasted through Tenth and Parnh&m streets on its way toward -tho ceme tery. The pall-bearers wore as fol lows : Henry Board , Barney Shannon , 0. D. Shultz , Julius TraitschJfe , M. : Bird , Wm. Aust. Real Estate Transfers. The following transfers were re corded at the county clerk's office Saturdayaa reported for this paper by John L. McCague , raal estate agent and conveyancer : J. T. Panlsen end wife to Andrus Jnhl , n i lot 6 , block 268. IT. d. - § 250. Thomas Wolfe to D. H. Bowman , T i lot 7 " , block 73 , Omaha , w. d § 1425. A. G. Sheppard to Harriett K. Leweesey , parcel of lot 2'Oanitol add. , w. 4 § 2000. -James A. Johnson to Minnie A. L eman , lot 1 and part of lot 2 in block 22 , West Omaha , w. d. § 175. ST. PATRICK'S TWINS. flagman Casey Becomes a Double-Bre'asted Father , andMayor Ohase Visits the New Arrivals. This is the season when politicians indulge in the corporeal works of mercy , not because it is Lent , nor that past offences call for these pen ances , but because that the Ides of election time soto "speak are approaching. Everybody knows Flagman Casey , at the Tenth street crossing. Flag man Casey ia considerable of a politi cian , likewise considerable of a fath er. Early on the morning of St. Pat rick's day Mrs. Flagman Casey pre sented her husband with bouncing twins. There was withal-a slight disappointment connected with the event. Mr. Casey , meeting his fel low-statesman , the Hon. Barney Shannon , assured him that triplets had arrived. Later in the day Mr. Shannon visited the Casey family , and finding only a wee little boy and girl , Inquired for the third. The Father replied tbat it waa a slight mistake in his calculations. Now , Mayor Ohase , hearing of thesa births , bethought himself as to how be should put his official stamp of en couragement upon the brow of Mr. and Mrs. Casey. * There Is no provis ion in our charter which allows the mayor to make a pecuniary recognition of the event , a ; in the British consti tution , which allows the sovereign of England to set apart as much as a pound or two for bestowal upon moth ers who may give birth to four or five at a timo. The mayor therefore decided upon vlsit.to the domicile of the Caaeys , and on Sunday last his honor called. The young Omahas.wore arraigned be fore his honor aud received his bene diction. "Do you know , Casey , " said Mr. Ohase , "they somehow remind me of myself when I was young ! " "Oh , thin , yer honor , " replied the flagman , "I can subscribe to that same mesclf , fur I always thought ye was twins. There's the makin's of two in ye , an' no mistake. " Whorenpop his honor poked Casey in the ribs and said he was a good "an. This little episode created quite a stir in the neighborhood , where 'it soou got to be noised about that the chief magistrate of the city was vis iting Mrs. Casey. Quite a crowd gave it as their opinion that a. man who would do so thoughtful an act as the mayor was then performing deserved the lasting gratitude of the noble First. It Is said that the boy will be called Patrick Chase Casey. COUET HOUSE PLANS- Candidates for the Favor of the Commissioners. Two of the Best Plans Come from Omaha Architects. The district court room resembles at present the office of a government architect. Plans , plans , plans are to be seen in an abundance and variety , v/hich can only be appreciated when seen. Broad tables have been formed by extending wide boards over the backs of the seats in the part of the room outside the bar , and here are displayed the plans of the architects competing for the erection of Douglas county's new court house. Resting against the railing which separates the legal fraternity from "tho vulgar herd" are two mammoth elevations , one in a carved walnut frame being a magnificent cut stone building , and the other , in a frame of pllt , being a plan of a superb brick building , with trimmings of stone. On an adjoining tabls is also a photograph of an eleva tion ( accompanied by plans and speci fications ) of a court house of cut stone , apparently intended for an architec tural monument of no mean order. Tim latter may ba safely said to be the favorite , provided It could be built for the sum specified by the county commissioners. The figures accom panying the specifications indicate tbat it can be built for a sum consid erably balow that named , but several citizens have ventured the prediction that it could not be bnitt for anything like the sum , while one was confident that the building could not bo erected for leaa than half a million/ The plans mentioned abjvo , however , are , in the opinion of the majority , little if any , inferior to this. While the name of the architect by whom any particular plan is designed , Is supposed to bo unknown to the county commissioners and the public , the first two plans above are by Omaha architects , whose pres ence and manifest interest in their re spective plans have made the names of the architects well known to the public and to the county commission ers. It is well known that the plans of the stone building are by Mr.Lirge , aud those of the brick by Mr Du frone. The universal opinion is that only the third phn , abovu referred to , can be considered in any way a rival of the plans of the Omaha architects. As stated in THE BEE yesterday , these plans are saventoen in number , and are submitted in response to the offer by the county commissioners of prizes 8300 , § 200 and 8100 to the throe best of the rejected plans , while the architects whoso plans are accapt- ed , will bo proportionately well paid. The limits placed by the county com missioners on tha cost of the building are a minimum of § 97,000 , and a ma * imum of $141,000. These plans aud specifications were opened one week ago , all the county commissioners being present , and then giving them a careful examina tion. Each plan boara a word of identification , known as a motto , and a sealed envelope containing the ar chitect's mmg aud address , which is t > bo opened only afte'r the awards ere made. Mr. targe's plan bears the motto , "Pro Bono Publico. " Mr. Dufreno's the word , "Modern" ( being modern in architecture ) , and the third oao , above refirred to , the word "Ar chitectnre. " These plans are thrown open for in spection again to-day , which , as at present arranged by the commission ers is the only opportunity the public will have to paaa an opinion. For Steel Engravings , Picture Frames , Mats , Passepartouts , be sure and go to EATON'S , 1320 Farnham street m22-2k GRASS , WHITE CLOVES , AISIKE CLOVEK , Alfalfa Clover and Central Park Xatcn Qrass Seed , at Evans' Seed Store. 22d2twlt SPECIAL NOTICES. KOTICB AdrertlsementeTo Lean , For Sale , Lost Found , W&nte , Boardlcg. & & , will ba In- gorled In tfiejo colnmns once for TEN CENTS per line ; each snbreqncnt Insertion , FIVE CENTS per line The flnt insertion never lees than TWEOTY-FIKE CENTS. Tt LOAK-SDNE7. COf A fCifTO LOAN At8per cent tn. 5ViOUUUu temt , In tons of 2500 and upwards , for S to 5 ye re , on ftnt-dauTdty nd farm property. Esins'RIAL ESTAIS and LOAM Aasscr , 15th tnJ Douglu &U. OITBT to M > AX-ftell at Uw Ofie * M D. L. gHOHAB. Room 8. Orelghton Block ONKT TO LOAK 1109 Fsrahun ttroet. Dr. Ed urdfi Loan Ag ency. nov-S2-U KUP WANTED A panner with $2,000 to Join ad- WANTED the extension of an established and one of the bejtpijin ; business In thi west. Apply to F. W. Slmeral , Boom 6 , Crcijhton Block , Ifith St. 456-lm WANTED Good girl t a private boarding boose. Inquire No. 106 southwest cor ner llth and Dodge. 3-25 A gardener , nun or man and WANTED wife to work two sens of ground on starts ; will famish everything needed , good dwelling. Inquire corner IJth and Capitol are. Mr. Martins. 452-25 TTT AHTED Cook at 1 tard's i nlace. 454-tf GIRLS WANTED To repack frnlt. Peyck Bro ? . , I0th and Farnham Sts. 450-22 WANTED Partner In a good paying butcher business. Address L. J. L. , this office. TXTANTED Comretcnt cook , washer and VV Ironer. Mn W. V. Morae , Capitol BAC- nue , between 18th and 19th Sts. 441-22 A N ENGLISH SHORTHAND REPORTER _ \ Seeks a situation citner as repoitcr or clerk in a msicuitile or Hwyer's office. Has a knowledge of French. Terms moderate. Ad dress J. W. , tbi office. 449-23 WANTED At end of ISth street or MAN . H W. Ball. 440-11 TTrANTED Kitchen girl at the Emmett .VY . Home. 441-2S A good cak > , washer and Ironer. WANTED MRS. J. W GANNETT , 442-23 2110 Gas * Street. TTTANTED T o uniurcithed rooms with YV board for two , in central location. Address - dress A. B. X. , Post Office Box 665 432-24 TTrANTED A House of 7 or 8 rooms , not to YY exceed 8 or 10 blocks from pogtofflcc , must be well located. L. H. .Langwortby , ot Do'an & langwo thy. 430-22 WANTED-A buyer for a paying grocsry busies ) . ? 4.60J vi'l buy store building 24x53 lot on main 8 rett , gocd ttock and dclirery wagon anil hoi BO , in Sidcey , Neb. A gocd chance for the right man. Address A. Newman , Hd- ney , Neb. 429-21 ANTED Two more boarders at 313 North YY 17th streetbetween Davenport and Chicago cage , east side 337-tt WOMAN Wants situation ai house-keeper. A Call No. 1215 Howard street , between 12th and IStb. 385-24 WANTED A girt for general heusework. Must be goonl cook. Good wages to com petent girl. Mrs. M. Rogers , comer 19th and LeaTenuorth gtreeta. 371-tI \ITAVTED An experienced butcher wants \ V to Stan a meat narketl n some small west em town , where there is none , or where one ia need&l ; would take a reliable partner. Address K. K. Webb , Jackson , Dakota Co. , Neb. BO-tf WANTED A good house-keeper , 1109 Earn bam street , up etaira. 32-tf FOR RENT-HOUSES AMD LAND. EOR KENT Nicely tarnished room. Apply southwest corner 15th and Howard St . 451-24 AND LAND Bern's rents houses , HOUSES siore.i , hotels , farms , lots , Unds , office , rooms , etc. See 1st page. A GOOD BDSINES3 OPENING For rent , rocm iu thepnatoffico , at Glair , Neb./soit- abla for newa stand , book- , stationary , etc. , etc. Bliir contains about 2,000 inbab tints , and htlf of the people in the county get their ma'l ' at this office. For particulars address L.F.HUton , Blair. Neb. 433-eod20 F OK KENT Rooms bested by furnace , hot and cold water , bath room ad joining ; 1818 Chicago S' . 439-22 TOR BENT Brick store Jin Jacobs' Block , _ C ISIh and Capitol Avc. Jno. G. Jacobs. 436 tf "ITIOR RENT A store corner Leavcnworth an I J ? 10th B a. Also G mocking bird Bins-era for sal * . Enquire at Peterson , 804 lO'.h Et. 397-tf EOR KENT 2 furnished rooms oicr Mer- chauta Exchange , N. E. Cor. 16th nd I > edge utroetti. 289-tf FCFJ SALE. FOR SALE , CHEAP Pony nd phaeton , 1911 Davenport street , s .uth s.de. 451-22 TjlOU SALE Horses and ponies , at corner ISth J } and Izard , at Redman's ' biro. 457-1 T > EUIS Se la housss , lots , firms , lands. Sea J > 1st pigc. F > OR SALE One good organ. Enquire at 1112 Davenport street , on north slue.14822 TOR SALE An entire y new stock of dry JD coeds and notions , with fixtures , in in eligible location ; for cash only. Address C A. X , Postofflco tS7-23 JEJ11S' REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. So I 1st page. TJIOR SALE A car load of good horses for JD draft or road , & few good family horses ; New Barn , 16th St. . bet. Farnham and Douglar. E. GOUNT. 433:21 T71 OR SALE Good dwelling home , 3 rooms JO and kitchen , good barn and outhoasea. In- qu're at Benson & Johnson's ice office. 393-tf "TjlORRENT Brooms. Enquire 1420 Douglas I ? Street. 33Mf D EMIS' NEW CITY MAPS , 25c.-See 1st page , T710R SALE Ten (10) residence lots on upper C Farnham street. JohnL. llcCague , opp. P. O. 359-tf FOR SALE Maps of Douglas and Sarpy countict A. KOSEWATEB , 1E20 r rn- hun Street. 320-tt T710R SALE Seven good business lota on JD Farnham street. JOHN L. UcOAGGE , fait Opposite Pestoffice. T7IOU SALE Lease and furniture ofafirst- Jj class hotel in a town ot 1300 Inhabitant * , in btate of Nebraska. Has 24 betb , the.travelling men's resort. Inqulro at Bee office. 218-tf B EMIS' RFAL ESTATE BOOM. See let page. BF F OK SALE A BARGAIN A building with saloon fixtures , furniture and stock , en 10th St. , opposite the TJ. P. depot , forsale very chrap. Or the fixtures , furniture and ctock will bo sold aod building rented. Inquire of El > . KHEISS- MAN. 79-tf FOR iALlTwo close carriages , at A. J. Slmpaon's. SH-tf MISCELLANEOUS. BEMIS Has rattl ng long lists of houses , lots , landl anil farms for talc. Call and get hem. "T O8T A liver colored pointer do ? , about 10 I l months ul 1. A liberal rtward will bo piid tor his return or whereabouts to comer 13thand Pierce Et * . 440-23 Abrowncneyear old mare colt , white f ice. Any information regarding the same may be left at my farm , 4 miloa wist on PapiUionroad. C. WestphaL 417-2J mEAHS CAN BE GOT At John Barrs stable JL for all binds of work , at reasonable figures near corner 13th aud Leavenwurth St. 373-tf POWDER I ' Absolutely Pure. t . | Made fromlGrape Cream Tartar. No other . preparation makes such light , flaky bet breads , . orloxnriouapaetry. Can ba eated by Dygpep- 1 tics without fear of the Ills resulting from heavy ' Indigestible food. Sold otly in cant , by-all < Grocers. BOTAb Buuxo POTDIB Co. , t New York. , CHEAP LAND For Sale. 1,000,000 Acres' OP THE FINEST LAND IN EASTERN NEBRASKA , Selected in an early day not Eailroad Land , bat land owned by non-residents , who are tired paying taxes , and are offering their lands at the low price of $6 $8 , and $10 per acre , on long time and easy terms , We also offer for sale Improved Farms IN Douglas , Sarpy , and Wash ington Counties. Also , an Immense List ot Omaha City Real Estate , Including Elegant Residences , Busi ness and Residence LotaCheap Houses and Lots , and a largo number of Lots in most of the Additions to Omaha. Also , Small Tracts of 5 , 10 and 20 acres in and near the city. Wo have good opportunities for making Loans , and in all cases personally examine titles and tcko every precaution to in sure safely of money so invested. Balow we offer a small list of Special Bargains. Boggs &J-HII , REAL ESTATE BROKERS , 1408 North Side of Parn. St. , Opp. Grand Central Hotel , Omaha , Neb- FAD CAI C Beat located residence lot In rUll OnLC the city , 21st ahd Dodgn Sts. BOGGS&H1LL. CflD CAI C Ayerynlea 5 room cottage , rUll OHLC leased ground rents for (20 per u onto. BOQQ3 HILL. CAD CAIC New house oi 5 room with rUn OnLC haUlot.ncarBrowncll'eHilJ. A very pleasant location , $1100.00. BOGGS 4 HILL. CAD CAIC New tome of 4 rooms with rUn OMLC iulllotSath , and Farnham. Only | aw. required down. Price $1100. BOGU3 & HILL. C A D C AI C Ncw hocs with Ml1 clt ? lot > rUn OHLC near High School , 6 rooms , large bay wlnOow , hlKli doors and ceiling. Everything perfect , $2110. BOGGS&HILL. CAD CAI C Comet ot two choice lots in rUn OALC ShInn's addition , request us to at onea submit best cash offer. BOQGS & HILL. CflD CAIC A S00"1 and desirable real' ' rUll OMLC dencoproperty , 1000. BOQGS & HILL. A FINE KIBIDKNCK-Notin the mwktt. ± 1 Owner will sell for { 6600. * CAIC 4EOodlot , fchinu'a 3d ad < OALC dilion. $15U ea h. BOGUS & HILL. CAD CAIC Anew IJ-story bride house lUn OMLC with 2 lot ? , on corner 29th and Douglas , ? 17CO. BOGGS & HILL. CAD CAI C A verT fiae residence lot , lUn OMLC to some party djslrinjf to build a flno house , $3300. BOGUS &HILD. CAIC About 200 lots in Kountze & OMLC Ruth's addition. Just south of at. Mar/'a avenue , SlaOto SSW. The jo lots are near business , surrounded by flno Improvements and are 10 per cent cheaper thin an > other lots in tie market. Save money by buying these lota. BOaud & HILL. CAIC 10 lotj , Stable for fine OMLC residence , on'Park-TVlia ave nue , 3 blocks S. E. of depot , all covered with floe largo trues. Piico extremely low. $600 to $700. BOGGS & HILL. CAD CAIC Some TCI7 cheip lota in rUn OnLC Lake's addition. BOGGS & HILL. CAD CAIC Cheap corner lot , comer rUn OMLC Douglas and Jefferson Sla BOQOS & HILL. CAD CAI C 93 lots on 23th , 27th , 2Sth , rUn OMLC 29th nad SOth Sts. , between Farnham , Doaglaa and the proposed extension ot Dodge street. Plicts range from $200 to $ (00. We hae concluded to give men of small means , one more chance to secure a homo and will build bouses on thejo lots on small piymcnto , and will sell lots onmontily payments. BUI JS& HILL. CAR CAI C ICO acres , Omllea from city ; rUll OMLC about SO acres very choice valley , with running ivater ; balance gently rolling prairie , only 3 miles from railroad. $10 per acre. B'JGGS & HILL. C A I C 430 acres In one tract. 12 _ CnLC miles from city , 40 acres cal tivatcd , Living spring of watar , come nice ral < leys. The lana Is all first-docs rich prairie. Prfce $10 ftl acre. BOG03 & HILL. QAI C ; ICOacrts Jmlb east of Elk- OnLik horn Station on railroad , Knuning water , 20 acres cultivated. D0003 & HILL. CAIC ICO acres H miles north of OnLC Elkhorn Station , must be sold for what it will bring. BOQ03 & HILL. CAD QAI C SO acres next south of Dins < rUn OHLC dalein4.15.ll A good and desirable tract , runs d wn on to yalley of Pap- pillion.810. BCGGS&UILL. QAIC 720 acres In ono body , Tlniiljg OHLC west of Fremont , is alllevel land , producing heavr growth of gnsa , is high valley , rich soil and J mUcj from railroad and side track , in good &ctt'eme.it and no better land canbefouna. BOGGS&HILL. CAIC A highly improved farm of OHLC 240 acres , 3 miles from city. Tins Improveu-cnts on this laud , owner not a practical farmer , determined to sell. A good opening for tome man with means. BUGGS & HILL. C A D C AI C 160 acrea in sec. I , town 10 , rUn OMLC range 11. Mmt be sold this mouth. . BOGGS & HILL. CAD CAI C 2000 acres of land near Mil- Tun OMLC lard Station , 3500 near E'k- horn , $3 to $10 ; 4000 acres In north part of county , $ ; to$10 ; 3000acres2 ; to Smiles from Florence , $3 to $10 ; Sf00 acres west of tbo Elkhorn - horn , $4 to $10 ; 10,000 acred scattered through the county , (5 to $10. The above lands lie near and adjoin nearly every faim in the county , and can mostly be Bold on small cash payment , with balance ia 1-2- 3 4 and 5 years time. CAD CAIC Several fine residence prop- Tun OHLC ertlea never before offered and not known la the market as belnjr forwle. Locations will only te made known to purchasers Uuning business , " BOOOS & HILL. FARMS Wo have for sola many I1IPKOVED improvRd farms around Omaha , and in all parts of Dcntlis , Saipy and Washington coun ties. Also Farms in Iowa. For description and prices call on ni. BOGGS&HILL. T A B08INESs"liOT3 FOR8AIOn Farnham and Douglas streets from 13000 to $3SCO. BOGGSftHILI. , SALE 8 tnslnras lots' nextl weat of FOR Temple price advanced of $ : OCO each. BOGGSdiHlLL. TOBSALK-3hnsinew lotawcat of OddFel- JC lows block. 825CO each. "TT'OR ' SALE 2 buslno-s Iota south lido Donr- JC las st. between 12th and 13th , $3500 each. BOGGS&HILL. TJIOR SALE 160 acres , covered with young JD Umber ; Living water , surrounded by Im proved farms , only Mien miles from dty. Cheap- eft land on hand. BOGQS.&rHILL. Perrons contemplating trayinsr ihoold I not fail xaoinecmrUstoijands. BOQGS6HILL. Omaha , ,1 Hfll A ft U & & * * > Cheyenne , tAUfli Colorado J | Spring and Summer - CLOTHING ! LATE AND NOBBY STYLES Men , Boys and Children. Clothing Made to Order in the Latest Styles. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Prices to Suit AIL 1322 Farnliam Street , near Fourteenth. AGENTS FOR DEVLIN & GO. , CLOTHING HOUSE , EARN1IAM STREET. W . F. STOETZEL , V . Dealer in Hardware , COOKING STOVES and Tinware. Stove Repairer , Job Werner and Manufacturer of a Kinds of Cans * Tenth and Jackson Streets. MAX MEYER & CO. , o GUNS , AMMUNITION , SPORTING GOODS Fishing Tackle , Base Balls and a full line of USTOTZOJSTS .ITZD TPATVTQVGOOIDS Send for Price List. MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Neb. MAX MEYER & CO. , WHOLESALE , TOBBAGCONISTS I Tobacco , 25 cents per pound upwards. Pipes from 25 cents per dozen upwards. Cigars from S15.00 per 1000 upwards. - D. B. BEEMER , COMMISSION MERCHANT , d Wholesale Dealer In Foreign acd Domestic . Frnlt. Jobber of nam , Bacon , Lsrd , Butter , Fw , Toultrr. 0 n nd Country Prodnco O.nerallr Purchwlns iKcnt for til klndu of Goods and Merchandise not kept In stock Wmielf thojamo belay selected with care , and billed at current Market rates. General Western Agent for BOOTES OYAL BRAND OYSTEES , and Wholesale Dealer In Fresh Lake , River and Salt Water Fish. HORSE SHOES AND NAILS , Iron and Wagon Stock , the Best Assortment of WHEELS in the West. At Chicago Price * . W.d. BROATCH , 1209 & 1211 Harney Street , Omaha. J. A. W A K E F I E L D. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IS LUMBER , LATH , SHINGLES , Pickets , Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , Lime , Cement , Plaster , &c , STATE AGENT FOR SVULWAUKES CEMEHT GO , , . . . ; Fear Union Pacific Depot OMAHA , HER Van acturer ot all klnda ot Summer Bologna ( Gervelat Wurata AU3AGE Specialtiy. Orders promptly filled. , 1714 Burt St. , Omaha Neb. do23-t NEW ' HARNESS.SHOP. Ih'eunienigned havin ? had nine years ex- > erience with G. H. & J. a. Collmj , and twenty- our j eara of practical harness miilr.fr , I as now : onsaemed business for himself in the large lew shop 1 door south of th3 goulheut corner > f Uth and Harney SU. Ha jrlll employ a la-jo ores of tkilhd workmen and will fill all orders In hi * pllne promptly and cheaply. . K. BUKDICS , THE MERCHANT TAIL4B , Haa lust received his Spring- Stock , and hi a 2M patterns to i elect frour. Call early and got your choice. One Door Wosc of OrnfegarnmlcT , tpIOJy j.